AAA/CAA Recognition for Green Key Ratings


AAA/CAA Recognition for Green Key Ratings
AAA/CAA Recognition for Green Key Ratings
The Hotel Association of Canada
(HAC) is pleased to announce that
Green Key rated hotels can now
include their Key ratings in
AAA/CAA travel guides.
Visit for
more information on the Green Key
Program. Green Key hotels interested in appearing in the
AAA/CAA TourBooks should contact HAC for more details.
AAA/CAA will now be supporting
green certified hotels that are also
‘Diamond-rated’ properties by
As North America’s largest motorencouraging promotion of their
ing and leisure travel organization,
motels and resorts that are commitKey rating in TourBook advertising
AAA provides more than 51 milted to improving their environmenboth in Canada and the United
lion members with travel, insurtal performance. Based on the
ance, financial and automotiveresults of a comprehensive environrelated services. Since its founding
“We are very pleased that AAA mental audit, hoteliers are awarded
in 1902, the not-for-profit, fully
strongly supports environmental a one to five Green Key rating.
tax-paying AAA has been a leader
management and sustainability Currently over 970 Canadian and
and advocate for the safety and
throughout the lodging industry and U.S. lodging properties participate
security of all travellers.
we look forward to extending this in the Green Key Eco-Rating
...more Green Key news on page 8
benefit to all Green Key hotels in Program.
North America” said Tony Pollard,
Green Key Stats
HAC President. “The consumer
numbers show that the greening of Total # of Enrolled Hotels*:
(* as of Nov. 28/08)
hotels across North America is # of Rated Properties:
# Still Working on Audit:
becoming more significant than
ever and demonstrates why all Provincial Participation Breakdown
hotels should make Green Key an
important component of their overNS:
all greening efforts.”
The Green Key Eco-Rating
Program is a graduated rating system designed to recognize hotels,
Winter 2008
Volume 18
Number 4
Rating Breakdown
1 Key: 3
2 Keys: 109
3 Keys: 446
# of International Participating Hotels:
4 Keys: 179
5 Keys: 6
6 (USA)
Inside this issue...
RooMers Gets Facelift! 3
HAC Conference & Tradeshow: February Program Highlights
...pages 6 & 7
Government Relations
New Legislative Session in Ottawa
As a lead-up to the October 14th federal election and the
subsequent election of the new Stephen Harper government many of HAC’s Board and members met with
Ministers and MPs across Canada. At the core of our
government relations activities is the HAC Policy
Document “Facing a New Reality - An Action Plan for
Canadian Travel & Tourism”. More than 50 meetings
took place with the HAC calling on Ottawa to adopt an
integrated tourism strategy with an acceptance of the
changing circumstances confronting the Tourism sector.
Specific recommendations on the two critical areas of
Access to Canada and Availability of Labour include:
Š Government investment of at least 1.5% of directly
related federal revenues, or $100 million for promotion;
Š Action to bring Canada’s air transportation costs down
including removal of federal rents on the Nation’s airport system;
Š More aggressive development of measure to battle congestion and delay at our land borders including the
expansion of the NEXUS program;
Š Renewed commitment to more liberalized aviation
agreements with other countries;
Š Secure the Approved Destination Status (ADS) with
Š Acceleration of federal program to make labour avail
ability a leading economic priority.
The Fight Continues Against Bill S-213
In the previous Parliament a Private Members Bill was
introduced in the Senate that would ban Video Lottery
Terminals outside of casinos and racetracks. The HAC
and its members all opposed this Bill which would have
had a devastating impact. We pointed out in meetings
with all political parties that this would have dire financial ramifications for operators. In addition the HAC
underlined that provincial and municipal administrators
are highly dependent on these revenues. Finally we
called into question the issue of jurisdiction wherein
provincial governments have the power to legislate on
gaming issues. The HAC and its members are aware a
new Bill can and probably will be introduced.
ice provider and not the hotel. Furthermore, the HAC has
formally opposed NRCC Tariff 5 for use of music to
accompany live events. Hearings are not yet scheduled.
