vOith tcmovvoxO for continuity
vOith tcmovvoxO for continuity
ucestor; 'ol 5, 'lo. 3 rpf.oTtiber, 3979 INDEX - SANTA BARBARA COUNTY Whole No. ?o RECORDS pub. in ANCESTORS WE8T, Vol. h SANTA BARBARA FRESTD10 SOLDIERS THEY CAME TO SANTA BARBARA vOith tcmovvoxO for continuity Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society Por.t Office Box 1171) Goleta, CA 93017 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS 1979 Harry Titus President Amy Woods Marwede Vice Prpsic'ent Arlene Langstaff Doty Secretary Carol Fcrbr-s Poth Alma Imhoff Lanritsen Nancy K. Hale Strait Lilian Mann Fi3h Treasurer Director Director Director Bette Root Genealogical Instructor Alma Imhoff Lauritsen Librarian Nancy K. Hale Strait....Parliamsntarian Amy Woods Marwede Publicity Jean Stockwell Hospitality Lilian Mann Fish, Editor.ANCESTORS WEST PAST PRESIDENTS Mary Ell^n Webster Galbraith Carlton M. Smith Selma Bankhead West 1978 1977 1975-1976 Harry R. Glen 197}|_1975 Carol Forbes Roth 1973 A Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society membership i3 $10.00 for the calendar year and includes one sub scription to the quarterly, ANCESTORS WEST. Dues are payable by February first. Members joining after July 1st will be required to pay but half the annual dues and will receive the last two issues of the quarterly for that year. Special consideration is given for Life, Associate and Honorary memberships. The Society meets the first Saturday of each month from 10 AM to 3 PM at Room 1, Goleta Community Center, 5689 Hollister Avenue, Goleta, California for class instruc tion, business session and workshop, using the Society liorary. Attendance of visitors is warmly encouraged. ANCESTORS WEST is published quarterly in March, September and December. June, Non-member subscriptions are $6.00 per annum. Single copies of current and back is sues are $1.50, depending on availability. The rate for advertising is $3.00 for the first ?0 words and 10 cents for each additional word. Exchange advertising from gene alogical and historical periodicals i3 welcomed. Contri butions of a genealogical or historical nature will be accepted as space allows. Quotes and reviews from pieces appearing in ANCESTORS WEST have the approval of the So ciety if the source is credited. 67 TABLE OF CONTENTS AMY WOODS MARWEDE PROFILE 68- 69 NOTES ON AUGUST SOCIETY MEETING 69 DISCOUNTS ON GENEALOGIES ,ETC 69 THEY CAME TO SANTA BARBARA FAMILY ASSOCIATIONS Richardson 70- 71 71 Van Zandt Hill MEMBERS ENROLLED May 1- July 7, 1979 72 QUERIES 72 DONATIONS OF BOOKS - Appeal 72 TOMPKINS REVOLUTIONARY WAR RECORDS 72 ANCESTOR TABLES - Gordon Gale McClenathen 73-75 Merna Margaret Wallace (Mrs. GordonMcClenathen 75-76 76 INDIAN RECORDS HOW TO PRESERVE NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS'...-. 76 BRANSFORD FAMILY HISTORY .76 NEW IN THE LIBRARY ; -77-78 THE ROYAL PRESIDIO SANTA BARBARA, SOLDIERS 1782 79 SANTA BARBARA PRESIDIO AND MISSION „ 1790 ,Drawing by Russell A. Ruiz 80-81 LOS ANGELES CITY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Appeal 82 POLISH RESEARCH 83 NEW IN THE LIBRARY - Books Donated by Harry Titus.8^-85 INDEX, SANTA BARBARA COUNTY RECORDS pub. in Vol.lf, Nos. 1-U, 1978 ANCESTORS WEST 86-91* 68 AMY WOODS MARWEDE PROFILE Vice-president Amy and her husband John Marwede,a realtor, have lived in beautiful Santa Barbara for the pant thirty years. A transplant from Massachusetts, much of her ear lier life was spent in the old Ely Gould house on Spot Pond in Maiden. A paint ing by her sister Doro thy Woods emphasizes itfi antiquity and peaceful surroundings. One of the privileges her father,Ed ward Molven Woods ,enjoyed as Captain of the Metro politan District Police Department was occupancy by his family of this house, owned by the Common wealth of Massachusetts, builtl around 1700 and over 200 years old in the 1920 s with its wide floor boards, a fireplace in all the bedrooms and in nearly all the rooms on the first floor. Through carelessness or callousness on the part of someone, a few years ago it was and enlarge a small nearby zoo. torn down to accommodate Had Amy been in Boston, its demolition would have been fought tooth and nail. The Amy Woods Marwede ancestors chart appeared in the June ANCESTORS WEST and shows her descent from Ste phen Hopkins of the "Mayflower", through his son Giles, down to Mary Hopkins who married Samuel Smith. Amy and her niece, Dorothy Whitford, of Rutland, Vermont, are diligently working on family genealogy and history. Both are members of the Mayflower Society, as are the sisters, Edna Wentzel , of Rutland, Mabel Marie West, of Thomson , Georgia, and Dorothy Woods, of Napa, California. Edward Mel von Woods, was born in l87'4 in Forest Glen, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, the son of Angeline Hamilton and Robert W-ntworth Woods. The family move,] when he was four to Cambridge, Mass., then to Everett where he graduated from high school wearing his father- s suit. Heha grown a foot that year and it was not easy -ix feetC l:Vr n°r "^^ ^^ M,1° «*» »OW »•« o"J lit L I-, ,.&S proud of havin« wor" "I* father s suit The family rinally settled in Maiden, Mass.,where his father built the Church of the Nazarene still stand ing today. „xs two brothers, Alton and Gordon Woods 69 worked for the telephone company and they supervised the installation of the entire telephone systems of Cu ba and Porto Rico. Recently when visiting in Yuma, A- rizona, Amy met a Navy Captain who knew them well in Havana when he was stationed there in the twenties. is indeed a small world*. Two of his It sisters married into old Cape Cod families, Rich and Snow. Amy and her sisters have fond memories of visiting in Eastham, where the Rich family home stood. It is now the site of a historical museum in National Seashore Park. prom Amy s own words '» "Amnng my fondest recollec tions are the Metropolitan Police Balls that were held each year in Boston Symphony Hall. It was one of the big social events of the year and everyone came in their finest. One year when I was in my teens I had the honor of leading the grand march with Gov. Alvin T. Fuller, What a thrilll "When I wrote to the M.D.C. at which is still located 20 Somerset Street for information