Ayai to Rap: Prach Ly tells the story of Cambodia
Ayai to Rap: Prach Ly tells the story of Cambodia
PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SEATTLE, WA Permit No. 2393 VOL. 33, NO. 15 JOURNAL OF THE NORTHWEST ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN COMMUNITIES AUGUST 2 - 15, 2006 Ayai to Rap: Prach Ly tells the story of Cambodia BY VICKI CHAN Special to the Examiner Prach Ly’s sister was eating in a noodle shop in Cambodia. Suddenly, a gunshot later, the man sitting next to her fell dead, and she was covered in his blood. This was over 25 years ago, during the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia, but she experiences traumatic flashbacks to this day. After over 30 years since the fall of Phnom Penh to the Khmer Rouge — leading to the genocide under Pol Pot’s regime — many Cambodians today still struggle to find closure. Cambodian rapper Prach Ly hopes his music can help in the healing process and educate young Cambodian Americans about the past. He performs at the Seattle Center’s Cambodian Cultural Heritage Celebration on Saturday, Aug. 12 Prach is working on completing his album, “Dalama: Memoirs of the Invisible War,” which will conclude what he started with “Dalama: The Endin’ Is Just the Beginnin’” and continued with “Dalama: The Lost Chapter.” The trilogy delivers a history lesson about Cambodia’s genocide laid over hip-hop beats. All three albums are released through Prach’s own record label, Mujestic Records. celebration and took a copy back to Cambodia. Cambodia’s loose copyright laws allowed the album to be widely bootlegged. One day a reporter in Cambodia called Prach to interview him about “Khmer Rap,” the number one album in the country. Prach reacted with confusion, having never made Cambodian American rapper Prach Ly performs in Seattle on Aug. an album under that 12 at the Cambodian American Heritage Celebration, Seattle Center. title. The reporter recited some lyrics, which Prach www.mujestic.com. surprisingly recognized Newsweek calls the 25-year-old as his own. Apparently, in the bootlegging “Cambodia’s first rap star,” though his initial process, the cover and name had been rise in fame was accidental and unknown changed. The album became “Khmer Rap” to him. Prach recorded his first album, with a nameless artist. His original artwork “Dalama: The Endin’ Is Just the Beginnin’,” in for the cover was replaced with a picture of his parents’ garage with a karaoke machine, a Cambodian child with a rifle. microphones and a tape player. At the 2000 His machine-gun rapping transfixed Cambodian New Year celebration in Long young Cambodians as he told them the Beach, Calif. where he currently resides, he story of their parents’ life under the Khmer passed out copies of his album. DJ Sop, a Rouge. They began to ask questions about well-known deejay in Cambodia, was at the that time and era. “It’s amazing,” DJ Sop told Asiaweek. “He’s the first Khmer artist who is actually revealing something, and that touches a lot of people.” Though he was born in 1979, in the final months before the Khmer Rouge fell to Vietnamese forces, Prach has heard the stories of the era from his family members. In 1989, he moved to Long Beach, which contains the largest population of Cambodians outside of Cambodia, many of whom were survivors of the genocide. While collecting material for his songs, he faced difficulty coaxing stories out of people whom he calls “living documents.” Prach recalls, “[The elder Cambodians] were not open at all. They just want to forget.” Prach thinks that talking about what they experienced and witnessed rather than keeping it buried inside would help the survivors heal. He approaches this through his music, starting by discussing Cambodian culture. From there, he says, “It is part of our past that it happened, so it is part of our culture.” -continued on page 11 Hong Tran: Outspoken challenger on the Democratic ticket BY SIAN WU Examiner Contributor Hong Tran speaks with the freedom of a newcomer to the world of politics. In fact, she’s so honest about her stances on traditional Democratic issues like immigration, gay rights and abortion, that it may make some voters believe she’s radical. But Tran says it’s Cantwell who has abandoned her democratic base by toting the moderate party line as Washington state’s senator in D.C. Former lawyer Hong Tran hopes to unseat Cantwell in the September primary to run against Mike McGavick for the U.S. Senate seat. Tran left her job at the Northwest Justice Project in Seattle four months ago to run for office for the first time. She has a history of providing legal services to people in disadvantaged communities, such as low-income families, battered women and the homeless. She spent much of her career on housing advocacy, representing plaintiffs who were denied affordable housing or faced discrimination or eviction. As the underdog challenger (she has raised about $20,000 versus Maria’s $6 million), Tran has been particularly vocal about her opposition to Cantwell’s vote to authorize the president to go to war in Iraq. Cantwell has stood by her original vote, a move Tran simply cannot com- prehend: “Maria just did not have good judgment in supporting the invasion and she shows continued poor judgment in not admitting that the Iraq War was a mistake.” Tran has a unique perspective on wars, one that comes from first-hand experience as a civilian refugee of the Vietnam War. She fled Saigon at age eight by boat, first to Guam, then to a refugee camp in the Philippines. Vietnamese American Hong Tran vies for Sen. Cantwell’s The experience not only changed seat in an ambitious campaign for the September primary. her life, but also changed the way Photo by Yoshi Ueda. she views the impact of civilians in war zones. “I have a perspective on war she would do a better job running against that Maria Cantwell simply doesn’t have … Mike McGavick than Cantwell herself. the perspective of actually being impacted “Democrats who would vote for Maria will also vote for me. But there are lots of people directly by war.” Tran believes that one mistake the cur- who would vote for me, but wouldn’t vote rent administration and the Senate has made for Maria because they are so upset with the going into the Iraq war has been the lack of decisions she’s made. They just won’t vote.” But she also acknowledges that some consideration of civilian loss of life in military offensives. “When you drop bombs and people will think they have to vote for send in troops, innocent civilians die and Cantwell just because she’s the incumbent no one talks about that when they’re debat- Democrat. “Democrats need to wake up to ing whether or not military intervention is the fact that Maria Cantwell has divided this party – along the line that Lieberman has appropriate, and why not?” While many have already predicted a divided Connecticut,” she says. -continued on page 6 Cantwell vs. McGavick matchup, Tran thinks Crooked Trails: Responsible tourism - page 4 Minidoka stories revealed - pages 8 - 9 2 INTERNATIONAL EXAMINER: August 2 - 15, 2006 ParkingInternational meters Examiner Higo store to reopen The International Examiner is a nonprofit newspaper serving Seattle’s International District/ Chinatown and Northwest Asian Pacific American communities since 1974. Our mission is to provide accurate, in-depth, timely and sensitive coverage of local, regional, national, and international issues which affect APAs, immigrants, and people of color. Stress in the holidays Snacksnack cafe In addition to producing a free biweekly newspaper, we also publish a bi-annual literary supplement, the “Pacific Reader,” devoted to critical reviews of APA books. Our small press has published two books, “The History of the International District,” and “Hum Bows Not Hot Dogs.” EDITOR NHIEN NGUYEN ADVERTISING MANAGER CARMELA LIM ASSISTANT EDITOR KEN MOCHIZUKI ARTS EDITOR ALAN CHONG LAU FILM EDITOR KARYN KUBO FLEMING BUSINESS MANAGER ELLEN SUZUKI CREATIVE DIRECTOR KEN HIRAIWA INFORMATION SYSTEMS CANH TIEU INTERNS MURIEN CHENG BONNIE HSUEH YOSHIKO UEDA SATOMI UMEHARA CONTRIBUTORS