HAC Urges Politicians to Act on Credit Card Companies
“Sticking it to Canadians”
As part of a national coalition the HAC has called for a
moritorium on credit card processing fee increases. The
fees hoteliers pay the credit card companies and the
banks are among the highest in the world. The HAC is
urging the federal government to have the House of
Commons Standing Committee on Finance and Industry
conduct public hearings.
WHTI: Ongoing Developments Update
The WHTI is a U.S. law that requires all travellers,
including Canadian citizens, to present a valid passport or
other approved secure document when travelling to,
through, or from the U.S.
For air travel, the WHTI document requirements have
been in effect since January 2007. Full implementation
of the new WHTI document requirements to enter the
U.S. via land and water will take effect on June 1, 2009.
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) website
has been updated to provide you with current information
on WHTI and its requirements, including a new section
with extensive information on the enhanced driver's
licence/enhanced identification card programs interested
provinces and territories are in the process of developing.
Below is a link to the WHTI section on the CBSA website, which contains detailed information and background
on this U.S. law and how Canadian citizens can prepare
for its implementation.
Also, fact sheets on the WHTI entry requirements and the
enhanced driver's licence/enhanced identification card
are available for your use at:
WHTI Fact Sheet:
Enhanced driver's licence/Enhanced identification
card Fact Sheet:
SOCAN and Neighboring Rights Update
The HAC has formally objected to SOCAN’s proposed
Tariff 23 on Pay Per View in hotel bedrooms. We have
argued this is a pass-through service paid for by the serv-
RooMers Winter 2008 Volume 18 Number 4
New RooMers Format Coming Spring 2009!
New Year, New Look, New Opportunities:
RooMers Gets a Facelift
The Hotel Association of Canada (HAC) has contracted MediaEdge Publications to begin producing our
quarterly publication, RooMers, as of the New Year.
This is an exciting development for the almost 20 yearold publication.
Starting with the Spring 2009 issue, RooMers will be
produced in a full-colour magazine format and will be
available to you in either print or electronic format.
Your future copies of RooMers will now come directly from MediaEdge rather than from the HAC office,
your Corporate Office or Provincial Association. We
will endeavour to ensure that this distribution transition is as smooth as possible.
In order to ensure that you continue
receiving your copy of RooMers,
please complete the form below or online at
With this new partnership comes a new look, expand(click RooMers icon)
ed editorial content and a greater variety of advertising
opportunities for both members and non-members.
Completion of the form will enable us to confirm your
Members of the Hotel Association of Canada are eligidirect address for future mailing and allows you to regble for discounted advertising rates.
ister to receive the digital edition.
The printed version will be produced using FSC certified paper in keeping with HAC’s efforts to reduce our Please be assured that your mailing/email information
impact on the environment. A digital version with will not be used for any purpose other than for updatpage-turning capabilities will also be made available. ing our newsletter distribution list.
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RooMers Winter 2008 Volume 18 Number 4
New Members
Jean-Charles de Bievre, Sr. Acc’t Mgr
100 William Street
New York, NY 10038 USA
T: (212) 415-2607 F: (917) 522-2007
Diamond Global Recruitment
Susan Zwaal, Vice President
4841 Yonge Street
North York, ON M2N 5X2
T: (416) 730-0029
HED Insurance and Risk Services
Grant Ostir, Exec. VP-Sales & Service
777 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3G 0N3
T: (800) 665-8990 F: (204) 956-2404
HLS Linen Services
Tara Hammond,
Marketing Coordinator
45 Gurdwara Drive
Ottawa, ON K2E 7X6
T: (613) 842-3000 F: (613) 842-3059
International Adventures LLC
Diane Holloway, CEO
7362 Futures Drive, Unit #2
Orlando, FL 32819 USA
T: (407) 248-9357 F: (407) 363-1367
Noveo Technologies
Paul Eric Marchand, Sales
10581 Louis H Lafontaine
Montreal, QC H1J 2E8
T: (514) 374-0155 F: (514) 374-0317
Omland Hospitality Products Ltd.