on my father, received a letter from Capt. John O'Brien. I This is what he. said. "•Tour inquiry has prompted some nostalgia for me,as in looking at the files I have suddenly realized that I am the last of the M.D.C. officers still working who was appointed during the tenure of Supt. Woods. There are but four left who were here prior to his retirement in 19UU. For Supt. Carpenter and all of us "oid Parkies" who wore the grey uniforms may I wish you many pleasant hours recalling the happy times you spent in the Fells n i" *»a _ t " NOTES ON AUGUST SOCIETY MEETING Vice-President Amy Woods Marwede presided in the absence of President Harry Titus, who was called to the bedside of his mother in northern California. On display were 33 volumes donated by President Harry from his genealogical-historical collection. DISCOUNT ON GENEALOGIES, ETC. Members will receive a 10J? discount on reprints of 1,100 hard-to-find family chronicles and genealogies from all areas of the U.S.,plus local records.biographies,and ac counts of military units from the Revolution to II. World War All books are facsimile reproductions of rare out-of- print volumes printed on durable acid-free paper. Discount offer expires Dec. 31,1979. To request a catalog send $1.00 to Dept. HS., University Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 1»8106. 70 THEY CAME TO SANTA BARBARA Extracted by Mary Ellen Galbraith PIKTRA ARENAS AVILA Cavalier Leopoldo Chiappa PIETRA,b.Feb.,18U2 came from the ancestral home in the province of Genova, Italy in 1866 to Santa Barbara,where his brother, Frederico, lived. That year they bought the Juan Sanchez Ranch for sheep raising. They opened a mercantile business in Santa Barbara and established a store in Ventura. Schiappa m. Amparo ARENAS, of an early Spanish family - a descendant of Cornelio AVILA. After selling 7,000 acres to the California Fruit + Farming Co. for a million dollars, Mr. and Mrs. Pietra built a mansion on the corner of Alverado and 9th Streets in Los Angeles. BARKER Frederic I. BARKER, a son of Francis Barker of INGALLS Amesbury, Mass., and grandson of Dea. Samuel Bar ker, a tailor who made a coat and breeches for Gen.George Washington. His mother was Nancy INGALLS,dau. of Moses Ingalls, of Shelburne, Coos Co.,N/H/ There were 5 other children- Nathaniel, Ausina, Albert F.CullenB., Eli, and H. Clinton. After serving in the Mass. Infantry and be ing shipped to New Orleans during the Civil War, Mr.Barker returned to Minneapolis and in 1872 came to San Francisco. He was laughed at for coming south "such was the prejudice against Southern California." He arrived in Santa Barbara New Years Day,1873, to a town crowded with nev arrivals from the East. All hotels and boarding houses were filled. He finally rented an unfinished garret on De la Vina. The next 28 years he was employed in the making of fancy red wood mantles, cabinet work, bookcases and sideboards. SAUNDERS HALL Z. W. SAUNDERS served the northern Santa Barbara County area as a tireless member of the medical profession. Born in Van Buren Co., Iowa in I8U3, moved to Missouri, where his father was a cabinet maker, bought a large tract of land and built a saw and grist mill. In I876 the family visited Lompoc and liked it so well they settled there. Mr. Saunders had served in the Civil War, taking part in Wilson raid through Tenn.Ala.Miss. After the war he began the study of medicine, grad. Iowa l87li.He m. Lydia HALL, of Scotland Co., Mo. and had 5 children Don Carlos, Lewis, Robert, Hettie, and Dora. Dr. Saunders and his son Don Carlos opened "the finest and best equipped" drug store in the county. He became county physician and surgeon for the Southern Pacific Ry. imncSH !2? TRUMAN o«on«-q T° h" Percy LAWT0N b- Cheshire, Eng.l86J|, son of Joseph LAWTON and Martha H0DS0H. During an I885 pleasure trip to the U.S., Mr. Lawton admired Santa Barbara and for his health settled here. He opened a real estate office on State St. opposite the Arl Pokebv n°*el'*n% *l Vi°let TRUMAN> Rokeby,and ae-ndSaughter Rokeby and had 3 ch.Gwendoline, Iris. Jord 71 MEIGS WESTON WILLARD peveril MEIGS, b. I8U7, Brooklyn, N.Y. m. Rosa- mond WESTON, a desc. of Richard WESTON of the Plymouth colony. They had 5 ch. - Peveril, Martin, Rosamond Eddy, Helen and Leonora. The founder of the family in America was Vincent MEIGS (MEGGS) from co. Dor set, Eng. who settled in East Guilford, Conn, about 1637. His son John was b. Weymouth and was deacon of the first church in Guilford 1696-1713. His son Janna m. Hannah WILLARD, granddaughter of Simon WILLARD, a hero of King Philip s War. After Uo years in business, he was forced to retire for his health and came to California in I8U7. establish a business in the manufacture Here he tried to of olive oil but could not compete with foreign oil adulterated with corn oil. WILSON CALDER Albert C. J. WILSON came to Santa Barbara in 1867 from the gold mines in No. Calif. He was born Joseph Wilson but, because there were so many of that name, he applied to the legislature and by its act his name was changed to Albert Calhoon Joseph WILSON. His grand father, John, was an early pioneer from New Jersey to the Ohio River valley. His father, Louis WILSON, was born in W. Va. and served in the War of 1812. When Albert was 28 he came to California by steamship down the Ohio to New Orleans, by boat through Lake Nicaragua, and by oxcart to the Pacific Ocean. The Wilson family was among the first of Eastern lineage to settle in Santa Barbara. He bought three blocks, totaling 15 acres and erected a residence. He married Mar garet CALDER who came with her parents fromOhio via Panama in 1856. Their 3 ch. were Katherine Wilson Bell, Louis and George. FAMILY ASSOCIATIONS RICHARDSON FAMILY RESEARCHER AND HISTORICAL NEWS Published March, June, September, December Subscription rate $5.00 per year, $1.50 per issue Publication and Editorial Office Richardson Heritage Society 9Uh South G Street P. 0. Box 123, Broken Bow, NEBraska 68822 VAN ZANDT The 13th annual reunion of the Van Zandt Society will be held at Hilton Plaza Inn, Kansas City, Mo. October 20-21, 1979. It is not necessary to be a member of the Van Zandt Society in order to attend. For more information, contact Vesta Flack, 30U West 