THE MESSENGER - Powhatan United Methodist Church


THE MESSENGER - Powhatan United Methodist Church
Powhatan United Methodist Church
Serving Christ since 1789
2015 The Year of Prayer
Goal: To know God more deeply through the spiritual
discipline of prayer and making sure prayer launches us
into mission.
Monthly Prayer Focus: For twelve months we will learn
and practice different ways to pray. Each month also includes a Psalm that we challenge you to read every day.
It is our hope that all small groups will incorporate this
monthly Psalm at their regular gatherings.
MAY – Teach and practice Active Prayer (prayer walking,
yoga prayers, prayer beads, praying through art, etc.)
Mission: Those who hunger & thirst, Matthew 25:34-35
Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come,
you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom
prepared for you from the foundation of the world; fpr I
was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you
gave me something to drink…
Psalm 66
To the leader. A Song. A Psalm.
Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth;
sing the glory of his name;
give to him glorious praise.
Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!
Because of your great power, your enemies cringe before you.
All the earth worships you;
they sing praises to you,
sing praises to your name.”Selah
Come and see what God has done:
he is awesome in his deeds among mortals.
He turned the sea into dry land;
they passed through the river on foot.
May 2015
There we rejoiced in him,
who rules by his might forever,
whose eyes keep watch on the nations—
let the rebellious not exalt themselves.Selah
Bless our God, O peoples,
let the sound of his praise be heard,
who has kept us among the living,
and has not let our feet slip.
For you, O God, have tested us;
you have tried us as silver is tried.
You brought us into the net;
you laid burdens on our backs;
you let people ride over our heads;
we went through fire and through water;
yet you have brought us out to a spacious place.[a]
I will come into your house with burnt offerings;
I will pay you my vows,
those that my lips uttered
and my mouth promised when I was in trouble.
I will offer to you burnt offerings of fatlings,
with the smoke of the sacrifice of rams;
I will make an offering of bulls and goats.Selah
Come and hear, all you who fear God,
and I will tell what he has done for me.
I cried aloud to him,
and he was extolled with my tongue.
If I had cherished iniquity in my heart,
the Lord would not have listened.
But truly God has listened;
he has given heed to the words of my prayer.
Blessed be God,
because he has not rejected my prayer
or removed his steadfast love from me.
Prayer Time: Monday through Friday from 9:05 9:35 a.m. in the sanctuary for prayer time. All are
Music & Arts : May, 2015
Just Older Youth (JOY)
Voices of Victory Has added a new
Member! Welcome Eric Harrell!
Music Calendar
May 3: Pam & Bill on Vacation
Sunday, May 3:
8:30 a.m. Jason Norton, Special musician
11:00 a.m. Tony Lancaster, Special musician
In Memoriam
James (Jim) Lee Morgan
April 7, 1939-April 9, 2015
Rosemary Jones
May 11, 1938—April 22, 2015
Jeanette Rae Tennent Anderson
April 29, 1913 –April 30, 2015
New Members
New Member Classes with Pastor John will be May 10
and 17 and the opportunity to join PUMC on May 24.
Welcome our new members
Joined April 12
Sara & Amy Adcock
(daughters of Richard & Lesley)
2730 Anderson Hwy
Amy received the Sacrament of Baptism on Saturday, April 11.
Just Older Youth (55+) will meet on Wednesday, May 13
at 11:30 a.m. for a covered dish lunch. Come learn the
art of wreath making with Jennifer VanDerwerker from
Joy’s Florist. Email Cassi Dodson at for details.
Circle of Friends
The Circle of Friends will meet on Monday, May 4 at 10
a.m. Mary Margaret Murphy will provide the refreshments and Ellen Bondurant will bring the devotion.
Need more details, call Marvalee Unrein at 816-6997109.
The Monday Night Circle (MNC)
The Monday Night Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 18th in the Church Commons. Betty Bowman
be our hostess and Kim Bradham will serve as dessert
hostess. The MNC serves the Lord through both our
church and our extended community. All ladies are
welcome. For information or a ride please contact Kim
Bradham at 304-3380 or at
You are invited to a Birthday
When: May 31st following the Unity
Where: Christian Life Center (gym)
Honoring: All of us!!
Plan on attending our Birthday Bash. No gifts necessary….just bring a casserole or other food item to
share. There will be plenty of good food, fellowship and
CAKE! Pastor John is planning a Prayer Walk following
the party so we can work off all the extra calories!
We do need people to sign up to make cakes and provide decorations for the tables for each month. Sign-up
sheet will be in the commons.
Get In Shape – Stay in Shape
How do you stay in shape? Do you have a regular exercise routine? If not, do you have a desire to get in shape?
Every new year, many people make resolutions to help their physical condition. Companies recognize that fact and
they have incentives to get people in the door - no sign up fee, first month free, only $10/month, etc. Even now,
with summer around the corner, various organizations highlight specials to entice people into their facility and
signed up for membership.
