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GE Capital LIKE A BANK: We provide your customers with a way to pay. UNLIKE A BANK: We help you drive customer satisfaction, loyalty, and sales. At GE Capital, we understand it’s critical to retain and grow a loyal customer base. Offering your customers CarCareONETM credit card financing can help you strengthen relationships, increase service sales and create satisfied customers by making it easier to access more of the expert, quality services you provide. Together we’ll build increased loyalty that drives consumers to say “yes” to your service transactions. Stop just banking and start building. Start offering CarCareONE today. Enroll by calling 1-866-209-4457. Visit us at NADA, booth #4607 to take advantage of our 3-month test drive. Call 1-866-210-1646 for more details. Visit us at www.gogecapital.com/automotive. imagination at work *All costs will be waived during the 3 months except actual usage charges. Actual usage charges relate to discount fees (pay as you use) associated with the promotional financing program. Credit is extended by GE Capital Retail Bank. © 2013 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. TABLE OF C ON TEN TS January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. p. p. p. p. p. p. Five Qua lit ies of M arke tin g Ge n iu s 18 The Key Role it Can Play in You r Store 24 ..A LOT Mor e Tir es 30 Set t ing Your C ustome r’s Fi rst Appoin tme n t -- an d M u ch M o r e 36 Esta bl ishing a Cu stome r Re ten tion Process 42 46 p. 56 p. p. 64 How to Sell Tires RFID Systems An Eight-Step Plan p. Using (Paint) Protection p. The Benef it s of Au tomotive Pain t Prote ction Fi lm l et t er fr om t he p ub l i s h e r 52/54 C o mpan i es to S ee at t h e 20 14 NADA E x p o p. Dealership Websites Need to Embrace Smart Chat p. Paperless Repair Order Processing p. Using New Technologie s to Do the Best For Cu stome rs a nd Your Dea ler ship Ta r g et ing Mor e Service-Focu se d Traff ic I mpr ov ing Efficien cy an d Service Losing A Customer Hurts More Than You Think p. Finding New C u stome rs Wi th Low Ac qu isition Costs 72 Effect ive C r oss-Sellin g in the De ale rship 76 An Over v iew of This Importan t Proce ss 80 6 Taking Advantage of Advancements in Friction Car Wash 68 p. p. 60 Detailing Makes Dollars and Sense Your Service Retention Metrics are Wrong p. p. Smart and Smarter 10 p. A New Par adig m to GRO You r Se rvice Bu sin e ss New Opportunities With Digital Signage p. Parts E-Commerce p. Dealing With the End-of-the-Month Crunch 82 84 86 88 90 8 91 s ervic e depar t m en t To d ay ’ s Tir e C h a ng i ng T ec h no lo g y par t s depar t m en t D o Y o ur Pa rt s R ea l ly E x i st ? b ody s ho p A r e Y o u a Fir ef i g h t er ? admin i s t r at i on B a c k To B a sic s In t h e S er v ic e B ay p r icin g s ur vey Timi ng C h a i ns a nd S er p ent i ne B elt s I n dus t r y N ew s an d E ve n ts Ca l e n d a r A dver t i s er s Di r ec to r y p. 91 N ew P r o duc t s p. 95 M arket p l ac e Sta r t Sell ing Eve ryd ay Li ke It’s the Last Day of the M on t h DON’T ”SUB OUT” YOUR PROFITS Learn How To Operate A Successful Detail Center Within Your Dealership... At America’s most advanced detail training center A productive Detail Center can pay for the ENTIRE labor costs of your clean up shop and net you money. Learn hands-on at the Simoniz® Garage how to build a profitable detailing business from facility set up to training to marketing to hiring. Our all inclusive training will open your eyes to the profit that lies within the detail business. REVENUE TYPICAL PRO FORMA $195,000* TOTAL EXPENSES Labor - 50% Product Cost -10% Advertising – 1% Utilities – 2% Uniforms – 1% Commissions – 5% $ 97,500** $ 19,500 $ 1,950 $ 3,900 $ 1,950 $ 9,750 OPERATING CASH FLOW $ 60,450 *based on 6 daily services at $125 per ticket **based on 3 full-time detailers SOUP TO NUTS Industry Standard Training manuals “I guarantee when you complete this training course at the Simoniz® Garage, you will leave with all the knowledge and training required to run a successful detail business. —Tom Palancia, Detail Operations Training Manager, Simoniz USA DON’T ”SUB OUT” YOUR PROFITS CONTACT TOM PALANCIA 800-227-5536 ext. 242 OR tapalancia@simoniz.com JIM DORSEY 800-227-5536 ext. 166 jdorsey@simoniz.com letter from the publisher January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine A recent issue of Automotive News cited a new customer care program from MercedesBenz USA. Called MB Select, it gives Mercedes-Benz dealers virtually free rein to spend up to $2,500 of the factory’s money to address and solve an owner’s issues with the newly-redesigned 2014 S-class sedans. An identical program is also in-place to spend up 1 7 8 5 3 S a ntia go Blvd., St e. 107-467 to $1,000 without factory preapproval to ensure the prompt resolution of problems with the Vil l a Pa r k, CA 92861 new CLA sedan, which was introduced in October. P h o ne 7 1 4 -803-5476 F a x 7 1 4 -2 7 6-0255 The thinking behind MB Select, which was prompted in large part by the manufacturer’s Info @ F ixed OpsMag.com poor showing in the 2013 J.D. Power and Associates Customer Service Index Study, is w w w. F ixed OpsMag.com to bring the level of customer care and satisfaction into line with the stated goals of Mercedes-Benz to deliver the best cars in the world and for their owners to experience the highest level of attention to any issue that may arise with “no questions asked.” I applaud MBUSA for taking this stance to address head-on the kinds of vehicle or customer service issues that could sink a newly-formed relationship in a matter of hours. If the vehicles (and the people who sell and service them) aren’t performing at the top of their game, this could be one very painful (and expensive) solution. P ubl ish er / Edito r ial / Advert ising Nick West Phone: 714-803-5476 Fax: 714-276-0255 Nick@FixedOps Mag.com Dealerships have always had the freedom to either push the factory to cover the costs of “save this customer” types of fixes or to simply absorb the costs themselves because it was just the right thing to do for the customer, both for their short-term happiness and for their long-term satisfaction with both the brand and with the store. This MBUSA program Ar t Dir ector Ma r ia P usparan i Maria@FixedOpsMag.com takes these approaches to a higher level of customer retention thinking. It’s obvious to me that most every other OEM – especially the growing number that compete in the luxury category – will be watching this program with great interest. Will similar programs appear from other manufacturers? Will they be publicly announced (the Mercedes-Benz announcement has already been widely discussed in online consumer sites) or will they continue to be unspoken policies that give some dealerships the freedom to do whatever it takes to “make it right” for the customer? One final thought. Should programs like MB Select be the province of luxury brand dealers alone? I’ve believed for a long time that, to its owner, EVERY vehicle is worthy of white glove treatment and a prompt resolution of any problems. While the dollars are different, in most case I bet we’d find that the owner of a $20,000 car has a similar proportion of their net worth invested in their vehicle as the $90,000 car owner has invested in theirs. A problem can be both painful and upsetting for the owners of either of these vehicles. A prompt resolution benefits everyone. The manufacturers and dealers that eliminate the red tape and adopt a make-it-right-now policy will benefit in the long-term. Fixed Ops Magazine is published by Prism Automotive, LLC, 17853 Santiago Blvd., Suite 107-467, Villa Park, CA 92861; phone 877-349-3367. Subscriptions are free to qualified subscribers in the U.S. who are active as fixed operations directors or service managers of franchised automobile dealerships. Additional subscriptions are available at: $30/year/US; $45/year/Canada; $90/ year/other foreign. Single issue price, $10. Periodicals postage paid at Fort Worth, TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Fixed Ops Magazine, 17853 Santiago Blvd., Suite 107-467, Villa Park, CA 92861. Reproduction or use, without express written permission of publisher, of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Fixed Ops Magazine or Prism Automotive, LLC. The appearance of advertisers does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured. All rights reserved. Nick West / Publisher Ph on e : 7 1 4 - 8 0 3 - 5 4 7 6 E-mail: N i c k @ F i xe d Ops Ma g. c o m p. 6 To v iew th e Digital Edit ion of F ixed Ops Ma gazine, visit: www.FixedOpsMag.com I N D US TR Y N E WS & EVENT S January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine OEConnection Launches MarketPlaceDirect -Helps Dealers Sell OEM Parts on eBay Motors OEConnection, the Parts e-commerce technology leader for OEM distribution networks, has announced the launch of MarketplaceDirect, a webbased solution that will make it faster and easier for dealerships to sell genuine original equipment parts on eBay and other online marketplaces. MarketplaceDirect is the company’s second product introduced in the last year to help dealers reach DIY auto repairers online. “MarketplaceDirect is the tool dealers have been looking for to help them capitalize on the power of eBay, where tens of thousands of auto parts are sold daily,” said Mark Tomasetti, OEConnection Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer. “eBay is a great marketplace for selling parts and can best serve as a complementary channel if dealers can efficiently manage their parts listings and order fulfillment. MarketplaceDirect automates the entire workflow directly through the OEConnection portal, making it easy for dealers to reach millions of auto parts buyers worldwide,” Tomasetti added. Seamlessly automating the upload process of data and photos, MarketplaceDirect integrates with a dealership’s Parts inventory and allows dealers to create their own Parts list based on pre-defined criteria. The solution populates each listing with information needed for eBay, including quantity, pricing, part numbers and detailed OEM catalog diagrams. When a part sells on eBay, a dealer sees the order information in the OEConnection portal and uses the system’s order management functionality to complete the order. MarketplaceDirect is currently available to all OEM brand franchise dealers in the United States. DealerRater Helps Dealers Boost Visibility of Service Business with Launch of Certified Service Center DealerRater, the world’s premier car dealer review website, has announced the launch of its new Certified Service Center Program. Recent studies show that online searches for auto repair and maintenance have grown 66% in the past three years and have even surpassed growth in car and truck searches by 8% in the past year alone. DealerRater’s Certified Service Center Program enables auto dealers to boost the visibility of their Service Department and grow their Service business with a suite of tools featuring a unique Service Center Review Page packed with Service-specific information, such as amenities, hours, photos, top-reviewed service employees, as well as special offers and coupons. “With the jump in online searches for auto maintenance and repairs, dealers need to differentiate their Service business from independent centers as well as local dealership competitors,” said Chip Grueter, President at DealerRater. “We’ve carefully designed our new Certified Service Center pages to provide dealerships with critical customer connection points -- like Service scheduling and special offers -- while also benefiting from priority placement in Service center searches on our site and improved SEO for key auto repair search terms.” Key highlights of Certified Service Center include: - Enhanced and Unique Service Center Review Page - Premium Review Page Ad Placement - Service Appointment Requests - Special Offers & Coupons - Priority Placement on Search Results - Service Employees Highlighted - Improved SEO - DealerRater Car Recall Page Links - Service-Specific Point-of-Sale Tools Dealer.com CRM Receives ADP Dealer Services Third-Party Access Program Certification Dealer.com, a leading provider of marketing and operations software for the automotive industry, has announced the successful completion of ADP Dealer Services Third-Party Access Program for its Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution. As a result of the certification, dealers can more efficiently track and report Sales and Service progress in real-time through the direct push and pull of historical data, customer information, Service repair orders and Sales promotions between Dealer. com’s CRM product and ADP’s Dealer Management Software (DMS). “By integrating with ADP’s DMS for our CRM product, we are bringing greater efficiencies to the car selling process,” said Alex Snyder, Senior Director of Product Design at Dealer.com. “When the key elements of data are consistent and can easily be integrated into a common platform like Dealer.com’s, we’re able to alleviate a lot of the painstaking red tape that hampers efficiency. For instance, now our dealers will be able to push deals they’ve penciled in our CRM directly into ADP. This alone will save them a lot of time and effort and help them get back to doing what they do best: selling cars.” The certification covers existing functionality of Dealer.com’s CRM and anticipates future features, including the ability to push current client deals into the ADP DMS. This particular functionality leverages the Dealer.com Pencil Tool, which allows dealers to present payment options instantly by simply entering a vehicle’s selling price. Pushing current sales deals from the Pencil Tool to ADP’s DMS enables dealers to better track the success of their promotions and revenues.ing only 12-14 gallons of water and less than 2 ounces of chemicals to clean a car. Continued on Page 96 EVENTS Jan u ary 2014 24-27 / NADA Convention and Expo Ernest Morial Convention Center New Orleans, LA 703-821-7000 / www.NADA.org 20-23 / National Biodiesel Conference and Expo San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA 573-635-3893 / www.BiodieselConference.org M arch/ April 31-2 / The Car Wash Show McCormick Place, Chicago, IL 312-321-5199 / www.CarWash.org p. 8 Featu r e January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Smart and Smarter F i v e Q u a l i t i e s o f M a r k e t i n g G e n i u s By J a so n B e n n i c k Albert Einstein once aptly stated that, ‘the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits’. When it comes to automotive marketing, dealerships sometimes tend to get a bad rap due to some forthright and sometimes questionable marketing practices. While some consumers see a dealership lot peppered with colorful tents and balloons and drop by for a test drive, others might put their foot on the gas for fear of experiencing a less-thansavory Sales encounter. Throw enough mud on the wall. Spray and pray. Swing hard enough. It’s all hit and miss. We’ve heard and lived these clichés and, unfortunately, some endure these stigmas simply because that’s all they’ve ever practiced. Most of us know that there’s a better, more efficient practice -- but it’s hard to change! With over 18,000 active new car dealerships sprawled across the country and over two-hundred million licensed drivers traversing our roads and freeways, the opportunity for dealer sales is undaunted. We offer a never-ending litany of products, discounts, incentives and Service opportunities all competing for the consumer’s attention. And with Herculean levels of messaging being dished up daily to consumers, how is it that some dealerships consistently drive numbers to record highs, while others struggle and fight desperately just to turn a respectable profit? p. 10 The answer? Smart marketing. That’s correct -- just simply being smart about how to market. In fact, not only being smart, or even smarter, but being the smartest in their business. While dealership technology, resources and size may render an advantage, the deciding factor between good and great is most frequently how smart you are with the resources available to your dealership. Having now been in this business long enough to learn what works and what doesn’t, I thought I’d share some simple secrets of how numerous dealerships have become some of the smartest I’ve witnessed when it comes to driving results. Five Smartest Marketing Habits 1. Stay Focused In our world, ‘focused messaging’ means selectively delivering the right offer to the right customer at the right time -- plain and simple. It’s a balance. Some dealerships narrow their targets too much and miss out. Others reach out with broad offers to everyone and miss the opportunity for relevance while wasting valuable resources. You don’t have to sacrifice broad market communications; you simply have to adapt messaging whether by make, model, age or driving situation and reach the right person. When it’s done right, I consistently see wide eyes staring in disbelief at the ROI numbers achieved. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 11 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine For example, pulling multiple lists by model year based on mileage from the DMS with specific target trade-up messaging relevant to each sub-segment could mean sending out a dozen different messages, while still driving a broad market campaign. Waste is eliminated and the dealership benefits from a coordinated campaign with each customer seeing personalized benefit. Another example is evident when we look at dealers who consciously target repair services to sustain engagement. Regular customers who demonstrate loyalty through ongoing minor service are often more engaged when offered an aggressive Service discount ‘performed by a factory certified technician using OEM parts in a clean shop with a warm, friendly and comfortable waiting room’. Again, remaining focused is key, but the effort can set up an even stronger relationship and will almost certainly result in longer-term loyalty, ultimately leading to new vehicle replacement sales. In short, calculated communications of how your dealership cares for customer well-being can be a powerful tool if focused as make-, model- and ownerspecific. 2. Market in Multiples Federal agencies have been cracking down recently on violations of consumer protection laws regarding prohibited advertising methods. Thus, smart marketing also means taking advantage of current regulations and approaching the consumer from multiple channels in an effort to actually make contact through any of them at the same time. Rather than delivering a single offer to a target vehicle owner using a single medium, a simple yet smart solution to achieve better results is to apply this same creative content across multiple channels concurrently. For example, send the customer a direct mail piece with a matching e-mail so if the e-mail went to their junk folder, at least they can receive the mail piece, and vice versa. Sounds too obvious, but the simple p. 12 “Regular customers who demonstrate loyalty through ongoing minor service are often more engaged when offered an aggressive Service discount.” fact that multiple channel delivery increases response by a significant factor should not be overlooked, especially when over 75% of direct mail is dropped in absence of a corresponding e-mail message. Multi-channel communication is not strictly limited to mail, as it could also apply to corresponding banner ads in a customer portal, targeted advertising to defined customer groups or even a ‘mail chase’ pre-recorded message phone call to customers who have given proper consent for phone messaging. Orchestrating a uniform campaign with all possible communication channels running at the same time for a single message will outsmart the potential loss of contact by way of wrong addresses, incorrect emails or missing phone numbers. Bottom line, the smartest dealership marketing techniques include utilizing multiple channels and not putting all your eggs in one basket, as you never really know how many will arrive at the other end. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 13 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine 3. Get Personal Personalized marketing has not only become the trend, it’s the most effective methodology in use today for obtaining consumer response. The real question facing dealerships is how to effectively personalize communications while remaining accurate and legitimate in messaging. This is largely solved with good DMS housekeeping and personalizing only what is appropriate. For example, using a dynamic and automated software application operating through rich, real-time DMS integration will serve up timely and appropriately personalized Service reminders that can trigger engagement. E-mail, calls and direct mail pieces, each displaying the vehicle owner’s name, vehicle model, VIN, current mileage, last service and recommended next service – all based on service plans and current DMS information – can provide the customer a unique message experience that is richly personalized and all performed automatically. These types of automated services mine the DMS throughout the day for new deal and repair information changes, helping to make every communication relevant. Whether targeting outstanding repairs which may have been declined, or advising of timely Service needed, personalized communication that is relevant can increase results by a factor of 2 or 3X. Keeping an up-to-date and cleansed DMS, while harnessing the power of technology to generate appropriately personalized vehicle communications, will give the dealer an edge and the customer confidence that their dealership is ‘on the ball’ and will yield more consistent results. 4. Be Timely Timing is everything. Just as your engine will run rough when the timing is off, the same goes for how effective marketing performs when poorly timed. The difference, however, is more critical. Untimely p. 14 communications cannot only lose customers, but wind up never contacting hundreds, if not thousands, of customers, compounding waste and demonstrating an apparent lack of diligence. Effective communications on scheduled maintenance, annual state inspections, customer birthdays, vehicle anniversaries, model trade cycles, lease expiration, extended warranty opportunities, new vehicle accessories, tires and many more greatly depend upon the timing of their arrival with a vehicle owner. Dealers who simply broadcast generalized offerings or untimely targeting end up wasting thousands of dollars and dramatically reducing their effective ROI. Smart dealers are experts at taking advantage of timely seasonal or uniquely localized events. For example, after Hurricane Sandy several dealerships in the northeast and New York area reached out to thousands of their customers with campaigns, letting them know they had moved cars out of their showroom floors and were serving up hot soup, warm food and giving out blankets to those in need. While truly a humanitarian gesture, the goodwill and timely messaging earned the confidence of thousands of locals while generating positive headline news. Once life returned to normal and the damage cleared, those dealerships witnessed hundreds of new (and lost!) vehicle owners coming in for Service January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 15 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine and replacement sales, all as a result of the trust earned on the basis of timely proactive marketing. Importantly, had the dealerships timed their campaign too late or at an inappropriate point, customers could have viewed the same messaging as offensive, rejected the dealership efforts as profiting on disaster and business could have been negatively impacted. Based on years of tracking communications results, clearly targeted timing is just as vital to effective marketing as the discount, offer or incentive being sent to the customer. 5. Go Mobile. I saved the best for last, as this tip truly warrants being kept foremost in mind in a changing communications environment. Let’s begin with several current facts to put this one in a better perspective: • 43% of mobile device users check email on their device at least 4 times daily • 55% of mobile device users check for communication before using the bathroom • 56% of consumers said an e-mail they viewed influenced what they purchased • 82% of smartphone users check and send e-mail with their mobile device • 90% of smartphone owners access the same e-mail account on mobile as desktop • 91% of Americans now have a mobile device and 67% are checking their phones for messages, alerts or calls, even when they don’t notice it ringing or vibrating. Only 6 years ago, less than 1 million Americans had mobile phones. Today, that number is over 250 million. This blistering growth dictates an undisputable trend in today’s marketing: go mobile. Dealerships face marketing challenges in reaching both new and existing customers, yet all customers share the commonality of being on mobile devices. Dealerships who want to effectively p. 16 make this transition can do so by first driving routine marketing efforts into emails and also ensuring those communications are ‘mobile friendly’. This means sending e-mails which can ‘adapt’ electronically into an easy-to-read vertical format when opened and viewed on most common mobile devices. Mobile offers both intrusive communications and practical customer-friendly support. It should become a staple in web applications for appointments, Service and Sales but must be uniquely designed to for the format, easy to open and simple to use. Dealerships are also learning that text messaging can be more effectively used instead of live calls for minor and fast customer touch, such as Service alerts and notifications. This is facilitated by a concerted effort to capture the customer’s most current mobile number at Service or Sales, and informing the customer they will be sent text messages when Service is complete as well as other simple reminders. While text messaging to solicit customers now requires express written consent, no such consent is typically required for strictly informational or notification messages, such as appointment reminders or even special order parts arrival. Vehicle owners are living on their mobile devices to communicate and expect this same medium to be used when being serviced by dealerships. Harnessing this trend makes it not only convenient for your customers, but empowers dealers to become far more effective in reaching vehicle owners, staying real and ensuring all those focused, personal and timely messages will be seen. These essential five qualities of ‘smartest marketing’ are but highlights of the opportunities dealers become engaged in to better utilize their vast data to enhance results. With hundreds of thousands of communications observed in our work, I’m always impressed by the dealerships that demonstrate ‘genius’ using common tools in innovative ways to generate the strongest results. Jason Bennick is the Chief Operating Officer of AutoLoop, a Customer Engagement Management marketing solution servicing OEM partners, dealerships and national dealer groups. The AutoLoop Suite is an in-depth, cross-media platform designed to monitor DMS activity in real-time through Service, Parts and Sales to directly manage vehicle owner activity and retain dealership customers. Jason is a seasoned executive with over 20 years of C-level experience, driving AutoLoop organizational development since 2008 to its current success, landing #71 the Inc 500 list in 2011 with a growing customer base of over 2,000 dealerships utilizing AutoLoop products and services. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 17 Featu r e January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Detailing Makes Dollars and Sense T h e K e y R o l e i t C a n P l a y i n Y o u r S t o r e By T h o m a s P a l a n c i a Dealers all over the country are re-imagining their Service Departments. They’re focused on being convenient and valuable to their customers. Consumers today expect everything at their fingertips. Most retail industries have been forced to offer more “on-site” value to their customers. This trend is easily visible upon entering a supermarket. It’s now common to see a bank, a bakery, a pharmacy, a butcher shop, a sandwich counter, video rental and even a gas station on the same premises as the supermarket. Dealerships are following suit by installing car washes as an additional offering to their customers. Simply serving up free Wi-Fi and television doesn’t cut it anymore. I’ve seen dealership Service Department waiting areas that include nail salons, masseuses, barbershops, movie theatres and diners. These are the conveniences that make “waiting” a bearable thought for customers. Most dealerships have added “while you wait” oil changes, brake inspection and brake work, fluid flushes, tire services, etc. to their menus. Yet they seldom think of adding appearance services. I believe this is an oversight that should be considered – and remedied. which doesn’t bother them, as long as the vehicles are ready quickly. Many dealerships sub-out the Detail work and totally relinquish control of the cleanup shop. That’s a courageous move, considering that customer satisfaction is directly effected by the appearance of their vehicle. I don’t believe I’m alone in wanting as much control as possible over what my customers receive with my name on it. your mechanical services, dealers can add a revenue stream that was once an expense, while building customer loyalty. Operating a retail Detail Department means you can offer a viable automotive service to your existing customer base while ensuring the highest quality in the everyday cleanup shop production, such as new car get-ready and tradein vehicles. I believe you’ll see your CSI scores skyrocket. It’s become common practice for many dealerships to view the Detail section of their Service area as a nuisance. I’ve heard it referred to as a “necessary evil” to which Dealer Principals and Service Directors pay little attention. They know little of what goes on “back there” -- The truth is, with a little effort and a vendor partner that offers not only product solutions, but P.O.S. material, as well as technical and sales training, the Detail Department can quickly become a viable in-house profit center. Simply by treating your Detail services as you do The start up costs for this “add-on business” are minimal, unlike many new businesses or services you bring on-board. The amount of inventory you will need is minimal. Any new inventory would be to update the products and tools that allow the technicians to efficiently perform the p. 18 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 19 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine newly-offered Detail services in a convenient timeframe to ensure that customer expectations are exceeded. Consider the largest expense of the cleanup shop as it stands -- labor. Now consider that a successful retail Detail operation can pay for the ENTIRE labor in the clean up shop and net money. There would be very little, if any, advertising needed other than effective POS material. Lets look at an example of a retail Detail operation at a typical dealership. Lets say this dealership sells roughly 100 cars a month and produces 200 repair orders a week. The Service Advisors are able to sell 6 additional daily Detail services at $125 each. With 3 full-time Detail Technicians performing the services five days a week, the total detail revenue would be $195,000 annually. With the total expenses being labor, p. 20 (50% or $97,500), product costs (10% or $19,500), advertising (1% or $1,950), utilities (2% or $3,900), uniforms (1% or $1,950) and commissions (5% or $9,750), you’re left with $60,450 operating cash flow. If each retail service took two hours to perform, there would still be 15 additional man-hours per day for the technicians to devote to the makeready and reconditioning work. In this example, the Detail operation has now absorbed the entire operating cost of the detail shop -- and netted a profit. the same strict standards as the Service Technicians with regard to quality and efficiency. I’m not saying this evolves without effort. The most important (and necessary) elements for success are commitment and training. The dealership needs to be committed to seeing this program to fruition. The Technicians need to be committed to hone their craft. Time needs to be taken for proper training for all staff that are involved in selling -- as well as performing -- the Detail services. The Detail Technicians should be held to customer loyalty.” “Simply by treating your Detail services as you do your mechanical services, dealers can add a revenue stream that was once an expense, while building This high performance level can be attributed to “process”. The way in which vehicles are processed needs to be a standard protocol. There’s no room for shortcuts. Each Technician should perform the services identically to ensure that the customer receives the same high quality service (and results) consistently. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 21 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine All too often, I’m confronted with Technicians who “have been detailing for 20 years” or some similar time period, but are consistently “inconsistent” in the eyes of the Service Director. Unfortunately, the time in which someone has held a title does not ensure that they actually know what they’re doing. “This high performance level can be attributed to “process”. The way in which vehicles are processed needs to be a standard protocol. There’s no room for shortcuts.” Detail Departments are plagued with poor time management and inconsistent services due to shortcuts or poor product knowledge. Training eliminates this and teaches the Technicians to take pride in their work. It’s no surprise, then, that the Detail Department staff can be p. 22 somewhat of a revolving door. If everyone sticks to the same process, training can be done in-house, ensuring that there’s little downtime in production as roles are filled. In addition, I’m always surprised at how little Detail Technicians know about the products they use everyday. Product knowledge is key for safety reasons as well as speed. We’ve all heard the phrase “the right tool for the job” in relation to the ease of accomplishing something vs. struggling with the “wrong tool”. The same can be said for appearance products. There’s a certain amount of analysis needed in every detail when attempting to remove stains or with regard to paint correction. Knowing which product to grab (and when to grab it) will speed up the process and avoid unnecessary damage to customer vehicles. The Service Advisors need to be onboard with educating your customers as to how they can best help maintain their investment -- including it’s appearance. There needs to be proper communication between the Advisors and the Technicians performing the services. It’s important to remember that the Service Advisor sets the customer expectation and it’s up to the Detail Technicians to exceed it. It’s been my experience that when Detail Departments that are viewed as an asset and treated accordingly, services are performed at higher levels. Everyone wins when the highest potential is realized – including, most importantly, the customer. Thomas Palancia is the Detail Operations and Training Manager for Bolton, Connecticut-based Simoniz USA Inc., the company that pioneered the “Express Detail Model”. His responsibilities include business, technical and sales training for dealerships, car washes, quick lubes and detail shops all over the world, as well as product development. Thomas also oversees “The Simoniz Garage” -- the company’s state-of-the-art training facility, R&D lab and operating detail shop in West Hartford, Connecticut. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine We recaptured 638 customers who had not been in for service in more than 1 year, totaling $183,134 in additional revenue. – Schepel Auto Group 25% of the customers in your database no longer own the vehicle you think they do. Unlock profit by targeting the right customers. Advertising Mobile Reputation Management SEO and Social Targeted Marketing Web learn how with a twist 888.841.8130 | nakedlime.com/mkt Protect your customers. Get more of theirs. p. 23 Featu r e January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine How to Sell More Tires … A LOT M o r e T i r e s By D a n B r a n c a c c i o According to industry experts, 78% of all replacement tires are sold by the first car care professional that informs the consumer of the need. Stop and think about this for a minute: all you have to do to sell more tires is “train” your customers to return to your shop for routine tire checks. When a customer returns for a regular tire check and you notice that they are ready for new tires, there’s a 78% chance that they will buy them from you. Considering that new car dealerships sell just 7% of all replacement tires, these are pretty awesome odds. The challenges with this model are: how do you encourage your customers to return to your shop on a regular basis, and how do you train your staff to take advantage of these visits. Actually, training your customers to return to your Service drive is much easier than you may think. All it takes is discipline and a “Tire Inflation Maintenance Program.” A Tire Inflation Maintenance Program is exactly what it sounds like: a program wherein you maintain a customer’s vehicle tire pressure. If you think about it, leveraging tire inflation maintenance to increase customer traffic and retention makes perfect sense, as an inflation check / calibration is very simple to perform and is also the most frequently requested and required maintenance service on every vehicle. p. 24 For years, most Service departments have counted on regular vehicle breakdowns and oil changes to drive traffic. (Remember -- it wasn’t that long ago that cars did routinely break down!) However, the days of replacing carburetors, points and condensers, mufflers and many other archaic parts are far behind us. That good news for most consumers is bad news for those of us in the vehicle Service business: cars just don’t break down like they used to. It also wasn’t very long ago when an oil change was the most frequently required service. Virtually every make and model called for an oil change every 3 months or every 3,000 miles; about four times each year. However, the oil change has now devolved into an almost annual service on most makes and models, with some requiring no more than one every 14,000 miles. Tire inflation maintenance, on the other hand, has evolved into the best Service to leverage for traffic, as it’s required by every vehicle manufacturer 12 times each year! In fact, tire inflation maintenance is listed as a required monthly service in every owner’s manual of every vehicle sold in this country. It’s also the reason that tire stores sell almost 70% of all aftermarket tires -- because that’s where your customers are going to have their tires checked! January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Despite conventional thinking, the reason your dealership doesn’t sell many tires has nothing to do with price. (You don’t charge substantially more than most tire stores do for your tires.) But it has everything to do with ignoring a customer’s tire service needs, or, more specifically, their tire inflation maintenance needs. Frankly, consumers would rather have factory-trained technicians work on their vehicles. But you don’t get them because you simply don’t have a mentality that is conducive to tire sales. Get a customer in the habit of visiting your shop for simple tire services and you’ll be the shop that sells that customer tires when they need them. To do this, you need to install and embrace a tire inflation maintenance program and make tire calibrations fast and easy for your customers. For example, manufacturer and worldwide supplier of nitrogen generation and inflation equipment since 1966, NitroFill also provides a comprehensive tire inflation maintenance program launched about 10 years ago. The program begins with the use of nitrogen for tire inflation. As an inert gas, nitrogen is not only a superior inflation medium (yielding better fuel economy, longer tire life and enhanced safety) but it’s also “unique,” meaning that it still isn’t available everywhere and its use alone compels customers to return to their selling dealer for pressure checks and top-offs. But the program doesn’t count on this alone to drive customers -- far from it. The NitroFill program also contacts each customer via Facebook, text message, e-mail and / or newsletters every month -- consistent with every tire and vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations -- and reminds them to return to their specific dealer for a complementary tire pressure check and calibration. The company reports that while the average US consumer visits their car care professional 1.2 times per year, customers on their Tire Inflation Maintenance Program return to their dealers, on average, 4.5 times annually -- almost 4 times more often. p. 26 “Training your customers to return to your Service drive is much easier than you may think. All it takes is discipline and a “Tire Inflation Maintenance Program.”” Where Science Hits the Streets Find out why more service managers are switching to TERRACLEAN Visit us at booth number 7219 TerraClean offers value added services that improve customer satisfaction and retention, which directly affects a dealership’s bottom line. TerraClean MiST effectively treats mold, mildew and bacteria. Consumers appreciate breathing clean and healthy air while driving. TerraClean decarbonization system cleans all the way to the tail pipe, providing a drive away difference. TerraDiesel Emission Service restores fuel economy and performance by cleaning Injectors, EGR, and After Treatment Systems. Our philosophy is simple - “make tools and chemicals that work and make it easy for technicians to do their job”. We know that when you believe in a service, you will not only suggest the service to more of your customers, you will also have confidence in using them yourself. 1-888-70-TERRA (83772) 1-905-615-6820 www.terraclean.net January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine To ensure further customer embracement and participation, each nitrogen conversion also includes a selection of customer benefits (chosen by the dealer to fit their specific needs) which can include Tire Repair and Replacement Coverage, Wheel Repair and Replacement features, Roadside Assistance and many other “Auto Club” benefits. The Tire Inflation Maintenance Program also automatically registers new vehicle tires with the corresponding tire manufacturer and enables the dealer to track each customer’s tire wear and all vehicle Service needs online. In addition, the program provides an almost endless array of data sorting, marketing and customer contact options, enabling the dealer to take advantage of the rich data base that the program builds via customer and vehicle registrations as well as the monthly Service reminders each customer receives. On command, Service Managers or Fixed Operations Directors can compile a comprehensive, sorted list of customers due for specific vehicle-services within a set range of dates to send an instant Service reminder to each customer, personalized with the customer’s name, vehicle information and upcoming services due, along with the Dealer’s full contact information, to schedule an appointment. Each correspondence features seemingly endless customization possibilities. Every chance that an advisor gets to see a customer should be viewed as an opportunity to build a relationship and maybe, just maybe, recommend a needed service. Utilizing a comprehensive Tire Inflation Maintenance Program provides that opportunity. With the national average dollars per RO at an alltime high ($246), can you really afford not to engage a program offering tangible value to every customer and, more importantly, one that compels that very same customer to return to your service department? Pompano Beach, Florida’s Performance Nissan dealer, Bobby Serpentini, estimates that his Service Department will capture an additional $300,000 in customer-pay revenue directly related to their Tire Inflation Maintenance Program implementation, which is included with every new and used vehicle they sell. “Even if only half of my vehicle buyers come back just one extra time in 12 months following delivery, we are making a meaningful dent in the business that my Service Department was previously losing to one of the 15 tire stores that are a stones-throw from here.” Mr. Serpentini continues: “We will do everything possible to prevent defection, and once a customer experiences the level of service and integrity that our dealership’s Service team provides, we know they will be with us for good. A tire inflation maintenance program helps us bridge that gap from Sales to Service.” p. 28 “While our focus is tires, these regular visits also provide the dealer with an opportunity to view each vehicle’s odometer, oil change sticker and Service records.” With over 6,000 franchised new car dealerships utilizing the company’s Tire Inflation Maintenance Program, NitroFill stands by its claim that the program, when properly embraced, will increase the average customer return rate by 400% and hence, will have a tremendous impact on a dealer’s tire and Service sales. According to company President, Jay Lighter, “Our customers not only return to their dealers far more often, they return to their dealers with the expectation that the dealer’s staff will be inspecting their tires. This lessens the surprise factor and makes the sale of tires, wheel alignments, rotating and balancing and other services much easier.” Lighter furthers, “While our focus is tires, these regular visits also provide the dealer with an opportunity to view each vehicle’s odometer, oil change sticker and Service records. What we do better than anyone or any other product is provide traffic. And because you can’t sell anything to a customer that isn’t in your Service drive, nothing is more important.” Dan Brancaccio Vice President of Sales for Pompano Beach, Floridabased Vehicle Safety Solutions, LLC FIXED OPS ADVANTAGE The CARQUEST® Fixed Ops Advantage Program is designed to align and support today’s dealerships aftermarket “All Makes & Models” services philosophy. • Quality Products (OE Exact Form, Fit and Function) • Rebate Program and E-Ordering Incentive • Unmatched Product Availability and Service • Customized Training (Selling Services • Consolidated Supplier (Products, Supplies, and Technical) Collision, Tools & Equipment) • Consumer Education Tools. • Aggressive and Consistent Pricing Across a Nationwide Footprint Great people, great products, great prices!SM CARQUEST.com Featu r e January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine RFID Systems S e t t i n g Y o u r C u s t o m e r ’ s F i r s t App o i n t m e n t - - a n d M u c h M o r e By Ro g e r S m i t h How much time do you spend each day reminding your staff how to do their job or to follow your process? It’s not all day, but it feels like it sometimes! With all they have to focus on, maybe they need some help. You can give it to them with an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system. At the time of a new vehicle delivery, the Salesperson should set the first Service appointment with their customers, but this almost never happens. This is too big an opportunity to give up on. With an RFID zone in the delivery area, the customer’s first Service appointment can be set automatically. “At the time of a new vehicle delivery, the Salesperson should set the first Service appointment with their customers, but this almost never happens. This is too big an opportunity to give up on.” It will be shown on the display board in the delivery area indicating that their salesperson will confirm a time with them for the selected day or choose another day that works better. It will also display a congratulations and thank you message that can be from the dealership owner, GM or from the company p. 30 in appreciation of the purchase. If the salesperson still doesn’t follow through, don’t worry. The system can e-mail a thank you message to the customer with a link to change their appointment date and time, if necessary. Appointment reminders should be sent several weeks prior to, and the day before, their appointment, as well. This will give you the best odds of retaining the customer in Service. It only takes a couple of customers to return -- who wouldn’t have otherwise returned -- to cover the monthly cost of the RFID system. While they’re in the delivery area, wouldn’t that be a great place to pro- mote accessories, Service contracts, and anything else that you want to show on a flat screen display board? Greeting the customer by-name is another important first step, especially when you’ve waited on them before and you should remember it. When I was an Advisor, I had a terrible time remembering customer’s names. Even the customer that I had to ask their name in the morning…by the time they returned to pick up their vehicle, I had to ask again. How embarrassing! But it wasn’t just me; customers didn’t remember my name either. That made for an uncomfortable situation for both of us. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine WHILE EXPLORING THE BEST NEW ORLEANS HAS TO OFFER AT NADA 2014, DISCOVER THE BEST DEAL THE SHOW HAS TO OFFER AT BOOTH #6131. ASR Pro We didn’t invent the electronic multi-point inspection process. We perfected it. www.asrpro.com | 1-888-927-7770 p. 31 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Remember when the normal greeting was “Hi, what’s your name and do you have an appointment?” Now imagine your customer arriving with their name in lights and a welcome message from the dealership on a flat screen in the Service drive or write-up area. “With a picture of the Advisor, both the customer and Advisor will know each others names. With the appointment time and requested alternate transportation listed, you’ll look like you know what’s going on!” With a picture of the Advisor, both the customer and Advisor will know each others names. With the appointment time and requested alternate transportation listed, you’ll look like you know what’s going on! Then, at the end of the day, they can be welcomed back in their loaner vehicle, so you can’t go wrong. The processing of paperwork will go faster with notifications to all the proper people. Between welcome pop-up messages, your RFID system should be promoting everything from maintenance to a great sales promotion that ends this month, on the display boards. What are you doing currently to promote vehicle Sales, Service contracts and Accessories to your Service Department customers? This will get noticed and get results. Wouldn’t it be great if the Salesperson could remember their customers, as well? Now they can with an advanced notification of all their customer’s Service appointments over the next three days. The advanced notification should show key pieces of information, so the salespeople can determine which customers they’ll need to rearrange p. 32 their schedules for. The Sales Manager should be able to see these as well, sorted by Salesperson, and be viewed from a PC or mobile device. Customer and vehicle info with mileage, the customer’s total spending since purchase, what’s getting done and how much it will cost give the Salespeople the key information they need to make sure they’re available when their customer is scheduled. Then when the customer arrives, the Salesperson will receive a text message from the RFID system allowing them to reconnect with their customer. They’ll instantly get all the important details of the visit such as customer name, year, make, model, miles, alternate transportation and work to be performed. Maybe they’ll get the customer to trade in that prime, low miles vehicle on a new one! RFID will even help with test drives by displaying, “Thank you for considering Northtown Lexus for the purchase of a Black 2014 Lexus RX350” Of course, I recommend that your message should say something else and be changeable anytime. If the test drive ends by pulling through the drive or other RFID zone, the message is displayed on the Service drive arrival board. You can even record which Salesperson took them on the test drive if they wear an RFID name tag. Has your store ever had a Sales customer get impatient or leave while you’re searching for the vehicle they wanted to test drive? Is it in the back lot, in the shop or at the remote storage lot? You can spend a long time looking and even lose a deal by not knowing. Would you like the GM to get a text message if a vehicle passes through a perimeter entrance zone after-hours? How about the police? I’ll bet your insurance company would appreciate it. How is the arriving customer’s experience when a few of the Advisors wander off to talk to the Techs or to the Parts team and there aren’t enough staff to wait on them because several Service Department customers arrived at once? Customer service drops along with January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 33 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine with ticket averages. You need all hands on-deck, which can be done automatically by texting all Advisors, the Service Manager and even the GM, if desired. The RFID system should have a pre-set limit of how many customers (and over what time period) will trigger these notifications. You know how some dealerships have their winterize special still running in May? Your display boards should have preset start and stop dates for all content to prevent this and make managing content a breeze. Displays boards can run looping content between greetings with HDTV commercials from you or the manufacturer, Service menu prices, tire promotions, your new extended hours, national, regional and dealer specific promotions, accessories, seasonal messages or anything else you can dream up. Some suppliers have a library of content to choose from, so you don’t have to work too hard at looking good and up-to-date. “How is the arriving customer’s experience when a few of the Advisors wander off to talk to the Techs or to the Parts team and there aren’t enough staff to wait on them because several Service Department customers arrived at once?” Some RFID systems will identify the RFID zone right on the route sheet, making everyone in the dealership sound like they know what’s going on every step of the way. (Imagine that!) Each time the vehicle is scanned in a new zone, a time and date stamp can be recorded to a permanent history record for each vehicle. RFID antennas scan a small tag located on the back of the rear-view mirror and link to your DMS to pull customer and vehicle data only while at your dealership. The tag shouldn’t contain any customer or vehicle data, making it completely private and secure. Here are some other important things to consider when choosing a system: Certified DMS integration is critical and will be even more important as the DMS companies get tougher on hostile interfaces. Accuracy rate of scans is also important. Every vehicle should be read as it passes through a scan point. Can the system read through the Service drive door allowing hardware mounting inside, preventing the need to drill through the building facade to mount unsightly antennas? RFID systems improve communication, organization, efficiency and accountability, resulting in increased profits, higher CSI and greater customer retention. Customers always expect more and RFID takes them to the next level. With some RFID systems now well below $10k installed and under $1k per month, you should be able to generate a significant return on investment while wowing your customer with both an impressive image and superior customer processing and handling. In the end, your staff will get some help and your customers will get a consistent process every time. After 25 years as Fixed Operations Director of a mid-size dealer group, Roger Smith wanted to create process solutions for dealerships. As the CEO and founder of Service Dynamics, he’s designed Auto Arrival RFID and the Shop Watch Service Management System with solutions such as web appointments, scheduling, integrated route sheets, texting, e-mail, digital display boards, menus and inspections, Service reminders and more. p. 34 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine “Gross labor sales are up 130%” Randy Yockey Co-Owner Friendly Ford Roselle, IL Premium Service Kit – a part of Reynolds Retail Management System. reyrey.com /rms | 888.853.2617 © 2014 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company. All rights reserved. 