June/July 2009 B u lle tin YOUR PRIMARY VOICE ON LAKE ISSUES With a mission to identify issues affecting our members and pursue resolution with the responsible organizations BOARD OF DIRECTORS BRUNSWICK COUNTY, VA John Cataldo, President Joee Hoxter Lenny Turner HALIFAX COUNTY, NC Fred Kneisel Quinton Qualls MECKLENBURG COUNTY, VA Bill Bryant Patrick Dempsey Bill Lindenmuth, Treasurer Vernon Wilson Lake Environment NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, NC Ralph Domach Linda Hedgepeth Doug Hughes, Vice President Larry Jolly, Past President, Government Relations Jack Saunders, Safety, Planning & Development WARREN COUNTY, NC John Boyle David Duxbury, Membership Laura Kolb, Nominating Bill LaMonte, Marketing Ron Skow Presidents Corner So, here we are after 20 years. This organization was started some 20 years ago by a group of property owners in an attempt to protest and defeat a series of tax increases. Warren County’s proposed new tax rate would make it seem that things don’t change much, do they? Actually, the mission of the LGA has grown a lot. We are an organization whose majority of members don’t live here year around. You have made a significant investment in your lake property. It is probably the biggest investment you have. You need to know what is going on here at the lake. Our job is to represent you and keep you informed. We work to stay abreast of what issues you feel are important, provide you with information about those issues, and represent your views to the appropriate authorities. Yes, we are still opposing the local governments’ actions to raise taxes. But we are also involved with the lake wide effort to bring Hydrilla under control. We write letters, attend meetings, and make presentations (along with our allies) to prevent inter basin transfer of the water that flows through our lake. We are involved with all environmental aspects of the things that affect the quality of the lake water. We are also active in our local governments to protect the quality of life that you have come to enjoy. You told us that you were concerned about safety both on the water and ashore. We have been successful in getting boater education laws passed in Virginia and are working hard to get a bill through the North Carolina Legislature. The things listed here are just a few of the issues that our Directors are involved with, while attending the over 20 meetings each month where the things you feel are important are discussed, debated, and decided. We will have our annual meeting on June 13th. Please come on by. There will be coffee and goodies to eat and a great program where our speakers will talk about laws that affect HOAs. Oh, here’s hoping that 20 years from now, the LGA will still be around solving problems for lake property owners. John Page 2 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN June/July 2009 Environment Committee Update The Lake Gaston Weed Control Council held a meeting on May 14, 2009. The majority of the discussion centered on Skip’s Aquatic Solutions proposals for the 2009 herbicide treatment plan. Skip submitted two different plans based on Brunswick County’s proposed budget cuts. Any weed control budget cuts by Brunswick County would eliminate treatment of Brunswick County waters and have downstream effects on both Northampton and Mecklenburg County treatments. Brunswick County will hold a public hearing on May 20th to discuss the 2009 proposed budget. The outcome of that meeting will be a major deciding point in what areas of the lake are treated in 2009. You can see the treatment schedule and planned areas for treatment at www.lgwcc.com . On April 20th, 6522 Triploid (sterile) grass carp were released into Lake Gaston at 2 sites, steel bridge on US 1 and in Pea Hill creek. Of these, 40 fish will be tracked by telemetry using radio tags to monitor movement. Bill Lindenmuth and Vernon Wilson attended the Virginia Roanoke River Basin Advisory Committee meeting held on April 30, 2009. We listened to updates on the Bi-State Commission’s first meeting to address Interbasin Water Transfer and how the Bi-State Commission will work together to address common interest in the future. Kerr Lake Regional Water System has sent a letter to VARRBAC stating that they were not asking for additional water allocations; just utilize the already allocated 24 Million Gallons per Day (MGD). The VARRBAC’s concern is that they can see this desire for additional water grow. There were also 3 speakers on the subject of the Virginia Uranium Mining study currently taking