People in the United States spend billions of dollars and much time staying in shape - taking care of their physical
bodies. One statistic from a 2013 US News and World report article tells us that over $60 billion is spent each year
by folks in the U.S. trying to get in shape. 1That’s billion with a “b” – not million. Obviously, people are concerned
about their health. Unfortunately, far too often those New Year’s resolutions wear off quickly and the initial exercise plans are forgotten.
What about your spiritual health? Is God an important part of your life? Is church a priority? How much time and
money do we put into our spiritual lives? How do we stay in shape regarding our spiritual health? Is it only about
attending worship on Sunday? Can we do this alone or do we need community? Do we need to give away money –
our hard-earned money – as a part of this? What else is involved to stay in shape as a follower of Christ?
We will struggle with these questions during the month of May in our CROSSfit sermon series. Being a disciple of
Christ involves a lot of work. We cannot simply sit on our hunches and profess our faith in Christ. Much like physical conditioning, we must use our mind and body to love God and love others. Along with prayer, we will discuss
the importance of denying self, carrying our cross, carrying others, giving our money, giving our time, and relying
on the Lord to give us strength, direction, and guidance.
Without question, it is important to take care of our bodies – physically and spiritually. All of us are in some type of
shape in regards to both aspects. That being said, we can always do better. Come and experience CROSSfit with us
as we seek God’s help to become healthier and more whole – physically and spiritually.
Let’s Get In Shape Together,
Pastor John
Sermon Text & Title
CROSSfit Sermon Series - April 19-May 24
Mark Your Calendar
Ruby Leonard Food Pantry: During the month of
March, the pantry served 94 households, consisting of
112 adults, 45 children, and 43 seniors, for a total of
200 persons needing assistance. For May, our focus will
be canned meats: tuna, salmon, chicken, Vienna sausages, etc. Thank you.
Powhatan Free Clinic: Please extend our thanks to
Kathy Allanson, Mary Margaret Murphy and the Circle
of Friends for the delicious sandwiches and cookies on
Monday night for our volunteers. We appreciate so
much all your church does for the Free Clinic. The COF
will again be serving on Monday, May 11.
May 3: Mark 2:1-12; Dead Lift
May 10: Matthew 23:1-12; No Armchair Quarterbacks
May 17: Galatians 6:1-10; Team Work
May 24: Acts 9:1-19; Strength Training
May 31
Unity Sunday, 10:00 a.m. service
Youth Sunday
World Service Kits: Most needed 3 ounce or larger
bars of soap (no Ivory) metal finger nail files, nail clippers, 1” Bandaids. Please leave in the World Service
box in the common’s hallway. If you prefer to donate
money write your check to PUMC and list World Service Kits in the memo section and the items will be
purchased for you. Thanks for your support.
Powhatan United Methodist Church Ministry Team
Deadline for the may messenger: Friday, May 22
Pastor John hemming |
sandra lowe, Administrator |
Zach Roberts , Youth coordinator |
Julie Layman, Children’s Coordinator |
Pam Funai, music minister |
Melanie Peloke |
Sharon Baltimore, Preschool Director |
Harvey & Sally Paquette, Event & Facilities Overseer
2253 Rosson Road, Powhatan 23139 | (804) 598-4438
website: | email:
Nepal earthquake I feel led to find ways for the
youth ministry to help/support/aid in any way
shape or form we can. Sara, Nicole, and I will be
getting together over the next few weeks to find
out what we can do.
Biscuit bake May 3rd @ 8 a.m.
Just Us concert Sunday May 17th in CLC @
6p.m. Come and support African Vision of Hope
fundraising concert. This will be our youth group
and an ice cream social! If you are willing and able
to help, setting up the CLC for the concert at 1pm
Parent/Student meeting Sunday May 17th RIGHT
AFTER CHURCH We will be talking about Youth
Sunday Unity service and the upcoming lockout
June 12-13th. Food will be provided.
Relay for Life Saturday May 30th, the event is
11a.m. - 11p.m. All youth should be there by
5p.m.until end to show the youth’s support to end
Youth Sunday May 31st @ 10a.m. Unity Service. No
Sunday School. There WILL be youth group!
LOCK OUT June 12th @ 6p.m. a later email is coming out for this soon with detailed information.
Summer Bible Study we will be starting a weekly
bible study splitting the high school in one group
and middle and junior high in another. We are the
process and planning stages of picking which days
of the week to have the bible studies for each
group. But plan for weekly dinner bible studies this
Mission & Fundraising Habitat for humanity for the
Coon family, food pantry, and more to come. Fundraising, we will be starting up and Ultimate Frisbee
tournament for next summer! This summer we
are doing a monthly movie night bake sale. More
info will be in the Mission and fundraising email
that will be coming soon
Youth Council last month I sent out an email asking
if anyone is interested in being a part of the youth
council. Again I ask you to prayerfully consider joining this council. The youth council needs to consist of 3 non parent
adults, 2 parents (each of different family), and any
youth willing to make the commitment. We will
meet as much as possible during the summer
months. Then during the school year we will meet
once a month.
