Metolius BSI™ InGaAs P-I-N Photodiodes
Metolius BSI™ InGaAs P-I-N Photodiodes
Metolius BSI™ InGaAs P-I-N Photodiodes PPE-1000 Series Metolius BSI™ P-I-N Photodiodes High-quantum efficiency P-I-N photodiode increases probability of detection and reduces false alarm rate. Features ▪ Low-capacitance , h i g h sensitivity, back- s i d e illuminated (BSI ) d e s i g n ▪ 950–1700 nm re s p o n s e ▪ Low operating b i a s , < 5 V ▪ C u s t o m d e v i c e s a v a i l a b l e upon request Applications ▪ Free-space opti c a l communications ▪ Laser range find i n g ▪ Optical time dom a i n reflectometry ▪ Optical coherence tomography ▪ Fluorescence m e as u r e m e n t s , spectroscopy, chromatography a n d electrophoresis ▪ Te lecommunicat i o n s ▪ LADAR/LIDAR PPE-1000 Series InGaAs P-I-N Photodiodes The Metolius BSI™ PPE-1000 series high-quantum ef ficiency P-I-N (HQE-PIN) InGaAs photodetector can provide high-sensitivity NIR light detection with a large-diameter active area, minimal bias (< 5 V), and low dark currents. This backside-illuminated photodetector provides both higher sensitivity and lower capacitance than competing frontsideilluminated photodiodes. While detector capacitance is minimized at a bias of 3 to 5 Volts, the device can operate with at least 90% of its specified responsivity with a fraction of the dark current at a bias of only 0.7 V. For ease of integration, the HQE-PIN die is provided on a ceramic submount with or without a co-mounted temperature sensor. Packaging of these diodes is available in either a windowed TO-46 header or with a three-stage thermoelectric cooler (TEC) in a 6-pin windowed TO-8 header. Voxtel, Inc., 15985 NW Schendel Avenue, #200, Beaverton, OR 97006,, T 971.223.5646, F 503.296.2862 InGaAs P-I-N Photodiodes Metolius BSI™ PPE-1000 Series P e r f o r m a n c e — P P E -10 0 0 S e r i e s 1.0 0.80 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.0 -500 2 Quantum Efficiency vs. Wavelength Photodiode Spectral Response (2V) Quantum Efficiency Quantum Efficiency Quantum Efficiency Uniformity Spatial Uniformity of Photodiode Response 1.0 0 500 1000 1500 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.0 800 2000 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Wavelength (nm) Spot Location (um) S p e c i f i c a t i o n s — P P E -10 0 0 S e r i e s For additonal specifications, see packaging-specific sections. Parameter Min Typical Max Units Spectral Range, λ 950 1000–1600 1750 nm Active Diameter 1 650 μm 1064 nm 1550 nm Quantum Efficiency 0.82 0.96 0.85 0.98 Absolute Operating Temperature -73 200 -40 – 30 233 – 303 75 348 oC Temperature Sensing Diode Voltage and ΔV/K 1 0.48 0.50 -2.18 mV/K 0.51 V K Sourcing 10 µA and 298 K Ordering Information P P E 1 - - - A Revision Device Device Type Detector Diameter Package Window P=non-APD P=P-I-N E=Metolius BSI TM 1= Single Q=300µm B=Ceramic Submount A=Flat photodiode photodiode R=650µm C=TO- 46 Z=None S=1150µm K=TO- 8 w/3-stage TEC HQE-PIN Element Other packaging options for the HQE-PIN photodiodes are available by request. Please contact Voxtel for specific ordering information and parts availability. Upon request, Voxtel will gladly assist customers in implementing the proper controls to ensure safe and reliable operation of detectors in their system. Voxtel, Inc., 15985 NW Schendel Avenue, #200, Beaverton, OR 97006,, T 971.223.5646, F 503.296.2862 Metolius BSI™ InGaAs P-I-N Submounted Photodiode Dies PPE-1000 Series Specifications—Submounted Dies 1150-μm 650-μm 300-μm PPE1-SBZA PPE1-RBZA PPE1-QBZA Min Noise Spectral Density Dark Current 1 Dark Current Dependence on Temperature 2 Total Capacitance 3 Max. Instantaneous Optical Input 1 2 3 Typical Max Min 27 1.7 2.2 Typical Max Min 20 2.6 0.9 1.2 Typical Units Max fA/Hz 1/2 13 1.7 0.4 0.5 1.0 nA 0.30 0.30 0.30 dB/K 38 12 2.9 pF 500 est. 100 est. V B i a s = 2 V, T = 2 9 8 K 240 K – 300 K V Bias = 5 V Voxtel, Inc., 15985 NW Schendel Avenue, #200, Beaverton, OR 97006,, T 971.223.5646, F 503.296.2862 50 est. mW 3 InGaAs P-I-N Submounted Photodiode Dies Metolius BSI™ PPE-1000 Series Mechanical Information—Submounted Dies The submount for the PPE-1000 series InGaAs P-I-N photodetector is 250-μm-thick aluminum-nitrate. The photodiodes are 350-μm thick. 