place. John P. Gannon addressed the hydrogeology study that Virginia Tech is conducting of the Coles Hill area in Pittsylvania County, VA. . Leslie P. Folds, M.S., CHP from the Virginia Department of Health, to discuss radiation in water and air requirements by the EPA. Katherine Mull, Executive Director of Dan River Basin Association, to discuss concerns about all phases of the possible mining and there effects on water quality, water quantity (used to mine) and possible impacts to safety of future drinking water. Approximately one third of Dan River is part of the Roanoke River Basin. The commission has asked that the Virginia Uranium Mining subcommittee come to speak in the near future to the VARRBAC. On May 6, Harold Carawan, President of the Roanoke River Basin Association spoke at the monthly LGA meeting about the history of the organization, Kerr Lake (Buggs Island to Virginia) and the immediate concerns with the Kerr Lake Regional Water System inter-basin water transfer request and the future request of the Raleigh, Durham area requesting 50 MGD. The 50MGD request from the Raleigh, Durham area is on hold by the USACOE until the VARRBAC and NCRRBAC Bi-State Commission come to some agreement on how to handle water allocations request. One of the first steps is that a Document of Understanding is created by the USACOE, VARRBAC and NCRRBAC, an ad hoc committee was created to accomplish this assignment at the last Bi-State Commission meeting. The USACOE, Lake Environmental Monitors and hopefully volunteers from local junior bass clubs will be assisting the USACOE with a revalidation project on June 9 -11. Building cages and holding pins for new native aquatic plants and planting new plants in the area commonly known as the flats near the railroad bridge and I-85. Coordination is underway with NC State University and USACOE regarding future activities and what assistance is required from Lake Environmental Monitors and Vegetation Scouts in the coming season. Monthly Environment meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 0830 at the Eaton’s Ferry Grocery and Grill on Hwy 903 south of the lake. Contact them at Environment@LakeGastonAssoc.com LGA Annual Meeting is Saturday, June 13 – HOA Covenants Please join us for our annual meeting at the Lake Gaston Baptist Church. We’re starting at 9:30 a.m. with refreshments and sign-in. The meeting will start at 10 a.m. and finish by or before noon. Presentation topic is Home Owner Association Covenants and Attorney Tom Skinner, North Carolina and Attorney Russell Slayton, Virginia will cover both states. Your neighbors will be interested too. June/July 2009 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 3 Safety Committee Update Pete Deschenes has continued to provide leadership to local efforts supporting passage of legislation in this year’s North Carolina General Assembly session of an act to Improve Boater Education. House Bill 39 cleared the Wildlife Resource Committee but has not yet been addressed by the Judicial III Committee. Senate Bill 43 was modified by the Commerce Committee and passed with the new provision that only boaters born after December 31, 1984 need to have boater safety training. The two bills will have to be reconciled for final approval, all hopeful during this session. If any committee stops the bill, then it is dead for two years. The LGA will be communicating how you may contact your representatives so that you can make your voice heard on this key legislation for improved water safety in the State. We briefly discussed again the need for the LGA to take any action regarding introduction of fire fighting boats to the lake and determined to monitor developments. John Cataldo had tendered an invitation to the O’Sail principles involved with establishing the capability and was advised that no assistance is needed of us at this time. We briefly discussed other actions we might get involved with and decided our best information source might be benchmarking with other similar organizations at Lake Wiley and Smith Mountain Lake. We also might be more successful in attracting speakers from Raleigh if we sponsor joint sessions with other organizations such as the Striper Club, Roanoke River Basin Association and Lake Gaston Water Safety Council. National Safe Boating Week was recognized May 16-23 and there are several important messages to pass to members, their family and friends. Please be aware that the 2007 Commonwealth of Virginia Safe Boating legislation phase 1 goes into effect on July 1, 2009. On Jan 1, 