GDA BROCHURE.CDR - Realty News India
GDA BROCHURE.CDR - Realty News India
l at ; i qj h v k o k l h ; ; k st u k l k d k j d j sx h n qc Zy v k ; o x Zd sy k sx k sa d k l i u k iathdj.k 01 twu] 2015 ls 30 twu] 2015 rd Jm{O`m~mX {dH$mg àm{YH$aU dh lat;iqjh vkoklh; ;kstuk eksnhuxj esa pkj eaftyk nqcZy vk; oxZ Hkouksa dh ;kstuk ‘w»¶ AmH$f©U • iw.kZr% fodflr {ks= • eksnh eafnj dsoy vk/kk fdeh- dh nwjh ij • jsyos LVs'ku dsoy 1 fdeh- nwj • ,u,p&58 ls dsoy 1-5 fdeh- dh nwjh ij • cl LVSaM ds utnhd • lHkh lq[k lqfo/kkvksa ls lqlfTtr • vkoaVu rd dsoy 20% jkf'k ns;] 80% jkf'k 20 o"kksZa rd 80 frekgh fd'rksa esa vkoaVu gsrq iathdj.k iqfLrdk EH$ gwÝXa eha, h_mam g§H$ën xkft;kckn fodkl çkf/kdj.k xkft;kckn&201 001 ¼m-ç-½ GHAZIABAD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GHAZIABAD 201001 (U.P.) xkft;kckn fodkl çkf/kdj.k dh lat;iqjh vkoklh; ;kstuk eksnh uxj esa nqcZy vk; oxZ ¼bZ-MCY;w-,l-½ Hkouksa ds vkoaVu gsrq iathdj.k 2-00 Registration for allotment in Sanjaypuri residential flats Modi Nagar (EWS) scheme of Ghaziabad Development Authority. ;kstuk dk dksM lat;iqjh 3-00 ;kstuk dk fooj.k 3-10 fLFkfr 2.00 845 Sanjaypuri mDr ;kstuk çkf/kdj.k ds fodkl {ks= esa fnYyh ds lehi fLFkr gSA 3-20 3-40 3.00 DETAILS OF SCHEME 3.10 LOCATION Hkouksa dk vuqekfur {ks=Qy 3.20 Hkouksa dh la[;k dk fooj.k i`"B 13 ij rkfydk la[;k&1 ds dkWye la[;k 8 esa n'kkZ;k x;k gSA Hkouksa dh la[;k esa fcuk fdlh iwoZ lwpuk ds ifjorZu fd;k tk ldrk gSA 3.30 Hkouksa dk vuqekfur ewY; 3.40 4-10 vkosnd Hkkjr dk ukxfjd gksA 4-20 ;kstuk esa vkosnu djus dh vafre frfFk ij vkosnd dh vk;q 18 o"kZ ls de u gksA 4-30 vkosnd ;k mlds ifjokj ¼ifjokj dk rkRi;Z vkosnd] mlds ifr@iRuh rFkk vo;Ld cPpksa ls gS½ ds ikl ç'uxr vfHkdj.k ds fodkl {ks= esa fodkl çkf/kdj.k] vkokl&fodkl] lgdkjh lfefr vkfn }kjk fodflr dkWyksfu;ksa esa jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= ds varxZr dksbZ viuk ESTIMATED NUMBER OF FLATS Details of No. of flats are given in page no. 13, col. 9 of Table No. 1. Number of flats can be changed without any prior information. Hkouksa dk vuqekfur ewY; i`"B 13 ij rkfydk la[;k 1 ds dkWye la[;k 6 esa n'kkZ;k x;k gSA bl ewY; ij lsokdj dk Hkqxrku vyx ls djuk gksxkA xzkárk ESTIMATED AREA OF FLATS Details of area of flats are given in page no. 13, col. No. 5 table No. 1. Hkouksa dh vuqekfur la[;k 4-00 845 These schemes are situated in the development area of the authority near Delhi. Hkouksa dk {ks=Qy i`"B 13 ij rkfydk la[;k 1 ds dkWye la- 5 esa n'kkZ;k x;k gSA 3-30 THE SCHEME CODE ESTIMATED COST OF FLATS Estimated cost of Flats are given in page no. 13, col. no. 6 of table no. 1. This cost is excluding of service tax. 01 4.00 ELIGIBILITY 4.10 The applicant must be a citizen of India. 4.20 Applicant should not to less then 18 years on the last date of submission of application form. 4.30 The applicant or his/her family (family means applicant, his wife/her husband and minor children) must not own any residential plot/house in any colony developed by Development Authority, Housing Board, Improvement Trust, any Hkw[k.M@Hkou ugha gksuk pkfg, rFkk mÙkj çns'k ds vU; fdlh uxj vFkok 'kgjh {ks= esa mijksDr vfHkdj.kksa }kjk fodflr dkWyksfu;kas esa ,d ls vf/kd Hkw[k.M@Hkou ugha gksuk pkfg,A 4-40 4-50 5-00 local body, co-operative society within National Capital Region. He/she must also not hold more than one plot/house developed by above said bodies in any other city/town of U.P. ftu O;fDr;ksa us xkft;kckn fodkl çkf/kdj.k dh fofHkUu ;kstukvksa ds varxZr igys ls gh iathdj.k djok;k gqvk gS] rFkk vHkh vkoaVu ugha gqvk gS ,sls O;fDr Hkh fu/kkZfjr iathdj.k 'kqYd tek djk dj vkosnu dj ldrs gSa fdUrq mUgas bl ;kstuk ds varxZr vU; yksxksa ds led{k gh ekuk tk;sxkA ,sls vkosndksa dks vius iwoZ iathdj.k o ;kstukvksa dk LiLV mYys[k vkosnu esa djuk gksxkA ;fn fdlh O;fDr ¼O;fDr fo'ks"k½ vFkok ifjokj ds vkfJr lnL;ksa esa ls fdlh Hkh ,d lnL; dk ,d ls T;knk ;kstuk esa vkoaVu gks tkrk gS rks og O;fDr vkoafVr lEifÙk esa ls ek= ,d lEifÙk dks gh j[k ldrk gS] vU; vkoafVr lEifÙk;ksa ds fo:) tek /kujkf'k fcuk fdlh dVkSrh ds okfil dj nh tk;sxhA vkosnu dSls djsa vkosnu i=@fooj.k iqfLrdk fu;e o 'krksaZ lfgr fnukad 01-06-2015 ls 30-06-2015 rd vkbZ-lh-vkbZ-lhvkbZ- cSad] LVsV cSad vkWQ bafM;k] ,fDll cSad] ,p-Mh,Q-lh- cSad] bUMlbaM cSad] fot;k cSad] cSad vkWQ cM+kSnk dh fuEufyf[kr 'kk[kkvksa ls #- 300@& ds Hkqxrku ij çkIr fd;k tk ldrk gSA fof/kor~ :i ls Hkjk gqvk ,oa gLrk{kfjr vkosnu i= iathdj.k jkf'k] tks cSad Mªk¶V ds :i esa Lohdkj gksxh] ds lkFk vkbZ-lh-vkbZlh-vkbZ- cSad] LVsV cSad vkWQ bafM;k] ,fDll cSad] ,pMh-,Q-lh- cSad] bUMlbaM cSad] fot;k cSad] cSad vkWQ cM+kSnk ds fuEufyf[kr 'kk[kkvksa esa cSad ds dk;Zfnol ds nkSjku fnukad 30-06-2015 rd tek djk;s tk ldrs gSaA cSad Mªk¶V mik/;{k] xkft;kckn fodkl çkf/kdj.k ds i{k esa ns; rFkk xkft;kckn@fnYyh esa Hkqxrku ;ksX; gksuk pkfg,A psd ds ek/;e ls Hkqxrku Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA vkbZ-lh-vkbZ-lh-vkbZ- cSad ds ek/;e ls vkosnu i= vkWuykbu Hkh [kjhns tk ldrs gSaA osclkbV W ykbuß ij miyC/k ÞckbZ vku fodYi dks pqudj ØsfMV dkMZ@MsfcV dkMZ@baVjusV cSafdax ds }kjk dher #- 300@& vnk dj vkosnu i=@czks'kj@cqdysV MkmuyksM fd;k tk ldrk gSA vkWuykbu vkosnu dh O;oLFkk% 4.40 Persons who are already registered with the G.D.A. under its schemes may also apply under Ibis scheme by paying registration amount, such applicants will be considered at par with others in this scheme. These applicants must clearly mention their old registration number and scheme details. 