Announcements - Syracuse Builders Exchange


Announcements - Syracuse Builders Exchange
Vol. 15
November 13, 2015
No. 44
Dimi Wingate Joins Association
The Syracuse Builders Exchange is pleased to announce the hiring of Dimi
Wingate, who will work for the Exchange Agency as an Account Manager.
Dimi is a New York State licensed life, accident and health insurance agent
who will assist Lori Browne in servicing over 220 employers who currently
have their group benefits through the Exchange Agency. During the past
12 years Dimi served as an Account Manager during her time with ProAct,
Inc. and CitiGroup Financial. Dimi is a high impact professional who brings
a charming personality, strong communication and people skills and a
wealth of knowledge in servicing the needs of business owners and their
employees. She will be responsible for working with construction industry
related employers year-round, during the renewal process and assisting in
the strategic planning and development of new markets for the Agency and
Dimi can be reached at 437-9346 or via email at
Post Employment Opportunities on
You can now post positions available at your company or upload your
resume on our Career Center tab on our NEW website
This service is FREE to members and anyone can upload a resume, but
only members can post employment positions and view posted resumes.
Need help posting? Call Lisa at 315-437-9936 or
Education and Safety Courses
Click Here for Class Descriptions and Registration Forms.
The Syracuse Builders Exchange offers a number of educational safety
and training courses to member firms. All courses and seminars will be
held in the SBE classroom. Students must pre-register.
Please contact Melissa Gould at at SBE to enroll
your employees in a future course or register online at
Melissa's phone number is (315) 437-9936 x25
OSHA 10-Hour Construction Safety Course
Monday, November 23 & Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Price: Free to Members
Upon completion, students will understand how to use the construction
standard (29 CFR 1926) as an aid in recognizing and correcting standards,
gain the ability to identify safety and health hazards on site. Completion
also meets the requirements for OSHA 10-Hour training as an addition to
the existing prevailing rate law. This mandate applies to workers receiving
prevailing wages on every contract for public work of $250,000 or more
effective June 18, 2008. OSHA has made several changes to the 10 and
30 hour courses.
Blue Print Reading Course
Tuesdays, December 8, 2015 thru February 23, 2016
Price: Free to Members/Non-Members $225.00
Classes will be held at the Syracuse Builders Exchange Classroom.
This course is an introductory course valuable to new hires and structured
to give the student a practical view of reading contact documents,
blueprints and specifications. Designed for entry-level students the course
offers a systems approach to blueprint reading and includes:
- Site Plans
- Footings and Foundations
- Floor Plans
- Elevations
- Building Sections
- Details
- Engineering drawings including structural, mechanical, electrical and
Cold Weather Masonry and From the Codebook to the Field
January 6, 2016
Price: Free to Members
Understand code requirements for cold weather masonry construction,
learn industry guidelines and common practice, proper storage of materials
and helpful tips to plan for winter construction. Understand the
interrelationship between masonry materials, architecture, engineering and
construction. Learn how the intent of code requirements can be translated
into specification language, on-site training tools, certifications and
upgrades and on-site Q&A.
Business Executive Coaching Two-Day Seminar
January 20 and 21, 2016
Price: Free to Members
8:00am-12:00pm both days
January 20, 2016 – 8:00am-12:00pm Session 1
Personal Effectiveness and Goal Setting and Gap Management
Two very separate concepts, but when combined can make all the
difference in your business. Learn ways to maximize your effectiveness in
your organization and personal life. Maximize your time and improve
strategic relationships to build a better personal strategy.
Identify where you are currently and know where you want to be. The
difference is the Gap. Learn how to be purposeful in your daily strategies
and tactics to best close that Gap.
January 21, 2016 – 8:00am-12:00pm Session 2
Key Performance Indicators and Strategic Planning for your Business
Sure you know about KPI’s but do you have them and more importantly,
are they the right KPI’s? Better measure your business performance on a
daily basis to better stay on course.
We will plot a course and develop a strategic plan for your business. You
will take away strategies and tactics designed for measurable success.
Are you doing what you already know? Or are you looking to put some
new business tools in your tool box? Either way, this program will get you
moving forward.
How to Protect Your Stuff in 3 Easy Steps
January 28, 2016
Price: Free to Members
This workshop covers frequently asked questions and common
misconceptions regarding Wills & Trusts, Asset Protection, Nursing Home
Issues, Medicaid Qualification and Estate taxes. This workshop will help
attendees to understand fundamental estate planning concepts. Free for
SBE member firms.
Instructed by David J. Zumpano, CPA/Esq.
David was born and raised in Central New York. He began his professional
career with Price Waterhouse as a staff accountant. He later graduated
from Syracuse College of Law and started his legal career with a regional
law firm. After two short years, he started the Law Offices of David J.
Zumpano, remaining "of counsel" to his former firm. Since, his firm has
grown twenty fold and is known as the Estate Planning Law Center. The
Estate Planning Law Center serves as a "model law firm" to hundreds of
law firms across the country. David's practice remains focused on estate
planning, asset protection, and elder law.
Project Bidding Information
Project Name
11/16/2015 Bid
Additions and Renovations to the Hollwedel
Memorial Library Town of Pavilion
Contractors are invited to submit bids for all labor, material,
equipment and incidentals to construct a 1,620 SF children’ library
addition and alterations to a 2,255 SF existing wood frame building
located at 5 Woodrow Drive, Pavilion, NY 14525 that is used as a
public library. The facility will be fully occupied during construction.
The Pavilion Public Library requires Substantial Completion of the
Work within 150 days of the Notice to Proceed
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 6, 2015 at
2:00 PM.
Alterations and Reconstruction Project at High
School and Portico and Cupolas Project Mexico
Academy and CSD
Contract No 7-General Construction Contract No 8MechanicalContract No 9-PlumbingContract No 10-Electrical
Pre-Bid Conference will be held on 10/22/15 at 3:30 PM at the High
School Cafeteria.
Bridge Rehabilitation of Lake Street Bridge (BIN
2210610) over Fall Creek City of Ithaca PIN 3755.34
Installing steel sheet piling, concrete and heavy stone fill scour
protection. Reconstruction of existing sidewalks within the project
limits. Construction of a new overlook along the east fascia of the
bridge .Replacement of the existing bearings. Decorative bridge
Lighting Lake Street Public Park Enhancement work
A pre-bid meeting will be held on November 3, 2015 at 10:00 AM at
City Hall 3rd Floor Conference Room, 108 East Green Street,
Ithaca, NY
Cleaning and Maintenance of Grease Traps and
Interceptors City of Rochester 427360
The scope of this agreement is to establish a contract for the
Grease Trap/Interceptor Maintenance, Hydro-Jetting & Power
Washing, at various City of Rochester locations. The City of
Rochester requests this service be completed in conjunction with
Monroe County Pure Waters, New York State Environmental
Conservation & New York State Department of Health
requirements. The City is seeking bids for Grease Trap &
Interceptor Maintenance for sites maintained by the City of
A pre-bid meeting will be held on November 9, 2015 at 9:30 AM in
City Hall, Room 105A 30 Church Street Rochester, NY 14614
Construction of New Fuccillo Nissan Dealership
This project entails the construction of a new Nissan dealership
and service center. Major trades include but are not limited to:
Building Excavation, Concrete, Masonry, Structural Steel, Millwork,
Metal Panels, Composite Panels, Roofing,
Doors/Frames/Hardware, Overhead Doors, Storefront/Curtainwall,
Finishes, Pre-Engineered Metal Building, Fire Protection,
Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical.
Demolition and Removal Nine Homes Flood
Affected 2011 Village of Owego
The project involves the demolition and site clearance of up to nine
(9) flood damaged properties in the Village of Owego, NY.
Elevator Repair, Test and Maintenance for Schuyler
County Buildings
Schuyler County Buildings and Grounds is requesting a proposal
for testing and maintenance of elevators at Schuyler County owned
locations. Locations are as follows: County Office
Building/Courthouse105 Ninth Street Watkins Glen, NY
14891Schuyler County Sheriff’ Department105 Ninth Street
Watkins Glen, NY 14891
Gym Floor Replacement Project Sullivan County
BOCES Liberty NY
Contract No. 1-General Construction
New Homewood Suites by Hilton Hotel Freemans
Bridge Road Town of Glenville
New 100-room 5-story hotel.
Remodel Price Chopper to Market 32 Store 181
Hudson Valley Plaza Troy Vandenburgh Avenue
Town of Brunswick
Scope of work consists of interior demolition, stamped concrete
finishes, cementitious underlayment, masonry, stone veneer, cast
stone, metal fabrication, decorative formed metals, insulation,
EFIS, above and below grade vapor retarder, moisture vapor
mitigation, composite wall panels, metal soffits, membrane roofing,
firestopping sealants, HM door/frames, wood doors, access doors,
folding grilles, sectional OH doors, traffic doors, alum storefront, all
glass entrances, hardware, drywall, ceramic tile, ACT, resilient
flooring, carpet, FRP panels, painting, signage, toilet compartments
and accessories, FEC, operable partitions, wall and corner guards,
loading dock equipment, vault equipment, roller window shades,
entrance grilles, site furnishing, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, fire
Site Drainage Improvements Kenmore Mercy
Drainage improvements and the work includes modifications to the
North side of the existing North parking lot access drive as required
to divert parking lot storm water run-off to existing and new storm
water receivers
A Pre-Bid Conference followed by a site “walk-through” will be held
on Friday November 6, 2015 at 8:00 a.m.
Tree Removal - NCWD Transmission Main Phase 2
Contract No. 15-6T Various Road in Niagara County
The contract consists of tree removals along various roads from
Dysinger Road at the Lockport/Royalton town line to Freeman
Road at Telegraph Road in the Town of Royalton and Village of
Middleport within Niagara County. The purpose of this project is to
remove trees prior to the DIP Transmission Main being installed.
Asbestos Abatement and Hazardous Materials
Removal Tower 2 Phase VI Floors B-4 and Stairs A
State University of New York College at Buffalo
Elevator Maintenance and Repairs for Various City
Owned Buildings Albany
Elevator Maintenance and Repairs for Various City Owned
Pump and Motor Rehabilitation Buffalo Sewer
Water Pump Rehabilitation (The Buffalo Sewer Authority does not
supply projects to the plan room)
A pre-bid meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at
10 AM
RAC Exterior Lighting Improvements M05460 SUNY
Fredonia NY
Replace 76 compact fluorescent lighting fixtures with LED type
fixtures in the overhang area of the Rockefeller Arts Center (RAC).
The wiring of the old fixtures contain asbestos. The removal of the
old light fixtures and wiring will need to be performed by a licensed
asbestos abatement contractor.
Pre-bid conference 11/5/15 at 10:00 a.m.
