March 2016 Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church
March 2016 Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 200 E. Clements Bridge Road Runnemede, NJ 08078-1461 Rev. Dr. G. Andrew Engelhart III Pastor 856-939-4411 Services times: 8:30, 10:00 & 11:15 AM E-Mail: Office: March 2016 Newsletter I write this month knowing that by the time this article is published we will be just about half way through the season of Lent. Easter is just one month away and the first day of spring coincides with Palm Sunday. I was disappointed to miss the first of our Lenten programs. From previous experience I know that Jim Hughes puts forward a wonderful presentation and from the comments that I heard, he was well received. At four o'clock Wednesday morning I was awakened by a stomach virus. It was not the worst virus I have ever had, but it was enough to keep me in bed and near a bathroom. I don't like being sick (most people feel the same). When I am sick I feel as if I am missing out on life. I find it annoying to have to cancel appointments and find people to take my place at the things that I cannot cancel. To lay in bed and do nothing bothers me because I am a doer. Being sick just disrupts my life. As I was laying in bed feeling miserable and aggravated by the fact I was not accomplishing anything, I was struck by the thought of how disruptive sickness can be. Then I started thinking about our Lenten journey and was reminded that just like sickness, sin can be disruptive to our lives. When we sin, it disrupts our relationships with family, friends and God. Sin disrupts the peace of our souls. It disrupts our lives in ways that can take years to recover and sometimes we never recover from it. Sin deceives us into thinking that we want the things that are not good for us in life as opposed to the things that are good for us. Sin is a cancer that eats away at our souls and even our physical lives until it has devoured all of us. St. Paul understood this very well and conveyed this problem of sin to the Church at Rome, "20 Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. 21 So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. 22 For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, 23 but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. 24 Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?" (Romans 7:20-24 ESV) St. Paul does not leave the Romans in suspense. Immediately after recounting his failure in living the law of God due to his sin he puts forward the remedy that God has given to all believers, "25 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin." (Romans 7:25 ESV). As we journey through Lent, let us recognize our sin and wretchedness so that like St. Paul we can place our hope in our God, who rescues us from sin, death and the Devil, through the life, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God! Grace and Peace, Pastor Andy Sermonn Prreview w March h 6- The Fourth F Sun nday in Le ent Luke 15:1-3, 11b b-32 “ASKIING THE RIGHT R Q QUESTION NS” March h 13- The e Fifth Sun nday in Le ent Joh hn 12:1-8 “T THE FRA AGRANT PERFUME P ME OF SER RVICE” Ma arch 20- Palm P Sund day/ Sund day of the e Passion Lukke 23:1-49 9 “WE DO ON’T NEE ED ANOT THER HE ERO” Childre en’s Serm mon: “PAL LM SUNDA AY” Ma arch 24- Maundy M T Thursday John 13 3:1-17, 31b-35 “A A LITTLE E DUST AND ‘ALOTTA’ HUM MILITY” March 25 5- Good Friday F Psalm 22 “UNFO ORSAKE EN” March 272 The Resurrectio R on of Our Lord Lukke 24:1-13 3 “T THE DAW WN OF NEW LIFE” April 3-- The Seccond Sund day of Easter Reve elation 1:4 4-8 “JESUS “ T THE FIRS STBORN OF THE DEAD” D April 101 The Th hird Sund day of Easster Joh hn 21:1-19 9 “JU UST THR REE QUES STIONS” April 17 7- The Fo ourth Sund day of Easter John n 10:22-30 “M MAN UP AND A TEL LL US!” Child dren’s Serrmon: “Su uperfriends” April 242 The Fifth F