Bioluminescence in the Sea


Bioluminescence in the Sea
13 November 2009
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Bioluminescence in the Sea
Steven H.D. Haddock,1 Mark A. Moline,2
and James F. Case3
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing, California 95039;
Biological Sciences Department and Center for Coastal Marine Sciences, California
Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California 93407; email:
Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106;
Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci. 2010. 2:443–93
Key Words
First published online as a Review in Advance on
October 1, 2009
luminescence, phosphorescence, invertebrates, marine ecology,
communication, fluorescence, luciferin, photoprotein, luciferase,
oceanography, light
The Annual Review of Marine Science is online at
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c 2010 by Annual Reviews.
Copyright All rights reserved
Bioluminescence spans all oceanic dimensions and has evolved many times—
from bacteria to fish—to powerfully influence behavioral and ecosystem
dynamics. New methods and technology have brought great advances in
understanding of the molecular basis of bioluminescence, its physiological
control, and its significance in marine communities. Novel tools derived from
understanding the chemistry of natural light-producing molecules have led
to countless valuable applications, culminating recently in a related Nobel
Prize. Marine organisms utilize bioluminescence for vital functions ranging from defense to reproduction. To understand these interactions and the
distributions of luminous organisms, new instruments and platforms allow
observations on individual to oceanographic scales. This review explores
recent advances, including the chemical and molecular, phylogenetic and
functional, community and oceanographic aspects of bioluminescence.
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light emission from a
living organism
Walking along the beach at night or sailing on a darkened sea, you will often see sparkling lights
in the water. This is bioluminescence—the emission of visible light by an organism as a result of
a natural chemical reaction. A remarkable diversity of marine animals and microbes are able to
produce their own light, and in most of the volume of the ocean, bioluminescence is the primary
source of light. Luminescence is nearly absent in freshwater, with the exception of some insect
larvae, a freshwater limpet, and unsubstantiated reports from deep in Lake Baikal. On land, fireflies
are the most conspicuous examples, but other luminous taxa include other beetles, insects like
flies and springtails, fungi, centipedes and millipedes, a snail, and earthworms. This discrepancy
between marine and terrestrial luminescence is not fully understood, but several properties of
the ocean are especially favorable for the evolution of luminescence: (a) comparatively stable
environmental conditions prevail, with a long uninterrupted evolutionary history; (b) the ocean
is optically clear in comparison with rivers and lakes; (c) large portions of the habitat receive no
more than dim light, or exist in continuous darkness; and (d ) interactions occur between a huge
diversity of taxa, including predator, parasite, and prey.
Given its widespread distribution, bioluminescence is clearly a predominant form of communication in the sea, with important effects on the immense daily vertical migration, predator-prey
interactions, and the flow of material through the food web.
This review presents advancements in understanding marine bioluminescence within the last
10 to 15 years, focusing on information that is new and not included in the prior reviews on
general bioluminescence (Morin 1983, Herring et al. 1990, Herring & Widder 2001), chemistry
(Hastings 1983, 1995; Wilson & Hastings 1998; Shimomura 2006), vision (Warrant & Locket
2004), and reproduction (Herring 2007). As a result of this focus, we do not mention some of the
seminal papers well served by those reviews, and we strongly recommend them for their coverage
of groundbreaking research. Although the rate of publication on biotechnological applications of
luminescence outpaces the literature about light emission in the natural environment, we do not
address applied topics, instead focusing on ecology, chemistry, the natural history of bioluminescence, and its distribution in the ocean.
Bioluminescent Organisms
Supplemental Material
Bioluminescence has been found across a broad range of the major groups of organisms from
bacteria and protists to squid and fishes, with numerous phyla in between (Figure 1). In most of
these cases, luminescence is produced by the organisms themselves and not by bacterial symbionts.
Some of the few prominent lineages which are not known to be bioluminescent are flowering
plants, and terrestrial vertebrates like birds, amphibians, and mammals. Luminescence is generally
higher in deep-living and planktonic organisms than in benthic or shallow species.
A list of known luminous genera was cataloged by Herring (1987), but there have been additional discoveries of luminous taxa since that time (Supplemental Table 1; follow the Supplemental Material link from the Annual Reviews home page at
In some cases, it is hard to establish that a species is nonluminous. Among filter-feeding organisms,
reports of luminescence are hard to confirm, because it is difficult, if not impossible, to separate the
organism from associated and ingested protists and microbes. Sponges, bryozoans, and Cyclosalpa
species have all been reported as luminous at times, but we, like Herring (1987), consider these to
be doubtful. Many of the pharmacologically interesting compounds isolated from sponges have
turned out to be bacterial in origin (Schmidt et al. 2000, Taylor et al. 2007).
The distribution of bioluminescence across the major taxonomic groups does not appear to
follow any obvious phylogenetic or oceanographic constraint. Each lineage shown in blue or green
13 November 2009
Polycystine radiolaria
Phaeodarian radiolaria
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Luciferin type
[B] Bacterial (+ symbiont)
[C] Coelenterazine
[D] Dinoflagellate
[V] Vargula (ostracod)
[O] Other (known)
[X] Other (unknown)
Luminescence and habitat
* Unsubstantiated reports of lumin
Hirudinea (leeches)
Mysid shrimp
Decapod shrimp
Cirripedia (barnacles)
Spiders and scorpions
Pycnogonid (1)
Reptiles and birds
Ray-finned fishes
Sharks and rays
Ascidian (1)
Salp (1) and doliolids
Figure 1
A bioluminescence
tree of life. Marine
(blue) and terrestrial/
freshwater (green)
bioluminescence is
spread throughout the
tree relative to the
nonluminous phyla
(gray). Many of the
luminous taxa use two
or more luciferins,
denoted within
brackets to the right of
the taxon names. Tree
structure was compiled
from taxon-specific
sources, with the
backbone based on
Dunn et al. (2008).
Names in capital
letters represent
“phylum-level” groups
or broader.
[C?] • Bioluminescence in the Sea
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FPs and biolum
Figure 2
Taxa where bioluminescence is the exception . . . or the rule. (a) Nearly all chaetognaths (arrow worms) are
nonluminous, but luminescence has been found in two distantly related genera. (b) Most siphonophores are
luminous except for some cystonectae, benthic rhodaliid species, and two physonect genera. Similar
unpredictable patterns are found within many phyla. Chaetognath tree based on current taxonomic
classification of the phylum; siphonophore tree based on molecular phylogeny by Dunn et al. (2005). Purple
circles represent organisms containing both fluorescent proteins (FP) and bioluminescence.
in Figure 1 has at least one bioluminescent species. Luminescence can be found in protists that
are siliceous (two types of “radiolarians”) but not in calcareous foraminifera or coccolithophorids.
In contrast, it can be absent in siliceous phytoplankton (diatoms) and present in calcareous echinoderms and molluscs. Among cnidarians, holoplanktonic lineages may be almost entirely luminous
(narcomedusae, trachymedusae) or totally nonluminous (Cubozoa), and benthic Anthozoan groups
can have many luminous taxa (Octocorals) or almost none (anemones and stony corals). One marine group that is overwhelmingly non-bioluminescent are the parasites, with the exception of
hyperiid amphipods. Each of the major lineages shown in the tree also contains nested levels of
complexity regarding the presence of luminescence. In some of these clades, like chaetognaths
(Figure 2a) and ascidians, there may be only one or two luminescent species, and in others like
ctenophores and siphonophores (Figure 2b), all except one or two genera may be luminescent.
Evolutionary Origins
Luciferin: the lightemitting compound
Luciferase: the
enzyme that triggers
the oxidation of the
catalyzing protein +
luciferin + oxygen
bound together
Bioluminescence is typically produced by the oxidation of a light-emitting molecule—generically
called the luciferin—in conjunction with a catalyzing enzyme—either a luciferase or photoprotein.
Nonsymbiotic luminous organisms possess the gene for at least their luciferase or photoprotein, if
not always for the light-emitting luciferin itself. It is difficult to calculate the number of times that
bioluminescence has evolved independently, and there is a potential for both over- and underestimation. Part of the difficulty is defining what is meant by an “independent” origin. In the cases
of bacterial symbionts, the trait may have evolved only once for the bacteria, but each squid or
fish lineage that uses those microbes has to develop specialized light organs to host and maintain
the culture. Bioluminescent molluscs alone must have independently arrived at least seven ways
to make light, and probably more. To generate a rough estimate, we have summed the number
of distinct light-producing chemical mechanisms across the monophyletic lineages (Figure 1), to
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13 November 2009
estimate that bioluminescence has evolved a minimum of 40 times, and likely more than 50 times,
among extant organisms.
Because the ability to make light has evolved many times, this suggests that it is important to
organisms, and also that its evolution must be relatively easy. While counterintuitive, this may
be partly attributed to readily available light-emitting luciferins in both luminous and nonluminous prey (Shimomura 1987). As a result, a predator need only develop a luciferase as a way to
trigger light emission (Warner & Case 1980, Haddock et al. 2001). Bioluminescence can more
readily evolve if naturally occurring antioxidant molecules are already present in an organism,
and if light production is a by-product of those molecules’ chemical activity in the scavenging of
reactive oxygen species, as has been hypothesized (Rees et al. 1998, Labas et al. 2001). Dietary
linkages also suggest that some extant luminescence is almost certainly a post-Cambrian development, since it had to arise in the predators after the synthesis of luciferins evolved in the prey.
To be effective, a community of sighted predators is also required. The fossil record and dates
of phylogenetic separation estimated by molecular clocks may help to bracket the dates of luciferins utilized within particular groups, but it is presently difficult to narrow the range within
100 million years. Two, even lineages of ostracod crustaceans (Halocyprida and Myodocopida)
that use two different luciferins are thought to have diverged more than 400 mya (Yamaguchi &
Endo 2003, Tinn & Oakley 2008), suggesting this as a maximum age for at least one of the known
luminescence systems. The fish order Stomiiformes is bioluminescent throughout and is thought
to have originated in the Albian age of the early Cretaceous, about 100 mya (Forey & Patterson
2006). The stomiids are certainly well established by the occurrence of a convincing hatchetfish
from 12 mya, which appears remarkably like its modern counterparts (Carnevale 2008).
The importance of bioluminescence is also underscored by its widespread distribution throughout the ocean, from the surface to the deep sea, and from the poles to the tropics. In fact, for many
marine animals, their primary visual stimulus comes from biologically generated light rather than
from sunlight.
Coelenterazine: the
most widely used
luciferin in the sea
Bioluminescent light is generated as a result of energy released during a chemical reaction (see
“Fluorescence and Bioluminescence” sidebar on page 453). In most cases, this reaction is the
oxidation of a light-emitting molecule, a luciferin. The reaction rate for the luciferin is controlled
by an enzyme, either a luciferase or a photoprotein, which is a luciferase variant in which factors
required for light emission (including the luciferin and oxygen) are bound together as one unit.
Photoproteins are triggered to produce light upon binding another ion or cofactor, such as Ca2+
or Mg2+ , which causes a conformational change in the protein. This gives the organism a way to
precisely control light emission. Many aspects of bioluminescence chemistry have been collated
and reviewed in a book by the 2008 Nobel laureate Osamu Shimomura (2006).
Light-Producing Reactions
Of the two principal components in a bioluminescent chemical reaction, the luciferins are highly
conserved across phyla. Four luciferins are responsible for most light production in the ocean
(Figure 3), although there are undoubtedly many other light-emitting reactions yet to be discovered. While luciferins are conserved, luciferases and photoproteins are unique and derived
from many evolutionary lineages. All Cnidarians, for example, use coelenterazine as the luciferin,
but hydrozoans use photoproteins; scyphozoans primarily luciferases; and anthozoans unrelated
luciferases, sometimes in conjunction with a luciferin-binding protein. In other words, each luminescent hydrozoan species has one or more genes coding for a photoprotein whose sequence can • Bioluminescence in the Sea
13 November 2009
CH2 —(CHOH)3 —CH2 —O—P=O
Luciferin + Aldehyde + Luciferase
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Some fish
Some squid
Luciferin + Luciferase
Euphausiid shrimp
Luciferin + Luciferase
Some ostracods
Midshipman fish
Some other fish
Luciferin + Luciferase
Other or unknown
Luciferin + Luciferase
Some ostracods
Decapod shrimp
Mysid shrimp
Some ophiuroids
Some fish
Some polychaetes
Nemertean worms
Tunicates and doliolids
Other polychaetes
Figure 3
Luciferins used by marine organisms. Shown are the molecular structure, mode of operation, and taxonomic
groups known to use them. In the last category, taxa containing unique, characterized luciferins are listed
above the dashed line, and those whose luciferins are unknown or poorly understood are listed below the
dashed line.
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be readily aligned with other hydrozoan photoproteins, but this family of sequences shows little
to no correspondence with the luciferases from other cnidarians.