4.50 If a person or his/her family gets allotment in more than one scheme, he/she will get full refund of the money deposited for all other properties without any deduction except one which he/she wants to retain. 5.00 HOW TO APPLY The application form along with terms and conditions will be available from under list branches of ICICI Bank, State Bank of India, Axis bank, HDFC Bank, Indusind Bank, Vijaya Bank & Bank of Baroda w.e.f. 01.06.2015 to 30.06.2015 on Payment of Rs. 300.00 only. The Application form duly signed and completed in all respect along with registration amount which will be acceptable in form of Bank Draft Should be submitted to any branch of ICICI Bank, State Bank of India, Axis bank, HDFC Bank, Indusind Bank, Vijaya Bank & Bank of Baroda during the working hours of the bank till 30.06.2015. Bank order must be made in favour of Vice Chairman, GDA, Ghaziabad payable at Ghaziabad/Delhi. Payment made thorugh cheque shall not be accepted. Application form can be purchased on-line through ICIC Bank. Application form/Brochure/ Booklet can be downloaded on payment of Rs. 300/- through Credit card /Debit Card / Internet banking by selecting the “Buy-online” option available on our website Arrangement for Submission of Online Applications: vkosnu i= lh/kk çkf/kdj.k dh osclkbV ls Hkh Hkjk tk Application can be directly filled online on the 02 ldrk gSA çkf/kdj.k dh osclkbV ij QkeZ Hkjus dh fLFkfr esa vkosnu 'kqYd lh/kk osclkbV ij vkWuykbu gh tek djuk gksxkA vkWuykbu Hkjs x, QkeZ dk fçaV rFkk vko';d vfHkys[kksa dh ewy çfr bR;kfn iathÑr Mkd ds ek/;e ls fuEu irs ij Hkstus gksaxs% website of the Authority. In case of online application on the website of the Authority, application money should be deposited online. Printout of the duly–filled application form along with other necessary original documents should be sent by registerd post to the following address: la;qDr lfpo Joint Secretary eq[; Hkou] xkft;kckn fodkl çkf/kdj.k] fodkl ekxZ] fudV iqjku cl vM~Mk xkft;kckn&201001 mÙkj çns'k Main building, Ghaziabad Development Authority, Vikas Marg, Near Old Bus Stand , Ghaziabad – 201001, Uttar Pradesh vkbZ-lh-vkbZ-lh-vkbZ cSad dh 'kk[kk,a% xkft;kckn Braches of ICICI bank: % lh&6] yksfg;k uxj] xkft;kckn ¼uksMy 'kk[kk½] Qksu 9212800102] 9560905797 Ghaziabad % vkj-Mh-lh- jktuxj] xkft;kckn : RDC, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad % ,-th-&1] IykWV ua- 3] vkfnR; flVh lsUVj] oSHko [kaM] bafnjkiqje] xkft;kckn ukS,Mk : C-6, Lohia Nagar, Ghaziabad (Nodal Branch) Ph.: 9212800102, 9560905797 : Plot No.3, Aditya City Center, vaibhav Khand, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad Noida % 'kkWfçDl ekWy] lSDVj&61] ukS,Mk : Shopprix mall, Sector – 61, Noida : K/1, Senior Mall Sector – 18 Noida % ds&1] lhfu;j ekWy] lSDVj&18] uks,Mk Greater Noida xzsVj uks,Mk % Ñ".kk vijk jkW;y Iyktk] Mh&2] ¼,lhch½] vYQk&1] xzsVj uks,Mk : Krishna Apra Roayal plaza, D-2, E (ACB), Alpha -1, Greater Noida Muradnagar eqjknuxj % [kljk ua- 94] xk;=hiqje] m[kykjlh] fnYyh esjB jksM] eqjknuxj : Khasra No.: 94, Gayatri Puram, Ukhalarsi, Delhi – Meerut Road, Muradnagar, Ghaziabad eksnhuxj % IykV ua- 79@1] th-Vh- jksM] vEcj flus e k ds lkeus ] eks n huxj] xkft;kckn 01232&645032 Modinagar : Plot No. 79/1, G. T. Road Opp. Amber Cinema, Modinagar, Ghaziabad 01232-645032 ubZ fnYyh % 9,] QsYil fcfYMax] buj ldZy] dukWV Iysl] ubZ fnYyh New Delhi : 9A, Pheleps Building, Inner Circle, Cannaught Place, New Delhi Branches of State Bank of India LVsV cSad vkWQ bafM;k dh 'kk[kk,a% xkft;kckn % jktuxj ¼uksMy 'kk[kk½] 0120&2823445] 2821556 Qksu Ghaziabad : Raj Nagar, (Nodal Branch), Ph.: 012028234453, 2821556 ,fDll cSad dh 'kk[kk,a% Branches of Axis Bank: xkft;kckn Ghaziabad % IykWV ua- 111] ,u@30] vEcsMdj jkM s ] ugs: uxj] xkft;kckn ¼ukM s y 'kk[kk½] Qkus 0120&2756536 % usg: uxj] xkft;kckn : Plot No.: 111, N/30, Ambedkar Road, Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad, (Nodal Branch) Ph.: 0120-2756536 : Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad 03 ,p-Mh-,Q-lh- cSad dh 'kk[kk,a% xkft;kckn % Mh&44] vkjMhlh xkft;kckn Branches of HDFC bank jktuxj] Ghaziabad Branches of Indusind Bank: baMlbaM cSad dh 'kk[kk,a% fnYyh : D-44, RDC, Rajnagar, Ghaziabad Delhi % lh&61] çhr fogkj] fodkl ekxZ] fnYyh Qksu% 011&22051664 : C-61, Preet Vihar, Vikas Marg, Delhi, Ph.: 011-22051664 fot;k cSad dh 'kk[kk,a% Branches of Vijaya bank: xkft;kckn Ghaziabad % 35 uo;qx ekdsZV] ¼uksMy 'kk[kk½] xkft;kckn] Qksu 0120&2790382] 2791419 : 35, Navyug Market, Ghaziabad (Nodal Branch) Ph.: 0120-2790382, 2791419 cSad vkWQ cM+kSnk dh 'kk[kk,a% Branches of Bank of Baroda xkft;kckn% 188] xka/kh uxj] xkft;kckn] Qksu 0120&2851728 Ghaziabad