holy family east taunton
holy family east taunton
May 29, 2016 HOLY FAMILY EAST TAUNTON Body and Blood of Christ 370 Middleboro Avenue – P.O. Box 619 East Taunton, MA. 02718 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 Daily Mass Monday– THE ROSARY Is prayed in the Church Mon.Saturday, May 28 Jude 17, 20b-25/Mk 11:27-33 8:00 Audrey N. Curley-6th 4:00 Sunday, May 29 Gn 14:18-20/1 Cor 11:237:30 9:00 10:30 Maria Costa Monday, May 30 2 Pt 1:2-7/Mk 12:1-12 8:00 Laurent Thibert, Jr. Tuesday, May 31 Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:98:00 Special Intention Wednesday, June 1 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12/Mk 12:18-27 8:00 Joseph P. McNamara Thursday, June 2 2 Tm 2:8-15/Mk 12:28-34 8:00 Friday, June 3 Ez 34:11-16/Rom 5:5b-11/Lk 15:3-7 8:00 Saturday, June 4 2 Tm 4:1-8/Lk 2:41-51 8:00 Joe & Sylvia Rico 4:00 James Martin-8th Anniversary Sunday, June 5 1 Kgs 17:17-24/Gal 1:11-19/Lk 7:11-17 7:30 Elizabeth Ploude 9:00 For the People of the Parish 10:30 David Pluster-4th Anniversary HOLY FAMILY VOCATION PRAYER CROSS This week the Vocation Prayer Cross will be taken home by Rose Davis. Next week it will be brought home by the Doel Family. Please join us in praying for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, and marriage. PARISH ACTIVITIES: EUCHARISTIC ADORATION is held every Mon.-Fri. from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 pm in Parish Center. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY– 2nd Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. KNIGHT’S OF COLUMBUS– 1st Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. All Catholic men are welcome to attend. MEN OF HOLY FAMILY - meet every Saturday at 6:00 a.m. -Parish Center to discuss different aspects of living one's faith and prayer life. THE CALIX SOCIETY– Catholics in recovery meets the 1st Wednesday at 7pm in the Church. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY- 2nd Wednesday of the month at 1:00 p.m.– Parish Center. Please submit bulletin announcements to: holyfamilybulletin@comcast.net Prior to Sunday evening 370 Middleboro Avenue – P.O. Box 619 East Taunton, MA. 02718 May 29, 2016 HOLY FAMILY EAST TAUNTON Body and Blood of Christ CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION This Sunday, May 29th we will celebrate Corpus Christi Sunday, a celebration which dates back hundreds of years in the Church. We will have the Eucharistic Procession immediately after the 10:30 am Mass so many people can take part in it. When Mass concludes we will expose the Blessed Sacrament, sing some songs in honor of Our Lord, and process outside the front door and around the parking lot. Along the way there will be four stations outside where we will stop for some brief prayers and adoration. We have families taking responsibility for each station where we will stop and pray for the intentions of that particular family at that station along with the other prayers we are doing at each station. The procession and Benediction at the end should take approximately 40-45 minutes. Please come join us for this special occasion. CATHOLICS IN RECOVERY– THE CALIX SOCIETY The next Meeting for the Calix Society is June 1st, 2016, at Holy Family Parish, 370 Middleboro Avenue, East Taunton. The meeting starts at 7:00pm. We will begin our meeting with celebration of the Holy Mass. After the Mass, we will meet in the church hall. The Calix Society is celebrating its second anniversary of resuming meetings in the diocese of Fall River at this meeting . Please consider coming and sharing in the fellowship and sharing on the Sixth Step. FIRST FRIDAY AND SOLEMNITY OF THE SACRED HEART This Friday, June 3rd is the first Friday of the month. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be in the church after 8:00 am. Mass and conclude with Benediction at 7:45pm. It is also the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart (it is always celebrated on the Friday after Corpus Christi Sunday). This solemnity is not only celebrating a devotion promoted by St. Margaret Mary Alocoque, but is a great mystery of faith regarding how we are loved by Jesus (with human and divine love). FIXING UP THE PARKING LOT Weather permitting and time free of funerals, this week the cracks in our church parking lot will be sealed and the parking lines are going to be re-painted. The cost for the sealing and painting is approximately $1,600. Thanks for your patience. MEMORIAL DAY MASS A Memorial Day Mass for all those buried in the Taunton Catholic Cemeteries will be held at St. Jude’s Church (249 Whittenton St., Taunton) on Monday, May 30th at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to attend. 370 Middleboro Avenue – P.O. Box 619 East Taunton, MA. 02718 May 29, 2016 HOLY FAMILY EAST TAUNTON PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS PRAYER INTENTIONS Sister Anita Marie Last Saturday we baptized our newest parish memThe Souls in Purgatory ber: Iliana Freitas Catley. Please pray that she will James Ennis grow to know the great gift of faith she has received Jean Nigloschy and the love of Christ. Pray her parents and godparFilomena Goncalves ents will respond to be the instrument they are being Jim and Adeline Marques called to be to foster her faith and help her respond to Jose Inacio the many graces she has received through baptism. Kevin Carroll Ann Carvalho Christopher Burns Damien Davis & Family NO ADORATION MONDAY Chad Larivee This Monday is Memorial Day and knowing many peo- Erica Mercier ple go away for the day we will not have Adoration of Brian Robens the Bl. Sacrament that day. We will resume on TuesHonorio Figueira Michelle Silliker day, May 30th. Brian Medeiros Jose L. Camara Phillip Lavigne LOOKING