Henry Piper
Henry Piper
VCHB Percussion Assignments 2013 Redwoods Rest Maple Leaf Forever Once More Unto Song for Lyndsay Alex Smith Snare Drum Bass Drum Timpani Triangle/Bells Henry Piper Timpani Snare Drum Bells Suspended Cymbal Suspended Cymbal Timpani Snare Drum Marimba/Tam-Tam Timpani Crash Cymbals Vibes/Xylophone Piano Cameron Castellano Alex Brandenburg Henry Horita Crash Cymbals Triangle Percussion 3 Timpani Alec Brickner Triangle/Bass Drum Bells Shaker/Congas Chimes Natalie Green Suspended Cymbal Tenor Drum Chimes Vibes/Wind Chimes Arianna Arias Bells Cymbals Crotales/Bass Drum Katie Winter Bass Drum THERED\rOODS Timpani RossanoGalante mf< * *f<f mf 63 f f mf @ niaMosso J = 100 6 f fp Copyright @ 2006 by Associated Music Publishers, Inc. (BMI), New York, NY International Copyright Secured. AII Rights Reseroed. Warning: Unauthorized reproduction of this publication is probibited by Federal Law and subject to criminal prosecution. 2 The Redwoods -Timpani @ mf f I Primo (J = 90) 7 fp r-:r f"*po Piir Mosso J = 100 IUUI A A A A -tA ; - q A - A A A A , - A A AA,t ^ l#l,r , A A A A A A A A s A A SAA.,r r A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A - A mf A A A A . ARRANGERS' <} PTIBLISHING' COMPANY ' for KistineWinilet THE MAPLE LEAF FOREVER A Processionalfor Concert Band Snare ALEXANDER MUIR ARRANGED BY STEVE REISTETER GSCAP) Stately but not slowly ) = P o Solo t 2 nyp - p f This Arrangement@ 2008by ARR 4NGERS' PUBLISHING CO.,lNC. International Copyright Secured Made in U.S.A. AII RightsReseroed THE MAPLE LEAF FOREVER p.2 Snare 68 69 2 u nyp e 0 2 e 2 rLz 3 115 11-6 .t fp<.ff rryp<Jf J U .J OIvCE MoREUruTo THEBnEncHI 3:34: AT THESPETP OFDARK3:33: I SUNUHEARIN HEAVEN4:33: OruCrMOREUNTOTHEBREACHI "= Co[lIilIssIoNED BYTHEHINSDALE TowNsHIP, ILLINoIs,HIcHScHooLDIsTRtcT 86 BANDs JEFFREY WAGGoNER ANDPAULKIMPToN.DIREcToRs z <s'/c..., r, f 'rfl'e;"'ETEPHEN F N 2ND AT TIm SPEED OF DARK...From theDeprhsat mm=152 z ()E 1 E u - - - _ Sparse Evil OrchestraBells z "f u = E L Dark Fugue, Marcato & Cresc = L := tu E :z iz IT IL t! :T :> i= <( (5 t! t! (L (l (.t ri5 >F a= UJ <( LJ LU :< FLU == rf -= <( df ca z= f: P2Z :) L) <( =) =a UJ aY) C\J UJ l: F- UJ =a UJ F<: o-€t ql (t, uut (r, F. MELILLO trtrMPOSER |GNA 2trtrtr & 3RD MtLLENNtuM O Points of Dark! Evil Build J U .J F ',= z 93 N z U F to4 10 Wild Blur z co U G ; 10! r09 z L F o L l-,--- 7l: 113 tz ttz IL t! l(c 1r 1 1 t8 ;> iz <( (f l! l! (L lf (t e5 I12t 28 (f =z UJ pp =( (J LU :< 1t32 32 Punch! .G .- LU E= ci z= <( dl 2= l: 72= I SHALL IIEAR IN IIEAVEN rnm=68 =-- 1t39 39 L) <( o= :) F=a ul Ir 55 55 af) c) nJ UJ f: F- l i 63 163 ---- UJ =a UJ G: <: I170 '70 --'r-- o-. <t IJ g: tt) Ever Strong E. c, 4l (.r,1 1t83 --'--- -.---\ -: F' once More unto the Breach!...o stephenMelillo IGNA 2000...orchestraBells ... page2 Dramatic Bittersweet Rit... Slowly... Into the Quiet J U -J b = ONCE MORE UNTO TIm BREACH! Nobleatmm= 80 z, 20r G1 N z. -T:-;-= .'t-: E rC u w/Constancy 215 z, cO u q dGreat Heart ;z 258 ---.----\ L mm=146Subido! L G.-- 264 .G -/--\\ z tt= IE II t! liz <( 269 "tr a: .'- ----a-: l! l! IL (l f (t 945 272 2= UJ <( (J LU <C -J LU 276 3= ci == <( dl E z= f: 7- 281 == =) f L) <: =) F=a UJ ff) C) c\,1 287 l ut F. 292 UJ zi ul 1 -l F <: o_. (ai u E 297 1 I V) L F U - In Total Triumoh! 307 "tr OnceMore Unto the Breach!...@StephenMelillo IGNA 2000...OrchestraBells ... page3
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1 Megan Trach
@ 2006 by Associated Music Publishers,Inc' (BMI), NewYork' NY
fnternational Copyright Secured. AIl Rights Reseroed'
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Copyright O 1979 by FOREST R. ETLING, Elgin, IIlinoi s
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