16-18 Guide 2015-2016
16-18 Guide 2015-2016
16 –18 COURSE GUIDE 2015/16 ACHIEVE YOUR AMBITION www.candi.ac.uk 2 CONTENTS Open Days and Evenings Guide to Study Levels Study Pathways Enrichment Supporting your Studies Financial Support How to Apply in 5 Easy Steps 04 06 08 10 18 22 24 CENTRE FOR APPLIED SCIENCES Applied Sciences Animal Sciences Engineering Forensic Science Health Science Medical Science Optics Sports Science Apprenticeships 26 28 29 29 31 31 32 32 32 33 CENTRE FOR BUSINESS, ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY 36 Art and Design 38 Business 40 ICT – Information Communication Technology43 Media 46 Performing Arts 48 Dance 48 Music 49 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 CENTRE FOR HEALTH, SOCIAL AND CHILD CARE Beauty Therapy Hairdressing Child Care Health and Social Care Public Services Skills Based Learning Apprenticeships 54 56 57 58 60 61 62 64 CENTRE FOR LIFELONG LEARNING English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) 66 SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Level Results Sixth Form College Applications General Entry Requirements A Levels A Level Courses 70 72 74 75 76 GENERAL INFORMATION Your Questions Answered Index 96 98 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 68 3 OPEN DAYS AND EVENINGS Our Open Days and Evenings are a great way to get a feel for College life. At these events you will have an opportunity to speak to teachers, meet current students and view our facilities. SIXTH FORM COLLEGE CENTRE FOR BUSINESS, ARTS AND Saturday 8th November 2014, 10am – 3pm TECHNOLOGY CENTRE FOR APPLIED SCIENCES Saturday 8th November 2014, 12pm – 3pm Tuesday 27th January 2015, 4pm – 6.30pm Wednesday 12th November 2014, 4pm – 6.30pm Thursday 22nd January 2015, 4pm – 6.30pm Wednesday 11th March 2015, 4pm – 6.30pm Thursday 19th March 2015, 4pm – 6.30pm ALL VISITORS ARE REQUIRED TO BOOK TO ATTEND OUR OPEN DAYS AND EVENINGS 4 STUDENTS ATTENDING AN OPEN DAY OR EVENING All visitors are required to book to attend our Open Days and Evenings Visitors under 18 must be accompanied by an adult CENTRE FOR HEALTH, SOCIAL AND CHILD CARE “VISITED @CITYNISLINGTON’S OPEN DAY TODAY. IT WAS GREAT. THE ATMOSPHERE WAS GOOD & EVERYONE WAS SO POLITE & INFORMATIVE! I HOPE TO ATTEND” TWITTER POST “THE COLLEGE WAS VERY WELCOMING AND ANSWERED ALL MY QUESTIONS IN DETAIL.” Wednesday 12th November 2014, 4pm – 6.30pm “THE TEACHERS GAVE REALLY USEFUL ADVICE AND HELPED ME MAKE MY CHOICE.” Thursday 22nd January 2015, 4pm – 6.30pm “THE COLLEGE’S FACILITIES ARE EXTREMELY IMPRESSIVE.” Wednesday 11th March 2015, 4pm – 6.30pm “VERY INFORMATIVE, ACTIVITIES WERE A GREAT INSIGHT TO THE COURSE.” www.candi.ac.uk/openday 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 5 GUIDE TO COURSE LEVELS Please refer to individual course pages for entry criteria specific to the course you wish to study. LEVEL 2 LEVEL 1 ENTRY LEVEL QUALIFICATIONS • Entry Level Award • Skills for Working Life •ESOL • BTEC Level 1 Course Entry Level qualification (including Entry Level 3 Skills in English and Maths) or GCSEs mainly at grade E. • NVQ Level 1 • Foundation Course •ESOL • BTEC Diploma • NVQ Level 2 •Apprenticeship •ESOL LEVEL 3 • BTEC Extended Diploma •NVQs LEVEL 4-6 •Advanced •HNC/HNDs • University Degrees • Higher Apprenticeships WHAT CAN STUDENTS DO AFTER THE COURSE? No previous qualifications. Applicants must have a good reference, interview and assessment. As a part of the interview process the applicant’s reading and writing skills will be assessed as well as their commitment and interest in the subject. • Skillsbase (supported learning) • A Levels 6 WHAT DO YOU NEED? Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. Mainly 4 GCSEs at grade A*-D or a Level 1 qualification (with a suitable level of English or Maths at key skills or Functional Skills). • Level 1 course • Level 2 course • Level 3 course 4 GCSEs at grade B and 2 at grade C including English Language. You must satisfy the subject entry requirements. 4-5 GCSEs at grade A*-C including English. • Higher Education or Employment • Level 4-6 course You must satisfy the subject entry requirements. Level 3 qualification such as Extended Diplomas or 3 A Levels. • Postgraduate Study •Employment 97% WE ARE PROUD THAT OF STUDENTS SAY THAT THEY FEEL SAFE DURING THEIR TIME HERE STUDENTS STUDIED SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING AND MATHS (STEM) COURSES IN 2014 THE COLLEGE HAS OVER 50 VOCATIONAL COURSES INCLUDING 9 APPRENTICESHIPS STUDENTS ACROSS THE COLLEGE PROGRESSED TO HIGHER EDUCATION IN 2014 LEARNERS ACHIEVED TRIPLE DISTINCTION LAST YEAR, WHICH IS THE EQUIVALENT OF AAA AT A LEVEL 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 7 STUDY PATHWAYS Do you want to go on to university or go straight into work? Whether you study academic, vocational or apprenticeship qualifications at City and Islington College, remember that you still have the choice afterwards of going to university or getting a job. Universities and employers are always keen to take our students because they know we have a high standard of teaching and learning and strong links with businesses. A LEVELS • You must study these subjects for 2 years to get a qualification. • There will not be an AS exam at the end of year 12. These courses are studied at Level 3 over a two year period. Many students who choose this pathway go on to university. You’ll study in a traditional way where your final grades will be based on end of year exams. Most students take three subjects. • You can take a combination of ‘old’ AS subjects and ‘new’ A Levels. In some subjects you will sit an AS exam at the end of year 12. You then go on to study the subject at A2 level in year 13. These courses are directly focused on occupations, so you are learning skills to help you do a particular job or succeed in a type of industry. You’ll gain practical and professional skills as well as theoretical knowledge, which will help you go to university or straight into work. With these courses you are likely to be assessed more on your coursework throughout the year than on end of year exams. Many qualifications include the chance to do work placements, so you can practise what you have learnt in a proper industry environment. English Literature, English Language and Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Psychology, Art, Photography, Fashion & Textiles, Business, Economics, Computer Science and Sociology will all be new linear A Levels from 2015. 8 This means: Eventually all subjects will be ‘new’ A Levels. BTEC VOCATIONAL PATHWAY 98% A LEVEL PASS RATE APPRENTICESHIPS PATHWAY JADE AGBLOE-BAILLIE An apprenticeship is a way for students to gain a qualification while working in a real job and earning some money. PERFORMING ARTS DIPLOMA As an apprentice, you are employed by a business as a full time employee. One day a week you come to college, where you are taught theoretical units in a classroom environment. You will gain practical skills which you can then put into practice when you are at work. The work that you do at college goes towards a vocational qualification and helps you to develop your skills at the work place. The length of an apprenticeship varies but usually lasts between one and two years. KATIE HENDRICK LABORATORY TECHNICIAN APPRENTICE AT HIGHLANDS SCHOOL ENFIELD, JUNE 2014 “I WANTED TO DO AN APPRENTICESHIP AS I WANTED TO WORK AND GET PAID WHILST STILL LEARNING AT THE SAME TIME. I AM GETTING EXPERIENCE AS IT IS HARD TO FIND A JOB WITHOUT EXPERIENCE. WHEN I FINISH THE APPRENTICESHIP I WILL HAVE 2 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE AS A SCIENCE TECHNICIAN AND STILL WOULD HAVE GAINED A QUALIFICATION. I KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT FROM WORKING AND HAVE GROWN IN CONFIDENCE. I ALWAYS ENJOYED SCIENCE AT SCHOOL AND STUDIED TRIPLE SCIENCE FOR GCSE. I ENJOY STUDYING AT CITY AND ISLINGTON AS THE STAFF HELP ME PROGRESS AND TEACH IN AN EXCITING WAY.” 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 AFTER STUDYING FOR A PERFORMING ARTS DIPLOMA AT THE CENTRE FOR BUSINESS, ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY, JADE AGBLOE-BAILLIE GRADUATED TO THE NEW YORK CONSERVATORY OF DRAMATIC ARTS’ PLATFORM YEAR TRAINING PROGRAM. JADE INITIALLY STUDIED AT THE SIXTH FORM COLLEGE BUT FELT SHE WOULD BE BETTER SUITED TO STUDYING PERFORMING ARTS WHICH SHE PASSED WITH A TRIPLE DISTINCTION WHICH IS EQUIVALENT TO A LEVELS. “AT THE COLLEGE MY CLASSMATES AND I BECAME A FAMILY, IT REALLY HELPED ME TO ENJOY MY TRAINING WHILST I WAS THERE. I'VE MADE SOME LIFELONG FRIENDS FROM BOTH CAMPUSES. THE TEACHERS I HAD IN BOTH CAMPUSES ARE PEOPLE I WILL NEVER FORGET. THEY WERE LIKE FRIENDS WHEN YOU NEEDED TO TALK AND GREAT MENTORS WHEN YOU NEEDED ADVICE OR HELP. I WOULD SAY ALL OF MY TEACHERS HELPED ME TREMENDOUSLY TO GET TO WHERE I AM TODAY. IT IS A COLLEGE THAT IS REALLY OUT TO SUPPORT STUDENT NEEDS. IT HAS MANY CAMPUSES, SO YOU CAN DECIDE WHAT SUITS YOU BEST. IT IS FUN AND A GREAT ENVIRONMENT FOR LEARNING; IT WAS LIKE MY SECOND HOME.TRUST ME YOU'LL LOVE IT.” 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 9 ENRICHMENT College life isn’t just about studying hard. We want all students at College to realise their potential. You can take part in a wide programme of activities and events that can build confidence and develop skills, knowledge, abilities and interests. There are opportunities to gain training qualifications and undertake volunteering, get involved in the Student Union, or undertake the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. EMPLOYMENT We regularly hold job fairs and promote employment vacancies to create work experience opportunities for our students. For example, last year 50 students took part in the Lloyd’s Junior Scholars Programme and other students had placements with major companies including investment bank Barclays Capital and law firm Charles Russell. 10 STUDENT UNION Our Student Union provides an opportunity for you to get in involved in the way the College is run through becoming a Class or Centre Representative. The “Student Voice” is an integral par t of the College, and the Student Union President sits on the Governing Body as a Student Governor. Every year the Student Union runs activities, events and campaigns including the Welcome Fair, NUS Extra cards, Jack Petchey Awards, Black History Month, Student Volunteering Week, and many more. APPLY ONLINE AT www.candi.ac.uk/apply 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 11 ENRICHMENT SPORTS AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES JACK PETCHEY AWARDS You can take part in a wide variety of sports and physical activities at the College, ranging from badminton to trampolining and gym to yoga. There is something for everyone! You can even be part of one of the College’s sports teams including football and basketball for men and women and athletics. Last year the two men’s football teams reached the semi-final of the SESSA cup and the men’s basketball team came 4th in the Central London College Basketball League. Each year, students from all five centres attend the Jack Petchey Awards Ceremony at Islington Assembly Hall in January. The event honours young winners aged 11-25, who have been nominated by their peers and have been recognised for making a wholehearted, unselfish and dedicated contribution to their club, school or community. PERFORMANCES AND SHOWS A number of well-attended shows and events provide a platform for students’ creative talents. This year’s big show was “Cinderella” which played to sell-out audiences. Our in-house company Candi Youth Dance performed at a number of venues including Selby’s shop window as part of the Nag’s Head Christmas festival. Blaze (our poetry and spoken word event) took place in April. SUMMER ARTS FESTIVAL Throughout June and July, City and Islington College hosts its annual Summer Arts Festival, showcasing the creative talent of students from across the College. An exciting programme of events includes art and photography exhibitions, music and dance performances and a fashion show. The Summer Arts Festival is an opportunity for our talented students to showcase their work from the past year, across the fields of Art and Design, Visual and Performing Arts. The Festival had over 1000 visitors to the Graphics and moving images exhibitions, the end of year fashion show and drama performances ‘Home’ and ‘Mr Burns’. 12 Sixth Form student Hosanna Makanda started her time at college on an ESOL course and is now studying Law at the University of Birmingham. On winning her Jack Petchey award Hosanna was “impressed with how the Jack Petchey Foundation supports young people in Islington and across the country”. Talented AS Level student, Faye Guy performed a cover of ‘Ordinary People’ by John Legend at the ceremony. This year, 45 of the College’s students received achievement awards, receiving a framed certificate, medallion and £200 to be spent on additional activities or new equipment for their centre of study. FUNDRAISING The Student Union ran regular fundraising events for Islington Giving and other charities in 13/14 with events such as Jumble Sales and Bake Sales. Students at The Centre for Applied Sciences with the support of the Student Union also led on a fundraising appeal for the victims of the Philippines typhoon. DUKE OF EDINBURGH’S AWARD TRIPS The adventure starts here! You can complete the bronze, silver or gold award with us. You’ll have great fun gaining new experiences and friends as well as building self-confidence and developing leadership and organisational skills. Our programme of organised visits will help you to broaden your horizons outside the classroom. Some form part of your course, while others, such as trips to exhibitions and the theatre, are open to all. Last year’s highlights included: RALEIGH INTERNATIONAL • Business students visiting ITV recording studios and meeting Eliza Doolittle as well as appearing live on ITV. You will have the life-changing opportunity to take part in the Raleigh International programme in Tanzania, Borneo, Costa Rica, or Nicaragua. Students spend the Summer abroad working with underprivileged communities on sustainable development projects developing cross-cultural, social and leadership skills. Empower yourself and realise you full potential. PROMOTING DIVERSITY Through classroom based activity, external speakers and displays we promote the diversity of our students. Throughout the year we celebrated Black History Month, International Women’s Day, Lesbian, Gay, Black and Transgender Month and Disability Awareness Day. CLUBS AND SOCIETIES A wide range of clubs and societies operate at the Sixth Form and across all centres. These include the Chemistry Club, Physics Club, History Club, MedicLink (for aspiring medics, run in conjunction with UCL), Talking Religion, Talking Science, Talking Politics, Creative Writing Group, Law Support Group, Robot Club, London Citizens, Geo-Justice, Literary Greats Book Club and the LGBT Student Group. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 • Animal Management students visiting The Sustainability Centre in Hampshire. • A Level Media students visiting Warner Brothers Studios in Hertfordshire. • Sixth Form students visiting the Houses of Parliament on International Women’s day. • Philosophy and French students visiting Paris. VISITING ACADEMICS AND AUTHORS Each term we have a series of talks at the College by leading university academics and authors. Last year the Sixth Form had over 30 visitors including Nobel prize-winning astrophysicist Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, UCL Professor of English John Mullins, anthropologist Professor Judith Okely, University College biologist Professor Steve Jones and writer and commentator Owen Jones. EXHIBITIONS In the summer term, exhibitions are held across the College to celebrate students’ artistic achievements. This year students also participated in creating a special tribute exhibition for Nelson Mandela which included dance performances and poetry recitals. 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 13 ENRICHMENT 14 There are also opportunities to visit external exhibitions in London’s magnificent galleries such as Tate Modern and the Victoria and Albert Museum. The College has excellent film and media facilities and students’ work is showcased at special screenings in cinemas such as the Vue at the Angel. Four Aspire students also took part in a week-long residential at the Villiers Park Study Centre outside Cambridge. Last year, we also arranged for visits to a wide range of other universities, including Corpus Christi College Cambridge, Queen’s College Oxford, Lincoln, Sussex and Manchester. UNIVERSITY LINKS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION One of the benefits of coming to City and Islington College is that we have fantastic links with universities. The College has a partnership with University College London – one of the top universities in the world. This means that there are lots of opportunities to visit UCL and work with their students and academics. Some of this happens at UCL itself. Our Biology students work in the UCL labs as part of their course, and a dozen of our aspiring medical students get to attend undergraduate medical lectures and seminars in the autumn term. Other work takes place on our own campuses including UCL professors giving lectures to our students, and UCL undergraduates working with our classes. Your time at City and Islington College need not end when you leave and go to university or work. We continue to support you after you leave the College and can provide careers management tools and one-to-one advice through our Alumni Association. You will be able to network with past students to widen your business circles and also share your expertise, knowledge and experiences with future generations. By signing up you’ll have access to a great range of free services and additional benefits and we’re adding to the list all the time. Aspire is a new initiative organised in conjunction with University College London. 25 students took part last year and benefited from extra visits to UCL, mentoring by UCL students, and a 6-week twilight class split into humanities and science strands, each led by a UCL postgraduate. Aspire students received priority booking for UCL open days and masterclasses, as well as extra help preparing their university applications. CITY AND ISLINGTON COLLEGE HAS THE LARGEST NUMBER OF 16-18 YEAR OLD STUDENTS IN LONDON 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 15 APPRENTICESHIPS THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS FIND OUT MORE APPRENTICESHIPS@CANDI.AC.UK 0800 980 8434 16 THE COLLEGE OFFERS APPRENTICESHIPS IN: INFORMATION FOR APPRENTICESHIP APPLICANTS • Engineering Environmental Technologies • Get paid and trained at the same time. An apprentice will be paid the current apprenticeship national minimum wage per hour in their first year. • Laboratory and Science Technician • Business and Administration • Veterinary Nursing • Customer Service •Hairdressing • Children’s and Young People’s Workforce • Supply Chain Management • Pharmacy Services *NATIONAL APPRENTICESHIPS SCHEME, OCT 2014 96% OF EMPLOYERS SAY THAT TAKING ON AN APPRENTICE HAS BENEFITED THEIR BUSINESS 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 • Work alongside other members of staff. • Be trained by your employer (on the job) and at College (off the job). • Gain a nationally-recognised qualification. Apprenticeships cover three different levels: Level 2 Intermediate (equivalent to five good GCSEs), Level 3 Advanced (equivalent to two A Levels) or Level 4/5/6 Higher Level Apprenticeships which may include HNC/HND or other professional qualifications. We also offer supported training for 16–19 year old candidates in London Boroughs to help them get into an apprenticeship or sustained employment: • General employability skills including CV preparation and interview skills. • Assisting candidates to apply for College based apprenticeship opportunities in addition to external vacancies. 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 17 SUPPORTING YOUR STUDIES LIBRARIES There is a library at each of the main Centres providing a range of resources, information services and open access IT to support your studies. Library staff are on hand to provide support with your assignments and research, they hold regular drop-in sessions and run themed workshops including study skills and social media. Look out for regular activities and events including book launches and speaker visits. SUPPORT WITH MATHS AND ENGLISH (INCLUDING ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES, ESOL) All students without a grade C in English and/or Maths will follow a programme of study that includes the development of English and Maths skills. During your College induction, you will complete a simple Maths and English assessment to help us identify any requirements that you have. As part of your programme you will be placed into English and Maths classes based upon your previous GCSE grades and/or under previous achievements in these subjects. TUTORIALS AND PASTORAL SUPPORT Regular group and one-to-one tutorial sessions with your personal tutor will help you stay on track and make more progress. Tutorials help you grow in independence and confidence, enabling you to expand your horizons and you’ll be given support to work towards bigger goals. Your personal tutor is also a good person to turn to first if you have any problems at college. If necessary, they can put you in touch with the right people to help. STUDY PROGRAMME The Study Programme at City and Islington College provides you with the opportunities to advance in your career path. So, whether you want to go to university, carry out an apprenticeship or move into work, a Study Programme will help you develop the skills and qualifications to achieve your goals. Students without a grade C in GCSE English and/or maths will follow a programme of study that includes the development of English and maths skills. 93% WE ARE PROUD THAT OF STUDENTS SAY THAT THEY ARE SATISFIED WITH THEIR EXPERIENCE AT THE COLLEGE 18 CAREERS Our Careers Team are dedicated to helping you make the best choice for your future. They can help you with choosing your next steps after finishing your course, applying to university or provide advice and support to find jobs or work placements. “I HAVE USED THE CAREERS SERVICE MANY TIMES AND HAVE RECEIVED AN INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF HELP REGARDING CV PREPARATION, ADVICE ABOUT UNIVERSITIES AND ATTENDING TALKS FROM VARIOUS GUESTS.” RYAN MORRISON 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 19 SUPPORTING YOUR STUDIES 20 MYCANDI ADDITIONAL LEARNING SUPPORT MyCandi, our student intranet is full of information and resources that will help make your life at College easier. You can use MyCandi to check your timetable, find out when your assignments are due or book IT facilities. We offer a wide range of resources to enable students with a disability and/or learning difficulty to have the best possible learning experience. We have resources to help students who are blind or visually impaired, those with physical disabilities and those with dyslexia and dyspraxia. Our goal is to make sure everyone feels welcome and supported. STUDENT ADVICE AND COUNSELLING We have a team of qualified advisors and counsellors who you can talk to in confidence about any issues or worries you may have. Ask our advisers about practical concerns such as finances, benefits and accommodation. Our counsellors are also happy to help with personal or emotional problems. SOCIAL MEDIA Our Facebook and Twitter pages are a great way to find out what’s happening at the College. Find us at www.facebook.com/CityandIslington and www.twitter.com/CitynIslington to stay in touch. •Facebook •LinkedIn •Twitter •Goggle+ Examples of support available: • British Sign Language (BSL) and communication support for deaf students. • Note takers and specialist software for students who are blind or visually impaired. • Support workers for those with medical or physical support requirements. • Readers and extra time in exams for students with dyslexia. • Individual support for students with mental illnesses. • Students who have sensory or physical difficulties can have access to resources such as magnifiers, dictaphones, and in some cases a laptop computer. •YouTube “ONE OF THE BEST THINGS ABOUT MY TIME AT CANDI WAS THE SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE FROM EVERYONE ESPECIALLY THE TEACHERS AND MY TUTOR. THIS WAS CRUCIAL.” RUTE VIEIRA RIBEIRO DA COSTA 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 21 FINANCIAL SUPPORT If you’re aged between 16 and 18 and you are a British citizen, a refugee or an asylum seeker in receipt of Asylum Support (AS), your tuition is free! You might need to pay a small fee towards any materials you use on your course, but the course itself won’t cost you a thing. As a student, you may also be able to access a range of financial benefits and discounts to help you out while you are at College. 