July-August 2010 - Vesterheim Lodge
July-August 2010 - Vesterheim Lodge
/'m '/ JZx.. q- =Ffnr\ftllllQrl-triF ' 'rh;'rarx$r*t'lrF*t'\' l 1*.*. sr - ,.-. . Of H0nfnt' €rll6'bAr[J)ER,W AONS JULY AUGUST 2O1O 7 Letter from the President: Dear Membersof Vesterheim, Summer is here, and that meansMidsummer Festival plans have been in full swing. I want to thank everyonewho signedup to help. I will have a full report in the next Newsletter. We had a fantasticturn out for SyttendeMai. I want to thank everyonefor coming out to celebrate. It is always fun to have the parade,and watch the Fjellborg Vikings put on a greatshow. This is always a greatway to start the summer. I want to thank Garry and Carol Gorsuch,and Erik Petersand Julie Horan for hosting Lefse making parties. We made tons of Lefse, and more than one of us were coveredin flour. Julie's son Lucas is now an expert in making Lefse. I want to invite all membersto theseevents,which are great ways to get to know membersof the lodge. I hope everyonehad a chanceto come up to the Festival in EstesPark and has an awesomesummer. We have some great programs coming in the fall, more on those later. Hilsen! StevePersson CALENDAR OF EVENTS JULY July 28 Wednesday 11:30-2 BOOK CLUB at "The Egg & I", BasemarShopping Center. Discussing "Summer Booll'by Tove Jansson. Seethe Cultural Corner in this newsletterfor details. NO GENERAL MEETING THIS MONTH AUGUST August3 Tuesday 6:30 pm VESTERHEIM BOARD MEETING at AtonementLutheran Church,Baseline& IncaParkway.Meetingis opento all members. August7 Saturday 9zl5-2 LIMON HERITAGE FESTML. Depot& RR Park. Visit Fielldalen'sbooth. Full detailsp.4 in this newsletter. August7 Saturday STORFJELL'S PICNIC. Pulled pork & drinks provided. Bring dish to share. The Barn in Grand Lake. $5, children free. To reservemail money to Jan Hodne,PO Box 394, Tabernash80478. Info contact Muriel Johnson970-627-0874. August25 Wednesday 1l:30-2 BOOK CLUB at "The Egg & I", BasemarShoppingCenter. Discussing"The TrueDeceiver"by ToveJansson.Seethe CulturalCornerin this newsletterfor details. August29 Sunday 3pm - LODGE PICNIC at JulieHoran's,9155BlueMt. Drive,Golden. Bring dishto share.RSVPJulie303-642-9129 or Erik Peters720s24-6929. PUT ON YOUR CALENDAR Sept.17-19 Fri - Sun KRETSSTEVI\E. Weekendfor Colorado SON members& families. 3 dayslT nights or come up for the day. Reserveby Sept. lOn. Seeenclosedflyer for details and application. October23 SCAI\IDINAVIAN BALL. DoubletreeHotel.Denver. students.Reserveby $35 for high school/college $50/person. October12. Seeenclosedflyer for detailsandapplication. Saturday 5pm- Nov. L2-13 Fri - Sat TROLLHEIM'S CHRISTMAS FAIR. TrollheimLodge,6610 W. 14d'"Lakewood. CULTURAL CORNER By Addie Martinez, Cultural Director SEPTEMBERPROGRAM Put September24 at7 pm on your calendarfor a great program given by Larry Danielson. Larry Danielson was the oldest of six children when along with their mother, they were capturedby a German ship. They were on their way to Africa to join their missionary father when they were caught up in World War II. This is a program that you won't want to miss! BOOK CLUB The Vesterheim Book Club meetsthe last Wednesdayof every month at "the Egg and I" in Boulder. We will meet at 11:30am on July 28 and August25. Everyonewho loves to readis welcome - men and women! On July 28 our selectionis The SummerBook by Tove Jansson. This novel tells the story of Sophia, a six-year-old girl awakeningto existence,and Sophia's