Week 6 - Sydney Church of England Grammar School


Week 6 - Sydney Church of England Grammar School
The Shore Weekly Record
Friday 1st June, 2012
Term 2, Week 6
Saturday 2nd June
2.00pm - Wedding of
Andrew May and Kara Phillips
Character in the Public Space
Australian interest has been consumed by the
murky cloud surrounding two members of Federal
Parliament. Peter Slipper and Craig Thomson both
stand accused of behaviour that is somewhere
between unethical and illegal. Whether they will
be found to be guilty of misbehaviour remains to be
seen although Mr Thomson is the subject of
adverse findings by Fair Work Australia. Both are
accused of using other peoples’ money for
inappropriate personal uses.
The mature man must be careful with other
peoples’ trust. Each of you will have the
opportunity in life to act honestly or dishonestly.
Sometimes only you will know. That is why
outside the door to the Memorial Hall I placed the
statement “Reputation is what others know about
you; honour is what you know about yourself.” It
is best to be your own fiercest critic, because if
others find out your credibility, respect and family
life will be destroyed. You can protect yourself by
acting honourably in all your dealings.
Dr TA Wright
Sunday 3rd June
Morning Prayer
House on Duty
Rev Paul Dudley
John 3: 16
Robson House
(Progress Meetings)
NOTICE TO PARENTS – Years 7, 11 & 12
YEAR 12 Progress Meetings:
6.00pm Monday 4th June
YEAR 11 Progress Meetings:
6.00pm Tuesday 12th June
YEAR 7 Progress Meetings:
6.00pm Monday 18th June
Boys are expected to attend with their parents and
to wear School winter uniform with coats on.
Boys have a page near the back of their diary in
which to record interview times.
Limited parking is available in the Bishopsgate car
park off Union Street and in the School through the
Edward Street entrance.
Confirmation 2012
For Year 10 Boys and above
If you are wanting to be confirmed in the Shore
Chapel this year, please apply in writing to
Rev. Paul Dudley before Friday June 8th
The first Meeting will be held on
Thursday June 14th
at lunchtime
Any questions, please speak to
Rev. Paul Dudley
Friday, 1st June, 2012
R A Morrison
Assistant to the Headmaster
Under 20 Rugby World Cup
Jock Merriman, Shore 1st XV 2009, 2010 and 2011
has been selected in the Australian Under 20 Rugby
Team to play in the Under 20 Rugby World Cup in
South Africa in May/June 2012.
Jock was a boarder in Robson House and has
recently played in the 1st Grade Colts for Sydney
University. Jock is studying Agricultural
Economics at Sydney University.
David Anderson
Shore’s Privacy Policy is available on our website at www.shore.nsw.edu.au or by contacting the School’s Privacy Officer
Page 236
ME Robertson (AN)
HM Lamble (BL)
MR Jamieson (BS)
D Van Camp (BY)
TP Beale (CK)
CM Long (DN)
EM Girling (EY)
SG Doherty (EW)
HD Grist (GE)
AH Wong (HS)
AF Lucas (MS)
JK Robson (PE)
TA Alpe (RN)
BB Madgwick (SL)
DE Chambers (SS)
HR Wells (TY)
RP Connelly (WT)
Housemasters’ Commendations are awarded
after the two reporting periods each year. The
purpose is to give recognition to a boy whom the
Housemaster considers has demonstrated
outstanding application in his recent report and
for improved or sustained effort.
The Junior teams played Marist North Shore and
found them extremely challenging but the boys
played well and fought hard.
Morgan Chang was the only boy in the A team to
defeat his opponent and Nathan Kerr was the only
boy in the Junior B team to win.
The Intermediate team played St Pius X again and
won all four boards. Well done Adam Mazay,
Myles Christie, Hamish Gates and Nick Murrell.
Next week sees us take on Marist North Shore
again for the Juniors and North Sydney Boys for
the Intermediate team.
Viv Covey
MIC Chess
Here are some of the events planned for Term II.
Make sure you flag the dates - we would hate you to
miss out! Also, find out how all those small, wornout and painted crested School shirts can be given
a new lease of life and free up your cupboard space!