Renovation and Upgrades to Former Excellus
Building Icon Tower Syracuse NY
Renovation of 10 story 250,000sf former Excellus Building at 344
South Warren Street.Bid packages will include: New construction
work including concrete, masonry, masonry restoration, steel,
drywall/carpentry/ACT, roofing, insulation, doors, HM/Wood frames
& hardware, OH doors, tiling, painting, toilet compartments and
accessories, fire protection specialties, fire suppression, plumbing,
HVAC and electrical. The following scopes are not included at this
time and bid solicitation will be forthcoming : Site related work,
adhered stone masonry, misc metals/fabrications, interior finish
carpentry, building perimeter firestopping, spray fireproofing
aluminum entrances and general exterior windows/glass and
glazing, auto door operators, resilient flooring, appliances,
residential casework and lavatory countertops, signage, gas
fireplaces, postal specialties, roller window shades,conveying
equipment.Bid Package #3 Exterior Demolition Bid Package #4
Reinforcing Steel Bid Package #5 Concrete Foundations Bid
Package #6 Concrete Slabs/Flatwork, Landings, Infills, Pads Bid
Package #7 Masonry and Precast Stone Façade Bid Package #8
Clay Masonry and Exterior Limestone Restoration and Cleaning
Bid Package #9 Structural Steel Bid Package #10 Stairs, Railings,
Misc Metals Bid Package #11 Interior Finish Trim/Carpentry (Does
not include casework/counters)Bid Package #12 Terracotta
Rainscreen Assembly and Metal Paneling Bid Package #13 EPDM
Roofing Bid Package #14 Building Perimeter Firestopping Bid
Package #15 Joint Sealants, Caulking and Waterproofing Bid
Package #16 Sprayed on Fireproofing Bid Package #17 Hollow
Metal and Wood Doors and Frames and Hardware Bid Package
#18 Overhead Coiling Doors Bid Package #19 Glass/Glazing,
Curtainwall, Aluminum Entrances, Operators/Hardware Bid
Package #20 Framing, Drywall, Finishing, Acoustical Treatments,
Insulation Bid Package #21 Hard Tiling Bid Package #22 Resilient
Flooring incl carpet, resilient tile, LVT, resilient base Bid Package
#23 Painting and Wall Coverings Bid Package #24 Signage Bid
Package #25 Toilet Compartments and Accessories Bid Package
#26 Manufactured Gas Fireplaces Bid Package #27 Fire Protection
Specialties Bid Package #28 Postal Specialties Bid Package #29
Residential Appliances Bid Package #30 Roller Window Shades
Bid Package #31 Residential Casework Bid Package #32 Entry
Mats, Grilles, Grates, Rugs, Runners Bid Package #33 Conveying
Equipment Bid Package #34 Fire Suppression –Complete Systems
Bid Package #35 Plumbing –Complete Systems Bid Package #36
HVAC, Controls –Complete Systems Bid Package #37 Electrical,
Tele/Data, Alarms –Complete Systems Bid Package #38 Adhered
Stone Masonry Bid Package #39 Sitework Bid Package #40
Paving Bid Package #41 Parking Area Striping Bid Package #42
Landscaping and Plantings Bid Package #43 Bike Racks and
Replace Roofing and Siding at 300 West Dominick
St Rome NY
General Construction
Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 10/28/15 at 10:30 AM at site.
RFP New Construction Hilton Garden In at
Rivertowns Square / Saw Mill River Parkway Town
of Dobbs Ferry Westchester County
New Hilton Garden Inn project in Dobbs Ferry, NY. The project
consists of renovations, fit-outs and additions to an existing
building. There will be (3) Additional Stories constructed for 143
guest rooms and will comprise of 67,800 (SF).
Overall the project construction consists of 80,115 Square Feet
Bidding the following divisions of work :
Division 02 – Existing Conditions/ Selective Demo
Division 03 – Concrete
Division 04 – Masonry (CMU & Stone Veneer)
Division 05 – Metals
Division 06 – Woods & Plastics
Division 07 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Division 08 – Openings
Division 09 – Finishes
Division 10 – Specialties
Division 11 – Equipment (Linen Chute)
Division 12 – Furnishings (Entrance Mats and Grids)
Division 13 – Special Construction (Indoor Salt Water Pool & Spa)
Division 14 – Conveying Systems (Traction Elevator)
Division 21 – Fire Suppression
Division 22 – Plumbing
Division 23 – HVAC
Division 26 – Electrical
Division 27 – Communications
Division 28 – Electronic Safety & Security
Roof Replacement to Buffalo State College Moore
Complex DASNY 3287409999 CR No. 4
The scope includes selective demolition, roof tear-offs including
existing roofing, flashings, roof specialties, installation of new
roofing system, removal and reinstallation of gravel stop,
installation of new ladders and guardrails, minor brick replacement,
and new roof access hatches including associated fire alarm work
as required.
A pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday October 28,2015 at
9:00 AM
Sidewalk Snowplowing, 2015-2016 Season (3
Routes) City of Rochester 427400
1.1 It is the intention of the City of Rochester to enter into contracts
with competent and responsive contractors for plowing three (3)
City of Rochester's residential sidewalk routes in the manner
described herein.1.2 The contractor .must supply a suitable, well
maintained vehicle in excellent operating condition, as specified in
Section 9, with an operator, for each route that is awarded.
Additionally, one (1) vehicle must be provided as back-up for every
three (3) routes awarded. All equipment intended for use in
snowplowing City sidewalks will be subject to passing a minimum
of two (2) inspections administered by the City.1.3 The City is
contracting for two types of snowplowing services:1.3.1 The most
frequently used service will be a full run. The contractor will be paid
the amount bid, per run, per route, for satisfactory completion of the
route. The average route is approximately 80,000 feet long. Each
route is shown on the maps in these specifications. The City
reserves the right to increase or decrease the size of the route
shown on each map by up to five (5%) percent during this contract
while still paying the price bid. The City reserves the right to treat
each route independently and to order service on one or more
routes at any given time.1.3.2 On an as-needed basis, the City may
call for hourly sidewalk snowplowing service. The contractor shall
perform such service wherever required and shall be paid at the
hourly rate for that route. 1.3.3 Per-hour work will be delegated to
the contractor for the services on his own routes, the routes of
other contractors, or in any manner required at the sole discretion
of the Director of Operations or his authorized representative.1.4 In
consideration of the need to reserve equipment to meet the needs
of this contract, the City will guarantee payment of a minimum of
$4,600 per route to the contractor during this contract if the
contractor fully performs the services of this contract to the
satisfaction of the City.
University of Rochester - Meliora Hall Classrooms
Project provided by Holdsworth Klimowski
2014 Capital Improvement Project General
Construction and Masonry Restoration Phase 2
Baldwinsville CSD
General Construction Masonry Restoration
A walk through will be held on 10/14/15 at 3:00 PM at the Offices of
Lend Lease at site.
ADA Modifications IRC Milne Library and Morris
Hall SUNY Oneonta NY SUCF 09395-00
The work of this single-bid project will modify existing toilet rooms
to make them handicapped accessible. The work includes but is
not limited to asbestos abatement, demolition of existing toilet
rooms, new ceramic tile, countertops, toilet partitions, accessories,
lighting, and associated electrical, plumbing and HVAC work.
A project walk-through has been scheduled for October 30, 2015 at
1:00 p.m. with all attendees meeting at the entrance to Morris Hall
Oneonta campus.
Construction of ARE Park Water Facilities Town of
Contract No. 3A –General Construction: Construction of
approximately 21,000 linear feet of 8-inch ductile, iron water main,
approximately 1,700 linear feet of 6-inch ductile iron water main,
and approximately 1,800 linear feet of 10-inch HDPE water main at
stream crossings, including all valves, hydrants, and all
appurtenances. The project will also include the installation two (2)
premanufactured pump stations, one (1) ground storage water
tank, and one (1) elevated water storage tank. Contract No. 3A will
be responsible for furnishing the controls and telemetry systems
which will be installed by Contract No. 3B –Electrical Construction.
Contract No. 3B –Electrical Construction: Installation of new
electrical services to each of the water tank and pump station sites
to be constructed by Contract No. 3A, complete wiring and
installation of controls and telemetry/telemetry interface systems for
communication between the various components of the project.
Corridor Removal Project Olin Hall Cornell
Delhi Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
Bid Package # 1 – Hazardous Material Abatement (Early Release)
Bid Package # 2 – Selective Demolition (Early Release)
Bid Package # 3 – Building Demolition (Early Release)
Bid Package # 4 – Site Work
Bid Package # 5 – Concrete
Bid Package # 6 – General Trades
Bid Package # 7 – Masonry
Bid Package # 8 – Steel
Bid Package # 9 – Metal Framing / Gypsum & Acoustical
Bid Package # 10 – Windows / Aluminum Openings
Bid Package # 11 – Roofing
Bid Package # 12 – Soft Flooring
Bid Package # 13 – Finishing & Painting
Bid Package # 14 – Plumbing Systems
Bid Package # 15 – Mechanical Systems
Bid Package # 16 – Electrical / Fire Alarm / Communication
Bid Package # 17 – Sprinkler Systems
Bid Package # 18 – Kitchen Equipment
For Information Only Replacement of River Road
CR 96 Bridge over NYS&W Railway Broome County
Includes (but not limited to) establishment of a signed detour route
on local roads. Demolition of existing 3-span multi-steel girder
bridge including concrete deck and abutments over NYS&W
Railway track. Asbestos containing materials and lead based paint
are factors in the demolition & disposal activities. Construction of a
single span GRS-IBS bridge utilizing prestressed concrete box
beam units. Work also involves asphalt pavement, guide rail,
pedestrian fencing and signage at the bridge approaches.
The Pre-Bid Information Meeting will be held on Friday–November
6, 2015 at 10:00 AM in the Planning and Economic Development
Conference Room –th Floor, Edwin L. Crawford County Office
Building, 60 Hawley Street, Binghamton, NY.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Septic Replacement New
Paltz Bus Garage New Paltz CSD
Plumbing Work
Provide Maintenance Building At The Brookwood
Secure Center OGS 44790CHPE
General Construction HVAC Plumbing Electrical
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for November 2,2015 at 10:00 AM.
It will be held at the Brookwood Secure Center, located at 419
County Route 29 in Claverack, NY.
Queen City Landing Phase I Bid Package #1A
Buffalo NY
Bid Package No.1A –Asbestos Abatement & Selective Demolition
A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held November 10,2015 at 10am.
REBID Process Waste Improvements Project
Wastewater Treatment Plant Contract 1 Village Of
Sealed bids for Contract No. 1 - Lagoon Sludge Disposal and
Contract No. 2 – Lagoon Sludge Disposal via Pump-and-Haul
methods will be received by the Village of Athens,hereinafter
referred to as the "Owner," until 2:00 pm. Wednesday, November
18th, 2015,at the Village of Athens Village Hall, 2 First Street,
Athens, New York 12015. Bids for Contracts No. 1 and No. 2 will
be publically opened and read out loud at 2:00 p.m.November 18,
2015.Work of Contract No. 1 - Lagoon Sludge Disposal includes all
tools, labor, materials and equipment necessary to remove and
dewater (via geotubes/dewatering tubes)accumulated solids
materials or "sludge" from the settling lagoon at the Village of
Athens Water Treatment Plant located near 1399 Schoharie
Turnpike, Catskill, New York 12414.Work of Contract No. 2 Lagoon Sludge Disposal via Pump-and-Haul Methods includes all
tools, labor, materials and equipment necessary to remove the
accumulated solids materials or "sludge" from the settling lagoon
(via the use of pumping/dredging equipment and hauling of the
material to a permitted disposal location) at the Village of Athens
Water Treatment Plant located near 1399 Schoharie Turnpike,
Catskill, New York12414."
