Will supercapacitors enable an energy storage revolution? By David
Will supercapacitors enable an energy storage revolution? By David
Cover frt.qxp:CVR FEATURE TEMP 8/5/08 15:06 Page 14 electrodes and some electrolyte, making it something of a hybrid between a capacitor and a battery. The most popular is the double layer capacitor, which stores the energy in the double layer formed near the carbon electrode surface. The amount of energy a conventional capacitor can hold is measured in microfarads – even nano or picofarads. In contrast, supercapacitors typically store farads, thousands of times more. Large commercial ones can store as much as 5000F. The energy density of today’s supercapacitors ranges from around 1 to 10Wh/kg, much higher than a standard capacitor but still only about a tenth of an NiMH battery. But as we shall see, this could change radically. One of the main benefits of supercapacitors is that they can be charged extremely quickly, in about 10s. This means large devices can be used for regenerative braking on vehicles. Hundreds of supercapacitors can be connected in series to provide the energy storage needed. Several transportation systems worldwide are now using them in such a way, for example in Shanghai and Mannheim. Charging ahead Will supercapacitors enable an energy storage revolution? By David Boothroyd. Centre: Zenn’s Clifford:“I decided the world needed a 180° turn from petroleum and ... saw the fundamental issue wasn’t drive systems, but energy storage.” 14 I nvented more than 250 years ago – in 1745 to be exact – the humble capacitor has been a mainstay of electrical and electronic engineering, almost wherever energy needs to be stored. Billions of circuits have been built containing them. But a device that could transform the world? Hardly. However, if the potential of a new generation of supercapacitors turns out to be as great as proponents claim, the world really will become a different place. Such devices could transform the entire nature of electrical storage and make today’s most advanced batteries look positively primitive. And it could happen at both ends of the power storage spectrum: tiny units for consumer electronic products; and massive ones for the automotive industry. Both markets might – possibly – be in for a true revolution. Supercapacitors have been with us for several decades, occupying relatively niche markets. Whilst a standard capacitor consists of conductive foils and a dry separator, the supercapacitor uses special Another of the supercapacitor’s advantages over batteries is that it can be recharged and discharged effectively an unlimited number of times. There is little wear and tear induced by cycling and age does not affect them, with the result that a supercapacitor only deteriorates to about 80% of peak performance, even after 10 years. Even though today’s supercapacitors have some www.newelectronics.co.uk 13 May 2008 Cover frt.qxp:CVR FEATURE TEMP 8/5/08 15:07 Page 15 COVER STORY Supercapacitors clear advantages over batteries, they cannot match them for electrical storage density: a typical supercapacitor has only about 5 to 10% of the density of the best batteries. But two developments taking place could change that radically. One centres on Texan company EEStor. It is reticent, but is known to be developing an electrical energy storage unit (EESU) based on a ceramic supercapacitor with a barium-titanate dielectric. This, it says, achieves extremely high specific energy – the amount of energy in a given unit of mass. It claims its system has a specific energy of about 280Wh/kg – compared with around 120 for lithiumion and 32 for lead gel batteries – and that it will outperform lithium ion batteries in terms of price, charge time and safety. By modifying the composition of the bariumtitanate powders, a thousand fold increase in supercapacitor voltage can be achieved, it says, giving 1200V to 3500V and possibly higher. Many are sceptical, but EEStor has attracted some impressive partners. In January, Lockheed Martin signed a deal to use EEStor supercapacitors for military and homeland security applications. It is also backed by Kleiner Perkins, a venture capital company whose track record includes Google, Amazon and Sun. EEStor’s closest partner is the Zenn Motor Company of Toronto, a supplier of low speed electric vehicles (LSVs), founded by its ceo Ian Clifford in 2001. LSVs have a top speed of around 25mph and a restricted range, suitable only for inner urban transport applications. “I decided the world needed a 180° turn from petroleum and we saw the fundamental issue wasn’t drive systems, but energy storage,” Clifford says. “We think a complete paradigm shift in energy storage is needed and that is what EEStor is proposing.” The two companies signed a technology agreement in 2004 and are working closely together. The target is the cityZENN, an all electric car scheduled for launch in Europe by autumn 2009 (earlier than in North America, where certification takes longer). If it happens, it will revolutionise the automotive industry at a stroke because its performance will dwarf anything achieved so far: a top speed of 80mph, a range of 250 miles, a recharge time as little as five minutes, a competitive purchase price and operating costs one tenth of a comparable ordinary car. And of course, zero emissions and noise! The first vehicles to feature EEStor’s supercapacitor may even appear this year, Clifford says “EEStor has committed publicly to commercialisation of its technology in 2008. The LSVs we are building today are ‘EEStor ready’ and they will be the first to have the EEStor systems. ZENN will not be building the highway vehicle, but will work with global automotive partners – that has always been our intention,” he adds. “With EEStor storage and our drive system technology, we will be an enabler.” ZENN will supply the complete electric drive system, including the motor controller and associated