Summer Fun Camps are on the way and are open
to all young children ages 3 to 7.
Camp 1- Dinosaur Stomp, June 1-4 9 a.m. to 1
p.m. (extended hours available 8-4:30)
Camp 2- Kids Beach Week, June 8-11 9 a.m. to 1
p.m. (extended hours available 8-4:30)
Camp 3- Superhero Week, July 13-16 9:30 a.m. to
1:30 p.m. (early drop off available at 8:30)
The cost of each camp is $90. There is no registration fee. Hope your child or grandchild will join us
for some Summer Fun!!!
Thanks to everyone who supported our Preschool
fundraiser. Ellen Bondurant was the winner of our
'Family Fun Night' basket and Linda Chaffins won
the 'Movie Night' basket. This fundraiser made
$874! A very generous donation was previously
made by a preschool family and so our new seesaw
has now been ordered and should arrive in 3
weeks. If you would like to help with the installation of this piece, your help would be appreciated.
Children age 4 –
second grade
dismissed for
children’s church
For the month of May, Children’s Church will be offered
the 10th, 17th, and 24th . Currently volunteers are still
needed for May 24th. If you feel called to serve the Lord
and our Powhatan UMC children in this manner please
contact Julie Layman.
What an enormous blessing our
church family at
PUMC is! The
Easter Egg Hunt
Extravaganza was
a huge success because of your generous contributions
of music, goodies,
time and
smiles. You are
what continue to
Let’s continue to fill our communion Sundays with our
make the egg hunt
children’s participation! We have many opportunities
a wonderful outincluding, scripture reading, singing in the children’s
reach to our comchoir, special music performance, and acolyte service(for
munity. What a
2nd graders and above). If your child would like to be
blessing to have so
involved during these services, please contact Julie Laymany wonderful
people to count
on. God was smilFeed A Hungry Child For Lent Chaling on us that day!
lenge Continues…
- Julie Layman
Miss Julie challenged all children of Powhatan UMC to
provide the recommended 5 servings of fruits and vege- Children’s Sunday School
tables a day for a hungry child. SpeChildren’s Sunday school is utilizcifically, to save 10 cents a day of
ing a new curriculum based on a
their own money during Lent to pay
Bible version called The Story.
for one child’s daily requirements toWorship the Lord with your:
taling $4.00 in forty days.
Body 9:45 a.m. (holy yoga with
Kindergarten - 4th grade
Kids with Purpose would like to thank everyone who Our
KWP May activity will be Family Faith Night at the Diamond on May 9th. The
evening will begin at 5:30
p.m. at the Diamond and will
include: Pregame Faith Based
Band, Player Testimonials,
Pregame Youth Praise Dance
Performance, Post-game Fireworks, Kids Run the Bases
It is too late to get one of our group rate tickets BUT it is
not too late to join us at the game. If you would like to
attend, but had not signed up by April 17th, you will
need to purchase a ticket at the gate. I really hope you
can take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to
hang out with fellow Christians at the ballpark!
Julie Layman)
Voice 10:00 a.m. (music with Pam Funai)
Mind 10:15 – 10:45a.m.(lesson, snack, and activity with
Brian Griffen, Karen Griffen, Kathy Allanson, and Vicki
Upcoming Children’s Events at PUMC
5/9/15: KWP Family Faith Night at the Diamond
6/22/15 - 6/26/15: Vacation Bible School!!!!
6/28/15: VBS Sunday- a Unity Sunday Service at 10a.m. followed by a
potluck lunch in the CLC
Help Our Children’s Ministry Continue To Grow
Needed: Children to read Scripture on communion Sundays - Children’s Church Volunteers, Children’s Sunday
School Teachers - contact Julie Layman 598-4113
Involved Kids!
Time with Young Disciples
Please consider volunteering to share the message with
our youngest disciples. Volunteer for any Sunday (except
the first Sunday) in May. Email Joann Pearman at with your choice.
The Building Study Committee
football signed by Frank Beamer the Va. Tech Coach.
Anyone is welcome to raise money for our Team. Personal donations, sell luminaries in honor, or memory
of a love one, bake sales, yard sales , etc. Last year our
Church raised over $1800 for the American Cancer Society. If you would like to come to any of the County
Relay meetings they are the 4th Thursday at 7pm, at
May Memorial Church. Our County has 19 teams so
far, and We are one of them! Our Church Co-Captain is
Jeanette Reames, and I am the Team Captain.If you
have any questions, please feel free to call me!