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for October 9, 2015 at 10:00 AM. It
will be held at the Athens Wastewater Treatment Plant, located
near 1399 Schoharie Turnpike, Catskill, NY.
Rehab HVAC Wilsbach Dining Hall SUNY Oneonta
NY SUCF 09403-00
The work of this single-bid project includes decommissioning and
replacing components of the existing HVAC system. This
equipment includes steam HTHW converters, heat exchangers,
pumps, drives, unit heaters, forced flow heaters, air-handling units,
exhaust systems and cooling towers. Also included in the scope is
HVAC-related electrical and plumbing work. Fire alarms and
building controls will be upgraded. Associated hazardous materials
abatement is included in the work.
A project walk-through has been scheduled for November 4, 2015
at 11 a.m. with all attendees meeting at the Wilsbach Hall loading
dock on the Oneonta campus.
Renovations for Forensics Identification Troop C
Headquarters Unadilla NY OGS 44589 C H P E
General Construction HVAC Plumbing Electrical
The only time prospective bidders will be allowed to visit the job
site to take field measurements and examine existing conditions of
the project area will be at 9:30 AM on October 8 2015 at Troop C
Headquarters, 823 State Highway Route 7, Unadilla, NY.
Replace Steam Line and Associated Asbestos
Abatement Phase 2 Lakeside Community SUNY
Asbestos Abatement and Replace steam line.
Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 11/4/15 at 9:30 AM at the DASNY
Field Office
RFP Architectural Engineering Services For 73
James Geddes Homes Syracuse Housing Authority
Provide all Professional Architectural & Engineering (A/E) services
necessary to inspect, investigate existing conditions (including
meetings with SHA maintenance staff and inspecting buildings and
random apartments, as needed) and to prepare the required plans
& specifications based on the investigation, for the following
identified capital projects at the Syracuse Housing Authority’ AMP
73 James Geddes Homes multifamily development:1.) Physical
Needs Assessment of all buildings, complying with HUD
regulations & guidelines2.) Masonry repair and restoration of all
buildings3.) Window replacement in four high-rise buildings4.)
Replacement of 4 central heating boilers & associated equipment
in high-rise buildings5.) Replacement of 2 highrise roofs at 338 &
312 Gifford Street6.) Replacement or repair of damaged or
deficient row house stoops and columns7.) Replacement of all row
house kitchen exhaust fans8.) Replacement of storm doors at all
row house buildings9.) Lead paint abatement of the exterior door
frames at four NY1-3 James Geddes Row houses
Roof Replacement to Buildings 8, 11,12, and 14 at
the Wyoming Correctional Facility OGS No. 44943E, C, and H
Construction Work, Electrical Work, and HVAC Work
Pre-Bid Site Visit Scheduled on November 6, 2015
University of Rochester - Strong Auditorium Door
Project provided by Holdsworth Klimowski
Boiler Decentralization and Asbestos Abatement
Main Gate A and B and Burdick Hall SUNY College
of Technology at Alfred DASNY 3268809999 Alfred
Boiler decentralization and asbestos abatement
Pre-bid meeting 11/5/15 at 10;00 a.m.
Bridge Painting at Various Locations Cattaraugus,
Chautauqua and Erie Counties NYS DOT D263016
Bridge painting
Bridge Replacement NYS Route 9 over Trout Brook
Town of Chester NYS DOT D263013
Bridge replacement
Concrete Repairs Rehabilitation Filtered Water
Conduit and Filter No 22 Contract No. 15W-1
General City of Buffalo
The project involves furnishing and installing aluminum stop log
planks and repairs/rehabilitation of concrete in the Filtered Water
Conduit, and concrete repairs to filter No. 22 at the City of Buffalo
Water Treatment Facilities (Colonel Ward Pump Station)
A pre-bid meeting will be held on November 5, 2015 at 11 AM
Draper and Pearson Hall SUNY Cobleskill
Window replacement
Pre-bid conference 11/10/15 at 1 PM SUNY Cobleskill in the
Facilities Management office.
Communications Towers Various Locations
Rensselaer County
. A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference/Walk-Through is scheduled for
8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 11, 2015, at the Public Safety
Building, 4000 Main Street, Troy, NY. Attendance will be recorded.
Interior Fit Out and Alterations WNY MRI Expansion
Bid Packages Numbers Bid Package #1A: Selective Demolition
Work Bid Package #6C: Millwork & Finish Carpentry –Material Bid
Package #8A: Doors, Frames and Hardware – Material Bid
Package #8D: Aluminum & Glass Work Bid Package #9A: Drywall,
Acoustic and Carpentry Work Bid Package #9B; Tile Work Bid
Package #9C: Resilient Flooring & Carpeting Work Bid Package
#9D: Painting Work Bid Package #10A: Miscellaneous Specialties
Work (B.P.’ #10A-1 thru 10A-4)
NYS DOT Bridge Replacement NY Rte. 14 Over
Sleeper Creek Town of Veteran D263022
Bridge Replacement
NYS DOT Bridge Washing and Deck Sealing at
Various Locations Chenango, Delaware, Otsego,
Schoharie and Sullivan Counties D263053
Bridge Washing
NYS DOT Installation of Microwave Traffic Sensors
on I-490 and I-590 Town of Brighton and City of
Rochester D263024
Installation of Microwave Traffic Sensors
NYS DOT Painting 13 Bridges at Various Locations
in Erie and Niagara Counties D263015
Bridge painting
Purchase of Pre Engineered Bridge System for
Market Street Bridge Town of Horicon
Design, fabricate and deliver transverse reinforced concrete deck
panel with shear stud pockets and shear joint keys to be filled with
grout conforming to the lines and dimensions on the plan drawings
and technical specifications herewith.
REBID Capital Outlay Project 2015 Cheektowaga
Sloan Union Free School District Woodrow Wilson
Elementary School Sloan NY
Work will include replacing (3) non-functioning wheelchair lifts
throughout the building, replacing deteriorating gym wall pads, and
providing a handrail and a companion seat for a wheelchair at the
gymatorium seating.
REBID Reconstruction Work at Voorheesville
Elementary School and Bus Garage Voorheesville
Footbridge and Window Replacement
Renovations and Associated Asbestos Abatement
East Wing Heritage Hall Phase III SUNY Canton
Project consists of asbestos abatement, toilet room renovation,
interior wall surface and ceiling finishes and door replacements.
Dorm room mechanical units will be replaced and electrical power
communication and lighting upgraded. Provide asbestos
abatement where specified
Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 11/3/15 at 10:00 AM at SUNY
Canton Halford Hall.
Repair Replace Vehicular and Pedestrian Surfaces
Phase II Project B SUNY Oswego
Repair and replace roadways, sidewalks, curbs, site lighting and
parking lot around the Athletic and Maintenance Facilities south of
Route 104 on campus. Includes Barns Rd, Mollison St and Lot EC7.
A site visit has been scheduled for 11/5/15 at 10:00 AM at Laker
Hall Lobby.
Replacement of 6 Bridges Various Locations Albany
and Rensselaer Counties NYS DOT D262930
Bridge Replacements
Replacement of Route 29 Bridge over Fish Creek
Town of Saratoga NYS DOT D263033
Replacement of Route 29 bridge over Fish Creek in the Town of
RFP #2015-21 Development of 6011 Buffalo Avenue
City of Niagara Falls
The City of Niagara Falls is seeking competitive development
proposals for the entire parcel at 6011 Buffalo Avenue, Niagara
Falls, NY.
RFP Architectural and Engineering Firms for
Improvements to Town Hall Complex Town of Olive
In accordance with New York State General Municipal Law Section
104-b, this Request for Proposals (RFP) is designed to identify
New York State licensed professional architectural and engineering
(A/E) firms best qualified to provide the services necessary to
undertake a series of rehabilitative measures to improve its town
hall complex, including a town hall roof replacement, generator
design, purchase and installation, and hardening of entrance and
maintenance bay doors at the town’ highway department building.
Respondents will be reviewed on the basis of their eligibility and
ability to provide services in a manner sensitive to specific
requirements and timetables established by federal law. Not all
qualified Respondents will be selected to provide these services.
RFP Development of Entire Parcel at 6011 Buffalo
Avenue in Niagara Falls USA RFP No. 2015-21
The City of Niagara Falls is seeking competitive development
proposals for the entire parcel at 6011 Buffalo Avenue, Niagara
Falls, NY.
RFP Term Contracts Carpentry Finishes and HVAC
Mechanical SUNY Oswego
This project is for consideration of a three year period for term
contracts for time and material type work and services for the
trades of Carpentry, Finishes and HVAC Mechanical. The intent of
this bid is that a contract will be signed with selected contractors for
the specified period of time from one to three years and to engage
and complete numerous defined projects each with a value of
$50,000 and under.
A MANDATORY site visit has been scheduled for 11/12/15 at
10:00 AM at site.
Roofing Replacement at the Operations Center
Town of Brighton
The work consists principally of replacement of ballasted single-ply
membrane roofing on the existing low-slope-roofed structure with a
fully-adhered single-ply membrane system, including full removal of
the existing roofing system.
Standby Contract for General and Emergency
Bridge Repair Albany Essex Greene Rensselaer
Saratoga Schenectady Warren and Washington
Counties NYS DOT D263021
Itemized proposal for general and emergency bridge repair standby
Upgrade Sprinkler System Construction Lab
Hudson Valley Community College HVCC Troy
Upgrade sprinkle system - construction lab.
Mandatory pre-bid conference 11/9/15, 9 AM Lapan Services
Building, Physical Plant Conference Room.
Window Restoration Casino Dining Room
Clerestory Congress Park Saratoga Springs
Generally, the work includes galvanized iron window restoration,
new storm windows, and exterior millwork and flashings. Due to the
age and historical significance of this building, special care is
required during all phases of the work to insure that the existing
materials and components remain free of damage or deterioration
as a result of the repair operations
2015 Roof Removal and Replacement at Corner
Tavern Off-Track Betting
Remove (approximately 2,948 square feet) asbestos laden roofing
materials and insulation to metal deck. Inspect metal deck and
repair if required. Refurbish the roof drain. Provide and install 6”f
faced polyisogyanurate boards with staggered joints. Provide and
install fully adhered EPDM roof membrane with flashing details as
specified by EPDM manufacturer. Install new parapet cap and
provide warrantee.
2015-2016 Capital Projects Rooftop Unit
Replacement at Village Elementary Hilton CSD
Rooftop Unit Replacement
A Prebid meeting will be held on October 30, 2015 at 2:30 P.M. at
the Village Elementary School 100 School Lane, Hilton, New York
14468. Meet at the Main Entrance.
Capital Improvement Project Air Handling Unit
Upgrade SAC-12 & 13 Civic Center Monroe County
Contract No.1: Mechanical Construction Contract No.2: Electrical
Construction The work to be performed consists principally of the
furnishing of all labor and materials for: Disconnect and remove
existing SAC-12 & 13 air handling units, associated ductwork,
piping and controls. See plans and specifications for more details.
Housing unit work area to be unoccupied for 5 weeks for work in
the housing unit to be completed. Contractor will have full access to
space during this time with guard supervision. Alternate No.1:
Provide new chilled water supply and return piping in Civic Center
garage lower and upper levels as indicated on plans. Relocation
sections of existing piping systems to facilitate route of new chilled
water supply and return piping. Replace section of existing
damaged piping insulation with new. The Alternate Drawing
Numbers are HI-2, H2-3, H2-4 and H2-5.
