NetVault: Backup Supported Platform Matrix
NetVault: Backup Supported Platform Matrix
NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Latest Updates – What’s New .............................................................................................................................................. 4 NetVault Backup Support Policy........................................................................................................................................... 4 Additional NetVault Backup Compatibility Matrices ................................................................................................................. 4 Important Considerations ................................................................................................................................................... 4 NetVault Backup Supported Virtual Tape Libraries (VTL) ......................................................................................................... 5 Alacritus ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 ATTO ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6 COPAN .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Data Domain ................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Diligent Technologies ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 DELL ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9 EMC ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9 FalconStor .................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Fujitsu ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11 HP............................................................................................................................................................................... 12 IBM ............................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Imation........................................................................................................................................................................ 13 NetApp ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14 Overland Storage .......................................................................................................................................................... 14 Quantum...................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Sepaton ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Spectra Logic ................................................................................................................................................................ 17 NetVault Backup Supported Automated Tape Libraries ........................................................................................................... 20 ATTO ........................................................................................................................................................................... 20 BDT............................................................................................................................................................................. 21 Benchmark ................................................................................................................................................................... 22 BreeceHill ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Certance/Seagate RSS ................................................................................................................................................... 24 DELL ........................................................................................................................................................................... 24 DSM ............................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Fujitsu ......................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Gateway ...................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Grau............................................................................................................................................................................ 32 Hitachi ......................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Updated July 14, 2014 Page 1 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives HP............................................................................................................................................................................... 35 IBM ............................................................................................................................................................................. 40 Kel Kanematsu Electronics .............................................................................................................................................. 43 Lynx Technologies ......................................................................................................................................................... 44 Matsushita Kotobuki ...................................................................................................................................................... 45 NEC............................................................................................................................................................................. 46 Overland Storage .......................................................................................................................................................... 48 PivotStor ...................................................................................................................................................................... 50 Plasmon ....................................................................................................................................................................... 51 Qualstar ....................................................................................................................................................................... 52 Quantum...................................................................................................................................................................... 54 Sony ........................................................................................................................................................................... 60 SpectraLogic ................................................................................................................................................................. 62 Oracle / SUN / STK ........................................................................................................................................................ 65 Tandberg/Exabyte ......................................................................................................................................................... 72 NetVault Backup Supported Tape, Removable, and Optical Drives ........................................................................................... 77 Benchmark ................................................................................................................................................................... 77 Certance/Seagate RSS/Conner ........................................................................................................................................ 78 DELL ........................................................................................................................................................................... 79 Fujitsu ......................................................................................................................................................................... 80 Hitachi ......................................................................................................................................................................... 81 HP............................................................................................................................................................................... 82 IBM ............................................................................................................................................................................. 84 IMATION ...................................................................................................................................................................... 87 LEVONO ....................................................................................................................................................................... 88 Panasonic Matsushita ..................................................................................................................................................... 89 QUANTUM .................................................................................................................................................................... 90 Sony ........................................................................................................................................................................... 91 SpectraLogic ................................................................................................................................................................. 93 Oracle / SUN / STK ........................................................................................................................................................ 94 Tandberg/Exabyte ......................................................................................................................................................... 95 Tecmar ........................................................................................................................................................................ 97 UNITEX ........................................................................................................................................................................ 