
For the latest information follow us at
4020 Hendersonville Rd Suite E
Fletcher, N.C. 28732
The rules and regulations set forth herein are designed to
provide drivers and crewmembers with a safe, clean and
competitive racing atmosphere. We make every attempt to
control the costs of racing within reason. It
is your responsibility to read these rules, understand
them and abide by them, assuring that your equipment,
your vehicle and your personal safety habits are up to
The UARA is composed of a group of business owners
dedicated to making an affordable competitive Touring
Late Model Stock Series throughout the Southeast
70 Holbert Road
Hendersonville, NC 28739
Wink Bodenhamer
Phone (828) 692-3833
Fax (828) 692-7550
Cell (828) 329-2542
Kerry Bodenhamer
Phone (828) 692-3833
Cell (828) 329-2541
Head Technical Inspector
Mike Cox
Cell (843)-687-5074
Office (843)-354-6003
Racing Engines and Components
Don Kowalsky
Rustburg, VA
(434) 821-6107
(434) 821-6109
We Win Races
General Rules . ................................................................ 1
Scoring ............................................................................. 5
Protest .............................................................................. 9
Safety ............................................................................. 13
Weight ............................................................................ 15
Bodies ............................................................................ 16
Engines .......................................................................... 20
Carburetor ...................................................................... 28
Ignition ............................................................................ 31
Exhaust .......................................................................... 33
Transmission .................................................................. 34
Rear Axle ....................................................................... 35
Suspension .................................................................... 39
Shocks............................................................................ 40
A Frames ........................................................................ 41
Tread / Wheelbase ......................................................... 41
Steering / Brakes............................................................ 42
Fuel System ................................................................... 43
Roll Bars ......................................................................... 44
Wheels Tires .................................................................. 45
Address: 5515 E. Lamona,
Fresno, CA 93727
Phone: 559-251-1127
Fax: 559-251-1620
This General Rule section applies to each and every
Driver, mechanic and pit personnel. Everyone entering the
pits must read and understand the following:
1. UARA final decisions will at the discretion of the official in
charge . We cannot make and will not attempt to make
rules to fit everyone’s needs and desires, are willing to
go by the rules outlined in the following pages.
2. We expect courteous conduct from all participates at all
times. Each and every one of you has an image to uphold for the fans, sponsors and in the name of all UARA
Speedways. We will not tolerate profanity and/or any
other unprofessional actions in front of race fans, officials
and management. Fighting will not be tolerated. Anyone
caught fighting may be suspended and/or fined from the
day’s events and possibly future events.
3. Penalties for competitors participates in fights in the pits,
track or on the race premises: a minimum fine of
$500.00, suspension, and/or loss of championship points
and/or loss of finishing position(s) in the event.
4. All fights are none appealable and are final decisions of
the UARA officials.
5. Any driver, owner, or crew member going to another pit
area will be fined a minimum $250.00, suspension, and/
or loss of championship points and/or loss of finishing
position(s) in the event.
6. At any time your dress, actions and conduct are not in
the best interest of the speedway, you may be asked to
leave the grounds with a suspension and/or fine.
7. No driver may get out of his/her car on the track or infield
to argue or discuss the race with officials. If this rule is
violated the driver may be disqualified and/or fined for
the event and/or future events.
8. There will be no drinking of alcoholic beverages before,
during or after the racing program in the pits. Alcoholic
beverages and controlled substances are not allowed in
the pit area. Anyone caught with either of these on his or
her person or in his or her equipment may be suspended.
9. The display or use of any type weapon at any time will
result in permanent suspension for all parties involved
and will result in the arrest of all parties involved.
10. Any disagreement over technical questions or decisions
will be resolved by UARA officials and management but
may be appealed in writing to the UARA race director
along with $500.00 appeals fee before conclusion of the
nights event When the appeals board decision is rendered it is final and binding and no further discussion
will take place.
Scoring officials will determine finishing positions and
their decision will be final.
Speedway is private property. Through your admission
ticket you have been given the right to be on this property in conjunction with racing activities. However, the
management of the speedway reserves the right to revoke and cancel this right at any time that it is felt that
your presence or conduct is not in the best interest of
the sport of auto racing, your fellow competitors, the
fans or management of the speedway.
Drivers will be paid according to laps completed.
The payoff on a red/checkered will be the same as a
As driver/owner, you are an independent contractor and
assume all responsibility for all charges, premiums and
taxes, if any, payable on funds you may receive for you
participation at any racing events at speedway. Arrangements of purse payments to anyone other than the
driver must be made in writing prior to race night.
Each driver will receive a check for their racing efforts,
provided there is no disqualification, in their name after
the event has concluded. Either the driver or the owner
may receive the check. Unclaimed purse checks will be
held for 3 months. Issuance of a replacement check for
any reason is subject to a $30.00 fee.
All drivers earning $600.00 or more will receive a 1099
form at the end of the year. All forms will be made out to
driver only. Unless previous arrangements have been
In the case of protest payoff may be held until said protest is resolved.
All cars are subject to inspection at any time
Driver will be held responsible for entire pit crew.
Any car or cars caught illegal receives no money. Points
are lost on the race in which you are disqualified. If a
driver/car owner refuses to a teardown, they forfeit all
monies and points for that night’s event. Flagrant cheating will draw a substantial fine.
Refusing to obey officials will result in laps taken away,
suspension and/or fine.
No driver can qualify 2 cars for any one division.
After car and driver have qualified if driver chooses another car the car and driver must start in the rear. No
driver will be allowed to change cars during the race.
The driver that takes the green flag will receive points
for that nights event.
25. No work can be done on racecars on track. All work on
racecars must be done in pit area. No courtesy laps will
be given for repair work inspection has started. One lap
will be taken away if car repairs are made on track.
Cars may not be jacked up after qualifying.
26. No work will be allowed on cars during red flag condition. Any car entering the pits under red or yellow flag
conditions must restart in the rear.
27. UARA reserves the right to update, modify, add or delete rules at any time without prior notifications.
28. Any infraction of the rules may result in extra weight
being added to the car in question to compensate for
29. UARA officials may refuse to allow any driver to compete in any division at their sole discretion.
30. Amount to be fined will be decided by track management and person or persons fined will not be allowed
on speedway grounds until said fines are settled.
31. UARA officials may inspect any car at any time before
or after an event. UARA reserves the right to inspect/
protest any car using the same methods as protest. No
extra money will be awarded for “tour” UARA teardowns.
32. UARA reserves the right to alter and/or amend any rule
in the interest of fair competition.
33. No one is allowed on the racing surface during the race
or under caution. In the event of a wreck only emergency personnel and speedway officials are allowed on
the track. Any crewmember, family member, or spectators entering the track will be fined. All of this is in the
interest of safety. While we realize the concerns involved during a wreck we provide the best care possible and will summon any family members, crew members, etc when necessary.
34. No driver, car owner, mechanic or anyone else shall
have any claims for damages, expenses, or otherwise
against the track, its officials, or anyone associated with
UARA, LLC. UARA will not be responsible for automobiles damaged in parking area.
35. Injuries received at track must be reported to officials
before leaving premises. Failure to do so may result in
non-payment of insurance claims. All claims must first
be submitted to your insurance carrier.
36. Scoring protest and/or disagreements must be made in
writing and given to competition director within 15 minutes after the race under question. The track official will
decide if the matter may be protested.
37. The official scorer at the speedway shall be responsible
for timing and scoring of all events. Actual re-checks of
scoring will not be addressed until after the completion
of the nights racing program.
It is the drivers’ responsibility to make sure his or her
car is safe for competition.
The decision of the race officials on interpretation of
rules, scoring, flagging and race procedures will be final.
Entrance to restricted areas, such as pits, must be limited to legitimate “waiver” signed participates.
A waiver and release must be signed at every event by
each participant, including driver, crewmembers, officials, etc.
All drivers and car numbers must be registered with
Car numbers will be distributed on a first come first
serve basis to car owners. Only two digit numbers will
be permitted.
UARA reserves the right to require modification of the
number as displayed for visibility. Cars not meeting
requirements may not be scored.
Car numbers must be 18” high on each door and be
legible. In addition each car must have a 6” number in
the right, top corner of the windshield.
UARA and speedway retains the rights to the upper
portion of the windshield to display class sponsors.
Provisions are base off of UARA car owner points The
first three events will be based off of the previous year
car owner points the start of the fourth event will revert
to current year owner points
License are non refundable and nontransferable.
49 A. The yellow flag signifies caution. All cars receiving a
yellow flag/lights shall slow down to a cautious pace, hold
their position, and form a single line behind the lead car
and will be scored in the position they are running as soon
as the yellow is displayed. Any car that feels they are in the
wrong restart position has the option to pull beside the car
in question while caution is displayed, until Race Director
addresses situation. The UARA Officials have complete
discretion to determine the positions of the cars at the time
the yellow flag was displayed and to reposition the cars in
accordance with their determination. Cars will not be permitted to pass as long as all cars maintain a reasonable
speed considering the conditions, which exist on the track.
The determination of a reasonable speed is a judgment call
and will be made by UARA Officials.