16+ OYSTER CARD What you get: Travel at half the adult rate on the tube, the DLR and trams and free travel on buses. What you need: You need to be 16 to 17 years old and live in a London borough. For more information visit: www.tfl.gov.uk/tickets CARE TO LEARN The Care to Learn scheme can help with childcare costs while you study. What you get: You may receive up to £175 a week (deposits paid and holiday retainers). What you need: You need to be a parent aged under 20. You can claim this benefit as long as the other parent is not available to provide childcare (e.g. if they are working) and they are not claiming Childcare Tax Credit. 22 For more information visit: www.gov.uk/care-to-learn/overview NUS EXTRA CARD What you get: A wide range of discounts in shops and leisure centres, including Oasis, ASOS, Amazon, Odeon cinemas, Ticketmaster and Pizza Express. Using your student card could save you hundreds of pounds! What you need: Buy it for £12 from the Student Union. For more information visit: www.nus.org.uk/en/nus-extra COLLEGE NURSERIES What you get: If you are a young parent the College has two nurseries which provide places for students’ children aged 2-5 years. The nurseries are based at the Centre for Business, Arts and Technology on Camden Road (N7) and the Centre for Lifelong Learning in Finsbury Park (N4). APPLY ONLINE AT www.candi.ac.uk/apply COLLEGE BURSARIES What you get: At City and Islington College we offer two types of bursaries ranging from £300-£1,500 per year for eligible students. These bursaries are intended to be used for College related costs such as travel and course related books, materials, trips and visits. Bursaries do not need to be repaid as long as you remain enrolled on a course at the College and maintain an average attendance rate of at least 90%. The bursaries that we offer are: • Mandatory Bursary • Discretionary Bursary For information about eligibility criteria and how to apply for a bursary, visit: www.candi.ac.uk/16-18bursary COUNCIL BURSARIES Many London boroughs offer financial support to young people who stay in education and training. The following council bursaries may also be available to you in addition to the College bursaries: • Islington Year 12 Bursary – Islington Council You should contact your local borough council for more information about financial support available to young people in education. NB: All details of financial support for students were correct at the time of going to print. During this time the entitlement was being reviewed. For up-to-date information please visit: www.education.gov.uk/16to19/studentsupport FREE SCHOOLS MEALS As part of a national scheme, disadvantaged College students are eligible to receive free meals like their counterparts in school sixth forms, if you or your parent/carer are in receipt of one of the following: • Child Tax Credits (gross income less than £16,190) • Income Support • Job Seekers Allowance • Employment Support Allowance • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 • Pensions Credit (Guaranteed Element) • Mayor’s Education Award (MEA) – Tower Hamlets • Southwark’s Educational Maintenance Supplements (SEMS) – Southwark Council 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 23 HOW TO APPLY IN 5 EASY STEPS STEP 1 STEP 4 IDENTIFY THE RIGHT COURSE FOR YOU ATTEND AN INTERVIEW* Do this by: • Once we have received your application you will be invited to interview. • coming to an Open day • looking at our website • reading through the guide STEP 2 COMPLETE AN ONLINE APPLICATION FORM • On the course page click “APPLY” for your chosen course and fill in the application form. Get your application in early as places are allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. STEP 3 ENSURE YOUR SCHOOL COMPLETES AND PROVIDES US WITH A REFERENCE FOR YOU * For applications to the Sixth Form College: We must receive your completed application and reference form by 31 January 2015. Only applicants whose predicted grades meet the entry criteria will be invited to an interview. Additional information about applying to the Sixth Form College can be found on page 74. STEP 5 ATTEND ENROLMENT • Following a successful interview you will be invited to an enrolment session. At the enrolment session you will be given information about starting your course. You will then be a City and Islington College Student. • It is your responsibility to ensure we receive a reference. Your referee must submit the reference within two weeks of you submitting your application. For ESOL courses, you can book an appointment for an assessment and talk to an advisor. Please contact the Course Information Team on 020 7700 9420 or drop into the Centre for Lifelong Learning. 24 APPLY ONLINE AT www.candi.ac.uk/apply 865 WE HAVE DEDICATED STAFF ACROSS ALL SITES TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE YOUR AMBITION CITY AND ISLINGTON COLLEGE SIXTH FORM PARTNERSHIP The following three schools are part of the City and Islington College Sixth Form Partnership. This means that students from these schools are guaranteed a place on an appropriate level course at the College. Schools in the Sixth Form Partnership: 1. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School 2. Holloway School 3. Islington Arts and Media School 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 25 CENTRE FOR APPLIED SCIENCES Welcome to the Centre for Applied Sciences. The Centre has a truly outstanding science offer, and there are many reasons why you should consider studying here. Based in the heart of Angel, Islington, the Centre for Applied Sciences offers a vibrant and supportive environment in which to study. We are a small and friendly centre with a close community of dedicated staff and students. Our staff are highly qualified professionals, and many have recent research and professional experience in their specialist teaching areas. This means that staff can provide you with academic and practical expertise, which is so important if you want to progress into work or further study. SUBJECT AREAS APPLIED SCIENCES...........................................28 ANIMAL CARE.....................................................29 ENGINEERING.....................................................29 FORENSIC SCIENCE........................................31 HEALTH SCIENCE.............................................31 MEDICAL SCIENCE..........................................32 OPTICS......................................................................32 SPORTS SCIENCE..............................................32 APPRENTICESHIPS............................................33 26 We have an excellent record of achievement. Each year more than 200 students progress to university with many studying Medicine, Pharmacy, Optometry, Sports Science, Forensics, Vet Sciences and Engineering. All of these successful students studied on our BTEC and Access courses. You will benefit from some unique facilities as well as close links with many of the industry’s leading companies. Many of our students take up employment in specialist professions such as optical dispensing and crime scene investigation. We offer degree level courses in Personal Training, Football Coaching (with Arsenal FC), Ophthalmic Dispensing, Crime Scene Investigation and Forensics. These two year Foundation Degree programmes are designed to prepare our students for the workplace. Above all, our student success is the best advertisement for what we do at the College. David Swinscoe Director, Centre for Applied Sciences OPEN DAYS Saturday 8th November 2014, 12pm – 3pm Tuesday 27th January 2015, 4pm – 6.30pm Thursday 19th March 2015, 4pm – 6.30pm BOOK ONLINE WWW.CANDI.AC.UK/OPENDAY HOW TO FIND US The Angel, 311–321 Goswell Road, EC1V 7DD Angel (Northern Line) Buses: 4, 19, 30, 38, 43, 56, 73, 153, 205, 214, 274, 341, 394, 476 THE COLLEGE OFFERS MORE THAN 50 VOCATIONAL COURSES 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 27 APPLIED SCIENCES BTEC LEVEL 1 DIPLOMA IN APPLIED SCIENCE LEVEL: 1 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CAS COURSE CODE: AS2200MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? Your progress is assessed throughout the year by a series of assignments, projects and minor tests. This course will provide you with a thorough introduction to science and its applications. You will study combined science, together with communication, numeracy and sustainability. Your progress will be assessed throughout the year on assignments, projects and minor tests. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Units include: Chemistry, Energy, Waves and Radiation, Living Systems, Forensic Detection, Scientific Project, and Health and Disease. • You should have an interest in science and want to succeed. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade E or above including Science, English and Maths, usually with Functional Skills at Entry Level 3. • You should have an interest in science and want to succeed. • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Successful students can progress onto a range of BTEC Level 2 Diploma courses, but most students will go on to courses in science. BTEC LEVEL 2 DIPLOMA IN APPLIED SCIENCE LEVEL: 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CAS COURSE CODE: AS2202MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course offers you a great opportunity to study science and to progress to a wide choice of courses at advanced level. You will study communication and a range of science subjects, together with some specialist options. 28 Units include: Chemistry and the Earth, Waves and Radiation, The Living Body, Investigating a Crime Scene, Scientific Project, Health Applications and Science in Medicine. • 4 GCSEs at grade D or above, including Science, English and Maths or • BTEC Level 1 Diploma in Applied Science, and Functional Skills at Level 1. • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Upon successful completion of the course you can go to the BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science or a variety of Level 3 Diploma courses such as Sports Science, Health Studies, Forensic Science, Ophthalmic Dispensing, Computer Studies or Engineering. Alternatively, you could enter employment within the broad science/medical industry. BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN APPLIED SCIENCE LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CAS COURSE CODE: AS2204MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course offers you a great opportunity to study science and to progress to a wide choice of courses at an advanced level. The course includes plenty of laboratory practical work and visits to industry and places of scientific interest. You will also undertake an extended research project. The emphasis is on continuous assessment, rather than end of year examinations. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade A*-C, (including 2 x Science, Maths and English Language) or • BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Applied Science with Merit or above (usually including Level 2 or above qualification in English and/or Maths e.g. Functional Skills). • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? The course provides the knowledge and skills you need for a career in Applied Science or entry onto a degree course. The range of careers in science is enormous. Our students have progressed to degree courses in Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Forensics, Sports Science and Biomedical Science. WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course is for students wanting to pursue a career in the Animal Industry, be that as a Zoo Keeper, a scientist designing pet foods, a Vet Nurse or even an Animal Health officer. As part of the course you will complete units in a range of animal based studies including animal health and nutrition, biology, exotics, conservation, behaviour and genetics. The course involves lots of practical work and visits to conservation areas, zoos and farms.You will also do an extended research project. The emphasis is on continuous assessment, and projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations and activities. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS BTEC LEVEL 2 DIPLOMA IN ANIMAL CARE LEVEL: 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CAS COURSE CODE: AS3D09MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? As part of this course you will complete a range of animal care disciplines from Animal Health and Nutrition to Behaviour, through practical assignments and visits to conservation areas, zoos and farms. You will also get to study a mixture of animal subjects including the study of Exotic Animals, Animal Biology, Animal Health and Animal Behaviour. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • A minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade D or above and must include Maths and English (science preferred). WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? This course is designed to prepare you for a Level 3 qualification. We offer a BTEC Extended Diploma in Animal Management. You may also choose to pursue a work related qualification such as an apprenticeship. BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN ANIMAL MANAGEMENT LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CAS COURSE CODE: AS3D10MT 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 • 4 GCSEs at grade A*-C, (must include Science, Maths and English) or • Higher Diploma or BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Applied Science with a Merit or above (including Level 2 or above qualification in English and/or Maths e.g. Functional Skills). • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? On successful completion of the course you could go on to study an animal or biological related subject like zoology at university or enter a veterinary nursing course, or you could seek immediate employment within the industry. BTEC LEVEL 2 FIRST EXTENDED CERTIFICATE IN ENGINEERING LEVEL: 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CAS COURSE CODE: AS5001MT WHAT WILL I STUDY This is a vocationally related qualification where learners develop the basic knowledge and understanding of Engineering. You will study Engineering topics such as, The Engineering World, Investigating an Engineering product, Interpreting 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 29 APPLIED SCIENCES and using Engineering Information and Mathematics for Engineering. Some of these units are assessed by external examinations and others mainly by internal coursework. Based on your GCSE grades you may also be required to retake your Maths and English GSCE alongside your Level 2 Engineering qualification. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS A minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade D or above and must include English, Maths and science WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Successful students can progress onto the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Engineering. SAMIRA AMBI STUDIED: EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN APPLIED SCIENCE PREVIOUS SCHOOL: ELIZABETH GARRETT ANDERSON SCHOOL BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CAS COURSE CODE: AS5030MT DESTINATION: DIAGNOSTIC RADIOGRAPHY AT PORTSMOUTH UNIVERSITY WHAT WILL I STUDY? “I LOVE SCIENCE AND MY GOAL WAS TO GO TO UNIVERSITY. I NEEDED A LOT OF DETERMINATION, BUT ALSO THE SUPPORT OF MY TEACHERS. THE FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT AT THE COLLEGE’S CENTRE FOR APPLIED SCIENCES WERE IMPRESSIVE AND I WAS ABLE TO LEARN SO MUCH. I LOVE PHYSICS, ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY AND I REALLY ENJOYED THE DISSECTION EXPERIMENTS WE DID.” You will study a combination of theory, applied theory and practical subjects across a broad range of subjects including: Mechanical Principles and Applications, Electrical and Electronic Principles, Mathematics for Engineering Technicians, Engineering Design, Properties and Applications of Engineering Materials, Applications of Mechanical Systems in Engineering, Health and Safety in Engineering, Principles and Applications of Fluid Mechanics and Engineering Drawing for Technicians. Highly regarded by universities, this course combines academic content with applied technology subjects from Engineering to Design and Manufacture. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must have achieved a minimum of GCSE grade B in Mathematics and at least 4 other GCSEs at grade C including science and English. • We would also consider a Level 2 vocational qualification. • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. 30 WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? After successful completion of this course, students can progress onto a degree course at university. Career opportunities in engineering exist in almost every industry sector including aerospace, automotive, design, electrical, electronics, maintenance, materials, mechanical and test engineering. BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN FORENSIC SCIENCE LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CAS COURSE CODE: AS2209MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course covers core sciences, maths and specialist forensics units. The specialist units include: Forensic Evidence Collection and Analysis, Forensic Fire Investigation, Forensic Photography, Criminal Investigation Procedures and Practices, Criminology and Criminal Psychology. Throughout the course you will be assessed in all subject units through coursework assignments, practical and theoretical tests, presentations and extended projects. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade A*-C, (including double Science, Maths and English) or •BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Applied Science with Merit or above (usually including Level 2 or above qualification in English and Maths e.g. Functional Skills). • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Upon successful completion of the course you can progress onto degree courses in science, forensic science and related subjects. The course is equivalent to three A Levels so universities regard BTEC Extended Diploma students very favourably. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 You will gain the professional skills needed to become a Crime Scene Investigator for the police or a Forensic Science Officer in a forensic science laboratory. BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (HEALTH SCIENCES) LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CAS COURSE CODE: AS2226MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course offers you a great opportunity to study Health Science. You will learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations and activities. You will also take part in a mandatory work experience placement to give you a better understanding of the industry and the roles within it. The emphasis is on continuous assessment, rather than end of year examinations. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: • 4 GCSEs at grade A*-C, (including Science, Maths and English Language) or •BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Science with merit or distinction (usually including Level 2 or above qualification in English and/or Maths e.g. Functional Skills). • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview, assessment and communication skills. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? On completion, you can study a range of health related degree courses, such as Nursing, Genetics, Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Nutrition, Applied Biology, Pharmacology, Biomedical or Biological Sciences, Radiology, Social Work, Chiropody, Teaching and Health Services Management. Where appropriate, students may opt to do Higher National Diploma courses or consider employment in the Health Services. 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 31 APPLIED SCIENCES BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN APPLIED SCIENCE (MEDICAL SCIENCE) LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CAS COURSE CODE: AS2236MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course explores a range of Medical Science theory and practice, and will give you a solid understanding to progress onto Higher Level study. You will also visit laboratories and specialist medical facilities. Assessment is through coursework and laboratory practical work rather than end of year examinations. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade A*-C (including 2 x Science, Maths and English Language) or • BTEC Level 2 in Applied Science with merit or distinction and Functional Skills at Level 2. • You must also have very good communication skills. • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? On completion, you can study a range of medically related degree courses, such as Genetics, Nutrition, Applied Biology, Pharmacology, Biomedical or Biological Sciences, Radiology, and Chiropody. Where appropriate, students may opt to do Higher National Diploma courses or consider employment in the Medical sector. DIPLOMA IN OPHTHALMIC DISPENSING LEVEL: X DURATION: 2 years (full time) 3 years (day release) LOCATION: CAS COURSE CODE: AS1X10MT (full time option) AS1X12MT (day release) 32 Students on this course must fund the cost of the course themselves or arrange for their employers to cover it. WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course covers all of the topics required for the professional examinations of the Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) including: Theory of General Optics, Theory of Ophthalmic Lenses, Theory and Practice of Ophthalmic Dispensing, Professional Conduct and Communications, The Assessment and Management of Refractive Errors, Low Vision, Basic Principles of Contact Lens Wear. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS 5 GCSEs with grade C or above which must include Maths, English and Science and two other subjects of your choice. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Practice as a Dispensing Optician, or enrol on the Contact Lens Opticians course to qualify as a Contact Lens Optician. Some students who finish the course with exceptional marks, may apply through UCAS to study Optometry. BTEC LEVEL 2 EXTENDED CERTIFICATE IN SPORT LEVEL: 2 DURATION:1 year LOCATION: CAS COURSE CODE: AS2216MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? If you are hoping to work in areas such as coaching, sports therapy, gym management or personal training this may be the right starting point for you. The course is taught by specialist sports science staff in a superb sports science laboratory with the latest equipment. This course combines both practical and theoretical aspects of Sport Science such as: Anatomy, Health and Safety, Sports Psychology, Nutrition, Fitness Testing and Practical Sport. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade D or above (including Science, Maths and English) or • Level 1 Diploma in Science with merit or higher and Functional Skills at Level 1 in Maths and English. • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? On completion, you can progress on to the BTEC Extended Diploma in Sport Science or you may take up employment within the sports and leisure industry which is one of the most rapidly growing sectors of the local economy. BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT SCIENCE LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CAS COURSE CODE: AS2219MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course is taught by specialist sports science staff in laboratories with the latest equipment, learning a range of subjects from biomechanics to sports rehabilitation. The course includes core sciences, anatomy and physiology, exercise physiology, sports psychology and sports nutrition. As part of the course you will have access to specialist facilities including a sport science lab, a new gym featuring weights and aerobic equipment (designed specifically for sport science classes), and access to an indoor sport hall. As part of this course you will also have the opportunity to take the CYQ Level 2 Fitness Instructor qualification. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade A*-C, (including Science, Maths and English) or 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 • BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Sports or Science with merit or higher and Functional Skills at Level 2 in Maths and English. • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? You can progress on to Sport and Exercise related degree courses, such as: Sports Science, Coaching, Exercise Physiology, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Biomechanics, Occupational Therapy, Strength and Conditioning, Personal Training, Clinical Physiology or Sports Nutrition. LEVEL 3 DIPLOMA IN VETERINARY NURSING (ADVANCED APPRENTICESHIP) LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years and 2 terms LOCATION: CAS COURSE CODE: AS2W02MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? The Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing provides college-based theoretical learning as well as handson training within a veterinary practice. This course equips you with the skills and knowledge to become a qualified and registered Veterinary Nurse. It will train you in all the practical and theoretical aspects that enable you to enter the profession. You will study a set of core units and then six additional units following the Small Animal Pathway. This course provides you with theoretical knowledge through college-based learning as well as the opportunity to apply this knowledge in a practical environment through hands-on training within a veterinary practice. You will gain the technical skills and understanding needed to undertake a range of duties, including diagnostic tests, medical treatments and minor surgical procedures under veterinary direction. 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 33 APPLIED SCIENCES ENTRY REQUIREMENTS To get on the course you will need five GCSEs at grade C or above. These passes must include English Language, Maths and a science subject. To be eligible for this course you will need to be in relevant employment and be supported by your employer. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? After successful completion of the course, you will be eligible to join the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Register of Veterinary Nurses. This will entitle you to practice as a qualified veterinary nurse. LABORATORY AND SCIENCE TECHNICIAN (ADVANCED APPRENTICESHIP) LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 1-2 years LOCATION: CAS COURSE CODE: AS2W06MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? The work of laboratory and science technicians cover a broad range of roles from those who support scientists and engineers in research and development to those who provide quality assurance or analytical science services. They can also be found in schools, colleges and universities supporting teachers of science and technical learning. Some of the biggest global business organisations are to be found in the science industries. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS To get on the course you will need five GCSEs at grade C or above. These passes must include English Language, Maths and a science subject. To be eligible for this course you will need to be in relevant employment and be supported by your employer. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Upon successful completion you can progress to a higher level apprenticeship or continue in your career. 34 VIDDAL RILEY STUDIED: BTEC EXTENDED DIPLOMA IS SPORT SCIENCE PREVIOUS SCHOOL: NORTHUMBERLAND PARK COMMUNITY SCHOOL “WHEN I WAS AT SCHOOL I SAW THE PROSPECTUS AND WAS IMPRESSED AT THE COURSES CITY AND ISLINGTON OFFERED WHICH OTHER COLLEGES DID NOT. EACH SPORT SCIENCE TEACHER SPECIALISES IN A DIFFERENT AREA, SO YOU KNOW WHO TO GO TO FOR SPECIFIC HELP AND ANSWERS. THE COURSE HAS HELPED ME MOST WITH DIET, NUTRITION AND LIFESTYLE. I NOW KNOW MORE ABOUT MY MUSCLES, WHY I GET DRAINED AND HOW I CAN RECOVER QUICKER. IT HELPS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE. IT HAS ENHANCED MY KNOWLEDGE AND I KNOW THAT BEING THE BEST IN YOUR SPORT IS ABOUT FAR MORE THAN JUST PERFORMANCE. SINCE TAKING THE COURSE I HAVE NOT LOST A FIGHT IN BOXING AND I HAVE QUALIFIED FOR THE YOUTH OLYMPICS, WHICH I CANNOT WAIT TO COMPETE IN.” 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 35 CENTRE FOR BUSINESS ARTS ANDTECHNOLOGY Welcome to the Centre for Business, Arts and Technology. This Centre offers some of the best state-of-the-art music and media equipment in London. We are committed to developing our learning spaces to meet the changing needs of each curriculum area. Our centre boasts a 150-seat capacity theatre for our performing arts students; music recording and photography studios; Apple Mac computers, a café and both indoor and outdoor recreational space for you to enjoy during your breaks. You can expect high standards of teaching and tutorial support to help you achieve your learning goals. You can also access careers advice and personal support when you need it. As part of your studies, you will get the opportunity to take part in exciting projects, such as our Summer Arts Festival and Alternative Fashion Week. We also work in partnership with key universities, who provide guest lecturers and trips to enhance your studies. We believe in creating a work-life balance for our students and provide opportunities for you to participate in a range of enrichment activities, trips and visits to make your time at the College productive, enjoyable and fun. We have an excellent reputation for achievement and we will make every effort to help you achieve your goals and progress onto higher education or into employment. Stephen Davis Director, Centre for Business, Arts and Technology 36 SUBJECT AREAS ART AND DESIGN............................................38 BUSINESS STUDIES...........................................40 INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY...................................................43 MEDIA........................................................................46 PERFORMING ARTS.........................................48 DANCE......................................................................48 MUSIC........................................................................49 OPEN DAYS Wednesday 12th November 2014, 4pm – 6.30pm Thursday 22nd January 2015, 4pm – 6.30pm Wednesday 11th March 2015, 4pm – 6.30pm BOOK ONLINE WWW.CANDI.AC.UK/OPENDAY 84% HOW TO FIND US 444 Camden Road, N7 0SP Holloway Road (Piccadilly Line) Buses: 4, 19, 29, 43, 91, 153, 253, 254, 259, 271, 279, 393 OF OUR STUDENTS SAY THAT ADDITIONAL LEARNING SUPPORT (ALS) HAS HELPED THEM MAKE PROGRESS DURING THE YEAR 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 37 BUSINESS ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY ART AND DESIGN FOUNDATION LEARNING IN ART AND DESIGN LEVEL: 1 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT4005MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course is designed to encourage you to develop the personal skills and qualities you need for work, learning and to help you achieve your full potential. The course is a practical hands-on programme which teaches you skills in art and design techniques along with video and audio production techniques. Each module is taught in the context of real jobs and careers in your chosen vocational sector. This gives you the chance to explore the opportunities offered and to acquire appropriate skills. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS 4 GCSEs at grade E or above. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? After successfully completing the course, you can progress onto a Level 2 course or move into employment. BTEC LEVEL 1 DIPLOMA IN ART AND DESIGN LEVEL: 1 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT4004MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course is designed to encourage you to develop the personal skills and qualities you need for work, learning and to help you achieve your full potential. The BTEC Diploma in Art and Design is a practical hands-on programme which teaches you skills in art and design such as drawing, painting, print and sculpture. Each unit is taught in the context of real 38 jobs in the creative industry. This gives you the chance to explore and develop appropriate skills in making 2D and 3D artwork. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS 4 GCSEs at grade E or above. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Following this course, you can progress to the BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Art and Design. BTEC LEVEL 2 DIPLOMA IN ART AND DESIGN LEVEL: 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT5010MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course is designed to develop your creative skills in the direction of Visual Ar t or Fashion. You will be able to understand how the ar ts can be used and build up a por tfolio of work for progression onto a higher level course. Throughout the course, you will have the oppor tunity to develop your creativity in drawing, 2D and 3D visual language, computers, printmaking, photography and fashion. You will explore theory and history alongside practical skills development. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You will need 4 GCSEs at grade D or above and • A portfolio of artwork. • Commitment to developing your art and design skills for progression to a higher level course. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? On successful completion of the course, you can progress to higher level courses, such as the BTEC Extended Diploma in Ar t and Design or the BTEC Extended Diploma in Ar t and Design (Fashion and Clothing). BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN ART AND DESIGN LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT5015MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course will give you experience in different Art and Design disciplines. Each term you will work on a number of assignments and exhibit your practical work around the College with an end of year final exhibition. Day to day, you will engage in practical workshops, lectures, debates, gallery visits and independent research. You will learn new skills and develop experience in a number of specialist techniques and approaches. You will develop your creative potential while improving your understanding of visual language. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • A portfolio of artwork. • 4 GCSEs at grade A*-C including English. In addition you will need a GCSE grade A/B in Art, or • BTEC Level 2 Diploma with merit or distinction and Functional Skills, English at Level 2. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Following the course, you can progress onto a BTEC Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Art and Design. In some cases, students progress directly to Degree, Foundation Degree or Higher National Diploma courses. SUMMER ARTS FESTIVAL Throughout June and July City and Islington College hosts its Summer Arts Festival, showcasing the creative talent of students from across the College. An exciting programme of events includes Art and Photography exhibitions, Music, Dance and Drama performances and a fashion show. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN FASHION AND CLOTHING LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT5018MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course combines technical training in pattern cutting and garment production. You will develop skills in drawing and computer aided design, as well as the personal qualities and attitudes essential for a career in the fashion industry. You will work on a variety of design projects that involve research, exhibition and museum visits, design development, garment making, fashion illustration and presentation. You will also develop individual projects for your final collection and fashion show. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • A portfolio of work. • 4 GCSEs at grade A*-C including English. In addition you will need a GCSE grade A/B in Art, or • BTEC Level 2 Diploma with merit or distinction and Functional Skills English at Level 2. • You must be keen and motivated to gain the qualification. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Following the course, you can progress to a Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Art and Design, or a Foundation Degree in Fashion with Textiles. You may also be eligible to progress directly to a degree or a Higher National Diploma course at university or college. FOUNDATION DIPLOMA IN ART AND DESIGN LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: Design Pathway: BT5001MT Fine Art Pathway: BT5002MT Textiles with Fashion Pathway: BT5003MT 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 39 BUSINESS ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course introduces you to a range of art and design ideas and processes in preparation for degree level study in Design at the best UK art institutions. The course gives you an opportunity to try many aspects of art and design within a chosen pathway: fine art, design, or textiles with fashion. The broad experience and skills you acquire on this course will help you to explore your own potential and build a portfolio of work. You can study traditional skills, combined with experimental techniques. The course also includes contemporary art theory and practice and an end of year exhibition of work. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • A portfolio of work. SINEM SAHIN • 1 A Level and 3 GCSEs (grade A*-C) including an A or B in Art or a closely related subject or STUDIED: FOUNDATION DIPLOMA IN ART AND DESIGN • 2 A Levels and 2 GCSEs (grade A-C) including A* or B in Art or a closely related subject or DESTINATION: LONDON COLLEGE OF FASHION • 5 GCSEs at grade A*-C including an A or B in Art or a closely related subject or SINEM IS A HARD OF HEARING STUDENT AND HER TIME AT THE COLLEGE HAS TRANSFORMED HER SKILLS AND SELF-ESTEEM. • BTEC Extended Diploma or overseas equivalent. "AT SCHOOL I WAS NOT HAPPY IN MYSELF AND I DID NOT ENJOY EDUCATION. COMING TO THE COLLEGE I HAVE MADE SO MANY FRIENDS AND HAVE DEVELOPED MY CREATIVE SKILLS SO MUCH. I HOPE AFTER STUDYING TO START MY OWN DESIGN LABEL." WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Following the course, you can progress to a range of related degree courses and a wide range of careers, including in the film and creative industries. Last year many of our Foundation Diploma in Art and Design students progressed to university, the majority choosing The University of the Arts and Goldsmiths College. BUSINESS BTEC ENTRY LEVEL 3 DIPLOMA IN VOCATIONAL STUDIES LEVEL: Entry Level DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT4030MT 40 WHAT WILL I STUDY? The course will develop your knowledge and understanding of the business world. You will study core units on business, travel and tourism and ICT plus Functional Skills in Maths and English. It is designed for young people who have underachieved at school and offers a direct route to Level 1 and the opportunity to achieve their full potential. It will further develop your literacy, numeracy and vocational skills. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • At entry level no formal qualifications are required. • Good attendance record. • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Progress onto a Level 1 course at College in a range of subjects including: business, ICT, media, science and art and design. BTEC LEVEL 1 DIPLOMA IN VOCATIONAL STUDIES LEVEL: Entry Level/Level 1 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT4002MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? The course will develop your knowledge and understanding of the business world with a strong focus on the retail environment. You will also study some ICT units and some units which focus on personal and career development. This course is also designed to improve Functional Skills English and Maths. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You need GCSE grades E or above, in Maths and English or • Entry Level 3 in English and Maths. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 • Applicants must also have a good reference which demonstrates good behaviour, attendance and punctuality. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? After successfully completing all elements of the course (including English and Maths) you can progress onto a Level 2 course or move into employment. BTEC LEVEL 2 DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS LEVEL: 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT3003MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course will provide you with a broad knowledge of business and covers three core units and nine other units. The core units are: Enterprise in the Business World, Finance for Business and Principles of Marketing. You will also develop your skills in communication, numeracy and IT plus practical employability skills. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade D or above (including English/ Maths) or • BTEC Introductory Diploma with merit or distinction and Functional Skills at Level 1. • BTEC Certificate Level 1. • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? On completion of the course, you can progress to a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma or a BTEC Level 3 Diploma, or another related subject. Alternatively, you may choose to find a job as an administrator or in a customer service role. 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 41 BUSINESS ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY BTEC LEVEL 3 DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT3018MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course develops your knowledge and understanding of business and the business world. During the two-year course, you will study 12 units which cover a wide variety of business topics. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: • Three GCSEs at grade A*-C, including English and Maths, or • BTEC First Diploma and Functional Skills at Level 2. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Upon completion of this course, you can progress to university to study an HND in business or a business degree. Alternatively you can enter into employment or an apprenticeship. BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT3005MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course develops your knowledge and understanding of business and the business world. You will study three pathways which include business, management and marketing. During the two-year course, you will study 18 units which cover a wide variety of business topics. Some examples of units studied are: Starting a Small Business, Creative Product Promotion, Internet Marketing, Managing a Business Event and Developing Teams in Business. You will develop valuable employability skills in addition to skills in communication, numeracy and IT. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade A*-C including English and Maths or • BTEC Level 2 Diploma with a merit or distinction 42 and Functional Skills at Level 2. • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. • Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? On completion, you can progress to university to study a business degree with a specialism such as Accounting, Business Management, Marketing or Human Resources. You can also progress into employment in areas such as business management, marketing, finance and retail. Alternatively you can study for an apprenticeship. BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS (EVENTS MANAGEMENT) LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT3011MT/ BT4011MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course gives you a broad initial knowledge and understanding of Events Management and Business. During the two-year course, you will study 19 units and gain work experience in an events management environment. There are 4 core units and 15 specialist units including Events, Conferences and Exhibitions, Hospitality Operations and Project Management. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade A*-C including English and Maths or • BTEC Level 2 Diploma with a merit or distinction and Functional Skills at Level 2. • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? On completion of the course, you can progress to university to study events management or business, or enrol on an HNC course in business management. IT FOUNDATION LEARNING IN IT USERS LEVEL: 1 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT4010MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? You will use digital devices including scanners, cameras, graphics tablet, flash cards and networking. This course includes work skills studies to prepare you for the world of work and is also designed to improve Functional Skills English and Maths. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • For Entry Level no previous qualifications are needed. PATRICIA MBATA • For Level 1, 2 GCSEs at grade E or above, including English and maths or STUDIED: BTEC EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS • Relevant employment skills. DESTINATION: PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPRENTICESHIP AT PHOENIX, AN IT CONSULTANCY FOR LAW FIRMS BASED IN THE CITY OF LONDON “THE TEACHERS HERE ARE SO HELPFUL AND PASSIONATE ABOUT WHAT THEY DO; THEY WANT TO PUSH YOU SO THAT YOU CAN ACHIEVE YOUR POTENTIAL AND THEY DON’T WANT YOU TO FAIL.” • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? After successfully completing the course, you can progress onto a Level 2 course or move into employment. BTEC LEVEL 2 DIPLOMA FOR ICT PRACTITIONERS LEVEL: 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT8008MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course gives you the opportunity to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal qualities and attitudes essential for successful performance for working in an IT environment. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 43 BUSINESS ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY The course is made up of seven units: Communicating in the IT Industry, Working in the IT Industry, Computer Systems, Spreadsheet Modelling, Multimedia Design, Presenting Information and Animation Techniques. You will undertake several problem-solving assessments that closely match challenges found in the workplace. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade D or above (including English and Maths) or • BTEC Introductory Diploma with merit or distinction in four units and key skills at Level 1 or • Relevant employment experience. GULSAH SAMI • You must have very good communication skills. STUDIED: DIPLOMA FOR IT PRACTITIONERS (2009 – 2011) WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? ALUMNI “I HAD ALWAYS HAD AN INTEREST IN IT AND HAD HEARD GOOD THINGS ABOUT THE COURSE AT CITY AND ISLINGTON COLLEGE ONLINE. THE TEACHERS AT THE COLLEGE WERE VERY INSPIRING AND WOULD SUPPORT YOU WITH ANY PROBLEMS YOU HAD THAT WOULD HELP YOU PROGRESS. WE ARE STILL IN CONTACT WITH THE TEACHERS AT THE COLLEGE AND THEY STILL SUPPORT US AND GIVE US ADVICE. I LEARNT A LOT ON THE COURSE WHICH HAS REALLY HELPED ME IN MY ROLES AT VIRGIN MEDIA AND HALIFAX.” On successful completion and gaining an overall merit or distinction you can progress on to a higher level study, such as the BTEC Extended Diploma for IT Practitioners. You also need to pass your re-sits GCSE or Functional Skills. BTEC LEVEL 3 SUBSIDIARY DIPLOMA IN IT LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT8021MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course covers a range of general and specialist IT units. In Year 1, the course focuses on developing transferable employment skills in a variety of business and IT work related scenarios. The units studied include Communications, E-commerce and Computer Games Design. You will need 6 units to achieve the Subsidiary Diploma. Learners also have the opportunity to get Microsoft IT Academy certification in Access and Excel. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • At least four GCSEs at grade A-C, including science, English and Maths, or 44 • DIDA (4 GCSE Edexcel equivalent), or • Relevant work experience, or • BTEC Diploma with a Merit or Distinction. • You must have very good communication skills. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Most students progress to a second year of study to do the Diploma in IT. The Subsidiary Diploma is equivalent to 1 A Level (up to 140 UCAS points). Some students go immediately into employment. BTEC LEVEL 3 DIPLOMA IN IT LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT8017MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course helps you acquire the professional skills needed by businesses using IT systems or to progress to degree courses in IT such as Computer Science, Networking or Multimedia/Web Design. This course enables you to gain the professional skills needed by businesses using IT systems. During the course you will study 6 units in Year 1 and 6 additional units in Year 2. The core units are: Communication and Employability Skills for IT, Computer Systems, Information Systems. Additional units can include: Computer Games Platforms and Technologies, Computer Animation, Website Authoring, Multimedia Design and Apps development. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade A-C in related subjects including English and Maths, or • BTEC First Diploma (Level 2) with Merit or Distinction with Level 2 Functional Skills in both Maths and English • You must have very good communication skills WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? You can progress to degree courses in IT, Business Information Systems, Computer Science, Multimedia/ 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 Web Design, Software Design, and Networking. You may also choose to go immediately into employment. The BTEC Level 3 Diploma in IT is equivalent to 2 A Levels (up to 240 UCAS points), and students are regarded favourably by universities and businesses. BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN IT LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT8018MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course covers a range of general and specialist IT units. In Year 1, the course focuses on developing transferable skills in a variety of business and IT work related scenarios. This leads to Year 2 which will focus on developing analytical, design and evaluative skills. The course is made up of 18 units with 9 in each year, covering a range of subjects from Computer Systems, Information Systems and Communications through to Computer Games Platforms, Animation, Web Animation, Multimedia Design, Apps development, Game Technologies, to Computer Game Design using CryEngine. The units offered are constantly evolving to reflect changes in technology and student interest and will vary from year to year. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade A-C, in related subjects including English Language and Maths or • BTEC First Diploma with a Merit or Distinction with Maths and English Language both at grade C or above. • You must have very good communication skills. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? You can progress to degree courses in IT, Business Information Systems, Computer Science, Multimedia/ Web Design, Software Design, and Networking. The BTEC Level 3 Diploma in IT is equivalent to three A Levels (up to 420 UCAS points) and students are regarded favourably by universities and businesses. 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 45 BUSINESS ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY MEDIA FOUNDATION LEARNING IN MEDIA LEVEL: 1 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT4007MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course is a practical, hands-on programme that teaches you skills in design and media techniques, including video and audio production techniques. MAGDELAINE GIBSON STUDIED: EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN CREATIVE MEDIA PRODUCTION DESTINATION: STUDYING VISUAL MERCHANDISING AT UNIVERSITY MAGDELAINE GIBSON WON THE MEDIA LEARNER OF THE YEAR AWARD AT OUR ANNUAL STUDENT AWARDS, AND IS GOING ON TO STUDY VISUAL MERCHANDISING AT UNIVERSITY AFTER OVERCOMING SIGNIFICANT DIFFICULTIES IN HER PERSONAL LIFE THIS YEAR. “I HAVE LEARNT DURING MY TIME HERE THAT EDUCATION IS NOT JUST ABOUT TEACHING, BUT HAVING THE OPPORTUNITY AND BEING INSPIRED TO GO OUT AND FIND YOURSELF AND PURSUE A CAREER IN AN AREA YOU LOVE. I HAVE HAD SO MUCH SUPPORT FROM THE COLLEGE THIS YEAR AND THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN SOMEONE TO TALK TO AND GET HELP AND ADVICE WHEN I HAVE NEEDED IT.” You will be working with state-of-the-art equipment. Each module is taught in the context of real careers in your chosen vocational sector. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • For Entry Level no previous qualifications needed. • For Level 1 you need 4 GCSEs at grades E or above including Maths and English or Entry Level qualification (usually including Entry Level 3 Skills in English and Maths). • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? After successfully completing the course, you can progress onto a Level 2 course or move into employment. BTEC LEVEL 2 DIPLOMA IN CREATIVE MEDIA PRODUCTION LEVEL: 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT6005MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? You will develop ways of looking at and analysing media, studying products such as print products and television documentaries. Key practical skills covered include video camera operation, lighting and editing. 46 Your studies will focus on working as part of a production team to create media products based on current creative industry practices. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • BTEC Level 2 Diploma with a merit or distinction and Functional Skills at Level 2. • 4 GCSEs at grade D or above, including English and Maths. • BTEC Level 1 qualification in Media with Functional Skills. • Maths and English at Level 1. • A good reference. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Following the course, you can progress to Level 3 or Access to Higher Education courses. Some students with very high grades and very good production work may apply for university courses. BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN CREATIVE MEDIA PRODUCTION LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT6010MT/ BT6016MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course is a practical, work-related course. You will learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands. You will develop the skills you need to start your Creative Media career including using industrystandard camera and lighting equipment and Adobe editing software. You will develop skills in Film and Video Editing Techniques, Digital Graphics for Interactive Media, Factual Programme Production Techniques, Music Video Production, Advertising, Social Action and Community Media Production, Presentation Techniques, News Production for Radio, Photography and Photographic Practice, Interactive Media Authoring and Web Animation for Interactive Media. • 4 GCSEs including Maths and English at grade A*-C or • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? BTEC Diplomas are valued by employers and Higher Education (universities and colleges). Following the course, you could seek employment in TV, film and video production or radio. Alternatively, you could progress to university or college to study for an Honours Degree or a Foundation Degree in digital media. BTEC LEVEL 3 DIPLOMA IN CREATIVE MEDIA PRODUCTION – RADIO LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT6012MT/BT6013MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This specialist diploma has been designed to work exclusively in conjunction with CANDI Radio, the College’s own radio station. You will present live music shows, produce news bulletins and commercials promoting the station, presenters and their shows using industry standard software Adobe Audition, the Burli Newsroom editing software and the Synergy Broadcast Suite. You will also broaden your media industry skills with units that will include digital graphics and web design, photography and video editing. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs including Maths and English at grade A*-C or • BTEC Level 2 Diploma with a merit or distinction and Functional Skills at Level 2. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 47 BUSINESS ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Progression could take you to a Foundation Degree, an HND or a related BA degree. PERFORMING ARTS BTEC LEVEL 2 DIPLOMA IN PERFORMING ARTS (ACTING) LEVEL: 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT7003MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? You will have the opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and understanding in all areas of the performing arts, dance, drama and music. Performing is a key part of the course with regular performances throughout the year. You will produce a varied repertoire leading up to an end of year production, which, if possible, is taken on tour. You will study: The performing arts business, devising plays, acting, performing dance, performing scripted plays. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade D or above including one humanities subject or • Level 1 vocational qualification with a Merit (including Functional Skills Level 1). • Applicants must also attend an audition, have a good reference, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Students from this course have an excellent record of progression to Level 3 courses. You can progress onto a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Performing Arts 48 on either an Acting or Interdisciplinary pathway, Dance AS/A2 Level or into related employment. BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN PERFORMANCE LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT7008MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course is divided into two pathways: Interdisciplinary or Acting. Through both pathways students will develop key performance and industryrelated skills. On the Acting pathway, students will explore traditional acting techniques, TV and film acting and classical theatre performance. On the Interdisciplinary pathway students will develop a cross-arts approach to creating performance with an emphasis on physical and contemporary musical theatre. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade A*-C, including English Language or • BTEC Level 2 Diploma with merit or distinction and Functional Skills at Level 2. • Students wanting to join this course will need to attend an audition and an interview. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? You can go onto Higher Education or to further training at a drama school or to related employment. Past students have progressed to Central School of Speech and Drama, Middlesex University, De Montfort University and Dartington College. BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN PERFORMING ARTS (DANCE) LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT7010MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course develops students as dancers, choreographers and performers in a variety of styles, including from contemporary to ballet. You will study different aspects of dance including contemporary dance, ballet, jazz dance, choreography, physical theatre, movement, performing arts in context and the performing arts business. The course also covers the history of dance and the performing arts industry. Dance performance is a major part of the course, with the chance to perform in the College theatre and a range of external venues. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade A*-C including English Language or • BTEC Level 2 Diploma with merit or distinction and Functional Skills Level 2. • You need to demonstrate your skills and potential in dance through an audition. ARMIN KARIMAGHAEI WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Following the course, you can progress to the College`s Foundation Degree in Dance, which focuses on African and Caribbean dance, urban dance and contemporary. STUDIED: BTEC EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN PERFORMING ARTS (PERFORMANCE) You can also go on to study at institutions such as Laban Centre, London Studio Centre, Middlesex, Roehampton, Northern School of Contemporary Dance and LIPA. NOW: STARRING IN AND FILMING BBC SERIES “WATERLOO ROAD” PREVIOUS SCHOOL: CENTRAL FOUNDATION BOYS' SCHOOL “I TOOK THE COURSE AT CITY AND ISLINGTON COLLEGE AND MY PASSION FOR ACTING JUST GREW AND GREW. I HAVE LEARNT SO MUCH FROM MY TEACHERS, WHO ARE NOT JUST TEACHERS BUT FRIENDS. THEY ARE VERY INSPIRING, CALM AND PROVIDE YOU WITH THE WHOLE PACKAGE TO PURSUE A CAREER IN THE INDUSTRY.” BTEC LEVEL 2 DIPLOMA IN MUSIC LEVEL: 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT7004MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course covers live performance to develop your repertoire and technical ability as a musician.You will also study composition to record and perform your own pieces throughout the year. The music business will be examined to develop your awareness of the different aspects within the music industry.You will study the following units: the music industry, performance, music technology, composition, and music theory. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 49 BUSINESS ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade D or above including English Language, or • BTEC Foundation Learning with a merit or distinction and Functional Skills at Level 1. • Applicants must also attend an audition, have a good reference interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Students from these courses have an excellent record of progression to Level 3 courses such as BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Music. BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN MUSIC PRACTICE LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: BT7013MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This practical and theoretical course will give you the opportunity to develop as a musician/performer and gain an insight into how the music industry operates. We have industry-standard music technology facilities that will equip you for music recording and production. You will study different aspects of music such as popular and contemporary music performance, song writing and technology, business, and instrumental and vocal lessons. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS •4 GCSEs at grade A*-C, including English Language or • BTEC Level 2 Diploma with merit or distinction and Functional Skills at Level 2. • You will have an audition on your main study (instrument or voice). During this audition you will also complete an aural and comprehension test. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? 50 Following the course, you can progress to Higher Education at university or a specialist music college. Many students have progressed to a range of institutions, including Lancaster University, Goldsmiths, and The University of Westminster. Many students also gain employment in the music industry or related industries. Previous students have performed/worked with a number of artists and companies, including Basement Jaxx, The Streets, Estelle and Soundbwoy Ent. SUMMER ARTS FESTIVAL Throughout June and July City and Islington College hosts its Summer Arts Festival, showcasing the creative talent of students from across the College. An exciting programme of Events includes Art and Photography exhibitions, Music, Dance and Drama performances and a fashion show. DURING THE SUMMER ARTS FESTIVAL THERE WERE 21 PERFORMANCES, EXHIBITIONS AND SHOWS THAT TOOK PLACE 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 51 HIGHER EDUCATION AT CITY AND ISLINGTON COLLEGE START YOUR DEGREE WITH US Did you know you can study university-level qualifications here at City and Islington College? We offer Foundation Degrees, HND and HNC courses from Crime Scene and Forensic Investigation to Fashion and Textiles. WE CAN OFFER YOU: •A dedicated space to study in one of our two HE HUBS •Smaller class sizes •Lower course fees •Progression to the third year of a degree at University FIND OUT MORE PICK UP OR DOWNLOAD HE GUIDE FROM THE COLLEGE VISIT WWW.CANDI.AC.UK/HE EMAIL HEDEGREES@CANDI.AC.UK OR CALL THE COURSE INFORMATION UNIT 020 7700 9200 52 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 53 CENTRE FOR HEALTH, SOCIAL AND CHILD CARE Welcome to the Centre for Health, Social and Child Care. Here you will have access to the highest standards of teaching and individual support to help you succeed. The Centre for Health, Social and Child Care is a Centre of vocational excellence in Beauty Therapy, Child Care, Hairdressing, Health and Social Care, Skillsbase (supported learning), Woodwork and Furniture Making (supported learning). In our salons at the Centre for Health, Social and Child Care and the Centre for Lifelong Learning students are taught: • Beauty Therapy •Hairdressing In the kitchen and woodworking workshops at the Centre for Business, Arts and Technology, students are taught: • Skillsbase (supported learning), • Woodwork and Furniture Making (supported learning) All other courses are taught at the Centre for Health, Social and Child Care. We are very proud of our students’ success and our tutors are passionate about enabling our learners to gain their qualifications. As well as working hard, we want our learners to enjoy their time with us. Our learners have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of enrichment activities. 54 Each year our students achieve results above the national average and progress to employment or higher level courses within the College or at university. All students in Child Care and Health and Social Care (except for Level 1 Health and Social Care and Level 2 Public Services students) will have a work-related placement and this is an integral part of their work assessment. Students in Supported Learning (Skillsbase and Woodwork courses) will also have access to work placements where appropriate as we have high aspirations for all learners to progress into the world of work. You will have a personal tutor and a team of experienced advisers to make sure practical issues and personal problems do not get in the way of achieving your qualification. If you prioritise your studies and take full advantage of this opportunity to achieve success, we can promise you an enjoyable and rewarding time. We have an internet café, which is a great place to relax and socialise with friends. We also have a wellresourced library to help you with your studies, with bookable open access PCs, a workshop and a silent area. Helen Kent Director, Centre for Health, Social and Child Care OPEN DAYS Wednesday 12th November 2014, 4pm – 6.30pm Thursday 22nd January 2015, 4pm – 6.30pm HOW TO FIND US Marlborough Building, 383 Holloway Road, N7 0RN Holloway Road (Piccadilly Line) Buses: 4, 17, 29, 43, 91, 153, 253, 254, 259, 271, 279, 393 Wednesday 11th March 2015, 4pm – 6.30pm BOOK ONLINE WWW.CANDI.AC.UK/OPENDAY SUBJECT AREAS BEAUTY THERAPY ...........................................56 HAIRDRESSING ..................................................57 CHILD CARE ........................................................58 HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE .................60 PUBLIC SERVICES ..............................................61 SKILLS BASED LEARNING ..........................62 APPRENTICESHIPS ...........................................64 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 55 HEALTH, SOCIAL AND CHILD CARE HAIR AND BEAUTY NVQ LEVEL 2 DIPLOMA IN BEAUTY THERAPY LEVEL: 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS1002MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? SIMONE-ALALADE BOBB SUBJECTS: BEAUTY THERAPY PREVIOUS SCHOOL: MOUNT CARMEL COLLEGE FOR GIRLS DESTINATION: UNIVERSITY OF BEDFORD TO STUDY BEAUTY AND SPA MANAGEMENT BUSINESS HONOURS AFTER HER DEGREE SHE PLANS TO WORK ON CRUISE SHIPS USING HER SKILLS IN THE CARIBBEAN. “THE COURSE HAS REALLY CHANGED MY LIFE AS WHEN I WAS IN SCHOOL I WAS NOT INTERESTED IN A LOT OF THE SUBJECTS BUT I REALLY ENJOY THIS AREA. MY TUTOR HAS BEEN VERY INSPIRATIONAL AS SHE HAS WORKED IN THE INDUSTRY.” This is an intermediate level course for 16 to 18s, enabling students to grasp the practical and theoretical aspects of beauty therapy, from facials to physiology. You will study techniques for facials, hair removal, eyebrow and eyelash treatments, manicure and pedicure, health and safety, reception, customer relations, and the relevant anatomy and physiology. You will practise all aspects of treatments on a wide range of customers in a realistic salon environment. You will also study functional skills in English. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade D or above including English or • Level 1 relevant qualification (usually including an Entry Level 3 or above qualification in English and/ or Maths). • Applicants must also have a good reference, interview and assessment. • A keen interest in beauty therapy. • Skills in working with people. You may need to pay for a kit and uniform depending on your financial circumstances WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? On completion, you can progress on to a range of Level 3 courses including: beauty therapy and holistic therapies. 56 NVQ LEVEL 3 DIPLOMA IN BEAUTY THERAPY LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS1009MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? On this advanced course, you will study modules in face/body electrics, electrolysis, head/body massage, salon management, commercial studies, health and safety and the relevant anatomy and physiology. You will practise all aspects of treatments on a wide range of customers in a realistic salon environment. Professional tutors will provide guidance and tuition in all areas of beauty therapy theory and practice. You will also study functional skills in English. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • NVQ Level 2 in Beauty Therapy. • Suitable level of functional skills English. • You may need to pay for a kit and uniform depending on your financial circumstances. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? The Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Beauty Therapy provides learners with the necessary understanding and skills to work as a senior beauty therapist or salon manager. Students can progress into other areas of the beauty industry and or directly into employment or self-employment with this qualification as a Beauty Therapist. Progression opportunities also exist in the form of specialist vocationally related qualifications at Level 3. LEVEL 2 DIPLOMA IN HAIRDRESSING STUDIES LEVEL: 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS1014MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? Through this qualification you will develop both skills and knowledge in health and safety for yourself, your 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 peers and your clients. You will learn how to conduct a thorough consultation prior to starting a service and understand how the choice of shampoos and conditioners can affect the hair and scalp. You will be able to cut basic haircuts and dress clients’ hair, and know about the various colouring and lightening products and techniques. You will also study Maths and English and carry out practical assessments on paying clients. You will be trained by professional market leaders from within the industry. There will be an element of work experience additional to the assessments carried out within our salons. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • A keen interest in hairdressing. • Skills in working with people. • Entry level 3 or above qualification in English and/or Maths. • Good references and a successful interview. You may need to pay for a kit and uniform depending on your financial circumstances. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Learners can progress to vocationally related qualifications at level 3. This qualification may lead directly into employment in the Hairdressing industry as a junior hairdresser in a salon. LEVEL 3 DIPLOMA IN HAIRDRESSING STUDIES LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS1025MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This qualification is comprised of all the required elements to work effectively as a advanced hairdresser/stylist including: health and safety; client consultation; advanced cutting; styling and colouring techniques; and selling products and services to clients. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • Level 2 qualification in Hairdressing 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 57 HEALTH, SOCIAL AND CHILD CARE WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? The VTCT Level 3 Diploma in Hairdressing Studies (QCF) is a technical level qualification that provides learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills to work as an employed and/or self-employed hairdresser. This qualification is based on Hairdressing National Occupational Standards (NOS) and is recognised by the UK’s leading hairdressing trade bodies/professional associations (i.e. National Hairdressing Federation, The Hairdressing Council, The Freelance Hair and Beauty Federation) as being fit for purpose for preparing learners for a career as an advanced hairdresser/stylist. CHILD CARE EDEXCEL VOCATIONAL STUDIES (ENTRY 3) (QCF) LEVEL: Entry Level DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS4005MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course is for learners who are interested in developing a career in health, social and child care. The course covers a range of mandatory and optional units including Career Progression, SelfAssessment, Planning for the Physical Care Needs of Children Age 0-3, Introduction to Creative and Leisure Activities for Children and Adults. As par t of the course you will develop your understanding and skills in health, social and child care. LEVEL: 1 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS4010MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? The course introduces you to the skills and knowledge required to work with young children. It enables you to develop yourself and prepare you for your next steps in your chosen career. You will develop the knowledge, understanding and skills required to work, with young children, and study a range of units. Each unit has a credit value attached. You must achieve 13 credits to complete this course successfully. To help you to develop your skills and understanding of childcare you will study: Sharing learning experiences with children, Human growth and development, Healthy living, Supporting babies, Self-development, Preparing for the next steps. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade E, one of which must be English Language, or an entry level vocational qualification (including Entry Level functional skills in English). • Applicants must also have good references, interview and assessment. Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview. • Evidence of two weeks work experience with children under eight. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • Disclosure or criminal background/police check. No previous qualifications are required for this course. Applicants must have a good reference, interview and assessment. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? You can progress on to the Level 1 Award / Certificate in Caring for a Child / Children. 58 CACHE LEVEL 1 AWARD CERTIFICATE AND DIPLOMA IN CARING FOR CHILD/CHILDREN (QCF) On successful completion of the course, you may progress onto CACHE Level 2 Award, Certificate and Diploma in Childcare and Education or CACHE Level 2 Award or Certificate for the Children and Young People’s Workforce. CACHE LEVEL 2 CERTIFICATE IN AN INTRODUCTION TO EARLY YEARS EDUCATION AND CARE (QCF) LEVEL: 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS4009MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course helps you gain the skills and the knowledge required to work in a supervised capacity in various childcare settings through theoretical exploration and practical experience. All units will be internally assessed using a range of methods. This could include direct observation within the workplace, a portfolio of evidence, written assignments or a task set by CACHE. Some learning outcomes within this qualification will require assessment in a real work environment. CACHE LEVEL 3 DIPLOMA IN EARLY YEARS EDUCATION AND CARE (EARLY YEARS EDUCATOR) LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS4015MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course will prepare you to become an Early Years Educators, enabling you to work with children from birth to 5 years and gain knowledge of children aged 5 to 7 years. The units of this qualification have been structured around four themes: Health and well-being, Legislation – frameworks and professional practice, Playdevelopment and learning for school readiness and Professional development. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS All units will be internally assessed using a range of methods. This can include observation within the workplace, a portfolio of evidence, written assignments or a task set by CACHE. • 4 GCSEs at grade D which should include English Language or ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • Level 1 related vocational qualification (including Entry Level 3 in Functional Skills English). • Applicants must also have good references, interview and assessment. • Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview. • Evidence of two weeks work experience with children under eight. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Upon achievement of this qualification, you can progress into various job roles in the statutory, voluntary or private sectors, such as Nursery Assistant, Classroom Assistant, Pre-school Assistant. You can also progress on to the CACHE Level 3 Early Years Educator qualifications and other Level 3 qualifications relating to child care. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 • 4 GCSEs at grade C or above (one must be English Language and one must be GCSE Maths) or • Level 2 Childcare qualification at grade C or above or • Level 2 Health and Social Care qualification at Merit Level. • Two satisfactory references, one of which should provide satisfactory evidence of the two weeks group experience with children aged under 7. • You must be willing to undertake a considerable amount of study in your own time. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Learners can progress into various job roles in the statutory, voluntary or private sectors such as Practitioner in day nurseries, Practitioner in nursery schools, Practitioner in reception classes in primary schools and Pre-school worker. 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 59 HEALTH, SOCIAL AND CHILD CARE BTEC LEVEL 1 DIPLOMA IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE LEVEL: 1 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS5001MT LEVEL: 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS5004MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course includes units investigating health and social care, and understanding health and wellbeing. You will also study Functional Skills, English and Maths. This course is for school leavers and young people interested in exploring the vocational areas of health and social care. This Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care expands your knowledge of health and social care through work experience in a health and social care setting. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • GCSEs mainly at grade E or above one of which must be English Language, or • An entry level qualification (including entry level functional skills in English). • Good references and a successful interview. • An interest in health and social care. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? You can progress to a BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care or a Level 2 course in other vocational areas such as Science, Leisure and Tourism, and Business. 46% OF OUR BTEC EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE STUDENTS ACHIEVED THE TOP MARKS POSSIBLE WITH TRIPLE DISTINCTIONS 60 BTEC LEVEL 2 DIPLOMA IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Units include communication and individual rights within the health and social care sectors, individual needs in the health and social care sector, vocational experience in a health and social care setting. You will study functional skills English and Maths. You will also go on a placement to experience working in a health and social care setting. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade D or above, one must be English Language or • BTEC Level 1 Diploma in Health and Social Care or Level 1 related vocational qualification (including Entry Level 3 in Functional Skills English). • You must show evidence of an interest in health and social care. • You must provide references and attend an interview and assessment, where you can show your record of achievement or other examples of work. • Some work experience in the care services would be useful. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Successful students may progress to Level 3 health and social care courses or go into work. BTEC EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS5016MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Studying health and social care in depth and preparing for university or work in the health and social care professions. • 4 GCSEs at grade D and above, one of which must be English Language or a You will study effective communication, equality, diversity and rights, anatomy and physiology, social sciences and complete a research project. You will also go on placement to experience working in a health and social care setting. You will also study functional skills in English and Maths. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade A*-C, one of which must be English Language or • BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care at merit (including Level 1 or above in English and Functional Skills). • Good interview, strong references. • A clear interest in working in health and social care and working in the care services would be useful. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Go to university or into work. BTEC LEVEL 2 DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC SERVICES LEVEL: 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS5026MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? • BTEC Level 1 Diploma and Entry Level 3 qualification in English. • You must show evidence of an interest in public services. • You must provide references and attend an interview, where you can show your record of achievement or other examples of work. • Experience of working with the public would be useful. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? This course gives students the opportunity to enter employment in the Public Services sector: police, fire service, ambulance service and local government or go onto a Level 3 course in Public Services BTEC LEVEL 3 DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC SERVICES LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS5025MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? The course will give you the opportunity to develop a range of skills and techniques, personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in working life. You will be assessed through coursework, presentations and tests throughout the course. This course will help you develop knowledge and skills to work with uniformed and non-uniformed public services, for example police, fire service, ambulance service and local government. During the course you will take part in many work related activities including visits and trips. You will study modules including: Units include Improving health and fitness for entry into uniformed service, Practical teamwork in public services, and personal skills for public service. You will also study functional skills in English and Maths. • You will go on trips and visits and carry out a lot of work-related experience. • Government, policies and public services. • Leadership and teamwork in the public services and citizenship. • Diversity and the public services. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • 4 GCSEs at grade C or above including English Language or 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 61 HEALTH, SOCIAL AND CHILD CARE • BTEC Level 2 qualification at merit or above in a related subject and Level 1 or above in Functional Skills English. • Experience of working with the public would be useful. • Applicants must also have good references (academic and work experience), interview and assessment. • Your commitment and interest in the subject will also be assessed during the interview process. PATHS FOR LIFE – DRAMA LEVEL: Entry DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS3004MT This course is for students with learning disabilities who want to gain catering experience. The Organic Cafe is a two year course for young people aged 1624 with learning disabilities which focuses on creating healthy, organic and vegetarian food, selling to staff and students within the Centre for Life Long Learning. You will also have the opportunity to take part in work experience catering events in college and externally. Some of the skills you will learn: handling money, communication, customer service, menu planning, preparing and cooking food, work experience in catering, using computers and IT, how to work in a team, food hygiene and running a café. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS No specific entry requirements. WHAT WILL I STUDY? WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? This is an Entry Level course for 16-24 year olds with learning difficulties who are interested in the performing arts, including drama, dance and music. After successful completion of the course you can progress into work or further training in catering. You will study communication through drama and music. English and Maths is embedded throughout the practical activities. You will take part in performances both in College and at external events. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • No formal qualification is required, but a willingness to perform in front of others is desirable. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? You may progress into work in the performing arts industry. You may study another subject at Entry Level 3. You may progress into other training opportunities. EDEXCEL DIPLOMA IN SKILLS FOR INDEPENDENCE AND WORK – ORGANIC CAFÉ LEVEL: Entry DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS3012MT 62 WHAT WILL I STUDY? SKILLSBASE LEVEL: Entry DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: HS3023MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? In the first year you will develop your independence with cooking, cleaning, shopping, money management, being safe at home in the community and travel. You can study creative skills, horticulture, independent living skills, catering and hospitality, practical skills, sport and recreation. You will get lots of support and encouragement, including a personal tutor to help you. You also have the opportunity to gain work experience in your chosen pathway. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS This course is for students with barriers to learning who have either a statement of educational needs, are receiving additional learning support in school or who are being supported by outside agencies. No previous qualifications are required. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? You can go into voluntary, supported or paid work. You can access higher level courses in college (Entry Level 3, Level 1). You can go into other training. LEVEL 2 C&G WOODWORK AND FURNITURE MAKING – SUPPORTED LEARNING LEVEL: 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: HS3030MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? You will develop practical skills in a range of woodwork and furniture making techniques. You will carry out theory lessons in a classroom and practical activities in a professional workshop environment within the College. You will also develop your Maths, English and ICT skills. You will also have the opportunity to undertake work experience. You will study for a range of Level 2 City and Guilds qualifications including: Basic woodworking skills, Wood turning and carving, Cabinet making, Veneering and Marquetry. You will also study literacy and numeracy, which can lead to a qualification in Functional Skills. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • GCSE grade E or above in Maths, English, Design Technology or Art. • Successful completion of a Level 1 course. • Mature, responsible and works safely, certified by references and National Record of Achievement folder. • Strong interest in woodwork and furniture making and willingness to work hard physically. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Progression is mainly into the furniture-making or wood construction industry. You may also access further work-based training. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 63 HEALTH, SOCIAL AND CHILD CARE ENTRY LEVEL 3 PRACTICAL WOODWORKING SKILLS LEVEL: Entry DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CBAT COURSE CODE: HS3031MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? You will develop practical skills in a range of woodwork and furniture making techniques. You will carry out theory lessons in a classroom and practical activities in a professional workshop environment within the College. You will also develop your Maths, English and ICT skills and have the opportunity to undertake work experience. You will be based mainly in the workshop at our Camden Road Centre (Centre for Business, Arts and Technology) and you will study basic woodworking skills as well as art and design. You will build on your basic literacy and numeracy skills, as well as personal and social development. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You need to have achieved Entry Level 2 qualifications either at school or on the Skillsbase course in College • Have an interest in practical woodwork and design • You need to demonstrate safe and responsible behaviour in the workshop WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? On completion, you can progress on to the Level 1 Furniture Making course. LEVEL 3 CHILDCARE APPRENTICESHIP LEVEL: 3 DURATION: Variable LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS7W01MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course develops the knowledge and skills relating to the Children Young People’s Workforce to ensure that students deliver the best possible care and support. 64 The advanced apprenticeship framework will cover all the knowledge and skills included in the Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce and functional skills at Level 2 in Maths, English and ICT. Therefore any childcare settings opting for an apprentice will gain a fully rounded and well qualified individual with appropriate and thorough knowledge, skills and a positive attitude highly valued by the sector. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • Employed in the Child Care sector, working at a level where they may either be working on their own or supervising others • Reference from employer • Excellent attitude to work and study at Level 1 in Maths and English. Therefore any salon opting for an apprentice will gain a fully rounded and well qualified individual with appropriate and thorough knowledge, technical skills and a positive attitude highly valued by the industry. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • Applicants should be in paid employment • One vocational reference and one academic reference • Excellent attitude to work and study • Mature, responsible and safe behaviour • Commitment to study and work • Entry Level 1 in Maths and English • Mature, responsible and safe behaviour WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? • Commitment to study and work On completion of this programme, you can further progress your careers in the industry by entering the Advanced Level Hairdressing Apprenticeship or the Advanced Diploma in Hair and Beauty Studies. Apprentices can also progress into employment as a junior stylist or other job roles within hairdressing related industries. There are opportunities for a career in a variety of locations including salons, spas, hospitals, care homes, prisons, department stores, hotels, airlines and holiday resorts as well as working freelance. • Level 1 in Maths and English WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Achievement of the advanced apprenticeship programme will enable you to access higher level jobs within the sector, e.g. Nursery Supervisor, Nursery Manager, Pre-school Manager/Co-ordinator, etc. There is also the opportunity for apprentices to go on to further study at higher levels, particularly working towards a Foundation Degree in Early Years. HAIRDRESSING APPRENTICESHIP LEVEL 2 LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: CHSCC COURSE CODE: HS7W04MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This apprenticeship is a work based learning route into employment for the hairdressing industry, using qualifications that combine both skills and knowledge. The apprenticeship framework will cover all the technical skills and knowledge included in the Level 2 Diploma in Hairdressing (NVQ) and functional skills 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 65 CENTRE FOR LIFELONG LEARNING The Centre for Lifelong Learning is an award-winning building, in London’s Finsbury Park. We welcome students from all over the world, and have lots of young people studying on our courses for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Alongside your course you will receive practical help and support, as well as take part in a lively enrichment programme, including visits to sports centres, adventure centres, theatres and other events in and around London. Developing English, Maths and ICT skills, together with work experience, our goal is to help our young learners progress. For many this is a vocational course, or on to GCSE and A Level programmes. For others, we help them move straight into employment. With excellent teaching, plenty of support, help and advice and lots of activities, we know you will enjoy your time with us and take the next step towards your goal. Grant Glendinning Director, Centre for Lifelong Learning 66 HOSANNA MAKANDA STUDIED: ESOL AT CENTRE FOR LIFELONG LEARNING THEN PROGRESSED TO STUDY A LEVELS AT THE SIXTH FORM COLLEGE DESTINATION: LAW AT UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM HOW TO FIND US 28–42 Blackstock Road N4 2DG “I DID NOT KNOW MUCH ABOUT ENGLAND WHEN I CAME HERE. I HAD AN AMAZING ESOL TEACHER WHO SAW THINGS IN ME THAT I DID NOT KNOW MYSELF. SHE TOLD ME VERY EARLY ON THAT I SHOULD TAKE A LEVELS. I WAS SO QUIET AND HAD NO CONFIDENCE, BUT SHE ENCOURAGED ME SO MUCH. Finsbury Park (Piccadilly and Victoria Lines) Buses: 4, 19, 29, 106, 153, 210, 236, 253, 254, 259, 279, W3, W7 I PARTICULARLY LIKED THE FACT THAT IT FELT RELAXED. THERE IS A FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT AT CLL AND IT JUST MAKES LEARNING SO MUCH EASIER. WE WERE GIVEN PRESENTATION TASKS, FORCING US TO SPEAK MORE CONFIDENTLY IN ENGLISH IN FRONT OF AN AUDIENCE.” 