51st St., Kansas City, MO 6U112 (from Midwest Gen. Register, June 1979) HILL - Southern States, as well as other states and Ireland HILL HERITAGE, quarterly journal of Hill Family Historical and Genealogical Society James E. Bellarts, Exec. Dir. Portland,ORE 97207 72 MEMBERS - Enrolled May 1,1979 to July 7,1979 CARR, Julia (Mrs. Stafford) JUNG,Ms. Josephine(Kuns) CASTRO, Mrs. Roberto KNEELAND,Mr. Charles E. FINLEYjWilberta (Mrs. Geo.H.) LAWLER, Ms. Janet FLORES , Mrs. Malilda(Jimenez) LORANGER, Ms. Romona REID, Esther (Mrs. Everett, Jr.) QUERIES PAGE WANTED - COPY of The History of the PAGE Family (1290-1911) with a brief history of Allied Fam NASH PECK ilies NASH and PECK, pub. by author,Chas.N.Page, DesMoines, Iowa,1911. Name of paternal grand mother, Mary Ellen PAGE appears on p. 103. Ernest D. Miller Ul2 Foothill Drive, Fillmore, CA 93015 ? GREEN ? ? ? ? When did first wagon train reach Calif.? was captain? Who When did GREEN family come? HUDSON where did Nimrod HUDSON (Hutsen) settle? (Hutsen) Clay L. Swearingen Box 511, Drain, Ore 971*35 The above query was received by the Goleta Branch of the Santa Barbara Public Library and referred to SBCGS. Although dates and places are lacking, it is hoped some one can enlighten Mr. Swearingen. DONATIONS OF BOOKS SBCGS is most grateful for the many volumes recently donated by members and readers.The president suggests gifts of books no longer in active use and not wanted for the individual library after desired information has been extracted. During the administration of Carl ton M. Smith application for exemption from federal in come tax under Sec. 501(c)(3) was made and granted. If space permits, donations will be separately listed, otherwise check NEW IN THE LIBRARY. TOMPKINS -REVOLUTIONARY WAR RECORDS oon^T* by Kare" Heritaee> 6657-A Pasado Rd. Gcleta.CA 93017,ior veteran and widow pension records from the "?ational Archives for Isaac and Jane Toralin produced 32*' pages relating to Isaac TOMPKINS.Private,b.15 May 1765 m.2k Dec.1801 Jane CHRONK/CHRANK,lived Newark,Essex Co. N.J.,applications made 1833-1855. Does anyone wish these? 73 ANCESTOR TABLES CHART 23 Gordon Gale McCLENATHEN (Merna WALLACE) - U85 Cole Place Goleta, California 93017 2. Gordon Arthur McCLENATHEN Una Claire POWELL 1901 - CA 1901 - CA 1975 •- CA 3. 1902 - CA 1958 1966 196^ - CA k. 56. 7. 8. 9- Arthur Frederick MsCLENATHEN I856 - Elizabeth Ann SULLEY (i) i860 - CAN Edwin C. I878 1878 - POWELL Sadie Josephine GARRISON John MLlo McClanathen Lorasa RUGGLES Calvin C. POWELL Clarinda BELKNAP MA CA CA 1820 - MA 1820 - MA ? ? ? ? 15- Ephraim P. GARRISON Mary Catlina SENTELL 181*3 1852 1839 1852 16. William tfcCLANATHEN 1783 - ? ? ? 17- Abigail SNELL ? - ? ? ? 18. 19. 2k. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Benjamin RUGGLES MA ? ? Abigail GOULD 1783 1786 - MA ? ? John POWELL Orin BELKNAP 1815 - NY Nancy STARR 1816 - OH 12. 13- Ik. Enoch GARRISON ? PURCELL Thomas Young SENTELL (i) Sarah Jane BETTIS ? - - CA - CA OH 1903 - CA OR NJ 19^1 191^ MN 1931 - CA - VA ? ? 1902 - CA ? - CA - NJ ? ? - NJ ? ? 1821 - NS 1828 - NY 1881 - CA 189^ - OR ? 32. 33- Thomas McCLANATHAN ? ? ? Catherine SHAW ? ? ? 36. Joseph RUGGLES ? ? ? 37- Sarah BRECKENRIDGE 38. Ebenezer GOULD 3952. 53. 60. 61. 62. Mille CONEY Jonas BELKNAP, Jr. Mary Ann GARLINGHOUSE 17!»7 175^ 1760 1786 - MA MA MA ? Edward SENTELL (i) 1790 - PA 1771 - NS Sarah Jane MOODY 1780 - Jeremiah BETTIS 1791 - ME 63. Catlina POST 1793 - 6k. William McCLANATHAN (i) 7k. William BRACKENRIDGE - CA - CA ? MA NY ? 1723 -• IRE 1827 1833 1851 1853 1867 ? ? ? 1815 - ? - MA - ? - OR - OR 1821 - NS 181*9 1871* 1876 - NY - KS - CA ? ? ? ? 75- Agnes SINCLAIR ? ? ? ? 76. Daniel Gould ? ? ? ? 77. Abigail ? ? ? ? 78. William CONEY 1726 -• ? ? ? 79- Mshitible ELLIS 1727 -• ? ? ? ? 7»» 10l*. 105. 106. 107. Jonas Newton BELKNAP 1759 - CT 1821* _ KY Esther PARKER James GARLINGHOUSE 1761 - 1809 - NY CT ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 121. Eleanor HUNT Ruth CHURCH 122. John MOODY ? ? ? ? 123. 12U. 125. 126. 127. Tamsen ROGERS ? ? ? ? ll*8. IU9. 150. 151- 156. Xjk2 - RI 1778 - NS Jeremiah BETTIS 1752 - ? Sarah SMITH 1833 - ? 1828 - ? ? ? Margaret BELLINGER 1763 17U8 1756 - ? ? ? James BRBCKENRIDGE (i) I696 - John POST ME ? IRE ? ? Sarah ? William SINCLAIR ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Mary ? ? ? ? Nathaniel CONEY ? ? ? ? ? ? 157. Abigail SKINNER ? ? 158. ? William ELLIS ? ? ? ? 159. 208. Abigail MILLETT ? ? ? ? 209. Mary NEWTON Elijah PARKER 210. 211. 242. Samuel BELKNAP 1731 - CT 1737 - CT ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Simon ROGERS 21*7. Tamsen ELLIS 250. 251. 252. Alleson SMITH Elizabeth JUNKINS ? 25I*. 255. Frederick BELLINGER Catherine WEBER ? POST 1*16. Samuel BELKNAP 1*17. Mary DICKINSON 1*18. Stephen NEWTON Mary GIBBS 1*85. John CHURCH Rebecca BLACKMAN 1*86. Israel SHAW 502. ? ? 21*3. 1*87. 1*92. ^93- ? ? ? 21*6. 1*81*. MA ? Martha STILES Edward CHURCH Grace SHAW 1*19. 1775 - ? TALIMAN 1707 - RI ? 1755 - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1708 - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1702 - MA 1703 - MA 1757 - CT ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1756 171*8 - ? 1666 1668 1660 - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Joseph ROGERS ? ? ? ? Elizabeth ? ? ? ? ? ? Alexander JUNKINS Hannah MacINTIRE ? ? ? 503. ? 508. ? ? ? Phillip BELLINGER ? V ? ? 510. Nicholas WEBER ? ? ? ? 832. Ebenezer BELKNAP 833. Hannah AYER 831*. James DICKINSON 835. Mary WOOD 1667 1672 - MA 1762 - MA MA 1779 - MA ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 75 968. 969. 972. Joseph CHURCH Mary TUCKER Anthony SHAW 973- Alice STONNARD 981*. 985- 1638 - 1 l6!*0 - ? 1711 1719 - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Simon ROGERS 1618 - ? ? Susan 1615 - ? ? ? ? ? John MacINTIRE ? ? 1 1007- Susanna YOUNG ? 1 ? ? loi6. 1661*. Johannes BELLINGER ? 1 ? ? Samuel BELKNAP (i) Sarah JONES 1627 1635 - ENG 1665. 1936. MA I689 - I608 - MA 1668 - MA 1670 - MA 1006. ? - MA MA 1937- Richard CHURCH Elizabeth WARREN 1938. John TUCKER ? 1 ? 1939- Ann ? ? ? 3328. 3329- Abraham BELKNAP (BELTOFT) Mary STALLION (l) 3330. 3331. Robert JONES Elizabeth SOANE 3871*. 38753876. 3877. Richard WARREN (I) Elizabeth ? (i) ? - ENG ? ? - ENG 1673 - 6656. 