It is curious that a chemically identical luciferin can be the active compound in unrelated
organisms. The most striking example of this phenomenon is coelenterazine, which is the light
emitter in at least nine phyla, spanning protozoans, jellyfish, crustaceans, molluscs, arrow worms,
and vertebrates (Figures 1, 3). The explanation for this convergence is not that these organisms
are all synthesizing the same molecule. In some cases luciferin is acquired exogenously through the
diet (e.g., Tsuji et al. 1972, Frank et al. 1984, Harper & Case 1999, Haddock et al. 2001). Because
luciferins are present in both luminous and nonluminous marine animals (Shimomura et al. 1980,
Thomson et al. 1997), they are relatively easy to obtain. But because the complete biosynthesis
pathway is not yet known for any marine luciferins, their ultimate origins remain unknown.
Heterotrophic: gains
nutrition by ingesting
food; contrast with
Bacterial luminescence involves the oxidation of FMNH2 (Figure 3) along with a long-chain
aldehyde and a two-subunit luciferase. The genetic lux cassettes that are responsible for light
production (Meighen 1991) and the conditions required for luminescence are now well understood
(reviewed by Dunlap & Kita-Tsukamoto 2006), leading to numerous biotechnological applications
(Ripp et al. 2003, Ramanathan et al. 1997, among many others).
The dinoflagellate luciferin is a tetrapyrrole (Figure 3), similar to chlorophyll and differing mainly
in the metal ions present (Dunlap et al. 1981, Nakamura et al. 1989, Takeuchi et al. 2005). The
two compounds may in fact be interconverted on a day-night cycle as the cell alternates between
photosynthesis and luminescence on a circadian basis. The structure of the dinoflagellate luciferin
is the same as that found in euphausiids (krill) and is another indication of dietary linkages (Nakamura et al. 1989, Shimomura 1995b). Although this connection has not been demonstrated, early
studies showed that euphausiids co-occurred simultaneously with large populations of dinoflagellates, and their luminescence ability was greatest in late spring and early summer (Tett 1972), when
blooms were present. Some luminous euphausiids, like the large Thysanopoda and Nematobrachion,
feed predominantly on zooplankton rather than phytoplankton (Hu 1978). Because the favored
zooplankton species contain coelenterazine, it would be interesting to investigate the chemistry of
luminescence in these predatory species and see whether they also use dinoflagellate-type luciferin.
Intracellularly, light emission from dinoflagellates is pH sensitive, owing to two factors. The
tertiary structure of the luciferase reveals that a change in H+ ion concentration causes the luciferase to change conformation, exposing its active site to the luciferin (Schultz et al. 2005).
In addition, luciferin can be bound by a pH-sensitive luciferin-binding protein, which holds the
luciferin until the pH drops (Mittag et al. 1998), and has also been recently cloned (Lee et al.
1993). The binding protein may also be implicated in the circadian periodicity of dinoflagellate
luminescence capability (Morse et al. 1989, Lapointe & Morse 2008).
The dinoflagellate luciferase was originally cloned from Lingulodinium polyedrum
(=Gonyaulax polyedra) (Bae & Hastings 1994), revealing three repeated catalytic domains, each
of which is functional (Liu et al. 2004). The luciferase from Pyrocystis lunula shares some of the
characteristic motifs in each of its corresponding domains, indicating that the duplication event
occurred in the luciferase genes before the divergence of these two species (Okamoto et al. 2001).
However, when the luciferase was cloned from the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Noctiluca, which is
thought to be basal, only one of the three domains was present in the luciferase (Liu & Hastings
2007). Surprisingly, this gene also contained a region coding for the dinoflagellate luciferin-binding • Bioluminescence in the Sea
13 November 2009
protein, which occurs on a separate gene in other dinoflagellate species (Liu & Hastings 2007).
Given the assumed relationship between chlorophyll and dinoflagellate luciferin, it will be fascinating to investigate whether some heterotrophic dinoflagellates need to obtain dietary chlorophyll
for luminescence, while autotrophic species synthesize luciferin using chlorophyll produced by
secondary or tertiary endosymbiotic plastids (Yoon et al. 2002).
Ostracod Luciferin
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First examined in the 1950s (Tsuji 1955), the ostracod luciferin (Figure 3) was ultimately crystallized and characterized by Shimomura et al. (1957), making it one of the first marine luciferins
chemically well understood. Using isotopes of amino acids, Kato et al. (2004, 2007) demonstrated
that ostracods synthesize their luciferin from tryptophan, isoleucine, and arginine, but the details
of the pathway are not known. This luciferin is found mainly in cypridinid ostracods (Cypridina, Vargula), and the midshipman fish, where a dietary link has been shown (Warner & Case
1980). It has been somewhat overlooked recently that Cypridina luciferin is also used by some
fishes (Pempheris, Parapriacanthus), whose light organ is an extension of their digestive system,
rather than a dedicated photophore structure (Sugiyama et al. 1961). The ostracod luciferases
were cloned originally from Vargula hilgendorfi (Thompson et al. 1989), and more recently from
Cypridina noctiluca (Nakajima et al. 2004). Curiously, the Cypridina luciferin discussed here is only
used in the Myodocopid ostracods, while the Halocyprida, including Conchoecia (Figure 4o), use
coelenterazine (Oba et al. 2004).
The two best characterized and most widely used luciferins in marine systems are imidazopyrazinones (a combination of 5- and 6-membered nitrogen-containing rings). This structural motif
is shared by coelenterazine (Figure 3) (Shimomura & Johnson 1972, 1975) and the Cypridina
luciferin (Figure 3) (Kishi et al. 1966, Hori et al. 1977, Inoue et al. 1977). Coelenterazine was
originally named for its presence in the cnidarians Aequorea (Figure 4c) and Renilla (Shimomura
& Johnson 1975), but even early on it was known to occur in many organisms, including the squid
Watasenia (Inoue et al. 1975) and the shrimp Oplophorus (Shimomura & Johnson 1978). It has
been found to be the light-emitter in an ever-growing list of bioluminescent species representing
nine phyla (denoted by [C] in Figure 1) (Haddock & Case 1994, Mallefet & Shimomura 1995,
Thomson et al. 1997, Shimomura 2006). Some chemical variants of coelenterazine also occur naturally in squid, including a disulfate version in the firefly squid Watasenia (Inoue et al. 1975) and
dehydro-coelenterazine in the flying squid Symplectoteuthis (e.g., Takahashi & Isobe 1993). Many
Figure 4
Gallery of marine bioluminescent organisms. (a) Bioluminescent bacteria grown on a petri dish; (b) shallow colonial polycystine
radiolarians; (c) the hydromedusa Aequorea victoria; (d ) red-tipped tentacles and white stinging cells from the siphonophore Erenna sp.;
(e) pelagic polychaete Tomopteris, which emits yellow luminescence; ( f ) planktonic larva of the acorn worm Ptychodera flava;
( g) fluorescence showing the marginal photophores of Aequorea coerulescens; (h) vampire squid Vampyroteuthis internalis with light organs
on its arm tips; (i) the bioluminescent chaetognath Caecosagitta macrocephala; ( j) ctenophore Beroe forskalii, showing a rainbow of
structural colors, not bioluminescence; (k) bioluminescence emission from light organs of the squid Abraliopsis sp.;
(l) intensified image of luminescent frenzy from Beroe forskalii; (m) krill Thysanoessa sp.; (n) live photo of anglerfish Chaenophryne
longiceps; (o) ostracod Conchoecia sp. that uses coelenterazine instead of typical ostracod luciferin; ( p) hatchetfish with an overlay of
ventral photophores shown by their blue fluorescence; (q) large copepod Gaussia princeps; (r) myctophid lampfish with species-specific
pattern of photophores, and white “sternchaser” organ; (s) Tactostoma sp., in white light, and (t) under fluorescent illumination, showing
the red and green photophores. All images show animals illuminated by a white-light strobe except a, k, and l, which record
bioluminescent light, and g, p, and t, which use fluorescence illumination to reveal photophore patterns. (Photos: S. Haddock).
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s • Bioluminescence in the Sea
13 November 2009
organisms, including Renilla, store coelenterazine in a stabilized enol-sulfate form (Cormier et al.
1970), which may not be detected in standard assays (Thomson et al. 1997).
Cnidarians appear to be unable to synthesize coelenterazine (Haddock et al. 2001), and its
mode of biosynthesis is yet to be determined. Like ostracod luciferin, coelenterazine is thought to
derive from cyclization of a tripeptide precursor, in this case, Phe-Tyr-Tyr (Ward et al. 1994). The
strongest evidence for its natural origin is from experiments on Systellaspis debilis, where isolated
eggs showed increasing levels of luciferin despite being dissociated from any potential maternal
contribution (Thomson et al. 1995). It also persists in captive copepods (Barnes & Case 1972,
Buskey & Stearns 1991), indicating that crustaceans are the most likely, but perhaps not exclusive,
source of coelenterazine in the food chain.
Coelenterazine occurs naturally in conjunction with both photoproteins and luciferases. Several
luciferases have been cloned from the copepods Pleuromamma, Metridia, and Gaussia (Markova
et al. 2004, Takenaka et al. 2008, Szent-Gyorgyi et al. 2003), the decapod shrimp Oplophorus (Inouye
et al. 2000, Inouye & Sasaki 2007), the sea pen Ptilosarcus gurneyi, and two species of Renilla (Lorenz
et al. 1991, Szent-Gyorgyi et al. 2003). Where it has been examined, scyphozoan jellyfish also use
luciferases. The most thoroughly studied is from the coronate Periphylla (Shimomura & Flood
1998), but it has not yet been successfully cloned.
Hydrozoans, ctenophores, and radiolarians use coelenterazine in conjunction with photoproteins. The first photoprotein, aequorin, was originally discovered, isolated, and characterized
(Shimomura et al. 1962) from the hydromedusa Aequorea victoria (Figure 4c) and subsequently
cloned (Inouye et al. 1985, Prasher et al. 1986). This is the same species that was the source
of the original green fluorescent protein, through a parallel research track (Shimomura 2005).
Several other photoproteins have been cloned from hydromedusae, including Mitrocoma (Fagan
et al. 1993), Clytia (Inouye & Tsuji 1993, Inouye & Sasaki 2007), and Obelia (Illarionov et al. 1995,
Markova et al. 2002). The tertiary structure of these proteins has been solved (Head et al. 2000,
Liu et al. 2000), and their properties have been re-engineered for research uses (e.g., Frank et al.
2008, Dikici et al. 2009). A photoprotein from the squid Symplectoteuthis, known as symplectin,
has also been purified (Fujii et al. 2002, Isobe et al. 2008).
Organisms with a luciferase instead of a photoprotein control light emission by either sequestering the two compounds separately, or by using a luciferin-binding protein to control exposure
of the luciferin to oxidation. The coelenterazine-binding protein of the sea pansy has been recently
characterized from both R. reniformis (Inouye 2007) and R. mulleri (Titushin et al. 2008). In these
proteins, the coelenterazine is caged within a pocket of helices and escapes through a hole that
opens upon the binding of calcium ions (Stepanyuk et al. 2009).
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Other and Novel Luciferins
Despite the prevalence of the four major marine luciferins, there are other light emitters known
from additional taxa. The light-producing chemistry is well known for the bivalve Pholas (Dunstan
et al. 2000), and for some polychaetes, including the polynoiid scale worms (Bassot & Nicolas
1995), chaetopterid tube worms, and syllid fireworms (Shimomura 2006). Thanks to the work of
Shimomura and colleagues, many of these chemicals have been known for decades, so it is rare
for an entirely novel luciferin to be discovered and elucidated. A notable addition to the list of
marine luciferins came with the elucidation of the chemistry of the hemichordate Ptychodera flava
(Kanakubo & Isobe 2005). The hypothesized light emitter, which operates with the involvement
of peroxide and riboflavin, has a unique simple symmetrical structure (Figure 5). There are
many other luciferins still to be discovered, especially among vermiform phyla, echinoderms, and
molluscs (denoted by [X] in Figure 1).
13 November 2009
Figure 5
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The luciferin of the hemichordate worm Ptychodera flava.
The mechanism of light production through a chemical reaction distinguishes bioluminescence from other natural
optical phenomena such as fluorescence and phosphorescence. Fluorescent molecules do not produce their own
light; they absorb photons, which temporarily excite electrons to a higher energy state. As these electrons rapidly
relax to their ground state, they rerelease their energy, usually at a longer wavelength. Because the excitation and
relaxation occur almost immediately (within picoseconds to microseconds), fluorescent light is only seen while the
specimen is being illuminated. Examples of fluorescent molecules found in nature are chlorophyll, phycobiliproteins,
and the green fluorescent proteins (GFPs). The term phosphorescence technically refers to a special case of optically
excited light emission in which the relaxation occurs gradually over a long period of time, and photon emission
persists for seconds to minutes. This phenomenon is seen naturally in some minerals and photosynthetic systems.
