AACA Meet Web Brochure Final - aaca-kc
AACA Meet Web Brochure Final - aaca-kc
welcome to the kansas city region The Kansas City Region of AACA welcomes you! Join us at the 2015 Central Spring Meet held at the Independence Event Center located in Independence, Mo. Minutes from Kansas City, President Harry S. Truman’s spirit is still alive in Independence! The city has over 20 heritage sites, Truman Library; Truman Home; Frontier Trails attractions; Victorian mansions; historic square and religious sites. Independence also boasts the Bass Pro complex, Midwest Genealogy Center and their new Event Center. In addition, there are a variety of shops and restaurants. For more information visit: http://www.visitindependence.com SHOW CHAIRMAN Jim Streeby 11620 Milton Thompson Road Lee’s Summit, MO 64086 Cell: 816-729-8513 email: streeby58@gmail.com Registration CHAIRMAN Trish Lee 13400 East 49th Terrace Kansas City, MO 64133-2697 Home: 816-356-7019 email: 2chevynuts@gmail.com HOST HOTEL THURSDAY TOURS Ask for the special AACA Discounted Rate! Please make your own reservations/cancellations. Armacost Museum Tour - Thursday, June 4, 2015 from 9:00am - 11:00am. Cost is $20 per person. Transportation provided from host hotel, Hilton Garden Inn. Great Automobiles of the Past and Present THE HILTON GARDEN INN - Independence 19677 East Jackson Drive Independence, MO 64057 Tel: 1-816-350-3000 Reservations: 1-800-774-1500 Alternate HOTEL HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS - Independence 19901 E. Valley View Parkway Independence, MO 64057 Reservations: 1-816-795-8889 COMFORT SUITES - Independence 19751 East Valley View Parkway Independence, MO 64057 Reservations: 1-816-373-9880 RV facilities CAMPUS RV PARK Reservations:1-888-254-3750 Address: Campus RV Park 406 S. Pleasant Independence, MO 64050 Kansas City Chiefs - Arrowhead Stadium Tour Driving tour - Thursday, June 4, 2015 from 2:00pm - 4:00pm. Cost is $20 per person. See details on our event website: aaca-kc-events.org. FRIDAY TOUR The Bingham Waggoner Home Tour and Fashion Show - Friday, June 5th, 2015, 12:00pm - 3:00pm Cost is $25 per person. Transportation provided from the host hotel, Hilton Garden Inn. Lunch will be provided by the Bingham Waggoner Home. A fashion show will be provided by “Chico’s” of Lee’s Summit, MO. Limited availability. INDEPENDENCE EVENTS CENTER Enter Event Center from 1-70. Take Selsa Road South to Valleyview Parkway. Drive West on Valleyview. Selsa Road Exit 17 KC EAST TRAILSIDE RV PARK & CAMPGROUND Reservations: 1-800-748-7729 Address: 1000 R.D. Mize Rd. GrainValley, MO 64029 COUNTRY GARDENS RV PARK Reservations: 1-816-633-8720 Country Gardens RV Park 7089 Outer Road Odessa, MO 64076 Spectator Parking Show Field Judge’s Parking Area Closed to AACA Trailer Parking Large Trailer Parking Enter Here from the East. Spectator Parking Entrance Chief Judge Charles “Chuck” Crane 5411 East State Hwy 159 Fayetteville, TX 78940 Cell: 281-814 4081 email: flivverway@gmail.com 2015 Central Spring Meet Download Map at aaca-kc-events.org