A sample issue


A sample issue
Health & Healing
Paracelsus - The Seven
Metals: Aurum
Homoeopathy: Calcium carbonicum
The Ethical “Law in Me“
On the Nature of Biological
From the Doctrine of the Four
Juices to Modern Naturopathy
Paracelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
w w w. p ar a c e l s u s - c e n t e r. ch
is s u e n o .1 / III · o c t ob e r 2 005
Aurum Potabile…
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Further information:
Editorial ........................................... 3
Paracelsus - The Seven
Metals: Aurum II ........................... 4
Remedies for Healing................... 8
From ancient times in Himalayas
there has been a simple way of living
to maintain health. A short pranayama (breathing exercise) in the morning, no longer than 5 minutes, intake
of vegetables, fruits, milk and cereals, an appropriate footwear while
moving, a positive attitude of mind
to receive the events of the day form
part of daily routine. Meat, wines and
opium are seen as enemies to health.
Many till date follow this dietary system in the remote valleys of Himalayas. These simple mountain dwellers
have much better health than the citizens of global cities and towns.
Among the vegetable, asparagus, celery and garlic are particularly avoided.
They are considered as medicines and
are used when there is disturbance to
health. Exposure to sunlight, bathing
in normal streams, drinking water, sitting around fireplaces, are also part of
daily life to have better psychic energy.
It is common knowledge among the
people in these valleys, and they distinguish nature with its vegetation,
as life givers, preservers, and restorers, and even as destroyers. They tend
The Philosopher‘s Magnet .......... 12
to use nature products in all the four
directions, as per the hour of need.
One can easily strengthen the action
of a vegetable substance by increasing the metalization of the soil. These
dwellers of the mountains know the
related technique and cultivate.
Much knowledge of health and healing exists in such valleys, which is
useful for scientific study and for
simple curative techniques. Sometimes we need to be simpler to find
solutions to complicated cures. Better health many times goes in association with simple and natural living.
May the scientific age lead humanity
towards simplicity.
Calcium carbonicum .................... 17
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar
The Ethical “Law in Me“ .............. 38
Ayurvedic Principles VII ............... 20
Occult Healing IV .......................... 22
New Era Healing............................ 24
Medicine and Taoism in
Traditional China I ........................ 26
Quantum Physics and
Consciousness II ............................ 30
A Therapy for the Future VI........ 34
On the Nature of Biological
Medicine III ..................................... 40
From the Doctrine of the
Four Juices to Modern
Naturopathy ................................... 45
“Thus Shalt Thou Live” VII .......... 49
Imprint ............................................. 51
Paracelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
-The Seven Metals
Sabine Mrosek
1. Aurum II
Sabine Mrosek is naturopath and
classic homoeopath. She has been
running a practise in Lucerne,
Switzerland, for 20 years.
Gold as a Remedy
For Paracelsus gold was a universal
remedy, called Panacea by the alchemists, which was derived from Greek:
“Among all elixirs, gold is the highest and most important for us. Gold
can maintain the body unbreakable.
Drinkable gold cures all diseases, it
renews and restores.“
Today, gold is used for heart and circulatory diseases, heart cramps, psychosomatic heart problems, fluctuations in blood pressure, depression,
states of anxiety, stimulation of vitality and improvement of joy of life,
rheumatism, gout, sclerosis, for a too
fast aging process and for auto immune diseases. Paracelsus successfully used gold against the following
serious diseases:
Contractures and Paralysis
Paracelsus writes that the contractures (shortening of specific muscles)
and paralysis mostly occur through injuries. “This contracture comes about
through external impacts like beating
and falling.“ (II, 80). This may lead to
paralysis: “First through a congestion
in the flesh, so that alimentary juices
may not come through, this may lead
Paracelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
to paralysed and dwindling limbs, as
we know from tuberculosis.“ (II, 80).
Further causes for contractures are
sedimentation of gravel, urinary calculus but also of wine, anger or colic. Through gravel and urinary calculus the paralysis “only occurs below
the waist with much pain and aching
days. At last the patients, before their
death, are insensitive, very crooked
and paralysed and lay down being unable to move. Sometimes paralysis is
invisible occurring only in the stomach with colic, leading to a paralysation of the intestines …“ (II 81). The
cause is based on the fact that gravel or sand hurt the life force and the
lifeblood in a way that the tissues will
no more be provided with nutritive
substances and with life energy.
When weakness and injury occurs in
the arms and legs this may lead to
tuberculosis. “Through much bile acids similar to vinegar a trembling of
the limbs may occur, some parts more,
others less, sometimes with contracted limbs, as it is the nature of the bile
acids to contract …“
Also anger and envy may lead to
crookedness and paralysis in the
whole body. “There is no stronger contracture. It is an inflammation of the
whole body and is spread over all inward and outward limbs.“ (II, 85).
Those contractures caused by wine are
most difficult to treat. „They occur because wine contains a very fine, sharp
spirit. When wine has been drunk, this
wine spirit will unite with the lifeblood, … as it is attracted by the lifeblood as nourishment because of its
similarity … When the wine lives in the
lifeblood, it will dry it up in the course
of time. The more wine has been drunk,
the more it predominates and consumes the lifeblood. This continues until the lifeblood is exhausted. This way
the limb is deprived of its nourishment
and flexibility and dies off. Because of
dryness the veins will be traced together. Tuberculosis will occur …“ (II, 87).
In order to heal these contractures
and paralysis, remedies are needed
that have a pore opening, and nerve
cleaning effect as well as warming
impact on the lifeblood. (Aperitiva,
Calefacientia, Humectantia), Paracelsus writes.
Aurum potabile and Aurum Oeli belong to these remedies. When one
limb has already died off (due to sclerosis or thrombosis) revitalizing remedies are necessary. Paracelsus calls
these remedies Confortativa, through
which the spirit of life is being forced
into the limbs in order to exorcise the
poisoned spirit of life. Only a spiritual
(alcoholic) remedy may pass through
the whole body. It is categorized into
internal and external remedies. The
inner remedies shall purge (clean),
warm or cool. Among them we find
Aurum potabile, Oleum Auri, Essentia
Antimonii, Oleum vitrioli, Aqua Tartari, Quinta Essentia Lapidum, Corallorum etc. These remedies carry a
mighty power. Aurum potabile is one
of the most important remedies and
a Confortativum of highest potency.
It renews the life force in the body.
Aurum is an excellent remedy against
contractures of the limbs, paralysis,
rheumatism and gout.
Besides oak mistle (Viscus Quercinus), Mandragorae (mandrake), Papaver (opium poppy), Jusquiamus
(henbane), Poenia (peony) Paracelsus
names the following remedies which
cure epilepsy or the falling sickness as
he calls it, through their strengthening of nature:
“Aurum Potabile, Oleum Auri, Quinta Essentia Auri, Mercurius Reverberatus, Materia Perlar, Solutio Corallorum, Magister, Antimonij, Extractio
Sulphuris“ etc.
With enthusiasm, he writes: “These
remedies have a wonderful power. It
is hardly believable that there may be
such a power in nature that cures such
diseases and others, which may not be
cured in any other way. Therefore we
shall not give up hope or despair in
medicine, because the one who created our enemies also created enemies
against those enemies and there is no
disease at all which is able to directly
kill a person or can ultimately kill. For
all diseases without restriction may be
cured, but there are some we do not
yet understand how to cure them.”
(II, 57)
Alchemical Production of Gold
According to Paracelsus gold has to
be decomposed first, meaning being
liberated from its body, purified and
potentiated. Only by “killing“ and “revitalising“ gold can become a highly
esteemed remedy: “Meaning, all corpora, which are ill deposed to you,
have to be taken away so that all antidotes dwindle away and you obtain the positive you are looking for.
And as there is no piece of gold useful and good, which was not brought
into the fire, hence there is no healing
essence useful and good without being brought through the fire, because
all matters have to go through fire in
order to be reborn in another shape in
which they are useful to man. For the
doctor must not use poisons, but Arcana.“ (I, 395). The panacea Aurum Potabile will be prepared in an alchemist
way from gold metal. Just the smallest traces of gold will have a catalytic effect on the metabolism and will
positively impact the nervous system.
How to produce Aurum Potabile
Aurum potabile will be produced by
mixing gold with other remedies and
liquids and in this way is made drinkable.
Aurum foeliatum (gold leaf) or powdered gold
Dissolve it to a succus (juice) 1 oz.
(30 grams)
Aceti dest., Acetum Purum = pure vinegar, as much as is needed.
Distil the substances and divide them
until no additive may be tasted.
Then take from the indicated below
Aqua Vitae 5 oz. (150 grams), mix it,
allow to digest in a pelican for one
Aurum potabile and Aurum Oleum
have a very good effect on contractures (stiffness) of the limbs.
How to produce Aqua Vitae
Vini ardentis, Spiritus ardens = spirits,
spirits of wine, ten pounds
Rosarum, Mel rosatum = rose honey
Melissae, Melissa officinalis
Rosmarini, Rosmarinus officinalis
Anthos Cheiri = etheric oil of rosemary
Paracelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
The Seven
Folior. Hellebori utr. (meaning nigr. et
alb.), Helleborus niger and helleborus
albus = black hellebore
Majorani Mj (one handful), Origanum
Cinamoni, Cinnamomum aromaticum
= cinnamon
Maceris, Myristica fragrans = mace
Muscatae nuc., Myristica fragrans,
Nux moschata = nutmeg
Caryophyllorum, Caryophyllata officinalis, Geum urbanum = glove
Paradisi Gran., Grana paradisi, Aframomum-Arten = grains of paradise
Auriferous sand
Piperum omnium = whole pepper, Piper nigrum
Zinziberis, Zingiber officinale = ginger
Cubebarum, Piper cubeba, Cubeba officinalis = kubebapepper
Ana (two ounces)
Succi Chelidoniae, Chelidonium majus,
Chelidonium grandiflorum = celandine
Tapsi, Verbascum thapsus = real mullein
Melissae ana, one half pound, Melissa
Cinerum fabarum five ounces
(150 grams).
Mix all these substances.
Allow to digest in a pelican, then separate them and use the remedy as indicated above.
Paracelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
How to produce Oelum Auri
Take the juice of the gold which has
been separated from the whole gold
through vinegar and boil it in the digest for a fortnight indicated below.
Distil it through a bath, so that a thick
oil remains. This is gold oil without
any additives.
The recipe for the digest is as follows:
Succi Chelidoniae one pound, Chelidonium majus, Chelidonium grandiflorum = juice of celandine
Aquae Vitae circulatae = spirits of
wine, 4.4 pounds
Dissolved Spiritum Salis, Spiritus Salis acidum = sour salt spirits, three
Mix everything together and use it as
indicated above.
Aa (ana) = a same quantity
Rec. or Rp. = Recipe = take
Unc. = Uncia = 1 ounce = 1 bundle =
approx. 30 grams
Mj = Manipulus = handful = 1/2
Paracelsus: Sämtliche Werke, volumes I,
II, III. Anger-Verlag Eick, 1st edition 1993
“Assuring daily
assimilation and
elimination is the key
to bodily health.”
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar
Paracelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
Remedies for Healing
Cases from the Homoeopathic
A brother and sister (3 years and 3
months ages) were brought for infantile asthma and chronic recurring
bronchitis. R. K. Burman, the brother,
was brought on 5-8-80 with report of
the following symptoms:
1. Dry cough, started within few days
after birth, vomiting accompanying.
2. Frequent attacks of cold after
which the cough starts.
3. Fever accompanies.
4. Very poor eating due to utter lack of
appetite. Vomits when forced to eat.
5. Pain in the navel region.
6. Mentally obstinate, gross, irritable
and peevish.
7. Pains in legs.
8. Worms in stool.
9. Always craving for fan without which
no sleep. Craving for ice cream that
aggravates the sufferings.
10. Cold climate and any atmospheric
changes aggravates.
11. Palpable glands at the cervical region.
He was brought in acute condition of
fever, cold and cough, but he was not
taking rest. The condition was aggravated into the evening and the night.
Dr. Bhaskar gave him a dose of Pulsatilla 30C on 5-8-80. There was relief
Paracelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
from everything but dry cough continued. The boy was thin and puny,
not putting weight. I gave one dose of
Calc. carb. 200C on 15-8-80 but for
no change. On 29-8-80 the parents
reported involuntary urination even
while talking, appetite totally lost.
Taking these two guidelines along
with others as totality, I prescribed a
dose of Causticum 200C. The boy improved within a week until 19-9-80.
Appetite improved, involuntary urination stopped, cough reduced, but continued. On 19-9-80 I repeated Causticum 200C since the cough began to
increase. The boy improved. I repeated
Causticum 200C on 18-10-80 and 2410-80. Besides I gave Calc. phos. 6D
daily doses. The boy improved, weight
increased, no more fever, cough or
Dysentery and mucus with fever
and colic appeared on 10-12-80.
Dr. G. S. R. Murthy gave Aloe 30C and
repeated on 12-12-80 and 14-12-80.
No fever but mucus continued. On 91-81 Causticum 200C was repeated,
when mucus stopped. Causticum 200C
was repeated on 3-2-81 and 17-2-81.
Everything cured except colds. Glands
on the neck subsided. He could enjoy
ice cream daily without any consequences. Treatment stopped and on
2-1-82 (after 10 months) there was
a little recurrence of dry cough with a
little strabismus. Causticum 200C and
1M caused no relief.
“Indicated remedies failed to act”
made me give one dose of Sulphur
200C on 9-2-82. Gradually the boy
improved and now he requires no
more medicine.
The symptoms of Ratna Burman (his
sister) were as follows:
1. Severe attacks of cold and cough,
worse in winter, cloudy atmosphere
and during any change in climate.
2. Worms in stool with mucus.
3. White spots on legs.
4. Rattling in chest (phlegm) relieved
after vomiting.
5. Appetite dull.
On 20-12-81 Dr. O. Ramachandrarao
administered Pulsatilla 6D one dose.
Only fever subsided. On 26-12-81 I
administered one dose of Psorinum
200C and waited for two weeks. The
child improved very much. The spots
on legs increased. I repeated Psorinum
200C on 26-1-82. Much relief. The
child could stand exposure to foggy
weather in January. The spots continued. Psorinum 200C repeated on 173-82. The spots also faded away and
she is now free from any complaint.
Dr. E. V. M. Acharya, DHMS
Sore Feet
A gentleman, whom had to be helped
out of his carriage, came to my house;
he managed to drag himself along
with the help of two sticks. He told
me this: “Six years ago, I was suddenly seized with a sharp pain in my right
foot. The knee was somewhat swollen, the pain increased from week to
week in proportion as the strength
of the leg decreased, and I felt as if
the whole leg was dying away. When
awakening in the night, I happened
to touch it with the left leg, it was
as cold as ice, it seemed to be dead.
