Teacher User Guide for GradeSpeed


Teacher User Guide for GradeSpeed
Teacher User Guide
Relea se d A pri l 2013
T his edition applies to Releas e 4 .7 .x of the G radeSpeed s oftware and to all s ubs equent releas es and
modific ations until otherwise indic ated in new editions or updates .
T he data and names used to illustrate the reports and sc reen images may include names of
individuals , c ompanies , brands , and produc ts . All of the data and names are fic titious ; any s imilarities
to ac tual names are entirely c oinc idental.
G radeSpeed is a trademark, in the U .S. and/or other countries , of P earson E duc ation, I nc . or its
affiliate(s ).
Copyright © 2013 Pearson E duc ation, I nc . or its affiliates . All rights res erved. All trademarks are
either owned or licens ed by P ears on E ducation, I nc . or its affiliates . O ther brands and names are the
property of their res pective owners .
Teac her User Guide
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 5
Sign in to Grade Spee d..................................................................................... 5
S witch Schools............................................................................................... 6
Main Gradebook W indow.................................................................................. 6
Teache r Profile............................................................................................... 9
Ve rify Gradebook .......................................................................................... 14
GradeSpee d Teac her ....................................................................................... 16
Grade Spee d Monitor ...................................................................................... 16
C ustom Fields ............................................................................................... 18
C um ulative Grade s ........................................................................................ 21
Lesson Plans ................................................................................................ 23
Course s ......................................................................................................... 35
C ourse Maintenance....................................................................................... 35
A ttendance .................................................................................................... 37
Se ating Chart ............................................................................................... 43
Students ........................................................................................................ 50
Stude nt List ................................................................................................. 50
Stude nt Profile .............................................................................................. 52
Transfe r Students.......................................................................................... 55
Categories ..................................................................................................... 58
W ork with Cate gories ..................................................................................... 58
A ssignments .................................................................................................. 61
R ubric Assignme nts ....................................................................................... 64
Grades ........................................................................................................... 66
W ork with Grades .......................................................................................... 66
Grade s by Stude nt......................................................................................... 67
Grade s by Assignme nt.................................................................................... 70
R ubric Grade s............................................................................................... 73
Reports ......................................................................................................... 74
C ategory Ave rage Report ................................................................................ 75
Honor R oll R eport .......................................................................................... 76
Grade List Re port .......................................................................................... 79
C onduct/Comm ents Report.............................................................................. 82
Assignme nts Re port ....................................................................................... 83
Teac her User Guide
Missing Assignme nts R eports ........................................................................... 84
C lass Roste r ................................................................................................. 85
Atte ndance Roste r R eport ............................................................................... 87
Failure Re port............................................................................................... 89
Progre ss Re ports ........................................................................................... 92
Discip line ....................................................................................................... 98
Discipline Module........................................................................................... 98
Teac her User Guide
Getting Started
Sign in to GradeSpeed
(Updated 7/2012)
Sign in to Grade Spee d to work with the Grade Spee d grade book.
1. Go to the Grade Spee d UR L provided by the cam pus adm inistrator. The sign in screen
appe ars.
2. C lick Teacher.
Note: If you have logged in from this compute r before , the system will re mem be r
your use rname but will re quire you to e nte r your password.
3. Se le ct the school from the School pop-up me nu.
4. Ente r your teache r ID in the Teache r fie ld.
5. Ente r your assigned password in the Passwor d fie ld.
6. Ente r a password if one has already be en assigne d. If no password has bee n
assigne d and this is the first login attem pt, le ave the password fie ld blank . Note that
the password can be e nte red using a virtual k e yboard. C lick the sm all ke yboard icon
to e nte r the password using your mouse .
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7. C lick Sign I n.
8. O n the nex t scree n, choose a role (if applicable ). You can toggle be twe en these
accounts/roles afte r logging in using the Switch Schoo ls function. The gradebook
appe ars.
Note: If you are not active ly work ing in Grade Spee d, your se ssion may timeout. If so,
you need to sign in again.
Switch Schools
(Updated 7/2012)
Grade Spee d offe rs a num be r of advanced feature s for managing use r accounts. O ne of
these features allows adm inistrators to conne ct two teache r accounts to one login profile .
This allows you to have a grade book account at two diffe rent campuses and to use the same
ID and password, re gardle ss of location.
If this feature is enabled, a Switch Sc hoo ls link appears on the gradebook be low the
calendar information on the le ft pane .
C lick Switc h Schoo ls, and the account/role se le ction window appears. Se le ct the applicable
role to sign in to the grade book .
Main Gradebook Window
(Updated 7/2012)
G etting Started
Teac her User Guide
The Grade Spee d teache r grade book is designe d to re cord, report, and monitor stude nt
pe rformance in an easy to use application.
For more information about ente ring grade s, see Work with Gra des, Grades by
A ssignment, and Grades by Student.
Features Of The Gradebook
The task bar at the top of the main gradebook page allows for easy navigation. The task bar
re mains at the top of each page that can be visite d from within a teache r account.
The following table de scribes the e leme nts available on the task bar:
Icon/ Task
Descriptio n
C ategorie s
Allows you to se le ct cate gories and pe rm its e diting of
categorie s and the ir value s. You can also access
se ttings for dropping and we ighting grades, grade
e ntry, and grouping categorie s. For more
information, see Categories.
Assignme nts
Displays a list of assignme nts and allows you to
cre ate ne w assignm ents. For more inform ation, se e
A ssignments.
Grade s
Displays the main grade book page and allows you to
e nte r grades for stude nts or assignm ents. For more
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Icon/ Task
Descriptio n
information, see Work wit h Grades.
Progre ss
Re ports
Allows you to access the class roste rs and districtapprove d comm ents, and to quick ly prepare de tailed
progre ss reports for students and pare nts. For more
information, see Progress Reports.
Re ports
Allows you to vie w and print reports. For m ore
information, see Reports.
C um ulative
Grade s
Displays the stude nt's cum ulative ave rages by cycle .
For more information, se e Cumulative Grade s.
Se ating Chart
Displays the se ating chart for the se le cted class. For
more information, see Seating Chart.
Ve rify
Grade book
Allows you to ve rify grades and lock the grade book
once grades are subm itted. For more information,
see Verify Gradebook.
Lesson Plan
C lick to cre ate a lesson plan. For more information,
see Lesson Plans.
C lick to re cord disciplinary incide nts and re fe rrals for
students. For more information, see Discipline
Mod ule.
Note: Discipline m odule is optional and is only
available if the district has implem ented this feature .
Information about the teache r, course , and school is displayed on the le ft side of the
Link/ Task
Descriptio n
He lp
C lick to access online he lp.
C ourse
C lick the course name to open the Course window.
Teache r
C lick to ope n the Teache r Profile window.
Note: If the teache r has more than one gradebook
account, a Switch Schools link will appe ar be low the
semeste r/cycle dates. This is useful for teache rs who
are re sponsible for maintaining a gradebook at
m ultiple schools.
The school for the se le cte d teache r appears.
Sem este r
The se le cte d seme ste r and cycle appe ars.
The se le cte d date range appears.
Ex port Roste r
C lick to export a simple class rooste r in .csv form at.
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Link/ Task
Descriptio n
Stude nt List
C lick to vie w the Student List window. For m ore
information, see Student List.
C lick to se cure the gradebook at any tim e without
signing out. The grade book will be m inim ize d, and a
password window appe ars. To re -e nte r the
gradebook , ente r the password, the n click OK.
Sign Out
C lick to ex it the gradebook .
Pe arson re comme nds that you ex it the gradebook
using the Sign O ut button rathe r than sim ply closing
the browse r window. W hen you click Sign O ut, you
are prompted to save change s. C losing the browse r
window without signing out could re sult in the
pote ntial loss of any changes made in the
gradebook .
Teacher Profile
(Updated 7/2012)
To access the teache r profile , click the teache r name on the left pane of the main gradebook
The following scre en appe ars:
User Profile
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Teache rs can maintain the ir pe rsonal information and ge ne ral grade book se ttings in the
User Profile vie w. To vie w and e dit this data, be sure "Use r Profile " is se le cted in the View
drop-down list.
Teac her's Email
The teache r must ente r his or he r email addre ss in orde r to be able to:
C ommunicate with parents through the ParentConne ction module
C reate a Lesson Pla ns or Curr iculum Manageme nt account
Take full advantage of the Transfe r Grade s fe ature (allows some grade information
to "follow" a student from one teache r to anothe r)
Conference Period
The confe rence pe riod, if e nte red, can be displayed on the Grade Spee d Campus-wide
Progress Re ports.
Minim um Pass ing Grade
This fie ld may be pre -fille d with a value se t by the cam pus or district adm inistrator. W he the r
it is pre-filled or blank , the teache r can ente r the appropriate value for his or he r gradebook .
C he ck the Displaying Failing Grades in Re d che ck box to have all grade s be low the
spe cifie d Minim um Passing Grade to appe ar in red within the grade book.
The Gradebook A ttendance Total Column option allows teache rs to se le ct up to 3
attendance totals the y wish to appear in the A tt (atte ndance ) column within the ir
gradebook . The re are 6 main options that teache rs m ay choose from : absences this cycle,
tardie s this cycle , abse nce s this se meste r, tardies this seme ste r, abse nces this year, and
tardie s this ye ar. Che ck the Include A ttendance entered by other teachers che ck box to
include atte ndance re cords from stude nts' othe r teache rs.
Semester Exam We ight
Like the "Minim um Passing Grade ," this field may be pre -fille d, but the teache r can ente r
the appropriate value if nee de d.
Maxim um Retake Grade
Teache rs will use this field to se t a max im um grade that a student is allowe d to earn for a
"re take " assignme nt. For exam ple , a stude nt who earns a 100 on a re take assignme nt may
only be e ligible for 90 points; to accom plish this, the "Max im um Re take Grade" should be
se t to "90."
Retake Behavior
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Use the drop-down list to indicate how Grade Spee d should handle assignme nts whe re
re take grades have been re corde d.
Grade Spee d allows teache rs to re cord an original grade and two re take grades for each
student's assignment. The Retake Behavior se tting de te rm ines how the se multiple grades
should be conside re d in de te rm ining the stude nt's score for that assignm ent.
Highest - the highe st of the three score s is used
A verage - the ave rage of any available score s is used
A verage of 2 highest - the ave rage of the two highest available scores is use d
Startup Page
The teache r can use this drop-down list to indicate which page should be displaye d first
whe n he or she first logs in to Grade Speed.
Change Pass wo rd
To change the te ache r password click the Change Pass wor d link . A window will pop up
containing an e ncrypted password fie ld and confirmation field. Since the se fie lds are
e ncrypted, rem embe r that the numbe r of characte rs that appear in the Password and
C onfirm fields is NOT ne ce ssarily the num be r of total characte rs in the actual password.
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The teache r can de le te the old password and type in the ne w de sire d password in the
"Password" and "C onfirm " fields. The password will be re je cted if it does not conform with
the district-defined complex ity and length requireme nts (i.e . "at least 6 characte rs long," "at
least one nume ric characte r," e tc.).
Create Custom F ield s
Teache rs can de fine custom fields that can be use d to track custom student information.
This information will be e nte red and vie we d on the Student List page. Click here for
further information on the Custom F ields too l.
Display Stude nt Fie lds
To custom ize the way that stude nt data is displayed in the gradebook , se le ct Display
Student F ields from the View drop-down list.
