South Asian Art History - East


South Asian Art History - East
South Asian Art History
Visualizing Divinity in Early Buddhist and Hindu Art Indus Valley or Harappan Civilization
Ganesha (Pillaiyar)
South India
Ch l period, ca. 1070 CE
i d
1070 CE
Bronze, ht. 50.2 cm.
(Cleveland Museum of Art)
“Mature Harappan Period”
Ca. 2500 – 1900 BCE
Ca. 2500 1900 BCE
2010 Asian Studies Development Program Institute on Infusing South Asian Studies into the Undergraduate Curriculum
Paul A. Lavy
University of Hawaii at Manoa Male Torso
Harappa, Pakistan
Indus Valley Civilization
Ca. 2200‐1900 BCE (or later)
Red jasper
ht. 9.5 cm.
Left: Square stamp seal depicting a deity in a tree and a human‐headed quadruped, Indus Valley Civilization, ca. 2000‐1900 BCE, steatite intaglio, 4.1 x 3.4 cm. (Islamabad Museum)
Right: Square stamp seal depicting a seated male figure, Indus Valley Civilization, ca. 2000‐1900 BCE, steatite intaglio, 2.7 cm. sq. (Islamabad Museum)
Left: Male Torso, Harappa, Pakistan, Indus Valley civilization, ca. 2200‐1900 BCE, red jasper, ht. 9.5 cm. (National Museum, New Delhi)
Right: Dancing Girl, Mohenjodaro, Pakistan, Indus Valley Civilization, ca. 2600‐1900 BCE, bronze, ht. 10 cm. (National Museum, New Delhi)
• Indus Valley Civilization, ca. 2500 – 1500 BCE
• Vedas / Vedic period, ca. 1500 – 800 BCE
• Upanishads (“Vedanta”), ca. 800 – 450 BCE
• Maurya Period, ca. 322‐185 BCE
• Shunga Period, ca. 185‐73 BCE
• Kushan Period, ca. 1st – 3rd cent. CE
• Gupta Period, ca. 320 – 6th cent. CE
Bust of a “priest‐king” or deity, Mohenjodaro, Pakistan, Indus Valley Civilization, ca. 2600‐1900 BCE, white steatite, ht. 17.5 cm. (National Museum, Karachi)
Female figurines with headdresses and jewelry, Mohenjodaro, Pakistan, Indus Valley Civilization, ca. 2600 – 1900 BCE, terracotta, ht. 13.2 cm. (left) and 18.7 cm. (right)
(National Museum, Karachi)
Lion capital from Ashoka pillar, Sarnath, India, Mauryan period, 3rd cent. BCE
polished sandstone, ht. 2.15 m.
(Sarnath Museum)
chakravartin – “wheel‐turner” A concept of sovereignty employing cosmic symbolism to proclaim the king the “lord of the four quarters”
Left: Yaksha, Parkham, Uttar Pradesh, India, late Maurya or early Shunga Period, ca. 2nd cent. BCE, sandstone, ht. 2.64 m. (Mathura Museum)
Right: Yakshi, Besnagar, Madhya Pradesh, India, late Maurya or early Shunga Period, ca. 2nd cent. BCE, sandstone, ht. 2.01 m. (Indian Museum, Calcutta)
Left: Edict pillar erected by Ashoka, Lauriya Nandangarh, ca. 242‐241 BCE
Right: Pillar capital from Vaishali, ca mid 3rd cent. BCE
Yakshi (“chauri‐bearer”), Didarganj, India, Maurya or Shunga period, ca. 2nd – 1st cent. BCE, polished sandstone, ht. 1.63 cm. (Patna Museum) Left: Railing pillar depicting the yakshi Chandra, Bharhut stupa, India, Shunga period, ca. 100 BCE, reddish‐brown sandstone relief, ht. 2.13 m. (Indian Museum, Calcutta)
Right: Female bracket figure, east gate, Great Stupa (Stupa no. 1), Sanchi, India, 1st cent. BCE – 1st cent. CE, sandstone Left: Great Stupa (Stupa #1), Sanchi, India, 3rd – 1st cent. BCE, brick, rubble, and sandstone; diam. 36.6 m., ht. 16.5 m Right: Female bracket figure, east gate, Great Stupa (Stupa no. 1), Sanchi, India, 1st cent. BCE – 1st cent. CE, sandstone Great Stupa (Stupa #1), Sanchi, India, 3rd – 1st cent. BCE, brick, rubble, and sandstone; diam. 36.6 m., ht. 16.5 m. 2
Shwedagon pagoda, Yangon, Myanmar, ca. 15th – 18th cent. CE (originally perhaps 6th – 10th cent. CE), ht. (top of spire) ca. 112 m.