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 67 LIFELONG LEARNING ESOL 16-18 PROGRAMME LEVEL: Entry to Level 2 DURATION: 1 year LOCATION: CLL COURSE CODE: LL3036MT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course has been designed specifically for learners who have recently arrived in the UK or who have only had a few years of secondary education and are speakers of other languages who need extra support with English to progress onto higher level study or employment. Subjects include: • English: reading, writing, listening and speaking •Maths •IT •Citizenship ESOL classes range from Entry 1 to Level 2. Maths is from Entry to GCSE (Level 2) and ICT from Entry 1 to Level 2. Tutorial support is a key feature of the programme, and classes go on a variety of trips and do enrichment activities from football to first aid. For some learners there is the chance to volunteer and gain work experience. All students will develop employability skills that will help them in the world of work. Careers guidance and discussions about progression are an important part of the course. A Youth Worker provides specific support for learners on this programme. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Learners should be between 16 and 18 years old on 31 August 2015 and can start at various points in the year, generally between September and March. The courses are for those who speak English as a second/ other language. There are groups from beginners up to and including Level 2. There is a specialist group for those with quite good spoken English (e.g. Entry 3) and beginner Literacy (Reading and Writing). The programme is suitable for those who have only had a few years' secondary education in the UK or are recent arrivals. At initial interview, advisers will discuss applicants' aims, and their English, Maths and 68 IT will be assessed. Applicants will then be advised of the most appropriate programme. You do not need previous qualifications to enrol on this course. WHAT CAN I DO AFTER THE COURSE? Currently some learners progress onto vocational courses, such as Applied Sciences (CAS) or Childcare (CHSCC). Other learners progress to the next level of ESOL or onto specialist courses at other colleges. Several of the vocational courses at the College develop language skills alongside vocational ones (e.g. ESOL and Childcare E3 and Level 1, ESOL and Beauty Therapy Level 1 and Level 2, ESOL and Hairdressing Level 2). Some learners with the highest level of ESOL and an appropriate educational background are able to join A Level or Access programmes. ESOL courses are for people whose first language is not English. We have courses at all levels from Entry (Beginners) to Level 2 (equivalent to GCSE). You will also study maths and IT. Your level will be tested on entry. Courses are in the morning or afternoon. On all courses you will have the opportunity to take external qualifications (e.g. Cambridge). Your class teacher will advise you as appropriate. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 69 SIXTH FORM COLLEGE Welcome to the Sixth Form College. We are a specialist A Level centre with over 25 years proven success and an outstanding record of achievement. In 2014, our overall A Level pass rate was 98% and students achieved a 100% pass rate in 22 subjects and the Extended Project Qualification. WHAT CAN WE OFFER YOU? SUPPORT We specialise in preparing you for higher education and have an extensive range of subjects on offer. Our teachers are A Level specialists, many of them examiners. In 2003, we moved to our purpose-built site in The Angel, Islington, with its superb facilities specially designed for A Level teaching. You will receive individual study support from your tutor, and a dedicated Higher Education advisor will help you with: • making choices for university • writing your personal statement • interview practice SUBJECT AREAS A LEVEL RESULTS .............................................72 SIXTH FORM COLLEGE APPLICATIONS ..................................................74 A LEVEL ENTRY CRITERIA .........................75 A LEVEL COURSES ..........................................76 70 The Careers Department organise talks by different universities and also gives you the chance to speak to a range of employers to help you with decisions about your future. You will have the opportunity to visit and work with staff from universities such as University College London and Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. OPEN DAY Saturday 8th November 2014, 10am – 3pm BOOK ONLINE WWW.CANDI.AC.UK/OPENDAY STUDY PROGRAMME Your study programme will contain many opportunities for you to expand your skills, knowledge and interests. Alongside your qualifications we have a wide range of sports, societies and activities that anyone can join that will give you the opportunity to develop as a rounded individual. Some activities may be linked to your subjects. For example, Biology students take part in a residential field trip, Drama students work with the Almeida Theatre and Art students visit London galleries. HOW TO FIND US The Angel, 283-309, Goswell Road, EC1V 7LA Underground: Angel (Northern Line) Buses: 4, 19, 30, 38, 43, 56, 73, 153, 205, 214, 274, 341, 394, 476 We look forward to meeting you in 2015. Keren Abse Director, Sixth Form College 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 71 SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A LEVEL RESULTS Deciding where to move on to from school is probably one of the most important decisions you will have to make, so it is vital that you do the research and find the right option for you. Previous exam results are a good measure for this, as they will enable you to assess how effective a college is at helping its students to achieve. IN 2014, OUR OVERALL A LEVEL PASS RATE WAS AN OUTSTANDING 98% WITH AN EXCEPTIONAL 70% ACHIEVING A*-C GRADES. 72 A LEVEL RESULTS AT THE SIXTH FORM COLLEGE BOARD SUBJECT PASS RATE A*-E PASS RATE A*-C EDEXCEL BIOLOGY 93.1% 49% EDEXCEL BUSINESS STUDIES 97.9% 77% OCR CHEMISTRY 98.7% 59% AQA COMPUTING 81.0% 24% OCR CRITICAL AND CONTEXTUAL STUDIES 100.0% 67% AQA DANCE 100.0% 77% EDEXCEL DRAMA AND THEATRE STUDIES 100.0% 77% EDEXCEL ECONOMICS 98.7% 70% OCR ELECTRONICS 100.0% 63% AQA ENGLISH LANG. AND LIT. 100.0% 65% OCR ENGLISH LITERATURE 100.0% 67% WJEC FILM STUDIES 100.0% 92% OCR FINE ART 94.9% 54% EDEXCEL FRENCH 100.0% 63% EDEXCEL FURTHER MATHEMATICS 93.3% 67% EDEXCEL GEOGRAPHY 100.0% 77.4% EDEXCEL GERMAN 100.0% 100% EDEXCEL GOVERNMENT & POLITICS 97.3% 64% OCR GRAPHICS 88.2% 29% EDEXCEL HISTORY 100.0% 78% EDEXCEL ITALIAN 100.0% 100% EDEXCEL MATHEMATICS 93.2% 64% OCR MEDIA STUDIES 100.0% 95% EDEXCEL MUSIC 100.0% 33% EDEXCEL MUSIC TECHNOLOGY 90.0% 30% AQA PHILOSOPHY 100.0% 81% OCR PHOTOGRAPHY 100.0% 69% EDEXCEL PHYSICS 93.0% 54% AQA PSYCHOLOGY 98.0% 69% OCR RELIGIOUS STUDIES 100.0% 72% AQA SOCIOLOGY 100.0% 80% EDEXCEL SPANISH 100.0% 90% OCR TEXTILES 100.0% 82% OCR TURKISH 100.0% 93% 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 73 SIXTH FORM COLLEGE SIXTH FORM COLLEGE APPLICATIONS Places at our Sixth Form College are in high demand, so it is advisable to apply early to have the best possible chance of success. Here is a brief summary of the application and enrolment process to help you understand the system. OPEN DAYS Our Open Day is 8 November 2014. At this event, you can take a tour of the Centre and receive information, advice and guidance about our courses from teaching staff and our careers team. Support with online applications and copies of this guide will be available at the Open Day. WHEN TO APPLY We recommend that you complete and return your application form as soon as possible after our Open Day. You can apply online or by paper. We strongly encourage applicants for A Levels to apply in November/December. If your application is received later than 31 January it is unlikely that we will be able to offer you an interview due to the number of applications we receive. Completed applications received after 31 January will only be assessed if the courses you have chosen are undersubscribed For details about how to apply, see page 24. REFERENCES Completed application forms must include a school or college reference, usually from a form tutor, head of year or another teacher who knows you well. It is important that your school processes your reference promptly so that your form is not delayed. 74 Online applications will not be processed until your school completes their section of the form. On receipt of your completed application form and reference, we will send an acknowledgement postcard or email to the home address provided. We aim to send this out within 10 working days of receiving your application. INTERVIEW DAYS If we receive your application before 31 January, we will invite you to attend an interview in early March. This is an essential part of our application and enrolment process. At your interview, you will meet a member of teaching staff who will discuss with you the programme of study you wish to follow. After your interview, we will contact you with a provisional offer of a place. You will need to reply to this offer. We will also invite you to our Taster Day in July. Please note that completing this process does not guarantee you a place on any course. No-one has a place until they have attended enrolment in early September and completed the enrolment procedure. Enrolment on any course is dependent on your GCSE grades meeting the entry requirements and on places being available. LOCAL SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS The College has a Sixth Form Partnership with three Islington schools: Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, Holloway and Islington Arts and Media. If you attend one of these schools and submit your application form by the end of January, you will be invited to enrol before applicants from other schools or colleges. This entitlement will also apply to City and Islington College returners. ENROLMENT Our enrolment days will be 2-4 September 2015. Our enrolment is based on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. We enrol applicants who have achieved the necessary grades in the order in which we received completed application forms. Again, this is dependent on places being available. A LEVELS ARE CHANGING If you cannot attend at your given enrolment time, you will give up your place in the enrolment queue. This could result in failure to get a place on one or more of your chosen courses. For details about our online application system, see page 24. Some A Levels are changing and will be in a new linear A Level style from September 2015. This means: GENERAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: A LEVELS • You must study these subjects for 2 years to get a qualification. There are two types of A Level courses. With old style A Level courses, you take AS Levels in Year 1 and A2 Levels in Year 2. With new style A Levels you will take all your exams at the end of the second year. • There will not be an AS exam at the end of year 12. • You can take a combination of ‘old’ AS subjects and ‘new’ A Levels. • Most students study three subjects at A Level. To do this, you need to have passed at least four GCSE subjects at grade B or above and at least two more at grade C or above, including English. NEW STYLE A LEVELS FROM 2015 •English Literature • It is a government requirement that any student who has not achieved at least a grade C in English Language or Maths needs to continue with this subject as part of their study programme. •Fashion & Textiles • English Language •Business and Literature •Economics •Biology •Computer •Chemistry Science You may currently be studying additional qualifications with your GCSEs at school. For entry to A Level courses at the Sixth Form College, we will be assessing your application on your GCSE grades only. •Physics •Sociology •History •Graphic Communication •Psychology •Art Other qualifications are valuable and will help us understand your skills. • History of Art •Photography In some subjects you will sit an AS exam at the end of year 12. You then go on to study the subject at A2 level in year 13. Eventually all subjects will be ‘new’ A Levels. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 75 A LEVELS BIOLOGY A LEVEL NEW STYLE A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASBIOMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? A Level Biology includes a substantial practical element. You will carry out a number of significant practical activities relating to topics including microbiology, genetics, animal behaviour and ecology.Your practical skills will be assessed in the College and will lead to an endorsed certificate awarded alongside your A Level. You will be assessed by exams at the end of the course. There will be questions in the A Level exams relating to practical work. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS LINA NIELSEN SUBJECTS: A LEVELS IN BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, GEOGRAPHY (A*BA) PREVIOUS SCHOOL: CONNAUGHT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS DESTINATION: CHEMISTRY AT QUEEN MARY “I OVERCAME MEDICAL DIFFICULTIES IN THE WINTER WHICH MADE STUDIES DIFFICULT. I GOT BETTER RESULTS THAN I EXPECTED. I’M ABSOLUTELY BUZZING. THE BEST THING IS THE FREEDOM THAT YOU CAN TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR STUDIES. I WOULD RECOMMEND MY COURSE AS THE FACILITIES FOR SCIENCES ARE OUTSTANDING.” 76 • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses which are based on your GCSE results. • In addition, you must achieve at least grade B in GCSE Mathematics and at least grade B in both GCSE Core and Additional Science or grade B in both GCSE Biology and another science subject. * Biology must be taken in combination with at least one other subject from the following list: Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Geography or Electronics. BUSINESS STUDIES A LEVEL NEW STYLE A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASBUSMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This A Level develops conceptual understanding of business decision-making, considering the business issues from a variety of different perspectives. The course teaches you how to consider issues and problems arising in businesses, from a variety of different perspectives. You will study the challenges involved in starting a business, how firms organise the production of goods and services, how businesses engage in financial planning and decision-making and the ways in which firms market their products, influence sales and compete effectively. 20 per cent of the content is maths based and you will be assessed by exams at the end of the second year. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • In addition, you must achieve at least grade B in GCSE Mathematics and at least grade B in both GCSE Core and Additional Science or grade B in both GCSE Chemistry and another science subject. • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for AS Level courses. • In addition, you must achieve at least a grade B and a grade C in at least two written subjects e.g. History, Geography, Humanities, English Literature, Business, Religious Studies (full course), English Language. • Because of the mathematical content of the course we would prefer you to have achieved a grade B or above in Maths. CHEMISTRY A LEVEL NEW STYLE A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASCHEMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? You will gain an insight into the work of chemists and the many ways chemistry is used in everyday situations. The course you will study will contain a range of different modern contexts in which chemistry has an important role; for example the petrochemical industry as a source of raw materials which are converted into modern materials such as Kevlar and Teflon; the chemistry behind environmental concerns such as the destruction of the ozone layer and global warming, and the chemistry behind the development of new medicines. Practical work will be an important part of the course with an emphasis on providing students with opportunities to develop and practise their investigational and problem-solving skills. There are many opportunities for practical work encouraging the development of hands-on practical skills. These skills will be assessed in a specially designed written paper at the end of the A Level course. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses, which are based on your GCSE results. * Chemistry must be taken in combination with at least one other subject from the following list: Maths, Physics, Biology. COMPUTER SCIENCE A LEVEL NEW STYLE A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASCOMMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? In Computer Science, there is a great emphasis on problem solving which means being able to analyse problems in a logical way and devise solutions. Often the solutions will take the form of computer programs which you will learn to design, code and test. You will develop your skills in advanced techniques such as object-oriented programming. You will also learn about the fundamentals of computer systems. This will involve learning about the computer as an electronic device, about logic gates and Boolean algebra as well as studying binary and other number bases. Networks and web technologies are important areas of Computer Science and you will learn about underlying theory as well as about recent developments in this fast changing area. In the second year of the course you will undertake a significant programming project which you will choose yourself. It is strongly recommended that you do some computer programming to help you decide if the subject is right for you, as programming is a very large component of the course. Any language will do, for example Python, Visual Basic, Java, C# (HTML is fun to 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 77 A LEVELS learn and use but it is not a programming language so it will not give you a good idea of what programming is about). ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses, which are based on your GCSE results. • In addition, to study this subject you must achieve at least a grade B in GCSE Mathematics and pass a computing aptitude test before enrolling. • Because the course has significant mathematical content you will need to take either Maths or Electronics alongside Computer Science. CREATIVE WRITING A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASCREMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? AS LEVEL You will develop writing skills in a wide range of forms and styles, including fiction, non-fiction, poetry and script. You will read widely and critically to learn about writing techniques. Sharing work, and responding to constructive feedback, is an important aspect of the course. Assessment is by coursework (60%) and exam (40%). A2 LEVEL You will develop the skills you have acquired at AS to a higher level, focusing on developing four main forms: fiction, non-fiction, poetry and script. There is a strong focus on developing creative ideas and writing techniques through reading and responding to other writers. Assessment is by coursework (60%) and exam (40%). ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general criteria for A Level courses. 78 • In addition, you must achieve at least a grade B and a grade C in at least two written subjects e.g. History, Geography, Humanities, English Literature, Business, Religious Studies (full course), English Language. DANCE A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASDANMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? AS LEVEL This exciting and challenging course is designed to develop your skills and understanding of dance. Through practical classes, workshops, rehearsals and theory sessions, you will develop as a dancer, choreographer and performer. In addition, you will study professional dances to broaden your critical and analytical skills. Coursework includes a solo choreography and a duo/trio performance. A2 LEVEL Your skills and knowledge will be extended by focusing on a period of dance history and specific choreographers. Practical work includes group choreography and a solo performance. All AS and A2 Dance students have the opportunity to join Candi Youth Dance, our own in-house company. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you must achieve a grade B or above in GCSE Dance. • You must successfully pass a pre-course audition. • If you have not taken GCSE Dance but have extensive experience in the subject, this may be accepted as an alternative. We will discuss this with you at your interview. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 79 A LEVELS DRAMA AND THEATRE STUDIES A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASDRAMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This is a creative, challenging and specialist course, combining the practical and theoretical study of theatre. ABEED RAHMAN SUBJECTS: A LEVELS IN MATHS, ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY PREVIOUS SCHOOL: SWANLEA SCHOOL DESTINATION: GAP YEAR AT KPMG (2013) BRISTOL UNIVERSITY TO STUDY ECONOMICS (2014-PRESENT) “STUDYING ECONOMICS AT CITY AND ISLINGTON COLLEGE MADE ME CERTAIN THAT I WANTED TO PURSUE A CAREER IN THAT FIELD. MY TEACHERS REALLY ENCOURAGED ME AND I ENJOYED ATTENDING THEIR LESSONS. THE COLLEGE HAS SUCH A DIVERSE RANGE OF STUDENTS AND EXTREMELY HELPFUL TEACHERS. I PARTICULARLY ENJOYED THE FACT THAT I WAS ALLOWED TO BE INDEPENDENT AND WAS TREATED AS AN ADULT RATHER THAN A CHILD. I WOULD REALLY ENCOURAGE OTHER STUDENTS TO COME HERE AS THERE ARE SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO TAKE IF YOU WANT THEM. THE (GAP YEAR) PROGRAMME HAS GIVEN ME SO MUCH HIGH LEVEL WORK EXPERIENCE WHICH WILL LOOK GOOD ON MY CV ONCE I GRADUATE. IT HAS HELPED ME LEARN TO PRIORITISE MY WORKLOAD AND MANAGE MY TIME EFFICIENTLY IN ORDER TO MEET CLIENT NEEDS.” 80 You will study a wide range of theatre practice including: Acting technique; the work of twentiethcentury practitioners such as Brecht, Berkoff, Stanislavski, Brook and Artaud; Theatrical genres of realism; epic and contemporary theatre; Interpretation of dramatic text and performance analysis. The A2 year is about you as a performer and director and requires you to create a unique and original piece of theatre. There is also a written exam for which you study one play from the point of view of a director and one play that is part of theatre history. Throughout the AS and A2 there are theatre trips to support and inform your work. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses, which are based on your GCSE results. • In addition, we also expect you to have achieved a grade B or above in GCSE Drama. If you have not taken the subject at GCSE, but have extensive experience in Drama, this will be accepted as an alternative. • We will request a letter from your theatre company as evidence for this. ECONOMICS A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASECOMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? Economics is a social science concerned with income, wealth and well-being and the factors that influence how people, families, firms and governments make decisions. NEW STYLE A LEVEL In the first year, you will be introduced to the basic economic problem of scarcity and unlimited wants and how the market allocates scarce resources. You will consider the government’s role in managing the economy and how it achieves the macroeconomic objectives of economic growth, reducing unemployment, and equality in the distribution of income. In the second year, you learn about the economics of business behaviour. For example, you will study how firms make price and output decisions and how the behaviour of one firm is affected by the actions of another. You will also study global economics and consider issues such as trade, globalisation, and development. Fur thermore, you will learn about the role of banks and financial markets in the global economy. Throughout the course you will develop knowledge of the main economic trends over the past 25 years and be able to compare recent and historical economic events. You will also be introduced to different economic thinkers and look at how these thinkers have influenced economic policy and debate. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, for Economics, you will need a grade B or above in GCSE Mathematics and a grade B or above in English Language or another written subject. * Please note 20% of the assessment for A Level Economics is quantitative (mathematical) skills. ELECTRONICS A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASELEMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? AS LEVEL You will study a wide variety of topics which will give you a basic understanding of the working of everyday appliances and equipment. Topics studied will 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 include Hi-Fi Systems, Amplifiers, Alarm Systems and Microcontrollers, which are found in devices like iPods and mobile phones. A2 LEVEL The second year includes some of the topics studied in the first year, but these are covered in greater depth. Some of the new topics you will study include radios, computers and programming, power supplies, and video displays. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses, which are based on your GCSE results. • In addition, you must achieve at least grade B in GCSE Maths, and B in both GCSE Core and Additional Science or grade B in two Science subjects if you are taking triple science. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE A LEVEL NEW STYLE A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASELLMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? You will study a range of texts from literary and non-literary genres, such as fiction, drama, poetry, journalism, autobiography, travel writing, speeches and everyday conversation. You will explore and compare how writers and speakers use language and structure to express their thoughts and feelings. You will develop your skills in close reading and analysis as well as your creative writing skills. A coursework assignment makes up 20% of the assessment. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you must achieve at least a grade B and a grade C in at least two written subjects e.g. History, Geography, Humanities, English Literature, Business, Religious Studies (full course), English Language. 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 81 A LEVELS ENGLISH LITERATURE A LEVEL NEW STYLE A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASLITMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? You will study and share ideas with your classmates about a wide variety of texts. The extensive reading you will undertake on this course includes poetry, prose and drama from different periods, including at least one play by Shakespeare, other texts written before 1900, and one text written after 2000. This breadth of study will enable you to consider the ways in which texts relate to one another and to literary traditions, movements and genres. In preparing for coursework (20%) and exams (80%) you will develop skills in argument and analytical writing as well as exploring the critical and contextual backgrounds to the texts you read. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you must achieve at least a grade B and a grade C in at least two written subjects e.g. History, Geography, Humanities, English Literature, Business, Religious Studies (full course), English Language. FILM STUDIES A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASFILMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? You will deepen your understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of film – perhaps the major art form of our times. You will engage with a wide range of different kinds of films. We look at mainstream, independent, US, UK and world cinema. Film industries are studied from the point of view of producers and audiences. We develop your skills of research, critical analysis and personal reflection. 82 AS LEVEL You will develop your understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of film, developing your skills of interpretation and critical analysis. You will study British and American films, both classic and contemporary. A2 LEVEL You will build on the skills developed in the AS year, studying contemporary world cinema, cinematic movements and other issues and debates. You will make your own short film or write a screenplay extract or some film journalism. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you must achieve at least a grade B and a grade C in at least two written subjects e.g. History, Geography, Humanities, English Literature, Business, Religious Studies (full course), English Language. FINE ART A LEVEL NEW STYLE A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASARTMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? Explore how ideas, feelings and meanings can be conveyed and interpreted, using a range of materials, techniques and processes, focusing on Fine Art. On this exciting course you will be encouraged to work with increasing independence producing your own responses to themes and topics through drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media work and sculpture. As the course progresses, you will choose your own theme from a very broad brief and develop work using the media and processes that you feel are best suited to your ideas. The strength of the course is the variety of work that you can do. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for AS Level courses. • In addition, you should have gained grade C or above in GCSE Art, although students will be assessed on individual merit. FRENCH A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASFREMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? Studying a foreign language is an extremely rewarding experience. Languages are widely considered to be rigorous academic subjects, highly regarded by higher education institutions and employers. RUTE VIEIRA RIBEIRO DA COSTA A Level French will allow you to learn and explore French and Francophone cultures. You will build on your GCSE skills and develop a deep knowledge of the language and its applications. SUBJECTS: A LEVELS IN ENGLISH LITERATURE, HISTORY, DRAMA (A*AA*) In the first year you will study a range of topics, including youth culture, health, environmental issues, education and employment. You will take a speaking exam and an exam in listening, reading and writing skills. DESTINATION: ENGLISH AT CAMBRIDGE “THE SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE FROM EVERYONE, ESPECIALLY TEACHERS AND MY TUTOR WAS CRUCIAL. In the second year you will develop your knowledge of language and culture by studying international events, ethical issues, literature and the arts. Assessment will include an oral exam plus essay writing and translation. I LEARNED A LOT AND THE COURSES I DID WERE VERY INTERESTING. DRAMA TRIPS TO THE THEATRE WERE VERY HELPFUL TO THE UNDERSTANDING OF DRAMA AS A PERFORMING ART.” Learning languages requires a mixture of logic and creativity and would appeal to students who enjoy communication and are curious about the world we live in. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses. • In addition you must have a B in GCSE French. • Individual cases will be considered if you have a bilingual background. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 83 A LEVELS FURTHER MATHS A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASFMAMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? If you are especially interested in Mathematics, or are thinking about taking it at university, you should enjoy this challenging qualification, which extends beyond the standard A Level work. This course broadens and deepens your knowledge of Mathematics and provides an opportunity to explore sophisticated concepts in the subject area. RYAN MORRISON SUBJECTS: A LEVELS IN FINE ART, GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION, PHYSICS (BCD) PREVIOUS SCHOOL: EASTLEA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DESTINATION: BA (HONS) IN ANIMATION AT RAVENSBOURNE “THE AMOUNT OF HELP AND SUPPORT YOU GET FROM TEACHERS IS INCREDIBLE. I WAS ABLE TO MEET NEW PEOPLE AND EXPERIENCE NEW THINGS AND AM GLAD I CHOSE CANDI AS A PLACE TO STUDY MY A LEVELS. I WOULD RECOMMEND MY COURSES HERE. THE TEACHERS ARE VERY HELPFUL, THE ATMOSPHERE IS VERY WELCOMING AND THERE ARE MANY OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS OUTSIDE OF THE CURRICULUM. I USED THE CAREERS SERVICE MANY TIMES BEFORE AND HAVE RECEIVED AN INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF HELP REGARDING CV PREPARATION, ADVICE ABOUT UNIVERSITIES AS WELL AS TALKS FROM VARIOUS GUESTS.” 84 You will study 12 modules in two years, leading to two A Levels: Maths and Further Maths. In the first year, you will study three Core modules (Core 1 to Core 3), one Further Maths module (Further Maths 1) and two applied modules (Mechanics and Statistics). In the second year, you will study three additional Core maths modules (Core 4, Further Pure 2 and Further Pure 3) and three applied maths modules (Mechanics, Statistics and Decision Maths). ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must meet the general entry requirements for A Level courses • In addition, to study this subject you must achieve grade A* in Higher Level Maths GCSE. All students with GCSE Maths at grade A or B will need to pass a Maths test before enrolling. An example of the Maths Entrance test is available on the course factsheet online GEOGRAPHY A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASGEOMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? Geography explores the way we change and are influenced by the world around us. If you wonder how cities grow, what causes population change or how we will cope with climate change, this course is for you. Seeing issues in real life is key to your understanding, so fieldwork, both day trips and residential, is a vital part of the course. AS LEVEL You will look at issues of climate change and natural disasters, the impact of globalisation and population migration, and how places are rebranded to change their image. Your fieldwork will be on the use and management of coasts. A2 LEVEL You will extend your understanding of the physical and human worlds through the theme of Contested Planet, which includes topics such as Superpower Geographies, Bridging the Development Gap, Water Conflicts and Energy Security. You will also examine the food supply problem through a research unit investigating Life on the Margins. events, ethical issues, literature and the arts. Assessment will include an oral exam plus essay writing and translation. Learning languages requires a mixture of logic and creativity and would appeal to students who enjoy communication and are curious about the world we live in. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for AS Level courses. • In addition you must have a B in GCSE German. • Individual cases will be considered if you have a bilingual background. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you must achieve at least a grade B and a grade C in at least two written subjects e.g. History, Geography, Humanities, English Literature, Business, Religious Studies full course, English Language. GERMAN A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASGERMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? Studying a foreign language is an extremely rewarding experience. Languages are widely considered to be rigorous academic subjects, highly regarded by higher education institutions and employers. AS and A2 German are both exciting courses that will allow you to learn and explore German culture. You will build on your GCSE skills and develop a deep knowledge of the language and its applications. In the first year you will study a range of topics, including youth culture, health, environmental issues, education and employment.You will take a speaking exam and an exam in listening, reading and writing skills. In the second year you will develop your knowledge of language and culture by studying international 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION A LEVEL NEW STYLE A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASGRAMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This broad course will allow you to develop your design and illustration skills through a range of methods such as drawing, collage, painting, photomontage, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash. You will develop a critical understanding of historical developments in graphic design and produce a range of visual work. You will further develop your design skills and critical understanding of hand-made, digital graphic design and illustration, focusing on a personal investigation. You will produce a body of work which has personal significance and plays to your strengths. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you will need an A-C in any Art and Design based GCSE. 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 85 A LEVELS HISTORY A LEVEL NEW STYLE A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASHIBMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? You will study art history and contemporary art, from painting, sculpture and textiles to photography, film and architecture. We will analyse themes and issues, and consider the historical, sociological and philosophical factors which influence our understanding of art. We will explore how ideas of beauty change in different cultures and periods, as well as consider how artists have interpreted the idea of utopia. During the second year you will apply your knowledge and interest from the first year to iconic art movements. The course involves many trips and visits to London galleries and museums. In the first year the focus of our study will be on the search for rights, freedoms and greater equality in the twentieth century. You will examine the impact of these demands on the United States 1917 – 96 as previously excluded groups pressed for the fulfilment of the promise of the American Dream, and on India 1914 – 48 where rising nationalism clashed with imperial rule. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS In the second year you will broaden your historical understanding through the examination of how Britain lost a large part of its North American empire in the late eighteenth century but then proceeded to build an even larger one in the nineteenth century. In the second year you will also complete coursework that will be worth 20% of your overall mark. • In addition, you must achieve at least a grade B and a grade C in at least two written subjects e.g. History, Geography, Humanities, English Literature, Business, Religious Studies (full course), English Language. • You must satisfy the general criteria for A Level courses. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you must achieve at least a grade B and a grade C in at least two written subjects e.g. History, Geography, Humanities, English Literature, Business, Religious Studies (full course), English Language. NEW HISTORY OF ART AND VISUAL ASTYLE LEVEL CULTURE: CRITICAL AND CONTEXTUAL STUDIES A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASCCSMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? From the Renaissance to Modernism and beyond, this course is an excellent introduction to the key aspects of art and its importance in the way we view art and society today. 86 HISTORY NEWS Four History students spent one week undertaking research on the British Slave Trade. Their research included visits to Kenwood House, the London Docklands Museum, Hackney Museum, the Golden Hind and were given a tour of the University of London by a current undergraduate student. Maximilian Douglas, a History A Level student, who plans to study History at the University of London before training to become a barrister, said: “It has been a really interesting week which has given us great insight into studying history and life at university. “I AM REALLY ENJOYING STUDYING HISTORY AT THE COLLEGE AS IT PROVIDES SO MUCH IMPORTANT INSIGHT INTO WHERE HUMANITY WAS AND WHERE IT IS NOW.” MATHS A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASMPSMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space and change. Mathematicians seek out problems and patterns and then use their imagination and logic to make sense of them. As the language of the sciences, Mathematics plays a fundamental and often unseen role in many aspects of modern life, for example understanding space travel, modelling the spread of diseases and ensuring the security of credit card details on the internet. AS LEVEL In AS Maths you will study algebra, differential calculus (dealing with rates of change), sequences and series, wave functions (trigonometry) and coordinate geometry. You will also study statistics, which looks at data collection, graphical representation of data, probability and statistical models to interpret data. Units studied: C1, C2, S1. ABDEL MAHMOUD SUBJECTS: A LEVELS IN MATHS, CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY PREVIOUS SCHOOL: HENDON SCHOOL A2 LEVEL DESTINATION: MEDICINE AT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON This will build on the foundations of AS and includes numerical methods, infinite binomial series, trigonometric functions and differential equations. You also study one unit of applied mathematics: either statistical modelling (S2) which is important for science and economics or mechanics (M1) which is useful for engineering and physics. Units studied: C3, C4, (S2 or M1). ABDEL WAS INSPIRED TO PURSUE A CAREER IN MEDICINE THROUGH THE SIXTH FORM COLLEGE’S CAREERS SERVICE, WHO ORGANISED THE OPPORTUNITY FOR HIM TO ATTEND LECTURES AT UCL EVERY WEEK IN HIS FIRST TERM. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry requirements for A Level courses. “THIS WAS AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE WHICH I WOULD NEVER GET TO SEE ON AN OPEN DAY. IT HAS GIVEN ME GREAT INSIGHT INTO UNIVERSITY LIFE, FURTHER KNOWLEDGE AND FUELLED MY PASSION TO STUDY MEDICINE AND GO TO UCL.” • In addition, to study this subject you must achieve at least grade A or A* in Higher Level Maths GCSE. All students with GCSE Maths at grade B or C will need to pass a Maths test before enrolling. An example of the Maths Entrance test is available on the course factsheet online. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 87 A LEVELS MEDIA STUDIES A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASMEDMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? You will analyse texts to find hidden meanings and then put what you have learned into practice and produce media products for yourselves. You will be discovering who produces it, who consumes it and what messages and values are found within it. You will discover who produces the media, who consumes it and what messages and values are found within it. In addition, you will learn about a range of media including print, film and television, and the technical construction of certain texts, including television programmes and films. ELIZABETH WILLIS SUBJECTS: A LEVELS IN PHOTOGRAPHY, ENGLISH AND POLITICS PREVIOUS SCHOOL: ST EDWARD’S CofE COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL LANGUAGE COLLEGE AND SIXTH FORM CENTRE DESTINATION: BA IN PHOTOGRAPHIC ART AT THE ARTS UNIVERSITY BOURNEMOUTH “CITY AND ISLINGTON ENCOURAGED ME TO BE MYSELF, GET CREATIVE AND PROVIDED AN AMAZING PROGRAMME OF STUDY. I WAS ABLE TO EXPRESS MYSELF ON THE COURSE AND IF I HADN’T GONE THERE, I WOULDN’T BE WHERE I AM TODAY. I WOULD ADVISE ANYONE TO TAKE THE COURSE, AND CONSIDER THE ARTS AS AN OPTION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION.” You will study media industries and how they function, and new technology and its impact on media. You will make your own texts which will be an extract from a film and a piece of print work. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you must achieve at least a grade B and a grade C in at least two written subjects e.g. History, Geography, Humanities, English Literature, Business, Religious Studies (full course), English Language. MUSIC A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASMUSMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? A Level Music aims to develop your skills in performing, composing and understanding music, through a mixture of practical and theoretical approaches. AS LEVEL The course combines practical and theoretical study. Live performances lead to a recorded and examined 88 recital. Composition coursework is prepared in response to a written brief and a formal exam assesses your aural perception, your knowledge and analysis of set works, musical theory and four-part harmony. A2 LEVEL Further development of your vocal/instrumental skills leads to a recorded 15 minute solo recital. Coursework consists of a harmony and composition portfolio, recorded in collaboration with professional musicians. Your skills in aural perception, theory, history and analysis are developed through the study of a wide range of set works and tested in a written examination. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you need to achieve a grade B or above in GCSE Music or grade 5 on an instrument and successfully pass a pre-course audition and theory test. MUSIC TECHNOLOGY A LEVEL set to a brief will allow you to experiment with musical styles and genres of your choice to create an original piece making imaginative use of the skills you have developed. Musical understanding and technical awareness are also tested in an examination, which requires students to complete a mix of an unfinished track, answer questions on music and studio techniques and write a short essay on an aspect of technological history and practice. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you need to have grade B in GCSE Music or equivalent music experience. • A keen interest in all musical styles and the use of technology in music is essential. • Basic music theory and elementary keyboard knowledge is required. • There is a show, audition and theory test. PHILOSOPHY A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASMUTMT LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASPHIMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? WHAT WILL I STUDY? AS LEVEL You will develop your skills in both sequencing and recording using Apple Macs running Logic Pro software. You will use a high-quality analogue mixing desk in our studio to produce a live multitrack recording. Two contrasting arrangements are also required: a cover of an original piece, to sound as close to the original as possible, and a creative remix in a different style. Your listening skills, musical and technical knowledge will all be tested in an external examination. A2 LEVEL You will create an arrangement that will include the use of MIDI, audio, sequencing and recording techniques. A separate, high-quality multitrack recording will also be required. Finally, a composition 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 Philosophy is both exciting and disturbing, exciting because you will confront a range of strange new ideas and disturbing because those ideas will challenge many of your firmly held beliefs. Philosophy will suit students with open, enquiring minds, who want to explore questions such as ‘Who am I? Does life have any purpose? Is my life just a dream? Do I have any free will? AS LEVEL You will consider questions about the nature of knowledge and the extent to which we can be certain about anything. Do physical objects exist? How do I know whether I am dreaming right now? Can the existence of God be proved? 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 89 A LEVELS A2 LEVEL You will explore how we make moral decisions. Is there an absolute moral law or are our ideas about right and wrong simply emotional responses to the world? We will also examine questions in the philosophy of mind. Are humans simply biological machines or is there something mysterious about consciousness that means we will never explain it? • You must satisfy the general criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you must achieve at least a grade B and a grade C in at least two written subjects e.g. History, Geography, Humanities, English Literature, Business, Religious Studies full course, English Language. NEW STYLE A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASPHOMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? This course will provide an insight into the history and current practice in photography as a fine art. You will experiment with a variety of techniques to transform the image including the use of Photoshop and develop your critical faculties and capacity to rationalise your output. The emphasis on this course is on developing a sense of what makes an effective image and understanding the historical development of the photograph, and its impact on society and our understanding of ourselves. You will need to be able to research and write coherent analyses and demonstrate consideration and imagination in your own work. ENTRY REQUIREMENT • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses which are based on your GCSE results. • You must have an enthusiasm for photography, a curiosity about the visual world, and a desire to represent it in various and imaginative ways. 90 PHYSICS A LEVEL NEW STYLE A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASPHYMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? ENTRY REQUIREMENTS PHOTOGRAPHY A LEVEL • You should be prepared to pose for other students and generally cooperate in the taking of images. Physicists ask big questions such as ‘what is the universe made of and how did it star t?’ They study things like mass and energy, light and sound, gravity and time. Physics covers everything from the smallest par ticles to the largest galaxies. As you learn about physics, you will also carry out lots of experiments and do investigations. These help you to understand the ideas and apply them to real world situations such as spor t, music, food technology, satellites, ear thquakes and par ticle accelerators. In the first year you will learn about forces and movement, materials, electrical energy, waves and sound, quantum physics and the nature of light. In the second year you will learn about electromagnetism, electric fields, nuclear and par ticle physics, oscillations and circular motion, gravity and astrophysics, gases and thermal energy. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you must achieve at least a grade B in GCSE mathematics and at least grade B in both GCSE Core and Additional Science or grade B in both Physics and another science subject. • A Level physics must be taken in combination with at least one other subject from the following list: Maths, Chemistry and Biology. * If you plan to take a physics or engineering related degree at university, then you should take maths A Level along with physics. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 91 A LEVELS POLITICS A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASPOLMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? In Politics we ask lots of questions. Has the Prime Minister too much power? Are our Civil Liberties being eroded? Is there any real difference between the Labour Party and the Conservative Party? Are judges becoming too powerful? Can anarchism work? AS LEVEL You will study topics such as democracy, political parties and their ideologies, elections, pressure groups, rights and liberties, how parliament works, and the role of the judiciary. ZOE BROWNE SUBJECTS: A LEVELS IN HISTORY, BUSINESS, RELIGIOUS STUDIES (AAA) PREVIOUS SCHOOL: MOUNT CARMEL CATHOLIC COLLEGE FOR GIRLS DESTINATION: SOAS TO STUDY LAW “I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD SEE A’S IN MY LIFE LET ALONE THREE.’ THE BEST THINGS ABOUT CANDI WERE TOBY TANNER, MY RELIGIOUS STUDIES TEACHER WHO ALWAYS BELIEVED IN ME, THE SUPPORTIVE LIBRARY STAFF AND THE GREAT FRIENDS I MET. THE TRIP TO THE BUDDHISM CENTRE MADE ME TRULY UNDERSTAND BUDDHISM. I HAVE LEARNT SO MUCH MORE THAN KNOWLEDGE FOR AN ‘EXAM’. I SEE THE WORLD IN A NEW LIGHT FROM MY A LEVELS.” A2 LEVEL You will study fundamental questions about the citizen’s relationship to the state. This will involve studying ideas such as socialism, conservatism, liberalism, anarchism, nationalism and feminism. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you must achieve at least a grade B and a grade C in at least two written subjects e.g. History, Geography, Humanities, English Literature, Business, Religious Studies (full course), English Language. PSYCHOLOGY A LEVEL NEW STYLE A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASPSYMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? Psychology is the study of human behaviour. It will enable you to have a better understanding of how people think and behave in the way they do. This exciting and challenging A Level covers a range of topics that help you understand different aspects of human behaviour. Some of the core topics you will study include caregiver-infant attachments and how they affect our future relationships, how our memory works and investigating the factors that could distort 92 the accuracy of eyewitness testimony. You will also learn about the role biology can play in influencing our behaviour and the biological and psychological explanations of mental disorders such as depression and phobias. Important debates in psychology will also be considered such as the `nature-nurture’ debate and issues affecting research such as gender and culture bias. Throughout the course you will also be learning about how to plan, conduct and analyse research in psychology. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you must achieve at least a grade B and a grade C in at least two written subjects e.g. History, Geography, Humanities, English Literature, Business, Religious Education (full course), English Language. RELIGIOUS STUDIES A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASRELMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? Religious Studies has become a popular subject to study in recent years. People have said that the world is getting smaller – we can now easily travel and communicate with people across the globe and so it is essential that we understand the cultural and religious similarities and differences between nations and people. AS LEVEL You will explore the ethics of what it means to say that an action is right or wrong as well as the main principles of Buddhism and Eastern thinking. A2 LEVEL You will study further ethical issues and the role and nature of our consciences, and learn more about Eastern Religions. • In addition, you must achieve at least a grade B and a grade C in at least two written subjects e.g. History, Geography, Humanities, English Literature, Business, Religious Studies (full course), English Language. SOCIOLOGY A LEVEL NEW STYLE A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASSOCMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? Sociology is the study of our society, of its people and their behaviour. If you want to understand society and explore why it is the way it is, then AS Sociology will offer you a general introduction to the subject. You will examine the structure of society, social institutions such as the family, the education system and religion, and issues of power and inequality experienced by different social groups. You will learn how to think about the social world in a way that goes beyond our normal `common-sense` understanding. In this 2 year course, you will study different sociological perspectives on the core themes of socialisation, social inequality, culture and identity, and power and control. You will explore how social class, gender and ethnicity affect life chances and the nature of the relationship between the individual and society. You will learn about these themes through studying topic areas such as: Education; Work, Poverty and Welfare; Families and Households; Crime and Deviance; Beliefs in Society. You will also study research methods to gain an understanding of how sociologists conduct research into the social world. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you must achieve at least a grade B and a grade C in at least two written subject e.g. History, Geography, Humanities, English Literature, Business, Religious Studies (full course), English Language. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general criteria for A Level courses. 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 93 A LEVELS 94 SPANISH A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASSPNMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? AS and A2 Spanish are exciting courses that will allow you to learn and explore Spanish and Latin American cultures.You will take a speaking exam and an exam in listening, reading and writing skills. Studying a foreign language is an extremely rewarding experience. Languages are widely considered to be rigorous academic subjects, highly regarded by higher education institutions and employers. In the first year you will study a range of topics, including youth culture, health, environmental issues, education and employment.You will take a speaking exam and an exam in listening, reading and writing skills. In the second year you will develop your knowledge of language and culture by studying international events, ethical issues, literature and the arts. Assessment will include an oral exam plus essay writing and translation. Learning languages requires a mixture of logic and creativity and would appeal to students who enjoy communication and are curious about the world we live in. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses. mixed media.Visits to museums and galleries will inspire you and develop your knowledge and understanding of fashion and textiles. In the second year students enjoy developing a personal response and honing their skills, resulting in a rich diversity of approaches on the course and ambitious final outcomes. A supportive, creative environment nurtures your individual talents and prepares you well for higher education. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you will need an A-C in GCSE Art and Design or GCSE Textiles Technology. TURKISH A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASTURMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? Studying a language opens doors which remain closed to other people. Not only will your career options be significantly better, but you will also have a wider understanding of other cultures and world affairs, as well as making new friends in other countries. It has been proven that learning a language boosts brain power, which means that you will do better in your other subjects too. • In addition, you must have at least grade B in GCSE Spanish. AS LEVEL • Individual cases will be considered if you have a bilingual background in Spanish or Portuguese. A2 LEVEL TEXTILES/FASHION A LEVEL NEW STYLE A LEVEL LEVEL: 3 DURATION: 2 years LOCATION: SFC COURSE CODE: SCASTEXMT WHAT WILL I STUDY? The first year of the course encourages experimentation and you will learn how to research, develop your own designs and create final pieces.You explore a wide range of techniques including dyed textiles, traditional and digital print and embellishment using stitch, felting and 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 You will practise the key skills of reading and writing. During the second year of the course, you will build on your AS Level skills or study texts. The final two and a half-hour exam will involve reading comprehension, listening comprehension and an essay of at least 250 words on one of the two topics or texts you have been studying. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS • You must satisfy the general entry criteria for A Level courses. • In addition, you must have GCSE Turkish at grade B or evidence of strong reading and writing skills. 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 95 YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED Q. HOW MUCH WILL THE COURSE COST? Q. ARE ANY OF THESE COURSES AVAILABLE TO ADULT LEARNERS? A. If your child is aged between 16-18 and a British student, refugee or asylum seeker in receipt of Asylum Seeker Support (ASS), tuition is free. You might need to pay a small fee towards any materials used on their course, but the course itself won’t cost anything. Information on financial support for students whilst they’re studying can be found on page 22 of this guide. A. We offer a range of part-time, full-time and short courses for adult learners. If you are interested in these courses contact us to request the Adult Guide or alternatively visit our website www.candi.ac.uk/Adult Q. CAN YOU/YOUR CHILD ACCESS ADDITIONAL LEARNING SUPPORT? A. Yes. We’re committed to providing an inclusive learning environment and we aim to make the most of every student’s learning opportunities. It is important to us that students with learning difficulties or disabilities feel welcome and are supported throughout their time at the College. More information about additional learning support can be found on page 21. Q. HOW WILL YOU/YOUR CHILD TRAVEL TO COLLEGE? A. All five of our Centres are within walking distance of tube, rail and bus links. For full addresses and travel information please see our maps (see back cover). 96 Q. WHEN ARE THE OPEN EVENTS? A. We hold Open Days at all five of our centres. Dates can be found on page 4 of this guide. At these events, you will get the opportunity to speak to tutors, course advisors and current students. They give you the chance to check out our state-of-the-art facilities. If you would like to attend an Open Day book online at www.candi.ac.uk/openday Q. HOW SOON CAN YOU APPLY? A. You can start to apply from October 2014. Make sure you apply early to avoid disappointment, many students leave it too late, only to be disappointed when they find that there are no places left on their chosen course. See page 24 for How to Apply. For applications to the Sixth Form College see page 74. INFORMATION FOR INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS When it comes to studying in the UK, London is the number one choice. And as London’s leading college, we offer outstanding teaching with superb opportunities for progression to the best universities. •Excellent locations right in the heart of vibrant London •Award-winning buildings •Industry-standard equipment and innovative classroom facilities •Dedicated careers advice and student support teams Find out everything you need to know about how to apply, accommodation, course fees and visas at: www.candi.ac.uk/international 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 97 INDEX A Academic Pathway.................................08 Acting............................................................48 Additional Learning Support............21 Animal Care...............................................29 Animal Management.............................29 Applied Science.......................................28 Application to the College................24 Apprenticeships.......................................09 Art and Design........................................38 B Beauty Therapy........................................56 Biology..........................................................76 Bursaries......................................................23 Business (Events Management)......42 Business Studies.......................................40 C Careers.........................................................19 Centre for Applied Sciences............26 Centre for Business, Arts and Technology.........................................36 Centre for Health, Social and Child Care.........................................54 Centre for Lifelong Learning............66 Chemistry...................................................77 Child Care..................................................58 Children and Education......................58 Computer Science.................................77 98 Creative Media.........................................46 Creative Writing......................................78 G Critical and Contextual Studies......86 Geography..................................................84 D Graphic Communication....................85 Dance............................................................48 H Drama and Theatre Studies..............48 E Economics...................................................80 Electronics...................................................81 Engineering.................................................29 English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)..................................68 English Language and Literature.....81 English Literature....................................82 Enrichment.................................................10 F FAQs..............................................................96 Fashion..........................................................95 Film Studies................................................82 Financial Support....................................22 Fine Art........................................................82 Forensic Science......................................31 French............................................................83 Further Maths...........................................84 German........................................................85 Hair and Beauty.......................................56 Hairdressing...............................................57 Health and Social Care........................60 Health Science..........................................31 History..........................................................86 History of Art and Visual Culture............................................86 How to Apply...........................................24 I Information Communication, Technology (ICT)....................................43 International Students..........................97 L Libraries........................................................18 APPLY ONLINE AT www.candi.ac.uk/apply M R Management..............................................42 References..................................................74 Marketing.....................................................42 Religious Studies......................................93 Maths.....................................................84, 87 Media.............................................................46 Medical Science.......................................32 Music..............................................................49 Music Technology....................................49 Nurseries.....................................................22 NUS card....................................................22 S Sixth Form College................................70 Skillsbase......................................................62 Social Media...............................................21 Sociology.....................................................93 Software Development.......................45 Spanish..........................................................95 O Sports Science..........................................32 Open Days.................................................04 Ophthalmic Dispensing.......................32 Student Advice.........................................21 Study Levels...............................................06 Optics............................................................32 Support........................................................18 P T Partner schools........................................25 Turkish...........................................................95 Performing Arts (Acting)....................48 Tutorials........................................................18 Textiles/Fashion........................................95 Performing Arts (Music).....................49 Performing Arts.......................................48 Philosophy...................................................89 Photography..............................................96 V Physics...........................................................96 Veterinary Nursing Advanced Apprenticeship..................33 Politics............................................................92 Vocational Pathway................................08 Psychology..................................................92 Public Services..........................................61 W Woodwork and Furniture Making (supported learning)............63 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk 99 1 Centre for Applied Sciences The Angel, 311–321 Goswell Road, EC1V 7DD Angel (Northern Line) 4, 19, 30, 38, 43, 56, 73, 153, 205, 214, 274, 341, 394, 476 2 Centre for Business, Arts and Technology 444 Camden Road N7 0SP Holloway Road (Piccadilly Line) 4, 19, 29, 43, 91, 153, 253, 254, 259, 271, 279, 393 3 Centre for Health, Social and Child Care The Marlborough Building, 383 Holloway Road N7 0RN Holloway Road (Piccadilly Line) 4, 17, 29, 43, 91, 153, 253, 254, 259, 271, 279, 393 4 Centre for Lifelong Learning 28–42 Blackstock Road N4 2DG Finsbury Park (Piccadilly and Victoria Lines) 4, 19, 29, 106, 153, 210, 236, 253, 254, 259, 279, W3, W7 5 Sixth Form College The Angel, 283-309 Goswell Road, EC1V 7DD Angel (Northern Line) 4, 19, 30, 38, 43, 56, 73, 153, 205, 214, 274, 341, 394, 476 For Open Days see: www.candi.ac.uk/opendays All Centres are wheelchair accessible These Centres have child care facilities: see the website for details 16-18@candi.ac.uk 020 7700 9420 www.candi.ac.uk NEW AND IMPROVED WEBSITE! Please note that every effort has been taken to ensure that this guide was correct at the time of publication. However, the College reserves the right to review or cancel courses, or change fees. The course details listed in this guide are relevant to students from the EU/EE A. If you are an international student (from outside the EU/EE A), please visit: www.international.candi.ac.uk Produced by City and Islington College, Marketing Department