bykgkckn cSad dh 'kk[kk,a% Branches of Allahabad Bank xkft;kckn% 55] uo;qx ekdsZV] xkft;kckn] Qksu 0120&2830909 Ghaziabad 6-00 vkoaVu /kujkf'k 6.00 ykWVjh MªkW ds vk/kkj ij lQy vkosndksa dks vkoafVr Hkou ds vuqekfur ewY; dk 20 çfr'kr ¼jftVªs'ku dh /kujkf'k lek;ksftr djrs gq,½ vkoaVu i= tkjh gksus dh frfFk ls 2 ekg dh vof/k ds vUnj vkWuykbZu vFkok is&vkMZj@cSad Mªk¶V }kjk tek djkuk gksxk] ftlesa vkosnu i= ds lkFk tek dh xbZ iathdj.k jkf'k ¼iathdj.k 'kqYd #- 50@& dks NksM+dj½ lek;ksftr dj fy;k tk,xkA 6-20 : 55, Navyug Market, Ghaziabad Ph.:0120-2830909 ALLOTMENT AMOUNT Successful candidates in lottery draw will have to deposit 20% ( with adjustment of registration money) of the cost of the flat, On-line/by payorder/ Bank draft, within two month from the date of issue of allotment letter. The registration amount (excluding registration fee Rs. 50/-) paid at the time of registration will be adjusted in this amount. 6.20 fd'rsa vkoaVu i= tkjh gksus ds mijkar 'ks"k 80 çfr'kr /kujkf'k 20 o"kksZa esa 80 =Sekfld fd'rksa esa 7-50 çfr'kr C;kt lfgr ns; gksxhA C;kt ,oa lsokdj dks fd'rksa esa tksM+dj Hkqxrku fooj.k rS;kj fd;k tk,xkA C;kt dh x.kuk #i, ds fudVre iw.kkZad esa gksxhA fd'rksa ls lacaf/kr /kujkf'k vkWuykbZu tek dh tk ldsxhA vkWuykbZu ds vfrfjDr fd'rksa dk Hkqxrku is&vkMZj@cSad Mªk¶V ds ek/;e ls vkbZ-lh-vkbZ-lhvkbZ- cSad dh fdlh Hkh 'kk[kk esa vFkok xkft;kckn esa fot;k cSad] uo;qx ekdsZV esa fdlh Hkh dk;Z fnol esa çkr% 10 cts ls 2 cts rd esa tek fd;k tk ldrk gSA Mªk¶V mik/;{k] xkft;kckn fodkl çkf/kdj.k ds i{k esa ns; xkft;kckn esa Hkqxrku ;ksX; gksuk pkfg,A fdlh Hkh n'kk esa pSd Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA 6-30 : 188, Gandhi Nagar, Ghaziabad Ph.: 0120-4373862 INSTALMENTS After the allotment, balance 80% amount shall be payable in 20years in 80 quarterly instalments with 7.5% interest. The instalments shall be fixed including the interest and service tax. Interest shall be calculated in round figure. Instalments can be deposited On-line or by pay order/bank draft in any branches of ICICI Bank, or following branches of various bank in Ghaziabad i.e. Vijaya Bank, Navyug Market on any working day during 10 am to 2 pm Bank Draft/payorder must be in favour of Vice-Chairman, G.D.A. payable at Ghaziabad Payment made through cheque will not be accepted. vkoaVu jkf'k@fd'rksa ds Hkqxrku gsrq ns; jkf'k dh 6.30 04 Grace period of one month shall be given for fu/kkZfjr frfFk ds ckn ,d ekg dh vuqxzg vof/k nh tk,xh rFkkfi ;fn ns; frfFk dks fd'r dh fdlh Hkh fiNyh /kujkf'k dk Hkqxrku 'ks"k jgrk gS rks vfxze fd'r ij dksbZ vuqxzg vof/k ugha nh tk,xh rFkk Hkqxrku dh ewy ns; frfFk ls 10-50 çfr'kr n.M C;kt dk Hkqxrku djuk gksxkA Hkou ds ifjR;kx ds fy, vuqxzg vof/k ugh nh tk;sxhA vuqxzg vof/k dsoy fd'rksa ds Hkqxrku djus ds fy, gSaA le; foLrkj ds çkFkZuki= Lohdkj ugha fd, tk,axsA 6-40 payment of allotment amount/instalments after the due date. However, if any previous amount of instalment stands unpaid on the due date, no grace period will be admissible on the current instalment. If the payment is made after grace period, 10.50% interest shall be payable w.e.f. the original due date of payment. Grace period is allowed only for the installments. Applications for extension of time for payment of allotment and installments amount shall not be entertained. ,deq'r Hkqxrku ij NwV 6.40 vkoaVu i= tkjh gksus dh frfFk ls 60 fnuksa esa vo'ks"k /kujkf'k ,deq'r Hkqxrku djus ij Hkou ds dqy ewY; ij 5 çfr'kr dh NwV nh tk,xhA 6-50 5% discount will be given in case of balance payment is made within 60 days of the issuing date of the allotment letter. iSuy C;kt 6.50 ;fn xkft;kckn fodkl çkf/kdj.k dks ns; /kujkf'k dk Hkqxrku fu/kkZfjr le; lhek ds Hkhrj ugha fd;k tkrk gS rks 10-50 çfr'kr dh okf"kZd nj ls iSuy C;kt lfgr ns; jkf'k dk Hkqxrku djuk gksxkA iSuy C;kt dh x.kuk çfrfnu ds fglkc ls dh tk,xhA 7-00 leiZ.k@fujLrhdj.k 7-10 lkekU; ifjfLFkfr esa ykWVjh MªkW ls iwoZ iathdj.k /kujkf'k okil ugha dh tk;sxhA MªkW ls iwoZ iathdj.k /kujkf'k okilh ds laca/k esa mik/;{k] xkft;kckn fodkl çkf/kdj.k dk fu.kZ; vafre gksxkA 7-20 7-30 ONE TIME PAYMENT DISCOUNT PANEL INTEREST If the amount payable to Ghaziabad Development Authority is not paid within time, penal interest @ 10.50% per annum shall be payable along with the payable amount. Panel interest will be calculated on day basis. 