Pays d`Oc PGI - Pays d`OC IGP
Pays d`Oc PGI - Pays d`OC IGP
PAYS D’OC PGI Quality Guarantee WINE PAYS D’OC PGI Protected Geographical Indication THE VARIETAL WINE REGION, QUALITY GUARANTEE PAYS D’OC PAYS D’OC’S n n n n n GUARANTEES ASSETS CHALLENGE n PAYS D’OC Creation of the Vin de Pays d’OC PGI Producers Union n Optimisation of a soil rich in history n n Varietal-wine specialisation n A modernised offer n A savoir-faire dating back thousands of years Unique weather conditions A mosaic of soils An exceptional aromatic wealth n n n Innovation and sophistication Creation of an energetic Interprofessional Organisation (Inter Oc) n An aromatic consistency Quality and traceability A diverse offer An excellent quality-price ratio PARIS 745 km Club des Marques ALÈS GARD LE VIGAN N I ME S BEAUCAIRE LODÈVE M O N T PE L L IE R TOULOUSE 85 km HÉRAULT LATTES PÉZENAS BÉZIERS CASTELNAUDARY C AR C AS S ON N E AUDE P ER PI G N A N PRADES Via Domitia Altitude in metres CÉRET SPAIN 100 km MEDITERRANEAN SEA GRUISSAN PYRÉNÉES ORIENTALES MARSEILLE CAP D’AGDE NARBONNE LIMOUX SÈTE DOMAINE DE MANSE Head Office Varietal Wines PAYS D’OC IGP PAYS DʼOC IGP EN LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON PAYS D’OC PGI WINE PAYS D’OC: THE VARIETAL WINE REGION QUALITY GUARANTEE Pays d’Oc PGI*: The reference in French varietal wines Inter Oc – Pays d’Oc PGI wines’ Interprofessional Organisation Established in 2006, Pays d’Oc PGI wines’ Interprofessional Organisation (Inter Oc), represents the best-selling quality-certified wine brand in France and around the world. Defined by their quality, modernity and diversity, Pays d’Oc – now under Protected Geographic Indication status (PGI) – has risen to the top European spot in marketing and export in just over 20 years. Centred around a varietal-based strategy and structured by strict specification requirements, the brand has significantly impacted the structure of the Languedoc vineyard and has positioned its quality-driven wines alongside the Languedoc and Roussillon appellations. The quality, rigour and Languedoc viti-viniculture tradition embodies these creative varietal wines reflecting the naturally appealing perfection of Pays d’Oc’s Mediterranean typicity. Pays d’Oc PGI is a certified brand recognised by Bureau Véritas Qualité France. Pays d’Oc Companies and the CMO PGI Reform Pays d’Oc PGI’s success is the result of its companies’ energy and the rigour of a savoir-faire dating back thousands of years; an expertise that winemakers have known how to adapt to meet today’s consumer’s tastes and expectations. Among the changes introduced by the August 1, 2009 CMO reform, is the transformation of the Vin de Pays d’Oc Producers Union into a Management and Protection Agency and Pays d’Oc’s status change to Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). The Pays d’Oc PGI brand is now linked to the National Institute of Origin and Quality (INAO) alongside the Protected Designation of Origin wines (former CDO/AOC), meaning that the protection of origin is now recognised as a priority. With this status change, The Union can expand its commitment of hygienic health standards, product traceability and organised quality-controls. To reinforce the quality guarantee of its wines Vin de Pays d’Oc PGI Producers Union chose Bureau Véritas Qualité France. Sustainable Development, a Considerable Challenge In Pays d’Oc, the vine is more than a plant, it is part of the cultural history wealth, reflecting a vibrant economy, a passion and a history of women and men. For thousands of years Languedoc wine growers have known how to use, together, the means necessary to adapt their vineyards and practices to the challenges of the international marketplace. By investing in a sustainable development research-to-action project, Inter Oc confirms its commitment to unite Pays