WFRtDS Newsletter 62 can be downloaded here.


WFRtDS Newsletter 62 can be downloaded here.
For four days, 105 delegates (and their partners) from 40
right-to-die societies in 30 countries met in Zurich to transact the
business of the World Federation, to hear and give papers,
to socialize, and to tour this charming and graceful city.
Saskia Frei, President of
EXIT Deutsche Schweiz,
welcomes delegates
at opening reception
Bernhard Sutter, EXIT vicepresident and conference
organizer, also served as tour
guide before and after the
Neil Francis, President (Australia)
Faye Girsh, Vice President and Newsletter Editor (USA)
Berit Hasselmark, Secretary (Sweden)
Ron Plummer, Treasurer (UK)
Berit Hasselmark
Rodney Syme
August 2012
Faye Girsh
Soichiro Iwao
Soichiro Iwao (Japan)
Jean Jacques Bise (Switzerland)
Rodney Syme (Australia)
Rob Jonquière, Communications Director
Ron Plummer
Jean Jacques Bise
Neil Francis, WF President
and President of Your Last
Rights and Death with Dignity
Victoria, Australia
Rob Jonquiére
World Right-to-Die Newsletter-1
SOARS (Society for Old Age Rational Suicide) – Based in England, established 2009, by Dr. Michael Irwin, to
change the law so that elderly individuals suffering non terminal health problems can get a physician’s help to die.
Farewell Foundation – Based in Canada, established 2011, by Russel Ogden, to provide help in dying in the
presence of unbearable suffering at the request of a competent individual, based on the Swiss model, when assisted
dying becomes legal in Canada.
Life Circle – Founded in 2012, in Bern, Switzerland, by Dr. Erika Preisig to offer services similar to those of
Dignitas, but with an emphasis on keeping people alive as long as possible with palliative care. The Eternal Spirit
Foundation will administer the program.
Ultime Liberté – Founded in 2011, in France, to advocate for the right to an assisted death, without the help of a
Health Professional Award
FRANCO CAVALLI, Oncologist (and former member of the Swiss parliament). Kept assisted suicide on the
political agenda in Switzerland, and has helped the RTD movements in France, Germany and Italy
Tenrei Ohta Award
LUDWIG MINELLI, Human rights attorney, Founder and Director of Dignitas, permitting non-Swiss citizens to
obtain physician aid in dying in Switzerland
Marilyn Seguin Award
RUSSEL OGDEN, academic researcher on deathing methods, founder of Farewell Foundation, Canada
2-World Right-to-Die Newsletter
Issue No. 62
A proposal was made to permit Individual Membership. Delegates authorized the board to
present a plan to implement this by December. Currently the number of members equals
the number of member organizations, but there has been interest from individuals who
have no member organizations to belong to and would like to support the work of the WF.
The Treasurer’s Report by Michael Irwin, indicated some discrepancies between dues
from members of Right to Die Europe, where some member organizations chose to give
their 1% of income to RTDE rather than the WF. The treasurer is authorized to resolve
these discrepancies.
Michael Irwin
Neil Francis spoke about the use of computerized data to develop
a data bank with information on our opponents, to better challenge them in debates and in
the media.
Ted Goodwin, WF Past President, delivered his address detailing the encouraging progress
toward increasing choice in the world in the past two years. He warned, though, that unity of
the WF is extremely important to maintain the progress that has been made.
Ted Goodwin
Rob Jonquiére, WF Communications Director, explained all the facets of
the WF website (, which are available to the public.
He has developed this to become a hub of information, which can be
shared by the member organizations. He requests data from members,
so that it can be centrally located on the WF website. It will be available in several languages.
Rob Jonquiére
Future meetings: The meeting of Right to Die Europe will be held in Rome, June 2013, hosted by Libero Uscita.
The next WF congress will be hosted in September, 2014, by the Final Exit Network in Chicago.
Adding to the celebratory atmosphere of the conference, on Saturday there
was a favorable ruling by a Supreme Court judge in British Columbia, Canada.
Responding to a case of a woman with ALS (Motor Neuron Disease) brought
by the B.C. Civil Liberties Association, Judge Lynn Smith ruled that Canada’s
laws against assisted dying are unconstitutional. Her ruling allows the Canadian
parliament a year to draft new legislation. The plaintiff, Gloria Taylor, would
be granted an exemption, and permitted to find a doctor to provide assistance if
she chooses to end her life before before the end of a year. Russel Ogden, whose
Farewell Foundation was one of the original plaintiffs, was congratulated by all
for this victory.