Term 2
Lunchtime Seminar
Tuesday 5th June
(Speaker : John Burns)
‘Problematic Computer & Internet Use’
Almost Cabaret
Saturday16th June
The Shore Association Weekly has the details for
these and many other events. Click the link to find out
Upcoming events :
Term 3
Hoopla Tennis Day
American Tea
Tuesday 7th August
Friday 7th September
Term 4
Melbourne Cup Lunch
Tuesday 6th Nov
International Competitions
and Assessments for
Schools (Science) 2012
All boys in Years 7 to 10, and a number of students
who study Science in Year 11 and 12, will be
competing in the International Competitions and
Assessments for Schools, ICAS (previously called
the ‘Australasian Schools Science Competition’) on
Wednesday June 6th (Day 7).
For all boys, this competition has proved to be an
exciting challenge as well as an indicator of their
level of scientific understanding and general
knowledge. The competition is an assessment task
for all boys in Years 7 to 10. A range of practice
questions are available on the EAA website. Go to
www.eaa.unsw.edu.au and follow the link to
The cost of entering the competition is $7.70 and
will be included in the accounts of all boys
mentioned above. Due to our commitment to being
involved in the competition we will not be able to
reimburse those boys who may be absent on the
N van Vliet - Head of Science
Friday, 1st June, 2012
Page 237
You are warmly invited to the
S Strings/Choral Concert
Thursday 31st May
Smith Auditorium
Featuring Soloists, String Ensembles
(Prep & Senior School),
Vocal Ensembles and concluding with
The Shore Symphony Orchestra
Come and watch your Army Cadet Unit
celebrate its 104th Anniversary of service to
the School and the wider community on
The parade starts at 2.30pm
Guests are asked to be seated by 2.15pm
The parade is being held on School Ground
Reviewing officer
Brigadier Alison Creagh, CSC
Director General Strategic Communication
Australian Army
All members of the Shore Community
are invited to join the Chapel Choir for
6.30pm in Shore Chapel
Thursday, June 14th
Don’t miss this
wonderful service!
Tuesday 19th June
7.30pm - Smith Auditorium
Rousing renditions, scintillating
solos, extraordinary ensembles
and a fabulous finale!
Concert Band
Concert Band II
Stage Band
Jazz Ensemble
Exam revision can be done in short spurts. Carry
your notes, flash cards, a textbook or other materials and use the waiting periods each day to prepare
for your exams.
Adapted from Fred Orr (1999) 101 Great Exam Tips,
Allen & Unwin, Sydney. With permission.
Friday, 1st June, 2012
Alison Creagh grew up in Canberra. She attended
the Australian National University before joining
the Army. She was commissioned into the Royal
Australian Corps of Signals after graduating from
the Officer Cadet School Portsea in 1985. As a
junior officer, Brigadier Creagh managed
telecommunication systems for strategic
headquarters and field units.
Brigadier Creagh has broad operational experience,
most recently in Headquarters International
Security Assistance Force (HQ ISAF) in
Afghanistan for nine months over 2007/2008. She
also deployed on operations to Iraq and
Afghanistan in 2006; East Timor as operations
officer in 1st Joint Support Unit in 1999 and
Officer Commanding 145 Signal Squadron in
1999/2000; and Cambodia in 1993. She also
provided support to the Sydney 2000 Olympics as
part of Operation GOLD when she commanded 145
Signal Squadron.
Brigadier Creagh was awarded the Conspicuous
Service Cross in 1994 for her work as Quarter
Master of the Force Communications Unit in
Cambodia. She was awarded the NATO
Meritorious Service Medal in 2009 for her work as
the Chief CJ1, HQ ISAF.
Brigadier Creagh is currently posted as the Director
General Strategic Communication.
Richard Hughes
Captain (AAC)
Page 238
Sound the
Hi All,
I hope you are all looking forward to the Strings/
Choral Concert on Thursday night. All ensembles
involved, instrumental and vocal, have been
working hard to make this a great night. Don’t miss
out and don’t forget there are some other great
events coming up this term.