d’Oc PGI companies under a sustainable development initiative aimed primarily at preserving its resources, but above all to engage all its winemakers and wine companies in the production of sustainable wines that is respectful of Mankind and the environment. * PGI : Indication Géographique Protégéé (IGP) in french PAYS D’OC IGP - INDICATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE PROTÉGÉE 1 WI N E PAYS D’OC PGI PROTECTED GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION What is PGI*? Brought into action August 1, 2009, the Common Market Organisation reform has reorganised Vin de Pays and Vin de Table into the respective categories of Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) varietal wines and wines without geographical indication. The PGIs l The concept of quality, origin and traceability l Limited yields Label prototype From the 2009 vintage onward, the following details are required on all labels: l BEFORE l l Product of France Varietal(s) Pays d’Oc Indication Géographique Protégée (Protected Geographical Indication) AFTER Product of France Domaine de Manse CABERNET-SAUVIGNON 12,5 % vol. Vin de Pays d’Oc 2007 75cl Mis en bouteille à la propriété Domaine de Manse CABERNET-SAUVIGNON NB: to accommodate the liquidation of packaging stocks, a transitional period is in place that will allow the use of former regulation “Vin de Pays d’Oc” labels until Dec 31, 2010 PAYS D’OC Indication Géographique Protégée 12,5 % vol. 2009 Mis en bouteille à la propriété 75cl Pays d’Oc PGI wines now Protected Geographical Indication products The new European Community regulation (n° 479/2008), published in the June 6, 2008 issue of the Official European Union Journal, outlines the new Common Market Organisation reform of the viti-viniculture market. Among the different measures, product segmentation is defined by the classification of wines into two main categories: wines with geographical identification and wines without geographical identification. The implementation of PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) is effective from the 2008-2009 campaign onwards; and for PGI wines, August 1st, 2009 onwards. In the Languedoc-Roussillon region, the Geographical Indication families, PDO and PGI, are thus united and reinforced, becoming the 1st French vineyard in volume production, a real economic power. * PGI : Indication Géographique Protégéé (IGP) in french 2 PAYS D’OC IGP - INDICATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE PROTÉGÉE PAYS D’OC PGI WINE HIGH-STANDARDS IN QUALITY A collective brand, a promise to the consumer Pays d’Oc PGI’s solid reputation and growth in sales are based on the quality, character and depth of its wines. A TERRITORY l 88 000 hectares (220 000 acres of vineyards) l A Mediterranean climate l A mosaic of soils l 33 Pays d’Oc PGI grape varieties A COLLECTIVE BRAND l A PGI wine for every consumer profile l A clear, consistent offer l A modern range l A unique quality-price ratio THE MEN AND WOMEN l A viti-vinicultural tradition passed down over 2700 years l A savoir–faire in constant evolution l 5.3 million d’hectolitres (the equivalent of 707 million bottles) l A common goal A GUARANTEE l Certified in accordance to strict specifications Pays D’Oc, LanguedocRoussillon origin Distinctive flavour qualities l Wine traceability l Quality controls from the vine to the bottle l l PAYS D’OC IGP - INDICATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE PROTÉGÉE 3 WI N E PAYS D’OC PGI SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Between Earth and Glass Languedoc-Roussillon, Towards a Sustainable Strategy The international ‘sustainable wines’ market study (pilot project) combines Inter Oc’s competitive position in the international marketplace with the experience of three international researchers specialised in sustainable