VICKI CHAN LIZA JAVIER BETTINA PALILEO SIAN WU TEL: 206.624.3925 FAX: 206.624.3046 IEXAMINER@IEXAMINER.ORG ADVERTISING@IEXAMINER.ORG 622 S. WASHINGTON SEATTLE, WA 98104 WWW.IEXAMINER.ORG The International Examiner is published on the first and third Wednesdays of every month. Subscription rates for one-year home delivery is $20 for individuals, $30 for institutional/nonprofit, $35 for business/corporation, and $45 first class/overseas. The International Examiner is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit; donations above subscription rates are tax-deductible. Mako’s former student remembers his mentor BY KEN MOCHIZUKI Examiner Assistant Editor The news was hard to believe. How could Mako, the former U.S. Army Ranger, tree topper, boxer, Academy Award- and Tony-nominated actor and dean of Asian American theater pass away at age 72? During the late ‘70s and in my early 20s, I practically lived at East/West Players in Los Angeles, the oldest Asian American theater company in the country, founded in 1965. Mako, one of the founders of the company, led it as artistic director until 1989. A great actor, he was an even better stage director, and an even better acting teacher when he told stories from his life to make a point. And there were also his unforgettable rants. During one rehearsal, three veteran actors engaged in an onstage brawl over something that occurred years ago. After Mako broke it up, he glared at all at the rehearsal. “Bunch of lying actors,” he sneered. “I lived through two wars; I don’t have to take anything from punk kids in their 20s!” That was the first of many times I heard him express his opinion of “[expletive] actors.” Back then, I didn’t understand why he harbored such disdain for his profession. I share his view now. Actors can often be full of it — especially in Hollywood. Born in Kobe, Japan as Makoto Iwamatsu, Mako’s parents, Taro Yashima and Mitsu Iwamatsu, belonged to a group of artists opposed to Japan’s militarist govern- ment. Imprisoned for their activities, they later left for New York, leaving Mako under his grandparents’ care in Japan. In one of the many stories Mako told, he recalled growing up in Japan during World War II. When civilians fled to bomb shelters as U.S. planes bombed Japanese cities, Mako remained on a rooftop, fascinated by all the fireworks. Rejoining his parents in New York, one of the ways Mako taught himself English was by reading and reciting from Carlos Bulosan’s novel, “America is in the Heart.” Studying to become an architect at Brooklyn’s Pratt Institute, he built sets for theatrical productions and was lured into the theater instead. Skipping his Institute classes so much, he lost his draft deferment during the Korean War era. Challenged to be the “toughest of the tough,” he once said, he volunteered for the elite U.S. Army Rangers. Another Mako story: While in the Army and using a restroom in Hawaii, a pidginspeaking Hawaiian asked him, “You pau [finished], or what?” “Huh?” Mako replied. The Hawaiian responded: “Whassamada? You no speak English?” Attending the Pasadena Playhouse acting school on the GI Bill, he began hearing about the new “Method” approach in which the actor “feels” the role – a technique becoming popularized by actors such as James Dean and Montgomery Clift. His Actor/director Mako, whose screen and stage career spanned over 40 years, died in his home at Somis, Calif. from esophageal cancer at age 72. Greg Tuai photo. Playhouse acting teacher couldn’t tell him “diddly squat” about the “Method,” Mako said. Leaving for New York, the mecca of the Method school, Mako told tales of his fellow acting students: Dustin Hoffman’s ambition in life, Mako said, was to become the “first Jewish cowboy.” Robert Duvall played tricks on bus passengers, telling them the bus didn’t make certain stops when it actually did. During boxing training, he remembered what seemed like a “punch-drunk bum” hanging around the gym, bumming people for dimes to buy cups of coffee. That “bum” turned out to be Marlon Brando. Returning to L.A., Mako began his screen career during the early ‘60s, playing his share of stereotypical characters and often the World War II Japanese enemy in comedies such as the TV series “McHale’s Navy.” One of his more memorable mid-‘60s roles was on the series “The Green Hornet.” Mako played a gang leader who fights a martial arts duel with Bruce Lee. Then came the 1966 dramatic film “The Sand Pebbles” starring Steve McQueen. Playing a Chinese coolie aboard a U.S. Navy ship patrolling the rivers of China during the 1920s, Mako displayed his acting trademark: his ability to do a lot with a little. In what could have easily become stereotypical characters, Mako would give his roles more emotional content, and therefore more humanity, during 40 more years on films and TV. Even though he was nominated for the best supporting actor Academy Award for his work in “The Sand Pebbles,” he could not find acting work for seven months after, forcing him to work “straight” jobs instead. The Asian American actors knew the reality in Hollywood that still exists today: a white actor in one hit film will become a star. Not so for the actor of color. Mako and other Asian American actors including George Takei, James Hong and Beulah Quo formed East/West Players to play the roles they couldn’t elsewhere, and to show the Hollywood industry they could do it. The company mounted the first productions of the pioneering Asian American playwrights of the early ‘70s like Frank Chin, Momoko Iko and Wakako Yamauchi. In an interview I did with Mako for the International Examiner in 1983, he admitted -continued on page 11 INTERNATIONAL EXAMINER: August 2- 15, 2006 3 NEWS Crooked Trails broadens understanding of planet through innovative programs BY BONNIE HSUEH Examiner Contributor Imagine your 8-year-old sister — eyes wide and bright — waking up one day only to find herself in a brothel and forced to provide sexual services 20-40 times a day, without a hint as to what her future holds. Many people in the Western world would find this situation unbelievable. However, a case like this is not uncommon in certain parts of Asia. In fact, child sex slavery is a growing problem, compounded with other local issues, such as poverty, drug use and AIDS. For Chris Torrison-Mackay, a mother of a two-and-a-half-year-old girl, child sex slavery in Asia is a problem that weighs heavy in her heart. Her feelings of sadness and deep disappointment with humanity have compelled her to act on the issue. As a co-founder of a nonprofit organization, Crooked Trails, she’s decided to hold a fundraiser to support specific organizations in Asia to help the lives of trafficked children. Though Crooked Trails is not directly involved with the issue of child trafficking, it is a community-based travel organization with a mission to help people “broaden their understanding of the planet and its diverse cultures through education, community development and responsible travel.” Torrison-Mackay and Tammy Leland, 4 that only show people tourist sites, Crooked Trails organizes specific projects for its participants to have a deeper cultural exchange. Its tourists not only enjoy sightseeing, but also get to work with the locals and do projects to benefit them, such as building a school, a bridge or a community center. Besides participating in projects, there is also community-based tourism. For instance, the program in India involves a visit to a remote Building a wall: Crooked Trails program in Kenya, building village in the high Himalayan a school for a Maasai village. Mountains, about 14,000 feet high. who were both enrolled in the same gradu- The tourists have the chance to live and have ate program in environmental education, real interactions with local people. founded Crooked Trails about 10 years Before heading to the Himalayas, many ago. Having traveled extensively around the tourists tend to think of how the experience world, the two gained serious concerns for will make a huge impact in their lives. They the implications of tourism. rarely realize how meaningful their visits