Pathways newsletter .pub


Pathways newsletter .pub
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Adult Kayaking Class pg. 15
Commissioners’ Note
Tile F
and T l-Moravia
ile W
orks Pottery
A Message from the Bucks County Commissioners
Welcome to Bucks County, home to Pennsylvania’s third-largest parks
and recreation system, with almost 9,000 acres of preserved park land.
Opportunities beckon, from canoeing and bird-watching on the shimmering waters of Core Creek Park to meeting your friends for a round at the
Oxford Valley Golf Course. Bucks County has something for everyone to
The Parks & Recreation Department, founded in 1953, offers unique
sties like the Frosty Hollow Tennis Center, the Bucks County Horse Park,
the Van Sant Airport, and the Weisel Hostel.
Environmental education is available at the Churchville, Peace Valley,
and Silver Lake nature centers. We are very proud of the beautiful
craftsmanship at the historic Moravian Pottery and Tile Works, the only
county-owned tile works in the country.
Most significantly, we welcome you to enjoy the natural pathways we are
proud to call home.
Charles H. Martin, Chairman
Sandra A Miller
James F. Cawley, Esq.
y Po
Celeb l and Ear
pg. 6 Day
General Park Information................................................................................................................. 4
Feature Article: Stover Myers Mill ................................................................................................. 5
Special Events .................................................................................................................................... 6
Camps ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Nature Centers.................................................................................................................................... 11
Classes ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Teams, Leagues ................................................................................................................................. 19
Bus Tours and other activities ....................................................................................................... 20
Facilities ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Park Locations & Services .............................................................................................................. 23
Facility Directory ............................................................................................................................... 25
Registration Information .................................................................................................................. 26
Program Registration Form............................................................................................................. 27
Animal Trivia ....................................................................................................................................... 28
If you are not already on our mailing list or
have a change of address or circumstance,
please complete the form below. Print legibly
and mail or fax to:
Bucks County Department of Parks
and Recreation
901 E Bridgetown Pike
Langhorne, Pa 19047
FAX: 215-752-1421
Please print legibly :
City ___________________________
State ____ Zip Code ______________
We welcome suggestions for the Pathways or programs. Also, for change of address, please enter
the old name and/or address below
Published twice yearly by the Bucks County Department
of Parks and Recreation, 901 E. Bridgetown Pike, Langhorne, PA 19047-1597. Telephone: 215-757-0571 or Fax:
215-752-1421. Hours of operation: Monday through Friday,
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Website: E-mail:
The Bucks County Department of Parks and Recreation,
established in 1953, is responsible for the acquisition, development, and preservation of open space and regional parks.
The Department seeks in every endeavor to improve the
quality of life and environment for all Bucks County residents, by working to enhance existing and projected recreational and cultural needs for our County.
The Department does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its programs, activities, or facilities.
Charles H. Martin, Chairman
James F. Cawley, Esq. and Sandra A. Miller
Michelle G. Smyser, Chairman
Charles Raudenbush, Jr., Vice Chairman, Nelson E. Clements, Secretary
Arthur Friedman, Ph.D, Lowell Musselman, Penrose Hallowell,
Mary Schweiker, Edward Zielanski, Kelly LaSerre
Executive Director: William M. Mitchell, CPRP
Editor: Marianne Dubresson
General Park Information
Did You
Park Reservations
You may contact the main office
in Core Creek Park, Langhorne,
at 215-757-0571 Monday—Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for information
regarding the following:
!" Renting one of the County’s
cabins, campsites, pavilions, or
picnic groves, and their availability.
!" General information regarding
any of the County’s many recreation programs and facilities,
special events, historic facilities, nature centers, and other
services, as well as whom to
contact for more detailed information.
For information on renting a
Lower, Central, or Upper Bucks
County park or area of a park for
a wedding, family or work-related
event, fundraising activity, athletic
program, or for any other purpose:
!" Call the main office when planning special events for these
parks and facilities:
Core Creek Park, Silver Lake
Park, Playwicki Park, Oxford Valley Pool, and Frosty Hollow Tennis Center.
!" Call 215-489-5132 when plan-
ning special events for these
parks and facilities:
Peace Valley Park, Tohickon Valley Park, Tinicum Park, Lake Towhee Park, Tinicum Park Barn, and
the grounds at the Moravian Pottery and Tile Works.
Information about Bucks County
Parks rental reservations, programs, and facilities is available
a t
o u r
w e b s i t e ,
For your convenience, VISA,
MasterCard, cash and personal
check payments are accepted for
all programs, cabins, campsites,
pavilions, and picnic grove rentals.
Persons with
Persons with speech or hearing
disabilities can use the Pennsylvania Telecommunications Service (TDD) toll free at 800-6545984 to make contact with the
Department at 215-757-0571.
This service offers specially
trained Communications Assistants to help you get information
on our park system programs and
facilities. The toll free number is
available 7 days a week, 24 hours
a day.
After Hours Hotline
Don’t have time to call us during
the day for information on our
programs? Just call the after
hours hot line for information on
upcoming programs and
events. The telephone number
is 215-757-0571 after 5 p.m.
only and on weekends/holidays.
Discount Tickets
Throughout the year, the Department offers discount tickets to
ski and amusement parks.
!" Winter tickets (December
through March 15) include Jack
Frost/Big Boulder, Blue Mountain, Camelback, Elk Mountain,
and Bear Creek.
!" Summer tickets (May through
September) include: Busch
Gardens, Dorney Park, Dutch
Wonderland, Hershey Park,
Morey’s Piers, PA Renaissance
Faire, Sesame Place, Six Flags
(Great Adventure), Kings Dominion, Camelbeach, Williamsburg
!" Year-round tickets include Baltimore Aquarium, and the Philadelphia Zoo, and the Adventure
You may not have thought about us as a resource for summer jobs. Every year we look for qualified,
enthusiastic people to work summers at the following locations (see below). We are now interviewing
for summer 2007 facility jobs. If you know of someone young, old, or in between, who is looking for an
interesting, fun summer job, please call us at the telephone number below:
For jobs at: Core Creek Boat Rental, Oxford Valley Pool, or Frosty Hollow Tennis Center, please call Marianne
Dubresson (215) 757-0571 Ext. 3311.
For jobs at: Peace Valley Park Boat Rental or Tohickon Valley Park Pool, call Jill Unger (215) 489-5132.
Milling at the Stover-Myers Mill
C h a r l e s Y e s k e , M a n a g e r o f Hi s t o r i c P r o p e r t i e s
(Note: The previous article in this two-part series dealt with the milling of corn into livestock feed and meal for
human consumption using millstones for processing the grain. This article explains the procedure for milling
wheat into flour, using roller-mills instead of millstones. Roller-mills were installed in the 1880’s.)
Wheat arrived at the mill by wagon, was weighed on the first floor and then tipped through a trap door to
the receiving separator in the basement. That machine, through a series of fans and screens, removed twigs,
straw, stones and other foreign matter from the incoming grain. From the separator, the clean grain flowed down
a chute to an elevator which hoisted it to the top floor. There it was either stored in bins or sent directly back via
a chute to the basement to be scoured.
Before entering the scourer, the grain passed over a magnetic separator, a device that incorporated magnets to remove any bits and pieces of metal that may have been in with the grain and not sifted out with the receiving separator. Metal bits would damage rollers and sifting screens later in the process if not removed beforehand. From the magnetic separator, the grain fell into the horizontal scourer in which a set of blades spun within
a wire-mesh cylinder, throwing the grain against it and scouring off “beards,” dirt and dust. A fan drew these particles away from the clean grain and blew them out through a waste valve.
After the cleaning, the wheat was emptied into another elevator and hoisted back to the top floor. If not
stored there in bins, it was directed to the first of the roller stands which were on the first floor. Within each of the
four (or possibly up to six) stands were two sets of rollers – metal cylinders revolving in opposite directions. Each
set of rollers had a particular grade, or finish, something like sandpaper – from coarse to fine. The grain entering
the first stand (or first “break” of rollers), with the coarsest grade of rollers, was crushed between the revolving
rollers, dropped into the basement and diverted to an elevator which transported it back to the top floor and to a
sifting device known as a gyrator.
Within the gyrator were sleeves, or drawers, of silk through which the crushed grain, now a coarse meal,
would be sifted. Anything fine enough to sift through all the layers of drawers and silk would end up in a flour bin,
to be described later. All coarse leavings, sifted out, would be returned to the basement and run through the second stand of rollers (the second break) who had a less coarse grade of finish. Again, the meal was elevated to
be sifted as before, and then diverted back down to enter the third stand, with a finer grade of rollers. At this
point, the product was elevated to a “purifier,” on the top floor, in which the meal flowed over a screen, allowing a
draft of air to blow off fine impurities, including the “bran,” now highly regarded for its nutritional value. (Another
ingredient now also valued – the “germ” – was also eliminated in the process by the heat generated by the rollers.) After being purified, the meal/flour was sent to the gyrator for a final sifting.
This whole process was known as the “reduction” process of milling, as with each passing of the grain
through each stand of rollers, the grain/meal/flour was gradually reduced to a finer and finer end product. The
final sifting resulted in a very fine grade of flour. Any residue from the purifier and final sifting was used in livestock feed.
The flour, now ready for packing, was elevated again to the top floor and spouted into an enclosed
wooden bin running the height of the second floor. The bin extends down through the ceiling of the first floor,
tapering into a funnel above a flour packer. This machine was equipped with a counterweight which dispensed a
set amount of flour, equal to the counterweight, into a cloth sack, resting on its step platform. Once the weight
was reached, the machine automatically shut off the flow of flour. With a quick twisting of twine and fingers, a
“miller’s knot” closed the bag, completing the milling process.