98 Updated July 14, 2014 Page 2 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Updated July 14, 2014 Page 3 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Latest Updates – What’s New Below is a summary of the updates made to the latest versions of this compatibility matrix: Added support for EMC DataDomain DDOS 5.5 with NetVault 10 and DDBoost 2.6 NetVault Backup Support Policy Dell Software Product Lifecycle and Support Services Guidelines detailing End-of-Support-Life (EOSL) procedures for all product lines is available online at: HU Additionally, individual device manufacture’s End-of-Life and End-of-Support-Life product support policy and statements supersede any support implied directly or indirectly by the information within this document. For additional information or device support requests please email of Additional NetVault Backup Compatibility Matrices Additional NetVault Backup compatibility matrices are available from the Dell Website at Available matrices include: NetVault Backup Supported Platforms NetVault Backup APM and Plugin Supported Platforms NetVault Backup Supported NAS Appliances and NDMP compatibility NetVault Bare Metal Recovery (VaultDR) Supported Platforms Important Considerations SAS Interfaces are supported on MAC OS X platforms with NetVault Backup v8.5 or higher. SAS Interfaces are supported on AIX platforms with NetVault Backup v8.5.1 or higher. Updated July 14, 2014 Page 4 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives SAS Interfaces are NOT supported on HP-UX platforms. SAS Interfaces are NOT supported on NetWare platforms. Only ATAPE drivers are supported on AIX platforms. For Supported Virtual Libraries and De-duplication Technologies; Backup and Recovery operations are only supported for local target devices. Remote backup and recovery cloud or replication targets are not supported at this time. NetVault Backup Supported Virtual Tape Libraries (VTL) NetVault Backup supports the Virtual Tape Libraries listed below on all operating systems that are supported by NetVault Backup as either a Backup Server or SmartClient platform unless otherwise noted. Some device restrictions will be imposed by third party vendors for usages with their applications or operating platforms, consult your resellers or solution vendors to ensure your devices are fully supported by all vendors. Vendor Model Interface Min Level Range Notes Alacritus Alacritus Updated July 14, 2014 Nissho VTLA FC 022C ATL P1000 Library Emulation Mode Supported Nissho VTLA AN300 FC 022C ATL P1000 Library Emulation Mode Supported Nissho VTLA FC 022C ATL P1000 Library Emulation Mode Supported FC 022C ATL P1000 Library Emulation Mode Supported 5000 Hitachi VF100 Page 5 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface Min Level Range Notes ATTO ATTO Diamond Storage Array VTClass SCSI -----------------FC 6.30 Build 022K Vendor Model Interface Min Level Range ATTO Diamond Storage Array is a disk subsystem emulating a virtual tape library and drives. See Application Notes for additional details. Notes Copan COPAN Updated July 14, 2014 Copan Systems Revolution 200T FC 3.00 Build 1069 Copan Systems Revolution 200T are disk subsystems emulating virtual tape libraries with a variety of supported drive and media types. See Application Notes for library and drive emulation modes supported. Page 6 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface DDX Array Series Appliance DD Series Gateway Series FC -----------------CIFS / NFS -----------------NDMP -----------------DD Boost v2.5.0.3314845 MFR Replication Min Level Range Notes Data Domain Data Domain Updated July 14, 2014 v4.0.x v5.0.x v5.1.x v5.2.x v5.3.x v5.4.x v5.5.x Support provided with NetVault: Backup version 9.x against DDOS versions v5.1, v5.2, v5.3, v5.4 and v5.5. See Data Domain Appliance, Virtual Tape Library, and Gateway Series Application Notes for configuration, replication, and deduplication details. NDMP Tape Support added with DDOSv5.0.x onwards. Additional software required. See Application Notes for Details. NetVault 9.x support for DDOS 5.4 and DD Boost requires a DD Boost 2.5.5 patch, see instructions in KB article 119943. NetVault 10.x support for DDOS 5.5 with DDBoost 2.6 onwards Page 7 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface Min Level Range Notes Diligent Technologies Diligent Technologies Updated July 14, 2014 ProtecTIER VT Virtual Tape Library FC 6.0 Page 8 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface Min Level Range Notes Recommended for use DELL DELL Vendor Please refer to the DR4000 Application Notes for Details. DR4xxx DR6xxx CIFS / NFS -----------------RDA/RDS 2.0 V1.1.1 Model Interface Min Level Range Please refer to the NetVault® Backup APM Compatibility Guide for specific details about RDA/RDS Support. Notes EMC EMC Updated July 14, 2014 Requires NDMP Plugin Version 6.302 or higher. The NDMP2D Feature provides virtual tape support for the Celerra Disk Subsystems. Use Template Files emcvd00.npk and emcvl00.npk to enable support. NDMP2D Feature NDMP DART OS 5.4 CDL210 CDL3xx CDL7xx FC 1.2 Build 1061 EMC Clariion Disk Library CDL-Series are disk subsystems emulating virtual tape libraries with a variety of supported drive and media types. See CDL Application Notes for library and drive emulation modes supported. DL40xx DL41xx DL42xx DL44xx DL6xxx iSCSI -----------------FC 3.0 (Build 1441) EMC Clariion Disk Library DL4xxx-Series are disk subsystems emulating virtual tape libraries with a variety of supported drive and media types. See DL4xxx Application Notes for library and drive emulation modes supported. Page 9 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Vendor Model Interface Min Level Range DL52xx FC 4.0 (Build 2084) DL3D 1500 DL3D 3000 DL3D 4000 iSCSI -----------------FC 1.0.1 (Build 2021-2029) Model Interface Min Level Range Notes EMC Clariion Disk Library DL4xxx-Series are disk subsystems emulating virtual tape libraries with a variety of supported drive and media types. See DL4xxx Application Notes for library and drive emulation modes supported. EMC Clariion Disk Library DL3D-Series are deduplicated disk subsystems emulating virtual tape libraries with a variety of supported drive and media types. See DL3D Application Notes for library and drive emulation modes supported. Notes FalconStor FalconStor Updated July 14, 2014 3.0 Build 1047 IPStor Virtual Disk Library is a software product emulating virtual tape libraries with a variety of supported drive and media types. See Application Notes for library and drive emulation modes supported. iSCSI -----------------FC 4.6 Build 4719 IPStor Virtual Disk Library is a software product emulating virtual tape libraries with a variety of supported drive and media types and configurations. See Application Notes for supported features and functions. iSCSI -----------------FC v7.50 (Build 7375) IPStor Virtual Disk Library is a software product emulating virtual tape libraries with a variety of supported drive and media types and configurations. See Application Notes for supported features and functions. IPStor Virtual Tape Library FC IPStor Virtual Tape Library (VTLS / VTL-G) FalconStor VTL Gateway VTL Storage Appliance VTL Virtual Appliance Page 10 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface Min Level Range Notes Fujitsu Fujitsu CS 800 Updated July 14, 2014 CS800 S2 CS800 S3 ETERNUS CS HE ETERNUS CS HE CIFS / NFS FC CIFS / NFS FC V1.3 V1.4.1 FC V2.1.1 CIFS / NFS VaultShare APM V2.1.1 FC V5.x V5.0 Refer to OEM Application Notes for Details. Page 11 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives HP Vendor Model Min Level Range Notes HP VLS Series 12000 9000 6600 6200 FC VLS1000i iSCSI D2D100 Backup System iSCSI D2D250x Backup System iSCSI -----------------FC 101.746 101.758 101.748 See HP StorageWorks D2D Backup System Application Notes for Details. D2D4xxx Backup System iSCSI -----------------FC 2.2.16 See HP StorageWorks D2D Backup System Application Notes for Details. D2D4312 Backup System B6200 Backup System Updated July 14, 2014 Interface iSCSI -----------------FC CIFS / NFS FC 2.3.1 / 3.3.1 / kn6C-001.231 (kn6C) 200.485 See HP StorageWorks D2D Backup System Application Notes for Details. See HP StorageWorks D2D Backup System Application Notes for Details. 3.5.0 Page 12 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives IBM Vendor Vendor Interface Min Level Range TS7510 FC V1.10 Build 1143 TS7610 FC 2.4.x TS7620 FC 3.2.x TS7650 FC 3.2.x TS7650G FC 2.3.x TS7650AP1 FC 2.4.x TS7680 FC 2.5.x 3.x Model Interface Min Level Range Model Notes IBM Notes Imation Imation Updated July 14, 2014 RDX A8 iSCSI V1.08 Page 13 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface Min Level Range Notes NetApp NetApp NearStore VTL FC -----------------iSCSI 0001 See App Notes for emulation modes supported. NETAPP VTL Series FC -----------------SCSI 5.5 5.6.x See Application Notes for emulation modes and feature set support. NETAPP VTL Series FC -----------------SCSI 6.0.x See Application Notes for emulation modes and feature set support. Vendor Model Interface Min Level Range Notes Overland Storage Overland Storage Updated July 14, 2014 REO 1000 REO 1500 iSCSI REO 4000 iSCSI -----------------FC Page 14 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Vendor Model Interface Min Level Range REO 4500 iSCSI -----------------FC (0425) REO 9000 iSCSI -----------------FC Model Interface Min Level Range Notes Notes Quantum Quantum VX-450 VX-650 FC 1.1.0 Build21 Quantum DX30 EBS FC 02.10.16 Read Application Notes for special support conditions, deduplication and space reclamation support details. Quantum DX100 EBS Quantum DXi 2500 Quantum DX3000 Quantum DXi 3500 Quantum DXi 4000 Series Updated July 14, 2014 Disk based emulation of tape library and drives. Only the Pathlight VX sign-on string is supported for library emulation, see Application Note for details. "Enhanced Backup Systems (EBS)" are disk subsystems emulating virtual tape libraries with DLT7000 drives. 02.10.16 CIFS / NFS FC -----------------iSCSI FC -----------------iSCSI -----------------CIFS / NFS CIFS / NFS V1.1 02.65.19 04.00.150 (DXi – 0400) V2.0 V2.2.1 Includes: -DXi4510 -DXi4520 -DXi4601 Page 15 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Quantum DX5000 Quantum DXi 5500 Interface FC -----------------iSCSI FC -----------------iSCSI CIFS / NFS CIFS / NFS Quantum DXi6x00 series FC Quantum DXi6800 series Quantum DXi 7500 Quantum DXi 8500* DXi V1000 DXi V4000 Updated July 14, 2014 CIFS/NFS -----------------FC FC -----------------iSCSI CIFS / NFS CIFS / NFS FC Min Level Range Notes 02.65.19 04.00.150 (DXi – 0400) 04.00.150 (DXi – 0400) V1.3 V2.0.1 V1.4.1 V2.0.1 V2.2.1 DXi6510, DXi6520, DXi6530, DXi6540 and DXi6550 are CIFS and NFS only. DXi6700 is VTL only. DXi6701, DXi6702: Support for both CIFS/NFS and VTL. DXi6802: Support for both CIFS/NFS and VTL V2.2.1 V1.4.1 V1.4.1 V1.4.1 V2.2.1 CIFS / NFS V2.1.0 V2.2.1 CIFS / NFS V2.2.1 *Includes: -2TB Model -3TB Model Read Application Notes for special support conditions, de-duplication and space reclamation support details. Read Application Notes for special support conditions, de-duplication and space reclamation support details. Page 16 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface Min Level Range Notes Sepaton Sepaton Vendor S2100 ES2 Model SCSI -----------------FC Various See App Notes Interface Min Level Range The Sepaton S2100 Virtual Disk Library emulates virtual tape libraries with a variety of supported drives and media types. See Application Notes for firmware requirements and library and drive emulation modes supported. Notes Spectra Logic Spectra Logic Updated July 14, 2014 nTier Series iSCSI -----------------FC 4.6 Build 4719 Refer to FalconStor IPStor Virtual Tape (VTL-S / VTL-G) Application Notes for Details. Page 17 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface Min Level Range Notes Oracle Oracle Updated July 14, 2014 VTL Plus 1.0 FC v4.0 VTL Plus 2.0 FC V5.0 VTL Prime FC V5.0 Page 18 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface Min Level Range Notes Tandberg Data Tandberg Data Updated July 14, 2014 DPS1xxx iSCSI V1.5.1 DPS2xxx CIFS / NFS V1.5.1 RDX QuikStation iSCSI V01.015 Page 19 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives NetVault Backup Supported Automated Tape Libraries NetVault Backup supports the library and tape devices listed below on all operating systems that are supported by NetVault Backup as either a Backup Server or SmartClient platform unless otherwise noted. Some device restrictions will be imposed by third party vendors for usages with their applications or operating platforms, consult your resellers or solution vendors to ensure your devices are fully supported by all vendors. Refer to the Supported