Sunda ay of Easster John n 13:31-35 “AN ND THEY Y WILL KN NOW WE E ARE CH HRISTIANS S BY OUR R LOVE”” Sunday School News "And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well." Luke 12:29-31 Jesus taught that to be weighed down with care, to be anxious is needless for the child of God. Believe in God, trust in him, find rest, and be at peace. One needs to come to realize the great power and love that our heavenly Father possesses. He gave us life and knows us best for he has wonderfully made us. He has given us health and strength. He provides for us what we need to eat and drink, and the clothes we need to wear. These things are temporary and are not of great importance. Having true faith that is ever growing will bring about trust, rest and peace which are of greatest importance. Just look around you. See the wonderful and magnificent things he has created, the greatest of which is you in him. There is no better place to be than to live in faith. He seeks our love, our praise and worship. Let your heart grow ever fonder of him. This he truly deserves from us. Our spring semester starts with the beginning of March. Our new lessons are ready. Social Concerns will be sponsoring an Easter Egg Hunt with breakfast on March 19th at 9:00 AM. Come and join us for a fun time. Registration will begin on March the 6th. Remember to sign up! We will be holding our Annual Plant Sale on Saturday, April 30th. This is the weekend before Mother’s Day. The sale will be from 8:00 AM until noon. Proceeds will benefit our Sunday School Programs. Bob Zenter will again provide the plants. We expect to have an assortment of perennials, flowering shrubs and some trees. These are all in containers and will be loaded into your vehicles. We will need several volunteers to help run the sale. Please give us an hour or two. It would be greatly appreciated. I would like to bring greater attention to Cathedral Kitchen our Missionary Outreach. They need our support to help them feed the hungry poor. Please make a commitment to help them by bringing in your $3.00 dime folders. March 20TH will be our next “UR Important 2 US” day which is Palm Sunday. Please bring in your donations then. Since the Saturday before is the day of the Egg Hunt we have decided to make PB&J sandwiches on Friday the 18th. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 pm. Paul wrote that for faith to be truly alive it must be accompanied by works. Faith is not to be hidden but to be a light into the world. Jesus came into the world to serve man. So, serve your Lord by teaching. We need new volunteers to teach and to help secure our future. Even more important secure the future of our children. They need help and guidance to learn how to live their lives with a strong faith. Let’s talk it over. Give me a call. Blessings to all in the name our Lord Jesus! Carl Nagel 215-852-3217 or SOCIAL CONCERNS On February 14th we enjoyed a Valentine’s Day Breakfast. Thank you to everyone who help in any way. The morning was a special event from the new Table decorations to the Heart shaped pancakes. We received many positive comments about our new event. The Lenten season has started and we are enjoying our Soup, Bread and dessert Wednesday suppers. Join us on the remaining dates: March 2nd, 9th and 16th at 6 PM Our next Pantry Day will be Thursday March 24th. Share Sunday will be Sunday March 13th. We are in need of the following items. Pasta, cereal, canned vegetables, peanut butter, jelly, crackers, tuna fish, soup, Mac & Cheese, juice, pancake mix, syrup, paper towels, toilet paper, napkins. Our Clothing closet continues to provide much needed clothing to our pantry families. The closet is also open to all members of the congregation as well. If you plan to drop off any of your donations, please remember to keep the bags light. They can be dropped off in the containers