renewable energy sector
renewable energy sector
engineering consulting services for the: renewable energy sector ngineering, llc 2605 NW 34th Terrace P: 352-505-8890 e: Gainesville, Florida 32605 F: 866-524-4824 About us… JWM Engineering is an engineering consulting company located out of Gainesville, Florida. Our passion is our profession: to provide quality engineering consulting services for our clients. Our job is to help you meet your deadlines. In the renewable energy sector there is a high demand to be efficient, flexible and profitable without sacrificing quality. We here at JWM have a proven track record to provide such services and meet our clients’ demands. Our Services… JWM has had a variety of experiences in the renewable energy sector including: Solar Panel Systems • Ground Mounted Systems • Roof Mounted Systems • Shading analysis Structural Engineering • Solar array mounting design • Car port covers • Building influence analysis • Wind Load Analysis • Structural steel framing analysis and design • New design analysis for new site locations and upgrades Civil Engineering • Land Development • Site Planning • Permitting • Public Utility Design Electrical Engineering • Design of power service and grounding systems • DC Circuit Design • AC/DC integration and net metering design • Solar Panel Array wiring • Weather and pv system monitoring Field Work • Site walks and evaluations • Site Inspections • Construction Coordination Drafting & Modeling • Fully able to meet almost any computer aided design (CAD) needs • 3D Finite Element Analysis (FEA) models for structural analyses • GIS Mapping and site analysis Renewable Energy Projects… JWM has performed a variety of engineering services, on many projects in the renewable energy sector. Our projects include a variety of civil, structural and electrical design services to support the successful design and implementation of solar energy projects, a selection of projects are as follows: Project Capacity & Key Features Green Energy Development Phase I Butler Plaza PV System - Gainesville, Florida Green Energy Development Phase II Butler Plaza PV System - Gainesville, Florida Sixth Street PV Solar Panel System - Gainesville, Florida Downtown Parking Garage PV Solar Panel System Gainesville, Florida Sticks n Stuff NW 13th Street PV Solar Panel System - Gainesville, Florida NW 43 Street PV Solar Panel System - Gainesville, Florida 14 S Main Street PV Solar Panel System - Gainesville, Florida Interstate Storage PV System - Gainesville, Florida 1.2 megawatt (MW) ballast design PV Solar Panel System 200 kilowatt (kW) ballast design PV Solar Panel System 235 kW roof penetrating PV Solar Panel System 100 kW Elevated Steel Frame PV Solar Panel System 140 kW roof penetrating PV Solar Panel System 75 kW ballast design PV Solar Panel System 60 kW ballast design PV Panel System Avera-Smith PV System - Gainesville, Florida Gleim Publishing PV System - Gainesville, Florida Florida Museum of Natural History at the University of Florida - Gainesville, Florida Gainesville Regional Airport - Gainesville, Florida Alachua County Library: Millhopper Branch Gainesville Florida Alachua County Library: Main Branch - Gainesville, Florida USDA Building PV Solar Panel System - Gainesville, Florida Hillel at the University of Florida PV Solar Panel System - Gainesville, Florida 238 W University Avenue - Gainesville, Florida 530 NW Waldo Road - Gainesville, Florida Stoneridge Apartments - Gainesville, Florida Sun Center - Gainesville, Florida Title Company Building - Gainesville, Florida Hydrosphere - Alachua County, Florida Plaza Royale - Gainesville, Florida Tucker Davis Tech - Alachua County, Florida Tyndall Air Force Base – Panama City, Florida Residential PV Systems - North Central Florida 100 kW non-penetrating roof connection PV Solar Panel System 75 kW ballast design PV Solar Panel System 75 kW non-penetrating roof connection PV Solar Panel System 75 kW ballast thin film PV Solar Panel System 30 kW non-penetrating PV Solar Panel System 100 kW penetrating PV Solar Panel System 100 kW penetrating PV Solar Panel System 25 kW ballast PV Solar Panel System 25 kW ballast PV Solar Panel System 25 kW ballast thin film PV Solar Panel System 30 kW penetrating roof connection PV Solar Panel System 50 kW penetrating roof connection PV Solar Panel System 25 kW ballast thin film PV Solar Panel System 25 kW ballast thin film PV Solar Panel System 25 kW penetrating roof connection PV Solar Panel System 50 kW ballast thin film PV Solar Panel System 25 kW penetrating roof connection PV Solar Panel System 75 kW, ground mount, PV Solar Panel System 70 kW total, ground