7.00 SURRENDER/CANCELLATION 7.10 In normal circumstance the registration amount will not be refunded before lottery draw. For refund of registration amount before the draw of lottery, the decision of Vice Chairman, GDA, will be final. ;fn fdlh vkosnd }kjk vkoafVr Hkou dk leiZ.k vkoaVu frfFk ds 6 ekg ds vanj fd;k tkrk gS rFkk fu;e o 'krksZa dk mYya?ku ugha djrk gS] rks ml fLFkfr esa iathdj.k jkf'k dh 10 çfr'kr /kujkf'k dVkSrh dj 'k"sk /kujkf'k fcuk C;kt ds okil dj nh tk;x s hA /kujkf'k okilh gsrq leLr ewy çi= o ewy jlhn nsuh gksxhA 7.20 If any applicant surrenders the allotted flat within 6 months of allotment and he/she is not a defaulter on account of any breach of any terms and conditions, then 10% of the registration amount shall be forfeited and the balance amounts shall be refunded without any interest. All original documents and receipt will have to be submitted for refund. ;fn fdlh vkosnd }kjk vkoafVr Hkou dk leiZ.k vkoaVu frfFk ds 6 ekg ds vUnj fd;k tkrk gS ijUrq vkj{k.k jkf'k o ns; fd'r tek ugha djrk gS vFkok fdlh vU; fu;e o 'krksZa ds mYya?ku ds vk/kkj ij xkft;kckn fodkl çkf/kdj.k }kjk vkoaVu fujLr dj fn;k tkrk gS rks iathdj.k jkf'k dh 25 çfr'kr /kujkf'k tCr dj yh tk;sxh vkSj 'ks"k /kujkf'k fcuk C;kt ds okil dj nh tk;sxhA 7.30 If any applicant surrenders the allotted flat within 6 months of allotment but does not pay allotment money and due installment amount or breaches any term & conditions or his allotments is cancelled by G.D.A. on account of any breach of any terms and conditions, then 25% of the allotment amount shall be forfeited and the balance amount shall be refunded without any interest 05 7-40 vkoaVu frfFk ls 6 ekg ds i'pkr fdlh Hkh çdkj ds leiZ.k@fujLrhdj.k dh n'kk esa lEiw.kZ iathdj.k /kujkf'k tCr dj yh tk,xh vkSj 'ks"k /kujkf'k ;fn dksbZ gks rks fcuk C;kt ds okil dj nh tk,xhA 7.40 In case of any surrender/cancellation after 6 months from the date of allotment, the whole of registration money shall be forfeited and balance amount, if any, shall be refunded without interest. 7-50 ;fn vkoaVh dCts dh fu/kkZfjr frfFk rd Hkou dk dCtk ugha ysrk gS rks #- 800@& çfrekg pkSdhnkjh 'kqYd ns; gksxk rFkk çR;sd o"kZ 01 vçSy ls 10 çfr'kr dh Lor% c<+ksrjh dh tkrh jgsxh ,oa 3 ekg rd dCtk u ysus ij vkoaVu fujLr dj fn;k tk,xk ,oa /kkjk 7-40 ds vuqlkj dVkSrh dj 'ks"k /kujkf'k fcuk C;kt ds okil dj nh tk;sxhA 7.50 If the allottee does not take the possession of the flat on due date, Chowkidari charge @ Rs. 800/- per month shall be charged and will be increased automatically by 10% every year from 01 April. In case of possession is not taken till three months from the due date, allotment shall be cancelled and action shall be taken as per clause 7.40 and balance amount would be refunded without interest. 7-60 Hkqxrku fooj.k ds vuqlkj 3 =Sekfld fd'rsa yxkrkj vnk u djus ij Hkou dk fu;ekuqlkj vkoaVu fujLr djus dk vf/kdkj çkf/kdj.k dks gksxkA 7.60 The authority shall have the right to cancel the allotment of flat as per rule if there is default in payment of three consecutive instalments according to the payment schedule. 8-00 vk; dksM 8.00 INCOME CODE nqcZy vk; oxZ gsrq vkosnd ds ifjokj dh okf"kZd vk; leLr lzksrksa ls #- 1]20]000 ls vf/kd ugha gksuh pkfg,A vk; dksM 04 gSA ;kstuk çkjaHk gksus dh frfFk ls 6 ekg ds iowZ tkjh g,q vk; çek.k i= ekU; ugha gkx s kA vkonsudrkZ dks jkT; ljdkj }kjk çkf/kÑr vf/kdkjh ds gLrk{kj ls fuxZr vk; ç çLrqr djuk vfuok;Z gksxkA The gross annual income of the EWS applicant shall not be more then 1.20 Lacs from all sources of the family of applicant. Each applicant is required to produce the income certificate issued by the competent Authority of the State Govt. Any income certificate issued before 6 months of the start of scheme will not be considered valid. 9-00 dksVk 9.00 QUOTA 9-10 'kklukns'k ds vuqlkj fuEukuqlkj vkj{k.k dh lqfo/kk nh tk;sxhA 9.10 As per Govt. order reservation facility will be given in following way: Ø-la- dksM 1- vuqlwfpr tkfr 2- S.No. Quota Description Code çfr'kr 1. Scheduled Caste 02 21% 02 21% 2. Scheduled Tribe 03 2% vuqlwfpr tu tkfr 03 2% 3. Other Backward Class 04 27% 3- vU; fiNM+k oxZ 04 27% 4. 4- j{kk dkfeZd ,oa ljdkjh deZpkjh ftudh vk;q 50 o"kZ ls vf/kd gks Defence Persons, Persons in Govt. Service who have Attained the age of 50 years. 5 6- (a) Defence Persons ¼d½ j{kk dkfeZd 05 ¼[k½ ljdkjh deZpkjh 06 ¼d½ Lora=rk lsukuh 08 ¼[k½ laln lnL;] fo/kkulHkk@ fo/kku ifj"kn lnL; 09 ¼d½ m-ç- fodkl çkf/kdj.k dep Z kjh 10 } } 05 (b) Persons in Govt. Servic 06 5% 5. 5% 6. 2% (a) Freedom Fighters 08 (b) MP/MLA/MLC 09 (a) U.P. Development Authority Employees 10 (b) U.P. Municipality/City 11 Board Employees 06 Percentage } 5% } 5% 2% ¼[k½ flVh cksMZ deZPkkjh 11 ¼x½ m-ç- uxj fuxe deZpkjh 12 ¼?k½ m-ç- ty laLFkku deZpkjh 13 ¼M½ m-ç- gkmflax cksMZ deZpkjh 14 ¼p½ m-ç- uxj ,oa xkze fu;kt s u ds deZpkjh ¼m-ç- uxj ,oa xzke 15 (c) U.P. Nagar Nigam Employees (d) U.P. Jal Sansthan Employees (e) U.P. Jal Sansthan Employees (f) U.P. City Village planning's Employees fu;kstu foHkkx ds os deZpkjh lfEefyr gksaxs ftUgksaus de ls de 10 o"kZ dh fujUrj lsok iw.kZ dj yh gks½ ¼N½ vkokl cU/kq m-ç- deZpkjh 12 13 14 15 (Those employees of U.P. 15 City& Village planning Department, who have finished minimum 10 years In regular service will be included.) 16 (g) Awas Bandhu of U.P. Employees ¼vkokl cU/kq m-ç- ds os deZpkjh lfEefyr gksaxs ftUgksaus de ls de 2 o"kZ fujUrj lsok iw.kZ dj yh gks½ 16 (Those employees of Awas Bandhu of U.P. who have finished minimum 2 years in regular service will be included.) 