In the early literature and for many years thereafter, it was common to use the term “phosphorescence” (perhaps
poetically) to describe bioluminescence (Huxley 1898, Darwin 1909).
The technical distinction between bioluminescence and fluorescence is sometimes blurred in a practical context,
for several reasons. First, compounds that are bioluminescent may also be autofluorescent, and thus photophores
can often be visualized through their fluorescence under short-wavelength or UV illumination (Figure 4g,p,t).
Examples are the arm-tip light organs of the vampire squid Vampyroteuthis infernalis (Robison et al. 2003), the photophores of hatchetfishes and the midshipman Porichthys notatus, the fin photophores of the chaetognath Caecosagitta
macrocephala, and the “lures” of the siphonophore Erenna (Haddock et al. 2005b). Some of these photophores and
their associated chemical compounds become fluorescent only after they have reacted to produce light (e.g., Inouye
2004). Another link is that the fluorescence emission spectrum of a molecule may match its luminescence emission
spectrum, since the same molecules are participating in the excitation-emission process. Because other natural materials can also be fluorescent (chitin, calcium phosphate), care must be taken when inferring the involvement of
bioluminescence from the presence of fluorescence (e.g., Stabili et al. 2008).
One other relationship between bioluminescence and fluorescence is that brightly fluorescent proteins like
green fluorescent protein (GFP) may be colocalized with their bioluminescent counterparts. For example, in the
hydromedusa Aequorea victoria and several other bioluminescent cnidarians, their bioluminescence reaction would
normally emit blue light at around 470 nm. Because of the tight association between the light-emitting chemicals and
a separate green fluorescent protein, the energy that would be radiated as blue light instead excites the fluorescent
pigment and is emitted as green photons (Figure 6). As a result of these linkages, it is often possible to learn about
the bioluminescence of an organism by examining its fluorescent properties, even though fluorescence does not
automatically indicate the presence of luminescence. • Bioluminescence in the Sea
13 November 2009
Figure 6
Green fluorescent protein.
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emission of light
derived from the
energy of an absorbed
GFP: green
fluorescent protein; its
chromophore is
autocatalytically from
peptides within the
translated protein; can
occur in association
with bioluminescent
Wavelength (nm)
The most comprehensive list of bioluminescent genera was compiled by Herring (1987).
Supplemental Table 1 lists bioluminescent genera discovered since or omitted from that compilation (Follow the Supplemental Material link from the Annual Reviews home page at Here we detail some of the predominant bioluminescent groups
in which there has been recent research.
Supplemental Material
Bioluminescent bacteria are common in the ocean, especially in temperate to warmer waters
(Dunlap & Kita-Tsukamoto 2006). They may be cultured from almost any piece of detritus or
tissue found on the beach, and even from uncooked seafood, which has been known to glow after
being left for a time. Most bioluminescent animals do not get their luminescence from bacterial
symbionts, but this continues to be a persistent misconception (e.g., Sinniger et al. 2008). These
mutualistic associations are known mainly from a variety of marine fish and squid species, although
the terrestrial pathogen Photorhabdus can infect nematode worms (Forst et al. 1997), and even
human tissue (Peel et al. 1999). Bacteria are not luminous until they have reached sufficiently
high concentrations to initiate quorum sensing (Waters & Bassler 2005, Nealson & Hastings
2006), and once induced, they glow continuously in the presence of oxygen rather than producing
discrete flashes. These properties are specific to bacteria, which makes them uniquely suitable
as photogenic symbionts and can lead to spectacular marine phenomena such as bioluminescent
milky seas (see “Milky Seas” sidebar on page 472).
Among prokaryotes, light production is known only from the so-called eubacteria, specifically
Gram-negative γ-proteobacteria, and not from Archaea. Names applied to the genera of luminescent bacteria often vary with the time-period and researchers’ preference. The best-studied
symbiotic bacteria are in the genus Vibrio (Figure 4a), including the predominantly free-living
species V. harveyi (sometimes called Beneckea harveyi), although the genus Shewanella also includes a bioluminescent species (Makemson et al. 1997). It was recently shown that many new
strains of luminous bacteria, some related to what has traditionally been called Photobacterium
phosphoreum, are present in the deep sea (Gentile et al. 2008), and many of the current species
actually represent diverse assemblages (Dunlap & Ast 2005). Although there are many exceptions,
Vibrio fischeri (often called Photobacterium) is part of the species-complex typically involved in symbiosis with sepiolid and loliginid squid and monocentrid fishes, while Photobacterium leiognathi
and relatives are primarily symbionts for leiognathid, apogonid, and morid fishes (Kaeding et al.
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The participants in the mutualism between bacterium and host were thought to share parallel phylogenies, as might be expected (Nishiguchi et al. 1998). Unexpectedly, however, broader
surveys found that light organs include a complement of bacterial populations in both squid
(Guerrero-Ferreira & Nishiguchi 2007, Wollenberg & Ruby 2009) and fishes (Dunlap et al.
2007). So the evolutionary dynamics are relatively fluid and opportunistic, and several strains
make suitable symbionts for light-organ colonization. Nonetheless, there are close evolutionary
ties, and in the best-studied mutualism, that between the bobtail squid Euprymna scolopes and Vibrio
fischeri, the presence of the bacteria actually induces the morphological development of the squid
light organ (McFall-Ngai & Ruby 1998). The host squid also monitors the luminescent performance of the symbionts and strains that fail to maintain adequate light production are rejected by
a yet unknown mechanism (Visick et al. 2000, Nyholm et al. 2004). A whole-genome sequence of
V. fischeri provides robust support for the idea that the same mechanisms that allow disease-causing
enteric Vibrionaceae to infect human hosts (e.g., V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus) may be at work in
establishing beneficial symbioses with marine species (Ruby et al. 2005). In fact, one researcher is
said to have infected himself for a period of months when working with luminous Photobacterium
leiognathi (Campbell 2008).
Next to fireflies, dinoflagellates are the most commonly encountered bioluminescent organism.
They typically cause the sparkling lights in the water seen by sailors, swimmers, and beachgoers,
and they produce the “bioluminescent bays” which are tourist destinations in Puerto Rico and
Jamaica. These protists can be autotrophic (photosynthetic) or heterotrophic, feeding on other
phytoplankton and prey. In large numbers, some species may form potentially toxic red tides,
typically during a stratified calm period after an influx of nutrients (discussed below). There are
at least 18 luminous genera (Baker et al. 2008), including Gonyaulax (=Lingulodinium), Noctiluca,
Protoperidinium, and Pyrocystis. Dinoflagellates invest heavily in their ability to luminesce, and
allocate energy to bioluminescence before growth, although luminescence comes second to the
ability to swim (Latz & Jeong 1996).
Radiolarians are ameboid protists whose skeletal elements, when present, are made from amorphous silica. The classification of this nominal group in the sense of Haeckel (1887) is in a state of
flux, and phylogenetic studies have shown it to include several independent lineages, primarily the
Polycystinea (Figure 4b) and Phaeodarea (Polet et al. 2004, Kunitomo et al. 2006). Within the
polycystines, one order, the shallow-living Collodaria, is known to be bioluminescent. It contains
the genera Collozoum and Thalassicola, which use coelenterazine bound to calcium-activated photoproteins (Herring 1979, Latz et al. 1991). It might seem that, as protists, radiolarians would be unlikely to have a way to acquire coelenterazine through their diet, but many of them actually consume
or digest larger prey. The other major lineage of radiolarians lies within the Cercozoa and does not
form a monophyletic group with the polycystines in general, nor the Collodaria in particular (Polet
et al. 2004, Yuasa et al. 2006). Nonetheless, members of this predominantly deep-sea group, including Aulosphaera spp. and Tuscaridium cygneum, are also bioluminescent (Ling & Haddock 1997).
Bioluminescence is very well represented in the comb jellies, where more than 90% of planktonic
genera (and none of the benthic species) are known to produce light (Haddock & Case 1995). • Bioluminescence in the Sea
13 November 2009
Ctenophores use calcium-activated proteins and coelenterazine, some of which have been recently
cloned (S.V. Markova, unpublished data; S.H.D. Haddock, unpublished data). Their luminescence
can be internally expressed, sometimes in cascading waves as with Beroe forskalii (Figure 4i,l),
but some species like Euplokamis stationis, Mertensia ovum, and Eurhamphaea vexilligera also emit
glowing particles as part of an escape response (e.g., Widder et al. 1992). At least one species
of bioluminescent ctenophore also contains a green fluorescent protein (S.H.D. Haddock and
N. Mastroianni, unpublished paper).
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Bioluminescence is found in both benthic and planktonic cnidarians, the group that includes corals,
anemones, hydroids, medusae, and siphonophores. As far as is known, the luminous species all use
coelenterazine as their light-emitting substrate.
Luminous hydrozoans include both hydromedusae and siphonophores. Most of the planktonic forms are bioluminescent, including 91% of planktonic siphonophore genera (Figure 2b),
while for unknown reasons it is rare among certain other groups, like the species of benthic
hydroids that do not produce medusae. Most famous of the luminescent hydrozoans, and arguably of all bioluminescent invertebrates, is the shallow-living hydromedusa Aequorea victoria
(Figure 4c,g), which provided the original source material for research on photoproteins and the
Nobel Prize–winning GFP (Prasher et al. 1985, 1992; Shimomura 2005). Most hydrozoans likely
use bioluminescence for defensive or warning purposes, but siphonophores also use luminescence
(Haddock et al. 2005b) and fluorescence (Pugh & Haddock 2009) to attract prey directly to their
stinging tentacles (Figure 4d).
Two orders of scyphozoans contain luminous members, including nearly all of the deep-sea
coronates such as Atolla spp. and Periphylla periphylla, and some of the semaeostomes such as Pelagia
noctiluca, Phacellophora, and the deep-sea Poralia (Haddock & Case 1999). Rhizostome species are
not known to be luminescent. Scyphozoans were among the first bioluminescent animals recorded
in the literature, dating back to Pliny the Elder in the first century A.D. Periphylla, Atolla, and
other coronates produce cascading waves of light and can also exude luminous particles (Herring
& Widder 2004).
Several luminous anthozoans are found within the octocorals (Alcyonaria), including sea pens
and sea pansies. The first luminous soft coral Eleutherobia grayi was only recently discovered in
the South Pacific (Williams 2001). There are many luminous octocorals found in shallow sandy
bottoms (Renilla, Ptilosarcus), and in the deep sea (Stylatula, Halipterus, Anthomastus). Although
the hard corals and anemones (Hexacorallia) are now famous for the possession of fluorescent
proteins (e.g., Shagin et al. 2004), they are not usually bioluminescent. Among the hexacorals,
one prominent luminous species is the epibiotic parasite Parazoanthus, which is unique in that its
zooids form colonies growing over sea fans and sponges. Deep-living bamboo corals (Isidids) are
also well known for their luminescence, and new species continue to be discovered (Etnoyer 2008).
There are several different bioluminescent lineages among marine polychaetes, yet the chemical mechanisms of light production have not been fully determined for most species. Shimomura
(2006) summarizes what is known in this regard. Some of the terrestrial annelids have been chemically characterized (e.g., Petushkov & Rodionova 2007), but there do not seem to be many parallels
between the groups, and luminescence has several independent origins just within the annelids.
The life cycles of the famous syllid fireworms, including Odontosyllis, have been thoroughly studied
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13 November 2009
through the years (Fischer & Fischer 1995). This normally benthic species produces a spawning
stage near the time of the full moon. Females produce luminescent secretions that attract the males
to swarm around them. Although these polychaetes use bioluminescence during spawning, like
most organisms they will also produce internal luminescence in response to physical disturbance
(Fischer & Fischer 1995, Deheyn & Latz 2009). In Eusyllis, fragments can continue luminescing
for weeks, even without the head attached (Zörner & Fischer 2007). Such defensive responses are
also common in other polychaete lineages, where there is no evidence of a function during mating.
Although luminescence is often expressed by planktonic species or life-history stages, there are
several benthic scale-worms (Polynoidae) that emit light using a protein triggered with superoxide
radicals (Bassot & Nicolas 1995). The scales in Polynoidae are shed into the water where, released
from nervous inhibition, they can glow and flash as a distractive decoy for minutes. In other
benthic species, the function of luminescence is not as clear. The tube-dwelling chaetopterid
Chaetopterus and the terebellid Polycirrus both produce light at around 440 nm (Huber et al.
1989). Glowing particles are exuded from their tubes when the worms are disturbed. It has been
suggested that short-wavelength luminescence is an aposematic signal advertising distastefulness,
or that light production drives off commensals that would otherwise take up residence in the
worms’ tubes (Morin 1983), although no experiments have been conducted to test this. Benthic
Chaetopterus make light using a unique photoprotein (Shimomura 2006) five times as large as
cnidarian photoproteins. Luminescence is also present in a recently discovered planktonic species
of Chaetopterus (Osborn & Rouse 2008).