development and wine marketing. n The Governing Commitee PAYS D’OC PGI • Jacques GRAVEGEAL • Olivier SIMONOU • Florence BARTHES President, Vin de Pays d’Oc Producers Union President, Pays d’Oc IGP/PGI wines Interprofessional Organisation Managing Director, Pays d’Oc IGP/PGI UM2 RESEARCH TEAM Sustainable Development Expertise • Yann CHABIN Marketing Expertise • Simone MUELLER Management Researcher, University of Montpellier PhD in Economics n Marketing Strategy Expertise • Hervé REMAUD Researcher The Project The project’s main objectives are to position regional sustainable development strategies on the international platform and to determine how to make sustainable development a catalyst for growth for the wine industry. To achieve this, the project is based on three pillars: 1• Understand consumer spending habits in five key markets (USA, France, Germany, Canada, Great Britain) and evaluate the most valued sustainable messages. 2• Identify international vineyards’ best sustainable development practices and their promotion in the marketplace. 3• Evaluate international distributors’ commitment and the implications of their sustainable development policies on the specifications imposed upon their suppliers. n Pilot companies • Guy ANDRIEU • Alain CASTEL • Gilles LOUVET General Director Anne de joyeuse General Director Groupe Castel President & General Director CLVD • Sébastien NARJOUD • Robert SKALLI • Claude MARSOLAT General Director Jeanjean en Languedoc President Skalli SAS General Director Val d’Orbieu • Bernard DEVIC General Director (Delegate) 4 PAYS D’OC IGP - INDICATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE PROTÉGÉE PAYS D’OC PGI The meeting of contemporary art and wine P R O T E C T E D G E O G R A P H I C A L I N D I C AT I O N A shared and individual history History of the heart and passions History of colours and fragrances History of evolution and creation Renowned contemporary artist, Patrice Palacio, creates, for Pays d’Oc PGI, a series of 12 paintings exploring the universe of varietal wines. With references to the history of art, and in allusion to that of Pays d’Oc, his 12 oeuvres awaken the senses - visual, emotional and aromatic - by integrating alimentary elements reflective of Pays d’Oc PGI aromas and colours WINE INTER OC - Pays d’Oc PGI Interprofessional Organisation - Tél. 04 67 13 84 30 - WI N E PAYS D’OC PGI THE PAYS D’OC PGI DYNAMIC WITH ENERGETIC BUSINESSES Club des Marques Pays d’Oc PGI Companies and Signatures Brand Creators l l Unite Initiatives and performances l l Defend Pays d’Oc Identity l l Ally the strength of distribution networks Promote the value and quality of the label l l l Castel Frères « Roche Mazet » Foncalieu Vignobles « Versant » Jeanjean « Arabesque » Les Vignerons Catalans en Roussillon « Fruité Catalan » Les Vins Skalli « Famille Skalli » UCCOAR « Brise de France » Val d’Orbieu « Cuvée Mythique » l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Aimery Sieur d’Arques Anne de Joyeuse Bonfils – Maurel Vedeau Château de l’Engarran Domaine de Bachellery Domaine du Bosc-Satgé Domaine Gayda Domaine La Provenquière Joseph Castan La Condamine Bertrand Laroche Laurent Miquel Les Collines du Bourdic Les Domaines Paul Mas LGI Moncigale PH Wine Pays d’Oc PGI Club des Marques 2009 Review Pays d’Oc PGI wines referenced by the Groupe Bertrand. Promotion of Pays d’Oc references by Olivier Bertrand Distribution, Paris 11 138 950 bottles supported through 6 co-branded promotional campaigns in 5 countries (Australia, Great Britain, China, Russia and France) 2 Public Relations/Lobbying operations Unification of Languedoc-Roussillon wines on French supermarket shelves, Sustainable development research project 2 Public Relations/Lobbying operations in France Johnny Hallyday concert – Béziers, Australian journalists media visit – Domaine de