A New Year – New Opportunities
A New Year – New Opportunities
Equipper Equipping God’s people as we celebrate, teach, and share God’s Grace. A New Year – New Opportunities Each new day brings promise of a new start. For many, the start of a new week is the time to begin that diet, get serious about exercising, or forego TV viewing. For a vast majority, though, there’s something especially motivating and invigorating about seeing the JANUARY calendar on the wall. This is the year we’ll accomplish great things. God doesn’t necessarily call us to do great things, however. He asks that we be trustworthy in small things (Luke 16:10-11). To that end He gives us gifts to use to build up the Body of Christ and to reach out to the lost. Some of us have many gifts. People like Michelangelo – painter, sculptor, and poet – and Thomas Jefferson – architect, statesman, and scientific farmer – come to mind. God, the Giver of gifts, knows that the number of gifts each of us has varies. Jesus told the Parable of the Talents pointing out this fact and teaching us that success lies in using what we’ve been given, not in having the greatest amount. Our gifts also differ in degree. There are many sculptors but few, if any, compare to Michelangelo. Yet their art can bring satisfaction and inspiration to others. You may not be able to sing opera, but you can sing God’s praises. You may not be a great orator, but you can witness to the love and grace of God in Christ. You may not be a mechanic, but you can provide transportation for someone needing to get to an appointment or to church. That’s why God gives us gifts and abilities – that we may be equipped to serve others. The start of a new year offers us an opportune time to assess those gifts and see how we can use them for God’s glory and the good of His people. The motivation to do this comes from the same One Who gave the gifts! Just as He was motivated by love for us to give us, not just our gifts, but His greatest gift, His Son, so we are motivated by love for Him to serve those He calls us to serve. Volume 57 Issue 6 Grace Lutheran Church School, & ECC Oak Creek, Wisconsin Pastor Rev. Dean A. Dummer Principal Mr. Steve Gettelman Early Childhood Center Rev. Dean A. Dummer www.graceoakcreek.org Table of Contents Devotion 1 New Year Resolution 2 ECC Director Uupdate 3 Ladies Guild 4 Sunday Bible Study 5 Poinsettia Donors 5 GriefShare Update 6 Your help is needed 6 “Life” Baby Shower 7 60th Anniversary Offering 8 Calendars Click on link for January Calendar Articles may be submitted: pastor@graceoakcreek.org 9 Page 2 Equipper RESOLVE TO CELEBRATE THIS NEW YEAR! JOIN US FOR WORSHIP THURSDAYS AT 6:30PM SUNDAYS AT 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM BIBLE STUDY Sunday morning Study at 9:15 am Tuesday Men’s Study & Wednesday Women’s Study Don’t allow anything or anybody to keep you from the spiritual nourishment that God gives us through Word and Sacrament! Commit yourself in this new year to regular attendance at Worship and Bible Study. “Let us not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.´ Hebrews 10: 25 Equipper Page 3 Please include prayer for: Brad Zacharias The Voter’s Assembly has offered the position of ECC Director to Brad. He currently serves as an “Early Preschool Master Teacher” at the Child Development Center at Waukesha County Technical College. Brad is currently a member of Hales Corners Lutheran Church. He graduated from Martin Luther High School in 1997. He completed his Associate’s Degree in Early Childhood Education at Waukesha County Technical College in May, 2007. He received His Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education at UWM in June, 2012.. If he accepts this position, Brad will begin the colloquiy program through Concordia University. Through this process he will become, like our teachers at the Day School, a rostered member of Synod. We’ve had the opportunity to visit a few times with Brad, and He’s had the opportunity to stop in briefly to our ECC for a visit as well. We’re excited at the possibilities this will bring for our center. We hope to have a decision from him soon! Continue your prayers. As we seek God’s direction for both Brad and our ECC! Page 4 Equipper At the December meeting 93 boxes of cookies were packed for the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. A recent search into Ladies Guild archives found notes from 1976 that stated the December meeting would be Cookie Packing for the Rescue Mission. What a blessing to be able to help others for the past 38 years (if not longer)! Every year the folks from the Rescue Mission look forward to our call about the cookies, they are greatly