A pre-bid meeting will be held on November 4,2015 at 9:00 AM at
the Monroe County Jail, Jail Entrance - Security Lobby, 130 South
Plymouth Rochester, New York
Cooperative Electricity Bid Wayne-Finger Lakes
BOCES WFL 2016-12
1.1 The Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES and certain school districts,
counties, cities, towns and villages require electricity. The BOCES,
et al, have agreed to form a Cooperative Bid Group as authorized
by General Municipal Law Section 119-o. It is the intent of the
Cooperative Bid Group (hereinafter referred to as "Participants") to
contract with vendor(s) and to establish prices for this service for
the stated contract term.1.2 This Invitation for Bids and
Specification describes a contract for the purchase of electricity
directly from electric producers or electric supply companies. The
direct purchase of electricity is in conformance with electric
deregulation action of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
the New York State Legislature and the New York State Public
Service Commission. The bid for the supply of electricity to the
Participants is developed to allow any qualified bidder to be
Emergency Air Conditioning Goff Middle School
East Greenbush CSD
Contract 1 - General Construction
Pre-bid conference Thursday, 11/12/15, 3:30 PM EGCSD District
Office, 29 Englewood Ave, East Greenbush
Morgan Hall SUNY College at Brockport DASNY
3239309999 CR No. 5
The Dormitory Authority - State of New York ("DASNY") is soliciting
the services of a General Contractor for the renovation of Morgan
Hall. Morgan Hall is a three-story brick masonry building
constructed in 1951. The scope of work for the renovation package
includes conversion of office space into dorm rooms and
study/lounge space, new flooring (carpet) and base in all dorm
rooms and corridors, complete painting of building interior,
renovation of eight (8) bathrooms including finishes, fixtures,
exhaust fans, and associated piping, construction of two (2) all
gender ADA bathrooms, replacement of drinking fountains and
associated piping, new water heating system, make-up air and
exhaust for laundry rooms, replacement of all manual radiator
valves and steam traps, new lighting and exit signage, and
provisions for access control at entry doors. The Work of the
Project is to be bid as a single trade prime General Construction
contract, in Brockport, New York. All corresponding firms must
demonstrate experience in the completion of similar projects. One
Contract will be awarded for the work of this Project - Construction
Contract estimated at $2,800,000 to $3,100,000.THIS
Eligibility Requirements further down in this document In order to
be considered for this Project, interested firms must demonstrate to
the satisfaction of DASNY familiarity and recent experience in the
building construction/renovation industry in the central and western
regions of New York State. Further, if the apparent low bidder’
office supporting this project is greater than 100 miles from the
College at Brockport, the low bidder must provide a management
plan satisfactory to DASNY that demonstrates its ability to
effectively support and manage the work of this Contract. The
management plan shall name and provide resumes for, at a
minimum, the project manager, general superintendent and any
other planned superintendents along with their time commitment on
the project and a proposed sub-contracting plan. It shall also
describe how the firm will support and manage the processing of
items including but not limited to submittals, shop drawings,
requests for information, payments and project scheduling. Please
include your Federal ID number, telephone and fax numbers on
your Bank Check or Postal Money Order. NOTE: Bid due date is
subject to change if contract documents are not available when
requested, therefore, please call to confirm the availability of
contract documents. If the contract documents will not be picked up
by the contractor, the Contractor will need to provide an account
number for shipping of the documents. Interested firms must
submit Expression of Interest (EOI) packages to demonstrate their
experience by 2:00 pm Friday, November 20, 2015. Firms shall
provide EOI packages, with Tabs in the following sequence:Tab 1 Documentation of a minimum of five (5) years experience in similar
work and be able to provide a list of five (5) projects of similar size
and complexity to the referenced project, which have been
completed, or substantially completed, within the last ten (10)
years. This list must include substantiation of the Contractor's
familiarity with and experience in the central and western regions of
New York. For each project, the following needs to be provided;
project designer, firm name and contact person, project
location/facility, a brief description of the project, total construction
cost, and construction start and substantial completion date.Tab 2 Three (3) samples of project schedules (8 ½ 11 paper) utilized for
previous projects.Tab 3 - The table of contents of the firm’ written
Safety Program.Tab 4 - The firm’ Experience Modification Rate
(Worker’ Compensation Board-EMR Rating).Tab 5 - Bonding
Capacity (single and aggregate).Tab 6 - A completed NYS Vendor
Responsibility Questionnaire For-Profit Construction (CCA-2).
Electronic copies can be obtained from the Dormitory Authority,
State of New York (DASNY) web site 7 Proposed project team with résumé. Tab 8 - A listing of all
proposed major subcontractors. Demonstration of proposed
M/WBE participation must be identified within this list.Five (5)
copies of the EOI shall be submitted to the Construction Contracts
Unit as noted below. EOI packages will be reviewed by a panel
comprised of The College at Brockport, DASNY, and Design
Professional representatives. Firms deemed qualified from this
solicitation will be included on a short list and invited to submit a bid
in the near future. Firms not following the EOI package
requirements as noted shall be considered non-responsive to the
advertisement. The construction contract will be held by
DASNY.Contract Security, EEO/AA Insurance, NY State Vendor
Responsibility Questionnaire (Executive Order 125). See Contract
Documents for details.In accordance with State Finance Law §39-j
and §39-k, this solicitation includes and imposes certain restrictions
on communications between Dormitory Authority personnel and an
Offerer during the procurement process. Designated staff for this
procurement are: The Project Manager and
Contacts made to other Dormitory Authority personnel regarding
this procurement may disqualify the Offerer and affect future
procurements with governmental entities in the State of New York.
Please refer to the Authority's website ( for
Authority policy and procedures regarding this law, or the OGS
for more information about this law. All proposers, domestic and
foreign, must be in compliance with New York State business
registration requirements. Contact the NYS Department of State
regarding compliance. In addition, business entities proposing to
provide professional engineering services must obtain a Certificate
of Authorization to Provide Engineering Services in New York State
from the State Education Department. Proposals must be
submitted in the full legal name of the proposer, or the full legal
name plus a registered assumed name of the proposer, if
any.Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 18%Women Owned
Sub-Contracting Goal: 12%
Interest Governors Complex –Bathroom
Renovations, North Campus State University of New
York at Buffalo
Invited bidding slated for late 2015 *The Dormitory Authority, State
of New York (DASNY) is soliciting the services of a General
Contractor to complete both, gut-renovations and facelifts of
various bathrooms located within the Governors Complex at
University at Buffalo, Amherst, New York. The scope of the work in
the Governors bathroom renovations project will consist of
complete demolition, reconfigured, and reconstructed to achieve
ADA compliance and “facelift” renovations. Work shall include, but
not be limited to, removal/disposal of asbestos-containing
materials; removal/ disposal ceramic flooring & walls, plumbing
fixtures, bathroom accessories, doors & frames, and millwork.
Installation of new finishes including flooring, bathroom walls,
plumbing fixtures, toilet accessories, mirrors, vanity tops including
sinks, new doors & frames. Mechanical work consists of
replacement of various domestic water and sanitary piping, and
exhaust ductwork. Electrical work consists of upgrade to the
existing fire alarm, and removal/ replacement of light fixtures.
RFB Elevator Maintenance Services in Various
Tompkins County Buildings
It is the intent of this proposal to enter into a contract for elevator
maintenance services in various Tompkins County buildings.
RFP #16-22 Basic Science Building Window
Replacement Phase II Roswell Park Cancer Institute
City of Buffalo
Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) invites qualified contractors
to provide a proposal for replacing a portion of windows in the
Basic Sciences building.
A pre-proposal meeting will be held on Monday, November 9th,
2015 at 1PM
Rooftop HVAC Replacement Ontario County B15096
Remove and dispose of the existing Rheem rooftop unit and install
the new unit on the current support structure modified as necessary
to accommodate the new unit. The current duct work, gas service,
electric service with disconnect, equipment controls and all related
connections are to remain and, with modifications if necessary, be
reconnected to the new unit.Upon removal of the existing HVAC
unit, coordinate work with the contractor responsible for the
installation of the new maintenance platform for the unit proposed.
Provide and install a new, unused, current production model by
acceptable manufacturer of an in-kind (as modified) replacement of
the existing HVAC unit requiring minimal modification to adapt to
the existing: support structure, power supply, gas supply, and
control system and duct work. The unit provided shall have a
minimum Energy Star rating of 12.2. Provide all labor, equipment
and materials necessary for a complete and proper installation of
this new approved rooftop HVAC unit .Provide all labor, equipment
and materials necessary to test the performance of the unit
provided. Provide certification as to the unit’ conformance with the
HVAC unit’ approved submittal. Warrant all labor and materials for
one year from the date of acceptance of the unit.
2015 Capital Outlay Project Vestal Central School
Single Prime-General Construction
Expansion to Passenger Terminal Building
Ogdensburg International Airport
General Construction Plumbing HVAC Electrical Project
Description:1. Expansion of the existing 7,200 square foot terminal
building by adding a 3,600 +/- square foot addition of building
space including:a. Renovation of existing 3,200 +/- square foot
hangar storage area into a new terminal hold room.b. Modifications
to the existing building envelope, and mechanical, electrical and
plumbing systems to accommodate proposed renovations and
expansion.c. Expanded ticket counters and passenger queuing
area.d. Upgrade Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
screening lane.e. 3,600 +/- square foot addition to accommodate
expanded baggage claim carousel and administrative space.
A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on 11/4/15 at 1:00 Pm at site.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Fire Restoration 1 Prime
General Remodeling Rochester Housing Authority
Fire Restoration
A walk through is scheduled for October 28, 2015 at 10:30 AM at
36-40 Shirley Street Rochester NY
Maintenance and Repair of Chillers Ontario County
Annual inspection, start-up, and maintenance of both air and watercooled chillers together with any repair services required. The
County currently has four (4) locations that have chillers that
require annual maintenance. This maintenance shall consist of the
chiller start-up and maintenance and the cleaning of the condenser
Upgrade Water Treatment Plant Phase 2 Electrical
for Sedimentation Basin Sludge Collectors Contract
3-2015 City of Dunkirk NY
Installation of seven new sludge collector system in existing
sedimentation basins at the water treatment plant including
associated piping, valves and controls.
Accessibility Improvements Teagle Hall Cornell
Construction of a Potable Water Connection with
the Town of Waterford Peebles Island State Park
Construction of a potable water connection with Waterford
Expansion & Site Improvement Project at the
Riverside Cemetery City of Rochester C04480
Prime Contractor The scope of the work consists of the
following: Removal and replacement of some sections of the storm
water system pipes and structures and construction of some new
storm water system including pipes, inlets and outlet structures
Construction of new asphalt concrete roadways and replacement
of portions of asphalt concrete roadways Removal of some existing
water lines and spigots and replacement with new water line and
spigots Construction of new permeable pavement road
Construction of new stabilized lawn road Removal and disposal off
site of existing asphalt and gravel pavement materials and wooden
pedestrian bridge including footings Construction of new
prefabricated wood pedestrian bridge, including concrete footings
Temporary soil erosion and sediment control operations Earthwork,
including rough and fine grading Restoration of lawn areas, and
new lawn areas Landscaping including planting of trees, shrubs,
perennials and ornamental grasses Landscaped seeded areas
including seeding on steep slopes, swales and pond perimeter
Removal of invasive plant species at pond area Tree removal and
wooded area clearing operations and wooded area tree pruning
and cleanup Construction of surveyed burial grid monuments at
burial fields Two bid add alternates for road pavement and hose
bib removal and replacement between burial sections R and
Veterans Section and between burial sections J and I
A pre-bid conference will be held on November 3, 2015 at 11:00
AM in City Hall, Room 008-A 30 Church Street Rochester, NY
Improvements to Teagle Hall Cornell University
1. Install automatic door operators to improve accessibility at the
southern and eastern entrances (entrances 100LA and 100CJ,
respectively).2. Add an accessible, unisex bathroom to include a
shower by converting one of the existing men’ shower rooms.3.