2009 the Virginia regulation required all online courses to switch from the testing format to actually being an online course that contains similar content to a classroom course. With the new online format a student will have to take a 10 question quiz after each module or chapter and if they don't pass with a 90% they will have to take the module or chapter again. The format also has timers on each page and chapter that only let the student progress as fast as the program allows. What this has done is eliminate someone taking an online test without reviewing any course content. We also hope that the 5-6 hour requirement will help keep someone from taking the course for another person since it take so long. This is very important information for those 20 and under, operating Personal Watercraft registered in Virginia this season. Please see the LGA website for more information. Teenagers 14 to 16 in both Virginia and North Carolina still must have completed a Boater safety Training course, acceptable in those states, to operate a Personal Watercraft. Those rules are also on our website. There is a US Coast Guard regulation that requires all children under 13 years of age wear an approved life preserver when the vessel is underway. Enforcement may vary from state to state, but care for friends and family should prevail. All vessel operators should ensure that passengers are safely attired while vessels are underway (not docked or anchored). Remember “Life vests float, people don’t.” The LGA Public Safety Committee meets the second Friday of each month at 0830 at the EFG&G. Everyone is invited to participate and assist the Committee. Contact them at Safety@LakeGastonAssoc.com Lake Gaston Annual Firework Display Saturday, July 4, 2009 The Lake Gaston Annual Firework display will be it is Saturday, July 4, at dark, at Eaton Ferry Bridge. It’s an event that draws boats from east and west of the bridge by the hundreds. And depending on your preference for the best spot, you may leave home early enough to be up by the bridge, or, if you are like me, I like to watch from further back. It’s definitely an experience – watching the fireworks from a boat, and the amount of boats that turn out for the event. You may not realize that Longbridge Volunteer Fire Department organizes this event and that they rely on donations to fund the firework display. Donations can be made any time of the year. Checks should be mailed to Longbridge VFD, c/o Kendra Pierce, P.O. Box 133, Vaughn, NC 27586, memo: Fireworks. For more information you can contact Roy or Kendra Pierce at (252) 586-4332. Page 4 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN June/July 2009 P&D to Pursue Insights into Preservation of Water Quality As some may be aware, the Planning and Development Committee proposed and received approval from the LGA Board to work to establish a separate IRS designated 501 (c)(3) tax exempt activity. The group incorporated in North Carolina is the Friends of Lake Gaston Associations, and that group received the tax exempt designation in early April. The Friends applied for a grant from Halifax Helps, Inc on behalf of the Planning and Development Committee, and was notified of grant funding from Halifax Helps, Inc., and it was presented on May 16 at the Aurelian Springs Elementary School. The Grant amount provided to the Friends of Lake Gaston Associations is $2,500. The activity funded by the grant will be administered by the LGA Planning and Development Committee. This is the first activity we have been able to hold based on obtaining funds from outside agencies. The first planned activity is to gain important insights into the preservation of the water quality of Lake Gaston and the protection of the fishery. We have performed research and identified an organization called the Center for Watershed Protection (www.cwp.org) which can come to this location and provide informational forums so that the public can understand the benefits to be derived from sedimentation prevention, stormwater runoff control and buffers between developed properties and the Lake. We hope to use this information to gain public awareness of the importance to implementation of planning and development standards and zoning requirements which preserve the mostly rural atmosphere and protect the sensitive ecological system which is Lake Gaston. The preservation of the vitality of the watershed is the basic ingredient for the quality of the water and the health of the fishery, both intrinsic to the value of the properties surrounding the lake. The first forum is currently scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on June 27 at the Littleton Community Center, 238 Oak St, Littleton, N.C.