data catalog - I
data catalog - I
NEW ADDITIONS Health Insurance Prospects, p.13 Vehicle Owners, p.18 On Demand Targeting Suite, p.41 2015 DATA CATALOG Table of Contents Demographic AmeriLINK® AmeriLINK® AmeriLINK® AmeriLINK® AmeriLINK® AmeriLINK® AmeriLINK® AmeriLINK® AmeriLINK® AmeriLINK® Consumer Database ..................................................Page 1 Mature Market Database ..........................................Page 2 Voter Database ..........................................................Page 3 Families with Children Database ............................Page 4 Homeowners Database.............................................Page 5 Ethnic Database ..........................................................Page 6 Occupation Database ...............................................Page 7 SOHO Database .......................................................Page 9 Mail-order Buyers Database ..................................Page 10 Veterans Database ...................................................Page 11 Healthcare/Insurance AmeriLINK® AmeriLINK® AmeriLINK® AmeriLINK® Health Insurance Prospects ...................................Page 13 Life Insurance Responder Index............................Page 14 Long Term Care Insurance Index .........................Page 15 Ailment Database ....................................................Page 16 Lifestyle/Specialty AmeriLINK® Vehicle Owners Database .....................................Page 18 AmeriLINK® Charitable Contributors Database .......................Page 19 AmeriLINK® Interests Database ..................................................Page 20 AmeriLINK® Buying Behavior Database ....................................Page 22 AmeriLINK® Shopping Behavior Database ...............................Page 23 AmeriLINK® Financial Database ..................................................Page 24 NationsBest ® Lists .........................................................................Page 25 Hotline New Homeowners Database .......................................................Page 27 New Equity Connections Database ...........................................Page 28 New Movers Database .................................................................Page 29 Attitudinal GENERATIONSSM Clustering System ..........................................Page 31 LIVING Well™....................................................................................Page 32 MindBase® .......................................................................................Page 33 Digital Neighborhoods 2.0SM .......................................................Page 34 Other AmeriLINK® Data Enhancement .................................................Page 36 DirectSuccessSM Processing Services .........................................Page 40 On Demand Targeting Suite ........................................................Page 41 Formats and Policies .....................................................................Page 42 I FIND, KNOW, KEEP AND GROW PROFITABLE CUSTOMERS At KBM Group, we understand that renting lists and mailing to consumers is not your goal. Connecting with promising prospects and cementing relationships with profitable customers are your real objectives. To do this, you must: • • • • • target profitable prospects profile your existing customers identify the most responsive prospects power predictive models drive effective relationship programs A RICH AND ACCURATE DATA SOURCE Our AmeriLINK® data helps you accomplish all of these goals. We are an original source compiler and, for more than 30 years, have been collecting data from hundreds of primary sources to build the AmeriLINK Consumer Marketing Database. Whether you use our data as a list, data append or licensed data install, AmeriLINK data helps you find new customers and keep your current customers active and loyal. Our data professionals understand the many nuances of data use and make recommendations for testing to help you fine-tune your targeting criteria. maker. Our files are standardized, updated continually, then processed through proprietary USPS® certified routines for superior deliverability. Our use of NCOALink®, LACSLink® and CASS® processed address-quality tools ensures maximum deliverability and postal discounts. AmeriLINK is not only date-verified, it is also DPV®* verified, the standard for enhanced address accuracy. All our databases are built with the same commitment to accuracy, deliverability and value. SUPERIOR DATA QUALITY AND QUANTITY • Exact age for more than 240 million individuals • More females by name than any other source • 250 million consumers by ethnicity, language spoken and religion • 120 million mature consumers • 40 million families with children • 90 million charitable donors • Largest source of consumer interests and lifestyles • All records are DPV® verified Unique Market Segments Demographic — Every campaign relies on solid demographics like geography, age, family makeup and homeownership. Our AmeriLINK database brings you the most current, accurate demographic data available. • Medicare Supplement Insurance Index — Reach the most promising individuals with your Medicare Supplement offers, based on ten levels of modeled responsiveness. • LIVING Well — Reach consumers based on their attitudes relating to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of health and wellness. • Buying Behavior — Target buyers by their preferred purchase categories and methods of shopping (online and offline) for true one-toone marketing. • Mature Market — Connect with the fastest growing segment of the population over 50. • GENERATIONSSM Clustering System — Reach 52 distinct population segments with similar buying power, lifestyle, demographics, outlook on life and more. • Ailment — Target 80 million consumers by more than 100 consumer-reported aches, pains, conditions and treatments. Lifestyle — What consumers do in their spare time is a good indication of how they spend their money. Our lifestyle databases, created from selfreported sources such as product registrations and survey responses, offer true insight into interests and spending. Attitudinal — Compiled and modeled through a myriad of carefully selected data sources, LIVING Well, MindBase® and Digital Neighborhoods 2.0SM allow you to target individuals based on their distinctive attitudes, values and motivations both offline and online. Hotline — If you’re targeting new movers or new homeowners, our monthly 30-day Hotline files connect you with proven, actively spending prospects. ACCURACY YOU CAN COUNT ON We compile data at the individual level, then household it so you can target consumers at the individual, household or address level, customizing your offer and message to the likely decision FULL RANGE OF DIRECT MARKETING SERVICES Our services don’t stop with data. We can help you through each stage of the customer lifecycle — acquisition, retention, growth, loyalty and win-back. We help you find high-value prospects, convert II them into customers and then increase your wallet share over a lifetime. Using our full range of services, you optimize your information so you can understand and anticipate your customers’ wants and needs through life-changing events like marriage, homeownership, child rearing and retirement. When you know your customers, you know success. Count on us for all your direct marketing needs. KEEP YOUR DATABASE ACCURATE AND DELIVERABLE Our DirectSuccessSM Processing Suite ensures the accuracy of your data and maximizes your postal discounts. It doesn’t matter how creative the agency, how fantastic the offer or how targeted the list, if the mail piece doesn’t make it into the right mailbox. And if prospects receive duplicate offers, their name is spelled wrong — or worse yet — the mailer goes to a deceased family member, your reputation is compromised. If you think that processing services are a commodity with no distinguishable difference except price, think again. The accuracy of the results and attention to detail vary widely by provider. We provide best-of-breed technology and practices developed and fine-tuned over many years. Our full range of processing services includes: • • • • • • Address hygiene Merge/purge Suppression services Specialized services Campaign preparation & selection Email processing MAXIMIZE YOUR ROI THROUGH SMART ANALYTICS Your success depends on making the right decisions. That means understanding your data, enhancing it with outside data, analyzing it for greater insight, then developing and deploying the right mix of services. We provide expert decision support services to turn your raw data into business intelligence that enables you to attract and retain profitable customers. Buttressed by our proprietary “analytical roadmap” approach, which customizes the analytics to fit your unique needs, we offer a broad spectrum of analytical services: • Profiling • Modeling – Clone/Product Propensity – Response/Conversion – Multistage Combination – Best Product • Segmentation/Clustering ACQUIRE AND MANAGE PROFITABLE RELATIONSHIPS Our IMPACT® database marketing solution brings all the pieces together. Data, analytics and processing merge into an integrated platform, enabling you to manage an ongoing dialogue with your customers and prospects. This blending of technology, expertise and information lets you connect with consumers in ways that are relevant to their lives. You offer them products and services they want through their preferred channel. Our IMPACT solution combines proven business intelligence, data mining, analytics and campaign management with processes and procedures that ensure the best use of timely and accurate data. The result is a total solution that empowers you to drive and enable your acquisition, retention, growth and loyalty strategies. Plus, we simplify an otherwise daunting undertaking by guiding you through the entire process from readiness assessment to campaign-response management. IMPACT is technology-enabled marketing at its best! • • • • • Integrates data, processing, analytics and campaign management ASP-hosted environment Incremental update processing Email messaging Strategic consulting support Consumer Privacy We care about consumer privacy and are responsible stewards of the public information we maintain. We voluntarily comply with state and national laws regulating the gathering and dissemination of consumer information (including the new CANSPAM regulations), as well as ethical and privacy guidelines set by the Direct Marketing Association. We use the National Do-Not-Call Registry, as well as the DMA Mail and Telephone Preference files, the DMA Do-Not-Email file and all available state Do-Not-Call lists to suppress those consumers who do not want to receive direct-marketing solicitations. Our clients are also bound contractually to use our data only for solicitations in good taste and of the highest integrity. * KBM Group® is a non-exclusive Full Service Provider Licensee of the United States Postal Service®. Payment for services should be made to KBM Group® and prices are not established, controlled or approved by the United States Postal Service. Advertising is neither approved nor endorsed by the United States Postal Service. The following trademarks are owned by the United States Postal Service: USPS, CASS, NCOALink, LACSLink, DSF2, DPV, ZIP + 4 and United States Postal Service. III Demographic 260,000,000 Demographic AME RILIN K ® CON SUME R DATAB ASE The AmeriLINK® Consumer Database includes over 260 million spending consumers and is demographically selectable, so you can reach just the right prospective customer with your unique message. Nowhere else will you find more exact age data, females by name and consumers by ethnicity. AmeriLINK is processed through USPS ® standards and DPV® verified to ensure accurate mail delivery. And, because the file is compiled at the individual level, you can target the right person in the household by name. AmeriLINK is built from hundreds of sources, including public records, phone directories, consumer surveys and purchase transactions, as well as other proprietary sources. The result is a rich and accurate data source to drive your marketing efforts. Total Count...............................................260,000,000 Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Base Price.......................................................