Preeti Bhatia, Sales Manager
20 - 5200 Dixie Road
Mississauga, ON L4W 1E3
T: (905) 290-7323 F: (905) 290-7326
SMART Watering Systems
Chris Le Conte, President
1198 Ezard Crescent
Milton, ON L9J 6N9
T: (905) 208-2030 F:(888) 296-9091
Town of Wasaga Beach
Jenny Legget, Assistant to the CAO
30 Lewis Street
Wasaga Beach, ON L9Z 1A1
T: (705) 429-3844 F: (705) 429-7603
Royal Roads University
Faculty of Tourism & Hotel
Dr. Nancy Arsenault, Dean
Ted Wykes, Core Faculty
2005 Sooke Rd.
Victoria, BC V9B 5Y2
T: (250) 391-2600
HAC Welcomes New
Staff Member
The Hotel Association of Canada welcomes its
newest team member, Jessica Birrell. Jessica joined
HAC in September of this year and holds the position
of Administrative Coordinator.
Jessica’s role with the association encompasses a
variety of functions including:
General and Administrative Enquiries
Board of Directors & Executive Committee Administration
General Research
Database Management
Statistical Distribution
Member Mailings
Meeting Planning
Jessica can be reached at: (613) 237-7149 ext. 101
or by email at:
RooMers Winter 2008 Volume 18 Number 4
New RooMers Format Coming Spring 2009!
Be Sure to Update your Subscription Info at!
RooMers Winter 2008 Volume 18 Number 4
The HAC Annual Conference provides lodging industry executives, managers and suppliers with an
outstanding opportunity to learn and network. Last year, the event attracted
OVER 450
delegates who
gained timely insights into industry trends and current practices. This year’s program of in-depth, interactive
sessions will assist delegates to enhance competitiveness and achieve successful bottom line results.
THREE Plenary Sessions:
What Does The Economic Meltdown Mean To Canadian Hoteliers And Those Around the World?
Trend Analysis Of The Fleishman-Hillard Travel Intentions Survey. NEWLY FORMATTED!
A View From The Top: Leading Canadian Hotel Executives Discuss The Current Operating Environment
SIX Breakout Sessions:
Marketing Warfare: DMFs, CVBs And The Quest For More Guests. Where Is The Money Going?
Designers Meet The Dragons: Room Renovation Ideas On A Budget Of $7,500/Room
The Green Revolution: Saving Money And The Environment
Cutting Fat… Or Cutting To The Bone? Improving The Bottom Line Without Cutting Standards
How To Increase Your Food & Beverage Bottom Line
Getting Ahead: Career Advancement In The Hotel Industry
Big Picture Conferences is dedicated to the production of annual conferences and
networking events for the Canadian hospitality industry. Attend BOTH the
Hotel Association of Canada’s Conference (February 10-11, 2009) and the
Canadian Hotel Investment Conference (April 1-2, 2009)
and receive a $100 discount when registering.
Please contact Jeff Berg: 1-866-887-4453
RooMers Winter 2008 Volume 18 Number 4
New RooMers Format Coming Spring 2009!
The Hotel Association of Canada (HAC) is pleased to recognize those HAC members
(individuals, companies or properties) that have demonstrated significant
accomplishments, exemplary leadership and tireless commitment to Canada’s
lodging industry.
