marca - Unidad Editorial
marca - Unidad Editorial
2016 MARCA, UNDISPUTED LEADER During 78 years, MARCA has MARCA is supported by millions been providing sports information; readers and users that confirm the it has been present in historical ability to inform and entertain every moments, telling the best stories type of target. Moreover, MARCA and achievements of our athletes. has become the sports media with Nowadays, MARCA has become the most participation in social the undisputed leader in sports networks thanks to our followers. information and also in daily press. MULTIMEDIA PRESS DIGITAL RADIO EVENTS OUR FOLLOWERS ARE LEADERS 14,1 MILLION people are waiting for you at MARCA universe 36 % COVERAGE. 36 % 25 % 17 % 14 % Marca As Mundo Deportivo Sport With millions of readers, maximum multimedia coverage MARCA is the leader of (press+radio+digital) and with dailies and sport dailies a huge number of unique in our country, offering a followers. SOLUTIONS MULTIMEDIA PRESS DIGITAL RADIO EVENTS MILLIONS OF CONSUMERS ARE WAITING FOR YOU. 12 M Digital Users 2.2 M Readers on paper 461 MIL 9,4 M Mobile Users 4M Pc users Audience in Radio Marca 8,4 M With millions of readers, maximum multimedia coverage MARCA is the leader of (press+radio+digital) and with a dailies and sport dailies huge number of unique followers in our country, offering a SOLUTIONS MULTIMEDIA PRESS DIGITAL THE MOST ATTRACTIVE AUDIENCE RADIO Use Videogame Hardware Spending+200 per year INDEX Men from 25 to 44 years, A-B social class, with higher education. multimedia 189 +42% got it and +18% play with it. INDEX multimedia 262 Plane Cinema Once a week INDEX EVENTS multimedia 183 Last year journey INDEX multimedia 113 SOLUTIONS Online gambling En el último mes INDEX multimedia 250 Sport Club Members INDEX multimedia 172 Women also prefer MARCA: 20% in coverage with 3 million in audience Restaurants +once a week INDEX multimedia 132 Man Clothes Spending+600per year INDEX multimedia 238 MARCA is t he f avorit e w o me n w i th a n a ttra cti ve opt ion f or men and f or p ro fi l e fo r co n su mp ti o n . Car purchase intent INDEX multimedia 153 MULTIMEDIA PRESS DIGITAL RADIO EVENTS SOLUTIONS THE MOST EFFICIENT PLANNING Maximum multichannel coverage for the most commercial target: Man, 25-44, A-B social class. MARCA MULTICANAL OFF+ON Coverage (000) 1.800 Coverage (000) 1.631 Coverage (000) 7 coverage % 34,8 Coverage % 31,55 Coverage % 9.67 Campaign in Diario Marca, Radio Marca and 34,8% Campaign in Diario AS, Ser sports programs and Coverage Campaign during 1 month with 10 press insertions, 30 radio and 6 M impressions (3 freq.) - Target: M, 25-44, MM-MA-A. MUNDO DEPORTIVO MULTICANAL OFF+ON AS MULTICANAL OFF+ON YOUTUBE.COM Campaign in Diario Mundo Deportivo and FACEBOOK.COM UU (000) 759 UU (000) 766 Coverage % 14,68 Coverage % 14,81 Campaign in Campaign in MARCA mult ichannel p ro fi l e , e ve n co mp a re d to off ers t he best coverage mo re ma ssi ve me d i a f or t he most desired MULTIMEDIA PRESS DIGITAL RADIO EVENTS SOLUTIONS THE BEST MULTIMEDIA CONTENT EVENTS MARCA.COM ORBYT MARCA ESTILO MARCA BUZZ GUÍAS MARCA IGN ESPAÑA A great content offer for a demanding Audience. MARCA is always available regardless the place. MARCA MOTOR e-SPORTS DISCOVERYMAX TIRAMILLAS TECNOPASIÓN RADIO MARCA MARCA MÓVIL MARCA offers different maximum quality. Those informative possibilities who want to enjoy and in press, radio and digital share prefer our contents. media, always with the MULTIMEDIA DIGITAL PRESS LIVING SPORTS IN A DIGITAL WAY Leader brand in sports multiplatform coverage RADIO EVENTS