$25.00/M Demographic Selects Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Suggested Uses Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M The AmeriLINK® Consumer Database is a great source for many different types of direct marketing campaigns and can be easily tailored to fit your list needs. The AmeriLINK® Consumer Database is ideal for the following: • • • • • Continuity mailings Credit offers Insurance Retail Telecom Don’t see your application above? No problem. Give us a call, and we’ll consult with you on the best way to harness the power of AmeriLINK for your next mailing. See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. * KBM Group® is a non-exclusive Full Service Provider Licensee of the United States Postal Service. Payment for services should be made to KBM Group® and prices are not established, controlled or approved by the United States Postal Service. Advertising is neither approved nor endorsed by the United States Postal Service. The following trademarks are owned by the United States Postal Service ®: USPS, DPV and ZIP + 4. For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) 1 120,000,000 Demographic A ME RILIN K ® MATURE M AR K ET DATAB ASE Freed from the constraints of raising a family and with more time of their own, these senior consumers seek products, services and activities that complement their desire to live life to the fullest. This market of mature spenders has over $2.9 trillion in spending power and a cumulative net worth that’s nearly twice the national average. The Mature Market Database is made up of individuals over 50 who are great prospects for insurance, healthcare, investment and travel offers. Grandparents with grandchildren are also good targets for children’s products. Today, many senior Americans live with their adult children. Because the data in the Mature Market Database is compiled at the individual level, you can now reach these seniors by their full names, bypassing the head of household. Total Count................................................120,000,000 Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Base Price.......................................................$35.00/M Demographic Selects Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Caregivers.........................................................$10.00/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Elderly parents living with their children........$2.50/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Suggested Uses The AmeriLINK® Mature Market Database is the preferred list source for many of the nation’s top senior marketers, providing them with hot pre- and post-retirement age prospects. The Mature Market Database is ideal for the following: • • • • • • • Medicare Part D prospects Retirement communities Travel and entertainment Restaurants Retirement planning Investments Senior membership assoc’s Don’t see your application above? No problem. Give us a call. We’ll work with you to create the perfect senior list for your next mailing. See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) 2 84,000,000 Demographic A ME RILIN K ® VOTER DATAB ASE KBM Group® now offers 84 million registered voters to assist with your next election campaign effort. Within the base of 84 million registered voters are approximately 38 million individuals by known voter party (Republican, Democrat, Independent and Other/Non-declared). When used in conjunction with date of birth as well other key lifestyle selects such as “known donor,” this database is perfect for election and fundraising activities. You can also combine registered voter information with the known homeowner select to target constituents or opposition supporters in a specific geography who are more likely to turn out at the polls on election day. Total Count..................................................84,000,000 Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Base Price.......................................................$40.00/M Voter Affiliation Selects Price Demographic Selects Price Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 Political party affiliation.............................................N/C All select charges apply in addition to the base price Suggested Uses Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M No other database is more effective at targeting prospective political and financial supporters. The AmeriLINK® Voter Database is a great source for political mailings and election campaigns, and can be easily tailored with additional selects for more specific political targeting. The Voter Database is ideal for the following: • Local, state & national elections • Political donations • Political party mailings Don’t see your application above? No problem. Give us a call, and we’ll consult with you on the best way to harness the power of AmeriLINK for your next mailing. See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) 3 40,000,000 Demographic A ME RILIN K ® FAMILIES WI TH C H I L DR EN Let’s face it, kids know exactly what they want and don’t hesitate to tell their parents what’s on the top of their list. As a result, children influence a large portion of disposable income spent in a family. Families with young children are perfect prospects for baby items and children’s toys, books and clothing as well as life insurance and supplemental health insurance coverage for the family. As they get older, the preteen and teen markets are lucrative segments for leisure and educational offers, such as computer and video games, athletic equipment, clothing, audio/ electronic equipment and trendy offers. The Families with Children Database includes millions of teens aged 16 to 18 who are prime targets for automobile accessories, electronic equipment, insurance and secondary-education offers. The Families with Children Database maintains the privacy of children while providing excellent target selections. Total Count..................................................40,000,000 Base Price.......................................................$25.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Families with Children Selects Price Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 Demographic Selects Price Children’s presence by age/gender...............$15.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Presence of children..........................................$10.00/M Suggested Uses All select charges apply in addition to the base price AmeriLINK® Families with Children is a great list source for many types of child-related offers. The Families with Children database is also ideal for the following: Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M • • • • • Continuity reading clubs College planning Magazines Children’s catalogs Telecom/cell phones Don’t see your industry or offers above? No problem. Just give us a call. We’ll find out what your next campaign’s offer is and build a custom list to suit your needs. See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) 4 67,000,000 Demographic A ME RILIN K ® HOMEOWN ER S The American dream is to own a home. For most families, once the dream comes true, they must manage the ongoing maintenance and improvements to their homestead. Reach 67 million American home owners in need of products and services to help them keep things functional and fashionable. They respond to a variety of offers, such as lawn and garden equipment, pool equipment and chemicals, home furnishings, electronic equipment and decorating ideas. Because of their specific purchasing needs and above-average incomes, these consumers are prime targets for insurance, financial services, home equity and fundraising offers. The AmeriLINK® Homeowners Database also offers home value and home equity indicators, giving you more insight into income and spending power. Total Count..................................................67,000,000 Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Base Price.......................................................$35.00/M Homeowners Selects Price Mortgage Home value ........................................................$15.00/M Mortgage amount – 1st ...................................$15.00/M Mortgage amount – 2nd..................................$15.00/M Mortgage loan type..........................................$15.00/M Mortgage term ..................................................$15.00/M Sale date .............................................................$15.00/M Sale price.............................................................$15.00/M Property Effective year built.............................................$10.00/M Land square footage ........................................$10.00/M Land value calculated.......................................$10.00/M Living square feet..............................................$10.00/M Pool.......................................................................$10.00/M Real estate investor ..........................................$10.00/M Roof type.............................................................$10.00/M Year built.............................................................$10.00/M Demographic Selects Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 Suggested Uses When your offer requires that it go to a real homeowner and not a renter, you can trust the AmeriLINK® Homeowners Database to provide you with the prospects perfect for your offer: Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M 5 • • • • • • • Lawn care Cable/satellite TV Internet Services Home improvements Refinancing Home security Indicator of affluence 250,000,000 Demographic A ME RILIN K ® ETHN IC DATAB ASE More people from all ethnic backgrounds with different languages, cultures, values and traditions have come to live and work in America. Our coding system utilizes custom computer logic to identify the ethnicity, probable spoken language and religion of consumers, identifying their heritage and place of origin. Each ethnic population has different interests and lifestyles that warrant culturally targeted offers for travel, foods, telecom products, magazines, newspapers, fundraising, religious offers and educational programs. Ethnic selections also help expand your services to profitable new markets while customizing your messages for the best response. Choose from our expanded list of ethnic indicators for a more targeted offering. Total Count...............................................250,000,000 Demographic Selects Base Price.......................................................$35.00/M Ethnicity Selects Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Price Assimilation (Hispanic or Asian)......................$10.00/M Country of origin (Hispanic) ............................$10.00/M Religion................................................................$10.00/M Specific ethnicity .........................................................N/C Spoken language ..............................................$10.00/M (Specific ethnicity selects below are included in the base price) African African-American Alaskan Arabian Armenian Bangladeshi Bulgarian Burmese Cambodian Chinese Czechoslovakian Danish Dutch English (British) Estonian Ethiopian Finnish French German Greek Hawaiian Hebrew Hispanic (Spanish) Hungarian Icelandic Indian Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Korean Laotian Latvian Lithuanian Malaysian Manx Middle Eastern Misc. Asian Misc. East European Multi-ethnic Native American Norwegian Pakistani Polish Portuguese Russian Samoan Scottish Sri Lankan Swedish Swiss Tagalog (Filipino) Thai Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese Welsh Yugoslavian Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 6 110,000,000 Demographic A ME RILIN K ® OCCUPAT I O N D ATAB ASE Doctor. Mechanic. School teacher. An individual’s occupation provides insight about interests and activities, disposable income and probable purchase interests. Inferring interests from a job title is a valuable way to target magazine offers, packaged goods, clothing, automobile offers and more. Combining occupation with other demographics provides you with highly targeted segments, and with over 250 occupation indicators, the targeting possibilities are endless. For example, cross-referencing occupation with age lets you target investment or insurance offers to individuals likely to be retiring. Some occupations, such as farmers, found under the blue-collar worker category, have particular times of the year they are free to spend on leisure activities, helping you time your campaigns to target this niche group. Total Count................................................110,000,000 Demographic Selects Base Price.......................................................