Join us as we honour recipients at a special dinner on February 11th, 2009 at the Hilton Toronto Hotel.
confirmed to date
Gold Sponsors
* Scott Allison
* Jason Cheskes
* Tony Cohen
* Vito Curalli
* Bill Dover
* Mark Edwards
Silver Sponsors
* Victoria Edwards
* Jed Goldberg
* Gail Haarsma
* Lyle Hall
Bronze Sponsors
* Cameron Hawkins
* Warren Jestin
* Charl Johnson
* Anne Larcade
* David Larone
* Jonathan Lund
* Betsy MacDonald
* Paul-Eric Marchand
* Joe Pettipas
* Tony Pollard
* Irwin Prince
Hall of Fame Awards of Excellence
* Joel Rosen
* David Sim
* Charles Suddaby
* Wendy Swedlove
Official Media Partner
Coffee Provided By
Be Sure to Update your Subscription Info at!
* Ted Wykes
RooMers Winter 2008 Volume 18 Number 4
Green Key and Réservert Partner in Quebec
The Hotel Association of Canada
(HAC) and the Quebec Hotel
Association (QHA) join their voices to
encourage hoteliers to reduce their
ecological footprint by using one of the
two programs offered in Québec, Clé
verte (Green Key) or Réservert.
The partnership between the two
organizations sends a clear message:
select your program of choice but do
it! "There is no competition between
the two programs, the hotelier has first
to decide his involvement level," says
Danielle Chayer, Chief Executive
Officer of QHA. "In fact, both programs are different and complementary," adds Tony Pollard, HAC President.
about their hotel's impact on the environment.
Administered entirely
online, Green Key is a self-directed
assessment of a property's current
environmental efforts within their
main areas of operations. The program
is recognizable by its one to five key
rating system.
Launched in November 2007,
RéserVert is a sustainable development
(society, economy and environment)
recognition program based on continuous training and personalized support.
The Waterside Inn, Mississauga
Breakwater Restaurant received the 4
Diamond rating (7th Year in a row).
Simon Cooper, President of Ritz
Carlton has been awarded the Global
Corporate Hotelier of the Year award
by Hotels Magazine.
Holiday Inn Winnipeg Airport West
received the IHG 2008 Quality
Excellence Award for distinction in all
aspects of its operations.
Beaverbrook Hotel, Fredericton, NB
received the Business Excellence
Award from the Fredericton Chamber
of Commerce. The hotel was also
awarded an international Quality
InterContinental Hotel Group (IHG).
The Best Western Dorchester Hotel,
Nanaimo, BC has been awarded the
Best Western Director's Award for outstanding quality standards.
Canada's 10 Most Admired Corporate
Cultures of 2008 includes Four
To the question " Why did you create
another program ?", Danielle Chayer
answers : "We wish to bring Québec
hotels to the sustainability development in accordance with the Québec
Tourism Policy. Considering sustainable development own stakes, the program needed to incorporate the laws
and regulations in force. All different
for each province!"
"Both the Canadian and Quebec programs favour the improvement of management and allow hoteliers to save
quite a lot of money," concludes Tony
The environmental program Green
Key has been well known in Canada
for many years. It is a base-level program for hoteliers who are concerned
It does require the active involvement
of the entire team in order to maintain
and increase the number of actions
every year. The RéserVert program
helps to increase a hotel's Green Key
Seasons Hotel and Resorts, Toronto,
ON; and Yellow Pages Group,
Montreal, QC.
The 20th Annual Pinnacle Awards
(Hotelier Magazine) will go to:
Company of the Year: Pacrim
Hospitality Services, Bedford, NS;
Hotelier of the Year: Patrice Basille,
Brookstreet Hotel, Ottawa, ON.
Rob MacPherson, Sales Manager Hampton Inn & Suites, Saint John, NB
is the sole Canadian to receive a Gold
Medal Award in the Spirit of Hampton
Recognition Program for 2008.
Howard Johnson Canada Awards.