ê- (252) 586-6773, which can comfortably seat around 200 participants. This is seen as the beginning of what we intend to be many organized activities to inform the public and form a citizens group for consensus related to area planning and development standards. The Planning and Development Cmte continues to welcome anyone who wishes to participate and become involved with activities to identify planning and development standards around the lake which can preserve the mostly rural and environmentally sensitive state of the Lake Gaston area. Planning and Development monthly meetings are held the third Friday of the month at 0830 at the Eaton’s Ferry Grocery and Grill on Hwy 903 south of the lake. Contact them at PlanningandDevelopment@LakeGastonAssoc.com Marketing Working Hard to Promote the LGA First of all I want to say THANK YOU!!!! To the 44 businesses who have joined the Lake Gaston Association this year. We have placed 18X24 inch LGA road signs at various locations in the five counties around the lake. These are intended to provide LGA visibility and hopefully get some people to join the LGA. We had looked at a billboard or two but they proved to be cost prohibitive. We have spares to place at certain events. Example: The LGA has signed as a sponsor of the Lake Gaston Chamber of Commerce’s Battle of the BBQ on Memorial Weekend Saturday and we will have a sign at that event. The LGA will also sponsor a golf hole at the Lake Gaston Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament later this summer. Marketing is winding down for this year, but will continue to search out ways to make the LGA more visible and hopefully sign up new businesses and family memberships. The LGA held a 20th Anniversary Picnic on May 16th. We provided BBQ sandwiches, slaw and drinks. The Coast Guard Auxiliary provided boater safety information and we even had a few military veteran motorcyclists in attendance. This is a first time attempt to get members together in this type environment and it went well with all having a good time and being able to mingle with other LGA members. We are still looking for committee members. You don’t have to be a marketing guru. All you need is a desire to participate and help us help the LGA grow and do good things for the lake area. Monthly Marketing meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 0830 at the Eaton’s Ferry Grocery and Grill on Hwy 903 south of the lake. Contact them at Marketing@LakeGastonAssoc.com . June/July 2009 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 5 From the Desk of the Executive Director Can you believe that we are already at the point of starting June? I hope your year isn’t going by as fast as mine. Maybe I need to slow down. “That’ll be the day,” I hear my husband remark. If you have email, you will know that life at the lake as been busy with notices of County Budget Work Sessions as we try to keep our members informed of these important meetings. Especially those members in Warren County who have just been through revaluation, received their statements and are now waiting to hear what the tax rate will be for FY 2009-2010. It really makes a difference when our members join us at those budget work sessions. The County Commissioners and Supervisors are seeing and hearing from taxpayers who are after all their constituents. Even if you are part-time at the lake, it does help when you respond to our request to write to your elected officials. We always provide you with addresses – email and US mail – to make it easier for you to jump into action. It is good to know that you like to receive the attendee reports of the county meetings our directors attend. I make sure that the relevant director who attended and wrote the report receives your comments. The recent budget attendee reports have been very popular. We try to be sensitive to not overloading you with emails. Generally you may receive two to three emails from us a month. But this has not been the case during the last month (May) because the budget has generated action from our members in several of our counties. For those of you who would prefer not to get county information, might I suggest you delete on receipt. We always start the subject line with LGA: to let you know it is a communication from us, followed by what the email is about e.g. Attendee summary of …(with the date and type of county meeting), and