Bamboo Telegraph March 2016 - American Women`s Association of
Bamboo Telegraph March 2016 - American Women`s Association of
Bamboo Telegraph March 2016 American Women’s Association of Singapore Family, Paediatric & Travel Medicine Our people make the difference • Caring for the expatriate community since 1999 • A diverse international team of medical professionals • A caring, friendly and familiar environment Camden Clinic | 1 Orchard Boulevard, Camden Medical Centre #14-06 | 6733 4440 Jelita Clinic | 293 Holland Road, Jelita Cold Storage #02-04 | 6465 4440 Paediatric Clinic | 1 Orchard Boulevard, Camden Medical Centre #11-06 | 6887 4440 www.imc– MARCH 2016 Contents American Women’s Association of Singapore 10 Claymore Hill Singapore 229573 General Manager: Sarah Cockerill Main: 6734-4895 Fax: 6733-6190 2IÀFH+RXUV Monday-Friday 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM AWA Board & Committee President: Tara Eastep First Vice-President: 5RKLWD5DMNXPDU Second Vice-President: Mel Rice Third Vice-President: Cyndy O'Connor Treasurer: Gloria Carion Corresponding Secretary: Linda Schindler Bamboo Telegraph: Niki Cholet Community Outreach: Kerry Driver Corporate Relations: Dana Thompson Major Events: Lori Nowak 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 21 22 24 26 27 28 30 32 President's Message Membership Nominations for Board of Directors Newcomers Network &RPPXQLW\2XWUHDFK Fashion Show $UWV&XOWXUH Exotic India Week Green Corner Activities /RFDO7RXUV Writer’s Block Photography Holiday Lights Tennis Golf Shots Flirting with Food Book Review March/April Calendars Social: Kathy Dolny Special Interests: Pamela Fahey Sports: Amy Catron Parliamentarian: Kristina Thompson General Manager: Sarah Cockerill AWA Registration Policies %RRNLQJVRSHQRQWKHÀUVWZRUNLQJGD\RIWKHPRQWK<RXPXVWUHJLVWHULQDGYDQFHWRDWWHQGDQHYHQW,IDQHYHQWLVIXOOSOHDVHDVNWREHDGGHG WRWKHZDLWOLVW(YHQWVHQGDWDSSUR[LPDWHO\WKHOLVWHGWLPH2QO\DGXOWVRYHU\HDUVPD\DWWHQG$:$HYHQWVXQOHVVRWKHUZLVHGHVLJQDWHG AWA Cancellation Policies •$OO$:$HYHQWIHHVLQFOXGHDQRQUHIXQGDEOHDGPLQLVWUDWLYHFKDUJH7KLVFDQQRWEHUHWXUQHGXQGHUDQ\FLUFXPVWDQFHV <RXPD\FDQFHO\RXUDWWHQGDQFHDWDQHYHQWE\FDOOLQJWKH$:$RIÀFHDWQROHVVWKDQZRUNLQJGD\VSULRUWRWKHHYHQW <RXUPRQH\ZLOOEHUHIXQGHGWR\RXLQFDVKOHVVWKHQRQUHIXQGDEOHFKDUJHZKLFK\RXPXVWFROOHFWIURPWKHRIÀFHQRODWHU WKDQPRQWKIURPWKHGDWHRIWKHHYHQW,I\RXGRQRWFROOHFWWKHPRQH\E\WKDWGDWHLWZLOOEHIRUIHLW <RXPD\WUDQVIHU\RXUDWWHQGDQFHWRDQRWKHU$:$PHPEHUQROHVVWKDQZRUNLQJGD\VSULRUWRWKHHYHQWE\HPDLOLQJadmin@ awasingapore.orgZLWKWKHQHZDWWHQGHH·VQDPH &DQFHOODWLRQVUHFHLYHGZLWKLQZRUNLQJGD\VRIWKHHYHQWZLOOQRWEHUHIXQGHG Please be advised that any names listed in this publication, the AWA directory or any other material published by AWA are for the exclusive use of AWA members only. Any commercial use is strictly prohibited. The Bamboo Telegraph is published 10 times per year. The American Women’s Association and the Bamboo Telegraph neither endorse nor take responsibility for the opinions expressed herein. Please address all comments and queries to the Bamboo Telegraph Editor. AWA does not endorse or promote any product or service offered through any advertisement that may appear in the Bamboo Telegraph. Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG 1 President’s Message March 2016 Bamboo Telegraph Production Team BT Editor Niki Cholet BT Staff Jennifer Goldwasser Coreen Knox Sue Levens Olga Terekhova BT Advertising Hanna Appelt Features Contributors Judith Agusti Elizabeth Béres Viornery Melissa Diagana Terrie Price Visit us on the internet: Facebook: Awa Singapore Questions, comments and administrative issues, please email us: Printed by Xpress Print (Pte) Ltd 6880-2881, fax 6880-2998 MCI [P] 020/03/2016 President's Message...... While out shopping recently, I purchased a new shirt with a short slogan. The shirt simply said Be Nice. I have, for a while now, been on a kindness campaign and thought the shirt was a perfect representation of my own personal motto. I am always proud to tell women about the AWA and represent our organization at various events. It is very easy to tout all of our highlights, as we truly are the friendliest group in Singapore! Expat life may be changing, as technology and social media increasingly makes life abroad easier. With just a few clicks, anyone can gain information about where to live, doctors, shopping and even arrange meet ups for coffee, exercise or book groups. But with this new digital connectivity, we also lose personal connectivity. I have so often seen things turn nasty on Facebook group threads and other social media platforms, as people with no fear of reprisal, and often with anonymity, are able to lash out and bully others. I am always saddened by this, as we should be at our best and kindest as we travel this path together. I hope our AWA organization will always retain that personal connectedness aspect and continue to be an uplifting, supportive community. Volunteering within the AWA organization is a great way to give back and be instrumental in providing support for new and current members. It provides fresh perspective on how the organization runs internally and gives you a greater appreciation for the amazing women who volunteer and work for this organization. I never could have guessed at all of the intricacies involved in day to day operations, nor would I have met the friends I have made over the years. I came to the AWA Board not knowing a soul and have developed lasting friendships with the women I have served and worked with for the past two years. Our nomination committee will begin working on developing a list of candidates, conducting interviews and making recommendations to the Board. If you have an interest in serving on our 2016-2017 board, please contact the committee at nominations@ 0DUFKORRNVWREHDW\SLFDOO\EXV\PRQWKIRUWKH$:$7KH¿UVW annual Spring Gourmet Wine Dinner is set for March 3rd and looks to be a delicious evening thanks to Mary Leadbetter. India Week is happening the week of March 14th. It is a full week of immersion into Indian Culture, with talks on jewelry, dance and art. I am looking forward to the culminating event on Friday night - the Indian Feast. I want to thank the Arts and Culture Committee for preparing such a fabulous Arts and Culture Week. March comes to a smashing close with our annual Felicia Birch tennis tournament. Our partnership with Savitar tennis has not only yielded a fresh crop of eager new tennis players, but been instrumental in securing courts for our upcoming tournament! Good luck to all the players, and thank you Leslie Swift and your committee for all your hard work to make AWA tennis the best! AWA MISSION STATEMENT: The American Women's Association is a sisterhood of women from around the world, who come together to enhance their Singapore experience through fulfilling volunteer run events and activities. 2 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 ‘Share the Love’ Meet & Greet —Bring Your Friends! Membership You are invited to share in a morning of love and laughter. In fact, there is so much love to share, we hope you will bring your friends—whether they are AWA members or not! This is a time to meet the AWA Board, learn about all the activities available through AWA and ask questions about tours, sports, events, activities or just life in Singapore. This is a free event for members and non-members. We ask that you register if you know you’re going to attend. Register at Click ‘Add to Cart’ to register yourself. Click ‘Add Guest’ to register a friend. Non members can also register as a guest this way. Date: Wednesday, March 9 Time: 10:00AM until Noon Place: Crate and Barrel Orchard Gateway 218 Orchard Road The Spotlight is on…the AWA Board! This month, we’ve decided to put the spotlight on two of our newest AWA board members with a little quiz. By volunteering their time and energy, these women are epitomizing what the AWA is all about – women helping women, a friendly community, and above all, a bit of fun! Name: Kathy Dolny Role: Social Chair How long have you been an AWA Member? 1.5 years Name: Linda Schindler Role: Corresponding Secretary How long have you been an AWA Member? 