Drive section Matrix for important notes regarding the latest available drive support for libraries included in this section. Cleaning Legend Blank = not Supported S = Standard Cleaning Only Supported G = Generic Cleaning Only Supported B = Both Standard and Generic Cleaning is Supported. Refer to the device’s Application Notes for details Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Notes ATTO ATTO Diamond Storage Array VT-Class Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI FC ATTO Diamond Tape Virtual 6.30 Build 022K N/A ATTO Diamond Storage Array is a disk subsystem emulating a virtual tape library and drives. See Application Notes for additional details. Page 20 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Notes BDT ThinStor Autoloader SCSI ThinStorPlus Autoloader SCSI BDT SCSI FC SAS FlexStor II: 1U 2U-4U 8U Updated July 14, 2014 SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SDLT320 LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 SDLT600 HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI AIT-2 AIT-3 SDLT I LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 SDLT II 0200 0200 0200 0200 0120 0120 0120 0120 1.30 1.30 1.20 0110 0110 0110 0110 LTO-2 LTO-3 G 2.20/2.00 4.40/2.70 1.30/2.80 LTO-4 SAS FC HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI LTO-5 SAS FC IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-5 TS2350 LTO-5 SAS FC IBM Ultrium 5 HH IBM ULT3580-HH5 TS2250 LTO-5 SAS FC HP Ultrium 6xxx HP Ultrium 6-SCSI LTO-6 SAS FC IBM Ultrium 6 HH IBM ULT3580-HH6 TS2350 LTO-6 G G 2.22/2.30n 4.52/3.00e 4.52/3.00e 1.31/3.00e 2.40/2.30n 4.70/3.00e 4.70/3.00e 1.50/3.00e 2.40/2.30n 4.70/3.00e 4.70/3.00e 1.50/3.00e (1U): 4.91/2.50n (2U): 4.91/3.20e (4U): 4.91/3.20e (8U): 4.91/3.20e (1U): 4.91/2.50n (2U): 4.91/3.20e (4U): 4.91/3.20e (8U): 4.91/3.20e G G G G G Page 21 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Notes VS640 SCSI VS Tape 80 VS-1 5032 S Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT DLT1 DLT4000 DLT7000 LTO-3 LTO-3 DLT4000 DLT7000 DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT LTO-1 DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT DLT III DLT IV SDLT I DLT-1 DLT III DLT IV LTO-3 LTO-3 DLT IV DLT IV DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I LTO-1 DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I 1.71 1.71 0001 0001 4.53 0001 0001 0004 4.53 0001 4.04 4.04 0001 0001 4.04 4.04 0001 BreeceHill Benchmark Benchmark Q2.15 SCSI Q7 SCSI Q16 Q40 SCSI SCSI Q47 SCSI 4.30 SCSI 4.50 SCSI Updated July 14, 2014 S S N/A Notes BreeceHill S S S S S S S S N/A S S N/A Page 22 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface 6.100 SCSI 8 PAK SCSI 10 PAK SCSI 16 PAK Updated July 14, 2014 SubModels Primary Format Min Level LTO-1 DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT LTO-1 SDX-3xx SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SDLT LTO-1 LTO-2 SDZ-1xx SDX-3xx LTO-1 DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I LTO-1 AIT-1 AIT-2 AIT-3 SDLT I LTO-1 LTO-2 SAIT-1 AIT-1 0001 4.04 4.04 0001 0001 0001 1.71 1.71 SDX-5xx AIT-2 0001 SDX-7xx AIT-3 0001 Cleaning Tape Support Notes S S N/A G 1.25 Read Application Note for SDLT cleaning details G 0001 SCSI Page 23 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Certance Vendor Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level DDS4 Autoloader DAT432 Autoloader CLL1600 SCSI SCSI SCSI DDS4 DAT72 LTO-1 DDS-4 DAT-72 LTO-1 8110 A060 S13.r CLL6400 SCSI LTO-3 LTO-3 SCSI LTO-2 SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI CLL3200 / Ultrium 2 Autoloader / LTO2 Autoloader Viper 2000 CP3100 DDS4 Autoloader DAT432 Autoloader CLL1600 CLL3200 / Ultrium 2 Autoloader / LTO2 Autoloader Viper 2000 CP3100 Model DELL PowerVault 122T PowerVault 132T Updated July 14, 2014 Notes Certance/Seagate RSS S Read Application Note for cleaning details V11x G Generic – requires cleaning slots and/or barcode prefix LTO-2 S40.r S Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-1 DAT72 DDS4 DAT72 LTO-1 LTO-1 DAT-72 DDS-4 DAT-72 LTO-1 1.17 A06B 8110 A060 S13.r SCSI LTO-2 LTO-2 SCSI SCSI LTO-1 DAT72 Interface SubModels SCSI SCSI PowerVault 124T Cleaning Tape Support SAS SAS SAS SCSI *FC N/A Disk based tape emulation of DAT432 Autoloader. S Read Application Note for cleaning details S40.r S Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-1 DAT-72 1.17 A06B N/A Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Disk based tape emulation of DAT432 Autoloader. Notes DELL IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 LTO-2 DLT VS80 LTO-2 LTO-3 DLT VS160 Quantum LTO-4 HH Quantum LTO-5 HH Quantum LTO-6 HH IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 LTO-1 D34R G LTO-2 DLT IV LTO-2 LTO-3 DLT VS1 LTO-4 LTO-5 LTO-6 K17R 5032 S S S S G S G LTO-2 LTO-2 LTO-1 0008 0027 A10 V80 105D - SCSI *V310A.GY005 - FC 105D - SCSI *V310A.GY005 - FC Read Application Note for cleaning details S Read Application Note for SDLT 320 cleaning details S Page 24 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model PowerVault 136T PowerVault ML6000 Series Interface SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SCSI SAS iSCSI PowerVault TL2000 SCSI FC SAS iSCSI SAS FC iSCSI FC SAS iSCSI PowerVault TL4000 Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI SAS iSCSI Primary Format LTO-3 LTO-3 SDLT320 SDLT I SDLT600 SDLT II SDLT LTO-2 LTO-3 SDLT I LTO-2 LTO-3 3.03 S LTO-3 LTO-3 200G.GS005 S IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 LTO-4 415G S LTO-5 A13 S LTO-6 636G.GS003 S LTO-3 8.62 S IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-FH5 IBM TS2350 IBM Ultrium 6 IBM ULT3580-FH6 IBM TS2360 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM ULT3580-HH3 IBM TS2230 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM ULT3580-HH4 IBM TS2240 IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-HH5 IBM TS2250 IBM Ultrium 6 IBM ULT3580-HH6 IBM TS2260 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM ULT3580-HH3 IBM TS2230 Min Level Cleaning Tape Support SubModels 227D - SCSI *V310A.GY005 - FC 105D - SCSI *V237.GZ001 - FC 105D - SCSI *V237.GZ001 - FC Notes S S S Read Application Note for LTO-2 cleaning details Uses ADIC i500 Template 6.60 LTO-4 S 8.62 LTO-5 A10 S LTO-6 V86 G LTO-3 8.62 S S Page 25 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SCSI FC SAS iSCSI SAS FC iSCSI SAS FC iSCSI SAS FC iSCSI Updated July 14, 2014 SubModels Min Level Cleaning Tape Support 6.60 S 8.62 S LTO-5 A10 S LTO-6 V86 G Primary Format IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 Notes LTO-4 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM ULT3580-HH4 IBM TS2240 IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-HH5 IBM TS2250 IBM Ultrium 6 IBM ULT3580-HH6 IBM TS2260 Page 26 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Notes DSM DSM Terastore TL Series Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI Mammoth-2 8MM 3.2.18 SDX-7xx AIT-3 3.2.18 LTO-1 LTO-1 3.2.18 Page 27 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model LT20 Interface SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC LT40 SAS Fibre SAS Fibre SAS Fujitsu FC LT60 SAS Fibre SAS Fibre SAS FC SCSI Scalar 100 ETERNUS LT130 ETERNUS LT160 Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SubModels HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 LTO-2 SDX-5xx SDX-7xx DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 LTO-1 LTO-2 Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Notes Fujitsu LTO-3 1.61/2.00 G LTO-4 1.61/2.00 G LTO-5 1.70/2.30n G LTO-5 1.70/2.30n G LTO-3 4.41/2.80 G LTO-4 4.41/2.80 G LTO-5 4.50/3.00e G LTO-5 4.50/3.00e G LTO-3 4.41/2.80 G LTO-4 4.41/2.80 G LTO-5 4.50/3.00e G LTO-5 4.50/3.00e G LTO-1 TBD LTO-2 AIT-2 AIT-3 DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD LTO-1 0416 S LTO-2 0416 S LTO-3 0512 G LTO-1 LTO-2 0109 S Page 28 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model ETERNUS LT200 ETERNUS LT210 ETERNUS LT220 ETERNUS LT230 Interface SAS SCSI SCSI SCSI FC SCSI FC FC SCSI FC ETERNUS LT250 FC FC FC FC FC ETERNUS LT270 FC FC FC ETERNUS LT270S2 FC Updated July 14, 2014 SubModels IBM Ultrium 3 IBM ULT3580-HH3 IBM TS2230 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM ULT3580-HH4 IBM TS2240 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-TD5 TS2350 IBM Ultrium 6 IBM ULT3580-TD6 TS2360 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-TD5 TS2350 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-TD5 Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support LTO-3 0002 G LTO-4 0002 G LTO-2 0005 S LTO-3 0005 S 0005 S Uses NEC T16A2 Template and Application Notes. S Uses NEC T40A Template and Application Notes. S Uses NEC T40A2 Template and Application Notes. LTO-4 LTO-3 LTO-4 0001 - FC 0004 - SCSI 0001 - FC 0004 - SCSI LTO-3 1010 G LTO-4 2010 G LTO-3 1010 G LTO-4 2010 G LTO-5 3010 G LTO-6 4011 G LTO-2 1020 G LTO-3 1020 G LTO-4 2010 G LTO-5 3010 G LTO-4 4011 G LTO-5 4011 G Notes Read Application limitations. Read Application limitations. Read Application limitations. Read Application limitations. Notes for known issues and Notes for known issues and Notes for known issues and Notes for known issues and Read Application Notes for known issues and limitations. Read Application Notes for known issues and limitations. Read Application Notes for known issues and limitations. Page 29 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface FC ETERNUS LT S2 Tape Library Family LT20 S2 ETERNUS LT S2 Tape Library Family LT40 S2 ETERNUS LT S2 Tape Library Family LT60 S2 PG-DTA103 PG-LTL201 PG-LT220 FibreCAT TX24 SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI FibreCAT TX48 SCSI Updated July 14, 2014 Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support LTO-6 4011 G LTO-3 1.80/2.40 G LTO-4 1.80/2.40 G LTO-5 1.80/2.40 G LTO-6 4.82 G LTO-3 4.60/3.10e G LTO-4 4.60/3.10e G LTO-5 4.60/3.10e G LTO-6 4.82 G LTO-3 4.60/3.10e G LTO-4 4.60/3.10e G LTO-5 4.60/3.10e G LTO-6 4.82 G DAT-72 DAT-72 B410 LTO-2 LTO-2 0002 S Uses Necltold Template LTO-3 LTO-2 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 LTO-3 LTO-2 0001 C113 S Uses NEC T16A Template Refer to Tandberg / Exabyte 224 Application Notes LTO-4 74H6 SubModels IBM Ultrium 6 IBM ULT3580-TD6 HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 6xxx HP Ultrium 6-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 6xxx HP Ultrium 6-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 6xxx HP Ultrium 6-SCSI LTO-2 Notes Uses SW72x6 Template Refer to Tandberg / Exabyte 448 Application Notes Refer to Tandberg / Exabyte 448 Application Notes D009 LTO-3 LTO-4 Refer to Tandberg / Exabyte 448 Application Notes 74H6 Refer to Tandberg / Exabyte 448 Application Notes Page 30 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Notes Gateway Gateway E-824R SuperLoader3 SCSI FC E-826R SuperLoader3 SCSI FC Updated July 14, 2014 DLT-V4 Certance Ultrium 3 DLT VS1 LTO-3 0032 (V32.0) 0032 (V32.0) G Read the Application Notes for the Quantum SuperLoader3 for special support conditions and cleaning details. Use Quantum SuperLoader 3 template. G Read the Application Notes for the Quantum SuperLoader3 for special support conditions and cleaning details. Use Quantum SuperLoader 3 template. Page 31 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Notes Grau Grau ITL-M Series ITL-250L Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI SDX-5xx AIT-2 G SDX-7xx AIT-3 G SDZ-1xx SAIT-1 LTO-2 LTO-2 