grandmother,nearing the end of hers, as they spendthe summer on a tiny unspoiled island in the Gulf of Finland. Another book by Tove Janssonis our choice for the August 25thBook Club. We willread The True Deceiver. Deception - the lies we tell ourselvesand the lies we tell others- is the subject of this, Tove Jansson'smost unnerving and unpredictablenovel. Tove Janssonwas born in Helsinki into Finland's Swedish-speakingminority. She attendedart schoolsin both Stockholm and Paris and won acclaim for her paintings and murals. Jansson went on to write about the adventuresof Moomintroll, a hippopotamus-likecharacterwith a dreamy disposition. This becamea long running comic strip and was portrayed in a seriesof children's books. Janssonalso wrote novels and short stories for adults. ln 1994 she was awardedthe Prize of the SwedishAcademv. A BIG THANK YOU As we work on the ScandinavianFestival we are all so impressedwith the willing spirit of our lodge. We are very thankful for all the cookie bakers,waffle dough and lefse makerso demonstrationand food booth workers as well as those working on the raffle and silent auction booths. Our whole lodge is involved in this - we could not do this without everyone's help. Thanks especiallyto Cathy Allen for taking on this responsibility to keep the Scandinavian Festival vibrant and fun! 1 Supportyour Sonsof Norwayby visiting Fjelldalen'sbooth at this fun family event. A NOT TO BE MISSEDEVENTI Limon's 19thSPECTACULAR TT RTTAGE FE$TrYAII SATURDAY,AUGUST 7,2010 At Depot & Railroadpark celebratingthe 100thBirthdoy of the Limon Depoil (Reoeption 8or Railroad familiesllugust * gui e.u. (at o, I p.m. comnrunity nuri'iffio *******r**,* r**rt ***! t ** Btdg.] GencrcfrTour ** * ** * * tO&tn.rlp.0. {' * 'i l* Perfonruancser Treater nernonrtre|florilc btrrsonr of Norwalr .i. Dellelour Noon Lnnch QurE*howtnTowrrtroll pie Fanrouc rrornenmds sale on the Rell Dirrtng Gas enClltrltege'Abi '3o'Io* r'-Cnrrlagio Uteer Bug Weevtng, Toy Dlaling, Tatlfng, Knfffin& Spinnlng, potterlr, Charr Canfng ffirrt Knappingr lace Making, Rrbbon Embroiderar, Genealory and Dlore! 'i' Farmerfc Mer*,et €.grrrqmer Music Garnp show *rcat nra"" : * Antlqge lrachtnerrr shsw *Petting Frrrn painting -sFace f)epot Museumend Exhibit Building Tours (CeU 7t yt7J{fiai tor inlorruation) 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS EUROFEST Vesterheim and Fjelldalen will be sharing a booth at Colorado's 3'd Annual Eurofest. This takes place Saturday August 28 from 1Oamto l0pm, at the Civic Green Park,9370 Ridgeline Blvd, in Highlands Ranch. Last year Fjellheim had a booth there to promote the Sons of Norway. Members of both Vesterheim and Fjelldalen came to help. This year we will be selling a few of our crafts to cover the cost of our booth space,as well as promoting the local Sons of Norway lodges and their activities with our brochures. JaneHanson will be joining us with some of her rosemaling. The Eurofest is aimed at establishinga bridge betweenthe different Europeancommunities in Colorado as well as exposing their cultures to an American audience. There will be opportunities to enjoy avaiety of Europeanfood and traditions, as well as some live music and dance. This is a free family event. Come on down, enjoy the festival, and visit our booth. www.eurofestival.org. If anyonewould like to help out, pleasecontact Cathy Allen at303-449-9596 bouldercath),,.g)msn.com, or Crystal Sundetat720-283-8592crystobel@hotmail.com.You can