While terebellids fall at the short-wavelength end of bioluminescence spectra, another polychaete emits at the other extreme, with long-wavelength luminescence. Among the planktonic
polychaetes, species of Tomopteris (Figure 4e) produce a golden yellow light with unknown
chemistry. Many planktonic members of the Flabelligeridae, including Poeobius meseres and Flota
vitjasi, are luminescent (S.H.D. Haddock, unpublished data), and a newly discovered group of
deep-sea polychaetes carries luminescent “bombs” that it drops when disturbed (Osborn et al.
2009). These are families in which planktonic existence is a derived trait (Osborn & Rouse 2008),
suggesting another independent origin of luminescence correlated with animals moving up into
the water column.
Pelagic: living in the
water column, as
opposed to benthic
Other Worms
Bioluminescence makes scattered appearances among the many other wormlike phyla. Several
species of acorn worms (Hemichordata) are luminescent, including Balanoglossus and the planktonic tornaria larvae of Ptychodera flava (Figure 4f ), whose luciferin was recently characterized
(Kanakubo & Isobe 2005).
In the ribbon worms (Phylum Nemertea), there is only one known luminous species (Kanda
1939), but there are many deep-sea pelagic species that have only been examined preliminarily
( J.L. Norenburg & P. Roe, pers. comm.). In 1939, Nemertea was the last phylum found to be
luminescent until the discovery of the first bioluminescent chaetognath (Figure 4h) (Haddock &
Case 1994). Chaetognaths (arrow worms) use a luciferase+coelenterazine chemistry and shed a
cloud of glowing particles in conjunction with an escape response.
Luminous marine molluscs include a few unusual gastropods like the whelk Planaxis and the
spectacular pelagic nudibranch Phylliroe. One of the longest-known and best studied luminous
molluscs is the bivalve Pholas. It seems somewhat unexpected for a clam to be luminous, but this • Bioluminescence in the Sea
13 November 2009
was the species used in pioneering experiments by Dubois in 1887 that established the existence of
a luciferin+luciferase reaction. More than 100 years later, the photoprotein pholasin was cloned
and characterized (Dunstan et al. 2000).
The most prominent of the bioluminescent marine molluscs are the cephalopods. Among the
squids alone, there are at least 70 luminous genera (Herring 1977). Bacterial symbionts produce
luminescence for several genera in the families Sepiolidae and Loliginidae (Ruby & McFall-Ngai
1992; Jones & Nishiguchi 2004; Nyholm et al. 2004, 2009). The rest of the squids, though, have
intrinsic bioluminescence, using a luciferin along with their individual luciferase. Some of these
have been chemically characterized. For example, Symplectoteuthis has a photoprotein that operates
with dehydro-coelenterazine (Takahashi & Isobe 1994, Isobe et al. 2008). In Watasenia scintillans,
the luciferase reacts with coelenterazine-disulfate and also has a requirement for ATP and Mg2+
as cofactors, which is unusual for coelenterazine-based luminescence (Tsuji 2002, 2005). Known
in Japan as hotaru-ika or the firefly squid, Watasenia is the subject of a popular festival each spring.
Light organs cover the ventral mantle with bright organs near the eyes and at the tips of the arms—
typical for many other kinds of squids. Cranchiids also have well-developed ocular photophores,
and many squid combine their complex iridescent reflectors with their light-emitting apparatus
(Herring et al. 2002).
Squids can produce an impressive variety of luminescent displays. Many use their ventral
photophores for counterillumination (Figure 4k) (Herring et al. 1992). The deep-sea vampire
squid Vampyroteuthis (Figure 4j) is sufficiently distinct to have been classified in its own order.
In addition to two large mantle photophores, and small light organs scattered across its body,
it can release glowing particles from special light organs on its arm tips, apparently to distract
predators (Robison et al. 2003). Octopoteuthis takes on a variety of coloration patterns, and will
drop its arms when disturbed, leaving the glowing arm tips as decoys (Bush et al. 2009). Another
cephalopod with light organs at its arm tips is Taningia danae. This highly active squid has clawlike
hooks instead of suckers, and large (up to 2 cm) light organs at its arm tips. They are thought to
use luminescence both for intraspecific communication and potentially to stun prey. Using highdefinition cameras deployed in combination with bait and glowing lights, Kubodera et al. (2007)
obtained incredible in situ video (available at doi:10.1098/rspb.2006.0236) of Taningia seemingly
signaling to the artificial light sources using long glows. It also produced short, bright flashes from
its arm-tip photophores as it attacked the bait.
Females of the pelagic deep-sea octopods Japetella and Eledonella have a greenish-yellow ring
around their mouth which is only periodically luminous (Robison & Young 1981), indicating a
potential role in reproduction (Herring 2007). Stauroteuthis and other genera of deep-sea cirrate
octopods were long suspected to have glowing suckers (Chun 1910), but this was only recently
confirmed to be bioluminescence ( Johnsen et al. 1999). The lights lining the arms are thought to
attract prey within the webbed canopy characteristic of this slow-moving cephalopod group.
Given the diversity of ways that cephalopods produce bioluminescence, it is likely that the
number of independent evolutionary origins in this group, and in Mollusca generally, is much
higher than estimated.
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Many types of planktonic crustaceans are bioluminescent, and they use species-specific luciferases
with at least three different types of luciferins. With regard to the number of times they have
reinvented bioluminescence, crustaceans rival molluscs and polychaetes. Euphausiids, or krill
(Figure 4m), use the same luciferin as dinoflagellates (Nakamura et al. 1989, Shimomura 1995b),
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13 November 2009
strongly suggesting a dietary connection. They have light organs along the lower surface of their
body, which they use for counterillumination, and some species also have two small light organs
on their eyestalks. These might serve as feedback mechanisms for determining how well their
ventral photophores are matching background light. Like most photophores, these are under nervous control, involving serotonin moderated by nitric oxide (Krönström et al. 2007). Krill also use
physical mechanisms to contract and dilate photophores to regulate light production (Krönström
et al. 2009).
In shallow reefs of the tropical Atlantic, dramatic displays of luminescence at dusk are often
attributable to ostracods (Figure 4o). Ostracods can eject luciferin and luciferase through nozzles
near their mouth, leaving discrete puffs of light in the water. Cypridinids provide the best marine
examples of complex use of luminescence during mating, analogous in complexity and subtlety to
the situation seen in fireflies (e.g., Buck & Case 2002). Shallow Caribbean ostracods, including
many new species, have been extensively studied by Morin and colleagues (Cohen & Morin 1990;
Morin & Cohen 2010; Torres & Cohen 2005; Rivers & Morin 2008, 2009).
Copepods, as one of the most abundant marine invertebrates, are also one of the most abundant bioluminescent groups in the sea, although the widespread genus Calanus is not luminescent.
Common luminous genera include Pleuromamma, Metridia, Oncaea, and Gaussia. Bioluminescence
involves coelenterazine, exhibited either as intracellular flashes or emitted into the water as part
of an escape response (Widder et al. 1999). The giant (1 cm) deep-sea copepod Gaussia princeps (Figure 4q) is a particularly good model for laboratory study of bioluminescence, behavior,
and neurobiology (Bowlby & Case 1991, Weatherby et al. 2000, Fields et al. 2002). GFP-like
fluorescent proteins have been cloned from copepods (Shagin et al. 2004, Masuda et al. 2006),
but surprisingly they have only been found in nonluminous species. Many of the bioluminescent
copepods are predatory and live moderately deep, although the tiny Poecilostomatoid copepod
Oncaea is one example that is shallow and pseudoplanktonic (Bottger-Schnack & Schnack 2005).
It occurs in the water column in association with larvacean houses (Ohtsuka et al. 1996), marine
snow (Green & Dagg 1997), and other organisms (Gasca et al. 2007).
Decapod shrimp use light in several ways: Sergestids counterilluminate with photophores that
tilt to maintain their downward orientation no matter which way the animal is swimming (Latz
1995). Oplophorids, including the genera Systellaspis, Acanthephyra, and Oplophorus, can disgorge
large volumes of luminous fluid (Inouye et al. 2000) as part of a distress response. The visual systems
of many of these crustaceans have been recently investigated in relation to their bioluminescent
ability and their vertical migration behaviors. In both temporal and spectral properties, the visual
systems of adults are tuned to detect bioluminescence (Frank & Widder 1999, Frank 1999), while
juveniles may also be attuned to shorter wavelengths related to the detection of downwelling
surface light (Frank et al. 2009).
Although many amphipods living in the water column are parasites on gelatinous plankton, several of these are nonetheless bioluminescent. Scina is a genus that emits uniquely short-wavelength
luminescence (λmax ∼ 440 nm) from its antennae and legs (Bowlby & Case 1991). The visual system of this species, however, is not especially sensitive to those wavelengths (Cohen & Frank
2007), and the function of the luminescence is not known. Nonluminous amphipods will track
blue light sources (Land et al. 1995), and it is suggested that they use this in hunting for the bioluminescent jellies they parasitize. Although the group that includes Scina and Proscina is not usually
thought to be parasitic, examples of associations between Proscina and gelatinous hosts have been
found (Gasca et al. 2007). In addition to producing typical blue-green light, some individuals of
Cyphocaris, a genus of gammarid, can emit orange light (595 nm) through an unknown mechanism
(Bowlby & Case 1991). • Bioluminescence in the Sea
13 November 2009
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Bioluminescence is found in most of the major groups of echinoderms: brittle stars (Ophiuroidea),
sea stars (Asteroidea), sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea), and even crinoid sea lilies (reviewed by
Herring & Cope 2005). Much of the recent work on echinoderms has focused on ophiuroid
(brittle star) behavior and neurophysiology (e.g., Deheyn et al. 2000, Dewael & Mallefet 2002). A
complex system of neurotransmitters modulates light output in these groups, and light originates
from both an unknown photoprotein and a coelenterazine+luciferase reaction, depending on the
species (Shimomura 2006).
In echinoderms other than brittle stars, luminescence is more common among deep-sea taxa
(Brisingidae and Paxillosida for sea stars, Pannychia, Peniagone, and Scotoanassa for the holothurians, and Thaumatocrinus and Annacrinus among crinoids). As is typical for bioluminescence, it
is also disproportionately represented in the pelagic holothurians such as Enypniastes eximia
(Robison 1992) and Pelagothuria. New luminous ophiuroid species continue to be discovered
(Mallefet et al. 2004), and undoubtedly the diversity of bioluminescent echinoderms as a whole
will continue to increase as more deep-sea species are examined in good condition.
Bioluminescence is not as prevalent in planktonic colonial tunicates (thaliaceans: salps and doliolids) as in other plantonic groups. Although the colonial salp Pyrosoma has been renowned for
its bioluminescence for centuries, other salps have not been confirmed as bioluminescent. Pyrosome luminescence has two unusual properties: It comes as a long, steady glow, and it can be
induced upon illumination by light. The duration of the glow and the presence of bacteria-like
particles suggest that bacteria are involved (Haygood & Prince 1993), but this is still the subject
of a long-running debate (Godeaux et al. 1998).
Two other urochordate groups, long thought to be nonluminous, have been found to have luminous members. Doliolids are similar to salps, and nearly all species are not luminescent. However,
a deep-sea bioluminescent doliolid was recently described (Robison et al. 2005), and bioluminescence has also been seen in Paradoliopsis harbisoni and Pseudusa bostigrinus (S.H.D. Haddock,
unpublished data). Although most benthic tunicates are not luminescent, intrinsic bioluminescence was discovered in the shallow-living benthic ascidian Clavelina miniata (Aoki et al. 1989).
This species produces light of 535 nm from phagocytes in the tunic (Chiba et al. 1998), and the
glow may persist for 10 to 30 seconds (Hirose 2009).
Bioluminescence is well represented in the planktonic larvaceans (Appendicularia). Most known
genera have bioluminescence, including Mesochordaeus (Renaux & Youngbluth 1990, Hopcroft &
Robison 1999), Bathochordaeus (Hamner & Robison 1992), and about half of the Oikopleura species
(Galt & Flood 1998). Larvaceans secrete luminous inclusions into their mucus and cellulose
feeding filters (Galt & Sykes 1983) and can leave behind many bioluminescent “houses” each
day with the potential to contribute a disproportionately large amount of luminescence (1014 to
1016 photons · m−3 ) to the water column (Galt & Flood 1998). Oikopleura labradoriensis uses a
coelenterazine+luciferase system (Galt & Flood 1998), which is curious since their diet is unlikely
to include crustaceans and thus suggests another potential source for coelenterazine.
