The biogeochemistry of Lena River: organic carbon and nutrients
The biogeochemistry of Lena River: organic carbon and nutrients
Marine Chemistry The biogeochemistry 53 (I 996) 2 1I-227 of Lena River: organic carbon and nutrients distribution G. Cauwet ‘, I. Sidorov ‘.’ ” Centre National de la Recherche Scientfiyue. Gmupement dr Rrcherchrs BP 44, 66651 Barguls h Tiksi Department of Roscomhydmmrt, Akademiku lnteractioru Continent-O&n. Ohsewrrtoire OcPanologique. sur Mer. France Fedororcr, 27. 678400 Tiksi, Republic Received 25 May 1994: accepted 5 January Sukha f YcrkutiwL Ruxsitr 1995 Abstract The Lena River is one of the most important rivers flowing to the Arctic Ocean. Draining the Siberian forest and tundra, it is characterized by black waters enriched in organic matter. Compared to other Arctic or subarctic rivers, the Lena River is very similar in the content of ammonia, phosphates, organic nitrogen and phosphorus, but three times richer in silica and nitrate. The distribution of POC, DOC, DIC and suspended matter during two cruises in September 1989 and 1991 was comparable and was influenced by the water input from the river. DOC and DIC exhibit a very conservative behaviour to salinity. The TOC discharge, is on a yearly basis directly connected to water discharge with a maximum during the flood time in June-July. From about 330 pM during the low stage period (November to April), the TOC concentration increases up to 1200 pM during the flood. The organic carbon content of suspended matter depends upon the level sampled and decreases with the suspended load. Surface samples range between 4 and 209 while samples collected in bottom waters are less rich (6 to 3%). Waters from the Buor-Khaya Bay are richer (20 to 10%7F). The concentrations of the nutrients (SiO,, PO,, TDP, TDN, NH,, NO,) are different in surface and bottom waters, and vary from summer to winter. Plotted against chlorinity, these parameters exhibit a characteristic behaviour. Silica is always more concentrated in bottom water, decreasing with salinity. Phosphate and nitrate are more concentrated in bottom water, suggesting mineralization of organic matter and regeneration of nutrients. On the contrary, ammonium is more concentrated in surface water. Total dissolved nitrogen, mainly represented by organic nitrogen (DON),is decreasing rapidly in summer at low salinities (O-2%), and slowly increases seawards. In winter the concentration is not lower but slowly decreases all along the salinity gradient. The behaviour of organic carbon and nutrients are linked to the inputs by the river and marine production and to the degradation step in the sediment. 1. Introduction Considering the global carbon cycle and the major role played by the Ocean, it seems that the coastal ’ Present address: Forward Marine Ave.. 270058 Odessa, Ukraine. 0304.4203/96/$15.00 Copyright SSDI 0304-4203(95)00090-9 Agency. 12 Shevchenko zone must be considered as a specially important area (Wollast. 1991). Though representing only a small surface of marine realm (about S%), it is the most productive area of the Ocean (more than 25% of total marine production, Nienhuis. 1981). This high productivity of the coastal zone is mainly related to the influence of the river inputs, enriching 0 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. the coastal waters in nutrients and organic matter, and to the close coupling between the water and sediment, assuring a rapid reutilization of regenerated elements. This explains why a strong interest was put for a long time on the carbon and nutrient inputs by world river (Degens, 1982; Degens et al., 1983, 1985, 1987, 1988) and the biogeochemistry of the most important ones (Degens et al.. 1991). Considering the data bank represented by the series of books published by Degens and his team (see above), it appears that the information is significant for European and North American rivers and some of the major world rivers (Amazon, Zaire etc.). but quite limited for large East Asian and Siberian rivers. The lack of data for reliable carbon inputs was recently partly filled for Chinese rivers (Cauwet and Mackenzie, 1993) but data concerning large Siberian rivers is still rare in literature. Three main rivers are draining the Asian continent from west to east: the Ob, Ienissei and Lena. Among the largest Russian Arctic rivers, the Lena River ranks first with regard to the total suspended matter (TSM) and total organic carbon (TOC) export and second (after Ienissei) for water and total dissolved solids (TDS) export. The contribution of the Lena River to Arctic Ocean in terms of water, TDS, TSM and TOC is about 20% of the total flux from the Eurasian territory (Gordeev et al., 1996). Mon~ly water and total suspended matter discharges from the Lena River range respectively from 1220 m3 s.