Carelink Ministries Inc. - Golden Grove Baptist Church


Carelink Ministries Inc. - Golden Grove Baptist Church
“A community of faith, following Jesus into the neighborhood”
Whether this is your first service or you have been attending Golden Grove Baptist
for years, we pray that today you will receive encouragement from the service and
experience the presence of God.
If you are just visiting or searching for a church home, we invite you to fill in a blue
Welcome Card and place it in the offering bag during the service. If you are a first time
visitor, go to the cafe after the service where you will receive a free hot drink of your
Contact Details
Senior Pastor
Mike Bartlett 0447 710 414
Associate Pastor
Jason Lippitt 0422 456 647
Children’s Pastor
Narelle Ball 0412 603 028
Youth Pastor
Jason McPhee 0430 446 131
Church Office
Jodie Aldis/Ben Goode 8289 1866
Carelink Office 8289 5822
The Lookout Cafe
Marina Mendolia 8289 1866
Sermon podcasts available now
93 Wynn Vale Drive Wynn Vale SA 5127 PO Box 1382, Golden Grove Village SA 5125
Phone: (08) 8289 1866 Fax: (08) 8289 1788
Over the next month or so, we are going
to devote the preaching time on Sunday
mornings to looking at the New Testament
book of Colossians. What we will find there is
a letter that has as much to say to `us today,
even in the midst of our broken world, as it
did on the day it was written.
Have you ever observed, or
participated in a conversation
or argument, where one of the
people involved puts their hands
over their ears in protest? It’s
a powerful gesture isn’t it? It
indicates, quite obviously, that one
participant “doesn’t want to hear it
anymore!” (It can also be incredibly
frustrating – particularly when the
person carrying out this action is
your own 5 year old!)
St Paul wrote this letter at a time in history
dominated by extreme violence. He wrote
it to a community of people who believed
in, and placed their hope in Jesus. They
loved him passionately. But these same
people struggled with the same sense of
helplessness that we do. They desperately
needed to know how to live the life of the
Kingdom, in the nitty-gritty details of a life,
when so much else constantly called for
their attention. When all sorts of influences
threatened their affection for both God, and
each other. And so there is so much in this
book that I believe we so desperately still
need to hear, and take on board, and live out
I’m a self confessed “information junkie” (my
car radio is always on ABC news – I must be
getting old) but this is mostly what I want to do
at the moment whenever
I watch the news on TV,
“Let’s get the words
read the newspaper, or
off the page and into
listen to the radio.
SO – much like when we
start any new preaching
series, I encourage you
to immerse yourself in the
our hearts and minds
text. Read it and re-read it.
Read it with your families.
News of fear and terror,
Talk about it with your
in all manner of shapes
the world, one life at a
Wonder about
and forms, in all corners
it. Question
of the globe, seems to
it. Pray
flood the airwaves and
relentlessly push images of destruction into through it. Think about it. Let’s get the words
our homes. I wonder - is it a good thing to be off the page, and into our hearts and minds
this immediately informed about worldwide and out into our lives, and see how it changes
events? Or does it produce more anxiety the world, one life at a time.
than it is worth, just to “keep your finger on
the pulse” of what is going on in the world?
I mean what are we meant to do with all this
bad news anyway?
Grace, peace –
Sept 7th
Topic: Transform Cambodia Partnership Launch
Sept 14th
Topic: Keys to Colossians
Speaker: Mike Bartlett
Sept 21st
Topic: Keys to Colossians
Speaker: Russell Eley
Sept 28th
Topic: Keys to Colossians
Speaker: Mike Bartlett
Sept 7th
Topic: Prodigal God
Speaker: Jason Lippitt
Sept 14th
Sept 21st
Sept 28th
Member Profile (Profiles compiled by Kaye Britton)
I’m currently reading…Undaunted by Christine Caine.
As a child I wanted to be…a ballerina.
When I have free time…I scrapbook.
I don’t enjoy…conflict.
Church is…a place where I feel safe.
My favourite words are…I love you.
My most treasured possession…is my Mum’s engagement ring.
My hidden talent…is karaoke.
From the menu…I choose chicken.
Not many people know…that I have epilepsy.
I deal with anger…by walking away.
I laugh most…when with family and close friends.
I look forward to…retirement.