Bioluminescence is found in at least 42 families across 11 orders of bony fishes (compiled from
Suntsov et al. 2008), in addition to one family of sharks. In contrast with invertebrate taxa,
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13 November 2009
several of these groups use bacterial symbionts for light production, including the well-known
anglerfishes (Figure 4n) (Munk 1999, Pietsch 2009), flashlight fish like Photoblepharon spp.
(Haygood & Distel 1993), and shallow ponyfishes like Leiognathus spp. (Wada et al. 1999, Ikejima
et al. 2008). The other luminous fishes have intrinsic luminescence using either coelenterazine
(Mallefet & Shimomura 1995), ostracod luciferin, or some other uncharacterized light-emitter.
Fish photophores are often highly modified and adapted to control not only the intensity of light
but its angular distribution, according to their particular function (Cavallaro et al. 2004).
Myctophids, or lanternfishes (Figure 4r), are extremely abundant in the midwater, migrating
near the surface at night. They have small photophores pointed downward and to the side, as
well as large photophores on the tail, which can produce bright, fast (1 × 1011 photons s−1 for
<400 ms) flashes (Mensinger & Case 1990). The genus Diaphus, which feeds actively on copepods
and amphipods (Suntsov & Brodeur 2008), has prominent forward-facing photophores, which
may be used to illuminate or induce fluorescence in their prey. If they use these headlights for
hunting, it may also make them susceptible to visual attraction, as this genus was the most abundant
in the diet of stomiid dragonfish (Sutton & Hopkins 1996).
The order Stomiiformes (e.g., hatchetfishes, dragonfishes) (Figure 4p,s,t) includes some of
the most elaborate arrangements of photophores, including barbels, ventral arrays, and red and
blue suborbital photophores (Herring & Cope 2005). Within the family Stomiidae, there are
several new species, which are distinguished partly on the basis of their barbel and light-organ
morphology (Sutton & Hartel 2004; Kenaley & Hartel 2005; Kenaley 2008, 2009). Their diversification could be tied to feeding ecology, since stomiid species have a fairly high degree
of prey specificity, and the favored prey of various species span copepods, euphausiids, decapod
shrimps, fishes, and squid (Sutton 2005). Among the most interesting members of this group are
the Malacosteinae, which are well known for having the unique ability to produce and detect
long-wavelength red light (Partridge & Douglas 1995, Douglas et al. 2000, Herring & Cope
2005). What is curious about this group is that Aristostomias and Pachystomias eat fish, as expected, but Malacosteus, despite its large teeth, few gill-rakers, and no floor to its mouth, feeds
frequently on copepods with only occasional meals of large fish (Sutton 2005). Although the
three genera share unique visual and bioluminescence abilities, Malacosteus also differs in achieving its long-wavelength sensitivity by a distinct mechanism requiring chlorophyll as a sensitizer
(Douglas et al. 1998, 1999). Because vertebrates cannot synthesize chlorophyll, Malacosteus gains
its visual abilities through its diet of copepods, which contain phytoplankton-derived pigments in
their guts. The ability to produce long-wavelength light may turn out to be more widespread than
originally thought, since other stomiids have red suborbital photophores that appear morphologically similar to those of the Malacosteinae (Figure 4s,t) (S.H.D. Haddock, unpublished data).
In the order Chondrichthyes, the Squalidae are a family of luminous lantern sharks that use
ventral countershading for both defensive and offensive purposes (see the section on Functions
luminescence caused
by chemicals within
the organism, not due
to symbionts
Bioluminescence and Vision
Despite the taxonomic diversity of bioluminescence in the sea, its spectral properties are largely
constrained to blue-green wavelengths, centered around 470 nm, with some exceptions highlighted
above. In some cases, the default emission of the luminescent reaction is modified by the presence
of fluorescent proteins or other fluorescent compounds (Denton et al. 1970, Shimomura 1995a,
Haddock et al. 2005b, Herring & Cope 2005). These spectral properties are closely linked to • Bioluminescence in the Sea
13 November 2009
the visual systems of marine animals, both driving the adaptation of color sensitivity (Douglas
& Partridge 1997, Frank & Widder 1999, Cohen & Frank 2007, Frank et al. 2009) and being
driven by the qualities of the marine environment ( Johnsen & Widder 1998, 1999; Cummings &
Partridge 2001; Johnsen et al. 2004). In planktonic cnidarians and ctenophores, bioluminescence
spectra tend to be shifted to shorter wavelengths as the species’ depth of occurrence increases
(Haddock & Case 1999), and this corresponds to the trend seen in fish visual pigments (Douglas
et al. 1995). Most of the species that use green fluorescent protein as part of their luminescence
system are found at shallow depths, and this modification is only occasionally present among
deeper-living species (Haddock et al. 2005a).
Although yellow to red light is rare in the ocean, and most deep-sea fish have monochromatic
color sensitivity centered about the blue-green wavelengths (e.g., Douglas & Partridge 1997), there
are several indications that some fishes, besides those that emit red light themselves (Douglas
et al. 1998, 2000), can detect longer wavelengths than just blue or green light (Douglas et al.
2002, Widder et al. 2005, Turner et al. 2009). Squids can also have chromatic vision through the
presence of multiple visual pigments (Matsui et al. 1988, Seidou et al. 1990), and some, in particular
Vampyroteuthis infernalis, have lenses capable of acute vision (Sweeney et al. 2007), which would lend
themselves to discriminating bioluminescent sources against a dim or dark background. The eyes of
the copepod Cephalophanes (Nishida et al. 2002) and the ostracod Gigantocypris (Warrant & Locket
2004) have semiparabolic reflectors thought to be adapted to the detection of bioluminescence.
In the case of the copepods, it is hypothesized that they detect and feed on the luminous carcasses
of other copepods that became luminous due to bacterial infections (Nishida et al. 2002).
In the evolutionary jockeying for selective advantage that occurs between animals that emit
and those that detect bioluminescent light, fish and squid have developed additional ways to
improve their perception. Some species have modified yellow lenses (Robison & Reisenbichler
2008) thought to act as long-pass filters, enhancing spectral differences and allowing fish to take
advantage of the slightest mismatch between the color of bioluminescence and ambient light
(Warrant & Locket 2004).
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Excitation Mechanisms
As observers, we typically encounter bioluminescence in organisms that have been induced to flash
by a physical disturbance. In a natural context, however, the emission of light is closely controlled
by chemical and neurological mechanisms. Animals can turn their photophores on and off, but
they can also modulate the intensity, color, and even angular distribution of light. These control
mechanisms often involve calcium ions and other standard neurotransmitters. In dinoflagellates,
control over light emission begins with a physical stressor that deforms the membrane (Latz &
Rohr 1999), and involves a cascading series of triggers, including G-protein-coupled receptors
(Chen et al. 2007), calcium ions (von Dassow & Latz 2002), and ultimately H+ , which triggers the
release of luciferin from its binding protein, as discussed above. This sequence of events occurs
with less than 12 ms latency, as measured with great precision on single cells using a microfluidics
setup (Latz et al. 2008).
Because bioluminescence in many organisms is under nervous control, it can provide a visual
map of the conduction velocities of the nervous system. The tradition of this method dates back
to Panceri (1872) with his experiments on scyphozoans, and it has continued with application to
the nerve net of the sea pansy Renilla, and to the epithelial conduction of hydrozoans (e.g., Mackie
1991). This is a natural analog to the ways that calcium-activated photoproteins currently are used
in research to create biooptical sensors and to illuminate cellular processes (e.g., Daunert & Deo
2006, Manjarrés et al. 2008).
13 November 2009
Dinoflagellate luminescence and the light from other organisms can be tied to a circadian
rhythm, in which the luciferins are oxidized and rebuilt with each day/night cycle (Bode et al. 1963,
Lapointe & Morse 2008). Other bioluminescent organisms living in illuminated environments
may also require a period of dark acclimation before they will begin to luminesce; in the case of
ctenophores, this is due to direct photodegradation of their photoproteins (Ward & Seliger 1974).
In most deep-sea animals, however, the ability to produce light is essentially always present.
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Energetics of Bioluminescence
Bioluminescence is an extremely effective way for invertebrates to communicate to organisms
much larger and potentially far away and this may help explain its prevalence. Depending on the
conditions, a bioluminescent flash can be seen from tens to hundreds of meters away (Warrant
& Locket 2004, Turner et al. 2009). Even a single-celled dinoflagellate 0.5 mm long can send a
signal to a large fish 5 m away—the equivalent of a 2 m tall human being able to communicate
over a distance of 20 km. Chemical cues, while certainly playing important and overlooked roles
in the sea (e.g., Moore et al. 1999, Woodson et al. 2007), perform a different set of functions than
optical or acoustical signals; they do not diffuse rapidly enough to send the acute signals across
distances that are possible through bioluminescence. Chemicals do have the advantage, however,
of operating between nonvisual organisms, where bioluminescence is ineffective. Acoustical signals
are transmitted extremely effectively in the sea (Medwin 2005), but they have the drawback of
being relatively nondirectional, and many planktonic organisms lack the hard (or at least firm)
body parts or gas bladders required to generate sounds (Moulton 1957, Patek 2001, Henninger
& Watson 2005). Thus bioluminescence is one of the most effective ways for a small organism to
communicate efficiently to a much larger organism in the sea.
Bioluminescence serves many functions for marine organisms, and it frequently serves multiple
roles for a single organism (Figure 7). One of the caveats in interpreting the ecological roles
of bioluminescence is that types of light emission seen during laboratory stimulation may not
reflect how they appear in nature, any more than one would conclude that human vocalization
is an antipredatory response because we cry out when poked. Luminescence may be important
at a particular developmental state—the temporarily planktonic larva of a benthic worm, or the
medusa stage of a hydroid—or it may only be expressed during a particular reproductive period,
as with the female octopod Japetella. Even if the correct developmental stage is available and
the animal is in good condition, it is difficult to reproduce controlled, darkened conditions and
then observe natural behaviors. Nonetheless, there have been some elegant recent studies of the
functions of marine bioluminescence, and this continues to be one of the most promising arenas
for future discoveries.
In the most general sense, bioluminescent glows are thought to function as attractant signals,
and sudden flashes are thought to be repellent. The space over which this operates is important to
consider, since a flash directed at short range can nonetheless attract attention from afar. Within
the basic categories of defense, offense, and communication lie a variety of hypothesized functions.
There are more examples known of defensive functions of bioluminescence (Figure 7, blue
area) than offensive (Figure 7, magenta area). When a bright flash is evoked at close range, • Bioluminescence in the Sea
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Dinoflagellates, squid,
stern-chaser myctophid
Many: crustaceans, fish, squid
smoke screen
Many: crustaceans, polychaetes,
scyphozoans, chaetognaths, squids,
tube-shoulder fishes, ctenophores,
siphonophores, larvaceans?
body parts
Octopoteuthis squid, brittle stars,
polychaetes, siphonophores
Burglar alarm
Dinoflagellates, jellies, others?
Sacrificial tag
Pelagic sea cucumbers, jellies,
Warning coloration
(deter settlers)
Jellies, brittle stars?
(tube worms, clams)
Lure prey or
attract host (bacteria)
Anglerfishes, siphonophores,
cookie cutter shark, squid?
Lure with external light
(evaluate habitat?)
Sperm whale?
megamouth shark?
Stun or confuse prey
Squid, headlamp myctophid?
Illuminate prey
Flashlight fish, dragonfishes
Mate atttraction/recognition
(swarming cue)
Ostracods, Japetella octopus?
lanternfish, flashlight fish,
anglerfish? syllid polychaetes,
2° Predator
Figure 7
Schematic diagram showing the functions of bioluminescence. Marine luminescence can be used for defense
(blue), offense (magenta), and intraspecific communication (gray). The organisms thought to benefit from
these functions are listed to the right. Some animals are known to use their luminescence in two, three, or
even four different roles.
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13 November 2009
bioluminescence is assumed to startle predators, causing them to hesitate, in a form of predator
intimidation analogous to the peacock butterfly (Vallin et al. 2006). When exuded or secreted, the
display may take the role of a smoke screen—a cloud of sparks or glowing fluid that makes it difficult
for the predator to track the location of its escaping prey. This behavior is seen in many animals,
including copepods, shrimp, tube-shoulder searsiid fishes, ctenophores and siphonophores (Haddock & Case 1999), a chaetognath (Haddock & Case 1994), and the vampire squid, which lacks
an ink sac but instead emits a cloud of luminous secretions from its arm tips (Robison et al. 2003).
Organisms like the deep-sea squid Octopoteuthis deletron may autotomize luminous body parts (Bush
et al. 2009), which then continue to move and flash to draw away the attention of predators.
Apparently more common, but observed only anecdotally, is the application of a sacrificial tag.