Remaining Term II events:
Strings/Choral Concert - Thursday 31 May,
7.30pm - Smith Auditorium
Evensong Service - Thursday 14 June,
6.30pm - Shore Chapel
Band Concert - Tuesday 19 June,
7.30pm - Smith Auditorium
Try-outs for Battle of the Bands 2012 will be held
next Friday (8 June) from 3.00pm, so make sure
you sign-up if you are interested. This is a great
opportunity for young students to gain some
confidence performing and receive helpful
feedback from a very experienced adjudicator.
There’s also the chance to perform for the whole
school on the last day of term!
Charlie Trumper
Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is
not enough for music. ~ Sergei Rachmaninov
The Shore Rifle Club will host the:
Shore Old Boys Union vs
Shore Rifle Team
and the
There was continuing success for our ISDA Year 7
team last Friday 25th as they defeated SIC in the
2nd semi-final to advance ever closer to the grand
final on June 15th. Affirming the topic "that
Australia should use nuclear energy", the Year 7
team turned the tables on their SIC rivals who had
won easily in Term I. Chuyi Wang, Lachie Muir,
Ben Muston and Will Jefferies can be proud to
have improved so much in a few weeks.
Although defeated by arch-rivals SAC, our Year 9
team can also be proud. The team handled the
tricky affirmative side of the topic "that we should
allow mining in Antarctica" superbly but were
outpointed by the team they defeated in last year's
Year 8 grand final. In only three seasons, James
Balzer, Jason Dong, Nick Healey, Calvin Li and
Matthew Myles have brought much success to
their school and much credit to themselves. They
and coaches Mrs Turner and Old Boy Alistair
Johnston can now take a well earned break, at least
until the Barker debates on June 15th. See Mr
Clarke today if you wish to be in a debating team
against Barker.
Meanwhile our RQ Year 7 and 8 teams travelled to
Queenwood School in Mosman for
Round 2 of this new competition last Friday. Both
teams negated the topic "that mobile
phones should be banned in schools".
The Year 7 ISDA semi-final this coming Friday 1st
June will take place at Sydney Grammar School
from 7pm. A win will guarantee Shore a place in
the grand final.
Shore supporters will be very
Parent and Son Rifle
Shooting Competition
(Full-bore only - 0.308 calibre)
Saturday 16th June 2012
At the Hornsby Rifle Range
Rosamond Street Hornsby
(behind the Mt Wilga Hospital)
8:20am for a 9:00am start
There will be a free sausage sizzle available at the
conclusion of the events when shields will be
presented. An extra thermos of hot water and
donations of slices, biscuits etc would
be appreciated.
Friday, 1st June, 2012
Debaters Wanted
The GPS Debating season kicks off at The
King’s School on the 27th July.
Don’t miss our
It’s vs Barker here at Shore on 15th June.
Give your name to Mr Clarke today to
ensure a place.
Page 239
First Published 1939, First Published Well 2011
The Editorial
Well exams are over and there is no need to guess
what you are thinking: it's time to undo the top button,
grow the hair and kick back with a $1.10 Coke from
Greenwood. Holidays are just a round the corner and
things couldn't possibly get any better. Am I right?
At school most of us pass each day as it comes,
following the same old routine that has been
hammered into us since Year Seven, waking up the
next day to do it all once again. This morning, I had a
serious case of ‘senioritis’. You know, when you can
see the light at the end of the tunnel (and you’re still
not sure if it could be an oncoming train) but suddenly
you lose all motivation? Yeah, I started dreading the
work facing me. Funny how our motivation loses all
steam when the end is in sight?
Senioritis is a crippling medical condition that strikes
many of us students in our latter years of schooling
life, particularly around winter time as it is closely
associated with the common cold. Symptoms include
laziness, an over excessive wearing of tracksuit pants
and procrastination through reasoning. The only
known cure to senioritis is a phenomenon known as
holidays. So why spend precious time doing that
homework or that assignment when you could be
forging a plan for the up and coming break?