I consulted a celebrated physician in
the capital, who prescribed various
remedies: poisonous and not poisonous. I went to other doctors, and one
of them applied electricity seventy
times, all in vain. The right arm and
the whole of the right side have also
become weak, and I have now the sad
prospect of getting paralyzed on that
side. I am only twenty-nine years of
What may be the matter here? Simply
this: The blood stagnated in the thigh
and knee, the regular circulation became disturbed. The leg receiving no
longer the necessary supply of blood,
at last hardly any, and consequently
no warmth, the whole limb must naturally fall into a state of decay. In time
more disorders occurred in the circulation and the evil increased. In treating this case, the chief object must
be to restore a normal circulation,
to supply all parts of the body with
proper nourishment and warmth, and
so invigorate the whole system in an
equal manner. To this end the following applications were resorted to:
1. Every day two upper-showers and
two thigh-gushes.
2. Twice a day walking bare-foot in
wet grass, as it was spring.
3. Every day a cup of tea from juniper
berries and wormwood, in three portions (morning, noon and evening).
The effect was really striking: after
sixteen days, all pain was gone, the
circulation restored; and the gentleman, completely cured, walked about
in jubilation. Whilst under treatment,
he particularly pointed out how, after
the second thigh-gush, the blood had
rushed down from above and rapidly
warmed the diseased leg.
The thigh-gushes effected a quickened flow of the blood and removed
the stagnation. The same result was
obtained by the upper-showers in the
upper body, where the arm had also
been weakened, because not sufficiently nourished, whilst the other
parts of the body had preserved their
healthy condition. Finally, the tea promoting digestion, the whole body became rapidly invigorated.
Sebastian Kneipp (1821–1897), from:
Thus Shalt Thou Live
Paracelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
Remedies for
A hernia is a soft bulge of the peritoneum which occurs when the internal organs bulge through a weakened
section in the abdominal wall. The
space formed by the peritoneum can
contain parts of the intestines, of the
great omentum, the outer lining of
the small intestines, or it can be filled
with liquids. Rarely, the intestines are
incarcerated in a pocket of the peritoneum in the abdominal cavity.
Approximately four percent of the population suffer from hernia once in their
life. In infants, hernias are found almost
exclusively among boys, and even later
it is mostly a male phenomenon.
Depending on the location, there are
different types of hernias: e. g. inguinal hernia, which is the most frequent; umbilical hernia; diaphragmatic hernia etc.
Clinical Picture
n Drawing pains may occur at the
opening, particularly during strenu-
ous exercises, coughing or defecation,
even before the protrusion becomes
n Outwardly, a hernia is visible as
a protrusion of the abdominal wall
(“lump of tissue“). It can either be
there all the time, or bulge only while
standing or put under strain. In most
cases, the protrusion disappears when
lying down or pushing it back with
the hand.
“Incarceration“ is the most important
and dangerous form of complication.
It always occurs suddenly. The protruding sac of tissue can no longer be
pushed back into the abdominal cavity. It is extremely painful, accompanied by pasty swellings and inflammation. When the intestinal loops are
bulged and incarcerated in the protrusion, it leads to an ileus. In that
case the patient has to undergo an
emergency operation, because the incarcerated tissue can die due to lack
of blood circulation.
schematic picture
abdominal muscles
intestine in the
protruding sac
tumor bulge
Paracelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
recommends the following remedies
to cure hernias:
Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)
Betonica (= Stachys officinalis = Betony, Bishopswort) There is no other herb (except 3, which are used in
wound solutions), which has a more
strengthening effect in children than
Betonica, cooked in wine and applied
warm on the hernia. Saniculus albus (= Sanicula europaea = Poolroot,
Self-Heal, Sanicle) should be added to
Betonica. These two herbs should be
pounded together and applied. Cooking and drinking a potion also helps
to heal ruptures (rupturam), as long
as the iron bands have been put on
before. III, 551
Porrum (= Allium porrum = Leek, porree): The juice of leek and the dried
roots of Consolida (= Symphytum officinale = Comfrey, Knitbone) have
to be pounded and mixed. The mixture should be applied on the hernia,
which will be healed. III, 554
Paracelsus: Sämtliche Werke, vol. III.
Anger-Verlag Eick
Devil’s Bridge over the river Sihl, right next to Paracelsus’ birthplace
Paracelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
The Philosopher‘s
Alchemic Transmutation of Antimony
Ulrich Arndt
Ulrich Arndt is a journalist and book
author, as well as a member of the
advisory council of the European
Commission of Interdisciplinary
Sciences. He studied German literature, dramatics and political sciences
and worked several years in the editorial team of the magazine “esotera”.
By alchemical transformation, i. e.
transmutation of the element antimony, a significant remedy emerges.
In today’s opinion this process seems
impossible but has now been comprehended at the University of Munich.
No one believed it, but the alchemists
were right!
He attended several trainings in energetic therapies. Today, he is working
as an independent author.
Paracelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
“Of all minerals antimony contains the
highest and strongest Arcanum (remedy). It purifies itself and at the same
time everything else that is impure.
Furthermore, if there is nothing healthy
at all inside the body, it transforms the
impure body into a pure one which
was proved in cases of leprosy.” Thus
Paracelsus praises the extraordinary
healing power of antimony (Sämtliche
Werke, vol. III, Aschner-edition, p. 151).
Reports such as these were the impetus to investigate the preparation of
alchemical remedies such as antimony
in the Medical Faculty of the University in Munich. Whether antimony as
metal is actually transformed in the
alchemic laboratory process was investigated within the framework of a
PhD. In today’s medicine, namely due
to its toxicity, antimony is mostly used
in very little doses as an emetic only.
No one ever thought in the slightest
that a real transformation of the elements would be possible.
The True Reason for “Producing
Alchemy is imprinted into the memory of mankind as an “art of making
gold”. In dictionaries the unavailing
endeavours of the mediaeval quackery is of course emphasized. A socalled transmutation is meant, thus
the transformation of a chemical stable element into another element (instable, radioactive elements degrade
by themselves in the course of centuries or millenniums and therefore
transform themselves into another element). In modern physics such
processes of artificial transformation
with the help of particle accelerators are only possible with enormous
amounts of energy and is only possible with a few select atoms. In Alchemy however, the transformation
for instance of lead or mercury into
gold is considered possible and is actually proof of the supreme art of an
alchemist. Whoever succeeds, is also
able to produce the highest remedy
of Alchemy, “the philosopher‘s stone”.
Thus this “metal-test” is only – admittedly the most spectacular – proof
that an alchemist truly has the highest arcanum at his disposal, and that
he gives his patients no other less laborious and therefore less expensive
elixir instead.
However, the transformation of gold
was not examined at the University
of Munich. With the processing of
antimony, according to the alchemic
laboratory instructions, the medics
unwillingly produced evidence that
in principle such a transformation of
alchemy is possible. “The disappearance of antimony after extraction is
not clarified”, Dr. David Schein sum-
marizes as the result of his PhD. With
this objective observation he skilfully avoids any hints of the absolute
amazement of the scientists facing
this process: this namely means no
less than the caving-in of today’s scientific knowledge of the unalterable
chemical elements.
Furthermore: In the spectacular process carried out, according to ancient
alchemic laboratory-instructions by
Dr. Schein, the poisonous antimony
ore, similar to arsenic, becomes a completely non poisonous remedy. With
this the ancient recipes and reports
on healing by Paracelsus and Basilius
Valentinus, were confirmed in an impressing way. They very much differed
from the healing medication of antimony in the later centuries. Due to
a good reputation, which Paracelsus
enjoyed, the highly praised antimonyremedies were distributed fast. The
knowledge for the correct alchemic
processing, however, was more and
more forgotten and the quacks simply
sold toxic antimony-water. Already in
the middle of the 17th century, this
incorrect use of remedies leads to the
fact that the graduates of medical
universities had to swear never to use
antimony- or mercury-compounds
anymore. Although in 1666 this ban
was abrogated again and it was only
recommended to keep the dose as low
as possible. Only very few still knew
how to process the completely nontoxic antimony-remedies.
A Rediscovered Healing Formula
In 1978 within the framework of his
PhD in the field of medicine, David
Schein wanted to examine the truth
content of ancient instructions for the
production of alchemic remedies from
antimony in a practical way. “Has an
ancient, highly effective healing substance been forgotten?” he asked himself in face of the many ancient medical texts which reported about very
astonishing healing successes due to
a “spit-glass”, as antimony was also
called because of its outer form at
that time. As a matter of fact, the
application of antimony for healing
has been a tradition for thousands of
years. Back in the 16th century B.C. in
“Eber‘s Papyrus” was stated that antimony-compounds could be used successfully for eye diseases. In the first
century A.C. the Roman doctors also
used it against “wild flesh” and ulcers;
and in the Middle Ages it was additionally recommended to treat haemorrhoids, wounds, fistulas, skin cancer, leprosy and other sufferings.
For the first time, Paracelsus described
the inner application of antimony
which in an alchemical way, however,
should be “freed of its toxicity” before that. He described his antimonyprocessing altogether as a universal
remedy for purification of the body of
“toxins”: “In the same way and form
that antimony finishes in gold (in the
sense of cleansing), it will perfect the
body as well. It namely contains the
Essentia, which does not allow anything impure to come together with
the pure” (vol. III, p. 151). Paracelsus
refers here to a very astonishing characteristic of antimony: if one adds it
to a blend of melted metals, it will associate with the containing gold and
part from the “impure” metals. Because antimony seemingly “eats” and
“extracts” the precious metals, it was
also called “wolf of metals” or “the
magnet of the wise” in earlier times.
This apparent magical force of antimony has a similar effect in man as
well. According to the alchemical
processing it also separates the “pure”
from the “impure” and leads the “ill”
(in the sense of the deposited “toxins”,
metabolic waste products and disease-causing agents) out of the body.
According to Paracelsus, antimonium
oil, which he administers together
with the quintessence of balm (melissa), is the most intensive: “... likewise
Antimonium sublimed, calcinated, reverberated and incorporated in oil,
then see what kind of enormous use,
great power, great virtue, quick effect
it reveals and proves” (vol. III, p. 243).
The antimonium-oil “… shall be prescribed in Quinta Essentia Melissae”
(vol. III, p. 151).
In his PhD, David Schein worked according to a formula of the alchemist
Basilius Valentinus who became well
known by his script, “Triumph-Waggon of Antimony”, published in 1604.
The instructions at first sound very
simple if rather laborious: at first antimony-ore, which consists of a mixture of different antimony-oxides and
especially of sulphides, is slowly, gently heated until there are no more
fumes (because of the highly-toxic
vapours amateur alchemists should
not reproduce this process without
a vacuum pump!). Then everything is
melted to glass. This glass can adopt
any colour of the spectrum and Basilius Valentinus and Paracelsus rated
this as a sign of antimony containing all qualities. Depending on the
processing, antimony could also be
used as a kind of universal remedy for
all diseases. In fact, Dr. Schein sucParacelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
T h e Philosopher‘s
ceeded to produce antimony-glass in
the colours red, yellow, orange, green,
brown, grey, white and black in varying the parts of the different antimony-oxides and -sulphides.
Valentinus recommends to use only
golden coloured antimony-glass for
further processing. After cooling one
should grind the antimony-glass very
fine. Concentrated vinegar is then
poured onto the powder for several times until it is coloured red-yellow. Then the powder is doused with
distilled rainwater up to 144 times
and by distillation it is separated
from it again. Then it has – according to Valentinus – strangely a sweet
taste which was also the case in Dr.
Schein‘s processing. Finally the powder is steeped in alcohol. First the liquid will turn black and on its surface
all colours of the rainbow shimmer
anew, and then it will turn red. The so
emerged liquid is an antimony-tincture which is now suitable for inner
Unknown Organic Compounds
As simple as the description of the
production – which takes several
weeks – sounds, it nonetheless holds
countless dangers. Although Basilius
Valentinus was very precise in comparison to other alchemical scripts,
today the ancient language and symbolic codings are enough hindrance
for a simple realisation. On top of
that, according to today’s level of
knowledge in chemistry, certain production steps are simply considered
impracticable and unreasonable. For
instance the described reaction by
Basilius Valentinus about antimonycompounds with acetic acid and al-
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cohol is impossible in today’s opinion.
Therefore, Dr. Schein was prepared
for unpleasant surprises and it was a
real sensation to him, that all of these
“impossible” chemical reactions actually took place in the way they were
described. He had only to follow the
ancient instructions precisely – again
proof for the very precise observation
of nature by the alchemists and their
highly amazing knowledge.
Dr. Schein suspects that by heating up
and melting of antimony to glass, the
physical and spatial structure, thus
the arrangement of molecules of this
toxic metal, changes and is the reason for the unknown chemical reactions which become possible. By this
it can adopt new characteristics. At
the same time, however, he admits:
“There is a phenomenon whose essence cannot be understood with the
help of today’s knowledge.”
Finally the medico could confirm the
non-toxicity of the emanated compounds, for “the antimony-tinctures
are chemically understood neither as
an antimony-compound nor do they
contain dissolved antimony”. Instead
they are complex organic compounds,
which have not yet been examined in
detail. They probably emerge from unknown reactions of vinegar and alcohol, which both are of organic origin,
with antimony as a kind of catalyst.
In this respect it is amazing that in
the course of the alchemic processing the content of toxic antimony in
the solid remaining substance is reduced to about 60 %, and this missing
amount cannot be found in the extracted tinctures. Thus the solid substances contain 31 % pure antimony
before the extraction in alcohol, and
after the processing it contains only
11 %. But the extract itself does not
at all contain anymore pure antimony. Therefore a transmutation of the
element had to take place. The alchemists were very conscious about this
transformation: “Thus principally antimony is nothing but a pure poison,
and not a minor, little and low poison,
but a very high noble poison, through
and through, and even the greatest
poison by which one can execute man
and animal to death,” warns Basilius
Valentinus in his “Triumph-Waggon
of antimony” and continues: “After
the processing of spit-glass one cannot find anymore poison, for antimony has to be completely transformed
by the spagyric art (the alchemical
laboratory-processing) and a remedy
has to emerge from the poison.”
The imperial orb symbolizes antimony, it is held by
The Healing Power of Antimony
Unfortunately, David Schein could
not additionally investigate the real
healing effect of antimony essences within the scope of his doctorate.
His summary is as follows, “It can be
shown that all examined instructions
are correct in the ‘Triumph-Waggon
of Antimony’ ... Although the highly
praised healing effect of the therein
described compounds have not been
taken seriously and have been pronounced toxic, they should now be
taken into consideration with these
new aspects. It should be further investigated as to their value in today’s
What Dr. Schein apparently did not
know: Even today such tinctures from
antimony are produced as a remedy.
