rudy buttignol - European Documentary Network
rudy buttignol - European Documentary Network
RUDY BUTTIGNOL Knowledge Network Corporation 4355 Mathissi Place V5G 4S8 (Burnaby) Vancouver, BC, Canada Short Biography Rudy Buttignol is President and CEO of Knowledge Network, British Columbia’s public broadcaster, and President of BBC Kids, a national VXEVFULSWLRQ FKDQQHO +H DOVR PRGHUDWHV ¿QDQFLQJ IRUXPV LQ $PVWHUGDP and Leipzig, and serves as a Board Director of several arts organizations. &XUUHQWO\%XWWLJQROLVWKH3UHVLGHQWRIWKH$FDGHP\RI&DQDGLDQ&LQHPDDQG 7HOHYLVLRQ)RXQGDWLRQ&KDLURIWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO$GYLVRU\&RXQFLORIWKH+RW 'RFV7UDGH)RUXP9LFH&KDLURIWKH$VVRFLDWLRQRI(GXFDWLRQ%URDGFDVWHUV of Canada; a Director on the Board of the Vancouver International Film Festival. He was recently appointed by the federal government to the Cultural Properties Export Review Board. In the past, In the past, Buttignol was TVO’s Creative Head of Network Programming, Head of Independent Production, and Commissioning Editor. His notable commissions included The Corporation and Manufactured Landscapes. For 18 years, he worked as an independent writer and producer. He is the recipient of several international honours including the inaugural Doc Mogul $ZDUGIURPWKH+RW'RFV,QWHUQDWLRQDO)HVWLYDODQGQLQH&DQDGLDQ*HPLQL $FDGHP\$ZDUGV+HZDV&KDLURIWKH%RDUGRIWKH$FDGHP\RI&DQDGLDQ Cinema and Television for seven years.Born in Italy, Buttignol is a graduate RIWKH)DFXOW\RI)LQH$UWVDW7RURQWR¶V<RUN8QLYHUVLW\DQGKDVFRPSOHWHG Executive programs at Stanford and Harvard. CRPSDQ\3UR¿OH Knowledge Network Corporation is British Columbia’s public broadcaster. The commercial-free service is funded in part by an annual operating grant from the Government of BC and by donations from over 33,000 individuals. Each week, 1.4 million viewers tune into Knowledge Network’s children’s programming in the daytime and arts and culture programming in prime time. MDLQ5HVSRQVLELOLW\ Overall leadership of the organisation, including the network programming. 6ORWV_6WUDQGV\RXDUH FRPPLVVLRQLQJIRU 6WRU\YLOOH0DVWHUV$SHUWXUH(DVWLV(DVW5DGLR&LW\DQG5RXWH GHQUHV_7RSLFV\RXDUH ORRNLQJIRU $UWV&XOWXUH+LVWRU\DQG&UHDWLYHGRFXPHQWDULHV PUHIHUUHG/HQJWK )RUPDWVHULHVRURQH RIIVFURVVPHGLD Hours, feature-length and limited series 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV FRPPLVVLRQHGSHU\HDU 15-30 hours 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV DFTXLUHGSHU\HDU 800-900 hours CHAOWEI CHANG SUNTV (HK) Rm201, Building A, Huixin Plaza Asian Games Village, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China www. Short Biography Born in Taiwan, Chang Chao-wei both writes and produces for television, print and web in Taiwan and China. He is now based in Beijing and acting as the Chief Producer of SUNTV and CNEX. He is now producing SURFACING AT 175 and MAN MADE HELL for SUNTV. He is also working on several