1939-11-30 - Hagaman Memorial Library
1939-11-30 - Hagaman Memorial Library
»'l«^^^£^atB^ y l^ll»'S»>tSs^WiW»^«'0''!»*l»'%*BAfWia<R»r%>*i, - •-.-^it V * - * * ' * - * r Jl i>;^i-*S( ij:#i'^»*^,'»^-i#fii;.v. itagauau L.lbrary Page Eight T H E B R A N P O R D R E V I E W , T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 23, 1930 NORTH IICMH F. ? AMNK ON IIOLIA'WOOD: Jeanntlo McDonald oxtrcmoly s m a r t In ah ensemble ot black crepe a n d silver lox, recording numbers lor "New Moon," In which she cos l a r s with Nelson Eddy Clark Gable applying chemical to the roots of his fruit trees on his En clno ranch Ilolcn Gilbert recclv ing offers to record 'cello colos' for leading recording firms Joan Crawford seeking "nolso-proor Jewelery for h e r role In, "Not Too Narrow, Not Too Deep," Her brace lets made so much noise t h a t Ihcy ruined a " t a k e . " Nelson Eddy recording songs from "Balalaika" In which ho a p p e a r s with Illona Mas soy N a t Pendleton moving from Hollywood buck to his beach homo so t h a t h i s pot Dane, gandow, will have more room In which to romp Maureen O'SulUvan visit I n g ' o n the lot for the first time since her r e t u r n from Europe,,,, Margaret Sullivan In for make-up a n d costume tests for "The Shop Around The Corner." Ann SoIhern having photos taken of herself In the chftraetor ot Ethel Turp, to please her many fans Virginia Bruce leading the way In "at . homev fashions by wearing colorful frocks of pheasant chains covered by ttttraotivo old-fashioned aprons, Mickey Rooney taking his role • of "Young Tom Edison" seriously and planning to Install a n amateur electrical laboratory In his home. Spencer Tracy postcardlng friends from his Eastern trip „.Lana Tur ncr collecting windshield stickers representing the various colleges of Iho country. Having wrecked the opera, the races, animal crackers, horse feathers and duck soup In their previous comedy riots, t h e madcap Marx Bros, now turn their guns ot mirth upon t h e circus In their newest comedy riot "Marx Bros, a t the Clr ous" which Is now showing a t the Loew Poll Oblloge Theatre for a 2nd Big Week, Also In the cast a r e Kenny Barker, Florence Rico a n d Mar. garet Dumont. The 2nd big feature on t h i s won derful program Is "U-Boat 29", with Conrad Veldt a n d Valerie Hobson BRANFORD Services In the lopal chtirchcs on Sunday will be: St. Augu.^llne's n. C, Church, Rev, William Brewer, pa.ilor, Mrs, Edward Daly, organist choir director, Mass v/111 bo celcbwlcd at 0:15 a m. Sunday School will follow with' Inslrucllon.'i by Dominican Nun.'i from New Haven, ZIon EpiKcopal Church, Rev Francl.5 J. Smith, Rector, Mrs, Paul n. I!awkln,s, organist and choir director Holy Eucharl.it win bo celebrated a t 0:30 o'clock, Sunday School v/lll follow. George Kroli, piiat tfvimt .saelicm Tm|iroved Oriler of Ked Men, member oC 'I'niikCTOosim tribe, of J{ockville, Town Hall Scene Continued from page one Ing-Sttchem, Walter Nowton, senior sagamore, P . Potela, Junior sagamore, J. Johnson, prophet, v. Ralola s a n n a s p , B. Anderson and T. Pope, scout, E. Mangan and L, Thomas, warrlor,s, F, Atwator, H, Thayer, p . Barba, a n d J. Kllma.s. braves, A Kamlnsky, B. Mason, J. Lageux and E. Atwater. The newly elected officers of; Pequot tribe will be Installed b y , t h e staff from H a m o n nassott tribe of New Haven they being S a e h a m , Clair Newton, senior sagamore,-. George Schmlttgall junior sagamore, Alfred W. Smith, prophet. Carter Hotchklss, chief of records, George MuUctt, MIshenewa. Noah Wolned and trustee, J o h n McClusky. . . . On Friday evening this week the final 'open meeting of the new tribe win be held a t t h e West End Flro house and all men of East Haven are Invited t o attend. BertU Abrahamson Is t h e c h a i r m a n of the committee for the refreshments on Friday evening. The N o r t h Branford Fife and North Branford Congregational Drum Corps will play In the S a n t a Church Rev. G. Dlllard Los,sley, Claus p a r a d e In New Haven on pastor, Mrs. Douglas B. Holnbird, December 2. organist and choir director, Miss Ethel Maynard assistant. Morning Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Ha.'slett ot worship will bo a t 11 o'clock. Sunday Newburgh N.Y, spent t h e weekend School will convene In the Chape! \ t l t h Mr, a n d Mrs, Earl B. Colter of at 10 o'clock, Mtes Edna Grlswold, Quarry Road. superintendent. Reprcjontatlvcs from the Zlon Mrs. Paul R, Hawkins, of Notch Episcopal Church attended the fifty Hill Road, entertained the members n i n t h a n n u a l meeting of the of the ZIon P a r i s h Guild at her Dloscescan Woman'.s Auxiliary at homo on Tuesday. A covered dl.'sh Christ Church Cathedral In H a r t luncheon was followed by a business ford on last Friday. meeting and a work period. Miss Elsie Forto spent the weekRev. Francis J. Smith gave the in- end with h e r jjarents, Mr. and Mrs vocation a t t h e a n n u a l banquet of Cavallere Forto of Mm Road. Miss t h e New Haven county F a r m Bur- Forto Is a student nurse in the H a r t eau held In t h e Westvllle Masonic ford General Hospital. Temple on last Thursday night. Miss Natalie Colter of Quarry Mr. Percy Bean who membership Road had as her Sunday dinner drive chairman for North Branford guest Miss Muriel Schacf. and Mrs. Bean, also Mls.^ Cary Llnsley attended this banquet. Residents of the town are responding well to the annual roll call of entire town Miss Edna Grlsworld with Miss members a n d the Margaret Harrison of East Haven win be canvassed u n d e r the direcare motoring to Washington D.C. tion of Mrs. Aldon J. Hill, roll call chairman. for a visit. RED CROSS •At noon today $357 h a d boon raised by t h e Branford b r a n c h of t h e American Fled Cross. The drive Is In Us last week so the roll call WATCH FOR COM1NC3 HITS SOON workers are looking for a heavy r e Charles Warfleld had some very "Another T h i n Man" with Wll sponse. nice pictures t a k e n on hl.s recent Ham Powell a n d Myrna Loy trip to Now Hampshire. "Broadway Melody of lOlO" with Eleanor .Powell, Fred Astalre. and aobrEO"~'Murphy.'.„.;..'..;.' "Northwest . Tho Employment Bureau which P a s s a g e " with Spencer Tracy and h a s been accepting applications on Robert young....„.,"Balalalka" with Tuesdays andiThursdays will not bo Nelson Eddy and Illona Massey,..,,,,, open until further notice or until See you In the Movies, additional oniploymcnt Is requred. Your Movie Guyed Pequot Theatre Pri., Snt,—Nov, 2'l-25 "BLACKMAIL" ;-: WITH :•: Bdw, G. Robinson, Uutli Hnssoy NAT IV E !-! ALSO :-l WHITE HOLLAND NARRAGANSETT BRONZE :-: ALSO !-! "THE UNDER-PUP" with Gloria Joan, N a n Grey Roger Whipple The Basketball clinic is open to all IndustrL-vl Baskotban m e n at eight o'clock P.k', November 23d and November 28th a t t h e Y,M,C.A, Gymnasium. Tho clinic personol win Include the best of talent tho State h a s to offer. Be sure and avil your.'iolt of thtssplendid opportunity T h e Galv, Bowling team win take to not only study rule chances, b u t on a n y bowling teain In tho M.I.P. to freshen y o u r ' m i n d on the fine Co. The Galv. Bowling T e a m Is points of t h e game. comprised of Dick Rourke, Eddy Yester, Joe Gatavaskl, Wallace Whltoomb, Bob . Robinson, Alex Scastrand and K n u t o Hanson. Members of t h e New Haven Hiking Club will enjoy tho great open spaces Sunday w h e n they go to Mt. Pro,5pect to start ow a twelve mile hike. Those who will be o n h a n d from the M.I.P, Club are as follows: Helen Ackerman, Mildred LuCroIx, J o h n Cameron, Win Smith and last but not least Long hike Don Sawtelle. We will report on the hike In t h e next Issue, s t o n y Crook R o a d Wed,, Thura.—Nov. 29-30 BURNISHED GOLD CHINA NIGHTS Irono D u n n e , Oliarles Boyer in 'When Tomorrow Comes' !•: ALSO :-! O u r l<'loek m a i n t a i n s qualily r e p u t a t i o n , good b o d y Jlormation and fine con- grained moat. Gail Patrick, John Howard in "Grand Jury Secret's" I Capitol Theatre j [ Just Arrived Alioo F a y o , Done Amooho in "Holl3rwood Cavalcade" ;-: ALSO :-: "ESPIONAGE AGENT" WITH !-: Rev. and Mrs. Robert J. Plumb, Montowese Street, • announce the brlth of a daughter PrlscUla Read In New Haven Hospital, November tWed., Tlmrs.—Nor. 29-30 "DANCING CO-ED" vrith Lana Tui'nor OIL BURNER Locally M a d e Nationally Tel. 672-2 — 572-3 F i t t i n g s Co. Famous B. W.,Wolgon, P r o p . R. C. BALLOU Branford When you finally decide upon oil h e a t do not fall to take advantage of this fact. i-i ALSO !-: Jaokio Cooper, Betty Field in "WHAT A L I F E " Ladies Gift Nights [i'Vi., . S n t . ~ D e c . 1-2 I I r o n o D a r e , Roaooo K a r n s in "Everything's On Ice" ;-: A L S O :-: Tim Holt, Janet Shaw in 'THE ROOKIE COP" Play Honey Sat. Evenings | Mgr. THE LEEPERGO. Mrs. Harold Peck, Rogers Street, was hostes.s this afternoon to t h e Tabltha Society. FINISHED WORK BACHELOR SERVICE P r o d u c t of Mr. and Mrs. George B . Adams ot Indian Neck have Mrs. W. A. Hawley with t h e m for the winter. IT. P , Lecpor, WET WASH Malleable I r o n FOR SALE B. G. Ijcoper, Trons. FLAT WORK SOFT DRT Right around the corner In Branford Is produced an oU burner recognized throughout the nation as being one of the the genuine outstanding quality oil, burners produced In America. Jool MoCroai, Bronda Marshall BRANFORD LAUNDRY These dealers will be glad to give you complete details on w h a t a Branford Installation will do, and what it will cost. New Haven ' East Haven New Haven Coal Co. East Haven Coal Co. Branford — R. C Enquist MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS COMPANY B r a n f o r d , Conn. Business Directory 42 inch sink a n d tub comblnatiens 2S.9J complete. Toilet ontflts complete $12.95. Bath tubs $14.50. Wall Basins $5.45. Conn. Plumbing and Heating Materials Co., 1730 State Sl, New Haven, Conn., Phone 6-0028. TVPEWRITEItS SEW, — [SPAGHETTI DINNERS Telephone Office 6-8829 — Res. 40725M 649 Elm Street New Haven, Conn. BEER —MUSIC [Harbor Street Branford Venice Inn [iVISATBALLS 25c doz. Submarine Sandwiches FOR RENT After January 1, 1940—Store on corner of Main Street ajid Hillside Avenue; 258 Main Street, Branford, Conn. Now occupied by the First National Store. These premises contain 1800 square feet of floor space, the cellar the same. Can be used for any legitimate Business. For information call Branford 223-4. Terms RELIANCE TYPEWRITER CO.. C. B. GUY, Jlgr. Telephone 109 Crown Street, IN / 7-2738 New Ilavcn Glenwood cor.ib. range, SIO. Crawford, Alouofrani. Quality gas range, $18. Beautiful electric r e frieeratorg, $35, $45. Brand new stoves, refrigerators, reduced 2548%. Furniture, rugs. 59 IVhailey Avenue. OpCin ovenUii's. , AND EAST HAVEN NEWS Branford, Connecticut, Tlianksgiving Day, 1039 VOL, X I I — N O , 34 Price Five Centia Red Cross Needs Chm-ches Unite Invents Device | Accident Claims Old Fashioned More Members To Give Thanks For Self-Oiled jJohn Teresco Song Contest Engine Bells Is Pleasing To Fill Quota Since F o u n d i n g In 1881, American R e d Cross H a s A i d e d I n 2,495 Disasters r^ Only $428 has been collected in the a n n u a l Red Cross Roll Call, a much lower figure t h a n last year, Tho need, however, is greater this year so Mrs. James J. Walwortli. chairman is asking volunteer workers to s t a r t a canvass beginning Friday morning. I t was hoped t h a t this would not be necessary. To date 245 persons have joined. Because of the outbreak ot the war in Kurope, the League ot Red Cross Societies has moved quarters from theatened Paris to neutral Geneva In Switzerland which h a s been the home of the International Red Cross Committee ever since the Red Cross originated in t h a t city 75 years ago. The League is twenty years old, being founded after the. world war under the leadership ot Henry P. Davison, Chairman of the War Board of the American Red Cross. The League has as Its purposesolely t h e promotion and development ot t h e peace-time activities of the members societies, all war problems being left lo the I n t e r national Committee. The Hon. Norman Davis, Chairm a n ot t h e American Red Cross, is Chairman ot the League. Since Its founding In 1881 the American Red Cross h a s expended $143,000,000 to aid the victims of 2,495 disasters here and abroad, pro. vlding food, clothing, shelter, rescue, medical and nursing aid and permanently reabilltatlng families unable to help themselves. In t h e past'fiscal year t h e disaster i n _J!W^noea;eaehed a'«ew,.lilgh-itt'.the. United' S'tates'''whlch- requli'ed Red Cross aid for 130,000 victims a t an expenditure of $2,270,109. Outstanding relief operations Included the New England hurricane, Ohio Valley Flood, Charleston tornadoes, Minnesota tornado and. West Texas Flood. The American Red Cross has h a d a job to do for Its own citizens. Americans returning home to escape t h e war in Europe lost their belongings even when lucky enough to escape with their lives in sinking of the Athenia. So $20,000 wai placed by the Red Cross at the American Ambassador In London and by t h e American Minister In Irelanad according to their needs. All Chapters have been given authority by the Central Committee to accept contributions for war relief In Europe as follows: 1. For t h e purchase of supplies for impartial distribution.' 2. Designated funds for purchase of supplies tor a certain country, to bo transported to the Red Cross society ot t h a t nation. As a general policy t h e National Organization will not receive funds for transmission and expenditure by agencies abroad other t h a n the Red Cross. East Haven Girl's Engagement Announced Mr, Francis T. Peach ot East Haven announces the engagement of his daughter, Eleanor Mary, to Mr. William E. Putnam, 3d, of short Beach son ot Mr. and Mrs. William E. P u t n a m of Milton, Mass. Miss Peach Is a graduate of the State Teachers' College ot New Ha ven and Is now teaching in East Haven. Mr. P u t n a m graduated from Harvard with the class of 1932 and from t h e Harvard School of Bust ness Administration in 1935. He is connected with the New Haven of fico ot Investors Syndicate. The a n n u a l Union Thanksglvlnf service ot the P r o t e s t a n t churche; of Branford will be held in the First Baptist Church Wednesdaj evening at 8 o'clock. The churchcf which will take p a r t are the Flrsl Congregational Church, Tabor Lutheran Church and Trinity Episcopal Church. The choirs of the churches wll! participate in tho service. Brent Barker ot East Haven, formerly of Branford, will be the soloist. The speaker will be the Rev. Frank M. Swatflcid of Calvary Baptist church New Haven. A Thanksgiving offering will be taken for the benefit ot the Branford Visiting Nurse Association. Social Workers Conduct Bridge T h e Social Workers will hold a public bridge Dec.7 In the parlors of t h e First Congregational church. There will be a sale and dessertbridge commencing at 1:30. Tliero will be a door prize and a prize at each table. Hostesses are asked to bring their own cards. The follow Ing are In c h a r g e : Mrs. Grace Hunter.Mrs. Raymond Boutclle, white elephant; Mrs. Hulda Foote and Mrs. Winfleld R. Morgan, fancy work; Mrs. M.A. Huglns, food; Mrs. B. Kenneth Anthony, hostess. Reser vations may be made with the ticket committee, Mrs. William Car' sten, Mrs. Andrew Lawrence and all members ot the Social Workers. ORGANIZATION MEETING An organization meeting of the Townsend Club in Branford will be held in t h e Community House, Wednesday evening, Nov. 29 at 8 p . m I t Is open to the public. The Junior Musical Art Society win meet in t h e Acadeney on t h e Green Monday, December .4. The subject ot the meeting will bu "Opera and , Stories of Opera." Marian Oliver will be the leader, and tlie following members \vlll appear on the p r o g r a m : Dorralne Bradley, Jeneette Harrison, Nancy Williams, Roberta Baldwin, Iverson Carter, Rosemary Hess, and.Shlrley Kolbin, Janice Baldwin Chosen Master Of Juveniles At a meeting held In the Academy Monday afternoon the Juvenile Grange elected the foUov^Ing officers for the ensuing year: Master, Janice Baldwin; overseer, Eliza Ban\es; lecturer, David Clark; stev; ard, Harland Watts; assistant steward, Jcseph Polastri; chaplain Harold Holsenbeck; treasurer, Polly Barker; secretary, Doris Skroza gatekeeper, Claire Ralola, Pomana, Beatrice M a n a g a n ; Flora, Virginia Adams; lady assistant steward Faith Hooghkirk; executive commitee member, Mrak. Freeman. Mrs. H. C. Hooghkirk Is juvenile matron ATHLETIC MEKTING On Tuesday evening December 5, the Short Beach Athletic Association win hold Its monthly meeting at Riverside Hall. The meeting will be followed by a most interesting entertainment. Moving, pictures of the 1929 Yale-Army football game will be shown. This Is tlie game in which Alble Booth r a n wild and the committee h a s arranged to have the only "Alble" there in person The show will go on about 9:30 p. m. SENIORS REHEARSE PLAY The Senior Class of the Branford High School v/ill present "Three Live Ghosts" a comedy In three acts Friday December 8 in the high school auditorium a t 8 o'clock. Branford schools will - reopen Monday following the holiday r e Awards for winners In the recent cess. Brer Rabbit prize contest are being 1 delivered as rapidly as possible. If I you a r e a winner and haven't r e - | Every Thursday a t 2;30 P. M. the ceived yours yet, you will before Mothers' Classes meet at the Health Center. very long. AWARDS ON WAY Frank L. Staley, Grove Street, Granite I3ay and son of Mrs. Etta F Dow has invented a device for olHng railroad engine bells. It is a Rc\Solllng device w h i c h . n o t only kcepf. the bell from freezing in below zero temperatures but lubricates the cylinder, bushings, crankpln, etc. I( Is operated from within the cat and eliminates the dangers which previously have been the cause ot injuries to 80 railroad men yearly. Mr. Staley who Is an air brake m a n has worked for more t h a n 2P years on the railroad and lias Invented other safety devices ot equal Importance. The new a r r a n g e m e n t h a s boon adopted by t h e New Haven road and has been patented in the United States and Canada. "Len" as he is known locally, was born In Wallingford but spent hl.T boyhood In Now Haven. He served m the World War imdcr Captain Carl C. Hlnks, In Battery D, 10th Flelo' Artillery, • An aulomobllb accident claimed the life ot JohnjTcresco, 25 of Rose Hill Road lato Saturday. Mr. Teresco received head and Internal Injuries. In on automobile accident lii Water Street, New Havcn.Ho was .rushed to Grace Hospital but died shortly after. He is t h e son of Kathorince Pashekn and t h e lato J o h n Teresko. Funeral sorvlms were held Tuesday from t h e Vfh, Clancy and Son's Mortuary Home at; 8:30 with r e qulon high massUn St. Mary church. I n t e r m e n t was in St. Agnes cemetery. ; ' Cheer Baskets Go To Needy Those who can and wish to make contributions to" the fund for purchasing ThanUsglvlng baskets for the needy families of t h e town are urged to call Mrs. M. D. Stanley, telephone 409. ," The Board of Charities Is employ lug a different method ot handling the baskets tills year. Formerly, tood was donated through the agency of the schools, the movies and otlier organizations. This year It is preferred t h a t • money be sent to Mrs. Stanley, who wlllpurehaso the commodities tor tlie baskets, The American Legion Auxiliary, the Sunshine -Club, the Salvation By A. N. Army, the Short' Beach Sun.shlners, A Christmas Sale will be held by Short Beach Scjiiool, S h o r t Beacn t h e Women's Auxiliary of the Chapel and the . R e d - C r o s s have Church of Christ Wednesday-De- volunteered to assist by giving eithcember 6th in tho church parlors er cash or baskets. a t 7 o'clock.. The sale will be held Tho Visiting .j,-Nurse Association in t h e form of a d e p a r t m e n t store will make up several cheer baskets. Tile committees are; Apron—Mrs: Paeking'ln th^e Community House Yuletide Sale Sponsored By Stony Creek A delightful program of old fashioned songs was given Tuesday evening in Library Hail by the Musica Art Society for the benefit of thi Branford Visiting Nm-se Association Tho program follows; Cousin Jedediah, When Mabel Sings, J o h n Peel, Close Harmony I Got Shoes; O, Susanna. ' Jeanio with t h e ' l i g h t brown Hair; Threi Blind Mice; Scotland's Burning; c a r r y Me Back to Olde Vlrglnny: Believe Me If all Those Endearlnf Young Charms; When You and 3 Were Young Maggie; Johnnie Schmoker; Oldo Time Melodies, Longlong Ago; London Bridge Is Fallinc Down; Quilting Party; Dost Thou Love Me, Sister Ruth; Drink 'To Mc Only With Thine Eyes; Swcot and Low; Silver Threads A m o n g . t h c Gold; Love's Old Sweet Song, Home Sweet Home; Good Night Ladles, . Ye Syngers Alice Collins, Catherine Daley J a n e Mattson, Alice Warner, Mary Devlin, Marlon Adams, Charlotte Adams, Audrey Rogers, Doris Cox, Laura Ayor, Paulino Korn, Isabel MacLeod, Ruth Oliver, Helen Rice, Edwin Mlchaeison, Brent Barker, Alfred Gale, Prank Dlgelow, J a m e s Cosgrove, David Baldwin, Willis Pratt, Ye Players Margaret Fouser, Rossalie Pinkham, Alloc Burr, Florence Smith, Cornelia Osborn, Nellie Osborn, Allan LIndborg, Ye Childreri Phoebe Hlgley, Susan Boutelle, Nancy. Boutelle, Janice Baldwin, Audrey Schwanteler, Barbara Sliney Juniors Take Up -•:.-StuGiy^OLQpecaj|||ii^§%^^f^ nUKES Rcbulils, Rentals, Portables, Supplies Convenient WHOLESALE and R E T A M L Dealers lo CERTASN-TEED ROQFSNG PRODUCT ALL HAPPENINGS FA9IILIAR LANGUAGE 18. Before her marriage Mrs. Plumb was Miss Mary Barksdale Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Brounig, 152 Montowese Street a n n o u n c e the birth of a son, Albert Ambrose, Jr.. on November 5 In t h e Hospital ot St. Rhapael. Mrs. Breunlg Is tho former Miss Lillian A. Hewitt Mrs, H, R, Allsworth of 33 Brad ley Avenue Is a patient In Dr, Evans Sanitarium. Mrs. Charles Young of Providence Rhode Island was tho week end guest of Mrs. Warren Mumford, Rogers Street. LOCAL Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dahlqulst, of FOR BENT—7 Elm St., East Haven. Rev. B.L. Peet a t t e n d e d a meeting Montowese Street a n n o u n c e the Room next to bath with or withof the Social Service Committee of birth of a daughter, Carol Anny out board. Good home cooking. the Conference In Brooklyn, S a t u r - November 13 In Now Haven hospital'. Reasonable. Ge^itrally located. day. E a s t HaTen Sun., H o n . , Tues., Nov..2G.27-28 i-: Mrs, Sadie Merrill has been spending t h e past week In New York City. TUE HOME TOWN PAPER — of — BRANFORD — NOR-ni BRANFORD STONY CREEK — PINE ORCHARD SHORT DFJVCn — INDIAN NECK GRANNIS CORNER — MORRIS COVE — EAST HAVEN r O R T R A m N G AS I T .DOES Scholarships For solid carefree comfort this winter install a John Colby from Cark University at Worcester, Mass., Is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Colby for the week end. THE nOME NmVSPAPER IS A VITAL FORCE IN EA'ERT TOWN Grajieis Comer The Epworth League of St. Andrew Chiu'ch met In t h e Chapel Sunday evening. Thesubject dlscussscd during the evening was By June Kussell "Boy and Girl Relationships." Tho group later met at t h e Recreation Mr, and Mrs. C, W, Colby a n d Room for a social hour. family are living in t h e Stauby house for t h e winter. The 20-40 Club mot Tuesday evening in the Recreation Room Bill Colby from Holyoke, Mass. win spend Thanksgiving Day at the homo of his parents Mr, and Mrs, C, W. Colby. Wo have two prospects for the Bobby, ha.s been 111 at tho home of Hospitalization Plan, Wo n e c d o l g h t his parent.'