Although surviving and living out the remainder of the
term at school will be tough, it will be better than
finding you’ve wasted away the last weeks of term on
Facebook, MySpace or even World of Warcraft (more
severe). So, with the thought of that ‘oncoming train
scenario’ it’s hello fluoro trackies and staying in on
Friday nights (for a few more weeks at least). I guess
the bottom line is to find that fine line: the boundary
between enjoying yourself and getting the things done
that need to be done. How do you know when you’ve
crossed the line? It’s like a dog hitting an electric
fence – you’ll just know. Making sure you have
created sufficient effort to get there however, allows
you to confidently enjoy those holidays which, be
assured, is the only cure to senioritis.
Friday, 1st June, 2012
Friday 1st June
The Secretarial
“I read the news today oh boy
About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad”
Australia has an unemployment rate of approximately
5.2%, with many of those people recently
unemployed due to plant closures across the Eastern
seaboard of Australia. Today, Monday, as I write this
column, 2 plants have closed, with close to 2 200
people unemployed. The ironic thing is whilst these
people are losing their jobs Gina Rinehart is
importing labour from overseas, in order to reduce her
There is a traditional Australian value of giving
people a fair go. What Gina is planning to do is not
really a fair go. It is true that she can get her labour
overseas, but the fact that she hasn’t even tried or
advertised those jobs in Australia is what tests the
moral belief in a fair go. People are losing their jobs
close to home. Surely, they should be able to at least
apply for these jobs, and where possible and
appropriate, fill these jobs. The benefits to the local
economy of these people getting jobs are numerous,
with more tax dollars going to the government,
meaning more mining infrastructure can be built;
more social cohesion and the general benefit of it
reflecting values we have in society.
This is an issue which requires true leadership from
the government, to stand up for the common man, the
2200 people who lost their jobs today, to stand up to
Miss Rinehart and inform her that she needs to at least
allow these people to apply for the jobs, instead of
simply finding the cheapest way of bringing in labour.
It would be like the entire 1st XV forward pack
getting injured and instead of looking for a new pack
in the school, the sportsmaster simply found 8 people
from other schools, with the only reason being to win.
In the long run, having strong values and moral sense
will always overcome a desire for money. Fairness
also, will always come out on top.
Page 240
The Voice: Week 2
Last week you heard your favourite (and least favourite) teachers sing for the first time! Unless they
sing in class, in which case you saw them judged
for the first time by our resident know-it-alls, the
team captains. This week, our four fearless professionals (Ms Glover, Mr Wheeldon, Mrs Barber and
Mr Dorich) paired their teams off against each other in individual battles to the musical death in order
to separate the superstars from the wanabees.
We kicked off the night with a rousing battle for
Team Glover’s position of ‘The Brain’, with Mr
Stobo and Mr Myers fighting it out onstage with
Kelly Clarkson’s Mr. Know It All. Unfortunately
for Myers, his tendency for drifting off topic resulted in a lesson on Ms Clarkson’s intentions behind
writing the song, a brief history of song writing and
a quick discussion of the audience’s favourite singer-songwriters. Before he knew it, the song was
over and Stobo had won by default, despite the lack
of opportunity for him to sing a single lyric.
The Sergeants Major teamed off against Mr Lattouf
in the Battle of ‘The Headmaster’s Assembly’,
tackling the classic Beatles number Revolution. SM
Clarke began the song well, but became distracted
by his urge to discipline a bunch of Year 7s in the
front row who had decided to begin a conversation
about exams, leaving SM Atwill to take the chorus
solo. Despite Atwill’s efforts, Mr Lattouf managed
to wow the crowd not only with his singing abilities but also by his multitasking: fixing a faulty
speaker system while managing to remain perfectly
in tune.
The night continued with stellar performances, including a performance of Me & Mr Jones by Amy
Winehouse from Mr and Mrs Jones versus Mr
Friday, 1st June, 2012
Tzanztaris. The Joneses had a ball with the song,
but Mr T just couldn’t keep up with them. Suffering a classic case of the awkward third wheel,
Tzantzaris’s performance was stiff and wooden,
lacking the sharpness and flair that won over the
coaches’ hearts in the blind auditions.
Team Wheeldon staged the battle for ‘The Rowing Coach’ with a Country and Western tussle
between Mr Übergang and Mr Jennings. Usually
more comfortable at the rowing sheds, our two
prized rowing instructors settled the score on
who was the best with Johnny Cash’s Rowboat.