1006542-3 1/14 p. 35 Featu r e January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine An Eight-Step Plan E s t a b l i s h i n g a C u s t o m e r R e t e n t i o n P r o c e s s The economic downturn in recent years had a major impact on the profitability of the automotive industry nationwide. New vehicle sales were at an all-time low and dealerships began placing a greater emphasis on Fixed Operations and vehicle Service to generate additional revenue and sustain their businesses. Today, auto manufacturers and dealerships are reporting record-breaking new and used vehicle sales. The same dealers that refocused their efforts in Fixed Operations and vehicle Service are the ones who were not only able to sustain revenue during the recession, but are now reaping the rewards of increased sales. It’s been said that Sales sells the first car and Service sells the next several cars. Over the years, there have been several great articles written about the steps to Service retention. Different writers have different approaches: some use four steps and some, ten steps or more. The point is, no matter how many steps you have, they’re useless if they’re not a part of your overall Service process. You must train your staff and have a system to track and document successes as well as list actions that need to be improved. Step 1: Introduce Customers to Your Service Department p. 36 By T e r r y L . W i l l i a m s January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 37 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine The first step in the retention process is the introduction to the Service Department. Once a customer is in your dealership and you’ve sold them a car, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of your Service Department and showcase what differentiates you from the competition. Explain to the customer that your dealership only uses genuine parts sent directly from the manufacturer. Tout the benefits of your factory-trained Technicians and Service Advisors who possess in-depth knowledge of the operation and mechanical aspects unique to their vehicle. You should take that opportunity to drive home the importance of scheduled maintenance and give a brief overview of the maintenance required while discussing the benefits of extended Service contracts. An extended Service contract is an excellent way to build customer loyalty once the vehicle is outside of the manufacturer’s warranty. It’s a way to give customers peace of mind. they will typically go elsewhere. You can have any prepaid maintenance you want, but if you aren’t servicing vehicles in a timely manner, that free maintenance won’t be utilized and customers won’t come back to the dealership. Most customers defect from the dealership because of the perceived convenience of going elsewhere. Step 4: Perform a Multi-Point Inspection “Having a service clinic allows you to reach out to customers who haven’t been to the dealership in a long time.” Another way to introduce them to your Service Department is to offer prepaid maintenance plans upon the sale of the vehicle. If purchased, these plans can lay the groundwork for loyalty to the dealership. Step 2: Provide Services in a Timely Manner If a customer comes in for an oil change or a small repair, you should be able to get them in and out quickly. Customers place significant value on express Service. If a customer needs an oil change, and the dealership doesn’t have time, p. 38 customer retention strategy. If you don’t remind customers of their scheduled Service visits, then you set yourself up for potential no-shows. The goal is to increase the number of Service appointments made and decrease the number of no-shows. When you have appointments, your techs have scheduled plans for each respective day. If those cars don’t drive into your bays, you have to fill that gap and provide additional work to your technicians. It’s important to send those Service reminders. There are software Service providers out there who have software packages that allow dealerships to call customers, confirm appointments and, if necessary, reschedule. To remedy this problem, many OEMs today have quick lanes dedicated to small repairs and most dealerships have existing bays that offer customers the opportunity to come in and have a quick Service experience. People who want convenience and a quick service go to McDonalds. If you want a longer experience, go to Ruth’s Chris Steak House and wait. The goal here is to provide a Ruth’s Chris experience in a McDonalds time frame. Step 3: Schedule the First Maintenance Appointment Be sure to put the appointment in your system so you can contact your customer and remind them of their scheduled Service visit. Being able to communicate with a customer prior to their Service appointment is one of the most critical steps in any Every time a customer comes in for a visit, it’s an opportunity for the dealership to reinforce and build customer trust. They should -- at every single visit -- perform a multi-point inspection. This inspection allows dealerships to show customers the health and condition of their vehicle. It’s like going to the doctor for a physical. Whether it’s your blood pressure or your cholesterol, you expect a doctor to provide the results of the tests they ran. The same goes for your customer. That customer is expecting their dealer to give them a report on the overall health of the vehicle. I did hundreds of repair order analyses over my years in the business. One of the key things that I came across is that many dealers did only what the customer requested when they came in. If they came in for an oil change, they did the oil change -- and that’s all they did. Many did not perform a multi-point inspection and neglected to tell the customer anything about their vehicle’s vitals. Dealerships can perform these multipoint inspections and reassure their customers that their vehicles are OK. They are most likely to purchase services from someone who has continually been reporting on the health of their vehicle with each visit and has repeatedly provided a good Service experience. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine solution for your service center AutoPoint is the first, best & only comprehensive platform for automotive service centers. AutoPoint ensures maximum productivity and revenue generation while developing trust and consumer confidence. The new AutoPoint makes it fast, easy and affordable. see us at nada. booth 5819. autopoint.com formerly MPI p. 39 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine If you’ve done the due diligence of a multi-point inspection, you have an opportunity to let customers know what their vehicle needs and to talk about the services that you offer. This is where the dealership could be pulling in additional revenue and it all starts with a multipoint inspection. Step 5: Sell in the Service Lane While the customer is in the Service lane, you have the opportunity to sell an extended warranty contract or a maintenance contract, depending on the OEM. If you can train your Service Advisors to communicate with the customer and say, “Your vehicle has 30,000 miles on it, you may want to look into purchasing an extended Service contract. Here are the benefits of the contract as you’re starting to get toward end of warranty coverage,” a lot of customers will purchase that day. For some OEMs, finance companies allow customers to finance the contract at that time or pay cash for it. It’s a retention item that keeps the customer coming back to your dealership throughout the course of their extended Service maintenance contract. Step 6: Seize Available Opportunities Along with these points, reinforce the importance of scheduled maintenance any time a customer comes in. It’s an opportunity to take the customer into the showroom and introduce them to the new makes and models. In some cases, when people come in with their vehicle aging and outside their warranty coverage and a Service Advisor offers to walk a customer into the showroom to look at some of the new products, customers have traded in the vehicle they were bringing in for services and purchased new vehicle. Step 7: Schedule a Service Clinic Another critical part of the retention process is utilizing Service clinics to bring customers into your dealership. Having a clinic allows you to reach out to customers who haven’t been to the dealership in a long time. You can go into your DMS and retrieve the names of custom- p. 40 ers who have not been in lately. Send that group of customers direct invites to the dealership for a Service clinic. At Shell, we have quite a few retention programs. When the dealers purchase from us, we allow them to utilize tools and services to increase customer retention and, more importantly, to help drive customers back to purchase new vehicles from that dealership. Step 8: Set the Next Service Appointment Once a customer has come into the dealership and you’ve implemented each step, set the next Service appointment prior to the customer driving away. It’s critical to have the customer in front of you when setting the next appointment. Explain that you are setting it up, give them something to confirm the appointment and then follow up with some sort of communication. In the past, dealerships did what the dentist office used to do and sent mail reminders that the customer themselves had filled out. A lot of old strategies and processes that were in-place are still the same. The difference is technology. When verifying and confirming that first appointment, you can connect with customers in many ways such as e-mail, text messages and social media. Some dealerships have apps for their customers to utilize. There are many different technologies and processes available, so it’s important to find what works for you and for your customers. What one dealer may utilize in their prospective market may not be what is convenient for the next. After each appointment, it’s important to make a final follow-up call to your customer to find out how the experience was, if they were satisfied and, if not, ask what happened so you can make improvements in the future. Let the customer know that you take servicing their vehicle very seriously. For example, engage with your customers, find out what their driving habits are and offer the best engine oil change solution based on their individual needs. If you’re looking to generate additional revenue at your dealership, implement these strategies, increase your Parts and Service revenue and watch your customer loyalty grow. Terry Williams has spent 25 years working for two auto manufacturers and Shell Oil in the U.S. and Canada and has experience in all facets of automotive dealer operations including Sales, Finance, Warranty Auditing and Fixed Operations. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 41 Featu r e January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Using (Paint) Protection T h e B e n e f i t s o f A u t o m o t i v e P a i n t P r o t e c t i o n F i l m By E r i c K e l l e r Anyone who has ever driven home in a new vehicle has wished for a way to retain that new car or truck’s pristine paint job. After all, the vehicle’s stunning curb appeal was an important part of its initial allure. Paint protection film provides such an opportunity, while allowing dealerships the chance to add significant gross profit from a tangible product. Protection Film’s Increasing Popularity Increasing awareness of the benefits of automotive paint protection film should come as no surprise, as a struggling economy often inspires consumers to focus on ways to protect their investments and preserve capital. For consumers, installing paint protection film requires a relatively low initial investment yet delivers years of protection from stone chips, scratches and abrasions on hoods, headlamps, fenders, rocker panels, door edges, mirrors and more. The film can help retain the value of the vehicle without compromising its aesthetics, especially for those who are passionate about preserving the original paint. For dealerships, the return on investment for paint protection film can be calculated in both dollars and CSI. Whether the product is preloaded before the car is sold or offered individually, paint protection film can generate significant revenue across the dealership’s Sales, F&I, p. 42 Service and Parts Departments as the customer progresses from a buyer to an owner. Additionally, protected vehicles often require less reconditioning costs, generating larger profits for dealerships when the vehicle is traded back in. Paint Protection Film 101 The common thread among automotive paint protection films is that they are almost all made from clear, flexible polyurethane that offers outstanding impact resistance from stones and other road debris. Higher quality films employ protective clear coats to shield the polyurethane from contamination and deterioration encountered in the environment. These will usually have smoother, more invisible surface textures and are flexible enough to offer seamless coverage over almost any contour. Some films even exhibit self-healing properties that allow scratches in the film to repair themselves over several minutes at room temperature. Though it may look to some as simply a piece of plastic, a well-constructed paint protection film is actually quite complex. To work properly and maintain its appearance, it must resist rocks, insect acids and bird droppings, as well as automatic and coin operated car washes while shedding contaminants such as oils from the road, exhaust gases, tree sap, dust, pollen and practically any car care product on the market. It must hold up to both scorching summer heat and arctic winter conditions while being impervious to ultra-violet radiation and all the while maintaining its gloss. (Simple!) January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine ANY REPAIR. ANY METAL. EVERY TIME. ELEKTRON MultiTool Aluminum Repair Station and MultiMig 522 Welder CHIEF GOLIATH Pulling Rack CHIEF LaserLock™ Live Mapping Fix any metal on any job with Chief collision repair equipment. Vehicles are evolving, but so is Chief’s collision repair equipment. Pull full-size trucks, measure multiple points in real time with Live Mapping™ and repair all types of metals – including aluminum – with the perfect weld every time. Plus, we have a hands-on technician training program and the most precise and comprehensive vehicle specification database in the world. Bring the dream team of Chief products to your shop. Visit chiefautomotive.com/dreamteam/fo today to learn why Chief is your single source for collision repair equipment. p. 43 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Paint Protection Film Packages Paint protection can be offered in an array of different packages at varying price points to appeal to different consumer groups and is often bundled with other protective or corrective products such as paint sealants, LoJack and door ding or road hazard warranties. Small coverage options such as door edges, door sills, trunk ledges or door handle inserts can cost the dealership as little as $45 installed while retailing for $199, making them attractive preload options. Larger coverage options such as the leading edge of the hood and fenders, the front bumper and sideview mirrors can cost upwards of $600 depending on the size and complexity of the coverage, but can easily command as much as $1,495 retail. However, unlike bolt-on products such as wheels or brush guards, protection film is a product that requires highly skilled installers to apply it properly. Experienced factory-certified technicians can make the difference between success or failure in a program simply because, if the Sales or Service Department staff doesn’t believe in the product’s quality, it won’t get sold. Most film manufacturers offer training classes either on-site or at their own facilities with durations from one day to two weeks. And, as with anything else, the quality of the training depends on the experience of the trainer and his or her ability to convey knowledge. Some dealerships have been successful hiring on-site certified installers provided they have a clean, sheltered, welllit space to work in, while others have been equally successful utilizing local independent installation centers recommended by the film manufacturer. Most installation centers will send their installer to the dealership to do the work as long as the aforementioned clean, sheltered, well-lit space exists for them to use when they get there. Ultimately, whether to take the program in-house depends on the dealership’s volume, structure, available personnel and space constraints. Dealerships are running p. 44 successful paint protection film programs using both methods. How it Works While some paint protection film across the country is cut in bulk from a roll and then trimmed on the car, most in the car business opt for pre-cut templates to mitigate risk to the vehicle. In this scenario, the installer navigates a software program to find the vehicle and coverage package of choice and then outputs the data to a digital plotter. The plotter cuts the various vehicle patterns onto the bulk film, minimizing waste and guaranteeing accuracy. Using this type of system not only eliminates the risk of damage to the vehicle, but also provides consistent, repeatable results time after time. Though cutting the patterns by machine guarantees the parts will be the same from one car to the next, it’s advisable to do your homework on the pattern provider. In the confluence of art and science that is paint protection film, if engineering the film to withstand all the rigors of the environment is the science of the business, pattern design is the art. Is Paint Protection For You? It’s increasingly clear the paint protection film industry is here to stay. With the introduction of new brands and new technology, paint protection film itself has undergone decades of modernization, eliminating most if not all of the undermining weaknesses present in early product offerings. Consumers have now embraced protection film not just because it helps them retain the resale value of their vehicle, but because it truly is what it was originally advertised as… invisible. Following this trend, dealerships are capitalizing on the increased demand offering comprehensive protection programs, which drive more profit to the bottom line. Even in a smaller volume store of 40 to 50 units per month, a wellstructured paint protection program can generate as much as $500,000 in gross profit annually. Best of all, it’s a tangible product the customer can touch and feel when they pick their car up, and it’s a product they use and from which they benefit every day, rather than just when something bad happens. Eric Keller is the Business Development Manager at XPEL, a leading provider of paint protection film solutions. Keller works one-on-one with dealerships across the country to tailor profitable automotive protection film programs that boost CSI and increase revenues, helping them meet their long-term business goals. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 45 Featu r e January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Taking Advantage of Advancements in Friction Car Washes Using New Technologies to Do the Best For C u s t o m e r s a n d Y o u r D e a l e r s h i p By To n y S m i t h Perhaps no business sector is more attuned to the ratings of the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) than the automobile industry. Auto dealers obsessively monitor the ACSI, which is an economic indicator that measures the satisfaction of consumers across the United States economy, like skiers check the snow reports for Vail or Breckenridge or Stowe, knowing that a low ACSI score can have a harmful effect on their businesses. To their credit, auto dealers have taken the ACSI ratings to heart and the auto industry is one that performs consistently well in the ACSI reports. It’s easy to see why customer satisfaction is such a huge part of the auto industry’s success: next to a home, purchasing a vehicle is most consumers’ second-largest investment, while vehicles have become an indispensable part of everyday life and, as such, any maintenance or repairs must be completed in the most timely and effective manner. Auto dealers also often feature a car wash so that Service vehicles can be returned to the owner looking their absolute best following a maintenance or detailing appointment. Therefore, dealers should not underestimate the importance that an efficiently operating car wash has to their overall ACSI. After all…you can do great things for the customer in terms of repairing or detailing p. 46 a vehicle, but all of that is for naught if the car wash is not providing a quality cleaning, is not operational or, worse yet, is damaging vehicles. The New Age of Friction Washes When choosing a type of car wash for their sites, there has traditionally been one -- and only one -- choice for the auto dealer market: a friction-style wash system that features brushes or softcloth strips that actually contact the vehicle and are used to remove any dirt or grime. While some friction washes are a good choice for the auto dealer, too many of them are relying on wash technology that has been available since the 1960s. This means that they are likely not providing an efficient, quality car wash for their customers, while also unknowingly incurring higher operational costs due to the added expense of maintaining old technology or greater wash downtime. There are several areas where the use of advanced friction-wash technology can not only improve customer satisfaction, but also lead to a healthier bottom line: • Brush Control. Most legacy frictionwash systems still rely on hydraulics and air cylinders to control the movement of the wash’s brushes as they contact the vehicle. 20 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine r u o Y e s a Incre y t i l i b a t fi Pro % You can with NADA 20 Group. On average, new 20 Group members see their net profits as a percentage of sales climb nearly 20 percent within the first year.* Attend an upcoming FIXED OPS 20 Group meeting and discover your profit potential. CHRYSLER April 7-8 Denver, CO GENERAL MOTORS April 17-18 San Antonio, TX HONDA May 19-20 New Orleans, LA MERCEDES BENZ May 22-23 Miami, FL NISSAN June 12-13 Boston, MA IMPORT SERVICE May 14-16 New Orleans, LA *Results based on actual 2012 new 20 Group member performance. nada20group.org • 800.557.6232 p. 47 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine The main issue with hydraulically controlled brushes is that there is no sensitivity in the movement of the brush arms, which are controlled by electronic pulses. This means that if the brush hits a mirror it has the potential to knock that mirror off the vehicle due to slower response time and overall limited ability to control the brushes. These older hydraulically actuated wash systems will also have higher maintenance costs, which affects the operator’s bottom line both in terms of repair expenses and excessive wash-system downtime. By comparison, next-generation friction-wash systems are now incorporating electronic variable frequency drives (VFD) to control the movement and impact of the brushes on the vehicle. In addition to improved wash quality, over the past half dozen years, VFD-driven enhancements have helped make friction washes safer and more efficient. Auto dealers should select a car wash that has the ability to closely monitor all brushes, ensuring that the brushes are providing optimal contact, orientation and speed while allowing their customers to receive a clean vehicle every time. Newer car wash technologies have also brought several added benefits to friction washes, including: o Auto-retract top-brush balancing systems o Sensors for vehicle side positioning o VFD control for all brushes, including the top brush o Vehicle cleaning pressure that compensates as the system ages o True torque math that is used for all brush control o Trolley side-brush cleaning integrated into the system control o Real-time vehicle surface area factored into the system control o Control of each brush based on overall system performance o Variable brush rotation speed during wash passes o Sophisticated system software monitors more than 20 operating conditions for each brush o Optimized cleaning algorithms integrated into total wash system p. 48 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 49 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine • Brush Materials. Traditional frictionwash “brushes” do not actually contain bristles, but are instead strips of cloth that facilitate the washing or wax-applying processes. While these cloths have performed admirably over the years, the next generation of brushes is constructed of a closed-cell foam material (generally neoprene) that is much softer, quieter and more efficient during wash operation than the cloth strips. An added benefit is that dirt doesn’t cling to the neoprene brushes as readily as it does to cloth, so they are easier to keep clean and will lower possible vehicle damage due to debris clinging to the cloth brushes. • Bay Construction. Traditional friction-wash systems, with their narrow tunnels and intimidating floor-mounted treadles that must be driven onto precisely, can cause consternation for the driver as the vehicle is entered into the wash. New-age friction-wash systems, however, feature treadle-free open bays that make navigation into and out of the wash easier for any driver, no matter the size or type of vehicle, including SUVs, pickups and even dually trucks. These newer wash systems can also offer retractable side and top brushes, which increases the size of the wash envelope and offers an inviting and safe wash bay. Recognizing the needs of auto dealers who operate car washes on-site, PDQ Manufacturing has developed two lines of Friction In-Bay Automatic Vehicle Wash Systems. Both offer an open-bay configuration, Gen5 Intelligent Brush Control, low water and chemical consumption, energy-efficient design and low maintenance costs. Conclusion The vehicle owner has two major goals at the completion of the car wash experience: a clean and damage-free vehicle. When the vehicle is put in the hands of a customer after it’s washed, it’s imperative that those conditions are satisfactorily met, lest the vehicle owner lose confidence in the dealer’s ability to protect a most prized (and costly) posses- p. 50 sion. That’s why dealerships are doing their customers a disservice if they are not including the most up-to-date friction car-wash technology at their wash sites. The advancements in frictionwash technology -- and the wash’s corresponding ability to meet the two basic requirements of the wash experience -in the past decade have been profound. Choosing to ignore these advancements and continue to rely on friction-wash technology that may be decades old is just asking for a lower level of customer satisfaction. Tony Smith is the Vice President of Sales, Auto Dealer Sector for De Pere, Wisconsin-based PDQ Manufacturing, Inc. PDQ Manufacturing is recognized as the technological leader in vehicle wash systems, providing superior quality, outstanding support and products that contribute to its customers’ profitability. Brands include WashTools Conveyorized Tunnel Systems, LaserWash® In-Bay Automatics, Tandem® RiteTouch Vehicle Wash Systems, ProTouch® ICON Friction Vehicle Wash Systems, Access® Customer Management Systems and MaxAir™ Dryers. Products are sold and supported worldwide through an extensive distribution network. Keeping In Touch While there have been unquestionable advances in friction car-wash technology in recent years, one thing this new technology hasn’t been able to do is make it possible for the car wash operator to physically be in more than one place at a time. Fortunately for them, however, some washsystem manufacturers have developed advanced washcontrol systems. These systems use a Web browser that can be accessed via personal computer, tablet or smartphone without the need for any special software, which gives the operator real-time access to all key operating functions of a dealership’s wash equipment. Additionally, operators can remotely configure wash packages, program machine functions and monitor sales or wash activity over the Internet, which can eliminate unnecessary visits to wash sites. The wash-control system can also be programmed to automatically send alerts to the operator’s devices or provide updates on critical issues that may be occurring at a wash location, with the ultimate goal to provide maximum uptime for the car wash This capability to remotely access all pertinent site information helps eliminate the challenges that site operators face every day as they look to maximize the performance of their wash equipment. The result is a wash site that is more efficient, cost-effective and safer to operate for customers and site personnel. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine p. 51 Co mpanies to See at th e 20 14 NAD A E xp o January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine ADP Dealer Services / 2109 and 2953 ASR Pro / 6131 BG Products / 3339 Big Ass Fans / 7235 Borroughs Corporation / 5453 p. 52 DealerSocket / 6147 DMEautomotive / 6827 Fixed Ops Magazine / 4678 GE Capital / 4607 Hunter Engineering / 4019 BP / Castrol / 4845 Infomedia / 7019 Challenger Lifts / 2739 JohnDow Industries / 1546 Dealer-FX / 4467 Mighty Auto Parts / 2052 DealerMine / 6413 MOC Products / 1827 DealerPro Training Solutions / 7245 MPi/AutoPoint / 5819 Co mpanies to See at th e 20 14 NAD A E xp o January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine NADA / 3701 Rome Technologies / 5118 Rotary Lift / 1627 NADA University / 3701 Rousseau Metal / 5813 Naked Lime / 3444 Service Dynamics / 4300 National Biodiesel Board / 5257 NCM Associates / 4355 Terra Clean / 7219 TSD / 4839 NitroFill / 4400 Wildeck / 4309 PDQ Manufacturing / 4418 Petra Oil Company / 6231 Wynn’s/AutoEKG / 4901 Pflow Industries / 4801 Reynolds and Reynolds / 3454 p. 54 XPEL / 2010 Xtime / 6735 714-803-5476 Featu r e January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Dealership Websites Need to Embrace Smart Chat T a r g e t i n g M o r e S e r v i c e - F o c u s e d T r a ff i c Consider this: · Dealership website traffic is surging (doubled year-over-year) · Roughly 1-in-3 website visitors are seeking vehicle Service / Maintenance information · 95% of dealership website traffic has traditionally remained anonymous · Most of today’s dealership website Service chats (and offers) are irrelevant In the last couple of years, chat for dealership websites has generated buzz and, considering the pure potential of this online communications platform, it’s well- p. 56 deserved. Before chat’s appearance, most dealership websites were static, non-interactive dead-zones, offering dealers little opportunity to engage with the growing number of visitors to their websites. And, with data confirming that direct traffic to dealership websites is surging (doubling from 2012 at mid-year, according to Automotive News), having tools to engage with this new wave of customers hitting your website is critical. Now, all the “chat” about chat, and the focus of most dealership chat solutions, has been about driving vehicle By B r a d T i t l e sales. But look at the recent research from AutoTrader. In reviewing 3 million dealer site visits, they found that 32% were NOT shopping -- they were looking for vehicle Service specials, trying to make a Service appointment, etc. Onein-three of your website visitors wants to “talk” Fixed Operations. So, not only do dealerships need to create a stronger Service / Parts presence at their sites, Fixed Operations and Service and Parts Directors and Managers need to use chat platforms to identify, engage and convert these Service and Parts seekers. This is un-mined gold. Get Fixed. Digitally. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine You’re already holding in your hands the industry’s #1 Fixed Operations information resource for new car dealership Directors and Managers. But there’s more. Fixed Ops Magazine has several free online online resources. And if you and your associates aren’t already receiving them, well...you should be. - Fixed Ops Weekly Fix E-Newsletter: Every Friday, keep up on the latest Industry News and New Products from the world of Service, Parts and the Body Shop. - The Fixed Ops Magazine Digital Edition: Read your favorite publication in print or online wherever you like. And sign up an unlimited number of your fellow Directors and Managers to receive the magazine, as well. - Special offers from leading companies: Sign up for free webinars, learn about new products and services, or receive advance information that will help you and your dealership. How? Just do this: Send an e-mail to Nick@FixedOpsMag.com with your name, title, dealership name and e-mail address. In the subject line put, “Sign me up!” That’s it. But there’s a bonus... Send us that same information for your Service Manager, Parts Manager, Body Shop Manager and General Manager and you’ll all be signed up for these free online extras. (You can even take the credit...) Sign up today! It’s all free. But it’s all valuable. p. 57 site visitor, finally make truly relevant, personal chat and website communications possible. The problem is, because 95% of traffic to dealership websites has remained anonymous and unidentifiable, sifting out the Service traffic is a huge challenge. What are these 95% doing? Which ones are shopping vehicles? Which ones are hunting for the best Service specials -or comparison-shopping accessories? Which ones were at Service appointment pages and never set that appointment? And how is a dealership to identify these things before those 95% of visitors disappear from the site? Well, chat is certainly one way. But, unfortunately, most Chat 1.0 platforms are a pretty passive solution that need the consumer to ask for or give information. Another way is to push Service / coupon offers to that customer (with a linkthrough to actual Service appointments) and, if the customer bites, it’s a Service shopper and lead. This is, of course, too imprecise and annoying: why should that Service customer get bombarded with leasing offers? Or get interrupted by a chatter that wants to explain “hot deals” on new models? And why should vehicle shoppers get hit with oil change specials? Perhaps this explains why only about 20-30% of dealerships have embraced website chat. It’s a pretty underwhelming percentage, given the powerful potential of online chat to have relevant, real-time conversations with site visitors. And for p. 58 those dealerships that do engage chat tools, most focus on vehicle sales, not on Service and Parts where, as we all know, a dealership’s life-sustaining revenue comes from. The first wave of chat solutions were brilliant at talking at dealership site visitors, and adept at interrupting them constantly. But the chats that were initiated, and the published offers they served up, often had nothing to do with what that visitor was actually interested in or actively looking at. So those chats were like the boorish party guest who corners you, raves on about himself and is unable to take the hint that you are completely uninterested. And irrelevant offers and chats do not convert. These early platforms lacked site analytics engines and behavioral tracking technology, so they couldn’t collect all the data on what that visitor was actually doing, from what exact pages they were visiting to how many times they visited to the site. So first-generation chat was, by nature, limited to serving up “spammy”, untargeted conversations, ads and offers. Here’s the good news: emerging, new technologies can now take chat -- and website intelligence -- to a whole new level. New site analytics engines and behavioral tracking technology are appearing that can finally make a dealer’s once-invisible website traffic totally visible. And, by collecting data on every And this has critically positive ramifications for Fixed Operations, because this kind of technology, which tracks every URL a visitor hits, can finally identify customers hunting Service, Parts, Body Shop and Accessories. What parts are they looking for? And have they ever been to the website before? Then they can make chat and Service coupons laser relevant. This new technology finally makes chat solutions hyper-relevant to the Service side of the dealership. New Chat 2.0 Technology – A Service Customer Targeting Machine So, what can the new site analytics engines and behavioral tagging, tracking and scoring technologies – the next “Chat 2.0” wave – make possible for Fixed Ops? In a nutshell, because they relentlessly gather info on what each site visitor is doing and is interested in, they can then smartly put all that rich data in motion, identifying visitors who are interested in Service or Parts or the Body Shop and then engaging and reengaging them with calculated actions in real-time, whether with chat, or beyond, including personalized published offers. It’s as if your website suddenly gains eyes and a brain. It knows whether that visitor is interested in buying a car, getting a 30,000-mile service, or shopping for an accessory. How can this play out on the website? If the customer is looking at the dealership hours on a Service page, the chat agent could let them know that there’s an express line available for customers who book ahead. And, if the website has an appointmentsetting function, the chat operator can push that URL right to the customer. The operator can also tell if this customer is a frequent or first-time visitor, and if frequent, where they have been spending the most time. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine But the opportunities with this new targeting technology go way beyond chat; the website will have the brains to know which Service offers to display to that specific consumer based on where that consumer has been on the website. If dealerships want to effectively target both the Sales AND Service customer that visit their site, they need to be sure to choose the new Chat 2.0 technology that: · Tracks every single site visitor and analyze every page they visit and every inventory click, and then decode the URLs to build a dynamic profile on each unique visitor. · Captures how many times that customer has visited and for how long · Smartly engages that shopper via all channels, whether through what’s published on the site right before their eyes, or in chat messages / interruptions or through social sharing components. · Transfers all this robust customer data seamlessly and transparently to the in-house dealership -- or third-party -- call center. Whatever chat platform you consider, make sure that intelligent, new analytics engines and behavioral tracking technology power it. Discover which visitors are interested in Service or in Parts and firmly close the door on the boorish party guest. Start making your online conversations to Service Department customers polite, meaningful, relevant, targeted and efficient. Pump up your Fixed Operations in 2014. At NCM, we make getting in shape easy and efficient with a holistic approach to Fixed Operations improvement that includes: • NCM Institute Management Training • On-Site Service Department Tune-ups • 20 Groups for Fixed Ops Directors and Managers • NCM axcessa® Reporting Tools Exercise your right to better performance in 2014 by calling or going online for more information. Brad Title is CEO and Co-Founder of West Palm Beach, Florida-based Gubagoo, which offers behavioral engagement and scoring technologies for automotive websites, and is the first dealership website solution that successfully makes anonymous traffic identifiable and converts the 95% of dealer site traffic that traditionally defects. Title has over 20 years automotive experience in the areas of product vision, CRM, BDC, Database management, Lead Management and Behavioral Engagement and founded Cowboy, one of the very first web-based CRM and ILM tools which was acquired by Cobalt in 2002. 877.803.3631 ncm20.com/pumpitup A S S O C I A T E S Consulting H Education H 20 Groups H Data Management H axcessa p. 59 Featu r e January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Paperless Repair Order Processing Imp r o v i n g Eff i c i e n c y a n d S e r v i c e By J i m L e m a n To be competitive in automotive Sales and Service in the marketplace ahead, auto dealers will need to focus on how work flows through their Departments. The idea is to improve the delivery of goods and services to customers as well as improve efficiencies throughout the dealership, especially in the paperintensive vehicle Service function. “Most dealerships today are significantly ineffective in how work flows through them, and the need is to speed-up processes without skipping the steps that add value to the customer,” says Rich Appleby, a former Dealer-Operator and now a Fixed Operations consultant with Performance Management Training, Virginia Beach, VA. Some BMW, Volvo and Honda dealers, for example, are now using paperless document capture systems to replace the endless mountains of paperwork required for selling and servicing automobiles. They say going paperless makes them more streamlined, sleeker and faster to respond to customers and their OEMs. For example, Marcey Uday-Riley, who leads an organization development practice for IRI Consultants in Detroit, notes that scanless and paperless document management technology for dealerships is like Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in healthcare. p. 60 “Fields Volvo of Northfield, IL is a LEED-certified dealership, recognized for energy efficiency. Their paperless repair order system with SAFE technology fits nicely with Fields’ environmentally conscious culture, notes Pat Hubert, GM. The dealership is saving $100,000 a year in gained savings, including increased technology productivity and expense elimination.” Cutting-edge efficiency improvement Electronic Medical Records has revolutionized healthcare in that it makes patients’ records accessible digitally at every approved point in a hospital or doctor’s office – locally or across the nation. “Tools that consolidate repair order data as EMR does patient data are cutting edge, because a big issue in dealerships is the paperwork and its communication with the OEM and the customer,” said Uday-Riley, who consults with auto and heavy-duty truck dealerships, OEMs and suppliers. “That feedback loop,” she added, “has historically been time- and paper-intensive, but leaning or streamlining the dealership to remove waste and expense means identifying technology solutions like this.” January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine The dealership uses paperless technology from Canon Solutions America called IDEAS (Intelligent Dealer Electronic Archiving System) using Scanless Automatic Filing Engine (SAFE™). The system reduces the paperwork burden placed on Service Technicians and Service Advisors by automatically capturing, categorizing and indexing repair order documentations, without the need to print and scan documents. She pointed out that every vehicle serviced first undergoes a computer diagnosis, which generates a lot of paperwork itself. “The entire Service process creates inspection reports, check-in sheets, ROs, a customer RO copy, accounting RO and tech notes. Some customer Service files were from 10 to 30 pages of paper -- per visit,” Hubert said. “Most dealerships today are ineffective in how work flows through them, and the need is to speed-up processes without skipping the steps that add value to the customer.” “We liked how the system fit into our environmentally conscious culture here,” said Pat Hubert, General Manager, noting that Fields Volvo is a LEED-certified dealership, recognized for its energy efficiency. The dealership captures rainwater for flushing toilets and irrigation purposes. It uses windmill and solar technologies. Interior and parking lot lights use LED lighting and motion detectors to conserve power. “But what sold me,” she added, “was that as I watched Technicians, I’d noticed how much paperwork they had to deal with to service a customer and I felt there had to be a better solution.” “Our big challenge was the nightmare of paper storage, on and off site, plus lost files. Paperless saves a lot of time for a lot of people,” said John Mantione of the Intelligent Dealer Electronic Archive System, used at numerous Fields Auto Group dealerships.” p. 61 “Now all that, except for a few pages, goes right into IDEAS where it’s filed by RO number so that all related paperwork is where it should be and easily searched and found in seconds,” Hubert said. Prior to having paperless technology, the volume of Service-oriented paperwork the dealership had to file and store required space in the shop and at an offsite facility, as well. “Some of this paperwork has to be saved for 10 years,” Hubert noted. “Plus, customer information that’s not on printed paperwork is more secure for the customer and us.” “Paperless repair order processing can pay big dividends in many ways for your store, boosting revenue, efficiency and customer satisfaction and retention.” p. 62 “Fields BMW in South Orlando is one of several dealerships in the Fields Auto Group family using paperless repair order technology in its Service Departments. The technology improves warranty audit success by vastly reducing the amount of paper repair orders and supporting paper documents needed to satisfy OEM warranty audits. “Having this technology is the difference between me paying my OEM and my OEM paying me.” Vice President and GM John Mantione says.” Reduces RO processing risk John Mantione, Vice President and General Manager for Fields Auto Group Florida, said this paperless technology’s ability to index all RO-related documents to the repair order mean all documents related to satisfy a warranty claim for a particular vehicle are accessible electronically and immediately. Because of this, he said, use of the system has reduced warranty chargebacks significantly. manufacturers, found that dealerships using technology like Canon’s IDEAS can save a single Service Technician up to 50 minutes per day by not having to shuffle paper repair orders and other documents.Those 50 minutes per day, when multiplied by 15 technicians (typical for a medium-size dealership Service Department) amount to 12.5 hours of lost time each day. Factoring in 20 workdays a month, those lost hours equal 250 lost hours per month. “Having the system was the difference between me paying my OEM and my OEM paying me!” says Fields’ Mantione. “Because documents are captured electronically from the source, the integrity of the archive is reliable due to the vast reduction of human error.” This rate of lost productivity, multiplied by an hourly labor rate of $95.00, equals $23,750.00 per month or $285,000.00 per year in gross labor revenue loss. Furthermore, for every $1.00 of Labor realized there should be a conservative $1.00 in Parts revenue realized. Going paperless is also saving the group in other important ways as well, Mantione adds. “Our big challenge was the nightmare of paper storage, on-site and off-site, plus lost files. Some of our repair order files can be 25 or more pages of paper, which we now avoid having to print, scan and store. Our Techs also no longer have to print and staple hardcopies. Paperless saves a lot of time for a lot of people.” Improves bay turn Fields Volvo’s experience is similar, according to its GM, Hubert, delivering a savings of $100,000 a year. “Since we installed paperless technology in the Service Department we’ve eliminated about $50,000 in labor cost per year to manage all of our paper files for warranty and compliance. It also makes our Technicians more efficient. It took lots of time to print up to 32 pages of paperwork for some repairs. Now, they simply hit a button and that information is captured and stored,” she said. API International, Inc., an independent automotive consulting firm that specializes in dealer Electronic Archiving Certification programs for several vehicle “Furthermore, by eliminating paper ROs and supporting paperwork, that efficiency translates here into Technicians saving about 10 minutes per customer. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine As our 13 Techs typically serve three customers per day, they’re generating another 30 minutes a day on the clock, which means the ability to service three additional customers each a week. 4. Improves security and compliance: Keeps sensitive customer financial information away from prying eyes. Helps dealerships comply with consumer protection laws. At our average RO sale and labor rate, that’s another $50,000 a year just in labor sales,” Hubert added. 5.Reduces costs: Frees up staff once needed to file and search for misfiled or missing documents and frees up paper document storage space and budget for revenue-generating uses. Reduces or eliminates document destruction costs. For Chris Previtire, Service Director for Center BMW, Sherman Oaks, CA, the benefit of paperless warranty processing is shop efficiency as well. “For me, our Service Administrators and our Warranty Clerks, a paperless system eliminates the chaos of running around looking for documents,” he said. Paperless repair order processing can pay big dividends in many ways for your store, boosting revenue, efficiency and customer satisfaction and retention. Jim Leman has been writing about automotive retail operations since 1992. “Our Techs can now focus on diagnostics and repairing cars, not handling paperwork,” he added, noting that vehicle turn is now 10 minutes faster. “By condensing the repair time per vehicle, we’re able to get another customer in more quickly and, in most cases, out the same day.” Canon’s IDEAS is compatible with multiple dealer management and Service drive systems and is a perfect fit for dealer and auto groups that have a mix of different business processing systems. Dealers experienced with this technology say that going paperless saves them money five ways: 1. Reduces OEM warranty chargeback costs: Some dealers have reduced warranty chargeback costs to less than 1 percent – a huge reduction. 2. Improves productivity: Fewer paper documents being handled by technicians can save 30 to 50 minutes a day, improving Tech productivity and Service bay utilization. 3. Reduces processing: Document printing, scanning, copying and handling are significantly reduced and in some cases eliminated, saving time and money to otherwise print and file paper documents. p. 63 Featu r e January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Losing A Customer Hurts More Than You Think F i n d i n g N e w C u s t o m e r s W i t h L o w A c q u i s i t i o n C o s t s By R i c h Ho l l a n d The revenue from your Service Department is your bread & butter. While vehicle sales may fluctuate based on the prevailing economic conditions, car owners always need Service. Technology companies are increasingly bringing vehicle Service pricing transparency to consumers. Mobile apps like OpenBay (which is funded by Google) allow consumers to price shop anonymously and pool independents with dealerships in exchange for a percentage of revenue. Price wars similar to those occurring in your Sales Department may be looming on the horizon. It’s just a matter of time before the Internet brings this pricing transparency to Fixed Operations. Can your dealership survive with a decreased absorption rate due to your being forced to lower your Service pricing? Over their lifetime your current customers are worth tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars. In today’s world, customers are not just looking for convenience but they’re also looking for the best experience at the lowest cost. Dealers can find themselves constantly scrambling to replace customer defections through acquisition to grow and maintain Service Department revenue. The loss of a customer has more impact than many business owners realize. Most dealers only consider the customer acquisition costs involved in replac- p. 64 ing them, which include advertising, marketing and direct mail. Few however, factor in the time it takes to profitability recoup acquisition costs and get in the black on that new customer. Dealers should also consider the lost opportunities that exist between when a customer defects and the time it takes to acquire a new customer; such as through referrals and recommendations. Depending on the reason for defection, there is also the potential negative word-of-mouth that a lost customer brings. Whether they defected because of a poor customer experience, or a perception of higher prices, custom- ers can easily share their feelings with their friends and family. And now many choose to also share those feelings with the world through social media online reviews. Having a concrete plan in place to maximize your efforts in retention is vital. Here are four areas to begin evaluating which can assist in developing an effective strategy. 1. Marketing: What percentage of your marketing resources are dedicated to retention marketing? It’s far less expensive to keep a current customer than to January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine acquire a new one. Be sure to touch all of your communication channels in your retention marketing. Consider integrating some retention marketing messages into your traditional advertising. This type of offer entices current and previous customers who may happen upon it. And it could also influence new customers to choose your dealership because they’ll gain the perception that you care about your customers. specials, don’t just post them on your website. There are many available free ways to spread that message. Don’t just continuously deliver a message of “buy a car.” Offer valuable information on Service intervals or OEM recalls. Provide useful information that the customer will appreciate and value. 2. Efficiency: Ensure that you have sufficient processes in place to offer a more efficient and convenient experience for your customers and minimize wasted resources in your dealership. Evaluate pain points that may be costing your staff time or effort that you could alleviate through technology. Efficiency helps to decrease costs and increase revenue by allowing employees to handle more customers. This can then lead to a Service workload increase. “Dealers can find themselves WWW.BORROUGHS.COM • MADE IN THE USA. NADA BOOTH #2372 constantly scrambling to replace customer defection through acquisition to grow and maintain Service Department revenue.” Use e-mail campaigns specifically targeted to previous customers, especially customers that haven’t been into your store for over a year. Send a monthly enewsletter to them to stay top-of-mind. This way, when they (or a family member or an associate) are ready to buy a vehicle, they think of you first. Entice them with offers through direct mail campaigns to communicate that you value their business. Utilize your staffing resources to reach out to these customers and invite them into the store. Use social media to build a following and reward them with offers and coupons there as well. If you have any Service Department • Iron-Clad Warranty • All Steel Construction • 400 lb. Capacity Drawers • Tip-up, Slide-in Upper Cabinet Doors • Swing Doors for 100% Accessibility on Lower Cabinets Workstations, Toolboxes, Mobile Carts, & Racks Easy to Configure Optimizes Floor Space Retrieve Tools Quickly p. 65 “What percentage of your marketing resources are dedicated to retention marketing? Use technology to communicate with your customers in all steps of the Service process, from the initial vehicle inspection and preliminary recommendations to the more detailed recommendations made by the Technician. Multiple methods of communication including text messages, online status reports, automated e-mails and phone calls free up your staff and increase response rates. 