?, Mr. and Mrs. Paul more. Are there any w h o . wLsli to RInkcr. Join a t this tlme'i" Henry Holscnbcck h a s a few application blanks. • Mrs: L, Babcock a n d daughters Dorothy a n d Virginia will spend Tho M.I.P. Basket ball team will Thanksgiving Day a t t h e home ot scrimmage against tho Rockbestos Mr. and Mrs. Burdetto Babcock In Co. team Thur.sday night nt eight Cheshire. ' ,1 JHHii^l^p^i^H, jP^w^y^^^wpy^Hwyiy^FV 1 281 Main St., o'clock at t h e Y.M.C.A, Down Our Alleys Continued from Sports Page Mr. and Mrs. George Chalmers cf Community t e a m on their drives Townsend Avenue enjoyed a motor this Calurday night. trip to Northhampton on Friday. By VIRGINIA STEVENS League records at the Branford A Kitchen Shower was given to Alleys in the Industrial League arc Mr. and Mrs. Ward Harding d e - searing ever higher and higher. In A Christmas Bazaar will be held mons who have recently moved Inlast week's rolling. Buck's team h u n g In the Community Hou.se Friday i to their now homo on French up new team single and triple, .ind Saturday, December 8 and 9un- I Avenue. T h e party was given In namely, 501 and 1721; defeating dor the au.splccs of t h e Park Metho-1 t h e home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick their worthy opponents t h e Malleadlst Church. There will be booths Clemens of Fort Halo Road. Among ble Irons Boys, three straight games. filled with Christmas gifts, T h e t h e guests present were Mr, and Only two points separate the first Community House will be open at Mrs, Frederick Clemens of Fort Hale four spots In this league, proving tho four O'clock. From five O'clock u n - Road, Mr. and Mrs Robert Baures"heat Is on." til eight a cafeteria supper will be feld, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert .served, where one m a y .see thlng.-j Baurestcld, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Harry The scores follow: prepared as they are ordered. The Tood, Miss Clara Boss, Mr. and Mrs. Branford Industrial League cafeteria will be operated both Floyd Boynston, Miss Aura and Buck's Team evenings. Following t h e supper Eunice Boynston, Mrs. R. Boynston, E Mann 104 104 IIG—322 there will be a .show consisting of and Mrs. Boynston's mother. Golrdano 115 108 124—347 six No. 1 acts. Among t h e guests will Zurkus .....112 131 115—358 be Old Mother Goose and S a n t a JToroiio 134 117 91—342 Glaus, who win bo a t home In t h e Linden 02 131 129—352 fairy-land atmosphere. The Bazaar will be open from one o'clock until Continued from page one Totals 555 591 575-1721 four on S a t u r d a y s for tho children, M I F Team and they wni bo greeted a t the door Smith Douglass Scholarship of $800, 108 105 85—204 by S a n t a who will t a k e their orders which Is open only to s t u d e n t s who M. Rlchltolll 90 85 do not live In New Jersey. The P. Rlchltcni .". —175 for Christmas. Czapllckl 112 106 98—316 award will be made for one year Saneskl 92 and Is renewable annually until 98—190 Tho Morris Cove Mothers' Club graduation, provided t h e holder Rourke ..120 122 109—351 met In t h e homo of Mr.^. Burton maintains a satisfactory record. G. Richltein 108 114—222 Clarkson of 115 Morris Avenue. Tho Other scholarships available exclu.speaker for the evening was Miss sively for out-of-state students are Total ...520 526 504-1508 Elizabeth H. Waldcn, Llbrlarlan of two National Scholarships ot $000 Elm Tree R e s t a u r a n t Team t h e N a t h a n Hale Branch, who spoke each and t h r e e National Scholar- Whltoomb .'•95 127 119—241 on "Books for Christmas," , ships of $500 each. These also may Carniak 94 88 80-222 be renewed annually if a satisfac- jPacker ....148 119 102—369 The teachers of t h e Park Sunday tory record Is maintained. Kamlnsky 76 95 97—269 School were entertained by Mrs. ...122 112 103—337 While t h e above scholarships are Zuraski Lillian Dyke at her h o m e 61 S h e - for the exclusive use of out-of-state p a r d street on Wednesday evening. students, t h e r e are a great m a n y Total : 535 542 501—1578 g r a n t s open to New Jersey girls and Branford Point Team Among t h e teachers of the P a r k girls from other states as well. In Haro 110 94 102—306 Sunday School who received certi- all more t h a n 100 scholarships are Allen 86 97 80—269 ficates for their outstanding work available for freshmen who will e n - Shemouny 101 85 97—283 at the Teachers' T r a i n i n g Institute t e r New Jersey College for Women Holmes, Jr 89 107 80—276 which took place a t t h e Pilgrim next fall. Richards 104 102 76—282 Church In Fair Haven were Mrs. A. Application for all scholarships to P. Larom, Mrs. Samuel Whltehouse, New Jer.soy College for Women Total 490 485 441-1416 Mr.'i. F, B, Tuckerman, Ml.ss Dorothy must bo filed by March 0, 1040. S N E T Team Plckop, a n d Miss R u t h Tuckerman. Complete Information on all availaMiller 107 95 97—299 ble scholarships for freshmen m a y Ludlngton ......114 94 118—326 At the bingo to be held a t t h e bo secured by writing t o t h e SecreJacobson 94 94 90—278 Community Ho.uso, Morris Cove, t a r y ot the Scholarship Committee, .'., 81 81 85—247 Monday November 27, a turkey and New Jersey College for Women, New Low Score" Thanksgiving basket will be given Brunswick, N.J. Established in 1918 Total ,..;, 485 448 480-1413 away. as a p a r t of Rutgers University, Now Central Garage Team Jersey College for Women now h a s A. Zdanowlcz .... 95 107 97—299 Among those on t h e sick list this more t h a n a thousand students. I t S. Prusslck ... 86 86 90—262 week are Mrs. Carlton Morris, Miss Is a liberal a r t s college which also E. Yester ' Mabel Davis, Mrs. George Redman, offers professional courses In home H. Zdaowlcz ... 117 137 100—354 108 120 112—340 who are,all patients a t Grace Hos- economics, physical education, 11- Is. Zlolkowskl —183 pital, a n d David E r m e r and Rev. bary service, pre-medical training, H . E. Brown ,'.... 94 89 95—95 Weiss, p a s t o r of t h e Park M,E, agriculture, journalism a n d cerChurch, who are b o t h home with amics. Total 500 539 494-1533 colds. Lanphie/s Cove "GIRL FROM R I O " ^vlth Movita, Warron Hull Sun,, Men., Tuos,, Nov. 20-27-28 "GOLDEN BOY" with Barbara Stanwyck and Adolpho Moujou ML-ss Gladys llellig of New Haven ••ipcnt the weekend with Ml.*! J c a n n c t t e Colter of Quarry Road, The Young People'!,* Society of t h e Congregational Church will run a bowling p a r t y at the East Haven bowling alleys oh December 1, They will meet a t the parsonage at 7 o'clock arid will bo a t t h e alley,? a t 7:30. Following the games they will return to t h e parsonage for refreshments. This party Is being planned by Vincent Grl.swold, Miss Llnnley, Miss Jeanncttq Colter and George Llnsley. where tboj' continued their bowling tournament. Morris Cov.e J o h n Spargo,: Mrs. . Charles'Ople, Mrs. Oliver Beach, Mrs. William Moyle and Mrs. William Keast, Fancy Work—Mrs. George Bishop, a n a d Mrs. William McKenzIo, cochairmen, Mrs. Hugo Mann, Mrs. Robert Ople. Pood—Mrs. Charles Scastrand, Mrs, Lewis DooUttle,. Mrs. Benjamin Bowhay, Mrs. William Symonds; Evergreens— Mrs. Gustavo Gunther, Mrs. Fred George. Mrs. Mary Record, Mrs. William Betts, Miss Elizabeth Medlyn; Entertain—Mrs. Clarence Williams, Mrs, Howard Kelsey, Mrs, Martin Northam, Miss Eunice Keycs; Grab Bag—Mrs. J o h n Burno, Miss Helen Keyes, Mrs. F r a n k Magee; C a n d y Mrs. Edwin Burne, Mrs. .fohn Brain erd, Mrs. F. M Clark. Social Science classes Hear Hon. Brainard On November 24 for our regular Friday morning assembly Mr. Carr's social science class arranged to have for our guest speaker the Hon. J Edward Brainard, Ex-lieutenant Governor of Connecticut. Mr. Brainard, In his talk of Connect! cut's government discussed the his torlcal background of Connecticut and also the present day "set-up" of our govenment. His talk included an;explanation of passing bills, determining t h e number ot representatives and senators, aKso a discussion of t h e three Departments, commLsslons, .state institutions and various political phrases. Mr. Brainard has had a vast experience In our State's government, so ho Is well qualified to talk on this .subject. In addition to t h i s p a r t ot tho program Mr. Carl Garvin, sponsor of t h e extra-curricular activities in the Ea.st Haven High School, brought over four of his students who presented a one-act play entitled "Good Medicine". This play was directed by a student. Branford High fully appreciated this indication of fellowship and enjoyed the production immensely. Grace Boutelle, P.O. Georgia Chapter O. E. S. Official Visitations Set For Monday Night Worthy Grand Matron Mrs. Dorothy L. Labensky And Her Associate Grand Officers Will Bo Entertained Here By Local Lodge. Sale Committee Is Annomiced The annual Christmas sale ot the Branford Garden Club will bo held December 8 from 2 lo 5 P,M. intlio homo ot Mrs. Harry Smith of Averili Place. The public is invited to a t tend. Tea will be served. The commlllco for tho sale includes Mrs, Arthur Bowman, chairman, Mrs. Arthur E. Ailing, Mrs. Thomas P a r a dise Mrs. Frederick T. Catlin, Mrs. Wllford Nolt, Mrs. William Pinkham Mrs. H.E.H. Cox Mrs. T. Preblo arid Mrs R. Earlo Boors Louis Anthonis, Musician, Dies Epworth League Louis J. Anthonl-s, 29, ot 234 WhalAvenue, New Haven, well known Is Busy Group ley musician, died Sunday night In St, Raphael's Hosiiltai of pneumonia three weeks' Illness. The funAt Morris Cove after eral win be held Wednesday m o r n By V. S. Tho Epworth League ot the St. Andrews Church met Sunday Evening In the Chapel at which they had a panel discussion on "When do wo feel most religious?" Among tho.se t h a t took part In the,discussion were Barbara C h a p m a n , MarJorle Longyoar, J a n e t Carlson and J o h n Craig. ^The League will attend t h e Rally which takes place In Seymour this Friday evening. The League h a s recently chosen Almon Carlson to serve as Chairman of tho Committee for Religious Drama, and J o h n Craig h a s selected a Christmas play which will be given by the League In the n e a r future. An Epworth League h a s recently been organized by the high school boys and girls of the P a r k Church. The League Is under t h e direction ot Mr. Ernest Wel.se, and h a s as its president J o h n Jagger, and Kenn e t h Josephson Is Secretary and Treasurer. MANY PUECHASE • HOLIDAY BIRDS Turkeys are not .so plentiful at the Roger Whipple Turkey Farm. Pine Orchard Road, a s they were a week or ten days ago. Hundreds of them have been sold to grace the holiday table more will be called for or delivered within t h e , n e x t 24 hours. Mr. Whipple reserves a supply of his birds for Christmas and New Year's markets or for those who prefer turkey between the festive days. Visit the range, if you haven't already done so, and see the beautiful White Holland, Bronze and Narragansett varieties available for the meal of meals. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick obel of Pine Orchard have retruned from a trip to Glover, Vt. nlng at 8:30 o'clock from tlie mortuary home ot W. S. Clancy and a t 9 o'clock in St. Mary's Church there where a requiem high mass will be celebrated. Burial will be in St, Agncss cemetery. • •• . Mr. Anthonis Is surlvid by his widow, Mrs, Vera Pearson Anthonis, A ,slster is Mrs, William Burns of this place, A native of Branford, Mr, Anthonis was the son of t h e late Mr. and Mrs, Louis Anthonis, His father, who was 27 years caretaker a t Lake Saltonstall, and well known sportsman, died in December 1937. Mr. Anthonis attended Branford public schools. He was leader of the orchestra a t the Hotel Taft, played the saxaphone in the Connecticut Colonials, and other orchestras, and was widely known In musical circles. The official visitation of Worth/ Grand Matron Mrs. Dorothy L. Labensky and her associate Grand officers will bo In Branford Monday evening December 4 at Georgia Chapter No. 48 in tho lodge rooms. Grand officers are Mrs. Dorothy Lobensky, Anson T. Leary, Mrs. Evenlyn J., Lounsbury, Charles H. Leonard,' Mrs, Ida B, Nixon, Miss M, Louise Genard, Mrs, Mary Lear, Mrs Laura B , G o r h e m , Miss Laura. O, Taylor, Mrs, Joan S, Bottles, Mrs, Mrs. Janice M. Grlswold, Mrs. Lillian E. Hutton, Mrs. Edith S, Smith, Mrs. ilrma Koteh, Mrs. Eleanor B, Mlllen, Mrs, Raohol H Llndstodt, Mrs, Mildred Noble,-Mrs, W. Raymond Bolzor, Mrs. Harriot J. Burwell. The articles on sale Nvlli Include tood, candy, white elephants and Christmas novelties. The Garden Club Study Group will meet December 1 with Mrs, Jolin McCabo, ot Cherry Hill Road, Mrs. F r a n k Stone will lead a program devoted to "Lilies". Enters Contest For National Recognition Officers of Georgia Chapter, No. 48 are; W M Mrs. Alice B. WlKson, W P William' W. Ham, A M Mrs. Oma G, Solimld, A P Ralph H. Neilson, sec! Mrs, Edna Wlckstrom, troas, Mrs. Carrie A. Lounsbury, conductress, Mrs. Aldon P. Cower, A C Mrs. Adeline C. Tousoy, Chaplain, Mrs. Carrlo MacLeod; Marshall, Miss Edith E. Grann, organist, Miss Alma V. Nelson, adah, Mrs. Hazel B. Swanfeldor, R u t h , Mrs. Pearl W. Nellson, Esther, Mrs, Rossalie A. Pinkliam, M a r t h a , Mrs, Karln V, Hamro; EliSotra, Mrs Esther D. Enquist; Warden, Mrs Abblo |Danibprg. Sontlnoi, Edward J, Chit-' '^Th'o''CBh«e'fttitMif'Btate'-T«teerqu?T'!''^'*''IJ-WKS^ 'o.sl3 Commls.slon Is cooperating I „„°"'"'f'" ° o ™ f t . ™'ss-nmia, MIss-'Alt lo.sl3 V.'Nofson; wlth the Columbia Scholastic Press J;"fs Eleanor McGon, Mrs, Pearl Association and the National Tu-1 J!="''°"; ° ' " " ' " " chairman, Mrs, berculo,sls,Association In , s p o n s o r i n g | " ' " ° ° ''• •^""t"' a state wide theme contest on tho topic "Tho Story Behind tho Christmas Seal" In connection with tho national tuberculosis and h e a l t h program. The Comet as a senior high school publication will participate, •Themes may be written • in tho Protect your home from tubercuform of news stories, feature stor- losis by buying Clirlslmas Seals. "The Sale of Christmas Seals" ies, or editorials, but accuracy In the facts concerning tuberculosis tills year will bo conducted largely will bo Insisted upon regardless of by mall as Is tho custom in other tho typo of theme. Since the con- towns of tho state. The school chlldron will not take test closes on J a n u a r y 3, 1040, at whloli time all themes are duo in part in tho sato this year. the olllce of tho local Christmas Seals win bo on sale In the BlaekSeal Committee, all high school en- stono Library and In t h e difforcnt tries m u s t be In tho lionds of the local drug stores. English teachers before Wednesday 85% of t h e money received from December 20. Members of all classes the sales of seals remains in the may participate. town for a n y tubercular cases. 15% The winning theme In the local Is sent to the State and National be I offices. :: high school competition will The commlttes In charges Is most published In tho J a n u a r y Come't National recognition will bo giv- | Eratoful for any help In making the en t h e Connecticut school paper Seal Sale a success. Buy Christmas Seals. publishing tho theme receiving the highest state awards. Christmas Seals Now On Sale Hold Reception Lutherans Plan Saturday Night Christmas Sale Mr. and Mrs. John Ojjpel of Paved Street celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Oppel and family dined at the Oa.sls and held a reception afterwards In their home. About 50 guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Oppel received many flowers and gifts. A mock marriage was a feature ot the evening. LOCAL YOUTH ON GROUNDED SHIP Robert M. Dudley a local young m a n was aboard the U, S. S. Yarnall t h a t grounded In Cheskapeake Bay after dragging anchor. Tho boat had been on patrol duty along the Atlantic Coast. Dudley was assigned to the boat after spending his training as a recruit a t the Newport Naval Base. The ship wcs ex pected to be refloated after the tide rose. He Is the son of Mrs. Florence Dudley of Montowese Street. The a n n u a l Christmas sale of Tabor Lutheran Church will be held In t h e . churchparlors Wednesday and Thursday, Decembers Oand 7. Wednesday afternoon a food sale and coffee party will be hold, and articles will be on sale In the various booths. In the evening a program win be given and the sale will continue. Thursday evening a play entitled "Christmas Memories" will be given and refreshments will be served HOLY COMMUNION Celebration of Holy Communion win be observed In Trinity Episcopal Church Thanksgiving Day m o r n ing a t 8:45. SEDG ALLEN JOINS " Y " RADIO TROUPE Sedgv/Ick Allen of Short Beach is taking an active part in the New Haven>Y.M.C.A. radio workshop, organization ot r.idlo players heard every Thursday at 8:30 P.M. on WELL He joined the group early In the a u t u m n , and has already a p peared In two air shows, "The Fall of the House of Usher," a n d " T h o Numbers Racket." Allen is well known to play goers In Short Beach and Branford, for' as a member of the Good Fellowship D r a m a club h e h a s appeared in several plays -presented by t h e club. His air appenrcnccs are his first. The "Y" troupe is under the direction of Don Raphael of WELI, and Earl Colter of North Branford Is serving as organizational chairman. S t a t e highwaymen have been clearing loose earth,! gravel a n d rocks from tho high lands bordering A short Thanksgiving service villi "A Square Deal for the Railroads" Branford's State roads. be held in Tabor Lutheran Church was the subject used by Edward E. Branford Battery will sponsor an Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Regan assistant general manager ot| old-fashioned and modern dance In The local G r a n g e will neighbor t h e New Haven Eoad when he spoke t h e Armory Friday night. The Young Republican club will with Guilford Grange, December 0 The postponed meeting of t h e Monday noon before the Branford Rotary Club. I Miss Isabell MacLeod attended Sunshine Club will be held Decern meet Dec.4 in the club .rooms to and present a program. A p r o Rev. Robert J . Plumb was the New Haven Eagles-Hershey Hockey ber 5 In the home of Mrs, Charles t r a n s a c t business and enjoy a gram will also be given December 8 game a t Hcrshey, P a / | a s t Saturday. | Baldwin South M a l n S t . speaking program. Inlillford. ,. "' ' five minute speaker. OHUEOH S E K V I C E IPft^^B?7M^ . .V . - . \ .^ A'« ... ^ « «.^ ^ « ... A^«, i..^ ..f .4 ^V4^-^ -II »';<JI«,SiJ ^^v;^;V » ^ - i - V J - i - i V * * * * .•,,^f~jVV"l«"iP«"V«»'s''»'W»t.'»-K4 * • • i « » » » v v if age Two f ii urn- V .1. lit BLAGKS3J0NE LIBRARY HAS MAN^ 'NE\V BOOKS Mr. arid Mrs. Donald McKay of ;paylor Place eritertalncd at a lobstbr dinner Wednesday night for the followllig mariagers of Westcrri Auto Stores and their wives; Mr. and By Adrleniie NorUiam lilts. • 'A! Hackett of ' Sprlhglleld, t* < * * «('difcirMiniij<'n'ii^'^i * AA^MfaA:** Mass., Mr. and Mrs Irving Judson of Bridgeport; Mr. and Mrs J o h n CbrriwElll of New Britain and Mrs. Church of Christ and Mrs. OUnton Hobbs of Hartford. Rev. K e n n e t h Brookes, P a s t o r I Mr. McKay manages the Western Sunday Serviced, Church School Auto Store''ih NeW Haven. 10:00 A. M., classes for all ' a g e s . ! The Short Beach Post Office will Morning Worship, -11:00 A. M., rorti'aln btJcn ftom 0 to 10 a. m. only Choir Anthdrii—"O Come to-my on "fhank'sglvirig b a y . Heart Lord Jesus" b y Wilson. Christiah Eridbavor w i l l ' m e e t at At last week's boy scout meeting 7:30. fbast of cake,, dooklbs and Soda jwas enjoyed by ah, Mr. and Mrs J o h n Bralnerd e n ; A c a t walked Into the last court tertained at a card- party in honor of honor arid went' asleep on tho of Mr. and Mrs. W|lbur burnei 'Wed sl'apl"'(Repoi'ted 'by William Hay- nesday, November 20th. den)' " ' "- ' ' '"iSlcctlpris ^ e r e held recently for Mr. a n d Mrs. Charles Maderla Rartbl'lbtidcr's' ' a n d ' ' ' assistants tor left Friday, Nbvember 24th to spend tl-6'op''l pr'Anford.' ' ' ' iSlb'ctod 'wbre';' Denald Erlckson, the winter in Florida. Johh'Ahderi'oh, EdWard Wood a n d Miss Louise Bralnerd and Mr. ^do'nt tollbnv" • ' ' .. ' Lee Storm of Wethersfleld visited ; Mr. a n d Mrs. yV'B. Beck ot Albany Mrs. Louis Milne Saturday. STONY, CREEK Born In Revolution Daring exploits on land and sea, which have won for It an enviable reputation In the pust, gleam like hlj?hll^ht.s In tho career of t h e W.S. iiifftrlrio' Corps, which will' cciebrato lis lO^th anniversary on November Born amid Ihd first flames of America's fight for freodomi American Marines took an Important In ihd War of the" Revolutidh, fading Into obs'ourltjr, along wl'th the) Army and the Navey, when t h a t struggle was over. Permanently organized hi'l'TOB, the Marino Corps h a s continued to tie an Important "cog In the mochlne of oiir nation defense Naturally' tlio iwirltics point with pride td tho aetloii of thd Continental Congress, which autiwrlzcd tho organization of two battalions In Wo hayo very few books In our NoVemttdr, 1775. lii t}ip flo'vpWtlori now library, but hope to add more and in 'subsequent ' periods" ilVbjl befbrd'Md end of t h e year, "A club I Imyp Justified thpir existence by tho glri Id Bsslgndd a' pe'ribd or,'two a ' character oi thdlr service on land or Week to keop the library In order, sea. A catalog h a s bdeii made by ohe of |' When t h e y c h a n t "Prom t h e Halls the, girls,'SO'tho books can bb found lof MontezUmatd the SHord.'S of Tl-1more easily. Thus t h e . Library ClUb poll,'' I t Is ho Idle boast. Alloyer t h e world, froiri t h e battlefields at tries tosoi'VB. Bornlco TIsko, Senior Prance to the roniote Islands of the Pacific, they have sprpad their baninors and loug'ht'tholr way to ylc|,d'ry MY OPI^^IONOPTHE TWO : 'often with t h e odds against thbiti. , : : T ' : ' : WEEK'S'RBADIN(3^ PERIOD , "I'lley liayd'tho spirit of the ekijert Oyer a period of t y o weeks lilio craftsriia'ri wiio takes 'pride iii hid maiQrl|y of tjip fifth period' English skill. ''\)vlillo 'compiling a record of class iiad read fl'tteen sjiprt stories. riiore tiian 200 landl'niis from Pttn. Tliese 4^toon stories are made up aniii to t h e FIJI Islands, the U.S. of ten very good' stories a n d ' ^lye iiiar'lrios have' 'glvpn,' tlielr Service^ : good stories from ah approved list. to their country arid corps with an' These stprlp.s are taken from a u'nfl'indWng' oouraj,'p. ''their'r'ccorcl' liumfipy' of, lltprdturo books, all- to; speaks-tor Itsoif.' bo: fdimd' in t|ip 'English Classroom, George 'VV'ashlrigton' and Pttul 'p^ersdnaliy I enjoy reading peri- Jon|(3 ' l^new "itheni '^ypll; ' so ' did ods a-^roat deal, fn addition to- Ste'phen " Dccatui;, Diivld ^oridr, reading qiir flftcon stories-and get- Acfnilrai Far'rag'ut, Op'orgc Dowey t i n g ' a marl? we learn much whicjh arid,' In more rocerit ybars,' <^ene^al will; b o y o i u a b l e to- us later on. Pershing. Quietly' the jjarlries Poss The rpadlhgpcrlpdsi I think, tend another milestone, icavlhg behind a to q'reat'o a n Interest In reading record of faithful service In t h e wlildiii' m i g h t not show Itself otiior- past, a m facing'tlip'future With'a \yisei Stli^eiits who would;,not read renewijd pride and patriotism. stpries" outside of school are s t a r t ed qlT. They, become' Interested. Wore Powerbd Hair T h e y feel tUat t h e y shpuia read Powdered Pigtails \yere once pop. more gppc(. shdrt stories and books u l o r ' l r i ' t h e U.S. 