- ’ and 6.4 kg s ~ ’ (April) to 73 700 mi S - ’ and 4360 kg s- ’ (June). The turbidity of water in the lower reaches of the river is maximal in June-July (50-70 mg I_ ’ >, decreasing rapidly after the flood time (IO-20 mg l- ’ in August-September), while minimum turbidity occurs in November-April (3-6 mg 1-i) wh en surface waters are frozen (Fig. 2). During the flood time and the summer-autumn period (June-September~ the Lena River provides 67% of the annual TDS export, 83% of the annual water discharge and 96% of the annual TSM export. Average mineralization of Lena River water changes during the year from 60-70 mg 1-l during the flood time (June-July) up to 300-330 mg 1-l in low discharge (Ap~I-May). At the same time, the class (type) of water is also changing. During the greatest part of the year hydrocarbonates and cal- cium ions predominate in the low stream of the Lena River. In winter time, when water mineralization exceeds 250 mg l-‘, river waters changed to the chloride class, sodium and potassium predominating over calcium. This change seems to be due to the increasing role of ground water input (Gordeev and Sidorov, 1993). 2. Methods Total organic matter in Lena River was determined on unfiltered river waters by means of dichromate and permanganate oxidations in an acidic medium (Semenov, 1977). TOC was calculated by the dichromate oxidation and the ratio between dichromate and permanganate oxidations (Skopintsev and Goncharova, 1988). The samples for the determination of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) have been collected in the framework of the international program SPASIBA, in September 1989 and 1991 in the coastal zone of Lena River and the southeastern part of the Laptev Sea (Fig. I). Surface water samples were collected with Teflon pumping and Niskin sampling bottles; bottom water samples were collected with GO-FL0 and Niskin sampling bottles and transferred to glass bottles. All samples were filtered under reduced pressure, with an all-glass filter holder (Milli~re) on 47-mm pre-weighed glass fibre filters (Whatman GF/F, 0.7 pm), precombusted overnight at 450°C. After filtration, filters were washed with distilled water to eliminate the remaining salt, and dried for 24 h at 50°C. The dry weight of suspension collected was used to calculate the total suspended matter and the filters were analysed for POC. Four aliquots of the filtrate were collected into lo-ml glass tubes and poisoned with mercury chloride (HgC12) to avoid any bacterial development and stored until DOC analyses. POC is measured by dry combustion of the filters in a LECO CS 125 carbon analyser. After being dried and weighed the filters were folded into crucibles and impregnated with 2 N HCI in order to destroy carbonates. They were dried at 60°C to eliminate the inorganic carbon and most of the remaining acid and water. The analysis was performed by combustion in an induction furnace and CO, G. Cauwet, I. Sidoror/Marine formed was quantitatively measured by infrared absorption. DOC analysis was previously described (Cauwet, 1984). The sample is acidified to pH 3 with HCl, and bubbled with nitrogen to eliminate the inorganic 213 Chemistry 53 (19961211-227 carbon. Then it is pumped from an automatic sampler, mixed with a potassium persulphate solution buffered with sodium borax, and UV-irradiated in a quartz coil. Under these conditions the oxidation of organic matter is achieved and the CO, is swept by b Kotelny island WJ A20 A21 ns l ne Are A22 Al8 A23 n 34 A17 LAPTEV SEA DMITRIY LAPTE” A24 STRAIT l AIS l ml Al5 l2 YANSKY PAY Al4 Fig. 1. Location of sampling ( w ), September 199 1. stations: Tiksi Hydrometeorological Survey (1989-1991) (0); SPASIBA 1 (A 1, September k 1989; SPASIBA 2 214 G. Cauwct, I. Sidoroc /Marine Chemistry 53 (19961 211-227 (high temperature catalytic oxidation) method with a Shimadzu TOC 5000 equipment. After removal of carbonates from samples by acidification and bubbling with pure air, aliquots of 100 pl are injected in a vertical furnace on a catalyst made of silica impregnated by 1.2% Pt at 680°C. Organic matter is oxidized into CO, which is measured with a non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) detector (Cauwet, 1994; Sugimura and Suzuki, 1988). After addition of chloroform, the samples were kept at 4°C and analysed by classical calorimetric methods for nutrient determination. 