Left: Male Torso, Harappa, Pakistan, Indus Valley civilization, ca. 2200‐1900 BCE, red jasper, ht. 9.5 cm. (National Museum, New Delhi)
Right: Doryphoros (Spear Bearer), Roman copy of a bronze original by Polyclitus, original ca. 450 – 440 BCE, marble, ht. 2.12 m. (Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples)
Left: Railing pillar depicting the yakshi Chandra, Bharhut stupa, India, Shunga period, ca. 100 BCE, reddish‐brown sandstone relief, ht. 2.13 m. (Indian Museum, Calcutta)
Right: Female bracket figure, east gate, Great Stupa (Stupa no. 1), Sanchi, India, 1st cent. BCE – 1st cent. CE, sandstone Left: Zeus (or Poseidon?), from a shipwreck off Cape Artemisium, Greece, ca. 460 – 450 BCE, bronze, ht. 2.09 m. (National Archaeological Museum, Athens)
Right: Standing Buddha, Sarnath, India, late 5th cent. CE, sandstone, ht. 1.0 m. (Archaeological Museum, Sarnath)
Left: Aphrodite of Knidos, composite Roman copy of an original by Praxiteles from ca. 350 – 330 BCE, marble, ht. 2.05 m. (Vatican Museum)
Right: Railing pillar depicting the yakshi Chandra, Bharhut stupa, India, Shunga period, ca. 100 BCE, reddish‐brown sandstone relief, ht. 2.13 m. (Indian Museum, Calcutta)
Left: Aulus Metellus or L’Arringatore (Orator), Perugia, Italy, 1st cent. BCE, bronze, ht. 1.80 m.
(National Archaeological Museum, Florence)
Right: Standing Buddha, Gandhara, Pakistan, Kushan period, 2nd – 3rd cent. CE, schist, ht. 1.4 m. (Lahore Museum)
The Empire of Alexander the Great, 334 – 323 BCE
Left: Lysippos (?), Alexander the Great, ca. 200 BCE, possibly a copy after a 4th‐cent. BCE original, marble, ht. 41 cm. (Archaeological Museum, Istanbul)
Right: Head of a Buddha, Hadda, Afghanistan, Kushan period, 3rd‐4th cent. CE, painted stucco
Emaciated (Fasting) Buddha
Sikri Stupa, Gandhara, Pakistan
Kushan p
period, 2
, nd – 3rd cent. CE schist, ht. 84 cm. (Lahore Museum, No. 2099)
Parkham, India
Shunga period
ca. 2nd cent. BCE
Ht. 2.64 m.
(Mathura Museum)
Left: Buddha seated on a lion throne, Katra Mound, Mathura, India, Kushan period, 1st ‐ 2nd cent. CE, red sandstone, ht. 71 cm. (Government Museum, Mathura)
Right: Buddha on a lion throne, Gandhara, Takht‐i Bahi, Pakistan, Kushan period, 2nd ‐ 3rd cent. CE. Schist, ht. 52 cm. (Museum of Indian Art, Berlin)
Left: Standing Buddha of Friar Bala, Sarnath, India, Kushan period, 2nd cent. CE, red sandstone, ht. 2.9 m. (Archaeological Museum, Sarnath)
Right: Standing Buddha, Gandhara, Pakistan, Kushan period, 2nd – 3rd cent. CE, schist, ht. 1.4 m. (Lahore Museum)
Left: Standing Buddha, Gandhara, Pakistan, ca. 2nd – 3rd cent. CE, dark grey schist, ht. 1.10 m.
(National Museum, New Delhi)
Right: Standing Buddha, Mathura, India, Gupta period, 5th cent. CE, red sandstone, ht. 2.16 m.
