Bathroom ACCESSORIES CO N T E M PO R A RYCLASSIC D I V I S I O N O F R I C H E L I E U H A R D WA R E Enhance the look of your bathroom with our new bathroom accessories! Discover a wide range of hooks, towel bars, towel rings and tissue holders in different finishes and styles in both classic and contemporary designs. C ON T EM P O R A RY PALERMO PLAZAP4-5 PALERMO PLAZA PALISADES GRAMERCY B AY V I E W BRIDGEPORT PALISADES GRAMERCYP6-7 B AY V I E W BRIDGEPORTP8-9 2 C LA S S I C BENTLEY RADISONP10-11 BENTLEY RADISON EMPIRE CAMBRIDGE OXFORD PALMER EURO SOHO RIVIERA PARAMOUNT WYNDHAM MONTEBELLO SIERRA CHELSEA EMPIRE CAMBRIDGEP12-13 OXFORD PALMERP14-15 EURO SOHOP16-17 RIVIERA PARAMOUNTP18-19 WYNDHAM MONTEBELLOP20-21 SIERRA CHELSEAP22-23 3 PALERMO C O L L E C T I O N 24” 359-49 356-49 3 5 7 -4 9 3 5 5 -4 9 Products featured in brushed nickel - 49. PLAZA CO LLECTI ON 24 ” 52 9 -4 9 526-49 5 2 7 -4 9 5 2 5 -4 9 Products featured in brushed nickel - 49. 4 PLAZA BRUSHED NICKEL C ONT EM POR A RY AVAI LABLE FINISHES PALERMO Brushed nickel 49 PL AZA Brushed nickel 49 PALERMO BRUSHED NICKEL VALUE PA CK VALUE PACK PA L E R M O PL AZA 4 pc. value pack, brushed nickel, 24” towel bar 354-49 4 pc. value pack, brushed nickel, 24” towel bar 524-49 CONTEMPORARY PALERMO AND PLAZA 5 PALISADES C O L L E C T I O N 24” NB 1 0 3 2 4 -4 6 18” NB 1 0 3 18-46 NB10306-46 NB 1 0 3 0 5 -4 6 NB 1 0 301-46 Products featured in brushed bronze - 46. Also available in chrome - 43 and brushed nickel - 49. 24” NB 1 0 6 2 4 -4 3 GRAMERCY CO LLEC TION 18” NB10618-43 NB 1 0 6 0 6 - 4 3 NB 1 0 6 0 5 -4 3 NB 1 0 6 0 1 -43 Products featured in chrome - 43. 6 AVAILABLE FIN I SH ES PAL ISAD ES Brushed bronze 46 Brushed nickel 49 C ONT EM POR A RY Chrome 43 GRAMERCY Chrome 43 GRAMERCY CHROME PALISADES BRUSHED NICKEL GRAMERCY CHROME CONTEMPORARY PALISADES AND GRAMERCY 7 BAYVIEW C O L L E C T I O N 24” NB 1 0 7 2 4 -4 3 NB10706-43 18” NB 1 0 7 18-43 NB 1 0 701-43 NB 1 0 7 0 5 -4 3 Products featured in chrome - 43. BRIDGEPORT C OLLEC TION 24” NB 1 0 9 2 4 -7 0 NB 1 0 901-70 NB10906-70 NB 1 0 9 0 5 -7 0 Products featured in brushed stainless steel - 70. Also available in polished stainless steel - 71. 8 AVAILABLE FIN I SH ES BAYVIEW BRID GEPORT Brushed stainless steel 70 Polished stainless steel 71 C ONT EM POR A RY Chrome 43 BRIDGEPORT POLISHED STAINLESS STEEL BAYVIEW CHROME CONTEMPORARY BAYVIEW AND BRIDGEPORT 9 BENTLEY C O L L E C T I O N 24” 1 4 9-49 1 4 7 -4 9 146-49 1 4 5 -4 9 141-49 Products featured in brushed nickel - 49. Also available in chrome - 43. RADISON CO LLEC TION 24” 3 1 9 -4 3 316-43 3 1 5 -4 3 Products featured in chrome - 43. 10 3 1 7-43 CLASSIC BENTLEY BRUSHED NICKEL RADISON CHROME VALU E PA CK AVAI LABLE FIN I SH ES B E N T L EY BEN TLEY 4 pc. value pack, chrome, 24” towel bar 144-43 CLASSIC BENTLEY AND RADISON Brushed nickel 49 RAD I S ON Chrome 43 Chrome 43 11 EMPIRE C O L L E C T I O N 24” 4 9 9 -2 1 18” 498-21 496-21 4 9 7 -2 1 4 9 5 -2 1 Products featured in pewter - 21. 24” NB1 0 8 2 4 - 4 6 CAMBRIDGE C OLLEC TION 18” NB10818-46 NB 1 0 8 0 1-46 NB10806-46 NB 1 0 8 0 5 -4 6 Products featured in brushed bronze - 46. Also available in chrome - 43 and brushed nickel - 49. 12 AVAILABLE FIN I SH ES EMPIRE Pewter 21 CLASSIC CAMBRID GE Chrome 43 Brushed bronze 46 Brushed nickel 49 CAMBRIDGE BRUSHED NICKEL EMPIR E PEWTER CLASSIC EMPIRE AND CAMBRIDGE 13 OXFORD C O L L E C T I O N 24” 449-43 446-43 4 4 1 -4 3 4 4 5 -4 3 Products featured in chrome - 43. Also available in satin nickel - 34. 