International Property of the Year:
Howard Johnson Express Inn Winnipeg West. The "Fresh
Approach" award went to 10 properties
that go above and beyond in their commitment to the brand's new focus. GM
of the Year: Dan Carlson, Howard
Johnson Express Inn Winnipeg-West
and Paul Moran, Howard Johnson
Hotel Markham. Most Improved
Operator of the Year: Kirti Shah,
Howard Johnson Express Inn Windsor.
Franchisee of the Year: Eric Marcon,
RooMers Winter 2008 Volume 18 Number 4
Howard Johnson Hotel Niagara Falls.
Knights Inn Canada Awards. Greatest
RevPAR Increase: Knights Inn
Sudbury and Knights Inn Richmond
Hill. Highest TripRewards Enrollment:
Knights Inn Sault Ste. Marie.
Franchisee of the Year: Youngho
Moon - Knights Inn Richmond Hill.
Hero of Hospitality: Knights Inn
Kitchener. "Fresh Approach" Award:
Knights Inn Kamloops. Property of
the Year: Knights Inn London.
Choice Hotels Canada 2008 Gold
Hospitality Award winners. Western
Canada: Econo Lodge Inn & Suites
University, Calgary; Comfort Inn,
Swift Current; Comfort Inn
Winnipeg; Comfort Inn Brandon.
Ontario: Comfort Inn, Huntsville;
Comfort Inn, Kapuskasing; Comfort
Inn, Pembroke; Comfort Inn, St.
Catharines; Comfort Inn East,
Sudbury; Econo Lodge, Thunder
Bay. Quebec: Quality Inn, Matane;
Econo Lodge Montmorency Falls,
Drummondville; Comfort Inn,
...con’t on next page
New RooMers Format Coming Spring 2009!
Spotlight on New Strategic Partner
The Hotel Association of Canada (HAC) is pleased to
announce a strategic partnership with Ecolab, a leading
supplier of cleaning and sanitation chemicals and programs
to the accommodation industry in Canada and globally.
With a presence in more than 160 countries and over 23,000
associates, Ecolab promotes the best possible results at the
lowest possible costs.
packaging to 7 grams of plastic that can fit in the palm of
your hand. Ecolab’s trained associates can help operator
efficiency in dishwashing, kitchen sanitation, laundry,
housekeeping, floor and carpet care, pool and spa care, pest
elimination, water filtration, quality assurance audits and
For more information on how you can benefit
from this Strategic Partnership please visit
When it comes to "clean," Ecolab is an effective and sustainable choice. Ecolab developed solid non-caustic technology for proven results with warewashing and the
Formula 1™ laundry system. This same technology reduces
or contact
Mike Brown
...continued from previous page
Atlantic Canada: Comfort Inn
Airport, St. John's; Comfort Inn,
Comfort Inn, Truro;
Quality Hotel Harbourview, St.
John's; Comfort Inn, Amherst;
Comfort Inn, Yarmouth; Comfort
Inn, Moncton; Comfort Inn,
Travelodge Canada Award Winners.
Housekeeping Award of Excellence:
Thriftlodge at the Falls; Travelodge
St. Sauveur; Travelodge Weyburn;
Thriftlodge Winnipeg; Travelodge
Barrie on Bayfield; Travelodge
Hotel Niagara Falls by the Falls;
Travelodge Ottawa Hotel and
Conference Centre. Best Business
Improvement: Travelodge Duncan;
Travelodge Weyburn; Travelodge
Strathmore. Renovation on the Year:
Travelodge Hotel Pembroke. Best
Quality Assurance Score: Travelodge
St. Sauveur; Travelodge Nanaimo;
Travelodge Hotel Regina. Best
Overall Property Sales Participation
Award: Travelodge Hotel Saskatoon.