Torrison-Mackay knows that tourism is will be to the people of the Himalayas, who the biggest industry in the world and carries never leave their village and don’t often a huge impact. She said, “It can be positive, have foreign visitors. After participants on but it can also be very negative, on the cul- the Crooked Trail program experience the ture, the economy and the environment.” cultural exchange, the people in the villages When the idea for Crooked Trails arose, can’t wait for the tourists to return. “They the co-founders believed that if they could put their names on the waiting list,” said offer a way to give back and to travel respon- Torrison-Mackay. sibly, people would want to do it. “I mean, Crooked Trails began with one program why wouldn’t you?” said Torrison-Mackay. in Thailand. Since then, its growth has been As a result, unlike other travel agencies amazing. Now, the organization offers travel programs in Thailand, Nepal, India, Peru, INTERNATIONAL EXAMINER: August 2 - 15, 2006 Kenya, Ecuador, Chile and Bolivia. When asked about the choices for these places, Torrison-Mackay explained that Crooked Trails didn’t pick them. It is the people in the destination countries that invited the organization to come and help out. With a mission to help local communities, Crooked Trails designs projects as well as other ways to give back to the destination. According to Torrison-Mackay, its philosophy is to have small travel groups. The groups stay in locally-owned businesses and organizations whose work benefits the community; it also gives the participants the chance to make donations. “Wherever we work, we always have a deep concern of the people that we work with. So whatever the community needs, that’s what we do when we are there,” Torrison-Mackay said. “Sometimes we also see needs outside of the program that we’re working on. And we want to be able to be involved in that — that’s how we got involved in the child slavery [issue].” On Aug. 17, a fundraiser takes place at 911 Media Arts Center at 7 p.m. Cost: $20. This event includes a film screening, “The Day My God Died,” a documentary that portrays lives of trafficked children and profiles the efforts of the local nonprofit organizations that have rescued the child victims. Also included is a photo exhibition of Jeff Speigner’s works on Thai children who live in an orphanage. (206) 372-4405. E-mail: angela@crookedtrails.com . NEWS News Briefs Honda rallies Eastside APIs for the SEAFAIR Scholarship Program for Women Coronation held July 25 at the Museum of History and Industry’s McEachern Auditorium. Tiffany Warn, representing the Seattle Chinese Chamber of Commerce was Second Runner Up. Erin Waid, representing the West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival, was crowned Miss SEAFAIR. Waid. Port of Seattle holds forum Congressman Mike Honda, 15th California. Photo by Nhien Nguyen. District Democratic Party Vice Chair Mike Honda spoke along with Darcy Burner, 8th Congressional District candidate, at the South Bellevue Community Center on July 22. The theme of the event was the growing importance of Asian American participation in Eastside politics, and the relationship of the Democratic Party to this increasingly powerful constituency. Andrew Tsao, co-organizer of Eastside Democracy for America prefaced his introduction of Honda with remarks about the rapid growth of APAs in the Eastside, which is about double to what it was 10 years ago. Honda, who discussed the state of American politics, asked the handful of APAs in the audience to look at their own communities and find out who is registered to vote and who is not. He emphasized the value of voting to both new and established immigrants. Honda expressed his gratitude to the Asian press for using “the power of media to explain issues relevant to our communities so that they can make the right choice.” SEAFAIR Scholarship Program results in API winners Port of Seattle Commissioners held a public testimony on input for the candidate search to replace outgoing CEO Mic Dinsmore on July 20 at the International Distict/Chinatown Community Center. Commissioner Lloyd Hara, who led the meeting, hoped to make an effort in reaching the Asian Pacific Islander community. Elaine Ko, representing Inter*Im and API Roundtable, said that people weren’t paying attention to the port and that every effort was being made to get the API community to become more active and involved. Ko said she hopes that the search committee will look at local talent for the job and choose a candidate with understanding of API culture and existing relationships with the community. She also urged the commissioners to consider API candidates in the process. James Arima of Bellevue suggested that cultural competency be listed as a necessary skill for the job qualifications. In & Around Town Korean-Americans recognized for contributions The Metropolitan King County Council recognized Korean Consul General Chanho Kwon, and acknowledged the many contributions made in our community by Korean-Americans at the July 24 Council meeting. Korean-American leaders from across the region turned out for the event, which was hosted by Council Vice-Chair Pete von Reichbauer. Photo by Nhien Nguyen. Chinatown Gates awarded Neighborhood Match Grant Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels presents a Neighborhood Matching Grant award to officers of the Seattle Historic Chinatown Gate Foundation at a ceremony in Madison Park on Saturday, July 15. The grant was for the maximum, $100,000. L-R: City Councilmember Jan Drago, Helen Kay, Betty Lau, Tuck Eng, and Mayor Nickels. Port of Seattle Commissioners: Alec Fisken, Lloyd Hara, Bob Edwards and John Creighton. Photo by Nhien Nguyen. Mineko Hasegawa, Greater Seattle Japanese Community Queen, was First Runner Up INTERNATIONAL EXAMINER: August 2- 15, 2006 5 NEWS Tran -continued from front page New developments revitalize historic Japantown BY ELAINE KO Inter*Im Executive Director Did you know about all the new developments happening in the historic Japantown on the north end of the International District? With the completion of the Nihonmachi Terrace, the neighborhood is being filled again with families and children. Visit the Panama Tea House and the popular Maneki and other great Japanese restaurants. Walk across the street and “brown bag” your lunch at our 1.5-acre Danny Woo Community Garden with the most incredible views of the city. While we need more residents and businesses to locate here, there is a new treasure, KOBO at Higo, which is one of my favorite stores in all of Seattle. I recently had a chance to interview owner Binko ChongBisbee. KOBO at Higo occupies the former home of Higo Variety Store on Jackson Street, which was run by the Murakami family for 75 years. Binko, and husband John Bisbee, finally realized their dream to expand Kobo into a larger space, and were invited by the Murakami family to secure the location as a way to promote the culture and arts of Japan. Binko says, “Higo Variety Store and the Murakami family played such an important role in the heart of the old Japantown. Even after closing its doors after 75 years, John and I felt very strongly about preserving that history and legacy ... we are stewards of a space that has played an important part of the old Japantown that at one time was home to over 8,000 Japanese community members.” KOBO exhibits, featuring arts, crafts and design, are scheduled six times a year, and the store showcases furniture, textiles, works on paper and photography. An event space is used for musical performances, book talks, lectures and exhibitions by various artists and authors such as Roger Shimomura, Kate Klippensteen of Tokyo, Japan and many others. KOBO is known for featuring Japaneseinspired crafts and design. Most popular at KOBO are Japanese folk arts and 6 Binko Chong-Bisbee showcases a variety of Asian fine arts and crafts at her store, KOBO at Higo. KOBO is located at 604 S. Jackson St. (The Capitol Hiill location is at 814 E. Roy St.) Visit koboseattle.com. Photo by Nhien Nguyen. toys, Japanese-inspired ceramics and