24” 2 7 9 -4 6 PALMER CO LLEC TION 18” 278-46 276-46 2 7 5 -4 6 2 7 7 -46 Products featured in brushed bronze - 46. 14 CLASSIC OXFORD SATIN NICKEL VALUE PA CK VALUE PACK O XF O R D PAL MER 4 pc. value pack, satin nickel, 24” towel bar 444-34 4 pc. value pack, brushed bronze, 24” towel bar 274-46 AVAILABLE FIN I SH ES OXF ORD Satin nickel 34 4 pc. value pack, chrome, 24” towel bar 444-43 CLASSIC OXFORD AND PALMER Chrome 43 PAL MER Brushed bronze 46 15 EURO COL L E C T I O N 24” 4 0 9 -4 3 18” 4 0 8 -4 3 406-43 4 0 5 -4 3 4 0 7 -4 3 Products featured in chrome - 43. Also available in white - 01. SOHO CO LLECTI O N 24” 1 9 9 -3 4 196-34 1 9 5 -3 4 Products featured in satin nickel - 34. 16 1 9 7 -3 4 CLASSIC SOHO SATIN NICKEL VALUE PA CK VALUE PACK E UR O SOHO 4 pc. value pack, brushed nickel, 24” towel bar 304-49 4 pc. value pack, satin nickel, 24” towel bar 194-34 4 pc. value pack, chrome, adjustable 18”-30” towel bar 374-43RB AVAILABLE FIN I SH ES EURO Chrome 43 4 pc. value pack, white, adjustable 18”-30” towel bar 374-01RB White 01 Brushed nickel finish available only for value pack. SOHO Satin nickel 34 CLASSIC EURO AND SOHO 17 RIVIERA C O L L E C T I O N 24” NB 1 0 2 2 4 -4 6 18” NB 1 0 2 1 8-46 NB10206-46 NB 1 0 2 0 5 -4 6 NB 1 0 2 0 1 -46 Products featured in brushed bronze - 46. Also available in chrome - 43 and brushed nickel - 49. PARAMOUNT C OLLEC TION 18” NB 1 1 0 1 8 -4 9 NB11006-49 NB 1 1 0 0 1 -4 9 NB 1 1 0 0 5 -4 9 Products featured in brushed nickel - 49. Also available in chrome - 43 and brushed bronze - 46. 18 AVAILABLE FIN I SH ES RIVIERA Chrome 43 Brushed bronze 46 CLASSIC Brushed nickel 49 PARAMOUN T Chrome 43 Brushed bronze 46 Brushed nickel 49 PARAMOUNT BRUSHED BRONZE RIVIERA BRUSHED NICKEL CLASSIC RIVIERA AND PARAMOUNT 19 WYNDHAM C O L L E C T I O N 24” NB 1 0 4 2 4 -4 3 18” NB 1 0 4 1 8 -43 NB10406-43 NB 1 0 4 0 5 -4 3 NB 1 0402-43 Products featured in chrome - 43. Also available in brushed bronze - 46 and brushed nickel - 49. 24” NB 1 0 5 2 4 - 4 6 MONTEBELLO C OLLEC TION 18” NB10518-46 NB10506-46 NB 1 0 5 0 5 -4 6 Products featured in brushed bronze - 46. Also available in chrome - 43 and brushed nickel - 49. 20 NB 1 0502-46 CLASSIC WYNDHAM B R USHE D BRO N Z E AVAI LABLE FIN I SH ES WYN D HAM MONTEBELLO CHROME Chrome 43 Brushed bronze 46 Brushed nickel 49 Brushed bronze 46 Brushed nickel 49 VALUE PA CK WYN D H A M 4 pc. value pack, brushed nickel, 24” towel bar 434-49 MON TEBELLO Chrome 43 CLASSIC WYNDHAM AND MONTEBELLO 21 COLL E CT I ON SIERRA 18” NB 1 0 0 1 8 -43 SU CT I ON CUP B AT H R O O M A C C E S S O RI ES NB10006-43 NB 1 0 0 0 5 -4 3 NB 1 0001-43 Products featured in chrome - 43. CHELSEA CO LLEC TION 24” 8 3 9 -3 8 836-38 8 3 5 -3 8 Products featured in chrome and porcelain - 38. 22 8 3 7 -3 8 CLASSIC SIERRA CH ROM E VALUE PA CK BATH RO O M SUCTIO N CUP H OOKS CH E L S EA 3 pc. value pack, chrome and porcelain, 24” towel bar 833-38 • No screws required and easy installation •Repositionable • Quick AVAIL A BL E F I NI S H E S SI E R R A Chrome 43 F R ONT C H E LSE A BACK Chrome and porcelain 38 NB10105-49 Brushed nickel CLASSIC SIERRA AND CHELSEA NB10105-43 Chrome NB10105-01 White NB10105-03 Blue 23 WYNDHAM BRUSHED BRONZE RIVIERA BRUSHED NICKEL GRAMERCY CHROME D I V I S I O N O F R I C H E L I E U H A R D WA R E PHONE: 1 800 665-4665 FAX: 1 800 268-2284 EMAIL: NYSTROM, a division of Richelieu Hardware Ltd 800 Wilson Avenue, #2 Kitchener, Ontario N2C OA2 BATH14E 1st edition 01-2014 Printed in Canada $2 CANADA: 1 800 361-6000 / USA: 1 800 619-5446
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