2 years What is your favorite AWA event or activity?'HÀQLWHO\WKH&KULVWPDV luncheon! What is your favorite AWA event or activity? Playdates and Bunco What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator? Cheese, eggs, and hot sauce What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator? Sriracha chili sauce, Greek yogurt, chocolate What 4 guests would attend your fantasy dinner party? Ronald Reagan, Troy Aikman, Oprah Winfrey, and my grandma. What 4 guests would attend your fantasy dinner party? Tina Fey, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Anthony Bourdain, Pope Francis (all alive!) $QGÀQDOO\«ZKDWPDGH\RXGHFLGH to accept your AWA board position? +RQHVWO\,ZDVÁDWWHUHGWKDWVRPHRQH had mentioned my name and thought WKDW,ZRXOGEHDJRRGÀWIRUWKLV position. Flattery gets you everywhere in the volunteer world! Not to mention the awesome opportunity to meet and make some new friends, while helping provide social opportunities to the expat ladies in the AWA community. $QGÀQDOO\«ZKDWPDGH\RXGHFLGHWR accept your AWA board position? The AWA is a wonderful resource for women through all stages of expat life in Singapore - from the newly arrived to new moms to veteran expats. So I wanted to facilitate the dissemination of all of this helpful information through various channels, including the BT magazine, our website, and our Facebook page. Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG 3 Nominations For Baord of Directors Nominations and Elections for 2016-2017 Board of Directors )RUWKH$:$WRWKULYHLWQHHGVSDVVLRQDWHFRPPLWWHGERDUGPHPEHUV7KHERDUGJXLGHVWKH $:$WKURXJKRXWWKH\HDUPDNLQJLWWKHYLEUDQWDFWLYHJURXSLWLVWRGD\ If you have the time and ability to help steer this fantastic group from June 2016 to June ZHZRXOGORYHWRKHDUIURP\RX EXECUTIVE BOARD POSITIONS $QHZVODWHRIRIÀFHUVIRUWKH([HFXWLYH%RDUGLVSUHVHQWHGWRRXUPHPEHUVKLSIRUDSSURYDO DWWKH$QQXDO*HQHUDO0HHWLQJWREHKHOGRQ7XHVGD\0D\ The Executive Board positions are as follows: President /HDGVDQGGLUHFWVWKHDIIDLUVRIWKH$:$VHWWLQJJRDOVDQGWKHVSHFLÀFWRQHRIWKH$:$ GXULQJKHUWHUPLQRIÀFH 1st Vice-President Our “Membership” VP. Responsible for the Welcome Back Fair, the directory, new member activities & membership renewals. 2nd Vice-President Our “Activities and Events” VP. Leads a team that is responsible for our social, special interest, sports and tours activities. 3rd Vice-President Our “Outreach and Fundraising” VP. Leads a team that is responsible for our Featured Organizations, Community Outreach activities, relationships with sponsors and any fundraising events. Communications Manager (Corresponding Secretary) Leads our communications team including the Bamboo Telegraph Editor, Broadcast, Website and Social Media Managers. Recording Secretary Organizes and takes minutes at the AWA Board meetings, maintains our policy documents, ensures internal AWA reporting is completed and stored effectively. Treasurer Is the financial conscience of the AWA. Monitors P&L performance and communicates the financial health of the AWA to the board. The Treasurer leads and manages a team of bookkeepers who are responsible for the day to day financial transactions of the AWA. 4 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 Nominations For Board of Directors Many thanks to all our members who served in Executive and Non-Executive Board Positions in 2015! NON-EXECUTIVE BOARD POSITIONS Non-Executive Board members are appointed positions that are equally involved and offer LQVLJKWLQWRWKHZRUNLQJVRIWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQ The Non-Executive Board positions are as follows: Social, Special Interest, Sports, Major Events chair The above volunteer positions are intended to alleviate the workload of the second vice-president by acting as a conduit between the board and the sub-committees. Their duties are to maintain knowledge and awareness of all sub-committee activities and assist where needed. This may include chairing ad-hoc events if necessary. Community Outreach Chair This volunteer provides AWA members with information about community service agencies and organizations in Singapore. They provide the membership with a means to fulfill charitable aims through volunteer service and contribution of funds and goods, as well as managing the community outreach committee. Corporate Relations Manager This volunteer coordinates and maintains a database of all businesses & individuals who contribute funds and/or goods to the AWA, or who take vendor tables at AWA events. They also coordinate requests for sponsorship & donations with event committees. A more detailed description of each position can be found at the AWA office. If you have any questions and are considering getting more involved, please email Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG 5 Newcomers Network Newcomers Network Six Glasses by Kris Miller 2XUPRYHWR6LQJDSRUHZDVRXUÀUVWRYHUVHDVDVVLJQPHQWDQGORRNLQJ EDFN,UHDOL]H,KDGQRLGHDZKDWZHZHUHJHWWLQJRXUVHOYHVLQWR$W P\ZL]HQHGDJHRIÀIW\VRPHWKLQJ,ÀJXUHG,FRXOGKDQGOHWKLV³QR SUREOHP6RXQGVJUHDW:KDWDQDGYHQWXUH/HW·VGRWKLV And then it was time to pack… Don’t miss the event the Share the Love Meet & Greet on Thursday, March 10 from 10:00AM until noon! See details on Membership page. Bring Your Friends and stock up on glasses! :HNHSWRXUKRPHLQWKH86VROXFNLO\ZHGLGQRWKDYHWRSDFN XSWKHHQWLUHKRXVH%XWNHHSLQJWKHKRXVHPHDQWKDYLQJWRSLFNDQGFKRRVHZKDWWRWDNHDQGZKDWWROHDYH EHKLQG,ZHQWURRPE\URRPORRNLQJDWRXUVWXIIDQGWKLQNLQJ´*HHWKRVHDSDUWPHQWVDUHVPDOODQG,GRQ·W OLNHFOXWWHUVR,·OOMXVWOHDYHWKDWKHUHµ:KHQ,JRWWRWKHNLWFKHQWKHGHFLVLRQVEHFDPHPRUHGLIÀFXOW,ORYHWR FRRNDQGKDYHHQMR\HGHQWHUWDLQLQJIULHQGVDQGIDPLO\RYHUWKH\HDUV$V,FRQVLGHUHGP\GLVKHVDQGJODVVZDUH ,GHFLGHGWREULQJHQRXJKIRUVL[$IWHUDOOLWLVRQO\P\KXVEDQGDQG,DQGZHGRQ·WNQRZDQ\RQHLQ6LQJDSRUH 6XUHO\WKLVVKRXOGEHHQRXJK(YHQLIZHPHWDQRWKHUFRXSOHRUWZRZHZRXOGVWLOOKDYHHQRXJKWRKDYHWKHP RYHUIRUGLQQHU$QGVRZHDUULYHGLQ6LQJDSRUHZLWKVL[JODVVHV :KHWKHU\RXDUHSDFNLQJXSXQSDFNLQJRUKDYHJRWWHQVHWWOHGLQOHWPHZDUQ\RX«\RXDUHJRLQJWRQHHGPRUH JODVVHV/LYLQJLQ6LQJDSRUHDQGEHLQJDSDUWRIWKH$PHULFDQ:RPHQ·V$VVRFLDWLRQPHDQV\RXDUHJRLQJWRPDNH OLIHORQJIULHQGVKLSV³ORWVRIWKHP:LWKPHPEHUVKLSRIRYHUZRPHQIURPDOORYHUWKHZRUOGWKH$PHULFDQ :RPHQ·V$VVRFLDWLRQRI6LQJDSRUHH[LVWVWRVXSSRUW\RXEHIRUHGXULQJDQGDIWHU\RXUDVVLJQPHQWKHUH$VDSDUW RI$:$\RXKDYHWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WREHHQJDJHGLQWKHORFDODQGH[SDWFRPPXQLWLHVOHDUQFRROVWXIISUDFWLFH \RXUIDYRULWHVSRUWDQGFKDOOHQJH\RXUVHOIWRJHWRXWRI\RXUFRPIRUW]RQH0RVWRIDOO$:$H[LVWVWRPDNHVXUH \RXQHHGPRUHWKDQVL[JODVVHV Weekly Drop-in Coffees—Every Wednesday & Friday Each Wednesday & Friday there is a drop-in coffee for AWA members and guests to come for a coffee and DFKDW,IDUHQHZWR$:$RUMXVWQHZWR6LQJDSRUHDQGZRXOGOLNHWRÀQGRXWZKDWWKH$:$LVDERXW this is a great place to start. Both coffees are at 313 Somerset Starbucks on level 2. No need to register, just show up. You can email or for more information. Date: Wednesdays & Fridays Time: 10 AM to 12 NOON Venue:6WDUEXFNV6RPHUVHW2UFKDUG5RDGQGÁRRU Cost: pay for your own coffee No registration required! 6 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 Pit Building THE 2016 SPRING EDITION FRIDAY MARCH 11, 9AM – 8PM & SATURDAY MARCH 12, 9AM – 6PM Fashion & Accessories Bags Shoes Jewellery Home Décor Lifestyle Boutique Collections for Women, Men & Kids Systrer • Baliza • Baby Style Icon • Carrie K. • Desti Saint • Beau • Matter • Rice • WoonHung • Affordable Style Files • Twin Within • KALAIA Label • Deer Industries • Krag Nordic • One+One • A. Browns & Co • Maison Q • Aquariva • Bohemian The Saga Seed • August Society • Threads In Common • Colony Clothing • Hat of Cain • Grin by Anne Gedeon • Cote & Badt Make Room • Rouge • Madie Moo • Annielka • From Okinawa Island • Stones That Rock • Indii Breeze • Elyse & i • Simone Irani Maisa • By Invite Only • Threadbare & Squirrel • Stylodeco • Kerry & Mase • Ni-Night • Zarabelle • The Tui Collection • Elverd Designs • Epigram Books • Tom + Teddy • Maison Q • Artomobile • Ribbon & Roses • Jason Denning Panoramic Photography Louise Farnay Bags • The Children’s Showcase • Mi Dulce Anya • Waterlily • Arete Goods • Indi Nyah • Cheeky Egg • Little Friends by Lamasso • The Punch List • Elly & Twelve by Elly • Mandalay • Kala Pata Gifts • Edition Limitee • Minejima & Co Tarbay Jewellery • Pal8 • Frankitas • Riri By Riri • Brahma Tirta Sari Batik • Curator’s Den • Claudie Rota Jewellery • Let’s Stay In • Inzone5 • White + Black Trading • Simply Silk • Lil Jewellery • Ria Menorca • Unika • Monika Barp Design & Goldsmith Atelier • Duduk • Amabilis • Chandamama • Carrotsticks and Cravings • Jasper Living • Darsala • Bowerbird • Indian Spicebox Bo-Ya Creation • Cuckoo • Porcelain Flowers by Earth Siew Cheng • Shiva Designs Bespoke • Domestic Objects • Catch • Hacienda Blue • Small • Bass Jewellery • Zojora • Hello Chocolate • Feroza Designs • Kabochon • Copenhagen Delights • Paperbag Princess Moniko • C+S Art Prints • Bisous La • Butterfly Home & Pip Studio • Little Red Dot Cushions • Tomato Photo • Attaby • Cocoon Frolick • Poolzies & many many more in support of Ladli • The Nail Social • Soule • Open Book • NCA • Home • Babes Pregnancy Support • La Tierra & many many more From Our Advertisers Boutiques Lounge & Art Space by Make Room Cedele Bistro & Workspace Espresso Coffee Bar Wine & Craft Beer Bar Playspace by The Children's Showcase THE PIT BUILDING, 1 REPUBLIC BOULEVARD, S.038975 8 Days | Heart of Tibet Tib bet 9 May - 16 May 2016 (Mon - Mon) Delve into the Tibetan way of life and customs in Lhasa and follow the pilgrim