A. Cars must slow down to a cautious pace on all yellow flags.
B. In the event a caution vehicle is used, no car may
pass the caution vehicle unless directed to do so by
a UARA Official. Any cars illegally passing the caution vehicle or race leader will be black-flagged. The
starter will signify one (1) lap before the green flag
will be displayed.
C. Cars returning to the racetrack from the pits while
the yellow flag is out must wait for the rear of the
field in the line behind the caution vehicle, or as otherwise directed by UARA Officials.
D. Crew members must not go on to the racetrack for
any reason while the cars are racing or while they
are running under the yellow flag. The only time
drivers or cars may receive such services is when
they are completely stopped in the pit area.
E. Pit crews may not service or repair any wrecked or
damaged car until the car has been removed from
the racetrack.
F. The UARA uses the Lucky Dog to give the first
driver one lap down their lap back. If no driver is one
lap down the first driver multiple laps down will receive the Lucky Dog. Any driver causing the caution
or entering the pits will not be eligible for the Lucky
Dog until the next caution
G. Official Scoring - The Track Official designated by
the Promoter to be the Official Scorer for an Event is
responsible for timing and scoring the Event. The
decisions of the Official Scorer, with respect to timing and scoring are final unless the Official Scorer
elects to request a re-check by Headquarters or
when the Official Scorer is asked by a driver who
has competed in the Event to submit a request for
such re-check to Headquarters.
I. Scoring Re-check Procedure
At the discretion of the Track Officials, or at the request
of a driver, the Official Scorer may review the results
after the completion of the Event and will make any corrections to the results as deemed appropriate including,
but not limited to, correcting missed or extra laps on the
score card and lap or time penalties pursuant to subsection 9-11, etc.
2.A driver must request a scoring re-check in person
within 20 minutes after the declaration of finishing positions has been made by the Official Scorer. The finishing positions of an Event, including any individual race,
time trial, or qualifying race, shall not be considered offi4
cial if a re-check is requested as provided herein, in
which case the results of the Event shall be considered
official upon the announcement of the re-check decision by the Official Scorer.
3 3.If the Official Scorer elects to request a re-check of
the timing or scoring of an Event, the Official Scorer
shall promptly forward to Headquarters the request and
score sheets for the Event. If a driver who has competed in the Event asks the Official Scorer, in a written
and signed document, to request such a re-check, the
Official Scorer shall promptly forward to Headquarters
the request and score sheets for the Event, accompanied by a $200.00 non-refundable service fee collected
from the driver. Decisions of Headquarters on a scoring
re-check are final, non appealable and non-litigable.
50. Payment of Fines - Fines shall be paid to headquarters promptly after receipt of a penalty notice. Failure to pay
promptly may result in suspension. All unpaid fines of a
Member may be collected by deducting the amount from
the purse or point fund earnings of the Member, or if the
Member is not a driver, from the purse or point fund earnings of the driver or car owner with whom the Member was
associated at the time of the conduct that gave rise to the
penalty notice. (Any fines left unpaid at the end of the racing season shall be considered grounds for refusal to approve the membership application for the next applicable
year of the Member against whom the unpaid fine has been
51. Race Procedures
Race is 150 laps. All caution laps will count. If a caution
comes out after lap 140 lap cars will hold position and lead
lap cars will advance so that all lead lap cars are in front of
lap cars.(No Lucky dog after the 10 to go signal)
Original Start will be by the flagman. Restarts by the leader.
Restarts will be single file. Restarts will be between the
lines marked on the wall, passing to the right only before
the start/finish line.. (1/2 the car must be across the line to
consider a clear start)
If you jump the start you will be given a chance to fall back
into line or you will be blacked flagged for a stop and go
penalty under green flag. Keep the field tight no erratic
starts stay bunched up to car in front of you When the caution comes out the leader as well as the field should slow
their pace down to pit road speed safely so that pace car
can get the leader. When the caution comes out the field
will be frozen, no racing back to the flag, please hold your
position, if you feel you are out of order pull up to the car in
question and await word from the tower or the pit steward.
If you are not going to pit stay in the upper lane, so the cars
wanting to pit will have the inside lane for access to pit
road. Cars may blend back in line if able to move away
from the crash and will be frozen in that spot. The officials
will make any judgment on to who is at fault When the caution comes out – pit road will be closed; until the pace car
has picked up the field – your indication that pit road is
open will be the green flag in turn 4 before the pit road entrance. Pitting before pit road is open will result in being
placed at the tail end of the field. The red flag will indicate
that pit road is closed. Once the pace car has the field, cars
may pull up to the pace car to pit, do not pass the pace car!
You may not advance the pace car to pit. If you pass the
pace car to pit it will be a ONE LAP penalty you may not
pull up to the pace car to pit once the one to go has been
displayed. If you do so there will be a stop and go penalty.
Pit road speed limit is 25 mph. Pit road speed will be set on
the third parade lap. Do not pass the pace car at any time.
You may however pull up to pit. Once you have pulled up to
pit you must pit or receive a ONE LAP Penalty. Lucky Dog
rule will be in affect (the first car one or more laps down).
Do not advance until instructed to do so by UARA Race
Control. If you are the cause of the caution you will not be
the lucky dog that yellow. You may not pit until you have
been given your Lucky Dog Lap back, pitting before this
time will forfeit your eligibility for the Lucky Dog. If you are
assessed a penalty you will not be eligible for the Lucky
Dog until the second caution after the penalty. We will race
back to the checkered once the white flag has been given
to the leader unless it is declared unsafe. We will make one
attempt at a green-white-checkered finish. No one will advance on the last lap by taking another car out. You will be
placed as the last car on the lead lap. Rough driving will not
be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly. Red Flag:
During a red flag no work may be performed on any car,
working on your car during a red flag will result in a 2 lap
penalty. ( no exceptions )
If a driver enters pit road to avoid an accident slow to pit
road speed and blend in traffic when reentering the track
Note: Heat Race 40 points
All drivers that attempt to race will receive 40 points
IF a driver elects to qualify and not run the heat race they
will be awarded 20 points
2012 car owner points will be used for provisional through
race 3 race number 4 will be based off of 2013 car owner
IF a driver elects to qualify and not run the heat race they
will be awarded 20 points
Owner points are based off of the point system without any
bonus points Any Driver using a provisional will receive only
points earned for position no bonus points
Bonus points will only be awarded from 26th starting spot
anything 26th or below will be considered a provisional
To be able to qualify for year end awards teams must have a
UARA windshield decal and a team representative at the year
end awards banquet.
5 - Points for pole
3 - Points for Outside Pole
5 - Points for Leading a Lap
5 - Points for Leading Most Laps
1 - Point for Each Spot Gained (Maximum of 10 points)
5 - Points for driver Who Gaines most spots (if a tie highest
finishing driver gets bonus points)
Qualifying Prorcedures
1. Each car will be allowed two laps for qualifying GreenWhite- Checker– There will be no scuff laps. In the interest
of safety if the weather is cold there may be dead lap or
laps prior to starting a qualifying lap. To be determined by
UARA officials.
1. Race day expenses are extremely high and are incurred by speedway regardless of whether any racing
events are run. When the pit gates open, insurance,
salaries, etc. are set into motion and cannot be recouped. For that reason the following rain-out/race cancellation policy has been implemented.
2. In event of race cancellation because of inclement
weather or any type incident that may prevent completion of the racing program rain checks for pit fees will
be applicable only if less than ½ of the total number of
laps scheduled for the days/nights program have been
completed. Rain checks will only be issued to drivers in
divisions that did not complete their scheduled race in
that day/nights schedule of events and those rain
checks will ONLY be honored for the next scheduled
event for said division. No Refunds
3. Any individual race in a program will be considered
complete if at least ½ of the scheduled laps for that
race have been completed.
4. In the event of qualifying being rained out, the top
twenty two spots will be determined by 2013* owner
points. One past champion provisional will be allowed
followed by five of the remaining field set by 2013*
driver points .If more than one past champion is present then the most recent champion will receive the
provisional. This is based on a 28 car field.
5. Provisions are base off of UARA car owner points
The first three events will be based off of the previous
year car owner points the start of the fourth event will
revert to current year owner points If a Provisional is
used driver will not be allowed to use a provisional the
next event there will be one event between provisional
*The first three races will be determined by 2012 points
7. In the event a race program is postponed for the night
after qualifying has been completed. Qualifying will be
scratched unless the event is to be made up the following day.
8. No practice 5 days prior to the event Sunday before the
event is considered the last test day.
UARA reserves the right to inspect any car at any time.
1. Protest will be limited to the top 5 finishers and only the
car that finishes directly behind protested car. Any protest must be filed within 15 minutes from the completion
of a race. A car must finish in order to file protest. Only
the car owner or driver of the race and the division in
which they participate may file a protest. The UARA
reserves the right to inspect the car filing protest for the
same infractions.
2. Any car or cars determined illegal may be fined and/or
lose points and purse or be disqualified.
1. Protest fee will be as follows:
Bore Stroke: $700.00
Crank: $900.00
One head: $500.00
Check flywheel and clutch assembly: $400.00
Oil pan (includes flywheel and clutch assembly)
Check fuel: $100.00
Check wheelbase and engine set-back: $300.00
Check carburetor: $200.00
Check left side weight: $200.00
Check suspension: $400.00
2. No more than 2 of the above items may be protested at
one time.