projects about China’s modern history. CRPSDQ\3UR¿OH SUNTV is a Chinese multi-platform TV company headquartered in HK. TRUTH, FACT and AUTHENTICITY are its attitude. It has production arms in Beijing and Taipei. The programming focuses on documentary and in-depth commentary covering history, politics and economy. Now it also publishing a multi-media e-magazine, iSUN AFFAIRS, through mobile devices. MDLQ5HVSRQVLELOLW\ In charge of documentary department. Produce and commission documentary project. 6ORWV_6WUDQGV\RXDUH FRPPLVVLRQLQJIRU GHQUHV_7RSLFV\RXDUH ORRNLQJIRU Politics, History, Current Affairs. PUHIHUUHG/HQJWK )RUPDWVHULHVRURQH RIIVFURVVPHGLD Series | TV format | Cross-media. 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV FRPPLVVLRQHGSHU\HDU 10 hrs 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV DFTXLUHGSHU\HDU 60 hrs VIKRAM CHANNA 'LVFRYHU\1HWZRUNV$VLD3DFL¿F 3 Changi Business Park Vista #03-00 Singapore 486051, Singapore Short Biography %DVHGRXWRI'1$3¶V6LQJDSRUHRI¿FH9LNUDP&KDQQDZRUNVFORVHO\ZLWK 'LVFRYHU\1HWZRUNV$VLD3DFL¿F¶V'1$3FRXQWU\KHDGVWRSURYLGHHGLWRULDO direction on matters. Channa and his team produce approximately 100 hours of programming every year across DNAP’s portfolio of brands. &KDQQD¿UVWMRLQHG'LVFRYHU\LQ+HKDVWDNHQRQYDULRXVUROHVZLWKLQWKH company from on-air promotions to programming and production. Together with his team, he executive produced over 500 documentaries, several of which garnered accolades at events such as the Asia Television Awards, New York Festival, Omni Intermedia, and the Academy Awards. Channa began his working career in India as an independent producer of VKRUW¿OPV +HKDVD0DVWHUVLQERWK+LVWRU\DQG)LOPDQG7HOHYLVLRQ3URGXFWLRQIURP 1HZ'HOKL,QGLDDQGDOVRKROGVDQ0%$IURPWKH%RRWK6FKRRORI%XVLQHVV University of Chicago, USA. CRPSDQ\3UR¿OH Typically DNAP looks to commission or co-produce content which is of regional relevance and rates for our audiences in APAC. In this context, Epic +LVWRU\ZLWKUDUHDUFKLYDOPDWHULDOZRUNVZHOO+RVWHGWUDYHOFXLVLQHFRQWHQW for our TLC brand is also what we are always looking for. MDLQ5HVSRQVLELOLW\ As Vice President of Production and Development, Channa is responsible for SURGXFWLRQRIDOORULJLQDOFRQWHQWRXW$VLD3DFL¿F 6ORWV_6WUDQGV\RXDUH FRPPLVVLRQLQJIRU GHQUHV_7RSLFV\RXDUH ORRNLQJIRU PUHIHUUHG/HQJWK )RUPDWVHULHVRURQH RIIVFURVVPHGLD 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV FRPPLVVLRQHGSHU\HDU 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV DFTXLUHGSHU\HDU Discovery Enterprises International distributes programs across a broad range of genre including science, exploration, adventure, natural history, technology, health and wellness, lifestyle and current events. SHIRLEY SHIHUI CHENG LIC China Gymnasium, National Olympic Sports Centre 1 An’ding Road, Chaoyang District Beijing 100029, China Short Biography Shihui Cheng is SVP and Editor- in- Chief of LIC China. As such she has