(National Museum, New Delhi)
Left: Buddha seated on a lion throne, Katra Mound, Mathura, India, Kushan period, 1st ‐ 2nd cent. CE, red sandstone, ht. 71 cm. (Government Museum, Mathura)
Right: Buddha preaching the First Sermon, Sarnath, India, Gupta period, 5th cent. CE, tan sandstone, ht. 1.60 m. (Archaeological Museum, Sarnath)
Standing Buddha of Friar Bala
Sarnath, India Kushan period
2nd cent. CE
Red sandstone Ht. 2.9 m. (Sarnath Museum)
Phra Buddha Chinarat
Wat Phrasriratna Mahathat
(“Wat Yai”)
Phitsanulok, Thailand
Late Sukhothai period
Ca. early 15th cent. CE
Bronze with lacquer and gilding
Walking Buddha
From Wat Mahathat (?), Sukhothai, Thailand
Sukhothai period, 14th cent. CE
Bronze, ht. 2.20 m.
(Wat Benchamabopit, Bangkok)
rounded shells
elephant’s trunk
mango stone
a drawn bow
lotus petals
level tread like golden sandals
blossoming lotus
parrot’s beak
banyan tree
elephant’s head
Horizontal scroll painting depicting Hindu deities (detail)
Andhra or Tamil Nadu (?), India, ca. 1770s
Watercolor and gold on European paper; 28 x 76 cm. (total dimensions)
Inscribed in the top left hand corner with names in Telugu and English and “Presented to the Royal Asiatic Society, 1st December 1828 by William Marsden”
Left: Hermes and Dionysus, original or Hellenistic/Roman copy of an original by Praxiteles, original ca. 330 BCE, marble, ht. 2.15 m. (Archaeological Museum, Olympia, Greece)
Right: Walking Buddha, from Sukhothai, Thailand, 14th cent. CE, bronze, ht. 2.20 m. (Wat Benchamabopit, Bangkok)
Heads of Brahma (left), Shiva (center), and Vishnu (right), Phnom Bok, Siem Reap, Cambodia, Bakheng style, 1st quarter of 10th cent. CE, sandstone, ht. 46 cm., 49 cm., and 45 cm. (Musée National des Arts Asiatiques‐Guimet, Paris, MG 18101, MG 18100 & MG 18102)
Left: Brahma and Saraswati on the Cosmic Goose (inscribed “Brahma darmoodoo”)
Right: Vishnu seated on the shoulders of Garuda and holding Lakshmi on his left leg (inscribed “Shree Mahaa Veeshnoo”)
Varaha (cosmic boar incarnation)
Cave 5, Udayagiri, India
Gupta period, ca. early 5th cent.
Sandstone relief (Yale and ACSAA)
Left: Vishnu temple from the southeast, Deogarh, Uttar Pradesh, India, Gupta period, ca. early 6th cent. CE
Right: Vishnu reclining on serpent, from the south side, sandstone relief
Vishnu reclining on serpent, from the south side, sandstone relief
Vishnu as Narasimha (man‐lion incarnation)
Candi Ijo
Central Java, Indonesia
Ca. 9th cent. CE
Ht. 86 cm.
Krishna (as Vishvarupa) and Arjuna
(from the Bhagavad Gita or “Song of God”)
Oleograph, ca. 1920
Krishna dallying with the Gopis (Carefree Krishna)
Folio from the Gita Govinda series by the family workshop of Seu‐Nainsukh
Kangra, India, Rajput, ca. 1775 – 80 CE, watercolor on paper; 18.2 x 28 cm.
(Private collection)
Shiva Nataraja
“Lord of the Dance”
Tamil Nadu, India
Chola period ca.1150
Bronze, ht. 1.53 m.
(Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) Left: Vishnu, Mathura, India, mid‐5th cent. CE, red sandstone, ht. 1.09 m. (National Museum, New Delhi)
Right: Shiva as Ascetic with Worshippers, Mandi, Punjab Hills, India, Mandi school, Pahari, Rajput period, ca. 1820 CE, ink and opaque watercolor on paper, 33.0 x 23.5 cm. (ACSAA)
Left: Poster for a concert by the musical group Trinity La Mama with a composite image of the Statue of Liberty and Nataraja
Right: Cover of The Deadhead’s Taping Compendium by Michael M. Getz and John R. Dwork (Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1999)
By artist Kevin Peake
Left: Dancing Shiva, Tanjavur Temple, Tamil Nadu, India
Right: Processional image of dancing Shiva, Jambukeshvara Temple, Srirangam, Tamil Nadu, India (Neil Greentree, 1988)
Left: Shiva Maheshvara (Triple Manifestation of the God Shiva), Cave 1, Elephanta, India, Kalachuri dynasty, 6th cent. CE, basalt relief, ht. ca. 5 m. (ACSAA)
Right: Shiva with Nandi, Durga Temple, Aihole, India, 8th cent. CE, Chalukyan period, sandstone relief
Left: Shiva linga, Gudimallam, Andhra Pradesh, India, ca. 1st cent. BCE, sandstone, ht. 1.5 m.