66576658. 6659- Bennet BELTOFT ? - ENG ? - Grace ADAM ? - ENG ? - ENG Thomas STALLION ? - ENG ? - ENG Mary DALTON ? - ENG ? - ENG ? ? - ENG (C)1589 (C)1595 - ? 7 ENG 161*3 - MA ENG ? MA ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 - 1 MA George TUCKER ? ? ? ? Elizabeth STONCHEN ? ? ? ? ENG CHART 21* Merna Margaret WALLACE (Gordon McCLENATHEN) U85 Cole Place Goleta, California 93017 2. Paul Bennett WALLACE 1901* - NB 3. Eleanor Margaret KIRK 1907 - NB 1*. 5. 6. 7. Samuel Martin WALLACE Minnie Eleanor ISLAUB Milton Hanna KIRK Margaret Robinson MaKEAND I858 - IN I865 - MO 8. Edward Oaks WALLACE Ann Eliza BOGGS 1833 - OH I838 - PA 1910 - NB 10. 11. Fredrick John ISLAUB (i) Barbara Mary WERNER (i) 1810 - GER 12. James KIRK 1818 - OH 1886 - MO 1905 - MO 1907 - IA 13- Eleanor MARCHBANK ll*. 15. James McKEAND (i) Rachel HENDERSON (i) 1817 - PA 1837 - SCOT 9. i860 - OH 1868 - WI 1827 - GER 181*1 - SCOT 191*7 - CA 1951 - CA 1925 - NB 191*8 - NB 1911* - NB 1906 - IA 1913 - NB 1911 - NB 76 16. David WALLACE 17- Demmis OAKS(ON) 18. Matthew L. BOGGS 19. ? 1796 - PA ? ? 1797 - ME l8ll* - PA ? ? ? ? 1 ? JOHNSON ? 21*. James KIRK (I) 25. 26. 27. Margaret FERGUSON William MARCHBANK Nancy FRAZIER 1781* - 1792 - ? - IRE ? ? - OH - OH PA ? ? - PA ? ? ? ? ? - PA 36. Alexander L. BOGGS 37• 50. Magdalena ? Henry FERGUSON 51. Eleanor PARAMOURE (PARMER) 1755 - PA 1826 - OH 1758 - ? I858 - ? Alexander BOGGS Ann ALRICKS Thomas PARAMOURE 1755 - 1 ? 1839 181*7 - ? 1760 ? ? 72. 73. 102. ll*l*. Andrew BOGGS (i) ll*5. Ann PATTOH 1**6. ll*7- Hermanus ALRICKS Ann WEST ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1705 - IRE 1715 _ ? ? ? ? ? 1765 - PA 1789 - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Indian Records Available in the Society Library is Vol. Ill No. 2 May 1979, Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County, North Carolina, in which appears an arti cle, entitled WARDS AND RELATIONS, by Lillian Ledbetter Kimberlin, 785I* Goll Ave., North Hollywood, California 91605, pp. 57-69, with much information relating to the seven clans of the Cherokee Tribe of Indians. The new address of the Bulletin is P.O.Box 938 ,Forest City, N.C. 280l»3. HOW TO PRESERVE NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS From Ancestors Unlimited, Southwest Nebraska Gen.Soc. P.O.Box 6, McCook, NEBR 69001 July 1979 Vol..'3,7 Dissolve a milk of magnesia tablet in a quart of club soda overnight. Pour into a pan large enough to accommodate the flattened newspaper. Soak newspaper for one hour. Remove, pat dry, Estimated life -200 years. This recipe or formula has not been tested locally BRANSFORD FAMILY HISTORY,2k6 pp.,index,1978,Lt.Col.John A. Shiver, 5918 Peregrine Drive, Burke, VA 22015. Written and published by a Bransford descendant, this book traces the family in unbroken succession from 1280 to the present. 77 NEW IN THE LIBRARY BOOKS Cavaliers and Pioneers. Abstracts of Virginia Land Pat ents and Grants. 1623-1695. 2 Vcl. Abstracted by Nell M. Nugent. Colonial Families of the the Southern States of America. 2nd Ed. By Stella S. Hardy. Colonial Families of the United States of America. 1607 to 1775. Edited by George N. Mackenzie. Vol. I, Vol. VI. The Cory Story (Indiana). Centennial History Committee. 197**. Handy Index to the Holdings of the Genealogical Society of Utah, by Mary J. Brown. 1971. Gift of Lilian Fish. Illinois. Enchantment of America Series. By Allen Car penter. Gift of Shirley Lettington. Kentucky Genealogy and Biography. Vol. III. Butler, McLean, Muhlenburgh and Ohio Counties. Edited by T. W. Westerfield. Loan from Shirley Lettington. My Folks Came in a Covered Wagon. A Treasury of Pioneer Stories. Reprinted from Capper's Weekly. New York Area Key. Guide to Genealogical Records. By Florence Clint. Gift of Helen Miller. New Jersey in 1793. Index of Militia Census. Compiled by James 5. Norton. Gift of Harry Titus. Ohio Genealogical Guide. Compiled by Carol W. Flavell. Pennsylvania. Enchantment of America Series. By Allen Carpenter. Gift of Shirley Lettington. A Biographical History of Lancaster County (Penn). By Alex Harris. Loan from Shirley Lettington. Who's Who in the West. 6th Ed. 1958. Marquis. Who's Who on the Pacific Coast. 1951. Marquis. Wilderness For Sale. The Story of the First Western Land Uwr.h. By UnJtcr Hav i/'hurst. Gift of Shirley Lettington. PAMPHLETS Connecticut Yesterday and Today. T'dbliography. 52 VV' Guide to Archives in the Connecticut State Library. CoT\yriGht Registrations, Procedures, Fees. Ref. file. Genealogical Research in Virginia State Library. 16 pp. / 78 i PERIODICALS CALIFORNIA: Ash Tree Echo, Fresno XIV:2 Apr Central Coast Gen Society, San Luis Obispo Co 7:2 The Colonial Genealogist IX: /( May Lifeliner, Riverside XIV:k June Iloticias, Santa Barbara Historical Society XXV:2 Orange Co Calif Gen Soc Qrtly XVI:2 June Santa Clara Co Hist & Gen Soc Qrtly 15:k Apr The Searcher, Glendale XVI:2 June FLORIDA: Southern Genealogist's Exchange Qrtly XX: 89 GEORGIA Gen Soc Qrtly 15:1 ILLIIIOIS: Knox County Gen Soc Qrtly, Galesburg 6:1-1* 1978. Gift of V. Paddock. The Yellow Jacket, Quincy V:2 June INDIANA: Genealogy, Indianapolis A5 May KANSAS Kin XVII:2 June NEBRASKA: Ancestors Unlimited, McCook 3:6 June NEW MEXICO Genealogist, Albuquerque XVIII:2 June NEW YORK: The Dutchess, Poughkeepsie. 6:3 NORTH CAROLINA: Bulletin of Gen Soc of Old Tryon Co 7:1 Feb 7:2 May OHIO: Ancestor Hunt VI:1 May Muskingum, Zanesville 11:9 July 1978. OREGON: Beaver Briefs, Salem XI:2 June PENNSYLVANIA: Green Hills Echo, Waynesburg. 