'Marine Corps aiid a n d ' t t i u s ! help; thdmSdlvoa to gbt a every m a n appeared-at dross p a r a d e j.bettdr;:cilucn.tlon;iyik.^.«.,,-U.-i- f.i.*-.,,- or bldbviincrb •With h i s h a i r rneatly .:??prhapB:my: opinions ore riot t h a t (lUeUod- and Whitened; Failure t o qf trie ;plpss,tiutil t h i n k as a whole oonforrii to t h i s pradtloO would'subWe'would all Uko to' hav'd rogulai' Joct'the offehder to disciplinary-ooperiods set aside for toadlng. t|on. James Mellorj Sophomore s u c h was t h e custom In Revolu tlonary times u p until after t h e war of 1812, while during the Interven.HOLD QUESTipi^ 5BE ' Room' 208 hacli an Interesting nlg period the lockii of the leather, honrerporii prograrn Monday. P h | l - nedks Bilst9ned- under' a ilbBral. lls ^'jayibr 'tooic 'ciitti'ge arid a quds- sprinkling of flour, Bluejackets, too, followed the seatlon boe was held, T h e moinbers of tlid ! rddiii •divided'' Into t'wo going fashion ot the thnoSi thd team's; with Carol Bradley captiiln Ambt'lqan Navy adopting many o t df'oiid teprft, and Mario; dorzillo Its bpstoms from thq British. ^h\pc d'aptaih of t h e btlier. Eyer^-oii'e h'acl' twisted braids worn by sailors were dg'ddd' time. ;' ' ' ' ' ' tied.with a bqwknpt a t tl>o nook, but were not powered. Collars of We are sorry td say t h a t Fred present-day nay'nl uniforms are said Collins; Is dldk; with ' t h i c k e n pox. t o h a r k Ijaok-to thp tlme.w}ien ttiey Room 206 IS-sbn'diiig 'hlm"a' basket were 'first used io prevent soiling Miss Alta King is home from the of fruit arid a'card'. W^ lioii6'''tofrpni' pigtails. Ne\y HaVen Hospital wlibre she re^ have iilrri back wltly us- soon. " - Sometimes tlie m a r i n e flour dontly unddhvdnt a Tonsllebtomy Joan Rosentiiai, Soplidmore bai'rei was cnipty.causing'iriuch a n - operation noyanod to pft'oers of- the ' Corpse some of whom complained to HeadAttorney William E. Bree and 'l'I!4f4ItSPtVlIJG P ^ Y I'OUft! ppaters tl>at tlioy l)a'd no flour' to fariiii'y, who tor 'rridny years resided "powder the spritrld.s"la grave leaps o n ' I r v l n ^ t b r i 'Street have rfecbn'tly I t was tan with the heot. In rpgulatlqns at the beginning bt rnove'd tb'thdlr'iiew' hbriie iri Ilairi-i And; opyerqd \ylth meat. the last century. Our turk'eyl ;deri." • " • • •' '•-' ' '•When t h e flour barrel failed on 'tlie 'l<.S,S.' Philadelphia In l'8'03, a I t was tender and sweet. Air. and Mrs.- Joseph A Fitzgerald marine lieutenarit wrote td hls'cdm- and family, formerly et Towii&iid Right down to t h e feet. ) n a n d a n t t h a t he wd'uid '^e 'wilUrig Our turkey! V .. Avenue, Have • teceritly riioved to to buy the flour himself, but lacked Hyde Street. Mr. Fitzgerald 'Is the the necessary cash, Numerous or- supe^rlritdn'tl'dnt" of''sdhoold''of'' N e * I t was cut clear away, ders of'the'time dirdct''that t h e hiiir Haven. ; T O t i i S - b b n o ^ r i tliat day. ' shall bq "Powdred and queued." Our turkeyl •; Estimates computed In December, ' : ;,.;^ : ,,• Carol Bradley , . Mrs, R. C. Cdrastodk of Bristol is SophDriiore 1807; iridlude ^160.00 for "flbur for visiting a t the hdnie ot her daughhair powder," apppfently consided. ter," Mi's. Paul Hi Stevens,'for'b'ver ed 0 suttliildnt surii'tdkoep'the'ii'alr ThprilisglvinB; ' ''''' ••'•'-'' COMPILE OCCUPATION LIST Durlrig tliB home room period 6f dpiJ'rpxlihately "1,000 enlisted rrien '' roonV 300 hac( m a h y dlKbl-bnt Items properly Wiioteri'ed." Miss Mildred Sliiiiiquist Will reto talk over; They agreed t o take up t u r n to" her 'liome' ori Stuyvesarit a c'olipctldn to -pay f dr ' Ink wells A THANKSGIVING PnAyEll Aypnue,' fol-'the '"rhanksgivln'^ hblU prbyipusly' brokb'ri, a n d pay forFather'in'lieaveri', i fiiarik'^ttiep day. Miss Blumcjulst is' d"studbiit t h e m with the rrioney collected by For'peace and lite and Itivd, hutse Ut th4 fiai-'ttbrd derieral'Hosi the pupils of their dlass. ' For t h e .'happy vql'des of''family pltttl; ' • " " " " '" ' " ' " • '' ' " 'ii-j*' An' ocoupatlo'n list was called for and frleiids, ' ' asking pupllS to USt a l l ' t h e differ- : And thd bomb'free sky above.' News items for Grannls Corner ent ones thcykrieW. Pprty-flVd Worb listed. A nuriiber of pupils asked to My food, m y health, and iny home Nowadays Marine Corps regulahavtf t h e date Set for t h e SophoAll are blessing from Thee; "' " tln'bk'Bqulr'b Wnit'thb'liair shall be more Social as everyone k n o w i It And to T h y wonderful service cldsely trimmed around the edges h a s been changed. I huinbiy ofter-just-mB. and t h a t ' I t shaU iaot be o v e r ' t w o • Wali;&' Burns, Sophomore Patricia Boutelle Iriciies'in length, telillb sliaved'necTts a r e " strictly ' tabbd; 'Mdirlrie fco'rijs tia'rberS hiUst ply their shears treeVy arid Keep tiie ' sea" soidlerfe' neatly siidhi:' '• ' '; ' ' "" ' ' " " a STANLEY FRESH FISH M.. Sword Fish — Mackeral — Salmon — Flats — Fillets Halibut — Haddock — Cod — Lobsters — Clams FREE DELIVERY Telephone 1350 . Short Beaoh ':Gadgets and Winlclos': a bodk by If. A. Calajian is a dompendiutri of mail's Ingenuity a t sea and h a s ijeen addeci'to t h e Blacksione Membriai Ll'b'rary shelves, "'dadgets and Wrinkles" Is said to make a poor sailor a good sailor; will make any sailor a better sailor. " " I Fdurid Africa"—'Van Ncs Allen is a story of t h e efforts of a 'few white men to ijring medical care and the elements of sanitation to a far-off people. "Cariniba'l Caravan" — p h a t l o s Cannibal'" Miller. Hcndrlk 'Wllleifti Van Loon says ot It, "a savage,'fan'tastic true story bf tlie S t o n e ' Age flourishing in t h e twentleth-oentiiry Dutch New Guinea.' ' ' ' ' A pictorial hdridlJook of the world's masterpieces is "Paintings on p a r a d e " by' Donald Jehks; Al'though the text is simple, it is also concise, and so a r r a n g e d as to make information about 'any school a r t i s t or painting readily available for'quick and easy reference. "I Lost My English Accent"—C. V. R. Thompson with drawings by Margaret Freeman; t h e ' r e a l charm of the book lies in his ability'tb make us see ourselves as others see us. ' What h a s happened In Europe, w h y l t has happened, and its meariing to democracy appears in JDoro t h y Thompson's "Let t h e Record Speak.'; I t is a vital document for t h e American world history. Thd following are a few ot the bodks added ' t o the Blackstone keriiorlal Library shelves By 'viROIUlA STEVENS DahleV Boone Master of the Wllde r n e s s , b y John Bakeless. A'full, authoritative, exciting life of Bopne, presenting for t h e first time r e At t h e weekly Monday n i g h t cently discovered unpublished m a social this wceic sponsored by the terial which rounds out one ot the Park M.E. Church Thanksgiving most thrilling stories in American baskets of frulb and turkey were history. given away to those containing t h e Invitation To Travel, by Helen iuckj) numbers..' " '" ' Dean rtsh. If you ore plonniiig a trip abroad, take it from one wlio ; The Latjlos Aid Society jof (.he h a s crossed at least oncd a year for Park Church m e t In' tiifi • liome of ydars past! you will enjoy yoUrself Mrs'. Lilii'ari r)ykb o f ill "She'pard vastly more i t you read this book Street, last evening. ' beforehand, take it along, and do what it says.—May Lamerton Beck-The Ladles Aid served a turkey er. dinner to fifty men lost week Heredity & The Ascent of Man, Thursday, a t tiie'Coriimuhity Houiie. by C: C'.' Hui-st. A description, writThd B'roup Wis'tiib'"Neiy'liHVdn ten by a m a n of sdlBnce tor the ciiaptbr of the Natioiial "Assod'alloti general reader, of thdse fundamenof Cb.st Adcou'ritants.'"' ' ' • ' ' ' " ' tal Units ot life and mind which determine t h e n a t u r e and behaviour Among those ori the sick list this of living organisms, from ultraWdek"are MfS. Edliiii" Tft'j'ldi',' M^s. microscopic ' living particles to Ocrtrudti c'tJok, MblirJ- AlWrd, I<ilSS complex intellectuall m a n . araco' • Bladlitftaii,' WluVdm 'Heiin-' Radio Round the World, by A. W. biirije, and r*recl ChrlsAli'.'" ' '' Haslett. 'What wireless waves are; how they travel round t h e world; The Sunday School Board Hold and how the sun helps thein on thol'r weoldy sufiper antl"'mpetlng, jNeW'Yoi'k-, Will'bd Thdnksgivlng Day Mr. Charles Howd h a s butchered their Way; their world-wide applicalast eydnliig In th'd Chaijdi a t Wlilclli' guests of Mr. and Mrs. J o h n Buck, tions in television, medlcirie and tl'me' llVb ciirlatiri'as • pliiH^ ^o'rH 'Riverside Avenue, HIghlarid Park. his 250 pound pig. Years ago when m a n y people raised pigs and cows, commuriicatlon.Un additibn,' day tb made. this was nulte a common oourrence. day problems such as atmospherics Mrs. Burdette H a r t (Alice Klngr and fading are explained and sol"Tho 20-40 Club met Tuesday In ston) wlio'ls hi with pneuriionld In .- 1 , Mr. Franklin Hagelln Jr., son of ved. ' the rpci'eatlon"'r6o™' w h e r e ' t h e y tjie Hospital bf S t . ' R a p h a e l Is r e Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Hagelln, is Country Lawyer, by Bellamy Parheld their' meeting"and afterward jpbrted''to'be fellghtly better. home on a furlough until after the tridge: The' story of t h e country Feathers New Fiashipn bowled. For Xmas Trees The Chapel Workers will hold a Christmas holidays. He is stationed lawyer is told b y his don, who workon the U. S. Si Mississippi, San Pe ed with him first as a law student Plans for tho annual Christmas public bhifckdn Did Supper In the dro, California. and afterward as a partner, and is Your Christmas tree tor this comPall- given by tho Ladles Aid Soplpty [chapel' D^c' 7th.' based on incidents related by the ing season m a y b e rurinlngkfaput'bri of t h e St. " A n d r e w s ' b h u r b h ' t o ' b e Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Bralnerd made country lawyer himself and ori t h e hoof down on thd fairm.-'lf'or'ho'W Wednesday evening a t 7:30 a hole}; December (irard no'w undorT a 'Thanksgiving call on a friend at cases and records taken from his o n display a t Pdddc in Ilccicetclier way. "There will he- many rie\y fop!- Thanksgiving play will be given in the Masonic Home in Wallirigford Vdlumindus files. Some of the inci- Center are trees made of ostrich'arid ' tures this yepr, a n d both, young and- thb' chapel. Sunday. dents are amusing, some curious, goose feathers. Originated by Ruth olp will'enjoy this event.' some moving, b u t all have, the Kaufman, noted New York decora", Gordon Miller Beckett Ave. left Mrs. Philip B u r n e and Mr. and deeply h u m a n quality of havlrig tor,; the feather trees r a n g e iri size The A n n u a l 'Thanksgiving Service Saturday for a six week's stay in Mrs. E a r l ' J b n e s wdrd ih town Suri come frdm experience. from 'six inches t o ' s i x 'teet. The ' will be tieid-this . year ai: the St. Ploi'idaV day. ' ' Hardly A Man I s ' Now Alive, by foundation of the tree is ari acetate Andrews Church on Wddnpscjay Dan Beard. Dan Beard, grass-rodts come on which the branches"'are Mrs. Nettle 'Van Sands returned evening a t 7:30. '1-he speaker for the Mrs. Alexander Greenvall e n t e r - American arid chiet exemplar of seryico \ylll be Roy. George Lack- last Sunday 'from tlie Hospital and tained her piriochle club Wednes- the fact tliat life In the out-ot-ddors placed in t h e ' g r a d a t i o n s ot a "fir tree. A special light socket goes land^ p . p . of tlie First Methodist Is convalescing at "The Anchorage". day. Prizes were wbn by Mrs.'Wil- brings happiness and-' long life, u n d e r thb cone and cari bd fitted Chprchv New Haven, Mr. Lackland liam Betts, high; a n d Mrs. P S a n - writes cliarmingly and brllliaritly of with any colored bulb to charigb'the Unioii CliaiicI wlil .speak on "Thanksgiving and' zurd, low. his spectacular career. Ninety years wiilte trees to any desired''shade. the Altar." An offering of cash and : Sunday rioce'rtibbr'311 a. m. Serdid, he was raised on the banks of Others come in ide blue, Sarita'ClaUs food will be received for t h e Met- mori'by'the'pasi:dr;'Rev. E. C CarI the Ohio River.' red, green. T h e trbes a r e equally Who sunlight. hodist Home tor the Aged in. West Ipenter;' Topic: ' "Thei Man Down Whid, by George Dlgby. One cbldrfullri the daylinie, havirig'-il Iritrbduced at a showing of fall Hpyen, as h a s been the custpm in ilCrie'w a Whble Lot"; Anthem by t h e of those books t h a t nails a reader sprinicle o t ' a l u m i n u m ' foil'pn -thd past yeai-s. Mrs. Georgia Kirland iChqir; 9:45 a. m-.' Silnday'School coiffures' by a nationally known beadly 'specialist, t h e n e w ' m i x t u r e td hls'dliair a n d ' l e a v e s h i m filled' braridhes which reflects liglit.' "'"' will assist t h e choir in rendering iGebrge Brbwn S'liperlntendentl' is' a ' combination of' preparationd w i l ' t h e peculiar se'rise bf satisfactapprdpriate niUslc tot t h e dccaslqn.' which ddften arid cbndltidri,''as well ion t h a t comes after total immermany pei'sons who would like GELIiOPHANE BLONDES as brightdn tlie hair. ' • ' ; ' " .; sion ln"a good, solid yarn.-iN. Y. to To 'go 'south fbi th'o wlritc'r; rt'seeiiii '•-' F;O;. Buohan' h a s recently' •volun- TAKE GLAMOtJiBiiONOil •One o t ' t h e iiew'shades, known as 'Tribune.' Admiral B^rd is'gblng'to bxtrbined;' teoi'ed to l a k e oyer' t h e duties' a.';, a s (cellbphone; Is n o t h i n g Short of Soaring Wings, a biography of sistant boy scout leader of I'J'oop 21. • As-if they hadi not already been bredt'htaklrig unddf artlflcal light: Amelia' E a r h a r t , by Gdorge'Palmer glorified efaough, blb'rides are'-ln for T h e r e ' i s a deep g o l d ' s h a d e which P u t n a m . ' i n ' c h a r a b t e r as well as hi WHEN IN NEED OF Miss Betty Crook has recently r e - some more'of the glamour spotlight alsd-should p u t the boy friend into achievement; Ariielia E a r h a r t ' was tui'ried to her hohie on Townsend this season with a new oil bleach a ibretty iiose-dive a n d a copper one 'of the great women of the WALLPAiPiER Avonrie to celebrate Thanksgiving which i h a k e s t h e halr'ldok'like sjjun s h a d e ' w h i c h should give gals'Witli Twentieth Century. Shd became, to or PAINT with her parents, Mr. ' a n d Mrs. titlan hair'food f d r ' t h o u g h t . ' ' millions who'ltnew her as a public VISIT Ciarenoe Crook. MlsS' Crook is a and Morris Covd may be phoned to Your own beauty p a r l o r ' u n d o u b . figure, almost a symbol of courage UNITED W A L L PAf^ER member of thb F i e s h m a n ' c l a s s of this correspondent a t 4-1283-W. Ar- tedly is up on this hew' dil bleach so and adventure. But only a few' peoDbaii Adadbmy, Franklin, Mass- r a n g e m e n t s for 'delivery of the It might not be a bad idea for ydu: pie khew the person behind the GO. abhuSett'eSi 93 C r o w n St., N e w H a v e n Bl'anfbtd' Revibw, and information natural'blori'des and you brbwri-eyed I pdrsoriage-:-the gay, sensitive, un;cdrice'rhihg'advertising mdy also be ones with blonde aspirations to drop fttllingly modest girl who wanted to "We Sav«5 You Money" George Sboricor Is visiting his i had th'rbugh tlilfe dorresporiderit. in and find b u t w h a t ' i t Is all abbut ' live life to the full and who did parents' Mr.' aild ' Mrs.' 'Arthllr Spencer ot 757 TownSend AyenUb; fbi' t h e Thahksglvlng h o l l d a y r Mr. Spencer is eriiploybd'at t h e Blngiiariiptdn Airport', Nbw York. ' ' Granrjis Corner THE LIBRARY CLUB T h e Library Club began under the supervision of Mr«. ClUTord about ton years ago with a membership of fifteen girls, a n d now it h a s grown until It. ha,s twenty-nine members. I t s purpose was to keep t h e Library In order; to buy new books; and do some social work. The llbfei'y wbs'Very sihall, so thq girls ddci'dpd fp do all "the tejal work In Branfor'd tliby possibly could. They spon.'soied movies and' card parflds jihd ddntjds a t pHi'lsbma.s tod Elastdr; 'W^ltii'' the m'oiloy they bought dolls which were dressed l)^' | h e girls a n d ' g l v o n to thpVu''Se's to dlstrltfuto'tp" lyorlhjr girls of tho town for Christmas. The Library Club girls also give a p a r ty for thirty small girls, whoso imintis ard suggested fiy the hursosi and flac'li Library Club girl h a s a s l i i a i r g u d s t f o f ' w h o s e pleasure shd Is responsible. Teas have been glv.eh for mothers or teachers a t tho find of the year. •» • " - ' Morris Gove SeniorHigh Notes S'i SFiCML 'J" V ; s * STONE COLLBaE ' »• FRIGIDAIR Double-Easy Quickube Tray, Stainless Porcelain Hydrator, Automatic Interior Light, Open-Shut Freezer boor, Famous Meter-Miser, All-Steel Cabinet, AcidResisting Porcelain in Food Compartment, and Many other Quality Features includedaf This Bargain Price! • It's here for Christmas! A genuine quality-built Frigidaire! N o t » 4 or 5 cubic foot model but i big 6 cubic foot sire! Has the same finest construction fediiires as Frigidaire models costing up to JlOO mote! The opportunity of a lifetime to thrill her at Chtlstirtas witli a new Frigidaire—the refrigerator she's always longed'for! Gdra'e iri-^see it totiayr ONLV FRIGIDAIRE HAS THE METER.MISER S i m p l e s t refrigerating m e c h a n i s m ever b u i l t ] Whisper-quiet. U n seen. Trouble-free. Cuts current cost CO the bone! AN ALL-TIME LOW PRICE FOR A 6 CU. FT. FRIGIDAIRE WITH ALL THESE FEATURES I Bhprtharid, Typewrlt|rig, BoblfItije^irii;?," "Acdonntihlf,' "BuiiihiSg A^mmistratldri." ' Dlotiliphdfi'e! biim'ptome't'fei',"'Da:; and' EVehfiri'j. Sessldna. Cd-educatiotiaU' Enter Rt any time. 129 Tempf? St., New HaVeh , ' Full 6 cu. ft. Genuine This roodelhos four ice trays, including a famous Frigidxire Quickubc Tray Uiat frees ice cubes at the lift of a lever. All tfays have Automatic Tray Release. Page Tliree THE BRANFORD KBVIKW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 00, 1030 THE BRANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1039 jGHt&PoWE^ 221 Montowese St. P h o n e 744 Branford Pasfpes Are Welcome Cold Winter Desserts TIPS I ' • ••'• - ' " 1 - 1 , i . . . - i . 1.1.. i^i SHQRT STORY DIANA GOES Waffles Are A Great Help t o TQWH It's Pie Time Good Health Cuts The Cold Bill AIRY CHERRY P I E 1 tablespoon gelatine stick labels on glass Jars with 1 No. a can spur red cherries by War:y Paul Those who think ot waffles $3,000,000,000 is lost in tlmo and This season's sport liats arc esresh white ot egg; after drying i cup sugar simply for Sunday breakfast o t a money annually In Ihe United Stapecially ja'untly, as well as practical, late evening smack iiftvc missed veil, they will not come off, even I tableispOOU lemon Juice K i n A OF WiLtOM'S 1..ANE Toped with golden crust and tes because of 1,500,000 dally cdlds U ttaspdon almond extract nlany dpliortuliltles'tor using their filled' with fruit or delectable pro- n hot water. and related diseases ' during the PARTI 3 egg whites A great deal of 'embroidery this waffle Irons;,' Pdl'sonally we tlilnk dubts ot t h e skilled pastry cook's winter. Rather a staggering sum 'Venus Amidst Ruin Variety may be Introduced Into Baked 8-lnoh pie shell year. olVc form famous for original lunch'-at noon or sujjper at night art—pie makes a bid for Autumn when nfldcd togethorl .'A "pbrcent jreakfast by selectlni a different H to 1 cup whipping cream pattoi'nb h a s Just Issued bunches for have been overlooked by many' ap popularity. I hope all was well a t willows 1^39. 'While their checks are as reso- waffle dpportlinltlds". Dinner and Soak gelatine for 10 minute InVi discount" on this bill carries several ;ereal each day. ' ' ' RAISIN PIE Laiie, but I knew tlie dlsastorus n a n t In lohe as ever, they have p r o - breakfast lir-t pretty well slaiidard- cup'jiiicb drallVed from the clierrles; sURBeStions, In the llral'tilace, good % cup sugar If one ot the family is late for hurricane had not ignored t h a t duced' a novelty in stripes. Hcrrlng- lied meals' tlut llinch hud'supper melt gelatine over hot water. Corn- nutrition ot the body as a whole, as 2 cups seeded raisins unch, keep the plate ot food warni beautiful hanilct. I t was practically IJones lire'much to the front' and a are a dlfferciit matter, \Vc llilrtlt of bind with cherries and remaining well as excellent general physical • Ha cups boiling water •>y placing it over a p a n ot h d t wa- a d r e a m place with it-s drooping liappy inspiration h a s sugEcstcd a Iheni 'a,s occasions for lislhg l-hft cherry juice. Add all b u t 2 table condltldn odmbat intdction. ',i level teaspoon salt weeping willows which flanked the licain'strlbe betWecn each row. ,er and edVdring it with a bdwl. Icttdvefs trbin tho o t h e r ineals. spoons of sugar. Add tlie lemon Proper dibt doesn't cute a cold, 1 tablespoon grateiJ' lemon rhid illy-strewn pond, in the center ot AVhftlcs juice and almond extract. Chill u n - but it can contribute to the lite3 tablespddns lemon juice Tiny nieces of r a w onion, green which was a fountain where t h e til partially congealed. Boat dgg vcntldn ot a cola. Under nornial Ostrich feathers a r e in faslilon. 