Passaic Valley UNICO


Passaic Valley UNICO
December ~ 2014
Year 11
Passaic Valley UNICO
Our December Monthly Newsletter
Issue 112
Passaic Valley UNICO
PO Box 341
Little Falls, NJ 07424
Little Falls
Woodland Park
A Message from the
Newsletter Editor:
Do you have some news that
you would like to share with us
and our friends?
To ensure that the newsletter is
online by the 1st of each month,
the deadline is 4 days before the
end of the month. Please submit
your reports to Steve via email.
Our chapter email address is
Page Highlights:
First VP’s Message
Food Pantry
Photo Album Links
Recent Photo’s
5, 6
Upcoming Events
Who’s Who
President’s Message
I would like to wish all of you a safe and healthy holiday season. It’s amazing to
me how quickly the last 3 months have gone by and while this time of year is so
special for so many reasons it exemplifies what UNICO stands for: Unity with our
family and friends, Neighborliness within our community, the Integrity we possess
among family, friends and associates, Charity which we provide without
reservation, and the Opportunity to serve others who are not as fortunate as us.
To me, UNICO is like Christmas all year round. So THANK YOU for being a part
of our chapter and thank you for your support in making our chapter as
successful as it is.
We realize how busy everyone is this time of year and we hope that you all will
be able to make our December Meeting at Toscana Trattoria in Little Falls on
December 10th. The Executive Board has decided to contribute $10.00 to each
member joining us for this meeting, therefore, the cost per member is $20.00 &
BYOB and I hope to see everyone in attendance for our last meeting of 2014.
The Holiday Christmas Cheer for the Needy is underway and we thank everyone
who has reached into their pockets for this very special cause. There is still time
to make a donation just contact Roni Corrado, Bob Appaluccio or myself with the
amount you would like to give and we will be sure to include it in this wonderful
effort of giving.
The Holiday party for the Circle of Friends is next week on the 2 nd. So far we
have 15 members and 3 spouses attending from our chapter. The individuals we
support with this event need all the help they can get and we are so lucky to be
able to make a difference in their lives. Anyone else who would like to attend,
please contact Steve Pelonero, Joe Agresti or myself ASAP.
Again, I wish you all a safe, healthy and enjoyable Christmas Season and a
Happy New Year!!!
God Bless,
John Barbieri
Passaic Valley UNICO
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Upcoming Events – Local and National
2014 ~~~
Happy Birthday to:
Vincent Cerniglia - 12/13
Michael DeFrancisci - 12/21
Lorraine Polizzi - 12/23
December 2 … Tuesday … Christmas Party & Dinner for the Circle of Friends
NJ IV District Event … RSVP is a must … Flier is on the website of our NJ IV District @
December 5 … Friday … UNICO National Office Party … 12:00 noon – 8:00 pm … A n/c
event to come out and meet the National Office Staff at the National Office
December 10 … Wednesday … Monthly Meeting … Toscania Trattoria, 75 Main Street,
Little Falls … 7:00 pm dinner … 8:00 pm meeting
2015 ~~~
January 8, 2015 … Thursday … 2nd of 4 NJ IV District Meeting …The Wayne Chapter is
the Sponsor at the Paris Inn, Wayne … 7:00 Dinner/Meeting … $35.00 … An RSVP to
your Chapter President is always welcome
Photo Albums
All of our chapter events
pictures can be seen on our
Additional pictures from our
“NJ IV District” and also a lot
from our “UNICO National”
events can also be seen on
their websites.
February 22, 2015 … Sunday … UNICO National Presidential Ball … More information
will follow
March - 2015 … Friday & Saturday … UNICO National Mid-Year Board Meeting in
Memphis TN … More information will follow (also look at the UNICO National website)
April 18, 2015 … Saturday … Pancake Breakfast Chapter Fundraiser … More
information will follow
Recommend an event
Two pictures in particular are
on page 4 of this newsletter.
Important Dates
More important dates from
our chapter, our district, and
UNICO National, can also be
seen on the above 3
websites. Stay in touch and
Have you been to any fundraisers lately that you feel would be something we should do?
Do you have an idea where we can raise money to support the initiatives we engage in?
Send any recommendations to the executive board and we will seriously consider it.
Members ~ Members ~ Members
Do you know someone who would like to join our chapter? Invite them to a monthly
meeting to hear about what we do and also receive a free meal.