$35.00/M Occupation Selects Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Business Owner Accountant Builder Contractor Dealer/Retailer/Storekeeper Dealer/Vendor Distributor/Wholesaler Funeral Director Maker/Manufacturer Owner Partner Self-Employed Professional Architect Chemist Curator Engineer Engineer/Aerospace Engineer/Chemical Engineer/Civil Engineer/Electrical Engineer/Electronic Engineer/Field Engineer/Industrial Engineer/Mechanical Geologist Legal/Attorney/Lawyer Librarian/Archivist Medical Doctor/Physician Pastor Pilot Scientist Statistician/Actuary Veterinarian Exec/Upper Mgmt CEO/CFO/Chairman/Corp Officer Comptroller Politician/Diplomat Politician/Legislator President Treasurer Vice President Middle Management Account Executive Director/Art Director Director/Executive Director Editor Manager Manager/Assistant Manager Manager/Branch Manager Manager/Credit Manager Manager/District Manager Manager/Division Manager Manager/General Manager Manager/Marketing Manager Manager/Office Manager Manager/Plant Manager Manager/Product Manager Manager/Project Manager Manager/Property Manager Manager/Regional Manager Manager/Sales Manager Manager/Store Manager Manager/Traffic Manager Manager/Warehouse Manager Planner Principal/Dean/Educator Superintendent Supervisor White-Collar Worker Accounting/Biller/Billing Clerk Actor/Entertainer/Announcer Adjuster Administration/Management Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 (continued on next page) 7 Advertising Agent Aide/Assistant Aide/Assistant/Executive Aide/Assistant/Office Aide/Assistant/School Aide/Assistant/Staff Aide/Assistant/Technical Analyst Appraiser Artist Auctioneer Auditor Banker Banker/Loan Officer Banker/Loan Processor Bookkeeper Broker Broker/Stock/Trader Buyer Cashier Caterer Checker Claims Examiner/Rep/ Adjudicator Clerk Clerk/File Collector Communications Conservation/Environment Consultant/Adviser Coordinator Customer Service Representative Designer Detective/Investigator Dispatcher Draftsman Estimator Expeditor Finance Flight Attendant/Steward Flight Attendant/Stewardess Florist Graphic Designer/Commercial Art Hostess/Host/Usher Insurance/Agent Insurance/Underwriter Interior Designer Jeweler Marketing Merchandiser Model Musician/Music/Dance Personnel/Interviewer Personnel/Recruiter Photography Public Relations Publishing Purchasing Quality Control Real Estate/Realtor Receptionist Reporter Researcher Sales Sales Clerk/Counterman Security Surveyor Technician Telemarketer Telephone/Operator Teller/Bank Teller Tester Transcriptionist/Translator Travel Agent Union Member/Representative Ward Clerk Water Treatment Blue-Collar Worker Animal Technician/Groomer Apprentice Assembler Athlete/Professional Attendant Auto Mechanic Baker Barber/Hairstylist/Beautician Bartender Binder Body Man Brakeman Brewer Butcher/Meat Cutter Carpenter/Furniture Carpenter/Woodworking Chef/Butler Child Care/Day Care/Babysitter Cleaner/Laundry Clerk/Deli Clerk/Produce Clerk/Stock Conductor Construction Cook Cosmetologist Courier/Delivery/Messenger Crewman Custodian Cutter Dock Worker Driver Driver/Bus Driver Driver/Truck Driver Electrician Fabricator Factory Worker Farmer/Dairyman Finisher Fisherman/Seaman Fitter Food Service Foreman/Crew Leader Foreman/Shop Foreman Forestry Foundry Worker Furrier Gardener/Landscaper Glazier Grinder Grocer Helper Housekeeper/Maid Inspector Installer Ironworker Janitor 8 Journeyman Laborer Lineman Lithographer Loader Locksmith Machinist Maintenance Maintenance Supervisor Mason/Bricklayer Material Handler Mechanic Meter Reader Millworker Millwright Miner Mold Maker/Molder/Injection Oil Industry/Driller Operator Operator/Boilermaker Operator/Crane Operator Operator/Forklift Operator Operator/Machine Operator Packer Painter Parts (Auto Etc.) Pipe Fitter Plumber Polisher Porter Presser Press Operator Printer Production Repairman Roofer Sanitation/Exterminator Seamstress/Tailor/Handicraft Setup Man Sheet Metal Worker/Steel Worker Shipping/Import/Export Sorter Toolmaker Transportation Typesetter Upholstery Utility Waiter/Waitress Welder Health Services Chiropractor Dental Assistant Dental Hygienist Dentist Dietician Doctor Healthcare Medical Assistant Medical Secretary Medical Technician Medical/Paramedic Nurses Aide/Orderly Optician Optometrist Pharmacist/Pharmacy Psychologist Technician/Lab Technician/X-ray Therapist Therapist/Physical Secretary Legal/Paralegal/Assistant Legal/Secretary Secretary Typist Homemaker Homemaker Retired Retired/Pensioner Military Personnel Armed Forces Army Credit Union Trades Navy Credit Union Trades Veterans Teacher Coach Counselor Instructor Lecturer Professor Teacher Trainer Nurse Nurse Nurse/LPN Nurse (Registered) Computer Computer Operator Computer Programmer Computer/Systems Analyst Data Entry/Key Punch Civil Service Air Traffic Control Civil Service/Government Corrections/Probation/Parole Court Reporter Firefighter Judge/Referee Mail Carrier/Postal Mail/Postmaster Police/Trooper Social Worker/Case Worker Part Time Part Time Student Student Disabled Disabled 11,000,000 Demographic AME R ILIN K ® SOHO DA TAB ASE Entrepreneurs. Leaders. Self-starters. Working hard to build their own businesses, AmeriLINK SOHO business owners are living the American dream: being their own boss. Motivated, organized and possessing the discipline necessary to grow their small home-based company, these business owners are the perfect audience for health insurance offers, financial credit opportunities, office supply and furniture offers, broadband Internet packages and Web hosting, high volume PDA and cell phone plans, business travel discounts and frequent flyer offers. Compiled from more than 200 governmental sources through self-reported company data at the local, state and federal levels, these SOHO owners are dedicated to their jobs because they’re not only an employee but also the owner! Total Count..................................................11,000,000 Suggested Uses Base Price.......................................................$35.00/M Demographic Selects The AmeriLINK® SOHO Database is ideal to reach this significant small-business market segment with targeted offers. The SOHO Database is effective for the following: Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M • • • • • • • • Health insurance Financial/credit offers Business/office supplies Commercial printing Wireless phone plans Business travel discounts Books/magazines Office furniture Don’t see your industry or offers above? No problem. Just give us a call. We’ll find out about your next campaign’s particular offer and build a custom list to suit. See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 9 95,000,000 Demographic A ME RILIN K ® MAIL- OR D ER B UY ER S Today, consumers seek more convenience when they have less time to shop for items seen advertised on television or in the newspapers. Easy for them to order and delivered to their doorstep in days, mailorder items are preferred by these consumers. No driving to the mall. No parking nightmares. No crowds. Convenience and lower costs are king with these folks. Compiled from catalog and mail-order purchase data and other direct-mail response sources, the Mail-order Buyers Database includes consumers who repeatedly shop through catalogs. This database comprises both mail order buyers and mail responsive individuals. These purchasers often buy items through multiple channels, such as catalogs or ecommerce. Target them with offers for new credit cards and catalogs ranging from apparel and lawn equipment to online subscriptions. Total Count Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Mail-order buyer .............................................95,000,000 Mail responsive ............................................100,000,000 Base Price.......................................................$35.00/M Mail-order Selects (one select required) Price One select required. Charges apply in addition to the base price Mail-order buyer ..................................................$5.00/M Mail responsive ............................................................N/C Specific mail-order buyer category................$20.00/M Demographic Selects Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M 10 Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 Suggested Uses The AmeriLINK® Mail-order Buyers Database is perfect to target the following offers: • • • • • • • • • • Books/magazines Children’s products Clothing Cosmetics Food products Gifts Home furnishings Magazines Plus-size clothing Video/DVD Don’t see your industry or offers above? No problem. Give us a call, and we’ll consult with you on the best way to harness the power of AmeriLINK for your next mailing. 19,000,000 Demographic A ME RILIN K ® VETERAN S DATAB ASE Connect with America’s veterans who served their country in military service. Displaying their loyalty and patriotism in choosing to serve, most spent time in one of the branches of the American military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corp or Coast Guard) during their military service. Many devoted themselves to protecting our freedoms, maintaining peace, providing relief or supporting the U.S. around the globe. Along with the sacrifices of military service comes many benefits: training, honor, education, travel, pay and self-discovery, as well as becoming part of a cohesive, lifetime community of American servicemen and women. Total Count..................................................19,000,000 Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Base Price.......................................................$55.00/M Demographic Selects These self-reported households contain current or retired military personnel, or indicated an interest in military veterans affairs. Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 Price All select charges apply in addition to the base pricee Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M 11 Suggested Uses The AmeriLINK® Veterans Database connects you with military service veterans and their households. They are good prospects for: • Health & life insurance • Donations to veteran facilities • Donations to injured veterans associations • Investments • Employment assistance • Travel • Assisted living Don’t see your industry or offers above? No problem. Just give us a call. We’ll find out about your next campaign’s particular offer and build a custom list to suit. See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) Healthcare/Insurance New to Market! Healthcare/Insurance 260,000,000 AMERILINK ® HEALTH INSURANCE PROSPECTS In response to new audiences of eligible consumers created by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, health insurers are now turning to KBM Group to provide them with eligible and reliable prospects for their Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage and a variety of other health insurance products. More predictive of behavior than simple demographics, our Health Insurance Prospects helps you narrow your audience to those most likely to respond to your type of health insurance offer. We created many predictive models using AmeriLINK data to find individuals most likely to respond, or have a higher than average engagement with the company making the insurance offer. Base Price.......................................................$25.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Health Insurance Prospects Selects Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price All Ages .......................................................260,000,000 Channel Preference..........................................$10.00/M Engagement Index – Pharmacist ..................$20.00/M Health Insurance Engagement Index............$20.00/M Health Insurance Influence Index..................$20.00/M Health Insurance Subsidy Indicator.................$5.00/M Juvenile Life Insurance Index..........................$15.00/M Over 65 ...........................................................50,000,000 Medicare Advantage Percentage....................$5.00/M Medicare Supplement Insurance Index........$15.00/M Prescription Drug Plan Enrollment Percentage.........................................................$5.00/M Dual Eligible Index...........................................$35.00/M Insurance Responder Index – Seniors...........$15.00/M Under 65 .......................................................190,000,000 Health Insurance Direct Pay Index ................$25.00/M Insurance Responder Index – Health.............$15.00/M Percent Healthcare Uninsured Estimate.........$5.00/M Uninsured Index ...............................................