2 eggs 3 tablespoons orange Juice and red" pepper and celery will give water gushed over a marble statue whites until stiff and fold Into tho circumstances, a good nutrition 3 sups sour milk 1 tablespoon grated orange rind of Venus. olierry mixture. Chill until mixture may be acquired; frotectivo foods, .1 piquant flavor to the dish of ba1 teaspoon sdda Soft sago-grecn Is a favorite col2 tabiessons cornstarch Due td thd many willow trees '<ed macaroni. a cups all purpose flour or cake begins to stiffen. Turn Into' the bak- whlolv Include milk, eggs, fruits, and ',2 cUp walnuts m e a t s which bordered a shady land and ed pie shell and place In refrigerator vegetables, fill important rdles in ' - I Accessory colors selected td h a r m - tldUr Cook raisins In boiling v^ater for In m a k i n g pastry tor pie w h a t is flanked the beautiful lily.strewn uiitll firm, at least an hour. Just , the schedule ot proper tdods. A bal2 teaspoons baking powder Ave minutes, pour in sugar and left over may be made Into p a t t y pond tho place had been named onize or contrast with suits. SilkS, for 'bdtore serving, whip the cream u n t U ' anoodi varlbd diet eontalnlng the ]i teaspoon' salt' cornstarch which have been mixed shells for creamed meat or veget- Willows Lane. Antonio Branca, a example, a r e intended to give om0 tablespoons melted shortening i t i t t and add the remaining 2 t a - | energy foods as well as t h e prdtcdtogether. Cook until thick. Remove ibles into tarts or turnovers or rich, strapping hu.sky man, whom every- bre ahd contrasting eftedt-s; and to Beat egfes uiHIl light ttiid hdd blospoons ot sugah, Sprdad over top tlvo foods Is essential to thd "good from fire, add other ingredients and drlsp cheese sticks to be served with one calledTonlo and his mysterious be utilized for display threads ih nutrition disdount." Howdver, cersdur- milk and'soda. Sift flour' ohcc dt the pie. Serves 0 s'ults and shirts, bake between crusts. Russian wife Klra owned and soup or chilled cocktailsi tain foods are reoognlzed as of LEMON SPONGE PIE before mbasurlriB.Slft'flour.lialilng Date Peican Pie operated the place. Their two speelQo'vttlUo tb keep the body In 1 cup sugar powder and'stilt. Bbat fleur mixture 1 cup corn syrup More Electrical Magic Dish covers should be warmed as daughters died In adolcscnco of top condition to prevent the inroad 4 tablespoons flour 3 tablespoons sugar There Is a new food" aiVd drink into egg aiid milk mixture. Add well as the dishes If you w a n t the pneumonia. Klra often spoke to me ot Intdction. iileltod ' shortbniug, bcatlnS' until 2 lafalcspoons butter 3 tablespoons flour mixer on t h e ' rtiarket wlildli ddcs ot her goldcnhalred daugliters, for dinner to be served hot. After a rovle\v of research on Plhbh dt salt •?i teaspoon salt just about everything but digest smooth with rotary egg beatdr. B'nkd I h a d never known them. vitamin A, it-apiiears dssantial, In 3 eggs, separated on hot wattle iron. Amount; 8 to Vi teaspoon cinnamon For t h e dry, steam-heated room, Everyone knew t h a t Tonio was the doncoctlou afttn' it Is mixed. 10 watflos, Tlmo— If g a s If Used, it Julde of 1 lemcn t h e e t l c t t p nvercpme susceptibility 3 tablespoons butter a decorative way to Introduce air born in Italy and t h a t he had come Aided by the- recipe book which vvill take 20 seconds to brown the to infeotlons, to givb osilcBltil a t t e n Qratdd rind of 1 lemon hi teaspoon vanilla moisture Is to keep a squat little to America when he was twenty-live comes with It one make all sorts ot side next to thd nrst. Witl>i an el idntlon to a dlot rich in vitamin A IVii cups milk 2 eggs . ,, , - j pewter, copper or brass bowl on forty years ago. Hd had mdt Klra on exciting new dishes as well as Sitt sugar ami flour togothorl A d d ' a n d n^lso well balttnccd in other 1 cup broken pecan m e a t s drinks and it-also does an expert octric iron, tho " " « d ^ l ^ . ^ ^ ^ W ™ creamed mittor and salt; mix well. fOod faotofs. In so doing, if should the radiator full ot water. Every the ocean liner. thd size dt tt\a iron a n d the'strehgth 1 cup chopped dates room should have a tern, too, it Her, cultured beauty and mysteri jdb of mixing the baby's food. of tho current. To got a orlsj^ waftlp Beat egg ydlks, add'lemon Julob and bo rooallod t h a t milk and dairy p r o Mix corn syrup with sugar. Hour possible. ouS ways readily won Tonio's heart. thol ron m u s t be very hot. Do not ving; add to .sugar mixture tind ducts as a group constitutd one of salt, cinnamon, melted butter and Snares In Snoods Herotoford he had known - only SnoodsTr'e'gding toVho hdads of IsUr batter after it h a s stood for a beat well. Add milk. Fold in thd tho most Important sources of vlvanilla. Add well-beaten egg yolks To exterminate, worms in flow- dark-haired Italian girls—was even Jtltfiy beaten egg wllltes. Pour m - ' t a m l n A In tho Amerloan'. food, fold in beaten egg whites. Add t h e tho s m a r t young Now Yorkers who tow minutes, erpots, water the earth with a betrothed, but this tair-halred io uUbaked plo shell and bake a t supply and t h a t milk oontalna a Choose W a t t l e s pecans a n d dates. P u t into pastry see in t h e m another trick for snai' strong solution ot soapsuds or use a strange woman was t h e one h e greator vaMbty of air tho essentials Add 'M cup grated American t)30d F fdr 50 minutes. shells and bake about 15 minutes in ing glamour. One of the most roteaspoon ot ammonia in a q u a r t of loved. She too had been attracted ot an adequate dibt tlian: any other cheese to waffle reclpd. a hot oven. Reduce temperature and mantic of t h e evening snoods Is water. The worms t h a t it does not by Tonio's dark.halred handsomesingle lood. Apple Wattles cobk until done. t h a t made of black velvet with a kill win come to t h e surface for air ness, for she readily accepted his Experiments with vitamin il^deSprinkle 2 tablespoons ehopped NEW: S A L A D IDEAL ' Deep pish Apple Pie and you dan destroy them. Water proposal ot marriage. She could bunch of bright flowers on top. raw applo.nnd 1/8 tduspddn cinnafiaient albino r a t s liavoac'motistfa' % cup s u g a r ' " rOE LUNeiiEON ted the e a r t h the same as it you were speak'Russian, French, and English Those of gold and silver mesh s t a r - mon ovc^ each uncooked wattle and the increased liability to,iiitoc- ' 3 cups apples using plain water. Do not get it on fluently whereas Tonio spoke only red with brilliants are also some- bake. . . , A h e a r t y moat salad Is an Ideal lion especially of t h e respiratory:' 1 cup crumbled b u t t e r crackers the plant. Use It several times. Italian lluentiy and English fairly thing for the glamour book. tract, the u r i n a r y - t r a c t , a n d - t h e luncheon or supper m a i n dish, be1/3 cup butter well. Tlielrs must have been U cause It Is tasty ond delicious, eyes. The condition of I h c . n p s b a n d 1 package cream cheese Fashion Pointers TANG-Y GRAPEFRUIT An egg is unfit for use t h a t floats strange yet fascinating romance. t h r o a t is of major ImpbVtilrieo l i i ' H du'p creani Gloves point the way to romance I rOR BETTER SHERBERT h e a r t y enough t o make one feel protection against' hvi'eptlon. The on top ot water. Tonio often told mc t h a t Klra well-fed, and also m a k e u-se of Vi teaspoon n u t m e g in accessories this season. Evening tho lott-ovor, an advoiltaEO, al- nose Is. an elabpratoly-constructed Reserve one tablespoon of sugar „ , j ., ,. v„„„ „c.-r„cri ti-inivseemed so frightened while on the gloves have adopted all sorts of Grape and grapefruit win tho thd ways. Hero Is a veal salad suggest- passageway,, whleli, normally,; acta, for' crust a n d mix remainder „lth;Pl>-'=1"^'-'i? t h a t ^'"'J'' .=«J^^^"^'''^ voyage—this he attributed . to lier tricks to center interest on tho fear of the ocean's expanse 'When to p r o t e c t , t h e l u n g s ; - n h d t h r o a t apples peeled a n d sliced, add n u t - P"'-P°=f ,^"'''"^ ' ' ' % J ' ' ' , fnr the h a n d . Ond version is tho elbow' flavor award In "Florida Freeze," a ed b y Inez a. Wlllson, home econ- from Infcollon. i t - I s a n . oxtiemply/, of.Liberty sherbet playing " " B ^ snurunu |j.aj.ii.B "tho ....u title ...lu g^^^^^ This same recipe m a y ' b e u.sc meg. P u t in shallow buttered'dish.•' m a d e into , -pretty „ ^ screens ii , „ „i„^„ n f ishe — "saw tho' Statue '' . ' she leni'th glove with a culT of gold or 'tangy for the Another is tho black "'•=" ' " "i== f " " n a m e 1 Let it play j „ , ^ ^ y ^ m d of cooked or ready-to Imiiorlarit-rthough » 5mall--pai't'pt mx erackers (about 20 rolled fine) "^".1=^5 days. ^^1='^°''',^'J^ P l ^ k ^ d h ' ' ^ ' ^ " ^ ' ' " " ^ ""'^ murmured some^ U v e k U l the body. Whcit t h e bbdj*. is lit good' with softened butter and one table- «nf-'='^='^'i ^ ' ^ f: ? " H ^ ^ ^ Z L „f " " " ^ ' " ^ " ' " ' " ' - ^ ° " " ^^"^ T"^ suede glove with t h e thumb tied P ^ ^ n e r s with your main or m o a t , , , „ , .^.^^ health thb nose lunotloiis properly.',, . . . a ^bow-otgoid _..._> __,j kid ,.,j to ,._ m . ^ .a. t. .c1h, _alOMrs';--oasy 1 course—easy toto look look atat inin your your v„„ and Celery Said spoon • sugar and sprdad mixture in ] ?,??'«i!;.!;i''^„„'M\!','"„„!, h ^ ^ ^ ^ n v I \"'' .'.'™".S', '''.'=."°1'L.'',1!'.'= .^"?.",'"?: ^with Vdal the guard so t h a t it can be easily ly shrugged his shoulders thinking but when goncraV rpslstanoo is low,-oddest dishes and easier to m a k e | 2 Clips cooked veal, dided an dven layer dver the apples. Cover removed' when you w a n t to use the this is another of her peculiarities. h a n d stitched cuff ot t h e kid drcd, colds fo!low^,'T':s:-.;:;;r;v^ ;;'•=:'with c a n n e d grapefruit sections a n d and bake In a Hot oven until apples g u a r d tor the Are again. 1 cup cdldry, didod Ot^'ior p.uit'lc'stlona ior,"diso6UrttsV.' W h e n he had asked about her the fdliowlng recipe. are tender, about 3d minutes. U h 1 cucumber, pared and cubed (••A. ihn'fpld-IMl-Ittjr/'oti^cHs-^oti't.tho^ past she had smiled, saying: "That Corn a n d Potato Chowder Grapefruit julco a n d sogoments dovef, bSown lightly; garnish v/ith F r e n c h dressing fiir^, lhairn*>i3tl;;'^nil-triticfc'feUSKbp; LACE NET CURTAIN S is past, it no longer matters. I am 2 cups ravir'' potato, sliced very botli from tho same can are good cheese blended 'With cream. Mayonnalad , seeking a future in America thin Krikftd:'A''ii.hbitdb'luatd''pniS!J)VK£^ ., ,., . . , , - bets tor sherbot t h a t ' s better t h a n POPULAE, THIS' FALL alone . , ;LottUco. • ^ •"• ,. ]•'. like yourself." , ; , - 1 cup' stdwli'd 'ofarii - ' •--'; •'• ,- aiiy you've tried. It's.T.etreshIng t o .;!ll'^t'iii)siitne;;iiiki';c::tal;iJa«:KSa>^ C u t the cooked voal Jhto.i.'A.tQ Being of Russian -decent,! h a d " 2 cups .%"tiWE3-'to''m'atd • • •' j ^ " - • - oat'witiva-grapofru'it tang, and Is Catch the fashionable spirit in % Inch dice. Marinate In Prpnoh 2 tablespoons vCBOtablo or dairyi„j|(,'j,j'\yjt|j'y,]s",.„2ip(,; home decorations this F a l l , with readily became her friend. By lier drossing; Wlidn almost r e a d y ' t d ',<! cup sugar lace n e t curtairis. There's one p r e t - a p p a r e n t refinement and cultured butter -:'.{;•': sorvo, cdmbino with diced > celery ._] 'mj^STZA^'^'MJi^^ 4 tablespoons chopped onion 1 cup milk ty p a t t e r n after an-other in the new m a n n e r I knew she was a noble, ahd oucumbor and moisten with r ' c u p cddkod bebJEstpo,IC;;'ijr<?und;.;;woman. However, sensing niy curi3 stalks celery, cut fine 2 tablespoons lemon Juloe styles produced in the U. S. A. mayonnaise. Servo on-a Idttucd leaf, ' 1 Imrd cooked: dgg":V?; ' I ' ' ' • ? ' - } - ' . , 4 cups water 1 cup Florida grapefruit julco Their open weaves are sunshln- osity,'she gave me no opportunity , The two-way frock t h a t .slips from garnished with radl.sh slices; 4,medium sized swcetBlidrklns: to o.uostlon her. l',4 cups hot cream 1 cup Florida grnpofrult sections alternooU'into evening guise at the catchcrs. tod. Inviting the sunlight , ^Catsup : ... ,„:• : :,;,'::':'.,;;•;,..•. P u t butt-err" onion, celery, a n d ' 1 cup seedless white grapes touch of a zipper is no longer fasli- right into the room. So there's good SJie loved Tonio and treated him savory-into a- saucepan, and let Schools reopen Monday, DoeomPut through' ' f r f o d c h d p i i e r tho with the utmost respect. At times I Heat the sugar lind milk until ber 4th lon—news but now a bright desig- cheer as well as chic tor homes v,'lth beefsteak, egg and sweet gherklnu. wondered if it was only because she simmer over the the tire for a tew sugar Is dissolved, cool. Strain the ner h a s h a d ; another sartorial these curtains up at the windows, Add autflcldnt oatoun, t o .mPlsteri;::. minutes, b u t do not brown. Add the fruit Julcd into tlid sugar and millt was grateful to him. Blackstone Memorial Library will brainstorm and thought up the iTheii- softly tailored sheerness t l a t Spread between, slices pt'butteyed',; • ' I arrived a t the wooden foot- poiatocs and the water, salt io mixturd; stir milk vigorously while be closed all day Thur.'!day. tors living rooms, dining rooms and brtacl. Makes . f l l l l n g i f o r ^ O . s a h i ; three-way frock. bridge, r a t h e r where it had been, taste, and boil continuously for ten adding thd fruit juice so that It will wlcHos. ' ' : • ' • ::^'!' ;',': '.-, Such an oufit should prove t h e bedrooms. And many, many women huge elm tree had fallen on it minutes; Ihcnn add the corn, and not curdle, and a d d fruit julco t h e tomatoes, and boil gehtiy for slowly to permit thorough mixing. bottle. DealRncd by Madame Lisa answer to aweek-endor's prayer a s . w h o have V e „ e t ^ „ e t t a l n s ' l e n g t h w i s e across the brook it Should solve almost any packing .windows a^e ^ " ^ ' " f f ^ ^ ^ ; „ " ~ „ a , k e d on the tree [twenty minutes. Lastly, and just Add' grapefruit sections and grapes dcs Rcnaudcs of the American when -1 had,before serving, add the hot cream. and turn into trays of refrigerator. Noedlecrafts in New York, the d e or wardrobd problem. Introduced at f^"f>^"""y f "'f,f'^^°„''^^^^^ mv na*<.n quickening my paCe wl Serve with the main or meat course, signs are worked by women who I : a fashion show in New York, t h e in deep folds r i g h t over the b u n a s I crossed the stream. have learned the art Irom a prevl I When I arrived at willows Lane As I returned to my cottage t h a t garnishing with sprigs of mint if ensemble won such instant approval ous generation. if undoubtedly wilt make its-way in DELICIOUS COOL, t h e sight sickened me leaving an .night many years ago, I knew t h a t desired. to stores throughout t h e country I empty feeling' in t h e pit of my K l r a was witholding the facts ot her G^REEN SALAD PRAISED FOR during the' next tew weeks, so keep I stomach. The beautiful twentyroom past lite in far-off Russia. Perhaps an eye out for it when you go s h o p ELATWORK 1 bunch of endive or hotel was completely demolished s o m e d a y I would know. Still I 18-250 MIRROR ping. 2 cups shredded cabbage HOURS IN EVERY understand why she as were the five cottages. One of the couldn't WET.F4^H^ A tunic, which so closely resem1 bunch watercress m a n y willows remained standing. wouldn't tell Tonio about It. WOMAN*S LIFE bles a dress t h a t no one but the d e 4 medium sized tomatoes I hurried to the ruins of the hotel The ones around the pond had all SOFT DIIY singer v/ould know tho difference, 2 cups diced celery Ibeen unrooted. T h e beautiful foun. shouting for Tonio and Klra, but Amerloan women spend apprcxl1 cup peeled and diced cucumber j ^-^^(jj .^y,, j.^j^j^j^,,^^ ^^ ^j^,,,gjjj j^^^^^y received no answer. I wondered forms t h e basis of t h e outfit and is matcly 14,020,000,000 lidurs a yeoiActs Llko a Flasli an afternoon costume by itself. E n 1 green pepper, thinly sliced (amidst the debris and ruin of this w h a t had become of the guests, es- in frdnt ot their mirrorsi Makes Breathing Easier hanced by a long skirt cut circuChill vegetables in ' ^ " " 1 ^ " ? ! " Vermont resort. pecially the invalid Miss Tltton. 'Was Wliat's more, the average member Spend fl low ccnift today nt ' fliiy Bood larly, t h e tunic becomes a stunning until ready to serve; place in large drug ttoro (or a bollftf of Buckltty't I will never forget tlie ril#fit'wl}en her life spared? In the ruins I sav/ of the fair sex devotes about 18,250 CANADIOL MIxturo llrlpio j c t l n g l — I ' K " dinner dress. Then when one w a n t s bowl, add Chef's Salad Dressing, toss the installation of the fountain had her wheel chair and my question FINISHED-WORK a touplo of doles Bl bedtime—feel III Inhours ot h e r life s p a n to looking at stant powerful punB<*nt ncllon spread thru to go formal the tunic is zipper lightly, and serve immediately. been completed, about flftceri years was an.swered. Her still body lay herself. throat, head and bronchial tubes. If starts. BACHELOR SERVICE off arid beneath it is a sequin frostChef's Salad Dressing at onca - to loosen up thick, cnoklni,' ago. I had been restless ahd unable crushed beneath the lofty maple These tacts aren't cited merely to htcgm—soothe raw mombranos and make ed' dance gown. 1 ounce Roquefort cheese to sleep in my cottage, so I dressed treo.whlch had stood on the front prove t h e old adage, "Vanity, they E rcalhing easier. , , , ''' ' Sufferers find Ouckley's Blvos quick ro1 teaspoon anchovy paste All in all it is one ot the neatest and went for a stroll in, the ba.sking lawn name Is woman," b u t to Indicate tho llel from (hat porsislont. nasty, Irritating 1/8 teaspodn A-1 sauce duo to colds or bronchloHrrI atloni. designer tricks of t h e current seamoonlight. I t was late spring and I I heard footsteps behind me. I t impoi-tance of the mirror in fcmln- cbugli But bo sure you Bet Duckloy'a CANADIOL Juice of Vj lemon son. 11„^ existence. could smell the sweet fragrance.of was the negro caretaked. (vltxture—t)y far tho larEest selling coURh medicine for coujihs duo- to colds. In cold Vi cup olive oil the lilacs, while the peepers filled Tel. 572-2 — 572 3 Thank God you're .safe, Miss, Through tho oontui-ies since tho wintry Canade,, Contains no sugar so can 2 tablespoons vinegar be taken, by diatattcs. Over 10 million .the nlgiit with their merry song of Myra." i first burnished motal disk outmoded bottles sold. I clove garlic, minced spring. A calm, gentle breeze was I "Jefferson, it's horrible. 'Where's the "touch-system" or "trial-and B. Wl Kelson, P r o p . Brantord Drur Co. Salt and pepper ruffling my hair and caressing my Klra and Tonio, and the guests?" error" coiffure, ttie looking glas.^ gagj HareJi Agt., Melcxlf Dnijr Slo Crumble cheese with fork, add cheekes. I t was t h e kind of night "I don't know where Klra and Mr. has had a n eventful history. But G lamb, veal or pork chops other ingredients, and mix thor- t h a t one feels glad to be living. Tonio are, but all the guests ex- new styles In mlrror.s are evenmord Melted butter oughly. Pour over- salad of "greens I saw the fountain and it was cepting Miss Tifton are safe in colorful, speaking Jltcrally. Sliced oranges and toss together with a fork. Chill truly a magnificent sight the silvery Treasure Grotto." Polished plate glass mirrors In Salt, pepper and paprika in refrigerator before serving. moonlight glistening on the water "Treasure Grotto?" I queried; I colors of gold a n d peach are the Trim fat from thick chops and gushing over the marble enchan- had never heard of such a place. latest vogue, and^they are much in dip in melted butter. Oil broiler well tress Venus. When I saw them I "It's t h a t cave on the side hill. demand by the s m a r t hostess who and-broil chops eight minutes. Turn TASTY COOKED not wanting thorn to see Luclnda named it." appreciates the flattering m a n n e r arid place a thick slice of peeled orVEGETABLES stopped, me. Torilo was showing Klra the "Is your wife .safe?" in which these sot off a room and ange' on each chop. Broil eight or beauty of the fountain at night, "Yes, Luclnda is with the guests." reflect one's appearance. '/z cup cooked peas 10 mliiutes lenger. Sprinkle generKlra, is it not beautiful?" h e ten. "But Miss Tifton. How—" | ',i cup cooked carrots ously with the seasonings. Serve hot. derly asked. Jefferson Interrupted. "She de- Hill-Billie,'3 Help Heat '/a cup cooked green beans "That it is, Tonio. I'm so glad we clared she could save herself, and '/•! cup cooked corn, whole kernels FAVORED FOR COLLEGE own it. V/hon I look a t It I feel such wouldn't let me help her. Said she Park Avenue's Shiart Feet 'A cup cooked beets Plaid skirts are going t s class with peace and happiness t h a t I have didn't w a n t to be' a burden to no 2 tablespoons cliopped onion tiie college girl's favorite classic Hlll-bllUes v/ho probably use not known since my girlhood. Ah, one. Luclnda tried to grab' her, but sweater this year. One eye-catching F r e n c h ' dressing Tonio, you are a noble, good m a n ; she stumbled over t h e little pine heated bricks themselves, make Grated cheese sophomore wears a red, blue a n d you have restored love and peace in tree; then tlie tree crashed on Miss hot v/aiov bottle covers tor Park Lettuce green one, whose pleats are stitched Avenue's cold feet. Seen currently a t Tifton. Just-missed My wife." Marinate peas, onion, carrots, my soul." over t h e hips, with a classic sweaan exhibit of Pedac in Rockefeller Tell me about It, mia cara," he I knew how Miss Tifton felt. Sh.e beans and corn In French dressing. ter set of g'erige wool. Real acorns Center, is a satin Cover for a hot had led a normal life until infantile chili in refrigerator and d r a i n . Ar-| urged gently. "Perhaps you will feel dangle from her bracelet. paraly.sis had left her a cripple a t water bottle t h a t was t r a p u n t o J»H (to ASgBOi^Et^?^ : S ^ V < £ ^ range lettuce on salad plate, add better, no? "There is nothing to tell, Tonio. twenty. Now five years later she quilted by women In the Kentucky The last few years have given the vegetable combination, sprinkle mountains. I t Is made ot heavy Nothing. Only tha-t you have spread had been released ot her crippled cheese, and garnish t r u t h to the old Broadway legend with grated a ray of sunshine in my life." She life. I would write about her gallant cream colored satin and decorated with celery curls. t h a t frozen assets have cooled m a n y with a raided conventionalized tree smiled at him, her loving, strange lite and lost love .some day. • Main St. Phone 615 ' Branford a friendship. Get some help t o move the body, design In pale pink and blue. The In America when a child Is born smile. the parents hope it will grow up Tonio shrugged his shoulders as Jefferson, I'm going to search tor cover Is shaped like the bottle and Many Jobs go begging for t h e ha.s a side zipper opening to make It to be president, i n Europe they hope h e tenderly embraced his strange Tonio and Klra." MODERN. ECONOMICAU GAS SiERV|£]B < right men even" in times w h e n . m e n easy to p u t on a n d lake off the it will grow u p . Rus.slan wife. , ,/ (Tp, be Continued) go begging for jobs. , i r . • • • • New" Ehsemble Is Triplets LAUNDRY LAMB CHOPS WITH ORANGE Collins & Freeman Inc. ,Vv^v..*>.*^*K**rl^#^£fr^^^^ . ; • ' , ; . » • , ; >.'