I sometimes wonder…what on earth my husband is thinking.
I dream of…a better world with no conflict over religion.
The secret to being happy…is be a good friend and listen to what others have to say.
I collect…nothing. I hate clutter!
On my walls you’ll find…photos of my grandchildren.
My mistakes…are made when I don’t think things through properly.
My faith in God…is solid even though severely tested in recent times.
I regret…not learning how to cook Yorkshire puddings from my Mum.
I’d like to have lunch…with Michelle Obama.
I’d like to learn…to speak Chinese.
I listen to…my ipod at gym.
My indulgence…is chocolate.
I have learnt…to forgive.
My favourite time of day…is morning.
My favourite hymn…is Amazing Grace.
Member Profile (Profiles compiled by Kaye Britton)
I’m currently reading...Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales.
As a child...I wanted to be Superman.
When I have some free time...I ride my bike, do art, take photos.
I don’t enjoy...pineapple, politics, abstract expressionism, jazz from the 1980s
Church is ...people.
My favourite word is...discombobulated.
A treasured possession is...Chronicles of Narnia book collection.
My hidden talent is...poetry
From the menu I choose ...Asian.
I books and magazines, found item, and my own art.
On my walls you’ll own art!
Not many people know...that I have a family.
I deal with reminding myself of my position before God.
I’m most proud of... my devastatingly handsome good looks.
I laugh most when...inappropriate.
My faith in complex.
The secret to being happy thankful every day, be outside and be around
people and animals.
My biggest mistake was...big!
I regret...not starting graffiti writing when I was 13, not practising the guitar more and
not asking out that girl when I should have.
I sometimes wonder...if I could live homeless in some strange city for a year.
I’d like to have lunch with... Aaron Weiss from the band mewithoutYou.
I dream of...big waves, houses with hidden rooms and crumbling teeth.
I’d like to learn... krav maga, parkour, Pu Tong Hua.
I’d be too afraid to...swim in freezing cold water... even if my life depended on it!
I listen to...jazz, classical, post-rock, metal, and crazy Japanese bands.
My favourite time of day is... sunset with the blackbird song.
Local Church - Global Impact
For many years Barry and Pam Hughes have been following Jesus into the local
neighbourhood but they have also been making a difference for God in the global
Habitat for Humanity (HFF)
After visiting Barry’s son Bryan who was building homes for the poor with
Habitat for Humanity (HFH) in the jungles of Bolivia Barry & Pam came home
and joined the SA affiliate of HFH.
Barry ran HFH in SA for 10 years and is still on the HFH Board.
In SA, HFH has built or renovated 25 homes since 1989.
Around the world HFH has built 500,000 homes sheltering 2 million people in
3,000 communities in 90 countries.
HFH SA also has a Men’s shed teaching skills that sometimes leads to jobs for
the unemployed.
Pam and Barry continue to interview prospective homeowners, visit HFF
homeowners in SA and speak to organisations about HFH Baptist Care SA
Refugee Services.
Barry’s son Bryan now co-ordinates the Fuse Mentoring Program.
Through this program Barry is mentoring an Afghan man and Pam is helping
his wife and family settle into life in Adelaide.
Carelink – a ministry of GGBC
Barry is one of our Carelink volunteers which is also helping a number of
refugee families settle into life in Adelaide
Take some time to chat with Barry and Pam to find out more.
Ross Britton & Gay Ewens
GGBC Missions group
Each year Triple T supports Operation Christmas Child by
packing shoeboxes with gifts for children in need. This year
shoeboxes will go to children in South East Asia and South
Donations for items to fill these boxes can now be made to
Triple T and they would greatly appreciate your support.
Some ideas:
SOMETHING TO LOVE Teddy bear, doll, soft toy, etc.
SOMETHING FOR SCHOOL Exercise book, pencil case, pens, pencils,
colouring pencils, sharpener, eraser, chalk, etc.
SOMETHING TO WEAR T-shirt, shorts, underwear, cap, beanie, sandals,
SOMETHING TO PLAY WITH Tennis ball, cars, skipping rope, marbles,
musical instrument, yo-yo, slinky, finger puppets, wind up torch, etc.