on the porch at 17th Knight Avenue anytime. We are planning another new project. On Saturday March 19th at 9 AM we will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast. Registration is required and can be made through the Sunday School or by calling the office. All are welcome, you don’t need a child to attend. We will be getting ready to fill Easter Baskets for our pantry families. Our Pantry Pig has arrived to remind everyone to bring in their donations of Easter Hams and canned goods. All Hams and Canned good are due back on Palm Sunday March 20th. New members are always welcome. We meet on the third Sunday of the month at 11:15. Please come out and join us. Remember God loves a cheerful giver. Those who not only give of their wealth, but of their time, their talents and their possessions. With God ALL things are possible. Luke 3:11 And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.” Caring and Sharing Cheryl Morris Social Concerns sponsored Valentine’s Day Breakfast Prayer Shawl Ministry Due to inclement weather, the meeting scheduled for February 5th was postponed. The Prayer Shawl monthly meeting was held on Friday, February 12, 2016. In attendance were: Barbara Anconetani, Ann Carter, Val Colasuonno, Barbara Franz, Dolores Keller, and Mary Raws. The meeting began at approximately 10:15 a.m., with The Lord’s Prayer. We received the following: Prayer Shawls: One Lap Blanket: One patriotic blanket crafted by Marie Thatcher along with 2 crochet crosses. Crosses: Twenty-seven knitted crosses Cathedral Kitchen Hats: Two youth Scarves: Two Donation from Peg Floro-Hats: Twenty-eight (3 toddler, 12 youth and 15 adult) Scarves: Eight Osborn Family Medical Hats: Five In addition, someone donated a series of Granny squares and two of our members graciously agreed to finish the projects. We also received yarn and a variety of knitting needles and crochet hooks from Carol Lore. So the materials are ready if anyone would like to try their hand at knitting or crocheting. Corresponding Secretary: Barbara Anconetani is updating her lists. Baptismal Historian: Mary Raws reported there was one Baptism, Keira Kalliyan Dickson on January 17, 2016. We again discussed getting a new cabinet and gave Ann a list of features we felt were necessary. Ann will convey this information to the Property Committee. Val Colasuonno gave the closing reading, Proverbs 27:10. We adjourned at 10:45 a.m. Our next meeting is scheduled for Friday, March 4, 2016 (weather permitting). You are all cordially welcomed to join us and see what is being done at our Ministry. Val Colasuonno Vice President, Prayer Shawl Ministry, “May God Hold You in the Palm of His Hand” Junior Choir H How did yo be if u like the cchildren’s challenge to imaginee how things would b the worrld were att peace; if tthe world were closee to God; iff the world d were filleed with lovve? How sp pecial for cchildren to think of th hese ideass and to shaare them w with adults. I was told h how well th he Junior C Choir sang on Sundayy, Februaryy 21st. Belieeve me, I wo ould have rather beeen with all of you thaan at homee with acutte bronchittis. Many th hanks to M Mrs. Henry for leadingg the choirr and Mr. K Kraemer’s always enthusiastic accom mpanimen nt. unday, Yess! The third d Sunday in n March is Palm Sund day! Looking on to Palm Su We will be singingg “The Kingg of Glory” with an Issraeli tune and marveelous unity to rellive the lifee of Jesus iin this songg of majesttic beauty.. opportu A And as ama azing as thaat seems, iit is even m more amazzing to reallize that affter Palm Su unday, we will be singging just tw wice more for this seeason: April and Mayy! M Many thank ks to each of the children for th heir enthusiastic personalities, to parentss for seeingg that theyy are here ffor rehearssals and to o Mr. Kraem mer for hiss skillful aaccompaniiment. Misss