3. Experience: Make sure that your customers feel valued and appreciated through providing a world-class customer experience. This includes ensuring that those waiting have a nice comfortable place to sit, can watch television or surf the Internet with free Wi-Fi. Or perhaps offer shuttle service to work or a nearby mall or restaurant. Customers value convenience. The less time they spend sitting in your lounge waiting, the less they feel as if your Service Department takes too long. Consider a pick-up and drop-off option for Service in which you get their vehicles while they are at work and deliver them back at the end of the day. People are busy and one of the main attractions that big chain independents market is speed and convenience. Offer these two things and you can decrease defection to these independents. p. 66 4. Follow-Up: Following up with your customer post-Service is critical to identifying any problems that your customer may have experienced in their visit to your store. This gives you the immediate opportunity to fix the problem and not lose a customer over an issue that could have been resolved. It also provides valuable feedback that can then be used to evaluate processes and staff. Pay attention to all of the issues. Document them and review on a regular basis. Reoccurring problems should be easy to identify and steps can then be taken to fix them. It’s far less expensive to keep a current customer than to acquire a new one.” January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Today, technology exists that makes it very easy to communicate and follow up with customers. The availability of instant communication has conditioned customers to expect businesses to respond quickly with instant information and answers. For instance, if you don’t do so already, take advantage of your existing resources such as your website and offer online appointment scheduling. Ask the customer what the best way to reach them is and then use that method to get a faster response to Service recommendations. You might also want to consider emailing service recommendations if you are unable to reach the customer by phone or text message. Don’t use a HTML-heavy template, as they present difficulties reading on smartphones. You want the customer to be able to reply to you quickly, so that the Technician doesn’t have downtime and / or moves on to work on another vehicle. You can also e-mail surveys to customers asking about declined services. Just as you would follow up with that customer who came into your dealership and didn’t buy a vehicle, you should also be following up with that sale you didn’t make in your Service lane. “Adopting practices and strategies that focus on retention, experience, efficiency and follow-up allows the dealership to increase its customer satisfaction and loyalty.” Adopting practices and strategies that focus on retention, experience, efficiency and follow-up allows the dealership to increase its customer satisfaction and loyalty. These, in turn, generate increased referrals and recommendations, which lead to new customers with low acquisition costs. Allocate resources sufficient to accomplish this as these customers are the ones you already have; the least expensive to keep, the most valuable to your dealership… and the easiest ones to lose. Richard Holland is President of AutoPoint, a leading provider of revenue and retention solutions for automotive dealership Service Departments. Prior to joining AutoPoint (formerly MPi), Holland was the founder, solution architect and president of Arkona, where he was responsible for navigating Arkona from a “start up” to being the most successful entry into the Dealer Management System (DMS) space in the last 40 years. He negotiated the 2007 acquisition of Arkona by DealerTrack, Inc. and remained to lead the management team through a successful transition. p. 67 Featu r e January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Your Service Retention Metrics are Wrong A N e w P a r a d i g m t o “ GRO ” Y o u r S e r v i c e B u s i n e s s By Do u g V a n S a c h Your dealership’s Service retention rates are lying to you. Well, maybe not lying, but they certainly aren’t telling the truth. In most cases, customer Service retention rates (considered by many as the gold standard for evaluating Service center performance) not only provide an inadequate measure of success, but they are a likely cause of bad data that will lead you to make poor business decisions. “In most cases, customer Service retention rates (considered by many as the gold standard for evaluating Service center performance) not only provide an inadequate measure of success, but they are a likely cause of bad data that will lead you to make poor business decisions.” We believe that retention strategies are enormously important to the health of our customer’s business. So important, in fact, that when the math proved how bad classic retention metrics are at measuring what’s really going on, we invented a new, accurate metric for measuring retention called GRO™ (Gross Revenue Optimization). But let’s start by looking at how classic retention metrics are failing our industry. Put simply, classic customer retention rates measure the percentage of customers who return for another Service visit within a specified timeframe, often 12 to 18 months. So why is it that so many dealers experience an increase in retention rates but at the same time experience a contradictory decline in p. 68 revenue? There’s a major lack of business reliability in this measure and it’s this blind focus on retention that’s leading your dealership astray. The primary issue is that retention rates focus on one simple question – did a customer return or not? It’s a measurement of success that’s too general. In a normal retention rate report, retention rates assign equal value for any customer regardless of where they are in the customer lifecycle, whether they just purchased a vehicle or are in for their second Service visit. As a result, improving the retention rate of a firsttime customer has the same impact on the overall retention rate as improving the retention rate of a customer who has already had 5 Service visits. It’s just an average of the overall population. Blanketing the main focus over a huge (and extremely diverse) population is causing your dealership to lose a significant amount of potential revenue that could otherwise be found when differentiating customers. The traditional retention metric does not account for the revenue potential for different groups of customers (think different stages of loyal customers) and also January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine fails to address the difference in importance of retention based on a customer’s stage in their lifecycle. As a result, dealerships can easily improve retention rates for the wrong customers and thereby fail to have a material impact on their business performance. This is often seen in the average dealer’s focus on the late Service lifecycle over the more profitable early Service lifecycle. Instead, your dealership needs to focus on the new and more reliable metric that we call GRO. GRO measures a store’s ability to capture a customer’s revenue potential throughout the customer lifecycle and answers the question, “what’s the lifetime value of each customer?” GRO addresses the difference in importance in early and late lifecycle customers by assigning more weight to early lifecycle conversion. For example, if a dealer improved their first Service customer retention rate by 10%, their GRO score would also improve by 10%. If the same dealer improved their retention rate by 10% of a customer with 5 prior Service visits, their GRO score would only improve by 0.8% due to the lower likelihood of a typical customer reaching the 5-visit stage of the lifecycle. GRO is a more effective measure of the future value potential created by changes in retention rates across the customer lifecycle than the simple retention rate metric used by many dealers. A dealership has the opportunity for many more lifetime Service visits from a new customer than a late lifecycle customer. And while retention rates evaluate these later (and more likely) Service visits, GRO focuses more on the early lifecycle customer, identifying areas for additional transactions and providing a higher likelihood for more loyal customers later on in the lifecycle. The GRO metric is calculated by dividing the realized revenue (which represents the amount of revenue a store is currently capturing at each stage of the lifecycle) by the potential revenue (which represents the total revenue available from during their lifetime). p. 69 GRO is presented as a percent, e.g. 7.5%, which happens to be the auto industry average, and it represents the percentage of total revenue potential a store is capturing today. “GRO measures a store’s ability to capture a customer’s revenue potential throughout the customer lifecycle and answers the question, “what’s the lifetime value of each customer?” In a 2013 retention rates comparison study, the GRO score and the annual retention rate for a national sample of over 150 automotive dealers as of August 2012 was calculated to test the predictive power of the GRO metric. It found p. 70 that GRO was 70% more reliable in predicting Service revenue growth than retention! In a world where fractions can separate top and bottom performing companies, the difference is monumental. To better understand GRO, let’s review some of the key inputs for GRO for a typical dealer. The chart labeled “Retention Rate by Lifecycle Stage” shows the retention rate at each stage of the lifecycle for one dealer that represents a major OEM brand. This dealer clearly has an issue relating to first visit retention since only 38.1% of customers are retained for their first Service visit. Improving the first visit retention rate would lead to a corresponding improvement in retention at each downstream stage of the lifecycle while improving the 5th visit retention only impacts the likelihood of visits beyond the 5th visit. Since only 1.7% of customers make it to the 5th visit, the dealer would be better served to focus on first visit retention. GRO accurately accounts for the increased importance of improving first Service visit retention while the normal retention rate metric most dealers use today does not. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine “A dealership has the opportunity for many more your first Service visit percentage, it’s a good place to start. And while we’re not recommending to completely abandon retention rates quite yet (they’re still likely important to your OEM), using a GRO measured strategy will give dealers a single measure to gauge their overall success. It’s with GRO that you’ll begin to see the entire picture, seizing the lifetime value of every customer. Doug Van Sach is Vice President, Strategy & Analytics for DMEautomotive (DMEa), the industry leader in science-based, results-driven automotive marketing. Doug leads DMEautomotive’s strategy and analytics function, which manages the strategic direction of DMEa’s products and programs, including Journey NXT, Driver Connect 2.5 and DMEinsights. He has extensive experience developing and implementing direct marketing and digital strategies at OEMs, automotive dealer groups and aftermarket chains. lifetime Service visits from a new customer than a late lifecycle customer.” And some dealers are already making the switch, realizing the value that GRO brings to their dealership. “For the first time, the GRO analysis tool gave the JM Lexus Service Department an accurate representation of our customer retention rate over an extended period of time,” said Charles Brooks, Service Support Manager at JM Lexus. “Based on a review of the research data presented, we have made a strategic decision to shift more of our retention efforts to the initial services that are closer to the buying process. We feel this will increase our customer engagement and improve our overall results over time. We will be able to observe our progress through GRO.” GRO will grow (pun intended – my apologies) to be an important measure of the true health of your Service Department business. You can get started on a GRO oriented strategy by following the example of JM Lexus, determining your first Service visit percentage and deploying strategies designed to boost it as high as you can. While there’s a lot more to GRO than simply improving p. 71 Featu r e January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine New Opportunities With Digital Signage Eff e c t i v e C r o s s - S e l l i n g i n t h e D e a l e r s h i p By L a n c e Bo l d t Vehicles are increasingly more reliable and longer lasting. The median age for passenger vehicles on American roads is currently 11.4 years. As you know, this hits the dealership hard: the perceived need for a new vehicle is diminished. Fixed Operations, which shoulders the burden for the bulk of dealership profits, finds itself needing to generate more revenue in the face of less warranty and maintenance work. Waiting for stuff to break won’t carry the day. Think of the challenge of getting customers in the door for the dealership: • Sales relies on people getting the itch for a new vehicle • The Service Department may only see a customer once or twice a year because of longer Service intervals • Parts and Accessories – a low rate of customer traffic • The Body Shop relies on an unpleasant and unpredictable event that occurs once every seven years for the typical vehicle owner (although perhaps more often for the parents of some over-confident and under-experienced teenage drivers…) Sales gets the bulk of the marketing budget. Service/Parts/Accessories follows far behind, usually with a rather inbred strategy of reaching out to people who at one time bought a vehicle at the dealership. Body Shop marketing… well… (cue a lone cricket chirping). p. 72 When my oldest son was about seven he wanted to do some fishing so I got him a beginner’s rig. He was quite successful. His big question after landing the first fish was, “Now what do I do?” My response: “Is it big enough to keep? If it is, are you going to eat it? And, by the way, if you’re going to eat it, you will need to kill, clean and cook it.” At the end of that day, we brought home a nice pan sized sunfish (named “Sunny”) in a bucket to show Mom and he enjoyed it for dinner. Why the fish story? Well, logic dictates that the most valuable prospect is the one that’s on the hook (in the store). Whatever was done or spent to get someone to cross your threshold is a sunk cost – and it goes to waste if you don’t convert it into a sale and / or a relationship. To my mind, one of the great advantages of the dealership is that it’s kind of like an automotive department store. Whatever brings me into a given department today can be turned into an opportunity to make me a customer of another department. Of course many dealerships realize this and train to cross-promote departments. Some succeed and others suffer from the reality of human nature: we tend to maximize our contracts – we sell what we get paid to sell. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine I think a solution lies in a technology infrastructure to supplement cross-selling training – a solution that’s always working in the background. A portion of the screen or the playlist can feature used vehicle walk-arounds, helping guests see what you have on the lot in a very efficient manner. Let’s take a tour of digital signage content for the Showroom, Service Department, F&I, Parts & Accessories and the Body Shop and how that content can be used to introduce and support other Departments. The Showroom is the best place to introduce accessories. It’s estimated that $18 to $20 billion dollars a year is spent on accessories in the aftermarket. According to SEMA, nearly a quarter of all The Showroom Visitors have a fair amount of downtime in the Showroom and the dealership has spent a great deal of money on making it a “tool” for the Sales process. Custom digital signage will not only reinforce variable Sales, but can also be used to cross-sell Fixed Ops opportunities as well. customers who buy a car or truck from your dealership will accessorize it somewhere else within 90 days of purchase. And they’ll spend, on average, between $1,000 and $3,500 to do it. Customers can become excited about personalizing their new vehicle by content that features dealer-installed and other accessories that can be rolled right into the financing package. Powerful tools to help you Discover, Deliver & Retain your customers “Digital signage content for the Showroom, Service Department, F&I, Parts & Accessories and the Body Shop can be used to introduce and support other Departments.” Since the main purpose of the Showroom is to move iron, digital signage there would focus on the new vehicles you sell. Take advantage of the millions spent on content by the manufacturers you represent to create excitement and a buying atmosphere on the floor. Come see us at NADA 2014, Booth #6735. Visit www.xtime.com to learn more! p. 73 Since the objective is to encourage the customer to become a source of recurring revenue, content that introduces them to your Service Department is very important. Make sure that they understand that your Service Department can handle all of their Service and Repair needs -- including new tires! You may also want to use the Showroom display to plant the seeds for various F&I products. Visualizing protective undercoating or even an engaging graphic covering extended warranty benefits will set the stage and provide a base of understanding prior to arriving at the F&I department. The Service Department The Service department has multiple customer environments that are conducive to digital signage. The area around the Service Advisors lends itself to digital menu boards that highlight services and specials and that reinforce your brands. Customers may spend several hours in the waiting lounge so content there can educate on the benefits of maintenance services and can also have a strong entertainment element to help the time pass more pleasantly. Dedicat- p. 74 ed signage in the Accessories area can depict the full array of your offerings. The Service Department is ideal for promoting Accessories, tires and appropriate F&I products. Vehicle sales can be originated in the Service Department by displaying new and used vehicles. The time that your customers spend in the Service Department can also be used to introduce them to the Body Shop. Minor dent repair / PDR, bumper restoration, pinstriping, headlamp restoration and detailing can all be featured, encouraging viewers to freshen up their vehicle. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine F&I Time spent in the F&I department is a stressful part of the buying experience. Digital signage can present F&I products in a way that eliminates confusion that’s inherent with unfamiliar concepts when decisions have to be made. “The area around the Service Advisors lends itself to digital menu boards that highlight services and specials and that reinforce your brands.” An introduction to the Service Department would also be very appropriate to play in the F&I Department. The Body Shop Perhaps the best opportunity for digital signage in the Body Shop is while a potential customer is waiting for their estimate to be prepared. Think about the things you would want them to know when you return with the estimate: Parts sourcing, your guarantee, how their insurance company fits in, their rights under the law, etc. It’s also an ideal time to upsell items that may not be covered under the collision claim like bumper restoration, detailing, dents and dings and even repainting. What a great opportunity to convert a collision repair customer into a mechanical Service and Repair regular. Digital signage will make your case for why your Service Department should be their first choice for routine preventive maintenance. Why wouldn’t you have a thorough mechanical inspection done while the vehicle is in for repair to present to the customer? You’re likely to uncover a number of maintenance items and needed replacements like tires and batteries. Many collision customers will have mixed feelings about their damaged vehicle. What a great time to highlight the new and used vehicles you offer! Bringing It All Together There’s a tremendous opportunity for digital signage to aid in the missions of the various departments at the dealership and to deepen the relationship with customers through cross-selling. Digital signage, properly deployed, will leverage money spent on getting people into the Showroom for the benefit of Fixed Ops and overall dealership profits. A single technology platform to control the content displayed on the various screens (and the website), the ability to upload dealership-generated content, and powerful content creation tools integral to the platform all increase the ease of use and the power and effectiveness of your digital signage strategy. A comprehensive digital signage plan will increase sales across all departments, give proper exposure to Fixed Operations and create and strengthen customer relationships. Lance Boldt is Vice President and Co-Founder of AutoNetTV Media, Inc. AutoNetTV produces video, motion graphics and 3D animation content for automotive digital menu boards, digital signage and automotive websites. p. 75 Featu r e January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Parts E-Commerce A n O v e r v i e w o f T h i s Imp o r t a n t P r o c e s s By T e d F e l l o w e s “In a world … changing really quickly, the only strategy … guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” Mark Zuckerberg I’ve never seen anything like today’s traffic jam of Parts e-commerce and related services. Dealerships face over 50 solutions choices across several solution-types and many providers. For many, it’s a confusing chaos leading to inaction and wrong choices. Does your store have the expertise, mindset and team to transition its Parts business successfully? Are you ready to try (additional) e-commerce solutions and services, discontinue those that fail and re-invest in success? This article is an introduction to the services and products enabling online marketing, sales and fulfillment of Service Parts, accessories and merchandise. In this piece I’ll provide: (1) a solution framework; (2) an approach to solution selection; and (3) insights on Service Parts e-commerce success. Framework. A range of distinct Parts ecommerce solution types has emerged to meet each market’s and each buyer’s needs. One-size does not fit all. E-commerce consists of seven distinct markets: - Automotive Retail: - Service Parts - Accessories - Merchandise p. 76 - Automotive Wholesale: Collision Mechanical Dealer-to-Dealer Truck Buyers’ needs vary across markets by: (1) urgency (for example, independent repairers must often have parts in-hand within hours); (2) buyer price sensitivity (most consumers search for the lowest price for each part); (3) buyer loyalty to a seller (driven by delivery routes, return policies and credit). Marketplaces. The most widely known of a half-dozen e-commerce solution types is an online “Marketplace”. Of these, eBay Motors and Amazon matter most to dealerships. Marketplaces are “Does your store have the expertise, mindset and team to transition its Parts business successfully? Are you ready to try (additional) e-commerce solutions and services?” January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine the leading channel for online selling of automotive Parts, accessories and merchandise to the public. Marketplaces emphasize lowest price nationally (and locate local sellers as well). “The most widely known of a half-dozen e-commerce solution types is an online “Marketplace”. Of these, eBay Motors and Amazon matter most to dealerships.” A key to e-stores is the online embedded Parts catalog. Dealer e-stores are provided by independent suppliers and by automakers. Retail transactions account for the vast majority of e-store transactions, though e-stores also capture a small (but growing) slice of the wholesale trade. The e-stores that achieve stratospheric volumes do so via SEO, SEM, PPC and other online marketing mechanisms similar to those for online vehicle marketing. Portals. The leading solution type for online wholesale Parts trade is a “portal”, which aids existing dealer-shop relationships, often providing parts availability, matrix pricing, as well as opening and populating DMS Parts invoices. Dealerships successfully selling Parts via marketplaces discount significantly. (Often, dealerships make profit only due to “back-end” automaker incentives). Delivery is typically via FedEx or UPS – taking from a few days to a week. While Retail transactions make up 90% or more of marketplace Parts transactions, wholesale buyers occasionally use marketplaces to find deeply-discounted parts (such as idle or hard-to-find parts). The economics of marketplaces can be challenging, as the seller must also pay the marketplace a moderate commission on sales. Until recently, only basic automotive Parts were sold in volume via marketplaces, as comprehensive accurate listings were difficult to generate and the marketplaces did not provide effective fitment filtering. Then, in 2010, eBay delivered Parts fitment filtering (good and continuing to improve) and, more recently, introduced listing tools and services. e-Stores. Dealer “e-stores” are the other leading online route to the buying public. A dozen firms offer e-stores to dealerships preconfigured to support OE Parts or Accessory sales. High-volume e-stores have deeply-discounted prices and don’t display the dealership’s brand. The other category of e-stores are directly associated with dealerships’ brands, link to dealers’ vehicle websites and typically offer parts at MSRP or with small discounts or changing limitedtime discounts (often via coupons). p. 77 Most portals provide integration into wholesale repairers’ systems, greatly simplifying online ordering (and later billing / auditing). While most portals are not automaker-controlled (Toyota, BMW and Ford being exceptions), automaker pricing incentives for buyers have made portals very popular and successful recently. Portals are leaders in DMS (and other dealer system) integration. e-Sourcing. A solution type which shifts leverage from dealers to wholesale buyers (shops, fleets) is grabbing headlines. Sometimes called “bidding” or “quoting”, they are “e-sourcing” solutions for the purpose of this article. Unlike portals that make it difficult to compare prices across suppliers, some buyer-centric esources enable buyers to conveniently ask for bids or quotes from multiple suppliers (concurrently or sequentially). E-sourcing has sparked strong emotional reactions, and now litigation. Dealers with wholesale Parts businesses should be concerned and watchful. But opting out may not be realistic. And you may find some earn their fees, while others don’t. Direct-Access. A new-ish solution has gained a foothold, providing buyers direct access to dealerships’ DMS or EPCs. I refer to these as “Direct Dealer-System” e-commerce. Their niches include truck fleet repair centers and some auto mechanical wholesale purchases – particularly, buyers who can specify Part numbers and place orders with little support from dealership personnel. Locators. The final solution covered here – “Parts locators” – is also the oldest, having been marketed to dealers since the mid-1980’s. Parts locators are the leading approach in dealer-todealer wholesale trade and support several use cases from same-day fill to idle liquidation to back-order referral. Parts locators can be open or closed (restricted access) and can also be based on Parts inventory databases, real time inventory checks and broadcast requests. A possible future online outlet for Part sales is worth a brief mention. The concept is based on marketplaces / locators in Europe and Asia designed as a sales channel for dealers in North America, selling to specific customers or the local public. Solution Selection. Picking an automated dealership solution has looked like this: first, build a list of objectives, then a list of available solutions and, finally, pick the one solution that best meets the objectives at an affordable price. Not so for Parts e-commerce. Dealers need separate online solutions for each market served. Even within a single market, dealers benefit from participating in all solutions delivering profitable incremental sales. p. 78 January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Each e-commerce solution is, in essence, a sales channel. Also, buyers may force specific solutions on dealerships, even though you (the dealership) must pay for it. To gain / retain customers, dealers must enroll in solutions favored by buyers. There is no single “best” or “right” solution. Instead, to succeed, you will implement multiple (likely overlapping) e-commerce solutions. Insights. In working with automakers, truck makers, dealerships, wholesale buyers, dealer and shop system providers and insurers in North America, Asia and Europe in recent years, several patterns stand out for successful online programs: 1. Automakers pricing incentives attract buyers and make dealer success with ecommerce likely 2. Buyer-selected e-sourcing solutions often succeed (sometimes after adjustments) 3. When e-commerce is used to enrich buyer communications (for example, live chat and order reviews) success is more likely than when e-commerce eliminates communication workflows 4. Parts photos / drawings, videos and illustrations boost sales 5.E-commerce that simplifies and speeds ordering via integration will fare better than solutions that do not 6. E-commerce is not an island; it thrives when supplemented by marketing services 7. High-volume wholesale trading benefits from specialized capabilities to eliminate walls between sellers and buyers (for example, real-time availability, delivery automation and DMS invoice population) 8. The most successful