$25.00/M Demographic Selects Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M 13 260,000,000 Healthcare/Insurance AMERILINK ® LIFE INSURANCE RESPONDER INDEX The life insurance marketplace has changed dramatically in the last few years. Shopping experiences are now happening through both online and offline channels, as consumers search for product information and make purchasing decisions. In these uncertain economic times, individuals are evaluating the best way to protect their family and/or assets and how life insurance fits within their strategy. In response to these needs, we’ve created a more predictive targeted audience, rather than just using simple demographics. Our Life Insurance Responder Index uses AmeriLINK® data to find individuals most likely to respond to various types of life insurance products. Our Life Insurance Responder Index helps you narrow your prospects to those most likely to respond to your next life insurance offer. Total Count...............................................260,000,000 Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Base Price.......................................................$40.00/M Life Insurance Responder Index Select Price Index Value (0-9).........................................................N/C Demographic Selects Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M 14 See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) 70,000,000 Healthcare/Insurance AMERILINK ® LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE INDEX We know that US consumers are living longer and healthier thanks to better diets, better medical services and safer living and working conditions, but no one is immune to the effects of aging that often result in reduced physical or mental ability. Consumers are looking to long term care insurance for their future piece of mind. However, not all consumers are responsive to long term care insurance offers. KBM Group now offers a predictive model which separates those consumers likely to respond and those not likely to respond to these insurance offers. Using an outside source of individuals who responded to long term care insurance offers, we created predictive model using AmeriLINK® data to predict the likelihood of individuals between the ages of 45 and 80 to respond to a long term care insurance offer. Total Count................................................70,000,000 Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Base Price.......................................................$40.00/M Long Term Care Insurance Index Select Price Demographic Selects Price Index Value (0-9).........................................................N/C All select charges apply in addition to the base price Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) 15 80,000,000 Healthcare/Insurance A ME RILIN K ® AILMEN T D ATAB ASE The AmeriLINK Ailment file is one of the largest sources of consumer-reported health data available today. This permission-based data was provided directly by mail-responsive households via a survey. Use this database to target more than 80 million household-based consumers by more than 100 aches, pains, conditions and treatments. Households with ailments are good prospects for products and services that provide information or relief. They are receptive to appropriately targeted offers that address concerns about medical needs. Some company and industry restrictions apply. Please call your sales representative for availability. Total Count.................................................80,000,000 Male Conditions Erectile dysfunction Prostate disorders Viagra Bronchitis, COPD, Emphysema Lung disease Respiratory ailments Mobility Problems & Assistance Bed & bathing assistance Wheelchair Skin Acne Dandruff Eczema or psoriasis Hair loss Nail fungus Skin ailments Skin irritations/rash Base Price.....................................................$150.00/M Ailment/Treatment Selects Aches and Pains Back pain Carpal tunnel Chronic fatigue syndrome Chronic pain Headaches Imitrex Migraines Nosebleeds Pain Allergies and Sinuses Allergies Allergy medications Cough and cold Nasal congestion Sinusitis Sinus/nasal Snoring Cancer Breast cancer Cancer Colon cancer Prostate cancer Cholesterol/Blood Pressure Arteriosclerosis High blood pressure High cholesterol High cholesterol diet/exercise High cholesterol do not treat High cholesterol nutritional supplements High cholesterol prescription meds Lipitor Diabetes Diabetes Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes - insulin Diabetes - use monitor Diabetes - oral meds Diabetes - other methods Diabetes - diet/exercise Glucophage Digestive Crohn’s disease Gas or bloating GERD/acid reflux Heartburn meds Heartburn/acid indigestion Hemorrhoids Irregularity IBS Lactose intolerance Ulcerative colitis Ulcers Female Conditions Birth control Menstrual problems Hormones Menopause Foot Athlete’s foot Foot ailments Foot corns Heart Condition Heart disease/attack Mouth and Teeth Canker sores Cold sores Dental Dentures Gingivitis Sensitive teeth Progressive & Gender Specific Alzheimer’s Hearing loss Multiple sclerosis Parkinson’s disease Psychological/Behavioral ADD/ADHD ADHD meds Antidepressant Anxiety Bipolar Depression Insomnia Urinary/Bowel Bedwetting Bladder control Bladder/bowel Detrol Kidney problems Prostate disorders Vision Astigmatism Corrective lenses Dry eyes Laser vision correction Macular degeneration Vision care & conditions Weight Obesity Weight loss Respiratory Asthma Asthma meds For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) Joint/Spine Arthritis Arthritis meds Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Psoriatic arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Spinal injury 16 Lifestyle/Specialty New to Market! 42,000,000 Lifestyle/Specialty AME R ILIN K ® VEHICLE O WN ER S D ATAB ASE The AmeriLINK® Vehicle Owners database provides automotive and motorcycle information on 42 million AmeriLINK households. Lists are selectable by a variety of vehicle characteristics such as make, model, body style and purchase date. Available for list rental, append or install, Vehicle Owners works well to target relevant vehicle-oriented products as well as an indicator of lifestyle. The AmeriLINK Vehicle Owners list is compiled from sources like auto service and repair providers, quick lube/oil change shops, auto parts providers, auto after-market accessories companies and warranty firms. Total Count ...............................................42,000,000 Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Base Price .....................................................$40.00/M Vehicle Owner Selects Price Motorcycle/ATV Make ......................................$15.00/M Motorcycle/ATV Style ......................................$15.00/M Number of Vehicles...........................................$10.00/M Vehicle Year ........................................................$15.00/M Vehicle Make ......................................................$15.00/M Vehicle Model ....................................................$15.00/M Vehicle Body Style ............................................$10.00/M Vehicle Class .....................................................$10.00/M Vehicle Fuel Type..............................................$10.00/M Vehicle Purchase Date .....................................$15.00/M Vehicle Manufacturer Group ...........................$10.00/M Vehicle Purchase Type .....................................$15.00/M Demographic Selects Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 Suggested Uses The AmeriLINK® Vehicle Owners database is ideal to reach vehicle owners for auto accessories or auto/motorcycle insurance offers. This database is ideal for the following: Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M • • • • • Extended warranty offers Aftermarket parts & accessories Vehicle-specific products Vehicle insurance Travel offers Don’t see your industry or offers above? No problem. Just give us a call. We’ll find out what your next campaign’s particular online offer is and build a custom list to suit it. See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. 18 90,000,000 Lifestyle/Specialty A ME RILIN K ® CHARITABL E C O N TR I B UTO R S D ATAB A S E Some people have a special place in their heart for animals. Others champion the homeless or less fortunate. Most have had someone close to them affected by a disease. While the reasons vary, the capacity for compassion and support are shared by all who donate to charities. With today’s many worthy causes, it’s more critical than ever to ensure your donation Total Count..................................................90,000,000 Base Price......................................................$40.00/M Charitable Contributors Selects Price requests reach the correct audience. Once you’ve identified a potential donor, it’s important to relate to their income range. Our AmeriLINK® Charitable Contributors Database allows you to target potential donors based on known donors, in addition to modeled prospects likely to donate. Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M All select charges apply in addition to the base price General donors ..........................................................N/C Specific category donors ................................$15.00/M Demographic Selects Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 Price Suggested Uses All select charges apply in addition to the base price Create a very targeted donor list from the following categories: Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M • • • • • • • • • • Animal Arts/cultural Children Health Political/conservative Political/liberal Religious Veterans Wildlife/environment Other Don’t see your charity or area of donation above? No problem. Give us a call, and we’ll help you build a custom list that fits your needs. See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) 19 87,000,000 Lifestyle/Specialty A ME RILIN K ® IN TERES TS DATAB ASE It’s no surprise that our personal hobbies and interests often drive our discretionary income spending habits. Personal interests often give marketers deeper insight into consumers’ spending behavior more than any form of information other than direct consumer feedback. If you need to reach computer users who love motorcycling or fisherman who travel, we have the most comprehensive personal interests database in the country. Compiled from the largest collection of detailed surveys and product registration cards available, our AmeriLINK® Interests Database is now the premier source of consumer interests and hobbies in the industry. With information on how Americans spend their leisure time, you’ll target your offers more effectively. Combining these interests can give you an even more finely targeted group of prospects. For example, select people who own pets and are charitable donors to reach consumers who are likely to respond to fundraising requests focused on animal well-being. These individuals are responsive, which gives each record a potential inherent lift in response. Total Count ................................................87,000,000 Demographic Selects Base Price .....................................................