8:2 May RHODE ISLAND: R.I. Roots 5:3 Fall TENNESSEE: Lincoln Co Tennessee Pioneers VIII:2-3, VIII:h TEXAS: Austin Gen Society XX:2 June Footprints, Fort Worth 22:2 May UTAH: Genealogical Helper 33:3 May-June VERMONT: Branches & Twigs 8:2 Spring VIRGINIA: The Publick Observer, Williamsburg. Gift of Amy Marwede WASHINGTON: Seattle Gen Soc Bulletin 28: *» Summer 19 THE ROYAL PRESIDIO OF SANTA BARBARA Founded April 21, 1782 Commandante Lt. Jose* Francisco l-v-v. ^ Ortega • Ensigns Pablo Antonio Cota Jose" Dario Arguello Sergeants Jose Raymundo Carrillo Jose Maria Ortega Ignacio Olivera Corporals Pedro Amad6r Ignficio Rodriguez Soldados de cuera (leather jacket soldiers)\ Joaqufn Rodriguez Jose Francisco Soto Anastasio Felix This list Rosalino Fernandez Juan Jose1 Lobo Guillermo Soto Juan J. Dominguez Luis G. Lugo Vicente F. Juan Ignficio Rochin Efigenio Ruiz Tomas Gonzalez Juan Valencia Tadeo Sanchez Mariano Cota Martin Reyes Jose Ayalot from its discovery Jo8g yalenzuelo Vicente Quijada written in Spanish Juan Leyva Cervantes Villa Santa Barbara California to our own days, Villa Felipe Gonzalez Salvador appears in the History of the City of Eugenio Valdez Jose" Ruiz by Rev. Juan Cabal-Josg L> Martinez leria y Collell Francisco Garcia and translated by Edmund Burke 1892 Jose Lugo _ . _ „ Luxs Refla Juan Ballestros Juan M. Romero Manuel Valenzuela Manuel Macbado Isfdro German Jose" Valdez Indian Attendants Jose* Pedro Loreto Ramon Hilario Carlos Jose" Salazar Rafael Gerardo Luis Yaquis Manuel Orcha Marcos Varela Jose Calixto As the Bicentennial approaches ANCESTORS WEST looks forward to communications from descendants •7 'v.*«^, „**<"" ---•- ^-V^Sa-- »» <%^ l"J"J8 82 ',. CV^"A"/.9?} •*y °/r /, O n X? -/ <* J w O /ii""'.7/vf ly\\ <j\ o /y J '.-P.?.. .Vy IVQ\ Townhouse- N. \ K_ - Francisco Si nova Y - Vacant B a s 53 5 o B - C - 'fro/o ool posito J - D' - Trsblo P.ooricj-oez K - AlejonoL'O Kor=«.s E - Jose Wneyas L - /vntonio Navarro F -- Jose H - Manuel G - Felix Villavicencio Moreno P.o s a s Cajnero The Los Angeles City Historical Society, P. 0. Box 1j10»«6, Los Angeles, CA 900l»l, is seeking descendants of the above named pobladores (Founders) of the Pueblo of Los Angeles in 1781. The descendants will be recognized at a special cel ebration during Los Angeles' bicentennial in 1981 Forms for documentation of descent are available by writing to the Society at the above address. 83 POLISH RESEARCH An article in South Bend Area Genealogical Soc- ity publication, Summer 1979t Vol I*. No. 2 gives a list of words encountered on Polish church records. - Age Styczen February - Luty Parish March Miasta Ks. or Ksiestuo - Town April Kwiecien - Princi May Maj Pow. - District Province - Same Rok or Roku Para, or January Year Lat Parafia pality or Powiat Gub.or Gubernja Para, to Samo as the Parish Marzec June Czerwiec July August September- Lipiec Sierpien October Pazdziernik Mrzesien Wdowic - Widower November - Listopad Wdowa - Widow December - Grudzien Z -Maiden domu Name Kaweler - Bachelor On - He Ona - Her or Suitor or him or she In the 1852 Santa Barbara County census, the Migration Patterns (ANCESTORS WEST,. March, 1979 No. 1, p. 12),included two persons born in POLAND John B. Vol.5 Adler and Martin Furst. There is an active Polish American Arts Associa tion in Santa Barbara, •teel-infl-.s are held monthly on the third Friday at 7.30 p.m. in the Glendale Federal Savings office, 3757 State St., Santa Barbara. The purpose is cultural,with speakers on history, language, customs and arts. The President is Irene Pleszczynska (Mrs. Andrew Pleszczynski) 2025 Monterey, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. At lea3t 2k foreign nations are listed in the 1852 census of Santa 3arbara County (population 2,131) as the birthplaces of its inhabitants. ANCESTORS WEST hopes to make contact with present day descendants. 8U MEW IN THE LIBRARY The following books and periodicals are donated by Harry Titus. BOOKS The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings from the Earliest to the Present Time. By Sir Ber nard Burke. Reprint of 188** Ed. 1967. DAR Patriot Index. 1966. National Society of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution. DAR Patriot Index. First Supplement. 1969 DAR Patriot Index. Second Supplement. 197^. How to Find Your Own Roots. A Guide to Tra (ing Your Family Genealogy and Making a "Living History" Album. By Lisa Ray Clewer. 1977. Minorcans in Florida. Their History and Heritage. Jane Quinn. By Mickler's Floridiana, Chuluota, Florida. Catalog of In-and Out-of Print Florida Books. 1979-80. Florida Under Five Flags, By Rembert W. Patrick. Translation and Transcription of Church Archives of Florida. Roman Catholic Records. St. Augustine Parish. White Baptisms. 178^-1792. Historical Records Survey. W.P.A. 194l» Descendants of Edward Howell. By Emma Howell Ross. Kentucky Records. Early Wills and Marriages. Old Bible Records and Tombstone Inscriptions. Compiled by Mrs. William B. Ardery. Our Ancestral Plots. One hundred eighty-four complete Caldwell County, Kentucky Cemeteries. Compiled by Mrs. Arawana Kyle. 1967- Caldwell County (Kentucky) Marriages 1809-1900. Com piled by Mrs. Arawana Kyle. 1967. Mayflower Families Through Five Generations. Edited by Lucy M. Kellogg. Volume I. My Folks. Story of the Forefathers of Oliver Francis Mershon, M.D., As told by himself. In the words of Grace L. 0. Mershon. 19**6. Our Pioneers East and West of the Mississippi. Family Sketches - Mershon. Andrew Mershon and his Des cendants. By Grace L.O. Mershon. 1955* 85 Mershon Genealogy. Section II. "Mershon Patriots". By Grace L. 0. Mershon. 19V7• Hopewell Valley Heritage. (Mercer County, New Jersey) By Alice B. Lev/is. 1973- Genealogy of Early Settlers in Trenton and Ewing, "Old Hunterdon County", New Jersey. Compiled by Hannah L. Cooley. 1883. The Pension List of 1818...Names, Rank and Line of Every Person Placed on the Pension List. Secretary of War. 1820. Minutes of the Vestry of St. Helena's Parish, South Carolina 1726-1812. Edited by A.S. Salley, Jr. Transactions of the Huguenot Society of South Carolina. #81. Charleston, 1976. The Hereditary Register of the United States of America. 1973- 896 pp. The Hereditary Register of the United States of America. 197*1. 870 pp. The Hereditary Register of the United States of America. 1976. 763 PP. PAMPHLETS Basic Reference Books on Genealogy, Heraldry and Local History. 1952-197'*. Genealogical Publishing Co. Baltimore. Some Sources for Kentucky Genealogical Research. By John F. Dorman. 195**. 6 pp. The National Archives. Documents From America's Past. The National Archives and Records Service in 1978. PERIODICALS Martin Family Quarterly. Vol. I: 1 - /| 1975. Vol. I In dex. Vol. V: 1 1979 The Mayflower Quarterly. Published by General Society of Mayflower Descendants. Vol. /»1:3 1975« Vol. /|2:2,3 1976. The South Carolina Historical Magazine Vol. 74:1 1973- Vol. 76:i| 1975. Vol. 77: 2, 3 1976. 