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A teache r can de cide which fie lds should be displayed for a student in e ach "Mode " listed in
the drop-down menu - Gradebook , Attendance , or Seating Chart. For ex ample , if the mode
is se t to "Gradebook ," the teache r will be able to spe cify which student data is displaye d in
the main gradebook page.
Teache rs should choose a m ode, and then use the che ck boxe s be low to indicate the
information fie lds that should be displayed while vie wing that mode.
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Hide Inact ive Students
If the teache r's grade book contains stude nts that have bee n droppe d from a se ction (these
students will appear with a "D" in front of the ir nam es), the teache r can che ck Hide
Inactive Students to pre ve nt the se dropped stude nts from being displayed in the
gradebook .
Sort Order
O nce the teache r has se le cted the data that should appe ar for the curre nt Mode, he or she
can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the orde r in which the fie lds will
appe ar.
Afte r any change s have bee n made, click A pply to save the changes and continue work ing
on this screen. To discard changes and re turn to the grade book , click Cancel. C lick Update
to save change s and re turn to the gradebook .
Note: The Update and Cancel buttons are unavailable until modifications are m ade on the
Verify Gradebook
(Updated 11/2012)
Teache rs ve rify their grade s at the e nd of the grading pe riod. Ve rification se rve s two
purposes: it confirms for campus/district adm inistrators that the teache r is finished e nte ring
grades, and that the grades are corre ct; and it locks the grade book so that the teache r
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cannot accidentally make changes while the adm inistrators are gene rating report cards or
posting grades to the SMS. W he n you ve rify the gradebook , grade s be come re ad-only and
are not e ditable. During the ve rification process, all grade s and standards score are
re calculated and ave raged, and topic based grades are calculate d and ave raged.
Ve rify the gradebook at the e nd of a grading pe riod.
How to Verify the Gradebook
1. O n the Main Gradebook window, click Verify Grades. The Ve rify Grades window
appe ars.
2. Se le ct the class from the Class pop-up me nu. O r, se le ct the A ll Classes che ck box to
ve rify all classe s at the same time .
3. Re vie w grades that appear on the window:
C lick Update to re fresh the window with any m odifications you have made.
C lick Cancel to disregard any modifications.
C lick Spell Check to che ck spe lling of the content.
4. W he n you are finished re vie wing the conte nt, click Verify. A confirmation me ssage
appe ars.
5. C lick OK or Yes to confirm . The curre nt grading pe riod conve rts to read-only status.
Note: The Update and Cancel buttons are unavailable until modifications are m ade
on the window.
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GradeSpeed Teacher
GradeSpeed Monitor
(updated 8/16/07)
The GradeSpeed Monitor allows use rs to vie w to vie w schedule and grade information by
te ache r or by stude nt.
Teache rs can be granted acce ss to the GradeSpeed Monitor tool for a spe cific group of
students who have bee n assigned an activity code.
To access GradeSpeed Mo nitor, click the link found on the Reports page of the teache r's
gradebook .
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GradeSpee d Mo nitor will open in a ne w window.
The teache r may have acce ss to more than one group of students. District adm inistrators
se t up A ctivity Codes at the beginning of the school year. Activity code s are use d to
classify diffe re nt groups of stude nts ("band," "gifted and tale nte d," "choir," "spe cial ed,"
e tc.). If the teache r has be en assigne d a ce rtain activity code, the n he or she will be able to
monitor all of the stude nts in that particular group. To se le ct a spe cific group, choose the
appropriate activity from the Group drop-down list. To vie w all stude nts, sim ply leave the
Group list se t to "My Stude nts." If a teache r has not be en assigne d to a particular activity
code , the drop-down list will only have "My Stude nts" as an option.
To display grade information for a spe cific student, se le ct a stude nt from the Student dropdown list. O nce the corre ct student has been se le cted, click Ok to display the re cord.
The following page will appear:
G radeSpeed Teac her
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The first colum n contains the name s of the teache rs who have the se le cted stude nt in the ir
classes. The se cond column contains the names of the courses that the student is scheduled
in. To vie w all stude nts in a course , click the hype rlinke d course nam e. The nex t two
colum ns display the course se ction and pe riod. The cycle ave rage s, semeste r exam grade ,
and ove rall sem este r ave rage are displaye d for the curre nt sem este r. To vie w anothe r
semeste r, se le ct the corre ct semeste r from the Semester drop-down list.
The se meste r ave rage will be color coded as described on the page. This color-coding allows
the use r to distinguish be twe en a sem este r ave rage that is base d on the grade s contained
in Grade Spe ed and a seme ste r ave rage that has bee n poste d back from the SMS. Since the
SMS is the curre nt re cord, it is important to ide ntify any discrepancies be twe en Grade Spee d
and the SMS.
Any com ments curre ntly assigne d to the student will be displayed in the Comments
colum n. Additionally, the GradeSpeed Mo nitor no w displays the tim e and date stamp of
the last time the teache r update d his or he r grade book .
To re turn to the gradebook Reports menu, click Close.
Custom Fields
(updated 8/16/07)
From within the Teacher Profile, te ache rs can de fine custom fie lds that can be use d to
track any type of student information within the Student List. Anything can be track ed with
custom fie lds - te x tbook numbe rs, pe rm ission slip re turns... anything that is spe cifie d.
G radeSpeed Teac her
Teac her User Guide
To cre ate a Custom Field, first visit the Teacher Profile by click ing on the teache r name
on the le ft side of the page .
From within the Teacher Profile, click the Create Custom Fields link in the uppe r righthand corne r of the page .
The Student Custom Fie lds page will appear. If any custom fie lds have already bee n
defined, the y will appear in a list on this page. Dire ctly unde rneath the list will be some
blank fie lds with an Add Fie ld button. If no fie lds have bee n de fine d ye t, only the blank form
will appear, as in the scree n shot be low:
To add a ne w custom field, first ente r the Name of the fie ld. The n se le ct the Type of fie ld
that it will be .
G radeSpeed Teac her
Teac her User Guide
Field Types
If the Type colum n is se t to Checkbox or Textbox, the Values colum n should be le ft
em pty. If the Drop Do wn type is se le cted, ente r the allowe d Values, se parating each
option with a comma (,).
O nce the fie ld info is corre ct, click A dd Field. The fie ld will be saved, and a ne w field will be
ope ned, allowing the teache r to create anothe r custom fie ld if ne ede d. If no more custom
fie lds are ne ede d, simply click the Return button at the top le ft of the page .
G radeSpeed Teac her
Teac her User Guide
O nce again, te ache rs can also de fine tex t fie lds or che ck box fie lds. If tex t fie lds or
che ckbox fie lds are require d, simply give the ne w fie ld a Name, spe cify the Type of fie ld,
and leave the Values fie ld blank.
Use rs can also click Edit to modify e x isting custom fie ld information.
To re turn to the Teacher Profile, click Return. To vie w and use the se custom fie lds, go to
the Student List page .
Cumulative Grades
(updated 8 /16 /07 )
The Cumulative Grades page displays each student's cycle ave rage , e xam grades,
semeste r ave rage , and ove rall ave rage as refle cte d in the SIS (student information system ).
De pending on the type of SIS use d at the campus, these grades may or may not match the
ave rages calculate d in the gradebook .
To access the Cumulative Grades fe ature , click the Cumulative Grades icon on the task
bar. The following scree n will appear:
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Each stude nt who is active in the curre nt cycle will be displayed on this page . The available
cycle ave rages for each student will be displayed in the fie lds labe led C1, C2, e tc.
Each stude nt's semeste r exam grades are indicate d as E1 and E2.
Each stude nt's semeste r ave rages are indicate d as S1 and S2.
Each stude nt's ove rall ave rage is indicated as OA A vg.
Teache rs can che ck the box title d Hide Names to identify stude nts by ID only. This option
allows teache rs to m ake the grade list anonymous.
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C lick Update to save changes. C lick Cancel to discard the change s.
Note: The Update and Cancel buttons are unavailable until modifications are m ade on the
Lesson Plans
(updated 12/11/06)
Teache rs can use the GradeSpeed Lesso n Pla ns m odule to create and store the ir le sson
plans. To access this tool, click the Lesson Plans icon on the main grade book page. The
first time a te ache r clicks this icon, the following page will appear:
First-time use rs should Create a ne w account. This account is created separate ly from the
Grade Spee d login to ensure that the teache r can access the lesson plans from one school
ye ar to anothe r. O nce create d or acce sse d, The Lesson Pla ns account will automatically be
tie d to the gradebook account for that school year. If a teache r wishes to be able to acce ss
his or he r lesson plans ne x t year, he or she should re cord the use rname and password for
the Lesson Plans account.
The following is the signup page . The teache r should fill in the appropriate information, the n
click OK to create the account.
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The teache r will the n see the following page :
Lessons – this is a heade r only and be low it will be the list of le ssons cre ated or copied by
this teache r.
Create – this is the link for lesson plan creation.
Sched ule – this link take s the te ache r to a calendar syste m to schedule whe n the lesson is
to be taught. This option will be discusse d in de tail afte r the discussion of le sson creation.
Manage Favorites – this link allows the teache r to vie w any le sson plans that have bee n
sele cte d as favorites by click ing on the lesson title and allows the teache r to remove any
lesson from the favorite s area. To remove a le sson the teache r se le cts the box to the le ft of
the lesson title and clicks Submit.
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User Profile
The teache r's use r profile sim ply contains information about the use r and his or he r account.
To vie w the inform ation, click Edit Profile. The following page will appear:
He re, the teache r can modify the inform ation attached to his or he r Lesson Pla ns account.
Create Co ntent
W he n the teache r click s on Create, he or she will see the page shown be low. As noted on
the page , this page allows the teache r to ente r information to create a lesson. This tool is
tab-driven - to fill in a fie ld, the teache r should first se le ct the tab for that area and then
e nte r the ne ce ssary information.
Lesson Info tab
In this area the teache r will assign the lesson title , de scription and tim e required.
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W he n othe r use rs use the se arch feature , the le sson title is the fie ld used to search. The
advance d search uses all fie lds.
The Public option allows othe r teache rs to search for this lesson. If teache rs are to share
lesson plans for collaboration, the public option must be se le cte d.
The last area is Grade Level, whe re a te ache r may se le ct m ultiple grade le vels for a lesson.
Desired Res ults
This area is divided into three parts.
G radeSpeed Teac her
Teac her User Guide
Learning Expe ctations – What e xpe ctations are the focuses of this le sson? (Include state
standards te x t). Te ache rs can write out the stude nt expe ctations associated with the lesson
as we ll as additional expe ctations
O rganizing Concepts (Unde rstandings) - What will students unde rstand (about what big
ideas) as a re sult of the unit? Describe conce pts. Teache rs can write about the big ideas
that are the focus of this le sson.
Essential Q uestions – What arguable , re curring and thought-provok ing questions will guide
inquiry and point toward the big ideas of the lesson? Te ache rs can list the ”r;big picture ”
que stions that would guide the lesson.
A ssessment Evidence
This area is divided into two parts.
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Pre -Assessme nts – Journal, short answe r, quiz. Teache rs would re cord any pre -asse ssm ents
for this lesson.
Asse ssme nts – Informal che ck s for unde rstanding, obse rvation/dialogue , quiz/test,
academ ic prom pt, pe rformance task , authe ntic task, long-te rm proje ct, portfolio, rubrics.
Teache rs would re cord any assessme nt, formal or informal, that would measure stude nt
pe rformance .