Overall Individual Sales Contribution
Award: Danny Lioi, Travelodge Hotel
Montreal Centre. Marketing Award of
Excellence: Travelodge/Thriftlodge
Niagara Falls at the Falls;
Travelodge Weyburn; Travelodge
Chatham & Travelodge Hotel
Saskatoon. Green Key Award of
Excellence: City Centre Travelodge
Sault Ste Marie; Travelodge Calgary
Travelodge Barrie on Bayfield;
Travelodge Quesnel. Charity Select
Award of Excellence: Travelodge
Hotel Regina; Travelodge Winnipeg
East. Property of the Year:
Travelodge St. Sauveur; Travelodge
Niagara Falls by the Falls. Employee
of the Year: Tom Johnson, Parking
Attendant at Travelodge Niagara Falls.
Conde Naste Traveler released its Top
30 Hotels in Canada and Top 20
Resorts in Canada. Top 30 Hotels:
Hotel Grand Pacific; Auberge SaintAntoine; Sooke Harbour House;
Vancouver Airport;
Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver;
Wedgewood Hotel & Spa; Magnolia
Hotel & Spa; Hôtel Dominion 1912;
Hôtel Nelligan; Pan Pacific; Auberge
du Vieux-Port; Hastings House;
Windsor Arms Hotel; Fairmont
Be Sure to Update your Subscription Info at!
Empress; Hôtel Le St-James; Le
Saint Sulpice; Victoria Recent Hotel;
Sutton Place Hotel Vancouver; Four
Seasons Toronto; Hotel Gault; Hôtel
Le Germain, Montreal; Park Hyatt;
Aerie Resort & Spa; Brentwood Bay
Lodge & Spa; Queen's Landing;
Opus Hotel, Vancouver; Fairmont
Hotel Vancouver; Renaissance
Vancouver Hotel Harbourside;
Prince of Wales; Vancouver
Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel.
Top 20 Resorts: King Pacific Lodge;
Wickaninnish Inn; Long Beach
Lodge Resort; Emerald Lake Lodge;
Pan Pacific Whistler Village Center;
Four Seasons Resort, Whistler; Post
Hotel & Spa; Fairmont Le Manoir
Richelieu; Fairmont Chateau Lake
Louise; Hilton Whistler Resort &
Spa; Westin Resort & Spa, Whistler;
Rimrock Resort Hotel; Fairmont
Tremblant; Fairmont Chateau
Whistler; Fairmont Banff Springs;
Poets Cove Resort & Spa; Fairmont
Le Château Frontenac; Pan Pacific
Whistler Mountainside; Le Westin
Resort, Mont Tremblant; Fairmont
Jasper Park Lodge.
RooMers Winter 2008 Volume 18 Number 4
The Waterside Inn, Mississauga, ON has completed a
refresh of their guest rooms, added a new Business Centre,
has a new hotel partnership with "Spa Direct", and plans to
add 3 more guest suites in 2008/2009 for a total of 91.
The 125-room Best Western Dartmouth Hotel and Suites
has opened in Dartmouth, NS and features 84 suites, a 1,125
sq. ft. conference centre and the Trends Café and Wine Bar.
The Red Deer Lodge and Conference Centre completed
a major renovation of their 124 courtyard rooms and have
added a high efficiency state of the art heating/cooling system to greatly reduce the hotel’s environmental footprint.
The first Ontario Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites has
opened in Vaughan with 125 rooms, meeting space and fitness area.
Football fans…the Ramada Conference Centre
Edmonton has created an authentic Edmonton Eskimosthemed suite. The hotel recently completed stage 1 of an
$8-million renovation which included the 900-square foot,
two room, two bath themed suite, decorated to capture the
rich history of the team and featuring rare memorabilia. The
next stage of renovations are slated to finish next spring.
The Crowne Plaza Niagara Falls-Fallsview, ON, formerly the Brock Plaza Hotel, has completed renovations to the
historic hotel exceeding 8 million dollars.
The newly branded Radisson Hotel Edmonton South has
completed a $5.3-million renovation (rooms and hallways).
Days Inns Canada has announced the openings of the new
construction 84-room Days Inn - Bonnyville, AB and the
newly constructed 86-room Days Inn - Dawson Creek, BC.