our original KOBO T-shirts with Japanese preWorld War II images. You will find many treasures at KOBO. Visiting KOBO is a truly an adventure. Binko notes that while Nihonmachi of the past is gone, the legacy of the businesses community members built during that time is remembered and honored at KOBO at Higo, Panama Hotel and the Wing Luke Asian Museum. We at Inter*Im are working on projects that will continue to revitalize Japantown, including the new Japanese Cultural Center located near South Dearborn and sponsored by Nikkei Heritage Association. Look for our new Green Street on Maynard, along with interpretive signs that will capture the history of Japantown around the area. Oh ... and speaking of new treasures, on the south end of the ID, you must not miss Made In Kitchen, Café H.K. and Umay Select Boutique. See you around in the neighborhood! The purpose of Inter*Im Community Development Association (ICDA) is to facilitate community development in Seattle’s International District and the larger Asian/Pacific community. Contact: info@interimicda.org or (206) 624-1802. www.interimicda.org. INTERNATIONAL EXAMINER: August 2 - 15, 2006 Indeed, many of Cantwell’s votes in the Senate were deemed unpopular from many different camps. Anti-war activists are angry about her vote to authorize the president to go to war, and her recent rejection of Sen. Kerry’s plan for a pullout of U.S. troops. Pro-choice advocates are angry about her vote against a filibuster for Justice Alito’s confirmation. All this has made the environment ripe for a newcomer to step in. The question is, will Washington progressives risk losing the Senate seat to a Republican by putting up an unknown against McGavick, who is running a very well funded and strategic campaign? KUOW’s Ross Reynolds asked if Tran would vote for Cantwell instead of Aaron Dixon, the Green Party candidate, in the case that Tran loses the primary. She said that she would vote with the Democratic Party, even though she believes Cantwell has voted more in line with Republicans on certain issues. “I’m running as a Democrat because I want to have a role in shaping the policies of this country,” she said. “Greens don’t have that force. I don’t want to have my vote to be wasted.” Tran notes that McGavick shouldn’t be that difficult of a candidate to run against, since he is a lifelong insurance executive and a newcomer to the legislative process. “Cantwell’s lead has disappeared and it’s not because McGavick is such a great candidate,” she says. “People know how insurance companies squeeze the average consumer, and that shouldn’t be that hard to run against, but she’s having a tough time with that because she’s been such a horrible senator, and people are refusing to support her. “Democrats have to wake up to the fact that Maria Cantwell is not the most electable Democrat in this race.” INTERNATIONAL EXAMINER: August 2- 15, 2006 7 FEATURE Minidoka Stories: Silent no more This is the second part of the story begun last issue: “Shared memories mark highlight of Pilgrimage ” when those who were at or related to the World War II Minidoka Relocation Center in southern Idaho shared their memories at the 2006 Minidoka Pilgrimage held last month. —ed. Story and photos by KEN MOCHIZUKI Examiner Assistant Editor Brooks Andrews, son of Rev. Emery Andrews of the Japanese Baptist Church in Seattle, recalled watching his father mark off 10-foot-square sections in the church’s basement, storing the belongings of his Japanese American congregation who ended up at Minidoka. As a five-year-old, Brooks Andrews remembered walking between stacks “to Military veterans compose the color guard that closes the 2006 Minidoka Pilgrimage. 8 the ceiling,” and that he accompanied his father who made over 50 round trips from Seattle to Minidoka, bringing possessions to members of his congregation. The ones the internees requested, Andrews said, “were always at the bottom” of the stacks. Upon arrival at Minidoka, “even though the guards knew us, they always had to check” the contents they brought, he said. He recalled the “mud, dust and snowstorms, but it’s the people we remember most.” Morris Kawamoto of Lincolnwood, Ill.: as a six-year-old, he remembered the “grand time catching dragon flies.” He met his wife, Amy, in the camp. Amy Nishi Kawamoto recalled their small camp apartment as having furniture, decorated walls, “even an eagle carved out of some kind of wood” all done by her father. In photos of her family’s living quarters, she said, “it doesn’t look like camp life.” As a young child growing up in Minidoka, “we were different from the older generation and didn’t know a war was going on,” she said. “I didn’t appreciate my parents, and didn’t get to say I’m sorry.” Herb Tsuchiya, 73, was the youngest of seven siblings and said he used “dragon flies as temporary pets — as long as they lasted INTERNATIONAL EXAMINER: August 2 - 15, 2006 — tied to a spool of thread.” He threw a cat into the canal and, to his surprise, it “dogpaddled.” He played “King of the Hill” on a coal pile and remembered the Issei (the immigrant generation from Japan) converting some of the shower stalls into “ofuro,” or the traditional Japanese bath. Tsuchiya thought back about a “Mr. Niita” who collected every species of local fauna in a menagerie, becoming known as “Niita Gardens.” Joe Abo, currently residing in Bremerton, remembered dikes being built around a baseball field during winter, then the field flooded with water to create an ice rink. As a “twoto-three-year-old” back then, he once fell on the ice, knocking him unconscious. His Minidoka memory is of hands then touching him and “faces looking down on me.” The interdependence between local farmers and Minidoka internees became apparent in the testimony of Bill Vaughn, a Friends of Minidoka board member. Born and raised 11 miles to the east of Minidoka in Greenwood, Idaho, he remembered his first interaction with Japanese American laborers from Minidoka at age 11, and that his family was “indebted to the laborers who The remaining foundation of the “waiting room” marks the e helped harvest the crops.” Vaughn’s family raised carrot seed – deemed critical to the war effort since carrots helped pilots see better, Vaughn said. “My folks had no idea how to raise carrots, but that fall, labor was available from the camp.” Thirty-five years later, becoming an architect, Vaughn visited Washington, D.C. camp in northeastern California, landscape architect Kenichi Nakano was invited to the Minidoka Pilgrimage to assist with planning the Issei Memorial. He said he often felt “anger” whenever the World War II incarceration came up, especially after learning that his father, a “kibei” (born in America, educated in Japan) was offered a scholarship to study medicine at an Ivy League college. The incarceration ruined that dream, Nakano said, with his father spending most of his working years as an Albertsons produce manager. His father and mother married at Tule Lake so they would not be split up. (His mother’s family ended up at Minidoka.) After attending a Tule Lake Pilgrimage a few years ago, that anger had eventually subsided, he said. Kenji Ima spent ages four through seven at Minidoka — “Block 36, Barrack 6, Apartment D by the guard tower near the fence,” he said. For him, the incarceration and events leading up to it are akin to the film “Groundhog Day” with the “same entrance to the former Minidoka camp. nightmare script repeating over and over.” “Unless you were there,” it would be and ran across a book, “The Soul of a Tree” difficult to understand his feelings about by George Nakashima. The book and its the incarceration, Ima said. While watching title “haunted me all night,” he said. Soon “camp”-related films on the bus ride from as he returned home, he checked his father’s Bellevue, “I got teary-eyed,” he said. “It’s so ledger and discovered that Nakashima had important to me; it will be with me till the worked on Vaughn’s farm and departed for day I die.” James Arima recounted how his father, Pennsylvania before Minidoka closed. Nakashima became a world-famous a newspaper