In mobile 9,4 MM 12 MM UUs 37,5% > > Responsive design website > Continuous navigation. > The most powerful daily HOMEPAGE: 5,8 M UUs and 159 M PVs MARCA offers different maximum quality. Those informative possibilities who want to enjoy and in press, radio and digital share prefer our contents. media, always with the SOLUTIONS In Pc 4 MM MULTIMEDIA PRESS DIGITAL RADIO EVENTS THE BIGGEST SPORTS COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS MULTIMEDIA CONTENTS MARCA is the most influential Spanish media in social networks. VIDEO is the most important feature of MARCA, with a wide variety of formats: interviews, press conferences, streamings... And the best contents with relevant partners: Adventure and action by Discovery 4,35 MM FOLLOWERS Video impressions per month 4,1 MM LIKES Moreover, there are more 400 M people registered for emailing actions. 414.691 16 MM Registrations in the Data Base MARCA is an online point We make a huge effort in of reference for millions of order to give our public a people who are passionate of superior digital experience sports and entertainment. every day. MULTIMEDIA DIGITAL PRESS RADIO EVENTS SOLUTIONS LEADER IN MOBILE Sports Leader in Mobile 9,4 MM UUs The excitement of the best live sport, the most complete information and the more updated videos. MARCA is also leader in mobile supports, with almost 9,4 millions of users (8 millions exclusively in phones). Mobile Apps: 530.301.194 Page Views 5,7 M T he f irst sit e of sport s o ffe r (Ap p s a n d mo b i l e si te ) inf ormat ion in mobile i s a mo d e l o f i n n o va ti o n a n d support s. MARCA mobile a d ve rti si n g cre a ti vi ty MULTIMEDIA DIGITAL PRESS RADIO EVENTS SOLUTIONS SPECIALIZED CONTENTS FOR A DIFFERENT AUDIENCE > IGN SPAIN World leader in videogames information since 2012. 2,5 MM UUs 10 MM PVs 3,1 MM UUs 14 MM PVs > MARCA MOTOR A reference web for motor information. All the news, models, races, competitions, analysis,… A wide coverage for all Our followers enjoy daily targets, with great affinity with contents alternative to sport youth audience. with MARCA.COM MULTIMEDIA DIGITAL PRESS RADIO EVENTS > MARCA BUZZ The best humor, viral videos, photo albums, memes, etc. Contents to amaze our audience. A great entertaining complement to sports information. 1,8 MM UUs 503.000 UUs 4,6 MM PVs > DISCOVERY MAX Entertainment with capital letters. Amazing stories through genuine characters. 1,4 MM PVs 831.000 VIDEO IMPR. A wide coverage for all Our followers enjoy daily targets, with great affinity with contents alternative to sport youth audience. with MARCA.COM SOLUTIONS MULTIMEDIA PRESS DIGITAL MARCA ALWAYS WITH SPORTS 2.242.000 18.076 149.459 Readers Copies 1,6 MM exclusive readers of sports dailies. 70% are exclusive readers Marca 2.242 El Pais 1.299 As La Vanguardia EVENTS SOLUTIONS A biggest readership than all the other sports dailies together, with a 52% of coverage Orbyt suscriptions 1.180 El Mundo RADIO 841.000 Daily readers 63% read us every day 815 651 14 LOCAL EDITIONS MARCA was born 76 years to our contents and they find ago and nowadays it is the in MARCA the most complete undisputed leader in daily information to enjoy their press. Our readers are loyal passion. MULTIMEDIA DIGITAL PRESS RADIO EVENTS SOLUTIONS MOTOR A HUGE VARIETY OF SPECIALS AND EXTRAS FOR DIFFERENT TARGETS. SELECT YOUR IDEAL AUDIENCE AND THE SUITABLE SUPPORT. RUNNING LEISURE BEAUTY VIDEOGAMES ADVENTURE MARCA has specialized a u d i e n ce , re i n fo rci n g i ts p o si ti o n cont ent s of a great int ere st i n th e ma rke t a n d p ro vi d i n g f