S LTO-3 LTO-3 S G Page 32 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface 4697-L700A 4697-L220RD DL121-10 HT-4697-L700A SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI FC FC SCSI FC SCSI HT-4697-L700E Hitachi GV-FT1L3KBM200 GV-FT1HL108RG SAS GV-FT1HL108RK SAS GV-FT1HL108RP SAS GV-FT1L108RG SAS GV-LT1L108RK SAS GV-FT1L124RG SAS GV-FT1L124RJA SCSI GV-FT1L124RJ SCSI GV-FT1L124RK SAS GV-FT1L124RL FC GV-FT1L124RP SAS GV-FT1L224R SAS GV-FT1L248RJA SCSI GV-FT1L248RJ SCSI GV-FT1L248RP SAS Updated July 14, 2014 Cleaning Tape Support SubModels Primary Format Min Level LTO-2 LTO-2 GF-2050 LTO-3 HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI** HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI LTO-2 LTO-2 DVD LTO-3 3.08.01 2.15.03 Z019 3.09.00 LTO-4 3.15.02 S* LTO-3 2.02 G LTO-4 2.02 G LTO-3 B.11 G LTO-4 B.51 G LTo-5 C.01 G LTO-3 B.11 G LTO-4 B.51 G LTO-3 F.31 G Equivalent to HP StorageWorks MSL Tape Autoloader. LTO-4 D.41 G Equivalent to HP StorageWorks MSL Tape Autoloader. LTO-4 F.31 G Equivalent to HP StorageWorks MSL Tape Autoloader. LTO-4 D.41 G Equivalent to HP StorageWorks MSL Tape Autoloader. LTO-5 D.91 G Equivalent to HP StorageWorks MSL Tape Autoloader. LTO-5 D.91 G Equivalent to HP StorageWorks MSL Tape Autoloader. LTO-5 D.91 G Equivalent to HP StorageWorks MSL Tape Autoloader. LTO-4 F.71 G Equivalent to HP StorageWorks MSL Tape Autoloader. LTO-4 F.31 G Equivalent to HP StorageWorks MSL Tape Autoloader. LTO-5 G.21 G Equivalent to HP StorageWorks MSL Tape Autoloader. Notes Hitachi S This device uses the SUN SL3000 template and application notes. Equivalent to Autoloader. Equivalent to Autoloader. Equivalent to Autoloader. Equivalent to Autoloader. Equivalent to Autoloader. HP StorageWorks 1/8 G2 Tape HP StorageWorks 1/8 G2 Tape HP StorageWorks 1/8 G2 Tape HP StorageWorks 1/8 G2 Tape HP StorageWorks 1/8 G2 Tape Page 33 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface GV-FT1L248RL FC GV-FT1L448RP SAS GV-FT1L500BM30H FC GV-FT1L500BM30L FC GV-FT1L500BM50EA FC GV-FT1L500BM50H FC GV-FT1L500BM50L FC FC GV-FT1L3KBM200 FC Updated July 14, 2014 SubModels HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Notes LTO-5 G.21 G Equivalent to HP StorageWorks MSL Tape Autoloader. LTO-5 G.21 G Equivalent to HP StorageWorks MSL Tape Autoloader. LTO-4 1300 S Equivalent to SUN SL Tape Automation Line. LTO-5 1395 S Equivalent to SUN SL Tape Automation Line. LTO-3 1300 S Equivalent to SUN SL Tape Automation Line. LTO-4 1300 S Equivalent to SUN SL Tape Automation Line. LTO-5 1395 S Equivalent to SUN SL Tape Automation Line. LTO-4 2.0 S Equivalent to SUN SL Tape Automation Line. LTO-5 2.81 S Equivalent to SUN SL Tape Automation Line. Page 34 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Surestore 1/8 Surestore 1/9 Surestore 418, 718, 818 HP Surestore DAT24x6 C1557A Surestore DAT40x6 C5713A Surestore DAT72x6 Q1529A SSL1016 35GB Autoloader 1/8 Autoloader 1/8 G2 Autoloader Updated July 14, 2014 Interface SCSI SCSI SCSI SubModels HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI DLT VS80 DLT1 DLT8000 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI DLT4000 DLT7000 DLT8000 Primary Format Cleaning Tape Support Min Level HP LTO-1 H33r G DLT IV DLT I DLT IV 482A TBD 2260 S LTO-1 TBD DLT IV DLT IV DLT IV TBD TBD TBD TBD S S S S SCSI C1557A DDS-3 SCSI C5713A DDS-4 SCSI Q1529A DAT72 TBD S DLT1 SDLT220 SDLT320 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI SDX-3xx HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI DLT VS80 SDLT320 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI DLT I SDLT I SDLT I 000A 000A 000A G G LTO-1 H43R G LTO-2 000A S SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SAS Notes H312 H910 S AIT-1 1.17 G LTO-1 H33R G LTO-2 N12R S LTO-3 1.46 S DLT IV SDLT I 482A F10r S G LTO-1 1.10 G LTO-2 1.10 G LTO-3 1.10 G LTO-4 4.00 G Note: Firmware level H307 does not support cleaning. Read Application Note for cleaning details Page 35 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model DAT72x10 1U Autoloader MSL2024 MSL4048 MSL6480 MSL8096/8048 MSL5000 Updated July 14, 2014 Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support LTO-5 4.00 G LTO-6 4.00 G DAT-72 1.00 / 1.65n G LTO-2 1.70 / 1.30e G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-3 1.70 / 1.30e G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-4 5.90 G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-5 5.90 G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-6 5.90 G Read Application Note for cleaning details HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI LTO-2 4.04 / 1.52e G Read Application Note for cleaning details HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI LTO-3 4.04 / 1.52e G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-4 8.30 G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-5 8.30 G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-6 8.30 G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-4 4.00 G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-5 4.00 G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-6 4.00 G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-3 8.30 G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-4 1090 G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-5 1090 G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-6 1090 G Read Application Note for cleaning details Interface SubModels SAS FC SAS FC HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 6xxx HP Ultrium 6-SCSI SCSI DAT72 SCSI FC* SAS HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI SCSI FC SAS SAS FC SAS FC SCSI FC* SAS SCSI FC* SAS SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SCSI FC* SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 6xxx HP Ultrium 6-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 6xxx HP Ultrium 6-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 6xxx HP Ultrium 6-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 6xxx HP Ultrium 6-SCSI SDLT320 SDLT Notes Read Application Note for cleaning details Page 36 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface Series SCSI FC* MSL6000 SCSI FC* SAS FC FC EML E-Series FC FC ESL E-Series FC FC ESL G3 Series FC FC ESL9198 DLX ESL9198 SL ESL9326 D ESL9326 DX Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI FC* SCSI FC* SCSI FC* SCSI FC* SubModels HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI SDLT600* HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 6xxx HP Ultrium 6-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI SDLT600* SDLT320 HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 6xxx HP Ultrium 6-SCSI Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support S Notes LTO-1 0404 SDLT II 5.13 LTO-2 4.22 S LTO-3 0507 G LTO-4 5.20 G LTO-2 1022 (5.73.00) G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-3 14.83 G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-4 14.83 G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-5 14.83 G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-6 14.83 G Read Application Note for cleaning details LTO-2 1.01 S LTO-3 7.70 G LTO-4 7.70 G LTO-5 7.70 G SDLT II SDLT I 1.01 1.01 G G LTO-4 651H_GS00601 G LTO-5 651H_GS00601 G LTO-6 651H_GS00601 G DLT 40/80 DLT IV 3.20p5 S SDLT SDLT I 3.20p5 G DLT 35/70 DLT IV 3.20p5 S DLT 40/80 DLT IV 3.20p5 S Read Application Note for cleaning details *FW 2929 is not supported *FW 2929 is not supported Page 37 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface ESL9326 SL SCSI FC* ESL9322 ESL9595 MSL5026 DLX MSL5026 S2 MSL5026 SL MSL5052 SL SSL2020 TL TL891 DLX TL895 DLT ESL9198 DLX ESL9198 SL ESL9326 D ESL9326 DX ESL9326 SL ESL9595 SL MSL5026 DLX MSL5026 SL MSL5052 SL Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI FC* SCSI FC* SCSI FC* SCSI FC* SCSI FC* SCSI FC* SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI FC** SCSI FC** SCSI FC** SCSI FC** SCSI FC** SCSI FC** SCSI FC** SCSI FC** SCSI FC** SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support 3.20p5 G SDLT SDLT I SDLT220 SDLT320 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI SDLT220 SDLT320 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI SDLT I SDLT I DLT 40/80 DLT IV 3.11 S SDLT320 SDLT I 3.11 G SDLT220 SDLT I 3.11 G LTO-1 G G 3.20p5 S LTO-2 S SDLT I SDLT I G G LTO-1 Notes 3.20p5 LTO-2 S S SDLT SDLT I 3.11 G SDX-5xx DLT 40/80 DLT 35/70 AIT-2 DLT IV DLT IV 4.15 5.25 2.40p2 S S S DLT 40/80 DLT IV 3.20p5 S SDLT SDLT I 3.20p5 DLT 35/70 DLT IV 3.20p5 S DLT 40/80 DLT IV 3.20p5 S SDLT SDLT I 3.20p5 SDLT SDLT I 3.20p5 DLT 40/80 DLT IV 3.11 SDLT SDLT I 3.11 SDLT SDLT I 3.11 S Page 38 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support SSL2020 TL TL891 DLX TL895 DLT SCSI SCSI SCSI SDX-5xx DLT 40/80 DLT 35/70 AIT-2 DLT IV DLT IV 4.15 5.25 2.40p2 S S S Updated July 14, 2014 Notes Page 39 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model SubModels Magstar 3590 B11/E11 SCSI 3590 3590H11 SCSI 3590 3575 SCSI 3581 3582 3582 IBM Interface 3583 3607 3494 SCSI SCSI SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI SCSI 36232SX SCSI 360726X SCSI 4560SLX SCSI FC Updated July 14, 2014 SAS IBM Linear IBM Linear IBM Linear Min Level Notes B88C F2D4 G Read Application Note for cleaning details 2.19 LTO-1 0001 LTO-2 1.60 S LTO-3 0001 S LTO-2 217B LTO-3 307B LTO-1 2.05.0003 S LTO-2 2.05.0003 S S S LTO-3 2.05.0003 0015 LTO-1 0002 3590 IBM Linear 528.02 3592 IBM Linear 528.02 LTO-2 1.30 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 SDLT-320 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 Cleaning Tape Support IBM SDLT I VaultShare 36232LX TS2900 3570C/A IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 SDLT IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 Primary Format SDLT I 1.30 LTO-1 000F Adaptec SCSI Driver version 6.4.630.100 is required on Windows 2000. S Connectivity is only supported through the use of VaultShare APM. See Engineering Release Notes and Application Notes for details. Call support for availability. S S LTO-1 2.21 LTO-2 LTO-3 0003 G Page 40 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SAS SAS SAS SAS SCSI FC SCSI SAS SCSI FC SAS TS3100 (3573 L2U) SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC TS3200 (3573 L4U) Updated July 14, 2014 SubModels IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 4 HH IBM ULT3580-HH4 TS2240 IBM Ultrium 5 HH IBM ULT3580-HH5 TS2250 IBM Ultrium 6 HH IBM ULT3580-HH6 TS2260 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 3 HH IBM ULT3580-HH3 TS2230 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 4 HH IBM ULT3580-HH4 TS2240 IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-5 TS2350 IBM Ultrium 5 HH IBM ULT3580-HH5 TS2250 IBM Ultrium 6 HH IBM ULT3580-HH6 TS2260 Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support LTO-4 0003 G LTO-4 0018 G LTO-5 0018 G LTO-6 0024 G LTO-3 0.70 / 1.65e S LTO-3 7.30 / A.40 S LTO-4 6.70 S LTO-4 7.30 / A.40 S LTO-5 9.20 S LTO-5 9.20 / A.40 S LTO-6 B.50 S SCSI FC SAS IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 LTO-3 0.70 / 1.65e S SCSI SAS IBM Ultrium 3 HH IBM ULT3580-HH3 TS2230 LTO-3 7.30 / A.40 S SCSI FC SAS IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 LTO-4 4.40 S SAS FC IBM Ultrium 4 HH IBM ULT3580-HH4 TS2240 LTO-4 7.30 / A.40 S Notes Page 41 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SAS FC SAS FC SAS FC SCSI FC SCSI FC TS3310 (3576) FC SAS FC SAS FC TS3400 (3577) FC SCSI FC FC FC TS3500 (Formally 3584) FC FC FC FC FC Updated July 14, 2014 SubModels IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-TD5 TS2350 IBM Ultrium 5 HH IBM ULT3580-HH5 TS2250 IBM Ultrium 6 HH IBM ULT3580-HH6 TS2260 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-5 TS2350 IBM Ultrium 6 IBM ULT3580-6 TS2360 IBM TS1120 03592E05 IBM TS1130 03592E06 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 TS1040 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-TD5 TS2350 IBM Ultrium 6 IBM ULT3580-TD6 TS2360 IBM 3592-E5 TS1120 IBM 3592-E6 TS1130 IBM 3592-E7 TS1140 Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support LTO-5 9.20 S LTO-5 9.20 / A.40 S LTO-6 B.50 S LTO-3 150G.GS002 S Shared MailBox is not supported. LTO-4 400G.GS010 S Shared MailBox is not supported. LTO-5 587G.GS003 S LTO-6 630G.GS003 S 0016.0000 G 0016.0000 G LTO-1 0BN1 v1200 S LTO-2 v2140 S LTO-3 3060 S LTO-4 7363 S LTO-5 A030 S LTO-6 B140 S 0001 G 0001 G B140 G IBM Linear IBM Linear IBM Linear IBM Linear IBM Linear Notes Page 42 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Notes Kel Kel Kanematsu Electronics EG-4500open Updated July 14, 2014 FC IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 LTO-3 v1.00 (Build 1317) N/A See Application Notes For Details. Page 43 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Lynx Vendor Model Interface LX30 SCSI LX60 SCSI Updated July 14, 2014 SubModels Primary Format LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-1 LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-2 Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Notes Lynx Technologies 4.04 S Read Application Note for cleaning details. Use Compaq Template 'MSL5.TPL'. 