publisher picked up by the woodworker. Vaughn called Nakashima, FBI immediately after the Japanese attack and Nakashima recalled: “Your mom fed us on Pearl Harbor, was detained at the three times a day, and your dad let us drive Immigration and Naturalization Service the family car.” Vaughn and Nakashima building in Seattle, then transferred to agreed to meet at a conference Vaughn the camps for Issei community leaders at was to attend. However, Nakashima died a Missoula, Mont., Lourdsburg and Santa Fe, N. M., and finally at Crystal City, Texas. The month before that scheduled date. After his emotional testimony, Vaughn Arima family, incarcerated at Minidoka, was said, “I am very honored and humbled to finally reunited with his father at Crystal City. James Arima was born there in 1945. serve on your board.” He credited Issei community leader Genji Connie Chandler’s father worked for the Bureau of Reclamation – her connection to Mihara with keeping his family updated on Minidoka. She was asked to take part in a the well-being of his father. Writing letters high school May Day program in the camp, in English to “get through censorship fastcarrying a queen’s crown on a pillow. To er,” Mihara would write his wife in Seattle and later “look more like Minidoka everyone else” to relay to (Japanese), she the Arima inserted half a family that peanut under “Mr. Arima each eyelid, is okay.” resulting in her Mihara, eyes becoming Arima said, “swollen shut.” “chronicled “I carried the e v e r y crown, but had thing” and sunglasses on,” “re corde d she said. Three years National Park Service guide Michael Wissenbach leads a tour on all Issei.” “If you old at Minidoka, of the Minidoka Internment National Museum. don’t write Paul Tomita your story, mostly remembered the dust. His mother spent an entire who will?” Yosh Nakagawa, Seattle Japanese day with a bucket of water, cleaning up dust American community leader and session in their apartment that even worked its way moderator said as he concluded the “Sharing Stories and Memories” program. “If we do through “pinholes.” He also could recall venturing out to the the right thing today, injustices will not hapbarbed-wire fence, and that the guards in the pen to any other person of color. The value towers were “friendly” but they also had “real of the Minidoka story is that we are the last – that this happens no more. Without your guns and real bullets.” “They had the right to shoot if I decided, ‘I story, there is no story. “Let America never pay the price of don’t like this place anymore, and I want out.’” Born at the Tule Lake World War II silence.” FEATURE Dr. Larry Matsuda speaks at the closing ceremony of the 2006 Minidoka Pilgrimage. He read his poem at the “Sharing Stories and Memories” session. Photo by Ken Mochizuki. Too Young to Remember Minidoka, Idaho. I do not remember the Idaho winter winds, the knee deep mud that oppressed 10,000 souls or the harsh summer heat and dust. I do not remember the miles of clotheslines, dirty diapers, the noise of families crowded in barracks and canned Vienna sausage that seemed to exude endlessly from the mess hall. Floating in the amniotic fluid, my Mother’s anxieties, enveloped and nurtured me, tethered in a salty brine nourished by fear and sadness. Maybe it was the loss of her home, the evacuation, being betrayed by her country, or maybe it was the still born child, she referred to as “It”. My aunt described it as “budo”, a cluster of grapes. I recalled what Barry my psychiatrist friend said about parents emotionally distancing themselves from children born immediately after a still born. Sixty years later on drizzly Seattle days, when the November sky is overcast, and the darkness begins at 4:00 PM, I feel my mother’s sadness like a cold wind from Idaho. I wish I could remember Minidoka. I would trade those memories for the fear and sadness I carry in my genes. -- Larry Matsuda November 2004 INTERNATIONAL EXAMINER: August 2- 15, 2006 9 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT James Leong: San Francisco’s forgotten son returns home BY LIZA JAVIER Examiner Contributor When painter James Leong left for Europe in 1956, he never expected to live in his native city of San Francisco again. Fifty years later, the prolific Seattle-based artist returns to his hometown to present his latest body of work in the exhibit “James Leong: Confronting My Roots” at the Chinese Historical Society of America Museum. In a show themed after his struggle and reconciliation with his Chinese American 10 roots and his native town, Leong’s works meld his guiding themes of nature with the issue of Chinese ethnic identity in America. Born in 1929 in San Francisco’s Chinatown, Leong grew up during pre- and post-World War II, when Chinese Americans were often mistaken for Japanese or Korean Americans. “I really felt there was a lot of misunderstanding on the part of the whites in San INTERNATIONAL EXAMINER: August 2 - 15, 2006 Francisco as to what being Chinese meant,” said Leong. Despite his parents urging to become a scholar or pursue medicine, Leong pursued his childhood passion of painting, eventually winning a scholarship to attend the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland. He later earned his master of fine arts degree at San Francisco State University. At 23, when he worked briefly as a reporter for the Chinese Press, he was commissioned by several of Chinatown’s business leaders to paint a mural of the history of the Chinese in America for the first federally-funded public housing project, Ping Yuen, in Chinatown. Leong depicted the journey of Chinese immigrants in a vibrant 17-foot-long mural titled “One Hundred Years, History of the Chinese in America.” But the mural was met by both criticism from the Chinese community and controversy. “They were very mad that I did things like show women with backpacks, picking shrimp with babies on their backs, showing Chinese men toiling as coulees. This was all historical, but they didn’t want to be shown that,” said Leong. “It took many, many years before people realized that this was all part of history. But for many years, that mural was taken off the wall and hidden because Chinatown was ashamed of it.” The mural was kept in a storage room in the Ping Yuen Public Housing Project for decades until Leong’s wife returned to San Francisco and helped to re-erect it in the late 1970s. The mural now hangs as a permanent piece at the Chinese Historical Society of America Museum, where it is regularly used to teach students the history of Chinese Americans. The mural also aroused a great deal of suspicion since it was at the height of the McCarthy era. Leong says the FBI, the Kuonmintang and the Chinese Communist Party each suspected him of hiding secret messages inside the mural. While no conspiracy was proven, the oppressive political atmosphere and the community backlash Leong suffered left him wanting to leave San Francisco and paint elsewhere. In 1956, Leong won a Fulbright Fellowship to live abroad in Norway. He left San Francisco for the Norwegian woods and fjords, where he focused his work on figurative painting and themes on human behavior. Shortly after, Leong was awarded a Guggenheim grant to work at the American Academy in Rome. Settling in a large studio near the Vatican, Leong stayed in Rome for 31 years where he continued to develop his painting, exploring landscapes and “Eurocentric” themes. Leong felt liberated by the accepting attitudes of Italian people toward his Chinese American identity. “I think more than anything else, it gave me a sense of self and assurance that you Seattle-based artist James Leong is honored in a San Francisco exhibit. Photo by Gayle St. Luise. don’t have here,” said Leong. “People in America are constantly questioning who you are, what you are. There’s always a stratum here that you have to belong to. “ Leong began grappling with issues of his dormant Chinese American identity in his work during the 1989 Tiananmen Square student uprising in China. “What affected me most were the reactions by the Italians and the Europeans to something