86 INDEX - SANTA BARBARA COUNTY RECORDS appearing in ANCESTORS WEST, Vol. k, Nos. 1-1*, 1978 Births 1887-1890; Marriages l872-l875 County Hospital Cemetery 1892-190I* Page 77 1*0 ABADIE, Rosa J. ABLES, Katie ABRAHAM, A. J. 38 38 38 38 Byron Alonza ACKER, Fred Harry ADAMS, D. M. 115 16 80 George ADAMSON, Martha ADRIAN, Ygnacio 10 AH KOW 78 AIKEN, Marion L. ALEGRIA, Juvenfino 16 8 8, 10 Narcisco ALEULDE, Juan ALEXANDER, Adelaide 12 118 Page ARCHAMBAULT, Xavier ARELLANES, Burbank Ed Henrica 12 80 Refela k3 unknown 12 ARENAS, Luisa ARICA, Antonio ARRELLANO, Diego ARROQDE, Juan 10 10 Francisco 38 Juan 38 38 H. P. 118 80 Kate L. Millie 12 ALLENES, William ALTMICKS, P. Servatius, Rev. 80 12 ALVES, Frank J. 76 ALVISO, Jose C. 78 AMES, Sidney 118 unknown ANDERSON, Abalaloni L. 1*3 ^3 Charlotte H. 113 Harriet M. 38 N. N. L. 10,. 12, William ANDONAGUE, Mary ANDONAEQUI, Estafana ANDREW, Mary J. ANDREWS, Martha A. ANG, Song ANTHONEY, Annie Russel C. V. AQUILA, Theresa ARAN, Jose Marcelino ARATA, Anna R. 38 78 78 12 1*3 118 118 *»3 113 80 10 80 76 16 12 »*o, 76 ASTORZA, Maria do Los Ar 3les 1*0 AUGER, Jean Bautist 115 16 AVENATTI, Luigi 38 AVERSWALD, Constance 118 AYALA, Constance Isabel 113 8 8 Jose Daniel Josephine Margaret ALLEN, Bessie Mary 1*3 Leo Cara Maria D. Maria Solares Rafael M. de Soledad AYERS, W. W. BADILLA, Carmen BADILLO, Francisco Juan BAILEY, unknown BAIRD, George BAIRLEY, Harry J. BAKER, Granville W. BALCH, Sarah S. BALFOUR, Emily BANDINES, Francisca BANNERMAN, boy infant BARGARAH, Tiburcio BARARAH, Tiburcio BARKER, Samuel A. Susan Frances BARLOGGI, Guiseppi BARLOW, Charles BARNES, Adelaide L. Maria M. E. female BARNUM, Vance William Berthold 80 8, 1*3 1*3 kl k3 118 1*0 115 113 118 t3 *3 118 118 1*3 80 12 80 118 16 80 77 118 12 113 115 113 113 113 113 87 Index - Santa Barbara County Records ANCESTORS WEST, Vol. 1* Page BARLDACCHI, Frank BARRON, George BASQUE, Bendila B. de BASSETT, Charles W. BASSO, Louise BATES, Alexander Rhoda unknown BATESON, Lovina BATILLER, Adelayda BAUDISTIL, Caroline Annie Gottlieb BAUDONNE, Henrietta BAUER, Christopher BEAN, Inna Blanche Fred BEAUCHAMP, Stephen BECK, Fred BECKER, Nick BECKWITH, George BEERMAKER, Frances BEJAI, Balbina BELL, James John Robert Samuel, Rev. BEDLESA, Antonis BELOW, Charles BELNAP, Joseph C. BENN, Jane BENSON, H. B. 38 1*0 1*3 115 80 118 118 1*3 *3 10 38 38 U8 8o 38 38 1*0 8 16 118 38 118 115 10 118 118 118 12 118 78 76 BERGEN, Ida M. 118 BERGER, Alexander 1*0 BERGMEYER, Ferdinandus, Rev.. 80 BERLOTI, Amelia 38 BERMJDERO, Alfonso 80 BERNARD, Cyrus BERRY, H. V. BERTCH, Allen Earl Jacob Jennie BIGELOW, Ruth H. BIREN, Fred Nicholas Jacob A. BITHER, Myrtle BISSE, Frederick K. M. BLAIR, Thomas Thomas Raymond BLAKE, Mary Frances BLAKEY, Laura Leara Reuben E. 80 115 38 38 38 t3 113 113 118 12 BLAND, Armita T. William BLUEL, Isabel J. BLUNDELL, John BOBBINS, Martin BOLEY, Jeanette BOND, Elizabeth BONEBRIGHT, Harriet BONDERRA, Maria BONILLA, Florentino BONN, Francisco BOOTH, Priscilla BONTILLER, Joaquin Luiza BOQUART, Elizabeth BORCHARD, John Edward BOTILLER, Joaquin Luis a female BOW, Chin Look BOWEN, Refugio Valdes de BOWMAN, Mary Crawford Reginald Handford BOYCER, Sarah E. BOYD, Alden M. Allen Allen Stuart, Jr. A. S. Page 113 7 115 16 80 38 115 80 8o 80 12 16 115 115 113 10 115 115 113 12 80 kl 118 118 113 38 38 113 Josephine 118 female 113 BRADLEY, Fred C. BRANCH, B. BRASHER, Edward ill* male BRAVO, Jn. J. R. unknown BRECK, Magdelina BREEN, Matilda BREWSTER, Mary BRICK, Samuel BRISLAUR, Dorothy BROOKS, 0. T. Walter Thomas BROUGHTON, Robert J. BROWN, B. W. C. *3 113 113 118 113 113 8o 1*0 39 12 »*3 76 76 1*3 10, ll* 38 38 Helen 1*0 James 12 John 16, 1*3 38 113 113 Mary J. Mary Jane 12 38 88 Index - Santa Barbara County Records ANCESTORS WEST, Vol. 1* Page BROWN, Mike 12, 16 Paul Wesley 118 William 113 113 male BROWNELL, Mark E. BRUNETTE, L. Latimer Joseph Louis BRYANT, William BUCK, George BUCHMAN, Filmore BUE, Hing Chay BUELNA, Eleanor Jose BURKE, Ellen BURNAP, Havery Bingham BURNARDEZ, unknown BURNETTE, infant girl BUROLA, Severo BURTON, Joseph BURTRAN, Seymour BUSH, William female BUSHNELL, H. C. BUTLER, Charles J. 118 38 38 8 CANTLAY, Richard M. William CARBERY, J. H. CARD, John CARDERO, Eugenio J. CARDONA, Casimora Juanita Maria de Los Angeles 1*3 CARLSON, Roselind CARMACK, Lodosky, Mrs. CARPENA, Dolores CARR, Mark CARRIER, C. F. 80 80 CARRILLO, Claudina 16 78 80 1*3 Susan A. Manuel CALDWELL, E. M. CALLIS, Lucinda Jane William Sterling CAMARILLO, Francises M. Jose CAMPBELL, Lois Jane CAMENSFIELD, A. F. 0. CAMP, Lyman Coe CAMPI, George CANAGA, R. F. CANEDO, Louisa Eva CANFIELD, A. W. Emma Lena Isaac Newton 38 16 16 Jose M. 80 Leveno 76 38 Ramona E. 1*0 16, 80 113 113 113 16 Selverio 38 Thomas 80 CART, Jean CARTER, Daniel 1*3 76 38 38 Lucretia 12 115 BUTTRIC, Margaret BUZZINI, male Juan S. 1*0 8 80 Frances Nettie E. CALA, Enrique CALDER, William CALDERON, Juan 78 Felix CARTERI, female CASEY, Elizabeth G. CASSILAS, L. CASTRO, C. Thomas 80 1*0 80 118 16 CAFFREY, Bessie 1*3 »*3 38 Dolores D. 78 F. 10 1*3 1*3 »*3 John J. C. Page 113 113 Francisco 12 Jose 12 Lutina M. 38 Vicente 113 113 38 39 1*3 12 1*0 1*3 8o 16 118 male CATHCART, Annie CAVALETTO, Cenventino CAVALLERO, unknown CEITMAN, F. M. CHAFIE, Ferdinand Samuel 77 8 76 76 113 76 76 118 80 12 »*3 118 12 1*3 38 38 CHAFFEN, August CHAMBERS, James B. 80 CHAPIN, Gardner S. 1*3 1*3 78 Lucy 78 76 CHAPMAN, Robert E. CHARD, Angelita C. 1*0 Dicideno 78 Joseph William 8 8 12 76 J. W. CHASE, Julia Lucille 12 12 38 113 38 118 89 Index - Santa Barbara County Records ANCESTORS WEST, Vol. k Page CHILDS, George CHIN, Ting CHING, Yee Ben CHITTENDEN, Emma CHONG, Han Yee Paw CHOW, Gen Tong CHRISTIE, J. H. CHURCH, Nathanill CHURCHILL, John R. CLAMENTS, James CLAMUS, Charles CLANTON, Esther Ann CLAREY, Charles H. CLARK, Ann Anna Helen Ann James James H. J. S. L. M. William COATS, Catherine Page 115 **3 Arcadia 118 Charlie 38 12 Eduarda 113 113 30 118 12 Eduardo 76, Encarnacion 38 80 E. 12 Estanislo 10 76 Jennie 76 80 Juan 80 115 S. Manuel 78 Miguel 10 Presentacion 16 Romanaldo 10 Ruberto 80 Trinidad 38 T. 16 1*0 113 38 118 8 78 Juana M. 38, 113 Victoria 8 115 30 1*3 115 113 38 CORRALES, Jose CORREA, Philipa COTA, Alejandro 115 113 