Learning Strateg ies
This area is divided into three parts.
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Vocabulary – W hat vocabulary pe rtaining to this unit is conside re d critical for le arning?
Note : vocabulary include d in the state standards will ofte n appear in benchmark and state
te sts and should be include d in le sson design. Teache rs would re cord or list ne ce ssary
Te chnology Inte gration – How can te chnology be used to transform student learning?
Teache rs would re cord what te chnology is used.
Diffe re ntiation – How is this lesson designe d to mee t the nee ds of dive rse learne rs? W hat
ex tensions/acce le rations are nee ded for student succe ss? Teache rs would re cord strategies
and activities to diffe re ntiate the lesson to be tte r mee t the nee ds of dive rse learne rs.
Reflective Notes
This area is divided into two parts:
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Re sources - Teache rs would re cord any ne ce ssary re sources, both mate rial and nonmate rial (i.e . rule rs, time , pare ntal support, e tc.)
Note s - Te ache rs would re cord any ideas or plans to e nhance the le sson. This are a is also
designe d so that afte r the le sson has be en taught the teache r would re fle ct on the le sson
and ways to im prove it.
Main Screen Optio ns
Teache rs can search all public lesson plans by ke y word. To search for a le sson, simply
e nte r a ke yword into the Search fie ld at the top left corne r of the page , the n eithe r press
"Ente r" or click the magnifying glass icon.
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O nce othe r teache r’s lesson plans are located the teache r can vie w that lesson plan by
click ing on the title.
The following page will appear, displaying the "Vie w" mode of the assignme nt:
The teache r can now e ithe r save the le sson to his or he r pe rsonal list, or can add the le sson
as a "Favorite ."
To save the lesson, click Save A s. The le sson will be imme diate ly saved to the main
Lesson Pla ns page .
To add the lesson as a "Favorite," click A dd to Favorites. The le sson will be adde d to the
te ache r's Favorites list, which is acce ssible on the use r's main page .
Sched uling Lessons
To sche dule lessons on a we ek ly calendar, click Schedule. The following page will appear:
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The dates shown will be the current we ek with one column pre sent.
To change the name of the colum n and to assign a le sson to each day, the te ache r would
click Edit and see this screen:
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To change the name of the subje ct, simply type the appropriate name ove r the tex t reading
"Ne w Subje ct."
To sche dule a lesson for a day, click Browse nex t to the appropriate date . A window will
appe ar. Se le ct the de sire d le sson, or the "Holiday" option to indicate that no lesson will be
taught that day.
C lick OK to sche dule the lesson.
Use the cale ndar at the bottom of the page to change the date s in vie w. The arrows can be
use d to change years. C lick the nam e of the nex t or pre vious month to navigate forward or
back ward. C lick on any date in the cale ndar to highlight the we ek .
Be care ful to look at the se le cte d lessons be fore click ing OK, be cause the default will fill in
the first lesson in My Lesson Plans for the we ek. If this is not the lessons the te ache r
wants to sche dule , he or she will nee d to se le ct anothe r lesson for e ach day. If Holiday is
sele cte d, the date will be blank .
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To add othe r columns for additional courses or subje ct areas that are taught, click A dd
Column and re peat the above process to custom ize this colum n.
To se le ct a printable ve rsion of the Lesson Plan calendar, click Print. A printable vie w of the
curre nt we e k will appe ar and the print dialog will be automatically launched.
To manage the list of favorite lessons, click Favorites on the use r's m ain page .
To de le te a lesson from the Favorites list, che ck the box nex t to the lesson title , then click
Delete. To vie w the lesson information, click the le sson title . To re turn to the main use r
page , click Return.
Sig n Out
To sign out of Lesson Plans and close the browse r window, click Sign O ut.
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Teac her User Guide
Course Maintenance
(Updated 11/2012)
You can vie w, add, or e dit course prope rties on the Course Mainte nance window. This
window is also whe re you can spe cify an alte rnate teache r for the course.
How to Manage Courses
1. To vie w and/or e dit course prope rtie s, click the course title at the top le ft corne r of
the main gradebook page .
The Course Maintenance page appears.
2. To change to a diffe re nt course , m ake a se le ction from the Class pop-up me nu.
3. The following table de scribes the fie lds on this window:
Descriptio n
C ourse
Displays the course name . This fie ld is not editable .
Displays the assigned course ID. This field is not
e ditable .
Se ction
Displays the assigned Se ction ID. This fie ld is not
e ditable .
Pe riod
Displays the pe riod num be r. This fie ld is not e ditable .
Displays the group numbe r. Change the group
num be r to assign the course to a diffe re nt group.
Note: The assigne d alte rnate teache r for the course
cannot e dit this value .
Teache rs can group courses toge the r by group
num be r. For e xam ple, a teache r may te ach se ve ral
course s, all of which have the sam e cate gories and
assignme nts. Rathe r than ente r the same
information multiple times, the teache r could simply
e nte r the same group numbe r for each of the se
course s. The n, any changes to a category in one of
the courses would im mediate ly apply to any othe r
Cours es
Teac her User Guide
Descriptio n
course s in that group. In the e xample above, each
class be longs to group 1. In the grade book, two of
these courses m ight be part of group 1 while anothe r
is part of group 2. Any assignme nt adde d to one of
the group 1 course s will be added to the othe r group
1 course, but the group 2 course will not share its
assignme nts with any othe r course .
Alt. C lass Name
Ente r an alte rnate class name , if applicable .
Teache r
Displays the teache r ID assigned to this course . This
fie ld is not editable .
Alt. Teache r
Se le ct an alte rnate teache r for the course from the
pop-up me nu.
Note: If both the prim ary teache r and alte rnate
te ache r are editing course conte nt sim ultaneously
(including grades, assignme nts, progre ss re ports,
categorie s, or ve rifying the grade book ) an e rror
me ssage appears to ale rt you if inform ation has bee n
update d by the primary or alte rnate teache r This
pre ve nts a te ache r from unknowingly modifying outof-date inform ation.
Ge ne ral
Ente r ge ne ral inform ation about the course .
Ente r any policie s you want docume nte d for the
course .
4. C lick Update to save changes. C lick Cancel to discard the change s.
Note: The Update and Cancel buttons are unavailable until modifications are m ade
on the window..
Cours es
Teac her User Guide
(updated 8/15/07)
The Grade Spee d atte ndance m odule is de signed to allow te ache rs to re cord atte ndance as
quickly, easily, and accurate ly as possible . Teache rs can mark atte ndance and re vie w
attendance re cords by click ing the Attendance icon in the task bar at the top of any page .
The following page will appear:
Each stude nt for the curre nt pe riod will be listed. The teache r can se le ct a diffe rent pe riod if
needed using the drop-down list at the top.
Teac her User Guide
If a block sche dule is use d at the school, the teache r may also nee d to spe cify the
appropriate time code .
Recording attendance
To mark attendance for a student, the teache r should se le ct the appropriate radio button
nex t to the stude nt's name .
The available atte ndance codes are de fined by the district or school adm inistrators. The re
may be atte ndance codes that can be e nte red by adm inistrative use rs, such as attendance
cle rk s/se cre taries, but that are not available to teache rs. These code s will be shown in the
le gend on the right side of the page .
The teache r can also e nte r a note that will be read by the attendance cle rk /se cre tary.
O nce attendance has been marke d appropriately for each stude nt in the curre nt pe riod, click
Subm it. If all stude nts are pre se nt, confirm this by che ck ing the box labeled A ll Present
before click ing Submit. Afte r the teache r click s Submit, the following confirm ation window
will appear:
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If the district has configure d the atte ndance module to allow te ache rs to click Submit
m ultiple times, then the subm itte d atte ndance codes will appear in the cente r colum n, but
the radio buttons will rem ain unlocked and the Submit button will re main available .
If the district has configure d the atte ndance module to only allow te ache rs to Submit one
time for each pe riod, the n the following m essage will appear be low the Submit button:
Additionally, once the te ache r submits atte ndance for the pe riod, the page will be locke d
and the radio buttons will be "graye d-out."
The teache r may re turn to a pre vious pe riod's or day's attendance and se e that the
attendance cle rk /se cre tary has poste d corre ctions to the atte ndance re cords. Any e ntrie s to
the left side of the "/" we re made by the teache r, while any entries to the right side of the
"/" we re made by the atte ndance cle rk /se cre tary.
Teac her User Guide
Other attendance tools
Teache rs can produce attendance reports from within the gradebook . This is done from the
A ttendance page, so do not click the Reports icon in the task bar. To produce a de taile d
attendance report for the full cycle , click the A ttendance this cycle re port unde r the
Reports heade r.
A window will pop up containing each student's atte ndance re cords for the grading cycle.
Teac her User Guide
The teache r can produce an A ttendance Totals Rep ort that will display the total
occurre nces of each attendance code for his or he r students.
De fine a date range , the n choose whe the r to re strict the report to a single stude nt, or to
gene rate the re sults for all students.
C lick Show Repo rt. The following re port will be displaye d:
Teac her User Guide
The "~" re pre se nts instance s whe re the teache r incorre ctly re corde d an attendance code for
the stude nt and the attendance cle rk /se cre tary changed it to "Pre se nt."
Teache rs also have the ability to gene rate a sim ple printable atte ndance roste r that can be
use d to take atte ndance outside of the classroom , or gene rate d for substitute te ache rs to
use . Unde r the Reports heading, click Class Roster. W hen printe d, the roste r will appear
as shown be low:
Teac her User Guide
Seating Chart
(updated 8 /17 /07 )
The Grade Spee d Seating Chart m odule allows teache rs to construct custom seating charts
for e ach class to simplify atte ndance-tak ing. The Seating Chart is designed to complem ent
the Grade Speed A ttendance m odule , but the se ating chart is also a ve ry use ful tool at
schools that re cord stude nt's attendance using anothe r me thod.
Teac her User Guide
To access the se ating chart, click the Seating Chart icon in the task bar at the top of any
page .
The following scre en will appear:
As shown above , stude nt im age s will be displaye d in a de fault grid layout. The teache r can
use the drop-down lists to change the layout to match the classroom , grouping stude nts by
2s, 3s, or e ve n in a circular orie ntation.
Teac her User Guide
If the teache r wishes to display diffe rent student information, he or she can custom ize the
way the stude nts' nam es and IDs are displayed using the Display Student Fie lds page
within the Teacher Profile.
The gende re d icons shown above may be re place d with actual stude nt pictures - this is done
at the district le ve l.
Double click on a student image to vie w that student's profile.
The following are simple instructions for using the se ating chart:
1) Se le ct Seating Chart from the View drop down me nu.
2) C hoose the corre ct Period and Time Code.
Teac her User Guide
3) The Sort me nu allows te ache rs to sort the Seating Chart by Last Name, First
Name, Boy/Gir l, Girl/Boy, Stude nt ID or to random ly place stude nts in the
Seating Chart.
4) Se le ct the num be r of colum ns positioned horizontally across the chart.
5) From the drop down me nu in Shapes, sele ct circle, grid (traditional seating
me thod) or groups of 2,3, and 4, depending on the arrangeme nt in the spe cific
6) Grid Style will allow the choice of Freeform or any com binations of le ft to right,
right to le ft, top to bottom, and bottom to top. Freeform will allow the numbe r of
Teac her User Guide
rows to be se le cte d for the Se ating Chart. The othe r arrangem ents align the stude nts
base d on the dire ctions given.