it concludes with the LGA director who attended that meeting. Unfortunately, it’s all or nothing. Maybe in the future we can offer our members a choice of whether they receive information that applies to all members, county information or both types, but currently the way the database record is designed from which we electronically pull the email address, it isn’t possible to differentiate. With approximately 1000+ emails to work with, I would find a manual intervention of the email lists hard to manage – the lists are updated each month. This is a message for those of you who received your June/July Bulletin via US mail who would usually get notified by email that the Bulletin has been posted on our website. Your email address we have for you is being rejected. Please send your new email address to Memrec@LakeGastonAssoc.com. We look forward to seeing you at our Annual meeting on Saturday, June 13, at 9:30 a.m. for sign-in and refreshments, with meeting starting at 10 a.m. and out at noon (or sooner) at Lake Gaston Baptist Church, one mile north of Eaton Ferry Bridge. Check out my monthly LGA newspaper columns (present and past issues) at www.lakegastonassoc.com/ExecDir/EDColumn.htm . I can be contacted at execdir@LakeGastonAssoc.com Moira LGA NEEDS YOU! Your Lake Gaston Association is in need of directors. To insure that the LGA’s work continues to preserve the quality of life that brought us to beautiful Lake Gaston, we need your expertise. Directors are currently needed in Brunswick, Halifax, Mecklenburg and Northampton counties. Contact Nomination chair Laura Kolb at (252) 586-4705, or email, Nominating@LakeGastonAssoc.com . Get Ready for The Crossing 2009 Make a date to enter The Crossing on Saturday, August 8. If this event is new to you, it is an opportunity to cross Lake Gaston either by swimming or using a human powered vessel. The course is one mile long starting at Morningstar Marina on the south side and finishing on the north side beside ReMax Realty. Entry is $20 now, or $25 on the day which includes t-shirt and refreshments. You can register at the Lake Gaston Chamber of Commerce in person, or on their website at www.lakegastonchamber.com or call them at (252) 586-5711. Sponsoring this event is O’SAIL, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and an Organization to Support the Arts, Infrastructure and Learning, that raises funds to benefit Lake Gaston. The Crossing is a primary fundraiser. Page 6 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN June/July 2009 Government Relations Committee Update All five counties are in their budget reviews. And money is tight around Lake Gaston just as it is across the country! The issue of tax increases is a major concern for the LGA and our members. As always we have voiced our opinion to the counties to at least maintain or increase the level of emergency services while looking at reducing the expenditures for services that are not required. This would have an affect on reducing or keeping our tax at the current rate. Some of our members have taken an active position on this issue in speaking at the county budget sessions and at commissioners/supervisors meetings. They have also written letters to them and to the papers. The unfortunate news is these members and the LGA need lots more involvement by our members to be effective. The commissioners/supervisors listen to large groups of people, even if they don’t speak, but show up at the meetings to demonstrate their support for the LGA speaker(s). In the past we have asked for our members to be present as much as possible to support the collective efforts but unfortunately the turn out has not been as large as needed. If you want your organization to be successful you need to step up and help. Don’t be passive but become active in attending your county meetings! If you want your organization to be successful you must take an ACTIVE ROLE—so get off the couch and go to the meetings. This is my last article as I will be stepping down as an LGA Director and Chairman of this committee in June when my term is completed. I’d like to thank all those who have worked so hard to support our membership and ask those who can to step up another notch and do more for your fellow members and the LGA. Thanks, Larry Jolly. Contact them at GovernmentRelations@LakeGastonAssoc.com US Coast Guard Auxiliary 2009 Training Dates June 20, July 18, August 15 and September 19 America's Boating Course is an eight hour course covering the basics of boating and is appropriate for youth as well as the