-, V • X ; i 4,'V * rr^ v\ -i i-*w^v.v«i-tv->v»^^A.JvV»'AV* ; : j ' . , » W V ; . . ^. :V'"""'« *"••» •••'•iiHpH'yr«'r"**H«'rfV-*-^>«^*f'W'«W»*'4'v-*"'«^'"*'iif"-tf't «--» * * i» » r-i'^^-V"' *>^ *# '"^ THE BRAKFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1939 Pago Four P<ge glT< ~ " THE BEANFOED REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1G39 one of llicm may become n 31K lU-aufnrb JS^tvlmthere, big catisc. The dry earth of hiiEstablished 1926 nian thinking irf notoriously hard to orack. And among the cIinlT there will likely ho some grains of wheat whoso sprouting heads must have a chance to pusli up to the Rtinlight and feed humanity with new ideas. Yes, the freedom MEYKR LESIIINE Publisher of speech and press arc, as Mr. AUCr; T. PETER.SON Editor rluHticc Uoborts emphasized, "fundamental liberties." — Chrisliiiii Science Monitor. ^ Telephone Hrantord 40O THERE'S THAT M A N A B A I N you'uL MEVER WORKIM' GET AM"/WHERe HARD, All In! The Day's Work THE CONSUMER SPEAKS B7 BOVfUtO PATR the public health is in a large measure dependent upon increasing the Br K C. and M. H, CARPBMTCR staffs and appropriations ot these Any person may make a compla- agencies. Likewise, our pocketbooks int to the Commission if he thinks need the protection that these Free Speech an advertisement is false or mis- agencies can give against countless Here is the new and momentous leading whether on the radio or economic frauds that still plague pruuea in a newspaper or magaz. us. ssue relating to free speech. Earl irowder, a well known communist, inc. When one stops to relize the Last year the new Federal Food, las been refused the use of some enormous amount ot advertising Drug and Cosmetic law was passed •ollego building.'), and has been that appears In these days it can after five years of effort by organizirantcd It in Yale. This has made .-eadily be seen that the CommLss- ed consumers. This now law makes \n outcry about the danger to free lon has its hands full. From July, .iiany Improvemnts on Dr. Wiley's 1936 to July 1D37, 460,000 broadcasts old law and brings cosmetics under Subscription Rate: ;peech In refusing him the right to of 800,000 pages, and 137,000 adver-1 some sort of control. I hope that $2.00 a Year, Payable In Advance IDC .such places. tlsements in 2,400 issues of 800 his brief sujnmary will interest the Aavcrtlslnc Rales. On Application Now he Is not being denied the different publication were read by Rev. Carpenter as well as others. To Ight of free speech at all. No one|ti,g p.^^.j,, ^rade Commission's adequately protect consumers some Member Of ;arcs what he _says_it he wants to,,.j„„^ ^ j,,.,,^ ^^^^,„g ^,,^^^^ ^^^^^ paient medicine profits would be New Encland Press Association ;iire a hall and invite people to it 23,000 periodical advertisements destroyed and anyone wlio would IS long as he does not make troa- and 25,000 radio ads were mislead- de.-,troy profits, no matter how ttr JAMES PRESTON Entered ns second class matter lonablc utterances. Not long ago a ing. Tills resulted in 840 courts be- gained, is laying himself open to October 15, 1020,'at the t'o.it Office argc church had him in Its forum ing started. But tho.se who fraud- charges of anIi-Amcrlcanlsm. at Branford, Conn, under Act of and he said all ho wished to say. I ulently advertise their quack remedThe U.S. Supreme Court sum. If farmers and small buslncs.smen March 3, 1807. lupjioso ho can print what he wants. ies are past masters In the art of mcd vp the maiter nicely when it had boon able to slip into a recent If he keeps within very wide boun- placing legal obstacles in the path said,"The fact that a false stateclosed meeting in Washington, they dries. of law enforcement officer.?. Long ment may be obviously to those would he plenty disturbed now. For Thursday, Novomljer 30, 1039 But here Is the situation, as I un- drawn-out hearings, appeals and who are trained and experienced they would have had an advance derstand it. At least I am repeating legal red tape prevent speedy dis. does not change its character nor peek at some interesting things NEWS i r e M - S L O W - B O W M smiKES T ^ K E PLACE OF what tho newspapers have publish- position of cases. take away Us power to deceive that are being planned for them, ed. He Is imder indictment. David Bbth the Food and Drug Admin- other less experienced. There is no OUTtAWEIP S | - r - D O W S I STRIKES. such as laws forcing them to pay no INDEX TO 1940 Lawrence takes a column to call istration and the Federal Trade duty resting upon a citizen to exless thon $10 a week to any of their attention to the fact that an indict- Commission have a gigantic job ot pect the honesty of those with whom The division in obsorviinco of cnTploycca. ment Is only an accusation, and no protecting American consumers he transacts business. Laws made The meeting was the National good reason for denying one tree These agencies are dcflnitely hand- to protect the trusting as well as DID IT CONTRIBUTE TO EECOVERY? the two dates for'^TlinnlcsBiving Conforenco on Labor Legislation, speech. Very well, but I understand may be prnotioally ns good as some called by Secretary Perkins of the Six years ago, in September in;];j, the Federal Trade Commission jf,at ho confessed on the witness icapped because insurflcient appro the suspicious. The best element of U.S. Labor Department and attendtook issue with the Goodyear Tire and Kublicr Company on what .stand to travelling on a faked pass priatlons are made to carry on their I business has long since decided of tlio nation-wide polls in nniil' that the rule, of caveat emptor ed by official representatives of 3D was a fair and legal contract to produce tires I'or Scars Roebuck port. If that was true i t is a very important work. yzingtho preaoiit political outlook State aovernors ' Delegates were But the growing consumer (buyer beware) should not be reserious crime. It involves forgery, movement Is bringing more and lied upon to reward fraud and do. and Compan.v. cither State Labor Department offiof tlie Nation. ,| n ^ •, 1 1 .1 • • I11 1 • 1 ,• r perjury, and what is much like more people to the realization that ception." Uoodyear l,..„_„,v cials or leaders of labor organiza, was, cited by the commission for alleged violation of [1 unson, It sums up tn lliis, live slates tions. The purpose \yas to plan fu- , the Cliiylnii Act, it being charged that the contract tended to create I i can understand that when a I'PiJOMll.'^i^B^^ PWVW^'V^W^'W^^PV^KWWarV^^V^WlW observe both "FriinksRivinB" ture State and Federal laws, X monopoly in tho production and distribution of tires. |request comes for the use ot a pubwere committee reports advocating 'I'ho result was one of Ihc longest legal proceedings in the history "c building, like a college bnildlng, and Thanksgiving. Stale Wage-Hour laws patterned I'' '= embarasslng. The authorities Twenty Stiitcs'iire observing the ' after tho Federal statute, and sug- of American .iurisprndeiicc. ,, . I 1 1 . r.i • /.• • , »,r 1- o. r • kuow that It they rcfusc they Will b"- fcifw^hifci^iX I * n •iiaifti^a ft fcfi»i»it» >rt^«»a,^aMw holitlny as in previous years, on I gestlng closer State-Federal coHearings were lioUl at CJiicago, (incinnnle, Mcmpliis, St, I^OULS, ^^^„^^j of .suppressing free speech I operation in tho enforcement of I wonder if you would be inter- battered, upon a cot, in a camp November 30. '„hlle to consent is too much like ested In re-prlnting this article hospital, at Langres, in France. He Twcnty-tbreo States observed a wage-hour laws. The section on Kansas City, SI. Taul, Now York and Wasliiiigton. state wage-hour laws made no re-, told mo of his mother as I helped '\Vitnesses--211 of llicni^—were summoned from coast to coast at giving seml-endorsemcnt to what from the Jersey Journal. day of thanks a week ugo. ference to inclusion of farm workers OP WAR AND WAITING him write a tragic message of ungreat cipeiiso to the laxpavers. 'bey utterly detest. Like mo.sl polls, these figures and domestic servants, so one delesuppression that is giving us "She knew the lifelong martyrdom, dying love from a dying son. And, •. Nearly lO.dOO pages oMoslimony wore taken. Isort " ° of ^ *•= ^^'^^'^ '^'='= " guilty of one are not conclusive'l)ut it may be gate asked why not. To which, an Tho weariness, the endles.i pain last night, reading Longfellow's more and more trouble all the lime— Somecase 22,R(ill "cxiilliils" worefrom put court into the Illinois degate replied: lines, I fell to wondering if that signillcant. The dragged for years to huge court.record. ''|thal, is the old fashioned slipper or Of waiting for some one to come Who nevermore would come mother still is "waiting for some "In some states It Is necos.saTy to Finally, 0 years aflcr the oomniission's original citation, the Su- shingle treatment that some of us Five ncpubliciin States have one to come who nevencve will again." bowed to the Federal deeroe and exempt agriculture FOR THE MO- preme Court of tlio United Slates dismissed the whole- proceedings, re- j"^!*?"^,^,'" in UiojlaysoJ our childHappening upon these lines by come agaln.^ have eaten their turkey but on IMENT in order to get tho farm fusing to review ii decision of a lower Federal Court which had re^ hood. Those methods of treatment Longfellow, as I glanced over the War again holds half the earth should be revived, and there should , . . ,, .. I votes needed to pass tho Icglsla- i'cr.sod tho eonimiHsion's order against Goodyear. ... the other bo no suppression of the howls that pages of a book last evening, my in her malevolent embrace and hand nnie Demonratic ^JQ,., .. mind went back through a haze of casts seductive glances in all direcStates lire eating tomorrow. Did it contribute to recovery? may arise from the woodshed Stating it more bluntly, that anI suppose every college has a few turbid memories to a night some tions. She would entice today the Walter Winehull HUUIH it up s^ver means: Supporters of laws restudents who are still at the stage twenty-one years ago when a boy sons of those who, a generation " W o dunno about you Uopubs or quiring employers to pay specified I had known passed from tho mun- ago, succumbed to her voluptuous DemooralR, but over at the AVin- wages realize that in many states THE NEW FRONTIER tX^X^'^^'^Z^^'.:^ dane vortex ot life to everlastiing blandishments. Thousands of fine, farmers could not afford to pay $10 chcUs they arc celebrating two a week to hired help and therefore clean, healthy boys will speed with (From the Flint, Mich., .Tounial) ^ ,, &^ P'" ° " '•'^•= <^'^S's tail, and they entranquility. Thanksgiving Days—ouo for each woulcl not support a state lawf forcI. ,.-w„iV., '• ;•; joy seeing their persecuting prpfos- -, He was a handsome-and-a noble shining eyes and outstretched "arms < to welcome her base •caress. Moth- • lad. I "remembered' his last words ocean." ing them to do so. But their support Oiico upon n lime the word pioneer meant the, man or-woman sors get red in the face at the great were of the mother from whoso ers and daughters and sisters and Yes, indeed this first political is needed to get such laws through who M'ont out to the frontier,' tho wildernoas, to settle niSw land and '''^"° of free .speech that they have protecting arms and burning tears sweethearts everywhere soon v/lU bo Thanksgiving mix-up may be an the legislature. Therefore farmers pave t h . way for further eoloni.ition.:There is nousnel, frontier in ^ S j V S t l V o ' f ' ^ d ' l s ' J ^ g S l ' s h ' he had fled to seek glory and ex- "waiting for someone to come who win bo told how they would benefit index to 1940. If such wages ^ere paid by "indus- tins coiiiitry now aiul the modern pmncer is one who explores in other.ed ministers and laymen "voice citement in consort with the cour- nevermore will come again." H. I. C. ,.,, : l^'th alarm" their fear that free tezan War. Now he'lay, torn and trlaliats',' and "big business" and directions. talked into approving the laws. ' AVe are an industrial, comincrcial and rinancial country now and America is on the verge of ruin, most beautiful women ot today do * ~ • FREEDOM OF THE HANDBILL Thon, after the laws have been op tlio pioneering is in other activities. Tho National Association of ^"^ ^ ^'•'" ''"''' "^^' "• session in the the statute books a while, all the smoke and many of them sip cockP O E T S C O R N E R Manufaclurcrs recognizes that situation through its new plan for Z ^ f f t t " " p i 4 i f ' U T t m e n t ' f o ^ iTustico sometimes consists of other groups will be .swung behind prizes to outstanding inventors anrt research workers which will bo such world shaking matters as tails besides. He just comes back at • ^i 4 choosing between two kinds of amendmends extending the min- awardort inliMO, the year ot the 150th anniversary of thofonnding of denying the use of a college build- you with the question "Where will imum wages to farm help. these beautiful complexions be af- As I sit on this hill and look dov/n nuisances. In the Supremo Court '.hig to a confessed criminal. That has already been done in the American I'atcnt System. ter the next ten years? Many of the below ruling recently on tho anti-hand- some states, and the strategy "The pioneer on the modern frontier," says tho association, "of ^ - '-'• '-'•women who were hailed as the per- I think of so many things that I bill ordinances of four American worked so well that tho plan will be science and technology likewise ventures into the niikno\vn and consonification of beauty ten years know. HERE IT IS—WARMED OVER cities, tho Court hart tn decide be- followed In others. I tliink of the Indians brave and quers it. lie pushes forward man's knowlertge of the useful arts and "Somebody is always taking the ago" (women were smoking then)tween tho simple inconvenieueft joy out of llfol" Here are the women he says, "are now old before their strong sciences'anrt turns the new knowlertgo into productive uses." The labor conferees also demon of having one's doorstep anrt and girls just getting proficient in time, though a tew still carry on vnw lived in this, village and That is what we want And need now. streets occasionally littered with dcd Federal action on the question holding a cigarette between their with the aid of cosmetics." This throng, of migratm-y farm lab^or: they hit fingers in tlie most approved mas- man evidently thinks he knows I think of the forefathers good unordered literiiturc and the po-"industrialized agriculture," com culine fashion and blowing smoke what he is talking about, and since and true tentially serious • suppression of paring it to "sweat shops"; they T O M O R R O W . . . , rings about their pretty heads; his article appeared in a recent And ot the American flag, red, freedom of expression. This may urged abolition of poll taxes; and and here is the Tobacco Trust rak- health magazine; apparently the white and blue. seem trivial in some respects but they suggested limitations upon tho ing !n the "shekels" at. an ever in- editor thinks so too. But what of . I think of my home and family lie was going to he all that he .wanted to b o employment of young folks on the may prove basic to all otiior libTomorrow. creasing rate, and everybody—ex- it? The habit already has the wo- and friends. farm. ' cept a few "old fogies" like the wri- men so that most of them probably I think ot these narrow gulches erties in the long run. The CoinM No one shnulrt be kinrter or braver than he— ter—having a glorious time! Then couldn't stop smoking if they tried, and glens hold in favor of the right to dis- There was one substantial ray of Tomorrow. hope, however. One debate de(though a woman willdo and suf- But for one thing I thank the tribute pampliluts or leaflets so manded a resolution asking the A friend who was troubled and weary, ho knew—who'd be "lad^^^"" "''^"•ybody's doing it", along fer much for beauty), but to theFather above long as these are not merely U. S. Labor Department to .survey ^ ,, u I "^^^^ I ll^e In a land with so J i f t -do— f " "-ho needed it, t o o - o n him," he would call and see ^ h a t ^ X r T ' H i l f e n b e c " M°'D'' "and ' " o-i,i. ,„w^ 1 „„ broadcast in the sticct. unemployment, And out its cause, fho "could declares that, the woman who would like to say a few words next and suggest ways to give jobs to tho Eliza Barnes, .smokes isn't going to be able to keep week. ' Tomorrow. N. H. C, One wonders if the relative con- 10 mlllllon now jobless. To every11 years old her beauty, (If she has any to keep). Facli morning he slacked up the letters he'd w r i t e centration of control of news- body's surprise. Secretary Perkins And that's serious! A woman might Tomorrow. Subway Stations To Get papers in the United States dur- after recounting many experiments TRIBUTE risk getting, "tobacco heart" and Anrt thoughts of the folks he would fill with delight— ' thereby cutting a few years off her Soundproof Phone Booths To readers everywhere Anne Llnding recent years has had anything which have been tried, admitted: I bergh's name "We know too well that we have span of life, (who wants to grow Tomorrow'. to do with the S^ipremo Court's not gotten to the bottom of tho It was to bad, iiulcert, he was busy today, anrt hartn't the mimitc old and feeble anyway,) but her Anyone ' who ever made a call Is heard with special interest these tliinking on this case. Certainly it question of unemployment and good looks—well, that's different from a telephone booth in a subway days. has something to do, at any rate, that our constructive 'suggestions to slop on his way. "More time 1 will have to give otiior.s," he'saay— And i!; doesn't phase this man a station will appreciate the news of Although she values not this thing Tomorrow. bit to have you point out to him plans to in.stall telephone booths' called fame, with the signifujan^je of the deci- have not been nough." The greatest of workers, this innn would have been— that a large percentage of the that are completely soundproof in Our thoughts go out to her in She then went on to say that sion. the stations of the new Sixth' friendly praise. ,' Tomorrow. A century or so ago it was hope for the future rested with in dustry and its ability, through re• Inclined to verse, she writes two v/ords, a government agency, the Avenue Subway line. Ibo wnrlrt woiild have known him hart he over seen— possible for almost,,any printer search and invention, to develop According to the New York City books instead Labor Board, is now suspecting Tomorrow, with a Washington hand-press new products and processes, and liut, in fact, he passed on, and ho fadcil from view, and all that he employers will violate a lav/ they Board of Transportation, twelve of On blazing trails and spanning and the proverbial "sliirt-tail added: '' these new type booths are to be in-| oceans wide; have not violated. "The new, fronters of industry left here when living was through, was a mountain of things he in- Secretary Wallace is so opposed stalled in the 47th street-51st Street • Prepared to follow where the Colfull" of type to sot,,up a now.',lenrted to do— to American involvement in the Eu. Rockefeller Center Station, one of • onel led— paper of sorts j and it was a .small are not closed......:.They do not re' A pioneering partner at his side. ropean hostilities that he will not the largest stations on the line. Tomorrow. tb\vn indeed that did not have spond to a resolution or to an act of Congress ...We niust not fool . [ . ' —Delco. permit the war situation to be dis The Sixth Avenue Subway, the four or five journuls ot fairly ourselves Into thinking there Is a cussed in his office. This example is world's costliest underground rail- A miracle of modern womanhood lively opinion. For mechanical remedy or panacea tor unemploynot followed by all in official life. way per mile, is expected to be in Who faces gravest moments selfand fiuancinl reasons, ownership ment,which can bo put Into effectThe Board takes credit for every- have been a "labor dispute." But operntlon about the middle of 1040. i possessed, thing. inuTOwed dowii as (.papers were by legislation or proclamation.'' More than one person is remarlci She lives uncertain days as a hero tho Labor Board had it on record Ing that of all domestic news stories One-half to two-thirds of tho re. I v.'ould bought up, merged, or discontin. A lot of folks doubtless think it is . For Instance, a telegraph opera- tliat way. too bad this phllosopliy hasn't been that of the Dies un-American in tall price of cigarettes represents With brave endurance meeting. nod. Radio has bpcomc a medium general In Washington for some tor was flred by a press associavestigating committee alone has taxes! The average factory cost per every test. also of influoncinfe opinion, but a time. But now that New Dealers tion for drunkenness The operator In a recent case before the Su- remained on the front page since pack of popular brands is 5-1/40C, For flne-adjustment to what life radio station involves a large in- are talking that way, maybe natur- flied a charge of "unfair labor prac- preme Court, the Chief Justice the start of tho European War. may bring, vestment, the number of com- al processes will be allowed a little tice" against the man who flred asked the'^general counsel of the A check by Dies committee at- Tho size of tho "holler" does not Her name to a\l the world Is hearthim. The Labor Board Investigated, more leeway. Remembering, of mentators Avho can vi-in a hearing National Labor Relations Board if taches shows that the committee necessarily indicate the size of the' tenlne. course, that tho intention still is to found that the discharge was not there were any examples of actual received as much front page space tax, I E. E. W. is limited, and there is always' bring the farmer and little busi- "unfair" and simply wrote "set- domination by employers of unions] as the world series. tled" on the complaint and put it after an independent union repre-| Dies wants more money. The best In order to jingle thc simdow of possible censorship nessman Into the corral, in the flies, among tho 21,000 cases sentation plan was revised. The La-jbot here is that he will get more pocket you've got to coins in your j In 1930, there were 7,000,000 washhake a leg. I ing machines In this country. Toof radio. The telegraph operator's boss bor Board counsel said that there money because word reaching The special House Smith comday, there'are 13,431,180. Henco the handbill or tho dld(i't even know about the com . j mittee Investigating the , Wagner were no such instances In the court Washington clearly shows that Many a man has mis.sed a golden' plaint until he got a questionnaire pamphlet is tlio resort and the m- y^^j ^^^ flnally found out why the record but the Labor Bqard believed Americanism Is the only Ism the opportunity because he had his noso' In Colonial times, a carved woostriiment of small causes. Most, Labor Board caiv claim i t .has set-j from the Smith committee asking that the plan held seeds of American people' want in govern J to the grindstone when he should den pineapple was placed over the of course, are eliaff, Dut here or tied 21,000 labor disputes cases.; him about It. So it could hardly company domination.