3. Electronic Firing Module Claimer: $350.00 for a new
box, $100.00 protest fee.
4. All other protest carry no monetary value. UARA will
retain 20% of all protest fees to cover additional expenses incurred regardless of outcome.
5. All visible protest, including body, must be made,
before the race and allowed reasonable time for protested party to make repairs.
6. Any part or measurement that is accessible by removal
of above-mentioned parts also may be inspected and
ruled upon by speedway officials and management will
resolve any disagreement over technical questions or
decisions. A written appeal, accompanied by a $500
filing fee, may be filed with the UARA Competition Committee before leaving the speedway, in which case, the
part in question will be confiscated and sent to UARA
headquarters for final decision.
7. When their decision is rendered it is final and binding
and no further discussion or appeal will be allowed. IMPORTANT NOTE: Once the item in question leaves the
inspection area it cannot re-enter and be submitted for
appeal. The items in question must be left with the head
tech official at the speedway and the official must be
notified that an appeal will be filed before any involved
parties leave the speedway grounds.
8. Track officials reserve the right to limit the number of
people that may be present for protest proceeding. Un9
der normal circumstances only those affiliated with the
protest are expected to linger during the process. Anyone causing an undo disturbance during the protest
proceedings will be suspended as determined by track
9. At the discretion of the Technical Director certain variations may be allowed on cars running for the first time
under these rules. However any variations may incur an
additional weight penalty.
10. No equipment will be considered as having been approved by reason of having passed through inspection
unobserved. Any equipment that does not conform to
specifications or tolerances contained in this rulebook
will not be eligible.
11. Any Illegal parts shall be retained by the UARA official
in charge. Failure to do so will result in a $500.00 fine.
Drivers must know and understand all flags.
1. Green flag – start of the race
2. White flag – one lap to go
3. Black flag – pull off immediately
4. Red flag – danger, stop immediately
5. Blue flag with yellow stripe – passing, move over
6. Checkered flag – end of the race.
7. Yellow flag – caution, slow no passing.
8. Black flag with X – no longer being scored. All races
will end under green, with green, white, checkered.
9. Red with Yellow X No Scuff Flag
Races will be sanctioned by the UARA (United Auto Racing
Association). UARA entrants must hold a valid license for
the division in which they compete. UARA applications for
licenses are available through the corporate offices.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: All UARA events are held on private property. Through your pit pass and/or grandstand
ticket, you have been granted permission and the right to
be on speedway property in conjunction with the racing
activities. The management reserves the right to revoke or
cancel this right at any time, for any reason deemed unreasonable.
“Participant” - A driver, owner, crewmember, family member, official or speedway employee who has been issued a
pit pass by UARA.
INJURIES: UARA carries insurance for all race events. All
injuries must be reported to the Competition Director before
exiting the track that night. Save pit pass of injured person.
in the pit area, unless accompanied by an adult at all times.
A pit pass must be purchased for the child (regardless of
age). Shirts and shoes are required in the pit area. .No pets
will be allowed in the pits
REGISTRATION: Any driver change, car change or number change must be reported at sign-in. Failure to do so will
result in not being paid at the end of the night and no points
will be issued.
1. Each team must mail in an entry per event. The UARA
has an automatic entry list for drivers planning to compete
in all events. The driver or owner wishing to be on the automatic entry list must sign up for this program once their
original entry has been received. If a driver on the automatic entry list misses an event, they will be removed from
the list and must mail an entry in for the next event they
plan to attend.
Touring Events: Each driver will receive a check for their
racing efforts (provided there is no DQ) in their name.
Checks will be available Tuesday following said event. With
prior notification either the driver or owner may receive the
check. Purse checks will be held for three months before
being rolled into the point fund. Issuance of a replacement
check for any reason is subject to a $30.00 fee.
Local Events: Payoff for local events will be held at the
completion of the night’s activities. In the case of a protest
or appeal payoff may be held until resolved.
IRS Reporting: All drivers/owners earning $600.00 or more
will receive a 1099 form.
Technical Data
The following rules are designed to mirror Late Model
Stock cars throughout the country. The UARA will make
every attempt to keep these rules as close as possible.
When and if other sanctioning bodies make rule changes
those changes will be investigated and decided on in the
best interest of the UARA.
UARA Fuel Requirements
All competitors will be required to purchase a minimum of
ten (10) gallons of gas each 150-lap race and fifteen (15)
gallons for 200 or more laps. All fuel sales will be logged.
Any competitor caught using fuel other than what is sold for
UARA events will be penalized. No additives of any type
will be permitted. Fuel will be tested at each and every
UARA Muffler Requirements
Mufflers may be required at certain events. These events
will be specified on each entry blank.
UARA Tire Rules
Official approved UARA tires are as follows:
Tires will be purchased at the speedway the day of the
event. Said tires will be impounded by series officials and
released to teams at designated time for “scuffing”,
qualifying and so on. Tire softening and/or treating of any
kind is illegal. A gas sniffing device or a durometer, both
prior to, and after any event, may do testing. In all cases,
decisions of the track officials are final. Illegal tires will be
confiscated (including wheels). Track officials will issue Durometer readings. Tires may not be defaced in anyway,
shape or form. All original factory markings must be complete and intact.
UARA Safety Requirements
Racing seats are mandatory, but must be factory manufactured aluminum and acceptable to UARA Officials. Positively no homemade aluminum, plastic, or fiberglass seats
allowed. Seat must be properly installed and seat back rest
cannot be moved back further than the trailing edge of the
Window Nets
Window net brackets must be made of 1” x 3/16” flat bar or
½” solid bar. Must not be any slack in net when net is fastened.
1. A quick release belt no less than three (3) inches wide
is mandatory. Both ends of the lap belt must be fastened to the roll bar cage with high quality bolts no less
than 3/8 inch in diameter.
2. Shoulder harness must be no less than two (2) inches
wide and must come from behind the driver’s seat.
Where the harness crosses the roll cage, it must pass
through a steel guide welded to the roll cage that will
prevent the harness from sliding side to side. Shoulder
harness inertia reels cannot be used.
3. A center (crotch) belt must be securely mounted to the
lower seat frame at the bottom and to the lap seat belt
on top.
4. Where the belts pass through the seat edges, it must
have a grommet installed, be rolled, and/or padded to
prevent cutting of the belt.
5. All seat belts and shoulder harnesses must connect at
the lap belt with an UARA approved quick release
6. Harness systems must have the dates on the belts and
may not be any older than 3 years. Series officials reserve the right to not accept any belts that have no
date, are frayed or stretched. Manufacturer’s recommend that belts be replaced every three (3) years regardless.
Each driver must have an approved helmet.
1. It is recommended that every driver wear a fire resistant
suit and gloves at all times he or she are on the speedway.
2. It is recommended that each car have, within the
driver’s reach, built-in fire extinguishing equipment, but
it cannot be of the dry powder type (must be Halon
1211 or equivalent). The fire extinguisher must be securely mounted beyond the right side or the rear of the
3. Any car not equipped with a built-in fire extinguisher
must have an adequate fire extinguisher securely
mounted beyond the right side of the seat. It is recommended that at all times, while the car is being refueled
on a pit stop or while the fuel is being transported to
and from the pit area, all crew members involved
should wear a fire resistant suit, gloves, shoes, and
head and face shield that effectively covers the face.
All UARA Late Model cars are eligible for this division per
UARA rules (not including weight).
The following are eligible models approved for competition:
Chevrolet: 1995 – 2006 Monte Carlo
1992 – 2004
Grand Prix
1. All specified minimum weight requirements would be
with gas, oil and water, including driver. When cars are
weighed after a race, wheels and tires will not be permitted to be changed inspection will allow maximum of
1% weight deduction.
2. Minimum weight of 3,100 lbs. – 1,400 lbs. Right side
Crate minimum weight 3025 lbs—1350 lb right weight.
GM 650 Carburetor Ford 347SR 650 Carburetor.
3. Crate motors will be adjusted as needed.
4. Added weight must be in block form of no less than five
(5) pound increments (pellets disallowed).
5. Added weight must be securely bolted in place. No
weight may be added to the outside of the frame rails
or ahead of the front spindles or behind the rear axle or
inside the driver’s compartment. Dislodged weight cannot return to the car for weighing after the race.
6. Nothing outside of frame rails to exceed more
than .060 gauge mild steel material. This includes
rocker panels.
7. No mechanical or electrical devises for shifting weight
will be permitted inside the driver’s compartment.
8. No hydraulic weight shifting devices are permitted.
9. No weight adjustments are permitted on the left front
wheel during a race
10. Cars with built motors must not exceed a maximum of
55% left side weight. Crate motors must not exceed
55.4% maximum Left side
11. All weight boxes parallel with frame rail not to be below
frame rails
12. No weight will be permitted in lower control arm or trailing arms
13. Any non bolted weight or loose weigh found in pre tech
will result in 1 lap penalty in qualifying
1. Cars must be neat appearing. Interior must be painted.
2. Original dimensions of all bodies must remain as manufactured, except for changes, which may be necessary
for tire clearance.
3. All cars must have complete composite or aluminum
steel body panels. All other body modifications will be
outlined in specified sections of this rule book. All aftermarket bodies and trim parts must be acceptable to
track officials.