Already in the beginning of the 20th
century Baron Alexander von Bernus,
Saturn which stands for the grounding forces of
the metals (from Isaak Hollandus: “Hand des Philosophen” (Philosopher‘s Hand)).
the most renowned alchemist and
founder of the famous “Laboratorium
Soluna” in Donauwörth (Germany) rediscovered the ancient alchemical antimony-recipes of Basilius Valentinus
for the therapy. And about two years
ago, Achim Stockardt, the re-discoverer of the Paracelsus-Gold-Essence
“Aurum Potabile”, also succeeded
in reproducing these high remedies
from antimony according to ancient
formulas of Paracelsus: the antimony-oil combined with the quintessence of balm as “Oleum antimonii”.
According to the experience of doctors and curative practitioners, antimony relieves joint pain and myalgia
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Antimony as the “wolf of metals”: Antimony separates gold from impure
metals, it is symbolized by the wolf eating the sick, old king. With a later
separation by the melting of gold and antimony, pure gold is gained, which
is symbolized in the background by the burned wolf and the reborn king
emerging from the fire (from Michael Maier: “Atlanta fugiens”).
and other sort of pains, which can be
associated with deposits. Besides this,
it effects both sicknesses provoked by
bacteria as well as viral diseases. “It
is, however, not clear if this is due to
direct anti-effects such as with antibiotics, or if the body’s own immune
response is responsible,” admits Anna
Röcker, a curative practitioner from
Munich. Obviously Basilius Valentinus
had an antibacterial application in
mind, if he recommends the intake for
a better wound healing, “so that the
inner source of the wound‘s secretion
is dried up”. Anna Röcker also successfully used antimony compounds
for fungal infections like intestinal
mycosis, Candida Albicans. With its
Antimony “the philosopher‘s magnet”
could actually help “to pull out all of
the impure” such as bacteria, viruses
Paracelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
and fungi as well as certain metabolic
deposits, just as Paracelsus and Basilius Valentinus have described.
Regarded energetically, Antimony is
alchemically considered the “remedy
for grounding” par excellence. Thus
it is capable of re-integrating body,
spirit and soul into the rhythmic cycles on earth. The traditional alchemic symbol for antimony, the “imperial
orb” with the cross above the globe,
depicts the universal integrating effect. It represents the power of the
four elements related to the cyclic
courses of nature. The rhythms within
man also belong to it like the sleepwake rhythm. That is why antimony is
for instance used for sleep disorders,
which may also be related to congestion.
Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, stated that the reason for
the great universal healing power of
antimony lies within a close relationship: Comparable to the human being,
who stands between the animal kingdom and angels, antimony is neither
mineral nor ore, neither crystal nor
metal – both are “beings betwixt”, he
said. Therefore Steiner thought: “Man
is actually antimony.”
Arndt, Ulrich: Schätze der Alchemie:
Edelstein-Essenzen, and Schätze der
Alchemie: Metall-Essenzen. Both:
Freiburg/Germany: Hans-Nietsch-Verlag
Test Reports about the Paracelsusessences (in German only):
www.life-testinstitut.de and www.
Calcium carbonicum
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya was a
spiritual teacher, healer, homoeopath
and author of a number of books. He
gave a synthetic understanding of the
scriptures and their usefulness in daily
life. It was his chosen mission to contribute to the growing awareness and
spiritual fusion between East and West.
Under this series it is proposed to publish the Materia medica of some polychrests and other important drugs. To
have a better idea of the drug picture,
generalities, and mental symptoms
from ”Kent’s Materia Medica”, followed
by the characteristic symptoms of ”Allen’s Keynotes”, have been arranged in
an order. The particulars, which mostly
confuse the students, have been omitted. We feel that this method of study
puts the student to the correct path of
understanding the drugs and understanding the drug picture itself. Under
the sub-heading ”Special Study” most
symptoms, which have been neglected
or not brought out clearly in any text,
are added for the benefit of all. These
are collected from the lectures of Dr. E.
Calcium carbonicum is a very deep
acting and long lasting homoeopathic remedy. It works through months
and years and changes the Calcarea
constitution of the patient. Calcium
is a mineral which is needed for bone
growth, because we find 99 % of
this mineral in the skeleton. Through
a healthy and well-balanced nutri-
tion, the body is supplied with Calcium. Specially for children the intake
of Calcium is important for healthy
bone growth and strong teeth. Often
it is innate to the Calcarea patients
that they are not able to assimilate
the Calcium from the natural food
and make use of it. Such patients are
given Calcium preparations and this is
exactly the wrong way of doing. It is
very important to administer a remedy to the body which enables it to
absorb Calcium. Potentised Calcium
carbonicum is such a remedy.
A single dose of higher potentised
Calcium carbonicum can cause right
digestion of the food and absorption of Calcium from the food by the
child. From one moment to the next
the bones start growing again, they
become stable and the teeth are developing. The treatment with Calcium
is based upon rousing the capacity
to absorb Calcium. This cannot happen by supplying Calcium in large
quantities. Under no circumstances
the crude substance should be given,
which has already highly affected the
development of the child. This is very
The typical Calcarea patients are
flabby, fatty, and plumpy. Their complexion is waxy and chlorotic. Calcarea patients are typical in appearance
with large heads, big bellies, emaciated lower limbs. All tissues, muscles
and blood vessels (especially veins)
are very limp. Frequently this results
in varicose veins and haemorrhoids
with smarting and burning. The Calcarea patients are fatty without any
physical strength. They are with dropsical tendencies and have enlarged
lymph nodes. Their joints are swollen
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with pain and inflammation. They are
rheumatic and gouty. Frequently the
patients have hip joint suffering.
All glands are affected in the body. Inflammation and induration of glands.
Tubercular glands. The ulcers also indurate. This drug can stop the growth
of malignant ulcers. Calcarea can
cure tumours like fatty, cystic and
polypi in nose, ears, vagina, bladder
and in other places. It can also cure
deep abscesses in muscles, thigh and
abdomen. It can also cure the pyemic
state of the abscess which is most insurmountable to allopathy.
Exostoses, caused due to irregular distribution of lime are curable by Calc.
carb. Bones malformation and softening, which leads to curvatures of
bones. With this condition late walking develops due to the weakness of
bones and muscles of legs. Calcarea patient is sensitive to cold winds,
i.e. he is a chilly patient. Sensitive to
stormy and cold weather. He suffers
more in cold season that sets after
warm season. Congestion to head develops and it is hot, yet the patient
feels cold subjectively. The whole body
is cold, specially the feet so that he
feels the need to be wrapped warmly. At various places of the body he
is sweating profusely. During sleep his
pillow is wetted with this sweat.
A typical Calcarea symptom is the
sweat that is breaking on his head
and face at the least exertion, even
if the other parts of the body are not
sweating. As soon as the patient does
not sweat any more he immediately
feels sick, either with head-ache or
with a chill.
A Calcarea patient is generally tired,
exhausted and weak. Every exertion
makes him breathless with flushing
of face. He is so exhausted that he
cannot climb stairs without breathing hard and gasping for breath. He
gets headache or fever after every exertion.
The heart, muscles and the whole
body are weak. His muscles are so
weak that they cannot stand prolonged effort. His circulation is also
weak and every excitement makes his
heart palpitate.
Dread and anxiety, restlessness and
palpitation, despair and hopelessness
are typical Calcarea symptoms.
Mind is also weak as the body. He cannot stand prolonged mental exertion.
After mental and physical exertion he
becomes tired with profuse sweats,
excitability and irritability. Emotionally easily disturbed. The complaints
caused after emotional disturbance,
worry and excitement last for days
and weeks. Inability to apply mind.
He is conscious of his inability of the
mind. With this he thinks that he is
going to become an insane person.
This is the peculiarity of this drug. He
also has fixed idea that he is insane
and fears that people observe it. Day
and night he is awake with the ideas
that people are suspicious at him and
looking at him suspiciously. With this
idea he looks at them suspiciously. He
is troubled even by trifles and cannot
leave these ideas. Brooding over trifles. Passive mental state. The crowding of thoughts disturbs his sleep.
Talking to himself. He talks with conceivable persons. He does all strange
things. He picks his fingers. On closing
the eyes some faces appear to him.
Feels that some one is walking besides him. Hallucinations of horrible
visions. He sees dogs that are coming around him and fights with them.
This much of stress on the mental
plane causes in a hysterical woman,
a tendency to run and scream. She
frequently screams loudly, then becomes quiet and doesn’t talk with any
one. These hysterical manifestations
are mainly caused due to the death
of her child, or husband or any near
and dear. This condition in men leads
to many types of aberrations. A businessman stops his business and sits
in house lazily. Though he is an active
person by birth, he turns lazy during
this spell of insanity.
Calcarea children take all things very
seriously and often they are precocious. Small children like to talk
about spiritual things and the heaven and they want to die early to go
to heaven. Older patients lose the joy
of life. The Calcarea patient is full of
fear, gloomy, tired of life, sad, desperate and hopeless. Always fears that
some evil is going to happen. Though
he wants to die early he has a fear of
death, fears that he will be affected
by T. B. No sound sleep due to horrible
dreams starting with noises.
paper pieces, or pressing the chalk
pieces etc. Trifles make him sleepless
for days and nights. Always wants to
be calm and alone and does not want
to be talked to, but thoughts crowd
in his mind. Mind is calm in company but restless when alone. Nights he
plans many things, which he can’t put
into practice. Monotony. Though he
is busy mentally, lazy physically. He
either rapidly emaciates or becomes
obese. Upper abdomen heavy. Exhaustion with trembling of limbs. In
children milk is vomited and it is sour.
Peculiar craving for raw rice, chalk,
clay etc.
When the above given mentals and
generals are suited the drugs cures
any particular symptoms. So we are
not dealing with the particulars here.
Special Study:
Confusion of mind by continuous
reading. With this confusion he worries about other subjects while reading one subject. He can hardly read
few pages. Comprehension dull and
he reads many times the same lessons. Very anxious that his mind may
fail. He is poor at any figure-work.
Wrong notions about his own mind.
Busy in doing silly things like chewing
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A y u r v e d i c P r i n c i p l e s VII
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar
Massage II
How to Store Oils for Massage
As oils have the ability to absorb and
store the effects of light frequencies
when stored in bottles of different
colours, mixtures may be stored in
tinted bottles in direct sunlight for 40
days to produce special effects. Briefly, an oil kept in a red bottle becomes
hotter in nature while the same oil
stored in a blue bottle becomes cooler. Where extra heat is required, keep
the mixtures 1, 3, and 4* in a red bottle (or mix it from the oil which has
been kept in a red bottle). The cooling
effect of the blue light suits itself to
mixtures 2 and 9*. One should make
a practice especially of keeping mustard oil in a blue bottle in the house
pharmacy, for this oil (kept refrigerated) is the best first-aid treatment for
burns. Hail water, kept frozen, is also
a good burn remedy.
Head Massage
Oil applied to the head is absorbed into
the roots of the hair, which are in turn
connected with the nerves fibres leading directly to the brain. Oil strengthens the hair and reduces dryness –
which is responsible for brittle hair and
many scalp disorders. Third, by relaxing
the muscles and the nerves, fatigue is
eliminated from the system.
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Massage of the forehead also calms
the system and creates good feelings
in the brain, making one feel light
and “high”. Massage of the temples
improves the eyesight and creates a
centred state of awareness.
Foot Massage
A simple mustard oil massage of the
feet nightly, before retiring, cures
numbing of the feet, prevents cold
weather cracking and peeling of the
skin, reduces or eliminates infections
caused by fungi and bacteria, reduces
agitation and promotes sound sleep.
According to the ancient Indian shastras (scriptures), “Disease does not go
near one who massages his feet before sleep, just as snakes do not approach the eagles”.
Simply follow the natural contours of
the foot.
The Cleansing Massage
Indian folk healers evolved a practice
which combines the best elements of
cleansing the body with all the benefits of daily massage. This is the process known as Ubtan.
One begins by making a paste of one
cup of chickpea or whole wheat flour,
1/2 cup of mustard oil and a teaspoon of turmeric. After thoroughly
blending, add enough water to make
a paste the consistency of light cake
butter. The paste of Ubtan should be
applied over the whole body, including the hair. When the mixture begins
to dry and crack, it should be removed
by rubbing, following the same principle of movement outlined earlier*.
According to the Indian folk medicine,
application of Ubtan cures disorders
caused by imbalance of mucous, in-
creases the semen, enhances strength
and stamina, stimulates blood circulation and cures diseases and infection of the skin. The use of Ubtan on
the face relaxes the jaw and cheek
muscles and provides a healthy and
clear complexion.
As soap is the greatest enemy of the
skin as it strips the much-needed
natural oils and chemicals and desiccates the pores, so Ubtan is the greatest cleanser and friend. The turmeric
added to the mixture, provides iodine
in a form which can be directly absorbed through the skin, stimulating
the nerves throughout the system. The
oil and the flour, both cleanse and lubricate – and the oil creates smoothness and glow.
The initial application of the paste
draws the excess heat out of the system, due in large part to the presence
of iodine in the turmeric. The rubbing
which starts after the paste begins to
dry, restores normal temperature, and
draws fresh energy to the surface of
the entire organism.
The semen is carried by the bloodstream throughout the body; then it is
drawn into and expelled by the prostate and testicles only as triggered by
the pituitary gland in the brain. According to the Indian folk medicine,
this Bindu, (Ojas), appears on the
faces of young children and healthy
adults. By applying Ubtan, the semen
is strengthened and the diseases of
the skin and all the three elements of
the body chemistry are cured in due
course of time.
a practice which combines
the best elements of cleansing
the body with all the benefits
of daily massage.
Paste of Ubtan: chickpea flour, mustard oil and turmeric
* see Paracelsus – Health & Healing
issue no. 12/II
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O c c u l t H e a l i n g IV
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar is author of more
than 30 books. He held more than 160
seminars in three continents. His topics comprise the areas of meditation,
astrology, healing, colour, sound, symbolism, time cycles, etc. Among many
other things, Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar
takes care of various social welfare
projects; for example, he has founded
and supports schools and healing
centres in India, where education,
homoeopathic treatment and other
needed help are given free of charge.
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Occult Anatomy
The occult understanding of the body
nature is important for occult healing. From the occult standpoint the
physical body is seen as an automaton. It considers vital body, desire
body and mental body also for purposes of healing. The vital body is run
by the life principle, while the mental and desire bodies are driven by the
principle of awareness. Man incarnates with a purpose, which is called
the will of the soul. It is this will that
determines to be and to do. This will
of man is worked out through form,
which is driven by life force.
The ancients thus recognized two
streams of force. One is of awareness,
of will that functions through the
mind, the senses and the body; the
other is the stream of life that animates the body. The will of man functions as consciousness. Man is selfconscious while animal is not. Animal
too is animated by life, but is not developed in consciousness as much as
the human. The consciousness makes
man a rational thinking entity. The
seat of this consciousness/will is in
the brain, found in the pineal gland.
The other aspect – namely the life
force, which animates every atom of
the body and which constitutes the
principle of coherence and of integration, finds its way to the heart and
is anchored there. From these two
points that is the head and the heart
man tries to work with the equipment, called the body.