In this situation, an organism may lose part of its body to a predatory encounter. These lost tissues
can continue to glow for hours afterward (Robison 1992, Herring & Widder 2004), even within
the predator’s stomach (pers. obs.). In the deep sea, where transparency is paramount ( Johnsen &
Widder 1998), the glowing tissue can draw attention to the predator, making it risky to consume
bioluminescent prey. This is thought to be the selective force driving the presence of so many
black- or red-pigment guts in otherwise transparent animals ( Johnsen 2005), since most red and
orange pigments absorb blue light. Many invertebrates also have excellent powers of regeneration
and may be able to regrow the missing appendage while their predator suffers from having taken
in the “Trojan horse.” This phenomenon could be at work in nearly any bioluminescent organism
large enough to recover from loss of tissue or skin during an attack.
One type of bioluminescent defense that has been well studied in the laboratory is counterillumination, which is common among crustaceans, cephalopods, and fishes. This form of camouflage
involves using ventral (lower) photophores (Figure 4k) to match the dim light coming from the
surface, thus making a potential shadow disappear. Counterillumination can be achieved either
through a uniform match to the light field or by sufficiently disrupting the silhouette ( Johnsen
et al. 2004). Under controlled conditions, sergestiid shrimp (Latz 1995), deep and shallow squid
(e.g., Young & Mencher 1980, Herring et al. 1992, Jones and Nishiguchi 2004), and the midshipman fish (Harper & Case 1999) have been shown to match the intensity, angular distribution,
or color of downwelling light. In the midshipman experiments, the counterillumination behavior
occurred even in naı̈ve fish raised without dietary luciferin. Upon being fed with ostracods, the
juveniles immediately demonstrated the appropriate illumination response (Harper & Case 1999).
Many predators in the midwater have upwardly directed eyes, sometimes tinted yellow, to search
for silhouettes. In Macropinna microstoma, the eyes can tilt between upward- and forward-looking
positions (Robison & Reisenbichler 2008), while the spookfish, Dolichopteryx longipes, has evolved
two fields of view in each eye, one focusing upward with a lens and one looking sideways with a
mirror, so it can hunt while keeping an eye on what is happening below (Wagner et al. 2009). A
variation of counterillumination where it might be used for offensive purposes is discussed below
under Prey Attraction.
Burglar Alarm
Similar to the idea of a sacrificial tag described above, the burglar alarm is an indirect effect of an
organism’s bioluminescence, whereby its predators become vulnerable to attack from higher order
predators. Often invoked as a function of bioluminescence, it is difficult to test. A key laboratory
experiment showing this effect was conducted using dinoflagellates as the luminescent prey, mysid • Bioluminescence in the Sea
13 November 2009
shrimp as the nonluminous predator, and the midshipman fish Porichthys notatus as the secondary
predator (Mensinger & Case 1992) and it was later replicated with some success using cephalopods
as the top predators (Fleisher & Case 1995). In these situations, the top predators used the trail of
bioluminescence to track the path of their prey, but the burglar alarm also operates in situations
where a flash of light merely draws attention to the bioluminescent organism’s predator.
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On land, it is widely accepted that bright coloration can advertise toxicity or unpalatability, and this
has been shown to apply to terrestrial bioluminescence as well (De Cock & Matthysen 1999, 2003).
A similar mechanism has been suggested for many marine organisms, including scale worms, jellyfish, and brittle stars (Grober 1988, Bassot & Nicolas 1995, Herring & Widder 2004), although
none has yet been convincingly demonstrated (see Guilford & Cuthill 1989). It would be particularly suitable for cnidarian bioluminescence to function this way; they are fragile yet potentially deadly, and it is to their advantage and advantageous to other organisms to avoid physical
Offense: Prey Attraction
Anyone who has seen moths drawn to a light can appreciate the possibility of using a glowing light
as a lure. This is most prominent in fish, especially the diverse anglerfishes, which use bacteria to
produce a long glow controlled by altering the conditions in the light organ where the bacteria are
cultured (Pietsch 2009). Many types of stomiid dragonfish also have luminous barbels, although
not involving bacteria; in fact, there are only two scaleless stomiids without barbels out of 25
genera (see Kenaley & Hartel 2005). One is Malacosteus, which feeds on copepods and has red
suborbital photophores, thus suggesting a different strategy for capturing prey.
Attraction through bioluminescence has often been suggested for other taxa as well. In particular, the squid Chiroteuthis has special light organs thought to serve as lures that dangle at the end
of long tentacles hanging down like fishing lines (Voss 1967, Robison et al. 2003). The octopus
Stauroteuthis may use its luminous suckers to attract planktonic prey in a similar manner ( Johnsen
et al. 1999). Siphonophores, ropelike planktonic hydrozoans, have been previously suggested to
use visual mimicry to attract prey (Purcell 1980), and some species of Erenna in the deep-sea have
highly modified tentacles with bioluminescent lures that flick up and down next to their stinging
cells. In one species, the bioluminescent lure is surrounded by a red fluorescent coating (Haddock
et al. 2005b), raising the possibility that this species preys particularly on fishes with unexpectedly
long-wavelength sensitivity (Douglas et al. 2002, Turner et al. 2009).
A variation combining both counterillumination and prey attraction has been suggested for the
cookie-cutter shark Isistius brasiliensis (Widder 1998). This relatively small species feeds by taking
bites out of the bodies of much larger fish, cetaceans, and squid, and it has been unclear how
it might get close enough to attack these fast-moving prey. Widder (1998) hypothesizes that an
optical “flaw” in the counterillumination pattern—a dark band below the mouth—looks like the
silhouette of the prey of one of these larger species. When the fish or squid draws near to attack this
apparent prey, it is instead attacked by the shark. This application of bioluminescence occurs only
after the shark is grown, because the ventral pattern of light of another squaloid shark appears to
serve a normal counterillumination role in juveniles, at least until they are fully developed (Claes
& Mallefet 2008).
Animals may not have to make their own light to gain a predatory advantage from the existence of bioluminescence. Some nonluminous top predators may initiate a burglar alarm response
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13 November 2009
themselves, and actively use bioluminescence in their environment to attract or reveal their prey.
Elephant seals (Mirounga spp.) dive to mesopelagic depths (Le Boeuf et al. 2000) and feed on fish
and squid (Sinclair 1994), including fast-swimming and deep-water species (Rodhouse et al. 1992).
Campagna et al. (2001) added light sensors to their normal time-depth recorders and deployed
them on southern elephant seals off Penı́nsula Valdés, Argentina. They found that during their
dives the seals consistently encountered bioluminescence, which increased when they approached
the area that includes the productive Malvinas Current. This light may aid the seals in finding
their prey, or in evaluating the potential prey density of their environment (described in Case
et al. 1994). Ocean sunfish and leatherback turtles both subsist largely on jellies (e.g., Hays et al.
2009), and it has been suggested that they use luminescence to help in their search for prey (e.g.,
Davenport 1988, Davenport & Balazs 1991, but see Houghton et al. 2008). A more proactive use
of bioluminescence has been suggested for sperm whales by Fristrup & Harbison (2002). They
examine the hypothesis that to gain an advantage while hunting squid in dark or twilight depths,
the whales intentionally stimulate bioluminescence, which is made more pronounced by the white
lining of their mouth. Squid, demonstrably attracted to light, would be drawn to the whale, which
would otherwise have a difficult time finding them in sufficient numbers. The megamouth shark
could also use indirect bioluminescence as it vertically migrates along with its planktonic prey
(Nelson et al. 1997). Although the shark is not known to be bioluminescent (Herring 1985), it has
a white pigmented band along its upper jaw that may reflect luminescence or downwelling light
to draw plankton closer (Takahashi 2001).
Other predatory applications include the use of bright light by a predator to stun or confuse
prey. Videos of the squid Taningia flashing its tentacles while attacking bait (Kubodera et al. 2007)
support this hypothesis, but there is little to no experimental evidence for this. The bright forwardpointing “headlamps” of the myctophid Diaphus might operate in this way, although they could
also be used to illuminate or to induce fluorescence in prey. The scaleless dragonfishes are thought
to use bioluminescence to aid in visual searching, including those with red suborbital photophores
discussed above.
Intraspecific Communication
Communication within species is a well-known function of bioluminescence in terrestrial firefly courtship (e.g., Lall et al. 1980, Buck & Case 2002, Woods Jr et al. 2007), but these types
of communication are less well known for the sea. Sexual dimorphism and the use of bioluminescence for mating have been reviewed by Herring (2000, 2007). The best-studied marine
mating system is that of the Caribbean ostracods (Morin 1986, Morin & Cohen 2010). Ostracods
show species-specific patterns of signaling, complex three-dimensional mate-following behavior
(Rivers & Morin 2008), and even so-called sneaker males that follow along with displaying males
and attempt to benefit from the surrounding displays while not producing luminescence of their
own (Rivers & Morin 2009). Other examples of organisms thought to use bioluminescence for
reproduction-related communication are fireworms, the pelagic octopods Japetella and Eledonella,
and the ponyfishes, which produce synchronized group displays (Woodland 2002) and have evolved
luminescent-based sexual dimorphism (Ikejima et al. 2004). In addition to mating displays, the
shallow flashlight fish Photoblepharon has been suggested to use its large suborbital light organ for
everything from finding prey, confusing predators, and interspecific communication (Morin et al. • Bioluminescence in the Sea
13 November 2009
1975). The lures of anglerfish might also be employed for mate-finding purposes in addition to
prey attraction (Herring 2007).
Light emission or visual sensitivity at unusually long or short wavelengths (as is the case with
Japetella and the firefly squid Watasenia) may indicate that bioluminescence is being used as a
private communication channel, rather than for one of the interspecific predator-prey functions
described above. The presence of species-specific photophore patterns and sexual dimorphism
suggests that the organisms use these features to distinguish each other, just as biologists do,
but demonstrating this effect is difficult in the deep-sea where many of the organisms are found
(Herring 2007).
an instrument to
quantify stimulated
light present in the
Metabolic Byproduct?
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It is relatively easy to speculate on functions of luminescence in metazoans and even protists, but for
bacteria it has been suggested that light emission came first as a by-product of oxidation reactions
that were already occurring in the cells (Rees et al. 1998). Luciferins often have strong antioxidant
properties and may help scavenge free radicals to the benefit of cells (Devillers et al. 1999). Under
these conditions, the presence of light-emitting compounds (luciferins) could have been useful for
organisms before their eventual (and sophisticated) functions arose. Luminous marine bacteria
derive from enteric genera for which the intestine of a fish is a favorable environment, thus
the now-classic suggestion (Robison et al. 1977) that the glow of bacteria ultimately served to
attract organisms to ingest them. Bacteria can be induced to produce light upon reaching the high
concentrations found on a marine snow particle or fecal pellet, and would therefore be of sufficient
size to be consumed. Luminous bacteria are readily cultured from fish intestines and a variety of
habitats (Ruby & Morin 1979), and the fecal pellets of eelpouts (Zoarcidae) and discarded molts
of crustaceans have been found to be brightly and visibly luminous (S.H.D. Haddock & R.D.
Harper, unpublished data).
Most bioluminescent organisms in the marine environment generate light in response to mechanical stimulation, which often leads to brilliant displays in the wakes of ships, in breaking waves, or
even around the bodies of rapidly moving dolphins (Rohr et al. 1998). Early research on bioluminescence in the sea was driven primarily by the desire to understand the chemical and physiological
mechanisms, as well as the ecological advantage that bioluminescence affords marine organisms.
The flash kinetics of mechanically stimulated bioluminescence also accommodate an understanding of the distribution of organisms in time and space. Mechanically stimulated
bioluminescence, or bioluminescence potential, generally refers to the flash potential from a
single stimulus event measured in a chambered pump-through bathyphotometer (Seliger et al.
1969) or across a mesh screen (Widder et al. 1993, Widder 2002, Priede et al. 2006). Early systems
provided qualitative distributions of bioluminescent organisms, because the mechanical stimulus
was not defined. Over the last two decades, a significant body of literature has developed establishing shear-stress dependency of flow-stimulated bioluminescence (Maldonado & Latz 2007, Latz
et al. 2008) and defining the shear thresholds for stimulation (Latz & Rohr 1999, Latz 2004) in a
number of dinoflagellate species. This has led to the development of a series of bathyphotometers
designed to enable comparable and quantitative assessment of light production (Widder et al.
1993, Herren et al. 2005).
In the following sections, the distribution of bioluminescence in the open ocean and coastal
regions will be highlighted, with examples of applied uses of bioluminescence measurements.
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The measures highlight organismal diversity and may afford the oceanographic community a
complementary tool to observe and understand planktonic communities in the ocean.