4. No streamlining allowed, such as headlights, radiator
grilles, top of windshields or under pans. Cars must
remain standard in appearance. Grilles must be stock
standard height and width and mounted in stock location.
5. Full windshield and rear window in good condition mandatory. Windshields and rear glass must be installed in
their original standard positions.
6. All doors must be fastened in a manner accept-able to
track officials.
7. Fenders may not be cut or altered except for tire clearance.
8. Bodies must be mounted center of center line of car,
including front and rear bumper covers, roof, deck lid,
spoiler and hood.
9. Weight may be added to the right side for any body
1. Track officials before installation must approve all spoilers. An approved spoiler must be a 2 piece part of the
body that controls the flow of air over one (1) surface
2. All cars will be allowed to use a rear spoiler not exceeding five (5) inches in height and not more than 54
inches in width, and must be solid 1/8 inch metal or ¼
inch clear Lexan glass.
3. A maximum of 39 inches from the ground to the top of
the spoiler (with driver in car) is permitted.
4. The rear spoiler angle must be set at 50 to 60 degrees.
5. A maximum of 6 spoiler braces permitted.
The approved front air dams must maintain a minimum
ground clearance of four (4) inches. All Support brackets
must be mounted to the rear of the dam and no part of the
front air dam will be permitted to extend past the outer edge
of the right and left front tire. No air deflectors, brackets or
braces can be used to increase down force behind air dam.
Adjustable fender braces will be permitted
Front of air dam may not exceed more than 1” out side of
tire From the center of the nose to each side at the bumper
line shall be 51” + - ½ from this point the nose must be 90
degrees to the ground. The contour of the nose must re15
main as manufactured.
1. A Lexan glass windshield must be used in place of a
standard glass windshield.
2. The windshield must be a minimum of 1/8 inch thick
and have a minimum of three (3) metal straps or braces
1/8 inch by one (1) inch installed inside the windshield.
The straps must be bolted to the roof panel or the roll
bar at the top and dash panel at the bottom . A piece of
rubber stripping must be installed in a manner that will
not obstruct the vision of the driver.
3. The minimum amount of exposed windshield from the
center of roof edge to the bottom of the windshield shall
be no less than 27”
1. Only Lexan glass is to be used in the rear window
opening. The Lexan glass must be the same thickness
and formed to the same shape as the original equipment glass. Only a light tint will be permitted.
2. A lexan vent deflector maximum of 8”
3. Quarter windows must be the same size and located in
the stock location for the make and model car being
used. Only clear Lexan is to be used in the quarter windows.
4. Two (2) 1” braces and two (2) non-adjustable support
braces are required and must be bolted top and bottom
5. Window must be secured with fasteners equally
1. All racecars must have full firewalls of magnetic steel
not less than 22 gauge.
2. Firewalls must extend straight across from the left side
with no offset and extends from the top of the dash
down to the frame rails. If floor pan is raised, the right
side firewall must extend down to the top of the frame
3. All firewalls must be sealed with no holes between the
engine and driver’s compartment, and they must be
welded and not pop riveted.
4. “Crush” panels up to 8” wide are permitted.
5. All Duct air must remain inside drivers compartment no
Air may be ducted to tires.
Magnetic steel or aluminum doors must be the same size
and configuration as a stock production door. All doors
must be securely fastened to the front fender and rear
quarter panel. Must be steel - 24 gauge or .025 inches
thick. If aluminum must be .045
LS door plates recommended plate must be a min of .090
steel. In the event the Left Side door is lost during competition cars with a left side door plate will be permitted to continue without the door cars without door plate must replace
door before returning to competition.
1. As an option the front fenders may be made from flexible, rubberized plastic material maintaining stock factory dimensions and must be acceptable by UARA Officials. and installed in their standard location as referenced by a stock production car. When measured anywhere across the rear of the car, a maximum of three
(3) inches difference plus or minus from a stock production car will be permitted. When cutting fenders or
quarter panels for tire clearance, the original tire opening contours must be followed. Front fender wheel
openings cannot exceed more than 11” from wheel lip
to fender edge.
2. All fenders and quarter panels must be roll formed to
cover the tires—left and right side must match. Fenders
and quarter panels must not extend out past the tire
sidewall. Interior wheel wells must be radiuses the
same as the tire or they may extend from the front of
the rear wheel upward, turn and run horizontal to the
rear bumper cover. Front bumper cover may not extend
more than 1” Outside of the front tire.
3. Excessive modifications to the rocker panels are not
permitted. Rocker panels must remain straight and parallel
with the frame rails. measured at any point between the
front and rear tires including rocker panel moldings. If
rocker panel trim moldings are used, they must be attached
to both sides. All bodies must be mounted centerline of the
tread width and frame.
4. All rocker panels and rocker panel trim moldings must
be made of material no more than .060 gauge mild steel.
5. When checking offset of frame rails is done with a string
no part of the body may touch.
6. Rear quarter panels will be measured so that there is not
a flat shelf wider than 2 1/2 “ from C-post to the center of
the roll on quarter panel, measured up from the center of
rear wheel.
7. Adjustable fender brackets may be mounted to hold
fenders and not used or designed to create down force.
8. Bottom of Quarter panels will be measured from the
ground up to the bottom of the quarter panel. Measurement
from rear of bumper cover to ground and Measurement at
the front of quarter panel will have a maximum 3” difference
from front to rear. Left and right side quarter panels must
match within ½”.
Grilles must remain the same size and shape as production. Grilles may be covered with two (1) Layer of screen
wire attached to the grille. Screen mesh must be porous.
Closed grilles for racing will not be permitted.
1. Hood must close in original position and maintain original configuration. Hoods may be made of reinforced
fiberglass. Flat hoods only.
2. Hood must have positive fasteners, right side, left side,
center and required rear. Hood must lay flat and seal
all over.
3. No holes permitted in hood for cooling. No hood bubbles or scoops will be permitted.
4. All roofs must be the same size and shape as stock
production. .
5. No Carbon fiber Body Parts
6. Composite bodies permitted
7. Hood and roof must mount center of centerline of car.
1. The rear deck lid must maintain the same dimensions
and bodylines as a standard production car. Positive
pin fasteners must be used on the right and left sides of
the deck lid.
The bumper covers must be acceptable to Track Officials
and meet the following requirements:
1. The approved front and rear bumper covers must be
installed in the same location as far as the height,
width, and depth as a stock factory production bumper.
2. Magnetic steel tubing must be used to reinforce the
front and rear bumper covers. The tubing must not be
exposed and must remain behind the bumper covers.
3. The front and rear bumper covers must be solid. Holes
will not be permitted.
4. All nose and tail sections must be a two (2) piece design, separated in the center from top to bottom, and
must be made of a flexible, rubberized plastic material.
5. Bottom lip of rear bumper cover may not be removed.
Body measurements are available from UARA Officials.
Refer to drawing in rear of book.
Only engines of a type approved by UARA are permitted.
Engines may be interchanged within any corporate manufacturer’s line. Crate engines are subject to inspection at
1. GM crate motor cars will be allowed 1:5 or 1:6 Rocker arms. Rocker
arms may not be mixed.
2. GM crate may use aftermarket retainers, keepers, seats all parts must
be magnetic steel COMP P/N 26918-16 valve spring (install height of
1.780)COMP P/N 787-16 retainer GM Performance harmonic balancer
part number P/N 12551537 (Use with timing pointer P/N 3991435) will
be permitted (refer to GM and Ford Manual for other Rules engines must
be the same as from MFG)
3. Ford part #M-6007-D347SR engine will be permitted.
4. M-6007-D347SR Sealed Racing Engine Valve Option
A. The approved part numbers are:
7MM Intake valve - REV PN X813
7MM Exhaust valve – REV PN X914
7MM Valve guide – REV PN VG9804
5.. The engine does not need the seals it will be teched like
built motor based on the book supplied from Ford
6.. The crate engines are allowed as a cost savings product. The only
changes are noted in this rule book.
The following characteristics must be identical with the production engine upon which recognition of type has been
granted. All parts listed below must originate from stock
production castings and forging, which have been machined according to the normal machining schedule, utilized for standard production parts. No coating on any internal; engine components, including but not limited to ceramic or Teflon. Rod, main and cam bearings may be
1. ENGINE BLOCK: Material, number of cylinders, angle
of cylinders, cylinder bore, number and type of main
bearings, integral or separate cylinder sleeves, location
of cam-shaft, overall configuration.
2. CYLINDER HEAD: Material, number of valves per cylinder, type of combustion chamber, location of spark
plug, arrangements of valves, valve location in relation
to cylinder, valve angle, type of valve actuation, number of intake and exhaust ports, center distances and
shapes of intake and exhaust ports, firing order, angle
of port face in relation to mating face of head to block.
Crate Engine Rules
1. GM part #88958604 and Ford 347 Sr are the only crate
engine approved at this time. Permitted to run GM
Crate in Dodge or Ford Bodies.
2. No Changes allowed must remain factory (except
changes by the UARA rule book)
Carburetor allowed #0-80541-1 Holley 650 cfm. Stock
out of box. Only change that can be made are jets and
power valve.
3. All other Late Model Stocks are to be the same as
Rules in this book.