Right: Shiva linga, 18th cent. CE, black schist (Musée d’Ethnographie, Geneva)
Double‐sided Yakshi bracket, Mathura, India, 2nd cent. CE, red sandstone, ht. 56.5 cm. (Private collection)
Durga Slaying the Buffalo Demon, Durga Temple, Aihole, Karnataka, India, Chalukya period, 8th cent. CE, sandstone relief
Tamil Nadu, India
Chola period, ca. 1100 CE
Bronze ht 80 cm
Bronze, ht. 80 cm.
(Private collection)
Virupaksha Temple, Pattadakal, Karnataka, India, Chalukyan period, ca. 740 CE, sandstone
Durga Temple
Aihole, Karnataka, India
Early Chalukya Period
8th cent. CE Left: Yashoda Nursing Baby Krishna, Chola period, 13th cent. CE, bronze, ht. 33.3 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Right: Parvati and Ganesha, Jaipur, India, ca. 1820 CE, opaque watercolor on paper, 38.1 x 27.94 cm. (Ford Collection)
Devi (Durga) Battles the Buffalo Demon
Punjab Hills, India
Ca. 1830
Opaque watercolor and gold p q
on paper
33.0 x 27.7 cm.
(Victoria and Albert Museum, London)
Left: Chamunda, north India, Chandella period, 11th cent. CE, sandstone, ht. 1.13 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Right: Chamunda, Nepal, 14th cent. CE, Copper, gems, pigment, gilt, ht. 20.3 cm. (Los Angeles County Museum of Art)
Left: Shivalinga and yoni; Pashupatinath Temple, Deopatan, Kathmandu, Nepal; reign of Yaksa
Malla (1428‐1482), 1469 CE; stone; ht. 69.2 cm. (Huntington Archives)
Right: Shivalinga and yoni, Cambodia, Angkorian period, ca. 10th – 13th cent. CE, quartz and bronze, ht. 12 cm. (National Museum, Phnom Penh)
Left: Uma‐Maheshvara with Nandi, north India, ca. mid‐10th cent. CE, sandstone, ht. 85.7 cm. (Los Angeles County Museum of Art)
Right: Shiva and Uma, Banteay Srei, Cambodia, Angkorian period, 967 CE, sandstone, ht. 65.5 cm. (Phnom Penh National Museum)
Kandariya Mahadeva Temple, Khajuraho, India, Chandella period, First quarter of the 11th cent. CE, sandstone, ht. 31 m. 8
Shrine doorway
View into Garbhagriha
Kandariya Mahadeva Temple
Khajuraho India Chandella period
Khajuraho, India, Chandella period
11th cent. CE
(1) Elevation of the façade
(2) Plan
(3) Side elevation
(4) Section of the accessible spaces
Kandariya Mahadeva Temple
Khajuraho, India
Chandella period, 11th cent. CE sandstone Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres (Cathédrale Notre‐Dame de Chartres), Chartres, France, ca. 1134 – 1260 CE
Splendors of the celestial realm
Shiva among nymphs (apsara and surasundari) and amorous couples (mithuna) 9
Left: Edict pillar erected by Ashoka, Lauriya Nandangarh, ca. 242‐241 BCE
Right: Lion capital from Ashoka pillar, Sarnath, India, Mauryan period, 3rd cent. BCE
polished sandstone, ht. 2.15 m. (Sarnath Museum)
Left: Great Stupa (Stupa #1), Sanchi, India, 3rd – 1st cent. BCE, brick, rubble, and sandstone; diam. 36.6 m., ht. 16.5 m.
Right: Kandariya Mahadeva Temple, Khajuraho, India, Chandella period, First quarter of the 11th cent. CE, sandstone, ht. 31 m. Shiva lingas, area of Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand, ca. 6th‐7th cent. CE
Taj Mahal, Agra, India, Mughal period, 1632 – 1648 CE marble, red sandstone, semi‐precious stone, and gemstones Left: Buddha preaching the First Sermon, Sarnath, India, Gupta period, 5th cent. CE, tan sandstone, ht. 1.60 m. (Archaeological Museum, Sarnath)
Right: Shiva Nataraja (“Lord of the Dance”), Tamil Nadu, India, Chola period, ca.1150
bronze, ht. 1.53 m. (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) 10

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