or t he most demanding ta rg e ts o f a g re a t a d ve rti si n g va l u e . MULTIMEDIA DIGITAL PRESS RADIO EVENTS ADVERTISING PROFILE A TREND-SETTING MAGAZINE MARCA ESTILO magazine, for the man of today, is where sport and lifestyle unite. A modern, new and attractive format. With the strength of MARCA. Much more than a magazine. SOLUTIONS 82% 82% men with an average age of 43 78% A-B social classes 50% From 20 - 44 years old 51% Living in big cities MARCA has specialized p o si ti o n i n th e ma rke t a n d cont ent s of a great int ere st p ro vi d i n g ta rg e ts o f a g re a t f or t he most demanding a d ve rti si n g va l u e . audience, reinf orcing it s MULTIMEDIA DIGITAL PRESS RADIO EVENTS GUÍAS MARCA MARCA publishes with a national print-run the GUÍAS MARCA (independents from the newspaper). They are reference guides for each sport: Anuario, Guía Motor, Guía Liga, etc. MARCA has specialized i ts p o si ti o n i n th e ma rke t a n d cont ent s of a great int ere st p ro vi d i n g ta rg e ts o f a g re a t f or t he most demanding a d ve rti si n g va l u e . audience, reinf orcing SOLUTIONS MULTIMEDIA DIGITAL PRESS RADIO EVENTS SOLUTIONS ADVERTISING PROFILE MARCA MOTOR • The leading magazine in the sector. It has double the audience than its closer competitor. • The best information about motor-sports: cars, motorbikes, races, prices, competition, prototypes,… 91% Men 79% A+Bsocial classes 457.000 35% 26.466 44% Readers 25-44 years old 18% Share With higher education Copies MARCA has specialized i ts p o si ti o n i n th e ma rke t a n d cont ent s of a great int ere st p ro vi d i n g ta rg e ts o f a g re a t f or t he most demanding a d ve rti si n g va l u e . audience, reinf orcing MULTIMEDIA PRESS DIGITAL ALL SPORTS INFORMATION ON THE RADIO RADIO EVENTS SOLUTIONS Directo Marca Mon-Fri (7-13) 262.000 Listeners Intermedio Mon-Fri (15-20) 135.000 Listeners Marcador fin de semana 320.000 Listeners The radio selected by the sport fans. 461.000 listeners in 48 radio stations A HIGH QUALIFIED PROFILE 87% Men 56% 25-44 years old 80% A+B social classes They are big consumers; they like enjoying their free time and take care of themselves. They are connected, informed, lovers of the latest technologies and protagonists in important purchase decisions MARCA complet es it s fi rst sp o rts ra d i o i n Sp a i n mult imedia commit ment a n d w h e re l i ste n e rs mo st wit h RADI O MARCA, t he e n j o y b ra n d s. MULTIMEDIA DIGITAL PERSS RADIO EVENTS SOLUTIONS Listeners in apps THE MOST ACCESSIBLE RADIO The best programs in Streaming 147.000 On line listeners 187.996 286.286 unique users, 776.699 page views, 334.155 reproductions -App Radio Marca: 24.204 UUs per month - more than 260.000 active downloads. -App MARCA: 125.595 UU per month in radio 24.000 listeners in TDT MARCA complet es it s fi rst sp o rts ra d i o i n Sp a i n mult imedia commit ment a n d w h e re l i ste n e rs mo st wit h RADI O MARCA, t he e n j o y b ra n d s. MULTIMEDIA PRESS DIGITAL SOMETIMES WE ARE THE NEWS RADIO EVENTS SOLUTIONS > MARCA Soccer Awards > MARCA Legend > Sports in family Marca honors the most important figures of soccer. The most enjoyable sports activities for adults and children. Since 1997 Marca rewards the excellence of our athletes. Brands go along with the projects through special main characters in these sponsoring, reaching a huge impact in all the media. MULTIMEDIA DIGITAL PRESS A WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES IN AN UNIQUE ENVIRONMENT RADIO EVENTS SOLUTIONS > CUSTOMIZATION > BRANDED CONTENT > SPONSORSHIP