Hotel Companies
Realstar Hospitality has begun construction for the new
75-room Motel 6 Kingston which is part of an urban development project in the City of Kingston.
Hyatt Hotels & Resorts announced it will operate and
manage the new 394-room Hyatt Regency Toronto slated to
open January 2009. The property is currently undergoing a
multi-million dollar renovation.
Sequel Hotels and Resorts announces a management
agreement has been signed with the award-winning
Chateau Beauvallon in Mont Tremblant, Quebec.
The Sandman Hotel Group has unveiled the new
Sandman Signature Hotel Toronto Airport. The new 256room property launches Sandman Hotel Group's foray into
the upscale market.
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide plans to open the
Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel, Richmond, BC. The
389-room hotel is set to debut as a Sheraton on or before
January 1, 2010, following an extensive upgrade and refurbishment project. The company also plans to open a newly
constructed 158-room Four Points by Sheraton hotel in
Edmonton, AB. Scheduled to open March 2010, this hotel
will be the third new-build Four Points by Sheraton in
Alberta and the sixth in western Canada.
Choice Hotels Canada welcomes the 96-room converted
Quality Hotel Fireside, Niagara Falls, ON and the 50-room
Quality Inn Mont Laurier, QC.
The new $20 million Centre for Hospitality and Culinary
Arts at George Brown College, Toronto is now open.
Central to the new school is the Chefs' House restaurant, the
$2 million centrepiece of the renovation project. An open
kitchen is centrestage and flat-screen TVs are mounted on
walls to broadcast the action in the busy kitchen to guests.
SilverBirch Hotels & Resorts will be donating a portion of
their holiday bookings to charities through the Friends in
Need program. Starting December 20, for each night
booked at a SilverBirch Hotel, $10 will go to local charities.
Launched in 2000 the program has raised close to $800,000
to date.
HAC Launches New Allied/Educator Benefit
In October the Hotel Association of Canada (HAC)
launched The President’s Club, a new member benefit
designed exclusively for our Allied and Educator Members.
The President’s Club will meet by conference call four
times annually and will consist of a presentation by HAC
President Tony Pollard or a guest speaker on topics that not
only impact the hospitality industry but also those that sell
to the industry and those that educate the future stakeholders of the industry.
The topic of the first Allied Club call was titled “How to
Sell to the Lodging Industry in a Changing Economic
RooMers Winter 2008 Volume 18 Number 4
Environment”. Conversation focused on how current economic conditions are affecting the Canadian Lodging industry and what it means for suppliers. The Educator Club call
topic was similarly titled “How the Changing Economic
Environment is Affecting the Industry” and pinpointed how
current economic conditions are affecting the Canadian
Lodging industry and what it means to educational institutions and their students.
Attendance at both inaugural President’s Club calls was outstanding and we look forward to having you join us for
January’s call (topic and date to be determined).
New RooMers Format Coming Spring 2009!
A CONSTANT FLOW of Resources.
Vantage Hospitality Group, the 12th Largest Hotel Company Worldwide, has the
comprehensive resources to generate more revenue for your hotel.
That’s Our R.O.I. Promise!
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Our members really appreciate the innovative training & educational
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For information, contact Bill Hanley at 888-316-2378 or
Be Sure to Update your Subscription Info at!