7- HkwriwoZ lSfud ,oa muds vkfJr 17 3% 9-20 {kSfrt vkj{k.k 1- fodykx a vkonsdkas dks 'kklukn'sk l-a 786@8&1&08&25 fofo/k@07 fnukd a 30-01-2008 ,oa 3645@8&1&2011&25 fofo/k@07 fnukad 19-12-2011 ds vuqlkj dqy ?kksf"kr Hkouksa dh la[;k dk 3 çfr'kr {kSfrt vkj{k.k fn;k tk,xkA fodykax vkosndksa dks fodykax gksus dk çek.k i= Hkh çLrqr djuk gksxkA 2- 7. Ex-Servicemen and their dependents 17 3% 9.20 Horizontal Reservation 1. As per GO No. 786/8-1-08-25 vividh/07 dated 30.01.2008 and GO No. 3645/8-1-2011-25 vividh/07 dated 19.12.2011, handicapped applicants will be given 3% horizontal reservation of total flats. Such applicants are required to produce certificated of their being handicapped. ofj"B ukxfjdksa dks dqy ?kksf"kr Hkouksa dh la[;k dk 10 çfr'kr {kSfrt vkj{k.k fn;k tk,xkA ,sls ofj"B ukxfjdksa dks ofj"B ukxfjd gksus ls laca/kh vk;q ç çLrqr djuk gksxk ,oa vkosnu i= esa vkjf{kr dksVk dksM Hkh Hkjuk vfuok;Z gksxkA ofj"B ukxfjd ls rkRi;Z ;g gS fd ;kstuk çkjaHk gksus dh frfFk dks mldh vk;q 60 o"kZ ls de u gksA 2. Senior citizens will also get 10% horizontal reservation of total declared flats. Such applicants are required to produce age certificate with regard to senior citizen and enter quota code in application form. Senior citizen implies those applicants who are not below 60 years on the date of start of scheme. 9-30 vkosnu gsrq vkosnd dks QksVks ,oa gLrk{kj dh LdSu dkWih viyksM djuh gksxhA vU; lHkh okafNr vfHkys[k@lfVZfQdsV dh çfr ykWVjh esa lQy gksus ij çkf/kdj.k esa çLrqr djuh gksxhA 9.30 The applicant is required to upload the photo and scan copy of signature. Copy of all necessary certificates/documents are requires to be produced before the authority on being successful in the draw. 9-40 fodykax vFkok ofj"B ukxfjd gksus dk l{ke vf/kdkjh ls tkjh ç çLrqr u fd;s tkus dh n'kk esa vkosnu i= fujLr dj fn;k tk,xkA 9.40 In case the applicant fails to produce 'handicapped' or 'Senior citizen' certificate issued by competent authority, the application will be declared invalid. 10-00 lkekU; vkosnd 10.00 GENERAL APPLICANTS vkjf{kr ds vkoaVu ds i'pkr 'ks"k Hkouksa dk vkoaVu lkekU; ds varxZr iathÑr vkosndksa ds e/; fu;e 11-00 esa fu/kkZfjr çfØ;k ds vuqlkj fd;k After allotment of reserved category, remaining flats shall be allotted to the persons registered under general category as per provision of point 07 tk,xkA lkekU; ds varxZr vkosnu djus okys vkosnd vius vkosnu i= dh en la[;k 14 ds varxZr dksM 01 HkjsaA 11.00 of brochure. Applicants applying under general category should fill 01 as quota code in their applications against item No. 14 of the application form. 11-00 Mªk çfØ;k 11.00 DRAW PROCEDURE 11-10 ;kstuk dh ykWVjh MªkW N% ekg esa fd;k tkuk çLrkfor gSA 11.10 Lottery Draw of the scheme is proposed within six months. 11-20 ;kstuk ds Mªk ds le; mifLFkr jgus ds bPNqd vkosndksa dh mifLFkfr eas eSU;wvy çfØ;k }kjk MªkW fudkydj Hkou dk vkoaVu fd;k tk,xkA ykVjh dh frfFk ,oa LFkku dh lwpuk O;fDr fo'ks"k dks vyx ls ugha nh tk;sxhA mDr lwpuk dk çdk'ku lekpkj i=ksa@osclkbV ds ek/;e ls fd;k tk,xkA fdlh Hkh vkosnd }kjk fdlh Hkou fo'ks"k gsrq dksbZ Hkh nkok Lohdkj ugha gksxkA 11.20 The reservation/allotment of flat will be made by a manual draw in the presence of the applicants, who wish to be present. No information regarding date and place for lottery shall be given individually. This information shall be published in the newspapers / on website. No request for specific flat by any applicant shall be entertained. 12.00 UNSUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS 12-00 vlQy vkosnd ftu vkosndksa dks Hkou vkoafVr ugha gks ikrs gSa vkSj ftudh tek jkf'k ,d o"kZ ls de vof/k ds fy, xkft;kckn fodkl çkf/kdj.k ds ikl tek gS mUgsa iathdj.k jkf'k fcuk C;kt ds okfil dj nh tk,xhA 12.10 With regard to the unsuccessful applicants whose deposit is lying with GDA for less than 1 year, the amount will be refunded without interest. 12-20 ;fn çkf/kdj.k }kjk bl ;kstuk dk Mªk iathdj.k dh vafre frfFk ds ,d o"kZ ds vUnj dj fy;k tkrk gS rks tek iathdj.k jkf'k ij dksbZ C;kt ns; ugha gksxkA ;fn Mªk ,d o"kZ i'pkr fd;k tkrk gS rks iathdj.k dh vfUre frfFk ls Mªk dh frfFk rd 3-5 çfr'kr lk/kkj.k C;kt ns; gksxkA 12.20 If the draw is held within 1 year, no interest on deposit will be given. In case the draw is held after 1 year from the start of the scheme, 3.5% simple interest from the last date of registration will be given. 12-30 12.30 The registration amount shall be refunded after one month of draw online by nodal branches through Draft/Cheque or Online in unsuccessful applicants account. 12-10 vlQy vkosndksa dks iathdj.k jkf'k vkosnd ds cSad [kkrs eas ,d ekg ds ckn vkWuykbZu vFkok cSad Mª¶V@psd }kjk lacaf/kr cSad dh uksMy 'kk[kk ds ek/;e ls okil dj nh tk,xhA 13.00 REPRESENTAT1ON OR SUPPRESSION OF FACTS 13-00 feF;k vH;kosnu vFkok rF;ksa dk Nqikuk ;fn ;g ik;k tkrk gS fd vkosnd }kjk xyr lwpuk,a nh xbZ gS vFkok mlus fdUgh okLrfod RkF;ksa dks Nqik;k gS rks iathdj.k ds lkFk&lkFk Hkou dk vkoaVu vkosnd dks fcuk crk;s fujLr dj fn;k tk,xk rFkk mls Hkfo"; esa gksus okys Mªk ls oafpr dj fn;k tk,xk ,oa iathdj.k jkf'k dks tCr dj fy;k tk,xkA If it is found that the applicant has given incorrect information or suppressed any material fact, the allotment will be cancelled without any communication to the applicant and he/she will be debarred from participating in future draws. Further his/her registration amount shall be forfeited. 