$55.00/M All select charges apply in addition to the base price Interests Selects Price Individual responder...................................................N/C Survey date..................................................................N/C General Online purchaser Recency date Collectibles Collectibles/collections Art/antique collecting Coins Dolls Figurines Fine art Other types of items Plates Sports memorabilia Stamps Dieting Dieting/weight control Health/natural foods Natural/herbal/organic Vitamin supplements Electronics/Technical Apple device Buy prerecorded videos Cable TV Electronics GPS HDTV High speed Internet Home theater system Own a CD/DVD player Own a computer Own a digital/video camera Own a cellular phone Own a smart phone Science/new technology Satellite radio Satellite TV Video game systems Fun/Lifestyle All-terrain vehicles Concealed weapons Flying/pilots/aircraft Motorcycles Recreational vehicles Snowmobiles Swimming pool Hobbies Aircraft Automotive work/repair (continued on next page) Price Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 20 Baking Beading/jewelry making Bird feeding Bird watching Bird watching/feeding Career advance courses Career advancement Career improvement Career-oriented activity Cars or car repair Casino gambling Cigar smoking Community/civic activity Cooking Cooking low fat Crafts Cultural/art events/theater Do-it-yourself Exercise 3+ times a week Gardening Gourmet cooking Gourmet cooking/fine Gourmet foods/cooking Green Home furnishing/ decorating Home improvement or repair Home study courses Knitting or needlework Lotteries Lotteries/sweepstakes Motorcycle riding Photography Quilting Scrapbooking Self-improvement Sewing Social networking Spirituality & wellness Sweepstakes Sweepstakes/contests Theater/performing arts Wine appreciation Wines Wood working Medicare coverage Mutual funds Real estate Stocks/bonds Investments 401K CD IRA Life insurance Reading Astrology Best sellers Best-selling fiction Book club Bible/devotional Book reading Books on tape Books on tape/CD Childrens Children’s books Computer Comics Cooking or culinary Country lifestyle Fashion Fashion clothing Financial History Home & Garden Interior decorating Likes to read Medical or health magazines Military Mystery Natural health remedies People or entertainment Romance Science fiction Science or technology Self improvement Sports Thriller/suspense Travel & entertainment World news or politics Life Status Grandchildren Military veteran Mail-order Buyer Books/magazines Children’s products Clothing Cosmetics DVD Food products Gifts Home furnishings Jewelry Plus-size clothing Shoes Video/DVD Music Alternative Big band/swing Christian or gospel Classical Country Jazz Rhythm and blues Rock and roll Soft rock Pets Own a cat Own a dog Own a horse Purchases Beauty products Club stores Fast foods Home decorating Specialty beauty products Uses coupons 21 Sports Baseball Basketball Bicycling Boating/sailing Camping/hiking Extreme sports Fishing Fitness Football Golf Hockey Hunting Hunting/shooting Motocross NASCAR™ Physical fitness Rollerblading Running Scuba Skateboarding Snowboarding Snow skiing Sporting interests Tennis Walking Walking/health Weightlifting Travel Attractions/theme parks Business international Business USA Canada travel Casino vacation Cruise vacation Family vacation Foreign travel Frequent business travel Frequent flyers Personal international Personal USA RV Timeshare US travel Vacation cruises 187,000,000 Lifestyle/Specialty A ME RILIN K ® BUYIN G B EH AVI O R DATAB ASE The AmeriLINK® Buying Behavior Database connects you with more than 187 million consumers making purchases in up to 42 product categories as well as five unique buying behavior groups based on purchase history. This database is built from purchase transactions collected by more than 2,800 multichannel contributing merchants. Target buyers by their preferred purchase category and methods of shopping (online, offline, catalog or retail) for true one-to-one marketing. A complete buying profile can be created to target your chosen audience, whether it’s families with teenagers or affluent singles with a taste for the finer things in life. Total Count................................................187,000,000 Demographic Selects Online/offline catalog purchases...............127,000,000 Retail store purchases.....................................60,000,00 Base Price .....................................................$55.00/M (Hotline available) Buying Behavior Selects Apparel– children Apparel – general Apparel – men Apparel – men’s big & tall Apparel – non-gender specific Apparel – teenagers Apparel – women Apparel – women’s petite sizes Apparel – women’s plus sizes Arts & antiques Automotive Beauty Books Children’s products Collectibles Computing/home office Crafts/hobbies Electronics Food/beverages Furniture N/C Garden General merchandise Gift Health Holiday items Home care Home furnishings Housewares Jewelry Linens Music Novelty Other merchant/services Personal care Pets Photo & video equipment Specialty food Specialty gifts Sports & leisure Stationery Travel Videos/DVDs Buying Behavior Groups Last order date .......................................................$10/M Total orders.............................................................$10/M Average order.........................................................$10/M Total dollars.............................................................$10/M Payment AMEX®.....................................................$10/M Payment credit card...............................................$10/M Payment Discover® ................................................$10/M Payment house charge..........................................$10/M Payment MasterCard®............................................$10/M Payment retail card................................................$10/M Payment Visa®..........................................................$10/M Spending patterns.................................................$10/M Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 22 150,000,000 Lifestyle/Specialty A ME RILIN K ® SHOPPING B EH AVI O R DATAB ASE The AmeriLINK® Shopping Behavior Database connects you with consumers who have particular niche interests and available spending power. Select prospects by shopping interests that range from computers and furniture to jewelry and sporting goods. Also reach shoppers with unique needs, such as medical supplies and personal services. Knowing past purchasing behavior allows you to target consumers with relevant goods and services. For example, computer/ electronic shoppers are prime targets for audio equipment, computer hardware and software, televisions and home entertainment systems. Card marketers can segment by shopping preference to promote affinity cards. Financial companies can target home improvement shoppers with credit and home-equity offerings. Total Count ...............................................150,000,000 Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Base Price .....................................................$45.00/M Shopping Behavior Selects Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Catalog showroom/retail Computer/electronics Department store Financial services - banking Financial services - credit Financial services - insurance Furniture Gas card High-end retail Home improvement Home office Low-end department store Main street retail Membership warehouse Specialty apparel Specialty Sporting goods Standard retail Travel/personal services TV/mail-order purchases Demographic Selects Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 Price See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. All select charges apply in addition to the base price For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M 23 170,000,000 Lifestyle/Specialty A ME RILIN K ® FIN AN CIAL DATAB ASE Collected from self-reported surveys and financial sources, these individuals are creditworthy and good candidates for ITA (invitation to apply) offers, insurance, retail or other credit card offers. With information available on standard versus premium card holders you can target more affluent individuals with cruises, high-end retail, luxury cars, life insurance or additional premium card offers. Multi-card holders are also good prospects for card consolidation credit offers. Credit active date illustrates someone with recent activity and most likely to be receptive to additional offers. Total Count..............................................170,000,000 Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Base Price.......................................................$35.00/M Financial Selects Price Bank Cards...................................................................N/C Bank card - premium Bank card - premium AMEX® Bank card - premium Discover® Bank card - premium other card Bank card - premium Visa®/MasterCard ® Bank card - regular AMEX® Bank card - regular Discover® Bank card - regular other card Bank card - regular Visa®/MasterCard ® Card type - multiple bank cards Card type - single bank card Retail Cards.................................................................N/C Bank card - retail Bank card - regular store or retail Bank card - premium store or retail Card type - multiple retail cards Card type - single retail card Credit Active Credit active Credit active Credit active Credit active Credit active Credit active - Date....................................................N/C last 0–6 months last 7–12 months last 13–24 months last 25–36 months last 36–48 months last 48+ months Demographic Selects Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M 24 Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) Lifestyle/Specialty NAT I ONS BEST ® LISTS NationsBest® Lists uses AmeriLINK® data and additional sources to produce the most comprehensive suite of highly targeted niche segments of the U.S. population. Leverage NationsBest® to reach individuals not readily available through other channels. New NationsBest Lists are released regularly, giving marketers increased opportunities to connect with potential customers. From Internet shoppers to mail-order buyer households with teenagers, NationsBest has it all. Title Title Price Price Mail-order buyer collectors..................... $65.00/M Medicare supplement insurance responders ............................................. $65.00/M Motorcycle maniacs.................................. $65.00/M NASCAR™ enthusiasts............................. $65.00/M Organic diet conscious consumers......... $65.00/M Outdoor enthusiasts.................................$65.00/M Outdoor vacation lovers........................... $65.00/M Pampered beauties.................................... $65.00/M Pet owner mail-order buyers.................... $65.00/M Political contributors................................. $65.00/M Recent college graduates......................... $65.00/M Retired military veterans........................... $65.00/M Sci-Fi buffs.................................................. $65.00/M Scrapbooking mail-order buyers............ $65.00/M Small office/Home office.......................... $65.00/M Spanish speaking mail-order buyers.....$65.00/M Stay-at-home moms................................... $65.00/M Technical enthusiasts................................. $65.00/M Time-share prospects................................ $65.00/M TV sports enthusiasts............................... $65.00/M Upscale Hispanic shoppers...................... $65.00/M Vitamin supplement junkies.....................$65.00/M Weight-conscious mail-order buyers....... $65.00/M Wine enthusiasts........................................ $65.00/M Winter sports enthusiasts......................... $65.00/M Working women.......................................... $65.00/M Young apartment dwellers........................ $65.00/M Young investors........................................... $65.00/M Young rising executives............................. $65.00/M Young urbanites.......................................... $65.00/M Active singles............................................... $65.00/M Adult students............................................. $65.00/M African American mail-order buyers....... $65.00/M African American retail shoppers............ $65.00/M African Americans with children.............. $65.00/M At-home Dads............................................. $65.00/M Avid golfers.................................................. $65.00/M Avid readers................................................. $65.00/M Birthday event mail order buyers............ $65.00/M Book and magazine buyers...................... $65.00/M Continuing education responders.......... $65.00/M Cooking enthusiasts.................................. $65.00/M Crafty mothers............................................ $65.00/M Do-it-yourself.............................................. $65.00/M Do-it-yourself female decorators............ $65.00/M Early adopters.............................................. $65.00/M Elderly opportunity seekers..................... $65.00/M Empty nesters.............................................. $65.00/M Epicurean enthusiasts................................ $65.00/M Female shoppers with children................ $65.00/M Fit and active.............................................. $65.00/M Fit and active seniors................................. $65.00/M Foreign travelers mail-order buyers........ $65.00/M Frequent travelers...................................... $65.00/M Gardening/home improvement product buyers........................................ $65.00/M Get-rich-quick mail-order buyers............ $65.00/M Green Americans........................................ $65.00/M Health conscious......................................... $65.00/M Healthy choice chefs.................................. $65.00/M High-end merchandise shoppers............ $65.00/M High-income donors.................................. $65.00/M Households with college-bound children$65.00/M Households with doll-loving girls............ $65.00/M Households with teenage music lovers $65.00/M Insurance lead respondents.................... $65.00/M Internet shoppers with credit card..........