Emido 118 38 78 Inocente 12 Martha D. 12 Jose Ramon 10 COFFMAN, J. M. COINER, Sally Belle COIT, John Owen COLBURN, Eleanor COLBY, Carrie COLCLOUGH, Richard 76 Josi 1*3 38 38 COLEMAN, Florence Elizabeth 77 118 39 115 16 38 Lucretia Merrill 80 W. 38 38 38 1*3 78 S. COMPTON, Robert Willie CONFAL, Amelia CONLEZ, Annie B. CONNELLY, Kate CONNOLLY, Emmet Parnell John Joseph COOK, E. M. Issac N. Mary S. 118 8 8 113 12 78 COOPER, Annie, Mrs. 10 Charlotte FaIk 118 Eliza T. H. CONNER, Catherine CONTRERAS, Antonio CORDERO, Angel P. Anita 38 76 39 16 76 113 Juana Leonardo Miguella Tomacito COVARRUBIAS, Clarissa Pascalina COUIER, unknown COX, Ella COY, Catherine COYLE, Peter Susan CRABB, Addie CRABBE, Mary CRAFT, Henry John Lucien A. 118 80 115 1*3 8 76 10 10 39 28 115 76 76 CRAIG, Hiram 16 William 76 CRASS, Florence CRAWFORD, Susan M. CRESSEY, E. W. CROOKS, Edwin Mills, Dr. CROSS, John Wilsey unknown CROW, Eliza Jane CRUZ, Priscilla 80 8 1*0 80 76 80 12 118 16 90 Index - Santa Barbara County Records ANCESTORS WEST, Vol. 1* GAMMELL, Sarah Ann GARCIA, A. A. Dina Eloise Epefanio Page 113 76 38, 113 78 119 13 Florentino Francisco 81 Jesus 76 76 Juan Jose Margaret Romilda Maria A. 10 Rosa 8 Teresa 16 GARDNER, A. F. C. 113 115 8 0. Lillie 77 Mary E. 10 GARFIELD, Henry GARNIER, Joseph GARRABO, Manuela GARVIE, James Perry 0. P. M. GATY, Edward GENTINA, Guisippina GEORGE, Elizabeth GERBERDING, E. 0. Thomas R. B. GERHOLDT, Lucy C. GEROW, Walter William S. GERARRA, Hortense GIDNEY, male GIBS, Joseph B. GIDDINGS, Eliza H. GILCHRIST, James Mary L. Sophie GILLS, Cyrus F. GILMORE, Andrew GIOVENETTI, G. GLASS, Louis GLATZ, Elzie Hazel John H. 8 115 115 38 38 James F. Kitty M. Lydia William GORDON, Nellie GORMANT, Flasie GOSS, Mable GOULD, Qrrela GOUX, Augustina John John Emile Juan GOVIER, Emile GRACOMAZZI, C. GRAGG, J. A. GRAHAM, Benjamin F. M. A. infant GRANAS, F. GRANDONA, Jose H. Nicholas 13 13 Teresa 76 76 78 38 38 119 8 13 13 1*1* 8l 119 119 13 113 10 38 38 119 Margureta 111* 13 38 76 Mary 76 Rafaela 1*0 GOODCHILD, John Guy Leonard 81 GLENCIA, Albertina GOLAND, Katie GONZALEZ, Manuel Mariana Page GOODWIN, D. W. 78 unknown GRANT, Annie unknown unknown GRAVES, Ozero A. GRAY, Clarence Ida GREEN, John Geo. Jno. Augustus GREENE, John S. Joseph GREENFIELD, Frances Ann Robert GREENWOOD, Laurence GREER, E. G. Mary C. GREY, Amanda GRIFFIN, Pastora J. GRIMM, A. J. GROSSI, Benjamin GRUNWELL, A. H. GUBARRE, F. GUERANA, Ernisnia Juan GUEVARA, Francisco GUILLEN, Senobio GUIROS, S. Gorgonia 1*1* 8 8 1*1* 81 119 115 1*1* 39 39 38 1*1* 119 38 78 76 113 16 111* 1*1* 113 76 119 76 76 13 13 1*1* 13 115 115 1*0 1*0 1*1* 8l 8 8 10 111* 78 119 13 76 8 76 113 38 38 115 16 16 91 Index - Santa Barbara County Records ANCESTORS West, Vol. k Page HOAG, E. S. HOBSON, Frances M. J. T. 78 10 115 HOCKING, W. A. HOCKWORTH, Eleanor HOFFMAN, Asa Hoyte 78 Page JAMISON, Ora Bell S. I. 8 W. JANSSEN(S), Augustine 81 Juan Manuela Charles E. 76 76 Enoch Springer 81 Ramon HOLLISTER, E. HOLLCWBUSH, Susan HOLMBURG, Lawrence HOLMES, Lizzee HONCHIN, Luella HOOPS, Abraham HOORNBECK, Calvin DuBois James Wallace HOPKINSON, Marilla HOPPER, John Thomas HORBACK, John HORN, Andrew HORNE, A. HORTON, Grace KOSTETLER, Allice M. Amanda K. HOUGH, Jessie Woniger HOWARD, Belle Joseph HOWERTA, Sarah E. HUBEL, Clare HUBBEL, William H. HUMPHREY, Maude HUNT, Ann Ida K. Jennie infant HUNTER, George Mary Scott A. A. 78 39 17 76 113 113 1*0 10 1*0 1*1* 77 119 78 78 1*1* 119 115 115 13 17 13 13 77 119 1*1* 1*1* 38 J. M. HURLEY, Thomas HUSE, Eleanor HUSTON, Charles HUTCHINSON, Susan HUTT, S. S. HUYCK, Walter S. INGRAM, George Howard JACKSON, unknown JAMESON, J. M. S. 119 76 L. S. 78 76 Eugene HOPKINS, Henry C. 10 M. 1*1* 115 119 38 113 1*1* 81 9 113 111* 77 111* Ramando Romana JENNINGS, Mary E. Joseph JERCW, Millie JESS, Felix JETER, Carlotta Fred JEWETT, Philo D. JIMINEZ, Dolores JOHNSON, D. H. Emily S. George N. J. J. F. Lottie E. Stephen W. JONES, A. Mary JORDAN, Charles T. C. 76 76 R. JORGINSON, Luis Peter JUAREZ, Juaquin Leandro Reyes KAHN, Bertha Lazard KANE, James KAYS, Emmanuel KAYE, John KEARNEY, James A. KEENAN, P. KELLY, P. 0. KELSCH, H. C. Henry Laura Estell KELTON, Charles Henry Katie KENNY, Joseph A. KERN, Jerome KIMBER, Job Vernon Virginia KIMBLY, Frank KINCAID, Joseph H. 13 ko 13 80 80 119 13 13 81 81 76 76 13 119 76 119 8 8 116 113 17 8 13 77 38 38 17 78 1*1 116 1*1 116 78 13 81 13 113 38 113 38 38 119 1*1* 13 81 119 1*1* 81 13 92 Index - Santa Barbara County Records ANCESTORS WEST, Vol. k GUMIELS, Frank GUTHRIDGE, William GUTTIERREZ, Antonio Ardella Blanche F. N. Jose E. Mary Carmen Octavario Victor Hugo GUTRIDGE, Ida Mary HAAGEN, T. HAILES, Charles Richard HALDEN, Oscar HAILS, M. A. Mary HALES, Laura M. HAINES, John P. infant HALE, Caroline B. HALFORD, James D. Lulu Bell HALL, Dorenia Mary C. F. Richard W. E. HALSEL, S. A. HAMILTON, Andrew Elizabeth Isabella Porter HAMEN, Joseph Clark HAMMOND, Angustius Frank Peter HARD, Genevieve HARDEY, Albert HARKNESS, Fred Lawrence HARNET, Agenes I. HARRELL, Zoe Minard HARRIS, Columbus R. Page 8 115 81, 119 1*1* 1*1* 115 13 115 8 1*1* 113 13 1*1* 8i 111* 9 8l 13 1*1* 13 113 113 1*1* 10 119 113 Halund Refugia HASCALL, Amana HATHAWAY, Edwin J. F. C. HATHERLEY, John HAVILAND, Vergie HAWKINS, A. W. Sarah Willie HAWLEY, Robert HAYES, Lancartin C. HAYNES, Charles Willie HAYWARD, Amanda M. Lottie HAZENRIGG, Charles HEACOCK, Josiah HEACOX, Mary E. HEDRICK, David E. HELMER, Adele George, Jr. HEN, Pan HENDERSON, Alice 78 113 113 39 1*1* 78 115 119 119 8 10 Eleanor Richie HARTNELL, Matilda 10 81 13 1*0 119 Marion K. HARRISON, Albert W. Lillie George 10 William Clarence Frank 10 E. W. Solomon HARTELL, Leah Augusta HARTLEY, George HARTMAN, Fairfax A. 16 8 119 1*1* 81 Lee 76 infant 1*1* David R. HENDRICKS, William HENRY, James Jacob Patrick M. HERNANDEZ, Edmund Francisco E. James F. HERN, Maggie HERNSTER, George HESS, Paul G. HEXENBAUGH, Mary Ella HEWETT, Mary E. HICKMAN, Minnie HICKS, Beverly A. HILL, George Washington M. A. Mahlan S. R. W. HILLIS, William HILTON, Allie Mary Page 1*1* 1*1* 13 17, 1*1* 39 39 113 119 8l 76 1*0 76 113 10 13 119 1*0 1*1* 17 119 81 115 1*0 10 1*0 38 38 119 78 10 119 113 38 17 10 1*1* 81 13 115 1*1* 119 8l 13 113 13 8l 10 113 115 119 119 93 Index - Sonta Barbara County Records ANCESTORS WEST, Vol. 