dealers are active in five, ten or even more e-commerce solutions Dealerships that implement many Parts e-commerce solutions are likely to experience a failure or two. But they will live to benefit from the lessons learned. Dealers that don’t may see their retail and wholesale Parts businesses raided by competitors. Coach John Wooden put it best: “Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.” By market and solution type, list the e-commerce solutions your store uses now (and how successfully), those discontinued and under consideration now. Any voids? Or patterns? Future articles will explain how to succeed in each Parts e-commerce market and with each solution type as well as explore hybrid solutions, special cases and exceptions, in addition to integration, marketing services and delivery management. During 30 years focused on Service Parts systems and information services from the dealership, vehicle-maker and buyer perspective, Ted Fellowes has been a leader in dealer systems innovation – first EPC, first dealer Parts e-commerce and first web Parts locator. He has served in executive roles with Bell & Howell (now, Snap-on) and OEConnection. Five years ago he launched Fellowes Research which now has clients in North America, Asia and Europe, including vehicle manufacturers, consulting / investment firms, DMS providers and Fixed Ops solutions providers. Fellowes is the leading expert on automotive Service Parts e-commerce. Distinctive by nature • Organization • Durability • Quality Visit us at Booth #5813 Flexibility Service & Parts Storage Equipment " The freedom to choose your own solution. " Overview of Rousseau’s products 1.866.463.4270 info@rousseaumetal.com rousseau-automotive.com p. 79 Featu r e January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Dealing With the End-of-the-Month Crunch S t a r t S e l l i n g E v e r y d a y L i k e I t ’ s t h e L a s t D a y o f t h e M o n t h If the selling style in your Fixed Operations Department seems to begin each month at a “relaxed” or “leisurely” pace, only to gradually become more intense, more urgent or more pressured as the end of the month approaches, you’re probably just like many other dealerships. So read on. However, today is the start of a new ballgame. It’s a new month and you have at least thirty days to reach your new monthly sales goal. So it seems acceptable to maintain a more relaxed style, because after all, you’re making a fair amount of sales and everything seems to still be moving smoothly. In the average retail establishment, roughly 80% of monthly sales are made in the last two weeks of each month. Just over 60% of those sales are made in the last seven days of the month. And it’s not uncommon for the biggest sale day of each month to be the last day of the month. Monday’s relaxed style turns into Friday’s relaxed style and this Friday turns into next Friday. Then all of the sudden, you get your first commission check for the month. You quickly realize that the pace you are on is not a pace that’s going to deliver your needed monthly sales goals or desired income. The push is back on. You pick up the pace, you become more assertive with your customers, you push your teammates to step up the pace. Each day that passes becomes more and more intense. Each day becomes more pressurized. Until finally it’s the last day of the month and with that final big push, somehow, some way, you get the numbers you need. As surprising as these statistics may seem, they actually represent a very real and understandable pattern in sales. Mentally and physically drained from just barely hitting last month’s sales goals, your team comes in on Monday with a more relaxed attitude. You still help customers, but you’re not as persistent with these customers as you were just the week before. After all, you were intent on hitting last month’s sales goals to ensure you made the income you needed. And time was running out. p. 80 Sound familiar? It does to me because this is how I used to be. It describes exactly how I worked in some of my earliest sales jobs. It was almost like it was part of the sales culture. I noticed not only associate sales people working this way, but the management staff as well. By J e f f Co w a n “By selling everyday of the month like it was the last day of the month, my sales skyrocketed. I found that since there was less pressure on me to make a sale like there was during the big push at the end of each month, I started making more sales.” January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine “Here’s the big surprise; once you get in the habit of selling everyday like it’s the last day of the month, it quickly becomes a habit and is easy to maintain.” Then one month at the end of the month, tired of the “Big Push” and the brain damage that comes with it, I wanted to know what would happen if I sold the first day of the month and everyday of the month as if it were the last day of the month. And for me this marked a turning point, It was literally career-changing. By selling everyday of the month like it was the last day of the month, my sales skyrocketed. I found that since there was less pressure on me to make a sale like there was during the big push at the end of each month, I started making more sales. I was able to be much more relaxed when working with my customers while at the same time being more confident and persistent. It allowed me to come across as more helpful and professional instead of desperate, like I had during the month-end “Big Push”. In short, I was able to combine the relaxed style I had delivered in the past during the first half of each month and combine it with the persistence I had at the second half of each month. And it made a huge impact. My income increased by 50% the very first month I started selling everyday of the month like it was the last day of the month. And it only increased from there. So think about it. Are you like I used to be -- and like so many salespeople still are today, taking it easy the first half of the month and then going for the “Big Push” in the second half? If you are, what I‘m suggesting here may be the easiest way to increase your income you’ve ever considered. And here’s the big surprise; once you get in the habit of selling everyday like it’s the last day of the month, it quickly becomes a habit and is easy to maintain. That’s the way I see selling in a way that will give your Fixed Ops Department better -- and more consistent -- results. So starting today, I challenge you to sell everyday like it is the last day of the month. If you do that consistently, I’m confident that you’ll quickly find that the actual last day of each month will be much more satisfying – and profitable. Jeff Cowan is President and Owner of Jeff Cowan’s PRO TALK, Inc. p. 81 SERV I C E D E PT. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Today’s Tire Changing Technology By P e t e L i e b e t r e u Today’s tires can make tire changing a challenging and time-consuming process. Traditional tire machines are suitable for traditional tires, but servicing the rapidly-growing number of difficult OEM assemblies requires a much more capable machine. Dealerships must now look ahead to consider what assemblies they will be changing in the future when investing in a tire changer, and not simply what they have been changing up to this point. Traditional assemblies account for just 22% of today’s OEM fitments. Low-profile tires now represent 51% of all OEM fitments, with heavy assemblies (over 30”) representing 14%, run-flat tires accounting for 10% and large-diameter tires (over 20”) making up the difference at 3%. Once considered “special fitments”, these tire and wheel combinations are now the norm and dealerships must equip themselves accordingly. Today’s more capable machines can handle these assemblies with minimal risk of wheel damage, provided that a trained Technician operates them. While these machines may be able to handle diverse OEM fitments, tire changing with them is still a process with extreme variations. These tire changers also require p. 82 that the Technician make a number of critical decisions when handling different tires. This can cause inconsistent cycle times and increases the chance for mistakes. Today’s most capable machines are fully automatic and this solves many problems that difficult OEM assemblies pose for conventional tire changers. Against a skilled and experienced Technician, an automatic tire changer may be slightly slower on the simplest assemblies, but in the long run -- and with today’s tires -the time spent changing larger numbers of tires will cumulatively be less. Fully automatic tire changers add safety for both the operator and the assembly. These machines typically place the operator away from the tire changer, which eliminates pinch points. The most advanced fully automatic tire changers have wheel lifts to protect the operator’s back and inflation controls to keep the operator away from the assembly. They also do not allow the tire to be mounted or demounted in an unsafe TPMS location through constant TPMS monitoring. All rim and near-rim contact on these advanced machines is plastic and the automatic procedure protects both rim and tire. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine The fully automatic procedure on these machines also saves a tremendous amount of time by streamlining the tire changing process. Fully automatic tire changers use the same procedure for every wheel and create a standard cycle time, which increases productivity. The best fully automatic tire changers handle virtually all tires, including tricky OEM fitments, in around two minutes on average. “High capability fully automatic tire changers eliminate the experience gap between technicians in a shop. By using the same process High capability fully automatic tire changers eliminate the experience gap between technicians in a shop. By using the same process every time and reducing the number of critical decisions that an operator must make, the best fully-automatic tire changers can elevate your tire-changing team of differing experience levels to make them a team of experts. These machines allow any technician to change any tire that comes into the shop, regardless of difficulty. Fully automatic tire changers also simplify training. Technique is no longer a requirement for tire changing, and a technician can learn on one tire and apply the same skills to all tires. With these premium machines, the old “push here, pull there” technique learned through mistakes (and busted knuckles) no longer applies. The most advanced of these tire changers include on-board instructional videos and on-screen animations that can guide new operators simply and quickly. Conventional tire changers were suitable for conventional tires, but the assemblies of today demand more than a tool – they demand a solution. Some tire changers provide more solutions than others, and the best of these can handle difficult OEM assemblies through a single and easy process while saving time and eliminating mistakes. Fullyautomatic tire changers streamline your tire-changing operation and increase productivity to such an extent that they become a partner in your shop’s overall success. Pete Liebetreu is a Senior Product Manager for Bridgeton, Missouri-based Hunter Engineering Company. every time and reducing the number of critical decisions that an operator must make, the best fully-automatic tire changers can elevate your tire-changing team of differing experience levels to make them a team of experts.” p. 83 PA R TS D E PT. January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Do Your Parts Really Exist? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, eBay, Amazon, iTunes … none of these existed 20 years ago. Today, they’re seemingly critical to the lives of every Gen Y’er and Millenial in America. Last week, when I was taking away my teenage daughter’s iPad for the weekend -- so that she could experience the real world -- she told me, “but if I’m not online, it will be like I don’t exist!” Like it or not, all of our lives are becoming more and more interwoven with the world of the Web. The habits of today’s consumers are intricately tied to the digital world, with more online car shopping, more customers scheduling Service appointments online, and so on, every year. So, what about your Parts Department? How is the digital age affecting how your customers shop for Parts? I’m afraid we need to take a lesson from my teenager: If your parts aren’t online, it’s like they don’t exist! The old axiom of retail is, “You can’t sell it if it’s sitting in the back room.” Today’s version is, “You can’t sell it if it’s not online.” Dealers have long understood the need to market their new and used vehicles online. However, too many times, Fixed Operations have been left in the dust -and the Parts Department is no exception. From the dealers we have worked with, we’ve learned that the potential for p. 84 By Ky l e M c K e e a n d A n t h o n y N a v a r r a dealership growth in Fixed Operations is exceptional. But, as dealers embrace the Internet to grow other Departments, they’re not doing it in Fixed Operations. Unfortunately, over the last few years, according to NPD Research, franchise dealerships’ share of Service dollars being spent has continued to decline, while independent shops continue to grow. We think some of this is because most independents have a stronger online presence than most franchise car dealerships when it comes to Fixed Operations. If you’re not convinced, just look at the websites of any of the big box parts and repair chains (Pep Boys, NAPA, Midas, etc.) or even some of the websites of your local independent competitors. Generally, you can search for Parts, get an estimate, make an appointment and make contact quickly and easily online. “You can’t sell it if it’s not online.” How many of those tasks can your potential customers do on your website? Convincing your dealer to bring your parts Web pages up to the level of your new or used car pages may seem like a daunting task and more of a long-term goal than a quick fix. We’ve put together a list of 10 things you can do now. Here are the top 10 ways to market your Parts in a digital world: 1.) Get engaged online • Find automotive blogs and post a comment or an article. If you post on someone else’s blog, they will likely post on yours. If you give them feedback, they will give you feedback. These sites and communities appreciate helpful information. This is an effective way to get your message out online. • Share your message via social media channels by posting articles and tweeting messages about your Parts Department offerings. 2.) Early or late, just adapt • The days of shunning technology are over. If you’re not jumping in with both feet, at least put a toe in the water. You could be missing out on great opportunities to increase your sales. Read a trade publication, stay current on trending technology and take hints and advice from your online community (that you already established in #1.) 3.) Use digital solutions to expand your sales • Consider selling on eBay or other online marketplaces. There are several ways to sell parts that don’t involve customers physically coming to your parts counter. Go digital to expand beyond your current market. • Use e-mail marketing to remind your customer base that they can rely upon you to provide them with the Parts they need. 4.) Consider a paid search campaign • Running a paid search campaign, such as Google AdWords, puts your parts in front of more customers. When they’re searching for Parts online (and they most certainly are!), you will be on the page and have an opportunity to grab those sales. • Change your paid search campaigns with the seasons, offer compelling messages and go after conquest business. “The home page of your dealership’s website is not just for vehicle sales anymore. Make certain that Fixed Operations, including the Parts Department, is well represented.” 5.) Get on the home page • The home page of your dealership’s website is not just for vehicle sales anymore. Make certain that Fixed Operations, including the Parts Department, is well represented, and remember to stay “above the scroll”! • Your virtual front door (your Parts Department Web pages) should include these elements: o Description of Parts and Accessories o Educational documents o Why Buy messaging o What the customer can expect from your dealership o Hours and directions o Contact numbers and e-mail o Dealership-specific offers as well as OEM offers o Tell your customers you have tires … and will price match (if applicable) o Consider live chat for customer inquiries o Create a Parts menu to showcase popular Parts with availability and pricing 6.) Sell obsolete parts online • Give your stale parts their own page on your website. List the parts with the part number and a description. Include pictures and have a pricing strategy to move them off your shelves. • Use search engine optimization (SEO) best practices to help ensure your page is at the top of the search results when consumers are searching for needed parts. • Consider using a provider that specializes in selling obsolete inventory. This will allow you to get all the available dollars out of your aged inventory and reinvest them in your new digital efforts, like new webpages or a paid search campaign. 7.) Get smart about shipping • Selling more online likely means shipping more, so get familiar with online shipping tools. There are websites that will help you check pricing and keep it all organized, once your parts are on their way. • Work with your website vendor to offer “real-time” shipping integration with trusted companies, such as UPS, FedEx or USPS. • Consider free shipping for promotions or special offers to help move items that have been around too long. 8.) Get mobile Smart phones don’t just facilitate phone calls -- they facilitate sales. If you really want to ramp up sales, you need a solution that can deliver your products to the clients that don’t just buy online, but buy on their phone. Look for an online selling solution that offers a shopping app available for download by customers. Make it easy for your customers to buy from you! 9.) Use video • Create a YouTube account for the Parts Department or use the dealership’s YouTube channel, if one is already established. • Create and post videos on why OEM parts are preferred, or why it’s important to change cabin air filters, wiper blades and spark plugs. Upload and showcase videos of your dealership, your people and your “Why Buy” messaging. • Focus on your advantages. Anyone can try and beat you on price, but that’s only one attribute. Focus on your unique attributes, like convenience, factory spec parts, warranties, offering a fullytrained staff, service with the sale and overall value. 10.) Be an SOB! • That is, be a Student of the Business -- the digital business. Work with your digital vendors to find someone that is willing to help you learn. Get involved and keep up-to-date on the latest news and tips. In nearly all of our 10 steps is the need to focus on your strengths. What makes you the best choice? What do you have to offer? With the average age of automobiles on U.S. roads over 11 years (according to Polk), now is the best time to ensure that consumers find your Parts Department. Having an online presence is the key to moving more Parts in today’s fastpaced, virtual society. So you have to ask yourself one question: If a part sits on your shelf and it isn’t listed online, will it ever be found? Your Parts really do exist! Get them -and your Department -- online! Kyle McKee is the Operations Manager for ADP’s PartsVoice, Cash Discovery Program and eBay Made Easy solutions. He has over 10 years combined Fixed Operations experience working for ADP and in Service for two franchise dealerships. Tony Navarra is a Performance Improvement Consultant for Cobalt, an ADP company. Tony has over 20 years experience in the auto industry, having held nearly every position in a dealership, including General Manager, over three successful dealerships. p. 85 BOD Y S H OP January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Are You a Firefighter? I was in a dealership Collision Center once and the Director said something that I’ve heard a thousand times before: “I’m just a fireman; some days I feel like all I do is put out fires!” Now, anyone who has sat in that chair for more than 3 minutes knows exactly what he means. There is a seemingly endless string of “fires” on any given day -- from two techs calling in sick on the last day of the month, to a piece of equipment going down, to parts have to be ordered in from Tumbleweed Junction and the stagecoach only runs once a week (it left yesterday), to the tech standing in your office at 3:45PM who says, “This new headlight assembly is broken and the car has to go today.” Sound familiar? ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The ten minutes you invest now to inspect the parts when they come in, or to write a complete and thorough supplement, will save you hours of scrambling on a busy Friday afternoon. Well, Collision Center Directors -- guess what? You are a fireman, so deal with it. There will always be something that will derail your plans on any given day, but the truth is we have more control over these disasters than we want to admit. Don’t get me wrong -- there will always be times when the fire is truly beyond your control and you’ll have to make the tough decisions necessary to put it out. But what about the other times? problem, or it Maybe it’s time we became Super Firefighters. Maybe, instead of waiting for someone to call your office to report a fire that’s already burning out of control, you could pro-actively look in advance for situations that will erupt if left alone. Maybe we can put a few systems in place to prevent the fire from even starting. I know what you’re thinking; “I’m too busy to do that.” But we all know that an p. 86 “A poorly written estimate (or supplement) can masquerade as a Parts can morph into other delays.” By now, you’re probably wondering what exactly we can do, and where do we begin? In reality, the list of ways for a fire to break out is endless, so we can’t include them all, but we can start with what are likely your most recent fires, and a few ideas to stimulate your thoughts. I know that the first thing that will come to your mind will be Parts delays, but let me caution you that most Parts problems are self-inflicted. Let’s put our firefighters hat on and trace the fires back to where they started, drilling down to the real causes, so we can prevent them from happening again. By J i m S h a w Were your most recent fires caused by “Parts issues”? If the answer is “yes”, here’s where the “drilling down” comes in. Were the delays created because the Parts person forgot to order that bumper cover, or was the part mispackaged, damaged, lost by the tech, or, (here’s where the smoke comes into play), were needed Parts overlooked on the estimate (or supplement)? A poorly written estimate (or supplement) can masquerade as a Parts problem, or it can morph into other delays, such as waiting for reinspections (which will be blamed on the insurance company) or creating scheduling conflicts with other work coming in, making it all late. Determining the correct answers to these questions will start you toward fire prevention, saving you time in the long run. Continuing down the “Parts delay” path, are supplements in your shop completed and submitted in a timely fashion? Even if you answered “yes”, are the Parts ordered right away, or do you wait for an approval (again, creating the illusion of a Parts problem)? Next (and yes, we’re still on Parts issues) how many times have you seen an estimate (yours or an insurance company’s) for damage down the right side, but the estimator inadvertently clicked on the “Left Front Strut” instead of the “Right Front Strut”? Do your Estimators “proofread” the estimates before ordering their Parts? What about decals or emblems needed for a new fender? If the estimate includes a new “Right Fender” but no decals or emblems, isn’t that something that should be caught (fire prevention) before placing the order? “Maybe we can put a few systems in place to prevent the fire from even starting.” Remember what I said about “selfinflicted”? Now, let’s finally talk about the Parts Department. Do you get good support from your Parts Department? A savvy Parts person would pick up on errors like this. Do you have a dedicated Parts person? Parts get back-ordered, cross-shipped, discontinued and orders are cancelled every day. Do you get updates during the day on the Parts you are expecting? Do you check them in when they arrive to make sure you get what you ordered, that they are in good condition and that they are for the correct side of the vehicle? As I said earlier, we don’t have the room to include all of the ways that fires can develop if left unattended, in fact we’ve only scratched the surface on Parts issues alone. I think you’re probably starting to get the picture, but let’s look at another idea that will help fix some of the issues already covered and pave the way for even more fire prevention. Any honest Collision Center Manager or Director will tell you they have more trouble getting cars out of the shop than getting them in. In the interest of fire prevention, do you keep a production log and have daily production meetings? You should review the progress and status of every vehicle in your shop at least twice a day; even more often if the vehicle has to go that day. If you are already doing this, you are well on your way to being a Super Firefighter. If not, you’re missing the boat. Would the fireman in you rather find out about a broken headlight at 9:00 in the morning when there’s still a chance to prevent a four-alarm fire or at 4:30pm when Mrs. Jones and her four screaming kids are in the customer lounge, impatiently waiting to take delivery of her minivan so she can pick up the in-laws who landed at the airport half an hour ago? (Go ahead, tell me that’s never happened!) As usual, I’ve raised more questions than I’ve provided answers for. That’s where you come in; it’s why you get the big bucks. If you want to make your life easier, you’ll become a Super Firefighter and actively look for where fires can break out and prevent them before they even get started. If not, you’re doomed to having the same fires over and over, always wondering how they erupt. The choice is yours. Jim Shaw is an Associate with Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada-based Automotive Training International. With an extensive background in Fixed Operations, he specializes in Collision Center Management Training, Collision Center Process Implementation and Estimator Training. p. 87 A D MI N I S TR ATI ON January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Back To Basics In the Service Bay By S t e v e R e e l i n g I love a good business adage. Many popular adages tend to focus on being the biggest, being the fastest, being the best: “Swing for the fences” or “Bigger is better.” But the reverse can also be true: “Keep it simple” or “Get back to basics.” Several years ago, as I walked the aisles of my local home improvement center, I realized it was time to replace my old barbecue grill, which had developed several unattractive rust spots and no longer provided even heat across all burners. So, as I stood staring at the field of potentials replacements, the salesman detailed all the glorious features and benefits of each, walking me through the line of options until we reached the Starship Enterprise of all grills: stainless steel throughout, double wide shelves, extra storage, three (count ‘em – three!) side burners, and so much more. My eyes glazed over and I began to drool. How much simpler would life be with this baby? Oh yeah! “Besides,” the salesman regaled, “we have a convenient monthly payment plan to ease the financial burden.” What wasn’t to like about it? I walked out of the store with my prize, having spent three times as much as originally anticipated, but sure that my family would pat me on the back for bringing home such a wonder. And old Uncle Bob would love to take the old grill off my hands. This was a win for everybody! Recently, with several grilling seasons now under my belt, I took stock of just p. 88 how good a deal I’d really made. Of the three side burners, I’d used only one -once. And the magnificent electric rotisserie accessory that I just knew would loft me into neighborhood folklore was still in its original sealed box; it was simply too difficult to