adult boater. Successful completion of this course satisfies the education requirement for youth to operate a PWC in both Virginia and North Carolina. Remember: Virginia now has a law that all boaters in the waters of Virginia will have proof of taking a Boating Course. Phase I begins July 2009. Courses are taught at the USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 93 Building, located at 252 River Road, (Route 1214), Henrico, 1/4 mile south of Route 46. All classes are on Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the exam given at the end of class. Please bring your lunch - none will be provided. The fee for the course is $30. Pre-registration and prepayment are required and may be accomplished by calling the Lake Gaston Gazette, (252) 586-2700, or stopping by their office at 378 Lizard Creek Road, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registration and payment must be completed no later than one week prior to the course date. Checks, made out to the US Coast Guard Auxiliary, may be dropped off at the Gazette, or mailed to the Lake Gaston Gazette, P.O. Box 1166, Littleton, NC 27850, Attn: Boating Safety Course. County FY 2009-2010 Budget Presentations in June Brunswick County: Public Hearing May 20, 7 p.m.; Budget Adoption June 17, 7 p.m. Halifax County: Public Hearing June 1, 9:30 a.m.; Budget Adoption June 15, 9:30 a.m. Northampton County: Public Hearing and Adoption June 1, 11 a.m. Mecklenburg County: Public Hearing and Adoption May 20, 7 p.m. Warren County: Public Hearing June 8, 6 p.m.; Budget Work Session June 18, 1 – 4 p.m.; Budget Adoption June 22, 10 a.m. June/July 2009 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Calendar notes … June 3 – LGA monthly meeting at 9:30 a.m., Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577 June 3 – Lake Gaston Striper Club, 6:30 p.m. Littleton Community Center, (252) 537-6686 June 5,6,7,12,13,14,19,20,21 – “Hello Dolly,” 8 p.m. Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (877) 330-0574 June 5 – 43rd Kerr Lake Art Show, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., Vance Granville Community College (252) 492-5281 June 11 – Eatons Ferry Road AARP 6 p.m. Littleton Community Center (252) 586-4434 June 13 – LGA Annual Meeting, 9:30 a.m. Lake Gaston Baptist Church, (252) 586-6566 June 13 - Wildflower Hike at Medoc Mountain State Park, 2 p.m. Medoc Mtn State Park (252) 586-6588 June 20 – US Coast Guard Auxiliary America’s Boating Course 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Henrico (252) 586-2700 June 20 - Antique Car Show, Lake Gaston Food Lion parking lot, (252) 586-5711 June 24 – Lake Gaston Water Safety Council – 6 p.m. Kennon House, Gasburg (252) 537-9290 June 25-28 First for Freedom Outdoor Drama 7 p.m., at the 4-H Rural Life Center (252) 534-1687 June 27 – Watershed Protection Forum 1:30 p.m., Littleton Community Center (252) 586-6577 June 27 - Lakeland Singers Concert, 8 p.m.,Lakeland Theater Company, (877) 330-0574 July 1 - LGA monthly meeting at 9:30 a.m., Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577 July 1 – Lake Gaston Striper Club, 6:30 p.m. Littleton Community Center, (252) 537-6686 July 3 – Annual Picnic in the Park, 6:30 – 10 p.m., South Hill (434) 447-4547 July 4 – Lake Gaston Annual Fireworks Display, Eaton Ferry Bridge, at dark (252) 586-4322 July 4 – Littleton 4th July Parade, 10 a.m. (9 a.m. line-up at Lakeland) (252) 586-6828 July 4 – Annual Independence Day Boat Parade, 10:30 a.m. mile marker 17, (252) 257-1807 July 9 – Eatons Ferry Road AARP 6 p.m. Littleton Community Center (252) 586-4434 July 11 - Third Annual Spring Marketplace and Artisan Fair, 4 – 9 p.m. (252) 257-2657 July 11 - Canoe Exploration 1 p.m. at Medoc Mountain State Park (252) 586-6588 July 16-18 – 32nd Virginia Lake Festival, Clarksville (434) 374-436 July 18 – US Coast Guard Auxiliary America’s Boating Course 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Henrico (252) 586-2700 July 29 – Lake Gaston Water Safety Council – 6 p.m. Kennon House, Gasburg (252) 537-9290 August 5 - LGA monthly meeting at 9:30 a.m., Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577 August 5 – Lake Gaston Striper Club, 6:30 p.m. Littleton Community Center, (252) 537-6686 August 8 – 5th Annual The Crossing, 9 a.m., Morning Star Marina (252) 586-5711 August 8 – Art Plunge, following The Crossing (252) 586-5711 August 12 – Lake Gaston Chamber of Commerce Annual Golf Tournament (252) 586-5711 August 13 – Eatons Ferry Road AARP 6 p.m. Littleton Community Center (252) 586-4434 August 15 – US