Add accessible water closets and lavatories within each of the men’
and women’ locker rooms.4. Add features for ADA compliance in
an existing shower within each of the men’ and women’ locker
rooms. INVITED BIDDERS Andrew R. Mancini Associates, Inc.
607-754-7070 607-786-0410Streeter Associates, Inc. 607-7344151 607-732-2952F.E. Jones Construction 607-348-0045 607348-0050W.L. Kline, Inc. 607-724-6637 607-724-6650Welliver
McGuire, Inc. 607-535-5400 607-535-9254Edger Enterprises of
Elmira, Inc. 607-733-9664 607-733-3951LeChase Construction
Services, LLC 315-423-0015 315-423-0054
A pre-bid meeting will be held on November 10, 2015 at 1:00 PM in
101 Humphreys Service Building Ithaca, NY
Highland Hospital - Cafeteria Renovations
Project provided by Holdsworth Klimowski
Maintenance, Repair, Inspection and Testing of
Emergency Generators Ontario County B15113
Provide for the Ontario County Department of Public Works all
labor, material, and mechanical services necessary for the
maintenance and repair of emergency generators This bid is
broken down into 5 groups as follows:Group 1 - Routine
Maintenance - Main Facilities (Items 1 - 10)(Buildings and Grounds
Dept.)Group 2 - Routine Maintenance - Radio Tower Sites (Items
11 - 24)(Buildings and Grounds Dept.)Group 3 - Routine
Maintenance - CLCSD Pump Stations (Items 25 - 39)(Canandaigua
Lake County Sewer District)Group 4 - Routine Maintenance HLCSD Locations (Items 40 - 49)(Honeoye Lake County Sewer
District)Group 5 - Repair Services (Items 50 - 54)(All departments)
New Construction Two Condominium Buildings
Phase 1 & Phase 2 Delaware Avenue City of Buffalo
The Work consists of the following:1. The project includes the
construction of (2) three-story condominium buildings. Looking for
bids from General Contractors for the Contract 100 (building
related) work and Sitework Contractors for the Contract 200 (site
and utility) work.
REBID Access Improvements to Seneca Lake
Project Phases II and III City of Geneva
This project will generally consist of shoreline stabilization
improvements along Seneca Lake, construction of a multi-use path,
a waterfront boardwalk, pedestrian bridge with a 55-foot span,
construction of plaza areas, removal of phragmites, marsh area
and beach restoration, stream shoreline naturalization along Castle
Creek, grooming of existing sand area at mouth of Castle Creek,
and landscape improvements in the project area. The project
includes two “DD” alternate items:1. Installation of an Owner
supplied shade structure for a handicapped picnic table area at the
South Plaza, and,2. Furnishing the concrete seat walls as Pre-Cast
units instead of poured-in-place.
Rehab Exterior McEwen Hall M05342 SUNY
Exterior rehab
Pre-bid conference and walk-through 10/21/15 at 1:00 p.m.
Renovations to the Emergency Communication
Center Wayne County
Prime Contracts for the work will include General Construction,
Plumbing Construction ,HVAC Construction, and Electrical
Construction. The work to be performed consists principally of the
furnishing of all labor and materials for: Renovations of the existing
Public Safety Building, on Rt. 31 in the Town of Lyons, for the
purpose of providing emergency communication space for the
Wayne County Sheriff and Emergency Management Office. The
renovations will include minor demolition with minor hazardous
materials abatement. About 9,700 Gross Square Feet will be
provided by renovated area. Interiors will primarily have metal studframed gypsum board partitions, with suspended lay-in ceilings and
a variety of floor finishes. Some existing concrete masonry and
stud-framed partitions will be retained and reused. Renovated and
new interior areas will receive new mechanical and electrical
distribution and devices, including an automatic sprinkler system.
A pre-bid meeting will be held on November 5, 2015, 2:00 PM at
7376 Route 31 Lyons, NY 14489 to provide bidders with a question
RFP Engineering Services for Central Endicott
Drainage Improvements Project
The Central Endicott Drainage Improvement Project will consist of
the installation of four (4) underground storage tanks, relocation of
approximately 950 linear feet of 24”einforced concrete pipe (RCP),
installation of new manholes, utility relocation, and restore and/or
repair disturbed areas. The successful Respondent will assist the
Village of Endicott with all basic services necessary for design,
bidding, and construction administration of this project in
accordance with HUD and GOSR requirements and timetables.
Roof Replacement and Lightening Protection for the
New York State Insurance Fund's Buffalo Location
NYSIF 2015-12-RE
NYSIF seeks a qualified roofing firm to demolish and lawfully
dispose of existing roofing, and furnish and install materials
required to provide a new roofing system and structural upgrades
and lightning protection work.
A mandatory prebid meeting will be held October 28,2015 at 10am
Flood Wall Binghamton Johnson City Joint Sewage
Treatment Plant Vestal NY
General Construction
A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 AM on
October 22, 2015 in the University Room at the Vestal Quality Inn
& Suites, 4105 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal NY 13850.
Renovations Warren Area High School WCSD
Warren PA
Approximately 146,000 sq ft of renovation including a gymnasium,
cafeteria, kitchen, administration offices, and classroom spaces.
Pre-bid meeting 11/3/15 at 10:00 a.m.
RFP Cottages and Cabins Development at Multiple
Parks Statewide NYS Office of Parks Recreation and
Historic Preservation
Design, construction, and operation of quality guest lodging
facilities in one or more parks statewide to enhance patron
camping experiences. (20 year maximum Contract Term)
RFP Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority
Buffalo Niagara International Airport Baggage
Claim Expansion BT1516
Project objective is to construction a 2-story addition adjacent to
the west side of the main entrance of the Buffalo Niagara
international Airport. The new addition will house a new baggage
claim carousel, administration offices, new second level security
checkpoint, and shell space for future concessions. This project will
include the replacement of the existing Baggage Claim carousels
and the installation of a new carousel, along with the construction
of a new administration office suite and security checkpoint.
CONSULTANT shall prepare design documents as per the
attached scope of services and assist the NFTA with the
procurement of construction services to complete the project
A Pre-Proposal Conference is scheduled for November 13, 2015 at
WTP Diesel Generator Village of Richfield Springs
Project includes replacing existing propane generator with diesel
2015 Renovation Project Brighton Memorial Library
Contract No. 1 General Construction Contract No. 2 Mechanical
Construction Contract No. 3 Electrical Construction Phase A:
renovation of existing staff work and break spaces, including new
wall construction, installation of new doors and frames, installation
of new millwork cabinetry and counters, installation of new resilient
flooring, moving and relocation of existing furniture and storage
shelving, installation of new sink with water and waste, and
associated electrical work including lighting and power and
mechanical work including ductwork modifications. Phase B:
renovation of existing reference, computer and reading room
spaces, including new wall construction, installation of new millwork
cabinetry and counters, installation of finish wood trim and glazing
divider panels at select new walls, installation of new porcelain tile
flooring and resilient flooring, removal of portions of existing
concrete stair, moving and relocation of existing furniture and
storage shelving, and associated electrical work including new
lighting and power and mechanical work including ductwork
modifications. Phase C: renovation of existing circulation and
storage spaces, including new wall construction, installation of new
doors and frames, installation of new millwork counters, installation
of finish wood trim and glazing divider panels at select new walls,
installation of custom divider wall using library discarded books and
glazing panels, installation of new resilient flooring, moving and
relocation of existing furniture and storage shelving, and
associated electrical work including new lighting, lighting
modifications, and power and mechanical work including ductwork
modifications. Phase D: installation of new glass wall room,
including new hard-wall and glass wall construction, installation of
new door and frame, installation of new millwork counters,
installation of suspended cloud ceiling system, moving and
relocation of existing furniture, and associated electrical work
including new lighting, lighting modifications, and power and
mechanical work including ductwork modifications Phase E:
removal of all existing carpet and associated mastics and
installation of new carpet tile throughout entire public and staff
areas of the building. This work includes lifting of all existing, full,
book and media stack shelving to allow for installations without the
book and media collections being removed from the shelving.
A pre-bid walk-through will be held on November 13, 2015 at 8:30
AM at the Brighton Memorial Library 2300 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester, NY
AV Upgrades and Minor Room Renovations
Hollister Hall Cornell University
Construction for Escalator Rebuild 2016 LRRT
Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority Job
Rebuild escalators #1, #2 & #3 at Allen Station utilizing an in-kind
parts replacement method while retaining the existing truss
assembly. The rebuild will follow all applicable code requirements
during the 1984 installation, A17.1-2001, and American Public
Transportation Association (APTA) recommendations for transit
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for 10:30am on Tuesday,
November 10, 2015
Construction of Highway Facility Standby Generator
Town of Arcadia
The project includes the furnishing and installation of a 40kW
diesel generator at the shop building at the Town of Arcadia
Highway Facility including a 400A automatic transfer switch, all
necessary piping, and related work necessary to achieve a fully
functional installation.
A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on November 18, 2015 at 11:00
AM at 233 Blackmar Street, Newark New York.
Demolish Ryder Hall at SUNY Cobleskill SUCF
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for November 18, 2015 at 3:00 PM.
It will be held at Ryder Hall on the SUNY Cobleskill Campus.
Eggertsville Sanitary Upgrades and SSO Abatement
Phase 2 Capen Blvd. Sanitary Sewer Repair and
Relining Consolidated Sewer District: Increase in
Facilities No. 6 Project No. 2014.045B Town of
The Project consists of a base contract comprising of intermittent
replacement of existing 8-inch diameter clay tile pipe with new
PoIyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipe along the west side of Capen
Boulevard between Kenmore Avenue and Oxford Avenue In the
Town of Amherst. In addition, the contract includes relining with
Cured-In-Place (CIPP) pipe, landscape restoration, road and
driveway pavement replacement and concrete sidewalk
Equipment, Installation & Support of Technology for
the Fillmore Conference Center Wayne-Finger
Lakes BOCES WFL 2016-71
Procurement, Installation and Support of Technology for a state-ofthe–art conference center with a multi-use venue.
A pre-bid meeting will be held on November 12, 2015 at 9:30 AM at
Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES Regional Support Center Eisenhower
Building - Reception 131 Drumlin Ct Newark NY 14513
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Addition and Alterations
Town of White Creek Highway Garage Cambridge
General Construction Electrical
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Headworks Improvement
Project Village of Rhinebeck
Construction of a building and renovations to the Headworks
facility, both interior and exterior, located at the Village of
Rhinebeck Sewer Treatment Plant. The Village of Rhinebeck is
requesting bids for the construction of a building to cover the
headworks facility at the Sewer Treatment Plant including some
improvements inside the headworks facility. The modifications to
the site include selective demolition, construction of wooden
structure, updating access stairs, replacement of pump slides,
replacement of aluminum grating and required mechanical
electrical and plumbing work.