- In other ment. liave had his ear to the ground. front door as a si 1:0 of hospitality, Fublislicd Every Thursday At Uranford, Conn. by TUE BRANFORD REVIEW. INC. 37 Rose'Street SLOW dom! Continued from last week ^WASHINGTON ; SNAPSHOTS .,_' 'v.^„^^4V^^i^^4^'-^^'^"*^ v * . v ^ ' « * * * ' ' * * , > / • / A y . A , ^ f < ( **;f't /y-y./<•/•<•-•••*-y> • O p e n TueEday a n d W e d n e s d a y Evenings Holiday Cakes CLOSED ALL D A Y T H U R S D A Y , T H A N K S G I V I N G D A Y WHOLE or EITHER HAtF - ONE PRICE PORK LOINS 15 FRUITCAKE "'-^^A^Rr" - 2 5 c HONEY 17c SHOULDERS STOLLEN FRUIT io», 18c CHICKENS .21 FOWL 2 17c 27 3Sc FACE RUMP 39c 23 OAST HY FLOURno^e..'^^65c Whole Wheat Bread 'LVlSc L T F L O U i l -AST ^s^ 69c 19' LINGS 4 29c JlllilMlillliiMiMMlMl HOLBDAY RING COFFEE iVS.55c H O L I D A Y RING or CAKE 4ii>99c FRESH—4-6 l b av^erage SPICEPP??PKL- N E W E N G L A N D DRESSED—3-41/2 l b a v g BREAD 12 oz , can 25c G r a p e f r u i t Juice ""»«"=""' 4c1n5'25c G r a p e f r u i t Juice un^cctcned 2«n°s'29c Finast Applesauce 3 'c'ns 2 0 c Campbell'sTomatoSoup "" 7c Dole's Pineapple Juice ^t.f 25c Flako Pie Crust 2 "i<s>' 25c R & R Plum Pudding cU' 27c H o r m e l ' s SPICED'^ H a m lib pkgs FOR BAKING OR FRYING W m . ELLIOTT Fancy "^'"""^ Size Fresh Grade A BROOKSIDE FANCY FRESH LARGE SIZE P e e l s CITRON, LEMON, ORANGE pitg N E W E N G L A N D DRESSED - 5 - 6 l b a v a r a g * BONELESS O V E N ROAST lb TEER BEEF H E A V Y C O R N - F E D STEER ^ C GRADE A lb STONE MILL 1 0 0 % FANCY Y O U N G DER TENDER (Containing whole wheat germ! A source of Vitamin B i) SOD 28 oz btis MILLBROOK CINCER ALE • PALE DRY or GOLDEN CLUB SODA, LltHE RICKEY contents AND ALL RADIO FLAVORS 1 lb vacuum packed 25c 29c 19^ SAUCE 2 21c 2 21c 15c 21c 21c 2 17c iRkl&INS 2 15c SEEDLESS 2 13c 19c COPLEY Regular or Drip aal jug OCEAN SPRAY NONE SUCH cans 9oz pkgs 9oz pkgs FINAST pound FANCY DIAMOND BUDDED pound 7J^oz pkgs FINAST 15 oz pkgs 1 5 0Z pkgs MORGAN'S Moxie Poultry Uneeda Biscuits Pride ASSORTMENT N.B.C. 46 oz can Currants FANCY DROI^Pitted Dates EDARY m. • pkgs 2 5 c 2'Xl 23c FBUIT COCKTAIL JS, cans E v e r e. a Id y• 2",'f„i'»45e FINAST n 24 2 4 OZ oz FINAST T 25c n e o m a t o J u i c e g 6 y 2 9 c «9 cans 2 3 C FLAKES o r SNOW large pkg 21c SOAP 3 b 'a?s^ 2 5 c med bar Pl<!is l i e D a i n t y Jell o r Pudding 8 oz 39c can W a l n u t Meats h" 19c size 2 25c Dole's Pineapple Juice 44 oz Presto Cake Flour pkg 23c 2 20pkgsoz ^^Bq C Pancake Flour JEMIMA Campbell's T o m a t o Juice 4 ''""25c can R & R Chicken cans 39c Sakuri C r a b m e a t can ^tKt Cinnamon Sugared, 2 "foz 25c Doughnuts Sugared or Plain (all EVANGELINE Evap. M i l k 4 cans 27c Unsweetened 'f SUGAR FRESHLY MADE SAGE MEAT 23 TEAK SALE All Cuts from Heavy Corn-fed Steer Beef - STEAKS N O T I D FOR F L A V O R SiKLOl!^, SHORT, choke ^^ or TOP ROUND Z7 2^39e ANGES Gulden's M u s t a r d ORANGES 'i^^^t 2"' 29c Belmont Salad Dressing Finast Corn '^°^°^'* ^*^"" 4 "• 15c GRAPEFRUIT Finast Squash. Ale o r Beer " 6c GRAPES 4 MacSorley's Ale 29c APPLES Ginger Ale 6 ^19c 6 -^ 15c APPLES Candies S W E E T H O M E CHOCOLATES L ' J 2 7 c 5^ lOc SQUASH 2 - 29c CRANBERRIES E L S BROOKSIDE p\^''29c CELERY 2 »15c K I S S E S PEANUT BUHER %'' 19c 5 »»10c mi WAFIRS %°T?-'. PK^ 25c TURNIPS CONFECTIONER'S, POWDERED or BROWN ^ p^^^ jL%f^ I 8 OZ . Jars quart 21c 27c 3 ""' 2 5 c 2l'an's'*19c New Yorker contents contents DIAIV10ND PALE DRV or GOLDEN 4 itelnle 2 5 c 10OZ #«|M FLORIDA LARGE SIZE FLORIDA LARGE SIZE FANCY EMPEROR l)rownle25C » btIs • conts. 'Pi?^ MclNTOSH NATIVE FANCY HUBBARD C A M P F i R E Marshmallows PEPPERMINT PARTY TREAT Vo". 1 5 c pkg 2 5 c LATI HOWE'S RUTABAGA m *-"5*;;»^V''V''*'^*'^'!^"rV^*'^'1^^ Page Six r mm THE BRANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1030 T H B q R A N F O f i P REVIjaVSr, T I i y ^ \ S D A Y , ^ I p y B » ? B E R 30, 1030 » < » • • « Joseph M. Zaffino :-: Sports Editor zTL^^inuMrsr^ East Hav^n High Quintet Oddities Open Basketball Season Friday Gef. 8tfi Af Home oS Sport By JUxchie Ellis, Jr, m U L-J Tow HARMON 'HAtrBACH \^N0fN0.1 fiLL-fiMCniCAf/, %£AbEfihyMLEfArimMcc'[MAt>/Mi ^NtCHUcHOOl^GAR\(/N0!rBAf>R/NG^,^ STANLJfY CI'T'OLMAN PEEPAEE YOUR CAR FOB WINTER Car Heaters, Wiiai'd AatiFreese, Prestone, Tlionaoifats, • etc. ' ' " • ir&nfard f ' . - '• He Was Actually Dazed, Ernie Tells Horpe, folks W i t h s t e r l i n g defensive tactics a n d great s t r e n g t h p l a y i n g t h e major role, t h e cHl'pled Branforcj k i u r e l s a n d thil Newhall'ville's, c o m p o s e d m o s t ( v ' o | all Shclton E n d a n d ilie .'''ttcam df'tlVdc N e w H a \ ' e n f o o t b a l l ^roV.' f o r tiiis ^ ' r n e ' , fcmerged froni 4 0 m i n u tcs of hai'd stubborn' aptioil-packed aptipii-packed foot-1 " ' ' ' ' ' " '*''' ' ball'with t h e long 'end'bl score go-l lilnd sonic fine liiterfbrence skirted Ing the Laurels 0 to 0, In the week- tho right side a n d went over lor ly Sabbatli gridiron attraction af the only touojidown of the afterIlaftnner Field' s'Uhday attorhoeh ifo6n'.:'Pat Pesca''s k!ck'tor''-tK6' eS' '• • bofori a fairly lafgo'slze crowd'Who tVi point wcril" wide.'' laced a r a t h e r cold afternoon. A crippled Laurel team t h a t playDeaJiltB t h o fact " t h a t t h e ganie ^ed- . m i n u s the'''sdrVi'coS W-several resulted In a small score, tllSt'd i*6feuiaVs, Including eai:)talh WlVeclbr', wei'o thrill a n d spiUs'laplenty for' tl\V ^dl&lbwsky, Soiiibftey, Q o r s k i r h c l d fans, as both teams were taking to the victory-hungry Newhallvllies a t tho air a t t h e first'iklf In a'.cj^sper= bay <v'tibiid'veV thejl tMbatibndd'thelr ato effort t o come'tntougl)' Wftlv'^a :|orrito'fy. "'Iii-i'tlfe • lasfiforizti 'thb declslo'n. Both tea'ms were c'oiit'eht Newhdllvlllos '•'i5ut oft" ti'ertibi\dou8 to try out each others defense In pressure, taking to t h e air on short tho'firsl half. ovei- t h e line passes thai'ad*aA\Jea As' the third period opened, t h o fchbmlnto tho Green \^ave terfitori' green clad Clancy-coached aggre- twice, only to have t h e Laurels p u t gation 'capitalized o'W'a recovered on a gallant stand a n d ' t a k e t h e fumble o n ffte I ^ t o l l v i l l e s 10- bail'awftjf'fi-bih them. As thb"^ ^a'liie y a r d m a r k e r after oi?6 M Guldo P a n was nearlng its end it was b'eeoiWthg aronl's wobbly kicks worked to per a real slam-bang affair \ylth playfectloti a s i t slipped ffiVough one of ers peine sent to t h e sid8lttes''"BeWio J|§wha!lvllles 'bab^tfleld man's ca\ise'bf''alittle fistic diffl'Jiiity. ' " h a n d s "and Immediafeiy pounced on As t h e whistle sounded"'tho end by a n a l e r t Laurel player. After of t|ie: crucial confeist,'thio ^iCiaui'eis t h r e e htlrd thyilsts a t the opponent's .were again on t h e iU'Wdli,' '•• - f i Hue t h e ' G r e e n Wav'e h a r d charfefn'g ^ ' •" ' ' " m a baekheld gained only tour yards. ,?ilor AH Complote News And- Sports Ttfejl en t h e last ^6'Wn (fi'et'el*an"R'bid:S''^lie BKhtotd''Ri>Vtew arbnl, tho h a r d charging, back, b e I ei i> : t-'if .'.I'm I '?p ' . i , 1 ; '' i • 1 Owntd bj/ cfte£mNGj,S£cmNSjopj>iEj J.MAT/ONW/ae N£tVS\,_ Pete ( B u l l ) P a n a r o n i Scores p o r ' C r c c i i y^a\e C o m b i n e ' ^ h c n H e G o e s .Over 'liouble'-Stripc F r o m T h e ' G - . V a t d ' L1116 O'ri F o u r t h Down-«-New|iaHvijJes ^ l a y gfurcjy, S t u b b o r n D e f e n s i v e G a i n c Uomt rH£ \opposmoNs~^jr i-'-l-' .. ilcs^^otiali? Store ^JW^IES'SwEE'ri'tALANNE? IJvoaw'. CAffctiNAjHALF 'BAcM^HAi aeeu. mespoNsiBieroR-MANY SOUR'NOTESr \FKOM Crippled Laurel Eleven Defeat Me^h^llyille^ I|i Hard Stubborn Battle, 6-Q R e p o r t s from T h o m . i s S u d a c , m a n a g e r of t h e B r a n f o r d Laurels, say's that t h e Gi-eeii W a v e g r i d d e r s w h i c h w o r e schediiled t o p l a y t h e Milford \ V h e c l Club' in M i l f o r d T h a n k s g i v i n g p a y afteriio'in in a rctu'rn series, w i l l h o t b e p l a y e d , d'li'e t o ' t h c maiiy ihjuri'cs in t h e Laurel l i n e u p . Bill l3rada was r e l e a s e d f r o n i ' t h e lio'spit'al yesterday ^^^^^ receiving treatments tor a double fraeture of t h e j a w h e r e ceived Sunday playing against the New Haven Newhallvllies. Pete (Bull) Panaroni received a injury to his ankle, although not a serious Injury, S t a n Sokblowsky h a s an Injury to his shoulder, Lee Gorski also injured his back a couple of 'ramulcvicli, l o c a l High Grid Star weeks ago. Practically t h e entire Uat<!d 'As' Bffst' 'Baoli lil " ' team h a s a minor injury which are of no serious nature, b u t require a •Thfc "Statfe " ' little time for healing, therefore a tew extra dayS of 'rest will help • With two wins a n d n o defeats them iWmensely. apiece, Shelton a n d Stratford h'ook In a return contest t h a t was to ed up hv a bittei' slJruSgle at' Longbrook Park last Saturday and when be played with t h e Wheel Cl'ub a t the smoke of battle h a d cleared Wa.5hinBton Street, Field in Milford aWay, t h e aalioping Gaels a n d t h e oVi THa'nlcs.^lvil'i6 Day'afternocm, was North Phraders ' w e r e 'ail even a t eanbelied' beiausb 'of the' m a n y InG-G Thus it Is t h a t t h e settling of j u r i e s ' t o t h e local teaiii. A benefit the league title comes right down to encounter may be played a t Ham'the ThatiUsgiving clashes be-tweenlmer Fleld Sunday afternoon, b u t Milford -arid' Stratford. i up to press time today, reports' were Prank Heery, former Yale Co-Op! n'ot yet ' cohipletcd by t h e ' L a u r e l sporting gbbds m a n in Milford area, I management. •' ' ' halls Walter Tamulevlch of B r a n o f course a beneft game with an ford'high" afe t h e ' fae'st back iri t h e ovltstanding club ' would attract state, b a r none. H e can do every- ^ capacity crowd, as tiie proceeds thing a n d do It Wtll;contends Frank,, ^vould go toward' the ideal elub for but h e h a s the misfortune of lieing ji.,e huge expense'bt t h e Ihjurcd on a small squad lacking In reserve players. Then again a dance may be strength; " ' • • " ' h e l d ' I n stead b f ' a fbbtball contest Another Housatonlc high player which would Ipbneflt tlie" Wbrthy of ire'at' ability Is Larry'^Duch'oi e'ailse. At a n y ' ' i a t e ; regardlbss'a Stratford, also Braoanaro, Shelton's game or dance i t should be well p a ace, a r e two buii^tandiW babft!s''elVi- tronized by t h e fans. ' sive pigskin toterS' hi' the Idbp'; The Laurels.'wHo'have a fine recFollowing is tlW final Stdn'dlng of ord this season with six wins a n d Housatonio League' Staiiding bfte less, • have• had'a"'fairly gbb'd M-> i-W- a«L'' > ' . * ' " - P e t . •season;'="l'he''bfily (dfefeat toti'ate 'iSJaS 1 I,0fl0 at t h e hand^ of a'h ihsblrlhg'S'Ierl-' 0 .':2 Stratford' 1 1,000 den club who beat them o u t 12 to 2 0 Shelton .. 0 .500" G''to s m u d i e thlei' otherwise''perfect ..2 2 Branford .1 2 0' .33i5' recbrd. '•' Derby '.'.'.... '' '' • '" ' ' ' •'" ' 0 .000' Milford .. 3 0 Branford High Comes In Third Place Standing Minors Expect i=^ i^q Contest Scheduled Fqr RrmfQrd Lmmk Q^ Gridiron, ''Turk§ij! Bqu'' Benefit G r e e n W a v e Klcven R i d d l e d W i t | i Injuries — lylay Way .,,,,t ,(, ,I , ' Grime'IlV A n o t h e r \ V c c k — B i l l B r a d a l ^ e c c i v e s ' D o u b l e E r a d u r c of J a W — r c t e ' P a i V a r o n i InjiirccryVnkle, Stan •^okqlowsky A l s o H u r t Coach J o h n Malicr's Bast H a v e n high scliool basicclbnll team a r c iSrcprtring f o r lllcir'l939-'f() s e a s o n " W ' ' f o l d i n g practice sessions tlA'ily at their'gy'Ai. T h i s season ihcir i'cliecUlb calls f o r 19 g a m e s of w h i c h 14 a r e Ho'lisataiilc'^allev confiltl:k''i^i'i'tf t h e rest of n o n - l e a g u e ^*-'' A m i i f t h e season'^vf n 5 y ' F r i ' c | i i y ' ' b M I # i f ' 8 , c i t i b r e . T l i c ili'st'coli.with Eoarclmari TrAdb f liomo.. According to reiJorls Coach John Mahor will have a fairly strong combine on t h e court floor this year which will give all t h e Housatonlc Valley League clubs some ' pretty hard tussles boforc going doVsrn'lo defont. '•''^n iw ,-, '' TJio "rollo*InB Is the' 1030-1040 Great Success Of T h e I\nst; Year Is schedule for East Haven HlgfiJ:"'" " W c Caiisc'Of Grtiil " ' December B, Friday— Boardman Optimism Trade School a t home; December l i , Friday — New Britain Trade School'%1 home; December, 10, W S Durham, N.C. ( N N S ) - B a s e b a l l diy, d r a n f o t a ' away*. Decembdi'''S?, mMBf m ' g u f e ard looking foW^^h {•Wdar-lAlumnl a t homo; JorttJ|ai>S> ,«'Wo-Wl«li "apmaiSlW-firii'n 6f "rib" 5, Friday—Sholton a t home*; Jnin- ord-brenldng 1030 figures. Jiary 0, Tuesday—Now Britain Trade ; BttseJfaH's" ooiltenrtm! yeai^ prtf^ (School away—2:45 p. m.; January ducod' lfl,SbO,000 jjald admissions in •' in lav Pfldai^i-Milford a w a y ' ; J a n u - the "m'i^di'f \M^^, "mMiii ary' IDi'TuesdKi'—Seymour a t horne" BralnflHm?'preM6i««of thB-'iltttilonal Janxiary lO, Friday—Derby away*; as!ic)JlUDfon,l''fevrfJvle-d.''"i'hlK=dbVs'rtc)t January 23, Tuesday—Stratford include attendance a t t h e numerous av/ay*; J a n u a r y 20, Friday—Walling. Shaughri'esSy play.offS, ' Whldh* • suf,ford a t home*; January 29, ^ n - fered In popularity ' tills year, nor dfty—Seymour away*. February 2, does i t include Intor-leagu'e" cham'J.' U' tr> n 'rldtly—Derjjj;at homo*; February plonshlp series. .o', Flpldivy—w'alllngford away*; FobThe increase of 3,0qo;00g paid urary 13, Tuesday — Brantord a t admissions over t h e previous seahomo*; February 10, Friday—Shel- son was chalked up' w i t h t h e help ton away*; February 20, Tuesday— of four new leagues. " 6 n e 'bf'iilVe Hdmdon lit homo; Fobruary*'23, nloh frStlfylnef-featjurfeb w a s tfic tfrlda^-^Mllfortl at home*... ' ''• I<i'61slV(Si?l|y M t h e c t t s S ' b t e a m s . ' ' "—denotes Hoiisatonic league games "Atlfetentife- iWarKS" =Were set In WalUngford high Is already trow- mumeroiis cities with Seattle.l'eading them through t h e hoops prepar- Ing them all. ing for their opener early next month'an*^ according t o upstiite rd-i PBrts are going to have another • The :Westerh Qoiiference spends topnoteh outfit. Stratford will start ;nearly 'ilO;b'Bp'' antiualllir^oh -X-Vay t h e i r ' pftt'Otlolng ' right after their j]hot6'gi'ipii's'''to pi'otect'^playeri! I n a n n u a l "Turkey Day" football clas- Jlired oh t h e football Hold. Wliere sic and will also have a flne team. there is any doubt a t . a l l as.to tho Bi'Ahfofd Is rounding into sliffpb extent of t h e injury,' tli'c'filg Tbii urit^orHh^ watchful eyes of Knocht. uses"'theie thorough mbthd'ds. -J restling Basketball Hqckey LATEST SPORT NEWS Basjeball Fppthall Bpxing M a l i e r m c n Sclicdulcd F o r | 9 Giinics T h i s Reason, H I l o u s a t o n i c L e a g u e C o n t e s t s , $ t v ' c W S i ; t ' M ' jfoiiic'lfimii't A m i Scvcli A w a y — Oihfcr 5 a r e Nhll-i.cni»i^e"l:ntOiii«bi!i"'of W h i c h 4 A r c A t H o m e m I "VH^-i^-V •i:'''% LAU.REL, Md. (NNS).—Al Robertson was norn in Aberdeen, Scot,lnnil, on Oct. 20, 1011 . . . but liia 'racinff career started in Canada nnd has 'been confined to North America. . . . His first Avin was a t Mount Royal, Canada, in 1027 and his biggest (lay was a six out of Boven a t Havana, Cuba . . . but Robbv'a big succesa lias been in the United State.s where iielina won most of the major stakes. < ' One of tile most inteiliKent of ridora h e will surely make a topjVoteh troiher should he choose that profession. . . . His fathct' was a ridoVi' now a trainer, and Robby •follows in liis dad's footstons... i . Retirement from • tho ; saddle may not lie far awny for ho hiiB trouble milking weight now and has a beautiful home in Miami wiioro he •would like to spend more time. Robertson has ridden for the beiSt . . . was rider, aloiiK with 'Workman, for the C. V. 'Whitnqy stable w h e n that eatablishtiidnt topped them all. . . . tliort signed jrith Mrs. Ethel 'V.Mara' Milky Way Farm stable wliich led tho nation in 103G . , , and he is still tho riding star of the Milky Ways. ' • Stake 'victories incUadb Arliii(tlon Classic with Mate, the Pimlioo Cup, Travera, Rowe Momorinl, Aberdeen Stakes, National Stallion Stakiis^ K e n t u c k y J o c k e y C l u b Stakes, Paumanok Handicap, Kentucky Oaks, Withers, Texas Derby, ArlinRton Futurity, Ijitonia Derby, AVttshington Park Futurity, Hopeful Slakes, Bashford Manor, and Albany. Stakes : , . lasttlirco with Sliy Larkinir, which broke \ag in the Champairnc Stakes and fravo Robby his saddest moments on tho tUrfi'- . • • . . ! ' • • • • • - Oakland ' ' Call (NNS) —Ernie Lombardi, big' 'Cincinnati catcher, who was t h e "goaf* of t h e •r'cbent" World Series' oil t h e last'' plh'y" of (ire last game,'' is 'entitled, tb' his "day in court" and Big Ernie told the home fllks on arrival here t h a t he was "dazed" and • k n e w ' ribthlng about Joe DlMaggio coming in u n til h e saw hlili sliding. ' ' ' •' Lcmbardl, w h o says t h a t last year'Was" h i s wiorst" ^in I3''years; d i m s t h a t h e was d'azod after Charley Keller crashed into' him" in tlVe tenth IhnWB of tho last)'game of the seribs. ' • • •, , "\Vhen I finally got t h e ball," said "Ernie] " a n d dove for h i m , ' i t was too late." ' • '' .^ When Lombardi hoard t h a t Babe Plnelli of S a h ' F i ' a n c l s c o , unlpii-e behind t h e plate in t h e big inning, had said t h a t Ernie w a s - n o t l n ' a daze, but couldn't find t h e ball which h a d dropp'bd behind hihi, he I'DpUed was t h e first bi'i'o oil t h e field to say that h o looked a t me and t h a t ' m j i eyes were Shut!'.' V Thii iblB-'catchbr''foi-' tlie Reds caught Monte Pearson of the Yankees whert-the two were with Oak. land a few years back a n d hb spoiled Peai'son's try 'for ' a ' n b hitter in t h e third game. Pearson had pitched seven and one-third Innings without allowing • a'' h i t ' 'ahd tl'.cn Lombardi hit one. Ernie isays 'that a s ' h e was thot. ting to first Pearson yelled a t him, "You big' liago, you've sijblled' m y prfect game," which would seemto refute t h e stoi-y that-"Mbnte didn't know' he had': a .perfect game until t h a t time. '' ' ' *' Ne\ys I t e m : "Pliiliies TO l*rain At Mlanil B e a c h . " " M a y ' w e ask"\Vhii£ there Is abbut eighth place t h a t r e quires arty t r a i n i n g . ' • "' " . Alter scoring, exactly 21 points all lasV•'sedsBh, -Indiana University Chicago Fullback ibiJnte'r 2 0 ' ' a g a i n s t Iowa this fail— Quartei'back: ' '"Thby and lost the "game. way!" to Chicago went that Since 1897 ENDURING THE TE^T Of TIME Harbor Package S|fgr^ =By TOM SHEflAN Nationwide News Spbrts Editor CHICAGO (NNS)—Elmer Layden says that Notre Dame doosn t "point" for any one game, but eacli "one" as it comes alonir. Southern Methodist, which lost to the Irish 20-19, and Carnegie Tech, which lost 7-6,; will testify i that "one point" was enough. - > At least H a r r y T h o m a o made it clear that he wasn't liiokins for • s new route to Chilli ;wbon he sank to the floor in the SchmcUing olid ealcnto fights. * » * The title of Harry's confession miEW. well bo! "THE SECOND BLACK SOCKS SCANDAL," or " I cannot Tell a Lie, I did it with my little Springboard!" ' • 1 1 1 . -j 1*-..'•' • Clark Griilith s a y s L a r r y Mael'lioil is n u t s , b u t t h o Urooltlyn stockholders will AnIter thijir dividends'and reply, "I'leasingly so, Clark, Pleasiugly^so!" ^ - ; • V.'hilo that $75',O0d that will bo in the Kentucky Derby liot next spring isn't exactly hoy, moro than ouo' Itorsoman will shoot for it. Tommy Farr, who enlisted in llio KoynUAir Force, l a ' s * liorcd l>y it all tlidthe is willing to i lake a furlough and come back here and'meet Joe Louis again. ' ' ^'i " • * Judging by tlio post-season renctions t o night liascbBli, tho magnates' are beginning^) to iseo^'thB light. - . - ^ • . , | •Perhaps the Giants hope that l>y lurnlhg oA<itho lights tliey can Jind'theirt'woy out of the second division; ' '• • I-.- - . , » * • The magnates aliould be thankfuhtliat" Larry MacPhail doesil'blet us forgot! that there is such aigamo a^ baseball these fall afternoons. Oklahoma "has an end named Shirlt, but there are four or five backfleldmcn In-tiit'west who will testify he hasrt't bceri lyiiig down on the job.- •••" Tennessee has done well lor a team of Volunteers. - ' • •# * In the last game of the season la^t year, Paul ThoWpsoti squelbilcd a heckibi:' wHfl Had' annoyed' hini by hollering night after night) /'Thora'psbn, you're tllroughl" by replying, "THROUGH? O f course I'm THROUGH. I was THROUGH tlir'ee'y'csirs ago, butyou'didh't know Its*' IlHrbnr a n d l [ « p ! c S^»., QUALITY LIQUORS AT LOW PRICES ]Piiofie :|rpford 942 HAVE SET A HIG|^ER . STflfD^BD'o^ QUALITY I Henry Chralelewskl, Polish nildr dleweight who h a s been flghllng around New England a n d lia's'wcn l4 bouts since' coming to this'"coun-i t r y , will take out h i s first papers, now t h a t Poland is no mbi'o. " - Stratford High League Rivals Mf @t §fi Gridiron Turkey Day ' ' • ' • . , ' • " • " * • ' * • , ; A n n u a l M i l f o r d - S t r a t f o r d H i g h F r a c a s Set F o r S t r a t f o r d A t 10 a. m . —Stratford'Fa\'ored,'r<lcei:l3'^ih'To C o p Loagii'e'Honors,\por As tliiey S'tania'r*Jt)\v'Are tied''XX^itii Sheltorf F B t ' f irst Piac'e'Por"riti'e By Fraiiit H.' Nettlclou, J r . M i l f o r d ( S p e c i a l ) . — T l ' i c ' b i g snrirts e v e n t a w a i t e d by all fans in -Milford sector is t h e t r a d i t i o n a l T h a n k s g i v i n g D a y f o o t b a l l g a m e ' b c h v c c n ; l^lil^o);d H i g h aiicl S t r a t f o r d High, w i i i c h ' t h i s year'\vil-l'be played o n the latter's'hon'ic field', L o h g b r o o k P a r k ' tdiViorrbw itiorn'Ing, (Thanksgiving Day) a t 10 a. m. This game, the major"spo'ot"aclfe of had its h a n d s full in turning back the 'Fall "for both towns, never falls feilford by aj single touchdown. ' * Stratford gained a tie' with Shelto a t t r a c t a capacity crowd' of b e - ton, 6-G a n d since Shelton was only tween 8,000; and ip,000'people. one tbucHdbwn'tietter t h a n jililfo'rd; Despite Milford's disastrous s e a - everything p o i n t s to' a 'cloSe gafiie'.' .•;on, which iia3'.s'e'en only one win' hi '•these figures together with MlliClght start, feeling runs high and,^(01.^.^ j.p(.|,,,t in,pj.|.^j,y(,.i7i(j.y.