7) C lick A dvanced Mode to display more options in the Grid Style drop down me nu.
8) C lick the Update button to update the Seating Chart.
9) The A lign Students button will align stude nts to the Shape and Grid Style chose n.
The re are also som e Display Optio ns at the bottom of the page to he lp make re ading the
seating chart easie r.
Using the 4 drop-down box es, se le ct the desired font size , the image size of the little
boy/girl place holde rs, and the ce ll width/height.
Tak ing attendance with the Seat ing Chart
To take atte ndance with the Seating Chart, sele ct "Atte ndance" from the View drop-down
The following page will appear:
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Se le ct the appropriate Period and Time Co de. The n use the drop-down box be neath each
student to indicate the appropriate attendance code . W he n finishe d, click Submit. The class
can be m arke d "All Prese nt" using the che ck box in the uppe r right-hand corne r of the page .
Note that the stude nt arrangeme nts (sorting, shapes, grid style , e tc.) cannot be change d
while in the atte ndance m ode .
The same Display Options as on the Seating Chart page can be found at the bottom of
the Attendance page .
Teac her User Guide
Using the 4 drop-down box es, se le ct the desired font size , the image size of the little
boy/girl place holde rs, and the ce ll width/height.
Teac her User Guide
Student List
(updated 8/15/07)
The Student List page allows the teache r to manage and track stude nt inform ation and
grades. W hat's more , with the Custom Field s features, teache rs can track and store
custom information that the y spe cify. To acce ss the Student List page , click on the
Student List link on le ft side of the main grade book page.
The following page will appear:
In the de fault configuration, the stude nt ID, first and last name , grade le ve l, and birth date
will be displayed on the page. To edit a student's profile, click Edit ne x t to the
appropriate student. To vie w the student's g rades, click Grade nex t to the appropriate
The Student List page can also be use d to display data contained in Custom Fields.
Custom Fields are custom izable data fie lds that can be used to store various information.
The se fie lds can be use d to track pe rmission slip signatures, tex tbook numbe rs, or anything
e lse that may nee d to be tracke d. See the Custom Fields se ction for a de taile d
walk through for se tting them up.
To display Custom Fie lds in the stude nt list and ope n them up for e diting, che ck the box
nex t to the fie ld name in the column on the far le ft side of the page .
Teac her User Guide
C lick Refresh to display the se fie lds on the student list.
The teache r can now e nte r information in the appropriate format into the se custom fie lds.
To save the information ente re d on this page , click the Update button at the top of the
page . And as always, to re turn to the main gradebook page, click the Grades icon in the
task bar at the top of the page .
Teac her User Guide
Note: The Update and Cancel buttons are unavailable until modifications are m ade on the
Student Profile
(updated 8 /12 /08 )
To access a stude nt's profile , click the stude nt's name on the main gradeb ook pa ge.
The se le cte d stude nt's Student Profile will appe ar
Most of the inform ation displayed in the Student Profile is pulle d dire ctly from the stude nt
manageme nt software . O nly the Email, Gender, and Sort Key can be modifie d by the
te ache r.
A Sort Key can be ente re d to change the orde r in which the students appear in the
gradebook . To se t the sort orde r for all stude nts, the te ache r can sim ply ente r a nume rical
sort ke y for e ach stude nt (e x. "1" for the stude nt who should appear first, "2" for the
student who should appear se cond, e tc.). By de fault, any students without a sort ke y e ntry
will automatically be arranged in alphabe tical orde r at the top of the list.
To indicate that a stude nt's progre ss re port or re port card should print Spanish conte nt
whe re it is available , che ck the boxes marke d "Print Progress Report in Spanish" and/or
Teac her User Guide
"Print Repo rt Car ds in Spanish." Ke e p in m ind that Grade Spee d doe s NO T translate
English content (assignme nt titles, cate gory nam es, e tc) into Spanish! The se che ck boxe s
sim ply te ll the system to use the Spanish ve rsion e nte red by the teache r whe n such a
Spanish ve rsion is available .
Teache rs can also use this page to add district-defined Student Characterist ics to a
student's profile . To add a characte ristic, sim ply click on the characte ristic name from the
Use the Control or Shift ke y to se le ct multiple characte ristics.
To vie w the stude nt's sche dule , click the Schedule button on the top-right. The student's
class schedule will pop up in a separate window, as shown be low:
To vie w the stude nt's atte ndance re cords, click the A ttendance button. This can be found
right nex t to the Schedule button on the top-right. A list of the student's atte ndance re cords
will pop up in a ne w window, as we ll as some basic student profile info, and an atte ndance
code le gend..
Teac her User Guide
The Notes button allows te ache rs to se nd pe rsonal me ssage s to parents dire ctly through
Grade Spee d at districts using the ParentConne ction m odule . For custome rs who have not
e nabled ParentConne ction, this feature can be used as a digital "note pad" for tak ing and
storing note s on students. C lick the Notes button to bring up the "Stude nt Note s" control
To cre ate a ne w note , click the New note button.
Use the "Date " fie ld to e nte r the appropriate date of the message . The curre nt date will be
sele cte d by default. Howe ve r, you m ay se le ct any date you wish for your re cords.
The "Type " fie ld can be used by the teache r to flag the note as - "Note ," "Discipline ,"
"Re sponse," or "Message ." The "Re sponse" type is automatically se le cted whe n re sponding
to me ssage s from parents. This flag is just for teache r re fe rence . It has no e ffe ct on the
note itse lf.
The "To" field is used to spe cify whe the r the note should be se nt to the stude nt's guardian
or simply store d in the note s list be low for future re fe re nce . Se le ct "Guardian" if the note
Teac her User Guide
should be sent to the student's guardian. Se le ct the BLANK option to sim ply store the note
be low for pe rsonal re cords.
Ente r the desired note in the "Note" fie ld and click Ok to se nd it. C lick Cancel to re turn to
the stude nt profile.
Any notes that are sent/re ce ived will appear in the note s list at the bottom of the page .
To close the sche dule, attendance , or note s window and re turn to the Student Profile
scre en, sim ply close the browse r window containing the unne ede d inform ation.
To change the way a single student's grades are calculated, use the Special Grad ing
Behavior se ction at the bottom of the profile .
To apply an alte rnate grading scale (for exam ple, to change a stude nt to "Pass/Fail" in an
"A-F" class), simply che ck the "Alte rnate grading scale " box and sele ct the corre ct scale
from the drop-down list.
To "curve " a stude nt's ave rage up by a spe cific numbe r of pe rcentage points (for exam ple to
make sure that a stude nt's ave rage is always "5" points highe r than the calculate d
ave rage ), che ck the "Pe rce nt adde d to ave rage" box and ente r the numbe r of pe rcentage
points that should be added.
To vie w the Grades by Stude nt page, click the Grades button at the bottom le ft.
To vie w instructions on how to transfe r grades for stude nts who have switche d se ctions of a
class, click here.
C lick Update to save changes. C lick Cancel to discard the change s.
Note: The Update and Cancel buttons are unavailable until modifications are m ade on the
Transfer Students
Teache rs can transfe r stude nts' grades from one se ction to anothe r in the ir grade book.
Grade s can only be transfe rre d to a ne w se ction for a student if the sche duling change has
already bee n made in the student manageme nt software .
W he n a stude nt is dropped from a se ction, a D will be displaye d ne x t to that student's nam e
in the gradebook .
Teac her User Guide
To transfe r a student who has bee n dropped from one class into anothe r class, click on the
student's nam e to access the Student Profile.
To transfe r the student's grades to the ne w se ction, click the gree n Transfer button at the
bottom of the profile page . Note: this button will only appear if the student has already
been dropped from the old se ction. The following screen will appear:
Using the first drop-down list, se le ct the class that the student has been droppe d from .
Indicate the appropriate stude nt in the nex t drop-down list.
Teac her User Guide
Ne x t, indicate the class that the student is to be transfe rre d to.
The information will be displaye d as shown be low:
C lick Transfer to save the changes and re turn to the gradebook . The stude nt's grade s will
be transfe rre d to the ne w se ction.
Walk-In A verage
If a stude nt moves from one se ction, taught by "teache r A," and is adde d to anothe r
se ction, taught by "teache r B," the student's ave rage will transfe r automatically to the ne w
te ache r's gradebook . This is calle d the "Walk-In" ave rage and can be vie we d on the
Grades by Students page. To auto-fill the walk -in grade into e ve ry assignme nt that was
given before the stude nt's transfe r date, the "Use as 'walk -in' ave rage " link in the top-right
corne r.
NOTE: All student t ransfers must have ide ntical initial and destination course ID's.
Teac her User Guide
Work with Categories
(Updated 7/2012)
Assignme nt categories define the diffe rent assignme nt types that you m ay use in the class.
For exam ple, cate gorie s can be create d for home work , quizzes, tests, or labs. Whe n you
cre ate a cate gory, you spe cify the we ight of that particular assignm ent type 's grade, as we ll
as assignm ent drop crite ria. For example , you can spe cify that quizzes are to be worth 25
pe rcent of a stude nt's ove rall grade, and the two lowe st quiz grade s should be dropped.
Some districts require te ache rs to use a se le ct group of categories only. In this case ,
categorie s will be locke d by the adm inistrators, and teache rs will be unable to modify or
cre ate cate gories. These categorie s appear shade d on the scree n.
District adm inistrators can also spe cify re comme nded categories that can be e dited by
te ache rs.
If categories are not se t up by the district, teache rs must de fine the ir own cate gorie s be fore
cre ating assignme nts.
Work with Categories
1. O n the task bar, click Categories. The Cate gorie s window appears.
2. Se le ct the corre ct Class from the pop-up me nu.
3. The following table de scribes the fie lds on this window:
Descriptio n
C ategory
Ente r the name of the cate gory.
C olor
Use the pop-up m enu to choose the color use d in the
gradebook to ide ntify assignments within this
We ight
Ente r the we ight for the cate gory.
Note: If Percent we ighting me thod is use d, the sum
of all cate gory we ights m ust be 100 pe rcent.
Note: If ex isting cate gorie s are de le ted, adjust the
re maining cate gorie s to equal 100 pe rcent.
# to Drop
Ente r how m any low grades will be droppe d from the
category. The total num be r of grades to drop from
all categories cannot ex cee d the value of the
sele ction from the Maximum grade s to drop for
Teac her User Guide
Descriptio n
each student pop-up me nu.
De le te
Se le ct the che ckbox nex t to an ex isting cate gory to
re move the category from the grade book.
Note: De le ting a category will also de le te any
assignme nts assigne d to that cate gory. Any category
de le te d from a class that is part of a group will be
de le te d from all classes in the same group.
Displays the total we ight calculation for all
categorie s.
Hide Spanish
C ategory Name s
Se le ct No from the pop-up me nu to display the
Spanish Category Name s fie ld. Se le ct Yes to hide
this fie ld.
Max im um
grades to drop
for e ach stude nt
Se le ct the num be r of grades that can be droppe d for
each stude nt in this category from the pop-up menu.
This se tting controls the total numbe r of grades that
will be dropped from all cate gories combined. For
ex ample , if this value is se t to 0, then no grade s will
be dropped from any category, re gardless of the
value in the # to drop fie ld for each category. The
total numbe r of droppe d grade s from all cate gories
toge the r cannot ex cee d the Maximum grades to
drop for each stude nt. Grade Spee d searches each
category and drops the lowe st grade s. The se se ttings
can be changed at any time , and Grade Speed will
autom atically re calculate the grade s to be droppe d.