Pre-bid meeting 11/11/15 at 10 AM, Sewer Treatment Plant, 54
Astor Drive, Rhinebeck
Minor Room Renovations Hollister Hall Class of 49
1. The project is located in Hollister Hall on the Engineering Quad
of the Ithaca campus of Cornell University. The project area is
approximately 1,296 square feet on the third floor of Hollister Hall
which includes a classroom and electrical/equipment closet. 2.
This project will upgrade the current A/V system and include minor
renovation of Room 366 in Hollister Hall. The renovation includes
but is not limited to selective demolition, raised flooring, minor wall
reconfigurations, wainscoting, painting, drop ceiling, doors, frames
and hardware, finishes, mechanical and electrical systems work.
Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 11/13/15 at 10:00 AM at 133
Humprheys Service Building
Improvements to Water Pollution Control Facility
(WPCF) South Meter Pit Project No. 2014.002K Town
of Amherst
Site Preparation, Hot Box, Meter Pit Modifications, and Electrical
Bidders Conference is scheduled for Monday, November 23,2015
at 10am.
Interior Demolition and Abatement Wilber Hall
SUNY Oswego
Scope of Work: Selective interior demolition & asbestos abatement
in the 3-storie portion of Wilber Hall. Project to include removal of
interior partitions, flooring, ceilings, finishes, furnishings (limited)
and related HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems. Project to
provide for re-use of basic lighting and mechanical systems for
freeze protection and incidental access; building to remain partially
A site visit will be held on 11/17/15 at 10:00 AM at site.
New Construction Holiday Inn Express Hotel
Niagara Falls Blvd. Tonawanda NY SUBBIDDING
* Project Provided to the Construction Exchange from a Bidding
General Contractor. New Holiday Inn Express Hotel project from
the ground up. Wood frame building peaked roof, Three (3) stories
83 guest rooms with a total of 51,370 SF.Bidding the following
divisions of work:Subcontract 02 - Site work Subcontract 03 –
04 –Masonry (CMU & Stone Veneer)Subcontract 05 –Metals
Subcontract 06 –Foods & Plastics Subcontract 07 –Thermal and
Moisture Protection Subcontract 08 –Doors and Windows
Subcontract 09 –Finishes Subcontract 10 –Specialties Subcontract
11 –Equipment (Linen Chute)Subcontract 12 –Furnishings
(Entrance Mats and Grids)
13 –Special Construction (Indoor Salt Water Pool &
Spa)Subcontract 14 –Conveying Systems (Traction
Elevator)Subcontract 15 –Mechanical –VAC Subcontract 15A Mechanical - Plumbing Subcontract 15B - Mechanical - Fire
Protection Subcontract 16 –Electrical (Includes Fire Alarm)
Procurement and Installation of Townwide Fencing
Town of Amherst Project 2015.043
Reconstruction Maintenance Building Roof M05457
SUNY Fredonia NY
Install new roof panels, flashing, snow guard, gutters, downspouts,
and insulation on the maintenance building roof.
Pre-bid conference 11/19/15 at 10:00 a.m.
Repair Sanitary Sewer at Various Locations Town of
This project includes the scheduled and emergency repair and
maintenance work on sanitary sewer facilities and appurtenances
of the various Sewer Districts of the Town of Cicero, Onondaga
County, New York. The contract period for this work shall begin
upon execution of this contract and continue through December 31,
2016 and thereafter on a yearly basis for up to four (4) additional
years unless terminated by either party thirty (30) days after
notifying the other party in writing.
Replace Landfill Gas Wellfield at Solid Waste
Management Facility Rodman NY
Contract No. 1 –General Construction –Base Bid Drill vertical wells
to designed depth, remove/relocate waste, install well piping and
stone backfill.
RFP Professional Landscape Architectural or Civil
Engineering Firms Design and Reconstruction of
HVCC Campus Parking Lots Hudson Valley
Community College Troy
Hudson Valley Community College plans to select the most
qualified professional landscape architectural/civil engineering firms
for the purpose of providing complete professional
architectural/engineering services necessary to complete the
design and reconstruction of campus parking lots
Roof Replacement Kirkland Complex D059GK SUNY
Fredonia NY
Removal of the existing EPDM roofing system, asbestos
abatement, where required, and installation of tapered insulation,
roof drain, and new roofing system.
Pre-bid conference 11/17/15 at 10:30 a.m.
2015-2016 Pool Equipment Capital Outlay Project
Chenango Forks Central School District
Contract No. 1 - Pool Equipment Construction
A Prebid meeting for all bidders will be held at High School on
Wednesday, November 19, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. local time.
Prospective prime bidders are requested to attend.
Bathroom Renovation at the Route 488 IRA Ontario
County Finger Lakes DDSO FL15072
Renovation of bathroom at the group home
A mandatory site visit will be held on November 20 at 1:30 PM at
the Route 488 IRA, located at 1505 Route 488, Phelps, NY 14532
Bathroom Renovations at the Walworth IRA Wayne
County Finger Lakes DDSO FL15170
Bathroom Renovations at the Walworth IRA
A mandatory site visit will be held on November 20 at 10:00 AM at
the Walworth IRA, located at 4500 Ontario Center Road, Walworth,
NY 14568
Bridge Replacement of the Union Street Bridge
Over the Thruway (I-90) at M.P. 369.85 in Monroe
County NYS Thruway Authority TAB 15-31B
Replacement of the Union Street Bridge over the Thruway
Bridge Replacement of the Union Street Bridge
Over the Thruway (I-90) at M.P. 369.85 in Monroe
County NYS Thruway Authority TAB 15-31B
Bridge work
Construction of New Radio Tower at Sloatsburg
Service Area at Milepost 33.0 NB in Rockland
County NYS Thruway Authority TANY 15 36A
Construction of new radio tower
Install Energy Management System Bare Hill
Correctional Facility OGS No 44983 H
Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 11/19/15 at 10:00 AM at OGS Field
Office Trailer.
Installation of Pavement Markings at Various
Locations in Onondaga, Seneca, Ontario, Monroe,
Genesee and Erie Counties NYS Thruway Authority
TAB 15-42 D214453
Pavement Markings at Various Locations in the Buffalo and
Syracuse Divisions in Onondaga, Seneca, Ontario, Monroe,
Genesee and Erie Counties
Painting of 19 Bridges at Various Locations Cayuga
Madison Oneida Onondaga Ontario and Seneca
Counties NYS Thruway Authority TAS 15 35BP
Painting Bridges
Renovations to Terminal Arrival Level Restrooms at
the Greater Rochester International Airport Monroe
County 1015-15
The work to be performed consists principally of the furnishing of all
labor and materials for complete renovation of Arrivals Level
Terminal Restrooms. Work includes but is not limited to
replacement of:1. Floor and wall tile2. Toilet partitions3. Plumbing
fixtures4. Counters, sinks and mirrors5. Ceilings and lighting6.
Mechanical and plumbing system upgrades The foregoing is a
general outline of work only and shall not be construed as a
complete description of the work to be performed under the
A pre-bid meeting will be held on November 10, 2015 at 10:00 AM
at the International Arrivals Hall at the Greater Rochester
International Airport 1200 Brooks Ave, Rochester NY
Replace Windows Henderson Smith State Office
Building Hornell NY OGS 44813-C
General Construction
The only time prospective bidders will be allowed to visit the job
site to take field measurements and examine existing conditions of
the project area will be at 10:00 a.m. on November 5, 2015 at
Henderson Smith State Office Building, 107 Broadway, Hornell,
NY. Prospective bidders are urged to visit the site at this time.
Upgrade DLAR and IAVA HVAC BSB SUNY Health
Center Science Center at Brooklyn SUCF 14496-00
DLAR and IAVA HVAC Upgrades
Pre-bid conference 11/17/15, 1 PM, SUNT Health Science Center,
430 Clarkson Ave, Brooklyn, Main Lobby
Upgrade Ventilation Building 8 At The Washington
Correctional Facility OGS Q1660H
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for November 19, 2015 at 9:00 AM.
It will be held at the OGS Field Office, located at 11607 SR 22 in
Comstock, NY.
Construction of New Police Headquarters and
Courthouse Addition Town of Greece
1. Site Work2. Structural Steel Work3. General Construction
Work4. Plumbing Work5. HVAC Work6. Electrical Work The project
consists of the construction of a new Police Headquarters Building,
an addition to the existing Courthouse building and related site
A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on November 12, 2015 at 10:00 AM
in the Community Room "B" at the Town Hall, 1 Vince Tofany Blvd,
Greece, New York.
Construction Term Contract 2016 SUNY Cortland
General Contractor for SUNY Cortland Main Campus as well as
SUNY Cortland Raquette Lake campus, carpentry,
concrete/masonry, data/communications, electrical/fire alarm,
environmental abatement, flooring, glass/windows,
HVAC/mechanical, landscaping/planting, moving, plumbing,
roofing, sitework/UG utilities.
A MANDATORY Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 11/19/15 at 10:00
AM at site.
Demolition and New Construction Highway Garage
and Offices Town of Onondaga
The project includes the complete demolition of existing Highway
Department structures and the complete construction of a new
highway garage and offices, salt storage structure, new fueling
island, and all associated sitework at 4478 West Seneca Turnpike,
Syracuse, NY 13215.Scopes bidding are: Sitework General
Construction Fire Protection Plumbing HVAC Electrical Vehicle
Fueling Station
Pre-Bid Conference will be held on 11/10/15 at 10:00 AM at site.
Improvements Main Street Water and Sanitary
Sewer Village of Cobleskill
Base Bid-Includes all labor, tools, materials, and equipment
necessary to furnish and install:995 LF - 4",6", 8" and 10" DIP
water main installed in shoulder, sidewalk, driveway, road or grass
by open trench method, 400 LF of 12" HDPE water main installed
by directional drill method; twenty-two(22) - 4" to 12" gate valves,
two (2) hydrants including hydrant leads; 670 LF of l" copper
service lines installed by open trench and trenchless methods; 60
LF of 2" copper service lines installed by open trench and
trenchless methods; twenty-one (21) - l" service connections; two
(2) - 2" service connection; decommission existing water mains,
removal and replacement of 495 SF of concrete sidewalk;
reconstruction of 6,300 SF sidewalk (stamped and dyed concrete);
replacement of thirty (30) LF of cast-in place concrete curb;
restoration of paved driveways and grass areas; Replacement of
1,290 LF of 8" SDR35 PVC sewer main; Removal and replacement
of one (1)-5' ID sewer drop manhole and seven (7) -4' ID sewer
manholes; twenty-nine (29) - 4" SDR 35 PVC sewer laterals;
twenty-eight (28) - 8"x4" sewer lateral connections.The work of
Contract No. 1 may also include the following alternates: Additive
Alternate No. 1 - Water:915 LF - 4",6", 8", 10" and 12" DIP water
main installed in paved shoulder, driveway, or road by open trench
method; ten (10) - 4" to 12" gate valves, two (2) hydrants including
hydrant leads; 570 LF of l" copper service lines installed by open
trench and trenchless methods; 20 - l" service connections;
decommission existing water mains, reconstruction of 90 SF of
concrete sidewalk; replacement of 720 LF of concrete curb;
restoration of paved driveways and grass areas. Additive Alternate
No. 2 - Sewer: Replacement of 545 LF of 8" SDR 35 PVC sewer
main; Removal and replacement of two (2) - 4' ID sewer manholes;
fourteen (14) 4" SDR 35 PVC sewer laterals; fourteen (14) - 8"x4"
sewer lateral connections; Deductive Alternate No. 1: Plastic Water
Pipe [C900 PVC] (Base Bid Area)
A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10:00 AM local time on
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at the office of Lamont
Engineers, 548 Main St.