The mill is located on Dark Hollow Road in Pipersville, PA. and was built by Jacob Stover in 1800, with alterations
in 1832 and in the 1880’s. With the completion of the first phase of restoration during the summer/fall of 2007,
the site, a National Historic Place, will be opened for visitors in the spring of 2008. Look for information in the
next issue of “Pathways.”
New ! Outdoor Discovery Series
Peace Valley Park Nature Center
Chapman Rd, Doylestown
Have you ever wanted to learn more about wildlife or get
in touch with the great outdoors? Maybe you’ve always
wanted to get up close and personal with some of our wild,
furry, and sometimes slimy friends. Peace Valley Park’s
Nature Center will provide you and your family with some
fun and informative demonstrations every other Friday
night during the summer for our Outdoor Discovery Series.
The Outdoor Discovery Series will start Friday, June 15,
2007. This series provides you and your family with the
opportunity to learn more about the living things that surround us in the wild. The Outdoor Discovery Series also
provides us with some information on nature’s beauty, fostering a greater appreciation for our natural surroundings.
Some of the exciting programs that will be apart of the
series are The Firefly Frolic, July 13 and Bat Bonanza on
July 27 presented to you by Peace Valley Nature Center.
Another fun and interesting presentation will be done by
Leonard Knapp on reptiles and amphibians on June 29.
Everyone is welcome, so come out and join us. After all,
the program is FREE. For further information and specific
times please call the Peace Valley Nature Center at 215345-7860.
Bike the Lake
Peace Valley Park, Sailor’s Point (N. end of park)
April 14, 10 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
A free bicycle safety and education event for all ages,
presented by the Bucks County Department of Parks and
Recreation, Cycle Sports of Doylestown, and the Central
Bucks Bicycle Club. The program will be held Saturday,
April 14, 2007 from 10:00 am - 12:00 noon. Immediately
followed by a 6 mile guided bike ride around Lake Galena,
on the bike path. Goodie Bags and t-shirts for the first 100
people to arrive!
The program will cover: bicycle safety, maintenance
check by Cycle Sports of Doylestown, Rules and Laws of
the Road presented by New Britain Township Police Department, proper helmet fitting and importance of helmets,
safe riding techniques presented by Cycle Sports of
Doylestown, how to use hand signals, and finally a bicycle
skills course presented by Central Bucks Bicycle Club
Bring your own bicycle for a safety check-up and to ride
the skills course and the 6 mile ride around the lake.
Neighborhood Bike Works, a non-profit organization will be
accepting donations of used bicycles, bike parts, and accessories. The donated bikes will be re-furbished and
given to needy Philadelphia children. For further information call (215) 822-9275, (215) 340-2526, or Bucks County
Dept. of Parks and Recreation (215) 489-5132. Program
will be held rain or shine.
New ! Kite Festival and Earth
Day Celebration
Tinicum Park, River Rd. (Rt. 32), Erwinna
April 22, 10 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
If your looking to spend a nice day in the park, whether
it be to celebrate the beautiful planet that we live on or
simply taking pleasure in the lovely spring weather, come
out and join us as we celebrate National Kite Month!
The Bucks County Department of Parks and Recreation will be hosting a kite festival on April 22 at Tinicum
Park in Erwinna PA. With the wonderful support of the
South Jersey Kite Fliers, the festival will feature Kid Flyers, kite making workshops, kite flying demonstrations
and breathtaking grounds display to name a few. There
will be many exciting activities to partake in and plenty of
entertainment to enjoy throughout the day, refreshments
will also be available.
The festival is FREE, so come out and join us! The fun
will begin at 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. So bring some lawn chairs
and blankets. For more information please call the Bucks
County Recreation Department at 215-489-2048.
Moravian Pottery & Tile Works Tile Festival
Swamp Rd (Rt. 313), Doylestown
May 19, 0:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
May 20, 10:00a.m.-4:00p.m.
24th Annual Tinicum Park
Antiques Show
Tinicum Park, River Rd. (Rt. 32), Erwinna
September 8, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
September 9, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to view historic and contemporary ceramic tiles featured by artists,
dealers and collectors from around the country. Beautiful
and rare examples of handcrafted tiles will be on exhibit
and available for purchase. Free tours of the Tile Works,
entertainment and refreshments will be part of the festivities, to be held rain or shine.
Admission is $6 ($5 with this article) and proceeds will
benefit the museum’s artifact collection and conservation
efforts. Children are free, no pets, please. 215-345-6722,
ext. 26 or visit
This year discover more antiques of finer quality than
ever before. Dealers from Pennsylvania, New York,
Maryland, and Virginia will display their best merchandise for purchase in and around the historic barn and
farm buildings in the park. Among items available for
sale are furniture, textiles, glassware, paintings, prints,
metalwork, and an assortment of furnishings and artifacts.
Admission $5 ($4 with this article) to benefit Historic
Properties Division of Bucks County Dept. of Parks and
Recreation. No pets please. Free parking. Rain or
shine. For more information call 215-489-5133.
New ! Silver Lake Expo
Saturday, September 15, 11 a.m.—5:00 p.m.
We’ve pulled out all the stops and invite everyone to
come and experience all the aspects of Silver Lake. From
one end of the park to the other you will find fun and exciting things to do. In the Nature Center building, we present
our 3rd annual “Wild about Birds”, you can do a pond study,
and sample our Halloween event, “Tales and Trails”. We
will demonstrate kayaking techniques, fly tying, yoga, and
photography techniques.
Enjoy various forms of entertainment: local bands, the
West Chester Harp ensemble, a nature scavenger hunt, a
puppet show and storytelling. We’ll have naturalist workshops, crafts to buy and crafts to make, and food vendors
of many descriptions. Kids can make nature crafts, take a
nature hike, learn about their favorite animal, play some
fun games and try our maze. Vendors and artisans will be
showing and selling their wares. Discover all the fun and
activities ‘year round’ at Silver Lake! Please call the nature
center at (215) 785-1177 for more information.
16th Annual Water Garden Tour
Silver Lake Nature Center
Bath Rd, Bristol
July 15 and July 22 , 11:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.
Take this self-guided tour of water gardens, big and
small in Lower Bucks. You can visit ten wonderful ponds
each Sunday! Begin at Silver Lake Nature Center,
where you get your tickets, the list of ponds and directions to each. Go at your own pace in your own car to
each pond on the tour.
3rd Annual Gourmet Pond Tour
Sunday, July 29, 3:30 p.m..—6:30 p.m.
Sample exceptional cuisine while immersing yourself
in the ambience of four exquisite water gardens. This is
a unique experience for all the senses, especially the
Call the Nature Center at 215 785-1177 for details and
to make reservations.
Riverside Symphonia
Fourth of July Concert
Tinicum Park, River Rd (Rt. 32), Erwinna
June 30 , 8:00 p.m.– 10 p.m. (Raindate July 1)
Bring your friends and family to this great annual outdoor
concert celebrating our nation’s birth. The Riverside Symphonia will be offering pop and classical music selections under
the stars. It is strongly advised that you purchase tickets in
advance, since only a limited number of tickets will be available at the gate. Gates open at 6 p.m. Pre-paid tickets cost
$20/adults, $8/children: At the gate: $25/adults, $10/children.
Bring a picnic dinner, lawn chairs, or a blanket. IMPORTANT
NOTE: No dogs, barbecue grills, glow necklaces or sparklers will be permitted on the grounds. Handicap Accessible parking is available. For further information or to purchase tickets, call (609) 397-7300.
Kid’s All American Fishing Derby
Peace Valley Park, Anglers Pier/Pavilion 1, New Britain
June 17, 7:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (Rain or Shine)
Giveaways! Prizes! Awards! All these can be yours when you
participate in the third annual Kid’s All American Fishing
Derby. This very successful event will be held rain or shine.
It is a catch and release derby for boys and girls ages 5 to 15
years in four age categories. Pre-registration is required
before June 1, 2007, the first 100 registered get a free
“goodie” bag. The fee is $5/child or $10/family of 2 children
or more. No refunds. Make checks payable to Doylestown Township Parks and Recreation Department and
mail to: 425 Wells Road, Doylestown, PA 18901. Bring a
bucket, bait, fishing pole, net, and barb less hooks. Children
under 14 years must be accompanied by a parent or adult 18
years or older. Call 215-489-5132, 215-348-9915, or 215443-5428, after May 7 for information.
Sponsored by the Bucks County Department of Parks and
Recreation, Doylestown, Warminster and Warwick Township
Parks and Recreation Departments, Bucks County Conservation District and North Branch Watershed Association. Registration forms can be picked-up at any of the township offices
mentioned. Do not use the registration form at the end of
the Pathways newsletter.
9/11 Memorial—Patriot Games
Peace Valley Park (Sailors Point)
Just East off Callowhill Rd, New Britain
September 8, 7:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (Rain or Shine)
Sponsored in cooperation with the Noell Maerz WTC Foundation. A ”Triathlon” of friendly competition combining canoeing, biking and running within teams. The program is dedicated to the memory of Noell Maerz, an avid sports enthusiast . The Noell Maerz World Trade Center (WTC) Foundation was set up by his family to honor his life. All proceeds go
to the Noell Maerz WTC Foundation, which assists underprivileged children and other non-profit groups. You may find
information and a registration form on the web page or call (215) 996-5656.
Celebrate Earth Day!
Churchville Nature Center, Churchville
April , 28 7:30 p.m.