Manse, Maurin The Ambassadors Vin de Pays d’Oc Collection 2009 The “Collection” category selects the most distinguished Pays d'Oc wines. Every year a jury of professionals discerns and awards the Ambassadors and their "Vin de Pays d'Oc Collection®." The "Vins de Pays d'Oc Collection 2009 ®" represents the quality and heritage of Pays d’Oc with its refined and sophisticated wines, and the additional obligation of being bottled in their region of origin. They proudly claim their 100% Pays d’Oc origin and are recognized by a medal. Specific campaigns 6 l Product samples for media l Promotional operations l Events PAYS D’OC IGP - INDICATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE PROTÉGÉE PAYS D’OC PGI WINE PAYS D’OC SEGMENTATION Pays d’Oc PGI represents 2700 structures who produce and sell Pays d’Oc PGI wines; it is these structures who master the distributor/consumer relationship in the marketplace. The product segmentation established by Pays d’Oc PGI is an interprofessional breakdown with the objective of classifying its potential of 707 million bottles into market segments. Passion A touch of elegance Collection Connoisseurs and wine-lovers Style Séduction Easy-to-share Experienced or novice consumers Consumers, or new consumrs Séduction, Style and Collection, These three categories clearly position Pays d’Oc PGI wines from a consumer point of view for the distributor. They are wines suited to any environment: spontaneous moments, special occasions, sharing and discovery. All with the guarantee of quality and origin. Collection Style Séduction VIN DE PAYS D'OC COLLEC TION 2009 VIGNERONS AMBASSADEURS DE LA GAMME COLLECTION 2009 Conception, réalisation et photos : Castel Frères Château de Gourgazaud Château Mas Neuf Domaine Camplazens Domaine d'Aigues Belles Domaine de Belle Mare Domaine de la Jasse d'Isnard Domaine de la Provenquière Domaine de Longueroche Domaine de Malavieille Domaine de Nizas et Sallèles Domaine de Valensac Domaine des Deux Ruisseaux Domaine du Grand Chemin Domaine du Mas de Madame Domaine Gayda Domaine Jean Gleizes Domaine la Fadèze Domaine les Quatre Amours Domaine Mazet des Croses Domaine Natura Domaine Saint Hilaire Domaine Saint Jean du Noviciat Domaine Saint Martin des Champs Domaines Paul Mas Domaine Peyronnet Foncalieu Vignobles Laroche Les Maîtres Vignerons de Gallargues Les Vignes de l'Arque Les Vignerons de Puimisson Les Vignerons du Sommiérois Les Vins Skalli 9 The easy-to-share wine Pure Passion A touch of elegance “Collection” represents the topquality Pays d’Oc PGI wines. Collection defends the quality and heritage of the Pays d’Oc with refined and sophisticated wines, and the additional obligation of being bottled in their region of origin. “Style” defends the mid-ranged products with a sophisticated wine range, elegantly packaged and a lovingly-dosed aromatic quality. It represents a competitive offer with the potential to increase Pays d’Oc’s market shares against its main competitors, California and Australia. “Collection” is intended for connoisseurs and wine-lovers, amateurs of well-structured, high quality wines with noble origins. A moment of pure pleasure and sharing for all oenophiles. “Style” enthrals experienced or novice consumers. Perfect when accompanying a refined meal, contributing to a touch of elegance for upscale restaurants. “Seduction” proclaims its accessible and innovative wines as nevertheless being finely elaborated and original, often modern. It has an impressive quality-price ratio and is well-packaged (cans, Tetra packs, flexible containers). These wines are well-rounded and fruity. “Séduction” is intended for consumers, or new consumers, who are quite simply looking to sip a fruity wine on a sunny outdoor terrace, for an aperitif or to enjoy during an impromptu meal with friends. PAYS D’OC IGP - INDICATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE PROTÉGÉE 7 WI N E PAYS D’OC PGI RELEVANT PACKAGING Pays d’Oc PGI: Relevant packaging Packaging Innovation (presentation, container, sealing) Bag in Box: Simplified Serving and Eco-friendly Pays d’Oc PGI proposes a wide range of innovative packaging in a variety of forms to seduce any consumer. Pays d’Oc PGI packaging can be traditional, elegant, subtle, classic, modern, off-beat, refined, amusing, clever … Every retailer can find the size corresponding to their clients’ purchasing habits and expectations: bottles with varied amounts (18.7 cl - 37.5 cl – 50 cl – 75 cl – Magnum), cans, flexible containers... Pays d’Oc PGI wines also have corks ranging from traditional to synthetic and even screwtops with the priority being a practical and easy uncorking and recorking process. Pays d’Oc PGI has a wide range of varietal wines, proposing the three colours in containers from 3 to 10 litres. The Bag in Box® (BIB) presents numerous advantages including the possibility to conserve the wine up to 6 weeks after opening, and the liberty of drinking just one glass without opening a new bottle. It’s easier to store and has fewer logistics to manage, allowing for significant savings. The BIB respects the environment by using recyclable materials. Whatever the style and whatever the clientele, Pays d’Oc PGI provides the right product, in the right packaging, at the right time and at the right price. 8 PAYS D’OC IGP - INDICATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE PROTÉGÉE PAYS D’OC PGI WINE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK SUPPORT Through the fusion of its assets, business energy and ambition, Pays d’Oc PGI, in close collaboration with the distribution players on the market, is ideally positioned to strengthen its products and guarantee their origin to consumers. Inter oc hopes to develop a constructive dialogue with these actors and work alongside them on their communication initiatives of the Pays d’Oc brand. Pays d’Oc PGI supports sales development in supermarkets with distribution-oriented promotional activities l Promotional Catalogues l Wine-tasting events l Promotion on store shelves l Display stands … Tesco - U K Canada Campaign - SAQ Pays d’Oc PGI supports traditional networks S D’OC VIN DE PAY SORS DE CÉPAGES , DES TRÉ UN TERRITOIRE D’OC VIN DE PAYS DÉGUSTATION NALE LÉE N AT I O ASS EMB MERCR EDI 3 DÉCEM BRE 2008 French National Assembly – Paris The 100 Best Pays d’Oc wines Guide – the Netherlands l Practical guide l Clear, coherent information for consumers l Practical and efficient promotional material l Unique consumer gifts l Fun, off-the-wall editorial material l Magazine supplements (ie. Glasklar) l Wine-tasting notebooks… Allemagne - Presse Repaire de Bacchus - Paris l An offer in gold We are at your disposal to develop, together, marketing tools and specialised campaigns. PAYS D’OC IGP - INDICATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE PROTÉGÉE 9 WI N E PAYS D’OC PGI COMMUNICATION › Advertising in national and international magazines l Marie Claire l Revue du Vin de France l LebensmittelZeitung (Germany)… VIN DE PAYS D'OC COLLEC TION 2009 VIGNERONS AMBASSADEUR S DE LA GAMME COLLECTION 2009 Conception, réalisation et photos : Castel Frères Château de Gourgazaud Château Mas Neuf Domaine Camplazens Domaine d'Aigues Belles Domaine de Belle Mare Domaine de la Jasse d'Isnard Domaine de la Provenquière Domaine de Longueroche Domaine de Malavieille Domaine de Nizas et Sallèles Domaine de Valensac Domaine des Deux Ruisseaux Domaine du Grand Chemin Domaine du Mas de Madame Domaine Gayda Domaine Jean Gleizes Domaine la Fadèze Domaine les Quatre Amours Domaine Mazet des Croses Domaine Natura Domaine Saint Hilaire Domaine Saint Jean du Noviciat Domaine Saint Martin des Champs Domaines Paul Mas Domaine Peyronnet Foncalieu Vignobles Laroche Les Maîtres Vignerons de Gallargues Les Vignes de l'Arque Les Vignerons de Puimisson Les Vignerons du Sommiérois Les Vins Skalli depaysd 9 › Paid advertising/advertorials l Wine Spectator (USA) l Wein Und Markt (Germnay) › Permanent and mobile display material › Press kits and media releases bre bre D’OCto primeur D’OCto primeur primeur D’OCto bre › Press and public relations w w w. v i n depaysdo C H A Q U E C É P A G E L'ABUS D'ALCOO E S T U L EST DA N V I N NGEREUX POUR LA SANTÉ. À CONSO MMER AV EC MODÉ RATION. 