Wheeldon decided to turn up the heat a little, and
had his contestants complete a 2km Ergometer.
Unfortunately, both contestants were unable to
finish the song due to blacking out with pain, regaining consciousness and proceeding to throw
up all over the auditorium stage. Both were carted off the stage by paramedics and are currently
undergoing physical therapy.
The night ended with the one we’ve all been
waiting for: Headmaster Dr Wright against Deputy Headmaster Mr Robertson. The two sovereigns of the school went head to head with the
ultimate anthem of authority, Respect by Aretha
Franklin. The two were well matched, with Dr
Wright’s deep Bass complimenting the Deputy’s
sweet lyric Tenor perfectly. Both did a brilliant
job with the song, however a winner needed to be
chosen. After three ad breaks and several unnecessary rants from the judges, Team Glover
picked the subtler and more reserved performance of Mr Robertson over the slightly excessive showmanship of Dr Wright. It was a tender
moment as the Headmaster left the stage, but we
all know he’ll go on to bigger and better things,
like Graythwaite!
The teams as they stand…
Glover: Ms Kilburn, Ms Banerjee, Mr Stobo, Mr
Wheeldon: Ms Papworth, Ms Binney, Dr Cassidy, Mr Kriedemann
Barber: Mrs Black, Mrs White, Mr Clarke
(English), Mr Lattouf
Dorich: Mr Meakins, Ms Dorich, Mrs Jooste, Mr
Ward (History)
Tune in next week for the live shows, where
YOU decide!
Page 241
Hurry up
Get over it, bozos.
They put me out
in front but I don’t
know where I’m
going! Actors!!!
Look what’s coming!
All welcome
Year 9 and 10 Performance Evening
13th June, 2012
7.30pm - Drama Studio
Friday, 1st June, 2012
Page 242
Impro Australia proudly presents the…
Holiday Workshops will be offered, from
Wednesday 20th June, to Year 12 boys for the
upcoming vacation. These have proven successful
in providing boys with structure which
complements their individual study programmes.
Each 3 hour Holiday Workshop session will consist
of coverage of important HSC topics in that
subject. A mix of strategies will be used in order
to maximise learning: revision lecture, structured
tutorial and discussion. Workshops will generally
be limited to a minimum of 7 and a maximum of
approximately 20 boys. A fee of $50 (which
includes GST) will be charged per (3 hour)
workshop, which represents excellent value
compared to externally run HSC lecture courses.
Boys are encouraged strongly to make good use of
the workshops and are expected to stay to the end
of each workshop.
A selection form will be handed to each boy in
Year 12 and is to be returned to Ms. Lamb,
Director of Studies Secretary. Boys may choose as
many sessions as they like. Every attempt will be
made to accommodate all boys, but it might be
necessary to restrict the number of boys in a
particular workshop, depending upon demand.
This will be done on a first come, first served basis.
Charges will be made to the next fees statement on
a no-refund basis.
A list of all available workshops will be available
through the school’s portal, Lampada, from Friday,
1st June.
Boys will not be required to wear school uniform.
Boys are not encouraged to drive to school for the
workshops. However, if they do drive they are
not allowed to park in the front driveway under
any circumstances.
We do hope that each boy will participate in the
workshops, which, according to boys in the Classes
of 1999-2011, contributed well to their success at
the HSC examinations.
I M Middleton
MIC – Holiday
Friday, 1st June, 2012
2012 Schools
Date: Tuesday 5 June 2012
Time: 7pm
Blue Street, North Sydney.
The heat to be held in the Drama Studio. Metered Parking
available on William Street.
Tickets: $10 adults, $5 students,
at the door
Semi Final 3 SENIOR teams are…
Barker College
Killara High School
North Sydney Boys High School
North Sydney Girls High School
Shore School
Wyong Christian Community School
Check out all the 2012 TSC info
at www.improaustralia.com.au
For more information, email
Still some great highlights ahead in this
week’s Record, INCLUDING the Cross
Country Report, this week featuring the
word, ‘vertiginous’.
Don’t miss it.