Join local artist Chris Westfall for an evening of acoustic folk
music in celebration of Earth Day. Chris will be playing some
of his own tunes, some of which are found on his recording
“Kindred Spirits”. He will also be playing many of John
Denver’s songs which often celebrate nature and life. He
likes to interact with his audience and often encourages them
to sing along. We hope that you can join us for this evening
of entertainment. Tickets are $10.00.
Reservations are requested so that we can approximate numbers; Churchville Nature Center (215) 357-4005
Lenape Village POW-WOW
Core Creek Park, Langhorne
July 28 (10:00a.m.-8:00p.m.) & 29 (10:00a.m.-6:00p.m.)
Come out and join the Native Americans for two days of fun.
There will be Native American Crafters,
food and dancing. Also included in the
event will be our 1500’s era Lenape
Village, a teepee village, storytelling,
face painting and Lenape games.
Please call Churchville Nature center
for information at (215) 357-4005.
Admission at the gate: Adults $6.00
Students & Seniors $4.00
Children 4 - 12 $3.00 Under age 4 are
Tinicum Park Polo Club
Tinicum Park, Erwinna
Mid-May through Mid-October, 2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.
In cooperation with the Bucks County Department
of Parks and Recreation
Polo Matches every Saturday in beautiful Tincum Park along
the Delaware River just 8 miles north of New Hope, PA
Parking fee: $5.00 per car
For further information call the Tinicum Park Polo Club Hotline (908) 996-3321
Van Sant Airport and Park
Cafferty Road, Erwinna, PA
VanSant Airport is the ideal place to spend an afternoon with
friends or family. You can picnic under the trees and witness
vintage aircraft in their original grass roots environment. Or
you can strap on your helmet, put on your goggles, throw
back your scarf and return to another era when biplanes and
gliders abounded, and you never knew who was going to fly
into Van Sant next. The airport offers the following rides to
the public: mile high or aerobatic glider rides, Piper Cub rides,
Tiger Moth rides, and Stearman rides. Call for information
(610) 847-8320
25th Annual Bucks
County Senior Games
Activities will be held at various locations throughout the county
If you have participated in Senior Games in past years, then come back and join your friends. If not, here is your chance to
have fun and meet new people with the same interests as you. Participants, for this great event, come from all over the
County. This year’s Bucks County Senior Games will be held in May and June, and over 400 seniors participate each year.
The Games are held for seniors 50 years and older. There are 22 events with something for everyone including: golf, tennis,
bowling, swimming, badminton, track and field, table tennis, plus much much more! The purpose of the Games is to encourage seniors to stay healthy and active, and become more health-conscious. In addition to the sports activities, there will be a
Health Expo featuring a Fashion Show and Entertainment. The Games are co-sponsored with the Bucks County Area
Agency on Aging, Bucks County Dept. of Parks and Recreation and Independence Blue Cross/Keystone Health Plan East.
Activities will be held at various locations throughout the county, check the listing below. Registration before May 4 will be $8
per person. Registration after May 4 will be $13 per person. Listed here are some of the major events and locations.
May 29 to June 3 - Tennis, George School in Newtown – 8 a.m. play for ages 60 and above; 5:30 p.m. evening play at Central Park, Doylestown Township for those 50 to 54 and 55 to 59 years only.
May 31 – Health Expo – 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Delaware Valley College, Rt. 202, Doylestown. This event will feature health
screenings, giveaways, seminars, entertainment, fashion show, bingo and refreshments. Also included that day will be men’s
and women’s bocce beginning at 9 a.m.
June 1 – Bowling, 8:00 a.m., Brunswick Zone Lanes, Street Road, Feasterville
June 4 - Golf, 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fairways Golf Club, Rt. 611, Warrington (Rain date June 11)
June 5 - 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Central Bucks Senior Center, Shady Retreat Rd., Doylestown
June 6 – 9:15 a.m. to 3 p.m. Central Bucks Family YMCA, Lower State Rd, Doylestown,
June 6 – 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Central Bucks West HS, War Memorial Field, Doylestown
June 8 – Awards Luncheon – 12 noon to 2 p.m. - Dining Hall, Delaware Valley College, Rt. 202, Doylestown
For further information and event days and times call the Bucks County Department of Parks and Recreation (215) 489-5132
or the Bucks County Area Agency on Aging (215) 348-6116. Applications will be available beginning March 1 at the two cosponsoring agencies and at ALL 13 Senior Centers in the County. Information and a registration form are also on the B.C.
Area Agency on Aging web page at www.
For further information call Jill Unger at (215) 489-5132.
Moonlight Canoe/Kayak Tours
Peace Valley Park Boat Rental
Creek Rd, New Britain Towhship
Following last years success the Department will offer fun ”moonlight” kayak/canoe tours to the public. To participate, the
individual must have demonstrated knowledge about basic kayak and canoe skills in order to reserve a spot in the program.
THIS PROGRAM IS NOT A LEARN TO KAYAK OR CANOE PROGRAM!! The program will meet at the Peace Valley Boat
Rental on June 2, 30, and July 28 from 9 p.m and end at 11 p.m. for each date. The cost will be $10 per person for those
without a kayak, canoe or life vest and covers the rental of these items and staff time. Those with a kayak or canoe the cost
is $8 per person and covers staff time and life vest. The program includes a guided tour of the lake by the Peace Valley Nature Center staff. For further information you may call (215) 489-5132. The deadline to register is one week prior to the date
of program. Attendance is limited to those 18 years of age or older. The maximum number of reservations is 16 people/ the
minimum to hold the program is 8 people. The staff is American Red Cross Small Craft Safety and CPR/First Aid trained.
Registration on page. 27
Bucks County Horse Park
Rt. 611, Revere, PA
The Bucks County Horse Park located off Rt. 611, north of the village of Revere, offers over 25 miles of equestrian trails as
well as a variety of horse events from April to November. Every Monday is Bucks County Resident’s Discount Day with a
$15 day pass available. County Residents can purchase a recreational-only membership for $10 yearly. The Park has many
horse trails of varied lengths with many jumps along the way. One popular show includes the Thursday Morning Horse
Shows, where both English and Western riders vie for the ribbons. Please check out our calendar at for more event information.
Junior Boating Camps
Working with paddleboats, canoes and kayaks, participants learn the basics of boating safety and the fundamentals of paddling, and rowing. Each student who completes
the course receives a Bucks County Dept. of Parks and
Recreation Certificate of Completion. Wear swimsuit, appropriate water shoes (no flip flops). Bring a towel, beverages, snacks, sunscreen. Register on p. 27.
Program Name:
Jr. Boating Camp—CCBR
Core Creek Park Boat Rental
Bridgetown Pike, Langhorne
Youth 10-16 years
Minimum 6, maximum 12
Four days per Session
July 9-12
July 16-19
July 30-August 2
August 6-9
10:00 a.m. - 1:00pm
$55/person/session-includes equip-
Junior Adventure
Upper Bucks Only - An educational and recreational program for kids age 10 to 14 years (as of June 1, 2007). Using adventure activities such as rock climbing and hiking as
tools, kids learn to develop confidence, cooperation, leadership and self-esteem. Each day will offer a different experience; with activities including high/low ropes course work,
paddling, group initiatives or hiking. Class size is limited to
12 maximum/ 6 minimum to hold the camp. The ratio of instructor to camper is 1:6. Co-sponsored with Youth Services of Pennsylvania. Register on p. 27.
Program Name: Jr. Adventure Camp
Youth Services Center “The Barn”
Neshaminy Manor Center; Rt 611, Doylestown
Children and youth 10-14 years (as of 6/1)
Minimum 12, maximum 16
01 July 16-20
9 a.m.-4 p.m.
$130/teen includes equipment, transportation to different parks ($100 for another same family child)
Junior Sailing Camp
Program Name:
Jr. Boating Camp—PVP
Peace Valley Park Boat Rental
Creek Rd, New Britain
Youth 10-16 years
Minimum 8, maximum 16
5 Mornings per Session
01PVBR July 23-27
02PVBR July 30-Aug. 3
9 a.m.-Noon
$65/person/session includes equipment
Junior Tennis Camp
During this 4-day camp, students learn key tennis basics.
Participants are grouped according to age and/or ability.
The instructor(s) adapts teaching techniques to the level of
each group, including lecture, demonstration, drills, and
playing. Techniques covered are forehand, backhand,
serving, scoring, playing strategies, and proper tennis etiquette. Bring tennis racquet (required), snacks, beverage,
sunscreen. Register on p. 27.
This beginner sailing program, suited to kids 10 to 16
years, will teach the basics of sailing. Kids will gain knowledge of various types of sail boats, terminology, sailing skills,
rules of the road, safety, rescues and practical experience
handling a boat.
This course will be taught by Dan Reasoner certified with
the US Sailing Association and an instructor with the
Nockamixon Sail Club. He also has been a sailor for 35
years, is first aid certified, and a local Central Bucks resident. This camp is limited to 16 students /8 to hold the camp
minimum, with the staff ratio of 1:8. A practical test will be
given at the end with a certificate of completion. Department
staff will assist Mr. Reasoner.
Bring snacks, beverage and footwear. Register on p. 27.
Program Name:
Location: Peace
Jr. Sailing Camp
Valley Boat Rental; Creek Rd, New Britain
Youth 10-16 years
Minimum 8, maximum 16
July 9-13
Times: 9 a.m.-Noon
$165/child for 15 hour program
Program Name:
Jr. Tennis Camp
Frosty Hollow Tennis Center;New Falls Rd, Levittown
Juniors grouped ages 8-12;
Teens grouped ages 13-17
Minimum 5, maximum 20
01;6/18-21 Juniors only
02;6/25-28 Teens only
03;7/9-12 Juniors only
Daily 8:00a.m.-11:00a.m.