circuit. Watch monks debate passionately about the scriptures and enjoy a picnic by the picturesque Yamdrok lake. The trip is made comfortable with oxygen bag in the vehicle and plenty of water for hydration. AWA TRIP EXCLUSIVES 8RFQQ,WTZU8N_JTK9WF[JQQJWX &QQ.SHQZXN[J&NWKFWJ9F]JX 2JFQX9WF[JQ.SXZWFSHJ *XHTWYJIG^(TZSYW^-TQNIF^X 9WF[JQ(TSHNJWLJ SIGN UP NOW! To join, please contact Sheena at 6735 1033 or email to Slots are limited and are on a first-come-first served basis. TOUR DETAILS Date: 9 May - 16 May 2016(Mon-Mon) Tour price: S$3,860 per person on sharing basis/S$620 for single supplement Organised by: Deposit: S$1,000 deposit made payable to Country Holidays Travel Pte Ltd Closing Date: 15 Mar 2016 (Tue) Tours are limited to AWA members and guests only. For the full itinerary, visit Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG 7 Community Outreach COMMUNITY OUTREACH , DP H[FLWHG WR VKDUH YROXQWHHU RSSRUWXQLWLHV LQYROYLQJ .LGV5($' RQH RXU $:$ )HDWXUHG 2UJDQL]DWLRQV $V D )HDWXUHG2UJDQL]DWLRQZHKDYHPXOWLSOHRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRU RXUPHPEHUVWRYROXQWHHUGLUHFWO\ZLWKNLQGDQGJUDWHIXO FKLOGUHQWKURXJK.LGV5($'3OHDVHFRQVLGHUYROXQWHHULQJ \RXUWLPHZLWKWKLVJUHDW6LQJDSRUHDQRUJDQL]DWLRQ The National KidsREAD program is a nationwide reading SURJUDP ODXQFKHG LQ ´7KH PLVVLRQ RI .LGV5HDG LV to promote the love of reading and cultivate good reading KDELWV DPRQJ \RXQJ 6LQJDSRUHDQV VSHFLÀFDOO\ FKLOGUHQ from low-income families. 7KHWDUJHWDXGLHQFHRI.LGV5($'LVFKLOGUHQEHWZHHQWKHDJHVRI UHJDUGOHVVRIUDFHRUUHOLJLRQµ 9ROXQWHHUV DUH WKH OLIHOLQH RI .LGV5($' $:$ PHPEHUV KDYH HQMR\HG YROXQWHHULQJ ZLWK .LGV5($'VLQFH6HSWHPEHURI7KHPDLQJRDOIRUYROXQWHHUVLVWRHQJDJHFKLOGUHQLQWKH MR\RIERRNVWKURXJKUHDGLQJDORXGDQGVWRU\WHOOLQJVNLOOV$:$YROXQWHHUVUHDGVWRULHVZKLOH VXSSRUWWKHFKLOGUHQLQGLVFRYHULQJWKHMR\RIUHDGLQJ.LGV5($'VXSSOLHVDOOWKHPDWHULDOV DGGLWLRQDOO\WKHVHVVLRQLVFRPSOHWHO\SUHSODQQHG E\ .LGV5($' IRU WKH YROXQWHHU 7KLV SURJUDP LV LQVWUXFWHGDQGLPSOHPHQWHGLQ(QJOLVKDOOVWRULHV DUHUHDGLQ(QJOLVK 9ROXQWHHURSSRUWXQLWLHVDUHDYDLODEOHRQ0RQGD\·V 12-1PM (contact: ) and Friday’s 1-2PMFRQWDFWJenny@jpinla02@yahoo). 7KHYROXQWHHUFRPPLWPHQWLVKRXUSHUVHVVLRQ KidsREAD: 8 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 The AWA PRESENTS THE 'STRAITS CHIC' FASHION SHOW *DWKHU\RXUIULHQGVIRUDQDIWHUQRRQRIIDVKLRQGHOLFLRXVIRRGZLQHDPD]LQJVKRSSLQJ OXFN\GUDZSUL]HVDQGPRUHDWWKHDQQXDO$:$)DVKLRQ6KRZ$:$PHPEHUVRIDOOVKDSHV DJHVDQGVL]HVZLOOPRGHOFORWKLQJDQGDFFHVVRULHVVSHFLDOO\VHOHFWHGWRWDNH\RXIURP FRIIHHPRUQLQJVWRODGLHVQLJKWVLQVW\OH Date:$SULO Time: 11:30AM - 3PM Place:3DUN5R\DO+RWHORQ%HDFK5RDG%HDFK5RDG Cost:PHPEHUVJXHVWV Register at Please note, this is a non-refundable event - this supersedes our standard cancellation policy. Arts and Culture ARTS & CULTURE Threads of a New Tradition 3HUF\9DWVDORR·VNLQGKHDUWORYHRIWH[WLOHVDQGKLVEDFNJURXQGLQ GHVLJQOHGKLPWREHJLQDZHDYLQJSURMHFWLQQRUWKHDVW7KDLODQG 7KHLGHDZDVWRFUHDWHQHZWUDGLWLRQVLQDQROGDUW:LWKJUHDW H[FLWHPHQW KH IRXQG WKUHH H[SHULHQFHG ZHDYHUV LQ D YLOODJH 7RJHWKHUWKH\EHJDQWRFUHDWHEHDXWLIXOSLHFHVRIVLONFORWKXVLQJ FRQWHPSRUDU\FRORUVDQGRULJLQDOGHVLJQV7RGD\DJURXSRIDERXW WHQZRPHQZRUNRQJLYLQJQHZOLIHWRWUDGLWLRQDOWKUHDGV7KHLU VNLOOV LQ G\HLQJ DQG ZHDYLQJ DORQJ ZLWK 3HUF\·V LPDJLQDWLYH XVH RI FRORU DQG GHVLJQ KDYH SURGXFHG IDEXORXV VLON VKDZOV WKDW KDYHFDXJKWWKHH\HRIPDQ\SHRSOHLQWHUQDWLRQDOO\DVZHOODVLQ 6LQJDSRUH 3HUF\ZLOOHODERUDWHRQWKHZHDYLQJSURMHFWH[SODLQLQJWKHYDULRXV WHFKQLTXHVDQGSURFHVVHVXVHGLQWKHZHDYLQJDQGVRPHRIWKH PDQ\RWKHUVRFLDOSURMHFWVWKDWKHLVLQYROYHGZLWK9HVWHU<RQJ WKH :L]DUG RI 'UDSHV ZLOO EH RQ KDQG WR DUWIXOO\ GHPRQVWUDWH WKHVHHPLQJO\FRXQWOHVVZD\VRIFDUU\LQJRIIDVKDZO$VHOHFWLRQRI3HUF\·VODWHVWZRYHQVLON FUHDWLRQVDVZHOODVRWKHUWUHDVXUHVIURPWKHUHJLRQZLOOEHRQGLVSOD\DQGDYDLODEOHIRUVDOH DWKLV,VDQ*DOOHU\ &RIIHHWHDDQGELVFXLWVSURYLGHG Date: 7XHVGD\$SULO Time: 10AM - 12NOON Place: Private Residence Cost: 0HPEHUV*XHVWV Limit: 20 max Register: 10 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 From Our Advertisers WHAT CURVE SETS EVERYTHING STRAIGHT? YOUR BEAUTIFUL SMILE, OF COURSE! We understand how daunting going to the dentist can be, which is why we aim to make you feel at home, away from home. Whether it’s maintaining a healthy set of pearly whites or attaining your dream smile, you can be sure to find holistic dental care for your entire family at both our clinics. Novena Medical Center, 10 Sinaran Drive, Singapore 307506. GENERAL DENTISTRY, DENTAL SURGERY, HYGIENE: #08-15/16 Tel: +65 6397 6718 Email: 24-hr Emergency: +65 9833 8706 ORTHODONTICS, FACIAL AESTHETICS: #11-04 Tel: +65 6250 0048 Email: At Pan Pacific Orchard Now enjoy 2 full days of shopping, refreshments and fun! An e x qu isit e c o lle c t io n o f p r o d u c t s an d se rv ic e s fo r e v e ryo n e hom home me de ecor, antiques, artt & crafts, afts textiles,, liinen, se ervic rv viices, s, gifts, to toy oyss, fu fur urn rnis nis ishings,, health & beauty, ta table-w -w wa ar are textiles, linen, liine en, se ervice vic ces,, ta ablle -w wa e, toys,g ware giifts, furnis fu shin ng n gs, home decor, he gs, hea ea alth & be alt bea eauty, uty, jewellery, fash hio ion on on, n co collec f antiques les es, home me ec co co orr, paintings, ces, table-ware, to oys, o y , gifts, ys ss, furnishings, hea he ealth & beaut ealth ea ty, jewe welle ery, fashio on, collectibles, painting ng gs, antiques, art & c crraf ra inen, serrvic tex xtiles es & cr cra raf art & crafts, te textile gifts, furn nishin health & beauty, jew welle welle e ery, ry fa ashiion, o collectibles, pai ainti ain ntings, n tin s, hom ti me decor, me r anti tique ues es, art a & cra aft fts, line fts ne en, ser erv vice ces,, textiles, ta table-ware ab are, e, toys, gifts, g ts, furn niish n ish hin ing gs,, jewellery, fa ashio ashion, ion coll collectibles ollec e s, hom hom me d decor, paintings,antiqu de ues es, art & crafts, tex textiless, linen,, ser ervic erv ces, table-ware, to oys, gi oy gifts, s,, furnishings, healt lth & be be beauty, ea auty fash hion ion, n,, collectibles, je jewellerry, paintings jewell inti tingss Thu 17th March, 2016 (10 am to 6:00 pm) & Fri 18th March, 2016 (10 am to 5:00 pm) At Pan Pacific Orchard, Singapore, Claymore Road Level 3 Ballrooms (Beside Orchard Towers) For enquiries call 6235 3608 or visit Follow us on Facebook - FREE ADMISSION! All visitors are entitled to win fabulous Lucky Draw Prizes! © Copyright Fairs and Bazaars Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG 11 The AWA Arts & Culture Committee is proud to Present Bedazzled: India’s Mughal Jewelry FULL -RLQ3LD5DPSDODVVKHWUDYHOVZLWKXVEDFNLQWLPHWRWKHJOLWWHULQJ0XJKDO FRXUWRQFHRQHRIWKHZRUOG·VULFKHVWDQGPRVWRSXOHQW(PSLUHV3RZHU JODPRXUDQGKXJHVSDUNOLQJJHPVWKH0XJKDOVZHUHWKH*OLWWHUDWLRIth and 17thFHQWXU\,QGLD)DPRXVDVFUHDWRUVRIWKH7DM0DKDOWKHLUMHZHOV ZHUHDIDEXORXVPL[RI,QGLDQ3HUVLDQDQG(XURSHDQLQÁXHQFHV²FUHDWLQJD 0XJKDOVW\OHWKDWFRQWLQXHVWREHFRYHWHGE\,QGLD·VPRVWHOHJDQWZRPHQ 'DWH 0RQGD\0DUFK Time: 10AM - 12PM &RVW 0HPEHUV*XHVWVLQFOXGHVOLJKWUHIUHVKPHQWV 9HQXH$Q,QGLDLQVSLUHG%ODFNDQG:KLWH%XQJDORZ3ULYDWH5HVLGHQFH Limit: 20 The Indian Heritage Centre – An Insider’s Perspective 7XFNHGDZD\LQ/LWWOH,QGLD·VEXVWOLQJODQHVOLHVWKH,QGLDQ+HULWDJH&HQWUH WKHÀUVWPXVHXPLQ6RXWKHDVW$VLDWRIRFXVRQWKHGLYHUVHKHULWDJHRI WKH,QGLDQFRPPXQLW\-RLQDQH[SHULHQFHG)20GRFHQWDVVKHOHDGV\RX WKURXJK ÀYH WKHPDWLF JDOOHULHV VKRZFDVLQJ WKH GLYHUVH VWRULHV RI WKH YDULRXVJURXSVZLWKLQ6LQJDSRUH·V,QGLDQFRPPXQLW\ 'DWH 7XHVGD\0DUFK Time: 10AM - 12PM &RVW 0HPEHUV*XHVWV 9HQXH7KH,QGLDQ+HULWDJH&HQWUH&DPSEHOO/DQH/LWWOH,QGLD Limit: 20 Decoding Indian Dance 0HHW6KDQWKD5DWLL6LQJDSRUH·VUHQRZQHG,QGLDQFODVVLFDOGDQFHUWUDLQHG ZLWKWKHPRVWHPLQHQWJXUXVRI,QGLDLQWKUHHGLVWLQFWVW\OHVOLNH.DWKDNDOL %KDUDWDQDW\DPDQG.XFKLSXGL2IWHQGHVFULEHGE\FULWLFVDV´DVFXOSWXUH FRPHDOLYHYLVXDOSRHWU\DORYHO\9HQXVDPRQJWKHVWDUV6KDQWKDDQG KHUVWXGHQWVSURPLVHWRGHP\VWLI\WKHFODVVLFDOGDQFHVDVWKH\LQWHUSUHW KXPDQHPRWLRQVRIORYHDQJHUDQGORVVWKURXJKJUDFHIXOJHVWXUHVDQG PRYHPHQWV\RXPLJKWZDQWDOHDUQDPRYHRUWZR\RXUVHOI 7KH KLVWRULF 3HUXPDO 7HPSOH SURYLGHV DQ H[FHOOHQW EDFNGURS WR WKH SHUIRUPDQFHDFFRPSDQLHGE\WKHUXVWOHRIVLONDQGWKHVFHQWRIMDVPLQH 'DWH :HGQHVGD\0DUFK Time: 10 AM²PM 9HQXH 3*3+DOODW6UL6ULQLYDVD3HUXPDO7HPSOH 397 Serangoon Road &RVW 0HPEHUV*XHVWV Limit: 40 Dress Code: Temple Attire Please 12 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 India pulsates with a spectacular mix of people, traditions, culture, and art. Join us in this extraordinary exploration of the land of India, indulge your senses in the fragrance, feeling, and ÀQHU\RI,QGLD VWUHDVXUHV Monday, March 14th to Friday, March 18th Indian Masters: View a Private Art Collection FULL $UDUHRSSRUWXQLW\WRMRLQ6XPDQ$JJDUZDOJDOOHU\RZQHURI,QGLJR%OXH$UWDQGDYLG FROOHFWRURI,QGLDQDUWLQKHUKRPHIRUDZDONWKURXJKRIKHUIDPLO\FROOHFWLRQRI 0RGHUQDQG&RQWHPSRUDU\,QGLDQ$UW)URPthFHQWXU\0XJKDOPLQLDWXUHVWRWKH Modern Masters of the 20th and 21stFHQWXU\WKHWDONZLOOWKURZOLJKWRQDQXPEHU