08 14-00 varj.k i)fr 14.00 TRANSFER PATTERN 14-10 Hkouksa dk vkoaVu 90 o"kZ ds iVV~s ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tk,xkA yht fdjk;k] Hkwfe ewY; dk 10 izfr'kr gksxkA ;fn vafre ewY; vuqekfur ewY; ls c<+rk gS rks vuqekfur ewY; ,oa vafre ewY; ds varj dh jkf'k dCtk@ iV~Vk vuqca/k ls iwoZ ns; gksxhA 14.10 Allotment of Flat shall be given on lease hold basis for 90 years. Lease rent 10% of land cost and difference of the estimated cost & final cost will be payable at the time of possession/execution of lease agreement. 14-20 Hkouksa dk foØ; vkoaVu dh frfFk ls 10 o"kZ rd fdlh Hkh n'kk esa vuqeU; ugha gksxkA D;ksfd Hkou ds ewY;kadu esa nqcZy vk; oxZ ds fgrksa dks n`f"Vxr j[krs gq, NwV çnku dh xbZ gSA 14.20 Transfer of flats will not be permissible for the next 10 years from the date of allotment because while giving this rebate the pricing/cost is kept for the benefit of EWS category. 15-00 dCtk 15.00 POSSESSION bl ;kstuk esa Hkou dk dCtk fu/kkZfjr ewY; dk 20 izfr'kr jkf'k ,oa yht fdjk;k tek djkus ds mijkUr vuqca/k foys[k iath;u ds ckn fn;k tk,xk ftldk O;; vkoaVh }kjk ogu fd;k tk,xkA 15-10 vkoaVh dks le; le; ij ykxw gksus okys leLr E;wfufliy dj ,oa vU; dj tks LFkkuh; fudk; ;k 'kklu }kjk fu;e ,oa mifu;e ds varxZr yxk;s tkrs gS] dk Hkqxrku dCtk ysus dh frfFk ls le; ij djuk gksxkA 15-20 vkoaVh fo|qr dusD'ku o ikuh dk dusD'ku lEcaf/kr foHkkxksa ls vius [kpsZ ij Lo;a ysxkA Possession of house shall be given to the allottee on the payment of 20% of the premium of house, lease rent and registration of agreement deed. The cost of lease deed/lease agreement shall be borne by the allottee. 15.10 Allottee shall pay all the municipal taxes and any other taxes which may be charged by Government or any local bodies from time to time according to laws and bye-laws from the date of possession. 15.20 Allottee, himself/herself, will apply for the electricity/ water connection to the concerned department at his/her own expenses. 16-00 iV~Vk foys[k 16.00 LEASE DEED vkoaVh dks leLRk ewY; tek djkus ds mijkUr 3 eghus ds vanj leLRk vkSipkfjdrk;sa iw.kZ djkdj vius [kpsZ ij izkf/kdj.k }kjk fu/kkZfjr izk:i esa iV~Vk foys[k fu"ikfnr ,oa iathd`r djkuk vfuok;Z gksxk] vU;Fkk izkf/kdj.k }kjk RkRle; dh xbZ n.MkRed dk;Zokgh vkoaVh dks ekU; gksxhA Allottee, at his/her own cost must complete all formalities and get the lease deed executed and registered in proforma prescribed by the Authority, within three months of paying full cost of the property. Otherwise allottee will face penal proceeding as per prevailing Laws of authority at that time. 17-00 Hkouksa dk iz;ksx 1 17.00 USE OF FLATS vkoaVh }kjk Hkouksa dk iz;ksx dsoy vkoklh; iz;kstu ds fy, gh fd;k tk,xkA The flat shall not be used for any other purpose except residential byte allottee. 18-00 vU; egRoiw.kZ lwpuk,a 18-10 18.00 OTHER IMPORTANT NOTICES vkoaVu rd bl ;kstuk dh fdlh Hkh 'krZ esa la'kks/ku dk vf/kdkj mik/;{k] xkft;kckn fodkl izkf/kdj.k dks 18.10 Vice Chairman, Ghaziabad Development Authority, reserves the right to amend any terms 09 gksxk rFkk ,sls la'kks/ku vkosndksa@ vkoafV;ksa dks ekU; gksaxsA and conditions of the scheme till the time of allotment and such amendment or amendments shall be acceptable and binding on the applicants/allottees. 18-20 rkfydk 1 esa n'kkZ;s x;s Hkouksa ds {ks=Qy esa ifjorZu gks ldrk gSaA ;kstuk ds okLrfod fØ;kUo;u ds le; Hkouksa ds {ks=Qy esa ifjorZu laHko gS tks fd vafre :i ls ckn esa lwfpr fd;k tk,xk ftls vkoaVh dks Lohdkj djuk gksxk rFkk mlds vuqlkj Hkqxrku djuk gksxkA 18.20 Area of flats shown in table-1 may change at the time of actual execution of the scheme. Changed area, will be acceptable to the allottee and payment shall be made accordingly. 18-30 bl ;kstuk ls lacf/kr izR;sd ekeys ij mik/;{k] xkft;kckn fodkl izkf/kdj.k dk fu.kZ; vafre gksxkA 18-40 fdlh Hkh fookn dh n'kk esa U;k;ky; xkft;kckn dks gh vf/kdkj {ks= izkIr gksxkA 18.30 Decision of the Vice-Chairman, Ghaziabad Development Authority will be final in every matter regarding this scheme. 18.40 Ghaziabad courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in case of any disputes. mik/;{k xkft;kckn fodkl izkf/kdj.k Vice-Chairman Ghaziabad Development Authority uksV% Note: • vkosnu i= Hkjus ds fy, ekxZn'kZu fl)kar ,Q- ,- D;w ij ns[ksaA • Guidelines for filling up the application form see on f.a.q • xkft;kckn • Available on "New Property" link in Ghaziabad Development Authority website fodkl izkf/kdj.k dh osclkbV ij fn;s x;s "New Property" fyad ij myC/k gSA 10 vkosnu i= Hkjus ds fy, ekxZn'kZu fl)kUr 1- 2- 3- GUIDELINES FOR FILLING UP THE APPLICATION FORM 1. The application from must be signed by the applicant(s), or by a person duly authorised by a special power of attorney should be on a NonJudicial Paper duly attested by a First Class Magistrate or registered in Sub- Registrar’s office. 