04-7/23-26 Teens
Nature Centers
Don’t Forget Nature’s Classroom
Churchville Nature Center (CNC) in Churchville, Peace Valley Nature Center (PVNC) in Doylestown, and Silver Lake
Nature Center (SLNC) in Bristol, also host a variety of classes regarding nature and the environment as well as other
special events and programs throughout the year.
For complete information on registering for any of the nature centers’ classes, their newsletters, programs, activities,
and gift shops, please contact the centers directly. Below are but a few of their exciting programs for all ages.
Churchville Nature Center
(215) 357-4005
Summer Nature Clubs
It’s time for the Summer Children’s Nature Clubs! They are a great way for children to learn more about
their environment. The clubs are hands-on learning experiences taught by CNC’s environmental education staff. Some time
is spent in the classroom, but most of each class is spent outdoors, so children must be dressed for the weather. The clubs
will be held from 9:30 to 11:30 AM, Tuesday through Friday. Along with the weekly theme we will have a special event
for the entire group to enjoy, such as live animals, a group art show and more. Snacks are included in the fee.
***Note: If the morning session fills, we will add an afternoon class for that particular age group***
The Summer Club Age Groups Are:
Surprises – Age 4 & 5 * Heads-To-Tails – Age 6, 7 & 8 * Ranger Ricks – Age 9 through 12
Due to the popularity of some age groups and in fairness to all… children are REQUIRED to pre-register for their
proper age category.
Session I – June 26, 27, 28 & 29 – Amazing Pollinator
Session II – July 10, 11, 12 & 13 - Trees & Plants
Session III – July 17, 18, 19 & 20 – Friends of the Earth
Session IV – July 24, 25, 26 & 27 – Habitats & Ecosystems
Session V – Aug. 14, 15, 16 & 17 –Birds of a Feather
Session VI – Aug. 28, 29, 30 & 31 – Lenape Indians
Fee for each club session: Members $55.00 & Non-Members $63.00 Pre-registration is required.
Lenape Village Tours
Every Sunday From April 1st to October 28th**
Take a tour of the Lenape Village with one of our educators and learn about some of the medicines and wild edibles that the
Lenape used 500 years ago. Each week there will be a different craft or skill featured. **Note: there will not be tours on May
20, June 24, or July 29, due to other special village events. Pre-registration is required.
Fee: Adults $4.00, Children age 4-12 $2.00, under age 4 are free
Annual Wildflower Sale
April 28 & 29, May 5 & 6
Come purchase a wide variety of plants for your garden, including native perennials, plants for attracting hummingbirds and
butterflies, aquatic plants and much more. The sale will be held from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM both days.
Members-Only Day—April 27
On April 27, from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM, there will be a members-only preview and sale of our wide variety of plants. Come on
over and get a jump on the weekend crowds!
Lenape Village Weekend Experience
June 23 and 24
This program is designed for 8 – 11 year olds accompanied by a parent. Live for a weekend in the village as the Lenape did
500 years ago. You will learn to track your own food and find wild edibles; but since this is a nature center, only pictures will
be taken; no animals will be harmed. Upon returning to the village, you will learn to shoot a bow and arrow; you have to hit
the target before you get your food. You will make your own tools, cook your own food Lenape style, tan a hide, build a shelter, and make a leather pouch using a bone needle and bone awl. Everyone will also have a chance to make and play Lenape games. Sleeping will be in the longhouse, wigwam, or shelter that you build, or out under the stars. It is quite an unforgettable experience. The program will begin at 9:00 AM on Saturday and conclude at 1:30 PM on Sunday.
The fee includes your food, supplies and instruction. Camping items are not included. Space is limited. Note: children
must be accompanied by an adult the whole weekend. Previous camping experience is required, since this is primitive camping. A recommended equipment list will be sent upon registration. Space is limited, so register now!
Fee: $60.00 per child & $60.00 per adult
Nature Centers
Native American Spring Gathering
May 20
Join us for our spring Lenape Village Gathering. Come tour our 1500’s village and learn more about the Lenape people and
enjoy some Native American food, dancing, storytelling, face painting, games, visit Native American vendors and more all
while enjoying the spring weather. The event will run from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Fee: Adults $4.00, Students & Seniors $3.00,
Children age 4 –12 $2.00, children under age 4 are free
Beginners Canoe Training
May 12
No experience is required for this canoe workshop. Learn the basics of paddling from instructors John Chalikian, Walt
Underhill & others. The workshop will cover the basic strokes for tandem paddlers, reading water, equipment, along with
safety instruction to assure that a fun and safe time will be had by all. If you have some experience, this will be a good
chance to sharpen and refine your skills to get ready for the second canoe class in June. We will start on Harrisonville Lake
and then move onto the Wading River in the Pine Barrens. At the end of the day you will have a new comfort level on the
water with the skills to make your boat go where you want it to go. CAUTION: This may become habit forming and you might
even become one of those crazed canoe heads with a new passion for a wonderful sport that all ages can enjoy. This is a
joint trip with AMC. Included in the fee are a boat, paddle and PFD provided by CNC.
Pre-registration is required and space is limited. Meeting Time: 7:30 a.m.
**Fee: CNC & AMC Members $35.00 & Non-Members $48.00
Leaders: John Chalikian & Walt Underhill
Moving Water Canoe Training
June 2
Here is your chance to learn how to handle more challenging water. You will be refining skills learned in the first class and
also new skills, like eddy turns, mid-river rescue, more river reading, safety and boat handling skills. If the river cooperates,
you may even get to do a little surfing. Participation in the beginner’s class or a river resume will be required to take this class.
Be prepared to get wet. At the end of this day you will have done things in a canoe that you did not even know were possible.
See May 14th canoe description for more info. This is a joint trip with Churchville Nature Center. Training on either the Delaware or Schuylkill Rivers. Space is limited and pre-registration is required.
Meeting Time: 8:00 a.m.
*Fee: CNC & AMC members $35.00 & Non-Members $48.00
Leaders: John Chalikian, & Walt Underhill
**Special Combination Fee: Take both canoe classes for Members $60 & Non-Members $85
Nature Pajama Parties
June 16, July 14 & August 4
Join us for a bit of silly fun and nature education all rolled into one. We invite children age 4 and up to put on their pajamas
and head over to the nature center for a Pajama Party. The evening will begin with a 1 hour nature program, followed by refreshments, crafts and music. The program themes will be: June 16 - Night Animals, July 14 - Scales & Tails and August 4 Nature’s Evening Chorus.
Pre-registration is required. See registration information below.
1 session
All 3 sessions
Members of CNC
Beginners Birdwatching
April 18, 21, 25, 28 and May 5
Join long-time birder and instructor Ron French for this Beginners Birdwathcing course.
Wednesday, April 18th, 7:30 p.m. - Instruction on binoculars, telescopes, bird books, and bird
Saturday, April 21, 9:15 a.m. - Habitat, use of binoculars in the field, identification of more
obvious species.
Wednesday, April 25, 7:30 p.m. - Continue with bird families, places to bird, bird song and a
Saturday, April 28, 9:15 a.m. - A slow bird walk at the nature center emphasizing what the group has learned.
Saturday, May 5, 8:00 a.m. - A field trip, most likely to Bradford Dam in Warrington, to look for a variety of species.
Fee: Members $55
Non-Members $65
Instructor: Ron French
Pre-Registration is required and space is limited
Nature Centers
Silver Lake Nature Center
(215) 785-1177
4th Annual Waterway Clean-Up
May 5, 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.
Join us as we collect and properly dispose of the debris that collects in and around the lake. Volunteers will
be working along the shore and from the water, in kayaks and canoes. This is a great way to help clean your waterway
of all kinds of stuff that accumulates during the year. Bring your canoe or kayak, if you have one.
Call us at 215 785-1177 if you can help.
Flea Market in the Park
June 23 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Rain or Shine
Clean out the attic, garage and closets. Sort through all that important stuff that’s too good to throw out, and sell them at
the Flea Market! Single, double and car spaces are available, and are reserved by name and location: First come, first
served! Bring your own table and chairs. Indoor spaces, including 6 foot table, will be available to rent in our auditorium. The Friends of Silver Lake will sell refreshments.
Summer Club for Kids
July 9 thru August 17
Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to noon
Preschoolers through teens will have the chance to explore habitats, investigate insects, revel in reptiles and experience
the marsh feet-first! Each week provides a different series of topics. Sign up for one week, or for all six.
Weekly fees: $50 members; $60 non-members.
Teens can experience Kayak Week in July and/or August and be certified in Boat and Water Safety. Contact the Silver
Lake Nature Center for details and to register.
Saturday Morning Bird Walks - 7:30 a.m.. Free. Enjoy an early morning walk with a guide along the trails of Silver Lake
while searching for the casual and unusual avian visitor. Beginners and experienced birding enthusiasts welcome!
Walks are scheduled Saturdays in March, April, May and September, October and November.
Sunday Stroll - every Sunday - 2 p.m. Free
Bring the family and enjoy an hour-long stroll on the trails with a naturalist. We will discover a different natural history topic
each week. Sunday Strolls are offered every Sunday, year-round. Come alone or bring the family.
Come Kayaking With Us! May thru October
Bring the family and enjoy an hour-long stroll on the trails with a naturalist. We will discover a different natural history
topic each week. Sunday Strolls are offered every Sunday, year-round. Come alone or bring the family. This is only our
second season with our own kayaks. Mark you calendar and plan on taking advantage of the training and field trips we
are offering:
March 24 – Boat and Water Safety Course sponsored by the PA Fish and Boat
Commission, 8 am – 4 pm. Pre-registration required. $15 per person.