that was so basically human,” said Leong. “It bridged all the gaps between my being an American and living in Norway, living in Italy and having my Chinese roots.” “I started digging deeper and deeper into it until Tiananmen happened, then I realized that was something that I had to express,” added Leong. “That started my journey into my roots, what it meant to be Chinese. Up until then, I denied it.” Leong began expressing his exploration of his Chinese American roots in his paintings. It was soon followed by a trip to China with his wife and son. “That opened up all kinds of things,” said Leong. “I realized I was always Chinese, but there’s the duality of taking the next step. As an American, you can never really be Chinese, even if you speak it and know the culture. There’s a part of you that’s American that’s so different. And those are the things that came out of my paintings.” Leong returned to the United States in 1991, settling in Seattle’s Pioneer Square where he continues his exploration of his Chinese and American roots in his work, experimenting with Chinese currency and scenes of nature to explore themes such as Chinese superstition. His journey comes full circle to San Francisco’s Chinatown, where he was recently scheduled to present his body of work at the Chinese Historical Society of America and Learning Center. “James Leong: Confronting My Roots” runs through Aug. 20 at the Chinese Historical Society of America and Learning Center at 965 Clay Street in San Francisco’s Chinatown. For more information, call (415) 391-1188 or visit www.chsa.org. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Angkor/America: Telling stories through dance and drama BY BETTINA R. PALILEO Examiner Contributor It is not very often that a group of 11- to 17-year-olds spend their summer performing in a play about the horrors that took place in Cambodia’s Killing Fields, where an estimated one to three million died at the hands of the Khmer Rouge communist regime. But, this year, Rainier Valley Youth Theatre (RVYT) SummerStage takes on the subject and presents the South Seattle community with a brand new play called, “Angkor/America.” “Angkor/America” weaves together interviews, dance and a fairy tale about a king whose ambitions lead to the enslavement of his people. The play focuses on what life was like in Cambodia before and during the time Khmer Rouge took power, and what it’s like to be a teenager in the United States today. The concept for “Angkor/America” began a year ago when RVYT Artistic Director Maria Glanz discovered that theatre artist Todd Jefferson Moore wanted to do a piece about his neighbors, a group of Laotian farmers. After some initial discussions, they Prach Ly -continued from front page In 2004, he contributed original music to Catherine Filloux’s play “Eyes of the Heart,” a production of the National Asian American Theatre Company that ran in New York City. The play is about a middle-aged Cambodian woman, Thida, with psychosomatic blindness as a result of her witnessing Khmer Rouge atrocities – not an unusual affliction. Plays like Filloux’s, his own music, and other similar artworks are important in fostering conversation, Prach says. “They make people question people, kids question parents, kids question teachers – some children don’t even know about the Killing Fields. They think it’s a myth.” In his song “art of fact,” he raps: There’s a gap in our generations between the adults and kids, But since I’m bilingual, I’ma use communication as a bridge. Rapping in English and Khmer, he reaches out to both younger and older generations, Cambodian and others. While enjoying his street-style rapping, younger people are educated by his lyrics discussing what has been left out of history textbooks. “Even though it’s music, it’s still the truth. I’m telling true stories,” he says. Older audiences find him appealing for his use of Khmer. His music occasionally features multi-instrumentalist Ho C. Chan providing passages of traditional Cambodian music. Before the Khmer Rouge, his parents had been traditional musicians, so he grew up to the sounds of traditional instruments at home. His songs also include dialogue from the film “The Killing Fields” as well as audio from a Pol Pot-era BBC documentary. These clips, combined with his lyrics, articulate what some people may think or feel but are too scared to say and give them strength. Also, rap is somewhat similar to a Cambodian “ayai,” when two poetry masters hold a wisdom competition in continuous rhymes. Rina Kheav and Kristen Yem in “Angkor/America.” decided to create a piece about the true stories of local Cambodian and Laotian immigrants combined with traditional music and dance. “We really look for stories that are particularly meaningful to people who live here and that haven’t been told before,” says Glanz. Moore began interviewing members of South Seattle’s Laotian and Cambodian He names his albums “Dalama,” a word that he made up. “I was thinking about drama, trauma, the Dalai Lama,” he explains. “Dalama is the story of my life, my autobiography.” His lyrics detail Cambodian culture and history as well as his own life, including his family’s escape across the Thai border and his upbringing in Long Beach. In January 2005, Prach spent three weeks in Cambodia as part of the Cambodian Living Arts delegation. A project of the nonprofit organization World Education, Cambodian Living Arts strives to revitalize the arts in Cambodia, both traditional and contemporary. Though Prach had made no plans for any performances during his visit, he put on an impromptu show in Phnom Penh at an AIDS/HIV awareness event. Additionally, 10,000 villagers turned out for a performance in Siem Reap for which he had originally agreed to do for 50 schoolchildren. communities, in particular working with the Rainier Vista Khmer Youth Group. The interviews would then be turned into documentary theatre, also called testimonial theatre, which uses real first-person accounts. Glanz continued with the project, doing what SummerStage always does, which is work with a teenage cast and give them theatre training through rehearsal and performance training. However, the twist on this year’s program is that the youth took a central role in the making of the new play and shaped it into what it is today. The youth have seen the play progress from story to script, which was not available until a few weeks before the play’s premiere. “We’ve kind of molded the form to fit our kids, to fit the story we want to tell,” says Glanz. On the first day of rehearsal, Glanz saw how young the kids were and realized that dealing with the serious topic of the Killing Fields during the summer required some elements of fun. Moore came across a Southeastern tale that was a possible metaphor for Pol Pot and what happened to the Killing Fields. He says, “It was a nice contrast to the kind of bleak first-person testimonials.” Interwoven with the lyrical fairy tale are Moore’s interviews, along with stories he gathered from other sources. Glanz believes that the fairy tale element in “Angkor/America” helps tell the stories of the documentary monologues in a way that people of all ages can access. Mako -continued from page 3 he took some screen jobs just for the money “as long as it doesn’t degrade our people or help perpetuate the old stereotypes.” His real work was teaching acting, and acting Overall, Prach is optimistic about the future in or directing shows at East/West for over for Cambodians. Cambodia has been improv- 20 years. He nurtured a new generation of ing its reconstruction efforts, and the money Asian American actors. Mako also spent most of his professional currently being sent into the country is now tied directly to reforms. Prior to 1999, corruption life traveling around the country, conductwas rampant in the government, slowing the ing acting workshops for fledgling Asian rebuilding process. Aid money — mostly from American theatre groups. This is how I first the United States, Japan and Western Europe met him, when he walked through an Asian — was held by the national government with