2. vkosndksa }kjk vkosnu i= ds dksM vkfn 1]2]3]4]5]6 vkfn Hkjus ds fy, Hkkjrh; la[;kvksa ds varjkZ"Vªh; vadksa dk gh ç;ksx fd;k tkuk pkfg,A dsoy bl çdkj Hkjs gq, dksM ua- dks gh vfHkys[kksa esa fy;k tk,xkA The Applicant(s) should use only international form of Indian numerals in the filling of the application form for writing the codes e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. Only the code number as thus filled-in will be taken into account. 3. bu vkosnu i=ksa dks ,d dEI;wVj ç.kkyh }kjk çksfll fd;k tk,xkA vr% bu QkeksZa dks dsoy vaxzsth ds cM+s v{kjksa esa gh Hkjk tkuk pkfg,A rFkkfi ml ij gLrk{kj fdlh Hkh Hkk"kk esa fd, tk ldrs gSaA The application forms are processed by a computerised system. Hence, these forms should be filled-in ENGLISH BLOCK LETTERS. Only the signature(s) may, however, be in any language 4. Code Number for various items are given in the scheme brochure. 5. Incomplete/Invalid/Illegible applications are likely to be rejected. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. 6. Write only one character (alphabet or digital) in one block. 7. For Name/Address, leave one blank space in a block between any two words. vkosnu i= ij gLrk{kj vkosndksa }kjk Lo;a vFkok mlds }kjk çkf/kÑr fdlh O;fDr }kjk ftls vkosnd }kjk ukWu T;wfMf'k;y LVkEi isij ij fdlh çFke eftLVªsV vFkok lc jftLVªkj dk;kZy; ls iathÑr djkdj ftls fo'ks"k vVksuhZ vf/kdkj fn;k x;k gks] fd;k tkuk pkfg,A 4- fofHkUu enksa ds dksM ua- Ldhe czks'kj esa fn, x, gSaA 5- v/kwjs@voS/k@viBuh; vkosnu i=ksa dks jn~n dj fn;k tk;sxkA bl laca/k esa dksbZ Hkh i= O;ogkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA 6- ,d [kkus esa dsoy ,d o.kZ ¼v{kj vFkok vad½ gh HkjsaA 7- uke@irk ds fy, çR;sd nks 'kCnksa ds chp esa ,d [kkuk [kkyh NksM+saA 8- vkoaVh }kjk Hkfo"; esa fd, tkus okys i= O;ogkj esa vkosnu la[;k] ;kstuk dksM ,oa lEifÙk dksM vo'; fy[kuk pkfg,A tc rd vkosnd dks lEifÙk dksM ugha feyrk gS QkeZ dh Øe la[;k fy[kh tk ldrh gSA 8. In all future correspondence Applications No. Scheme Code 7 property Code should be quoted. However, Form Sl. Number may be quoted till Allottee’s Code is not received. 9. Mkd irs esa gq, fdlh Hkh ifjorZu dh lwpuk ifjofrZr irs dk igpku i=@fuokl çek.k i= lfgr xkft;kckn fodkl çkf/kdj.k dks rRdky nh tkuh pkfg,A Any change in mailing address should be informed immediately to the Ghaziabad Development Authority with the proof of changed Voted I-card/Residential Certificate. 10.00 10-00 vkosnu i= Hkjus ds fy, enokj O;kSjk uhps fn;k x;k gSA Item wise details for filling the application form are given below: 10.01 Item-1 : SCHEME NAME : Scheme name already filled in application form 10-01 en 1% ;kstuk dk uke iwoZor vafdr gSA 10.02 10-02 en 2 % ;kstuk dksM % ;kstuk dksM vkosnu QkeZ esa iwoZor gh vafdr gSA Item-2 : SCHEME CODE : Scheme code already filled in application form 10.03 Items – 3 & 4: PROPERTY CATEGORY and PROPERTY CODE: Already filled in application form 10.04 Items – 5,6,7,8 & 9: NAME, FATHER’S/ HUSBAND’S Name, ADDRESS, PIN CODE, PAN NO., DATE OF BIRTH, E-MAIL and TELEPHONE NO.: These are self explanatory. 10.05 Item-10 GAE: Fill AGE IN the column (in years only)i.e. 32. No fraction of a year should be mentioned. 9- 10-03 en 3 ,oa 4 % lEifÙk dksM ,oa lEifÙk % vkosnu QkeZ esa iwoZor gh vafdr gSA 10-04 en 5] 6] 7] 8 ,oa 9 % uke] firk@ifr dk uke] irk] fiudksM] iSu ua-] vk;q] bZ&esy ,oa nwjHkk"k ua-% %;s Lo;a lqLi"V gSaA 10-05 en&10% vk;q% bl en esa vk;q o"kksZa esa fy[ksa mnkgj.kkFkZ 32 o"kZ A¼fdlh ,d o"kZ dk dksbZ va'k u fy[kk tk,A½ 11 10-06 en&11% fyax% bl en esa uhps fn;s x;s v{kjksa esa ls dksbZ ,d tks vki ij ykxw gks HkjsaA ;g lwpuk dsoy izFke uke@,dy vkosnd ds lanHkZ esa gksuh pkfg,A 10.06 iq#"k ds fy,&,e] efgyk ds fy, ,Q] vU; ¼dEifu;ksa½ ds fy, vks Item- 11 SEX: Fill one of the following alphabets as applicable in your case against this column. The information should be with reference to the first named of sole applicant only. ‘M’ FOR Male for Female ‘O’ for others (Such as companies etc.) 10-07 en&12% oSokfgd fLFkfr % bl en esa uhps fn;s x;s v{kjksa esa ls dksbZ tks vki ij ykxw gks HkjsaA 10.07 fookfgr ds fy,&,e Item-12 MARITIAL STATUS : Fill one of the following alphabets as applicable in your case against this column. M for married vfookfgr ds fy, &,l S for unmarried fo/kok@fo/kqj ds fy,&MCY;w W for Widow/ Widower vU; ¼dEifu;ksa vkfn½ ds fy,&,u N for others (such as companies etc.) 10-08 en&13 % O;olk; dksM % ;g rkfydk 2 esa fn;k x;k gSA 10.08 Item-13 :OCCUPATION CODE: These are given in Table-2 10-09 en&14 % dksVk dksM % tSlk fd vuqPNsn 9-00 esa fooj.k fn;k x;k gS ftlds vuqlkj vkosndksa dks vkj{k.k lqfo/kk nh xbZ gSA d`i;k viuh vkjf{kr Js.kkh dk dksVk dksM uEcj fy[ksaA ;fn vki ,d ls vf/kd vkjf{kr oxZ esa vkrs gS rks dsoy ogha dksM fy[ksa ftlesa vki jguk pkgrs gSA tSlk fd uhps fn;s x;k gS] dksVk ds fo#) vkosnu djus gsrq leqfpr izek.k i= l{ke vf/kdkjh ls izkIr dj layXu djsaA vU;Fkk vkidk vkosnu i= fujLr dj fn;k tk,xk ,oa Mªk esa lEefyr ugha fd;k tk;sxkA 10.09 Item-14: QUOTA CODE: Some categories of applicants will be given reservation facility as per details given in clause 9.00. Please fill the quota category belonging to your reserved class. If you belong to more than one reserved category fill only that quota code in which you want to put yourself. Attach sufficient proof, as mentioned below for your getting reservation against quota otherwise your application will be treated as cancelled and will not be included in the draw. a) Applicants under the category of scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Backward Classes and Freedom Fighter should attach certificates issued by competent authority. b) Item No. - 15 & 16 - Applicants of these categories should attach certificates issued by competent authority. 