August 2012
Gloria Taylor
World Right-to-Die Newsletter-3
From Thursday afternoon, where there were four speakers or panels, to the end of the day on Friday, which was a
Public Day where the audience enlarged and simultaneous translation was available, there was a constant flow of
information, debates, posters, and an impressive variety of approaches to the common problem of expanding end of
life choices. Here are some highlights:
Mr. Yukio Matsuo gave a moving account about his wife who was rendered uncommunicative, except
through blinking, following an auto accident. Because a patient in Japan cannot refuse treatment, she
lived almost 3 years, though expressing her wish to die.
Sir Terry Pratchett spoke about his unusual form of dementia and his wish to know
that he could end his life when he wished. Most of his speech was given by a friend
but Sir Terry was around the conference and happily conversing with the media
and fans.
Sir Terry Pratchett
Yukio Matsuo
Richard N. Côté, author of “In Search of Gentle Death”, reviewed developments
in the Americas, including the recent British Columbia decision and the energetic
movement in Quebec. The US has had the Montana decision and the Final
Exit Network cases. Dr. Alfonso Quintana’s public declaration of performing
euthanasia in Colombia and the ADMD organization in Venezuela were discussed.
Richard Côté
Dr. Roger Kusch
The situation in Germany was discussed by Dr. Roger Kusch, attorney and former
Justice Minister. He indicated that several people have received assistance in dying through his
organization, SterbeHilfeDeutschland.
Dr. Philip Nitschke, head of Exit International based in Australia, argued that
the availability of the means for a peaceful death would make it unnecessary for
individuals to prove to anyone that their needs are worthy. In addition, legislative
efforts are slow and restrictive.
Dr. Philip Nitschke
Ludwig Minelli, founder of Dignitas, made a case that prevention of suicide attempts, which are
at least 10 times higher than actual suicides, could be accomplished by acknowledging that suicide
could be a rational choice. A non-moralizing conversation about the wish to stop living and to offer assistance can
prevent failed attempts.
Ludwig Minelli
Andreas Brunner, attorney general for the Canton of Switzerland, noted that the five Swiss
organizations offering assistance in dying, have expanded the criteria beyond terminality, to
chronic illness, and even old age. He advocates for a clearer definition of the practice of assisted
dying, without restricting the practice. He envisions this beginning in Zurich and later to be
adopted nationally.
Beautiful Switzerland
4-World Right-to-Die Newsletter
Issue No. 62
On Saturday morning Dignitas graciously invited people to a reception at their
house outside of Zurich and, later, to their administrative headquarters in Forch.
It was a beautiful day – the good news from Canada added to the joy of the
occasion – and the hospitality was enhanced by excellent Croatian food and
good wine poured by Ludwig Minelli himself. Sylvan Lully was the friendly
guide and organizer.
Sylvan Lully,
Assistant to Mr. Minelli
Faye Girsh, Ludwig Minelli
and Dick MacDonald
Dr. Libby Wilson who has helped
many get to Dignitas thru FATE
Delicious Croatian Spread
The Dining AreaEnjoyed by Bina Divon
and Nimrod Cinnamon
from Lilach, Israel
One of 3 bedrooms
Mr. Minelli feeding the koi
Back and front neighbors
August 2012
World Right-to-Die Newsletter-5
(Apologies to the many whose pictures did not fit on this page)
Maria Palomba,
Ans Baars, NVVE
Dr. Chris Arnold,
Mirelle Kies,
ADMD-L, Luxembourg
Ellen Barfield & Larry Egbert,
Final Exit Network
Wendell Stephenson,
Pres, Final Exit Network
Maia Chenaux – Repond, Final
Exit Zimbabwe
Avd Wildenberg,
NVVE, Netherlands
Bev Hurelle, VES, New Zealand
6-World Right-to-Die Newsletter
Jim Preece,
Farewell Foundation
Marthy Putz,
ADMD Luxembourg
Peter Warren, FATE UK
Elke Baezner, DCHS, Germany
Nathalie Andrews,
George Felos,
Atty for Michael Schiavo
Rossana Cecchi,
Libera Uscita, Italy
Aycke Smook,
de Einder, Netherlands
Katherine Svec,
Dying with Dignity, Canada
Issue No. 62
(New technologies for self-Deliverance)
Though not an official part of the World Federation program, NuTech has been meeting in conjunction with the
conferences to introduce and evaluate new methods for self-deliverance, especially since medication has become
increasingly difficult to obtain. A well-attended meeting on Saturday, heard 6 provocative speakers. ERGO (Derek
Humphry, president) sponsored the program, which Faye Girsh organized and moderated.