4.21 S Read Application Note for cleaning details. Use Compaq Template 'MSL5.TPL'. Page 44 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Notes Matsushita Matsushita Kotobuki DDS Backup Library SCSI DDS-4 DDS-4 9A29 DAT72 Library SCSI DAT72 DAT-72 BA03 Updated July 14, 2014 G Page 45 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface TL620 SCSI SAS SAS LL009F SAS SAS (DL0101H) SCSI SCSI SCSI NEC SCSI LL0101H SCSI SCSI SCSI (SL0101H) SCSI iStorage T180 SCSI iStorage T700 SCSI SAS T30A / T60A Updated July 14, 2014 FC SAS FC SAS FC SAS Cleaning Tape Support SubModels Primary Format Min Level TRAVAN IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 5 HH IBM ULT3580-HH5 TS2250 IBM Ultrium 6 HH IBM ULT3580-HH6 TS2260 DLT8000 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 SDLT Seagate Viper 200 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 LTO-2 LTO-3 LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 IBM TS2230 Ultrium-HH3 IBM TS2240 Ultrium-HH4 IBM TS2250 Ultrium-HH5 IBM TS2260 Ultrium-HH6 QIC 0001 LTO-3 0001 G LTO-4 0001 G LTO-5 0003 G LTO-6 0005 G DLT IV 0002 S LTO-1 0002 S LTO-2 0002 S LTO-3 0004 S LTO-2 0004 G LTO-3 0004 G Notes NEC LTO-3 0004 B SDLT I LTO-1 0003 0001 N/A LTO-1 0001 LTO-2 LTO-3 LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 LTO-3 0001 G LTO-4 0001 G LTO-5 0001 G LTO-6 0004 G Read Application Notes for cleaning details. Page 46 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface iStorage T40 SCSI iStorage T40A SCSI FC SCSI FC iStorage T40A2 FC SAS† SAS FC iStorage T16A SCSI SCSI SCSI SAS iStorage T16A2 SCSI SAS SAS iStorage T80 SCSI iStorage T5000VT Series FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC T100A T700A Updated July 14, 2014 Cleaning Tape Support SubModels Primary Format Min Level LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 LTO-2 LTO-3 HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM ULT3580-HH4 IBM Ultrium-HH4 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-5 TS2350 LTO-2 LTO-3 HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM ULT3580-HH4 IBM Ultrium-HH4 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-TD5 TS2350 LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 DLT7000 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 LTO-2 LTO-3 0001 0001 0001 0002 0004 S S IBM and HP LTO-2 drives supported IBM and HP LTO-3 drives supported LTO-3 0001 S IBM and HP LTO-3 drives supported LTO-4 0003 0004† S †Minimum Firmware Version Required for SAS Drive support LTO-5 0006 S LTO-2 LTO-3 0001 0001 S S LTO-3 0003 G LTO-3 0002 S LTO-4 0004 S LTO-5 0007 S LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 DLT IV 0001 0001 0001 02.28.27 N/A 1020 G Refer to Fujitsu LT250 Application Notes For Details 2037 G Refer to Fujitsu LT270 Application Notes For Details Notes IBM LTO-2 and IBM/HP LTO-3 drives supported Uses the Quantum DX-Series Template LTO-3 LTO-3 LTO-3 LTO-3 Page 47 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Overland Storage Loader-Xpress Interface SCSI PowerLoader SCSI Library-Xpress SCSI SAS Neo Series 100 SAS Neo Series 200(S) / 400(S) SCSI FC SAS SAS FC Neo Series 2000 / 4000 / 8000 Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI FC iSCSI Cleaning Tape Support SubModels Primary Format Min Level DLT4000 DLT1 DLT7000 DLT8000 LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 SDLT AIT-1 DLT1 DLT8000 SDLT LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 DLT4000 DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT IBM Ultrium 4 HH IBM ULT3580-HH4 TS2240 IBM Ultrium 5 HH IBM ULT3580-HH5 TS2250 HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI DLT8000 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI DLT III DLT-1 DLT IV DLT IV LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 SDLT I AIT-1 DLT-1 DLT IV SDLT I LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 DLT III DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I 0001 0517 0001 0001 1.18 0001 1.07 0001 4.17 5.24 5.24 1.04 v1.00 0001 v1.07 0001 0001 022B 0001 N/A S S S N/A LTO-4 0021 G LTO-5 0021 G S S S S DLT IV LTO-1 2.21 B LTO-2 2.21 S LTO-3 2.21 G LTO-4 6.04 G LTO-4 LTO-5 Overland Storage S S S N/A D.63 / 2.80e F.93 / 2.80e D.63 / 2.80e F.93 / 2.80e D.63 / 2.80e F.93 / 2.80e 2.21 LTO-3 Notes G G G S Note: iSCSI is supported on Windows Platform only, see application notes for details. Read Application Notes for cleaning details. Page 48 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Neo Series 2000E / 4000E / 8000E LibraryPro ARCvault 12 / 24 / 48 Updated July 14, 2014 Interface FC SCSI SAS SAS FC SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI FC SAS SCSI FC SAS SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI SDLT220 SDLT320 SDLT600 LTO-5 6.16 G SDLT I SDLT I SDLT II 2.21 2.21 2.21 G LTO-4 1.16 G LTO-5 1.22 G AIT-1 AIT-2 AIT-3 0001 0001 0001 S S S HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI SDX-3xx SDX-5xx SDX-7xx HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI LTO-3 G 0153 HP Ultrium 1840 HP Ultrium 4-SCSI LTO-4 Notes All variations of Cleaning tape supported G Page 49 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Notes PivotStor PivotStor AP Series Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI FC HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI LTO-3 2.00 G Use BDT FlexStor Series Application Notes Page 50 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Plasmon V10 Interface SCSI V15 SCSI V2 (LTO 21.2) SCSI V30 SCSI V40 SCSI V60 V68 SCSI SCSI V102 (LTO 100.6) SCSI D-Series SCSI Updated July 14, 2014 SubModels IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 SDX-5xx SDX-7xx IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 SDX-5xx SDX-7xx IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 Matsushita SW-9571 Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Notes Plasmon LTO-1 S 2.4.5 LTO-2 AIT-2 AIT-3 S 12.11.5 12.11.5 LTO-1 S 2.4.7 LTO-2 S AIT-2 AIT-3 12.11.5 12.11.5 LTO-1 1.04 LTO-2 1.06 LTO-1 1.04 LTO-2 1.06 LTO-1 1.04 LTO-2 1.06 LTO-1 1.03 LTO-2 1.06 DVD 1.17 N/A Please see application note for support details Page 51 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Notes Qualstar Qualstar TL 4 Series SCSI TLS 5 Series SCSI TLS 6 Series SCSI SCSI TLS 8 Series SCSI FC SAS FC SAS FC RLS Series Updated July 14, 2014 SDX-3xx AIT-1 0001 S SDX-5xx AIT-2 2.09 S SDX-7xx AIT-3 2.09 SDZ-1xx SAIT-1 0001 DLT 8000 DLT IV 0001 S SDLT SDLT I 0001 N/A SDLT600 SDLT II 0001 LTO-1 0001 S LTO-2 0001 S LTO-4 226A G LTO-5 2.27a G LTO-5 2.27a G SDX-5xx AIT-2 0003 SDX-7xx AIT-3 0003 SDLT320 SDLT I 0003 SDLT600 SDLT II 0003 SDZ-1xx SAIT-1 0003 SDX-1100 AIT-5 0068 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-TD5 TS2350 IBM Ultrium 5 HH IBM ULT3580-HH5 TS2250 SCSI Page 52 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support SCSI FC IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 LTO-4 06D G LTO-5 0074 G LTO-5 0074 G SAS FC SAS FC XLS-8xxx SCSI FC IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 LTO-3 0651 G SCSI FC IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 LTO-4 1067 G LTO-5 824 G LTO-5 824 G SAS FC SAS FC Updated July 14, 2014 IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-TD5 TS2350 IBM Ultrium 5 HH IBM ULT3580-HH5 TS2250 IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-TD5 TS2350 IBM Ultrium 5 HH IBM ULT3580-HH5 TS2250 Notes Page 53 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format LTO-1 LTO-1 SDX-5xx AIT-2 Min Level Cleaning Tape Support Notes Quantum AML/J Quantum Scalar24 Scalar50 Scalar100 Scalar 210 SCSI SCSI **FC SCSI FC SCSI iSCSI FC SCSI iSCSI* SCSI SCSI Scalar 218 FC Scalar 220 Scalar 1000 Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI SCSI FC IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 LTO-4 3.12 003.0L3 **V237A.GZ001 003.0L3 **V237A.GZ001 003.0L3 **V237A.GZ001 3.13a 003.0L3 **V237A.GZ001 003.0L3 **V237A.GZ001 SDLT320 SDLT I SDLT600 SDLT II Quantum LTO3HH LTO-3 4.20 HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI LTO-4 4.20 LTO-1 0001 LTO-2 0001 LTO-3 6.02A AIT-2 AIT-3 DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I SDLT II AIT-1 DLT IV DLT IV DLT IV DLT IV AIT-2 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0106 0001 0106 0001 0001 LTO-1 0001 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 SDX-5xx SDX-7xx DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT320 SDLT600 SDX-3xx DLT7000 DLT8000 DLT7000 DLT8000 SDX-5xx IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 Requires ADIC DAS client software and NetVault VaultShare for DAS plugin option. Contact sales representative for latest platform availability. S S S G S G S Read Application Note for complete drive cleaning details. * iSCSI support is Windows only using LTO-1 / LTO-2 drives, SNC 4500 iSCSI Bridge and Adaptec 7211 iSCSI Initiator and driver. S S S S S S Page 54 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Scalar 10K Scalar i40-i80 Scalar i500 Interface SubModels SCSI FC SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT320 SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SCSI 3590 SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 SDLT220 SDLT320 SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SCSI 3590 FC SAS FC SAS SAS FC SAS FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI SAS FC SAS FC HP Ultrium 17xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 6xxx HP Ultrium 6-SCSI IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 FC Updated July 14, 2014 HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI IBM Ultrium 5 IBM ULT3580-5 TS2350 Primary Format Min Level LTO-2 0001 DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I AIT-2 AIT-3 IBM Linear 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 