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Ocean Basin Distributions
In shallow sunlit regions of the oceans, biomass and organic compounds are required to support
large accumulations of autotrophic, mixotrophic, and heterotrophic organisms. These materials
are found in areas of elevated nutrient concentrations and of physical aggregation, where they
cause increased primary production and frequently higher autotrophic biomass concentrations, as
reflected in the accumulation of chlorophyll a (Chl a). This can lead to a direct relationship between
Chl a and bioluminescence as seen in many different locations (Lieberman et al. 1987, Lapota
1998, Cussatlegras & Geistdoerfer 2001). In addition, some late-stage phytoplankton blooms may
yield a successional accumulation of autotrophic dinoflagellates that may include bioluminescent
species, e.g., Lingulodinium sp. or Ceratium fucus, which may also contribute to a positive relationship between Chl a and bioluminescence (Swift et al. 1995, Lapota 1998). Large-scale surveys in
the Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean Sea found correlations between bioluminescence and
both Chl a and dinoflagellate cell counts (Piontkovski et al. 2003). Higher autotrophic biomass in
turn leads to an increase in associated mixotrophic and heterotrophic biomass. As a result, studies have also found strong relationships between bioluminescence and heterotrophic biomass. In
the Black Sea and Ionian Sea, over horizontal scales of meters to kilometers, the heterogeneity
of bioluminescence matched that of both zooplankton biomass and physical temperature fields
(Tokarev et al. 1998, 1999). The fact that bioluminescent organisms are autotrophic, mixotrophic,
and heterotrophic makes quantitative relationships between bioluminescence and ecological parameters over large spatial domains difficult to obtain. However, as bioluminescent organisms
represent a fraction (∼1–2%) of the total number of organisms in the surface ocean (Morin 1983),
bioluminescence potential in the epipelagic zone is directly related (with a large variance) to total
biomass loads of the water column (Lapota 1998).
There are few studies available that provide an ocean-scale perspective of bioluminescence
distributions. For those that exist though, there is generally good agreement between bioluminescence intensity and total biomass. This is true for a large data set collected during cruises of
the former Soviet Union from 1963 to 1989 and the British Atlantic meridional transect program from 1995 to 1999 in the equatorial and the anticyclonic gyre of the South Atlantic Ocean
(Piontkovski et al. 1997, 2003). Here, almost 3000 individual vertical casts of bioluminescence
potential were compiled to provide an integrated view of the Equatorial and South Atlantic Ocean
(Figure 8a). What is most striking about this distribution is the similarity to the integrated
Chl a (Figure 8b), mapped from an independent remote-sensing data set (Acker & Leptoukh
2007). The correspondence is especially strong in the upwelling zones of the North Equatorial
Current, the South Equatorial Current, and the Benguela Current. There is even a decrease associated with the eastbound Guinea Current. On the western portion of the Atlantic basin, the
prevailing downwelling conditions and along-shore flow of the Brazil and North Brazil Currents
prevent high biomass accumulation and bioluminescence potential offshore. Correlated with the
bioluminescence intensity with depth across this survey domain were the distributions of in situ
Chl a, phosphate, salinity, and copepod diversity, especially associated with the isopycnals along
the north and eastern boundaries of the South Atlantic Gyre (Piontkovski et al. 1997, 2003).
Other large-scale attempts to relate physical oceanography to the bioluminescence variability of the water column include the Biowatt and Marine Light-Mixed Layer (MLML) programs
(Marra and Hartwig 1984, Marra et al. 1995). Biowatt and MLML demonstrated a seasonal fluctuation of bioluminescence and that heterotrophic dinoflagellates were the dominant source of • Bioluminescence in the Sea
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Bioluminescence (10–5 µW cm–2 L–1)
Chlorophyll a (mg m–3)
Figure 8
Oceanic-scale distributions of (a) bioluminescence and (b) chlorophyll a in the Atlantic. The distribution of
bioluminescence is drawn from data in Piontkovski et al. (1997) and represents a 20-year data set of the mean
bioluminescence from 0 to 100 m. The satellite retrieval represents the mean field of chlorophyll a from the
combined SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua ocean color sensors for the period between September 1997 and
February 2009. Data for the chlorophyll map in (b) were retrieved from the Giovanni online data system,
developed and maintained by the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services
Center (DISC).
13 November 2009
bioluminescence in the North Atlantic, south of Iceland (Swift et al. 1995). One of the more interesting results from these programs was to demonstrate that high-frequency variations in temperature, salinity, fluorescence, downwelling light, and bioluminescence were coupled, in part, to
high-frequency variations in physical forcing. This discovery of coupling between the distribution of bioluminescent organisms and the physical dynamics was found to translate to all scales
of oceanographic observations from ocean-basin scale, to coastal dynamics, to fine-scale vertical
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Deep-Sea Distributions
Deep-sea bioluminescence has been known since the days of the Challenger expedition (Tizard et al.
1885) and Beebe’s bathyscaphe dives (Beebe et al. 1934), but improved technologies have given the
ability to quantify these sources. As with the occurrence of bioluminescence in the epipelagic zone
of the oceans, the distribution of bioluminescent organisms in deeper other waters correlates with
overall biomass and varies regionally based on differences in physical forcing. Much of the literature
describes the distribution of bioluminescence in the midwater and deep-ocean environments as the
number of sources per m3 that are imaged when passing through a screen (e.g., Priede et al. 2006,
based on the methods of Widder et al. 1999). While not quantitative in terms of light production,
these accounts do provide quantitative counts of bioluminescent organisms and a perspective on
their three-dimensional distribution in the water column. Over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, luminous
sources measured by free-falling profilers decreased asymptotically from 46 m−3 at 300–500 m
to 6 m−3 between 1500 m and the seafloor (Heger et al. 2008). However, in regions where the
water column was influenced by topography, such as the Azores and the Faraday Seamount,
the number of sources in the midwater doubled relative to shallower depths. High abundances
of deep-sea bioluminescent sources have been found correlated with biomass in eddies of the
Subpolar Front (Heger et al. 2008) and around South Atlantic seamounts (Tokarev et al. 2003).
Other surveys, covering hundreds of kilometers, detected a seasonal signal around Porcupine
Seabight, with fourfold variation related to the spring peak of primary production in the surface
layers (Gillibrand et al. 2007b). The abundance of luminous animals in the deep water column
means that any organism or equipment moving through that environment, including trawling
gear, stimulates large amounts of light ( Jamieson et al. 2006).
Another indirect method of examining bioluminescence in the midwater and deep oceans is
the use of bottom-mounted neutrino observatories, which consist of arrays of low-light sensors
suspended in the water column. Physicists, interested in detecting Čerenkov radiation, work to
minimize the “noise” of biologically generated light from their measurements (Widder 2007),
although it is inescapable even at great depths (Clarke & Hubbard 1959). Wilkes (1994) showed
that bioluminescence was detected by the DUMAND (Deep Underwater Muon and Neutrino
Detector) off the coast of Hawaii and contrasted that to the AMANDA (Antarctic Muon and
Neutrino Detector Array), under Antarctic ice, where there was no bioluminescence. For the
NESTOR (Neutrino Extended Submarine Telescope with Oceanographic Research), deployed
off of Greece, bioluminescent activity was found to be present ∼1% of the active time, although
more recent observatories, such as ANTARES (Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss
environmental RESearch) off France, have shown bioluminescence to influence up to 30% of the
active time (Katz 2004, Aguilar et al. 2006). Based on its kinetics, this light is clearly produced
by metazoan flashes and glows and is not of microbial origin (Bradner et al. 1987, Webster et al.
1991). These bioluminescent signals were found to correlate with current speed and shear (Amram
2000), as more organisms flowed past and encountered the detector array. This finding influenced
modifications to the existing detector and to future detectors (Katz 2006). Based on an intense • Bioluminescence in the Sea
13 November 2009
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A large-scale bioluminescent surface phenomenon, known as milky seas, is the result of high concentrations of
luminous bacteria (Herring & Watson 1993). Bacteria emit a relatively faint glow per cell, but light production is
continuous, so their luminescence can be visually distinguished from blooms of dinoflagellates, for example. Bacteria
can form large slicks lasting days under appropriate conditions (Lapota et al. 1988). It is suggested that occurrence
of these large light-emitting surface slicks may be facilitated by substrates produced by a previous or concurrent
phytoplankton bloom (Miller et al. 2005, Nealson & Hastings 2006). As conditions required for these events are
highly unpredictable, most documented accounts have been from merchant ship logs, with the exception of a single
research study (Lapota et al. 1988). Miller et al. (2005, 2006) demonstrated the use of satellite remote sensing as a
means of detecting milky seas for the first time, showing an affected area of 15–17,000 km2 off the Horn of Africa
(Figure 9). The counterclockwise motion of the northern portion of the slick tracked over three days was consistent
with presence of a cold-core ring (Miller et al. 2006). Future studies of this elusive phenomenon may be guided by
the use of existing and planned low-light satellite sensors, trained on the northeastern portion of the Indian Ocean
and Arabian Sea where more than 70% of milky seas events have occurred (Herring & Watson 1993). This area
may be the site of so many events because of an unusual combination of warm surface temperatures (favorable to
microbial growth) yet high productivity due to upwelling.
sampling effort around two of the detectors, Priede et al. (2008) found that the potential for
interference at ANTARES and NESTOR matches the biomass distribution for each area, with
the area off southern France sixfold higher than off the east coast of Greece.
In addition to water-column distributions of bioluminescence, a number of studies have examined bioluminescence on the seafloor using a series of free-falling landers outfitted with low-light
imaging systems (Bailey et al. 2007), which appear to sample the bioluminescent organisms at
great depths better than traditional shipboard profiling (Webster et al. 1991). These studies have
used bait to attract organisms for assessment, because the rate of flashing in nonbaited systems
has proved too low to be detected (Priede et al. 2006, Gillibrand et al. 2007a). The response to
bait has been relatively rapid (∼0.5 hr), with subsequently consistent bioluminescent events on
the order of 2 min−1 . Concentrations were inversely related to seafloor depth, with enhancement
near shelf areas (Gillibrand et al. 2007a). Exceptional bioluminescent hot spots were found within
a kilometer of carbonate and coral mounds, where the mean number of events was an order of
magnitude higher. These areas were characterized by moving luminescent targets, likely ostracods, that released patches of luminescent material into the water around the bait, so that at times
the entire baited area was illuminated for minutes (Gillibrand et al. 2007a). An inverse relationship between bioluminescence and depth was found on the seafloor in the Mediterranean Sea
(Craig et al. 2009). There was also a west-to-east gradient in decreasing density of bioluminescent
organisms, which matched the general surface productivity in the region (Bricaud 2002). These
seafloor observations also correlated well with the vertical distributions of bioluminescence in the
area (Priede et al. 2008).
Coastal Distributions
While many of the early surveys of bioluminescence potential were conducted on ocean basin
scales, recent work has emphasized the transition areas from the open ocean to the shoreline.
For all oceanographic disciplines, the temporal and spatial dynamics in coastal regions present a
new set of challenges, and developing suitable instrumentation for quantifying the distributions of
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13 November 2009
Figure 9
Milky Seas. A composite rendering showing a satellite perspective of the first bioluminescent milky sea recorded from space (Miller
et al. 2005, 2006). The bright blue patch is 300 km long and covers an area roughly equal to that of the Hawaian archipelago. Although
it is represented on the correct size scale, the data from the satellite low-light sensor were enhanced (see Miller et al. 2006 for details),
and thus the event appears brighter than it would if viewed by eye from this perspective. The image was generated by creating a
two-dimensional mercator projection including the low-light event, background layers of the Blue Marble (source: NASA), Nighttime
City Lights of the World (source: NOAA), and cloud cover derived from Meteosat data (courtesy S.D. Miller). The composite
projection was then mapped onto a sphere and rendered using Cheetah3D.
bioluminescence potential is no exception. High productivity and the complexity documented for
physical and biological parameters, including bioluminescence (Blackwell et al. 2008), required
development of new, smaller portable sensors that were amendable to a wide range of platforms.
Herren et al. (2005) document the development of such a sensor and its integration into moorings,
remotely operated vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles (Shulman et al. 2003, 2005; Moline
et al. 2005b), undulating tow bodies, cabled profilers (Moline et al. 2007, Oliver et al. 2007), and
coastal ship-profiling units (Herren et al. 2004). Analogous laboratory-developed systems are in
use (Lapota et al. 1994, Cussatlegras 2001) and some are commercially available (Kim et al. 2006,
Orrico et al. 2008). While fluorometers give a proxy for autotrophic fluorescence, these sensors
allow for the evaluation of higher planktonic trophic levels. As a result, they provide new insight • Bioluminescence in the Sea
13 November 2009
into the distribution of bioluminescence in the coastal zone (Moline et al. 2001, 2005a, 2005b)
and some of the time- and space-dependencies of the distributions (Blackwell et al. 2008).