Make cate gory
prope rties
identical for all
classes in this
Se le ct Yes from the pop-up menu to make
categorie s identical for all class se ctions in a group.
Me thod of
we ighting
Se le ct the we ighting me thod to be applied to all
categorie s for the curre nt se ction from the pop-up
me nu.
W he n we ighting grades by pe rcent, the total we ight
of all cate gories must equal 100 pe rcent.
Stude nts
Se le ct Yes if you want to use the Stude nts
Advantage m e thod from the pop-up m enu.
The Stude nts Advantage me thod drops the grade s
that, conside ring the total points and we ight of the
assignme nt, re sult in the highe st possible ave rage
for the stude nt. If this me thod is not use d, grades
will be dropped base d sole ly on the raw points or
pe rcentage score . For exam ple , if a stude nt's
ave rage is 89, and his two lowe st grade s are a 70 in
Teac her User Guide
Descriptio n
a category we ighted at 10 pe rcent and a 75 in a
category we ighted at 50 pe rcent, the Stude nts
Advantage m e thod would drop the 75 in orde r to
cause the least re duction in the student's ave rage .
Total Points
Se le ct Yes from the pop-up menu to use the raw
scores for each assignme nt to calculate the ave rage ,
rathe r than displaying each individual score as a
pe rcentage . For e xample, if a student ge ts 15 out of
20 que stions corre ct on an assignme nt with 20
possible points, the teache r will e nte r a score of 15
for that student. The grade ce ll will display the 15,
but the ave rage will calculate the score as 75
pe rcent.
C ance l
C lick to disregard the se le ctions.
Spe ll C he ck
C lick to spe ll che ck the conte nt.
De le te All
C lick to remove all cate gorie s and assignments for all
classes in your gradebook for the curre nt cycle .
Note: A Grade Spee d adm inistrator m ust e nable this
4. C lick Update to subm it the se le ctions. C lick Cancel to disregard the se le ctions.
Note: The Update and Cancel buttons are unavailable until modifications are m ade
on the window.
Teac her User Guide
C reate assignme nts that you can work with on the grade book.
For he lp c reating r ubr ic a ssignments, click here.
Note: If the Grade Speed adm inistrator has create d Seme ste r Exam Assignme nts, the y will
autom atically appear in the Assignme nts window.
Create a New Assignment
1. O n the task bar, click A ssignments. The Assignme nts window appears.
2. Se le ct the corre ct Class from the pop-up me nu.
3. If this is the first assignme nt create d for this class, process to the description table .
If the re are ex isting assignme nts for this class, click A dd Ne w.
4. The following table de scribes the fie lds on this window:
Descriptio n
Assignme nt
Ente r the name of the assignme nt.
Assigne d/Due
C lick the calendar icon to choose the date of the
assignme nt, and the date the assignm ent is due .
Points Possible
Ente r the total points possible for the assignm ent.
If you use pe rce nt grading, use the default value of
100. If you use raw score or total points grading,
e nte r a value that is consistent with the value of the
assignme nt.
Multiplie r
Ente r a nume ric value in the fie ld to we ight the
particular assignment within the assignme nt
category. The grade is calculate d based on the total
points times the m ultiplie r value . For e xam ple, if a
quiz should count for twice the value of all othe r
assignme nts in the Q uiz category, ente r 2 in this
fie ld. If it should count only half as heavily as othe r
assignme nts in the category, ente r .5 in the fie ld.
If the ”r;Q uiz” category’s we ighting m e thod is also
se t to ”r;Multiple ,” the two multiples are m ultiplie d
toge the r to calculate the total numbe r of tim es a
spe cific assignme nt will be counte d. For exam ple, if
the ”r;Quiz” cate gory is we ighed at 2 (grades count
t wice ) and the Multiplie r for a particular assignme nt
is ”r;3,” then that assignme nt will be worth a total of
6 grade s.
Teac her User Guide
Descriptio n
This fie ld appears shaded if the administration has
not enable d this functionality. It is also unavailable
to te ache rs using Total Points Logic.
Is Rubric
Se le ct the che ckbox to create a rubric assignme nt.
For more information, se e Rubric A ssignments.
Se le ct the assignme nt type from the pop-up me nu.
C ategory
Se le ct the cate gory from the pop-up me nu.
C ategorie s m ay be se t by the district adm inistration.
The y may or may not be available for editing by
te ache rs. Se le cting a cate gory from this m enu se ts a
spe cifie d grade we ight, grade dropping crite ria, and
othe r options to the ne w assignme nt. For more
information, see Categories.
De scription
Ente r a de scription of the assignment.
Re porting
C ategory
Se le ct a re porting cate gory from the pop-up me nu.
The se cate gories, if available , are se t by the district
adm inistration. Se le ct the re porting cate gory
spe cifie d by the district adm inistration.
Hide Spanish
Assignme nt
Se le ct No from the pop-up me nu to display the
Spanish Category Name s fie ld. Se le ct Yes to hide
this fie ld.
De fault Grade
Ente r a de fault grade for the assignment. This grade
will be e nte red for the assignme nt for all students in
the class.
Also add this
assignme nt to
the following
To add this assignme nt to othe r course s within the
pre -defined course group, se le ct the che ck box ne x t
to the applicable course nam e. Se le ct the Course
che ckbox to automatically se le ct all course s within
the group.
Add File
C lick to add a file attachme nt to the assignment. The
attached files are m ade available with
Pare ntConne ction if the district uses that module .
Spe ll C he ck
C lick Choose File or Browse to locate the
file to upload.
C lick OK to attach the file to the assignme nt
re cord.
C lick to spe ll che ck the conte nt.
5. C lick A dd to subm it the se le ctions.
6. C lick Finished to re turn to the gradebook .
Teac her User Guide
Edit an Assignment
1. O n the task bar, click A ssignments. The Assignme nts window appears.
2. Se le ct the corre ct Class from the pop-up me nu.
3. Se le ct the All Assignments che ck box to vie w all assignme nts for the sele cte d class.
Note: The All Assignm ents che ck box is disable d if the re are m ore than 5,000
assignme nts for the class.
4. C lick Edit ne x t to the applicable assignme nt. Alte rnate ly, click on the assignme nt
name hype rlink anywhe re it displays on the gradebook . The Edit Assignme nt page
appe ars.
5. Modify information in the fie lds provide d. To de le te the assignme nt, click Delete.
C lick Cancel to disregard changes.
6. C lick Update to save changes. C lick Cancel to discard the change s.
Note: The Update and Cancel buttons are unavailable until modifications are m ade
on the window.
Auto-Fill Assignment Grades
Auto-Fill allows you to automatically assign a spe cific grade for an assignm ent to e ve ry
student me e ting ce rtain crite ria. The Auto-Fill hype rlink appe ars on the Edit Assignme nt
page .
1. O n the task bar, click A ssignments. The Assignme nts window appears.
2. Se le ct the corre ct Class from the pop-up me nu.
3. C lick Edit ne x t to the applicable assignme nt. Alte rnate ly, click on the assignme nt
name hype rlink anywhe re it displays on the gradebook . The Edit Assignme nt page
appe ars.
4. C lick the A uto-Fill hype rlink. The following auto-fill options appear:
Descriptio n
Re place
Se le ct the auto-fill crite ria from the pop-up me nu.
Grade s with
Ente r the value of the replaceme nt grade in the fie ld.
C lick to subm it the se le ctions. The Auto-Fill hype rlink
re -appears.
C ance l
C lick to disregard the se le ctions.
Export Assignments
1. O n the task bar, click A ssignments. The Assignme nts window appears.
2. C lick Export. A confirm ation dialog appe ars.
3. C lick OK. A .csv file containing all assignments for the curre nt classe s
downloads to your syste m.
Teac her User Guide
Assignment Objectives
If the Grade Speed adm inistrator has enable d Obje ctives, you can assign state standards or
custom obje ctives to an assignme nt.
1. O n the task bar, click A ssignments. The Assignme nts window appears.
2. Se le ct the corre ct Class from the pop-up me nu.
3. C lick Edit ne x t to the applicable assignme nt. Alte rnate ly, click on the assignme nt
name hype rlink anywhe re it displays on the gradebook . The Assignme nt Maintenance
page appears.
4. C lick Objectives. The Assignme nt Obje ctives page appe ars.
5. C lick A dd Ne w to add a ne w obje ctive to the assignment. The Se le ct a Subje ct popup me nu appe ars.
6. Se le ct the assignme nt subje ct area from the Select a Subject pop-up me nu. The
Se le ct a Course pop-up me nu appears.
7. Se le ct the appropriate course from the Select a Co urse pop-up menu. The Sele ct
and O bje ctive pop-up me nu appears.
8. Se le ct the stude nt obje ctive from the Select an Obje ctive pop-up me nu. O nce the
obje ctive is sele cte d, the individual stude nt's ex pe ctations appear.
9. Se le ct the che ckbox nex t to the ex pe ctation for this assignme nt. Se le ct m ultiple
ex pe ctations if applicable .
10. C lick OK. The Assignm ent O bje ctive s page displays the se le cted ex pe ctations.
11. Re peat steps 5 through 10 to add m ore obje ctive s.
12. W he n all obje ctive s have bee n added to the assignme nt, click Finishe d. The
Assignme nt Mainte nance page appears. The Stude nt Expe ctations area on the right
side displays the se le cte d data.
13. C lick the plus (+) sign nex t to a standard to expand the sele ction and vie w obje ctive
information de tails. Continue to expand the se le ction until the obje ctive information
appe ars.
14. C lick A dd to save the assignme nt se ttings.
15. C lick Finished to re turn to the gradebook .
Rubric Assignments
(Updated 7/2012)
Create a Rubric Assignment
1. O n the task bar, click A ssignments. The Assignme nts window appears.
2. Se le ct the corre ct Class from the pop-up me nu.
3. C lick A dd Ne w. The Add Assignm ent window appe ars.
4. Se le ct the Is Rubric che ck box. A Color pop-up menu appears.
Teac her User Guide
5. Se le ct a color to distinguish this rubric assignme nt from the Color pop-up menu. The
color you se le ct appears on the gradebook page .
6. C ontinue to de fine this assignment. For more information, se e Create a Ne w
A ssignment.
7. C lick A dd. The rubric is created, and the C reate Ne w Task pane appears on the right
side of the window.
8. The following table de scribes the fie lds on this window:
Descriptio n
Task Name
Ente r the name of the rubric task .
Assigne d/Due
C lick the calendar icons to se le ct the assigned task
and due dates for the task.
Points Possible
Ente r the total points possible for the rubric task .
De fault Grade
Ente r a de fault grade for the rubric task .
C ategory
Se le ct the cate gory from the pop-up me nu.
De scription
Ente r a de scription of the assignment.
C rite ria
R ubrics are base d on scores of 1-4. Ente r the crite ria
for e ach le vel in the corresponding fie lds provided.
9. C lick A dd Task. The task is added to the rubric assignme nt.
10. Re peat to de fine additional rubric task s for the assignme nt.
11. C lick Update to save the task and add it to the grade book. Any assignme nts re lated
to the rubric are distinguished by the colore d title boxe s. The Points Possible for the
rubric assignme nt is automatically calculate d. It is the sum of the possible points for
all re lated rubric tasks.
12. You can now e nte r scores for the rubric tasks in the grade book . For m ore
information, see A ssignment Grades.