come for as few or as many hours as you wish and spenda pleasantafternoon promoting Norwegian heritage and getting the chanceto know other Sons of Norway membersbetter. STORF'JELL'S PICNIC Saturday August 7 The Barn in Grand Lake $5 Adults, Free children 5 and under Pulled pork dinner insteadof pig roast. Bring side dish or beer/wine/softdrinks. Coffee, lemonade& water provided. To reserve,sendmoney, namesand email addressto: Jan Hodne,PO Box 394,Tabamash,CO 80478. For more information write Jan at hiloie@aol.com,or phoneMurial Johnsonat970-627-0874. ROSEMALING CLASS Toshiko Ogishi, Gold Medalist winner in Rosemalingand Storfiell member, will be conducting a class in Aust Agder style for beginnersas well as those with experience. It will be held at the Church of Eternal Hills in Tabernashfrom August 4-6,2010. The cost is $165 for SON membersand $195 for non-members.Cost includes lunch, basic materials and a small plate to paint. Studentswithout brusheswill needto purchasethem at the cost of $25. A minimum of 5 studentsis neededto hold the class,and class size is limited to 15. A $50 deposit is required for to reseryea space. ContactKaren Sommerfeldat719-660-5897or email her at alansommerfbld@gmail.corn details and to uurangeyour deposit. Come for the class and stay for Storfiell's Pulled-Pork Picnic on Saturday. VESTERHEIM FACEBOOK LODGE & THE SCAI\DINAVIAN MIDSUMMER FESTIVAL ARE NOW ON Thanks to Cathy Allen, our Publicity Director, Vesterheim Lodge is now on Facebook. Thanks to Randy Johnsonof Fjellheim Lodge in Colorado Springs,the ScandinavianMidsummer Festival is on Facebook. Both will be edited by Cathy, so if anyonehas information to submit, pleaseemail it to bouldercathy@msn.com. Matl esterheim Picnic Cardamum Ouick Bread We will have a Vesterheim Summer picnic on Sunday Augu st 29 at the home of Julie Horan, 9155Blue Mt. Drive. Come about 3:00 pm and bring a side dish (vegetable, salad,or dessert). Hot dogs and drinks will be provided. Bv Cathv Allen lcup currants (steamed& dredgedin flour) 6 eggs 1/2 pound butter (softenedor melted) 2/3 cup sugar I tsp vanilla extract % tsp almond extract Grated rind of I lemon Grated rind of 1 orange I TBSP cardamompowder 2 cups flour (sifted) 2 tsp baking powder 1 .Preparecurrantsaheadof time by steaming in water or soaking ovemight in rum or brandy. Drain and dredgein flour. 2 . Mix next 5 ingredientswell. 3. Add remaining ingredients 4 . Spreadbatter in lightly greasedloaf pan, sprinkle top with cinnamon sugar,and bake 350 degreesfor I hour. To get toJulieostake Highway 93, turn right on Coal Creek Canyono then a left on Blue Mt. Drive. Let Julie know if you are coming call Julie at 303-642-9129or Erik Peters at 720-524-6929. This is a beautiful mountain setting for our Vesterhiemget-together! Makes I loaf. Best servedthe next day. MIDSUMMER FESTIVAL BETTER THAN EVER It will be hard to top the 2010 festival. The weather was nearly perfect. We had some new craft and food vendorsthis year who were spreadthroughout the park and MacGregor Street,which was closed off for the festival. Entertainmentran like clockwork. The Decorah Nordic Dancers,forty teensfrom Iowa, made a splash at the opening ceremoniesand were the highlight of the performances. Joy Gunderson did a fantasticjob of organizing the crafts demonstrationbooth. We doubled the size of her demo tent from last year, which was packed with demonstrators,onlookers, and adults and children both leaming