We are specialists in ad-hoc solutions. Our advertising produces a maximum We offer multiple ways of sponsorship engagement for brands and also a good and adapted formats for new way advertising experience for our audience. people consume information. MULTIMEDIA > MEGA FORMATS DIGITAL PRESS > MOBILE RADIO EVENTS SOLUTIONS > SPOT-IN-NEWS We are specialists in ad-hoc solutions. Our advertising produces a maximum We offer multiple ways of sponsorship engagement for brands and also a good and adapted formats for new way advertising experience for our audience. people consume information. MULTIMEDIA DIGITAL PRESS > MAXIMUM VISIBILITY RADIO EVENTS SOLUTIONS > THE RADIO WITH THE CUSTOMER > ORBYT We are specialists in ad-hoc solutions. Our advertising produces a maximum We offer multiple ways of sponsorship engagement for brands and also a good and adapted formats for new way advertising experience for our audience. people consume information. MULTIMEDIA DIGITAL PRESS RADIO EVENTS 360º OF SUCCESS Our multichannel actions are really complete: microsite, web customization, branded content, newsletter, banners, social networks, radio and press. Our expert team will find the best solution to achieve your goals. Mult ichannel campaigns e xp e cta ti o n s, re a ch i n g o u r t hat overcome our client s’ fo l l o w e rs w h e re ve r th e y a re . SOLUTIONS SOURCES SLIDE 03 Random Combination EGM 2nd Acum. 2016 Marca, Radio Marca and Marca Motor + Comscore Multiplatform August 2016 Marca Sites >15 years old SLIDE 04 Digital&Mobile: Comscore Multiplatform Marca Sites August 2016. Diario Marca and Radio Marca: EGM 2nd 2016 acum. and Ola. RRSS: August 2016. BBDD: Marca August 2016 SLIDE 05 AIMC Marcas 2015 and EGM 2nd Acum. 2016. Random Combination EGM 2nd Acum. 2016 + Comscore Multiplatform August 2016 Marca Sites >15 and Woman SLIDE 06 Random Combination EGM 2nd Acum. 2016 + Comscore Reach&Frecuency August 2016 SLIDE 08 Comscore Multiplatform August 2016 - Estudio Navegantes AIMC May 2015. Homepage Comscore Multiplatform August 2016 SLIDE 09 Video Marca Sites DFP August 2016 - all IPs- all Marca´s products. RRSS: August 2016. BBDD Internal Marca May 2016 SLIDE 10 Movil audience: Comscore Multiplatform August 2016. Itunes and Google Plus downloads August 2016. Mobile Apps: Page views. Omniture August 2016 SLIDE 11-12 Omniture August 2016. Vídeos Discovery DFP August 2016 SLIDE 13- 17 EGM 2nd Acum. 2016 Orbyt subscriptions August 2016. diffusion of Marca and Marca Motor: OJD January to December 2015. Exlusive readers: AIMC Marca 2015 SLIDE 18 EGM 2nd Ola 2016 SLIDE 19 Listeners online: EGM 2nd Ola 2016 (audience last 30 days internet). Omniture May 2016. Listeners Apps: internal Omniture May 2016. Itunes and Google Plus downloads May 2016. RRSS: all twitter accounts of Radío Marca’s speakers and programs August 2016. Audience TDT 2nd Ola EGM 2016 (Audience last 30 days platforms) YOU CAN CONTACT WITH COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT ON MARCA PAPEL MARCA ONLINE +34 91 443 55 09 MARCA RADIO DEPARTAMENTO COMERCIAL DIRECTOR PUBLICIDAD ÁREA PRENSA, INTERNET Y MOBILE UNIDAD EDITORIAL Gonzalo Casas - DIRECTORA DE PUBLICIDAD ÁREA MARCA PRENSA, INTERNET Y MOBILE Arantxa Sanchez - PUBLICIDAD Ignacio Arcos Elena Fernández Fuencisla Quirós Iñigo de Nogales-Delicado Jaime Caro Luis Bueno José Antonio Muñoz-Calero Nieves Herrero Alberto Pérez Nuria Ricart Ana Tamaral Borja Jauregui CONTACTA CON EL DEPARTAMENTO COMERCIAL EN EL O EN CUALQUIERA DE NUESTRAS DELEGACIONES. MARCA PAPEL MARCA ONLINE +34 91 443 55 09 MARCA RADIO 2016 THANK YOU VERY MUCH