Every night during the hours of sleep
the principle of awareness withdraws
itself into itself while the principle
of life functions. Many times awareness (the man as such) goes abroad
and returns during the wakeful hours.
In sleep the magnetic thread or current of energy along with the life
force streams is preserved intact. It
also constitutes the path of return
to the body. In death, this life thread
is snapped or broken. When the life
thread is intact, the conscious entity
(the man) returns back to the body.
When it is cut, it cannot return. The
purpose and will of man utilize the
thread of consciousness, and with the
life current as its means expresses
through the body. This conscious entity is called Atma or Spirit.
This also gives rise to another dimension: that man in sleep migrates elsewhere and does not stay in the body.
Dream experience is an example for
this. Dream experience is an out-ofbody experience. The body rests on the
bed while man moves to experience
known or unknown places or persons,
or both. This exit from the body is from
the pineal. There are some that exit
consciously while many exit unconsciously. The ones who exit consciously are called yogis, while the others
are normal average human beings.
The difference between the two is in
their awareness. The awareness exists
in variant degrees according to the
point of evolution and consequent
development of mechanism. The
mechanism of awareness, consciousness (the human entity), is triple in
expression. There are first of all the
nadis (not the nerves) and the 7 centres of force, whose glandular plexuses are as under:
The head centre
The ajña centre
The throat centre
The heart centre
The solar plexus centre
The sacral centre
The centre of the base of spine
Through these 7 centres and the related glands the first expression of
man takes place.
The second expression is through the
nervous system in its 3 divisions,
n cerebro-spinal
n sympathetic and peripheral nerve
system, and
n the endocrine system.
The third expression is through the
When the quality of behaviour is low,
the functioning of these triple expression gets affected. They, in turn, affect the mechanism. Today, most of
the diseases emerge from endocrine
disturbances, nervous disturbances
and glandular disturbances. To rectify this, a way of life, which is peaceful, non-competitive, non-aggressive,
simple and qualitative seems to be
imperative. The sooner man learns to
carve out such life, the faster he reinstates life.
The pineal gland (1)
The pituitary gland (2)
The thyroid gland (3)
The thymus gland (4)
The pancreas (5)
The gonads (6)
The adrenal glands (7)
| (2)
| (3)
| (4)
| (5)
| (6)(7)
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New Era Healing
The Seven Modes of Healing I
There are seven kinds of healing having a direct relation to the energies
of the seven rays. In future doctors
and healers will more and more deal
with the science of the seven rays and
the seven modes of healing. What the
Paracelsus – Health & Healing magazine imparts about it is only the beginning of a new, fundamental science of healing. Up to now there are
only few familiar with it, and it is very
difficult to find a healer who is sufficiently trained in order to apply the
methods or the seven ways of healing.
The basis for this method of healing is
the study of the seven rays. In order to
work with the rays and to be able to
heal, the healer has to know the ray
qualities of his bodies (mental, astral,
physical body) and of his personality,
particularly also of his soul ray. He
must know how, where and when he
has to use the energies of the soul ray.
For this he needs a certain degree of
illumination and of ray potency, which
he can use and convey accordingly. As
long as this is not the case, these ray
methods and techniques, determining
the use and direction of the ray energies, are of no use. But even when
these fundamentals are missing, it is
useful to deal with this new science
of healing. It is a good service to humanity to do the necessary steps, to
get through a study of the seven rays,
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and to take to the path of perfection.
The fundamentals for this are: taking to the eightfold path of yoga, the
Bhagavad Geeta and the study of the
science of the seven rays. (S.M.)
This section will be short and consists simply of a series of summarized
statements which will provide a textbook for the healer, a reference book
for guidance to which he can refer.
These statements will be under three
1. The Seven Ray Energies.
2. The Rays of the Healer and the Patient.
3. The Seven Healing Techniques.
These statements will complete Volume IV of A Treatise on the Seven
Rays and will carry much information
to the advanced healer. They should
make their healing work more effectual, even though only the preliminary work and elementary rules are
given. Needless to add, the healer has
to perfect himself in this initial activity and – as he works – he may himself
(alone and unaided) penetrate into
the deeper meanings of this phase of
the Ageless Wisdom.
1. The Seven Ray Energies
Fifteen Statements
1. The seven rays embody and express
the totality of energies which circulate throughout our planetary form.
2. These seven ray energies are the
seven forces which unitedly compose
the primary Ray of Love-Wisdom. This
is the second ray of our solar system
and the dominating ray in every planetary expression within the solar system. The seven rays are, all of them,
subsidiary rays of this great cosmic
3. No matter upon which ray the healer may be found, he must always work
through the second subray of that ray
– the ray of love-wisdom in each ray.
By means of this, he becomes connected with or related to the governing soul
and personality rays. The second ray
has the capacity of all-inclusiveness.
4. The second ray and the second
subray on all rays are themselves dual
in expression. The healer must learn
to work through the love aspect and
not through the wisdom aspect. This
takes much training in the practice of
spiritual differentiation.
5. Those vehicles in the form nature
which are on the line of 2–4–6 must
be used by the healer when practicing
the healing art. If he has no vehicles
or bodies on this line of basic energy, he will not be able to heal. This is
seldom realized. It is rare, however, to
an equipment
all second
water and
ray energy outlets.
6. Those healers who are on the second ray, or who are equipped with a
powerful second ray vehicle, are usually great healers. The Christ, being
the truest exponent of the second ray
ever known on earth, was greatest of
all the healing sons of God.
7. The ray of the soul conditions and
determines the technique to be employed. The ray in the personality vehicles most closely related to the second ray (for which all the subrays act
as channels) is the one through which
the healing energy must flow.
8. The second subray of the soul ray
determines the approach to the healing problem immediately confronting
the healer; this energy is transmuted into healing force when passing
through the appropriate personality
vehicle. To be appropriate it must be
on the line of 2–4–6.
9. The appropriate vehicle can be either the mental body or the emotional body. With the mass of men being centered in the astral nature, the
healing will usually be most successful if the healer’s channel of transmission is that body also.
10. A triangle of energies is therefore
formed; it is composed of:
a) The energy of the soul.
b) The appropriate vehicle.
c) The etheric body, through either
the heart or the solar plexus center.
11. Within the etheric body, a secondary triangle is formed for the circulation of energy between:
a) The head center, the center of reception.
b) The ajna center, the center for directed distribution.
c) The center which registers – as the
line of least resistance – the energy of
the soul ray, whichever of the seven
rays that may be.
12. This secondary triangle is related to the primary triangle by an “act
of deliberation.” This is a part of the
technique which I am withholding.
13. The healer who is sincere and experienced can (in default of the esoteric formula producing connection
between the two triangles) do much
to bring about some definite relation
by a deliberate act of faith and by the
firm statement of his fixed intention.
14. The greater triangle is that which
affects the healer and makes him a
transmitting agent; the lesser triangle
is the one which produces the effect
upon the patient and through which
the healer – on the physical plane –
15. The procedure of the healer will
therefore fall into three parts, prior to
the conscious act of healing:
Process One:
a) The healer will definitely and consciously link up with his own soul.
b) He will then determine which of
his personality vehicles is to be used;
this will be based upon its reaction to
energies, channeling along the line 2–
c) By an act of the will he will then
relate the soul energy, via the desired
vehicle, with the appropriate center
in the etheric body; the heart or the
solar plexus, always preferably the
Process Two:
a) He will next create the secondary triangle by focusing his attention
in the center of reception, the head
b) He will then connect this head
center, through the power of the creative imagination, with the center between the eyebrows, and will hold the
energy there because it is the directing agency.
c) He will endeavor to gather into this
ajna center the energy of that center
within his etheric body which is related to his soul ray.
Process Three:
He then, with deliberation, performs
the act of linking the two triangles;
once this is done, he is ready for the
healing action.
Bailey, Alice A.: Esoteric Healing. New
York: Lucis Trust, pp. 695–698.
Compiled by Sabine Mrosek.
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M e d i c i n e a n d Ta o i s m
i n Tr a d i t i o n a l C h i n a I
Catherine Despeux
Catherine Despeux, Maître de Conférences at the Institut National des
Langues et Civilisations Orientales
in Paris has a profound knowledge
of Taoism and Traditional Chinese
Medicine. The main areas of her
research are the techniques for
maintaining health and practices of
longevity of traditional China.
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Several thousand years before our
time, at the time of the emperor Yao,
Pengzu, “the patriarch of the city of
Peng”, was living in China. Tradition
accords him an age of more than 800
years. He became a symbol of longevity and is venerated equally by both
doctors and Taoists. He was said to be
a shaman and Chinese culture considered him to be the first Chinese doctor
known by name. The legend goes that
Peng, Xian and other shamans went
to the dry regions of the far west to
the top of the mountain of the supernatural spirits (Lingshan) in order to
communicate with the spirits and to
find wild herbs. It is said that Pengzu,
a descendant of the Yellow Emperor
Huangdi, was a master of the “art
of nourishing life” (yangshen), using
a range of methods from diets, lifestyles, as well as gymnastics, breathing exercises and spiritual techniques,
which were later adopted in particular by the Taoists.
Although Chinese medicine gradually
moved away from folklore and shamanism to become a scholarly medicine, a development which coincided
with the founding of the central state
of China (4th–3rd century B.C.), it preserved its archaic forms through pop-
ular medical remedies. Chinese medicine is traditionally linked to three
mythical figures of Chinese civilisation: the Yellow Emperor (Huangdi),
the Divine Farmer (Shennong), known
as the Father of Pharmacopoeia1, and
Fuxi, who is credited with the discovery of the eight trigrams, which are
based on the notions of the Qi2 movement as Yin and Yang.
Taoism came into being with Laozi
(5th century B.C.), who is credited with
the Book of the Path (Tao) and Virtue, a collection of aphorisms on the
art of governing one’s life or a kingdom. Taoism fully blossomed a century later at the time of Zhuangzi, the
most important figure in the way of
Taoist thinking. The Yellow Emperor
(Huangdi) and Laozi became the masters of disciples who created the socalled “Huanglao school of thought”,
for they represented a view of a world
and life which was said to have come
from those two masters Huangdi and
Laotzi, and who attached a particular significance to techniques of ensuring longevity. These were later
more or less absorbed into religious
Taoism and developed further. At the
beginning of the Christian era, Laozi
was declared divine and the master
of various political-religious movements. These were the beginnings of
the great religion known as Taoism,
which later took on several forms. In
summary, two main aspects of this
religion can be identified: one is represented by the School of Heavenly Masters and attaches a particular
significance to religious rituals and a
codified social life. The other is represented by the Lao Mountain Movement (near Nankin) and accents indi-
vidual salvation and the development
of techniques of longevity.
With emergence of these two Taoist religious movements the difference between medicine and Taoism
was emphasized, without creating a
schism however, because their conceptions of life, illness and therapies are very similar. One could say
that wherever medicine healed, Taoism nourished and sustained life. We
must put aside our western categories
of thinking which lead to a separation
of illness and health: like the Taoist,
the doctor should not only heal the ill
but preserve health and inhibit sickness. That way the Taoist contributes
to personal and social well-being, because healing and ruling come from
the same procedure and are expressed
in Chinese as zhi, literally meaning “to
bring order”. In the Suwen, the book
of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the
following appears:
“The wise man does not bring order to
(cure) the sick, but restores the state
of things before the sickness came.
He does not bring order to (rule) a
country in civil commotion, he puts
in order a country which is not yet in
disorder. To treat a sickness medically which has already appeared, or to
bring order to a country where civil
commotion reigns already, is that not
rather like digging a well when one
is already thirsty, or melting down
weapons after the war has started –
that is to say, is one not acting too
Thus Taoism and medicine have always been closely connected, because
both have conceptions of life going
back to the Qi concept, which is often
loosely translated as “energy”.
Qi, the Foundation of Life
Life is created through Qi. This idea
is firmly anchored in Chinese culture.
One of the first to express it was the
Taoist thinker Zhuangzi, who said:
“Human life is created from an accumulation of Qi. When Qi accumulates life begins, when it dissipates
death comes.” Qi, which is both water
and fire, produces the movement, the
dynamic of life, and by its flexibility
and circulation it creates, on the one
hand, unity and integrity within the
human body and, on the other, between the human body and the universe. Unity in movement. Thus Qi is
at the same time immutable and constantly changing. It expresses itself
in movement, adopts various forms,
is self-perpetuating, and yet retains
its essential unity. Qi expresses itself
uniquely in various ways, from the
various material forms to the feelings
and to the manifold happy and unhappy events in life.
In both the human body as well as in
the universe, Qi mainly appears in two
complementary forms which are as
inseparable as day and night: Yin as
the night, the shadow, the moon and
the female, and Yang representing the
day, the light, the sun and the male.
Yin and Yang produce each other, the
peak of the one leads to the birth of
the other. They develop in the context of an unbroken cycle, and, corresponding to the cycles of days and
seasons, give a rhythm to the life and
flow of Qi.
Qi furthermore appears as five phases called the five active forces or the
five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. These are connected to
the four seasons plus the period in-
between summer and autumn, to the
five primary colours, the five senses,
the five cardinal points (the fifth being the centre), the five organs (liver,
heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys) and
the various parts of the body. This entire system of relationships, which
keeps everything in order, enables
medicine to investigate how the organism is working and to find out, for
example, through an investigation of
colours, which organ is functioning
less well.
Illness and Health
Chinese wisdom says that at the creation of life the father’s sperm and the
mother’s blood, two forms of Qi, unite
and mingle to form the embryo which
grows and develops in the Qi of the
mother’s womb. So, at birth the individual has a potential for life called
“authentic Qi” (zhenqi) which through
the whole of life must be protected,
nourished and perfected. Man only
receives his full Qi at puberty, i. e. at
16 for a man and 14 for a woman,
whereby these numbers have a symbolic meaning.
Health is preserved in the body
through two forms of Qi: the protective Qi which forms a barrier to
protect man from all external aggression and which circulates in all
spaces and gaps within the body, and
the nourishing Qi which circulates in
the blood. Health is also protected by
a suitable lifestyle and behaviour, a
well-balanced diet and through various techniques which “nourish life”
To be healthy, accordingly, means on
the one hand to nourish life and on
the other to protect it. To do so, one
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Medicine and
Taoism in
Tr a ditional China I
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must maintain one’s integrity and
constantly keep the “highest equilibrium” (talping) by which the great
peace will be expressed which should
reign in the world. This demands a
constant awareness, a constant observation of the state of the world,
since to change one component of the
whole provokes another change to restore the equilibrium, which is where
the basic idea of Chinese culture zhi
or “order” originates. This term means
“to rule” as well as “to heal”. Health
can be guaranteed by adapting to the
natural rhythms and by maintaining the universal harmony through a
constant adjustment and awareness
of unity.