LTO-1 200a.T0001 LTO-2 200a.T0001 Cleaning Tape Support Notes S S S 0001 LTO-3 300a.T0001 SDLT I SDLT I AIT-2 AIT-3 IBM Linear 200a.T0001 200a.T0001 200a.T0001 200a.T0001 LTO-4 100G.GS004 S LTO-4 100G.GS004 S LTO-5 110G.GS006 S LTO-6 150G.GS003 S LTO-2 0001 S LTO-3 200G.GS005 S LTO-4 400G.GS010 S LTO-4 420G S LTO-5 580G S LTO-5 585G S 200a.T0001 Page 55 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SAS FC FC SCSI Scalar i2000 SCSI FC FC FC FC Scalar i6000 FC FC FC FastStor2 FastStor7 SCSI SCSI FastStor22 SCSI SuperLoader 1280L SCSI Updated July 14, 2014 SubModels HP Ultrium 6xxx HP Ultrium 6-SCSI IBM Ultrium 6 IBM 3580-TD6 SDLT600 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI IBM Ultrium 5 FH IBM ULT3580-TD5 TS2350 HP Ultrium 6xxx HP Ultrium 6-SCSI IBM Ultrium 6 IBM 3580-TD6 SDLT320 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 DLT4000 DLT7000 DLT8000 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 DLT4000 DLT7000 DLT8000 DLT4000 DLT1 Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support LTO-6 630G.GS003 S LTO-6 630G.GS003 SDLT II 400A G LTO-1 400A S LTO-2 400A S LTO-3 400A S LTO-4 560A S LTO-4 560A G LTO-4 605A S LTO-4 605A S LTO-5 605A S LTO-5 605A S LTO-6 630G.GS003 S LTO-6 630G.GS003 SDLT I LTO-1 S Notes Includes Dual Robot Active-Active and High Density Expansion Module HDEM Includes Dual Robot Active-Active and High Density Expansion Module HDEM G F10r Read Application Note for SDLT 320 cleaning details LTO-2 DLT III DLT IV DLT IV 0001 0001 0001 LTO-1 0001 DLT III DLT IV DLT IV DLT III DLT I 0001 0001 0001 0001 V 13.0 S S S S S S Page 56 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model SuperLoader 5120L Interface SubModels SCSI HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI SDLT320 SDLT600 SDLT600 SDLT II LTO-2 LTO-2 SuperLoader3 SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SAS SAS SAS SAS SCSI SCSI SCSI ValueLoader SCSI ATL M1500 ATL M1800 ATL M2500 Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI SCSI SCSI HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI Quantum LTO-3HH Quantum LTO-4HH Quantum LTO-5FH/HH Quantum LTO-6HH DLT-V4 DLT-S4 DLT VS160 LTO-1 LTO-2 SDLT320 DLT VS 80 DLT VS 160 DLT8000 SDLT220 SDLT320 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI SDLT600 DLT8000 SDLT220 SDLT320 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI DLT8000 SDLT220 SDLT320 LTO-1 Cleaning Tape Support Primary Format Min Level LTO-1 0006 LTO-2 0006 S SDLT I SDLT II V 13.0 0001 V90 G LTO-4 LTO-3 LTO-4 LTO-5 LTO-6 VS-1 VS-1 VS-1 LTO-1 LTO-2 SDLT I VS-1 VS-1 DLT IV SDLT I SDLT I V90 V90 G G G V90 V90 V90 V90 V90 V90 V90 G G G G G G G 3203 0130 S 2.02 2.02 2.02 S LTO-1 2.02 LTO-2 2.02 SDLT II DLT IV SDLT I SDLT I TBD 2.10 2.10 2.10 LTO-1 2.10 LTO-2 2.10 DLT IV SDLT I SDLT I LTO-1 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 Notes S Uses M1500 Library Template S Page 57 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Quantum PX720 Quantum PX500 Series Interface SCSI FC SCSI FC iSCSI ATL P1000 SCSI ATL 7100 SCSI ATL P2000 SCSI FC ATL P3000 ATL P4000 ATL P6000 ATL P7000 Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support LTO-2 LTO-2 LTO-3 HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI SDLT320 SDLT600 DLT-S4 LTO-2 LTO-3 SDLT600 DLT-S4 SDLT320 DLT4000 DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT320 DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT320 DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT320 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT320 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI DLT8000 SDLT320 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT320 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI DLT8000 LTO-2 LTO-2 LTO-3 2.02 1.10p 1.10p S LTO-4 4.50 G SDLT I SDLT II VS-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 SDLT II VS-1 SDLT I DLT III DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I 1.10p 1.10p 1.10p G G G G G G SDLT320 V14.0 (000E) 001A 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 LTO-1 0001 DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I 0001 0001 0001 LTO-1 0001 DLT IV SDLT I 0001 0001 LTO-1 0001 DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I 0001 0001 0001 Notes Read Application Notes for special support conditions and cleaning details. Read Application Notes for special support conditions and cleaning details. S S S N/A S S N/A S S N/A S S N/A S N/A S S N/A LTO-1 0001 DLT IV 0001 S SDLT I 0001 N/A Page 58 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Updated July 14, 2014 Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI LTO-1 0001 Cleaning Tape Support Notes Page 59 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface TSL-A300C TSL-A500C TSL-11000 Autoloader SCSI SCSI SCSI LIB-81 SCSI LIB-D81 SCSI LIB-152 / E SCSI LIB-162 SCSI LIB-302 SCSI LIB-304 DMS-B9 DMS-B80L DMS-B150L SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI CSM-200 BS/BF CSM-100 BS/BF CSM-60 BS/BF SCSI FC SubModels Primary Format Min Level SDX-300 SDX-500 DDS-4 SDX-3xx SDX-4xx SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SDX-8xx SDX-9xx SDX-11xx SDX-3xx SDX-4xx SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SDX-8xx SDX-9xx SDX-11xx SDX-3xx SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SDX-3xx SDX-4xx SDX-500 SDX-700 SDX-800 SDX-900 SDX-1100 SDX-3xx SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SDX-5xx GY-2120 GY-8240 GY-8240 SDZ-1xx SDZ-2xx IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 AIT-1 AIT-2 DDS-4 AIT-1 AIT-1 AIT-2 AIT-3 AIT-3 AIT-4 AIT-5 AIT-1 AIT-1 AIT-2 AIT-3 AIT-3 AIT-4 AIT-5 AIT-1 AIT-2 AIT-3 AIT-1 AIT-1 AIT-2 AIT-3 AIT-3 AIT-4 AIT-5 AIT-1 AIT-2 AIT-3 AIT-2 DTF-1 DTF-2 DTF-2 SAIT-1 SAIT-2 0000 0000 L0u6 0100 0100 0100 0106 0106 0106 0109 0100 0100 0104 0104 0104 0104 0109 1019 1019 1019 0102 0102 0102 0203 0203 0203 0206 S019 S019 S019 0001 1.20 1.10 1.10 Cleaning Tape Support Notes Sony Sony Updated July 14, 2014 S S S S S *AIT-3 Ex drives are supported with standard cleaning S S S 3.01 S LTO-3 LTO-4 S 6.30 Page 60 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format CSM-20 SCSI FC SDZ-1xx SDZ-2xx IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 SAIT-1 SAIT-2 Updated July 14, 2014 Min Level Cleaning Tape Support 0102 G Notes LTO-3 Page 61 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SCSI FC Spectra 2K iSCSI NDMP SpectraLogic Spectra 10K SCSI FC SCSI FC Spectra 12K NDMP SCSI FC Spectra 20K NDMP SCSI FC Spectra 64K NDMP SCSI T24 Spectra T50/S50 Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC Cleaning Tape Support SubModels Primary Format Min Level SDX-3xx SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SDX-9xx SDX-3xx SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SDX-9xx SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SDX-9xx SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SDX-9xx SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SDX-9xx SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SDX-9xx SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SDX-9xx SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SDX-9xx SDX-5xx SDX-7xx SDX-9xx HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 AIT-1 AIT-2 AIT-3 AIT-4 AIT-1 AIT-2 AIT-3 AIT-4 AIT-2 AIT-3 AIT-4 AIT-2 AIT-3 AIT-4 AIT-2 AIT-3 AIT-4 AIT-2 AIT-3 AIT-4 AIT-2 AIT-3 AIT-4 AIT-2 AIT-3 AIT-4 AIT-2 AIT-3 AIT-4 0001 0001 1020 0001 0001 0001 1020 0001 5.00.15 0001 0001 0126 0001 0001 4.1.16 0001 0001 0001 0126 0001 0001 4.1.16 0001 0126 0001 0001 4.1.16 0001 0001 S S LTO-2 V2.00 G LTO-3 V2.00 G LTO-4 V2.00 G LTO-2 S S Notes SpectraLogic Both iSCSI and NDMP are supported GBE protocols S G V2.00 LTO-3 G Page 62 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SCSI FC Spectra T50e FC SAS Spectra T120 SCSI FC SCSI Spectra T950 SCSI FC SCSI FC FC SCSI SCSI SCSI Spectra T200/T380/T680 T-Finity Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI FC FC SubModels IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM TS2240 IBM ULT3580-HH4 IBM Ultrium-HH4 IBM Ultrium 5 HH IBM ULT3580-HH5 TS2250 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 5 HH IBM ULT3580-HH5 TS2250 SDZ-1xx IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 5 FH IBM ULT3580-TD5 TS2350 SDLT600 SDZ-1xx RXT (LTO-2) IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 5 HH IBM ULT3580-HH5 TS2250 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support LTO-4 V2.00 S LTO-3 Notes S V2.00 S LTO-4 LTO-5 BlueScale_10.5.8 S BlueScale_11.1 S LTO-2 S V2.00 LTO-3 S LTO-4 V2.00 S LTO-5 BlueScale_11.1 S SAIT-1 V2.00 LTO-2 V2.00 S LTO-3 V2.00 S LTO-4 V2.00 S LTO-5 BlueScale_11.1 S SDLT II SAIT-1 LTO-2 V2.00 V2.00 V2.00 N/A V2.00 S LTO-5 BlueScale_11.1 S LTO-3 V2.00 S LTO-3 LTO-4 Page 63 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface FC Updated July 14, 2014 SubModels IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 5 FH IBM ULT3580-TD5 TS2350 Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support BlueScale_11.1 S Notes LTO-4 LTO-5 Page 64 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels DLT4000 SUN STK SUN STK IBM Linear DLT III DLT IV DLT IV SUN STK DLT III DLT7000 DLT IV 9840 9310 PowerHorn VaultShare APM 9940 3592 9710 Oracle / SUN / STK 9730 9738 TimberWolf SCSI VaultShare APM SCSI VaultShare APM VaultShare APM 9740 SCSI VaultShare APM StorageTek SL150 StorageTek SL150 SAS FC DLT4000 DLT7000 DLT8000 9840 9840 DLT4000 DLT7000 9840 9940 L500 SL500 SL3000 Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI FC FC SAS SCSI FC Primary Format HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4** HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI** HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI SUN STK DLT III DLT IV SUN STK SUN STK LTO-5 LTO-5 Min Level Notes Oracle / SUN / STK ACSLS 6.0.1 0001 0001 0001 S* S* S* 0001 S* 0001 S* 0001 S* ACSLS 6.0.1 N/A 2.00.02 N/A 0100 0100 S S LTO-2 LTO-3 Cleaning Tape Support * For Non-ACSLS Environments * For Non-ACSLS Environments S* 1.00.7 (5.46.00) OR ACSLS 7.1 S* LTO-4 S* LTO-4 S* LTO-5 1395 S* LTO-3 2.02 G * For Non-ACSLS Environments ** Minimum Firmware Requirement: 1126 (7381) See Application Notes for caveats and details. * For Non-ACSLS Environments Page 65 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface VaultShare APM SubModels HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI IBM Ultrium 5 FH IBM ULT3580-TD5 9840D T10000A T10000B T10000C T10000D 9840B 9840C 9940B SL8500 Requires VaultShare APM HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI T10000A T10000B T10000C T10000D 9840 L5500 Updated July 14, 2014 Requires VaultShare APM 9940B IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support LTO-4 2.02 G LTO-4 2.02 G LTO-5 2.30 S* LTO-5 2.81 S 9840 T10000 T10000 T10000 T10000 SUN STK SUN STK SUN STK 2.02 2.02 2.02 3.00 4.00 S G G G G Notes LTO-2 LTO-3 ACSLS 7.1 N/A LTO-4 LTO-4 LTO-5 T10000 T10000 T10000 T10000 SUN STK SUN STK LTO-1 ACSLS 8 N/A N/A ACSLS 6.0.1 N/A Page 66 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels 9840 9940B 9840C L700 SCSI FC VaultShare APM IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 / IBM 3580-TD4** HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI** DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT320 SDLT600 9840 9940B 9840C L1400M Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI FC HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 Primary