responsibility for LIC’s 5 branded programming blocks, 3 of which are broadcast daily, plus developing initiatives for co-production and re-versioning Chinese content programming for the international market. Prior to joining LIC in early 2006, Shihui worked in production for three years for the BBC World Service in London. Closer to home she has produced a weekly historical feature for Phoenix TV in Hong Kong, a daily bilingual magazine program for CCTV in Beijing. CRPSDQ\3UR¿OH LIC China, set up in 1994 as a Chinese agent for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, has established itself as a dynamic and reliable corporation ZLWK HLJKW RI¿FHV ORFDWHG LQ IRXU LQWHUQDWLRQDO FLWLHV RI %HLMLQJ 6KDQJKDL +RQJ.RQJDQG6\GQH\,WLVKHDYLO\LQYROYHGLQWKH79¿OPDGYHUWLVLQJ publication and new media sectors, with its core business focus in the TV DQG ¿OP LQGXVWU\ /,& &KLQD LV VSHFLDOLVHG LQ WKH SURGXFWLRQ 79 QHWZRUN syndication and distribution of audiovisual packages both in the domestic and international market places. MDLQ5HVSRQVLELOLW\ - Overall responsibility for effectively managing the existing 5 branded blocks/ programme projects as well as proactively identifying potential programme opportunities. - Daily programming management, including Programme Delivery, Creative Scheduling, Censorship, Quality on Air, Viewer ship Ratings etc. - Developing initiatives for co-production and re-versioning Chinese content programming for both domestic and the international market. 6ORWV_6WUDQGV\RXDUH FRPPLVVLRQLQJIRU SAGA, SAGA China, Fabulous Nature. GHQUHV_7RSLFV\RXDUH ORRNLQJIRU Culture & History, Science & Technology, Military & Warfare, Social Issues, Nature & Wildlife. PUHIHUUHG/HQJWK )RUPDWVHULHVRURQH RIIVFURVVPHGLD Both series and one-offs; 52 mins preferred; HD or Digital Beta. 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV FRPPLVVLRQHGSHU\HDU around 10 hrs 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV DFTXLUHGSHU\HDU around 800hrs (including both Chinese and international contents). ALBERT CHEUNG KIN-WAH Radio Television Hong Kong Street: 3/F Television House, 1A Broadcast Drive, Kowloon Hong Kong, China Short Biography Serving RTHK for more than 20 years, Albert Cheung has a strong background in directing and producing programmes spanning from drama, documentaries, animations, musicals to scalable projects. In recent years, Albert has shifted his role to oversee the DTT development plus programmes acquisition and repackaging so as to cope with the growth of RTHK. He also plays an active role as commissioning editor on various award-winning projects. CRPSDQ\3UR¿OH The Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) has been serving as the sole public broadcaster in Hong Kong for more than 80 years. Its role is to SURYLGHGLYHUVL¿HGUDGLRDQGWHOHYLVLRQSURJUDPPHVZKLFKDUHLQIRUPDWLYH educational and entertaining for the community. As a media organisation, its