3. Results 3.1. Total organic carbon and nutrients IO 3 jE Q Fig. 2. Seasonal variations of water discharge and TSM (A). dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide (B), TOC and SiO, concentrations (C) in lower reaches of the Lena River. pure air (after acidification) and determined with an infrared detector. The samples collected in September 1991 were analysed for DOC by a new HTCO Lena delta has a surface of 30000 km’, a delta front of more than 400 km and comprises more than 800 branches, totalling over 6500 km in length, about 1500 inlets, and 60000 lakes (Antonov, 1967). Minimum TOC concentration in the lower reaches of the Lena River occurs in winter time (NovemberMay), with mean values in the range 170-400 p.M, while the maximum TOC concentration is observed in June during the flood (800-1200 FM). The mean annual value was estimated at 850 pM (Fig. 2). In June, more than 50% of annual TOC export of Lena River enters in the delta, while only 4% of the annual TOC export is discharged during winter (Table 1). During winter, climatological conditions prevent almost any biological activity and physical weathering so that the discharge remains at a minimum level and the concentration and the composition of OM does not vary. During the flood, TOC concentrations in the delta decreases about lo-15%, which is influenced by the dilution of a huge volume of water issued from melting ice. In this period, the organic matter discharge represents 30-50% of the total dissolved solid. After the high water period, TOC concentrations in the delta increased to IO-15%. which is caused by the input of soluble organic matter from soils, rocks and bottom sediments. As a result the annual Lena TOC flux is 5.3 X lo6 t a-’ and the average concentration of TOC is 850 FM. During the year the Lena River water has a deficit G. Cauwet, I. Sidoroc /Marine !S 130 I 135 T 140 I 145 1 Chemist? 125 53 (I 996) 2 I l-227 13% 130 140 1 14s I 7% 78 77 77 7% T% 75 1% 14 74 73 ?3 72 T2 71 ll 71 15 I25 7% 130 i 135 . I 140 b 14% I c . . Ii 325 133 130 I 78 i4a I 1 7% l l 77 . . . . . * 7% 0 \@ \ h 75 \\=o l . -.iKi Fig. 3. ~~~~ri~~(ion of salinity (g kg- t45 74 73 ’ ) in the Laptev Sea in September 199 I : surface (a), 5.0 m fb), 10.0m (cl and bottom cdl. G. Cauwrt, 1. Sidoroc~/Marine 216 in oxygen (Fig. 2). The oxygen concentration is minimal during the winter (April-May), about 220 PM, which corresponds to 50-55% saturation. In the Chemistry53 (19961 211-227 same time maximum carbon dioxide concentrations (270-320 p_M) are observed. After the high water period, oxygen concentrations reach 380-440 FM 4 : b 04 0 . 2 . . 4 . 6 . . . . 14 16 . 16 4 20 04 0 n +. I . 2 . 4 . 6 6 I 10 I . 12 . 14 . . 16 16 16 16 1 20 Chkrinily (g kg-‘) 6 . 1.1 . . I l . .n - q q . n 3 0 . 04 0 0.04 . 0 2 . 4 Fig. 4. Nutrient variations (ml. . 6 . . . (p.M) and chlorinity 14 (g kg . 16 . 16 J 20 04 0 . 2 . 2 . 4 . 4 6 . 6 . . . C:btin;(gk;; . 3 . 14 I 14 . 16 . . 16 ’ ) in swnmer time in the southeastern part of the Laptev Sea: surface ( 0) and bottom G. Cauwet, I. Sidorov/Marine (90-95% saturation). During the summer-autumn period the carbon dioxide concentration does not exceed 70 p,M. 2 4 6 0 10 12 Chbrinity (g kg’ 0. 0 2 4 6 8 10 Fig. 5. Nutrient variations &M) 16 18 0 217 53 (1996) 211-227 Table 1 also shows the seasonal variation of all dissolved forms of nutrients in the lower reaches of the Lena River. During the flood time the content of 11 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 14 16 16 Chkrinky (Q kg’) ) 12 Chbdnity (g kg” t=j. 14 Chemist? 14 16 18 ) and chiorinity (g kg- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Chbrinity (g kg.‘) ’f in winter time in the southeastern part of the Laptev Sea: surface ( q ) and bottom G. Cauwet, I. Sidoror/Marine Chemistry 53 (19961211-227 218 Table 1 Average concentration of nutrients in the lower reaches Lena River and fluxes to the Laptev Sea Head of the delta 1 2 NO,z SiO 632.1 NH, 2.1 DIN 4.2 DON 48 TDN 52 PO, 0.3 DOP 0.7 TDP 1.0 C/N 22 C/N 1500 N/P 69 Mouth of the delta 3 Concentration, pM TOC 1050 620 4 300 722.9 108 16 2.9 2.9 5.8 19 31 5.7 37 25 0.8 0.1 1.2 0.1 2.0 0.3 20 53 520 3000 26 57 Flux, Mt a- ’ TOC 3930 1300 SiOz 1200 760 NO, 9.6 7.0 NH, 9.6 7.0 DIN 19 14 DON 209 76 TDN 228 90 PO, 2.5 4.2 DOP 7.2 6.7 TDP 9.7 11 of the 1 850 980 703.6 431.4 2.1 2.9 5.7 4.3 39 39 45 43 0.4 0.2 0.9 0.5 1.3 0.7 22 25 950 2000 43 78 2 3 700 310 830 584.3 103 16 523.6 2.9 2.9 2.9 7.2 19 6.5 30 6.4 34 37 25 40 0.7 0. I 0.4 1.3 0.1 0.8 2.0 0.3 1.2 32 48 25 540 3100 1040 23 64 43 130 5360 3680 1480 230 2190 800 610 7.8 24 6.3 11 1.4 18 13 7.0 9.2 42 19 18 2.8 288 168 74 12 330 187 92 0.1 6.8 1.6 4.1 0.1 14 5.3 7.0 0.2 21 6.9 1I 1, flood; 2, summer and autumn: fluxes). 