$65.00/M Life insurance responders.......................... $65.00/M Long-term care insurance prospects...... $65.00/M Magazine subscribers & buyers.............. $65.00/M Mail-order buyer households with teens $65.00/M For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) 25 26 Hotline 2,300,000 Hotline NE W HOMEOWN ERS D ATAB ASE Why are new home buyers such valuable prospects? They want to establish new business relationships to maintain or enhance their new homes. They are looking for services like lawn care, security systems and pool service. They are also hot prospects for retailers offering items like furniture and carpeting and for continuity marketers seeking fresh names each month. Whether it’s a young professional’s first condo or the newly married couple’s first nest, a home purchase often launches a consumer into a whole new aspect of life that triggers new and different buying patterns. As many new home purchases occur right before or after a major life event, new home ownership is often an indicator of migration from one key life stage to the next. Combine demographic selects with our real estate transaction selects to target families who are upsizing, empty nesters who are downsizing or retirees who are enjoying a new relaxing life on the golf course. Total Count Last 12 months..................................................2,300,000 30-day hotline.......................................................190,000 Suggested Uses Base Price.......................................................$65.00/M The New Homeowners Database is an ideal source for many different types of home improvement offers or for local businesses looking for new customers. The New Homeowners Database works well for the following offers: Hotline Selects Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price 30-day hotline....................................................$10.00/M New Homeowners Selects Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Cash or mortgage purchase.............................$5.00/M Investment property owners.............................$5.00/M Lender name (output only)...............................$15.00/M Mortgage amount..............................................$10.00/M Mortgage interest rate type.............................$5.00/M Mortgage loan type............................................$5.00/M Mortgage term....................................................$5.00/M Recording date....................................................$5.00/M Resale or new construction................................$5.00/M Sale amount........................................................$10.00/M Demographic Selects Price • • • • • • • Homeowners insurance Local restaurants/merchants New neighbor greetings Lawn care Doctors/dentists Churches Credit card offers Don’t see your industry or offers above? No problem. Just give us a call. We’ll find out what your next campaign’s particular online offer is and build a custom list to suit it. All select charges apply in addition to the base price Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Dwelling type........................................................$2.50/M Estimated household income...........................$5.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Net worth ...........................................................$20.00/M Presence of children ........................................$10.00/M Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 27 See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) 2,300,000 Hotline NE W E QUITY CON N ECTI O N S D ATAB ASE These consumers have recently increased their disposable income by either refinancing their existing mortgages or acquiring a home equity loan. With extra spending power, these homeowners are very attractive to marketers of all kinds. Typically, homeowners who reduce their monthly mortgage payments due to a more favorable interest rate are receptive to adding monthly purchases considered impossible before. These homeowners are good prospects for a variety of household products and services from furniture and lawn service to highspeed Internet access. Home-equity loan holders acquire a substantial amount of cash in one lump sum and may be interested in reinvesting for home improvements or using the money for luxury purchases. They are good prospects for home products, luxury items or travel packages. Homeowners with refinanced mortgages or equity loans are creditworthy since they have recently been approved for substantial credit. They are good candidates for a variety of offers from home improvement products and services to investment opportunities. They are also a ready source of fresh names for continuity and national marketers. Total Count Last 12 months Equity loans...........................................................400,000 Equity refinances ..............................................1,900,000 Suggested Uses Looking for prospects with new found spending money or available credit? Look no further than the New Equity Connections Database. It’s ideal for the following: 30-day hotline Equity loans.............................................................32,000 Equity refinances..................................................130,000 Base Price.......................................................$65.00/M New Equity Connections Selects Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Entertainment/travel Home improvements Furniture/home decor Investment opportunities Don’t see your industry or offers above? No problem. Give us a call and we’ll consult with you on the best way to custom list that fits your needs. Cash or mortgage purchase..............................$5.00/M Investment property owners.............................$5.00/M Lender name (output only)...............................$15.00/M Mortgage amount.............................................$10.00/M Mortgage interest rate type..............................$5.00/M Mortgage loan type............................................$5.00/M Mortgage term.....................................................$5.00/M Recording date.....................................................$5.00/M Resale or new construction...............................$5.00/M Demographic Selects • • • • See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Dwelling type........................................................$2.50/M Estimated household income...........................$5.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Net worth ...........................................................$20.00/M Presence of children ........................................$10.00/M Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 28 17,000,000 Hotline NE W MO VERS DATABASE Nearly 20% of Americans move every year. Whether it’s 15 miles or 150 miles, these consumers need new local vendors of products and services. They’re a perfect audience to receive offers for household furnishings, lawn and garden equipment, local retail stores, medical and dental physicians, banks, restaurants, and local fundraising. moving essentials. Special selects include distance of move, dwelling type and state of previous address. Identifying those new movers who have moved from a multi-dwelling home to a single- dwelling home provides a great opportunity to offer new supplies and equipment such as lawn care items and auto care. New movers also hold great potential for national marketers. Publishers can target new movers with magazines relevant to their community lifestyle, or financial institutions can offer new credit to assist with Leverage the 30-day hotline file and target these new movers while their needs are hot! The New Movers Database is not derived from the U.S. Postal Service’s NCOA file. Total Count Last 12 months.................................................17,000,000 30-day hotline..........................................1,400,000 Suggested Uses The New Movers Database is a great source of people who need new merchants for a variety of household and personal services. The New Movers Database is ideal for the following: Base Price.......................................................$55.00/M Hotline Selects Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price 30-day hotline....................................................$10.00/M New Movers Selects Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Change of dwelling type...................................$5.00/M Change of geography........................................$5.00/M Distance of move...............................................$10.00/M Dwelling (moved from/to)..................................$5.00/M State of previous address................................$10.00/M Demographic Selects • • • • • • Renter’s insurance Satellite/cable Churches Cleaners Telecom Storage facilities Don’t see your industry or offers above? No problem. Give us a call, and we’ll consult with you on the best way to customize this database for your next mailing. Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turn-around times. Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Dwelling type........................................................$2.50/M Estimated household income...........................$5.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Net worth ...........................................................$20.00/M Presence of children ........................................$10.00/M For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 29 Attitudinal 240,000,000 Attitudinal GE NE RATION S SM CLUSTER I N G SY STEM The GENERATIONS SM segmentation system is an analytical tool comprising 52 unique clusters. It helps marketers reach and communicate with consumers across five generations — from young to old. Within each generational group, consumers are classified into one of 52 individual clusters based on common purchasing power and behavior, lifestyle choices, demographic attributes, socioeconomic status and attitudes. The GENERATIONS segmentation system provides deeper insight into your customers so you can improve the accuracy of your targeting, tailor your messaging and make more informed marketing decisions. Total Count...............................................240,000,000 Demographic Selects Base Price.......................................................$55.00/M Seniors (DOB 1945 & earlier) Strapped Seniors Rich Retirees Blooming in the Burbs Retired Renters Minorities in the Majority Indulgent Intellectuals Family Friendly Retirement Retreats Urban Upper Crust Boomerang Bohemians Leading Boomers (DOB 1946 – 1955) Small Town Traditionalist Gold ’n’ Gray Small Town Singles Mainstream Matures American Bedrock Urban Mix Urban Blues Credit Commandos Blue-Collar Strugglers Settled Suburbanites Classic Rockers All-American Online Trailing Boomers (DOB 1956 – 1964) Rural Outsiders Family Transitionals Urban Outsiders Suburban Mainstream Metro Influentials Wired Wanderers Urban Sophisticates Suburban Strivers Empty Nest Caregivers American Family Up-andComing Blue-Collar Blend Urban Strugglers Gen Xers (DOB 1965 – 1974) Large Extended Families Urban Singles Established & Settling In Rural & Barely Making It Married with Children Struggling in Suburbia Ethnically Diverse Urbanites Moving on a Steady Course Big Bucks in the Big Cities Millennials (DOB 1975 & Later) Ethnic Second-City Strugglers Young, Single & Mobile Setting Up House & Settling Down Start-Ups in the Country Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 Parents on the Go Living off Mom & Dad Chronic Responders Young Singles in the City Family First 31 260,000,000 Attitudinal LIV I NG WELL ™ The LIVING Well Database is a new way to look at consumers and their health. It was jointly developed using The Futures Company’s Preventive Health and Wellness Report, a comprehensive examination of health and wellness today along with demographic, lifestyle, ailment and transactional data from our AmeriLINK® database. The LIVING Well Database is based on a deep exploration of consumer attitudes and behaviors relating to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of health and wellness. It segments U.S. consumers by distinctive and diverse attitudes to health and wellness. The six segments cover a spectrum of attitudes to health, from highly aware and engaged to feeling out of control and giving up. With LIVING Well you will gain an improved understanding of consumers’ perceived drivers of and barriers to better health, and you will be able to measurably influence the way your consumers manage their health and wellness by targeting your services and aligning your messages more effectively. We scored our AmeriLINK® Consumer Database with LIVING Well indicators, and they are now available for data enhancement, profiling or list rental. Total Count...............................................260,000,000 Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Base Price.......................................................