appreciated! Coming up in January… NO MEETING! Stay home and stay warm- see you in February! Mite Boxes…from The Time is Now- LWML Lutheran women all over the world gather offerings (mites) in their Mite Boxes. As they give their mites, they pray for those missionaries who will share Jesus’ love with those who may not know Him. They pray for those who will be fed, physically and spiritually, with the help of these gifts. As women gather together for Bible study or mission service, they combine their mite offerings with others and the offerings grow. The mites continue to multiply as each group sends their offering to support district grants. Their districts then send a portion to national, and mission grants are prayed and paid for! And the Word of the Lord is shared. Grace’s large Mite Box is in the narthex of church the 1 st weekend of the month…help us to spread God’s Word! Equipper Page 5 SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY 9:15 AM Begins January 18th Noah - The Man, The Ark, The Flood (Includes subtitles in English) A five centuries-old man building a huge boat on the startling news of coming floodwaters sounds like the makings of one remarkable story. It is. Jump in and get your feet wet with Noah: The Man, The Ark, The Flood, the latest Bible study from the Men's NetWork. Hosted by Rev. Kurt Klaus and filmed on location at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky, this four-part Bible study from the Men's NetWork looks at the biblical character of Noah, his life and times, and the remarkable vessel he built to escape the waters of the flood. Along the way, commentary from numerous specialists considers the issue of extreme human age, how building such a watercraft was possible, the extent of the flood's reach, how a single vessel could hold such a multitude of animals, and the phenomena of far-flung flood stories in other cultures. The Genesis account of a cataclysmic flood in chapters six through nine is one of the Old Testament's more timeless sagas. It chronicles Noah and his devout righteousness, contrasting his blameless fidelity to God with the wanton corruption and violence God saw at work in the world around Noah. Along with his immediate family, Noah is singled out for God's blessing-and salvation-from the waters of a flood let loose to wipe out every living thing-except the people and creatures aboard the ark. The story is an extraordinary one to be sure and ends with God blessing Noah and his family for their obedient faithfulness, making a covenant with them to never again destroy the earth by a flood. Thank you to those who purchased Poinsettias to help make our Altar beautiful this Christmas. Tom & Judy Born In Memory of Dorothy Koeller and Esther Born Pastor, Susan & Jonathan Dummer Larry & Kelly Fischer In Memory of Ken Dorow Mike & Kelly Gehrke Stan Gumm In Memory of Sylvia Gumm Sandy Hamburger In Memory of Del Hamburger Tom & Lisa Hengst In Memory of their Grandparents Larry & Sandy Herte Mike & Barb Huber Richard & Elizabeth Jackson Gloria Kilponen Doris Krumpos Carol Loveall Mark & Rachel Miliaccia In Memory of Donald and Yvonne Soldner Mark & Jennifer Olen Chet & Pauline Parker In Memory of their daughter, Karri Diane Pielsnik In Memory of Bernice Janes Heinz & Evalee Poellet For Blessings Received Shirley Rayeske Bill & June Roewer Page 6 Equipper A ChristCare Group ministry of Grace Lutheran Church The presentation of the GriefShare support seminar and discussion group at Grace Lutheran Church has been suspended for the time being, due to having no facilitators available. We recognize that the need for this program, which features biblical teaching on grief and recovery topics, may still exist for anyone who grieves the death of a loved one. We encourage anyone interested in GriefShare to go to the GriefShare website: www.griefshare.org. Under the “Find a Group” tab, a complete listing of the available programs at other churches in our area can be found. If you have any questions about the program or need more information before you seek a new site, please contact Bev Buretta at (414) 764-2923, or call the church office at (414) 762-8990 to leave your name. Someone will return your call as soon as possible. HELP NEEDED FOR A CONGREGATION MEMBER A member of our congregation is in need of some assistance due to physical infirmities. The assistance needed is, primarily, some meal preparation at times, but may also include some occasional errands either for or with the individual. A secondary, but equally important part of the program is the one-to-one contact between the member and the volunteers. An online program, called Meal Train, is being used