spinning, knitting, hardangar, bondesom,and felting. Erik Peters and Garry Gorsuch gave demonstrationsin lefse making in our lefse demo tent. Helen House supervisedour crafts booth for Joy this year, which did very well in sales. The Vesterheim food tent addedtwo new items, hot dogs and packagedfrozen lefse (made by our membersat the lefse making parties). They were both a hit. Addie Martinez is to be commendedfor organizing our baked goods. Set-upand tear-down was overseenby Erik Peters. Marv Berg savedthe day by figuring out how to set up Joys huge demo tent, which took us three hours! All our raffle tickets were sold. Bids were obtained on all items for our silent auction. Lynne Anderson, bless her heart, ran both those booths this year. Forty eight membersof our lodge helped by baking or volunteering their servicesin the various tents or with set-up and tear-down. We also had ten membersof other lodgesvolunteering, as well as some folks from the Scandinavian community atlarge. A warm thanks to all of you who helped this year in making the festival the huge successthat it was. Submitted by Cathy Allen THANK YOU Thanks, Vesterheim Lodge, for awarding me a $500 scholarship for college' I plan to attend Front Range Community College this fallFrom Januaryto Jgne of 2011, I will be working with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in South Africa. In the fall of 2011 I will resumemy studiesat Colorado StateUniversity. Holly Sargent FINANCIAL BENEFITS CORNER you may notice some extra attention in the media this month about life insurance. Septemberis Life InsuranceAwarenessMonth. Think back over the past 12 months. Did you lose a loved one or know of a sad situation others have been through? The emotional loss is so difficult to deal with, if the financial burden could be lessenedwouldn't that be a help to a family struggling to cope? No matter the age of the departed,if they died suddenly or after an illness, it is so hard to be preparedfor what comesnext. If you could easethe burden for your family by having a life insuiance policy to pay for final expenses,pay off the mortgage,help raise the kids or provide for financial security, wouldn't you do it? Have you? I have yet to deliver a deathbenefit check to a family that said, this is too much, we don't need it, or whydid they spendmoney on premiumsfor this? It's more like, you don't know how much this will help, they were always thinking of us. 6g miltion adult Americans are under insured or have NO life insurancewhatsoever. Not having life insurancecould be costly, plus it's more affordable than you might think! As your Financial Benefits Counselor I would be available to meet with you and assistyou with all of your life insuranceneeds. Call today! Aren't your dreamsworth protecting? l--- Our future is our youth. Do you have a specialyoung personin your life that is headedoff to parentsfill college?Ask them about the FAFSA,it is a requiredform that all studentsand their people have that the grants. Unfortunately, out to determineeligibilityfor studentloansand up things set didn't penalized they because savedand plannedior coitegefundingare often properly. itow would you like to be able to help your kids or grandkidswith collegefunding? sons of Norway has severalconceptsthat can keep you in control of the funds and provide needed dollars in the future even after you are gone. Sound interesting?Your homework your FinancialBenefitsCounselortoday' assignment...call Feelfree to contactyour local FinancialBenefits Counselorfor more information. LaRueHanson 2 5 2 3 Sh a limarDr. ColoradoSprings,CO 80915 1@ msn'com E- m a ilL h ansgn Office719-599-8546 Cell 719-237-73L4 ? SONSOF NORWAY VESTERHEIMLODGE6.118 StevePersson,Pres. 3776OakwoodDrive Longmont,CO 80503 frnnus{ tc t$efutenilg-sersentfi fow frre frcrsited \.