April 28 – Boat and Water Safety Instructor Course, 9 am – 6 pm. For those who want
to teach or lead trips. BWSA certification required. Must pre-register.
May 19 - D & R Canal, Princeton, NJ.
May 27 - Neshaminy Creek
June 2 – Island Beach State Park
June 9 - Birding by Kayak on the Assiscunk Creek
June 10 – Core Creek
Every Thursday in June, July, August and September
Evening Paddle, 6 – 8 p.m.
We will paddle from Silver Lake through the marsh to Magnolia Lake
and back. Please call us for details and to register for all of these
Nature Centers
Peace Valley Nature Center
(215) 345-7860
Teacher Naturalist Training
April 3,4,5,9,10, and 11
1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Do you… being outdoors? Enjoy being with children? Like to have fun? Have 6 afternoons open
in April? You will learn the programs and techniques we use to bring environmental education to life for
pre-school, elementary and secondary students. Completion of this training and subsequent program
observation could lead to a part-time paid teacher naturalist position. Tues, Wed, & Thurs.
For additional information and registration call Gail Hill, 215.345.7860
Native and Annuals Plant Sale
Saturday, May 5, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
4th Annual Plant Sale, create your own natural wonder, or enhance your existing gardens. Entice birds, butterflies and hummingbirds to your home. Bucks County Native trees, shrubs & perennials. NEW THIS YEAR! Ferns and Aquatic Plants!
Sale also includes annuals & herbs. Pre-orders due April 20, limited availability of plants day of sale.
Call for a brochure or additional information
Summer Nature Adventures
Week 1 – June 26-29 (rain date July 3)
Week 4 – July 24-27 (rain date August 2)
Week 2 – July 10-13 (rain date July 31)
Week 5 – August 7-10 (rain date August 21)
Week 3 – July 17-20 (rain date August 1)
Week 6 – August 14-17(rain date August 22)
Discovery and exploration of the natural areas of Peace Valley for your 2 year old through elementary age child.
Hands on activities include walks, games, and stories: snack and T-shirt included
Call the Nature Center for more information
Art Classes at PVNC (for children who have completed grades 3 – 6)
Learn and use the three incremental steps that artists use to create a color drawing,
Rain Date: July 31
July 9-13 ONLY
FEE: $80 members, $70 non-members—all materials included
TIME: 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
Firefly Frolic
Friday, July 13 – 8:30-9:30 p.m.
Rain Date: July 14
Join us in exciting family activities and a search for these wonderful bioluminescent beetles. Learn about these flashing insects & identify our state insect. Please note: this program includes some hiking.
FREE (pre-registration required)
Bat Bonanza
Rain Date: July 28
Friday, July 27, 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Bats are amazing nocturnal mammals. Learn about the use of their echolocation to enjoy an evening foray for
mosquitoes, gnats and other insects. Games and activities are part of this educational evening. Please note this program includes some hiking
FREE (pre-registration required)
Dusk to Dark
Learn about nocturnal creatures and nightly phenomenon through hands-on activities and observation, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
August 6-10 ONLY. Jr. Naturalists and Advanced Jr. Naturalists Only
FEE: $55 members, $65 non-members
Friends and Family Fun Day
Saturday, September 15, 10:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m.
The Friends of Peace Valley Nature Center will host the eighth annual race around beautiful Lake Galena. Awards will be
given to the first male and female overall finishers and to the top three male/female finishers in their age group. The first 50 2Mile health walk participants will receive a T-Shirt. This fundraiser benefits the environmental education programs.
Call 215.345.7860, ask for Craig Olsen or
Sailing Lessons
Individual beginner and intermediate sailing lessons will
be available. These lessons offered by the boat center staff
will cover the proper care of the equipment (Aqua Finns and
Day Sailor’s), sailing skills, rules of the road, safety tips,
righting a boat and rescues to name a few. Call the boat
center after May 5 to schedule a date and time for a class.
Program Name:
Sailing Lessons
Peace Valley Boat Rental
Creek Rd, Doylestown
18+; 16 and 17 with parental consent
Reservations depend on staff availability
June 16 to August 11
Call Peace Valley Boat Rental, 215-3451097, after May 5 at least one week in
advance to reserve a time and date.
$35/person/one-hour lesson includes all
Junior Boating
and Water Safety Class
Beginner Flat-Water Kayaking
Want to buy a kayak but not sure which one is appropriate? Looking for some kayaking tips? Learn the answers
and much more in this 2-hour class designed for the beginner who just bought a kayak or someone simply interested
in the sport.
With our user-friendly open-top single and double kayaks, we’ll teach you to become comfortable on the water.
Instruction includes: kayak types, basic paddling strokes,
basic rescues, entry and exit, paddling environments, and
handling kayaks. Be ready to get wet sitting down. Register on p.27
Program Name:
Beginner Flat-Water Kayaking
Core Creek Park Only
Boat Rental
18+; 16 and 17 with parental approval
Minimum 3, maximum 8 students
July 18
6-8 p.m.
July 25
6-8 p.m..
August 4 9-11 a.m.
$30/person/session includes equipment
Junior Fishing
Learn about the major types of fishing—spin casting,
bait, and fly fishing, the use of live bait vs. lures, and fishing-related ecosystems. Steve Ruane and his staff will
again be teaching this excellent class. Bring snacks, beverage. Register p. 27
Students participating in this program will learn water
safety and boating laws as they pertain to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. They will also learn basic boating
and paddling techniques, survival skills, and rescue procedures. Upon completion of the class, a test will be given to
each student. If they pass, they will receive a certificate –
good for life – from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. This certificate is required to operate a jet ski in
PA or to operate a motorboat in excess of 10 HP if you are
between the ages of 12 and 16 years. This program will
offer classroom, video and practical “on the water” experience. Participants should dress appropriately. Wear appropriate attire, including footwear, and bring lunch, snacks,
drinks. Register on p. 27
Program Name:
Program Name: Jr. Boating and Water Safety Class
Peace Valley Boat Rental
Children and youth 12-16
Minimum 10, maximum 16
July 20
8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Fee: $10 with application to Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission payable day of program.
Program Name:
Jr. Fishing
Core Creek Park Boat Rental
Bridgetown Pike, Langhorne
Children 6-14
Minimum 4, maximum 12 students
$25/person/session includes equipment
Session/Times: 01CCBR June 29
9 a.m.-Noon
02CCBR July 20
9 a.m.-Noon
Call (215) 757-0571 for further information
Jr. Fishing
Peace Valley Park Boat Rental
Parking Lot, Creek Rd, New Britain
Children 6-14
O1PVBR July 13
9 a.m.-Noon
02PVBR July 27 9 a.m.-Noon
Call (215) 489-5132 for further information
American Red Cross
“Learn To Swim ”
Program Name: Learn to Swim
Oxford Valley Pool
Hood Blvd, Fairless Hills
Children and youth 3 years of age on up
Young children must be toilet trained
and comfortable with instructor.
Registration: Registration in person only at the Core
Creek Park office or Pool after opening
01-04 OVP beginning June 25
Dates and times to be determined due to
Pennsbury School session ending in
10-10:45 a.m.
11-11:45 a.m.
$30/person/session for pool members
$40/person/session for nonmembers
Water Aerobics: Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays
to be announced
Note: New Adult swim nights on
Mondays, ages 25 or older; 8:00-9:00 p.m.
Other classes and fun events will be held at
OVP (raft nights, Flick ‘n’ Float, Halloween in
July) and TVP (Family Fun Night, 6/23-8/11,
only $2/person. Each Friday will feature
games and races). Please call the pools for details at
that time.
Small Craft Safety
Participants learn about safety and emergency training in
crafts such as canoes and kayaks. Bring change of clothing, protective footwear, lunch. Register on p. 27
Program Name: American Red Cross Small Craft
Peace Valley Boat Rental
12+ and adults
Minimum 5, maximum 10
O1 June 19 and June 20
Attendance both days required
9 a.m.—4 p.m. each day
$45 includes American Red Cross
Small Craft Safety Course certification,
textbook, instruction
Great program for recreation and camp counselors
Program Name: Learn to Swim
Tohickon Valley Pool
Cafferty Rd, Point Pleasant
(215) 297-0754
Children 4 (as of 7/1/07) - 12 years
Children must be confidently toilet trained.
Registration: Pre-register in person at Tohickon Valley
Pool May 19, Noon—3 p.m. Parents may
sign up for memberships and their children’s swim lessons at the same time.
Bring Photo ID, cash or checks only
01 July 2,3,5,6,&7
02 July 23,24,25,26, & 27
Two sessions with multiple levels
Two sessions will be offered. The sessions will be one week
in length, five days a week.
01TVP Level I
Water Oriention
02TVP Level II 10:30-11:20
Primary Skills
03TVP Level III 9:30-10:20
Stroke Readiness
04 TVP Level IV: 830--9:20
Stroke Development
$50/person/session for pool members
Every Friday evening from June 22 to August 10 the pool
and its staff will host a Family Fun Night from 6:30 p.m. to
8 p.m. Each Friday will feature games, races, bring your
favorite toy, raft night, etc? The cost is $2 per person. For
Information please call (215) 489-5132 or after May 26
(215) 297-0754.