4 140 5300 230 1640 7.8 25 1.4 21 9.2 46 3.2 245 12 291 0.1 5.8 0.2 13 0.3 18 3, winter; 4, average (sum for dissolved forms of nutrients (except ammonium) are decreasing within the Lena delta (15-40%). The ammonium concentration in this time is increased by 30-40%. In the summer-autumn period the concentration of nitrate in the Lena delta increased by 40-60%, but the ammonium concentration remains almost unchanged. The main part of total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) in the Lena River is the dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), which is about 90% of TDN as a yearly average. A maximum of DON is discharged during the flood time, which is related to the supply of superficial waters, enriched with terrestrial organics, into the river. The dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) is also prevailing over the inorganic form of this element, contributing to 70% of the mean annual total concentration. Maximum concentrations of phosphates and DOP are observed during the summer-autumn period, whereas in the winter time the concentration of both forms reaches a minimum. The relationship between TOC, DON and DOP is given by the C/N ratio (average 221, C/P ratio (950) and N/P ratio (431, what is very similar to the average world’s rivers ratios (Meybeck, 1982). Minimum values of these ratios were observed in the summer-autumn period. In the delta, C/N and C/P ratios were higher. Maximum C/N and C/P ratios were observed in winter period and N/P ratio in flood time. Seasonal variations of concentration and discharge of dissolved silica (SiO,) in the lower reaches of the Lena River are shown in Table 1 and Fig. 2. During the flood time, melting ice waters decrease the concentration of SiO, by 25-30%. In the summer-autumn period the SiO, concentration also decreases by H-20%. The biggest branches of the Lena delta are situated in a way that the major mass of the water (more than 90%) entering the sea moves towards east and northeast (Fig. 3), in accordance with that, the main influence of Lena River waters is observed in the eastern part of the Laptev Sea. Fig. 4 shows the distribution of dissolved nutrients in summer time in the southeastern part of the Laptev Sea. For all nutrients, except TDN and ammonia, higher concentrations were observed in nearbottom waters than in surface water masses. The stratification existing in the coastal zone of the Laptev Sea during the year prevents the mixing of surface and near-bottom water masses and preserves the high concentration of nutrients in the near-bottom waters. The same situation occurs in the winter period (Fig. 51. 3.2. Particulate organic carbon The particulate matter carried by the river can be divided into four parts: detrital inorganic matter, non-algal organic matter, phytoplanktonic organic material and autochtonous calcite particles (in the Lena River basin, carbonate weathering is prevailing over the silicate process (Gordeev and Sidorov, 1993)). The phytoplanktonic material is characterized by the low ratio POC/total-pigments, where G. Cauwet,I. Sidoror/Marine Chemistry53 (1996) 211-227 total pigments are the sum (chlorophyll-u + phaeopigments) based on Lorenzen equations or ratio POC/chlorophyll-a, based on the SCOR-UNESCO equations. In September 1989 and 199 1, POC concentrations in lower reaches of the Lena River were in the range 0.86-1.43 mg I-‘, representing 3.1-4.3% of total suspended matter. The chlorophyll-u concentrations were between 3 and 6 pg 1-l (Heiskanen and Keck, 19961, while the ratio POC/chlorophyll-a in river waters was in the range 100-200, showing insignificant influence of the primary productivity. Fig. 6 shows the variation of TSM and POC in surface water on a river-sea transept in southeastern part of the Laptev Sea. The relation between TSM and the organic content of particles in rivers was described by Meybeck (1982). To the higher turbidity corresponds the lower carbon content. More re- 25, (1.0 219 cently, the same relation was established in