District Rubrics
If the adm inistrator has created district-require d rubrics to be used on assignm ents, you
can add these tasks to an assignme nt.
1. C reate a ne w rubric assignme nt, or modify an ex isting rubric assignme nt. For more
information, see Create a Rubr ic A ssignme nt or Edit an A ssignme nt.
2. C lick the District R ubr ic button. The Assignme nt Rubrics page appears.
3. Se le ct the applicable options from the pop-up m enus.
4. Se le ct the applicable A ssigned and Due date s.
5. C lick Finished. The rubric assignment displays on the gradebook .
Teac her User Guide
Work with Grades
(Updated 7/2012)
The re are thre e ways to ente r grade s with Grade Spe ed. Grades can be ente re d by student,
by assignme nt, or dire ctly from the main grade book page .
Note: Your system adm inistrator can configure the gradebook to leave seme ste r and
ove rall ave rages blank if final exams, cycle ave rage s, or seme ste r e xams are blank . Consult
with your system adm inistrator if you se e blank space s for seme ste r or ove rall ave rage s.
Grades Window
1. Se le ct the class from the class pop-up me nu.
2. If the grade book holds more than one page of assignme nts, navigation arrows will
appe ar towards the top of the page . Use the navigation arrows to acce ss each page .
3. Se le ct the A ll A ssig nments che ck box to vie w all assignme nts on one page . You can
scroll through the grade s using the scroll bars on the bottom and right side of the
page . Even whe n scrolling, im portant information such as the stude nt names and
assignme nt titles are always visible .
4. Se le ct the Enter Moves Do wn che ck box to indicate that the Ente r and Tab ke ys
should move the cursor from one ce ll, down to the nex t lowe r ce ll in the column.
De se le ct the Enter Moves Do wn box to indicate that the Ente r and Tab ke ys should
move the cursor from one ce ll, right to the nex t ce ll in the row.
5. Se le ct a grade fie ld. The stude nt and assignment title for that grade appears at the
bottom of the page .
6. Se le ct a display option from the A vg Display Options pop-up menu. You can
choose be twe en Num e ric, Rounde d, or Alpha display options.
7. To change a grade , se le ct the grade fie ld and use the ke yboard to m ake change s.
Note that the numbe r of changes that have bee n made are tracke d near the bottom
of the screen in the Changes s ince last up date fie ld.
You can e nte r a num e ric score (such as 90, 87.5), alpha score (B, A+), or a spe cial
grade code . The de fault spe cial grade code s are Msg, Exc, and Inc. A grade of Inc
or Exc is calculate d as a blank ce ll - it will not affe ct the stude nt's ave rage . A grade
of Msg will be calculated as a 0. In most cases, you can e nte r an M, E, or I in place
of the three-le tte r code (the full Exc code should still be use d if the class use s the
ESNU grade conve rsion).
8. C lick Update in orde r to save change s. Click Cancel to disre gard the changes.
Grade fie lds that have been update d will be highlighted in dark gray.
G rades
Teac her User Guide
Note: If you make s changes, but click one of the task bar icons (A ssignment, Report,
Categories, e tc) before clicking Update, you will be prom pte d to save be fore leaving the
main grade book window.
Grades by Student
(Updated 7/2012)
Grade Spee d allows you to e nte r advanced grade modifications (re tak es, add points,
ove rride grades) without losing track of the stude nt's original grade . You can also re cord
standards-based grades (if made available by district administrators) that are use d to
gene rate the Grade Spee d Custom Re port C ards.
Access the Grades by Student Window
1. O n the task bar, click Grades. The Grade s window appears.
2. Se le ct the corre ct Class from the pop-up me nu.
3. C lick the A ve hype rlink nex t to the applicable stude nt. The Grades by Stude nt
window appe ars.
1. Se le ct the corre ct Class from the pop-up me nu.
2. O n the le ft pane , click the Student List hype rlink . The Student List window appe ars.
3. C lick the Grades hype rlink . The Grade s by Stude nt window appears.
G rades
Teac her User Guide
Work with the Grades by Student Window
Se le ct the corre ct class from the C lass pop-up menu.
Se le ct the applicable vie w of the window from the View pop-up m enu. This window
pre se rves the last vie w you se le ct, m eaning that the nex t time to acce ss this
window, the last vie w you se le cte d appears.
O n the le ft pane , fie lds display the Calculated Grades and Overridden Grades.
The se fie lds are contex t-se nsitive to the sele ction made from the Vie w pop-up me nu.
You can e nte r assignme nt re take s, add points, or ove rride grade s on the Grades by
Student window, and the n click the button nex t to the Cycle A vg label. The button
will the n display a ne w grade . That grade is what the stude nt's ave rage could be if
he or she earne d the grade (s) that the teache r ente re d. For exam ple , if a stude nt
took a test and re ce ive d a grade of 46, you could ente r a 75 in the 1st Re take
colum n, click the C ycle Avg button, and display what his ave rage could be if the
student took the re tak e and only earned a 75. This feature is use ful be cause it
calculates the potential ave rage a stude nt could be earning, while ne ve r saving the
ne w grade into the database .
Enter Grades by Student
1. Se le ct the class from the Class pop-up me nu.
2. Se le ct Grades from the View pop-up me nu.
3. The following table de scribes the fie lds on this window:
G rades
Descriptio n
Assignme nt
Displays the name of the assignme nt.
C ategory
Displays the assigned cate gory for the assignme nt.
Assigne d
Displays the assigned date for the assignment.
Displays the due date for the assignme nt.
Points Possible
Displays the points possible for the assignment.
Displays the assignme nt score .
O riginal Grade
Displays the original grade re corde d for the
assignme nt.
1st Re take
Ente r the re take grade , if the stude nt was allowe d to
re take the assignme nt.
C lick Update to vie w the re take grade in the Score
fie ld.
2nd Re tak e
Ente r the se cond re tak e grade , if the stude nt was
allowe d a se cond re tak e of the assignment. You can
choose whe the r the re take grades are ave rage d
toge the r, or the last re tak e takes pre cede nce, or the
highest grade of the three (original, 1st re take , and
2nd re take) takes pre cede nce. The Re take Be havior
Teac her User Guide
Descriptio n
is spe cifie d in the Teacher Profile.
Points Added
Ente r a nume ric value that will be adde d to the
score .
If the se cond re take grade is not high enough, you
can choose to add points using the Points A dded
fie ld. Any num e ric value ente re d into this fie ld is
adde d to the score .
O ve rride Grade
Ente r a nume ric value for the ove rride grade . This
value take s pre ce de nce ove r all re tak e and original
grade values.
Se le ct the che ckbox to mark the assignme nt late .
Do not drop
Se le ct the che ckbox to include this score in the
ave rage , e ve n if it is the lowe st score that would
norm ally be droppe d from the calculation.
Ente r a note for the assignme nt grade.
Print Note
Se le ct the che ckbox to include the note on printed
progre ss reports.
4. C lick Update to save changes. C lick Cancel to discard the change s.
Note: The Update and Cancel buttons are unavailable until modifications are m ade
on the window.
Modify Report Card Entries
Schools that use the Grade Spee d Custom Re port Card module may choose to se t up spe cial
standards-based grades, espe cially for e leme ntary stude nts.
1. Se le ct the class from the Class pop-up me nu.
2. Se le ct Report Card E ntries from the View pop-up menu.
3. Ente r the appropriate scores for e ach standard liste d. Use the arrow k e ys or the
mouse to navigate to diffe rent fields. Use the A llo wed Value s to score each
standard. These are se t by the district adm inistration.
4. C lick Update to save changes. C lick Cancel to discard the change s.
Note: The Update and Cancel buttons are unavailable until modifications are m ade
on the window.
Enter Report Card Comments
The C ustom Report Card module also provides schools the option of allowing teache rs to
e nte r stude nt-spe cific comm ents for each grading pe riod.
1. Se le ct the class from the Class pop-up me nu.
G rades
Teac her User Guide
2. Se le ct Report Card Comments from the View pop-up m enu.
3. Ente r the comme nt in the corre sponding grading pe riod or cycle field provided.
4. C lick Spell Check to ve rify the spe lling in the comme nt.
5. C lick Update to save changes. C lick Cancel to discard the change s.
Note: The Update and Cancel buttons are unavailable until modifications are m ade
on the window.
Grade by Names/Identifies
At lowe r grade le ve ls, occasionally standards are re corde d in a Nam es/Identifie s format. For
ex ample , students in Pre -K or Kinde rgarten may be score d on the ir ability to identify ce rtain
le tte rs or numbe rs. This format allows the teache r to re cord whe the r or not a student has
maste red a spe cific sk ill, and re cord the date of m aste ry.
1. Se le ct the class from the Class pop-up me nu.
2. Se le ct Names/Identit ies from the View pop-up me nu.
3. Ente r the appropriate value in the Score field and re cord the Date Identified.
4. C lick Update to save changes. C lick Cancel to discard the change s.
Note: The Update and Cancel buttons are unavailable until modifications are m ade
on the window.
IPR Information
The district m ay se t up the gradebook so that IPR Entries, IPR Comments /Notes, and
IPR Names/Ident ities are re corded se parate ly from the com mon e ntries. The IPR
information can be e nte red the same way de scribe d pre viously for com mon e ntries.
Grades by Assignment
(Updated 7/2012)
The Grade s by Assignme nt m e thod of grading allows teache rs to e nte r e ve ry student's
grade in for a particular assignme nt. This diffe rs from Grades by Student in that teache rs
see a list of all stude nts and e nte r grade s for one spe cific assignme nt. In Grades by
Stude nt, all e xisting assignme nt grade s are vie wable /e ditable, but only for one stude nt at a
time . Grade s can also be e nte red dire ctly onto the main gradebook page , vie wable by
click ing the Grade s icon.
Access the Grades by Assignment Window
1. O n the task bar, click A ssignments. The Assignme nts window appears.
2. Se le ct the corre ct Class from the pop-up me nu.
3. C lick the Grade hype rlink nex t to the applicable assignment. The Grade s by
Assignme nt window appears.
G rades
Teac her User Guide
1. OR On the task bar, click Grades. The Grades window appears.
2. Se le ct the corre ct Class from the pop-up me nu.
3. C lick the applicable assignme nt name in the colum n heade rs ne ar the top of the
window. The Grades by Assignm ent window appe ars.
Work with the Grades by Assignment Window
1. O n the le ft-hand side of the window, the re is also a color-coded pie chart that
displays a de taile d break down of stude nt grade s.
2. Ne ar the bottom of the window, the C lass Ave rage field displays the ave rage grade
for the assignme nt for the e ntire class. Se le ct a display option for this fie ld from the
A vg Display Opt ions pop-up me nu.
3. C lick the Spell Check button to re vie w any tex t that has bee n e nte re d and che ck for
e rrors.
Enter Grades by Assignment
1. Se le ct the class from the Class pop-up me nu.
2. Se le ct the assignme nt from the A ssignment pop-up me nu.
Note: To edit ex isting assignme nts from the Grade s by Assignme nt page , se le ct the
applicable assignme nt, the n click the Edit link .
3. The following table de scribes the fie lds on this window:
G rades
Descriptio n
Stude nt
Stude nt name displays.
Displays the stude nt's class ranking for the graded
assignme nt.
Displays the stude nt's score for the assignm ent.
O riginal Grade
(1st Try)
Ente r the original, e arned grade for the assignm ent.
Typically, you will not m odify this grade afte r the
initial grade entry, as this is the re cord of the first
grade that the student re ce ive d for the assignm ent.