-(,jo,.y although Stratford 1^ favored, -the over Leavenworth; leave jjartls'ans odds a r c not overwhelming". For,-In l a r ' f r o m doWn'-hcarfed bvef' the Miitord-Stratford games previous | Milford possibilities for victory in performancefmean'llttle, supposed-1t'hb'TurkcyDay clash a n d man-y will ly weakte'ams Often rising tb In- b e ' o n h ^ n d ' t o cheer for t h e Marsplred htilgiVfs. Milford, Slhartlhg oon and •White of Milford. under t h e stlnu of a 22-0 lacing l t | Stratford will 'hold a"'welght a d took from the'Andrews-cbacrted ag vantage over Mllfbi-d'but' 'Coach -gregation last year, will definitely Tonl Ai'idi-dws is'iibuntlng iftost liSaV point for this game. Stratford, how- ily on t h e r u n n i n g of his two ace ever, will also bo striviurt foi' a win backs, t!he DucH brothers,' Larfy ahd for, now tfcd'with She'iloh hi the Frahny. Andrews, ih additlon'tohl.s standings, t h e North Parador.'ineed experienced backfield, will present this victory to assure themselves no several veterans'or tried performers worse thi'ri a' tle^l^bi- 'the •tlllii''thcy h i ' t h e line. are defending. Coach Hqrb French, announeed Altl-ib'ugh Stratford .started off its early this week t h a t t h e Milford season iii Impressiyo fashion; it met|Squad Is In A-1 cbhdltl'bn. "Lbiig m'dre ' t h a i ! its mutch in a g a m e ' s c r i m m a g e w a s held Tuesday and against Roger' Ludlbwo high,' the a shorVbhe tbday'with lengthy sigFalrfleld boys t u r n i n g iii a surprise n a l drills a n d t h e Ddllshineup df the two touchdown win. whereas only, kicking a n d passing occupying most a few Weeks prior, Vl,ie Ludiowe boys;of t h e remaining practice session WILL KEEP Y q u IN A-1 CONi:|ITIp|ir G e t the h a b i t of s t o p p i n g over here for n game or two in th'e afternoon or cveulns' nnd notice h o w much Ijbtter y o u ' l l feel. Alleys available from nobntime on' B r a n ^ r ^ i o w | i n g AIJ^vs P a r k ^lace _ ... _ _. Opeij 4U pajf Satu;j:^ay BjanfiJra *Ff III Page Seven %,f THANKSaiVl^O : submitted by Carol ^l^:Carlhy, 8-3 Travel with m'b ih fancy . The Art Class Is milking book Through t h e dim a n d distant past. pollers. There m e to bo t\vb prizes h*4****^iM I < I * *irtiI • il. To t h e d a y wheh t h e galldnt P l l - f o r t l i e two libst 'posteni; grlrii band ' ' " ' ' ' submitted by Jean Adams, 7-1 100% FOR RED CROSS Mr.s. George Chndoaync of Cosey ihclr daugiitbr,' ftalhlecn Mary, to All rooms in t h e ' J u n i o r and S e Anthony Prbto a n d Mark Free Reached New England's shore a t Beach Is seriously 111 in Grace Hos- Mr. Robc'rt Longyoar of East Haven. laH.' ' - • • - 1 .^ nior High Scliool are'eln-qllcd'10t)';!i Timothy Donovan rclebratctl m a n have been absent this weelt. pital. ' No eheerful word, no helping h a n d In Red'Cross membership.' his birthday Saluuhiy a t t h e home ' ' ORGANIZE CLUB A harvest dance w a s given Inst of Ills daughter a n d his son-in-law Miss Keyes h a s organized a Rfe- To bid t h e m welcome t o t h e n e w Girls' basketijiiil' tealh h a s been More t h a n five hundred East Haland; • ' ' . • • • '• postponed due to t h e fact t h a t t h e Mrs. Charles C. Kilby of H a r t - cvehllij* ill Ihb Tdwn Hall by t h e Mr. and Mrs. Whiter J. McCarthy porterls clUb which meets Tuesday ven' sliWenls ' .slgivcd u p for t h e Ea^t 'Haven A.ssenibly, Older of of aiiorl Beach. ' ' ford-directed a school of Instruction a n d Wednesday during activity Not even t h e sun shone t o brighten boys'must use t h e gym. Comet A. A ; ticket during thb'recohl the day. Wcdnesdoy In t h e East' Haven town Rainbow. period. Many Junior High students membership drl-ve. "hvls total slj; CONDUCT EXPERIMENT hall sponsored by tho East Haveft Baby Richard Howd, ton ot Mr. h a v e Joined. T h e meetings' are To heighten their spirits and drive Tho 8-3 Science Class i\as been nines t h a t approximatelj' three Community Council of Parents a n d Branford Manor Au\lllary will and Mis. Richard Howd of Stomy ' " '• Meld on Tuesdays and \yednes- •gloohv away. ' fifths of. the entire student bbdy making experiments under Miss .spoksbr n card "pa'rty Dee, II in t h e NdthWig tjiit' the angry gale, 'I'eaohers. Mrs. Otto Bath is presiCreek will bo t h e cciitsv of n l t t a c days. They a r e planning to hiake h a s subscribed. . .firoliousc; Hostesses' w'ill bo Mis^tion In t h e household next Monday. Motinlrig"atid 'shrlcklh'g ' t h r o u g h WaiVen's direction The qubstlon oh dent brUie'couniill.' a'newspaper called t h e Reporter. Because of the fact t h a t additiond e b a t e is: Which heats faster? Iron; Ki'iil'llda" Klssknll', Mrs. Gustavo 'tigging a r i d ' s a h V " ' " ' • ' • ' ' Miss Cronlh's home room h a s dewater b r bil. TVhlch cools faster? al attractions were added to t h e Harder, Mrs. Joseph Ilaffey nlid Elaine Pendleton, daughter of Mr. The Republican Women's Club cided to have a library table The Nothing' b u t sky bf endless gray, tombination ticket this season, few Iron, water, or oil. Mrs. P r a n k Howard;" MOiihl'ainbus 'iVav'^S aWd'lby s'pray, and Mrs. Tom Pendleton, East will m e e t Nov 28 to discuss p r e children bring in good books or single A. A. tickets and Comet sub Those conducting t h e experiB'lit t h e Pilgrims'did nbe'weeip' nor Haven will be two yeais old Dec. magazines, so In t h e spare time t h a t scilptlons were purchased. This liihinary plans for a minstrel show • fcomplahl;'-' ' ' '-• " " ' ' ments a r e Adrienrio Burns, i3otty i'ecms to be a step toward' a generiil t h e y have they may read them. MXKSSSStlff 7th. Hhikley Carol McCarthy. They knelt on t h e sand I n t h e cold Student Activity llclt'et," the possiThere a r e two Thanksgiving The resignations of Matthew R. bility' of which h a s been discussed TIernoy, teacher of English a t t h e boxes which are being filled tor the drizzling rdin, " ' ''• ' ' ••••Angela CImIno recently celebratoil submitted by Wm, Hayden Arid giiW t h i n k s to t h e Lord for by various s t u d e n t g r o u p s ' a n d Ih High School, a n d Miss Eleanor nurses. One Is red trimmed, with her eight birthday by enleilaining ^Mmm»mji!smimiiiii'ianAi«jm»aiask ' Ihel'r'Safe arrival; ' ' ' '' ' ' REPORTERS MEET tile libmerooins.''The piop'osod Ae- Peach of tlio Gerrlsh School faculblue and the other Is blue trimmed a party of fi lends In iier home. For 'clothing,'food; a n d miraculous Those who attended t h e Wednes- tlvlty ticket, which wlll'be iJurchaswith red crepe paper. The Good Fellowship Diamatlc Tiiose who attended t h e p a i t y weip survival '• ,' " ' " •'• - ' day meeting of t h e Reporters Club cd by each stViabnt on time iiay- ty have been accepted by tlio Board T h e pupils will only have to go of Education to be effcolive a t t h e ChVli • m e t "TutiSaay night with Mr. Norma nnd Glorillo, BieccinioU, were: Mary Lou Miller, R u t h Kel- inents in' the fall, would provide lor DoloresBoi7,lllo, Betty and Dolly to- school halt a day Wednesday From t h e merciless raging sea. end of December; arid' MI'S, Albert Poulton. From t h e grip'o|'Heartless tyranny. sey, Alice Boyer, Betty May Linsley, adinlssion to all school"actlVlt.ios Palhia, Ruth Hoadlcy, Bnrbai a Pope t h e 29; They will be dismissed a t Mr. Tlcrney h a s been named fullnoon for their Thanksgiving vaca- Devoutly- t h e ' l - l i g r l m i - ^ e r e i l i i n k - Jean Northam, Audrey Schwanfel- aMd'payrtient of all fees for menl- time assistant director of t h e New The Short Beach Athletic A.sso- Barbara Donadlo, Mary lielen I n '-der; Sophie Morris, s'o'crotar'y• 'l^ld- ber.shiplri class or clubs a n d s d b tion. The seven periods of t h e day ful. ciation \\}111 m e e t in Riverside Hill, zero, R u t h Johson, Angela Polaslil, ney Davis, JeJih Barker, Gcraldhie serl'pllbns to all publications. D e - Haven Boys' club. Miss Peach h a s will be shortened so t h a t none of Tue4day,Dcoeihbor 6tli al'aiSO p. m, Mary Palala, Andilanno Anastlnu, announced her plans to marry. • JUnnette, Gloria Accbo; Marlon St. tails of this Activity plan'will; bo Throughout the cold winter t h e m will be left out. Ari""britertainni'(int Win fdllb'w lh6 Rose Ann CImIno and Joan K a m l n Louis, • William' ' Hayden, 'Faith placed before t h e student' body ih Their h'drdfehlijs were g r e a t ; s k y . - , ' . ' : - . - • . , - ' - - ' •' . - ' iri'cellriijl' •'; " ' ' ' George \yhltclicadi explorer, will Hooghkirk, J e a n Saczyrisk. Harold the near future. . ' Tho hostesses wore Mary CImIno T h e Thanksgiving Assembly pro- Bb'th h u n g e r ahd'slckneiss tell of his adventures at) tho reguHblSenbecit, 'Fl-anbl^ ' tiectll, ' Mark gram as read In t h e Junior High liVere t h e Pllgrlms''Sad'fate. Mr. a n d Mrs. John MolUlo will and Evelyn Deslderlo.' • l-reeinaiV, J o h n ' ' P l a n t arid lidlth "Tile eighth grade sludentji In lar' monthly ineeting of t h e High md've frbrii'the School was a s follows: The Junior But 'they did hot despiUr, rivbrtrbrit'tb tht; School PTA Thursday, December '7, Ceccoliill. ' '' '' '•' '"'' • '-' observance of Bo'bk \Vceli prdsiinted Celebrations will be in order for High School win stand. Salute t h e U i i d a u n t e d t h e y fought bravely on. l'aliiier''liousb, llllton,'Avefiue. ' in the high school. Ray Giffordi a s a 'colorful 'parade of charnoters Mrs: Charles Mossner West Mnlri Flag, and then sing t h e first and Against wind ^nd cold; each dreary sociation president, h a s extended an "'daWn •' '• ' • i • • from our best known, story books. submitted by Lenore Palumbo, 8-2 last stonzas of America. Mr. a n d Mrs. James Keating are Street, on tho Bth ot bedember'.' Diiring' Book ' We'ek; t h e literature invitation to members of the -East moVhiB'lo thb fiirthci- end bf MllWe will now have t h e presenta- They knelt and gave t h a n k s for ' " ' ' ' T l t A N K S G i y i m ' " - • ' Haven Fathers' Club to attend t h e classes Visited the' i-Iagamari' Meriitheir dally fare, ' : -• '. , Thanksglvii-ig brings' to lis a day The Bth is also tho birthday of tion of the Thanksgiving baskets. tori AVeriue, ' ' ' ' " " ' Though rneager' and scarce for food In which •vVb'all cA'n libpe and'iiray qrlai Library, where' tlid llbrafla'ri, meeting. James Martin of S h o r t Beach. ' Psalm 100 by Marjorle Page. Iiliss Both taylbr,' insthicted' Ihei'n The first of t h e seasons nllgrimFbr'^aiithe-feoocjriess wfe receive ' .' was rare;' ' ' ' '• ' ' ' ''• •' Poern. Thanksgiving, ijy GeraldMrs. Henry Howd Is 111 a t her home ' ages by tho cliurchcs of n i e New here. Fbr a l l bt'th'e gbodhess we'wUl leave. In t h e use of t h e library.' Mo'sf grafefUl were they i-. — Bobby Heningor, Hillside Ave. was ine' Zannetll. Haven East Consooiation will be in For their' fl'dedbm'of'Worship, born Dec. 4th riot ma'my yeiirS agb; Thanksgiving, 1621, Thanksgivthe Old atone Church Dee. 10, On Wednesday', November 22, t h e •THE LORD Fbr escape'from' their rhlerS' cruel ing Ip^O by Margaret Craig. The WPA hius completed a consehlbr class' hi World' Llt'dfiitlire' 'tit The annual Red Gross roU will ex- crete flooring job In the eiiBhie room Mrs; Leo Brerinan, Main Street, ' "' • " ' ' ••- " "^0 t h a n k Him for'all'he does •Thanlcsglving prayer, by mem- 'lordship. tlie'N.e'A' tlaven State Tcachb'rs Coltend until Thanksgiving Day. I t is Arid all h e docs In'evci^y'way at t h e nrohbu^e. •• ' ' ' "-• 1 • ' '< Short. Beach h'as'dbubld cause'Tor bers of Room 205 Devoutly t h e Pilgrims were t h a n k celebration T h u r s d a y ' toi?' Its' -hoi^ Arid t h i n k t h a t t h e end bf"'rtianks- leg'e, presented ' ''We d o t It' Fro'ril hoped t h e canvass this year will Piano selection, Betty Lou Lake. ' f i i i ; ' • " • " " ' " • ' ' - -' the Greeks,'' a" quiz' jiriigrarii slioVv- meet with a generous response as "givirig Mr. a n d Mrs. Lcroy Murray a n d birtiida'y as wciras":'t'li'ariks'glvlrig November days. Members of Iilg What our modern dulture owes the local brancli is to purclmse m a - .son, Leroy of Hilton Ave. .spent last D a y . - ' •;''• ••:'-•;" room 110. The mantle of white enshrouding Is t h e end of a perfect Day. to tho Greek. T h e colUest'was open terials for clothing a n d sweaters to Thursday with' rtlatlVcS Iri Nutlby, the'earth Poem, Landing of t h e Pilgrim to ail high school students; "ahd be sent to refugees in Europe. Any- N ^ . ' • ' •• • Departed a s if removed by an Invis- Submitted by Mark Freeman, 7.-1 Fathers, Pearl Carfer. • -'tiw thosd'sclectcd for'the jirbgl'Am were one desirous of making these garible h a n d . A short play, "The pirst t h a n k s chbsen bn the basis' of tlio <iue.^tlbns' ments may call Mrs. W. S. Chldsey, giving", Georgia Acebo, Mildred And spring once more dominated If you think you're unlucky scht in. There ivetb live ilicinberSbh c h a i r m a n of the brancli. Cutler Jean Norliham. the vast wooded'land, Think of tho Pilgrims! each team arid''bu'ly''bhe t c a m ' a n d Mr. Coyie will conduct t h e classes Surrounding t h e ' Pilgrims with They certainly were plucky By CharUtlo ITouiig ' list of' micsi;ions' arid answers for Funeral services for Mrs M, HorIn the'slnging of appropriate songs. ' beauty a n d lite; Think of t h e Pilgrlmsl each 'coiriiieti'ng school; A'prllse was ten.se McKcon,of Ashvillc, N. C , Joy ire'placed sorrow, suffering a n d They braved t h e stormy sea awarded to t h e winning team. ' formerly of West Haven a n d Bast Homer S. Cuslc, * Forest Avenue strife. • Daniel F; Foley of this place h a s Think of t h e Pilgrims! •WIN PHOTO CONTEST Haven, a n d sister of F r a n k M ; comiiloted' 20 years service with Uie returned Friday trom- Grace'Ho.s-, Tlieif neighbors, t h e redmen, were They wanted to be* free submitted by E. Johnson, 8-4 several members of t h e class of Dooley; Jr.; of Henry Street, wore Soulliern Now' England Telephone pital where ho. h a d bocii a p a t i e n t friendly iuid kind. " ' ' • Think of t h e P l l g r l m s l T h e winners of t h e Photo Contest 1939 of the East-Havfen High Sbhobl held Friday morning from tho funfor 10 days Co. held in Miss Keyes home room They 'aided th^. Pilgrims a n d their T h e y fought t h e Indians Btave have been successful- in their' vert-- e r a l home of SIsk Brothers, a n d In qul:st|ons defined;' ' ' T h e y now are in their graves were: first, Claire Poulton, second, lure into lhe;buslness world. Among St. .loseph's Church, New Haven; Robert P r a n n h a s returned to h i s Charlotte Young Is recovering Larry Tucker; third, I d a Euzzlno j^iisy 'and h a p p y " their hardships Because of t h e m we're h o t slaves them a r e : Anii Gorman; who is em- Mrs. McKcon came to'i,hc Dooley ifijrgo'tteri, T h i n k of t h e Pilgrims! and Roland St. Louis. ployed'by t h e Metrbijqlit'ani ' L i t e home about two-weeks ago, became hoino In San Juan, Puerto Rico. Ho from a n Illness. Those on t h e Honor Rbll for t h e 'The'wdman spun g a r m e n t s of wool insurance' Compa'nyi.'Bairbara Hast- ill, a n d was-taken t o the-Hospital of h a s called here by t h e death of lils , John 'Ross is. palntUiB .his. EaraBc, . .flrst.term In .the .8.-4 ..class-,, room '.'arid ebjt'dn; ings; "i3eSurlty7-.insp^tace' Company; St. Raphael where s h e ' d l o d ' W e d ifather.. , , 'rhe"in'eh"BulJt homos a n d h u n t e d were Angelina Bandazie; Mildred Barbara'Arribld;" Ae'trid Insurance nosday. She leaves h e r husband, 'e'ach' d a y ' " ' ' ' " ' Cutler and Dorothy Corcoran. Company, Hartford; Joseph H a w - F r a n k MoKoon, a n d one son, Frank, One dollar a n d twenty seven Returning'weary each evening bu^ tih; Wa'shbuirh'aiid GoriiiJany; H a r - Jr., her" father, F r a n k M.Dooioy of 'with h e a r t s Jlght a h d ' g a y ; • '" ' cents was taken In a t ' t h e Rumriet.Post; "W. L.'l'laydbri a n d CJorri- iBradford Avenue; and two brothers; mage Sale recently held in Miss 'The soil was rich 'arid t h e climate pany; Renee Dahlelson; 'Safety Frank M. Dooley, Jr., and John W. t i . ••. .'.-•. . ' , ! . . . -i , , ' _ ' ! , , - 1 'fi'no, . . . . Keyes' room TWs money will help Car Heating a n d Lighting Service Dooley of New Haven. Thiis t h e crops flourished to purchase a radio. Company; Harriot Coolt, Robert THE NETHERLANDS A radio was purchased for our And their hapjjlhess was sublime. Mi.'ss Marjorle Burgess attended "The word nether means |ow—.so Bacon, a n d i i y m p n a McDonough, home- room, t h e committee in Each bright lovely dawn they knell you" p u t t h e two together a n d you Mary Oliver Corporation; Malcolm at 'Yale-Prlnoctori game, supper a n d ' g a v e thariits '"' ' • • c h a r g e was Kenneth, Bray; Donald have low land. Many people call Douglass; RallWay tixpres^ Cora-Uiarty Saturday n i g h t a t t h e home Brlekson, Roland St: Louis. 'We hope For their'manifold blessings. pany; Robert Lewis, Ridgewood of Mr. a n d Mrs. Frederick O, Ulhto have it paid l o r by t h e 8 t h of Devoutly the 'Pl'lgllrh's'' were t h a n k - this low couniry Holland, b u t this Dairy; and- Lois Kappclor,-" New lo'ln of Westvi'llo is n o t right. Holland Is a part of • ' f i i i ; - ' " ••'• " • ' -"•" •Decembeir Netherlands. Rotterdam is one of Haven Railroad Omcc. Everyone in t h e 8-4 class room The high school Vocational comF r a n k M. Dooley, J r . after six lihe most important cities hi tho h a s promised to bring lir some- Throughout t h e summer they diliNetherlands' for -the G e r m a n s also mittee ha;.s'hb elaborate'p'lah bf'rbl- weeks treatment in t h e U.S. 'Voterthing for' a Thanksgiving basket. gently labored. use it. If only t h e Dulch used 't' it ioWirig t h e 'actlVltifc's 'of 'Students ari's Home In Nowlngton, liM r e •TO BEAUTIB^y FENCE Approaching Autumn, a n d the crops turned t o his family In H e n r y would not be a s lmpDrl;ant a sea- after graduation. " Our home room I s planning to had been favored. Street. port; T h e left (jranch of t h e I^hinc buy a vine t o cover t h e fence Just An a b u n d a n t harvest was gathered wliich Is cailed t h e W.aal, runs —J^~-rrv~^V^-T!'^ outside of our window; and stored. Miss Lorraine Taylor is visiting in through t h e Netherlands; T h e For their ceaseless labors this was Rhine river Is very different for it WalUngford for a few days. submitted by Norma Dubois, 7-2 • t h e reward, runs from t h e So'ui;h'"to t h e ' N o r t h : Dbnald Hl'gney is back to see us 'The soli produced a splendid yield. Mrs. George Mun.son entertained Barbara Oppel, Gr. 5 By J u n e Russell agaiii. He h a d a very bad case of Then, a s If pleased with Its prowess. the Girls Friendly Society Tuesday Each hiU," valley'and field '•'• ' ' asthrna'. evening. . '' A THANKSGIVING PRAYER Last week we h a d our club meet- Was beautiful beyond compare. Miss Mabel Harris of Old Lyme, Thanksgiving d a y Is here Autumn's bright ' colors' arrayed ing o n Thursday.'A large variety Schools of t h e town will re-open will spend Thank3g:lvlhg b a y v/ith With loads of love and cheer everywhere. of scrapbooks were shown, including Mr arid Mrs, J. N. Russol a n d fam- Monday following t h e ThanksgivAnd on this blessed day And t h e Pilgrims were deeply revmovie actors, football' heroes and ing 'vacation, ' ' • "' ' ily. - • : We''thank our Lord and pray erent, •;'-• 1' , maps. Indeed their gratitude was p r o -pii'-L'Ord we're glad we're out of 'Two cases of lobar pneumonia Mrs Clifford Peterson entertained ' ' ' •' ' '-"' h a r m . ' ' Submitted by Oeno Nardella, 7-4 ' found. her'bridge clul) -Wednesday evening ^yerd'reported to t h e State De|)artrrierit of Hcaltli-ifor'l,hd'weelt'ondlrig Betty M. Linsley wrote to sever- They'gave t h a n k s to t h e Creator And''there's loads of grain I n t h e November 22 benevolent, -'•'• ' '•"•^' r '^'"'biarn.'-'-' ' Nove'mher' 27lh. . ' ' ' ' al different places arid received answers from t h e Chambers ol For this land of g r a n d e u r where We're" thankful to live In a land Beverly Gertrude Starr, daughter ' Commerce In Portland, Ore., T a - j ' peace a n d plenty abouh'd; •'"'"• '' t h a t ' s free The next meeting of tho Half of Mi-, a n d Mrs. Robert Starr of corna,'''Wash., siinta Fe, N. M., and Devoutly t h e Pilgrims -w'ere t h a n k - A land t h a t belongs to you and m e . Guilford and William Havens Bab Hour Reading "iCl'db will 'be held ful. " •"' Salt Lalfe City, Utah. In t h e geoAngela Polastrl, Gr. 1'^ cbdlt, s'dn of Mi^; and' Mni Reginald December 7 a t 3 PiM. <ln''thb'hoffib graphy class she gave some InterI*" Babcbck wdre Baptized' Siiridiiy Af Mrs. J o h n ' P . B&clay, otfEdwdt'd Thanksgiving Day esting facts about Salt Lake City, Thus a d a y of thanksgiving t h e at St. Paul's Church.'New'Ha'Veri' by fetreet, (original'iJbems)' as t h e study of religions was beihg people Set aside.' ' .' ' • the Rev. Arthur F. McKenny. Thanksgiving Day' is a day made in connection with t h e study They Invited ' t h e redmen, their Tenth Anniversary When' you 'should alv/ays help of India. The Branford Manbi-' Fire Departneighbors. Mrs Raymond Babcock's mother, others. ' T h e basketball team a s is fol-1 Who in t u r n gladly complied. Mr.s.'Carl Nagel, Is' very ill'In St. ment a n d Auxiliary will hold a joint I t is a day to be happy a n d gay. Raphael's hospital; meeting in cclobratiori' bf their 10th ows:l captain, Norman Colburn; The I n d i a n s sent their most skill "' ' To be of great help to yoiir'moanniversary Monday,' • Docembef' 4; ful h u n t e r s assistant captain, Geno Nardella; ther. assistant captain, Lynn Lulh' play- Out to'search for firult a n d meat, Mr. and Mrs Bernard Anderson T h e c o m m i t t e e in charge Includes: ei-s, Edward Struzlris|ci, Gebrge Han While t h e Pilgrims p r e p a r e d ' o t h e r formerly of Short Beach Road,' have Chairman,'Pi'eSiderft'Mrs. Milton R. Thanksgiving Day is a d a y moved to their ri'ev/hoihe In"Bran- Jbhhsbh, Mr'S.''Ctii-tis"Browri;^Mrs. good things to eat. sen, Jack'kariell, J o h n Olszewski. •Wlien you'Should be kind to t h e ford. Gene Fldridella," Mrs.' Charles The f e a s t ' was" 'provided by t h e poor. Husted, Mrs, William Martens, Mrs; bountiful h a r v e s t ' ' ' submitted by John Plant, 7-1 I t is a day when you should pray. Miss Cronln's room beat Miss And t h e wealth of t h e endless forMr. a n d Mrs. Robert Lancraft and Wlfred Dion, Mrs.- Alvin Thompson, For the' Pilgrims did I'm sure, ' farnlly a r e moving to Elmlra, New and Mrs. James McDonough. est. Duddy's room 13 t o 12. The players Evangeline Joyner, Gr. 6 York this Week.' Were'David Clarke, Robert Geler, Rejoicing they partook of t h e wonderous banquet. Stanley Wakefield of Hamden h a s Anthony Proto, Leonard Massey, Then knelt and gave t h a n k s In t h e >BB(S5.j3a8er;3a»sr.rs«>r'.::awc:;:a»! been appointed Organist 'bf Christ Ralph Streeto. beautiful twUight, Episcapal church following tho res Ignatlon. of Mrs J o h n Stranberg. submitted by John Kblich, 7-4 i The rose a n d gold of t h e sunset 7-3 defeated 7-4 by a score of I still lingering to flush t h e sky. Church Service 13-12. Five extra minutes were And gave thanks t o ' t h e ' L o r d a s A son, Walter Donald, was born Rev. George Lackland, D.D. of t h e played because of an'fe-8 tie a t the descending night wsagEBBCgawsgjaiBisraaiaBCTsawei Nov. 17 In Grace • Hospital t o ' Mr. First Methodist Church of'wfew'Haend of t h e game. High Scorers for Fell gently a s a nilst. T h e myriads aria Mrs. Waller Nyg'ard'bf Meadow ven will deliver a Thanksgiving, l ( i - 8 1 > X * D RS i h o w n . A v a i l a b l o of s t a r s glittered s o lovely, so 7-3 was Anthony Proto with seven My Dog •WILII i l c a t C n n i r o l , f i ^ h t , C l o c k c Street. Mrs. Nygard; 'before'"her rejiiiitili.raiiil C u a u i i i i c a ' i e z u a * serolce this evening a t "7:30 in St; high , . - , points. 