Large Culver Repair Routes 29 and 30 and 309 in
Johnstown Perth and Mayfield NYS DOT Project
Large Culvert Repair (4 locations), Routes29, 30 and 309, in
Johnstown, Perth and Mayfield.
NYS DOT Replace One Culvert and Six Culvert
Rehabilitations at Various Locations Herkimer and
Oneida Counties D263055
Replace and Rehabilitation of culverts
NYS DOT Bridge Replacement on Route 26 and 79
over the Tioughnioga River D262781
Bridge Replacement
A pre-bid meeting will be held October 29, 2015 at 1:00 PM at the
11th Floor Conference of the Binghamton State Office Building, 44
Hawley Street, Binghamton, NY 13901.
NYS DOT Bridge Replacements NY Rte 224 over
Langford Creek and NY Rte 224 over Johnson Creek
Town and Village of Van Etten D263019
NYS DOT Pavement Markings at Various Locations
Fulton Hamilton Herkimer Madison Montgomery
and Oneida Counties D263065
Pavement Markings
Rehabilitation I-86 over Tannery Creek Bridge
Lining Existing Corrugated Metal Pipes NYS DOT
Bridge painting
Rehabilitation Lisha Kill Pump Station Colonie
Contract #1The work consists of upgrades to the Lisha Kill pump
station including new pumping systems, influent screening, odor
control, piping modifications, control system upgrades and general
building upgrades. Contract #2The work consists of electrical
upgrades to the Lisha Kill pump station including a new backupdiesel generator and service gear.Contract #3The work consists
of HVAC upgrades to the Lisha Kill pump station.Contract #4The
work will consist of plumbing upgrades to the Lisha Kill Pump
A pre-bid conference will be held on November 17, 2015 at 10:00
AM at the Lisha KillPump Station.
UB/MD - UB SMBS Fit-Out at Conventus Bid
Package # 2 Project No. 05-11-0194.03 Main Street
City of Buffalo
The Project will be constructed using a multiple subcontract format.
The following subcontracts will be bid at this time:•UBCONTRACT
A Prebid meeting will be held on November 12th at 2:00 p.m.
UB/MD - UB SMBS Fit-Out at Conventus Bid
Package # 2 Project No. 05-11-0194.03 Main Street
City of Buffalo SUBBIDDING
The Project will be constructed using a multiple subcontract format.
The following subcontracts will be bid at this time:•UBCONTRACT
A Prebid meeting will be held on November 12th at 2:00 p.m.
University of Rochester - New Imaging & Medical
Office Building - 3rd Floor Pediatrics Interior
Project provided by Holdsworth Klimowski
INVITED BIDDERS ONLY Renovation West Point
Visitors Center West Point
This project consists of a renovation to the West Point Visitors
Center at the U.S. Military Academy. Trades included but are not
limited to the following: Demolition, Concrete, Masonry, Steel,
Roofing, Waterproofing, D/F/H, Drywall Assemblies, Plastering,
Stone and Porcelain Tile, Painting, Loading Dock Equipment, Fire
Suppression Systems, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical Systems
(including low voltage) and Sitework.
Pre-bid conference 11/10/15, 11 AN United States Military
Academy, 2107 New South Post RD, West Point
Addition (Shell Package) Campus Improvement
Project Phase 2.1.A Regional Transit Service (RTS)
Bid Package 1, Contract 1: General Trades Bid Package 2,
Contract 2: Structural Steel Bid Package 3, Contract 3: Roofing Bid
Package 4, Contract 4: Electrical Bid Package 5, Contract 5:
A pre-bid meeting will be held on September 30, 2015 at 1:00 PM
at the LeChase site office; 1372 East Main Street, Rochester NY.
*Attendance is required and must be confirmed to Rick Simeone
RFP Reuse Development of the Women and
Children's Hospital of Buffalo Campus, City of
Kaleida Health, Buffalo Niagara’ largest private employer and
largest healthcare provider, seeks a proven developer to purchase
and redevelop a nearly eight-acre hospital campus in the heart of
Buffalo’ vibrant Elmwood Village. Women & Children’ Hospital of
Buffalo (WCHOB) is scheduled to vacate its home of nearly 125
years in 2017 and relocate operations to a new facility on the
Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus –little more than a mile away.
Kaleida Health hopes to execute the transfer of the property to new
owner developers to ensure a timely reuse of the site.
BCS Alterations Phase II Level 2 Elmira City School
General Trades HVAC Electrical Plumbing
A Pre-Bid conference and walk through for all Bidders will be held
in the Elmira CSD District Office on Wednesday November 18,
2015 at 3:00 PM
Construction of Eagleview Water Storage Tank
Town of Manlius
Contact No 1-General Construction Work consists of constructing a
new precast concrete water storage tank, complete with all
equipment and accessories, and demolition of an existing steel
water storage tank.
System Replacement Project College of Veterinary
Medicine Cornell University
A comprehensive access control system replacement, surveillance
cameras and intrusion alarm system for the College of Veterinary
Medicine complex at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
A pre-bid meeting will be held on November 17, 2015 at 10:00 AM
in the Humphreys Service Building Room 102C Ithaca NY
Pilaster Netting Project Waterfront Pedestrian
Bridge over I 787 Albany
The work includes providing all labor, materials, machinery, tools,
equipment and other
means of construction necessary and incidental to the completion
of the work shown on
the plans and described in these specifications including, but not
necessarily limited to
the following:
Providing the Engineer with access to each pilaster prior to the
installation of netting so a detailed inspection can be completed.
Removal of loose or unsound concrete from the pilaster when
ordered by
the Engineer.
Furnishing and installation of netting and debris liner over each
Maintenance and Protection of Traffic
Podium Planters Uptown Campus SUNY Albany
Work of this contract includes provide and install trees, shrubs,
plants and planting soil.
A pre-bid meeting and project walk-thru will be held with all
prospective bidders on 11/24/15 at 2:30 pm. Prospective bidders
shall meet at the University at Albany, Service Building “”SBA),
1400 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12222 room 103.
Renovations and Repairs to Adult Center Roof
Town of Tupper Lake
Renovations and repairs
Renovations and Repairs to Highway Garage Roof
Town of Tupper Lake
Main garage coverage area is 15,662 sf, Remove and recycle
existing metal roof and fasteners. Replace rotten purling's and
rafters where needed. Attach existing purling's to rafters where
needed with approved fasteners. Replace fascia and rake boards
where needed. Secure existing fascia and rake boards with
approved fasteners. Install new commercial grade pre-painted
steel roof panels using approved fasteners per manufacturer
instructions. Owner to choose finish. Install approved ridge cap
using approved fasteners. Install approved gable end cap using
approved fasteners. Replace rotten, damaged soffit where
needed. Secure existing soffit with approved fasteners. Stain/seal
all exterior wood using approved products. Install snow guards
where needed.
Renovations to Lancaster Central School District
Phase IV - High School Forton Drive Lancaster
A Pre-bid Conference will be held at Lancaster CSD See Project
Notes for various dates & times.
Replace Federal Building Windows SUNY System
Administration Building 353 Broadway Albany
SUCF Project 36138
Replacement of all windows and associated asbestos abatement
on the Federal Building at System Administration in Albany.
A pre-bid conference and project walk through will be held on 19
November 2015 at 1:00 PM with all contractors assembled in
Room N304 at State University Plaza, 353 Broadway, Albany NY
Window Replacement Phase 3 Hemmingway Hall
Andrews Complex D059GA SUNY Fredonia
Replacing windows on 3-story residence hall - Existing student
rooms, lounge areas, lobby areas, offices, guest rooms, & kitchen
areas consist of operable & fixed single glazed glass panels, in
steel frames - Abate all ACM as required - It is required that the
glazing compound and/or sealant at the window perimeter and
interior plaster be tested for asbestos containing material. In
addition, PCB testing may be required. Inspect steel lintels,
masonry sills, and masonry opening for required repair or
replacement. Remove all existing windows. Scrape, prime, clean,
and paint steel lintels. Patch and paint interior walls damaged
during replacement of window units. Provide double glazed thermal
break aluminum windows; window design and configuration to
match or similar to existing window types. Installation of new
window blinds.
Pre-bid conference 11/23/15 at 10:00 a.m.
New York Work Project: 2014-15 Albany Playground
Initiative at Highbanks Camping, Cabin Area and
Highbanks Recreation Area of Letchworth State
Park D004790
General Construction Contract:This contract is to provide,
complete, three Playgrounds. Locations in order of construction
priority by this office are: Highbanks Camping, Cabin Area “”and
Highbanks Recreation Area. This project is required to be
substantially complete by May 27, 2016; Substantial Completion
shall include all playground equipment installed and certified and
ready for patron use.
There will be a Pre-Bid meeting and site visit on December 2, 2015
at 10:00 AM starting at the Highbanks Camping Contact Station
across from the Perry Entrance of Letchworth State Park.
Upgrade Electrical Distribution System Phase II
SUNY New Paltz SUCF 08436
Replacement of existing deteriorated underground electrical
feeders and all associated components, and the
replacement/installation of miscellaneous electrical components at
each building campus-wide.
Upgrade Site Electrical Distribution System SUNY
New Paltz SUCF Project 08436-00
Upgrade site electrical distribution
A pre bid conference and project walk through will be held on
November 19, 2015 with all contractors assembled at SUNYNew
Paltz Service Building, Facilities Conference Room.
Capital Improvement Plan Phase II West Valley CSD
West Walley NY
General construction, plumbing, electrical, site work, and track
Pre-bid conference 11/20/15 from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Exterior and Asbestos Abatement Murphy Hall
SUNY Delhi DASNY 3276309999 CR No. 6
Project consists of upgrading the exterior of Murphy Hall. Scope of
work includes but is not limited to; installing exterior insulation
finishing system, brick repairs, painting and asbestos abatement.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Saratoga Springs Public
Library Phase 2 Mechanical Improvements
Saratoga Springs
Mechanical improvements
Pre-bid meeting and project walk through is scheduled for 11/30/15
at 8 AM, Putnam Street Entrance.
RFQ Airport Engineering for Future Projects
Schenectady County Airport
The County of Schenectady will be accepting qualifications from
airport engineering consultants to provide planning, design, and
construction administration services for future projects over a five
year term. The Schenectady County Airport participates in the FAA
Airport Improvement Program (AIP) and the New York State
Department of Transportation (NYS-DOT) Grant Program. The
Schenectady County Airport, a County-owned general aviation
airport, is located three miles north of Schenectady, New York and
consists of three asphalt runways and approximately 100 base
aircraft. The estimated total construction value of the projects over
the next five years is 16 million.