Coast Guard Auxiliary America’s Boating Course 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Henrico (252) 586-2700 August 15 - Try Your Hand With A Gold Pan 2 p.m. at Medoc Mountain State Park (252) 586-6588 August 26 – Lake Gaston Water Safety Council – 6 p.m. Kennon House, Gasburg (252) 537-9290 September 2 - LGA monthly meeting at 9:30 a.m., Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577 September 2 – Lake Gaston Striper Club, 6:30 p.m. Littleton Community Center, (252) 537-6686 September 4&5 – 25th Littleton/Lake Gaston Festival, downtown Littleton (252) 586-5959 September 19 – US Coast Guard Auxiliary America’s Boating Course 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Henrico (252) 586-2700 October 3 – Lake Gaston Lions Club Seafood Festival, (252) 586-3453 www.lakegastonchamber.com www.warren-chamber.org www.visithalifax.com www.southhillchamber.com www.northamptonchamber.org www.brunswickchamber.com (Put cursor on website press CTRL + click to follow link) Business Members … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm Serving Breakfast & Lunch Deli-Steaks-Fresh Produce & Much More CORNER MART HOME OF “FAST FUEL” OWNER/MANAGER: LINDA E. SHELTON 434-636-5015 Soft Serve Ice Cream/Variety of Flavors Page 7 Page 8 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm June/July 2009 June/July 2009 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm 7KH5HVWDXUDQW (DWRQ·V)HUU\*URFHU\*ULOO DW *ULOO2SHQ$0²30 +Z\/LWWOHWRQ1& 7KH:DWHUV9LHZ5HVWDXUDQW &DVXDO'LQLQJDWLWV)LQHVW (DWRQ)HUU\5RDG /LWWOHWRQ1& 'RFNVLGH/DQGLQJ$W(DWRQ)HUU\%ULGJH 0DWWKHZ*1DXJOH2ZQHU ZZZYLVLWODNHJDVWRQFRP Page 9 Page 10 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN June/July 2009 Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm PHONE: (252) 257-3166 FAX: (252) 257-2053 al.thompson@banzetlaw.com /DNH H* *DVWRQ Q% %DSWLVW W& &KXUFK Believing in God’s Word! Experience worship with us! 128 Lynwood Road Littleton, NC 27850 Phone Number 252-586-3829 FRANK A. BUCCIALIA & SONS, INC. MASON CONTRACTOR for all your masonry needs (252) 586-8485 BANZET, THOMPSON & STYERS,P.L.L.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW LEWIS ALSTON THOMPSON,III P.O. BOX 535 1001 N. FRONT STREET WARRENTON, NC 27589 June/July 2009 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN Page 11 Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm LGA APPLICATION Dues are for Calendar Year (January-December) Office: 800-284-7774 or 252-586-3048 Fax: 252-586-6019 Cell: 252-308-2015 E-mail: sandrashearin@hughes.net Website: www.southshorerealtyssr.com PLEASE INDICATE: Renewal New Member Address Change E-Mail Change PAYMENT IS FOR: $25 General Membership $250 Lifetime Supporting Levels: $50 Bronze $250 Gold $100 Silver Name Lake Resident Full-time or Lake Property House Lot Part-time Multiple Subdivision Lot # County LAKE ADDRESS: (#/Street/City/State/Zip) MAILING ADDRESS: (If different) PHONE @ Lake: )XWUHOOO3 3KDUPDF\ RI I/ /LWWOHWRQ (DVW6RXWK0DLQ/LWWOHWRQ1& 2ZQHU%LOO)XWUHOO3KDUPDFLVW/RUL-RQHV +RXUV0RQ²)UL² 6DW² 3KRQH Home: E-Mail: SEND LGA BULLETIN: E-Mail US Mail Please tell us how you first heard of the LGA (i.e., which newspaper, LGA Bulletin, neighbor, brochure, website, radio, etc.) Mail with payment to: LGA, P.O. Box 656, Littleton, NC 27850 THANK YOU! Page 12 LAKE GASTON ASSOCIATION BULLETIN June/July 2009 Business Members Continued … Visit their websites at www.lakegastonassoc.com/Membership/Businesses.htm A Special Thanks to our SUPPORTING Members who will be contributing a higher level of Financial support in 2009 so the LGA can approach its mission and goals with greater scope and influence New members who have joined or renewed at a supporting level since our last Bulletin: BRONZE: Paul Ilg, BUSINESS MEMBERS: Wilkie Real Estate Lake Gaston; Wilkie Real Estate Roanoke Rapids; Subway Lake Gaston; ShipShape; PLM Land & Lake Management; Pea Hill Creek Country Store; Overby Marine Sales; Lakeside Welding; Mary Sherwood Lake Living; Lake Gaston Water Sports; Eileen & Hank Haden, Realtors/Brokers, Coldwell Banker Advantage; Gasburg Golf Cars; Embroidery Magic; Discount Tire & Automotive Service Center; Daughtridge Gas; Corner Mart; Ace Hardware Store Lake Gaston. Membership Goal: 2,000 Current Members: 1308 CHECK: If the information on the label below is incorrect, please advise. By Web: www.LakeGastonAssoc.com, By Email: MemRec@LakeGastonAssoc.com or By Mail: LGA Member Records at the address below. Thanks! Non Profit Org. BULK RATE Permit No. 2 Henrico, NC P.O. Box 656 ~ Littleton, NC 27850