turbid Chinese estuaries like the Yangtze and Hoanghe (Yellow) Rivers (Cauwet, 1989; Cauwet and Mackenzie, 1993) and the Rhone estuary (Cauwet et al., 19901, giving a more general sense to this relation. For the Lena estuary, the POC content was plotted against suspended matter, in surface (area 1 and 2) and near-bottom samples (Fig. 7). In bottom samples (area 31, the carbon values are generally lower than in surface waters. The individual group of points (area 2) characterizes the relation between TSM and POC for water in the central part of the Yanskiy Bay and in northern part of the Buor-Khaya Bay. Fig. 8 shows the distribution of POC in the surface layer in the Laptev Sea during the September 199 1 survey. A maximum POC content (in percent of SM) of 16.1-20.8% was measured in surface water in the central part of the Yanskiy Bay and in northern part of the Buor-Khaya Bay. This water mass is characterized by a salinity of 3.3-23.0%0, a relatively high chlorophyll-u concentration (1.3- 1.7 p.g l- ’ > and low POC/chlorophyll-a ratios (140180). At station 29, the POC/chlorophyll-a ratio was 46, the turbidity was 0.3-0.8 mg l- ‘, the total content of POC was 0.06-o. 14 mg 1-l) and in the Buor-Khaya waters 1.2-2.1 mg 1-I and 0.19-0.36 mg ll’, respectively. A minimum POC content (in percent of SM) of 2.7-4.3% was measured in bottom samples, in the same area, where the presence of the Buor-Khaya waters was marked. This near-bottom water masses are characterized by a high salinity, high turbidity and total content of POC of 21 .O33.0%0, 3.0-11.0 mg Il’ and 0.14-0.39 mg I-‘, respectively. The same characteristics were observed in the Dmitry Laptev and Sannikov straits. 3.3. Dissolved organic and inorganic carbon Fig. 6. Variation of suspended matter and particulate carbon in surface water on a river-sea transect. organic The organic-rich character of the Siberian rivers was verified with the determination of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) during the two SPASIBA cruises (September 1989 and 1991, Tables 2 and 3). Concentrations in the river reached 600-700 FM, which is among the highest values reported in world’s rivers. Few higher values were recorded during the flood time, approaching 1000 pM or more. With such concentrations, and taking in account the high G. Cauwet, 1. Sidoror/Marine Chemistv 53 (1996) 211-227 4- 3- I 1 I 0.4 0.5 II111 0.6 0.8 l.0 I I 1 I 2 3 4 5 Load Fig. 7. Variation of POC (%‘c)and suspended 125 78 130 135 I I- 140 I I (mg matter (mg 1-l ): surface 145 ,,,,I 7 8 9 10 20 30 l_ 4050 I-1) (I), bottom (2) and Buor-Khaya 125 I I / 6 130 I 1 135 I Bay surface water (3). 140 145 I I a 77 l . . 76 -0.1- 75 74 I I IO i74n ‘I 73 72 I 71 125 ,1”t130 Fig. 8. Distribution 135 140 145 125 7 130 135 140 of POC (%)(a) and (mg 1-l) (b) m surface layer of the Laptev Sea: SPASIBA 2, September 145 I99 I. G. Cauwet, I. Sidoroc/Marine water discharge in flood periods (around 70000 m3/s) the DOC flux in these periods is in the range of 0.8 tons of carbon per second (about 69000 tons/day). In the period considered (September), where the discharge was 17 000 m3/s, it is about 7 times less but still considerable. This high carbon input must have a great influence on the whole coastal zone. Looking at the distribution of DOC in the delta and in the Laptev Sea in surface and bottom waters (Fig. 9) shows clearly the influence of river water in the surface layer. DOC concentrations remain important, from 600 to 300 pM, with a wide extension towards the open sea. In bottom waters, where the marine character (salinity) is more pronounced, concentrations are lower but still high compared to other marine environments. In marine waters (salinity > Table 2 Results from cruise SPASIBA-1, Station September Chemist? 53 (19961211-227 221 30%0) on the edge of the continental slope, the DOC concentration remains around 200 p,M which is two times more than in most of the coastal sea waters. The prevailing impression is that the whole Laptev Sea, and possibly the Arctic Ocean, keep a stock of carbon from the input of the Lena River (and probably from the Ob and Ienissei in the western Arctic seas). One important question is if this DOC input from the river is transferred to the sea without transformation or undergoes some exchange with the particles or some partial degradation during the transfer. Plotting the DOC content against salinity (Fig. 10) shows a very linear relationship, suggesting a pure dilution process. A slight dispersion of data is observed in the middle part, which can be attributed to variability of sampling rather than to a biological or physical 1989 Total depth, m Sample depth, m Load, mg/l POC. mg/l POC, % DOC, (LM Salinity, g/kg 24 0.5 12.0 0.5 0.5 6.5 3.0 13.0 1.0 11.0 4.0 14.0 4.0 14.0 5.0 13.0 5.0 13.0 5.0 13.0 5.0 12.5 4.0 12.