10 PAYS D’OC IGP - INDICATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE PROTÉGÉE PAYS D’OC PGI WINE PRESENTATION OF A NEW EXPORT VISUAL Communication messages: n The allure of top-quality wines n A savoir-faire dating back thousands of years n The wealth of the Pays d’Oc territory n Elegance and modernity Visual representation: n Correlation between the vineyard and history n Stylish and laid-back (black and white) n Wine at the heart of Pays d’Oc culture n Tag line: indulge in an exceptional moment * Co-branding opportunities PAYS D’OC IGP - INDICATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE PROTÉGÉE 11 WI N E PAYS D’OC PGI DOMAINE DE MANSE Pays d’Oc PGI Head Office General Director, Florence Barthès n Communication/Promotion Team Communication/Promotion Manager, Linda Filone de Noisdens Communication/Promotion Project Manager, Fabrice Gallet Communication/Promotion Assistant, Brieshea Cowley Graphic Designer Vida Turluer Communication/Promotion Assistant, Thomas Romain WINE INTER OC - Pays d’Oc PGI Interprofessional Organisation Domaine de Manse - Avenue Paysagère - CS 70026 Maurin - 34973 Lattes Cedex - France Tél. : +33 (0)4 67 13 84 20 - Fax : +33 (0)4 67 13 84 29 - E.mail : photo credits: Domaine du Bosc-Satge, Gilles Deschamps - Istockphoto - C. Gourmanel - Inter Oc 12 PAYS D’OC IGP - INDICATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE PROTÉGÉE PAYS D’OC PGI WINE A FEW NUMBERS t hectares and 2,700 viti-viniculture structures t in Languedoc-Roussillon produces VINS DE PAYS D’OC* t in France produces VINS DE PAYS D’OC* t million hectolitres produced in 2008/2009 (equivalent of 707 million bottles) t of the 154 French wines in volume t of French Vins de Pays are VINS DE PAYS D’OC* t of French varietal Vins de Pays are VINS DE PAYS D’OC* t million hectolitres exported in 2009 t French exporter in volume t World exporter of varietal wines in volume t countries tried VINS DE PAYS D’OC* in 2009 t increase in export volumes in 2009 (compared to 2008) + 5 .8 % t increase in export values in 2009 (compared to 2008) + 18% t increase of sales volume for varietals in French supermarkets in 2009 (compared to 2008) t 88 000 sold in hyper or supermarkets is a VINS DE PAYS D’OC* 1 ha/ 3 1 ha/10 5 .3 1st 60% 92% 2 .5 1st 5th 150 + 2 .5 % 1 VDP / 2 status change to PGI (IGP in French) from the 2009 vintage onwards PAYS D’OC IGP - INDICATION GÉOGRAPHIQUE PROTÉGÉE 13 V I N D E PAYS D 'O C CO LLE C T I O N 2 009 VIGNERONS AMBASSADEURS DE LA GAMME COLLECTION 2009 Conception, réalisation et photos : Castel Frères Château de Gourgazaud Château Mas Neuf Domaine Camplazens Domaine d'Aigues Belles Domaine de Belle Mare Domaine de la Jasse d'Isnard Domaine de la Provenquière Domaine de Longueroche Domaine de Malavieille Domaine de Nizas et Sallèles Domaine de Valensac Domaine des Deux Ruisseaux Domaine du Grand Chemin Domaine du Mas de Madame Domaine Gayda Domaine Jean Gleizes Domaine la Fadèze Domaine les Quatre Amours Domaine Mazet des Croses Domaine Natura Domaine Saint Hilaire Domaine Saint Jean du Noviciat Domaine Saint Martin des Champs Domaines Paul Mas Domaine Peyronnet Foncalieu Vignobles Laroche Les Maîtres Vignerons de Gallargues Les Vignes de l'Arque Les Vignerons de Puimisson Les Vignerons du Sommiérois Les Vins Skalli 9