Re take 1
Ente r the re take grade , if the stude nt was allowe d to
re take the assignme nt.
C lick Update to vie w the re take grade in the Score
fie ld.
Teac her User Guide
Descriptio n
Re take 2
Ente r the se cond re tak e grade , if the stude nt was
allowe d a se cond re tak e of the assignment. You can
choose whe the r the re take grades are ave rage d
toge the r, or the last re tak e takes pre cede nce, or the
highest grade of the three (original, 1st re take , and
2nd re take) takes pre cede nce. The Re take Be havior
is spe cifie d in the Teacher Profile.
Points Added
Ente r a nume ric value that will be adde d to the
score .
O ve rride
Ente r a nume ric value for the ove rride grade . This
value take s pre ce de nce ove r all re tak e and original
grade values.
Se le ct the che ckbox to mark the assignme nt late .
Do not drop
Se le ct the che ckbox to include this score in the
ave rage , e ve n if it is the lowe st score that would
norm ally be droppe d from the calculation.
Ente r a note for the assignme nt grade.
Print Note
Se le ct the che ckbox to include the note on printed
progre ss reports.
Double -click to vie w a list of modification code s.
Se le ct the applicable code , and it appears in the
fie ld. Alte rnate ly, e nte r tex t in the field. The data
e nte red is use d for reporting purposes only.
4. C lick Update to save changes. C lick Cancel to discard the change s.
Note: The Update and Cancel buttons are unavailable until modifications are m ade
on the window.
Import Assignment Grades
If you use a C PS grade scanne r, or a grade scanne r that produces a tex t file , you can im port
these grades into Grade Spee d.
You can import grades if the tex t file use s the following gene ric form at: ”r;[studentID],
1. O n the Grade s by Assignme nt window, click Import on the le ft pane of the
Grade Spee d window. The Import Grade s dialog appears.
2. Se le ct the file type from the Type pop-up m enu.
3. C lick Browse or Choose File to navigate to the file to be im ported.
4. C lick Import Grades. A confirm ation dialog appears. C lick OK. The im porte d grades
display in the O riginal Grade fie ld on the Grade s by Assignme nt window. If the re are
G rades
Teac her User Guide
any invalid re cords whe n im porting the file , no ne w grade s will be im ported. Ve rify
that the source file is formatted corre ctly (”r;[stude ntID], [score ]”).
Rubric Grades
(Updated 7/2012)
O nce you have create d a rubric assignm ent, you can vie w the rubric grade s.
View Rubric Assignment Grades
1. O n the task bar, click Grades. The Grade s window appears.
2. Se le ct the corre ct Class from the pop-up me nu.
3. C lick the value in the A vg colum n nex t to the student name . The Grades by Student
window appe ars.
4. Se le ct the applicable rubric from the View pop-up me nu. The rubric task list
appe ars. The crite ria for e ach score for each rubric task displays. The total displays
on the bottom right of the list.
5. Modify the score s as ne ede d.
6. C lick Update.
G rades
Teac her User Guide
(updated 8/16/07)
Grade Spee d offe rs te ache rs a wide varie ty of he lpful reports that can be ge ne rated and
printed at any point during the school year.
To access the bulk of the Grade Spee d reports, click on the Reports icon in the task bar at
the top of any page .
The main Reports control pane l will appear. The use of all re ports is pre tty m uch the same .
Se le ct the report to be run from the list on the le ft, and the n some Report Options will
appe ar in the column to the right of the report list. Sele ct the de sired parame te rs for the
re port and click Generate.
Teac her User Guide
Category Average Report
(updated 8 /15 /07 )
The Category A verages report pulls up a de tailed list of all stude nts in a particular pe riod
that is spe cified, and their individual grade ave rages - pe r assignme nt Category.
To pull up the Category A verages report, first click the Report icon in the task bar at the
top of any page .
Se le ct Category A verages from the list of re ports on the le ft.
O nce the re port is se le cted, som e report options will appear in the ce nte r of the scree n.
The re are some sorting options available in the drop-down list, as we ll as some print
Se t the parame te rs for the re port, the n click Generate to ope n the printable re port in a
ne w window. Use the browse r's "Print" comm and to print the report.
Teac her User Guide
Honor Roll Report
(adde d 8/17/07)
Teache rs have se ve ral ve ry useful reports available to them . The Honor Ro ll Report is
use ful be cause teache rs can easily se e e ve ry stude nt the y te ach that is qualified to be on
the honor roll. Not only that, but if the teache r is assigned to a particular A ctivity Gro up,
the y can also see if any of the stude nts assigne d to that activity are on the honor roll as
we ll.
To access the Honor Ro ll Repo rt, teache rs m ust click the Reports icon.
The Te ache r reports control pane l will appear. All the report options appear on the left-hand
side of the page .
Teac her User Guide
Unde r A dministrative Reports, click the Honor Roll Report link .
The Honor Ro ll Repo rt control pane l will appear. Teache rs can only see honor roll re ports
for their students, as we ll as any students that are assigned to an A ctivity Code that the
te ache r is de signate d to ove rse e.
This is what the teache r Honor Roll Report control pane l look s lik e:
Be fore attem pting to ge ne rate the honor roll, use rs should first adjust the se ttings on the
page so that the re port contains the desired data.
Teac her User Guide
First, se t the grade de finitions as de te rm ined by district policy; define what constitutes an
"A" and a "B."
The Grade Levels drop-down list can be use d to lim it the re sults to honor roll stude nts
from a spe cific grade le ve l. Sim ilarly, the A ctivity Codes drop-down list can be used to
lim it the results to honor roll students from a spe cific activity code.
Use the Cycle che ck box es to indicate which cycle s the honor roll should be gene rate d for.
Use rs can choose whe the r to report an "A" honor roll, a "B" honor roll, or an "A/B" honor
roll. If "A/B" is se le cte d, the use r m ust e nte r the numbe r of "A's" that are require d to qualify
the stude nt for the honor roll. For exam ple , if the "A/B" che ck box is se le cted, and the dropdown list is se t to "3," the n a stude nt with five B's and two A's would not be e ligible for the
honor roll.
The Honor Ro ll Repo rt can be ge ne rated for all stude nts, or just for spe cific students.
Again, teache rs can only see the grade s of stude nts that the y're authorize d to - students in
the ir classe s or activity group only. Use the "Students" drop-down me nu to se le ct a
particular stude nt, or leave it se t to "All."
The honor roll can be produce d in two formats, short and long.
Teac her User Guide
The "Short" honor roll re port displays only stude nt names, as shown be low:
The "Long" honor roll report shows m uch m ore de tail. Each course 's grade for each
comple ted cycle is displaye d, along with te ache r name s, course name s, grade le ve l, stude nt
and te ache r ID's, as we ll as whe the r the stude nt qualifie d for the "A" honor roll or the "B"
honor roll.
O nce the re port has bee n ge ne rated in the de sire d form , it can be printed using the
browse r's print command. It can also be saved to a Microsoft Ex ce l file using the Save to
Excel button that will appear once the report has be en gene rate d.
To re turn to the Reports m enu, click the Close button.
Grade List Report
(updated 8 /16 /07 )
The Grade List Repo rt pulls a comprehe nsive list of all stude nts in a particular class, as
we ll as the ir grade s - pe r assignment, and pe r category. The stude nts' ave rages are also
To access the Grade List re port, first click the Reports ico n in the task bar at the top of
any page .
Se le ct Grade List in the m enu on the left side of the page .
Teac her User Guide
O nce Grade List has bee n se le cted from the re port list on the le ft, som e Report Options
will appear in the cente r of the page . Use the Sorting drop down list to spe cify how the
re port should be sorte d - by stude nt nam e, ID, high grade , or low grade . The re are se ve ral
print options as we ll that can be toggled on and off.
Unde r Grade List Options, 1 of 2 options can be se le cte d - 1) Assignme nt nam es can be
printed dire ctly into the colum n he ade rs, or 2) All assignme nts will be given a numbe r, and
the re will be a le ge nd at the bottom of the re port that ex plains which num be r stands for
which assignme nt. Having assignme nt names in colum n he ade rs mak es it e asie r to find
data, but it also clutte rs up the re port.
Print GradeLeve l will stick each student's grade le ve l ne x t to his or he r name in the
re port. Order by Grade Level will sort the results by student grade le ve ls.
Se t the parame te rs for the re port, the n click Generate to ope n the printable re port in a
ne w window. Use the browse r's "Print" comm and to print the report.
Teac her User Guide
Also note the re is a "Paper Saver" ve rsion of this report. This re port com pre sse s the
information in orde r to fit all stude nts onto one page , thus saving pape r.
Teac her User Guide
Conduct/Comments Report
(updated 11 /8 /06 )
The Conduct/Comme nts re port will display any com ments and conduct codes that have
been assigne d to each student. The re port also shows stude nt ave rages.
To pull up the Conduct/Comments re port, first click the Report icon in the task bar at
the top of any page .
Se le ct Conduct/ Comments from the list of reports on the left side of the page .
O nce the re port has bee n se le cted from the list, some report options will appear in the
ce nte r of the page . Using the Sorting drop-down m enu, se le ct how the re port data should
be sorted. The re are also a couple of handy print options available .
Se t the parame te rs for the re port, the n click Generate to ope n the printable re port in a
ne w window. Use the browse r's "Print" comm and to print the report.
Teac her User Guide
Assignments Report
(updated 8 /15 /07 )
The A ssignments Re port will pull a de taile d, e asy-to-read list of all assignm ents within the
gradebook .
To vie w the A ssignments Repo rt, first click the Reports icon at the top of any page.
Teac her User Guide
Se le ct A ssignments from the list of possible te ache r reports.
Ne x t, se le ct the desired param e te rs for the report using the Report Options in the cente r
of the page. The report can be se t to sort by date assigned, date due , and category by using
the Sorting drop-down list.
Finally, click Generate to open the printable report in a ne w window. Use the browse r's
"Print" comm and to print the report.
Missing Assignments Reports
(updated 8 /16 /07 )
Teac her User Guide
The Missing A ssignments Repo rt compile s a list of all stude nts with m issing assignm ents,
as we ll as de tailed information re garding those assignme nts (original due date , assignment
title , and assignment cate gory).
Se le ct Miss ing A ssig nments from the list of reports.
O nce Missing A ssignme nts has bee n clicke d, some Report Options will appear in the
m iddle of the page . The re are some basic sorting and print options available. The report can
also be se t to include blank grades as m issing assignme nts. Se t the desired parame te rs for
the re port, then click Generate. The report will appear in a ne w browse r window. The
te ache r can then print the re port, if desired, by using the browse r's print function.
Class Roster
(updated 8 /15 /07 )
T he Class R oste r report pulls up a printable class roster grid that c an be us ed to take attendanc e by
hand, given to s ubs titute teac hers , or us ed for a variety of other helpful reasons .
To pull up the Class Ro ster re port, first click the Report icon in the task bar at the top of
any page .
Teac her User Guide
Se le ct Class Roster from the list of re ports on the le ft side of the page.
O nce Class Roster is sele cte d, some report options will appear in the ce nte r of the page .
The report can be sorte d by student name or by stude nt ID by using the Sorting drop-down
me nu. The am ount of we ek s for the report to display can be se t using the Weeks dropdown menu.
Some handy print options are available as we ll.
Se t the parame te rs for the re port, the n click Generate to ope n the printable re port in a
ne w window. Use the browse r's "Print" comm and to print the report.