From the ideas presented here, it can
be seen that illness is both foreseeable and avoidable. Every consciously living individual can recognize
an internal or external disturbance
and resist with a fortified defence
to maintain his or her integrity. It is
for this reason that the Chinese have
placed so much emphasis on preventive medicine, which, theoretically at
least, was the main task of the doctor.
The Taoist, for whom the purpose of
life is to follow the path (Tao) to the
roots of life, can do this only when
he is in good health. Alternatively, as
soon as following the path, she or he
is in harmony with nature and maintains integrity as well as is protected
against illness.
For the doctor as well as for the Taoist, human beings attain full Qi only
at puberty. To maintain this potential one must avoid damaging it and
correspondingly inhibiting ageing.
Ageing, which in our western culture
seems normal and unavoidable, seems
to the Chinese to be an almost pathological phenomenon. It is the Taoists
who have devoted most of their attention to the means of inhibiting ageing
and, thanks to their techniques, to get
to their end in full possession of their
physical capabilities and of youthful
appearance. They refined the quality of their Qi with their return to the
unity, as well as the ability to communicate and exchange with the Qi of
the universe. With this, they accomplish a permanent regeneration.
This approach to life is not without its
limitations which can be summarized
as follows: moderation in all things
and keeping the golden mean. Keeping
the golden mean is a term so rooted
in Chinese culture that it has stamped
its meaning even on the name of the
country: Zhongguo – the “empire of
the mean”. Self-control and control
in every situation are necessary to
avoid being overwhelmed by various
emotions. On the other hand this approach to life produces an extraordinary freedom to become a full human
being. A human being living in harmony radiates this into his or her environment, and becomes completely
autonomous. These ideas rest on the
firm conviction that every individual
can be the master of his or her own
life. Taoist writings constantly repeat
that “fate depends on every individual, not only on the universe”. Each
individual is therefore responsible for
his/her own health and can maintain
it by following the path of Tao.
(to be continued)
“Pharmacopoeia”: Book of Medicines – the official prescribed text for
professional development and examination, also for preparation, storage
and dosage of medicines, which are
thereby standardized.
In western languages “breathing”
is often used to represent the Chinese
word Qi. In the original version of this
article, the author uses the French
word “souffle” or “souffle vital”, but
sometimes also includes the word Qi
in brackets. Masters of Qi Gong assert that Qi in the body operates in-
dependently of breathing. The reader
should therefore note that the word Qi
replaces the word breathing (“souffle”
in French), since an adequate western
translation of Qi, which is translated
as Ki in Japanese and Prana in India,
in my opinion does not exist in the
modern western languages. The often
used expression “energy of life” only
partially renders the meaning. (B. Pfl.M.)
from: Arts et Vie Plus No.4 May/June
Q i is both water and fire
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Quantum Physics and
C o n s c i o u s n e s s II
Dr. Inmaculada Nogués
Dr. Inmaculada Nogués is a family
physician, a Homoeopathy practitioner, and a Syntergetic. She has
her medical office in Barcelona,
Spain. Syntergetics is a holistic approach of synthesis to medicine, or
Medicine of Consciousness, created
by dr. Jorge Carvajal in Colombia
From the determinist mechanicist
Newtonian model of the XVII century,
we are now passing over to the indeterminist quantum model in which
the present cannot be known in fullest
detail, and there is an interaction between the observer and the observed.
A subjective world transcends the law
of cause and effect where perception
is a fundamental part and the behaviour of particles depends upon the
observer and the study’s layout.
Some basic characteristics are:
n Wave-Particle Duality.
n Coherence: a property of the quantum world.
n Non locality.
n Indetermination.
Wave-Particle Duality
Mind-body duality is the reflection of
the wave-particle duality. The physical body is the material aspect,
whereas consciousness is the waveaspect. There is a remarkable experiment in quantum physics – Young’s
Double-slit Experiment – in which it
is proved that consciousness operates displacing the equilibrium, and
that there is an internal dialogue between the researcher, the elementary
particles and the consciousness of the
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researcher. Wherever the researcher
fixes his attention, the experiment’s
result gets altered.
Let us ponder on the importance of
this fact, being aware that the world
of subatomic particles is there in all
the matter (… and we are formed by
matter …).
Coherence: a Property of the Quantum World
This is the essence of magnetism, of
the laser light, of highly coherent
mental states of consciousness …
The concept of “field” plays a preponderant role in the interaction of
all the systems in nature. Each body
generates a “field” around itself modifying the properties of the surrounding space. Physics itself no longer
considers matter and its particles
alone, but accepts the fact that the
“field” exerts an important function in
the interaction of all systems. The generated field is intrinsically linked to
the four fundamental forces:
n gravitational force.
n electromagnetic force.
n weak nuclear force.
n strong nuclear force.
These forces control the behaviour
of all the matter as well as the biological, chemical and nuclear phenomena. Due to these forces everything
remains in marvellous cohesion and
In the XVII century Isaac Newton
comprehended the concept of gravitational attraction as the law of universal gravitation. All material objects
are attracted to each other. Matter
has a property according to which
every particle in the universe exerts
an attraction force upon other parti-
cle through its mass. This force is responsible for the attraction and cohesion of all heavenly bodies.
During the first half of the XIX century, a multitude of basic discoveries on
electricity and magnetism were made.
One of the most noted researchers
was Hans Christian Oersted, professor of physics in Copenhague, who
in 1820 discovered the relation between electricity and magnetism. The
electromagnetic force consists of two
fields deeply interlinked: the electrical field and the magnetic field.
The magnets show us the existence
of lines of magnetic force building a
field, as well as how the bodies bearing a distinct charge attract each
other and those bearing an identical charge repel each other. With this
example, we can see how the “field”
ordains the disposition of the particles – an invisible mould of what further ahead takes shape.
Our planet bears a magnetic field having a value of approximately 500
milliGauss, and all the human beings
are subject to its effect. But not only
the Earth, but also the Sun and the
Moon themselves as moving masses
also possess their own electromagnetic fields affecting us continuously;
and not only us, but the entire solar
system, as well.
It is known that if we split a magnet, each part remains a magnet itself; smaller, but with new poles. This
magnetic property is a characteristc
residing in matter itself; in its atoms.
Therefore, magnetism is closely linked
to the very existence of the atoms:
they are the atomic electrons with
their spin which on turning produce
magnetic fields. Spinning is a quan-
tum characteristic. In this way, we
can represent atoms and molecules
as minute magnets. In a non-magnetised iron bar, the atoms are placed in
a disordered manner and the magnetic parts of the atoms neutralize each
other, for the atoms are just disorderly placed in all directions. In a magnet
or a magnetised bar all of its atoms
are oriented and ordered into space.
By its poles, each atom enhances the
magnetic effect, thus forming a magnet. Hence, what distinguishes a magnet from a non-magnetised iron bar
is the orderly disposition of its particles. Coherence, order and harmony
are indispensable to create a magnet
having the quality of being attractive
and bringing order.
Our heart produces the most powerful
electromagnetic field in the body. It is
a Master Electric Oscilator. It corresponds to the fourth energetic centre;
a synthesis centre producing an electrical potential 5,000 times greater
than all of the electrical fields in the
body. Even within a reach of 3 mts.
round, the magnetic field of our
body is involving our patients. When
we center our consciousness on our
heart, we can achieve an overall harmonisation of all our electromagnetic field. We are permanently creating
harmony or disharmony in accordance with our state of awareness. In the
heart the inner confidence is born,
and this inner confidence expresses
itself as coherence.
When the heart gets contracted, it carries in a sound wave, a thermic wave,
a pressure wave, a magnetic wave.
It carries a whole pack of information or frequencies literally bathing
the entire body. When an alteration
takes place in the heart, all the cells
in the body go altered in turn. And,
what varies the pattern of the heart
frequency? Emotions do. All emotions
are born from Fear or from Love.
There exist two physiologies: the physiology of Love and the physiology of
Fear. “The art of Therapeutics is to revive the physiology of Love.”
One of the prime rules in the doctor-patient relationship is “being here
and now”; being present, listening
with all our senses. We must resonate with our interlocutor and develop an atmosphere of trust. Trust
is a magnet facilitating relation and
eliminating every escapist feeling or
the feelings of dread and desertion.
When we center our consciousness
on our heart, a comprehensive harmonization of our electromagnetic
field comes about (extending itself
across the range included with our
arms open wide), for our heart is the
Master Magnetic Oscillator. Our brain
hemispheres become harmonized on
the Alfa (α) fequency, at a superficial
level and at a deep level as well and,
our limbic system (which operates our
emotional potential) gets in turn harmonised.
In this state of consciousness and coherence, just as a harmonising magnet, a greater coherence ever is produced, and the therapist, being in
phase, makes the patient also enter into phase. A therapist being in
this state emits through his hands a
very faint pulsing magnetic field at a
rate of 7.8 cycles per second or 7.8
Hertz. And this is relevant since the
pulse of the Earth’s magnetic field oscillates from 0.1 up to 30 cycles per
second but, the most important pulParacelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
Phys ics and
Consciousness II
sating frequency of the Earth’s magnetic field is also 7.8 Hertz or cycles
per second. A therapist is able to restore the lost 7.8-c/s vibration in the
patient and re-connect him harmoniously anew with the Earth.
Synchronisation enables resonance
and communication. In this state,
therapeutic images may be transmitted which – from the brain being
in coherence with the patient’s and,
both being harmonised and in resonance – have a profound physiological and therapeutic effect. Here is the
importance of the relaxation techniques leading us into the Alfa state
and further visualisation.
Non Locality
The principle of Non Locality expounds the actions on a distance basis (an experiment by Einstein-Podolski-Rosen).
In this concern, Quantum Physics introduces us to the fact that in the
subatomic world an instantaneous
transmission of information occurs,
thus presenting the Principle of Non
Locality. In 1982 Alain Aspect measured the polarisation in a pair of photons of low frequency emitted by a
lone source, and demonstrated that
each of the photons instantaneously
“knew” what its partner has done. It
is as if “each point in the space-time
web holds the information of the entire system”. This gave rise to the idea
of the universe as an immense Cosmic
Hologram with an unlimited amount
of information. In the hologram we
find a unique model for understanding the energetic structure of the
Universe, as much as the multidimensionality of the human being.
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In 1947 the physicist Denis Gabor described the mathematical principle
of the hologram; a discovery which
would later on made him worthy of
the Nobel Prize.
Holography is a photographic technique in which tri-dimensional images are obtained which are called
holograms. A hologram is truly an
image in 3 dimensions. But another
very important property of the hologram is that, by cutting out a piece
of the holographic film and projecting
laser light through this piece, we do
obtain the image of the whole object
and not only of the cut-off piece!; we
obtain the image of the intact object
in three dimensions. This is the Holographic Principle: “each part contains
the whole, and the whole is contained
in the part”.
This concept is revolutionising all
branches of science and schools of
thought. Many are the scientists
working in this direction, among
whom two figures outstand, namely,
the neurosurgeon Karl Pribran and the
physicist David Bohn.
Karl Pribran has researched into memory and brain functioning, and his studies have lead to the conclusion that
in many aspects our brain works as a
hologram. If our brain truly works as a
hologram, we may have an access to
a Greater Whole, to a field, or – as he
calls it – “a sphere of holistic frequency”
in which the limits of space and time
are transcended. We can connect with
a state of awareness in which we may
have an access to the Whole, the Unity,
the non-space non-time, hence comprehending the mystical experiences
of unity so universally described by the
mystics and the wise of all times.
On the other hand, the English physicist David Bohn has worked on subatomic phyiscs and quantum potential, and his studies have led him to
conclude that the physical, material entities appearing as separate in
space and time are joined indeed in a
unified field, interlinked in an underlying way or – as he himself expresses
– “implicitly”. For him, two dimensions
or spheres exist:
1st- of Manifestation “explicit sphere”
where things and events are separate;
where space and time act their role.
2nd- of Non-Manifestation, “implicit
sphere” existing underneath appearance, where things and events are
spaceless, timeless, unique and indivisible. The mystical experiences of
Unity could be explained upon connecting with this sphere.
The quantum world is undetermined.
And this Indetermination Principle
(Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle)
also manifests itself in the physiology
of our brain, namely, in the sympatic
connection – in the synaptic space.
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
has made its entry a long time ago
into the language of sociologists and
psychologists, using the term “quantum leap” whenever they refer to
any sudden change. Presently, neurophysiology necessitates that quantum physics phenomena are taken
into consideration in order to fathom
consciousness. Researchers intending
to penetrate the mysteries of mind’s
interaction with matter are focusing
upon the study of quantum events
occurring within and between neurons in the brain. The space between
two neurons – synaptic gap or synaptic cleft – is of such a minimum
magnitude, around 200 and 300 Amstroms, therefore entering the field of
quantum physics.
In 1970 the neurologist John C. Eccles as well as other neurologists have
contributed data on the influence of
the ephemeral mind acting upon the
static matter. Eccles remarked that
the synaptic vesicle, where the neurotransmitters are stored, is a nearly
spheric structure of 400A in diameter.
Eddigton studied these vesicles and
concluded that the uncertainty principle of quantum physics was indeed
applicable unto an object of this size,
figuring out the uncertainty as of 50A
in a millisecond. This rate is highly
important and meaningful since 50A
may be the magnitude order at which
consciousness probably operates in
interaction with the brain’s neurophysiological mechanisms. In other
words, 50A may be the measure of
“Free-Will” or “mental influence”.
Quantum Physics, Consciousness, Coherence, Electromagnetic Field, Heart:
Master Magnetic Oscilator; Resonance, Induction, Unified Field, Non
Locality, Uncertainty Principle, Indetermination. All of these may be concepts starting to resonate in our consciousness – doors opening before us;
conductive threads allowing us further into the wonder of our Self and
the whole of Creation as well.
We are prone to taking a “quantum leap” in our consciousness and,
so passing through onto a new orbit
where harmony, peace, and coherence
are an integral part of our physiology
and existence.
We may be able to understand that
the weak nuclear force – that electromagnetic force being nearly one
million times less than the strong
nuclear force – is responsible for the
transmutation of the neutron into a
proton, or the transmutation of matter; that it takes part in the process
of transformation of an electron into
an antineutrino – a subatomic particle capable of crossing through the
Earth as if it were an empty space,
and whose main source is the Sun,
the life source.
We may be understanding that at the
heart of the atom, within the protons
and neurons, there acts a marvellous cohesive force. This force keeps
the quarks inter-joined (which in
turn have an immense potency 1,039
times greater than the gravitational
force), and that the actors of this cohesion are the gluons, which join and
give cohesion absolutely to everything. This is the direct expression of
the most sublime of energies, the Life
energy: the energy of Love.