mount, penetrating roof, PV Solar Panel Systems Clients… JWM has worked with a list of other renewable energy clients throughout the country, including: • • • • • • • • • The University of Florida – Gainesville, FL SPG Solar – California Clean Focus - California Green Energy Development - Georgia Helio Power - California Solar Impact – Florida McGurn Management Company – Florida Archer Electric – Florida Wise Gas - Florida Awards… In 2010, JWM was awarded the Grand Aurora Award, from the Southeast Building Conference, for best solar efficient design for a 150 kW system at Union Street Station in Gainesville Florida Our Commitment… At JWM our commitment is to our clients. Our job is to look out for our clients’ interest and to provide quality products and services while at the same time building a long term healthy and respectful relationship. We are committed to being great engineers, working on great projects for great clients. Additional Information… If you would like to learn more about our company please feel free to visit us at www.jwm-engineering .com or contact us via: 2605 NW 34th Terrace Gainesville, Florida 32605 P: 352-505-8890 F: 866-524-4824 e: Dow wntown Parrking Gara age PV Sys stem Projec ct Name: Downtown Parking P Gara age PV Syste em System m Descriptio on: Solar photov voltaic panell system witth 100 kilow watts power generation capacity mo ounted on roo of 5 story p public parking g garage tha at provides shading for park p cars. Servic ces Provided d: Structural An nalysis, Wind d Loading An nalysis, PV P Panel Layout, PV Panel Mounting Sy ystem, Constrruction Manag gement, Plan Review and Permitting Submittal This project p is loc cated on the e top level of o a parking g garage loc cated in Gain nesville, Florrida. The bu uilding is loca ated in a dev veloped multiuse area of o the downto own with the garage used d by comme ercial vehicle es, downtown visitors, hotel h guests s and variou us city emp ployees to park p vehicle es. The top p level was s often unu used becaus se of the ex xposure to th he summer sun. s The ow wner wanted a system tha at would prov vide electric cal generation n and provide e covering forr the garage e customer’s s vehicles. The T top leve el is located d on the 5th floor f of the co oncrete structure. The flo oor is sloped at approximately 5 degre ees. The PV system ms consisted d of separate “mono osloped rooff” structures s placed over o existing parking spa aces. The sys stem generates up to 100 kilowatts of p power that is interco onnected with h the local utility u under a net meterin ng program. The electric power generated by y the PV Sola ar systems tie es into existin ng utility transsformers and is metered using a two way utility meter so that exceed electricity no ot needed by the sto orage facility is i metered on nto the grid and purchased d by the locall untility. The PV sy ystem produc ces more electricity than is used by tthe garage th herefore the owner gains revenu ue by selling the t excess po ower to the uttility companyy. c using u precas st concrete d ouble tee be eams with a The building was constructed concre ete slab placed over the beams. The metal colum mns and base e plates are attache ed directly to the concrete e floor and we ere spaced to o allow vehicle traffic and parking g under the PV P carports. The PV fram ming system was designe ed to support the panels and the potential uplifft from wind events. e The PV V system installed for this s application uses u a rackin ng system tha at was design ned to meet the specific needs of the projec ct. As part the design serrvices we con nducted an analysis of the e proposed sstructure to ated wind loa ading. Constru uction drawin ngs and strucctural calcula ations were support the panels and associa provide ed by our de esign team. In n addition to our inspectio on services w we also provid ded consultattion during construction to address various construction c related r issuess and desired d field modifica ations. This project won the e Grand Auro ora Award at the t 2010 Sou utheast Buildin ng Conferencce (SEBC). Th he nationa ally recognize ed Aurora Aw wards honor builders, plann ners, architectts, developerrs, designers, interior merchandisers and other housing-related professionals witthin a 12-statte region strettching from T Texas to Virginia plus the Ea astern Caribbe ean. JWM Enggineering , LLC www.jwm m‐ m P: 352‐505‐8890 P F: 866‐524‐4824 F E: info@ @jwm‐ th 2605 NW 34 TTerrace Gainesville, FLL 32605 Butler Plaza Solar S Photo ovoltaic Sy ystem Pha ase I and II Project Name: N Gre een Energy Developmen nt Butler Plazza Solar Pho