RooMers Winter 2008 Volume 18 Number 4
Who’s Where Now
Kwan Hung Chui, General Manager, Haida Way Motor Inn, Port McNeil, BC Š Aurora Cozza, General Manager,
Four Points by Sheraton, Prince George, BC Š Ken Cretney, General Manager, Vancouver Conventions & Exhibition
Centre, BC Š Colleen Curran-Fotopoulos, Director of Sales & Marketing, Radisson Suite Hotel Toronto Airport Š
Jeff Edwards, Chief Information Officer and Executive VP, Revenue Services, Wyndham Hotel Group Š Duane
Elledge, Executive VP - Brand Services, Wyndham Hotel Group Š Kimberly Hughes, General Manager, Delta Victoria
Ocean Pointe Resort & Spa, Victoria, BC Š Karim Jaffer, General Manager, Ramada Inn Coquitlam, BC Š Dianna
Jarman, General Manager, Podollan Inn, Salmon Arm, BC Š Samantha Jervis, Account Director, Tour and Leisure
Sales, The Fairmont Chateau Whistler, BC Š Camille Keep, General Manager, Sundial Boutique Hotel, Victoria, BC
Š Corey Kitchen, General Manager, Coast Prince Rupert Hotel, BC Š Peter Nielsen, General Manager, Nelsen
Lodge, Revelstoke, BC Š Richard O'Beirne, General Manager and Regional Director, Holiday Inn Waterfront,
Kingston, ON Š Keith Pierce, President - Brand Operations, the Americas, Wyndham Hotel Group Š Joe Perry,
General Manager, Sandman Inn - Revelstoke, BC Š Craig A. Reaume, Hotel Manager, The Fairmont Royal York,
Toronto, ON Š Carol Rempel, General Manager, Best Western Coachman Inn, Fort St. John, BC Š Scott Roberts,
Executive Director of Sales, Coast Hotels & Resorts Š Ralph Schwengers, General Manager, The Waterside Inn,
Mississauga, ON Š Roger Soane, General Manager, The Fairmont Banff Springs, AB Š Kelli Steer, General Manager,
Coast Inn of the North, Prince George, BC Š Steve Veinot, General Manager, Best Western Richmond Hotel &
Conference Centre, BC Š Kimberley Watson, General Manager, Comfort Inn & Suites - Victoria, BC Š Mark Wood,
Sales Manager, Western USA, The Fairmont Chateau Whistler, BC Š Marc Wolfe, Operations Manager, Travelodge
Ottawa Hotel & Conference Centre, ON Š Retired: Lorne Weary, Holiday Inn - Kingston, ON
Association des Hôteliers du
Annual Conference &
60th Anniversary Celebration
Feb 9 - 10, 2009
Hilton Bonaventure
Montréal, QC
Hotel Association of Canada
Annual General Meeting
February 10, 2009
Conference & Trade Show
February 11, 2009
Toronto Hilton
Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise
Lake Louise, AB
Awards Dinner
February 11, 2009
Toronto Hilton
Host Saskatchewan
Trade Show & Annual Convention
March 22 & 23, 2009
Queensbury Centre, IPSCO Place
Regina, SK
Alberta Hotel & Lodging
Annual Convention & Trade Show
April 5 - 7, 2009
April 26 & 27, 2009
Winnipeg Convention Centre
Atlantic Canada's Expo for the
Hospitality Industry
September 15 & 16, 2009
WTCC - Room 200, Sections D & E
Grand Ballroom
Halifax, NS
Military Family Appreciation Program
RooMers is a quarterly publication and is
published by the Hotel Association of Canada.
Address comments or questions to the Editor:
Andrea Myers
Hotel Association of Canada
130 Albert St., Suite 1206, Ottawa, ON K1P 5G4
Tel: 613.237.7149 Fax: 613.237.8928
The Hotel Association of Canada is the federation of provincial and territorial hotel associations, hotel chains and suppliers with a mandate to
represent members nationally and internationally and to provide cost
effective services which stimulate and encourage a free market lodging
RooMers Winter 2008 Volume 18 Number 4
Is your hotel a participant in the
HAC Military Family Appreciation Program?
Beautifully engraved 8” x 10” rosewood
lobby display plaques are available for order!
($60 + shipping & handling)
To place your order contact:
Globe Awards & Promotions
Tel: (613) 234-4440 Fax: (613) 234-5501
Ref: “Hotel Association Military Appreciation Plaque”