RIVLJQLÀFDQWDUWLVWVLQFOXGLQJ6+5D]D)16RX]D0)+XVDLQDQG-DPLQL5R\ZKR KDYHVKDSHG,QGLDQDUWKLVWRU\DQGFRQWLQXHWRGRPLQDWHWKH,QGLDQDUWPDUNHWWRGD\ 'DWH 7KXUVGD\0DUFK Time: 11 AM²PM 9HQXH 3ULYDWH5HVLGHQFH &RVW 0HPEHUV*XHVWV5HIUHVKPHQWVSURYLGHG Limit: 20 Aromatic Indian Feast at Tandoor *DWKHU \RXUSDUWQHUVDQGIULHQGVWRFHOHEUDWH ,QGLD:HHN V JUDQG ÀQDOH ZLWK D VXPSWXRXV VL[ FRXUVH PHDO DW 7DQGRRU 5HVWDXUDQWZKRVHWLPHKRQRXUHGUHFLSHVUHÁHFW,QGLD VULFK KLVWRU\ 7DQGRRULFKLFNHQVWXIIHGPXVKURRPVGHOLFDWHPRUVHOVRIÀVK ZUDSSHGLQEDQDQDOHDIVDIIURQVFHQWHGULFHDQGHYHU\RQH V IDYRXULWHEUHDGWKHQDDQDUHMXVWDIHZRIWKHVFLQWLOODWLQJ GLVKHVRQWKHH[KDXVWLYHPHQXWKDWQLJKW Enjoy watching the chefs as they demonstrate the working of WKH7DQGRRUWKHFOD\RYHQWKURXJKWKHJODVVSDQHOOHGVKRZ NLWFKHQ$ZLGHVHOHFWLRQRIUHFRPPHQGHGZLQHSDLULQJVDQG .LQJÀVKHUEHHUZLOOEHDYDLODEOHDWWKHFDVKEDU 6RJHWLQWRWKHVSLULWDQGGRQDVDULDNXUWDRUZUDSDFRORUIXO KHDGGUHVVDQGMRLQXVIRUWKLVH[FLWLQJJRXUPHWDGYHQWXUH 'DWH )ULGD\0DUFK Time: 7 PM²PM 9HQXH7DQGRRU+ROLGD\,QQ6LQJDSRUH&LW\&HQWUH &RVW 0HPEHUV*XHVWV NOTE: This is a No Cancellation Event Limit: 80 'UHVV&RGH:HDU\RXUPRVWIDEXORXVDQGFRORXUIXO,QGLDQDWWLUH VDULVVDOZDUVNXUWDVDQGQHKUXMDFNHWVDFFRPSDQLHGE\WKHJOLWWHU RI\RXU,QGLDQMHZHOV Registration for all Exotic India! events opens January 4TH, 2016 on the AWA website at Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG 13 Green Corner reen GC orner By Melissa Diagana Photo credit WWF Singapore Earth Hour 0DUN\RXUFDOHQGDUV)RUMXVWDQKRXUVWDUWLQJDWSPRQ6DWXUGD\0DUFKth 6LQJDSRUHZLOOMRLQWKHUHVWRIRXUWLPH]RQHLQWXUQLQJRIIWKHOLJKWV,W·V(DUWK+RXUWLPH 7KHDQQXDO(DUWK+RXUÀUVWVDZWKHOLJKWRIGD\LQLQ6\GQH\7KLVJUDVVURRWV PRYHPHQWZDVLQLWLDWHGE\WKH:RUOGZLGH)XQGIRU1DWXUH::)DQGLVQRZORRVHO\ RUJDQL]HGE\D::)WHDPEDVHGLQ6LQJDSRUH6LQJDSRUHEHJDQFHOHEUDWLQJ(DUWK +RXULQ%XWODVW\HDUORFDOHYHQWVZHUHFDQFHOOHGWRKRQRU/HH.ZDQ<HZ ZKRKDGGLHGRQO\DIHZGD\VHDUOLHU 7KH JRDO RI WKLV HSKHPHUDO HYHQW LV WR KHOS SHRSOH UHÁHFW RQ WKHLUHQHUJ\FRQVXPSWLRQDQGFRPPLWPHQWWRRXUSODQHW(DUWK 'XULQJWKRVHOHVVWKDQLQFDQGHVFHQWPLQXWHVZKHQFHWKH´µ LQWKHORJRZHFDQWDONDQGSODQDQGLQVSLUHHDFKRWKHUWROLYH VXVWDLQDEO\7KHOLJKWVLQWKHVRFNHWVPD\EHRIIEXWWKHOLJKW EXOEVLQRXUEUDLQVFDQFHUWDLQO\EHRQ %XW OHW·V QRW OLPLW RXUVHOYHV WR OLJKWV /HW·V OLYH WKDW PDJLFDO PRPHQWZLWK12QRQHVVHQWLDOHOHFWULFLW\VDSSLQJLWHP²QRFHOO SKRQHV RU FRPSXWHUV RU79V RU WDEOHWV &DPHUDV DUH 2. EXW RQO\WRGRFXPHQWWKHFLW\JRLQJGDUN$FDQGOHOLWGLQQHULVDV DOZD\VDYHU\QLFHZD\WRZKLOHDZD\WKHKRXU 14 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 Green Corner 0DQ\RIXVZLOOEHSDUWLFXODUO\LQVSLUHGWKLVWLPHDURXQGDIWHU ZLWQHVVLQJ WKH PRQXPHQWDO ZRUN DQG GLSORPDF\ WKDW ZHQW RQLQ3DULVDWWKHHQGRIODVW\HDU7KDWZDVWKH8QLWHG 1DWLRQV&RQIHUHQFHRQ&OLPDWH&KDQJHRU´&23µIRUWKHst &RQIHUHQFHRI3DUWLHVVLQFHWKHVWDUWRIWKH81)UDPHZRUN RQ&OLPDWH&KDQJH1HDUO\QDWLRQVDJUHHGWRDWWHPSWWR UHGXFHJUHHQKRXVHJDVHPLVVLRQVWRDOHYHOWKDWVKRXOGSUHYHQW WKHZRUOG·VWHPSHUDWXUHIURPULVLQJPRUHWKDQ&FRPSDUHGWR SUHLQGXVWULDOOHYHOV2IFRXUVHWKHUHDUHSOHQW\RIQRQELQGLQJ XQHQIRUFHDEOHLPSHUIHFWLRQVWRWKH´3DULV$JUHHPHQWµEXWLW LVDYHU\VHULRXVVWDUW²ÀQDOO\²WRJHWWLQJHYHU\RQHRQERDUG $QGDV$O*RUHVWDWHG´JURXSVDFURVVHYHU\VHFWRURIVRFLHW\ ZLOOQRZEHJLQWRUHGXFHGDQJHURXVFDUERQSROOXWLRQWKURXJK WKHIUDPHZRUNRIWKLVDJUHHPHQWµ After we’ve turned back on the lights, we can start with 5 simple steps to reduce climate change: 7XUQWKHDLUFRQXSE\DGHJUHHRUWZR %ULQJRXURZQVKRSSLQJEDJVVRZHFDQHDVLO\UHIXVHWKHSODVWLFRQHVRQRIIHU 5HF\FOHRXUHOHFWURQLFZDVWH 6ZLWFKRIZDOOVZLWFKHV 'RQDWHWRVXSSRUWFOLPDWHFKDQJHLQLWLDWLYHV$QGPD\EHGXULQJRXU´RIIµKRXU ZHFDQEUDLQVWRUPVRPHQHZLQLWLDWLYHV %HWZHHQWRGD\DQG(DUWK+RXU\RXPD\SODQDQHYHQWVLJQXSWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQDQ HYHQWGHYHORSDQDFWLRQSODQIRURUFRQWULEXWHWRRQHRI::)·VFURZGIXQGHG FDPSDLJQV7RÀQGRXWZKDW·VJRLQJRQJRWR 6LQJDSRUHRUwww.earthhour.orgWKH:25/' 3KRWRFUHGLW(WLHQQH/DXUHQW(3$ Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG 15 AWA Ac Special Interest Groups AFTER NI HAO Susan Yoshimura, Ideal for those taking Mandarin lessons, who want more opportunity to speak, or native speakers willing to help enthusiastic learners. We meet every Thursday at 10 am to practice our speaking and listening skills. Our aim is to practice what we have learned. BEADING BUDDIES for you. We usually meet the first and third Thursdays of the month at 10 am. Please contact Susan if interested. WRITERS’ GROUP Judith Agusti, Lucia Damacela , Explore your inner writer! Beginning and published writers meet to discuss their works in a non-threatening atmosphere. We meet every other Thursday from 10 am to 12 noon at a member's home or a coffee shop. Social Activities Malu Kaul, For all those who enjoy beading, want to improve your skill level or meet BRIDGE new friends, just bring along your beads, your tools and your inspiration AWA has many options for Bridge players! To find out which group is and join us! We meet every second and fourth Thursday of the month right for you, email Jill Cordry at from 10:30 am - 1:30 pm in a member’s home. COUPLES BOOK GROUPS Sock-Yan Sim, Judy Agusti, Do you and your spouse or partner enjoy eating, drinking, socializing and Traditional styled book groups allow you the opportunity to meet other playing bridge? We play once a month on a Saturday evening, and we rotate women and to participate in a regular discussion of books. Book group houses. Each couple is asked to bring a drink and an hors d’ouevres; the members decide on the books to read in advance so that everyone has hosting couple makes a dessert. The format is party bridge, using Chicago ample time to obtain and read them. For a more comprehensive listing scoring, and the couples play as partners. The idea is that we will just play of book groups’ meeting times, openings and book lists, contact the fun, casual bridge, socialize and make new friends! coordinator. DUPLICATE Esme Parish, CHRISTIAN CONNECTION On Monday afternoons we play Duplicate Bridge according to American Angel Corrigan, Christian Connection provides valuable information and resources to help standard five-card major rules. Players do not need a partner to join. We you and your family connect with local churches, youth organizations, do play duplicate but we randomly determine partners on the day of play Bible study groups and more. We act as a clearing house for information or you are welcome to pair up ahead of time. Registration is via the AWA website. This is a fun afternoon of bridge at the friendliest game in town! on ‘What’s On’ within the Christian Community in Singapore. INTERNATIONAL CHOIR Viviane Lanctot, Under the direction of professional soprano singer, Masako Johnson, the AWA International Choir rehearses and performs two programs per year. New members are welcomed at the beginning of each season: early September and mid-January. Rehearsals are every Wednesday from 10-12 at St. Bernadette's Church. Main performances are at Christmas and in late spring, when the choir sings at local old-age centers, schools for special needs children and a concert evening at the American Club. MOTIVATIONAL BOOK GROUP Mae-Ling Tien, Focusing on promoting positive outlooks, attitudes and behaviors in our lives, our group meets once every two weeks on a Tuesday morning from 10 am to 12 noon to discuss a section of a personal development book. Books are selected by group consensus. PHOTOGRAPHY Heather Goessel, Vanisha Chandiramani, Get to know your city and meet like-minded people interested in photography. Participate in our regular monthly outings on the 10th of each month and a critique session every second month. There will be two exhibitions for our photos during the year, namely the AGM and Welcome Back Fair. Members are encouraged to take photos at any AWA event and submit them to the BT Editor. QUILTING SOCIAL Jill Cordry, Social Bridge is for ladies who want to improve their game in a relaxed conversational atmosphere. We play a "Chicago" Four-Deal Rotation, changing partners throughout the afternoon. We accept players from "experienced beginner" upward, with our more advanced players happy to coach those newer to the game. Every few weeks a new bidding convention is introduced or reviewed with set hands for practice. We play on Thursday afternoons at Ardmore Park. BUNCO Michelle Ford, Bunco is a simple dice game but mostly it’s a fun excuse to get together once a month, meet new people, see old friends and enjoy some adult beverages. Contact Michelle if you would like to join the afternoon or evening group. CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUPS Get out of the house and gather in a comfortable, safe and stimulating setting for the little ones to interact and learn important social skills while moms chat over coffee. If you would like to start or participate in a playgroup please post on the AWA Kid's Social Network Facebook page. DISH (DINER IN SENSORY HEAVEN) Kathy Dolny and Frances O'Keeffe, DISH is a monthly social luncheon, located at various savory restaurants throughout Singapore. Grab the hand of a friend and join us. Please email or join the AWA DISH Facebook group page to find out more. Eileen Robinson and Cyndy O-Connor, This is an opportunity to pick up your quilting again! Perhaps you are looking for companions who share the passion of quilting. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 10 am -3 pm. SCRAPBOOKING Susan Studebaker-Rutledge, If you want to get all your priceless photos organized, this is the group 16 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 ctivities EUCHRE from December through February. Tournaments and an annual luncheon are offered in May. Please contact us at Rosanne Hebert, Once a month on a Friday or Saturday evening, byob and munchie. Ice to set up a session. and mix to be provided by host. We will alternate homes/ party function RUNNING rooms. Beginners and husbands welcome! Easy to learn! Jeanine Stewart, Join us on Tuesday mornings for a group run at 8:30 am. We cater to all FASHION & BEAUTY levels with a focus on meeting your goals and having fun as we explore Yasemin Pozam, A group for those who are interested in fashion, skincare and make-up and various areas of Singapore. Afterwards, we reward ourselves with the who would like to attend product launches, make-up workshops, boutique appropriate 'cool down' at a nearby cafe. openings and clearance sales. We will discover local designers and their WALKING collections and work with skincare experts in various international brands Laura Duplantis, to find out what is best for your skincare and beauty needs. A great way to kick-start your week. Join us every Monday morning at 9:45 am for a walk of about 1-1.5 hours. We walk in a variety of beautiful MAHJONG places to enjoy the exercise, scenery and friendly conversation. Each week, Siew Wei Ngiam, walking locations, directions and rideshare information are posted in We play the international style in a low-stress, FUN and ‘learner-friendly’ advance on our Facebook group page - AWA Walking with Women. To atmosphere on Mondays between 1-4 pm at Boomarang Robertson Quay join, go to our Facebook page and request to join the group or email Laura. for $10/person (inclusive of one drink). You can either register to play as an individual or as a table of 4 (limited availability). If you are new to Mahjong, please email me to arrange for the required 2 training lessons before . Community Activities MOVIE LUNCH Anne Perng, AWA Movie Lunch Group meets once a month for lunch followed by a movie in the Orchard Road area. To be added to the regular mailing list, please go to the Movie Lunch page on the AWA website and register for the mailing list. WOMEN’S SOCIAL NETWORK Lindsay McClendon, Join our WSN Google group if you would like to exchange information and ask questions about life in Singapore. Whether you are looking for a friend to join you for a movie night or need help finding a store that sells shoes in your size, the WSN group can help. Send Lindsay an email to be added to the Google groups list. Sports CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Jean Leng Goh, This group meets once a month during the third week of the month. All are welcome to join. The focus is on mutual support and sharing information among fellow cancer patients, survivors and friends. Contact the coordinator for additional information. COMMUNITY OUTREACH Kerry Driver, This group is for those interested in receiving regular communications about ways to volunteer in the community. If you would like to get even more involved, there is also a CO Committee which works with the AWA featured organizations and plans the activities. To be added to the group list, please contact the CO chair. MOUNT ELIZABETH VISITATION Isabella Duncan, Volunteers are needed to visit hospitalized expat patients. Please check BOWLING with the coordinator for dates and times for visitations. Monthly Laura Novak, apore org magazines are donated by SPH Magazines and Expat Living; however, Social bowling is played for fun on Fridays from 9:45 am until 12 noon donations of other recent magazines are also needed. Please drop them at the American Club bowling alley. We don’t have teams, just come and off at the AWA Office. bowl. There is no charge to join the roster. You will need to pay $8.40 for each session for 3 games and shoes. HEALTH & FITNESS Regular Coffees Stacey Schwarz, ÀWQHVV#DZDVLQJDSRUHRUJ Join us for the opportunity to explore a fun variety of health and fitness activities in Singapore! From great fitness events to informative seminars, we will have a fantastic time while getting fit and learning new things. Grab your friends and come try something new! To be kept up to date with information about this group, please register for the mailing list on the AWA website. WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS COFFEES GOLF SENTOSA DROP-IN COFFEE 18-hole group: Nicky Kay, 9-hole group: Nicky Kay, Join our 18-hole group on Wednesday mornings, or our 9-hole group on Thursday mornings for a friendly round of golf on regulation courses here in Singapore. Registration is via the AWA website. A handicap is required for 18-hole and our 9-hole group is perfect for beginners or to work on your short game. Lynn Lees, Laurie Day, There is a coffee meet every Wednesday and Friday at 313 Somerset in Starbucks, Level 2 from 10 am to 12 noon. It's a wonderful way to meet new friends or reconnect with old friends. No need to register, just show up. Shari Weigerstorfer, AWA Sentosa Cove members are now meeting on the 3rd Friday of each month from 9 am to 11 am at Kith on Quayside Isle. Come for coffee and meet your neighbors! MEET & GREET (MONTHLY) Rohita,Rajkumar, Please join us for our monthly coffee as we welcome returning and new members to join us to learn about what the AWA has to offer and to TENNIS provide help and information to make Singapore feel like home. Details Leslie Swift, The tennis committee offers a variety of singles and doubles play for on our membership page. players of all levels. The seasons run from September through December, and February through April. Other team tennis is offered in the off season Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG 17 #9# .1%#. 61745 /#4 9#.-+0)6*417)* 5+0)#214'5(14/'4 %1.10+#.#4'# WKHVFKRROGRHVQRWRQO\EHDU5DIÁHV·QDPH+LVHIIRUWV were instrumental in establishing it. While you may have seen or visited the Padang, you might have missed the three war monuments erected DATE: Monday, March 7 right across from that green turf. You will learn how TIME: 9 AM – 12 NOON and why they are here as you walk along area streets 3/$&( 3DWLRRXWVLGHWKHOREE\RI5DIÁHV and then stop by the newly reopened National Gallery. +RWHO While you will want to spend at least a day touring COST: $30 Members / $40 Guests the National Gallery another time, we will stop by and LIMIT: 21 view the lobby of this gorgeous Singapore icon and hear about its origins. Chances are you have noticed some of the beautiful colonial architecture featured throughout Singapore, 7KH $UPHQLDQ &KXUFK RQ +LOO 6WUHHW VWLOO VWDQGV DV even if you have not been here very long. Take this Singapore’s oldest and most unique. The church was opportunity to see and hear the history of several GHVLJQHGE\6LQJDSRUH·VÀUVWFRORQLDODUFKLWHFW*HRUJH Singapore buildings, along with the personalities who Coleman, and you will hear about him here at the tour’s brought them to life. ÀQDOVWRS 7 If it were not for the dreams of four Armenian brothers, NOTES: Parking is available at the hotel but we will 5DIÁHV+RWHOZRXOGQRWEHWKHZRUOGUHQRZQHGKRWHOLW ÀQLVKWKHWRXUDWDGLIIHUHQWSRLQWVREHVWWRXVHSXEOLF is today. Singapore’s highest ranked high school once WUDQVSRUW7KHQHDUHVW057LV&LW\+DOO VWRRGRQWKHODQGZKHUH\RXQRZÀQG5DIÁHV&LW\DQG &+5%18'45'/$#9#0) /#4 8 DATE: Tuesday, March 8 TIME: 9 AM – 1:15 PM 3/$&( 1HZWRQ+DZNHU&HQWUH&DU Park COST: $46 Members / $70 Guests LIMIT: 17 Still nestled in Sembawang are the oldest British Naval Base houses, a mix of “black and whites” and red-brick houses, set in spacious gardens, along curving treeOLQHGURDGV-RLQRXUJXLGH0DUJLH+DOOZKRGZHOOV LQRQHRIWKH7HDFKHUV·+RXVHVDQGWUDFH6LQJDSRUH·V development northwards up J.T. Thomson’s road, through Lim Nee Soon’s village, to the Bukit Sembawang rubber estates, where the Naval Base was built. $IWHU D YLVLW WR WKH IRUPHU $GPLUDOW\ +RXVH ZH ZLOO stroll in Sembawang Park on the shores of the Straits of Johor, where the building of the Base started in 1924. A drive through the area, while learning its varied history before, during, and after the Japanese Occupation of 1942-1945 will end with a visit to one of the largest black and white houses. The return route will take us via the old Naval Base entrance right next to Causeway, where one of the original gateposts has been reserved E\DKHOSIXOÀJWUHH AWA LOCAL TOURS POLICIES: Register for AWA Local Tours atÀUVWRIWKHPRQWK<RXPXVWUHJLVWHU ZLWKWKH$:$RIÀFHWRDWWHQG,IDWRXULVIXOOSOHDVHDVNWREHDGGHGWRWKHZDLWOLVW7RXUVHQGDWDSSUR[LPDWHO\ WKHOLVWHGWLPH<RXPD\FDQFHO\RXUDWWHQGDQFHDWDQHYHQWE\FDOOLQJWKH$:$RIÀFHDWQROHVVWKDQ 4 working days prior to the event. All AWA event fees include a $5 non-refundable cancellation charge. You may transfer your attendance to another AWA member, no less than 4 working days prior to the event, by emailing with the new attendee’s name. Cancellations received within 4 working days of the event will not be refunded. Only adults over 18 years of age may attend AWA tours unless otherwise designated. Thank you for your understanding. 