$70.00/M Living Well Selects Price Six Preventative Health Segments......................N/C • Leading the Way • In It for Fun • Value Independence • I Need a Plan • Not Right Now • Get Through the Day Demographic Selects Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M 32 Suggested Uses The LIVING Well Database provides you with the valuable insight you need to measurably influence the way consumers manage their health and wellness. The LIVING Well database works well for the following offers: • • • • • • • Weight loss programs Exercise facilities Pharmacies Health products Patient loyalty programs Medical insurance Self improvement education LIVING Well is a trademark of The Futures Company. 260,000,000 Attitudinal MINDBASE ® Do your customers have an attitude? You bet they do! And if you’re not taking advantage of your customers’ unique views on life when you talk to them, you’re missing out on an important opportunity. Gain greater insight into what makes your customers and prospects tick with MindBase®, developed by The Futures Company — not just their demographics and buying behaviors, but their personalities, values and motivations. We scored our AmeriLINK® Consumer Database with MindBase indicators, customized specifically to our data, and they are now available for data enhancement, profiling and list rental. Transform your customer or prospect database into consumer segments based on attitude and watch your response rates climb. MindBase segments the population into nine core value segments that distinguish consumers by their perspective on the world around them. This includes level of materialism, orientation to technology, social interactions and optimism about the future. These nine segments are further broken down into 27 more specific subsegments. MindBase is more than just data. It also offers communications solutions — language, concepts, tone and direction — so you can customize your marketing to more effectively move customers and prospects. Total Count..............................................260,000,000 Base Price.......................................................$70.00/M (Call for the listing of 27 additional subsegments) Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Demographic Selects Minimum Order.............................................$250.00 Yankelovich MindBase® Selects All MindBase select charges included in the base price Nine Core Value Segments • • • • • • • • • I I I I I I I I I Am Expressive Am Connected Am Driven Am At Capacity Am Rock Steady Am Down to Earth Am Sophisticated Measure Twice Am Devoted Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M See Formats & Policies for specific output options and turnaround times. MindBase is a registered trademark of The Futures Company. For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) 33 260,000,000 Attitudinal DIGIT AL N EIGHBORHO O DS 2 . 0 SM Digital Neighborhoods 2.0 is a rich and robust data segmentation suite that classifies consumer audiences by their attitudes toward, adoption of, and ongoing engagement with a multitude of digital devices and destinations. The Digital Neighborhoods 2.0 model was derived from survey data about how consumers use cable/phone/internet services and from clickstream data that captures online behavior, and then applied to our AmeriLINK® National Consumer Database. The key to Digital Neighborhoods 2.0’s success is its three-tiered approach, which offers highly precise segments for improved customer intelligence, enabling marketers to deliver more relevant offers and messaging to consumers through preferred media. Marketers can also use the Digital Neighborhoods 2.0 suite to segment existing customers and then identify top prospective new customers, based on the resulting insights. Total Count .............................................260,000,000 Demographic Selects Digital Neighborhoods 2.0 (19 clusters) Base price: $60/M Digital Devices (18 clusters) Base price: $45/M Digital Destinations (45 clusters) Base price: $50/M Digital Destination Groups (15 groups) Base price: $45/M Digital Devices Segments consumers by their level of sophistication and attitudes towards adopting other services and devices. Consumers are described as “basic,” “evolving,” or “highly evolved.” Digital Destinations Derived from click-stream data, this segment identifies consumers by their digital activity indicated by online destinations and behaviors. Examples include whether digital usage involves tasks such as bill paying, research, shopping or online banking and financial services. Includes 45 clusters in 15 groups and captures detailed data on social media usage, including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and others. Digital Neighborhoods A combination of Digital Devices and Digital Destinations information, this high-level segment reveals a multi-dimensional picture of consumers by how they use which digital technologies, as well as likely future consumption. Price All select charges apply in addition to the base price Ability to pay index ..........................................$25.00/M Aggregated financial score .............................$15.00/M Aggregated risk scores....................................$20.00/M Age (date of birth).............................................$10.00/M Bankruptcy suppression.....................................$5.00/M Census data .........................................................$2.50/M Children’s presence by age.............................$15.00/M Churn-IQ ............................................................$25.00/M Discretionary income percent .......................$10.00/M Dual income index .............................................$5.00/M Dwelling type.......................................................$2.50/M Economic Cohorts............................................$25.00/M Email address....................................................$40.00/M Estimated household debt level ...................$15.00/M Estimated household income ..........................$5.00/M Estimated household investable assets .......$15.00/M Estimated age ......................................................$5.00/M Ethnicity...............................................................$10.00/M Family position.....................................................$2.50/M Gender...................................................................$2.50/M Geography (state, ZIP, SCF, county).................$2.50/M Home value .......................................................$10.00/M Homeowner/renter............................................$10.00/M Length of residence............................................$3.50/M Mail-order buyer.................................................$15.00/M Mail responsive..................................................$10.00/M Marital status........................................................$2.50/M Net worth............................................................$20.00/M Number of children...........................................$10.00/M Occupation..........................................................$10.00/M Social-IQ............................................................$25.00/M Spendex™............................................................$10.00/M Telephone numbers..........................................$10.00/M Minimum Order ............................................$250.00 34 Other Enhancement AME RILIN K ® DATA EN HAN C EM EN T Enhancing your file with our AmeriLINK® Consumer Database takes a good list and makes it great. Use our consumer data to enhance your database with demographic and lifestyle information, and gain greater insight into your customer or prospect audience. Our AmeriLINK® Consumer Database is the most comprehensive, cross-referenced, accurate consumer database in the industry, and with it comes superior compilation and breadth of data. AmeriLINK is compiled at the individual level from multiple sources, so you get important information about each person in a household. All of our data is processed through USPS ® routines to guarantee compliance with postal guidelines. The use of NCOA Link®, LACS Link® and CASS™ processed address quality maintenance tools ensures accuracy of the data. This attention to an accurate individual name and address generates the most effective match codes resulting in the highest quality enhancement of your customer or prospect file. Input Quantities Price 0-1MM$1.50/M 1MM+ Call for Quote Minimum$1,000.00 Segmentation Tools Enhancement Selects Interests Ailment Categories Aches and Pains Back pain Carpal tunnel Chronic fatique syndrome Chronic pain Headaches Imitrex Migraines Nosebleeds Pain Allergies and Sinuses Allergies Allergy medications Cough and cold Nasal congestion Sinusitis Sinus/nasal Snoring Cancer Breast cancer Cancer Colon cancer Prostate cancer Cholesterol/Blood Pressure Arteriosclerosis High blood pressure High cholesterol High cholesterol diet/exercise High cholesterol do not treat Call for Quote Digital Neighborhoods 2.0 SM...........................$35.00/M MindBase®* ..........................................................$70.00/M LIVING Well ........................................................$70.00/M All categories.....................................................$30.00/M High cholesterol nutritional supplements High cholesterol prescription meds Lipitor Telephone Numbers Non-automated Services (input charges apply) Diabetes Diabetes Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes - insulin Diabetes - use monitor Diabetes - oral meds Diabetes - other methods Diabetes - diet/exercise Glucophage Digestive GERD/acid reflux Crohn’s disease Gas or bloating Heartburn meds Heartburn/acid indigestion Hemorrhoids Irregularity Irritable bowel syndrome Lactose intolerance Ulcerative colitis Ulcers Female Conditions Birth control Menstrual problems Hormones Menopause (continued on next page) DNC screen ..................................................$3.00/M Phone append ............................................$15.00/M Phone verification ........................................$5.00/M Reverse phone append ............................$22.00/M Minimum Order ....................................$500.00 Automated Services (no minimum) Setup Fee........................................................$175.00 DNC screen ..................................................$3.00/M Phone append ............................................$15.00/M Phone verification ........................................$5.00/M Reverse phone append ............................$22.00/M Call Us Today To order a list enhancement or to find out how we can improve the effectiveness of your customer database, call 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) or visit *MindBase is a registered trademark of The Futures Company. 