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 12.0 3.0 21.4 39.7 15.7 5.4 11.0 4.2 11.0 7.3 4.9 1.7 3.1 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.3 2.0 1.5 5.2 0.5 0.8 9.0 1.5 3.0 4.6 4.9 4.4 17.2 5.4 0.93 1.43 0.57 0.60 0.95 0.58 0.39 0.39 0.27 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.13 0.19 0.20 0.13 0.22 0.15 0.11 0.99 0.09 0.14 0.33 0.22 0.36 0.30 0.42 0.39 0.6 1 0.59 4.35 3.60 3.61 11.10 8.60 13.82 3.53 5.31 5.49 10.95 5.44 9.92 7.24 16.98 18.32 11.43 16.08 7.23 7.14 19.14 18.84 17.08 3.69 14.69 11.68 6.35 8.5 1 8.89 3.52 10.67 608 495 478 616 493 592 401 478 418 376 353 379 348 362 351 349 266 293 267 308 306 444 329 417 480 512 501 633 388 588 0.06 0.06 0.06 1.71 13.77 2.31 23.84 9.70 18.44 17.93 25.50 19.00 28.60 19.65 28.95 20.77 28.61 24.03 29.58 22.92 23.66 17.00 23.38 14.50 9.49 8.90 4.15 2.36 21.74 3.78 2 9 14 17 15 14 16 23 17 25 19 25 20 42 21 16 22 25 23 12 24 25 26 27 28 18 12 22 1.5 15 30 7 G. C&wet, I. Sidonx 222 /Marine process. The environmental conditions during the two cruises (river flow, production, turbidity etc.> were so similar that we can assume that we found the same situation and we may compare the results. This is obvious for DOC, the plots from both cruises being almost superposed. We must note that data Table 3 Results from cruise SPASIBA-2 Station L-O 1 L-09 L-15 L-16 L-23 L-25 L-21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 31 38 Sample depth, m 0.5 3.0 10.0 18.0 0.5 2.5 3.5 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 10.0 3.5 10.0 3.0 14.0 6.0 2.5 9.0 2.5 7.5 10.0 5.0 20.0 6.5 7.0 2.5 25.0 4.0 30.0 4.0 35.0 3.0 5.0 20.0 6.0 5.0 30 6.0 20.0 3.5 9.0 5.0 September Chemistry 53 f 1996) 21 I-227 obtained with two different methods are very comparable after a careful estimation of blanks, destroying definitely the idea that UV-persulphate and HTCO methods give very different results. If the conservativity of DOC is obvious along the salinity gradient, we must notice that in the riverine part (from river to 1991 Load, mg/l POC, mg/l POC, o/c DOC, FM DIC, FM Sal., g/kg 21.7 28.8 30.9 32.0 10.4 9.1 2.9 18.5 30.5 9.1 2.0 2.9 2.5 0.9 2.1 3.1 0.4 3.0 0.8 1.1 2.9 3.9 0.4 3.1 5.8 3.4 0.6 2.5 0.3 1.o 0.6 11.8 1.5 3.6 10.8 1.2 0.6 0.89 1.00 1.14 1.20 0.61 0.53 0.39 0.57 1.14 0.52 0.36 0.19 0.32 0.11 0.35 0.16 0.09 0.33 0.11 0.2 1 0.17 0.10 0.07 0.09 0.20 0.14 0.13 0.09 0.10 0.06 0.10 0.11 0.30 0.18 0.32 0.2 1 0.10 0.24 0.24 0.47 0.28 0.30 639 661 608 628 615 513 587 555 555 515 593 451 574 354 415 247 312 468 367 313 307 290 301 203 300 292 428 262 441 233 446 201 497 399 218 460 379 167 276 278 518 443 413 541 523 537 528 669 669 789 567 132 820 741 1788 853 1718 1083 2123 1375 1115 1682 1235 1814 1972 1385 2169 1619 1483 1302 1880 1182 1995 1698 2193 1028 1518 2171 1101 1712 2228 2108 2107 958 1469 1814 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 3.13 0.26 0.82 2.06 3.21 18.55 4.48 19.15 7.73 28.29 16.40 11.18 20.40 13.40 20.98 21.03 16.67 33.21 21.05 18.70 13.19 25.40 I 1.36 3 I .49 20.59 32.63 8.18 15.84 29.88 9.18 2.3 4.9 4.7 3.1 5.6 3.9 3.5 3.7 3.1 5.9 5.8 13.2 3.1 3.7 5.1 18.0 6.6 12.6 12.5 11.2 4.3 20.8 11.0 12.7 20.2 5.7 2.7 19.8 3.0 3.5 4.3 20.6 3.7 19.7 6.1 11.1 0.9 20.0 5.1 3.0 17.4 16.3 5.5 10.7 4.9 10.1 8.7 5.4 223 G. Cauuet, I. Sidorot, / Marine Chemistc 53 (1996121 l-227 76 75 74 72 Fig. 9. Distribution of DOC (FM) in surface (a) and bottom layers(b) the end of the delta, salinity = 0) some lower values appear, like if during this transport some DOC is removed. It is more evident for SPASIBA 2, the most riverine samples having been collected more 700, of the Laptev Sea: SPASIBA 2. September 1991. upper in the river than for SPASIBA 1. To try to verify if there is an aggregation mechanism, we made an ultrafiltration on a few samples in the river and in the deltaic environment. The first interesting result was the existence of a large fraction of col- 1 0 SPASIBA 1 - SPASIBA 2 100-l 0 5 10 I 15 20 25 SO 35 Salinity Fig. 10. Variation of DOC (FM) and salinity (g kg-’ ); SPASIBA 1 and SPASIBA 2. d Lb1 L:16 LJC9 Lb L&i Ll15 StEltiOllS Fig. I 1. Ratios of colloidal organic and inorganic dissolved concentrations atong a river section. carbon on total G. Cauwet, I. Sidoror/Marine 224 Chemist? 