'High scorer for '7-4 was My Uttle dog Is black a s night. marriage was Miss filsie'Johnson.' Andrew's Methodist church. He likes to make believe we fight. Geno Nardella with five points. I t But In this tiny Island of life, In vast sea of green Gifts will be" rfeedlved for t h e All d a y l o n g he runs a n d plays was a n exciting game all through Methodist Home l o r Aged In West And a t night by the lire h e stays. with both teams fighting Hard to Devoutly were they thankful, l o r SUBSCRIBE TO THE Haven at l a s t •We have lots of fun h e a n d I win' All in all he's a" pretty good guy. 36-38 E a d e s St, a t 3S S o u t h M a i n ^ t , .. Opp, B r a n f o r d JKigh School • First game for 7-4 a n d second AH was peace and serenity. BRAHRORD RBVim An original "poem by Mr. a n d Mrs, Albert Laouo of New Richard Baldwin game (or 7-3. I n 7-3's first game, Gabriel Farrlngton, 7-2 Havc'n'aniioun'ce' tKe'eiigagement o l Or. 3 l t ' * a s ' d 6 t e a t e d by "7-2; Junior High Notes East Haven High EAST HAV'EN Happy Birthday School Notes RiVerside News 1 Petso'^ia;rr| Granite B^y jLaiarel btreet School Notes Lanphier's Qove "'InBiaii' Neck""" School INotes Just Arrived The HAMILTON SHQRS ,.'„,.2rfW«i Page Eight THE BEANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1O30 NORTH BRANFORD Motorists Warned Pontiac News Health Agencies G A D \ A B O U T S Deliveries of new Pontiac cars Services in the local bhurches on [There will al.so bo a food table and Of Monoxide Risk during Unite Against tho first two weeks of Nova fancy v/ork table. ember continued at record highs tor Sunday will bo: Mr, and Mrs. T. F. Cooke of Kil Mass at 0:15 o'clock at St. AuIn Cold Weather tho tall of tho year, according to gustine's Many Diseases H. C. Ch\irch, Rev, William Tlio Totokct Grange met on Tues- am's Point, are guests at the New Salvation Army \Yill Provide Xmas Comfort D. U. Bathrick, general .'jalos manapastor, Mrs. Edward Daly, day evening in the Town Hail with Weston In New York city. completed for a Rcgardlcsa of the wcallicr adcqu- agcr, and point to the best Novem- Brewer, The establishment of a united Plans are being organist and choir director. Sun- a supper for the men served by tho far reaching, proalo vonllallon of automobiles and ber and best last quarter sales in day front against disease and ill health comprehensive, school will follow with instrucladles pfcccding the business sosMr. and Mrs. Herbert Baldwin Pontiac history. gram of Christmas comfort distrigarages Is necessary It HI effects tions by Dominican Muns from Now .slon. This supper wis served by tho were week end visitors In New York by close cooperation ot all health bution by The Salvation Army from breathing doaply carbon mon- " During the nrst ten days ot No- Haven. agencies was urged today by Stanlosing sido in a recent competitive city. Christmas Mother fund throughout oxide "gas arc to be prevented, the vember Pontloc deliveries were 38.5 ley H. Osborn, M.D., Commissioner New England States. This Is a part program. During the business mootweekly bulletin of the Stale Depart- per cent ahead ot the same period of Health in the weekly broadcast ing ofdcers for tho coming year HOIy Eucharist will be celebrated in October and 4B.1 per cent ahead ment of Health waned. No matter Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Bradley, Hay- ot the State Department of Health. of thd extensive program announchow cold H Is garage doors should of the first ton days ot November of at 0:30 o'clock at Zlon Episcopal wero elected. cock Point loft Saturday for their Public health is not only of local ed earlier In the summer at which , be opened before starling the en 1040 models has registered Impor- Church, Rev. Fi'ancls .1. Smith, winter homo in Orlando Florida. interest to tho individual commun- time scores ot welfare committees wore appointed to serve in suburban gino and no dar with the engine tant Increases In , sales over last Rector, Mrs. Paul R. Hawkin.s, or- The Zlon Parbh Guild v/ill have ity but it may bo of direct concern areas, which includes hundreds of running should be closed entirely, year aiiad from the general business ganist and choir director. The men a holiday food and gift sale at the Robert Bradley, Daniel F. Daly to many towns in tho state when an small towns and villages. A portion An accumulated amount of the gas optimism that prevails I look for a and boys of this church will parti- home of Mrs. Paul R. Hawkins ot may be enough to jeopardize the continuation of record-breaking cipate In tlie Corporate Commun- Notch IIlll Road from two until Ave and Daniel Daly ot Branford Paint Insanitary condition or communica- of the annual appeal fund will be attended tho Yale Harvard football ble disease occurs, Doctor Osborn applied for this purpose, there will health or oven lite of the occu- business through the balance ot the ion which is nation-wide on that on December 10. Tho "usual variety game. said. While many public health ser- bo a tow exceptions. day. year. pants. of home cooked foods will be on vices are rendered by the state to You will hear it said that private Being n colorless and odorless have bocn-77 sale and there will be a fine dl.splay Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spaar ot Mill most towns, It was pointed out that charity is an outdated survival; constituent of automobile engine "Although production schedules Morning worship will bo held at ot pretty and practical gifts. Plain have been In Vermont for a In all these activities the state de that it is not required in a day when cxliausl gas, carbon monoxide ^ves have boon Increased in an effort U o'clock at the North Brantord partmenl of health works through the government assumes the task of tew day?. no wavnlng ot Impending danger, to lake care bt orders promptly, our Congregational Church, Rev. G. D, tho town health officer since he Is aiding those who cannot stand the bullolln emphasized. Running unnUcd orders wo have 70 per cent Lcssley, pastor, Mrs. Douglas B, A beautiful ba.sket artistically archarged by law with the local res- alone. How far that is from tho In a small cloisod garage an engine more untllled orders on hand than Ilolabird, organist and choir direc- ranged with the fruits of tho earth adorned the sanctuary at the Zlon ponsibility. truth only tho records and experwill generate in a short time .such a at the same time last year. tor. Miss Ethel Maynard, a.ssl.-.tant. dangerous concentration oC the gas "Used car sales are well ahead of Sunday school will convene at 10 Episcopal Church on Sunday when Wo know. Doctor Osborn continu- ience of Salvation Army OlUcers a special service ot Thanksgiving a year ago, as well as substantially as to render a person helpless, Over o'clock in the chapel. ed, that we cannot maintain a heal- can tell. Never has tho need been was celebrated. Mrs. George W. n long run In a closed or poorly above" the first ton days ot October, thy state without the cooperation of more imperative than It is at presCcdnoy prepared the basket. which certainly Is a healthy sign ventilated car an accumulation ot all town health officers and ^ their ent. The heads of public and privThe Red Cro.ss drive for memcarbon monoxide scoping through and a good indication ot tho generThe second booklet on tho subject work is accomplished best when ate relief agencies alike will testify . Iho body ot the car because of some al Increase In employment and lar. berships will bo brought to a clo.'io The November meeting of the of smoking in non-smoking cars they work closely with the state de- to tho vast human misery, a misery defpct, may make the driver less gcr payrolls throughout the country. on Thanksgiving Day and Mi-s. Ai- Ilnmc-Maldng Olul) was held at tho have been distributed by the New partment of health. When local for which those that are suffering (o avoid accidents It not actually "These Incccases In sales aro es- dcn J. Hill, membership chairman, homo of Mrs, Newton Brockett and Haven Railroad on all trains official and voluntary health are not to blame-which can only be succumb to the otfccls ot this lethal pecially gratifying to us because will announce the llnal report at an a demon.stration preceded the leaving Grand Central Terminal. agencies work closely with the town alleviated by private charity. they are concrete evidence that the early date. She was assisted by Ml.ss limcheon. Mrs. Warren Brockett gass; The title ot the booklet "I Have health officer, his work and theirs Amongst these are lonely old enthusiastic reception given tho Ethel Maynard, Miss Lillian White, Because of Us Insidious nature, 1940 Pontiac cars Is not temporary, Miss Marion Doody, Miss Gormalne and Mrs. G. Riley Marks gave the Sinned But Will Sin No More" is is made easier, people, many ot whom have been demonstration which .showed the taken from one of thousands of re- Even if the health organization forgotten, overburdened fathers and tho bulletin explained, a person but rather is gaining momentum Senocal, Ward Hill and Frank Hascare and repair of clothing, A bu.siplies resulting from the distribution docs not realize that he Is breathing with each succeeding calendar lett each towndoes its vrork thor- mothers, suffering with the agony , ness session followed and oHlcers of the original booklet, "Does Smoke in carbon monoxide and that a phy- period. of watching their children stand in for the coming year were elected; Get In Yours Eyes?" last February. oughly certain public health activi- need of the common things of life. siological change Is taking place ties must be rendered by the state The Northford-North Branford loader, Mrs. .lohn Marsh; a.sslstant Tlio practice of smoking in nonCarbon monoxide has a stronger Benefactors from every walk of League of Women Votci's hold Us leader, Mrs. Roliin Whitney; .secre- .smoking cars on commuting trains rather than by the local community lite, united only by a common comaffinity for hemoglobin than has Doctor Osborn explained. LaboraNovember meeting on Monday evn- tary, Mrs. Arthur Maynard; and had been a problem to tho railroad oxygen. When Inhaled It results in passion for these less fortunate ning in thcliomc ot Mr;;. Cluirlc.<! l,rca.'iurcr, Mm. Newton Brockett. for some time which resulted in tory service occupational disease people, can bring the'essential aid. a depletion of the oxygen so necesscontrol measures, mental hygiene Tlie flower committee is composed Burton ot Northford. ary to the tissues. At first, slight many complaints from pa.ssengers and sanitary engineering Old friends of the Salvation Army of Mrs. 0. Riley Mark.s and Mrs, demanding tho railroad put a stop services muscular woakess may be noticcabl" advice can bo supplied best only! and newcomers never were so badly Warren Brockett. though the effect may not be felt Joan Farrcl daughter ot Mrs. Mrs. R. Earlo Beer.-, entertained to tho nuisance. To-get the opinion liiii-ough the largo organization.'I needed and the measure of good until the victim moves or cxcrcisen Alton Fari'ol will bo home tho niembcrs of the North Branford The next meeting of tho olub of tho commuters as a whole, a vote | This body also serves as a collect-1 will, comfort and care that will bo from Ho then becomes helpless and falls Hoard of l.llirary Directors at lier v/ill be held on Docombnr 14 In the was taken on various aspects ot tiie] lug agency for vital statistics and'measured out to the suffering Unless quickly removed to the open Smith College for tho holiday. homo on Tuesday evening. club room at the pai-.sonaKc. The problem'and tho final tally and an I publishes weekly, monthly and people will depend entirely upon air and resuscitation started sul),lc.ot will bi! the use of native interpretation of the poll is set forth; yoarly reports giving information to j this response, promptly i unconsciousness and Miss Ruth Barker, Pembroke lloiiry Strlclcland ot Los Angeles Christmas Greens unci the demon- in tho follow-up booklet being dis- health workers all over the state. Over one hundred banks wltli death may soon follow. To aid re- College, Brown University is homo who has boon vl.'ilting his mother, stration wlir bo given by Mrs. Er- tributed today. Doctor Osborn called attention to local treasures stand ready to revival, the bulletin advised thot an for tho holtcay . Mrs. Mary Strickland and family nest Llnsley and Miss Ellina Iload- The vote indicates that over the fact that many Connecticut ceive gifts of large and small inhalator from tho nearest available of Mill Road has returned to his ley. seventy-three percent of the com- towns do not have full-time health amounts, most of men and women station should bo used along with Thomas Ward Is homo from position. muters object to smoking non- officers to direct a well-rounded have served for a long period of Pennsylvania Unnlverslty, Philadelother resuscitation measures. us,\ial largo number of fam- smoking ears and that ot those ob health program nor adequate tacl- years and have been the custodian phia for the Thanksgiving recess. The Zlon ParLsh Guild will meet ilyThe gatherings Is being planned for jocting over seventy-three percent jiaies available locally for the public of funds for many years, located in Mrs. Gebrgo Williams at her Tha,nksglvlng are smokers themselves. As a re-health nursing follow-up of expect- Massacliusetts, Maine, Vermont, Carl Borgqulst, son of Rev. anad with Day. home on Sea Hill Road the first FOR LOCAL NEWS suit of other anssvers to the poll andj tant mothers, ot infants and young | New Hampshire, and Connecticut Mrs. A. T Bergquist lias been home Tuesday in December. The usual 3i1ao-ftcl-.lnviR fnr ,-nnvnvpilimif. t h e children. nKt1^..nn Under T T , - . . ^ « « ...mU nl-ni,v^nr,,,n,,,nnT)tn n l v n f l o i n Army Avrviir has Vioc been l-inor, « n_ The RSalvation enfor lImprovement, the, such.circumstances from Upsala, College for the 'I'hanks covered dl-sh luncheon will be fol- Ml-.'!. J. Lawson Haley of Totokct suggestions BEAD THE gaged in this picturesque charity In booklet goes on to say that two | .when these tov/ns request help from giving recess.', lowed by a business meeting and Road Is convalescing from a recent hundred passenger cars in the New, the state department ot health such the United States for over half a BRANFORD REVIEW operation undergone at the Hospi- York commuting zone will be plain- aid can be given. Complete invosti- century.. Thousands of people, deswork period. ,' , tal of St. Raphael'in Now,Haven. , ly identified either as smoking or| gntlon necessary in some of the perately in need of sympathetic, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Pratt and Halsey Pratt of East Haven were Mr. and Mrs.'Paul O, KoLstlnen of non-smoking cars, and all smoking more serious diseases are carried understanding, should be assured among the.guests at a party given North Stredt announce the birth of The Northford Public Libary will cars will have distinctive markings out, well child conferences are es- that they have not forgotten by recently by'Mr. and Mrs. Predorlck a son at the Grace Hospital In Now be ojjon on Friday from twelve noon both Inside and out and in the ves tablished and public health nursing their neighbors. Those in circumHaven on November 23. O. Ulhloln ot New Haven. tibule. Also, additional smoking cars services giveii until such time as the stances ot independence sliould reuntil four o'clock. will be provided on many heavy community is ready to assume these member the broken men and, Fri., Rnl.—ncR. 1-2 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Decunto of women, the lonely and' destitute commuting trains, and Instead ot phases of tho health program. Quarry Road announce the birth of UNOENSORED VERSION children, who have lived for the last being located only at the front or a son at tho Grace Hospital In New rear, those cars will be spaced con- toons depicting various types of the ten years on the border line of "ALL QUIET ON THE Haven on November 22. veniently throughout the train. The "Promature-lighter-upper" and ill- poverty, forced to exist on minimum WESTERN FEONT" experiment •will be watched earfully ustrating some of the suggestions budgets, without a ray of hope that ;.!) ALSO !•; Ward Hill, son ot Mrs. Alden J. to determine its possible extension of the commuters, among which is tho future holds any change or en"CHARLIE CHAN AT Hill, recently spent two days In to other trains. Furthermore, the the request for "good looking girls couragement. Now York City. TREASURE ISLAND" The flag was ,at half mast on booklet says a careful study is being under 25 preferred as conductors". In connection with tho Christmas made of the matter ot ventilation in Tuesday In lionor ot John Teresko Mother Fund, The Salvation Army •with Sidney Tolor Mrs. Vernon Gedney and infant who died after an automobile acci- smoking cars, and, as soon as an will offer for sale a beautiful illumdaughter, Verna, have return- dent la'st week end. John had work- adequate system Is devised, experiWHITE HOLLAND Sun., Mon., 'Pues., Dee. Il-'l-,") inated copy of the War Cry and ed to |holr home In Sumold after an ed for us since 'July 1933 and was mental iirxstaiiations will be made. hundreds of Salvationists will be NARRAGANSETT "Honeymoon in Bali" READ THE extended visit with Mr. and, Mrs. one of our best grinders in the mal- The booklet, following the style ot calling on business men and resiwith Frod McMurray, and Charles Gedney ot Notch Hill Rd. the original, is written in humorleable department. •BRONZE BRANFOaD REVIEW- dents wltli this splendid magazine. Madoloino Carroll • The Company sends it sincerest ous vein and is profuse with ,carThe Christmas Mother Fund Appeal !•; ALSO :•: Plans are now complete for the to Mrs. Teresko and his family. will reach thousands of old and nev/ annual chicken pie supper and sale friends. The returns will provide a "WHAT A LIFE" sponsored by the Ladies Sowing Bill Phillips leaves for Rochester great variety of physical comforts, with Jacltio Cooper, Betty Field For solid carefree comfort this winter install a Society of tho Congregsxtional this week end and v/lth tho best particularly for the aged in institustony Creole Koad Church. Mrs. G. Dlllard Lcssley, wishes of us all. Coming to llie M I F tion and homes, invalids and conWed., 'nmrti., Dec, R-7 general chairman is being assisted seven years ago from school, ho lias valescents as well as mothers and BUENISHED aOLD by a largo corps ot workers. While served as melter and then lately Our Plock maintains quality children broken 1(1 health and CHINA NIGHTS chicken pie will be featured there acted a an assistant to his father in spirit, racked with nervous emoroputnlion, good body conwill be a fine array ot vegetables tho supervisory,ca'paclty. His now tions the reactions ot an extended It's a Wonderful World' and .side dishes with coftec and economic condition. formation and flue grained position with the Gymington with James Stewart and desert. A grab bag will add to the Gould Co. will place him in a sell.Product of Locally Made Olaudctto Colbert meat. entertainment of old and young. ing, capacity, although he will prob;-: ALSO :-: Candy will bo on sale by Miss Elea- ably start his now position with a FOR LOCAL NEWS Malleable Iron Nationally nor Ilolabird and Mrs. Robert Rice month or so in the slion..Bill is go"Should a Girl Marry" READ THE Fittings Co. Famous ing to sell high-alloy stool castings. }i.-yTj yigni»y<pTianfp^ BRANFORD REVIEW. Stancy Ward payed us a periodic call on Monday, Stacc can still Ilnd 281 Main St., East Haven patterns that wo cannot. Right around tho corner in Brantord is produced an oil burner recognized throughout the nation as being one ot the the genuine Tile favorite boxing story of Dunii; Wed., Tlun-s.—Nov. 2fl-30 outstanding quality oil burners produced in America. Dan Morgan, former manager of "DANCING CO-ED" Jack Britton, concerns the young 12 inch sink and tub combinationa When you finally decide upon- oil heat do not fail to take adheavyweight who aproached him with Lana Turner 25.9.1 complete. Toilet outnta vantage of this fact. upon getting out of .the ring and i-: ALSO !-: complete S12.95. Bath tubs $14.50. asked, "What do you think of my Those dealers will be glad to give you complete details on'what Wail Basins S3.45. Conn. Plumbing Jaokio Cooper, Betty Field in boxing?" a Brantord Installation will do, and what It will cost. and Heating' materials Co., 1730 "You punched too much at ran"WHAT A LIFE" New Haven East Haven State St, New Haven, Conn., dom." said Dan. Ladies Gift Nighta "Random, hell." .said the novice, rhonc G-0028. New Haven Coal Co, East Haven Coal Co. "that was Kid Smith!" B. 0. Ijecpor, Trcas. II. P. Iiccper, Mgr. Branford — R. C. Enquist Fri., Sat.—Dec. 1-2 Commuting Zone Being Provided College Notes Pequot Theatre NATIVE MIF Notes Roger Whipple Capitol Theatre Business Directory Irono Dare, Boscoo Karns in "Everything's On Ice" i-i ALSO :-! Tim Holt, Janet Sliaw in J "THE ROOKIE COP" Play Honey Sat. Evenings .Sim., ilou.;- Tues., IJoc. Il-l-n James Oagney, Prisoilla Lano in THE LEEPERCO. WHOLESALE and RETAIL Dealers l e CERTAIN-TEED Telephone Office 6-8829 — Ees. 4-0725M 649 Elm Street New Haven, Conn. MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS COMPANY Branford, Conn. ryPEWRITERS — Venice Inn FOR ISPAGHETTI DINNEES IMEATBALLS 25C doz. BEER — MUSIC iHarbor Street' Branford aa RENT After January 1, 1940—Store on corner of Main Stroetand Hillside Avenue; 258 Main Street, Branford, Conn. Nov/ occupied by the First National Store; These premises contain 1800 square feet offloorspace', the cellar the same. Can he used for any legitimate Business. For information call Branford 223-4. ALL MAKES >.'cw, ncbulits. Rentals, Porlables, Supplies Convenient Submarine Sandwiches "THE ROARING -^ T W E N T I E S " • also Oo-Foaturo Even now, before you can foathei your ncit you have -to bo able tc make down payments. Terms RELIANCE TYFE1 VRITIJB CO. C. B. GUY Mgr. Telephone 105 Crown Street, 7-2733 New Haven Glfnwood camb. range, $40. Crawford, Moiiosram. Quality gas range, $18. Beautiful electric refrieerators, $35, $45. Brand new stoves, refrigerators, reduced 25i»%. Furniture, rugs, 53 Whalley ATCUUC. Opcji cvcniufis.