Page 243
Results - Saturday 26th May
Results - Saturday 26th May
TEAM Versus
1st XV
2nd XV TKS
3rd XV TKS
4th XV
5th XV
6th XV
7th XV
8th XV
9th XV
10th XV TKS
12-12 D
12-27 L
5-46 L
5-5 D
19-5 W
27-10 W
72-0 W
80-7 W
68-0 W
88-0 L
1st XI
Versus Result
TKS 1 3-3 draw Chambers, Wood
TKS 2 5-0 loss
2nd XI
TKS 3 1-1 draw Wearne
3rd XI
TKS 4 4-1 loss Wood
4th XI
TKS 5 1-0 win
O'Donnell (pen)
5th XI
6th XI/Co TKS 6 1-0 win
TKS 7 1-0 loss
7th XI
16B XI
16C XI
1-1 draw Lobb
4-2 loss Calder, Skalla
4-1 loss Josue
15A XI
15B XI
15C XI
5-2 loss
4-0 loss
5-0 loss
14A XI
14B XI
14C XI
14D XI
0-0 draw
3-2 win
Logan, Hadden,
1-0 loss
4-0 loss
13A XI
13B XI
5-2 loss
3-2 win
13C XI
13D XI
1-1 draw Kerr
3-0 loss
Hon Yun; OG
Gock, Pool
Newbrun, Chapman
Saturday saw challenging, windy conditions for the
shooters. This made the day difficult for the shooters who had to adapt their style to the varying conditions, as well as the coaches who were trying to
adjust the sights to suit the effect of the wind on the
bullet. Despite this, some impressive scores
emerged from the day.
The top three scores for individual shoots (out of a
possible 40-8) were as follows:
Scotty Skidmore with 39-1 and 39-0
Elliot Girling and Max Brewer with 38-2
Continued on page 245
Friday, 1st June, 2012
Page 244
Alas, fellow Cross Country enthusiasts, I have bad
news for you. Undoubtedly you’ve all heard of the
notorious Sydney Park with its vertiginous hills
whose peaks are rumoured to be swathed in icy
clouds and littered with numerous abandoned pickaxes. Well, the sad news is that you’ll no longer be
able to visit such lands, as the Shore team
absolutely destroyed it! On arrival we were
deafened by the timid moans of other schools who
were dreading the infamous topography but we left
as King(s) of the Mountain(s) … (polka-dot jerseys
in the mail, see me about sizes)
Ed Goddard on the long hill
The U14 team launched the first attack on the
course with the grassy knolls, coming off second
best. Jarrod Osborne achieved a remarkable 4th
placing, surely his best, but don’t quote me on that,
and the newcomer Ben Muston impressed with a
top-ten performance of 8th. Adam Fitch expressly
asked to be mentioned and so he deserves to be,
having broken into the top four, although only on a
technical hitch as the afore-mentioned Ben hasn’t
yet registered, the correction of which (ahem, Ben)
would have resulted in a placing of 4th for the team.
It is my unfortunate burden to report more bad
news. It was a long-held tradition at Shore, now
broken, that the U16 team is…well, meagre, to be
diplomatic about it. Suspicions propose that people
actually lose interest in Cross Country during years
9 and 10 (shocking, I know; I’ve never believed
them), but no matter, for this year’s U16 team has
defied tradition. Not only has the team placed 2nd,
but Ed Goddard notched up his maiden victory,
ably buttressed by two other top-ten performances
from Zach Burns and Charlie McLeod. Jolly good
effort chaps, what ho.
If present on Saturday morning, you’d’ve
(economy of language there, sparing y’all from
more blithering) suspected that our Open team
would yield worse results, judging by the way they
were lounging around despite my bleating protests
that a warm-up would be better. Nevertheless,
amongst runners such as James Riley (10th) and
‘Robbie’ McEwen (30th), it seemed yours truly was
the only person who didn’t record their best
placing, so maybe there is something to be said for
being lazy.
Ruairidh MacDonald
Zach Burns & Charlie McLeod
The top three combined scores (tally of two scores
out of a possible 80-16):
Scotty Skidmore with 78-1
Elliot Girling with 74-4
Andrew Rafe with 70-2
Friday, 1st June, 2012
Page 245