53 (1996) 211-227 duction or production by the oxidation processes are not enough consequent to be visible here. It is interesting to notice that the input from the river in DOC is similar to that in DIC (Fig. 12b). 4. Discussion I__ A* -1 * I. “, 0 5 . lb 8 -_ ; : . 15 !%I DC DOC I is n . 30 i5 Salinity Fig. 12. Variation SPASIBA 2. of DOC and DIC (FM) and salinity (g kg-’ ), loidal carbon (between 0.7 and 0.01 km), which can represent of the so-called “dissolved” fraction (Fig. 11). According to the morphology of the area, the succession of the stations chosen does not represent a straight transept; this can be seen with the CIC/DIC ratio which is “globally” constant but within large limits. Anyway, the COC/DOC ratio is clearly decreasing from more than 50% to about 25%. This high colloid content and its decrease could explain the deficit observed in the upper part of the DOG/salinity curve. Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIG) is low in the river water (about 500 ~.LM) and increases towards the sea. It also exhibits a very conservative behaviour (Fig. 12a), with a good correlation coefficient CR2 = 0.985, n = 31). Uptake by primary pro- The Lena River drains the Siberian forest and tundra and is characterized by “black” waters highly enriched in organic matter (OM) as compared to other major world rivers. When compared to the world average of subarctic rivers (Meybeck, 19821, the Lena River is very similar concerning ammonia, phosphate, organic nitrogen and phosphorus, but three times richer in silica and nitrate. According to Rosswall (1976), the high pH soils favour ground waters with high nitrate concentrations, whereas tundra and subalpine forests have more ammonium. In winter time, when the Lena River is fed by ground waters, the nitrate content is maximal. In flood time and summer and autumn periods, ammonium and nitrate concentrations are similar. Maximum nitrite concentrations occur during the flood time, and the ammonium varies little over the year. To explain the increase of ammonium concentration during the flood time, it should be noted, that snow and river ice are characterized by high ammonium concentrations (20-30 ~.LM).During the flood, one can observe a considerable flux of ammonium in the lower reaches of the Lena River and as a result, the ammonium concentration in Lena delta is increased. These results are in connection with the existence of phytoplanktonic and zooplanktonic species. According to the data of the Tiksi Hydrometeorological Survey, in the Lena delta and coastal waters of the Laptev Sea more than 100 species of bacillariophyta were identified, from which more than 60 species are diatoms, 20 are green algae, 1.5 are blue-green algae, and 6 species are flagellates. In summer period, more than 90% of the total amount and 95% of the phytoplankton biomass was constituted by diatoms. The dominant fresh water species are Melosira granulata, Asterionella formosa and Diatoma elongatum, and seawater species are Thalassiosira baltica, Achnanthestaeniata, Chaetoceros G. Camvet. I. Sidomw/ Marine Chemistp wighamii and Nitzshia ,frigida. Within zooplankton, the dominant groups were Daphniae and Copepods. However, it is necessary to remark, that the Lena River water is characterized by a very small total planktonic biomass (Table 4). The coastal water masses with salinity l.O-3.0% are characterized in summer time by the intense short term bloom of bacillariophyta and a significant decrease of all nutrients, except ammonia, was observed in these water masses. In the mixing zone with salinity more than 3.0%, river diatoms disappear but marine diatoms do not appear. Autotrophic plankton was present not as seaweeds but as symbiotic infusoria mesodimium. The POC concentrations depend primarily on the amount of suspended matter (SM), and then on the origin and age of the particulate material. If we plot the variation of turbidity and particulate organic carbon, in surface water, from Station 1 and Ll (in the Lena River) to more marine environments (Stations 22 and 29), we can observe that total and organic loads (mg 1-I) are decreasing at the same rate, while the organic content of suspensions is considerably increasing (Fig. 6). These results suggest that an important fraction of suspended matter is rapidly sinking in the estuary and that particulate organic matter is involved in this phenomenon as much as inorganic particles. Nevertheless, the