4. Crate engines are subject to inspection at any time.
1. All GM engines must be located so the center of the
forward most spark plug hole on the right side of engine block is in line with the centerline of the upper ball
2. Ford and Chrysler engines may be located so that the
front of the cylinder head on the right side is in line with
the center of the upper ball joint. Center of crankshaft
must be centerline of the frame and tread width, front
and rear.
3. Ford Crate engine the #1 Spark plug must line up with
the Right Side Upper Ball joint which is the same location as a GM.
All engines must maintain a height of 12” from ground to
center of crankshaft, with car at race trim and with driver
1. All engine mounts must be securely bolted.
2. Only UARA approved reinforced mounts can be used.
U. ENGINE DISPLACEMENT (V-8 engines only)
1. General Motors – 350 cu. In. – 4” / 3.480 Stroke
2. Ford – 351 cu. In. – 4” / 3.500 stroke
3. Chrysler – 340 or 360 cu. In. – 4” / 3.580
4. Maximum overbore. 060in.
5. The final displacement will be determined by totaling
the displacement of all cylinders.
6. intent of weight reduction will not be permitted.
1. Engine blocks must be a product of the manufacturer .
No aftermarket blocks permitted.
2. Block must retain all standard external dimensions with
the exception of the maximum allowable overbore and
the surfacing of the block deck. No angle cutting of the
block deck permitted.
3. Aluminum blocks will not be permitted.
4. Internal polishing of the block is not permitted.
5. Blocks may be deburred.
6. Any machine work with the intent of weight reduction
will not be permitted.
7. Dodge blocks permitted at this time will be casting num
bers P4532907, P4532908, P4532909, P4532910,
2870930-M, P5153477. P4876792 and P487691
(Casting numbers may be added)
8. These blocks must remain as manufactured from Mo
par and Dodge.
9. No added machine work may be done to the lifter galley
or exterior of any of the blocks
10. The Dodge block P4876792ac and P487691ac may be
machined as from Dodge only
1. Any flat top, fully skirted, three rings, with all rings in
place; stock type must not extend past the surface of
the block.
2. Pistons may be moly coated ceramic coating not permitted
3. Only magnetic steel pins maintaining a minimum diameter of .927 may be used.
4. No portion of the piston may protrude above the top of
the block surface.
5. Only solid magnetic steel connecting rods permitted.
Hollow beam, titanium, stainless steel or aluminum
connecting rods will not be permitted.
6. All rods must maintain the maximum/minimum lengths
Chevrolet: 5.700” – 6.250”
Ford “Cleveland”: 5.778” – 6.250”
Chrysler: 6.000” – 6.250”
1. All cylinder heads must be UARA approved.
2. All modifications must be submitted to UARA before
any proposed modifications can be made.
3. Approved manufacturer’s identification numbers must
remain on the part being used.
4. Cylinder heads must be in stock cast iron production
only, limited to two (2) valves per cylinder. No titanium
valves or valve springs permitted.
5. No port matching or flow work is permitted. No angle
cutting of the block or head is permitted. The head or
stud bolts cannot be offset or drilled off-center for the
purpose of moving the head in any direction.
Three (3) angle valve jobs are permitted. When cutting
the valve seat angles, no stone or grinding marks are
permitted above the bottom of the valve guide. All cutting in reference to the valve job and bowl must be centered off the centerline of the valve guide. The bowl
area under the valve seat down to the bottom of the
valve guide must be the same configuration as far as
the shape and finish as it was from the manufacturer.
Surfaces and/ or edges where the cutter stone has
touched must not be polished. No hand grinding or polishing is permitted on any part of the head.
#14011034,and #12480034 heads are permitted in GM
models (.Only current design GM cylinder heads )
Chrysler W-2 cast iron heads # P5249769 are permitted. Only Ford part #M-6049-N351 cast iron cylinder
heads are permitted.
All valves must be identical in appearance and construction as an OEM type valve. No air directional surfaces will be permitted on any of the valve surfaces.
Valve stems must have a minimum diameter of 11/32
inch. The valve stem diameter may be undercut to a
minimum of .302 in the area between the base of the
valve guide and the back of the valve face. No hollow
stems will be permitted.
The maximum valve sizes as measured across the face
of the valve are as follows:
GM: Intake – 2.020 Exhaust – 1.625
Ford M-6049-N351 :Intake – 2.020 Exhaust – 1.600
Chrysler Corp.: Intake – 2.020 Exhaust – 1.625
External modifications will not be permitted. Heads will
be limited to a minimum 62cc combustion chamber. No
internal polishing, porting and relieving are permitted.
No coating on any internal engine components, including, but not limited to Teflon.
1. Only standard magnetic steel or cast iron production
design crankshafts will be permitted. If after market
crankshafts are used, they must be designed and
manufactured the same as an OEM crankshaft for the
approved standard production engine. Balancing will be
permitted. Stroke may not be increased or decreased.
Counterweights must be the same shape, may be polished, but they must not be knife edged, undercut, or
drilled to lighten the crankshaft The rod bearing journals may be drilled. The main bearing journals must not
be drilled. When weighing crankshafts the minimum
weights listed below shall include the timing chain
Min. crank weights: 50lbs on all makes.
Only standard OEM magnetic steel elastomer type harmonic balancers will be permitted.
Electronic switching devices or sensors will not be permitted on the harmonic balancer, crankshaft or flywheel.
Crank and Rod Journal
Dodge Mains 2.500 Rods 2.100
Chevrolet Mains 2.450 Rods 2.100
Ford Mains 2.750 Rods 2.100
Journal size may be turned .030
1. Only magnetic steel camshafts permitted.
2. Belt or gear drive systems will not be permitted.
3. Only standard production sleeve type cam bearings
meeting all stock dimensions will be permitted. Needle
or roller bearing cam bearings will not be permitted.
4. Camshafts must be driven in the same direction as production engine.
5. Only steel magnetic solid or hydraulic lifters will be permitted.
6. Mushroom or roller tappets will not be permitted.
7. “Rev-Kits” will not be permitted.
8. Lifters must maintain stock diameter. Ford -.875, Chevrolet - .842, Dodge - .903.
9. Only magnetic steel pushrods are permitted.
10. Roller rocker arms are permitted.
11. Roller arms for all GM and Ford engines must be an
independent single stud type.
12. Dual shaft rocker arms are not permitted. Offset rocker
arms will not be permitted except for the Ford #M6049N351 cylinder head (intake valve only).
13. Stud girdles are permitted.
14. All Dodge and Chrysler model cars may mill the existing rocker arm single shaft support towers down and
install mounting plate that permits the rocker arms for a
single cylinder to be mounted from the top for easy removal.
15. UARA officials must approve all aftermarket rocker arm
16. Valve covers must be made of steel or cast alum.
17. Only Approved firing orders using approved cylinder
identification are as follows:
Dodge and Chevrolet
Dodge and Chevrolet
Eligible manifolds include Edlebrock Performer:
Chevrolet # 2101
Ford # 2181
Chrysler # 7176
Ford #M-9424-C358
Chrysler, part number P5249571AB
These manifolds must remain as manufactured. Approved
manufactures’ identification in the form of cast in part numbers must remain unaltered on the manifold. Port matching
or flow work is not permitted. Manifolds must not be painted
or coated. Only one (1) standard flat gasket, a maximum
compressed thickness of .075 inches, may be used between the cylinder head and intake manifold. No metal or
Bakelite spacers allowed. All Eldebrock part numbers are
current design Eldebrock Performer Series intake manifolds. Older design manifolds with the same part number
are not Permitted. Intake manifold center rib may be machined a minimum of 1/8” in width and 1/2” down divider
this is the only machine work permitted on the intake must
be tapered.
Grinding or polishing is not permitted.
The Carburetor must be UARA approved. UARA officials
will use a carburetor provided by Holley manufacture as a
guide in determining weather a Competitors carburetor conforms to the specifications of the Rule Book.
The UARA-approved four (4) barrel carburetor and carburetor rework guidelines are listed below:
UARA has approved the Holley 4150 four-barrel carburetor, part #80507-1 HP and #80507-2 HP with venture size of 1.060-1.064” and maintaining throttle bore
maximum size of 1,4365-1,4385”. Only Holley replacement parts can be used on any carburetor rework. See
below for rework guidelines.
Holley #80507-1 HP and Holley #80507-2 Hp four barrel
Carburetor rework Guidelines:
Carburetor Main Body:
Reshaping, polishing, grinding, or drilling of additional
holes will not be permitted. Screw in air bleed jets will
be permitted for the 80507-1 HP and the 80507-2 HP
main body. The amount of holes or passages must remain as manufactured. Additional and/or plugging holes
or passages will not be permitted in the Holley 80507-1
HP and 80507-2 HP. No lowering or raising the main
body floor.
Carburetor Boosters
The booster type must not be changed. The Holley
booster part number 45R-107-1, with the casting number 45R-107 and part number 45R-312R, with the casting number 45R-312 are the only boosters that will be
permitted. The Holley casting numbers must remain
legible on the top of all booster stems. Size and shape
must not be altered. Height and location of boosters
must remain as manufactured All boosters must remain
a minimum outside diameter of .614-.618 inch. The addition of material will not be permitted to the boosters
with the exception of a small amount of epoxy that may
be used to assist in the securing the booster stem to
the main body of the carburetor.