USA 1-2-3 Junior Tennis
Lessons and Team Tennis
USA 1-2-3 Adult Lessons
and Team Tennis
All aspects of the game are covered in these lessons
using individual instruction and drills. “Beginners” is for
those with little or no tennis experience. “Intermediate” and
“Advanced Interm.” is for those who want to focus on improving the mechanics of strokes and playing techniques
—no beginners please! Sessions run once a week for 6
weeks in spring and fall, 4 weeks in summer. Bring a tennis racquet. Register on p. 27
This beginning tennis class emphasizes fun and provides
a chance to learn the basics and play games using the
team tennis approach. Bring snacks. Register on p. 27
Program Name:
Jr. Tennis Lessons
Frosty Hollow Tennis Center
New Falls Rd, Levittown
Children 6-10 and 11-15 (grouped)
Minimum 5, maximum 8 per instructor
01 May 5 (6-10yr olds) 02 May 12 (6-10)
03 May 19 (11-15)
04 June 2 (11-15)
10:30 a.m. - Noon
$12/person for each session
Program Name: Adult Tennis Lessons
Frosty Hollow Tennis Center
New Falls Rd, Levittown
Adults 18+
Spring/Fall—Minimum 5, maximum 20
Spring (6 lessons per
01 Advanced Intern.
02 Intermediate
03 Beginner
session)-1.5 hrs.
Apr 7—May 19
Apr 10—May 15
Apr 12—May 17
Fall (6 lessons per session)-1.5 hrs.
05 Advanced Interm. Sep 8 —Oct 27
06 Intermediate
Sep 11—Oct 16
07 Beginner
Sep 13—Oct 18
Weeknights 6:30-8 p.m.; Sat 9-10:30 a.m.
$70/person/session—Spring/Fall, 1.5 hrs
$45/person/session—Summer only; 1 hr.
Students must bring $5 for tennis balls to
the first class of each session
Semi-Private Tennis Lessons
Program Name:
Semi-Private Tennis Lessons
Frosty Hollow Tennis Center
New Falls Rd, Levittown
2-5 maximum, 2 minimum
By appointment only, call 215-949-
Open to all levels of play
*Jr. Group lessons are also available upon request by
calling the tennis center at (215) 949-2280*
USTA Sponsored Tournaments
The contact for these tournaments is Kitty Perrin
(610) 935-5000. Please do not call the tennis center as
Kitty is in charge of all the tournaments and has all the
registration information.
June 30-July 1
Frosty Hollow Summer Classic
July 13-15
District Playoffs
September 21-23
Frosty Girls Open
September 28-30
Fall Classic
Private Tennis Lesson s
Program Name:
Private Tennis Lessons
Frosty Hollow Tennis Center
New Falls Rd, Levittown
By appointment only, call 215-949-2280
$45/person /hour
Open to all levels of play
3-Day Intensive
Tile Workshop
Program Name:
3-Day Intensive Tile Workshop
Moravian Pottery & Tile Works
Swamp Rd (Rt. 313), Doylestown
April 24-26
215-345-6722 ext. 23 or 25
This three day workshop covers all the basic processes used
by the Moravian Pottery and Tile Works to produce decorative
tile, mosaics, quarry tile, and plaster molds, in addition to basic
glazing, sagger loading, tile setting and grouting. There will be
an opportunity to tour Fonthill and the Tile Works and see a
lecture/slide show on historic and contemporary tile installations.
Limited enrollment and individualized instruction by the staff of
the MPTW allows each student to have a hands on experience
with many of the above processes. Class size is limited to 8
Bucks County’s Moravian Pottery and Tile Works is
now offering its 2007 special edition tile. Entitled “spring,”
the tile will be the first of a four part series representing activities of the four seasons. This image of a figure sowing
seeds appeared frequently in a variety of tiles designed by
Henry C. Mercer, founder of the Tile Works. Head ceramist
Adam Zayas employed this image with the corner fleur de
lys elements, which were also used by Mercer in many of his
designs, to create this year’s offering. Measuring approximately 5 ¾ inches square, the tile is made of native Bucks
County clay pressed into plaster molds. After air drying, the
tile is dipped into a white clay slip, kiln fired, then glazed and
fired a second time. The color is known as blue underglaze
and was used by Mercer extensively. All four of the designs
in this new series will be offered only in this finish. Due to
the historic handcrafted nature of tile production employed at
the Tile Works, no two tiles will be exactly alike. Slight variation in color, surface, shrinkage, and texture are to be expected in current production as it was in Mercer’s time.
Production of the “2007” special edition tile will end with
sales and orders received by December 31, 2007. The cost
is $35, plus shipping and tax as applicable.
Purchases can be made at the Tile Works’ shop
within the museum at 130 Swamp Road (Route 313),
Doylestown, or by calling 215-345-6722, ext. 23, 10 a.m.4:30 p.m. daily. All revenue from these sales supports restoration projects.
The Moravian Pottery and Tile Works is a National
Historic Landmark administered by the Bucks County Department of Parks and Recreation as a working history museum, offering tours, classes, and sales of currently produced Moravian tiles.
Moravian Tile Works
A unique collaboration between ceramists and an active
Arts & Crafts working history museum, the apprenticeship
program of the Moravian Pottery and Tile Works is offered
twice yearly with each twelve week session limited to three
participants. Apprentices work 24 hrs per week in exchange
for an hourly wage. Participants learn various forming and
reproduction techniques including tile/mosaic making, mold
work, glaze application, sagger firing for controlled smoking
of clay, and concrete installation.
Apprentices have an opportunity to produce their own original
tile work using the standard materials and tools of the pottery.
They are exposed to a turn of the century knowledge based
on the Arts & Crafts philosophy and aesthetics adhered to by
the Moravian Pottery & Tile Works. It is hoped that these
factors influence the tile work produced by the apprentices.
Apprentices are provided with limited studio space in the Pottery, which is accessible to them between the hours of 5 a.m.
and midnight, seven days a week. In addition, they receive
free materials, use of tools, technical advice, and biweekly
pay based on the work produced under the Potter's direction.
Applicants for the apprenticeship are required to submit
the following:
1. Resume
2. Ten clearly labeled slides of recent work that will be
retained by the pottery if the applicant is selected.
Please include slide list.
3. Cover letter detailing the sort of interchange desired
from the experience and why the Moravian Pottery &
Tile Works is appropriate to your needs.
4. Two letters of recommendation.
Applications must be postmarked by the deadline date
appropriate for the given session.
June 5 to Aug. 25, Summer Session
Deadline is March 5
September 4 to Nov. 17, Fall Session
Deadline is June 4
Completed applications should be mailed to:
Apprentice Program
Moravian Pottery & Tile Works
130 Swamp Road
Doylestown, PA 18901
USA Team Tennis
Adult Leagues
Join men’s, women’s, mixed singles, and mixed doubles. Leagues are geared to different levels of ability.
Play one match per week every week for seven weeks,
followed by one week of playoffs. Limited flexibility allowed for vacations and weather. Register on p. 27
Oxford Valley Pool Swim Team Logo
Oxford Valley Pool
Swim Team- #1 in Lower Bucks
Swim League Blue Division
The Swim Team is a close-knit group of kids,
coaches, and parents, and fun for everyone. Swim
Team season begins in early June, and continues until
mid-August. Practices are held Mondays through Fridays. Meets are held Tuesday and Thursday evenings
at local pools. The coaching staff is able to accommodate vacation schedules and other commitments.
Register on p.27
Program Name: Oxford Valley Pool Swim Team
Oxford Valley Pool
Hood Blvd, Fairless Hills
Registration: Call 215-757-0571 for a Swim Team
Registration Form and further information.
Session No:
01 15-18 yrs 8-10 a.m.
02 12-14 yrs 9:30-10:30 a.m.
03 9-11 yrs
10-11 a.m.
04 8 and under 11-11:45 a.m.
$75/person/session for the 1st child
$60/person/session for each additional
Adult Leagues
Location: Frosty Hollow Tennis Center
New Falls Rd, Levittown
High School and Adults
To qualify for member discounts, you must
be a
member. See below for fees and p. 17 for
membership information.
Contact: League Director, Pat McLaughlin 215-6384385,
for changes in, or additions to, sessions.
01 Sun 9 a.m.
Men’s Doubles
02 Sun 6 p.m.
Mixed Doubles
03 Mon
6:30 p.m. Men’s Singles 3.0-3.5
04 Tue 6:30 p.m. Women’s Doubles
05 Wed 6:30 p.m. Men’s Singles 3.5-4.5
06 Thu 6:30 p.m. Mixed Doubles
07 Sat 9:00 a.m. Men’s Singles 3.5-4.5
Dates: Spring: April 30 - June 17
Summer: June 25 -Aug 19
Fall: Aug. 21 -Oct. 17
Start dates may be delayed due to
Per Person/Session
Nonmember $70
Nonmember $35
Oxford Valley Pool Swim Team
# 1-Lower Bucks Swim League, Blue Div.
Walking/Hiking Throughout
Our Parks System
US Open 2007
Grand Slam Tennis
Fun awaits you when you join us for a trip to Flushing
Meadows, NY for the top tennis competition in the country.
Games, snacks and more will make the ride one to remember. Early sign-up recommended, but remember, no
refunds! Lunch on your own. Register on p. 27
Program Name: US Open 2007
01 Thursday Aug. 30, 7:30 a.m.-9 p.m.
Maximum 45 passengers
$85/person. Fee includes grounds
pass, access pass to Louis Armstrong stadium
Lunch is on your own.