(No battery operated items)*
toothbrush, hairbrush, comb, hair-clips, scrunchies, etc.(No toothpaste)*
SOMETHING SPECIAL Carry bag, sunglasses, bangles, necklaces, craft kits,
stickers, note or photo of yourself.
You can also donate money to help with postage costs.
Please see Janette Brimblecombe or Judy Ross.
“Every shoebox gift is an opportunity to touch a child’s heart with the love of Jesus Christ.”
A couple of years ago, a presentation, largely through
photographs, was staged here at the church demonstrating
(among other things) what life in Cambodia has been like over
the past forty years. A country torn apart by civil war with untold
atrocities unleashed on the local population. A lot of us have
seen and heard about these events - the “Killing Fields” - but it
becomes more poignant when we can connect with a face or an
individual which is what these photo’s did.
That presentation planted a seed in my
heart about the needs for this population
who are so close to us geographically
and who have suffered untold evil over
this time and continue to suffer the
consequences. Cambodia as a country is
still reeling from these events. 42% of the
population is under 15 years age and a
large proportion of these kids spend their
days scavenging and begging for food and
money to help their families survive on a
day to day basis. This means, of course,
that these kids are destined to remain
desperately poor without education or
hope to change their circumstances.
Following the tumultuous political events
in the country, there was left something
of a vacuum of government and the
associated activities that we normally
associate with government such as health
and education as well as proper policing
of various criminal activities including
corruption at many levels. This effectively
means that education is only available in
a limited way for the “relatively” well-to-do
as long as the right person is paid for this
to occur.
Over the past year or so, I have heard
about the activities of a couple of
Australians based in Perth who have
acted on this knowledge and with the
grace of God have put in a great deal of
effort in time, love and money to achieve
change for some of the kids in Cambodia.
These people are Christians who believe
in a radical God who loves these forgotten
people. They have a heart for making a
difference in a tangible way.
They set up an organisation called “Transform Cambodia” in 2006. It is aimed at building
– physically and personally – what they call Life Centres which are based in poor areas
to involve local kids who can come and receive education and support which would
otherwise be impossible for them to access. So far there are 20 Centres established...
they are supported by sponsorship on a general level (available to anyone) as well as
a child-specific level – this is available to people belonging to organisations who have
undertaken to sponsor one of these Centres. Our Church leadership has undertaken
to partner with Kings Baptist Grammar School to co-sponsor a new Centre due for
completion soon.
This would be a marvellous way to get
involved with this wonderful activity. More
will be explained in the Church service
on Sept 7th. What I personally like about
this process is that the person/people
sponsoring a child can get more involved
with the child or the family if they wish
(I compare this with many other child
sponsorship arrangements which are
much more limiting in the involvement
of the sponsor with the family). It may
be possible to send specific gifts, write
letters/email and receive replies or
visit the family if that is suitable.The
sponsoring Church/School or other
organisation is then directly involved with
their Life Centre in Cambodia and this can
then lead to other ministry opportunities
within the Centre.
The Transform Cambodia organisation
has people “on the ground” to train locals
to manage the Centre and it seems from
their performance so far that they are in it
for the long haul.
The Transform Cambodia people have
really put their trust in God to allow for the
development of these Centres. This will
allow us to see in a very real and tangible
way what can be achieved by the grace
of God.
This is what it means to be part of God’s
One in the body of Christ.
Church Noticeboard
I think you will all agree that our lunch together last week was a wonderful time of
fellowship and we shared some really delicious food. Thank you to you all for taking
the time to prepare food for this lunch. I wanted to say a big Thank you to those who
helped in the kitchen. Steve & Leonie Tunn, Justine Dalhelm and Ross Britton worked
super hard all morning keeping food warm and setting up the tables, keeping the kids
away from the sweets during the AGM and cleaning and packing up at the end of the
lunch. Thank you for serving our community in this way.
Jodie Aldis
Christmas on the Hill - 30th November 2014
There is always a variety of jobs to be done in preparation for and during this event.
If you are interested in helping in any way for this event, please see Narelle Ball or
contact the church office.
Church Camp 2015 - 22-24th May 2015
Church camp will go from 6pm May 22nd to 1pm May 24th 2015 at the Woodhouse
Church Camp.
Tuesday September 16th from 1:15pm.
All are welcome to attend!