36 Foot Athlete’s foot Foot ailments Foot corns Toenail fungus Heart Condition Heart disease/attack Joint/Spine Arthritis Arthritis meds Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Psoriatic arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Spinal injury Male Conditions Erectile dysfunction/ impotence Prostate disorders Impotence Viagra Mobility Problems & Assistance Bed & bathing assistance Wheelchair Mouth and Teeth Cold sores Canker sores Dental Dentures Gingivitis Sensitive teeth Progressive & Gender Specific Alzheimer’s disease Hearing loss Multiple sclerosis Parkinson’s disease Psychological/Behavioral ADD/ADHD ADHD meds Antidepressant Anxiety Bipolar Depression Insomnia Respiratory Asthma Asthma meds Bronchitis, COPD, Emphysema Lung disease Respiratory ailments Skin Acne Dandruff Eczema or psoriasis Hair loss Nail fungus Skin ailments Skin irritations/rash Urinary/Bowel Bedwetting Bladder leakage or control Bladder/bowel Detrol Kidney problems Prostate disorders Vision Astigmatism Corrective lenses Dry eyes Laser vision correction Macular degeneration Vision care & conditions Weight Obesity Weight loss Weight problems Home care Home furnishings Housewares Jewelry Linens Music Novelty Other merchant/services Personal care Pets Photo & video equipment Specialty food Specialty gifts Sports & leisure Stationery Travel Videos/DVDs Buying Behavior Categories Last order date, online or offline Total orders, online or offline Average order, online or offline Total dollars, online or offline Payment AMEX® Payment credit card Payment Discover® Payment house charge Payment MasterCard® Payment retail card Payment Visa® Census Categories Aggregated Risk Scores Bankcard Inquiry Score Bankruptcy Score Debt-to-Income Ratio Score Home Equity Score Prime Bankcard Score Risk Score Buying Behavior Apparel– children Apparel – general Apparel – men Apparel – men’s big & tall Apparel – non-gender specific Apparel – teenagers Apparel – women Apparel – women’s petite sizes Apparel – women’s plus sizes Arts & antiques Automotive Beauty Books Children’s products Collectibles Computing/home office Crafts/hobbies Electronics Food/beverages Furniture Garden General merchandise Gift Health Holiday items 37 Median age of household Median home value Median household disposable income Median household income Percent black Percent education level Percent hispanic Percent owner-occupied dwelling Percent white +300 more Census items! Bank Cards Bank card - premium Bank card - premium AMEX® Bank card - premium Discover® Bank card - premium other card Bank card - premium Visa® /MasterCard ® Bank card - regular AMEX® Bank card - regular Discover® Bank card - regular other card Bank card - regular Visa® /MasterCard ® Card type - multiple bank cards Card type - single bank card Retail Cards Bank Bank Bank Card Card card - retail card - regular store or retail card - premium store or retail type - multiple retail cards type - single retail card Credit Active Date Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit active active active active active active - last last last last last last 6 months 7–12 months 13–24 months 25–36 months 36–48 months 48+ months General Categories Age/date of birth Assimilation (Hispanic or Asian) Bankruptcy Children’s age and gender Churn-IQ Designated Market Area Discretionary Income Percent Donor (charitable) Dual income index Dwelling structure year Dwelling type Estimated age Estimated household debt level Estimated household income Estimated household investable assets Ethnic indicator – (58 categories) Family position Gender GENERATIONS SM Healthcare & insurance responder index Home value Household composition Income ZIP-level household decile Language preference Latitude Length of residence Longitude Mail-order buyer Mail responder Marital status code Mature insurance responders Neilsen county size Net worth Number of adults in HH Number of children Number of persons in HH Number of sources Occupation codes Online access Online purchaser Phone number Phone publication date Presence of elderly parents living with children Religion Social-IQ Spendex™ SOHO Homeowner/Mortgage Mortgage Mortgage Mortgage Mortgage Sale date Sale price amount – 1st amount – 2nd loan type term Homeowner/Property Effective year built Land square footage Land value calculate Living square feet Pool Real estate investor Roof type Year built Interest Categories General Online purchaser Recency date Collectibles Collectibles/collections Art/antique collecting Coins Dolls Figurines Fine art Other types of items Plates Sports memorabilia Stamps Dieting Dieting/weight control Health/natural foods Natural/herbal/organic Vitamin supplements Donor/Charity Animal Arts/cultural Children Health Humanitarian/world relief Political/conservative Political/liberal Religious Veterans Wildlife/environment Electronics/Technical Apple device Buy prerecorded videos Cable TV Electronics GPS HDTV High speed Internet Home PC Home theater system Home video games Home video recording Own a CD/DVD player Own a digital/video camera Own a cellular phone Own a smart phone Science/new technology 38 Satellite radio Satellite TV Stereo/records Stereo/records/tapes/CDs Video game systems Fun/Lifestyle All-terrain vehicles Concealed weapons Flying/pilots/aircraft Motorcycles Recreational vehicles Snowmobiles Swimming pool Hobbies Aircraft Automotive work/repair Baking Beading/jewelry making Bird feeding Bird watching Bird watching/feeding Career advance courses Career advancement Career improvement Career-oriented activity Cars or car repair Casino gambling Cigar smoking Community/civic activity Cooking Cooking low fat Crafts Cultural/art events/theater Do-it-yourself Exercise 3+ times a week Gardening Gourmet cooking Gourmet cooking/fine Gourmet foods/cooking Green Home furnishing/decorating Home improvement or repair Home study courses Knitting or needlework Lotteries Lotteries/sweepstakes Motorcycle riding Photography Quilting Scrapbooking Self-improvement Sewing Social networking Spirituality & wellness Sweepstakes Sweepstakes/contests Theater/performing arts Wine appreciation Wines Wood working Investments 401K CD IRA Life insurance Medicare coverage Mutual funds Real estate Stocks/bonds Life Status Grandchildren Military veteran Mail-order Buyer Books/magazines Children’s products Clothing Cosmetics DVD Food products Gifts Home furnishings Jewelry Plus-size clothing Shoes Video/DVD Music Alternative Big band/swing Christian or gospel Classical Country Jazz Rhythm and blues Rock and roll Soft rock Pets Own a cat Own a dog Own a horse Purchases Beauty products Club stores Fast foods Home decorating Specialty beauty products Uses coupons Reading Astrology Best sellers Best-selling fiction Book club Bible/devotional Book reading Books on tape Books on tape/CD Children’s books Computer Comics Cooking or culinary Country lifestyle Fashion Fashion clothing Financial History Home & Garden Interior decorating Likes to read magazines Medical or health Military Mystery Natural health remedies People or entertainment Romance Science fiction Science or technology Self improvement Sports Thriller/suspense Travel & entertainment World news or politics Sports Baseball Basketball Bicycling Boating/sailing Camping/hiking Extreme sports Fishing Fitness Football Golf Hockey Hunting Hunting/shooting Motocross NASCAR™ Physical fitness Rollerblading Running Scuba Skateboarding Snowboarding Snow skiing Sporting interests Tennis Walking Walking/health Weightlifting Family vacation Foreign travel Frequent business travel Frequent flyers Personal international Personal USA RV Timeshare US travel Vacation cruises Shopping Behavior Categories Catalog showroom/retail Computer/electronics Continuity Department store Financial services - banking Financial services - credit Financial services - insurance Furniture Gas card High-end retail Home improvement Home office Low-end department store Main street retail Membership warehouse Online buyers Specialty apparel Specialty Sporting goods Standard retail Travel/personal services TV/mail-order purchases * KBM Group® is a non-exclusive Full Service Provider Licensee of the United States Postal Service. Payment for services should be made to KBM Group and prices are not established, controlled or approved by the United States Postal Service. Advertising is neither approved nor endorsed by the United States Postal Service. The following trademarks are owned by the United States Postal Service ®: USPS, CASS™, NCOALink, LACSLink, DSF2 and DPV, ZIP + 4 and United States Postal Service. ** MindBase ® is a registered trademark of The Futures Company. Travel Attractions/theme parks Business international Business USA Canada travel Casino vacation Cruise vacation 39 Processing DIR E CT SUCCESS ™ PRO C ESSI N G SER VI C ES A suite of services to meet all your processing needs. To ensure that your direct marketing campaigns reach your customers and prospects on time and on budget, you need a reliable processing partner like KBM Group®. Our DirectSuccessSM suite of data processing services ensures the accuracy and integrity of your data and maximizes postal discounts. As a Full-Service Provider Licensee of the United States Postal Service® (USPS ®), we offer all USPS-licensed address- hygiene services in-house, so we have control of your files from start to finish. We’ve fine-tuned our processes and methodologies for optimal results. And, along with our expertise, you get “knock your socks off” service, which means you get timely, accurate delivery of quality results each time, every time. Address Hygiene • CASS™* • DPV®* • DSF2®* • NCOA Link®/LACS Link®* • DCOA (Dynamic Change of Address) • Proprietary Address Element Correction Campaign Preparation & Selection • Decoy/seeding • Nth -ing • Split & key • File reformatting Call Us Today To learn more about our list processing services, call 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) or visit * KBM Group® is a non-exclusive Full Service Provider Licensee of the United States Postal Service. Payment for services should be made to KBM Group® and prices are not established, controlled or approved by the United States Postal Service. Advertising is neither approved nor endorsed by the United States Postal Service. The following trademarks are owned by the United States Postal Service ®: USPS, CASS™, NCOA Link, LACS Link, DSF2 and DPV and United States Postal Service. Merge/Purge Specialized Services • Analytical support services • Custom processing • Geographic coding • Lat/long & distance coding • List rental fulfillment Suppression Services • Deceased • DMA Mail and Telephone Preference • Federal (FTC) Do Not Call • Prison • SecureScreen® – Suite of all suppression services • State Do Not Call • Vulgar word • Wireless suppression • Landline to cellphone suppression 40 Strategic Targeting O N DE MAN D TARGETIN G SUI TE Fast, Automated Approach to More Focused Targeting Powered by the AmeriLINK® Consumer Database KBM Group’s On Demand suite of targeting services speeds the process of finding new customers, while eliminating the wasted expense of chasing the wrong prospects. It does away with the long lead times and prohibitive costs of traditional profiles and models. Our powerful automated process gives you improved targeting results in a fraction of the time – and at a lower cost. Both On Demand Profiling and Modeling are powered by data on more than 260 million U.S. consumers in our AmeriLINK consumer database. AmeriLINK is a national compilation of marketing information unparalleled in scope. We are an original source compiler, and – for more than 30 years – we have been collecting data from hundreds of primary sources. Data elements available with our On Demand Targeting Suite include: •O n Demand Profile reveals the characteristics of your best customers so that you can target similar consumers • Attitudes • O n Demand Clone Modeling help you select the best prospects for your product, create individual messages, and prioritize communications • Buying behavior • Census • Dwelling type Our analysts put all the pieces together for you so you can reach your real objective: fast and costeffective targeting. Using our AmeriLINK® national consumer database, we transform your prospect universe into consumer intelligence that helps you attract and retain more profitable customers. Our On Demand clients – both large and small – gain a competitive advantage by making data-driven decisions that continually improve profitability. • Estimated income • Ethnicity • Exact age • Family composition • Financial activity • Gender • Generations • Homeownership To Learn More, Call Us Today • Home value The On Demand Targeting Suite is a fast, accurate and cost-effective way to improve your targeting. Ideal for both large and small marketers, our automated approach to profiling and modeling quickly delivers measurable improvement to your acquisition program. To learn more, contact your sales executive at 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) or • Length of residence • Mail order responsiveness • Net worth • Occupation • Online activity 41 List Rental F O RMA TS AN D POLICIE S Receiving a list you’ve purchased from KBM Group is easy, and available for delivery by email or Secure FTP, saving valuable time and getting your offer to market faster than ever before. If you don’t see the output option you need listed below or would like to set up your SFTP account for electronic list delivery, please call us at 866-275-4526. Commission Brokers may qualify for trade and volume discounts. Call for qualification details. Rental Each rental guarantees one-time use. Additional/ unlimited use available. Call for pricing. Delivery Demographic, Attitudinal, Lifestyle lists qualify for 24-hour turnaround. Most Hotline orders qualify for 48-hour turnaround. Sample mailing piece and/or telemarketing script required. Format Price Electronic delivery...........................................$25.00 flat Key coding............................................................ $1.00/M Resequence/breaks............................................ $1.00/M Running charge .................................................. $5.00/M Splits..................................................................... $0.50/M For orders, call toll free: 866-ASK4KBM (275-4526) Cancellation Canceling 10 days prior to original mail date will incur a $10/M net cancellation charge. Full payment is due on all orders canceled outside of this parameter. 42 866 ASK4KBM (275-4526) Toll-Free Printed in the USA. © 2014 All rights reserved. 10/14 250