't CULBERTSON, infant girl CUESTA, L. Faela CUNY, Annie CURLEY, Cornelia Thomas Thomas Brown CURRY, Thomas DAHL, George DANA, Marie Ramon DANGLADA, Manuel DARLING, John Wayne Rozado Sallna William DARRELL, N. DAUGHERTY, Eddi DAVIS, Don Phelps Emily Carmelita Walter William L. DEAN, Jessie C. de BAUX, Juan De la TORRE, Jose de la GUERRA, Mary DELBROCK, Henry DEMOUSSET, Athalic DEN, Catherine M. Nellie Susan A. Page 118 113 39 8 115 8 118 16, 118 8 Ito no '*3 78 78 8o 115 8o 76 38 38 76 78 115, 116 8o D1LT.ARI), Robert M. DITTMAH, Charlie Miry Janr DIXON, infant girl POAN, George !). Joseph Deal DODGE, Edward Gwenn DORRR, Phillip WHR, Gporge DOUGIAS, Julia A. k3 H3 10 8 H3 8o U3 9 Ho 78 12 8 8 76 'n 1J? 115 DOVRR, Ellen E. DOW, James R., Mi's. DOYLE, Annie »»3 II. II. Marqueribe Tearl DREYFUS, Emanuel lewis Louis DRUM, John R. DUBUX, Juan Marin DUFF, Taryned DUGDALE, Ellen M. DUNSHEE, Frank M. DUPONF, Austin 10 80 115 William B. '•3 118 8 infant Martin DUFFY, John William A. DJCKSON, Robert DILL, Iaura DONALD, Julia D0NQL1T, Charles II. DOHSEY, M. DOTTA, Joseph Josephine CaLherlne DOTY, Margaret DUGAN, F. A. 112 DEWING, A. DIBBLES, Thomas B. DIBBLE, Theresa M-iria Tomansa 76 113 12 112 M. 8o William DENN, William DE RIENX, Mary F. DETROY, Joseph Page DOMINGUEZ, Elena Margare 1; DUPY, Joseph DURYEA, Piorrepont II. EAMES, Etta Marie EARLY, Bernard EASON, Churles EATON, Hayward Helen Justin EDGAR, F. B. EDWARItt, Anna (Jeorge kh 118 39 113 113 38 38 112 ko 16 1.6, 8o 115 '*!» 118 kk 16, kk 78 8o 115 16, 118 ko ko kk 76 38 38 '•3 Ro.^nna 115 1? SamupI 119 '•0 10 .118 76 76 38 38 76 16 EELS, infant, girl ERRO, Miguel EIANP, Will.lam E1.DRKP, Albert ELI/.APE, J. J. ELLISON, Bert ELLISON, O.laf ELI.'WORTH, Edith K. El MORE, Benjamin 3.19 38 115 80 8 16 1.19 10 Ho 9k Index - Santa Barbara County Records ANCESTORS WEST, Vol. 1* Page EMMERSON, Percy W. ENGELEN, ? EPSON, Antonio EROLINDA, ? ESCOBAR, A. F. ESLY, Agnes J. ESPINOSA, Amparo Ascension Emerica Felicita Josefa 12 12 12 FILEZ, Manuel FILMORE, W. H. 1*0 FIRN, John FISH, Mary S. FISHER, I. K. 76 12 10 78 1*0 119 15 Juan 16 Louisa 1*1* Mercy 12 Rosa 38 Valdina ESSON, Evans J. ESTORGA, Maria ESTRADA, Alf Alfred M. George Edward ETCHART, John ETCHAS, Martin EVA, Richard EVANS, Walter Everett EVERETT, Hiram EWING, Jane C. FABRING, Margarita J. FAIRCHILD, Frederick E. FALLON, Kate N. FANTINI, Celestina FARMER, Hammond George Hazel Martha ' FARREN, Charles FARWELL, George W. FAULKNER, Emily F. Jacob H. FAY, Mary T. FELIPPILLO, Giovanni FELIZ, Luisa de Martin FELL, Jessie FERDINA, Alberto FERNANDEZ, Francisca Josephine FERRIER, George FESTE, William FETTER, John FIELD, Frank FIELDS, E. G. FIGUERA, Micala 80 119 78 8 113 113 80 1*0 16, 80 80 12 1*1* 1*1* 81 1*0 12 113 113 1*1*, 81 16, 1*1* 12 119 1*1* 119 FINLEY V. M. FITHIAN, Ethel Ann FITZGERALD, Edward C. FITZGIBBON, Sarah FLEET, Thomas FLINT, Mary A. FLORES, Jose Juan FLOURNEY, Harry FOGLEMAN, Katie FONG, Quen Gun FORBES, John C. FORBUSH, Eva Mary FORD, Henry C. FOREN, Alexandro FORGEUS, Jeanne J. W. FORREST, W. S. FOSTER, Charles Herma A. Josephine Marion Robert James FOX, Bonaventure Nettie B. FOXEN, Alice Ben Frederico Jos ifa Page 13 113 8 119 1*1* 78 78 1*1* 16 39 16 119 8 8 1*1* 1*0 8i 1*0 38 78 13 10 38 38 8 1*0 1*0 113 1*0 1*1* 8l 119 8 8 115 13 Juana M. 1*0 Marie 38 38 Samuel 12 Thomas 12 infant 113 1*1*, 81 8l 1*1* FRANKLIN, J. M. 10 infant boy 8l FREDIANI, Edith Ida 38 38 38 38 8, 113 78 16, 8l 12 38 76, 113 10 M. E. Frank Marie FREER, Mable FREESHONE, Lason GAGE, Thomas GAGLIA, Charles 10 10 16 16 8i EASTERN WASHINGTON GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. 0. Box 1826 Spokane, Washington 99210 Membership $6 per yr. Couples $8. Get big 50 page quar terly "Bulletin". Includes Northwest data, National and International Features. FREE queries to members. WE WILL SWAP FOR SIMILAR EQUAL VALUE the following-TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS, Stevens Co., WA. $6.50, Adams and Pend Or eille Co., WA. $5. Lincoln Co., WA $6.50, 3 vols.Whitman Co., WA. each $5.00 SOUTHEAST TEXAS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY 2870 Driftwood Lane Beaumont, Texas 7 7703 Organized 1970 Membership $7.50 per yr. - includes '» issues YELLOWED PAGES. Offering Jefferson Co. Texas Marriages 1837-1899 for $10.50 Hardin Co. Texas Cemeteries (272 pp.)$15.50 Vol. I through V of YELLOWED PAGES at $8.00 each. DECATUR GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. 0. Box 2068 Decatur, Illinois 62526 $5.00 annual single membership ($6.00 family) provides CENTRAL ILLINOIS"GENEALOGICAL QUARTERLY. Free queries. 20% discount on over 100 Illinois county publications, including the 1830-1860 federal censuses, Cemetery in scriptions, Marriage Records, etc. Write today for free list of publications. CHEDWATO SERVICE P. 0. Box 716 Middleboro, MA 02 3'* 6 CAR-DEL SCRIBE genealogical magazine of 36 pages 8 1/2 x 11, published Jan.,Feb., Apr., Jul., Oct., Dec. free queries each issue, 8 pages source material. Two How- to-do-it article each issue by Mrs. Charles Delmar Town- send, Professional Genealogist. Books reviewed, books for sale. $5.00/yr., Canada $6.00, Foreign $7.00. Sample copy with special offer for $1.00. Send check to CHEDWA TO SERVICE at above address. Note: This is a new address. MIDWEST GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. Box 1121, Wichita, Kansas 67201 Membership: Couple, $10.00 (one copy of Register),Single, $7.00. For libraries,genealogical and historical socie ties only, $5.00. Make checks payable to MIDWEST GENEA LOGICAL SOCIETY,INC. Send attention TREASURER to above address. Fiscal year begins April ] with copies of Ml'E IT GENEALOGICAL REGISTER issued quarter] '. VACIFIC SANTA BARBARA was cne of California's 27 original counties. BarbJa eh*™ , 5 ?\ While the countv ° ^ Cabrill° "woverefl the Santa explorer, Sebastian ViJ-Jj^ "*»«« buried. Asecond Spanish nay of Saint Baroara in XX' Si*"* J*! Channel on bhe *"«* Father Junipero Serra"onnded the "T ^ area "«o*«»>U. Santa Barbara Royal"resiSJo e.Llt t /?*** miSSi°n in 1786' the last of roMrrovSl !*,• • !8hed April 81» 1782> was Monterey, San FrancCcoTnd*San^ Barbara!*" ^^ " 8" °ie«°. nr/niR!] POSTAGE GUARANTEED