Carburetor Venturi
The venturi area must not be altered or reshaped in any
manner. The venturi must be completely round. The
casting ring must not be removed. The location of the
venturi must remain as produced by the manufacturer.
Carburetor Throttle Body (base plate)
The carburetor throttle body must be used as provided
by the manufacturer. The positioning of the throttle
bores in the carburetor throttle body must be the same
as provided by the manufacturer. The throttle bores
must be completely round. The throttle bores must be
straight without taper from top to bottom. The throttle
bores must remain perpendicular to the top and bottom
of the carburetor throttle body. The throttle body (base
plate) must not be altered in shape or size. All vacuum
holes must be threaded and plugged.
Throttle Plates (Butterflies)
Stock Throttle plates must not be thinned or tapered.
Idle holes may be drilled in the butterflies. Screw ends
may be cut even with the shafts, but the screw heads
must remain slandered.
Throttle Shafts
Shafts must remain stock and must not be thinned or
cut in any manner.
Carburetor metering blocks
Any Holley metering block can be used. Must have Holley identification marks on metering block. No after
market metering blocks or Billet aluminum blocks. Surfacing of the metering blocks for improved gasket seal
will be permitted. The only metering blocks permitted
for the Holley 80507-1 and 80507-2 HP will be a Holley
casting metering block. .For the Holley approved metering blocks, the amount of holes and passages and the
location must remain as manufactured, however, hole
sizes may be altered. –1 metering blocks may be drilled
to the –2 specs. Accelerator linkage May be changed.
All gaskets must remain stock holes may not be altered
or modified in any way.
1. Only one piece open hole solid, aluminum carburetor spacer, a maximum 1.000” in thickness, must
be installed between intake manifold and carburetor. Spacer will be permitted on all engines except
2. The spacer must have a single open hole centered
on the intake manifold. Hole must be cut perpendicular with the base of the carburetor. Taper, bevels, or any other modifications will not be permitted.
3. A one piece, one hole paper gasket. Maximum .065” thickness that matches the exterior dimensions of the carburetor throttle base plate must
be installed between the carburetor and spacer. A
one piece paper gasket maximum .065” thickness
must be installed between the spacer and the intake manifold. The gasket must not be larger than
the top of the intake.
Carburetor stud on the right front and the intake
bolt closest to the carburetor stud must be drilled
for a seal. Hole diameter should be at least .060 in
1. The air filter element must maintain a minimum of 1-1.2
inches and a maximum of four (4) inches in height. All
air shall be filtered through the element. The air filter
elements may not be sprayed or soaked with any
chemicals or liquids.
2. Only round metal air filter housing is permitted. The top
and bottom of the air filter housing must be solid and
must be the same diameter. No lips or expanded edges
are permitted. The air filter housing must be the same
diameter as the air filter element.
The air filter housing must be centered and sit level on
the carburetor. The bottom of the air filter housing must
be lower than the top of the carburetor choke horn.
No tubes, funnels, or any device, which may control the
airflow, is permitted inside of the air cleaner or between
the air filter housing and the carburetor.No cowl induction permitted
Air cleaner radius may not exceed 1.5” above carburetor body
Only a round dry type air filter element maintaining a
minimum of 12 inches and a maximum of 14 inches in
diameter will be permitted. Good brand air cleaners not
permitted must have inner and outer screen
1. Electronic distributors are permitted. All electronic distributors must be stock type housings equipped with a
magnetic pickup gear driven, and mounted in the stock
2. Single or dual point camshaft driven distributors are
3. Only one (1) ignition coil is permitted Only one (1) electronic firing module box is permitted (if used) and it
must be mounted on the right side of the dash panel.
4. No computerized, multi-coil dual electronic firing module box or crank trigger systems permitted. All ignition
systems are subject to approval by UARA officials.
5. Any make or brand of spark plugs may be used.
6. The alternator system when used must be within working specifications and not exceed 14.9 volts
7. Competitors can only claim the ignition box in the car
that places directly in front of him/her.
8. The self-starter must be in working order and in stock
location. Only standard factory OEM type production
starters permitted. All cars must start under their own
power. After race is underway cars may be started by
hand pushing in pit area only. Under no circumstances
is any car to be pushed onto the track from pit area.
9. All electrical switches must be located within reach of
the driver.
10. A labeled, covered switch must be located on the front
of the dash panel in the center. The switch must be
wired to the battery cable in a manner that would cut off
all electrical power to the car.
11. No onboard computers, automated electronics, recording devices, or digital readout gauges are permit29
12. The ignition amplifier must have six (6) pin female connector attached to its output leads of the Packard Electric type (MSD part #8170) to facilitate manual operation and testing of the ignition components during inspection.
13. Ignition amplifier boxes and RPM limiters must be analog only and not contain programmable, Computerized
or memory circuits.
14. The tachometer control or reset switches must be built
into the unit. Remote switches will not be permitted
15. No type of traction control of any kind will be permitted.
If detected $5,000.00 fine and indefinite suspension for
parties involved.
16. All ignition systems are subject to approval by UARA
17. Green and purple wire must come directly from MSD
box to distributor. Both wires must be mounted on the
dash in clear sight and out of reach of driver. No other
wires can be attached to either of these wires.
18. All switches must be labeled and connected to a legal
working devise such as fan, gauges, and other accessories. Any wires and switches not being used must be
removed. Any wires, connections or switches that do
not connect will result in disqualification.
1. 1.The battery must be installed in an enclosed battery
box, complete with a cover, located behind the front
spindle in front of the firewall or in front of the rear axle
housing behind the driver’s seat. The battery box must
be mounted inside the outside edge of the frame rails
and cannot extend below the bottom of the frame rail.
2. Any battery that would be installed during the race
must be installed in the battery box. Only one (1) standard automotive 12-volt battery, not to exceed 13.5
volts will be permitted. Accessories to regulate the
power supply will not be permitted.
3. Alternator may not put out more than 14.5 volts
No icing Freon type chemicals or refrigerants may be used
in or near the engine compartment.
1. No additional water lines may be added to or from the
water pump or intake manifold to the cylinder heads or
2. Only mechanical water pumps, in the stock location,
turning in the same direction as the crankshaft rotation
is permitted.
3. Electric fans are permitted.
4. Engine fan blades shall be a minimum of 3.5 inches
wide and diameter of fan shall be no less than 14
5. No flat fan blades permitted. Only the pitch of the fan
blades may be changed. The same fan used for qualifying must be used for the race.
6. Fan must consist of a minimum of four (4) blades and
be made of steel.
7. A fan guard must be installed. The fan shroud cannot
extend mote than one (1) inch behind the fan blades.
No air directional baffles or deflectors are permitted
between the radiator and the engine firewall.
8. The radiator must remain stock appearing and remain
in standard position. 2” of tilt from 90-degree angle is
permitted. Radiator dust screens are permitted.
9. Radiator overflow pipe may be relocated to the rear of
the car.
10. A panel, the width of the radiator may be attached from
the front bumper to the trailing edge of the radiator. All
air that enters the grille area must flow through the radiator core. No antifreeze is permitted.
1. Any oil is permissible. Oil filters and breathers acceptable to track officials may be used.
2. Crate Motor Oil pan
Ford 347sr Champ part number CP 6100LT
GM 604 Part number 25534354
These will be the only oil pans allowed on crates
1. No dry sump or air over oil systems will be permitted.
During the race, oil must be added from the engine
compartment. No external oil pumps permitted.
Oil drain lines will not be permitted.
Inside valve cover-oiling systems will not be permitted.
Quick disconnect fittings will not be permitted.
Oil pans must be made of magnetic steel and must be
acceptable to UARA officials.
6. The oil pans must be a wet sump type and manufactured using a stock production type pan with only a
sump reservoir added to the bottom. All bolt holes and
bolt hole flanges must be visible. Kick outs will not be
permitted between the bolt on flange and the top of the
added sump.
7. Engine coolers may be either an oil to air or an oil to
water heat exchanger mounted forward of the engine
firewall. Air ducts will not be permitted to extend rearward beyond the center of the spindle. UARA officials
must approve all oil coolers and their installation.
1. Exhaust pipes must be made of steel, fastened to the
header collector and to the frame in a secure manner.
No “Midas” bends permitted. Internal coatings not permitted.
2. No stainless steel, stepped, 180 degree, or crossover
equalizer tube systems permitted.
3. No scavenge lines and/or hoses permitted between the
engine and exhaust system.
4. No spacers permitted between the cylinder head and
the exhaust manifold. Only one (1) gasket, maximum .075-inch thickness, may be used between the
cylinder head and exhaust manifold.
5. No thermal wrap permitted.
6. Exhaust headers are permitted. The exhaust headers
must be manufactured using a steel primary tube size
of 5/8 inches outside diameter, maximum 30 inches in
length, with a collector tube size of three (3) inches outside diameter.
7. The header collector pipe cannot be reduced at any
point between the primary tubes and the exhaust. Primary tubes must exit down and turn to the rear into the
collector pipe. Those tubes that do not must be
mounted parallel or angle down, in reference to the
cylinder head, then turn down and turn to the rear into
the collector pipe. The maximum thickness permitted
on the header-mounting flange will be 3/8 inch.