mission is to provide a broadcasting platform, to promote cultural activities, encouraging creativeness and fostering development of various industries in Hong Kong. MDLQ5HVSRQVLELOLW\ To make preparation for the launch of new DTT channels, including drawing up the mechanism on channel management, programme acquisition, coproduction, commissioning, and exploring the need for consultancy services etc. 6ORWV_6WUDQGV\RXDUH FRPPLVVLRQLQJIRU Prime time (1900-2000), Commissioning programmes on drama and animation. GHQUHV_7RSLFV\RXDUH ORRNLQJIRU Drama, Animation, Documentary and Studio Production. PUHIHUUHG/HQJWK )RUPDWVHULHVRURQH RIIVFURVVPHGLD Series of 1/2 to 1 hr programmes. 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV FRPPLVVLRQHGSHU\HDU Currently 15 hrs and will increase gradually to 150 hrs in preparation for the launch of RTHK own TV channel in the near future. 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV DFTXLUHGSHU\HDU From current 50 hrs to 500 hrs per year in 3-5 yrs time. BYUNG HWA CHOI CJ E&M Broadcasting Company &-(0&HQWHUWKÀRRU 66,Sangamsan-ro, Mapo-gu Seoul 121-904 South Korea Short Biography Byung Hwa Choi currently holds the position of Chief Producer for the Documentary Department. He has worked in many different areas in the ¿HOGRIEURDGFDVWLQJEXWGRFXPHQWDULHVVHHPWRKROGKLVLQWHUHVWWKHPRVW He is interested in many different genres and ideas and is looking forward to this event. CRPSDQ\3UR¿OH &-(0IRUWKHODVW\HDUVKDVEHHQWDNLQJWKHOHDGLQJOREDOL]DWLRQRI Korean culture through contents in diverse genres such as motion picture, EURDGFDVWLQJSHUIRUPDQFHVPXVLFJDPHVDQGRWKHUVZKLFKSURYLGHMR\DQG impress people around the world. MDLQ5HVSRQVLELOLW\ 2YHUORRNV DOO GRFXPHQWDU\ SURMHFWV 0DNHV WKH ¿QDO GHFLVLRQ IRU WKHPHV and ideas and the process of a project and airing of a project. 6ORWV_6WUDQGV\RXDUH FRPPLVVLRQLQJIRU N/A GHQUHV_7RSLFV\RXDUH ORRNLQJIRU $VVDLGLQP\ELRJUDSK\,DPORRNLQJIRUQHZLGHDVDQGJOREDOFRQWHQWVWR work with. PUHIHUUHG/HQJWK )RUPDWVHULHVRURQH RIIVFURVVPHGLD N/A 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV FRPPLVVLRQHG 8+ hours per day 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV DFTXLUHG 8 hours per day MARGJE DE KONING IKON P.O. Box 10009 1201 DA Hilversum The Netherlands or IKON Bergweg 16 1217 SE Hilversum The Netherlands Short Biography Drs. Margaretha M.A. de Koning (birthdate: 29-02-1964) Education: Theatre Science (University of Amsterdam); Radio-, Film- and 7HOHYLVLRQ &RXUVH 8QRI %ULVWRO 8. 