The Kings Baptist Grammar School Open Day is on
Sunday October 19th from 2-4:30pm
Phone: (08) 8289 0222
October 18th at Clovercrest Baptist Church
Carelink Ministries Inc.
Carelink Needs
Canned Soup
Pasta Sauce
Instant Noodles
Tinned Vegetables
Carelink News
Hi Everybody!
As most of you now know, I have recently accepted the role of Carelink Manager. Firstly,
thank you to everyone who attended the AGM and passed my nomination. Outreach
programs like this are one of the many places I was helped through some of my darkest
times; in fact in 2010 my children and I were recipients of a Carelink Christmas Hamper!
I hope to bring Carelink back to the forefront of the Church; after all it is an important part
of how our church community is following Jesus into the neighbourhood! I plan to meet
with other outreach organisations within our community to find out what needs are not
being met in the wider community around Golden Grove. Be prepared for some change,
and to hear a lot more, over the coming 12 months – as they say WATCH THIS SPACE!
Carelink is looking for people who have a passion for helping people. New programs will
be introduced in 2015 and we would love to have more people from the congregation
involved. Please come and speak to me, or contact me on 0423 320 721 if you feel called
to help, in any capacity - even if it’s only on the odd occasion!
This month marks our anniversary of being a Kids Hope church partnered with Keithcot
Farm Primary School. Kids Hope is a mentoring program where one church joins with
one school and one mentor meets with one child each week of the school term for one
hour. The mentors are also matched with a prayer partner. The consistency and the fact
that the mentor is only there for one individual student to be an extra adult and friend in
their life is the strength of the program.
In the middle of last year Jenny Skeklios and I as coordinators of the program asked for
applications and sat with each individual interested in being a mentor and helped them
discern the path. 9 of us went on to complete the day long training equipping us to be
a Kids Hope mentor. Jenny and I met with the principal of KFPS and made what we felt
were appropriate matches with mentor and student. So it was with varying expectations
and emotions that we met our students.
There has of course been some up and downs both with individual relationships between
mentor and mentee and delays due to some of the general administration and new
safety check processes but below are some reflections a year on from the mentors who
have continued in this simple yet very effective and purposeful program.
“We have spent our hour together in different ways – reading, playing UNO, painting and
making cards. Some activities catch the imagination and engagement more than others,
but I always get a warm welcome and interest in what’s in my bag. I like just being her
friend – no expectations attached.” Kaye Britton
“I have enjoyed my sessions with my mentees and found it refreshing to engage with
a young person on an equal footing, both of us being new to mentoring. It has been
an exercise in trust from week to week as we find ways to relate to each other. I think
my presence has enabled them to talk about things that bother them just by being
available to listen. Unfortunately these relationships have been very short so far as I
have mentored year 7 students.” Jenny Skeklios
“Kids Hope is rewarding and sometimes enlightening. It’s also a reminder that I’m not as
far removed from childhood as I thought.” Dean Wood
“We have spent most of our time in the library creating something – wooden model kits,
paper planes, puppets and ornaments for the Christmas tree. It is an unhurried time of
just being together conversation is mainly about the task at hand but I feel I’m there and
if he wants to talk I’ll listen. I have seen his confidence in his ideas and abilities grow in
the year I have known him.” Narelle Ball
“The relationship is still an ongoing challenge, but we often don’t see the fruit of our
labor. I know God has me in this role for a reason.” Jo Reid
“I really love being a Kid’s hope mentor. The hour each week I’ve spent with my friend
has allowed us to develop a really great friendship. I think we both look forward to our
weekly chess or Yahtzee challenge, as well as incredible discussion about friendship,
politics, and Japanese animation! I encourage anyone with a spare hour each week to
share some love and give it a go!” Mike Bartlett
We would love to see the numbers of mentors we can offer to Keithcot Primary School
grow and will soon make a formal call for applications perhaps it’s something God is
nudging you or preparing you for so don’t hesitate to come and speak with Jenny or
myself and consider the possibility. Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my
name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me, but the one who
sent me. Mark 9:37
@ ggbc
Cubby: 0-3 yrs
Billabong: 3-5 yrs
Oasis: Yrs 1,2,3
The Shak: Yrs 4,5,6
A past member of GGBC, teacher,
Mother and now author Karina Hudson
has written a book titled “My Two
On the same morning Karina shared with
a group of children’s ministry leaders
about the way the book can be used to
pastorally care for children.