-r ..:r . dirL#,ai $,TLffi e ff ,5c{ErL , ."i .-1-' ',=i. r..::::: ,i; ' $)ate: Satrrdaq, Octofrr 23, 201A gime: 6*A W: F{ag Ceremong{t f}inner 'Jtme: 5:#0 pwt: Cocfuni{.s, - r_;1, . --=r--.*:'.1.::,,.. :...1.i1';' :! i' .. i ': . , 'l : ' :. .. ':,. l, ,' :':1 ::i 'i .. ';:i r' ' '.: ":i:-' P{ffie: fiou\{etree S{nte{ Q*6et. snd fr{s{tirLLatfi.erWW B{a{ Cast: $5Aperpersorr Stu.{entsait{L stuferlt ID! fuS 5{ArtScfrno{u Co{{ege Dress:Semi-formofor 9{fr.ito"fi{Costunt* Annua{ Coaec (*n*. k,211{$5 p*.patd, ff ar doox} Finland Iceland F{orway Sweden Cltefs .fahd, ,leasonall/egerabks Pork I--ain AR Poa*ed .falncn gg l.te,gttabhV/ellingtttn Ilnasx f;res/:$ Baked Rolls tuith Salter fle.r.reft Coftt, Tea,and Deffinared Coftt Cheldecho,&\en-- €ntertainrncntand -Ooncing VictorBorge-- fiVideo Performcrncr '(ecognizing his lo0th birthdeqtn 2OOg 7-\ int'lude Scandinauian Glass and Foods, Rosernali1g Jewelrj, and Morc! Uoorpirys Sper'ialRion i'an./br nto: $94 wtlt lreakfa.rrar $84 aitbout breakfa.rt(piusappt;ratrletaxesandfees) aI 303-129-5290 fui Otoher 6) aI theDoilbletreeftrnt.slmakc resenwtions roamOctober2J a drawingfar a camplimenlary 5 Otober quaQfy rcrci*d h Resenntions for RolandNilsson(303-985-3538) ScandiaBall@aol.com, Information; Ball,and mailto. formbelow,makecheckpayableto Scandinavian Sendreservation RolandNilsson.13558WAlaskaDr, LakewoodCO 80228 Mustbe postmarkedby October12 {Catl{or availabilityafrerthat date) Mustincludese/f-addresedstampedenvelope! Pleasemail OlVLYthecouponbelowthe doited line! Name(s) (list additionalnames on back & indicate students ZiP City _ Address _. Phone # P o rk#$ a lm o n #V egetarian-@$5oea.=$ -@$ 3 5 e a ' _ . -# o f T o a s t s @ * S GRANDTOTAL$ $5 ea (Hs)-{College)-ParentsTable& nurnber:Denmark_Finland_lceland_Norv'ay_Sweden- DanYforget ye$r seff-addressed starwpedexvefope! ?qRnrssc{:vnr "II?FGaffienng0l'l-he Ctran" A WeekendFnrColoradn$onsOf FtanrayMembers& Fsrnilies September'l7-'lg,A0'l0 3 Days& 3 Night* {or*omer,ipfor th* day} 7 houpgscan accorilmodate60 to 7S adultsand clrildr.en Housqshaye kitnhongand there are ra$taurantsin tpvr,n. Reservatinns duebefore:Eepternbe,r 10n201CI l ' \o t'i . l ','l r. l l .l i Horseshoe Gontests I r ir r "t ' r i { " I io. r it r r i, . ] r r i},r , 't ii : t SaturdayBBe TalenlShow $inEinE MonningHikes Fishing Children's Biking Children's Activities Itloodlan ctrtralf, -' 7C 'Winery Tou,r HappyiHour{sYoBJ d Prrfi i\{ ryr r! ,n {rrt,*elr I ll i ll , l - t ' r : ; t.rii I i,i I Ji'' ,r'r' I GoSt: Faynrcnf rjue wifh rcsen/a,ffon R*gistratiOn Fee: $5.s0PerFrrsnnorgr0PerFanu{y OVefnight LOdging: $30.0c'PerArlultFc,rsJro*t rch,rrJ rosrn,ruinsl Satu rday Earbeqfie : $5 0n PsrP*nsonar $?0.00 PerFarnrly QUeStiOnSl /lf-383-S59? d.r8&rbnrsF,oht) CalJCrystel$ur?de,f Fillout the form below and mail,itwithyourpaymenlto: DonnaNewland,{0300 W. Montgomery Ave..Lakewood,CO 80127 l1-5',J)'. sspsgrUpryey Ugkgghqgbs-Eyg$ejq lrlarrre Address CitftSt-telzip Registration:# of adufts_ tsarbeque:# uf adults LodgtngOuernigftf? Humherof evenings: Ghildren Children Adults_ Shildren (F T{}TAL EHCLOSED; tr) ..-- - - DuebefqreSeptember10,?01il