Construction of Divin Mercy Parish Church Central
Square NY
General Contract (all trades)
Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 11/17/15 at 10:00 AM at site.
INFORMATION ONLY Replacement of Lockport
Road Bridge over Bull Creek Project No. 1404
Niagara County
Bridge Rehabilitation and Pavement Rehabilitation**Niagara
County DPW does not permit plans and specs to be available on
the website. This job can be viewed in the Buffalo Construction
Exchange Office.
Upgrade Mechanical Systems Morris Hall SUNY
Oneonta NY SUCF 09423-00
The work of this single-bid project will include abatement;
replacement of steam piping and condensate lines in the basement
and sub-basement; replacement of domestic hot water system, and
replacement of PRV in the Campus' boiler plant.
A project walk-through has been scheduled for December 1, 2015
at 1:00 p.m. with all attendees meeting at Morris Hall Oneonta
Upgrades Central Heating Plant SUNY Binghamton
SUCF 07A26-00
Single-bid project will install new pollution control equipment (ESP)
for the two existing biomass boilers with associated site work and
provide new uninterruptable gas lines to the two other boilers.
Provide new electrical main switchgear and new electric room for
ESP. Provide new bucket elevator and hopper upgrades, provide
new control room with new boiler and ESP controls.
A project walk -through has been scheduled for November 19,
2015 at 1:30 PM with all attendees meeting at the Campus' Facility
Building Conference Room A-C.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Rehabilitation of
Dennings Pont Bridge Hudson Highlands State Park
Preserve Beacon
Bridge rehabilitation
NYS DOT Bridge Deck Treatments Including Single
Course Overlay at Various Locations Onondaga
Oswego and Tompkins Counties D263067
Bridge Deck Treatments
NYS DOT Pothole Repair and Resurfacing 2.0 Miles
of Asphalt Concrete Route 17C Town of Union and
Village of Johnson City Broome County D262984
Pothole Repair & Resurfacing
NYS DOT Reconstruction I-81 NY-17 Interchange
Phase 2 Broome County D262955
Reconstruction I-81 NY-17 Phase 2 (concrete pavement, bridge
replacements, ITS measures, noise/retaining walls).
NYS DOT Reconstruction of Asphalt Concrete on
NY Route 441 at Huber and Harris & Carter and Salt
Road Intersections (1.23 km) Town of Penfield
WILL BE AVAILABLE ON OR AROUND 11/18/15***Reconstruction
of Asphalt Concrete
NYS DOT Sewer Improvements Building Contract I81 Gateway Rest Area Town of Kirkwood Broome
County D263026
Building Contract
NYS DOT Sewer Improvements Electrical Contract I81 Gateway Rest Area Town of Kirkwood Broome
County D263029
Electrical Contract
NYS DOT Sewer Improvements HVAC Contract I-81
Gateway Rest Area Town of Kirkwood Broome
County D263028
HVAC Contract
NYS DOT Sewer Improvements Plumbing Contract
I-81 Gateway Rest Area Town of Kirkwood Broome
County D263027
Plumbing Contract
NYS DOT Sewer Improvements Site Contract I-81
Gateway Rest Area Town of Kirkwood Broome
County D263025
Sewer Improvements Site Contract
NYS DOT Work Zone Traffic Control and Special
Access Bridge Inspection and Geotechnical Drilling
Operations Various Counties D263059
Safety and Paving Project Northern Blvd Towns of
Dewitt and Cicero
This project, in the Towns of DeWitt and Cicero, consists of
pavement reconstruction, milling and inlay, milling and overlay, and
also includes the replacement of four large culvert pipes requiring a
crossover detour. A flashing red signal / mast arm will be
constructed as part of the project.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Expression of Interest
for the Services of a General Contractor for the
Renovation of Bevier Hall SUNY New Paltz DASNY
The scope of services includes removal of all asbestos containing
material and the substantial renovation, with the addition of a
pitched roof on a 45,000 square foot dormitory building. Estimated
construction cost range is between $14.9 million and $15.5 million.
The project is scheduled to start construction on December 23,
2016, construction contracts will be issued on or about May 1,
2016 to allow for all up front pre construction work, submittals and
procurement of any long lead items. The completion date for the
project is July 15, 2017. The scope of work includes, but is not
limited to the following; a complete renovation of an existing 45,000
square foot dormitory building, consisting of asbestos abatement of
floor tile, pipe covering, ceiling materials and caulking. The
renovations will also include the removal and replacement of the
plumbing systems, HVAC systems, electrical systems, and fire
alarm system and the addition of a new sprinkler system. The
interior renovations will include the reconfiguration of spaces and
installation of floor, wall and ceiling finishes throughout. Exterior
improvements will include a new entry vestibule and the addition of
a new sloped roof as well as some site paving and utility
Sidewalk Enhancement Contract 1 Various
Locations Village of Red Hook
The work includes, but is not limited to, installation of new ADA
compliant sidewalks. Approximately 230 feet of side walk on
Firehouse Lane, and two sections of sidewalks on Route 9 totaling
190 feet.
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Rehabilitation Alteration
and Replacement of the Wastewater Treatment
Process and Facility Chelsea Cove Sewer WWTP
Hopewell Junction
General Construction Electrical HVAC
Mandatory pre-bid meeting 12/2/15 at 10 AM at the Dutchess
County Water and Wastewater Authority, 27 High Street,
Bid Results
Project Name
Bid Date
Proposed King Street Park Project City of
Improvements Water Bike Ferry Erie Canal Harbor
Development Corp
UST Closure Project City of Albany Department of
Water and Water Supply Enterprise Drive Albany
Purchase and Installation of HVCC Window Shades
Hudson Valley Community College Troy
WTP 15 HP 6 Vertical Turbine Pump Village of
Richfield Springs, NY
Raze Dilapidated Structure 8 Olive Avenue Village
of Lakewood NY
Improvements to Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Phase 2 Village of Philadelphia
New Construction of Oneida Public Library Phase 1
Site Work Oneida NY
Bid Package 13 Electrical Albany Capital Center
Eagle Street Albany
NYS DOT Replacement of 5 Existing Culverts with
New Precast Concrete Box Culverts on Routes 10,
28, 79 and 166 Various Towns Broome Delaware
and Otsego Counties D262989
NYS DOT Asphalt Concrete Milling & Resurfacing,
Drainage & Noise Wall Repair on Lake Ontario State
Parkway Town of Greece Monroe County D263001
NYS DOT Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing on Route
104 (2.1 Miles) Town of Greece Monroe County
SCADA System Improvements Town Of
NYS DOT Emergency Response Contract
Throughout Region 2 Hamilton Herkimer Madison
Montgomery and Oneida Counties D263009
Upgrade Inpatient Locking System Phase II Building
39 Central New York Psychiatric Center OGS No
44647 C
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Replace Bridge Railings
Pedestrian Bridge SUNY New Paltz
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Replacement of the
Existing Pedestrian Sidewalk at the Rip Van Winkle
REBID Rehabilitation to Wastewater Treatment
Plant Phase 3 Niagara Falls Water Board General
Electrical and HV Contracts
Replacement of True Brook Road Bridges over True
Brook Town of Saranac
Culvert Repairs and Miscellaneous Work Buffalo
Division from MP 353.63+ to MP 478.73+ in Various
Counties NYS Thruway Authority TAB 15-19
NYS DOT Standby Emergency Contract Throughout
Region 9 Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Otsego,
Schoharie, Sullivan & Tioga Counties D263037
Construction Work to Town of Byron Water District
No. 6 Genesee County
Construction of Concession Building at Baden Park
City of Rochester C04430
Renewal of Durable Pavement Markings at Various
Locations Cattaraugus and Chautauqua Counties
NYS DOT D263038
Installation of Pavement Markings at Various
Locations Allegany Reservation NYS DOT D263045
REBID Rehabilitate Kitchen And Mess Hall Building
21 At The Fishkill Correctional Facility OGS
Fire Safety Upgrade Initiative at 2 Hostels in Wayne
and Monroe Counties for the Finger Lakes DDSO
DASNY 3248709999
Senate House and Museum Fair Street Kingston
Replacement Bridge T 364 Nichols Road over Rock
Run Cherry Township Sullivan County PA
Bridge Rehabilitation 2015 Miscellaneous Bridge
Repairs in Erie County 5760.56
Huffer Road Spot Safety Improvement Project Town
of Parma Monroe County 1005-15
Erie Station Road Reconstruction Project Monroe
County 1006-15
Renovation Old Digman Hall Mechanical SUNY
Binghamton D079DJ-B
Renovation Old Digman Hall Electrical SUNY
Binghamton D079DJ-C
Renovation Old Digman Hall Plumbing SUNY
Binghamton D079DJ-D
Remove and Replace Chillers Henderson Smith
State Office Building Hornell NY OGS 44918-H
Reconstruction Window Project Stanford Gibson
Primary, Perry Browne Intermediate and Middle
High School Norwich City School District
Replace Fire Pumps State University Plaza SUCF
Project 36137
New Bus Maintenance Facility Pine Plains CSD
Replacement Bankson Road Culvert Rouseville
Borough PA
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Renovations to Statler
Hotel Public Area Restroom Cornell University
REBID Capital Improvement Project North Greece
Road Bridge Rehabilitation over Larkin Creek Town
of Greece Monroe County 1719.01, BIN 3368080, SIN
05-144-019, PIN 4760.66, D034684, 1009-15
Renovate Main Lecture Hall At The NYS Police
Academy Building 24 At The State Office Building
Campus OGS 45008CHE
Renovation Project Toilet Rooms and Locker
Rooms Otselic Valley Central School District
Demolition and Asbestos Abatement of the Former
United Cleaners City of Rochester C04440
Lighting Improvements South Avenue Ball Field
City of Rochester C04450
Improvements Phase 3C - Fountain Rehabilitation at
Martin Luther King Memorial Park City of Rochester
Generator Installation CVMF CNG Fuel Island City of
Rochester C04470
REBID Bridge Rehabilitation Blewer Road over West
Branch of Owego Creek Town of Newark Valley NY
Water System Improvements Phase II Village of Red
Reconstruction of Paving and Electrical District
Facilities Shenendehowa CSD Clifton Park
REBID General Construction to Town of Elma
Senior Center Proposed Portico Entry and Bus
Loop Contract No. 2015-1 Elma NY
REBID Removal of Pochuck Creek Rock Ledge
Wallkill Flood Mitigration Project Town of Warwick
Blacktop Sealing and Crackfill Chenango Forks
Central School District Binghamton NY
FOR INFORMATION ONLY Extension to Fiber Optic
OFSIL West Campus Cornell University INVITED
Kennedy Hall Call Auditorium AV Booth Cornell
RFP Electrical Work to Various Water Distribution
Systems Onondaga County Water Authority
Construction and Maintenance of Water Facilities in
Onondaga Madison Oswego Oneida and Cayuga
Counties Onondaga County Water Authority
REBID Snow Plowing and Deice City Parking
Garages and lot 2015-2016 Season City of
Rochester 427155
Snowplowing Police Lots 2015-2016 Season City of
Rochester 427370
Repairs to Town Hall Insulation and Piping Town of
REBID Construction of Aqueduct Park Pier and
Spillway Stabilization Project Town of Brutus
Replacement Grumman Hall Tank Cornell University