Fall Foliage, Covered Bridges,
And County Parks
Come prepared to learn about and admire nine of the
most beautiful covered bridges in Bucks County. Our guide
will give an in-depth overview of each bridge’s history, architecture, and overall significance. Also included is a brief
tour of some of our beautiful county parks. Bring a bag
lunch.Register on page 27
Program Name: Fall Covered Bridge Tour
01 Saturday, October 13, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Maximum 24 passengers
$40/person/session includes
transportation, guide
All of our parks have trails of one sort or another. Many
are the result of fishermen who have carved permanent
paths along the banks of our lakes. Others have been
used by horses and still others are from people looking for
an off-beaten trail that affords them a closer view at nature. We ask that everyone who enjoys our natural trails
to please keep them clean and take out whatever you take
in, leaving only your footprints. Remember that we are not
alone in our parks. Many animals take advantage of the
quiet banks or make our forests their home. They are
likely to take our ‘trash’ as food and swallow fishing hooks
or even plastic bags. The parks belong to everyone and
every creature.
We Are Harming Our
Through kindness and a
natural inclination to feed
wild animals, we are creating dependence, promoting
the spread of disease, and
upsetting the natural cycles
of ducks and geese. Believe it or not, development
has provided these birds
with more, not less, habitat,
and they have learned to
take advantage of it.
The fact is ducks and
geese won’t starve if we
don’t feed them. They have
survived millions of years
without our help. Our feeding tempts them to forget or
ignore nature’s lessons.
If these birds can get a
ready supply of free food
without expending any energy, they will. Wouldn’t
you? A natural food source
scattered hither and yon
forces them to work, and
the search spreads them
over a wide area. Crowds
of fowl increase exposure to
sickness and disease transmitted by others as well as
exposure to predators. By
feeding them, they concen-
trate in one location, lose
their natural fear of humans, and are more susceptible to disease and
What will happen if we
stop feeding ducks and
Reverting to their wild
ways, waterfowl develop a
healthy fear of humans and
decrease in number to a
level the parks can support.
Droppings that pollute our
waterways diminish, and
eroding bare spots along
the edges of waterways
The Bucks County Department of Parks & Recreation has erected signs
throughout the County
Parks indicating that feeding ducks and geese is
prohibited and subject to
a fine up to $300. Your
cooperation is greatly appreciated by the Department and our waterfowl
For any wildlife concerns
or questions, please contact
any one of our three Nature
Centers listed in our facility
Although you may not be thinking of the fall/winter activities/events yet, here are but a few, old and new, to look for in
The bus has two pickup points:
the next ‘Pathways’ newsletter/program guide.
!" Core Creek Park, Langhorne
Pumpkin Festivals: Moravian Tile Works and Core Creek Park
!" The entrance to the Moravian Pottery
Horse-Drawn carriage and hay rides: Upper county parks
and Tile Works, Rte 313, Doylestown
Cross Country Skiing Lessons: Specified nature centers
!" Frosty Holly Tennis Center, Levittown (for US Open Holiday Open House: Moravian Pottery and Tile Works
trip only)
Boat Rentals
Peace Valley Boat Rental (PVBR) in New Britain and Core
Creek Boat Rental (CCBR) in Langhorne open the first Sat. in
May to mid October. Call Peace Valley Boat Rental at 215345-1097, or Core Creek Park Boat Rental at 215-757-1225,
during the May-mid-October season. You may also call the
Administrative Office at 215-757-0571 for further details.
Boat Rental Fees
1/2 Hr
14’ Sailboat (PVBR)
Aqua Finn Sailboat (PVBR)
Aqua Cycles (CCBR) 15
Kayak (single)
Kayak (double)
1 Hr
1/2 Day Day
With 6 lit and 4 unlit tennis courts, Frosty Hollow Tennis
Center, Levittown, offers individual play as well as various
programs. Seasonal memberships are available at the same
rate for residents and nonresidents. Members are eligible for
guest and league discounts, and do not pay court usage fees.
Nonmembers pay a court usage rate by the 1.5 hour . Also
available for rent are a lobster machine and ball hoppers.
Contact the Tennis Center at 215-949-2280 during the May
to October season to obtain information on memberships,
court usage, programs, and reserving a court. To obtain
league discounts, you must either be a member or apply for
membership when registering for leagues. Call the Administrative Office at 215-757-0571 during the off-season for further details. Note: four courts are open year-round.
Rentals require $20 cash deposit or credit card plus a
valid driver’s license.
Cabins, Camping
Picnic Areas
Contact us for information about renting camp sites, cabins, pavilions, and picnic areas. We will be happy to answer questions about available dates, locations, maps,
facilities, how to obtain a permit, fees, and policies. Most
arrangements can be made conveniently by telephone.
See also p. 3, “Park Reservations,” about where to call.
Cabins—Tohickon Valley Park has 4 cabins available to
rent for your camping enjoyment. Fees are charged by the
week or weekend, plus a fee for each additional night.
Rentals run from Jan. 15 to Dec. 15.
Camping—Several county parks have wooded camping
grounds where you may bring your own tent or camper
and camp at a designated site. Parks with designated sites
include Lake Towhee, Tinicum Park (tent camping only),
Tohickon Valley Park. Fees are charged per day
for family campsites, which accommodate a maximum of 6
people. Fees are charged per person for group campsites,
which accommodate 10 or more people.
Pavilions/Picnic Areas—Rent a pavilion or wooded picnic
area in any of our parks for all occasions such as family
reunions, birthday parties, company picnics, etc. Pavilions
and picnic areas are available for rental in Core Creek,
Playwicki, Silver Lake (pavilion only), Tinicum, Lake Towhee, Tohickon Valley, and Peace Valley Parks. Fees vary
for residents and nonresidents, and for private versus nonprofit groups.
Season Pass
Single (18+)
Family (up to 4)
Unmarried child (living home under 18) 50
Junior Single (not living home under 18) 90
Senior Single (60+)
Senior Couple (both 60+)
Senior Early Bird (60+, 8 a.m.-Noon)
Court Usage
M-F (Day)
M-F (6 p.m.—Closing)
Sat., Sun., Holiday (Day)
Sun., Holiday (6 p.m.—Closing)
By 1.5 Hr
Guest Playing with Member
1.5 Hr (Day)
1.5 Hr (6 p.m.—Closing)
Singles Doubles
The Moravian Pottery and Tile Works, Doylestown, was
founded by Henry C. Mercer in 1898 to produce decorative
ceramic tiles and mosaics. Since 1967 the County has
owned the current building, completed in 1912, and administers it as a “working history” museum through the Parks
and Recreation Department. It continues to make reproductions of Mercer’s original mosaics and tiles in the Arts
and Crafts style.
Self-guided tours and other programs are available, and
the museum shop offers a wide variety of Arts and Crafts
style tiles for purchase. Call the museum at 215-345-6722
for information about tours, programs, and tiles for sale.
Call 215-489-5133 for information about Bucks County
Park’s other historic properties and/or volunteering to help
with programs and maintenance.
Weisel Hostel
Golfers are invited to enjoy Oxford Valley Golf Course in
Fairless Hills, and its nine-hole, 2,025 yard Par 31 (5, 4,
and 3 Par) course. Daily fees, reduced-fee membership
plans, pull cart rentals, and gift certificates are available.
Women’s and Senior Men’s Golf leagues are also offered.
Call 215-945-8644 for further information during the
March-December season.
Each golfer must have his/her own clubs. Rental clubs
are available. Golfers under age 14 MUST be accompanied by a parent. No “walk-alongs” on the course; golfers
only. Reserved tee times are not available; first-come basis only.
Greens Fees
Senior 60+
Senior couple both 60+
Junior 14-17
Family-husband & wife
Each child 14-17 with family
Weisel is a former estate dating from the early 1900’s
and is one of 4000 hostels worldwide. It is chartered by
Hostelling International, Inc. and operated by the Department. Its purpose is to provide clean, safe, affordable accommodations for travelers. It is also available to groups
with an educational, recreational, or service mission. The
surrounding Nockamixon State Park offers an abundance
of outdoor activities and amenities. Ecology and environmental clubs are encouraged to use the surrounding areas
for hiking and study. The communal living arrangements
at Weisel are typical of hostels throughout the world. Language clubs and international studies organizations planning to travel abroad will benefit greatly from this hostel
The hostel accommodates up to 20 people, which includes sleeping accommodations. Overnights range from
$12-15 per person per night. Non-Bucks County residents
must be International Hostel members. Memberships are
$28 for adults, and $18 for seniors. Call 215-536-8749 for
general information, reservations, special events, and the
“Welcome Stamp” 3-day special rate passes for non-Bucks
Greens Fee Plan Discount Monday-Friday
7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., except Holidays
Students with Family or Junior Seniors
Organizations affiliated with the Golf Course
You may not have thought about Bucks County Parks
and Recreation as a resource for summer jobs. Each
year we look for qualified, enthusiastic people to work
summers. If you know of someone young, old, or in between looking for a position for the summer, call one of
the numbers below.
For jobs at Core Creek Boat Rental, Oxford Valley
Pool, or Frosty Hollow Tennis Center:
Call Marianne Dubresson, 215-757-0571 ext. 3311
For jobs at Peace Valley Park Boat Rental or Tohickon Valley Park Pool:
Call Jill Unger, 215-489-5132
Applications accepted beginning in January
Oxford Valley Pool (OVP), located in Fairless Hills, is a
50-meter pool with a maximum depth of 4 ft. 3 in. It features a water slide and small wading pool for children with
a depth of 1 ft. 6 in.
Tohickon Valley Pool (TVP) is situated in a wooded park
setting in Point Pleasant. The main pool ranges in depth
from 3 ft. to 5 ft 6 in., while the children’s pool is a maximum of 1 ft. deep
Each pool offers swim programs for children. Both
county and non-county residents may obtain season
passes or pay by the day. Fees vary for residents and nonresidents, by age, and day of week.