A number of copies of the book have been
left with Narelle - please see her to have
a flip through the book as you may know
of a child or family that may find this book
helpful. The book is $20.
My Two Houses tells the story of a child
who lives with the challenges of being
in a blended family and is helped by
prayer, scripture and the knowledge that
wherever you are, God is near and can
be your friend.
Many have been blessed by this book
including parents who came and met
Karina and purchased a book recently at
a book signing held in the Lookout Café.
WHEN: Sunday September 21st during
the usual program time.
Wear your pj’s to church! It’s going to be a
great time together as we praise God for
all his goodness!
Coming up next school holidays:
GGBC is joining together with St Marks
Anglican and Ambassador Soccer to
offer a Soccer camp to kids in our local
area. September September 30- October
3, 9:00am – 12:30pm each day at Kings
Baptist Grammar School oval.
Ambassadors Soccer Camps are for boys
and girls, ages 7-12, of all playing abilities.
They will receive excellent coaching from
local (and usually overseas) coaches,
based on the FFA National Curriculum,
participate in fun football-based games,
tournaments and competitions, hear
character-building team talks based on
Christian values and families are invited
to a final-day awards ceremony and
At time of printing there were 14 primary
aged kids already registered for soccer
camp and that number is bound to
increase rapidly as the opportunity is
given to local schools and soccer clubs.
is bound to increase rapidly as the
opportunity is given to local schools and
soccer clubs. It is going to be a great
way for our church to connect with kids
in our neighbourhood. You don’t need
to be soccer mad to serve in this event,
check out this list and speak to Narelle
if you are able to help out in any way:
Train (Monday morning 29th Sep)
and attend as a coach.
Be a host ie. direct and greet
people, have tea/coffee and a chat
available to parent/carers dropping
kids off.
Help with the ceremony and
celebration midday Friday ie.
cooking BBQ.
Take some photos and video
Pray all aspects of the event.
Give towards scholarships.
September 12
September 20
Come sleep over at the church on
September 12! Loads of fun to be had
including games, movies and ‘My Kitchen
Sucks’ Breakfast Edition!
We have killed the fattened calf so come
join us in this night of fun, food and frivolity
as we raise money for youth camp! This
is a combined youth and social committee
event and all are welcome.
We are already looking ahead to our
youth camp later this year down at
Victor Harbor. As part of this we are
launching some fundraising initiatives
including “Cans for Camp”. We would
love you to keep us in mind if you
have bottles and cans that we could
recycle to raise money for youth camp.
Jason McPhee, Youth Pastor
Church Rosters
SEPT 7th
SEPT 14th
Front Door
Front Door
G.Tilley, M.Tilley
G.Tilley, M.Tilley
Morning Tea
Morning Tea
T.Brimblecombe & N.Austin
B.Brimblecombe, B.Anderson,
D.Wood & N.Austin
L.Wood, R.Britton, K.Britton,
Zoe Ball
Offering Counters
Offering Counters
T.Materne, A.Chapman
G.Ewens, V.Moore
SEPT 21th
SEPT 28th
Front Door
Front Door
H.Einthal, R.Hammat
H.Einthal, R.Hammat
Morning Tea
Morning Tea
T.Marks & V.McDonald
T.Cooper, J.Cooper,
J.Moore, V.Moore
R.Brimblecombe & D.Wood
J.Brimblecombe, J.Gronow,
M.Moulds, B.Potts
Offering Counters
Offering Counters
D.Boyce, T.Ambrose
K.Holman, C.Holman
Aug Actual
Aug Budget
YTD Actual
YTD Budget
Electronic Payments
Golden Grove Baptist Church Inc
Main Account
BSB: 704 922
Account: 100 006 138
Direct Debit Payment
can be arranged.
Triple T
10am and 1pm
Triple T
10am and 1pm
Triple T
10am and 1pm
Triple T
10am and 1pm
Seniors Fitness
Seniors Fitness
Youth - Church
Sleep Over
Seniors Fitness
Seniors Fitness
Prayer Meeting
Prayer Meeting
Prayer Meeting
Prayer Meeting
Aussie Feast
Prayer Meeting
Prayer Meeting
Prayer Meeting
Prayer Meeting