1150-micron Submounted Die 1490 μm x 1490 μm CATHODE ANODE 1490 μm x 1490 μm CATHODE CATHODE ANODE CATHODE C 4 650-micron Submounted Die 1400 µm 1420 µm 1500 µm 1500 µm 950 µm CATHODE ANODE CATHODE CATHODE ANODE CATHODE C 300-micron Submounted Die 1185 µm 1020 µm 1145 µm 1145 µm 770 µm CATHODE ANODE CATHODE CATHODE ANODE CATHODE C Voxtel, Inc., 15985 NW Schendel Avenue, #200, Beaverton, OR 97006,, T 971.223.5646, F 503.296.2862 Metolius BSI™ InGaAs P-I-N PPE-1000 Series Hermetically Packaged Photodiodes S p e c i f i c a t i o n s —T O - 8 P a c k a g e s w i t h 3 - s t a g e T E C 1150-μm 650-μm 300-μm PPE1-SK AA PPE1-RK AA PPE1-QK AA Min Typical Max Min Typical Max Min Typical Dark Current 1 nA Dark Current Dependence on Temperature 2 2 3 Max fA/Hz 1/2 Noise Spectral Density 1 Units dB/K Total Capacitance 3 pF Max. Instantaneous Optical Input mW 5 V B i a s = 2 V, T = 2 9 8 K 240 K – 300 K V Bias = 5 V M e c h a n i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n —T O - 8 P a c k a g e s w i t h 3 - s t a g e T E C PIN Plane 6.35 ± 0.1 Voxtel, Inc., 15985 NW Schendel Avenue, #200, Beaverton, OR 97006,, T 971.223.5646, F 503.296.2862 Pinout 1) TEC 4) TEC + 9) Temp Sense 10) Temp Sense + 11) PIN Anode (p) 12) PIN Cathode (n) InGaAs P-I-N Metolius BSI™ Hermetically Packaged Photodiodes PPE-1000 Series S p e c i f i c a t i o n s —T O - 4 6 P a c k a g e s 1150-μm 650-μm 300-μm PPE1-SCAA PPE1-RCAA PPE1-QCAA Min Typical Max Min Typical Dark Current 1 6 3 Typical Max nA Dark Current Dependence on Temperature 2 2 Min fA/Hz 1/2 Noise Spectral Density 1 Max Units dB/K Total Capacitance 3 pF Max. Instantaneous Optical Input mW V B i a s = 2 V, T = 2 9 8 K 240 K – 300 K V Bias = 5 V M e c h a n i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n —T O - 4 6 P a c k a g e s Pinout 1) PIN Cathode 2) PIN Anode 3) Ground, T Sense 4) T Sense + Voxtel, Inc., 15985 NW Schendel Avenue, #200, Beaverton, OR 97006,, T 971.223.5646, F 503.296.2862 Metolius BSI™ InGaAs P-I-N Photodiodes PPE-1000 Series Additional Information Impulse Response of 1150-um Photodiode at 2.3 V Reverse Bias Typical Impulse Response—1150-micron device at 2.3 V Reverse Bias -2 2.5 10 -2 Response (arb) 2.0 10 -2 1.5 10 -2 1.0 10 -3 5.0 10 7 0.0 -3 -5.0 10 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Time (ns) Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics 1150-um Photodiodes Capacitance vs. Voltage—1150-micron device -11 6.5 10 #1 #2 #3 -11 6.0 10 Capacitance (F) -11 5.5 10 -11 5.0 10 -11 4.5 10 -11 4.0 10 -11 3.5 10 -11 3.0 10 -11 2.5 10 0 2 4 6 Reverse Bias (V) Voxtel Literature No. PPE-1000 Series, Version date: 3/2014 © Voxtel makes no warranty or representation regarding its products’ specific application suitability and may make changes to the products described without notice. 8 10 InGaAs P-I-N Photodetectors Metolius BSI™ PPE-1000 Series 8 Voxtel Literature No. PPE-1000 Series, Version date: 3/2014 © Voxtel makes no warranty or representation regarding its products’ specific application suitability and may make changes to the products described without notice.
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