Quantum mechanical model of an atom
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A Therapy for the
F u t u r e VI
Method: Medical Bioresonance
Gerhard L. Rummel, MD
G. Rummel, MD, has been working as
a general practioner for more than 30
years. Being a physician for sports medicine, he also developed various methods
for early mobilisation. Beside that, he is
also an expert of alternative methods
such as acupuncture, neural therapy,
and chiropractice. What fascinated him
most was Bioresonance, which he came
to know in 1996 and gradually evolved
into a completely innovative method.
It is based on the fundaments of traditional medicine and scientifically
analyses the effect of Bioresonance.
In 1997 he founded the Medizinische
Gesellschaft für Bioresonanz (Medical
Society for Bioresonance).
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Candida Infections
Candida infection is the most common associated infection in allergic
patients which is also most often underestimated. The infection is minimized by orthodox medicine, while alternative medicine considers it as key
to a wide range of diseases. What indeed are Candida? Candida stands for
a group of Candida fungi which are
normally found in the intestines of
humans. Colloquially one also speaks
of “intestinal fungi“. Literature on this
disease and the related therapies can
be found on the list of any publishing house under the section medical
information for professionals and laymen. There are specialists who take a
lot of money to treat the problem by
means of infusions, diets, colon irrigation, ozone therapy, oxygen therapy
etc. There are more books on fungus
diets than on Bioresonance in total.
If all those treatments and recommendations were successful, Candida
would have long been eradicated.
This is why I would like to approach
this sensitive topic from different angles to make clear that Candida is
not merely an infection, but part of
a complex system, which requires to
place this infection in a larger frame-
work. However, I would also like to
emphasize that I can show guaranteed results by applying my own
method, which, in 90 % of all cases,
leads to a permanent elimination of
the problem.
The physicians H. H. Charles and
H. Fink write in their book on Candida: “The findings of the past few years
clearly show that Candida infections
are caused by an immune deficiency
and that it is not enough to fight intestinal fungi with antimycotics. It is
obvious that at the same time the immune system has to be reinforced.“
This statement suggests a more holistic understanding, but it is only
one important part of the story. The
basic question is, why an intestinal
parasite which occurs in every human, can turn into an infection. The
analogy to the helicobacter infection
is quite evident. The allergy causes an
inflammation of the intestines, and
the inflamed mucosa is the ground on
which the helicobacter thrives. An illustrative example is the infection of
a small skin abrasion after dirty work.
An intact skin does not get infected!
Bacteria can enter only through damaged parts of the skin and trigger an
The essential cause for a multiplication of Candida lies in an allergy-induced inflammation of the intestinal
mucosa. The second cause is to be
seen in the reduced defense mechanism of the immune system. It is only
the combination of these two factors which exceeds the pathological
threshold thus resulting in an infection. The following chart shows the
symptoms which may occur in relation with a Candida infection.
Clinical Symptoms of Candida
n fatigue
n depression
n neuralgias
n vertigo
n “heart disorder“
n panic attacks
n sweat
n aggression
n inner cold / freezing
n lack of concentration
n sleep disorders
n itching
n stomach troubles
n blocked nose
n constipation / diarrhea
n “fidgeter“
n flatulence
n dandruffs
n hunger for sweets
n menstruation pains
n adephagia
n prostatitis
These are the most frequently mentioned symptoms associated with
Candida infection. The number of
symptoms correlates to the severity
of the infection.
Many patients may identify with these
symptoms and finally get rid of the
stigma that they were psychopathic persons. Doctors are too quick to
classify patients as mentally sick persons and most patients suffering from
such symptoms had consulted “neurologists“ for their neuralgias before.
They were often prescribed antipsychotic drugs. Many patients resign
and hush up their symptoms. Almost
all patients with a long list of troubles
had consulted various specialists, who
confirmed that they were “healthy”,
although they could not explain their
problems. Almost every patient brings
a folder full with “normal” findings
which fail to provide an explanation
for their complaints.
To illustrate this fact, I would like
to tell the story of a female patient,
which may seem exaggerated to
many, but I have heard similar stories hundreds of times before. The
elder lady came to me for a consultation on Bioresonance and carried
with her a thick folder containing her
past physical examinations. The folder contained findings of a university
clinic, of five different specialists as
well as a list of medicaments. I asked
her to report her symptoms first. Until
five years ago she was a joyful person,
went to club parties, wrote carnival
verses, loved dancing and was only
rarely sick. After an “influenca” she
hardly recovered and was prescribed
antibiotics after she had bronchitis. As the symptoms remained, she
was repeatedly given various antibiotics and instructed to take each for
five cycles of eight to ten days in total. The fever disappeared, but the
cough remained and her whole body
was painful. She became increasingly
weak. Her mouth was dry, her tongue
coated, and she always had to drink
sparkling mineral water, because her
lips were dry and the saliva was white
and sticky. In addition, she suffered
from sleep disorders, flatulence and
had to lie down in the morning, because she felt dead tired already after two hours. She stopped going out,
was no longer interested in anything
and refused to visit a doctor, after she
had had many physical examinations
without results. The painkillers only
helped modestly and finally she was
offered morphine. At the same time
her mother-in-law got cancer and she
had to take care of her day and night.
Eventually she was convinced having
cancer herself.
In her need she tried different healing
practitioners, who, at least, took her
seriously and tried to help with homoeopathy. Even the usual diets and
colonic irrigations brought no success. One healing practitioner diagnosed Candida infection.
This quite typical story shows the
devastating effects on a patient most
probably due to a virus infection. The
life of such a patient is completely
destroyed, while orthodox medicine
often regards him or her as a hypochondriac. Thanks to Bioresonance,
this patient rediscovered her love of
life. The Candida infection was only
the consequence of an uncontrolled
use of antibiotics which completely
ruined the immune system. The real
trigger was a mononucleosis (Kissing
disease = important virus infection)
together with serious family problems. This combination can lead to
such an immune response without an
allergy as trigger.
Virus infection + stress +
antibiotics Ë
immune suppression + Candida
infection Ë
We are dealing with a multifaceted
problem, which starts with a virus infection followed by a Candida infection. Fungal infections are widespread
and more common than believed.
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A Therapy for
the Future VI
Here are some official statistics taken
from the “Deutsche Ärzteblatt” (German Medical Journal):
20 % skin mycosis
20 % of women have vaginal mycosis
15 % nail mycosis
According to the statistics, about
30% of our population are infected
with Candida, which also corresponds
to the number of allergic persons. The
real number of allergic persons is far
higher, because diseases of the neural organ and partly also of the digestive organ are not officially counted
among allergies.
Factors which promote the overgrowth
of Candida include:
1. antibiotics
2. cortisone
3. immunosuppressive drugs and irradiation
4. toxins
5. stress
6. virus infections
Antibiotics lead to a reduction of the
intestinal flora so that the inner equi-
librium is disturbed and fosters the
development of Candida. Cortisone
has a weakening effect on the immune system, just like immunosuppressive drugs, irradiation or toxins.
Stress has a similar effect.
The role of virus infections is considered in a separate chapter. These infections represent a particularly aggressive form of stress. In allergic
persons with a weakened immune
system, such infections lead to much
more harmful effects.
The Candida Law
To illustrate the interrelationships and
the importance of a Candida infection
in allergic persons, the so called “Candida law” was formulated.
(see below)
The chart shows a linear dependency of
the severity of a Candida infection with
the number of allergies on one side and
the severity of residual infections in
the body due to virus infections on the
Candida infections
Normal range
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normal wall-residing
intestinal bacteria
immune defense body
intestinal mucus
intestinal cell
immune cell
between intestinal cells
defense cell
other side. Consequently, the number
of required therapies does not grow in
linear proportions, but exponentially.
Essentially, the result correlates with
the burden on the immune system.
Treatment of Candida Infections
Candida infections can only be treated on the basis of an overall strategy. If we analyze diets such as fasting cures, carbohydrate-free diets and
colon therapies from a medical standpoint, we also have to take into account the anatomic structures.
(see above)
As the illustration shows, Candida
swims on the mucus and additionally has “tentacles” (myceles) which
serve to cling to the intestinal wall
Becher’s cells
for nourishment. There is little chance
of “starving” the fungus, because it is
nourished through the mucosa. Mechanic principles, such as colon irrigations, also make little sense.
My own statistics based on different diets revealed that patients living on mixed diet and vegetarian food
achieved best results in the stool test.
Fasting cures showed partially dramatic side-effects.
The only possibility to treat Candida
effectively is to eliminate the causes
which lead to the mycosis. If the status of the immune system and the allergy is not improved, the therapy will
only have a transitory effect.
A further problem that cannot be
sufficiently explained yet are toxins
formed by the disintegration of Can-
basal membrane
dida. They often lead to recurrent episodes of an allergy. After a treatment
with antimycotics, similar symptoms
often appear within one day, which
clearly correspond with Candida. In
case of urticaria, the use of antimycotics triggers episodes in many patients.
Taken from: Rummel, Gerhard L.:
Bioresonanz – Therapie der Zukunft.
Elztal: Verlag Laub GmbH & Co. KG, 2003
Further information: Medizinische
Gesellschaft für Bioresonanz,
Paracelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
The Ethical
“Law in Me“
Forms the Basis of
Psychosomatic Therapy
Professor Max Lüscher, M.D., Lucerne
Max Lüscher studied psychiatry and
earned a doctorate in the fields of philosophy, psychology and the philosophy
Plato attempted to give a definition
of the “supreme good“. Aristotle was
the first to write an extensive treatise
on ethics. Since that time, ethics has
been a major subject of philosophy.
Kant defined it as the “moral law in
me”. Even Spinoza and, more recently,
Nikolai Hartmann (1882–1951) were
convinced that ethics could be logically and scientifically proven just like
the laws of geometry.
By introducing the logic categories of
regulation psychology, it became possible to logically prove “the law in me“.
The psycho-physiological regulation
system, which we call „psyche“, regulates our emotions and motivations
(limbic diencephalons, thalamus and
amygdale) with the help of three logically defined polarities.
of law with his excellent dissertation on
“Colour as a diagnostic tool in psychology”. He worked as a psychotherapist
in Basel and Berlin before he made his
home in Lucerne/Switzerland, where he
is the head of the Institute of Psycho-
The 6 logical categories are:
1. directive
2. constant
3. integrative
medical Diagnostics and contributes to
scientific work on Lüscher-Color-Diagnostics and therapy. The main emphasis
of his activities is on training seminars
The combination of these 6 categories leads to 4 logically motivated, natural feelings of self. These four natural feelings of self serve as the basis
for psychosomatic health.
for physicians and guest lectures. The
Lüscher-Color-Diagnostics are taught in
seven languages, and it is used at many
universities throughout the world.
The self-esteem
The self-confidence
The inner contentment
The inner freedom
(directive, constant, separative).
(directive variable, integrative).
(receptive, constant, integrative).
(receptive, variable, separative).
Those who live in accordance with their natural feelings act naturally with
others, that is, ethically.
The 6 categories constitute the 6 ethical principles.
The category
corresponds to
The category
corresponds to
The category
corresponds to
The category
corresponds to
The category
corresponds to
The category
corresponds to
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Example no° 1: The category receptive:
Both inner freedom and inner contentment are receptive. Inner freedom
is open and can accept new things.
Inner contentment is modest and tolerant. The two receptive feelings of
self constitute the pre-condition for
the ethical conduct of Tolerance.
Example no° 2: The category integrative:
Inner contentment and self-confidence, are both integrative. Inner
contentment makes us modest and
understanding. Those who have selfconfidence are able to commit themselves to a cause and extend help.
Both of these integrative feelings
constitute the pre-condition for the
ethical value of Benevolence. Benevolence has been considered the central theme of ethics by English and
American philosophers (e. g. Butler,
Hume, Smith and James, Dewey).
Example no° 3: The category separative:
Self-esteem and inner freedom, are
both separative. Those who have selfesteem act sincerely and want to exercise objective judgement. Whoever
feels free inside, is open and can give
independent judgement. These feelings
preclude the ethical value of Justice.
These four natural feelings as well
as the ethical standards substantiated by these categories constitute
the pre-condition for psychosomatic
health. It is therefore the objective of
all types of psychotherapy to re-establish these normal feelings.
Any psychosomatic therapy should
bring the patient back into the aware-
ness of these feelings (through mental or psycho-physiological methods).
The test colours of the Lüscher-ColorDiagnostics were selected on the basis of these categories. This is why the
colours chosen by the patient reflect
the state of his feelings as well as the
psychosomatic status.
The natural feelings and the ethical conduct deriving from these feelings are based on the categorical rule
“law in me”. This is true for every living being that can have a “guilty conscience“.
Without the categorical principles,
without this rigorous “law in me“,
psychotherapy would not be possible.
It would consist of arbitrary interpretations and even detrimental allegations.
A detailed description of the natural
feelings of self and of the ethical
principles can be found in the book:
Lüscher, Max: Der 4-Farben-Mensch.
Publisher: Ullstein Verlag
Internet: www.luscher-color.com
e-mail: info@luscher-color.com
“Two things fill the
mind with ever new
and increasing wonder
and awe – the starry
heavens above me and
the moral law
within me.”
Immanuel Kant (1724–1804)
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Dead (root-treated) teeth
n Old scars or chronic inflammation
of the tonsils or nasal sinuses
n Chronic mis-colonisation of the bowel with underlying irritation of the intestinal crypts
In chronic illnesses which do not heal
using other natural healing methods, one should always consider disturbance foci. Frequently we see disturbance foci as the cause of MS,
polyarthritis, back pain, headache
and neuralgia. Only subtle regulation testing can show the presence of
disturbance foci, such as electroacupuncture, milieu tests and thermoregulation diagnosis according to Professor Rost. Disturbance foci cannot be
discovered using normal blood tests.
On the Nature of
B i o l o g i c a l M e d i c i n e III
Thomas Rau, MD
Thomas Rau, MD, is Medical Director
of the Swiss Paracelsus Klinik Lust-
Paradigms of Biological
Medicine (part 2)
mühle. The Paracelsus Klinik is the first
and only clinic in Switzerland where
all the methods described below have
been used consistently and in a wide
range of combinations by doctors
and dentists. Dr. Rau has a profound
knowledge in many areas of integrated medicine. He gives numerous lectures in biological medicine throughout Europe and the United States. In
Louisville KY, USA, he co-founded a
partner clinic. Dr. Rau is also founder
and a board member of the Biological
3. Disturbance foci trigger chronic
diseases or make them worse
A disturbance focus is an underlying
focus of inflammation which is not
noticeable at the point of the focus
but which can cause a remote interference via the mesenchyme or via the
meridian system, the result being incorrect reactions in the remote organ.
Disturbance foci are very frequently
one of the joint causes of chronic diseases.
Medicine Network, USA.
The disturbance foci which occur
most frequently (approximately
80%) are:
The Disturbance Focus
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The disturbance focus
(=Underlying inflammation which can
only be sensed by its remote effect)
n Needs a “trigger”, that is, a second
n Can remain silent for years!