FOR AN ADORER John Downey We are looking for someone to cover adoration on a Luzia Gravito weekly basis on Wednesdays from 12:00 – 1:00 pm. Frank Rogers If you are able and willing please contact Tracey in the Parish Office. Body and Blood of Christ PRAYER INTENTIONS Taylor Nigloschy Stephanie DeMello Madalena Gomes Lima Wesley Flinn Mike Ahearn Theresa Hebert Maria Inacio John Pelligrini Claire Costa Tricia Medeiros Jack Mitchell Lori Hippert Freddie Correia Charles Browning Maria Jose Correia Orlando Correia Sheila Sullivan Patricia Boughan Barbara Leonard Donna Rocha Rick Dugan Jean Spangler KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS YARD SALE SATURDAY PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS This Saturday, June 4th the Knights of Columbus will be hosting their giant yard sale. It will run from 9:00 Last week one of our life-long parishioners, Claire am to 5:00pm. All are welcome to take part. If you Costa, passed away. Her funeral was last Monday, wish to drop off items for the sale, please do so by May 23rd. Please keep Claire and her family in your nd prayers, especially praying for the great mercy of God Thursday, June 2 by dropping them off by going to to be showered upon her that she may know the glory the basement of the church through the side door of the church. The only items that we ask to NOT drop of God and experience the Beatific Vision of God. off are TVs, monitors, and computers. Thanks! BIBLE STUDY This Wednesday, June 1st we will study chapter twenty of Acts of the Apostles. Our weekly Bible Study runs from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. in the Parish Center. All are welcome to join us. CATHOLIC CHARITIES APPEAL The Catholic Charities Appeal is running throughout May and June and is essential in the work of the diocese to meet the needs of so many people and organizations. Proceeds from the Appeal fund diocesan charitable services and programs that provide shelter, food, clothing, counseling, advocacy support and faith formation. Please respond with the greatest generosity that you can. So far we have raised $18,871. Thank you everyone! IS YOUR CHILD HOPING TO BECOME AN ALTAR SERVER? In the weeks ahead Fr. Kevin would like to train new altar servers. If your child is interested in becoming an altar server please contact Fr. Kevin. Fr. Kevin will notify you of the dates for the training. Please notify him by June 1st. LOST AND FOUND ITEMS IN THE CHURCH In the back left of the church is where we place Lost and Found Items. There are many items people have left in the church over the last few months. Please take a look to see if there is anything that may belong to you. We will be discarded all the items in the near future. 370 Middleboro Avenue – P.O. Box 619 East Taunton, MA. 02718 HOLY FAMILY EAST TAUNTON May 29, 2016 Body and Blood of Christ BL. PIER GIORGIO HIKING CLUB Our next parish hike will be on Sunday, June 26th at Oak Knoll (1417 Park St., Attleboro). We will meet there at 2:00pm and all are invited to join us. The paths there are relatively flat with no major hills or inclines. POPE ST. JOHN PAUL II CLUB The Pope St. John Paul II Club is open for all those who have a canoe or kayak. It is a wonderful time for a little exercise, being out in the beauty of God’s creation, and getting to know other parishioners. We will be going out this Sunday, May 29th, leaving from the church parking lot at 1:30 p.m. If the weather is poor then we will reschedule kayaking to the following Sunday, June 5th and we will meet at 1:30. We also have one extra kayak a parishioner donated for anyone that does not have a kayak and wants to join us. th QUO VADIS DAYS th This summer, July 5 – 9 , the Office for Vocations will be hosting their annual Quo Vadis Days Retreat for boys entering high school to those entering college. The purpose of the Quo Vadis is to bring young men together from around the diocese to spend time in growing in their faith, learning more about discernment of one’s vocation, learning about the priesthood, and building friendships with other young men who see their faith as something very important to them. Each day we have Mass, times for prayer, sports, etc. We also have a day when we go mountain hiking. It is a great experience! If interested please notify Fr. Kevin for the details. BUILDING A CULTURE OF VOCATIONS As a parish, we have spiritually adopted two of our seminarians: Juan Carlos Munoz and Matt Gill. Each month we will pray for different people living their vocation that they will grow in their living of the Lord’s calling. This month of May we are praying for Fr. Bill Rodrigues (Pastor of St. Andrew’s Church, Taunton), Deacon Joe McGinley (from St. Ann’s in Raynham), Darryl A. Coulture and Jeanne Ann Morin (they married here last Saturday), and Sr. Mary Ruth and Sr. Confida of the religious sisters from the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. ANNUAL PAWSOX GAME Time to get ready for summer fun and our annual trip to see the Pawtucket Red Sox at McCoy Stadium. The date is set for the Friday, July 1st game. The Game starts at 6:15 pm. After the game we will be treated to a fireworks display. The tickets are $12.00 each and can be purchased at the Parish Center. They sell out quickly so don't miss out. Get your tickets while you are thinking about it. -880-2571 to make a pick up Freetown, MA on June 10-12th May 29, 2016 HOLY FAMILY EAST TAUNTON Body and Blood of Christ 370 Middleboro Avenue – P.O. Box 619 East Taunton, MA. 02718 Special Boston Archdiocesan Offer: Subscribe Today and SAVE 49%! Item Special Discount Rate Your Savings Discount 1 Year (49 issues) $19.95 $19.05 49% price! 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