10.10 Item - 17:PAY PLAN CODE : Please fill up 03 in pay plan for installment and 01 in One-Time Payment Plan. 10.11 Item - 18: INCOME CODE: Please fill up 01 in income code. 10.12 10-13 en&20]21]22 ,oa 23 % ;s lHkh ensa vius vki esa lqLi"V gSA Item - 19: ANNUAL INCOME : Here fill up total annual income of the applicant (S) and his/her family. 10.13 Item - 20, 21, 22 and 23: All these items are self explanatory. 11-00 vkosnd ds gLrk{kj% ;s Lo;a lqLi"V gaSaA fcuk gLRkk{kj fd;k gqvk vkosnu i= fujLRk dj fn;k tk,xkA 11.00 12-00 ;kstuk dh vafre frfFk ds ckn vkosnu i= esa irs ds vfrfjDr vkSj fdlh Hkh izdkj dk ifjorZu vuqjks/k Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA ALLOTTEE’S SIGNATURE: This term is self explanatory. Unsigned application form is liable to rejection. 12.00 No request in change of contents of application form shall be entertained after the closing date of scheme except change in address. d½ vuqlwfpr tkfr@vuqlwfpr tutkfr@ fiNM+s o xZ ,oa Lora=rk lsukuh ds vkosndksa dks l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk tkjh fd;k x;k izek.k i= layXu djuk pkfg,A [k½ en la 15 o 16& bl ds vkosndksa dks l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk tkjh fd;k x;k izek.k i= layXu djuk pkfg,A 10-10 en&17 % Hkqxrku ;kstuk dksM% Hkqxrku ;kstuk dksM+ esa fdLRkksa esa Hkqxrku gsrq 03 Hkjsa ,oa ,deq'r Hkqxrku gsrq 01 HkjsaA 10-11 en&18 % vk; dksM % d`i;k vk; dksM+ 01 HkjsaA 10-12 en&19 % okf"kZd vk; % ;gka vkosndksa ,oa mlds ifjokj dh dqy okf"kZd vk; HkjsaA 12 Hkouksa dh rkfydk la[;k 1 ;kstuk lEifÙk lEifÙk dksM dksM ;kstuk dk uke 1 2 eksnhuxj esa lat;iqjh pkj eaftyk ¼nqcZy vk; oxZ½ Hkouksa dh ;kstuk 845 3 Hkouksa dk Hkou dk vkPNkfnr vuqekfur ewY; {ks= ¼oxZ eh-½ ¼` yk[k esa½ 4 41Mh EWS 5 6 29-70 8-17 ¼Hkwry½ 7-05 ¼çFke ry½ 7-05 ¼f}rh; ry½ 7-05 ¼r`rh; ry½ iathdj.k jkf'k ¼` 50/- iathdj.k 'kqYd lfgr½ jkT; ljdkj }kjk ?kksf"kr vkjf{kr gsrq (`) vU; lHkh vkosndksa gsrq (`) 7 ;wfuVksa dh dqy la8 10]050@& 20]050@& 288 uksV % 1- ryksa ds fy, dksbZ ojh;rk ugha gSA 2- ykVjh ,d lkFk lHkh ryksa ds Hkouksa dks feykdj Mkyh tk,xhA 3- Hkouksa dh la[;k ?kV@c<+ ldrh gSA FLATS TABLE NO. 1 Scheme Name Scheme Property Code Category 1 2 Sanjaypuri (EWS) 4 Storey Flats Scheme in ModiNagar 3 Property Code Covered Area of Flats Estimated Costs of Flats (Sq. Mtr.) 4 5 6 Registered Money (` 50/- Registration Charges) Total No. of Reservation categories For all other Flats declared by the applicants (`) State Govt. (`) 7 8 8.17 (GF) 845 EWS 41D 29.70 7.05 (FF) 7.05 (SF) 7.05 (TF) Note: 1. There is no priority for floor-wise. 2. The lottery will be drawn for flats on floors together. 3. The numbers of flats may increase or decrease. 13 10,050/- 20,050/- 288 rkfydk&2 % vkthfodk ,oa muds dksM TABLE-2: OCCUPATION & THEIR CODES vkthfodk dk fooj.k vkthfodk dk dksM Description of Occupation SERVICE Service in State / Central Govt. Service in Public Sector Service in Private Sector Service in Armed Forces Service in Schools Service in College/University Domestic Service Other Service Occupation Code lsok jkT;@dsanzh; ljdkj esa lsok lkoZtfud {ks= esa lsok futh {ks= esa lsok l'kL= lsukvksa esa lsok fo|ky;ksa esa lsok egkfo|ky;ksa@fo'ofo|ky;ksa esa lsok ?kjsyw lsok vU; lsok BUSINESS Traders Business Executive/Director Business Owner Industrialist Other Business O;olk; AGRICULTURE Agriculturist Farmer Agriculture Labourer d`f"k SELF EMPLOYED Self Employed Doctor Self Employed Engineer Self Employed Advocate Self Employed Chartered Accountant Self Employed Vendor Self Employed Agents Other Self Employed Persons Lor% jkstxkjh DEPARTMENT / FIRM Govt. Department Govt. Undertaking Limited / Pvt. Ltd. Company Partnership Firm Charitable Institution Other Department / Firm / Institution OTHER Occupation not covered by above foHkkx@QeZ O;olk;h O;olk; dk;Zdkjh@funs'kd O;olk; Lokeh m|ksxifr vU; O;olk; d`"kd fdlku d`f"k etwnj Lor% jkstxkjh MkWDVj Lor% jkstxkjh bathfu;j Lor% jkstxkjh ,MoksdsV Lor% jkstxkjh pkVZMZ ,dkmUVsaV Lor% jkstxkjh foØsrk Lor% jkstxkjh ,tsaV vU; Lor% jkstxkjh O;fDr ljdkjh QeZ ljdkjh fudk; fyfeVsM@izk- fy- dEiuh lk>snkjh QeZ /kekFkZ laLFkk vU; foHkkx@QeZ@laLFkk vU; mi;qZDr ls i`Fkd vkthfodk,a 14 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 29 30 31 32 40 41 42 43 44 45 49 50 51 52 53 54 59 98 GHAZIABAD... A HI-TECH CITY TO LIVE IN (ISO 9001:2008 Ed§ ISO 14001:2004 à‘m{UV g§ñWm) {dH$mg nW, Jm{O¶m~mX, CËVa àXoe gånH©$ H$a|… hoënbmBZ Z§. 0120-6450580, Eg.E‘.Eg./dmQ²>gAn Z§.… 9818988807 B©-‘ob…, ’o$g~wH$… do~gmBQ>… EH$ gwÝXa eha, h_mam g§H$ën ewY; ` 300/-
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