For further information about fees, hours, and programs,
contact the pools during the Memorial Day to Labor Day
season: OVP—215-949-2975
Contact the Administrative Office with questions about
the pools during the off-season at 215-757-0571.
OVP Season Pass
OVP Daily Pass
Bucks Residents
TVP Season Pass
TVP Daily Pass
Easton Road
Revere, Pa 18953
(610) 847-8597
501 Churchville Lane
Churchville, PA 18966
Center and Shop open Tues. through
Sun. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(Administrative Office)
901 E Bridgetown Pike
Langhorne, PA 19047
Open Mon. through Fri.
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
RENTAL (Seasonal)
Core Creek Park
Langhorne, PA
Open first Saturday in May through midOct.
New Falls Road
Levittown, PA
Open May through October.
Hours vary.
Old Bethlehem Pike
Applebachsville, PA
Call the Administrative Office for Park
information 215-757-0571.
130 Swamp Road
Doylestown, PA 18901
Open Daily
10 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Oxford Valley Road
Levitttown, PA 19030
Open Mar. 1 through Dec. 31
Mon. through Sat. 7 a.m. to dusk;
Sun. 6:30 a.m. to dusk.
Closed January and February.
1306 Bath Road
Bristol, PA 19007
Center and Shop open daily Tue.
through Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
And Sun. Noon to 5 p.m.
Hood Blvd
Fairless Hills, PA
Open Memorial Day Weekend through
Labor Day.
3 p.m.-8 p.m. when Pennsbury Schools
are in session;
12 p.m. to 8 p.m. remainder of the season.
Creek Road
New Britain Twp, PA
Open daily 8 a.m. to sunset. Call the
Administrative office for Park
information 215-757-0571
River Road (Rte 32)
Upper Black Eddy, PA
Call the Administrative Office for information 215-757-0571.
POOL (Seasonal)
Cafferty Road
Point Pleasant, PA
Call the Administrative Office for Park
information 215-757-0571,
Pool Tel. 215-297-0754 (in season),
Pool opens Memorial Day Weekend to
mid -June , weekends only
Mid-June through Labor Day
12:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Pool closes when school is in session
Van Sant Airport
Creek Road
New Britain Twp, PA
Open first Saturday in May through
170 Chapman Road
Doylestown, PA 18901
Solar building and Sunflower Shop
open Tue. through Sun.
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Trails open daily dawn to dusk.
Maple Avenue
Langhorne, PA
Call the Administrative Office for
information 215-757-0571.
Bath Road
Bristol Township, PA
Call the Administrative Office for
information 215-757-0571.
Cafferty Road
Erwinna, Pa 18920
(610) 847-8320
7347 Richlandtown Road
Quakertown, PA 18951
Open daily 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.,
and 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Closed Dec. 25 to Jan 1 of every year
Part of worldwide hostel network.
!" Even if the course is free, send in a completed reg-
istration form with signed waiver. A signed waiver is
always required.
!" We are unable to “hold” space in a class without a
registration form, signed waiver, and payment.
!" Registration generally closes one week before
!" Use the registration form only where indicated under program information., e.g., for all camps, most
classes, tennis leagues, and all bus tours.
!" Be sure to include all participant information on the
form, including participant name(s), address, age
school (children and youth only), and telephone numbers.
!" Be sure to include all program information requested on the registration form, including program
name, number, session number, date, and fee for each
!" Each participant may register for more than one
program on the form. Just list each program separately.
!" Indicate payment type and amount enclosed at the
!" Don’t forget to sign the waiver on the bottom! Each
adult participant listed on the registration form must
sign the waiver; parent or guardian signs for children.
!" Don’t forget your payment!
!" Call the facility or the Core Creek Park Office to
check on program availability, new programs, or
new sessions opening as the class start date nears.
Register early.
!" Registrations are accepted on a first-come basis
only. We recommend registering early.
!" A completed registration form with signed waiver
and full payment together are required for registration. Otherwise it will be returned for further information.
class begins unless otherwise indicated. Check with
the facility regarding late registrations.
!" Registrants will be placed on a program roster and
called one to two weeks before the program start
date to re-confirm and review what to bring, directions, etc. There are no registration confirmations or
tickets issued.
!" Make checks payable to Bucks County Parks.
For lower Bucks programs:
!" In person—Cash, Check, or Credit Card only at the
Core Creek Park Administrative Office in Langhorne.
Registration for tennis programs accepted at Frosty
Hollow, and for pool programs (except credit card) at
Oxford Valley after opening.
!" By mail — Check or Credit Card only
!" By fax — Credit Card only
For central and upper Bucks programs:
!" By mail — Check or Credit Card only
!" By fax — Credit Card only
Telephone registrations are NOT accepted for either
Upper or Lower Bucks Programs.
We accept VISA or MC only.
!" The Department reserves the right to cancel a program due to insufficient registration. So register
!" There are NO REFUNDS, unless the Department cancels a class, in which case a refund will be issued.
!" The instructor arranges makeup dates with the class.
We rent out our facilities for non-park related events. Here are a few with contact phone numbers for those interested in attending. Please feel free to call the contacts for times and other pertinent information.
Tinicum Park Polo Club
Polo matches every Sat., Mid-May to Mid. Oct. Polo Club Hot-Line
Phone Number
(908) 996-3321
Tinicum Dog Show
Sat., May 5
Helma Weeks
(215) 382-4956
Tinicum Outdoor Antique Show
Sun., June 3
Pat Lesko
(610) 294-9420
Tinicum Arts Festival
July 14&15
Pat Lesko
(610) 294-9420
For lower Bucks programs and bus tours,
mail, fax*, or drop off to:
M. Dubresson, Bucks Cty Parks & Recreation
901 E. Bridgetown Pike, Langhorne, PA 19047
Tel: 215-757-0571
Fax*: 215-752-1421 (with MC/Visa info)
For upper Bucks Programs,
mail or fax* only (no drop-ins) to:
Jill Unger, Bucks County Parks and Recreation
510 Creek Rd, New Britain, PA 18901
no “drop-bys”
Tel: 215-489-5132
Fax*: 215-230-7829 (with MC/Visa info)
For Nature Center and Moravian Pottery & Tile Works programs, contact these facilities
See p. 11-18 on how to contact
Adult Name
Tel. (Day)
Emergency Contact
For Tennis Leagues: Rating
Member No., if applicable:
List all Participants-First & Last
Youth Only:
Birth Date
C O M P L E T E D .
Full Program/Event Name
(See program/event description).
Date &
Total Fee:
Bus tour pick up: Langhorne ____ Doylestown ____ Frosty Hollow (US Open only)
Indicate the amount & method of your payment:
Since I, my son/daughter are participating in this program voluntarily
and at my own/son’s/daughter’s risk, I agree not to sue or hold liable
the County of Bucks, the Department of Parks and Recreation or any of
its representatives, and/or individual instructors responsible for any
injury or damages to me/my son/daughter resulting from participation in
this/these programs. The Bucks County Department of Parks and Recreation and its representatives have my permission to arrange transportation to a licensed physician or medical facility. I grant my permission
for a licensed physician to provide any medical care or treatment this
physician deems necessary to myself/son/or daughter.
Signature of all Adult Participant(s)/Parent or Guardian of Child :
Cash Amt
Check Amt
VISA/MASTERCARD (circle one) Amt
Card #
Exp. Date
Print Cardholder’s Name:
Below for Office Use Only:
Staff Initials
Date processed
Animal Trivia
Striped Skunk
Of all the mammals known to man, the skunk is probably the only one that every human can identify by smell.
The Striped Skunk is a small mammal only present in North America, from central Canada to northern Mexico. It has its distinguishing trade mark of the musk scent that it will emit when it feels threatened. The skunk
will only emit this oily substance when it feels it has no other choice to avoid a predator. The best way to avoid
getting “sprayed” by a skunk is to turn and go the other direction if you spot one. Never, never approach the
skunk or try to ward it off with a stick or other object. This will get you sprayed with the oily liquid that will stay
with you for some time!!! This can even cause temporary blindness if it is sprayed in the eyes.
Adults mate from mid-February to mid-March
Gestation is about 2 months
Babies are born blind and deaf with 4-8 in a group
Length is about 2 feet including the 7-10 inch tail
Babies have no fur, but the telltale white strip is even present on
their skin
Adults range in weight from 3-12 lbs. With males being about
15% bigger than the female
Skunks mostly hunt for food at night
Skunks live in dens underground lined with leaves and grass
Skunks are omnivorous meaning they eat both meat and plants
Highest population is in the farming communities where there’s plenty of rodents and insects to eat
It is the most prevalent skunk breed in PA
Top speed is 10mph
Skunks make a variety of sounds including hisses, growls, squeals, soft cooing, and churrings
Skunks have very few predators, some of them being great horned owls, dogs, bobcats, foxes and cars
Skunk musk (odor) on furniture, clothing or other objects can best be neutralized by a strong detergent
followed by liberal use of vinegar or household ammonia, then rinse
If your pets get sprayed, rinse their eyes gently with water, bathe in ‘No Tears’ shampoo and rinse. You
may also use tomato juice or vinegar with water, making sure to rinse the pet again.
Credits: Pa. Game Commission, Nature Works-New Hampshire Public Television
Bucks County Department of Parks and Recreation
901 East Bridgetown Pike, Langhorne, Pennsylvania 19047
Tel: 215-757-0571 Fax: 215-752-1421
US Postage
Doylestown, PA
Permit No. 264