8. Exhaust pipes from the exhaust header collector shall
be no larger than four (4) inches outside diameter, but
must be the same diameter for the entire engine length.
The only method for reducing the interior diameter of
the exhaust pipe between the ends of the header collector to the end of the exhaust pipe will be to reduce
the exhaust pipe outside diameter.
9. The exhaust pipe may exit the collector pipe and turn
either right or left and may join into one (1) pipe that
must exit the car either beneath or on top of the frame
10. When the two (2) exhaust pipes into one (1) system is
used, all exhaust pipes must be routed beneath the
transmission and exit to the outside of the car behind
the driver and in front of the rear wheels only. The pipe
may not extend outside of the body any further than
one (1) inch. Pipe must be enclosed to seal the door.
11. Header pipes may not be wrapped with thermal wrap
from the exhaust collector rearward. No crossover pipes
are permitted.
12. Cross over tubes or x pipes will not be permitted.
1. Multiple disc clutches are permitted. The disc
clutch housing assembly or cover may be made
from aluminum or steel. Limited to steel discs and
pressure plates.
2. Multiple disc clutches must be a minimum of five
and one half inches (5 ½”) outside diameter.
3. Any steel flywheel permitted.
4. Starter-flywheel ring gear size must remain the
same size as a standard production ring gear for
the type of engine being used.
5. Only special production all-steel clutch housing
6. Bell housing must be the same design as OEM
production bell housing.
7. Bottom of bell housing may cut for access.
1. Only standard production OEM type Muncie or T10 manual type (4) speed transmissions will be
2. G Force MT-GT4 is permitted
3. Only cast iron, aluminum or magnesium transmission housings will be permitted.
4. Only OEM type steel, angle cut forward gears will
be permitted. Square cut forward gears will not be
5. No grinding, polishing or cutting on any parts of
the transmission.
6. Holes in, or other modifications to transmission
gears including, but not limited to narrowing of
gears, that in the judgment of Track Officials, have
been made with the primary intent of weight reduction will not be permitted
7. All forward gears and reverse gear must be in
working order, and they must be operational from
inside the driver’s compartment.
8. All transmissions must have the input shaft and its
main drive gear constantly engaged. This assembly must be constantly engaged with the countershaft and its cluster and reverse gears.
9. Five (5) speed transmissions with gears removed
will not be permitted.
10. Quick-change transmissions will not be permitted.
11. Automatic or semi-automatic transmissions will
not be permitted.
12. Fire resistant type shifter boots are recommended.
13. External oil pumps and oil coolers will not be permitted.
1. Drive shaft and universals must be similar in design to
standard production type. The drive shafts must be
made of steel with a minimum diameter of 2 3/4”
inches .
2. All drive shafts must be painted white.
3. Two (2) 360 degree solid steel brackets, no less than
two (2) inches wide and 1/4” inch thick, placed around
the drive shaft and fastened to the cross member of the
car are mandatory.
1. The center of the rear end housing must be within 1/4
inch of the centerline of the tread width, front and rear.
2. Locked differentials permitted.
3. Quick-change center section optional.
4. Heavy-duty gears recommended.
5. Full floating rear axle mandatory, but must not alter
tread width or general appearance.
6. Only steel axle housings and axles permitted.
7. No cambered rear axle housings permitted. Only metal
drive plates are permitted and drive plates must be one
(1) piece with a single internal spline . Grease fittings
are not permitted on drive plates or axle caps.
8. No use of titanium or other light metals will be permitted.
9. Tires must be equal distance between frame rails L&R
10. Detroit locker ratchet type limited slip differentials will
be permitted. When this type is used, one (1) wheel,
when jacked up, must turn freely by hand for one (1)
full turn – 360 degrees.
Locked rear axle assemblies (solid spool) will be permitted.
When jacked up, both rear wheels must rotate in the same
direction and the same rotation distance at all times. One
(1) wheel, when jacked up, must not rotate in any direction.
No radius axles permitted
1. No holes may be cut in frame rails or cross members to
reduce weight. Any frame rejected by officials for poor
workmanship will not be permitted to compete until corrections have been made.
2. All frame components must be made of steel and
3. 1960 or older General Motors front frame sections are
not permitted.
4. A tubular welded steel frame may be used except that
the front sub-frame, beginning a minimum of 22 inches
rearward of the centerline of the front spindles and extending forward in front of the radiator, must be a product of the automobile manufacturer. Front sub-frames
may be inter-changed between manufacturers. Subframe must remain stock. The only modifications permitted will be for spring buckets and the bottom of the
cross member which may cut for oil pan clearance.
5. Cross member may not be moved from original position. No offset frames. Side rails must be same size,
constructed using a single tube minimum two (2) inches
in width by three (3) inches in height and maximum
three (3) inches by four (4) inches. Minimum wall thickness of not less than .120 inch.
6. Rocker panel must remain in standard location. Rear
sub-frame rails must angle upward from the frame side
rails, turn rearward extending across the rear axle
housing, angle down and turn to the rear of the car and
must be two (2) inches in width by three (3) inches in
height with a minimum wall thickness of not less
than .083 inch and must be of similar design and configuration to the standard rear kick-ups of the model car
with allowable tolerances for tire, shock and suspension clearances. A protective bar, minimum 1 ½” inches
in diameter and .083 wall thickness must extend below
the rear frame section behind the fuel cell. With two (2)
vertical uprights evenly spaced between the frame rails
and attached to the rear cross member. Two (2) support bars, one (1) located on each corner, must angle
upwards and be welded to the rear frame rails.
7. The distance from the outside edge of the frame rails
left and right must be the same measured from the centerline of the tread width, front and rear. When measured from the outside edge of the left side frame rail to
the outside edge of the left side frame rail to the outside edge of the right side rail, a minimum of 57 inches
and a maximum width of 64 inches must be maintained
on all frames. No weight boxes may be added on the
outside of the frame rails (see diagrams in rear of Rulebook).
8. An optional tubular front sub-frame may be used on
any model car, but must be constructed by the following guidelines:
a) GM-type front steer tubular sub-frame must be constructed using two (2) inch wide by four (4) inch
high steel tubing with a minimum .083-inch wall
thick-ness. All front steer assemblies must maintain
a dimension of 32 inches from the center of the
right side tubing at any point from the side rail kick
outs extending forward in front of the steering assembly. Front frame extensions using two (2) inch
wide by three (3) inch high by minimum .083 inch
wall thickness steel tubing may be welded to the
end of the sub-frame but should angle down a
maximum of 18 degrees. The front sub frame must
be attached in the center of the frame at the side
rail kick outs and extend upward and forward 16
inches at a 25-degree angle. The sub-frame cross
member shall be constructed using two (2) inch
high by three (3) inch wide steel tubing with a minimum .083 inch wall thickness. It is permissible to
install a cross member center section using (3)
pieces of one (10 inch by one (1) inch by .120 inch
thickness steel tubing welded together with a 3/8
inch steel plate welded to each end. A 3/8-inch
steel plate must be welded to the two ends of the
cross member. A minimum of four (4) 3/8-inch bolt
holes must be drilled for attaching the cross member together. This will permit easy removal of the
engine oil pan. The mounting points for the lower A
-frames shall be 14 ¼ inches at the rear and 8 ¾
inches on the front measured from the centerline of
the sub-frame to centerline of the mounting hole.
When measuring either the right or left side, the
distance from the centerline of the bottom ball joint
to the centerline of the sub-frame must be 26
b) Ford-type rear steer tubular sub-frame must be
constructed using two (2) inch wide by four (4) inch
high steel tubing with a minimum .083-inch wall
thickness. All rear steer assemblies must maintain
a dimension of 32 inches from the center of the
right side tubing at any point from the rear of the
spring mount to the front of the sub-frame assembly. Front frame extensions using two (2) inch wide
by three (3) inch high by minimum .083-inch wall
thickness steel tubing may be welded to the end of
the sub-frame but should angle down a maximum
of 18 degrees. The front sub-frame must be attached in the center of the frame at the side rail
kick outs and extend upward and forward 19 ½
inches to the rear of the top spring mount plate at a
25-degree angle. The top spring mount plate at a
25-degree angle. The top spring mount plate shall
extend forward 7 1/4 inches. At this point a piece of
tubing 21-1/2 inches long must be welded at the
front of the spring mount and angle down a maximum of 18 degrees. A distance of 21- 5/8 inches
must be maintained from the leading edge of the
kick out to the centerline of the front cross member.
The mounting points for the lower A-frames shall
be eight (8) inches measured from the center of the
sub-frame to the centerline of the mounting hole.
When measuring either the right or left side, the
distance from the centerline of the bottom ball joint
to the centerline of the sub-frame must be 26
c) A minimum ground clearance of four (4) inches
must be maintained on any part of the frame or
d) Big spring front sections and components may be
changed as necessary in the interest of competition.
1. No non-ferrous parts are permitted.
2. Front coil over springs must mount to stock appearing
lower A-frames.
3. Strut bars will not be permitted for mounting for coil
4. Rear coil overs must be mounted either inside or outside of the rear frame rails. Both springs must be
mounted on the rear trailing arms and top of rear-end
housing in the same location.