Richard Côté (USA), who gives an extensive history of NuTech in his book, “Search for Gentle
Death”, introduced the session with a short slide show of methods developed by NuTech over the
past 15 years, including the helium method (see page 8 for a review of his book).
Dr. Boudewijn Chabot showed his new DVD on the use of helium and the making
of an exit bag. He also discussed research on the decrease in oxygen consumption during the
inhalation of helium (see page 8 for a review of the DVD). Dr. Chabot’s work on methods of dying,
particularly non-medical methods, are well known to the RTD community (though some publications
are in Dutch).
Neal Nicol
Boudejwin Chabot
Neal Nicol (USA), long time associate of Jack Kevorkian’s, demonstrated his prototype of a selfadministered device, which compresses carotid arteries. This has not actually been tried on humans,
but operates like a choke hold.
John Todd (Australia) demonstrated a chemical method to generate carbon monoxide, based on
Philip Nitschke’s coGenie. He states this has proved a successful, painless and rapid method.
John Todd
Tijn Hagen
Tijn Hagens (de Einder, Netherlands) counsels people not accepted for VE, about
alternate methods. He showed a chart of medications that can be more easily obtained than
barbiturates, and can be taken in combination. He also describes the helium method, and refusal of
food and fluids as alternatives.
Dr. Rodney Syme (Australia) has helped people die and works to change the law. He asked what
method would be used if they were successful in legalizing assisted dying. He pointed out that
veterinarians use Nembutal routinely, and it is not expensive, but is completely unavailable for
human use.
Rodney Syme
Though most countries do not have even one organization that can provide a peaceful death, Switzerland has 5 such
organizations. Voluntary euthanasia is not permitted by law, but physician aid in dying has long been a legal option.
Uniquely, the last 3 of these groups provide assistance to non-Swiss citizens.
1. EXIT Deutsche Schweiz (Zurich)
2. EXIT A.D.M.D. Suisse Romande (Geneva)
3. Dignitas (Zurich)
4. ExInternational (Berne)
5. Life Circle (Basel)
Dr. Jerome Sobel, President,
Exit ADMD Suisse Romande
Life Circle is the latest addition to the World Federation. It was founded by Dr. Erika Preisig,
who was working with Dignitas, but founded this new organization which also accepts
non-Swiss members – but will stress the possibilities of palliative care, advance directives and
terminal sedation to extend life, if possible. She established the Eternal Spirit Foundation to
encourage doctors to accept assistance in dying.
August 2012
Erika Preisig
World Right-to-Die Newsletter-7
Books and dvds
Dying at Home with
by Richard N. Côté
2012, Corinthian Press
405 pages
by Boudewijn Chabot, M.D., Ph.D.
Available at
In 3 languages: Dutch,
English & German.
This book is a new, highly readable,
encyclopedic current history of the
contributors to end of life choice. He does not dwell on the
obvious legal changes, but gives thorough, well-researched
accounts of developments, and individuals who are operating
within and on the edge of the law. It is appropriate that this
book make its debut at the WF conference showing, as it
does so well, the universality of this effort, and the diversity
of the many approaches invented to accomplish the ultimate
civil liberty. Côté interviewed more than 100 people around
the world, and has carefully documented legal decisions,
research, and statistics. The book is a monument to many
who might otherwise have receded into oblivion.
A must read.
This is a professionally acted and produced film, sensitively
describing the use of the helium method, with a detailed
description of how to make the hood and how to use the
method. Narrated and described by a professional actor in
an elegant home setting, it differs from the Final Exit DVD
by Derek Humphry in a few details of bag construction.
Dr. Chabot is well known in the RTD movement, and most
recently for his research on non-medical methods.
Final Exit Network
Century Club
With deepest gratitude to those who contributed
$100 or more in the last 8 months:
Dr. David Allan
Janet Conn
George Eighmey
Irma Gawboy
Faye Girsh
Dr. Richard MacDonald
Ron Plummer
Lester Reinig
Ruth von Fuchs
You can contribute to the Century, or Millennium Club,
or become a subscriber (US$20, or equivalent, for 2 years)
by sending a check, made to World Federation, to:
Faye Girsh, Editor
7811 Eads Ave., #108
La Jolla, CA 92037 USA
This newsletter can be read and downloaded at
The editor can be contacted at
Graphic Design and Printing by
MILLENNIUM CLUB ($500 or more)
Jean Cartnell (New Zealand)
Thank you all!!!
8-World Right-to-Die Newsletter
1116 Silverado St., La Jolla, CA 92037 • Tel 858.454.3158 • Fax 858.454.2214 •
Issue No. 62