6KH KDV EHHQ PDNLQJ ¿OPV IRU years. Since 2004 part time teacher at Culture & Media Studies (Dept. Film& Television at the University of Amsterdam). Since August 2004 Commissioning Editor Documentary at IKON. As of January 2005 Margje de Koning is also responsible for the Television Department of IKON. CRPSDQ\3UR¿OH IKON, the ecumenical broadcaster in the Netherlands, produces radio, television and new media content to inspire, motivate and galvanise those ZKRVH RXWORRN RQ OLIH LV EDVHG SULPDULO\ RQ VSLULWXDOLW\ DQG UHÀHFWLRQ .H\ values are: sincerity, reliability, challenge and depth. IKON is closely involved in the moral/ethical debate, and not only focuses on topical issues but is responsible for putting issues on the social agenda itself. Providing answers is not the focal point; asking the right questions is, bearing in mind the motto: 7KRVHZKR¿QGKDYHQRWORRNHGSURSHUO\,.21TXHVWLRQVWKHREYLRXVDQG inspires people to take up a stance. MDLQ5HVSRQVLELOLW\ Head of Television Department & Commissioning Editor Documentary 6ORWV_6WUDQGV\RXDUH FRPPLVVLRQLQJIRU Holland Doc and IKON-doc GHQUHV_7RSLFV\RXDUH ORRNLQJIRU IKON looks for creative single 52-minute documentaries on contemporary social, socio-cultural and moral issues with a strong human interest angle. PUHIHUUHG/HQJWK )RUPDWVHULHVRURQH RIIVFURVVPHGLD Single documentaries, max. 60 min. 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV FRPPLVVLRQHGSHU\HDU 12 hours national, 3 hours international 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV DFTXLUHGSHU\HDU 5 hours acquisitions FLORA GREGORY Al Jazeera English 1 Knightsbridge London SW1X 7XW United Kingdom Short Biography CRPSDQ\3UR¿OH Flora Gregory conceived and ran Channel 4’s reporter-led foreign affairs VHULHV 8QUHSRUWHG :RUOG IRU ¿YH \HDUV 6KH MRLQHG $O -D]HHUD (QJOLVK LQ IRU WKH FKDQQHO ODXQFK WR UXQ :LWQHVV WKH FKDQQHO¶V ÀDJVKLS documentary strand. Launched in 2006, Al Jazeera English (AJE) is a global 24 hour English language news and current affairs channel, a part of the Al Jazeera network headquarted in Qatar. AJE broadcasts to over 250 million homes in over 125 countries. MDLQ5HVSRQVLELOLW\ (GLWRURI$-(¶VÀDJVKLSGRFXPHQWDU\VWUDQG:LWQHVV 6ORWV_6WUDQGV\RXDUH FRPPLVVLRQLQJIRU Witness has two slots each week and features lives of ordinary people and how they are affected by big themes and events. GHQUHV_7RSLFV\RXDUH ORRNLQJIRU +XPDQ,QWHUHVW¿OPVDQ\¿OPVRUVHULHVZKLFKPD\EHDSSURSULDWHIRU$-( which offer an alternative point of view. PUHIHUUHG/HQJWK )RUPDWVHULHVRURQH RIIVFURVVPHGLD Take one offs for Witness (25 and 48 mins) also looking for other series and cross media projects. 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV FRPPLVVLRQHGSHU\HDU $SSUR[¿OPV 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV DFTXLUHGSHU\HDU $SSUR[¿OPV PETER JÄGER AUTLOOK Filmsales GMBH Trappelgasse 4/17 1040 Vienna, Austria +43-720-346934 SHWHU#DXWORRN¿OPVFRP ZZZDXWORRN¿OPVFRP Short Biography %RUQLQ%HOJLXP3HWHUVWXGLHGODZDQGSKLORVRSK\ $VD\RXQJ¿OPIUHDN3HWHUFUHDWHGDQHZ¿OPPDJD]LQHZLWKIHOORZXQLYHUVLW\ VWXGHQWV DQG EHFDPH µ&RPPHUFLDO DQG 0DUNHWLQJ 'LUHFWRU¶ )ROORZLQJ KLV SDVVLRQ IRU ¿OP 3HWHU EHFDPH µ0DUNHWLQJ DQG$FTXLVLWLRQV &RQVXOWDQW¶ IRU VHYHUDO PDMRU LQGHSHQGHQW ¿OP GLVWULEXWRUV DQG ¿OP H[KLELWRUV ZRUNLQJ RQ ¿OPVOLNH0XOKROODQG'ULYH+LJK$UW)HVWHQ7KH/RUG2I7KH5LQJV« ,Q WRJHWKHU