18 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 /#4 16 DATE: Wednesday, March 16 TIME: 9 AM – 12 NOON PLACE: Chinatown MRT, Exit A Pagoda Street COST: $36 Members / $54 Guests LIMIT: 14 local coffee can be served. $IWHU ÀOOLQJ \RXU WXPP\ ZH ZLOO KHDG WR WKH ´ZHWµ market to see the wonderful array of fruits and vegetables, interesting “live” produce and learn about different Chinese dried goods and spices. We then hit the streets to learn about the history and heritage brands of this very historical district. Local Tours %*+0#6190(11�& *'4+6#)'9#.- )LQDOO\IRUOXQFKDWRZQH[SHQVHZHHQGXSDWRQH of Singapore’s most famous hawker centers where it Fascinated about the delicious looking food the locals is said the famous American chef, Anthony Bourdain, DUHZROÀQJGRZQ":KDWDERXWDOOWKHLQWHUHVWLQJDQG eats whenever he is in town. sometimes scary looking produce you see at the wet PDUNHW" &RPH RQ WKLV WRXU ZKHUH \RX JHW WR VDPSOH Notes: Please be aware that food samples may contain yummy local delights, and hear Charlotte Chu share pork, seafood, nuts or other allergens. the history of Singapore street food and the many ways ,'9+5*61741( 5+0)#214' /#4 31 WR 6LQJDSRUH +HDU WKH VWRULHV RI WKH HDUO\ SLRQHHUV who made their homes here. Learn about their very successful businesses and careers, and see some of the properties that were built by them. DATE: Thursday, March 31 TIME: 9 AM – 12 NOON 3/$&( 1HZWRQ+DZNHU&HQWUH&DU Park COST: $34 Members / $48 Guests LIMIT: 19 Our guide, Charlotte Chu will take us to visit two beautiful synagogues. Both are National Monuments. Learn about the man that built them and see the large collection of wonderful Torahs. We end the tour at the Maghain Aboth Synagogue where you have the option RI VWD\LQJ IRU OXQFK DW RZQ H[SHQVH DW WKH .RVKHU restaurant which serves a mix of Middle Eastern, Although many of us are familiar with the history Chinese, Indian and Western dishes. of the Chinese, Malay, and Indians in Singapore, did you know that Jewish people arrived here in the Dress Code: Since we will be entering places of worship, 1800s, just after the founding of Singapore by the please dress appropriately and cover your knees and %ULWLVK" $OWKRXJK WKH\ DUH D VPDOO FRPPXQLW\ WKH\ shoulders. have made and continue to make many contributions JOIN THE LOCAL TOURS COMMITTEE The Local Tours committee is seeking energetic and organized individuals who desire to see the “other side” of Singapore. Our tour volunteers liaise with hired professional tour guides and AWA members to facilitate tours to “off the beaten-path” cultural locations. Volunteers who lead the tours do not pay for the tour they lead. From Peranakan shophouses to Armenian Teahouses to Indian Festivals, the Local Tours committee is the group to join if you want to discover the rich cultural side of Singapore. Contact for more information. Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG 19 Local Tours /14' .1%#. 61745 64#&+6+10#.%74'5 SRSXODU DPRQJVW WKH 0DOD\ FRPPXQLW\ KHUH" :KDW about Ayurevedic – one of the world’s oldest medical V\VWHPV²ZKLFKRULJLQDWHGLQ,QGLD" #24 On this tour, Charlotte Chu will help us pierce the veil of mystery surrounding some Eastern Medicine traditions. We will visit 3 places of healing to observe and learn from practitioners and teachers about acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, and other remedies, which have been developed throughout Asia over the centuries for a variety of ailments. This tour is as fascinating as it is unique, and it may make you think Ever wonder about all the traditional Chinese herbs twice about popping that Panadol next time you have WKDW\RXVHHDWWKH7UDGLWLRQDO&KLQHVH0HGLFLQHVKRSV" a headache! +HDUGRI-DPXWKHWUDGLWLRQDO,QGRQHVLDQPHGLFLQHVWLOO 5 DATE: Tuesday, April 5 TIME: 9 AM – 1:15 PM 3/$&( 1HZWRQ+DZNHU&HQWUH&DU Park COST: $43 Members / $64 Guests LIMIT: 14 10%'7210#014%*+& #24 11 DATE: Monday, April 11 TIME: 9 AM – 1 PM 3/$&( 1HZWRQ+DZNHU&HQWUH&DU Park COST: $34 Members / $49 Guests LIMIT: 19 :LWK9DQGD0LVV-RDTXLPDVWKHQDWLRQDOÁRZHUZLWK renowned National Orchid Garden as a key tourist attraction, with a new hybrid available for every visiting GLJQLWDU\ DQG FXW ÁRZHUV HYHU\ZKHUH RUFKLGV ZRXOG seem to be an intrinsic and solid part of Singapore’s life and identity. But where are they all actually grown, and LVWKHRUFKLGVFHQHDVVWDEOHDVLWVHHPV" 10(14'+)051+. 6*'75'/$#55; #24 15 DATE: TIME: PLACE: COST: LIMIT: Friday April 15 9:15 AM – 12 NOON Corner Entrance of Tanglin Mall RXWVLGHRI6WDUEXFNV $10 Members / $15 Guests 17 +HDGLQJ LQ D QRUWKZHVWHUO\ GLUHFWLRQ RXU KLVWRU\ DQG QDWXUH JXLGH 0DUJLH +DOO ZLOO OHDG XV WR WZR of the many orchid nurseries in the Tengah area. She will introduce us to tropical orchids, recount the controversies surrounding Vanda Miss Joaquim and explain the growing pains of the Singapore orchid industry as we go. $W 7RK *DUGHQ ZH FDQ ÀQG H[DPSOHV RI VRPH RI Singapore’s earliest hybrids, as well as 13 acres of currently popular varieties being grown for the cut ÁRZHUWUDGH:HZLOOOHDUQRIWKHUDQJHRIHGXFDWLRQDO and online activities, and the outsourcing to Malaysia, that have become part of business strategy. At the smaller Song Orchids, we will stroll through the amazing range of potted species and hybrids, lovingly collected or created over a lifetime by the owner. UltraIUHVKFXWÁRZHUVFDQEHSXUFKDVHGDW7RK*DUGHQDQG potted plants can be purchased at both locations. Toh Garden also sells ceramic pots. area. From there, we move on to the conference room ZKHUHPDQ\(PEDVV\PHHWLQJVWDNH SODFH+HUHWKH &RPPXQLW\ /LDLVRQ 2IÀFHU RU DQRWKHU VWDII PHPEHU will hold an information session for our group. We’ll learn about the many diverse roles played by the Embassy in support of U.S. Citizens on foreign soil. At the end of the tour, we will have a few minutes to YLVLWWKH(PEDVV\JLIWVKRS<RX·OOÀQGJLIWVEHDULQJWKH United States Embassy Seal. U.S. and non U.S. Citizens are welcome. Security :KDW JRHV RQ LQVLGH WKH 86 (PEDVV\" :KDW HOVH GR requires that you provide us with your passport WKH\GREHVLGHVUHQHZLQJ\RXUSDVVSRUW" information one week prior to the tour, therefore, only registered tour participants will be allowed into the This is your chance to get a peek behind the public Embassy. Refunds cannot be given. entrance. Due to security, we are not allowed to tour the Embassy. We are however, allowed to leave the Dress Code: Please respectfully wear business casual public area, and enter the “behind the scenes” general DWWLUHQRVKRUWVWDQNWRSVRUÁLSÁRSV 20 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 Haiku By Elissa Béres Viornery Haiku poems in English consist of three lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables respectively. The theme is typically about nature with a word directly or even indirectly evoking the season. Modern haiku has begun to embrace urban themes as well. The technique of “cutting” juxtaposes two images or ideas in the poem which are more or less independent of each other, with each image heightening the understanding of the other. KALEIDOSCOPE Colliding colors Crisp, crinkled fall leaves crackle in the callous wind “SOME LIKE IT HOT” Spicy hot sambal (2) Sidewalks: sticky stamps in heat, Branding feet and tongues FALLING IN AND OUT It rains. I fall in )DGHGOHDYHVDQGÀFNOHZLQGV Falling out of love PULAU UBIN (3) Lone dog on hot sand Grey herons gather nearby Stillness enshrouds them SNOWFALL Snow swiftly falling. Trembling softly in the wind, White crests of branches BROKEN A teapot whistles The deep silence is broken Yet no one can hear SPRING MORNING Quiet spring morning Two sparrows, one bamboo tree Lightning splits the sky NASI LEMAK (1) Below my window Swirl cries of “Nasi Lemak” Hawker’s wake-up song Writers’ Block AWA WRITERS’BLOCK 1. A Malay rice dish cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaf 2. A Malay condiment made from chili peppers, shrimp paste, garlic, ginger, lime juice, vinegar, etc. 3. A small well-preserved island to the northeast of Singapore Writers' Block is a monthly contribution from our AWA Writer's Group members. Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG 21 Photography Olga Terekhova In & Around Haji Lane Lead By Olga Terekhova Lucy Wang-Ng Heather Goessel Linda Wareham Paweena Crespo Olga Terekhova 22 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 Lucy Wang-Ng Photography Heather Goessel Olga Terekhova Olga Terekhova Linda Wareham Linda Wareham Heather Goessel Wanda Lipinczyk Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 Pawena Crespo WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG 23 Holiday Lights Retrospective Holiday Lights Retrospective Five open top buses cruised down Orchard Road on December 4th with festive holiday music on the speakers. AWA members and their families and friends got a holiday boost by enjoying the Orchard Road “A Great Street” themed lights from an usual view, open top buses. The tour started off at the Tanglin Mall Starbucks, where the fantastic staff, lead by Ron, kept the cheesecake, cookies, coffee 24 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 +ROLGD\/LJKWV5HWURVSHFWLYH and hot chocolate stocked and fresh. Santa Claus made a visit for kids of all ages to whisper their wishes for the holiday season. When the bell rang, groups of revelers made their way to the buses for a 40 minute ride to see the streets bright with lights, some lovely, some a bit garish. It was a warm evening, but we hope that the event put everyone into the holiday spirit in spite of the tropical weather. Thank you all for joining the festivities. We hope to see you again next year! Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG 25 Tennis TENNIS Monthly Update New this year, if you haven’t been getting e-mail updates on tennis registration, please sign up for our Tennis Mailing List 2015-2016 from the AWA Tennis page. From the website, click on ‘Sports/Tennis Overview’ and scroll down. Also, please join our AWA Tennis Facebook page to view more pictures. For Team Tennis, the competition was tight! Both Intermediate and Advanced had a season full of long sets and 3 set matches. Lots of team spirit was shown on “the hill” at NUS. Thanks to all of those who watched and participated. A special thanks to our coordinators, Ayako Seki, Nicole Bell, Kristen Conneen, and Lindsay Edelheit, who spent many hours organizing, setting up, and making Team Tennis great each week. Please be sure to attend our year end Award Night to congratulate the winners. Felicia Burch Spring Tournament SAVITAR TENNIS CENTRE The Felicia Burch Spring Tournament is open to 3.0 AWA rated players and higher. This is a well attended annual event, so please sign up early to avoid disappointment. We have great tennis ‘swag’ to give away, lucky draw prizes and trophies, and those coveted bag tags for the winners! Limited to 24 participants so sign up fast! 6LJQXSRQOLQHDQGDGG\RXUSDUWQHU·VQDPHLQWKHFRPPHQWVÀHOGRUDVDQLQGLYLGXDODQG ZH·OOKHOSÀQG\RXRQH) Dates: Monday, April 4 - Thursday, April 7, 2016 (Rain day Friday, April 8) Time: 9AM- NOON (APPROXIMATELY) Place: Savitar Tennis Centre, Fairmont Hotel Cost: $60 per player Registrations is open now at Deadline for regsitration is March 30th. If you still need an assessment, please go to our website and sign up now. 26 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG %DPERR7HOHJUDSK0$5&+ On the Road and At Home with AWA Singapore Golf Golf Shots GOLF SHOTS On the road and off to Batam, Indonesia with the British Association Golfers AWA Golf Trip to Bangkok, Thailand. We played three rounds of golf on beautiful courses DQGDOVRÀWLQVRPHQLJKWVSRWVDQGVKRSSLQJ Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG 27 Flirting with Food By Terrie Price 7RIX'HP\VWLÀHG :KLOH%HQMDPLQ)UDQNOLQZDVWKHÀUVW$PHULFDQNQRZQWRWDONDERXWWRIXLQ&KLQHVHXVHGWRIX as early as 950 A.D. Tofu is a staple in Asian cuisine. High in protein and a good source of iron and magnesium, its variety and availability abound in Singapore. 7RIX LV PDGH IURP VR\EHDQV 6R\EHDQV DUH ÀUVW VRDNHG LQ ZDWHU HYHQWXDOO\ GRXEOLQJ LQ VL]H DQG then crushed, creating a pulpy mixture of milk and meal. The milk is then coagulated, pressed, cut, packaged and pasteurized. The term tofu has also been extended to other types of curdled pressed items like egg tofu, sesame or peanut tofu, almond tofu and Burmese tofu which is made from chickpeas. 6LQFHWRIXLVÁDYRUOHVVXQOHVV\RXSXUFKDVHDSUHÁDYRUHGYDULHW\LWLVEHVWWRVHDVRQWRIXSULRUWR XVLQJLWRUXVHLWLQGLVKHVZLWKORWVRIÁDYRU7RPDULQDGHSDQIU\XQWLOJROGHQÀUVWDQGWKHQSODFH in your marinade. If you are going to stir fry it, try pressing your block of tofu for 15 minutes. Simply place the block between some paper towels and put a couple of plates on top. This will ensure the tofu doesn’t crumble when cooked. Try tofu from your local wet market, it is fresh made and a real treat. ,QJHQHUDOWHUPVWRIXLVDYDLODEOHDVVRIWVLONHQUHJXODUYDU\LQJGHJUHHVRIÀUPQHVVRUH[WUDÀUP The type of tofu you use depends on the dish you make. Firm tofu is best suited for stir fries, deep frying, pan frying, baking, glazing, batter/fry; silken or soft tofu is best for smoothies, desserts, dips or sauces. Firm tofu is the most versatile. It freezes well, and, once thawed, the consistency will be PRUHÀUP,I\RXVHHÀUPWRIXRQVDOHEX\XS 7RIXFKRLFHVLQ6LQJDSRUHFDQEHRYHUZKHOPLQJ+HUHDUHVRPHRIWKHYDULHWLHV\RXZLOOÀQG 1. Tau Kwa - Firm tofu best for stir fries and deep frying. 2. Tofu Puff - A spongy tofu ‘pocket’, already deep fried; stuff with rice, vegetables or meat. 3. Egg tofu - Made from egg and dashi; use in stir fry, steam or claypot recipes. Note, this is not vegetarian friendly. 4. Silken tofu - Very soft, add to smoothies for a creamy texture, or use in desserts. 5. Chinese/Japanese tofu - Some tofu is labeled “Chinese” or “Japanese”. There are some small GLIIHUHQFHVLQKRZWKHWRIXLVPDGHKRZHYHUJHQHUDOO\VSHDNLQJWKH&KLQHVHWRIXLVÀUPDQG the Japanese tofu is soft. 28 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 6. Sprouted Tofu - This is made using sprouted soybeans and has more nutritional value. Found LQERWKVLONHQDQGÀUPYDULHWLHV 8. Black Tofu - Made from black soybeans and higher in antioxidants. Use as you would other ÀUPVLONHQWRIX,WDFWXDOO\DSSHDUVPRUHJUH\SXUSOHLQFRORU 9. Edamame tofu - Made from green edamame (young) soy beans. Great for dips. 10. Stinky Tofu - Like a good cheese, the stronger the scent the better the tofu. Made by fermenting several months in a strong brine, it is served cold, steamed, stir fried or deep fried. Try it at your local hawker center. Flirting With Food 7. )ODYRUHG7RIX7KLVWRIXKDVEHHQÁDYRUHGDIWHUWKHSUHVVLQJSURFHVV7U\VHDZHHGÀYHVSLFH or smoked. Best used in stir fries, dumplings, soups. %LR7HUULH3ULFHLVD&HUWLÀHG9HJHWDULDQ&KHIDQGÀWQHVVLQVWUXFWRU6KHKDVZRUNHGZLWKPRUHWKDQdifferent chefs in over 20 countries to learn about vegetarian cuisine. SESAME HONEY BAKED TOFU EORFNWDXNZDÀUPH[WUDÀUPWRIX 2 tablespoons honey 2 teaspoons rice vinegar 1 teaspoon mustard 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar 2 garlic cloves crushed WHDVSRRQFUXVKHGUHGSHSSHUÁDNHV 1 teaspoon sesame oil 1 teaspoon prepared horseradish (see note) 4 tablespoons roasted sesame seeds Cut tofu block into 8 even slices. It is easiest to do this by cutting the block in half and then slicing 4 pieces from each side. Now slice each piece (lengthwise) in half. You should end up with about 16 long pieces. Try to make the pieces as even as possible for consistent browning. 3ODFHWDEOHVSRRQRIWKHVHVDPHVHHGVLQDQRWKHUGLVKZLWKDÁDWERWWRP Mix together all remaining ingredients in a shallow bowl. Coat each piece of tofu in the honey mixture making sure the tofu is completely covered, then coat with the sesame seeds and place on a baking stone or parchment paper lined baking sheet. As the amount of sesame seeds get low in your dish, add more, a tablespoon at a time. Reserve the honey mixture. Bake at 205 C (400 F) for about 20 minutes. Turn gently with a butter knife and bake another 10 minutes or until tofu is browned. Turn your oven off and crack the door letting the tofu rest in the oven for 10 minutes. Remove and return to honey mixture to coat each piece. Store in refrigerator or use immediately. This can be served hot, cold or room temperature. These are perfect to use in spring rolls, on top of salads or added to a stir fry. They make a great afterschool snack or lunch box treat. Bon Appétit! Note: Source prepared horseradish at Jasons. It can be omitted if unavailable. Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG 29 Book Review AWA BOOK GROUP Review The Moor’s Account by Laila Lalami An African merchant gives himself up to slave traders in a bid to save his IDPLO\HYHQWXDOO\DFFRPSDQ\LQJ6SDQLVKH[SORUHU3DQÀOR1DUYDH]RQKLV expedition to La Florida. Mustafa ibn Muhammed ibn Abdussalam al-Zamori begins the journey as a slave, catering to his master’s every wish and instruction. But as the men of the expedition die from disease or native attacks, al-Zamori’s status in the group begins to change. Al-Zamori, called the Moor by the Spaniards, learns the languages of the local tribes and eventually acts as interpreter and bridge between the indigenous people and the invading Spaniards. In this ambitious historical novel, author Laila Lalami explores the encounter between the Spanish explorers of the Narvaez expedition and the native peoples of La Florida through the eyes of the Moor. Though the account is based on historical records, Lalami infuses her characters with complex personalities and personal histories of her own imagining. 1DUYDH] DQG KLV FUHZ VHW RXW WR ÀQG JROG LQ WKH DUHD RI 1RUWK $PHULFD QRZ EHWWHU NQRZQ IRU LWV alligators and crocodiles, for its swampland and sandy soil. But in the 1500s, after the subjugation of the Aztec nation by the conquistadors, adventurers were convinced that great fortunes awaited them in the New World. The Moor’s Account is a modern retelling of the misadventures of a group of men who invade a FRPSOHWHO\XQNQRZQODQGWRÀQGGLVHDVHYLROHQFH death and starvation, instead of gold and riches. The four survivors of the expedition live for eight years among the indigenous people, moving from tribe. With luck and some medical knowledge, they become traveling healers, attending to a number of local communities. Eventually, Spanish VROGLHUV ÀQG WKHP DQG WKH PHQ UHWXUQ WR QHZO\ founded Spanish settlements. Anyone who is interested in this historical period ZLOO ÀQG WKH QRYHO SURYLGHV D ZLQGRZ LQWR WKDW time. The choice to tell the story from the Moor’s point of view means that we are restricted only to what one man encounters and sees. At times one feels like a horse wearing blinders, wanting to look to the periphery for some details about the context of the story. For those who have studied the conquistador period, the book will bring to life Narvaez’s illfated expedition. If you are not knowledgeable about Spanish explorers, The Moor’s Account will give you only a tiny glimpse of information. It is, nonetheless, an entertaining opportunity to travel back in time. Book Review by Judy Agusti 30 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 &ODVVL¿HG$GV ASIAN COOKING CLASSES WITH VIDA 10 AM to 1 PM Evening classes and private parties for special occasions. Form your own group. Helpers are welcome to all classes. Saturday morning classes too. Children’s classes. Couples evening classes, bring your wine. Date: Call or email for details. Cost: $70 per class (recipes and lunch/ dinner) $136 for 2 classes booked and paid Contact:Vida Berry, 6468-2764 Time: Over 29 years of teaching cooking experience. Spice up your cooking and experience the true harmony of $VLDQÁDYRUV(DFKPRQWKWKHFRRNLQJFRXUVHVIHDWXUH all the famous dishes of Thai, Indian, Malaysian and Chinese cuisines with menus that change monthly. Classes are conducted at my premises in a comfortable atmosphere. All ingredients and recipes are supplied. Teaches how to select and use fresh, quality ingredients for each region and share cooking techniques that will give the best results when you cook at home. All dishes are cooked healthily and, of course, you will get to taste the dishes you prepare with a small lunch! CULINARY WET MARKET TOURS AND SPICE SHOPS($48) A must for newcomers and others! Full of information on all the produce you see with names and what they are used for and which are sticky, tasty, sour RUELWWHU/HDUQKRZWRORRNIRUWKHIUHVKQHVVRIÀVK and other seafood, veggies, fruits, Asian spices and herbs. Visit some Indian grocery shops and explain all types of rice, lentils and spices. Lots of tips and a very popular tour! 10 AM–12:15 PM. Tours on weekdays and Saturdays. HAWKER FOOD TOURS ($48) See all the amazong dishes Singapore has to offer and taste!! PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP “In Search of the Merlion” by GRAFIKA Let ‘s discover the Merlion in the Lion City! March 11, 9 am to 12 pm – History & Photography ZĞǀŝĞǁʹ'ƌĂĮŬĂ^ƚƵĚŝŽ DĂƌĐŚϭϭ͕ϲƉŵƚŽϵƉŵʹDĞƌůŝŽŶWĂƌŬ DĂƌĐŚϭϴ͕ϵĂŵƚŽϭϮƉŵʹ^ĞŶƚŽƐĂ DĂƌĐŚϭϴ͕ϲƉŵƚŽϵƉŵʹDŽƵŶƚ&ĂďĞƌͬ,ĞŶĚĞƌƐŽŶtĂǀĞƐ &ĞĞ͗^ΨϰϬϬĨŽƌϰƐĞƐƐŝŽŶƐŽƌ^ΨϭϱϬƉĞƌƐĞƐƐŝŽŶ͘ ĚĚŝƟŽŶĂůŝŶĨŽǣȀȀϐǤ Z^sW͗ϴϮϯϯϬϵϲϬ͕ŝŶĨŽΛŐƌĂĮŬĂƉŚŽƚŽŐƌĂƉŚLJĚĞƐŝŐŶ͘ĐŽŵ &ODVVLÀHG)URP2XU$GYHUWLVHUV &ODVVLÀHGPlease contact the class instructors directly. These are all private classes which are not AWA-endorsed. Give your business a boost by advertising with us! Please contact for more details. CARPET AUCTION 12th March (Saturday Night) @ Our Shop 15 Dempsey Road #01-09 5.30pm – 7.30pm 7.30pm YOGA CLASSES with Trish Corley 7LPHV Tuesdays & Thursdays 9 AM – 10 AM, ongoing /RFDWLRQ545 Orchard Road #16-01 (near Orchard MRT) &RVW $25/class ($200 for 10 classes) &RQWDFW9165-0174, Trish is a doctor of physical therapy (US licensed) and a FHUWLÀHG\RJDWHDFKHU6KHSURPLVHVWROHDYH \RXIHHOLQJHQHUJL]HGDQGUHMXYHQDWHG0RGLÀFDWLRQV are given to meet everyone where they are in their yoga journey. First timers and seasoned yogis are welcomed. Mats are provided. Trish is also available for private sessions. Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 Come join us for a drink & light Änger food as we auction off 60 of our beautiful carpets from Iran, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan & India. All carpets fully CertiÄed & Guaranteed. )L[OLÄYZ[[VYLNPZ[LY HUKYLJLP]LH4`Z[LY`.PM[ Buy with confidence: Register by:- Calling 64620028 or email to Member WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG 31 DÙ«ϮϬϭϲ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu ϭ ϭϴͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ͕ŚŽŝƌ ZƵŶŶŝŶŐ͕ŝƐŚ ϲ ŚƌŝƐƟĂŶŽŶŶĞĐƟŽŶ >d͗ŽůŽŶŝĂů ^ŝŶŐĂƉŽƌĞ 7 Mahjong, tĂůŬŝŶŐ͕ƌŝĚŐĞ ϭϯ Θ͗DƵŐŚĂů :ĞǁĞůƌLJ Mahjong, tĂůŬŝŶŐ͕ƌŝĚŐĞ ϮϬ Θ͗/ŶĚŝĂŶ ,ĞƌŝƚĂŐĞĞŶƚƌĞ ϭϱ ϵͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ŌĞƌEŝ ,ĂŽ ŽǁůŝŶŐ͕ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ DΘ' >d͗h^ŵďĂƐƐLJ ϭϬ Θ͗/ŶĚŝĂŶƌƚ ϭϴͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ͕ŚŽŝƌ ϵͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ŌĞƌEŝ ,ĂŽ ϭϲ Ϯϯ Ϯϵ 4 5 ϭϭ ϭϮ ϭϳ Θ͗/ŶĚŝĂŶ&ĞĂƐƚ ϭϴ ϭϵ Ϯϱ Ϯϲ ŽǁůŝŶŐ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ Ϯϰ 'ŽŽĚ&ƌŝĚĂLJ YƵŝůƟŶŐ͕^ĐƌĂƉŬŝŶŐ͕ ϵͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ŌĞƌEŝ ,ĂŽ͕tƌŝƚĞƌƐ͕ĞĂĚŝŶŐ ϯϬ >d͗:ĞǁŝƐŚdŽƵƌŽĨ ^ŝŶŐĂƉŽƌĞ ϯϭ ϵͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ŌĞƌEŝ ,ĂŽ ϭϴͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ͕ŚŽŝƌ Running 3 Sat YƵŝůƟŶŐ͕^ĐƌĂƉŬŝŶŐ͕ ŽǁůŝŶŐ ϵͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ŌĞƌEŝ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ ,ĂŽ͕tƌŝƚĞƌƐ͕ĞĂĚŝŶŐ ϭϴͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ͕ŚŽŝƌ Ϯϴ t^ƉƌŝŶŐŝŶŶĞƌ >d͗&ĞŶŐ^ŚƵŝ Θ͗/ŶĚŝĂŶ ĂŶĐĞ >d͗&ŽŽĚΘ,ĞƌŝƚĂŐĞ ϮϮ Running Mahjong, tĂůŬŝŶŐ͕ƌŝĚŐĞ 9 ϭϴͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ͕ŚŽŝƌ Ϯϭ Ϯϳ 8 Running Mahjong, tĂůŬŝŶŐ͕ƌŝĚŐĞ ĂƐƚĞƌ^ƵŶĚĂLJ >d͗ŝƐĐŽǀĞƌ Sembawang Running ϭϰ Ϯ Fri ÖÙ®½ϮϬϭϲ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat ϭ Ϯ 8 9 ϭϱ ϭϲ ϮϮ Ϯϯ Ϯϵ ϯϬ ŽǁůŝŶŐ͕ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ 3 dĞŶŶŝƐ͗&ĞůŝĐŝĂƵƌĐŚ Tournament ŚƌŝƐƟĂŶŽŶŶĞĐƟŽŶ 4 Mahjong, tĂůŬŝŶŐ͕ƌŝĚŐĞ ϭϬ >d͗KƌĐŚŝĚƐ ϭϭ 32 WWW.AWASINGAPORE.ORG Ϯϲ ZƵŶŶŝŶŐ͕ŝƐŚ >d͗tĞƚůĂŶĚƐΘ tĂƚĞƌĨƌŽŶƚƐ ϮϬ ϭϴͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ͕ŚŽŝƌ ZƵŶŶŝŶŐ͕ŝƐŚ Mahjong, tĂůŬŝŶŐ͕ƌŝĚŐĞ ϭϯ ϭϴͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ͕ŚŽŝƌ ϭϵ Ϯϱ ϲ ϭϴͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ͕ŚŽŝƌ ZƵŶŶŝŶŐ͕ŝƐŚ Mahjong, tĂůŬŝŶŐ͕ƌŝĚŐĞ dĞŶŶŝƐ͗&ĞůŝĐŝĂƵƌĐŚ Tournament ϭϮ ϭϴ Ϯϰ 5 ZƵŶŶŝŶŐ͕ŝƐŚ Mahjong, tĂůŬŝŶŐ͕ƌŝĚŐĞ ϭϳ dĞŶŶŝƐ͗&ĞůŝĐŝĂƵƌĐŚ Tournament >d͗dƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂůƵƌĞƐ Ϯϳ ϭϴͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ͕ŚŽŝƌ Θ͗dŚƌĞĂĚƐŽĨĂ EĞǁdƌĂĚŝƟŽŶ dĞŶŶŝƐ͗&ĞůŝĐŝĂƵƌĐŚ Tournament 7 ϵͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ŌĞƌEŝ ,ĂŽ ϭϰ ŽǁůŝŶŐ͕ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ >d͗h^ŵďĂƐƐLJ YƵŝůƟŶŐ͕^ĐƌĂƉŬŝŶŐ͕ ϵͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ŌĞƌEŝ ŽǁůŝŶŐ͕ ,ĂŽ͕tƌŝƚĞƌƐ͕ĞĂĚŝŶŐ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ Ϯϭ ϵͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ŌĞƌEŝ ,ĂŽ &ĂƐŚŝŽŶ^ŚŽǁ ŽǁůŝŶŐ͕ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ Ϯϴ YƵŝůƟŶŐ͕^ĐƌĂƉŬŝŶŐ͕ ϵͲ,ŽůĞ'ŽůĨ͕ŌĞƌEŝ ŽǁůŝŶŐ͕ ,ĂŽ͕tƌŝƚĞƌƐ͕ĞĂĚŝŶŐ ƌŽƉͲŝŶŽīĞĞ Bamboo Telegraph MARCH 2016 OLYMPIC MEDALISTS REQUIRED e us O \ZN Ho [ LK n O HPZ pe YJ Z O 4H ^^ H` H[^ PK -Y Z[LY NP 9L FUTURE FROM 2 TO 18 YEARS OLD World-class sports facilitiesVɈLYL_JLW[PVUHS VWWVY[\UP[PLZMVY:[HTMVYK(TLYPJHUZ[\KLU[Z ^P[OV]LYJVJ\YYPJ\SHYHJ[P]P[PLZHUK JVTWL[P[P]LZWVY[Z[LHTZHJYVZZZWVY[Z 3 2 1 Swimming Pools Indoor Sports Arenas ST Golf Academy :[HTMVYKVɈLYZHUV\[Z[HUKPUNPU[LYUH[PVUHS LK\JH[PVUMVYZ[\KLU[ZMYVT2 to 18 years >LVɈLY[OLYPNVYV\ZIB Program¶LUOHUJLKI` American standardsHUKHMVJ\ZVUSHUN\HNLZ¶ [VLX\PW`V\YJOPSKMVYNSVIHSJP[PaLUZOPW :[HTMVYK(TLYPJHU0U[LYUH[PVUHS:JOVVS*7,9LNPZ[YH[PVU5\TILY! +7LYPVKVM9LNPZ[YH[PVU! (\N\Z[[V(\N\Z[ Inquiry Hotline