Format Min Level SUN STK SUN STK SUN STK S* B* 3.06.00 03.15.02** B* LTO-3 G* LTO-4 B* LTO-4 S* DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I SDLT II SUN STK SUN STK SUN STK S* S* N/A G LTO-1 Notes S* LTO-1 LTO-2 Cleaning Tape Support See the STK L180 Application Notes for special support conditions and cleaning details. * For Non-ACSLS Environments Only ** Minimum Firmware Requirement: 1126 (7381) S* S* 3.07.00 03.15.02** B* LTO-2 B* LTO-3 G* Note: Uses L180/L700 Template See the STK L180 Application Notes for special support conditions and cleaning details. * For Non-ACSLS Environments Only Page 67 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI** IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4** DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT320 SDLT600 9840 9840C 9940B L180 L80 Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI FC VaultShare APM SCSI HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI** IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4** DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT320 SDLT600 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support LTO-4 S* LTO-4 B* DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I SDLT II SUN STK SUN STK SUN STK S* S* G* G* 2.00.00 S* 3.06.00 S* LTO-1 0001 B* LTO-2 0213 B* LTO-3 0215 G* Notes 0001 LTO-4 Note: Uses L180/L700 Template See the STK L180 Application Notes for special support conditions and cleaning details. * For Non-ACSLS Environments Only S* LTO-4 03.15.02 B* DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I SDLT II 0001 0001 0001 0001 S* S* G* G* LTO-1 0001 B* LTO-2 0213 B* Note: Uses L180/L700 Template See the STK L180 Application Notes for special support conditions and cleaning details. * For Non-ACSLS Environments Only Page 68 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model L40 L20 Updated July 14, 2014 Interface SCSI SCSI SubModels HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI** IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4** DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT320 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4** HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI** DLT7000 DLT8000 SDLT320 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4** Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support LTO-3 0215 G* LTO-4 Notes S* LTO-4 03.15.02 B* DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I 0001 1.20.00 0001 S* S* G* LTO-1 0001 B* LTO-2 0213 B* LTO-3 0215 G* LTO-4 03.15.02 B* LTO-4 Note: Uses L180/L700 Template See the STK L180 Application Notes for special support conditions and cleaning details. * For Non-ACSLS Environments Only S* DLT IV DLT IV SDLT I 0001 1.20.00 0001 S* S* LTO-1 0001 B* LTO-2 0213 B* LTO-3 0215 G* LTO-4 03.15.02 B* Note: Uses L180/L700 Template See the STK L180 Application Notes for special support conditions and cleaning details. * For Non-ACSLS Environments Only Page 69 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model SL24 Interface SCSI FC* SAS SAS FC SL48 SCSI FC* SAS SAS FC C2 SCSI C4 / C10 SCSI FC L8 SCSI L25 L100 L1000 Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI SCSI SCSI SubModels HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI** DLT8000 SDLT320 HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 18xx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI SDLT600 Certance Ultrium 2 Certance Ultrium 3 SDLT600 Certance Ultrium 2 Certance Ultrium 3 SDLT600 SDLT320 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI SDLT320 SDLT600 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI DLT7000 Primary Format Min Level LTO-4 Cleaning Tape Support S* DLT IV SDLT I 0001 0001 S* LTO-2 C.20 G LTO-3 C.20 G LTO-4 C.30 G LTO-5 4.90 G LTO-2 E.60 G LTO-3 E.60 G LTO-4 E.70 G LTO-5 7.20 G SDLT II LTO-2 LTO-3 SDLT II LTO-2 LTO-3 SDLT II SDLT I LTO-1 Notes 000C V3.0 (0003) G G G G G G G G Read HP MSL2024 Application Note for cleaning details Read HP MSL4048 Application Note for cleaning details Read Application Notes for special support conditions and cleaning details. Use Quantum SuperLoader 3 template or Sun C2 template available from Sun. Read Application Notes for special support conditions and cleaning details. Use Quantum PX500 template or Sun C4/C10 template available from Sun. F10r Read Application Note for SDLT 320 Cleaning details 2.02 Use M1500 Template or the Sun L25 Template available from Sun 2.02 Use M1500 Template LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 SDLT I SDLT II LTO-1 LTO-2 DLT IV 245F Page 70 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level DLT8000 DLT IV 0100 Cleaning Tape Support Notes * NOTE1: FC support requires optional Modular Data Router **NOTE2: Virtual Tape Drives Supported Updated July 14, 2014 Page 71 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SLR Autoloader SCSI SCSI SCSI Tandberg / Exabyte ThinStor Autoloader DLT Autoloader SDLT Autoloader SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI 1U StorageLoader SCSI SCSI SAS SAS FC SCSI 2U StorageLoader ThinStorPlus 2U Autoloader SAS FC SCSI ATL M1500 SCSI ATL M2500 SCSI Updated July 14, 2014 Cleaning Tape Support SubModels Primary Format Min Level SLR7 SLR60 SLR100 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 DLT8000 SDLT220 DLT VS160 Tandberg 220LTO Tandberg 420LTO HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI IBM TS2240 IBM ULT3580-HH4 IBM Ultrium-HH4 HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 1-SCSI IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 SDLT320 SDLT600 DLT8000 SDLT320 SDLT600 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI DLT8000 SLR SLR SLR v2.07 v2.07 v2.07 LTO-1 0002 LTO-2 0002 S LTO-3 0004 B DLT IV SDLT I DLT VS1 LTO-1 LTO-2 0002 0001 S N/A Notes Tandberg/Exabyte Use NEC LL0101H Template. See App Notes for cleaning details. 0140 LTO-3 G LTO-4 3.42 G LTO-4 3.42 G LTO-5 3.47 G LTO-2 C113 G LTO-5 3.47 G LTO-1 LTO-2 1.20 / 1.30 LTO-3 SDLT I SDLT II DLT IV SDLT I SDLT II 2.02 2.02 0a0a LTO-1 2.02 DLT IV 2.02 S S Page 72 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model S24 T40 / T40+ / T80 / T80+ Interface SCSI SCSI FC SAS SAS FC T120+ SCSI FC SAS SAS FC T160+ Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI SAS FC SubModels Primary Format Min Level SDLT320 HP Ultrium 2xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 TS2340 IBM Ultrium 4HH IBM ULT3580-HH4 TS2240 HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI IBM Ultrium 3 IBM ULT3580-TD3 TS2330 IBM Ultrium 3HH IBM ULT3580-HH3 TS2230 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 TS2340 IBM Ultrium 4HH IBM ULT3580-HH4 TS2240 HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI IBM Ultrium 3 IBM ULT3580-TD3 TS2330 IBM Ultrium 3HH IBM ULT3580-HH3 TS2230 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 TS2340 SDLT I 2.02 LTO-1 2.02 Cleaning Tape Support Notes LTO-2 109D / 227D LTO-3 LTO-3 2.60 G LTO-4 3.16 G LTO-4 3.63 G LTO-4 3.63 G LTO-5 04.10 G LTO-3 3.93 G LTO-3 3.93 G LTO-4 3.93 G LTO-4 3.93 G LTO-4 3.93 G LTO-5 04.10 G LTO-3 3.93 G LTO-3 3.93 G LTO-4 3.93 G Page 73 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface TDS 1210 TDS 1420 TDS 1440 SAS FC SCSI SCSI SCSI 440 / 480 SCSI EZ17 SCSI X80 SCSI X200 SCSI 430M SCSI 215M SCSI Magnum 1x7 SCSI Magnum 8x143 (Magnum20) 221L T24 Updated July 14, 2014 SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SAS SubModels IBM Ultrium 4HH IBM ULT3580-HH4 TS2240 HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI SLR100 SLR100 SLR100 820 Mammoth Mammoth Mammoth-LT Mammoth-2 Mammoth Mammoth-2 Mammoth Mammoth-2 Mammoth Mammoth-2 Mammoth Mammoth-2 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support LTO-4 3.93 G LTO-4 3.93 G LTO-5 04.10 G SLR SLR SLR 8MM 8MM 8MM 8MM 8MM 8MM 8MM 8MM 8MM 8MM 8MM 8MM 8MM 2.10B 2.10 2.10 TBD TBD TBD TBD 1.7.4 TBD 2.6.1 TBD TBD TBD 2.4.5 TBD TBD S S S S S S S S S S S S S LTO-1 B003 S LTO-2 B006 LTO-1 2.0.7 S LTO-2 2.0.7 S LTO-3 2.0.7 LTO-1 Notes Read Application Note for Mammoth-2 cleaning details Read Application details Read Application details Read Application details Read Application details Note for Mammoth-2 cleaning Note for Mammoth-2 cleaning Note for Mammoth-2 cleaning Note for Mammoth-2 cleaning S 2.4.5 LTO-2 S LTO-3 3.6.2 S LTO-2 C284 G LTO-3 C284 G FC Firmware minimum is 11.6.1 Page 74 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface Cleaning Tape Support LTO-4 C284 G LTO-4 C284 G LTO-2 C284 G LTO-3 C284 G LTO-4 C284 G LTO-5 C284 G D184 G LTO-4 D184 G LTO-4 D184 G LTO-2 D184 G LTO-3 D184 G LTO-4 D184 G LTO-3 3.6.2 2.6.3 E35r E35r SCSI VXA-172 VXA TBD SCSI VXA-2 VXA A102 SCSI 230D SCSI AutoPak 1x10 SCSI Updated July 14, 2014 Min Level DLT IV VXA VXA SCSI FC SAS 110L VXA-172 PacketLoader 1x10 1U VXA-2 PacketLoader 1x10 1U Primary Format IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 4HH IBM ULT3580-HH4 TS2240 HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI HP Ultrium 3xxx HP Ultrium 5-SCSI IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 IBM Ultrium 4 IBM 3580-TD4 IBM Ultrium 4HH IBM ULT3580-HH4 TS2240 HP Ultrium 4xx HP Ultrium 2-SCSI HP Ultrium 9xx HP Ultrium 3-SCSI HP Ultrium 1xxx HP Ultrium 4-SCSI IBM Ultrium 1 IBM 3580-TD1 IBM Ultrium 2 IBM 3580-TD2 IBM Ultrium 3 IBM 3580-TD3 DLT7000 VXA-1 VXA-2 SAS FC T48 SubModels Notes LTO-2 LTO-3 LTO-1 S 2.18.2 LTO-2 S S S S Page 75 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Interface SubModels Primary Format Min Level Cleaning Tape Support VXA-2 PacketLoader 10 Firewire 800 VXA-2 VXA A108 S SCSI VXA-320 VXA A102 SCSI SCSI VXA-1 VXA-2 VXA VXA 2848 1.11.2 VXA-320 Packet Loader 1x10 1U AutoPak 1x15 AutoPak 1x7 Updated July 14, 2014 Notes Supported with NetVault 7.1.1 (and higher) for Mac OSX only. Requires Mac OSX Support Pack 2. See Application Notes for additional information before installing. S S Page 76 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives NetVault Backup Supported Tape, Removable, and Optical Drives GENERAL NOTES: Once a drive is listed as certified here it will be supported in any library that is also listed in the Supported Libraries Matrix unless explicitly stated. For additional information or device support requests please email of Vendor Model Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware Notes Benchmark Benchmark Updated July 14, 2014 VS Tape 80 DLT Tape IV SCSI 5032 Page 77 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware Notes Certance Certance/Seagate RSS/Conner Updated July 14, 2014 STD1401LW DDS-4 SCSI DAT72 Viper 200 Viper 200 DDS-5 LTO-1 LTO-1 CL400H LTO-2 Viper 400 LTO-2 CL800 LTO-3 SCSI SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC STD1401LW DDS-4 SCSI DAT72 Viper 200 Viper 200 DDS-5 LTO-1 LTO-1 Viper 400 LTO-2 CL400H LTO-2 CL 800 LTO-3 Python 06241 DDS-4 SCSI SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI 06240XXX8110 A00W 1230 149J V1702 153R 163S 06240XXX8110 A00W 1230 149J 153R V1702 163S Page 78 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware DLT Tape IV SCSI 5032 DDS-5 SCSI A00W LTO-2 SCSI 1748 LTO-3 SCSI 4CEG DLT Tape VS1 SCSI 1E00 LTO DLT Tape_VS1 DDS-5 SCSI 333K-LTO-2 4CEG-LTO-3 1E00-VS160 A060-DAT72 PV 114X RDX LTO SAS - RD1000 (USB 3.0) Virtual Standalone≠ USB 4102 Model Notes Recommended for use DELL DELL Updated July 14, 2014 VS 80 PV 100T DAT72 PV 110T LTO-2 PV 110T LTO-3 PV 110T VS-160 PV 114T LTO-2 LTO-3 DLT VS-160 DAT72 The PV114T has one or two single