ZLWK$XVWULDQ SURGXFWLRQ FRPSDQLHV 3HWHU IRXQGHG DQG EHFDPH&(2RI$XWORRN)LOPVDOHV*PE+ 3HWHULVDGLVWULEXWLRQH[SHUWFRQVXOWDQWRI0(',$3URJUDPPHDMXU\PHPEHU RIWKH)OHPLVK)LOP)XQGDQGDJXHVWGLVWULEXWLRQOHFWXUHUIRU)LOP$FDGHP\ 9LHQQD 'RQDX8QLYHUVLW\ .UHPV )LOP $FDGHP\ %HUOLQ (XURGRFV &LQH 5HJLR0$,$ZRUNVKRSDQG1DWLRQDO)LOP,QVWLWXWHVOLNH$XVWULD3RODQG,WDO\ %DOWLFVWDWHV%HOJLXP CRPSDQ\3UR¿OH $XWORRN LV D IXOOVHUYLFH VDOHV DJHQW KDQGOLQJ IHVWLYDOV 79 WKHDWULFDO HGXFDWLRQDO'9'DQGGLJLWDOVDOHVZRUOGZLGH :H VHOHFW DURXQG 79GRFXPHQWDULHV D \HDU DQG XS WR GRFV ZLWK ZRUOGZLGHWKHDWULFDOSRWHQWLDO $XWORRNDWWHQGVDOOLPSRUWDQWWKHDWULFDOPDUNHWVOLNH &DQQHV)UDQFH Berlin, Germany 7RURQWR&DQDGD Pusan, Korea /RFDUQR,WDO\ 6XQGDQFH86 +RQJ.RQJ&KLQD 5RWWHUGDP7KH1HWKHUODQGVHWF DQGDOO'RFPDUNHWVOLNH ,')$7KH1HWKHUODQGV +RW'RFV&DQDGD 6KHI¿HOG8. /HLS]LJ*HUPDQ\ 9LVLRQVGX5pHO)UDQFH 0,3790,3&20)UDQFHHWF ABD. WAHID ZAINAL ABIDIN ASRI Radio Television Malaysia (RTM) Tingkat 1, Wisma TV, Angkasapuri 50614 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia +60-3-2288-7664 +60-3-2284-4862 | +60-3-2288-7919 Short Biography Head of TV Programme Quality Control Unit. Employee of RTM for the past 27 years. 14 years as TV Drama Director. 5 years experience in TV Programme Acquisition Department. CRPSDQ\3UR¿OH Public Broadcaster. Broadcasting TV Programmes (local & international) in 3 free to air channels and radio programme (34 stations – 5 national stations and 29 regional stations). MDLQ5HVSRQVLELOLW\ TV Programme content quality control (gate keeping). 6ORWV_6WUDQGV\RXDUH FRPPLVVLRQLQJIRU Mostly local documentaries belt. GHQUHV_7RSLFV\RXDUH ORRNLQJIRU Documentaries / magazines of local subject and content. PUHIHUUHG/HQJWK )RUPDWVHULHVRURQH RIIVFURVVPHGLD For 30 minutes slots (exact duration: 23 minutes). 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV FRPPLVVLRQHGSHU\HDU 460 hours. 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV DFTXLUHGSHU\HDU 460 hours SALLEH KAHIRUL ANWAR Measat Broadcast Networks Systems Ground Floor, Wisma Penyayang, Equine Park 43300 Seri Kembangan, Malaysia +60-3-9549-3288 Short Biography Vice President for Malay Language Business at ASTRO. Responsible to assist at all the Malay Language Channel. CRPSDQ\3UR¿OH ASTRO ALL ASIA NETWORKS (ASTRO) is Malaysia‘s leading cross-media JURXS ZLWK VLJQL¿FDQW SUHVHQFH LQ '7+ 'LUHFW7R+RPH 79 VHUYLFHV commercial radio and TV programming. $VWURWKHVXEVFULSWLRQ79VHUYLFHEHJDQRSHUDWLRQVLQZLWKFKDQQHOV DQGFXUUHQWO\EURDGFDVWVRYHUSD\79FKDQQHOVLQIRXUPDMRUODQJXDJHV LQFOXGLQJFKDQQHOVLQ+LJK'H¿QLWLRQDFURVV0DOD\VLDDQG%UXQHLWRPRUH than 2.93 million households. MDLQ5HVSRQVLELOLW\ Satellite Broadcast with multi channels offerings. 6ORWV_6WUDQGV\RXDUH FRPPLVVLRQLQJIRU ASTRO Malay Language Channel. GHQUHV_7RSLFV\RXDUH ORRNLQJIRU &RPSHOOLQJFRQWHQWWKDWZLOOKHOSXVWRSURYLGHWKHVDPHWRRXUYLHZHUV PUHIHUUHG/HQJWK )RUPDWVHULHVRURQH RIIVFURVVPHGLD Both series & one offs. 1 hour is preferred length. Cross media, YES! 