Thanks, Ellen Bondurant 598-5165
The Building Study Committee has received 35 responses
from the congregation offering suggestions/feedback on
upgrading PUMC’s building and facilities. The committee
has reviewed the suggestions and has prioritized them
Join Us in Supporting...
into immediate needs and long-term solutions. The group
has also visited two local United Methodist churches
(Gum Springs and Westover Hills) to review their recent
renovations and building projects. The committee is now
formulating the information received from your responses into a document to be presented to an architect for
two purposes;
1) Obtain a professional’s opinion on how to best accomplish these suggestions/recommendations to our present
2) Obtain a cost estimate to accomplish these recommendations.
The committee hopes to have a detailed report to present to Church Council at their March 30 meeting.
Relay For Life for Powhatan County
Saturday, May 30th
11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
at Powhatan Junior High
We have a Relay for Life
Team. It is the PUMC
TEAM . There is no registration fee to join, and
if you raise $100 by
April 17th you will be a member of the exclusive Hope
Club. Each member will receive a 2015 Hope Club tshirt. All you have to do is google, Relay for Life Powhatan, and click sign up! or donate to our Team. You
will create a account with your e-mail address. Then it
will allow you to join or donate to the PUMC TEAM.
This Year the UMM will have a tent set up at our site,
and sell food. We will have 2 raffle donations. The 1st
will be a quilt made by Jane Rager, and the 2nd is a
3rd Annual Ice Cream Social
Sunday, May 17th 6:00 p.m. (Note correct
Website Calendar for Events
Please alert the church office if your group is using the
building for meetings. The Events & Facility Overseers
check the calendar and then will check the lights and
doors etc. early evening when there are NO events listed
on the calendar. Thank you for your cooperation.
Prayer Walk
May 3 at 9:45 a.m.
May 8 at noon
May 31 at 12:30 p.m.
2.5 mile (round trip) walk from PUMC to Scottville
Rain dates (for torrential rain only) - the following week
Discover one of the ways to be active in prayer. Prayer
Walks will open and close with a group collect prayer and
prayer walkers are invited to write a collect prayer to use
during the three stops that pray about the place we will
be walking and stopping in the Village.
Three stops for Collect prayers:
1. Village Building, Department of Social Services, Free
Clinic, Clothes Closet
2. Courthouse, Sheriff's Office, restaurants, businesses
3. Scottville community
Meet Brenda Butterfield our New Financial
My name is Brenda Butterfield. I was born and raised in
Mishawaka, Indiana. I am married to a motorcycle enthusiast named Larre. We have four children: Eric, Cristina, Matthew, and Krissy - all of them married, with Eric
and Matthew's families living locally. I am the proud
grandmother of four grandsons: Phillip, Peter, James,
and Liam. We retired to Powhatan 6 years ago after living in California for over 20 years. I was blessed with a
long career in finance for an aerospace company. I have
been a member of the United Methodist Church all of my
life. The church has provided me with a strong Christian
family and as community of believers we can do anything the Lord asks of us!
Pentecost Sunday, May 24
Pentecost Sunday represents an ending as well as a beginning: the end of the “Great Fifty Days” of the Easter
Season (Pentecost means “the
50th day” in Greek) and the beginning of the commemorations
of the early church. Pentecost
also gives us an opportunity to
ask ourselves the question,
“What is our community ‘on fire’
Church Office Closed
The church office will be closed on Friday, May 8
and Monday, May 25.
Thank You
Thank you for all the kindness you blessed me
with! My surgery went well, the pain is gone, and
I’m anxious to get busy. Gay Bartlett
Open Pickle Ball
Fridays from 2-4 p.m.
Need more information, contact Linda
Chaffins at 598-8778.
Annual Conference 2015
The 2015 session of the Virginia Annual Conference
will be held at The Berglund Center (formerly
the Roanoke Civic Center) in Roanoke, VA,
June 19-21. Theme of this year’s Annual Conference is “From Members to Disciples.”
2015 Annual Conference offering goal will be
$150,000 and again focus on both international and Virginiabased mission needs. The offering
goal includes $50,000 for continued support of our
partnership with the Methodist Mission in Cambodia as they continue to purchase property for new
churches and expand their fast growing mission.
Another $50,000 is for United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Global Health ministries
to aid the Ebolaravaged countries of Sierra Leone
and Liberia. Both of these countries have trained
and equipped Health Boards in their United Methodist conferences that are working to meet priorities and needs of communities recovering from the
Ebola outbreak as well as a holistic approach to
health that empowers people to take charge of
their own lives and develop positive health-seeking
behavior in their communities. In Virginia, the goal
is $50,000 to support mission projects working
with the poor in the Danville and Eastern Shore
Districts. Both of these districts are working in ministry in areas of Virginia that are well below the national and state poverty levels. Of particular concern and emphasis are children living in poverty.