install. And because of the size of the behemoth, my daughters were forced to relocate their favorite sunbathing spots to the opposite end of the deck in plain view of the boys next door (gasp!). Plus, it takes four people to move the monster to clean out the leaves that constantly congregate in piles underneath. “Let’s get back to basics -- eye contact, listening, selling and servicing based on need. In between new vehicle purchases, customers usually see their Service Advisor many times more often than their Salesperson.” My cost for that shining example of topof-the-line barbecue technology was such that I figure I would need to charge $15.00 per burger to turn a positive ROI. The only way I’ll ever recoup my money from this grill is if I’m buried in it -- which my wife has threatened to do numerous times. Where did I go wrong? Well, while I had specific objectives on what features and benefits I wanted out of a new grill, I allowed myself to be sold up to a product I could never hope to fully utilize. I didn’t follow the most basic of adages -- keep it simple. A similar scenario is playing out in dealership Service Departments across the country when it comes to Service lane software. The trend in the Service bay over the last few years has been to take advantage of the multitude of new technologies to become more efficient, to capture incremental sales and to increase customer satisfaction. Do you need to have the biggest, best, most robust system on the market to satisfy your customers, or is all that technology actually hindering your efforts? There are numerous software programs available that offer everything you could possibly ask for from a Service menu program -- from a simple VIN-based menu that tells the customer what services are scheduled that day, to highly-elaborate programs that include tablet devices with built-in videos and customer-facing touch screens to educate your customers, and other features to track your inspections, recommend upgraded services and automatically integrate with your DMS. Are all of these capabilities what your Service Department team really needs? Or are what they really need just some basic tools to service their customers when they are in the Service lane? Complicated technology can go offcourse in two ways: 1) it distracts us from what’s important, and 2) it often does not get used. Bells and whistles that prevent or delay the Service Advisor from that interaction are detrimental to good customer service. “More and more dealers today service all makes and models. Additionally, every dealer wants to service the used cars they sell. And so, I suggest, the time for menus has come again.” Let’s get back to basics -- eye contact, listening, selling and servicing based on need. In between new vehicle purchases, customers usually see their Service Advisor many times more often than their Salesperson. A good basic electronic menu system (or any other technology tool for that matter) is quick, easy and accurate without taking away from that person-to-person relationship. Basic Service menus are a proven tool but many dealerships have gotten away from them. Many dealerships have menus that are out-of-date. Why? The problem is that paper menus are almost impossible to keep up-to-date due to price changes. Schedules vary greatly from make to make, model to model, and year to year. Many veteran Advisors know their own makes, but not every make. When, exactly, were the cabin filters discontinued from model X? How often does the timing belt need to be replaced on model Y? More and more dealers today service all makes and models. Additionally, every dealer wants to service the used cars they sell. And so, I suggest, the time for menus has come again. But this time, thanks to technology, basic menus come in the form of electronic Service menus to provide your Advisors and customers with quick answers regarding necessary maintenance. Present the right services, at the right time, and at the right price for every make and model that comes into your lane. I read an article by J.D. Power and Associates a while back that talked about customer perceptions on being upsold. Those who did not perceive being upsold rated their satisfaction with their dealer 140 points higher than those who believed the dealer had tried to upsell them. That’s 140 points! More than enough to cause a mass exodus from a dealership that’s pushing services his customers don’t want or feel that they need. Great skill is required by the Service Advisors in explaining the need for -- and the value of -- those extra servic- es. Printed vehicle- and customer-specific menus help Advisors deliver good customer service. This same article also predicted a continuing decline in dealership Service volumes for new in-warranty vehicles, making it even more imperative for dealers to hold onto their share of Service customers. You can scare them away by offering more than they need. Sometimes it’s good to take a step back and analyze the cost / benefit ratio. Yes, incremental sales are a good thing. Efficiency is a good thing. Improved customer satisfaction is a good thing. But are you getting all that from the maintenance Service menu software you bought? You want to earn and keep your customers’ loyalty and business, while also keeping an eye on your bottom line. Sometimes the fact that software doesn’t do everything for you allows you to stay front and center with your customer. It allows you the opportunity to walk the customer around the car and make those repair decisions together. Your Service Advisor is the expert, the Service Department’s “face” to the customer. At that moment, they are the Service Department. That simpler menu software might also allow you to grow your profits as well as your revenue by not costing much to use. Determine what features and benefits you need to grow your business and stick to them. Don’t buy more than you really need, or you could end up like me, wondering how to get that old rusty barbecue grill back from Uncle Bob. Steve Reeling is a Product Manager at Richfield, Ohio-based OEConnection with over 20 years experience in software development in SaaS, B2B/ B2C e-commerce, supply chain management and Service retailing and merchandising. p. 89 P R I C I N G S U R VEY January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine THIS ISSUE: Tim in g C h ain s a n d S e rp e n t i n e B e lt s Minneapolis MN 2009 Infiniti QX56,SUV, 5.6 V8 National Competitor National Competitor National Competitor Dealer #1 Dealer #2 National Competitor National Competitor National Competitor Dealer #1 Dealer #2 National Competitor National Competitor National Competitor Dealer #1 Dealer #2 National Competitor National Competitor National Competitor Dealer #1 Dealer #2 Timing Chain/Water Pump Kit Installation of Timing Chain Kit Serpentine Belt Installation of Serpentine Belt Timing Belt/Water Pump Kit Installation of Timing Belt Kit Serpentine Belt Installation of Serpentine Belt $73.50 $71.40 $72.00 $89.95 $150.00 DriveWorks Dayco Dayco Kia Kia Timing Belt/Water Pump Kit Installation of Timing Belt Kit Serpentine Belt Installation of Serpentine Belt $70.00 $135.20 $88.00 $60.00 $100.00 Belt Brand Gates Dayco Dayco Chevrolet Chevrolet Serpentine Belt Installation of Serpentine Belt Belt Brand $729.45 $1,880.00 $398.00 $1,732.50 $709.77 $336.00 $932.00 $1,890.00 $329.04 $2,400.00 Orlando FL 2010 Kia Sportage, EX, SUV, 2.0L in line 4 $300.00 $399.00 $259.99 $438.00 $163.16 $358.40 $562.33 $449.75 $443.48 $405.00 Monmouth NJ 2008 Chevy Cobalt, Base Sedan, 2.2 in-line 4 $366.00 $281.48 $553.00 $595.00 $424.06 $880.00 $962.00 $1,008.00 $900.00 $1,184.50 Gary IN 2010 Ford Fusion SE, Sedan, 2.5 in-line 4 Timing Belt/Water Pump Kit $642.00 $436.97 $223.72** $653.57 $155.73 **This price includes the water pump only. They cannot replaced the timing belt on this vehicle. Installation of Timing Belt Kit $639.00 $678.40 $375.60** $863.50 $840.00 $71.99 $56.00 $62.98 $52.00 $60.00 $39.99 $41.99 $46.00 $48.00 $77.00 $30.00 $34.18 $72.00 $30.00 $40.00 $83.99 $39.95 $37.98 $22.98 $59.69 $63.60 $75.00 $100.00 $140.00 $110.00 $69.00 $40.00 $73.80 $82.02 $105.00 Belt Brand Dayco Welpak Dayco Infiniti Infiniti Belt Brand Gates Gates Dayco Ford Ford InteliChek shops local, regional and national competition for automotive dealerships, providing market intelligence to improve customer retention, identify new trends, conquer new business, analyze competitive activity and identify areas of improvement. For this month’s feature, InteliChek contacted a selection of independent retailers, mass merchants and new vehicle dealerships to obtain current pricing on Timing Chains and Serpentine Belts. Four markets of varying size were selected. InteliChek requested and verified retail prices via phone calls, using specific vehicles, and vehicle services. In that way, direct and useful comparisons can be made. While InteliChek allows the retailer to suggest a brand of Timing Chains and Serpentine Belts, efforts are made to steer the retailer to providing prices for major brands to allow for accurate pricing comparisons For more information on InteliChek, visit www.intelichek.com. p. 90 N ew p r od u c t s January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Kafko International Oil Eater Parts Washers Kafko International has introduced a unique line of Oil Eater Flex Line parts washers that include ready-to-use units with basic, premium and professional level features. The water-based systems have a modular design, interchangeable features and add-on options. Each includes six gallons of eco-friendly Oil Eater Original cleaner/degreaser and a three year limited warranty. The basic level unit includes: a 440 lb. capacity working tray; flow-thru brush with adjustable fluid control; adjustable “goose neck” spigot; Oil Eater skimmer pads to soak oil from the reservoir tank; stainless steel drain screen; 26-gallon soaking capacity and a thermally protected 350 GPH pump. The premium model has all of the basic model features plus a preset fluid heater, low fluid level protection switch and a secondary 50 micron fluid filtration. The professional model adds a high-impact HDPE lid, pump protector drain magnet, 20-piece cleaning brush kit and 10w moisture resistant LED work light. Canon’s IDEAS Paperless Repair Order Technology Canon’s Intelligent Dealer Electronic Archive System (IDEAS) is a powerful digital document management system that eliminates paper ROs and supporting documents. Because of its efficiency, Technicians are typically able to service more customers in a given week, increasing monthly revenue for the dealership. By eliminating paper ROs and supporting paperwork, that efficiency translates into Techs saving about 10 minutes per customer. If a Technician serves three customers per day, they’re generating another 30 minutes a day on the clock, which means the ability to service three additional customers each a week. At a typical RO sale and labor rate, that’s another $50,000 a month just in labor sales. The Service process creates inspection reports, check-in sheets, ROs, customer RO copy, accounting RO and Tech notes. Now all that can go right into IDEAS where it’s filed by RO number so all paperwork is where it should be and easily searched and found in seconds. Thanks to Canon’s SAFE™ (Scanless Electronic Filing Engine) technology, dealers using Canon’s IDEAS enjoy a simplified OEM warranty audit because the technology ensures that all related documents are filed, indexed and readily available when requested. IDEAS ensures that warranty documentation is automatically validated to ensure that all the information required by the OEM is present before a repair order is committed to the archive. Canon’s IDEAS is compatible with multiple dealer management and Service drive systems and is a perfect fit for dealers and auto groups that have a mix of different business processing systems. IDEAS saves money five ways: reduces OEM warranty chargeback costs, improves productivity, reduces processing, improves security and compliance and reduces costs. Challenger Lifts DX77 Double Scissor Lift Challenger Lifts announces the newest ALI-certified member of the most comprehensive product lineup of automotive lifts in the industry. The DX77 double scissor lift was engineered with efficiency and productivity in mind. It can easily lift all makes and models (within rated capacity) with its synchronized hydraulic system. Diamond plated flip-up and drive-thru approach ramps provide added value with the option to extend the platform length to accommodate longer wheelbase vehicles. DX77 also offers versatility in installation. Install the double scissor lift above ground with outriggers or for a clean showroom finish, flush mount it with the included flush mount frame. Advertisers Directory ACT Auto Staffing Page 95 ASR ProPage 31 AutoNetTVPage 67 AutoPoint / MPi / Mobile Productivity Page 39 BG Products Inside Back Cover Borroughs Corp. Page 65 Carquest Auto Parts Page 29 CBT NewsPage 15 Chief Technologies / Elektron Page 43 Dealer-FXPages 9, 11 and 13 DealerMinePage 63 DealerPro Training Page 83 DealerSocketPage 41 EcoPower / Safety-Kleen Page 95 GE Capital Inside Front Cover and page 3 Herkules Equipment Page 95 Hunter Engineering Page 77 ITW ProAP / AutoEKG Page 37 Mark VII Car Wash Equipment Page 7 Microcat / IFM / Infomedia Back Cover Mighty Auto Parts Page 49 MOC ProductsPage 21 NADA University Page 47 Naked Lime Marketing Page 23 NAPA PRO Link / NAPA Auto Parts Page 95 NCM Associates Page 59 NitroFillPage 53 PartsVoice Pages 45 and 95 PDQ Vehicle Wash Systems Page 17 PennzoilPage 95 Pflow Industries Page 61 Reynolds and Reynolds Page 35 Rome Technologies Page 75 Rotary Lift Pages 69 and 95 Rousseau Metal Pages 79 and 95 Royal PurplePage 33 Service Dynamics Page 19 Shell Advantage Marketing Solutions / SAMS Page 25 Simoniz USAPage 5 TerraClean Products / Uview Page 27 TSD Rental Management Software Page 51 WildeckPage 71 XtimePage 73 p. 91 n ew p r od u c t s January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Borroughs IMPACT Workstations With Borroughs new IMPACT Workstations, dealerships have all the customizability they need to build the workstation that will do the job, at an affordable price. - Reinforced swing door cabinets with 3-point locking system - Most spacious and durable upper cabinets in the industry, with tip-up slidein doors - Best ball bearing drawer slides in the industry - 400 lb capacity drawers with full-length handles and heavy-duty keyed barrel locks and rubberized liners - Doors affixed with full-length piano hinges - Optional door frame kit - Choice of stainless, maple butcher block or painted steel worksurface COATS X-Series Tire Changers COATS’ popular line of X-Series tire changers has been refreshed to include new features and increased clamping capacity. The X-Series tire changers now come standard with a best-in-class clamping range of 6 to 24 inches and also offer the following new features: · Hybrid Duckhead: Floating tail conforms to the rim to mirror its radius and places tire in optimal position for installation. This feature is a COATS exclusive. · Single-point Bead Blast: Provides a powerful, concentrated blast to seat beads more quickly. This feature is a COATS exclusive. · Manual Bead Depressor and Duckhead Roller Combo: Design ensures the bead stays in the drop center and the tire bead does not roll back over duckhead. · Hybrid Leverless Power Duckhead: Positions the bead in the optimal position for less bead stress during installation or removal. This feature is a COATS exclusive. The X-Series has been one of COATS’ most popular products for years because of its durability and capability to tackle a wide variety of applications. The new X-Series machines have added more advanced features and capability to help shops get the job done right the first time. Balcrank Systems Fluid Inventory Control Balcrank has the most comprehensive line of fluid inventory control systems in the industry. From the entry level Director Jr. to the powerful, full-featured Synergy system. Balcrank has the right product for every application. Director Jr.: Manages 1 fluid for up to 10 dispense points. Simple, easy to install and use, the Director Jr. has been in use since 1987. Typical customers include smaller dealerships. Spectrum 100: Manages up to 4 fluids to a maximum of 16 dispense per fluid points, 2 fluids to 32 dispense points, or 1 fluid to 64 dispense points. PIN security, printed job tickets, tank level management functions including current level, tank capacity and low level alert. Typical applications include small to medium dealerships. Fusion 2.4: Wireless system manages up to 16 fluids, 250 dispense points and 250 user ID’s. Fusion 2.4 is totally wireless, communicates directly between keypads and dispense valves. Typical applications include car dealerships, HD fleet, truck and bus facilities. Synergy: The ultimate in Fluid Inventory Control systems. Unlimited number of fluids including oil, grease, DEF, windshield wash fluid and anti-freeze. Synergy controls up to 255 dispense points with total simultaneous dispense capability. Network and DMS interface available as well as full tank monitoring and real-time inventory levels. Today, the needs of dealerships are more complex, the fluids are many and the challenges of managing and accurately monitoring these fluids are difficult. Wireless has its limitations, communication problems and risks with all electronic controls mounted in the handle. Synergy brings you real-time information and seamless communication without interruption, interfacing with DMS software. Typical applications include, large dealerships and heavy-duty fleet / truck / bus facilities. Bardahl Radiator Anti-Rust & Water Pump Lubricant Inhibits rust and corrosion. Lubricates water pump, bearing and seals. Reduces deposit formation in radiators. Lista International’s Redesigned Automotive Service Bay System Lista International presents its newly-redesigned Automotive Service Bay System, specially designed for the automotive Service and repair industry. When organization, precision and performance are critical, Lista delivers with highly functional and flexible workspaces. Integrated Service bay and workbench solutions are feature-packed and give Technicians quick and easy access to tools, parts and equipment. Lista’s Service bay solutions get the job done, radiate professionalism and help to retain customers and skilled personnel. A full range of workbenches, storage cabinets, toolboxes and mobile work centers can be custom configured to meet the individual demands of every workspace and will turbo-charge any Service bay. Workbenches provide plenty of room for Technician assembly and tear down operations and promote optimal organization and productivity. Sleek, durable and easy to maintain counter and workbench surfaces handle the daily rigors of any Service Department. Surfaces come in stainless steel, galvanized steel and 1-3/4” thick butcher block. Lista offers many accessories for above the work surface areas. These allow users to custom configure their bays with overhead lockable cabinets, shelving, a computer display area and other options to build the ideal workstation. Optional mobile carts safely store and transport tools and other items to the point of repair. p. 92 Inhibits rust and corrosion Lubricates water pump, bearings and seals Reduces deposit formation in radiators Unique chemical formula that works as you drive Specifications: ENGINES: Gas, diesel PRODUCT SIZE: 6x16.9oz Shure High-Density Heavy-Duty Drawer Systems Features: • Endless configurations • All drawers include dividers and partitions • 2 widths, 2 depths & 3 drawer heights are available 36” & 48” widths, 18” & 24” depths 3”, 6” & 9” drawer heights - 3” - 250 lb. capacity, 6” & 9” - 400 lb. capacity • No mounting kit required to install drawers • HD-2 units include back panels and end panels or closed configurations • Additional drawers can be purchased as single or multiple units N ew p r od u c t s January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine JohnDow/Dynamic TPMS Sensor Storage Cabinets JohnDow Dynamic has introduced its new line of TPMS Sensor Storage Cabinets. With the explosion of the TPMS market, JDI has placed increased emphasis on the sensor storage needs of the TPMS service installer. The single door TPMS-90 cabinet will hold up to 90 DVT-sensors that are stored in separate rows for easy identification. Up to 72 DVT-sensors can be stored in the TPMS-72P two-door deluxe cabinet along with up to 28 boxes of service kits and accessories. A pull-out drawer is added to hold essential TPMS service tools. Both cabinets can be locked for additional security. The cabinets can be wall-mounted or mounted to the optional TPMS-CS cabinet stand. This stand is a convenient way to locate either cabinet close to the work area or any open area in the shop. These products provide an affordable storage solution to the TPMS category and will continue Dynamic TPMS’s efforts to be a leader in TPMS technology. The Dynamic TPMS brand features the multi-application DVT (Dual Valve Technology) sensors. The six Dynamic-DVT pre-programmed sensors provide 85% brand-to-brand coverage for domestic and Asian vehicles. In addition to the DVT-sensors, TPMS service rebuild kits and TPMS mechanical tools are also part of the Dynamic TPMS product line. Mark VII SoftWash DF® Auto Dealer Carwash System SoftWash DF is the only automatic carwash for car dealers sold in North America that carries the seal of conformance to the Association of the German Automotive Industry’s specification for safe vehicle washing, which was developed through a joint effort by BMW, Daimler, Opel, Porsche, Volkswagen and others. This detailed spec dictates types of chemicals that can be used, minimum dimensions and clearances required, avoiding protruding parts (spoilers, spare tires), acceptable hydrodynamic loads, water usage and pressure, mechanical loads, buckling resistance of the vehicle body and special considerations for washing of convertibles and coupes. Everything is designed around ensuring a high quality, damage-free wash. Based on the same technologies found in Mark VII’s SoftWash XT®, which cleans cars at thousands of convenience stores and retail carwashes throughout North America, SoftWash DF is fine-tuned for car dealers to give customers superior cleaning results while minimizing the initial investment and the use of consumables. As little as 12-14 gallons of water and less than 2 ounces of chemicals are all that’s required to clean a car. Chemicals are conveniently located on-board the SoftWash DF, eliminating the need for an equipment room or having messy chemical drums in the wash bay. Allelectric operation eliminates the risk and hassle of hydraulic leaks present in other auto dealer systems. SofTecs® foam gently washes and polishes, including a triple brushing effect on the hard-to-clean front and rear of the vehicle. Customers are delighted by driving off in a clean car and the dealers benefit from both improved customer satisfaction and lower operating costs. Stanley® Vidmar® Automated Tire Carousel The Stanley® Vidmar® Tire Carousel is fully motorized and offers quick, easy storage and retrieval of various tire sizes up to 44 inches in diameter. The carousel allows one operator to rotate carrier frames, locate desired tire sets, stop at proper position and remove tires safely at floor level all with the push of a button. Additional features and benefits include: - Reduces risk of injury with automated lifting - Maximizes storage efficiency by fully utilizing vertical storage space - Multiple preconfigured sizes or can be custom-configured to exact specifications Hunter Releases Powerful New Generation Swing-Arm Tire Changers Hunter Engineering Company has released a new generation of Swing-Arm tire changers with more rigidity, power and performance than models currently on the market. The TCX53 Performance, TCX51 Professional and TCX50 Standard tire changers are each heaviest in class with more stiffness to handle today’s tough tires. Each tire changer also uses Hunter’s PowerOut™ bead loosener for the most powerful in-class bead breaking capability. New generation Swing-Arm tire changers feature an easy-to-use adjustable tabletop that provides a 10- to 26- inch clamping range. All four tabletop jaws adjust simultaneously for mistake-free clamping and hi-grip jaw covers add mounting torque and protect wheels. Each tire changer is available with a unique 110V or 220V motor that is faster than popular alternatives and doesn’t slow down under load like air motors. The TCX53 Performance tire changer is 15% heavier than competing models and features Hunter’s patented bead press system with multiple press arms. The bead press system speeds and eases clamping, lubricating, demounting and mounting for the very toughest wheel and tire combinations. The TCX51 Professional tire changer is 10% heavier than competing models and features the most power in-class bead press arm. The press arm pushes the tire into drop center for mounting and demounting operations and is built on the same frame as Hunter’s patented bead press system. The TCX50 is a simplified version of the TCX53 Performance and the TCX51 Professional, but can be upgraded easily with optional bead press arm or bead press system. MAHA USA Wireless Mobile Column Lifts with Precision Ball-Screw Lifting Technology MAHA USA has introduced its new and redesigned MCL family of ball-screw-powered mobile column lifts. The wireless lifts are the first of their kind in the industry. The new lifts also exponentially expand the variety of tire profiles and vehicles that can now be served by wireless mobile lifts. The MCL 12 and MCL 15 lifts are completely new products, while the MCL 16 and MCL 18 have been significantly redesigned. The architecture of MAHA’s new mobile column lifts are engineered to accelerate the velocity of maintenance activities by providing a flexible vehicle lifting system that creates a more open, productive and accessible work space. The new lifts boost productivity through superiority ergonomics and by expanding application flexibility. Not only can you lift a wider variety of vehicles with the new lifts, but once the vehicles are elevated, they enable Service Technicians to operate virtually unencumbered. All base frames for the MCL wireless ball-screw lifts have been redesigned and each base frame now features a lower profile and longer leg structure that increases the columns’ stability, allowing them to engage low clearance vehicles more effectively. The main support column of each lift is formed from a solid, one-piece, hot-rolled I-beam, giving it superior rigidity and stability, while reducing load and stress on interior structural welds. MAHA wireless ball-screw column lifts are up to 30 percent lighter than wireless hydraulic column lifts that require heavy hydraulic fluid, cylinders, hoses, valves and pumps. Unlike hydraulic lifting equipment, precision-engineered ball-screw lifting mechanisms lift at a constant speed, are 90 percent efficient, are impervious to cold weather and are environmentally friendly. p. 93 n ew p r od u c t s January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Royal Purple Introduces New Six Ounce Max-Clean High Performance Fuel System Treatment Premium synthetic lubricant manufacturer Royal Purple® has introduced a new six-ounce size for its Max-Clean® fuel system treatment, a high performance synthetic cleaner that helps maximize fuel system performance. Previously only available in 20-ounce containers, the new six-ounce bottle of Max-Clean is a cost effective option to keep engines clean, along with the added benefits of Max-Clean’s fuel stabilization, reduced emissions and increased horsepower. One six-ounce application treats up to 20 gallons of fuel. Max-Clean is formulated with state-of-the-art detergents to deeply penetrate and clean injectors, carburetors, intake valves and combustion chamber surfaces. Independent testing has shown that regular use of MaxClean will: · Restore lost fuel economy · Maximize horsepower · Prevent harmful deposits and buildup · Reduce emissions · Stabilize fuel during storage Royal Purple Max-Clean is both EPA and CARB compliant and is safe for use in all 2- and 4-cycle gasoline and diesel engines. It is compatible with ethanol blended fuels and will not harm vehicle emissions equipment. Equipped with the Shockwave package, the SPO12 can lift a vehicle weighing up to 12,000 lbs. 80 inches in just 25 seconds and lower it in 19 seconds. This is twice as fast as any other lift’s rise and descent, which means technicians can