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV FRPPLVVLRQHGSHU\HDU N/A 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV DFTXLUHGSHU\HDU N/A OMAR AHMAD IZHAM Media Prima Berhad Sri Pentas, No. 3 Persiaran Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama 47800 Petaling, Selangor, Malaysia +60-3-7726-6333 +60-3-7726-1333 Short Biography $KPDG,]KDP2PDULV&KLHI2SHUDWLQJ2I¿FHU7HOHYLVLRQ1HWZRUNV0HGLD 3ULPDDQG&KLHI([HFXWLYH2I¿FHU3ULPHZRUNV6WXGLRV6GQ%KG CRPSDQ\3UR¿OH Media Prima Berhad (Media Prima), a company listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia, is Malaysia‘s leading integrated media investment group. ,WFXUUHQWO\RZQVSHUFHQWHTXLW\LQWHUHVWLQ7979QWYDQG79,Q DGGLWLRQ 0HGLD 3ULPD QRZ RZQV PRUH WKDQ SHU FHQW HTXLW\ LQWHUHVW LQ 7KH1HZ6WUDLWV7LPHV3UHVV0DOD\VLD1673%HUKDGRQHRI0DOD\VLDµV largest publisher which publishes three national newspapers; the New Straits 7LPHV%HULWD+DULDQDQG+DULDQ0HWUR 0HGLD3ULPDDOVRRZQVWKUHHUDGLRQHWZRUNV)O\)0+RW)0DQG2QH)0 Other cross media interests of Media Prima include content creation; event and talent management. Outside of Malaysia, Media Prima has a controlling VWDNHLQ791HWZRUN/WG*KDQD¶VOHDGLQJSULYDWHWHOHYLVLRQVWDWLRQ MDLQ5HVSRQVLELOLW\ 7R EH DEOH WR UHVSRQG WR DQG HYHQ OHDG WKH HYROXWLRQ RI EURDGFDVWLQJ LQ Malaysia, we at Media Prima must continually adapt to rapidly changing technology and to the evolving needs and preferences of Malaysians. 6ORWV_6WUDQGV\RXDUH FRPPLVVLRQLQJIRU N/A GHQUHV_7RSLFV\RXDUH ORRNLQJIRU N/A PUHIHUUHG/HQJWK )RUPDWVHULHVRURQH RIIVFURVVPHGLD N/A 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV FRPPLVVLRQHGSHU\HDU N/A 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV DFTXLUHGSHU\HDU N/A NAZRI ABDUL HAKIM AMIR Measat Broadcast Networks Systems Ground Floor, Wisma Penyayang, Equine Park 43300 Seri Kembangan, Malaysia +60-3-9549-3288 Short Biography Assistant Vice President for Content Development Unit. Responsible to assist channels in new content activities. CRPSDQ\3UR¿OH ASTRO ALL ASIA NETWORKS (ASTRO) is Malaysia‘s leading cross-media JURXS ZLWK VLJQL¿FDQW SUHVHQFH LQ '7+ 'LUHFW7R+RPH 79 VHUYLFHV commercial radio and TV programming. Astro, the subscription TV service began operations in 1996 with 22 channels and currently broadcasts over 125 pay-TV channels in four major languages LQFOXGLQJFKDQQHOVLQ+LJK'H¿QLWLRQDFURVV0DOD\VLDDQG%UXQHLWRPRUH than 2.93 million households. MDLQ5HVSRQVLELOLW\ Satellite Broadcast with multi channels offerings. 6ORWV_6WUDQGV\RXDUH FRPPLVVLRQLQJIRU ASTRO PRIMA & ASTRO AWANI GHQUHV_7RSLFV\RXDUH ORRNLQJIRU Compelling content that will help us to provide the same to our viewers. PUHIHUUHG/HQJWK )RUPDWVHULHVRURQH RIIVFURVVPHGLD Both series & one offs. 1 hour is preferred length. Cross media, YES! 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV FRPPLVVLRQHGSHU\HDU N/A 7RWDO QXPEHURIKRXUV DFTXLUHGSHU\HDU N/A