to create a calendar with dates and listings of needs. Any volunteers can “sign up” to assist with as many or as few of the needs as they are able to provide, whether for one-timeonly or on a regular basis. If you are interested in helping in any way, or would like more information about participating, please contact Bev Buretta at (414) 764-2923 or via email: bevburetta@yahoo.com or leave your name and number with Dawn in the Church office at (414) 762-8990. This is a chance for us to continue the spirit of Christmas giving into the New Year, and for someone in our own church family! Equipper Page 7 Items needed are: Infant and newborn diapers infant clothes baby shampoo baby powder small baby toys size 2 & 3 diapers infant socks baby wash baby wipes Gift cards baby sleepers infant toys baby lotion (new) pacifiers Please bring your items to church and there will be a box marked in the Fellowship Hall for the donations. Any questions? Call Evalee Poellet at 414-764-6984 Sponsored by Grace Lutheran Ladies Guild and Grace Lutheran Sunday School. A Place of Refuge Ministries is a Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod based in Milwaukee, WI and providing services to women facing crisis pregnancy in Milwaukee and 5 surrounding counties. APOR provides loving, caring volunteer advocates who work with women facing crisis pregnancy and their families to provide for their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. When shelter is needed we provide Refuge House, a loving home where women can stay with their families during pregnancy and up to 6 mos. beyond and have their needs met so that, whether they make adoption plan for their baby or chose to parent. They are equipped to live independently and make good choices for themselves and their children in the future. To further serve the needs of our moms and to help provide income for our ministry we run Blessed Again Resale on 76th and Hampton Ave. in Milwaukee. GRACE WILL CELEBRATE LIFE SUNDAY ON JANUARY 25th. Page 8 Equipper Envelopes can be found on the table in the narthex as we gather a special offering to make improvements on our Lord’s House. This will be above and beyond our regular weekly giving to the Lord. Join us as we give thanks to God for His blessings. Anniversary Offering Celebrating $60,000 60 years of Grace 1955—2015 $55,000 $50,000 $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $ 6,897 Jan 1st $ 5,000 OUR GOAL $60,000 Toward Improvements on God’s House Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts! Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness. Psalm 96: 8,9 Equipper Grace Lutheran Church, School & ECC Page 9 Page 10 Equipper Radio Worship Services “The Lutheran Hour” can be heard every Sunday Morning at 6:00 AM on WGN 720 AM, Chicago or at 6:30 AM on WTMJ 620 AM or at 11:00 am WRRD 540 AM, Milwaukee. “The Lutheran Hour,” which began in 1930, is the world’s oldest continually broadcast Gospel radio program. This weekly half-hour program, now heard on more than 1,200 radio stations, pro-claims the message of Jesus Christ to a world-wide audience. “Woman To Woman” is a nationally syndicated weekly half-hour radio talk show that nurtures and provides encouragement for women throughout North America. It can be heard on Saturday at 7:00 PM on WGLB 1560 AM, Milwaukee or on Sunday at 11:30 AM at WRRD 540 AM, Milwaukee. Stimulating conversation between host Phyllis Wallace and her interesting guests explores issues which impact women. “Woman To Woman” promotes the spiritual growth of its listeners while providing practical lifestyle information. It equips women to live and share the truth of God's Word in their many relationships: friends, spouses, parents and children. Prayer Hot Line In order to request prayers by members of Grace, please contact one of the following people. Your request will be made known to all members of our Prayer Line. Prayer requests for worship service should be directed to the church office or Pastor Dummer. 10 AM-3 PM Carol Thurber —762-9615 3 PM-9 PM Chet & Pauline Parker — 764-5574 Lutheran TV — “On Main Street” (WTMJ, Channel 4 Sunday 4:30 AM) Internet Prayerline Pauline Parker paulinemom@aol.com Or graceoakcreek.org INFORMATION LINKS Click on any of these Hyperlinks. You’ll be taken to the appropriate spot on our website! 2015 Altar Flower Sign-up January Church /Birthday Calendar Tip…. Just above the Month and Year you will find a Selection Box. Click and choose “Church” for our monthly calendar or “Birthday-church members” to see who is celebrating this month! ECC Newsletter School Newsletter Go On-Line to Request a Prayer
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