4. All diseases are multi-causal and
depend on the constitution of the
The constitution, not the diagnosis, is
important – Homeopathy / constitution theory / five element theory.
Very many diseases are “idiopathic”,
i. e. their cause is not known. But only
because they always have different
causes which can be combined quite
individually in different patients, depending on the patient’s constitution.
A wide-ranging search for different
causes is therefore very important
in chronic diseases, and so is identification of the patient’s constitution.
Every type of constitution is sensitive
Theory of constitutions
is of the greatest importance for Biological Medicine and can be found
again and again in practically all the
tried and tested traditional methods
of healing, although under different
names. Only “modem” orthodox western medicine pushes the significance
of the typically individual reactions by
different patients into the background
and treats diagnoses in a reproducible
and non-individualised manner. This,
of course, has the big advantage that
orthodox medicine can be learnt in
“cookbook fashion” and can also be
reproduced by everybody. But it has
Fungal infections
(the mould Aspergillus), histamine
(intestinal mucous membrane)
Excess acid
to different forms of stress, as we can
see in homeopathy with its highly polished teachings on the constitution.
There are many examples of multicausal sicknesses:
allergies / multiple sclerosis / autoimmune diseases / child-like behavioural disturbances, and the like.
It is exactly in this sort of disease that
as many contributory causes as possible must be found – like the little
stones of a mosaic, they only create a
picture when they are all put together, for example, the “Allergy Temple”.
A good example of this are allergies or
asthma. The allergen is usually only a
triggering factor. But the root of the
problem is caused by milieu factors
and contamination which alter the
immune system’s capabilities: food
allergies, heavy metal contamination, dysbioses or fungi, lack of trace
elements. Thus people with allergies
can be healed without the possible of
eliminating the allergen, but on an individual basis and only by removing
the contributory causes.
Basic allergens/faulty diet
the disadvantage that medicine is not
performed for the benefit of the person but “against a diagnosis” and loses its artistic character.
In the following section I shall list a
few different descriptions of constitutions, which come from the teachings
from different healing traditions:
Traditional Chinese medicine
n Meridian constitution types (according to Dr. Rau, “Function circle
Liver–Gall Bladder – Heart–Small Intestine – Stomach–Spleen/Pancreas –
Lung–Large intestine – Kidney–Bladder
n The 5-element cyclic phases and
their characters:
Wood (spring) – Fire (summer) – Earth
(late summer) – Metal (autumn) –
Water (winter)
Ayurvedic medicine
n Kapha, Pitta and Vatta types
These three types correspond astoundingly to the constitutional types
in Kretschmer’s teachings and Enderlein’s three main types: congestion,
inflammation and degeneration types
equivalent to the Mucor, Penicillium
and Aspergillus constitutions.
Enderleinian isopathic constitution
n Mucor, Penicillium and Apergillus
Prof. Dr. Günther Enderlein, the founder of isopathy and developer of the
theory of pleomorphism, observed
that when an endobiontic high valency prevails, there is normally an associated inclination to a specific group
of diseases, as well as a typical type
of constitution and character of the
n The Mucor type inclines to congestion, in many aspects corresponds to
the syphilitic type, tends towards diseases of the body fluids, of the vascular
and circulation system and, problems
with the metabolism and glandular
system. In many ways this type is also
like Kretschmer’s leptosome-entodermal type.
n The Penicillium type inclines to infectious diseases, reactions of the excess type, ulcerations, inflammations
of the bacterial kind, possibly with cell
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On the Nature
of Biological
Medicine III
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Kretschmer’s theory of constitution
n Leptosome-ectodermal-arthenic
n Normosome-athletic-mesodermal
n Pyknic-entodermal (cyclothymicdepressive-extroverted)
ble diseases, diseases of the legs and
spine, as well as in his/her behavioural tendency towards fiery-impulsive,
erratic but also destructive reactions.
n The sycotic constitution
Stems from sycosis (= disease of the
condylomata, gonorrhoea): an intermediate type, but with tendency towards overflowing reactions, infectious
diseases, in effect the penicillium type.
n The psoric constitution
From psora, which stands for “scabies”, common at that time, a degenerative type of skin disease. The psoric
person reacts too little, tends towards
atopical reactions, degenerative diseases and neuro-degenerative diseases. However, their character is predictable and clear, though often also
rigid, systematic and “dry”, orderly.
Hahnemann’s theory of miasms
As well as describing the constitutional dispositions of the main homeopathic polychrests (i. e. of the
individual important remedies) Hahnemann, the great founder of homeopathy, also created a reaction typology which distinguishes between
three principal reaction types; these
almost exactly correspond to the main
Enderleinian types and for that reason attract again and again the same
constitutional remedies but also feature specific reaction types and as a
result specific types of disease. When
he described the accompanying constitutional types, Hahnemann took as
his starting point the typical diseases
of his time:
n The syphilitic constitution
A syphilitic person tends towards destructive reactions: diseases of the
metabolism, congestive and irrita-
Carl Hutter’s theory of types
Carl Hutter is the founder of pathophysiognomy, the theory of postural
expression and a person’s appearance. Hutter has described an enormous number of links between posture, bodily build, the physiognomy
of the face and people’s character. He
too describes three main types, which
he calls “naturals”.
n The resting and eating natural
A person with a sturdy body and stomach, calm, practically inclined, simple,
the lymphatic type.
n The moving and doing natural
Inclined to be energetic and masterful, quick to perceive and react, large,
dynamic, a muscular person, and a
person who moves a lot.
n The thinking and feeling natural
A person with fine features and large
forehead, a strong spiritual/psychic
reorganisation. In many ways this type
is similar to the sycotic miasm.
n The Aspergillus type is the psoric
type who in youth tends towards allergies and lymphatic problems. However, as this type grows older, degenerative and chronic problems begin
to appear. This type’s predispositions
include diseases of the connective
tissue, the legs and spine, the brain
and the kidneys. The basic disease is
tuberculosis or in the homeopathic
sense the “tuberculinic” reaction.
radiance. An introverted thinker, musician type.
The important thing about recognising
the patient’s constitution is that one
can treat in a much more individual
manner or also recognise what will be
their physical reactions to treatment.
But it also enables you to advise the
patient on preventive measures and
to recognise disease tendencies. According to their basic constitution,
the patient will also encounter a specific type of problems and themes in
their life, time and time again. Constitutions therefore also have a strong
influence on the patient’s psychology
and how he or she experiences life.
This understanding is what also the
homeopathic theory of constitution
works with: the assignment of a very
specific experience, disease tendency
and clinical picture to the individual
homeopathic remedies.
5. Nutrition is an important factor
in healing
Or – the power for the organism to be
renewed comes from Nature’s ability
to re-build (anthroposophic theory)
and is supported by diet!
The intestine is our largest organ by
far and contains as many bacteria as
there are cells in the human body. The
intestinal mucous membrane is the
organ, which can replace and re-build
itself the fastest. Both these powers
of renewal and the intestinal bacteria
affect our whole being and are to a
great extent dependent on what we
eat. A person’s ability for recovery
and restoration – especially if someone has a degenerative illness – must
therefore in turn be a building-up
process of the colon.
That is why individual changes in diet
are of the greatest importance in chronic diseases. Food should be wholesome,
if possible in its natural state and very
low in animal protein, preferably vegetarian and with no cows’ milk.
Food intolerances are extremely common and are commonly the cause
of chronic diseases, where often the
connection with food has not been
made: practically all allergies, skin
complaints, rheumatism (especially
polyarthritis), behavioural problems in
children, practically all infections, etc.
In the long term a healthy diet is the
most important factor in the treatment of chronic resistance to health.1
6. The intestine connects us to the
It connects us to the Earth through
the intestinal bacteria and through
the fact that our food provides us with
everything essential for renewal and
what we need as building materials in
our body. The bacteria make sure that
all this works and also detoxify us.
They also “pre-digest” many materials – live in wonderful symbiosis with
human beings: they are actually part
of us. They ensure that our immune
system functions by continually stimulating it. They come from the earth,
and they are also what return us to
the earth after our death. They give
us anabolic and ethereal powers to
shape and build ourselves up.
The care of the intestinal flora by means
of isopathic therapy and fibre-rich vegetarian food is of the greatest importance. But it frequently happens that
the patient requires a specific course
of therapy over a longer period of time
with trace elements (e. g. molybde-
num), vitamins and amino acids, as well
as adjustment of the acid-base balance, so that their intestinal flora can
once again develop properly. Enemas,
colonic irrigation and specific bacterial remedies can speed up this process
considerably. The practical significance
of these associations is striking: diseases caused by the intestine are a frequent occurrence: migraines, allergies,
lung complaints of various types, back
problems in the lumbar region, epigastric flatulence, nausea, chronic constipation and excess weight!
Here too Biological Medicine has a
few subtle testing methods which
show whether the intestinal flora are
intact: thermoregulation diagnosis,
comprehensive testing of stools for
the ability to digest and absorb, as
well as darkfield microscopy, which
demonstrates the dynamic processes of the development of bacteria on
blood or other testing media.
The special point about Integrated Biological Medicine is, therefore, that it
combines individual, different methods
of natural healing and links modern orthomolecular knowledge with the constitutional type of the patient. During
therapy the disease of the organ remains in the background in contrast to
the re-attainment of the dynamic regulative condition of the whole patient.
For further thoughts on this subject
see: article “Intestine, Nutrition and
Health“ in Paracelsus – Health & Healing
issues no. 6–9/I
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Causes of the Development
of Cancer
On the Nature
of Biological
Medicine III
Table and short explanatory text on
the development of cancer:
Biological Medicine regards cancer
as a dynamic process and never as a
state. That is, cancer develops slowly
and moves through different phases
of degeneration down to the deterioration of the cells.
In many cases, in particular in the
early stages of the cancer illness, this
development can be stopped or even
cancelled, if the causes of the development of cancer are eliminated.
The causes and influences, which
cause the degenerative development,
are only partially investigated. Many
partial causes are however wellknown and can be also affected. This
is where holistic, biological cancer
therapy starts.
From a holistic, biological point of view,
it is of the greatest importance that
each cancer patient receives a biological cancer therapy, even if he receives
a parallel allopathic or alternativemedical cancer-destructive therapy.
Only by removal of the cancer-favoring factors, as outlined below, however, can the chances of a relapse or of
metastasis be decreased or avoided.
From a holistic medicine, biological
point of view, metastasis or cancer relapses are new tumors, which develop
because the tumor-generating factors
were not eliminated.
© Thomas Rau, MD, Paracelsus Klinik
Lustmühle, 2001
For further information see also:
heavy metals
Paracelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
cancer cell
! disturbance
(teeth, scars,
minerals and
trace elements
hyperactivity !
Protein excess
Mucor aspergillus
From the Doctrine
of the Four Juices to
Modern Naturopathy
Professor Karin Kraft, M.D.
Professor Kraft holds a chair of
naturopathy at the university of Rostock, Germany, and is head physician
of the rehabilitation center “Moorbad” in Bad Doberan, Germany.
The Greek philosopher Empedocles
(around 495–435 B.C.) postulated
that the entire creation is characterized by varying parts of the primal
elements air, fire, water, and earth,
which correspond to the four primary
qualities dryness, heat, moisture, and
cold. At that time, Polybos, a disciple
of Hippocrates, (around 460–377 B.C.)
developed the Doctrine of the Four
Juices (humoral pathology), which
indicated that all illnesses come to
be through an incorrect blend of the
four body juices blood, mucus, yellow bile, and black bile. With that, he
opposed Hippocrates, who amongst
other things recommended individual treatment through hot baths, remedial exercises, hydrotherapy, massages, medical plants and dietetics
for the treatment of illnesses. These
measures were supposed to support
the “physis”, the self-healing tendency of the organism. A physician was
to intervene only where the natural
self-help of the organism failed. With
this individualized concept of therapy, Hippocrates was way ahead of his
The influential philosopher Aristotle
(384–322 B.C.) related the schemes
of the four elements to humoral pathology and helped the latter to a
breakthrough in becoming the leading theory of medicine of the Ancient
World. The evident advantage in comparison to individualized therapy was
the great alleviation of work for the
physicians, who could act in accord
with therapy schemes that developed
fast as a consequence. This schematization is, by the way, not a pure European invention, but makes the basis
for treatments in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. The Roman
doctor Galenos (129 – around 199)
related the excess of one or an other body juice to different dispositions
of the mind and laid the foundation
for the doctrine of the four temperaments sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic,
and melancholic. Galenos also formulated the six “non natural things” (res
non naturales), which means an active
attitude for the health maintenance:
a person has to care themselves for
light and air, eating and drinking, exercise and rest, sleep and wakening,
as well as egesta and emotions.
In the following millennium, those
recommendations were not heard
due to a body-hostile and authoritarian attitude of the church. Whereas,
humoral pathology, with the support
of the church and universities emerging during medieval times, ruled European medicine and stiffened more
and more to a dogma afar from populace and patients. That way, the medieval physicians did not treat a lesion
in person, for this action was barbersurgeons and shavers. The latter were
incumbent on the draining of taintParacelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
F r o m the Doctrine
of the Four
J u ices to Modern
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ed body juices through the setting of
cupping glasses and leeches, the execution of bleeding and clystering, and
the producing of artificial ulceration
for prophylaxes as well as for purposes of therapy.
Sweat baths as procedures for draining enjoyed greatest popularity
among the population, which is why
toward the end of the 12th century
public sweat bathrooms were opened
everywhere. Here, steam baths were
taken and mineral water and herbal
decoction were used. Otherwise, people used, relatively independent from
physicians, century old traditional
knowledge of medical plants. During renaissance however, the sweat
baths were forbidden due to the fast
spreading syphilis, and the church attempted to eradicate naturopathic
knowledge through the persecution
of witches. The “materia medica” of
the Greek military doctor Dioscurides
(40–90 A.C.) served as the standard for orthodox medicine over many
centuries. However, the oftentimes
little lifelike illustrations would easily
lead to confusion. Only the books on
herbs that appeared starting in 1530
were marked by exact botanic graphics, although only local healing plants
were shown and described.
In the time period between the 13th
and15th century, medicine received an
increasingly strong influence by astrology which played an important
role in oriental medicine. Thus, for
example, the body parts were related to the signs of the zodiac, medical treatments were aligned with the
constellation of the stars, and extraterrestrial happenings served as explanations for earthly catastrophes
as, for example, for the increasing
occurrences of epidemics that took
place because of growing population
density and lacking understanding of
hygiene. Also, belief in magic played
a great role now. With the so-called
“dirt pharmacy” one believed to dispel demons that were thought to be
responsible for causing unexplainable
illnesses. For that, venturesome mixtures of visually detestable and gross
smelling ingredients were made.