Teac her User Guide
Attendance Roster Report
(updated 8/16/07)
The A ttendance Roster Repo rt pulls up a list of e ve ry student in a particular class. The
re port can be gene rate d blank , for manual atte ndance entry, or it can have all ex isting
attendance re cords filled in.
To vie w the A ttendance Roster Re port, se le ct A ttendance Roster from the list of
possible re ports.
Teac her User Guide
The re are se ve ral options to choose from whe n displaying this re port. The re are various
sorting options, the pe riod of the re port can be se le cted, the time code , as we ll as se ve ral
print options.
The A ttendance Roster Repo rt can be gene rated blank so it can be filled out by hand, or
with all ex isting atte ndance data filled in. Toggle this data on and off with the Print Detail
che ckbox .
Se t the parame te rs for the re port, the n click the Generate button to ope n the printable
re port in a ne w window. Use the browse r's "Print" command to print the re port.
Teac her User Guide
Failure Report
(updated 1/16/08)
Teache rs have se ve ral ve ry useful reports available to them . The Failure Report is useful
in particular be cause teache rs can easily see e ve ry stude nt the y teach that is failing. Not
only that, but if the teache r is assigned to a particular A ctivity Group, the y can also see if
any of the students assigned to that activity are failing as we ll.
To access the Failure Report, te ache rs m ust first click the Reports icon in the task bar at
the top of any page .
The Te ache r reports control pane l will appear. All the report options appear on the left-hand
side of the page .
Teac her User Guide
Unde r A dministrative Reports, click the Failure Re port link .
The Failure Report control pane l will appear. Teache rs will only be able to run failure
re ports for their students, as we ll as any students that are assigned to an A ctivity Code
that the teache r is designated to ove rsee .
The Mode drop-down box give s te ache rs the option to spe cify whe the r the report will pull a
list of stude nts with failing cycle ave rage s, semester ave rages, or final ave rages.
Teac her User Guide
Indicate the de sire d cycle using the Cycle drop-down list.
Teache rs are only allowe d to pull failure reports for students that the y te ach. That be ing the
case , the "Taught By" drop-down box will always contain just the te ache r's name . Use the
radio buttons to indicate whe the r ALL courses for students taught by the teache r should be
re turned, or only failing course s.
If the report is se t to re turn "All courses for stude nts," it will be easy to se e if a stude nt is
failing a single class but doing we ll in all othe rs. If the "O nly failing courses" option is use d,
then the re port be more concise and will give le ss contex t as to the stude nt's pe rformance
in othe r classes.
Teache rs may choose to run a report only for stude nts who have been assigne d a spe cific
activity code that the y have been designated to ove rsee . Sele ct the activity code from the
A ctivity drop-down list.
In the case of the scree n shot above , this particular teache r has only bee n assigned to the
"Girls Athle tics" activity code . So that is the only activity whose students she is designated
to pull a failure report for. This doe s not apply to te ache rs who have not bee n assigne d to a
particular activity code .
The teache r choose to re strict the report to a spe cific grade le vel or to run the re port for all
Teac her User Guide
The teache r can also choose whe the r to re port on grades A bove or Below a spe cifie d
score . The adm inistrator can then se t that spe cifie d score in the fie ld to the right.
To re turn to the Reports m enu, click the Close button.
Progress Reports
(updated 10 /31 /06 )
Grade Spee d fe atures advance d progress re port options. Teache rs can produce de tailed
progre ss reports for the ir students. Progre ss reports can also be ge ne rate d at the campus
le ve l.
To ge ne rate a progress report, click the Progress Repo rts icon in the task bar on any
page . The following page will appear:
Teac her User Guide
Entering Prog ress Report Information
The teache r can use this page to ente r com ment code s, conduct scores, and to produce a
progre ss report for any or all of the stude nts shown.
To vie w students from anothe r class, se le ct the appropriate course from the Class dropdown list.
Teac her User Guide
The teache r can ente r up to five district-de fined comme nt codes pe r stude nt pe r grading
cycle .
Afte r m ak ing entries on this page , click Update to save the code s ente re d for each stude nt.
To de le te any comme nt/conduct code s ente re d for stude nts displayed on the page , click
Clear. C onfirmation will be re quired before the codes will be removed.
Teache rs can also define their own com ment codes that will only be use d within the ir
gradebook s. To do this, choose a code (m ust be diffe rent from the district-de fine d comm ent
code s) and the n ente r the desired description.
Progress Re port Opt ions
Teache rs can configure the progress reports furthe r. C lick the Options button at the top le ft
corne r of the page. The following window will pop up:
Teac her User Guide
Unde r the Grades se ction, indicate the le ve l of de tail the progre ss reports should show assignme nt le ve l, cate gory le ve l, or ove rall ave rage s only.
Unde r the Miscella neous se ction, indicate additional info that should be displaye d on the
progre ss report. The Show Math option displays the calculations used to gene rate the
ave rages. The Print attendance Totals option will show the total occurre nces of each
attendance code . The Print A verages as A lp ha controls whe the r the course ave rage s are
displayed as alpha or nume ric values not only on the progre ss reports but also in
GSMonitor (an administrator tool) and in Pare ntConne ction. Finally, the Print Sig nature
Line option will give pare nts the option of signing and re turning the progre ss re port.
Be cause the y typically have e ach stude nt for all or most hom e room classes, e leme ntary
te ache rs have some options not nee ded for se condary te ache rs. Eleme ntary teache rs can
choose one of three print options:
A ll cla sses for each stude nt se lected - prints the stude nt's full sche dule , m inus
any classe s taught by othe r teache rs
Failing clas ses for each student selected - prints all classe s that the stude nt is
curre ntly failing, minus classe s taught by othe r teache rs
Only what I have se lected - prints only the curre nt class
If the progress report is be ing gene rate d for print, the te ache r can use the che ck box to
choose to "Ne ve r print 2 stude nts on the same page ."
Teac her User Guide
At the bottom of the Options window the re are se ve ral note options. Te ache rs can ente r
English and Spanish ve rsions of notes that will be printe d on a student's re port card in the
language indicate d on his or he r student profile. To e nte r the English ve rsion of the notes,
se t the radio button to "English," and to ente r the Spanish ve rsion of the note s, se t the
radio button to "Spanish."
Three notes can be created; one for all students, one for passing stude nts, and one for
failing stude nts. To create the note for all stude nts, click the A ll Stude nts button, then
e nte r the appropriate note in the fie ld above . Sim ilarly, to create the Passing Stude nts
and Failing Stude nts notes, click the appropriate button the n ente r the note in the fie ld
above .
To save the options and re turn to the Progre ss Re port page, click OK. To discard changes
and re turn to the Progress Report page , click Cancel. To che ck spe lling for the notes, click
Spell Check. Note that only the note curre ntly displayed will be che cked for spe lling - spe ll
che ck all thre e note s se parate ly.
Printing Pro gress Reports
O nce the com ment/conduct information has bee n ente re d and the options have be en se t
prope rly, progre ss re ports can be printed. First, e nsure that the corre ct class is se le cted
from the drop-down list.
Ne x t, che ck the box nex t to e ach stude nt who should re ce ive a progress report during this
Teac her User Guide
The teache r can also use the Select Students drop-down list at the top of the page to
choose all stude nts, passing students, failing stude nts, or no students.
O nce the corre ct stude nts are che cked off, choose the de sire d print option using the dropdown list at the top right corne r of the page .
To print all stude nts' progress re ports, se le ct "Print All." A ne w window will ope n to show the
progre ss reports, and if the work station is conne cted to a printe r, the print dialog will
autom atically open.
To email all students' progress reports, se le ct "Em ail." This will se nd each student's
progre ss report as an email attachme nt to the guardian em ail address of re cord in the
Grade Spee d database .
The final option, "Print stude nts w/o email" will email progre ss re ports whe re an email
address is available and print the re st.
Note: The Update and Cancel buttons are unavailable until modifications are m ade on the
Teac her User Guide
Discipline Module
(updated 8/1/07)
Grade Spee d offe rs a Discipline m odule that allows te ache rs to re cord and subm it discipline
incide nt re fe rrals. The se re fe rrals will autom atically be sent dire ctly to the appropriate
adm inistrator for action.
Note: this fe ature is optional - not all school districts will use the Grade Speed Discipline
module. If you do not see the Discip line icon on your gradebook toolbar, your district doe s
not use this feature !
Launch Disc ipline
To access the discipline tools, teache rs should click the Discipline icon on the grade book
Discip line Referra l
This is the page you will see afte r clicking the Discip line icon:
D iscipline
Teac her User Guide
First, look at the small cale ndar icon at the top of the page . Note that today's date is
autom atically se le cte d. If the incident didn't occur today and you ne ed to change the date of
occurre nce , click the cale ndar and pick the corre ct date .
To minim ize the cale ndar, sim ply click the little calendar icon again.
Ne x t, use the Period drop-down list to indicate the pe riod in which the incident occurre d.
D iscipline
Teac her User Guide
If you know which adm inistrator should ove rsee this incident, you can se le ct him /he r from
the Discipline A dmin drop-down list.
Indicate the grade le ve l of the stude nt(s) involve d using the GradeLevel drop-down list.
This will filte r the list of stude nts in your Students drop-down list to include only stude nts
in the grade le vel you se le cte d. If you don't pick a grade le ve l, you will se e e ve ry student
from e ve ry grade when you click on the Student drop-down list.
Ne x t, se le ct the stude nt who was involve d with the incide nt. Keep in m ind that you can add
anothe r stude nt to the incide nt re port late r.
C hoose the Time that the incide nt occurre d, and the Location.
D iscipline
Teac her User Guide
You can also ente r additional comm ents about this incident.
W he n you se le ct the stude nt who was involved with the incident by following the
instructions above , the "Stude nt," "Incident," "Action," "Pare nt Contacted," "C ontact Date ,"
"Contact Me thod," and "C ontact Notes" fie lds towards the bottom of the page will populate .
The district adm inistrators se t the Incide nt and Action code s that you can use to comple te
the form . This is done be fore the beginning of the school year.
Se le ct the prope r Incident Code from the "Incident" drop-down box .
Ne x t, se le ct the appropriate A ction Co de for the action you wish to tak e against the
D iscipline
Teac her User Guide
The Parent Contacted fie ld is automatically populated with the pare nt/guardian contact
info that we have on file for the stude nt. Se le ct the nam e of the pe rson you contacted
re garding the incident.
Ne x t, ente r the date that you contacted the stude nt's pare nt/guardian in the Contact Date
fie ld.
Spe cify the me thod by which you contacted the stude nt's pare nt/guardian and se le ct it from
the Contact Method drop-down me nu.
D iscipline
Teac her User Guide
Lastly, if the re are any spe cific notes you took pe rtaining to your discussion with the
student's parent/guardian, ente r them in the Contact Notes fie ld.
Histo ry Repo rt
In the grade book 's Discipline fe ature , the re is a History Report. W ith this re port, you can
vie w all of your past discipline incidents.
To access the History Report from within the Discipline module , click the History Report
icon in the top right corne r of the scree n.
This will pull up a re cord of all the past discipline e ntries on file for the ye ar. This re cord has
lots of he lpful data: the name of the student involve d, the incide nt numbe r, the date the
incide nt took place, a description of the incide nt itse lf, the action the teache r took against
the stude nt, and finally, any adm inistrator action tak en towards the stude nt (if any).
D iscipline