tape drives. It isn’t a library device. It’s a tape rack enclosure which houses up to 2 standalone drives. Refer to the Dell PowerVault Compatibility Matrix for the latest firmware details. Please refer to the NetVault Backup Removable Storage Best Practices Guide Page 79 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware Notes Fujitsu Fujitsu Updated July 14, 2014 PG-DT502D DDS-5 SCSI B07D PG-DT504 DDS-5 USB ZU64 PG-DT601 PG-DT602 PG-DT603 PG-LT302 PG-LT303 PG-LT303 PG-LT401 PG-LT402 PG-LT501 PY-LT611 PYBLT611 DDS-6 DDS-6 DDS-6 LTO-3 LTO-3 LTO-3 LTO-4 LTO-5 LTO-5 LTO-6 LTO-6 USB USB USB SCSI SCSI SAS SAS SAS SAS SAS SAS WU7B WU7B WU7B 183P Q24D Q24D 2126 97F3 Z23D D2DB D2DB Use Seagate/Certance DAT72 Template Supported exclusively only on LINUX (kernel level 2.6.9-11.EL and above) Page 80 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware Notes Hitachi Hitachi Updated July 14, 2014 GF-2050 DVD-ROM DVD-R DVD-RAM SCSI E006 GV-LT1TE(2) LTO-5 SAS Z39W Page 81 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware SDLT DLT 40/80 DLT 35/70 AIT-35 AIT-50 DLT vs80 DLT vs160 SDLT 600 DAT 40 DAT72 SDLT DLTape III-IV DLTape III-IV AIT-1 AIT-2 DLT1 DLT Tape VS1 SuperDLT Tape II DDS-4 DDS-5 SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI v35 v80 v97 n/a 1.30 482A 2400 2323* YP61 V303 Notes HP HP Updated July 14, 2014 DAT72 DDS-5 USB ZU55 DAT160 DAT160 DAT160 DAT320 DAT320 230 232 215 DDS-6 DDS-6 DDS-6 DDS-7 DDS-7 LTO-1 LTO-1 LTO-1 448 LTO-2 WP74 WS95 WU74 VU98 VU98 E15D P23D N16D S22D T23D 460 LTO-2 960 LTO-3 SCSI SAS USB SAS USB SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SAS SCSI FC SCSI FC *FW 2929 is not supported Supported exclusively only on LINUX (kernel level 2.6.9-11.EL and above). Windows support only available with NVBU 8.0U2 and later. F34D G27D Page 82 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Updated July 14, 2014 Model Media Format 920 LTO-3 1840 LTO-4 1760 LTO-4 3000 3000 3280 6250 6250 6650 LTO-5 LTO-5 LTO-5 LTO-6 LTO-6 LTO-6 Interface SCSI FC SAS SCSI FC SAS SCSI FC SAS SAS FC FC FC SAS FC Minimum Firmware Notes D21D - SCSI C23D - SAS B13D H21D A22D W22D V22D U12D Y5BW Z58W I11V 22FW 32DW J17D Page 83 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware Notes IBM IBM Updated July 14, 2014 ULT3580-TD1 ULTRIUM-TD1 71P9145 43W8480 39M5636 39M5636 59P6717 59P6685 ULT3580-TD1 ULTRIUM -TD1 DDS-5 DDS-5 DDS-6 DDS-6 LTO-1 LTO-1 59P6744 LTO-2 71P9141 LTO-2 39M5658 LTO-2 3580 Model L33 LTO-3 IBM 39M5657 LTO-3 TS2340 LTO-4 TS2350 TS2350 TS2230 39M5657 TS2240 TS2250 TS2250 TS2260 LTO-5 LTO-5 LTO-3 LTO-3 LTO-4 LTO-5 LTO-5 LTO-6 LTO-1 LTO-2 SCSI FC SCSI SATA SATA USB SCSI SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI SCSI FC SCSI SCSI SCSI FC SAS FC SAS SCSI SCSI SAS SAS FC SAS 12U5 16E0 A060 C0A0 WU04 WU04 E15D N2CG 2CKH 3060 333K 333K 2CKH 4C17 87G0 7381 A3K0 A3K0 6BA0 87G0 7BG3 A6S1 A6S1 C9T5 Page 84 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives FC SAS FC SAS Minimum Firmware C9T5 C9T4 C9T4 76B0 LTO-3 SAS BBNF 3628L3X LTO-3 SAS BBNF 3628N3X LTO-3 SAS BBNF 44E8895 LTO-4 SAS BBNF 3628L4X LTO-4 SAS BBNF 3628N4X LTO-4 SAS BBNF 49Y9898 LTO-5 SAS B174 3628L5X LTO-5 SAS B174 3628N5X LTO-5 SAS B174 00D8924 LTO-6 SAS C9T5 VXA-2 Magstar 3590 V17 / V10 / V6 1/2 inch 1009 B88C 3590 H Linear 3592 TS1120 (3592-E5) TS1130 (3592-E6) TS1140 (3592-E7) Linear Linear Linear Linear SCSI SCSI SCSI FC FC FC FC FC Vendor TS2260 TS2360 TS2360 43W8487 Media Format LTO-6 LTO-6 LTO-6 LTO-3 43W8478 Model Updated July 14, 2014 Interface Notes ¥ - Compatible with NetVault 8.6.3 or higher ¥ - Compatible with NetVault 8.6.3 or higher ¥ - Compatible with NetVault 8.6.3 or higher ¥ - Compatible higher ¥ - Compatible higher ¥ - Compatible higher ¥ - Compatible higher ¥ - Compatible higher ¥ - Compatible higher with NetVault 8.6.3 or with NetVault 8.6.3 or with NetVault 8.6.3 or with NetVault 8.6.3 or with NetVault 8.6.3 or with NetVault 8.6.3 or F2D4 04D5 167A 2453 349A Page 85 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Magstar 3570 Media Format 1/2 inch SCSI Minimum Firmware 5466 RDX Removable Disk Virtual Standalone≠ USB 0135 RDX-USB 3.0 Virtual Standalone≠ USB 4102 RDX-SATA-INTERNAL Virtual Standalone≠ SATA 0069 Vendor Model Updated July 14, 2014 Interface Notes Please refer to the NetVault Backup Removable Storage Best Practices Guide Please refer to the NetVault Backup Removable Storage Best Practices Guide Please refer to the NetVault Backup Removable Storage Best Practices Guide Page 86 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware Notes IMATION IMATION Updated July 14, 2014 RDX-USB Virtual Standalone≠ USB 2040 Please refer to the NetVault Backup Removable Storage Best Practices Guide RDX-USB 3.0 Virtual Standalone≠ USB 4103 Please refer to the NetVault Backup Removable Storage Best Practices Guide Page 87 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware Notes LEVONO LEVONO Updated July 14, 2014 RDX-USB Virtual Standalone≠ USB 3040 Please refer to the NetVault Backup Removable Storage Best Practices Guide Page 88 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware Notes Panasonic Panasonic Matsushita Updated July 14, 2014 DVD-RAM SW-9571 DVD-RAM SCSI A112 DAT72 DDS-5 SCSI BA03 Page 89 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format DAT 72 DAT 160 DAT 320 DLT4000 DLT7000 DLT8000 SuperDLT DDS-5 DDS-6 DDS-7 DLT Tape III-IV DLT Tape III-IV DLT Tape III-IV SuperDLT Tape I SDLT320 SuperDLT Tape I SDLT600 SuperDLT Tape II DLT-S4 DLT VS160 DLT-V4 DLT Tape S4 DLT Tape VS1 DLT Tape VS1 Interface Minimum Firmware Notes QUANTUM QUANTUM Updated July 14, 2014 SATA USB USB SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSI SCSI SCSI C035 WU74 7UA6 ULTRIUM 3 LTO-3 SCSI FC* SAS** ULTRIUM 4 HH ULTRIUM 5 FH ULTRIUM 5 HH ULTRIUM 6 HH LTO-4 LTO-5 LTO-5 LTO-6 SAS SAS SAS SAS 101 0118 050F 3838 V87 0A0A V34 0D0D 1E00 0300 179J - SCSI E183Z* - FC E1185G** SAS 2060 3060 3070 4071 RDX-USB 3.0 Virtual Standalone≠ USB 4103 *FC support provided through Vendor Endorsed Inheratance Request **SAS support provided through Vendor Endorsed Inheratance Request Please refer to the NetVault Backup Removable Storage Best Practices Guide Page 90 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware SDT-10000 SDT-11000 SDTI320UB SDX-250V SDX-260V SDX-300C SDX-400C SDX-400V SDX-420V SDX-450V SDX-460V SDX-470V SDX-500C (1) SDX-500V (1) SDX-520V SDX-550V (1) SDX-560V SDX-570V SDX-700C (1) SAS DDS-4 DDS-7 AIT-E AIT-E AIT-1 AIT-1 AIT-1 AIT-1 AIT-1 AIT-1 AIT-1 AIT-2 AIT-2 AIT-2 AIT-2 AIT-2 AIT-2 AIT-3 3070 SCSI USB SCSI ATAPI SCSI SCSI SCSI ATAPI SCSI ATAPI SATA SCSI SCSI ATAPI SCSI ATAPI SATA SCSI 1.05 L0u6 7U93 0100 0100 SDX-700V (1) AIT-3 SCSI 0100 SDX-800V AIT-3 Ex SCSI 0100 0101*² SDX-870V AIT-3 Ex SCSI 0100 SDX-900V AIT-4 SCSI 0100 Notes Sony Sony Updated July 14, 2014 0702 0100 0101 0100 0100 0100 010c 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0201 Supported on Windows only. Supported on Windows only. Supported on Windows only. Supported on Windows only. WORM F/W minimum 0200 WORM F/W minimum 0100 Supported on Windows only. WORM F/W minimum 0100 Supported on Windows only. Supported on Windows only. WORM F/W minimum 0200 WORM F/W minimum 0100. AIT-E/1/2 Turbo (VAIT) Media is supported with FW 0200 and above *² - AIT-3 WORM support *² - AIT-3 Ex Cleaning *² - F/W 0101 or later support AIT Turbo format. WORM F/W minimum 0103; AIT-3 Ex media F/W minimum 0104 Page 91 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware Notes SDX-1100 AIT-5 SCSI 0100 WORM F/W minimum 0100; Turbo Media Not Supported SDZ-100 SDZ-130 SDZ-200 GY-2120 SAIT-1 SAIT-1 SAIT-2 DTF-1 0100 0100 0100 GY-8240 DTF-2 SCSI FC SCSI SCSI SCSI FC 1.35 Note (1) - SONY WORM support capable, requires minimum firmware levels see notes column Updated July 14, 2014 Page 92 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware Notes Spectralogic SpectraLogic RXT SabreDrive (IBM ULTRIUM-TD2) Updated July 14, 2014 LTO-2 SCSI 4850 Uses IBMU3580 Template. Device is a disk device which emulates the IBM LTO2 tape drive. Page 93 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware Notes Oracle / SUN / STK Oracle / SUN / STK 9840 9840 T9840B T9840C T9840D T9940A T9940B SUN StorageTek HP Ultrium 3 9840 9840 9840 T9940 T9940 LTO-3 SUN StorageTek HP Ultrium 4 LTO Gen 4 StorEdge LTO-3 LTO-3 T10000A T10000B T10000C T10000D Updated July 14, 2014 T10000 (500GB) T10000 (1TB) T10000 (5TB) T10000D (8.5TB) SCSI FC SCSI SCSI FC SCSI FC SCSIFCSA S SCSI FC SAS SCSI FC 1.28.108s 1.28.122f R1.29.314s 1.34 1.42 R1.29.208s R1.34.406f D22WC24WM 63W B13D H21D A22D G27D / M02D FC 1.29.102 FC 1.38 FC 1.51 FC 4.06 Page 94 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format Interface 8505 8505 XL 8900 Mammoth-2 VXA-1 VXA-2 VXA-2 VXA-172 VXA-3 8200c / 8500c 8200c / 8500c 170 AME 225 AME V17 / V10 / V6 X23 / X10 / X6 X23 / X10 / X6 X10 / X6 X23 / X10 / X6 SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI Firewire SCSI SCSI Minimum Firmware Notes Tandberg Tandberg/Exabyte Updated July 14, 2014 VXA-320 X23 / X10 / X6 SCSI SLR7 SLR24 SLR32 SLR50 SLR60 SLR75 SLR100 SLR140 DLT4000 DLT7000 DLT1 DLT8000 SDLT220 SDLT320 SDLT600 SLR7 SLR24 MLR1 MLR3 ALRF-1 ALRF-1 MLR5 MLR5 DLT Tape III-IV DLT Tape IIIXT-IV DLT Tape IV DLT Tape IIIXT-IV SuperDLT Tape 1 SuperDLT Tape 1 SuperDLT Tape II SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI v3.1.8 V0C 1008 1004 11101 3200 3106 Read Application Note for cleaning details Supported with NetVault 7.1.1 (and higher) for Mac OSX only. Requires Mac OSX Support Pack 2. See Application Notes for additional information before installing. 0481 0482 0482 0482 0565 050F 2E2E 0A0A Page 95 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Updated July 14, 2014 TS400 220LTO 240LTO 440LTO 840LTO TS820 TS1600 1640 DLT VS160 HH LTO 2 HH LTO 2 HH LTO 3 HH LTO 3 HH LTO 4 HH LTO 4 HH LTO 5 HH LTO 5 Media Format LTO-2 LTO-1 LTO-1 LTO-2 LTO-3 LTO-3 LTO-4 LTO-4 DLT Tape VS1 LTO-2 LTO-2 LTO-3 LTO-3 LTO-4 LTO-4 LTO-5 LTO-5 RDX Quikstor RDX Quikstor Model SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI SCSI FC SCSI SCSI SAS SCSI SAS SCSI SAS SAS FC Minimum Firmware 166 0241 1552 2CKH 4C17 0355 0401 74H4 1E00 S619 T61D D229 C229 W229 U229 Z219 I339 Virtual Standalone≠ SATA 0044 Virtual Standalone≠ USB 2040 Interface Notes Model name changed to 420LTO HH See App Notes for support details. Please refer to the NetVault Backup Removable Storage Best Practices Guide Please refer to the NetVault Backup Removable Storage Best Practices Guide Page 96 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware Notes Tecmar Tecmar Updated July 14, 2014 TS9400 DDS-4 SCSI Page 97 of 98 NetVault® Backup Supported VTLs, Libraries, Tape and Optical Drives Vendor Model Media Format Interface Minimum Firmware Notes UNITEX UNITEX According to UNITEX's instructions, You have to install USB3.0 driver for USB3.0 HBA and standard LTO Tape driver. LT50 LTO-5 HH USB BBNF ± If you have any questions, please feel free to contact to : UNITEX Support Center ml TEL:(+81)-42-710-9900 or (+81)-503386-1365 ≠ - Standalone NetVault Backup Virtual Standalone Drive only ¥ - Compatible with NetVault 8.6.3 or higher (EOD Vulnerability) ± - According to the manufacturer instructions, users must install specific drivers to support the device. Please contact hardware vendor directly for details. Updated July 14, 2014 Page 98 of 98
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