Bioluminescence has also been used to address coastal processes. Bioluminescent dinoflagellates
are not uniformly distributed through the water column but may be preferentially accumulated into
marine snow particles (Alldredge et al. 1998). This can result in light production per volume that is
60–180 (Puget Sound, Washington; Herren et al. 2004), or 200–45,000 (California coast; Haddock
1997) times higher in particles than in an equivalent volume of surrounding seawater, and 1–78%
of the total light in the upper water column can be attributed to aggregate associates (Herren
et al. 2004, Haddock 1997). Since bioluminescence has been shown to deter grazing on individual
dinoflagellates through the startle and burglar-alarm functions discussed above, luminescenceenriched marine snow may avoid consumption, leading to changes in carbon-settling rates.
Using the differences between the bioluminescence flash kinetics of planktonic dinoflagellates
and zooplankton, it is possible to measure relative abundances of the two groups within a volume
using a single sensor on an autonomous vehicle (Moline et al. 2009, 2009b). By distinguishing
between the two trophic groups, their interactions were revealed on a regional scale in the context
of a periodic upwelling cycle. This effort was part of a larger study combining a number of
observational tools to provide near-synoptic regional views of bioluminescence (Figure 10). The
spatial dependencies of bioluminescence in coastal waters have relevance for a number of applied
themes. Examples of three specific research areas where bioluminescence is being used are harmful
algal blooms (HABs), thin-layer ecology, and ocean modeling.
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Bioluminescence and Harmful Algal Bloom Detection
The documented increase in harmful algal blooms in recent years has stimulated efforts to detect
and monitor bloom events (Babin et al. 2008, Ramsdell et al. 2005). Currently, HAB detection
relies on laborious cell counts and costly cruises in response to water discoloration and fish kills.
Although effective for bloom detection, these methods lack the potential to collect data across the
necessary time- and space-scales to accurate assess or forecast bloom dynamics (Schofield et al.
1999, Kirkpatrick et al. 2000). Remotely sensed ocean color is subject to cloud conditions and
satellite coverage, and can only be applied to the near surface at high cell densities (Tester et al.
1998). To overcome these limitations, there is a need to discriminate between phytoplankton taxa
in situ, detect cells at a range of concentrations throughout the water column, and be able to
track movement over short periods to account for lateral advection and diurnal vertical migration.
Kim et al. (2006) demonstrated a real-time monitoring system along the Korean Peninsula for
the occurrence of dinoflagellates using bioluminescence. One important outcome of the study
was that even though the dinoflagellate species of principal concern was not bioluminescent, nutrient conditions tended to support the growth of a number of dinoflagellates species, including
bioluminescent species, and therefore, the measurement could be used as an indicator. Similar findings have been reported in Monterey Bay where extreme red tides have been reported (Shulman
et al. 2005, Ryan et al. 2008) and there has been a shift of the dominant phytoplankton group from
diatoms to dinoflagellates since 2004 ( Jester et al. 2009). Although a systematic phylogenetic analysis of links between bioluminescence and toxicity in dinoflagellates has not yet been reported, it is
interesting to note that according to the National Provasoli-Guillard Center for Culture of Marine
Phytoplankton, of the 34 bioluminescent strains, half are also toxic. There are numerous reports of
both toxic and bioluminescent species occurring across the globe (Tyrrhenian Sea: Zingone et al.
2006; Sea of Japan: Baek et al. 2008; Aegean Sea: Aligizaki et al. 2009; Baltic Sea: Kremp et al.
2009; Black Sea: Morton et al. 2009; United States: Jester et al. 2009). Thus, luminescence may be
an important tool to monitor the development and movement of HAB species in coastal waters.
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Figure 10
(a) Bioluminescence sections measured via an autonomous underwater vehicle. Slices of the depth
distribution of bioluminescence from Monterey Bay, California, in August 2003. Data were collected over a
six-day period by a bathyphotometer (b), taking samples while underway on board an autonomous
underwater vehicle. The vertical scale, greatly exaggerated in the figure to show luminescence features, spans
3 to 40 m. Data show a near-synoptic view of the bioluminescence distribution in the epipelagic zone, with
high concentrations of luminescence in a near-nearshore band and in a deeper offshore plume. They were
used to initialize and validate a regional-scale advection–diffusion ocean model (Shulman et al. 2005).
Thin Layers
The existence of a subsurface chlorophyll maximum has been known for many decades (Steele
& Yentsch 1960, Anderson 1969), and this feature can have a profound effect on the distribution of organisms and biomass in the water column. The mechanisms of formation include the
physical and optical structure of the water column and the behavior of the organisms residing in • Bioluminescence in the Sea
13 November 2009
and near the feature (Deutschman et al. 1993, MacIntyre et al. 1995, Osborn 1998). At times,
dense accumulations of phyto- and zooplankton can be concentrated in a vertical space that is
tens of centimeters to a few meters in scale, but they can be contiguous over many kilometers
(Holliday 2003, McManus et al. 2003, Cheriton et al. 2007). These layers are often missed in traditional sampling approaches yet may disproportionately influence trophic interactions (Alldredge
et al. 2002), biogeochemical cycling (Rines et al. 2002), or toxin production (Rines et al. 2002,
McManus et al. 2008). Because a portion of the planktonic community is often bioluminescent,
this property can be used as an additional tool to define these layers. For example, luminescence
measurements have revealed layers of copepods less than 0.5 m thick in the Gulf of Maine (Widder
et al. 1999), suggesting that these layers coincide with the documented layering of marine snow
along density discontinuities (MacIntyre et al. 1995), and they may provide an energetic benefit
for the zooplankton. A three-dimensional analysis in the same location indicated that the copepods were likely organized in response to an environmental cue, such as a food source (Widder
& Johnsen 2000). The formation of thin layers of bioluminescent organisms presents a challenge
for other animals navigating through the environment while trying to avoid the stimulation of
bioluminescence. Recent work has shown that the thickness and horizontal extent of bioluminescent layers increases at night and that there are behavioral responses between layers based on their
dimensionality (Benoit-Bird et al. 2009; Moline et al. 2009, 2009a). As these layers are intrinsically linked to physical (Ryan et al. 2009), chemical (Hanson & Donaghay 1998), and biological
gradients (Widder & Johnsen 2000), they are likely to provide a mechanism for maintaining high
planktonic diversity in coastal waters (Dekshenieks et al. 2001).
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Bioluminescence Measurements and Ocean Modeling
Modeling provides a tool to fill in the temporal and spatial gaps in the observations and provide a
larger-scale view of ecosystem interactions with physical and biological factors. Bioluminescence
is a measure of a portion of the total biomass, with contributions from both the autotrophic and
heterotrophic communities, and can therefore be used as a tool to assess ecosystem response and
With a large data set collected in Monterey Bay, Shulman et al. (2003) used bioluminescence as a
tracer and predicted its distribution 24, 48, and 72 hours in the future. By combining observations of
winds and currents and a circulation model, the authors were able to predict the three-dimensional
location and intensity of the bioluminescence maximum over a 72-hour period and over distances
of 25–35 km. This short-term result was later refined with a larger data set from the same location
(see Figure 10), with the goal of optimizing sampling strategies for bioluminescence (Shulman
et al. 2005). In addition to predicting short-term changes in coastal bioluminescence, they also
demonstrated that optimization of bioluminescence sampling strategy to generate input to the
forecast is critical for successful short-term predictions with the tracer model.
In addition to the advection-diffusion model approach, which does not consider long-term
biological dynamics, there has been an effort to integrate ecosystem models into dynamic ocean
models. The dynamic ecological approach is based on the development of a series of mechanistic
equations linking the hydrodynamic forcing functions, nutrient concentrations, and resulting ecological structure. These types of joint ocean-ecosystem models exist in various states of complexity
for phytoplankton and zooplankton populations (Bissett et al. 1999, Moore et al. 2001, Polovina
et al. 2008). As the majority of bioluminescence in the euphotic zone is generated by these groups
(Herring 1987, Swift et al. 1995, Piontkovski et al. 1997, Lapota 1998, Widder & Johnsen 2000),
bioluminescence is likely to help in the initialization and validation of ecosystem models. Changes
in phytoplankton and zooplankton distribution and abundance may be more easily related to
13 November 2009
bioluminescence than to any other hydrodynamic diagnostic parameter. The ability to discriminate between dinoflagellates and zooplankton using optical techniques (Moline et al. 2009, 2009a)
or the combination of optical and acoustical approaches (Benoit-Bird et al. 2009) shows promise
of assigning quantitative to state variables in these dynamic models. Applied to large field data sets,
this approach has the potential to provide models with distributions of these bioluminescent communities for initialization and validation. This leads to derivation of the mechanisms governing
patch distribution, coherence, and their biological interactions on regional scales. The measure of
bioluminescence highlights organismal diversity and may afford the oceanographic community a
complementary tool to observe and understand planktonic communities in the ocean.
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1. Bioluminescence is widespread across most forms of metazoan marine life.
2. The distribution within taxonomic groups is patchy, sometimes even between sister taxa.
3. Light is typically generated by the organism itself and only rarely due to bacterial
4. Light emitters (luciferins) are conserved, while enzymes (luciferases) are diverse and
5. One luciferin, coelenterazine, is the light emitter for nine different phyla.
6. Based on the chemical mechanisms known, luminescence has evolved independently
more than 40 times.
7. It serves a variety of functions, both offensive and defensive, even within a single organism.
8. Because a large fraction of animals is bioluminescent, quantifying luminescence can
provide a proxy for heterotrophic biomass.
9. The distribution of bioluminescent organisms can be measured by automated instruments
and is a useful parameter for understanding ocean ecology.
1. While the genes for many luciferases are known, the mechanisms of luciferin biosynthesis
are almost entirely unknown. This will be a promising area for future research.
2. Better access to live animals in good condition will give opportunities to understand natural functions of luminescence. The question of why so many animals are bioluminescent
still does not have a satisfactory answer.
3. Although there have been breakthroughs in understanding the molecular basis for the
major luminescence systems, the chemistry of luminescence for many organisms remains
completely unknown. Promising taxa include echinoderms, polychaetes, and tunicates.
4. Improvements in remote and automated methods of detecting oceanographic-scale bioluminescence (satellites and bathyphotometers) will allow better understanding of marine ecosystem dynamics, harmful algal blooms, and how and why plankton populations
fluctuate over time. • Bioluminescence in the Sea
13 November 2009
The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.
The authors thank Peter Herring for helpful review of this manuscript, and the editorial and
graphics staff of Annual Reviews for their close attention to the text.
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Annual Review of
Marine Science
Volume 2, 2010
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Paleophysical Oceanography with an Emphasis on Transport Rates
Peter Huybers and Carl Wunsch p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Advances in Estuarine Physics
Parker MacCready and W. Rockwell Geyer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p35
The Effect of Submarine Groundwater Discharge on the Ocean
Willard S. Moore p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p59
Marine Ecomechanics
Mark W. Denny and Brian Gaylord p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p89
Sea Surface Temperature Variability: Patterns and Mechanisms
Clara Deser, Michael A. Alexander, Shang-Ping Xie, and Adam S. Phillips p p p p p p p p p p p p 115
Contemporary Sea Level Rise
Anny Cazenave and William Llovel p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 145
Estimation of Anthropogenic CO2 Inventories in the Ocean
Christopher L. Sabine and Toste Tanhua p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 175
Ocean Deoxygenation in a Warming World
Ralph F. Keeling, Arne Körtzinger, and Nicolas Gruber p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 199
Archaeology Meets Marine Ecology: The Antiquity of Maritime
Cultures and Human Impacts on Marine Fisheries and Ecosystems
Jon M. Erlandson and Torben C. Rick p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 231
The Ecology of Seamounts: Structure, Function, and Human Impacts
Malcolm R. Clark, Ashley A. Rowden, Thomas Schlacher, Alan Williams,
Mireille Consalvey, Karen I. Stocks, Alex D. Rogers, Timothy D. O’Hara,
Martin White,Timothy M. Shank, and Jason M. Hall-Spencer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 253
Microbial Provinces in the Subseafloor
Matthew O. Schrenk, Julie A. Huber, and Katrina J. Edwards p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 279
Prochlorococcus: Advantages and Limits of Minimalism
Frédéric Partensky and Laurence Garczarek p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 305
Oceanographic and Biogeochemical Insights from Diatom Genomes
Chris Bowler, Assaf Vardi, and Andrew E. Allen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 333
9 November 2009
Genetic Perspectives on Marine Biological Invasions
Jonathan B. Geller, John A. Darling, and James T. Carlton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 367
Biocomplexity in Mangrove Ecosystems
I.C. Feller, C.E. Lovelock, U. Berger, K.L. McKee, S.B. Joye, and M.C. Ball p p p p p p p p p p p 395
What Can Ecology Contribute to Ecosystem-Based Management?
Simon F. Thrush and Paul K. Dayton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 419
Annu. Rev. Marine. Sci. 2010.2:443-493. Downloaded from
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Bioluminescence in the Sea
Steven H.D. Haddock, Mark A. Moline, and James F. Case p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 443
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