increase in organic carbon percentage corresponds to an increased colonization by marine organisms with an increasing production found in brackish waters and coastal marine waters. Buor-Khaya waters were formed early in bloom time (June-July), as a result of mixing the Lena flood water and Laptev Sea water and are characterized by higher turbidity and POC concentrations. The POC pattern in the coastal waters of the Laptev Sea is complex due to its three different origins: riverine plankton, living and detrital, which is rich in Table 4 Abundance of phytoplankton Period and zooplankton 21 l-227 225 pigments, terrestrial POC detritus mostly carried by the river during the flood time. and marine planktonic POC (POC up to 20%). The total carbon brought by the river. in particulate, colloidal or dissolved form, represents an important discharge. especially during the flood period. One of the questions is what the fate is of this carbon pool, if it is consumed more or less rapidly or if it accumulates in the coastal zone. Because of the low temperatures registered most of the year, we did not expect a very intense microbial activity, with the exception of the summer period when fresh organic matter is produced by the primary productivity and the surface temperature higher than the rest of the year. The nutrient distribution in surface and bottom waters. in summer and winter (Figs. 4 and 5) gives us some information about the recycling of nitrogen, phosphorus and, consequently, carbon. In winter. we can observe that nitrate in surface water is decreasing from the river (12 p,M) to the sea, showing some uptake and a production of ammonium. On the contrary, close to the bottom NH, decreases while NO, increases. reaching concentrations higher than in surface water which is indicative of nitrification. A very important increase of phosphate also occurs in bottom waters, while it is constant in surface samples. In summer, nitrates decrease very rapidly at low salinity in surface waters and remain about constant in the estuarine zone. In the bottom, on the contrary. the nitrate regeneration is intense, the concentration increasing from I.5 to 5 PM. Ammonium is produced in surface as well as in bottom levels, representing the general biological activity. It seems that in winter. there is a slow mineralization process going on despite of the temperature in bottom waters, regenerating phosphate and nitrate. In summer, kinetics are faster, and uptake of nitrate is higher than regeneration in surface water, the deficit being compensated by that produced in bottom water. In in waters of the Lena delta Zooplankton Phytoplankton Amount. Flood Summer, autumn Winter 53 ilY!Xi 1000 cells/l 400- 1000 1000-4000 40-200 Biomass, mg/l 0.6-I .4 1.o-4.0 0.1-0.3 Amount, rib/l 0.46-0.70 0.50-0.76 0.07-0.23 Biomass, kg/l 1.2-21.1 I7.0-55.1 0.05-9. I 226 G. Cauwet. I. Sidorm~/Marine terms of budget, total nitrogen is decreasing in the low salinity range but about constant in the Laptev Sea. The system is then reaching a dynamic equilibrium. All these observations are not proving that riverine organic matter is consumed, not even partly. The POC content of bottom sediment is very variable, due to dynamics and differential sedimentation. Because of this, it cannot be easily compared to that of river suspensions. We have seen that DOC is almost conservative along the salinity gradient. The relatively high DOC concentrations encountered on the shelf breakdown (about 200 ~_LM)suggest that DOC is accumulating in coastal water on a long term basis, like a stock of accumulated carbon input from the Lena. Though we do not have any direct evidence, it seems consistent to think that most of the marine production is recycled, in surface waters in summer or in bottom waters in winter, and that only a small fraction of the terrestrial organic matter undergoes degradation on a yearly basis. A more precise budget would need further studies directed to this problem, with a tentative appreciation of carbon accumulated in Laptev Sea. a better estimation of the total primary production and more studies on bacterial degradation (Saliot et al.. 1996). Acknowledgements This work was performed in the frame of the French Russian cooperation program SPASIBA, supported by CNRS (GDR ICO and PICS-99). We thank Prof. Savostin, Director of the Institute of Oceanology for the invitation to participate in his expedition in the Laptev Sea. 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