Paracelsus (1493–1541) could not
detach himself from the magic-astrological beliefs, but became the great
precursor for scientifically oriented
modern alternative medicine nevertheless. He fought against the dirt
pharmacy, which reached its primeage only during and after the Thirty Years’ War (1617–1648) however,
and used miracle cures such as the
“Theriak” which consisted of more
than one hundred ingredients. Martin Luther (1483–1546), whom most
people know as a reformer only, dedicated the second half of his lifetime
to the fight against the dirt pharmacy
and supported the idea of a moderate
life style as the basis for the maintenance of one’s health just in the sense
of Hippocrates and Galenos.
The gain of scientific insight, which
was painfully acquired against great
resistance over centuries, increasingly showed that the highly simplifying
view of humoral pathology was insufficient for practice. The ban of autopsy since Ancient Times, which by
the way was the basis for the sometimes hard to comprehend anatomic
images of traditional Indian and Chinese medicines, had heavily inhibited
any progress, but was secretly ignored
by courageous physicians again and
again. Thus, the anatomist A. Vesalius
could set an end to many misapprehensions in his book “Über den Bau
des menschlichen Körpers” (About
the constitution of the human body)
in 1543. This development was nearly forced through the increasing use
of fire weapons beginning in the 15th
century and the resulting heavy battlefield injuries. H. Mercurialis had
less luck when he insistently but unsuccessfully pointed toward the positive impact of sport on health in his
book “de arte gymnastica” which appeared in 1569. This idea would generally not be picked up until the late
18th century.
The systematic, scientific way of
thinking, which had been demanded since the renaissance, slowly began to gain recognition in medicine.
In 1775, advised by an herbalist, the
English physician W. Withering successfully applied an extract of foxglove for the first time to an ill person with advanced dropsy. However,
only after a practical and experimental trial period of ten years did he finally present his research report including successes and failures to the
experts. As of today, S. Hahnemann
(1755–1843) is mainly considered the
developer of homeopathy, but he also
established the first systematic drug
testing on healthy persons and opposed the combining of medicaments.
Thus, he may be labeled a pioneer of
clinical pharmacology. In 1803/05,
F. W. Sertürner isolated morphin out
of opium. In 1857, L. Pasteur found
microorganisms that caused fermentation and decomposition and, later,
developed an immunization against
rabies. R. Koch discovered the tuberculosis pathogen between 1878 and
90. The systematic and increasingly
successful fight of epidemics through
hygienic measures eventually brought
the breakthrough of scientific medicine to the costs of humoral pathology, which failed completely in this
area. This was clearly illustrated by
the abolition of the “Philosophikum”
(preliminary philosophical examination) and establishment of the “Physikum” (preliminary medical examination) in the studies of medicine which
was enforced by R. Virchow in 1876.
The beginnings of the movement in
naturopathy developed from the revival of hydrotherapy in England
and German-speaking areas where
J. S. Hahn (1664–1742) and his two
sons propagated hydrotherapy as a
self-help regimen that could be done
at home. With those recommendations, they totally antagonized orthodox medicine which distrusted any application of water, even for purposes
of cleaning. Beginning in the late 18th
century, Rousseau and his theses of
cultural damages on human health finally influenced influential physicians
of that time. Ch. W. Hufeland (1762–
1836) picked up the Hippocratic principles again and recommended the
usage of natural remedies. Around
1848, the Bavarian military physician
Lorenz Gleich (1798–1865) marked
the terms “naturopathic treatment”
and “naturopathy” for this trend of
medicine, which were enthusiastically embraced by medicinal laymen.
V. Prießnitz (1799–1851), the son of
a farmer, systematized hydrotherapy.
In 1826, he built a cold water sanatorium in Graefenberg where, next to
hydrotherapy, physiotherapy was performed as well. In 1845, about eighty
hydropathic establishments could be
found in Germany alone. The priest
Sebastian Kneipp (1821–1897) added the application of medical plants
to hydrotherapy and physiotherapy;
furthermore, his cures contained implicit religious elements. This, however, caused suspicion in devotees of
the former naturopathy; they regarded the developing Kneipp-movement
mainly as competition instead of seeing it as a comrade. In 1894, Kneipp’s
book “Meine Wasserkur” (My Water
Cure), which had been released in
1886, reached its 50th edition already.
The ready sale is explained by the
generally critical discussions about
the damage on health through industrialization and urbanization that led
to the creation of numerous naturopathic clubs by laymen who fought for
better, natural nutrition and cures.
In the second half of the 19th century, the importance of fresh air, sunlight, and diet as health factors were
discovered. Dyeing mill owner A. Rikli
(1823–1906) invented “air cabins” in
which patients could linger and sleep
naked. Hiking, gardening, gymnastics, walking bare foot, and sun bathing, were also part of the therapeutic
repertoire. J. Schroth (1798–1856), a
carter, developed his “Schroth Kur”
(schroth regimen) which is still known
today. Beginning in 1852, the pharmacist T. Hahn was the first one to
prescribe his clients a vegetarian diet
next to hydrotherapy. This impressed
the politician E. Baltzer (1814–1887)
to such a degree that he founded an association in 1867 that was
later named “Deutscher Verein für
Paracelsus Health & Healing 1/ III
naturgemäße Lebensweise – Vegetarianer” (German association for natural life style – vegetarians). Around
1900, the Swiss physician M. BircherBenner developed the Bircher Cereals.
With his clients, he set great value
on order, regularity, and punctuality
and later marked the term “ordinal
therapy.” His raw vegetable diet contradicted the doctrine of that time,
which emphasized protein and calorie
concentration of nutrition, but was
verified through results in research on
vitamins later on.
Scientific medicine considerably resisted those movements. Only in
1926, the first naturopathic hospital
was built in Berlin, and new Kneippestablishments could be opened at
that time as well. Against the opposition of medicinal faculty, professorships for naturopathy were instituted in 1920 in Berlin, and in Jena in
1925. Only with the national socialistic leadership came the promise of
a long refused governmental acceptance and appreciation to naturopathy.
According to the view of the head of
the Reich’s physicians Gerhard Wagner, physicians should be obligated to
employ naturopathic therapies along
with orthodox medicinal ones. After
their integration into the “Neue Deutsche Heilkunde” (new German therapies), however, it came to a change
in course in health politics in favour
of orthodox medicine. Instead of an
equal collaboration, the researching and examination of naturopathic
methods was asked for now; based on
the principles of orthodox medicine,
however. Reasons for that were, along
with the resistance of leading scientifically oriented physicians and panel
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doctors, power struggles within the
political party and the growing influence of the chemical-pharmaceutical industry with the beginning of the
After World War II, the classical
naturopathic treatments in what was
formerly Eastern Germany were anchored through the continuing existence of the professorship in Berlin and through the implementation
of the study for medical specialists
of physiotherapy. In West Germany,
therapeutic baths and rehabilitation
centers were revived and, amongst
other things, the methods of detoxification, which had slowly been gaining importance since the 1980s, were
picked up again. A. Pischinger developed the system of basic regulation.
Since the 1970s, the interest of the
population in “natural” cures has increased considerably. The teaching of
the constitutions and the teaching
of the elements, which had continually been revived within the course
of the Indian and Traditional Chinese
Medicine during the 1980s, might
be of importance for the future, because they alleviate the categorization of healthy persons for measures
of prevention. With that, it takes the
place it already claimed during ancient times. Within the field of patient care, on the contrary, individual
therapy in a Hippocratic sense is appropriate; meanwhile, however, the
positive effects of many naturopathic
treatments could be secured.
In health politics, individual health
prevention with the help of natural
remedies becomes more and more a
focus point, which becomes especially clear with the current health pre-
vention laws. Also, institutions are
increasingly accepted: medical organizations have been awarding the
additional name “Arzt für Naturheilverfahren” (doctor of naturopathic
treatments) for many years. Between
1989 and 2004, a professorship for
naturopathy existed in Berlin; another one has been maintained at the
university of Rostock since 2002, and
one at the university of Essen since
2004. The subject of “naturopathy”
has been a integral part of the medical educational syllabus since 1993,
and has been subject of examination
since 2002. Compulsory health insurances boost scientific tests of naturopathic treatments within the scope
of model projects and cover the costs
of stationary visits, of late, even for
rehabilitation centers specialized in
naturopathy. Meanwhile, they have
realized that a several week long
therapy with individually composed
treatments in accordance with natural cures, whose positive effects have
been scientifically verified, constitute
a great chance for chronically ill patients. Those should be taken advantage of.
“Thus Shalt Thou
L i v e ” VII
According to Sebastian Kneipp
Sebastian Kneipp (1821–1897)
the best known representative
of Hydrotherapy
Drinking at Meals
Two opinions prevail among men:
some say that we ought to drink but
sparingly and nothing at all during
our meals; others, on the contrary,
maintain that it is good to take with
every solid food some fluid. On which
side may the truth be?
The food you take must first be well
ground by the teeth, the more thoroughly the better; for what is well
masticated is already half digested.
The food must further be mixed with
the saliva. In the mouth are several
glands that secrete saliva. When the
food presses against the glands, the
saliva flows out and mixes with the
masticated food. The better the food
is saturated with saliva, the better it
is prepared for the stomach. In this
organ the food is mixed with gastric juice, and the more thorough this
mixture is, the better will be the digestion. For the gastric juice has to
decompose and dissolve the foods,
the softest as well as the hardest. Beside these two transformations of the
food in the mouth and stomach, several others take place in the intestinal
canal, until the chyme is so decomposed that nature can draw from all
that is necessary. It would be wrong,
therefore, to swallow the food before it is properly masticated. But if
the food must be mixed with the gastric juice, the question arises: will this
mixture be equally good when liquids
are repeatedly taken whilst eating, or
when no liquid is added to the food?
When liquids are taken during a meal,
the food necessarily mixes first with
the drink, and the consequence is that
the gastric juice will no longer be able
to penetrate the food so thoroughly,
because this is already saturated with
fluid. And how diluted the gastric
juice becomes, when it is mixed with
liquid half a dozen times! In that case
it is made too weak for the digestion
of the food. Then nature cannot get
all that is contained in the food; a
great deal of it going off without being dissolved and utilized.
The only correct principle is this:
Drink when you are thirsty, for thirst
tells you that liquid is wanted for the
gastric juice. If you do not feel thirsty,
your gastric juice is sufficiently thin,
and you must not drink.
Hence the first and best rule is: Who
feels thirsty before eating, let him
drink that the gastric juice may be
thinned. But he must drink very little and not imagine that by drinking
a great deal he will be able quickly
and thoroughly to quench the thirst!
Whilst eating, do not drink at all, nor
immediately after a meal, but wait a
little until thirst makes itself felt. My
experience is that we get enough fluid through the food.
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Moderation in Eating
As people dispute about drinking
at meals, so they disagree as to the
amount of food they ought to take.
There are some who eat a great deal
and think that, unless the stomach is
quite filled, they have not taken nourishment enough. They also advocate
frequent eating. Others, on the other
hand, are of opinion that small portions suffice, and that it is not good
to eat so often. Which opinion may be
the correct one? Human nature is well
nourished and kept up in strength by
a small portion of food, supposing
this small portion to be duly utilized.
But if we take a great many kinds of
foods which are neither well digested nor properly assimilated, we have
eaten a great part of it in vain. Therefore it is of great importance to accustom nature to little, and that this
little should be well utilized, but not
to take much and that the most of it
passes without being well utilized.
Water trough
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I know a gentleman who is over 80
years of age. He takes exceedingly
small portions at breakfast, dinner
and supper, without any drink, unless he feels thirsty. He enjoys perfect
health, is sufficiently nourished and
possesses great intellectual powers.
I knew another gentleman who lived
up to nearly 90 years of age. He used
to take no drink whatever, was content with the simplest food and ate
extremely little.
We can clearly see that it is not the
quantity of food that makes man
strong and healthy. What we must do
is to choose good food, then a small
portion at a time will be sufficient. We
must further be careful that nature
should be able to digest well what we
give it, and nothing should be eaten
and drunk from which nature is not
likely to draw any advantage.
How Often Ought We to Eat?
In this point also we often go wrong.
Many think they cannot exist without eating four or five times a day.
In my opinion the wisest course is to
eat three times a day, morning, noon
and evening. If we eat too often, the
stomach is never at rest; if it is always
filled, it is constantly dilated. If it never entirely absorbs what it contains,
the food remains in part undigested
and causes discomfort. From one meal
to another a thorough clearance of
the stomach must take place. When
food stops too long in the stomach,
foul matters are formed which easily
cause all sorts of complaints. – Make
it then your habit to eat three times
a day, it is quite enough. To live very
regularly is most beneficial. The more
nutritive the diet is, the smaller must
be the portion. Finally avoid what is
not good for nature, and you may
then rely on having health, strength
and endurance.
I have often been asked what I think
of smoking. My opinion is this: Young
people who begin to smoke at the age
of fifteen or seventeen generally expose themselves to the danger of being harmed by it. In the first place, the
tobacco poison (nicotine) has a more
powerful and more injurious effect on
a young than on a matured organism.
In the second place, smoking, when
begun early, easily becomes a passion, and frequently prevents a perfect development of the body. Affections of the lungs and throat, nervous
excitement, palpitation of the heart
and other ailments can be produced
by it. Such evils are easily contracted,
but not toillessly got rid of. If this is
the case generally, it is even more so
if bad substances are smoked.
My opinion about smoking is this: He
who does not smoke at all takes the
wisest course, for he does not supply
his system with deleterious substances, and at the same time saves a great
deal of money. But when a man in
good health smokes a cigar or pipe in
his leisure hours or in company with
others, that will not hurt him.
Sebastian Kneipp (1821–1897), from:
Thus Shalt Thou Live.
Compiled by Margrit Schmid.
I m p r i n t
PARACELSUS – Health & Healing
The Magazine for Healing Practices and Traditional
Knowledge of Medicine in East and West
Paracelsus was a master of health and healing who stands
for a bridging of the visible and invisible worlds. What
he said 500 years ago is now slowly being found valid
even by modern medical science. Therefore the magazine
is published in memory of Paracelsus to inform about all
varieties of healing known to be effective.
Subject areas are: Ayurveda, homoeopathy, yoga,
alchemy, naturopathy, traditional Chinese therapies, other
traditional therapies from the Far East, magnetotherapy,
hydrotherapy, massage, foot zone massage, phytotherapy,
dietetics, gems for healing (crystals), colour therapy, sound
therapy, old ”grandmother recipes”, spiritual therapies
including healing through meditation.
Editor in Chief:
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, India
Sabine Mrosek, Naturopath, Switzerland
Editorial Board:
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, India · Sabine Mrosek, Naturopath,
Switzerland · Dr. Josep Parés, MD, Spain · Brigitta PflügerMeienberg, Naturopath, Germany · Dr. Paul Meienberg,
DSc, Germany.
Executive Board:
Dörte Amt-Euler, Naturopath · Günter Andrich · Jürgen
Baron · Jesus Díaz · Sabine Markgraf · Günter Zwirner.
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ISSN 1660-7791
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