drive electronics. Also available will be a ZENNergy drive train powered by EEStor. A key target market here is ‘retrofitting’ standardised fleets, such as London cabs – installed bases of vehicles, operating in controlled environments. The aim is to enable them to convert to all electric drive. Ultimately, Clifford envisages the development of conversion centres, where consumers could take their car and have it converted. For recharging, there are several possibilities. The simplest is to do it by plugging into a standard household socket, which will achieve a charge in about four hours, certainly overnight. But www.newelectronics.co.uk 13May 2008 Above: Zenn says its electric vehicles may be charged overnight using a standard plug. But it also envisions ‘charging stations’, where the job could be done in five minutes. Below: Whilst Zenn’s current LSV has a top speed of 25mph and restricted range, the forthcoming cityZENN will reach 80mph and have a range of 250miles – if EEstor’s supercapacitor technology lives up to expectations. 15 Cover frt.qxp:CVR FEATURE TEMP 8/5/08 15:08 Page 16 COVER STORY Supercapacitors dedicated charging centres may reduce this to less than five minutes. More announcements are due soon – ZENN’s agreement with EEStor calls for regular milestones to be met. Transportation is obviously a huge market, but by no means the only one for EEStor’s technology. Grid load levelling and consumer electronics are two other potentially massive areas. Storage for wind and solar power are other possibles. And Clifford says that, “We have demonstrated that nanotube forests can be grown on a conductive substrate.” Prof Joel Schindall, MIT unlike batteries, raw materials are no problem. “Think of the impact of hundreds of millions of electric cars. Take lithium: there are about 17million tons available on the planet, most of it in three areas that are relatively unstable. EEStor’s technology uses barium-titanate and there is more than 2billion tons of it. So, critically, it is a technology that, once commercialised, is scaleable to a global level.” Nanotechnology research Top: Production of Zenn’s LSVs is underway at its Canadian facility. Above: The surface area of MIT’s ‘nano forest’ should exceed the effective surface area of activated carbon devices by at least a factor of five. MIT also anticipates higher voltage operation. 16 EEStor’s approach to supercapacitors is not the only one that could change the future. Nanotechnology could do the same, if work at MIT and Cambridge University fulfils its promise. The basis of this work is to tackle the fundamental limitation of supercapacitors, which is that storage capacity is proportional to surface area. Today’s supercapacitors still hold 25 times less energy than similarly sized chemical batteries, despite using electrodes made of activated carbon, which is extremely porous and does have a large surface area. However, the pores in the carbon are irregular in size and shape, which reduces efficiency. If the surface area could be further increased, and with more regular elements, storage capacity could be increased significantly. This is exactly what can be achieved by coating the supercapacitor’s electrodes with millions of nanotubes, each 100,000 times as long as they are wide. The vertically aligned nanotubes in MIT’s supercapacitor have a regular shape and are only several atomic diameters in width. The result is a more effective surface area, providing increased storage capacity. It is done by growing a microscopic ‘forest’ of the vertically aligned nanotubes on a silica substrate by use of a thin catalyst layer and a chemical vapour deposition process. The silica is coated by a nanometre thick layer of a catalyst such as iron. When the material is heated in a vacuum, the catalyst breaks into tiny droplets. A hydrocarbon gas is then passed over the substrate and the catalyst ‘grabs’ carbon atoms. A long nanotube then self assembles and pushes upward from the catalyst droplet. “We have demonstrated that nanotube forests can be grown on a conductive substrate,” says Joel Schindall, Professor of Product Design at MIT’s Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department. “Compared to activated carbon, this is somewhat like a paintbrush, as opposed to a sponge. The forest’s surface area should exceed the effective surface area of activated carbon devices by at least a factor of five and we anticipate being able to operate at higher voltages, due to the nanotube’s inert chemistry. “We have grown the required nanotube array and are now testing it in small battery cells, with reasonable performance – currently, about the same as existing activated carbon systems. But we are still looking for ways to increase the density of the nanotubes and, by doing that, exceed today’s devices.” At Cambridge University’s Electronics Power and Energy Conversion (EPEC) Group, Professor Gehan Amaratunga heads a team that has developed nanoscale supercapacitors made from multiwalled carbon tubes roughly 70nm wide, grown vertically from nickel catalyst dots on niobium films. The nanotube forest and its niobium floor was then covered with a silicon nitride layer, then an aluminium film. The resulting supercapacitor is made from niobium and aluminium electrodes separated by an insulating silicon nitride layer and carbon nanotubes. In ongoing work, the team is looking at replacing the dielectric, which could help increase the specific capacity by up to three times. The key target for the EPEC group’s supercapacitor is portable electronic devices, where they will potentially offer much greater performance. But any area needing high current pulses, such as communications, could also benefit. “The main challenges are reproducibility and scalability – showing the process can be used for large volume production,” Prof Amaratunga says. ■ www.newelectronics.co.uk 13 May 2008
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