otovoltaic Sy ystem Phase I and II Project Location L 390 00 – 3600 Blo ock of SW Arccher Road, G Gainesville Flo orida 32608 Project Engineers: E JW WM Engineerin ng, LLC (Civill & Structural)) Inte egrated Proje ect Delivery (E Electrical) Clients: Cle ean Focus Co orporation (Ph hase I & II) (Phase I & II)) Gre een Energy Development D SPG Solar (Pha ase I) System Description: D Solar photovolttaic panel ssystem with 1.77 mega awatts DC p power gen neration capa acity mounted d on flat roof ttop. Services Provided: d Loading A Site e Planning, Structural A nalysis, Wind Analysis, Electrical Sys stem Design, Construction n Management, Plan Reviiew and Perm mitting Submittal Project Overview O Butler Pla aza Central is a large existiing shopping complex loca ated in Gainessville, Florida a. Shops loca ated in the sho opping comple ex ranged from big box typ pe stores to sp pecialty shop ps. A photovolltaic solar sysstem was desig gned and insta alled on the roof top of the e complex. Th he PV system ms consisted o of two phasess (I & II) on fourr separate buiildings and is rated at 1.77 7 megawattsD DC of power. T The electric p power genera ated by the PV V Solar system ms tie into six (6) existing utility u transform mers and is m metered using g bi-directiona al utility meters. JWM Enginee ering , LLC www.jwm‐en P: 352‐505‐8890 F: 866‐524‐4824 m‐ m E: info@jwm th 26605 NW 34 Terrace G Gainesville, FL 326005 Butler Plaza Solar S Photo ovoltaic Sy ystem Pha ase I and II Butler Pla aza Phase I Butler Pla aza Phase II Innovativ ve application of new or existing e tech hnology: The PV system ins stalled for this application is a rooff mounted selfs ballasted system that did not requ uire roof mem mbrane penetrations. The PV system uses u a racking system that t includes ballast weig ghts desired to resist required wind up plift loadings. As part the design d service es we conduc cted an analy ysis of the roof structture including the increased d loading due e to the added panel weig ght and systtem design co onsisted of specifications s s of the DC sy ystem, trackin ng type DC to o 3phase AC C inverters, sy ystem grounding, and utility y power gird metering m and tiein. Comp plete constru uction drawings were deve eloped and su ubmitted for plan p review and permitting. Phase I looking g southwest JWM Enginee ering , LLC www.jwm‐en P: 352‐505‐8890 F: 866‐524‐4824 m‐ m E: info@jwm th 26605 NW 34 Terrace G Gainesville, FL 326005 Butler Plaza Solar S Photo ovoltaic Sy ystem Pha ase I and II Future va alue to the en ngineering profession: p As engine eers we are constantly c striving to design solutions to o our clients’ problems in w ways that are e both economic cally practical and technica ally efficient. We W optimize designs to m make systems more efficien nt and also look out for the public’s p healtth and safety y. This proje ect provides ffuture value tto the engine eering profession n because it represents th he integration n of new tech hnologies into o existing stru uctures. By a adding the PV pa anels to an ex xisting roof to op we are ab ble to increase e and diversify the use off the structure e. The addition of o the PV pan nels provides shading for the t existing ro roof, thus reducing the dire ect heat loading of the rooftop. Land d is a valua able commod dity in our state and for that re eason purcchasing of ssuch land willl add costt to the botto om line of thiss type of p project. By u utilizing an exxisting shopping centerr’s roof spacce our clien nts were able e to not distu urb an exissting parcel of land forr this project while incrreasing incom me for the building own ner and usin ng an under-used spacce. As a rresult, additional enviro onmental im mpacts were e avoided. Phase II looking wes st nd economic consideratio ons: Social an Given the e increasing needs for morre power gene eration to sup pport our natio on’s economyy and currentt push to provide e alternative, clean renew wable energy y sources, th his project is positively co ontributing to o very sensitive social and ec conomic pres ssures that our Nation facces today. Florida isn’t ca alled the Sun nshine State by just j luck it is a fact of life,, particularly in Gainesville e Florida whe ere it average es over 220 ssunny days a ye ear. As a result this projec ct takes advantage of our natural clima ate and adds to domestic p power generation and a reduc ction of the de ependence on n foreign sou rces of oil and d natural gas. Complexity of the pro oject: The existting buildings used to sup pport the PV system are metal framed flat roof sttructures. The e roof diaphragm m is supported with