Student Union meeting at the University of too little trickling down to the poor rural areas. Washington, on his way to conduct an acting In 1999, the major donors began imposing strict workshop in 1974. I went just to observe, but foreign aid conditions, forcing the national gov- ended up participating. I became a part of his theater a couple of years later. ernment to reform. He was held in high esteem by Asian Meanwhile, Prach continues to do his part, educating, communicating and sharing hope. American communities across the nation, His song “Welcome” tells of his family’s initial and he often lent his presence for commuarrival in the United States. Paraphrasing nity events. He was characteristically blunt, what his father said to his mother upon step- telling an actor that his performance was “pathetic” or that her scene “sucked,” but he ping off the plane, he raps: Realize we survive the genocide and still did so to make actors rise to the occasion. He was also a practical joker extraordinaire together Thvay Bongkum (lok yey-lok ta) and – he loved to put people on, acting like he was going to unleash his temper at someone, praise to Buddha ‘cause from that point on, it can only get only to start cracking up. He never did anything halfway. If he blew, it was volcanically. BETTER Now, with the production of the play in full swing, Chloe Ameh, assistant stage manager, says the youth have seen their work pay off. Throughout the summer, from 6 to 9:30 p.m., the youth worked hard on choreography, memorizing lines and stage blocking. The kids admit that it was hard learning the traditional dance and working with a script that has gone through several revisions. This year’s smaller cast also meant more lines to memorize for each of them. Glanz says that performing gives youth a sense of confidence. SummerStage is also about every single one of the youth working with each other and pulling their own weight. She says, if they don’t, “we don’t have a play.” “You can’t have a successful play or a successful theatre production if people are not working together,” she says. Molly Tollefson, one of the cast members, says, “What’s cool about this [program] is that the kids who are here actually want to come here – you really have to commit to this stuff.” “There is a sense of confidence that can come from performing,” says Glanz. SummerStage’s youth cast members have poured energy into a play they helped create. Showing intricate dance, authentic costumes, intense monologues and a vibrant energy that only young people can truly capture, “Angkor/America” tells a tale that resonates within its South Seattle community and beyond. Angkor/America plays at the Rainier Valley Cultural Center on Aug. 2 - 5 at 8 p.m. Call (206) 725-7169 for information. If he laughed, it was hysterically. And he went all the way with a practical joke. As of this writing, Mako’s death on July 21 from esophageal cancer has received little press. Pat Morita received much more. Maybe Mako wasn’t “Hollywood” enough, and that would have been fine by him. Instead of spending nights at Sunset Strip lounges, he was directing another play. After another show at East/West and over a few beers, one of the actors asked Mako if Hollywood would ever change: if Asians would ever be portrayed as full human beings and as the Americans we actually are. Not in his lifetime, he said. And probably not even in ours. In that 1983 International Examiner interview, Mako said: “We’re doing somebody else’s point of view created by somebody else. Until we can present our point of view, our stories, our experiences, our history on prime time, I don’t think we can say we’ve made it.” “In reality,” he concluded, “we see a very little dent being made. Whatever dent being made can be easily pounded out.” But when that Asian American actor hits the stage in an Asian American theater company production in a play written by an Asian American, Mako had a lot to do with punching in that “dent.” INTERNATIONAL EXAMINER: August 2- 15, 2006 11 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Rosemary Pham presents new work inspired by the Australian Bower Bird. The male bird entices his mate by building architectural structures of found objects. Through Aug. 23. Facere Jewelry Art Gallery at City Center located at 1420 Fifth Ave. #108, (206) 624-6768. By Alan Lau The Seattle Branch of Sogetsu Ikebana present their annual exhibition of Japanese flower arrangement at Lynnwood’s Alderwood Mall at the east An appropriately entitled show, “fresh! – con- end towards Sears. Aug. 19 & 20 from 11 a.m. – 6 temporary takes on nature & allegory” curated p.m. with demonstrations planned for both days by Julie Cho Bailer features the work of younger from 1 – 3 p.m., (425) 744-9751. artists from around the world, many making their Seattle or American debut. The work of Takagi A pair of new shows open up at KOBO at Higo Masakatsu and Saeko Takagi, Gordon Cheung and Store. Jewelry designer Lisa Kinoshita shows new Xiaoqing (Jenny) Ding is included. Museum of work that is a synthesis of art + fashion. Ceramic Glass/International Center for Contemporary Art artist Damian Grava shows new work that is sodain Tacoma, (253) 284-3009. fired and drawn from a fire kiln. Runs till Aug. 20, Byron Kim will discuss how his work challenges our notions of color, form and meaning in abstract painting in the Henry Auditorium on Aug. 17 at 7 p.m. His show, “Threshold: Byron Kim 19902004” now on view through Sept. 17. UW Henry Art Gallery, (206) 543-2280. A community activist, civic leader and former executive director of the Asian American Recovery Services in San Francisco, Peter Jamero will read from “Growing up Brown: Memoirs of a Filipino American” (UW Press). Jamero comes from the “bridge generation,” that pivotal group of children who grew up as the kids of Americanborn Filipino farmworkers. This should make for a fascinating evening of American history and a life well lived. Aug. 22 at 7 p.m. University Book Store at 4326 University Way N.E. 604 S. Jackson, (206) 381-3000. “At Once” is the title of a group show of gallery artists at Catherine Person Gallery. The work of Arlan Huang (paintings) and Kensuke Yamada (ceramic sculpture) is included. Through Aug. 25., 319 Third Ave. S., (206) 763-5565. Chinese artist Long Gao shows a variety of work including ink paintings, oils, wood carvings and “image seal cuttings” at the Roosevelt Hotel. On view through September, 4531 Seventh Ave., Second Floor, (206) 467-6951. “Wandering” brings together over 16 years of travel images (some from Vietnam) by Charles Peterson, most well known for his shots of Northwest musicians. Through Aug. 9. Opening Aug. 12 - Sept. 7 will be “Recent Paintings” by Ameen Dhillon. Opening reception on Aug. 12 from 6 – 10 p.m. Gallery 63 Eleven, 6811 24th Ave. N.W., (206) 478“High Seas” is the title of a show of paintings by 2238 or log on to www.gallery63eleven.com. Liz Tran who grew up in a boat shop around fishermen. Opening reception on Aug. 2 from 6 – 8 Hawaiian artist Miho Morinoue presents new p.m. Show on view through Aug. 26. Gallery 110 at work Aug. 3 - Sept. 8. Mikijio Arts at 114 1/2 First 110 S. Washington, (206) 624-9336. Ave. S., Studio #4, (206) 624-2588 or log on to www.mikijio.com. 12 INTERNATIONAL EXAMINER: August 2 - 15, 2006 Diem Chau’s work is included in a group show at Howard House entitled “New Sculpture Survey” on view through Aug. 26, 604 Second Ave., (206) 256-6399. The work of Jeongmee Yoon is included in “Resonance – 11th Annual Photographic Competition” as juried by Paul Kopeikin. On view through Aug. 30. Photographic Center Northwest at 900 12th Ave. (206) 7207222. Jimmy Tsutomu Mirikitani. Wing Luke Asian Musuem. See Visual Arts. Fumiko Kimura and Xiaogang Zhu have work in a group show at Seattle Children’s Theatre will present seven Childhood’s End Gallery through Aug. 13 in plays for its Summer Season 2006, a series of Olympia, 222 W. Fourth Ave., (360) 943-3724. student productions that run through Aug. 26. A great chance to see young talent as the produc“The Legacies of War” sheds new light on the tions will