complete more jobs each day using a Shockwave-equipped SPO12. That means more money in their pockets, and greater profitability for the shop. Shockwave’s speed is made possible in part by its DC power unit. Shockwave-equipped lifts are battery operated with a built-in charger, which eliminates the need for expensive 220V wiring. The lifts can even be used during power outages, so a vehicle is never left stranded in the air. Getting the vehicle positioned on the lift is also easier with Shockwave-equipped lifts thanks to their patent-pending Spotline™ laser spotting guide. Spotline projects a green laser line into the middle of the bay. To center a vehicle, the technician simply lines up the middle of the hood or dash with the laser line and drives onto the lift. The new Shockwave-equipped SPO12 comes with adjustable frame-contact adapters for use with trucks and other body-on-frame vehicles. The SPO12 is nearly two feet taller than the standard 10,000 lb. capacity SPO10 two-post lift to provide clearance for utility bodies, roof racks and other overhead equipment. Tecalemit NEXUS Nitrogen Generator Combining the essence of design, manufacturing and marketing in a modern and innovative piece. The NEXUS range is designed to cover every application of digital nitrogen inflation from small passenger car to large commercial off-road vehicle tires used in very demanding environments. Offering both membrane and PSA technology allowing the buyer a choice of models which best suit their needs. Protect Paint with XPEL ULTIMATE Self-Healing Protection Film XPEL(tm) ULTIMATE Paint Protection Film delivers unsurpassed clarity and durability, providing vehicle owners with years of protection from stone chips, scratches and abrasions on automobiles, motorcycles, RVs, power-sport equipment, bicycles and more. Developed with an innovative material, XPEL’s ULTIMATE is a virtually invisible urethane film that features a clear coat and special elastomeric polymers that “heal” over time, naturally eliminating swirl marks and fine scratches. The film’s low surface energy enables XPEL ULTIMATE to shed contaminants such as road grime, air pollution and tree sap, which are responsible for staining and yellowing conventional films, while its strength protects painted surfaces from rocks, gravel, salt, oils, magnesium chloride and insect and bird wastes. ULTIMATE Paint Protection Film was designed to provide industryleading performance that’s proven to last longer than other films on the market. It offers superior paint protection while retaining its gloss and clarity for many years. XPEL ULTIMATE is a clear-coated polyurethane film with outstanding strength, durability, clarity and longevity. Available in rolls of varying width and length and pre-cut in a variety of patterns, ULTIMATE is available to protect hoods, headlamps, fenders, rocker panels, door edges, mirrors and more. With exceptional elongation, memory and flexibility, the film installs easier, allowing for single-piece installations, reduced labor costs and high customer satisfaction. Rotary Lift’s Shockwave™ Technology Now Available to Speed Up Truck and Van Repairs The world’s fastest vehicle lift just got bigger. Rotary Lift’s patent-pending Shockwave technology is now available for the first time on a 12,000 lb. capacity lift, making it possible to service pick-ups, work trucks and vans faster than ever. Rotary Lift has expanded its productivity-enhancing Shockwave offerings beyond 10,000 lb. capacity two-post and SmartLift inground lifts to include its popular SPO12 two-post lift. The SPO12 features a symmetric design that keeps a heavy vehicle’s center of gravity directly between the columns for maximum stability while performing repairs. p. 94 Snap-on Releases One of the Largest Software Upgrades for European Vehicles The newly updated European software for the Snap-on Software Upgrade 13.4 includes the latest FIAT® 500 diagnostics coverage for engine, transmission, ABS, airbag, body control, instrument, electric power steering and more. The Snap-on optional European coverage is also available for nine other European makes including Audi®, BMW®, Jaguar®, Land Rover®, Mercedes-Benz®, MINI®, Smart Car®, Volkswagen® and Volvo®. This update is one of Snap-on’s largest upgrades for European makes and models to date. Diagnosing and repairing European vehicles is challenging, so Snap-on has added more depth to its European software. Software Upgrade 13.4, like previous upgrades, gives Technicians true OEM-specific coverage to tackle jobs from general repair, to driveability, to body control and HVAC issues. AutoCheckMate LLC Announces Integration of Their Automated Capture Zone and Hand-Held ACM307 Systems Newton, New Jersey-based AutoCheckMate, a leader in Digital Vehicle Inspection since 2005, has finalized a deal with Mercedes-Benz Manhattan to install the latest “Capture Zone” technology at their new location. The Zone was originally designed for high volume dealers who needed to document vehicle condition in a matter of seconds. The dealership requested integration of the hand held system in order to input damage entries with images that will allow them to provide customers with prompt proposals for body damage, rim and ding repairs, along with windshield and tire repairs or replacements. As the vehicle approaches the Zone, the VIN is scanned off the door jamb and any sellable damage repairs are noted. The vehicle then enters the Capture area where multiple images from every angle are shot and sent to the ACM Server, easily retrieved using the last few numbers of the VIN. The ACM website is user friendly and allows the dealership to utilize the data to end arguments over damage claims, while increasing sales and customer service by being proactive rather than reactive. MA RK E TP L A CE January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine T:3.5” T:2” AMERICA’S MOST TRUSTED OIL.* pennzoil.com *Based on a survey of licensed drivers conducted by a leading research firm January 2005 – December 2010. ©2011 SOPUS Products. All rights reserved. More dealersPZ1-128 choose Smartlift. 78751_PZ_PZ1-128.indd 1 4/19/11 2:33:49 PM Find out why the Rotary Smartlift is the #1 dealer choice for inground lifts. Prepared by: Southfield, MI • 248.354.9700 by Sarah Wilde / Beth Powell Fonts Fonts: Helvetica Neue (37 Thin Condensed, 47 Light Condensed), Agenda (Medium) Link Name: 78751_PZ_PZ1-128.tif (CMYK; 300 ppi; 100%) Used Swatches: Shown: SL210X 10,000 lbs. capacity Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black FixedOps_Smartlift_Ad_2011.indd 1 Printed At 100% SmartLift ® www.rotarylift.com 8/10/2011 9:33:48 AM p. 95 I N D US TR Y N E WS January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Continued from page 8 AutoCheckMate Announces integration of Their Automated Capture Zone and Hand-Held ACM307 Systems Newton, New Jersey-based AutoCheckMate, a leader in Digital Vehicle Inspection since 2005, has finalized a deal with Mercedes-Benz Manhattan to install the latest “Capture Zone” technology at their new location. The goal is to have every vehicle that enters their building drive through the Zone, where hi-res images are shot from every angle. The pictures are stored by VIN at AutoCheckMate.com and are available for review within minutes, eliminating arguments over false damage claims. ACM will also be integrating their hand-held device, allowing the Service Department to quickly note any damage, allowing them to increase sales by providing customers with prompt repair proposals on body damage, rims, dings, etc. A 25 year veteran of the car business, ACM Sales Manager John DeVita explains why Digital Vehicle Inspection is an integral part of Thready Connectivity. “For too many years, new car dealership departments have had issues working in harmony. Today’s most successful dealers realize the value of less arguing and increased productivity, so they’ve implemented systems of transparency and logic that encompass the whole-store approach. Utilizing Digital Inspection and Damage Entry on everything from Service vehicles to lease returns is an important aspect of that approach. It’s all about improving the customer experience by offering them a combination of the latest technology available and the highest level of Hospitality and Personal Service. This includes being proactive rather than reactive, exploiting “Big Data” to gather as much information as possible, and using that info to follow up, promote sales and improve Customer loyalty.” “Considering that most dealers perform some type of visual inspection on Service, loaner, lease return and new Sales vehicles, Digital Inspection and Damage Entry is a simple and effective way to dramatically improve the effectiveness of this process. It ends the arguments over damage claims which, in turn improves the overall Customer Experience and the Dealers bottom line,” says Mr. DeVita. Audi of America Endorses DealerSocket’s Auto CRM and ILM Solutions Ford Launches New Warranty for Ford Genuine and Motorcraft Parts Ford Motor Company has announced the launch of a new warranty on Ford Genuine and Motorcraft service parts for unlimited mileage for 24 months from time of purchase or installation. The Ford backing, clarity of terms, labor coverage and access to Ford’s nationwide network for coverage provides greater value and peace of mind for all customers whether they are general consumers, fleet operators or independent repair facilities. “Ford is dedicated to constant improvement in all we do. Ford Genuine and Motorcraft replacement parts are approved by Ford engineering,” said Frederiek Toney, Vice President, Ford Motor Company and President, Ford Customer Service. “In the unlikely event a part fails, our new warranty demonstrates our commitment to quality, our customers and our intent to provide greater peace of mind and an improved ownership experience.” Ford also will now reimburse fleets and independent repair facilities up to $150 in labor coverage. Ford continues a No Commercial Exceptions policy as a commitment to fleet customers. In addition, Ford’s Part warranty provides customers towing reimbursement for repairs completed at any Ford or Lincoln Dealership. If a Service part purchased under the new warranty happens to fail and the repair is completed at a Ford or Lincoln dealership, the entire repair cost, labor and towing will be covered. If the repair was completed at an independent installer or fleet facility, Ford would reimburse up to $150 in labor. (The towing would not be covered.) Ford’s previous Service Parts warranty was 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever occurred first, and labor was covered if the part was installed by a Ford or Lincoln dealership. Labor was not covered on parts sold over-thecounter to a fleet or installer. Reynolds Launches ERA-IGNITE Advanced Training Course for Dealership Managers Leading auto dealer CRM, DealerSocket, is proud to continue its 4-year integration with Audi as its CRM and ILM solution of choice, with over 30% of the network already onboard. This strategic partnership bridges the gap between dealers’ CRMs and Audi’s corporate digital assets and data, empowering dealers to increase efficiency and boost sales, while better serving customers at the same time. Reynolds and Reynolds is now offering in-depth, management-level training for dealerships using the ERA-IGNITE platform. ERA-IGNITE is Reynolds’ newest dealership software platform and a foundation of Reynolds Retail Management System. ERA-IGNITE features a Windows®-based design and architecture that enable dealership personnel to work more productively and to access information more efficiently. “We are absolutely ecstatic that Audi chose us to partner with on this journey,” said Reuben Muinos, DealerSocket’s Director of Business Development. “This robust partnership is so exciting because we are truly able to make a difference for these dealerships by innovating their operations with tools that will not only increase efficiency and profitability, but also improve the Audi experience for their customers nationwide.” The ERA-IGNITE Management and Control Course is an intensive three-day program of instructor-led classroom training designed for participants who want to expand their knowledge and further capitalize on the advantages they can gain with ERA-IGNITE. The training, which is provided by Reynolds subject matter experts at Reynolds offices in Dayton and Houston, is geared toward CFOs, Controllers and System Administrators. Audi Dealers who leverage DealerSocket technology can: “Taking this course pulled me away from the office and the steady stream of phone calls and e-mails and into a structured environment where I could focus and really learn ERA-IGNITE with an instructor to help me,” said Sarah Irby-Goad, Controller with BMW Mini of Sterling. - Enroll in Audi’s Response Time Initiative and report performance numbers - Power pipeline selling (vehicles in transit in CRM) - Command powerful results through KPI data - Receive integrated digital marketing pieces available directly from Audi of America - Experience reduced maintenance and development costs - Get exclusive Audi preferred discount pricing - Benefit from partnering with one of the highest in overall satisfaction with Audi dealers nationwide p. 96 ERA-IGNITE Management and Control Courses are offered monthly. Along with the new ERA-IGNITE Management and Control Course, Reynolds provides a number of other training options to help dealerships maximize utilization of ERA-IGNITE, including Computer Assisted Instruction, OnDemand Training, ERA ‘Net classes, Free Monthly Webinars and on-site training provided by Reynolds consultants. Auto/Mate Announces Integration with Dealer-FX, Boosting Dealer Service Retention Capabilities Auto/Mate Dealership Systems has announced that its AMPS Dealership Management System (DMS) is fully integrated with Dealer-FX’ automotive retail marketing and software solutions. Dealerships using AMPS dealership management system (DMS) and Dealer-FX’ Service customer retention solutions will now benefit from real-time data exchange between the two systems. “One of the key components to an effective customer retention marketing program is to have all the customer information, history and vehicle history updated instantly and accurately across the DMS and customer retention systems,” said Mike Esposito, President and CEO of Auto/Mate. Dealer-FX is the most recent vendor to integrate with AMPS as part of Auto/ Mate’s Open/Mate program. The open integration program ensures that all data delivered between the DMS and third-party software programs is instant and secure. Real-time integration eliminates redundancy and ensures accurate information for better marketing capabilities, compared with data exchanges performed via batch deliveries. Low-cost, open integration programs benefit auto dealers by improving internal productivity and increasing vendor choices, leading to more competition and lower prices. “Dealers using our solutions and Auto/Mate’s DMS will be able to get more out of each system, as technological barriers are eliminated and the focus can be on improving programs and processes without having to worry whether the data is accurate,” said Sandor Segal, Director of Business Development with Dealer-FX. Dealer-FX offers auto dealers Service drive technology and tools that streamline the Sales-to-Service handoff, boost online scheduling, enable consistent electronic walkaround and inspections and more. Its customer retention programs increase loyalty and integrate with Dealer-FX’s comprehensive suite of social media marketing, lead generation and conversion tools, as well as their marketing and brand effectiveness programs. A S S O C I A T E S NCM® Announces DealerTrack DMS Integration with AXCESSA™ Auto Dealership Data Management Platform NCM CEO and President Paul Faletti Jr. has announced the completion of a joint development effort in a client communication stating, “The Reverse Rick engineering team, creators of NCM axcessa, recently completed full, authorized integration with DealerTrack DMS. The DealerTrack team was a pleasure to work with and we are excited to offer this integrated solution to our clients. The powerful combination of DealerTrack DMS and NCM axcessa allows for unprecedented dealership analytics, reporting and intelligence that will assist in driving profitability and creating a culture of total transparency and accountability.” NCM axcessa is an industry-first, cloud-based data management platform allowing for data aggregation across the dealership’s front-end, back-end and accounting systems and across multiple stores in a matter of seconds, accelerating the information feedback loop and providing users with a clear competitive advantage by shifting management focus from reactive to proactive. In addition to the incomparable actionable intelligence® axcessa provides the dealership, many axcessa reports also include NCM Benchmark® metrics, allowing users to compare their operations with NCM’s top-performing franchised automotive dealers, for even greater insight and analysis. Xtime Extends Its Leading Customer Retention Platform With Its New Menu 7 and Mobile 7 Applications Xtime, the leading cloud-based customer retention management platform for the auto Service industry, has announced the extension of its intuitive and convenient 7 Series consumer online scheduling interface to its mobile scheduling application and popular online Service menus. Along with the introduction of the Consumer 7.0 online scheduling interface earlier this year, the industry’s leading customer retention platform now delivers an exceptional customer experience through every Service booking channel. Xtime’s new Menu 7 displays VIN-specific factory and dealer Service recommendations, a personalized Service timeline, pricing for both factory and dealer recommendations, the ability to book the services selected (with the Xtime scheduling system) and is customizable to work within both manufacturer and dealer websites. Menu 7 recommendations and prices are identical throughout Xtime’s platform, a consistency that enables all dealership personnel (Advisors, Managers, Call Center Agents) to provide accurate Service recommendations and price quotes for services on any vehicle. Menu 7 also powers Xtime’s online, mobile and in-vehicle telematics scheduling channels. By providing clear, consistent Service recommendations, Menu 7 instills customer confidence and trust while providing a convenient online purchasing experience within the Xtime platform. “Every aspect of the Xtime consumer experience is now state-of-the-art, which enables our dealers and manufacturers to meet the expectations of their increasingly demanding customer base,” said Neal East, CEO of Xtime. “By giving their Service customers a visually appealing, transparent and convenient path to buying Service, our dealers maximize the chance of retaining them. It’s innovations like these that give Xtime dealers an average 5% boost in Service retention.” Insignia Group Issued Patent for Configurator Technology and Process Insignia Group has announced the issuance of US Patent No. 8,566,714, which relates to Insignia’s development software and process for building visual assets on vehicles. Insignia’s invention supports the increasing demand within new car dealerships for presenting vehicle personalization (accessories) to customers at the point of car sale. The patent is specific to Insignia’s process and development software for creating configurable assets to appear on a base product. The software invention establishes a repeatable process of associating the asset to the base model and sub-models. This dynamic method is delivered across many unique parts and vehicles concurrently. The rapid application saves time, money and removes human error in managing catalog based data. “Insignia is a leader and innovator in the vehicle personalization market space,” says David Stringer, President of Insignia. “Protecting our technology allows us to capitalize on our efforts and bring even greater innovation to our industry.” Insignia Group services thousands of dealership personnel across its nationwide network of dealership affiliates. As released in January 2012, Toyota of Braintree exceeded $2.1 million dollars in accessory sales leveraging Insignia’s technology and services. This represents the largest one-year sales volume of accessories on new cars in the 11 years of providing vehicle personalization software solutions and process training to dealerships. “This achievement is a testament to our commitment in providing best-inclass technologies and services to our customers,” said Stringer. “Every process we establish has a customer included and it’s our customers which contribute to the continual growth in our product and services,” he said. p. 97 I N D US TR Y N E WS January / February 2014 || Fixed Ops Magazine Service Intervals Have Increased Nearly 4% in Last Year, Costing Average Dealership $91K in Lost Revenue DMEautomotive (DMEa), the science-inspired, results-based automotive marketing leader, has released new findings from DMEInsights, its recently released analytics product, revealing that the average dealership’s auto Service interval has undergone significant changes within the last year, increasing from 140 to 145 days, or nearly 4%. DMEa found that this five-day expansion between Service visits is costing the average dealership $91,000 in lost revenue a year, or $18,000 for every day of interval added. While these new realities impact dealerships and aftermarket providers alike, the total cost to U.S. franchised new car dealers alone is $352 million+ each year. A number of factors -- including people keeping vehicles longer than ever in history, far better built cars, people driving less and people relying less on OEM Service recommendations in favor of more online and mobile research -- is fueling this ongoing lengthening of time between Service visits. Auto/Mate Integrates DMS with MOC1 Solutions’ Fixed Ops Service Drive Suite, Streamlining Dealers’ Service Processes Auto/Mate Dealership Systems has announced that its dealership management system (DMS) is integrated with two of the five modules in MOC1 Solutions’ Fixed Ops SDSTM (Service Drive Suite) technology platform. Auto/Mate has completed full integration with MOC1 Solutions’ Track and Schedule products, and is in the process of integrating with their three remaining modules including Write, Inspect and Retain. Auto dealers using both systems will benefit from the ability to streamline processes in their Service Departments. “Dealership Service Departments have made great strides in the last few years towards automating many of their processes, and integration between the DMS and vendors’ solutions enables this trend to continue, increasing efficiencies and profits,” said Mike Esposito, President and CEO of Auto/Mate Dealership Systems.” “Service intervals will only get longer and this should be a wake-up call for every dealer, because it impacts them in diverse, costly ways,” said Mike Walther, President and CEO of DMEautomotive. “Longer intervals don’t just mean a lot less direct Service revenue, because when customers come in for fewer visits in the first three years of ownership (where brand and dealership loyalty is forged), they’re also less likely to re-purchase at that dealership, and even CSI scores are negatively impacted.” MOC1 Solutions Fixed Ops SDS™ platform offers a powerful unified solution that significantly increases the efficiency, consistency and transparency of the automotive Service and repair business. While MOC1 Solutions continues to sell its best-in-class SDS™ products individually, a key differentiator of MOC1’s software suite is the ability to offer an integrated, comprehensive “all-in-one” platform designed specifically for the Fixed Operations business. “Many dealers use Service reminder marketing programs that haven’t fundamentally changed in years. But the new, ever-lengthening Service intervals are just further proof that it’s now imperative for dealers to start marketing to the owner, and not to the vehicle,” said Walther. “The auto industry desperately needs to abandon the old ‘spray and pray’ approach of the old programs and adopt a ‘new era’ Service marketing approach that’s focused on total customer retention. That means delivering relevant, super-targeted messages based on each customer’s actual behavior and purchasing patterns, and doing a better job communicating where their customers increasingly live: across digital and mobile channels like mobile apps. That’s the way to reclaim those lost Service dollars, increase loyalty and get more customers into the Service drive, more often.” “As more dealership Service Departments go mobile and paperless, integration with the DMS is key to improving workflow and keeping customer information current,” said a spokesperson for MOC1 Solutions. Identifix® Launches Vehicle Search by VIN in Direct Hit® Identifix, a leader in vehicle diagnostics for over 25 years, has unveiled its newest feature in Direct Hit: vehicle search by VIN. Subscribers can now access information even faster and more accurately by simply typing at least 10 digits of a vehicle’s 17-digit VIN when creating a new vehicle within the online tool. There’s also an auto-suggest feature that offers a list of applicable vehicles once a Technician enters model and year information. Both new features ensure shop owners have the exact diagnostic and repair information they need for the specific vehicle in their Service bay. Delivering information that comes straight from the factory, Direct Hit allows Technicians to diagnose and repair vehicles with greater speed, accuracy and confidence without leaving the vehicle. These new search upgrades mean they can work more efficiently and effectively than ever before. “Our product features and functionality are driven by the needs of our customers. A vehicle search by VIN has been on their wish list for a long time, so we’re excited to be able to deliver this and other enhancements that help Technicians and Service Advisors increase productivity,” said Aaron Cherrington, Vice President of Product Management and Strategy for Identifix. “As long as we continue to keep an active dialogue with both current and potential customers, we’ll always be well positioned to help meet the challenging demands of vehicle Service and repair.” p. 98 MPi EDGE WorldClass Moves to the Cloud; Dealers Get More Powerful Vehicle Inspection Software MPi, a leading provider of revenue and retention solutions for dealership Service Departments, has announced that EDGE WorldClass has just been updated to the cloud. The leading vehicle inspection software is now faster and more powerful than ever. EDGE WorldClass™ is a powerful solution that creates trust by standardizing the inspection, estimating and recommendation processes. It empowers the Service Department and management team to build connections with customers that drive retention throughout the lifecycle of the vehicle. MPi recently conducted a study of the more than 1,300 new car dealerships using EDGE WorldClass and found that in 2012, the average MPi auto dealer generated over $42,000 per month in incremental inspection generated customer pay sales. This data was taken from a study of more than 11,500,000 ROs written by MPi dealers in 2012. Key improvements from the cloud update include: elimination of onsite client server; automatic, real-time updates; faster fixes; improved speed and performance; enhanced accessibility (get access to EDGE anywhere, anytime); updated product interface; and increased security. “At MPi, we understand dealers may have several choices when it comes to offering vehicle inspections in their Service Department. Our commitment is to deliver a real measurable return on investment by ensuring MPi dealers’ success in achieving WorldClass profits. For that reason we constantly strive to improve our products and services,” MPi President Rich Holland stated. “This change will be transparent to the end user and the roll out will be gradual. We expect all eligible EDGE users to be fully upgraded within six months. All upgrades will happen after hours and will not interrupt their business or ability to use EDGE. I am excited to see the improved profitability these changes are sure to bring!” a Se bo t N e u ot AD s h A #7 01 9 in SERVICE SOLUTIONS THAT BUILD TRUST, PERFORMANCE AND PROFITS. TRY THE ALL NEW SUPERSERVICE SUITE OF FIXED OPERATION SALES PERFORMANCE TOOLS. It will change what you believe is possible to achieve with your current resources. 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