meta al bar joists covered witth metal deccking, rigid in nsulation and d roof membrane. The roof su urface is apprroximately 27 70,000 ft2 in a area with a va ariety of roof to op equipment. The panels were w placed around the equipment with w approprriate opening gs for equipment accesss and maintenan nce. The PV system s installe ed for this ap pplication is a roof mounte ed self-ballassted system that did not re equire roof mem mbrane penettrations. The e PV system uses a raccking system that include es ballast we eights designed to resist requ uired wind up plift loadings per the Florid da Building C Code (FBC). A As part the d design services we w conducted d an analysis of the roof strructure to sup pport the incre eased loading g due to the a added panel weight associate ed ballast and d wind loading g. JWM Enginee ering , LLC www.jwm‐en P: 352‐505‐8890 F: 866‐524‐4824 m‐ m E: info@jwm th 26605 NW 34 Terrace G Gainesville, FL 326005 Butler Plaza Solar S Photo ovoltaic Sy ystem Pha ase I and II The electtrical system design cons sisted of specifications of the DC D system, tracking type DC to 3-phase AC A inverters, system grounding g, and utility power gird metering m and tie-in. Complete construction c drawings d were also o developed and submiitted for plan revie ew and permittting. Shade analysis a se ervices were e also provided to optimize the layout of the panels fo or power generation. The e shade analysis was condu ucted in a three dimension nal CAD environment which incorporatted existing buildings, parapet walls, arc chitectural fea atures and roo oftop air conditioning units. Th he system was w then analyzed using the sun light re endering package in CAD for both the sprring and summer equinox e and summer and d winter Shade S Analy ysis Renderin ng for Phase e II solstice. Panel groups were then laid out to optimize sunlight s expos sure on each panel groupings. The shad ding analysis was essentia al to the elec ctrical wiring design of th he project. E Each panel “sstring” consists of o 14 panels connected c in series. If one e panel is sha aded the entirre string could be out of se ervice and thus rendering the e other 13 pa anels useless s in power pro oduction for tthat shade pe eriod. This d design incorporatted such cons straints on the e wiring of the ese panels to o reduce the p potential of su uch problems. This desig gn also incorp porated inverrting and phas sing the direcct current (DC C) produced b by the solar p panels into the alternating currrent that was s necessary to o connect into o the existing g power grid. Coordination n with Gainesvillle Regional Utilities (GR RU) was ess sential in ord der to prope erly specify the inverterss and connectio on points into GRU’s powerr grid. Exceedin ng client need ds: e nature of GRU’s G feed-in-tariff program m our clients faced a veryy tight schedu ule for both ph hase I Due to the and II. There T were a limited amo ount of month hs allocated ffor the desig gn, permitting g, construction n and certificatio on of this projject. Our tea am worked closely with ou ur clients, the e City Building g Departmen nt staff and GRU in order to fa acilitate an op pen relationsh hip with all pa arties. Furthe ermore, durin ng the constru uction phase serrvices since our o team is lo ocal to Gaine esville, we we ere constantlyy on site provviding constru uction phase serrvices for ourr clients. The e construction phase servicces provided a valuable sa avings to our client by helping them mitigate possible additional co onstruction ccost with our input as to how to solve e field conditions s in a timely manner m that would w be in ac ccordance witth our design.. G co onsiderably helped h our clie ents since the ey are located out of state e. We Our local presence in Gainesville e to meet one--on-one with city officials, request publi c record plan ns and thus be e a point of co ontact were able for the pro oject team witth the local offficials. The shading analysis was w a tremen ndous benefit for our clientts. We were able to produ uce shade exxhibits that they were able to o submit to th he financers. This helped d with suppo orting the viab bility of the p project location. Furthermo ore, the city building b deparrtment inquire ed about how the solar pan nels would afffect the fire ra ating of the exis sting building. We were ab ble to thoroug ghly investiga te this issue iin a timely ma anner to not h hold up the approval for the system from the city build ding departme ent. JWM Enginee ering , LLC www.jwm‐en P: 352‐505‐8890 F: 866‐524‐4824 m‐ m E: info@jwm th 26605 NW 34 Terrace G Gainesville, FL 326005