Barrel of Wine II
Of Paterson
Over 50 Bottles of Wine
A Great Way to Start The
Passaic Valley UNICO
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Who’s Who
Our Passaic Valley Chapter Executive Board
Food Pantry
Please don’t forget about our
UNICO Phil Arena Food Pantry
Your non-perishable food
donation can help restock it
You can bring it directly
to the pantry in the Holy Angels
Church Basement … or to any
Italy Facts …
Almost 20% of Italy’s population
is over 65
Italy is slightly larger that
The thermometer is an Italian
Fiat owns the Lamborghini,
Ferrari, Maserati, Alpha Romeo
and the Chrysler brands
Pinocchio was written by an
Italian … Does anyone know
the author’s name ? ~ The
answer is on the last page of
this newsletter
President ……………….……...….………………………………... John Barbieri
1st Vice President …….……...……...……….…..…………….. Bruce Ponchak
2nd Vice President ………………...……...……………..….. Paul DeAppolonio
Treasurer ……………………………..…………………………... Joseph McGill
Recording Secretary …………………………………………………... Pat Ferro
Sgt. At-Arms ……………………….……………………………. Dominick Bucci
Corresponding Secretary ………………………………..…… Christina Castillo
Fundraising Committee Heads
Applebee’s Flapjack & Pancake Breakfast …………………… Lorraine Polizzi
Barrel of Wine Raffle ………………………………………… Carmen Criscione
Bus Rides ……………………………………………….. Joe and Elaine Barone
Golf Outing ………………………….……………........................... Joe Barone
Holiday Donations ……………………..……………………. Robert Appaluccio
Modell’s ………………..………………………………………….... Roni Corrado
Overseas Care Packages ………………………………………….. Pat Corrado
Pasta Dinners …………………………………………………… Dominick Bucci
Non-Fundraising Committee Heads
Community Service Day (April)….………………………………. Chuck Russo
Flag Raising (October) ………………………………...…..…….... Rich Polizzi
Food Pantry ……………………….....……………..…………... Angelo Verrone
Good and Welfare …………………………………………………... Sal Nocella
Italian Heritage with Our Youth at P.V.H.S. .…..…………….. Angelo Verrone
Membership ……………….………………...……………….……. Eileen Wood
Newsletter …………………...………………………………... Steven Pelonero
Scholarship / Brian Piccolo ………………..……………..……….. Rich Polizzi
Website ……………………………………… Steven Pelonero / John Barbieri
First VP Message
Committees and Committee Members
Naples gave birth to the pizza
Pizza is one of the very few
words that is understood all
over the world
The word of the electrical term
“volt” comes from Alessandro
Volta who invented the battery
in 1779
I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoyed their family and
friends. It's hard to believe another year is coming to an end, Christmas
and New Years are great times of the year to get together and celebrate. It
is also a time to help those less fortunate than us. With that said I would
like to thank Roni Corrado and her committee for organizing the Christmas
Cheer again this year.
I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New
Bruce Ponchak ~ 1st Vice President
Passaic Valley UNICO
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Our Montclair University Study Abroad Grant Recipient
Every year our chapter gives
an Italian Language Major
Student a grant to study
abroad in Italy
Pictured here was this years
student, from Montclair
Pictured from the left are
Joseph Agrest PNP (our
chapter Study Abroad
Chairman). John Barbieri
(Passaic Valley Chapter
President). Emilia D’Albero
(PV Study Abroad recipient).
Maryann D’Albero (her proud
mother). Angelene Agresta
(fellow classmate/VP of MSU’s
Amici Club). And Cav. Mary
Ann Re, PhD (Director, Coccia
Institute for the Italian
Experience in America at
UNICO is the largest Italian American Service Organization in the United States
Unity, Neighborliness, Integrity, Charity, Opportunity
UNICO was founded on October 10, 1922 in Waterbury, Connecticut. A group of 15 men, led by Dr. Anthony P.
Vastola, came together to create what has become a very special and very proud organization. It was Dr.
Vastola's dream to create an Italian American service organization to engage in charitable works, support
higher education, and perform patriotic deeds. Our motto is “Service Above Self”.
Each year, the UNICO Foundation and the UNICO National Chapters across the country donate approximately
$1 million to various charities. Scholarships continue to be the primary focus of UNICO, as roughly one-third of
all monies raised goes to deserving students from all of the chapter locations throughout the chain.
UNICO National has funded major research in Cooley's Anemia and Mental Health. Through its association
with the Jimmy Valvano Foundation it has funded over 10, $50,000 grants to help find a cure for Cancer. These
worthy areas continue to receive generous support from the chapters and its members for these worthy causes.
If you would like to attend one of our meetings to see if you might be interested in joining UNICO, please
contact us through any member, or through our email. We would be honored to have you as a member of our
Passaic Valley UNICO Chapter.
Passaic Valley UNICO
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Thank You to our Sponsors and Supporters
Passaic Valley UNICO
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Thank You to our Sponsors and Supporters
Pinnocchio ~ Written by Carlo Collodi ~