5. Front and rear coil springs must be heavy-duty steel.
6. The front coil spring mounts must be located on the
lower control arm or top of rear-end housing in the
same location.
7. It is permissible to install heavy-duty bolts (jacking
bolts) for the transferring of weight and/or raising or
lowering car.
8. Right side frame adjustable panard bar permitted.
9. Coil spring rubber inserts approved by track officials are
10. All coil springs must maintain a minimum diameter of 4
3/4 inches.
11. All upper and lower rear coil spring mounts must be
located between the rear frame side rails.
12. The rear coil spring lower mounts must be located on
either the rear axle trailing arms or on top of the rear
axle housing.
13. The rear coil spring upper mounts must be located and
welded on the chassis directly above the lower mounts.
A two (2)-link truck arm type and length or a three (3)-link
passenger car type suspension will be permitted. Pickup
type trailing arms may be fabricated using a minimum two
(2) inches by three (3) inches steel box tubing with a minimum wall thickness of .120 inch. Passenger car type trailing arms, 25 inches in length may be fabricated using a
minimum 1 ¼ inch by two (2) inches steel box tubing with a
minimum wall thickness of .120 inch. Both trailing arms
must be the same length and be made in one (1) piece.
Standard type rubber or metal bushings must be used. No
adjustable rear trailing arms are permitted.
14. The rear axle housing must be held in the center of the
car side by side by a single tube pan hard bar.
15. Truck arms must be bushing or Mona ball. No mix and
sizes of bushings must be the same.
16. Panard bars must be magnetic steel.
17. Adjustable panard bar mounts permitted.
18. No hydraulic spring alignment devices allowed
19. Front springs must be located the same distance from
the center of the tire
20. Trailing arms must be the same thickness material left
and right.
1. The main body of the front sway bar must be made of
2. The sway bar arms must be constructed of metal and
may be splined for attaching to the main body. Heim
joints may be used for attaching the sway bars to the
lower arms.
3. The main body of the sway bar must be made of magnetic steel.
4. Sway bars will not be permitted on the rear suspension.
1. Heavy-duty shock absorbers may be used if similar to
original equipment.
2. Shock absorbers must be available to all competitors.
3. A maximum of one (1) shock absorber per wheel is
4. Coil over shocks are permitted.
5. Schrader valves are permitted.
6. Single adjustable gas shocks allowed.
7. Double adjustable non gas shocks permitted.
8. Shock shaft diameter must not exceed .630 and the
shaft must not have any sleeves or spacers that could
limit travel of the shaft into or out of main body.
Shocks must be as manufactured by Shock Company.
Shock gas reservoir may not exceed 2.600 inches.
The only Penske allowed will be the 7500 series.
The only Ohlins allowed will be the STJ series
13. 5019-STCONBV JRI Shock in7-9” Stroke Permitted
No heating pads or blankets allowed to heat shocks.
No external gas chambers
Base valves will not be permitted.
UARA reserves the right to disallow shocks based on
cost of the shock.
18. Penske shock shaft PS-6020-HSB and PS-6020-HSRB
will not be permitted
19. JRI HSRD shaft will not be permitted
20 . No high-speed rebound or compression shaft will be
permitted in any shock.
1. A-frames must have a stock appearance and made
from magnetic steel. No Ballast permitted in a frames
or trailing arms
2. Upper and lower A-frames may be altered for tire clearance.
3. Lower A-frames should be stock production for type
front sub-frame being used and mounted in stock location. Both A-frames must be the same in length (no
offsets permitted). Fabricated magnetic steel lower Aframes will be permitted, provided they maintain stock
4. The distance from the centerline of the tread width,
front to rear, to the mounting points must be the same.
5. Big spring lower control arms may be adjusted in the
interest of cost and competitiveness
1. Heavy-duty, magnetic steel, spindles and wheel bearings are mandatory.
2. Spindles must be approves by UARA officials.
3. Offset spindles are not permitted.
4. Only 15: diameter 5 lug magnetic steel wheels with a
10” width are permitted.
5. All wheels must be the same width and offset
6. Solid heavy-duty magnetic steel lug studs and nuts
must be used.
7. Bleeder valves are not permitted.
8. Tape will not be permitted on tires or wheels.
9. Solid wide five (5) pattern hubs are permitted.
must be used.
Bleeder valves are not permitted.
Tape will not be permitted on tires or wheels.
Solid wide five (5) pattern hubs are permitted.
Front and rear hubs must have the same dimensions
on the right and left side. Offset hubs will not be permitted.
6. No oil bath hubs permitted
1. Wheel spacers are permitted to utilize maximum allowable tread width. Spacers, if used must be the
same thickness left and right;
2. Cars must not exceed the maximum allowable tread
width of 64.5 inches, front and rear, measured at
center of tire, zero toe-in at spindle height.
3. The tread width on the front and rear must be the
same dimension at all times.
4. All cars must compete with a minimum of 105 - inch
wheelbase. When measuring wheelbase, one (1)
side measurement must be the allowable tolerance of
105- inch and cannot exceed 1/2 inches, plus or minus on the other side.
1. All cars must maintain a minimum roof height, with
driver, of no less than 48 inches.
2. Car height off ground and body height, including rake
or degrees of body angle shall be deter-mined by
measuring height of car from a distance of 10 inches
behind the top of the windshield on the roof centerline.
3. Frame rail and sheet metal clearance with the driver
in the car will be four (4) inches. Front spoiler clearance will be four (4) inches.
4. Exhaust pipe clearance will be three (3) inches.
5. Body height adjustments will be permitted.
1. All cars must be equipped with a steel steering shaft.
2. Tie rods, drag links and components must be heavy
duty and magnetic steel.
3. Heim joints are not permitted on any steering linkage.
4. Interchangeable pitman arms are permitted.
5. Center-top of steering post must be padded with at
least two (2) inches of resilient material.
A quick release metal coupling acceptable to track officials on the steering wheel is mandatory. The use of
1. must be acceptable to track officials.
2. Rack and pinion steering is not permitted.
3. Four piston calipers legal for front brakes only.
Wilwood part #’s 120-11329 120-11330 Four (4) piston
Forged Billet Superlite Caliper Note: Different #'s are
for different sized pistons. Outlaw – 3000 series. Rear
Calipers must remain stock GM.
4. Only magnetic cast steel brake rotors are permitted.
Rotors must maintain a minimum thickness of ¾ inch
and cannot be drilled. No floating Rotors
5. Master cylinder (s) and reservoir (s) must be mounted
on the engine side of firewall.
6. Brake proportioning valves will be permitted inside of
the driver’s compartment.
7. No electronic brake actuators or speed sensors will be
8. All brake cooling component parts must be acceptable
to track officials.
9. A maximum of two (2) scoops per brake; with a maximum three (3) inch flexible hose to brake may be used
for brake cooling.
10. One fan or blower will be permitted to be used in the
brake cooling hose per Front wheel. Fans or blowers
must be mounted in a way as to draw air to the brakes.
11. No blowers or ducts permitted on rear wheels
12. Ultra Cool Brake fans permitted on front and rear
13. Mounting of brake cooling components must be acceptable to UARA Officials.
14. Liquid or gas cooling of the brakes is not permitted.
15. Headlight openings may be used to pick up air for
brake cooling.
16. Brake fluid recirculator systems will not be permitted.
17. Adjustable brake bias handle may be placed in cockpit
within drivers reach.
18. Inline brake adjustments allowed in cockpit.
19. Brake ducts may not attach to radiator duct work.
20. No Ducts air directing or baffling shall be permitted
from behind the front spindles to the trailing edge of the
21. No ducting of air to tires on either the front or rear
wheels from any part of the car shall be permitted
1. UARA officials will reject any fuel cells, containers or
check valves, which appear to be dam-aged, defective,
or do not function properly.
1. Only 15-inch diameter steel wheels with a 10-inch rim
width and a reinforced center are permitted.
2. All wheels must be the same width and offset. Solid
heavy-duty steel lug bolts and nuts must be used.
3. Bleeder valves are not permitted.
4. All cars qualified for an UARA -Stars race will be required to race on the same tires used for qualifying.
5. Only one jack and two-power wrench may be used for
any tire change.
6. Should identification numbers or serial numbers be defaced on any tire, this tire will be ruled ineligible for
7. Only UARA approved tires purchased at UARA events
are purchased for non-race day sessions or tires from
last season will not be permitted on race day.
8. Each competitor who has a car eligible and ready for
competition may purchase up to tire limit for race.
UARA officials will impound said tires. Cars must attempt to qualify and compete. What constitutes a qualifying attempt shall be left to the discretion of the series
officials. If the car does not attempt to qualify and compete, the tires will be confiscated and considered NEW
for the next event.
9. Only tires purchased for a certain car may be used.
10. Tire number “limits” will be announced one (1) week
prior to the event.
11. Any competitor caught using non-approved tires or purchasing more tires than permitted for the race will be
disqualified and may be subject to suspension and loss
of points.
After each event, at Series official’s discretion, certain tires
may be confiscated and sent to lab for testing and evaluation. Any team caught altering tires in any way (defacing,
soaking, etc.) will have their tires and wheels confiscated
and will be disqualified from event.
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