Emilee, tthanks to yyou for rob bing the ch hildren for both the 8:30 and d 10:00 Serrvices. Thank you, too, to your grandmother, Mrs. owen who has been helping at the 11:15 Service. Carol Ro M May each o of you havee a meanin ngful Lenteen season aand Holy W Week as wee travel th he road to the cross and the Eaaster Resurrection. God’s lo ove and blessings, Mrs. Scchmidt Kids Page Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 200 E. Clements Bridge Road Runnemede, NJ 08078-1461 856-939-4411 The Rev. Dr. G. Andrew Engelhart III Pastor Sunday Service times: 8:30, 10:00 & 11:15 AM E-Mail: www.trinityrunnemede,org Holy Week and Easter at Trinity March 20- Palm Sunday/ Sunday of the Passion “WE DON’T NEED ANOTHER HERO” Luke 23:1-49 Children’s Sermon: “PALM SUNDAY” March 23- 7:30 PM Wednesday of Holy WeekStations of the Cross March 24- 7:30 PM Maundy Thursday Service of Holy Communion “A LITTLE DUST AND ‘ALOTTA’ HUMILITY” John 13:1-17, 31b-35 March 25- Good Friday 7:00 AM Men’s Breakfast at Chews United Methodist Church 11:00 AM Children’s ServiceIncludes light snack refreshments 1:00 PM Service with Mt. Calvary at Trinity 7:30 PM Tenebrae Service The Service of Shadows Sermon: “UNFORSAKEN” Psalm 22 March 27- The Resurrection of Our Lord “THE DAWN OF NEW LIFE” Luke 24:1-13 SUNSH HINE CLA ASS NE EWS D 8, 2015, we w had our Christmass luncheon at Seven Stars S Dinerr. On December We had h a won nderful tim me, as we always a do. Pastor Andy A attendded and thhe ladiees who are blessed ennough to have h husbaands, brougght them allong for thhe fun, fellowship p, and the food. We W would like l to thaank Clara Meyer M whho a small gifts g for thee winners. provvides us with games and We had our Jaanuary meeeting on the t 12th annd things were w back to normal. Eileeen Humes and Doris Menchacaa provided the desserrts. On February F 9, 9 2016, we had our meeting. Marge Baarr and Sarrah Whelaan weree the hosteesses. Duue to the weather w forrecast, ourr Potluck Dinner D waas cancceled for th hat eveninng, so the desserts thhat were meant m for the t Potluck Dinnner made by b Dolly Gibelyou G a Florence Robinson were also broughht and to ouur meeting. We all a were ab ble to takee a plate off desserts home h with us. Margee and Saraah had the t tables decorated d for Valentiines Day. They lookked beautifful. Our next meetting will be b held onn March 8, 8 2016, att 12:00 nooon and thhe hosteesses will be b Florencce Robinsoon and Marry Blasko. God’s Love at work, Passs it on! Lindda Brown President dwick 1 - Ryder Lud M 1 - Amanda Mayer es 1 - Bob Redle gelhart 1 - Jacob Eng golf 2 - Wayne Eg D 3- Maverick Devecchio 4 - Lynne Mayynard 5 - Harry J. Rivell ndiff 5 - Karen Cun 5 - Justin Frocckowiak J Kochon 6 - Christian J. E Lindstrom m 9 - Christine E. d 9 - Jill Renaud augh 9 - Gail Murta nes 11 - Ashley Jon R 12 - Madison Raws n Schmidt 14 - Sherry Ann 18 - Sean Eberrts eneziani 20 - Richard Ve 23 - Butch Lloyyd ecchio, Jr. 24 - Andy Deve ennett 24 - Denise Be 25 - Joyce Jones 25 - Ed Tsvik 26 - Jeffrey Hui mbol 28 - Brian Rum eenidge 30 - Arlene Gre 30 - Nicole Golldstein ndenstein 31 - Mary Bran 1-Georg ge & Blanch he Guenette 5 - Bob b & Mary Lo ou Brashear 7 - Harry & Betty Rivell R 10 - Gerry & Paula a Williamson 11 - Fra ank & Karen n Theisen 16 - Al & Terri Krou ut 16 - Russs & Jenniffer Heath 27 - Micchael & Lorrraine Phillip ps bruary Anniversary Accidently O Omitted Feb 22-Ed & Karen Ste einhagen December 1 14, 2015 ANN NA “PENNY” SSHEAIRS (69)) of Deptfo ord, NJ February 9 9, 2016 J JANET E. MA GLIO (72) ood, NJ of Blackwo February 11, 2016 DA ANIEL L. PATTTEN. SR. (23) of West Dep ptford, NJ February 12, 2016 KIM MBERLY L. GO OCELJAK (52) Sparta,, NJ February 12, 2016 MA ARGARET G. C CAPIAK (93) of Tabernaacle, NJ O Our Christian s sympathy is eextended to th he families and frriends of thosse listed abovve.