include 119 fourth through 12th grade Vietnam War-era U.S. bombings in Laos and their students performing on stage. For the first time in harmful effects on local villages today. With his- 23 years, SCT will produce a full-length musical, toirc drawings by survivors and Laotian silk weav- “FOOTLOOSE” as well, set from Aug. 10 - 19. In ings and paintings. Extended through August at addition, a “Young Actor Institute Showcase” will Art Xchange at 512 First Ave. S., (206) 839-0377. feature SCT Drama School’s best acting students, showcasing their talents in musical theatre, acting Up now is a special exhibition on the work of and improvisation. Free and open to the public. Jimmy Tsutomu Mirikitani. This 80-year-old Aug. 19 & 20, 201 Thomas St. at Seattle Center, Japanese American artist who lost his family and (206) 441-3322 or visit www.sct.org. friends to internment camps and war has survived these events and homelessness by creating art every day. On view till Sept. 17. Hear the true story of Local poet/translator Don Mee Choi’s explora“Sadako and the Thousand Cranes” and learn tion of contemporary Korean women poets is how to make your own paper cranes. Aug. 19 at paying off in published results. Recently published 10 a.m. Register at (206) 623-5124 x114 or email by Tinfish Press of Hawai’i, one of the best small events@wingluke.org: Wing Luke Asian Museum, presses publishing experimental poetry today, is 407 Seventh Ave. S., (206) 623-5124. Choi’s translation of Kim Hyesoon’s “When the Ping Gets Unplugged.” Choi shares a reading Across from the Maryhill Museum in Goldendale, with another poet, Albert Garcia who reads from Wash. will sit “Maryhill Double,” artists Annie “Skunk Talk” (Bear Star Press.) Aug. 5 at 2 p.m. Han and Danial Mihalyo’s (Lead Pencil Studio) Elliott Bay Book Company. 101 S. Main, (206) full-scale architectural double of the museum, 624-6600, www.elliottbaybook.com. made entirely out of scaffolding and construction netting. On view Aug. 13 & 27, Sept. 10 & The Shoreline Library presents stories from Asia. 24 (second and fourth Sunday of each month). Korean Story Times set for Wednesdays in August, On Route 14 just west of U.S. 9, (509) 773-3733 ages 4 to 8 and families welcome, speakers of all or email maryhill@maryhillmuseum.org. Or visit languages welcome Aug. 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 at 2 www.leadpencilstudio.com. p.m. Chinese Story Times set for Fridays through August: Aug. 4, 11, 18 and 25 at 1:30 p.m. Ages 3 to 6, siblings welcome. Stories, culture and activities “From Hiroshima to Hope” Lantern Floating cer- in Mandarin Chinese. Speakers of all languages emony is the annual event that remembers those welcome. Shoreline Library is at 345 N.E. 175th, who perished in the Hiroshima-Nagasaki bombing (206) 362-7550. 61 years ago. With speakers, program and lantern making. Aug. 6 at 6:30 p.m. on the Northwest “Film Rap: Tommy Chong in conversation with shore of Green Lake. Call (206) 623-5124 x114 to Warren Etheredge” on Aug. 11 at 7 p.m. Chong, volunteer. one half of the marijuana-boasting comedy duo Cheech and Chong talks about his book, “The ReAct under the direction of David Hsieh presents I Chong: Meditations from the Joint” (Simon two staged readings of new plays at Elliott Bay Spotlight Entertainment). Part memoir/part critiBook Company. They do “Manuscript” on Aug. cism of the loss of civil liberties in this country, it 13 at 2 p.m. and then Neil LaBute’s “This is How should make for a lively evening. University Book it Goes” on Aug. 20 at 2 p.m. This play looks at the Store at 4326 University Way N.E. way race affects American society – 101 S. Main, (206) 624-6600. “A Movie and a Mission from India.” Home South East Effective Development (SEED) pres- Away From Home is a project serving Tibetan ents a Rainier Valley Youth Theatre production of refugee and orphaned children. At Central Cinema “Angkor/America” (see review this issue) Wed. located at 1411 21st Ave. in Seattle, (206) 779-8790 - Sat. at 8 p.m. till Aug. 5. Written/directed by Todd or log on to www.karma-movie.com. Jefferson Moore, music by Wayne Horvitz, choreography by Navy Kheav. Rainier Valley Cultural Center, 5117 Rainier Ave. S., (206) 725-7169. The class schedule for Fall 2006 is available from Pratt Fine Arts Center. Some of the instructors Ragamala presents one of the rising stars of Indian include Liang-Yin Chen - youth classes; Mark classical music, vocalist Suranjana Bose in concert Takamichi Miller - acrylic painting; Lisa Hasegawa on Aug. 26 at 7 p.m., St. John United Church at – printmaking; and Boyd Sugiki - glassblowing. 5515 Phinney Ave. N., www.ragamala.org. 1902 S. Main St. in Seattle. Call (206) 328-2200 or email info@pratt.org. DISTRICT NOTES Tuesday, Aug. 8 • Be part of the new APA Network: Meet other young APA professionals who are active and who would like to be involved in the API community in this relaxed and friendly networking event. 6 – 7:30 p.m. Mayflower Park Hotel, 405 Olive Way. Appetizers and refreshments served. RSVP to APANetworking@gmail.com or call Ric Acido or Edymir Guerrero at (206) 322-9080. Thursday, Aug. 10 • The Seattle Chinatown ID Preservation and Development Authority (SCIDPDA) invites you to take part in shaping your community. Attend the quarterly Constituency Council meeting and make your voice heard on policies and programs shaping the ID. 5 p.m. Basement assembly hall of the Bush-Asia Center. info@scidpda.org. Saturday, Aug. 12 • Don’t miss the Cambodian Cultural Heritage Celebration from 12 – 4 p.m. Enjoy various ethnic performances for free, including a fashion show, classical dances, and a preview of a traditional wedding. Seattle Center – Center House, 305 Harrison Street, Seattle. Contact: Sathia Vann, (206) 228-7168 or (206) 762-4034, or log on to www.seattlecenter.com/events/festivals/festal/ • Women’s health screening: The YWCA’s Women’s Health Outreach program will be conducting a mobile screening for uninsured and low-income women at a private residence in Skyway. The Swedish Breast Care Express – a 64foot coach equipped with state-of-the-art digital mammography screening equipment. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Contact Meri Tahset at (206) 436-8623. • In recognition of National Health Centers Week, International Community Health Services (ICHS) will host a Back to School Fair. 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. ICHS staff will help parents with getting vaccinations for their kids, assist in filling out applications for low-cost health insurance, provide free dental screenings, and make appointments for Well-Child check-ups and dental cleanings. The first 100 children to attend the Back to School Fair will receive a free backpack. Raffle drawings for bike helmets and other giveaways included. ID/ Chinatown Community Center. 719 8th Ave. S. Thursday, Aug. 17 • 20th Annual NAAAP National Convention 2006, “Making Waves.” Includes workshops, seminars, career fair, entertainment, among other activities. Aug. 17-20. Renaissance Hotel, Seattle. pr@naaapseattle.org. www.naaapconvention.org. Saturday, Aug. 19 • The White Center Community Development Association presents: Third Annual PASEFIKA Polynesian Festival at While Center Heights Elementary, 10015 6th Ave. SW, Seattle. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Free. Contact Edna Noga at (206) 280• The 8th Annual New Americans Homeownership 6098. edna.noga@gmail.com. Fair, sponsored by the ID Housing Alliance, is at Mt. View Elementary School (10811 12th Ave. S.W.). Nikki Lac: (206) 623-5132 x318; nikki@apialliance.org. INTERNATIONAL EXAMINER: August 2- 15, 2006 13 arts senior services Northwest Asian American Theatre NIKKEI CONCERNS 409 Seventh Ave S. Seattle, WA 98104 ph: 206-340-1445 fx: 206-682-4348 Seattle’s premiere pan-Asian American performing arts center. Manages Theatre Off Jackson. Wing Luke Asian Museum 407 7th Ave. S Seattle, WA 98104 ph:206-623-5124 fx: 206-622-4559 folks@wingluke.org; www.wingluke.org The only pan-Asian Pacific American museum in the country, the Wing Luke Asian Museum is nationally recognized for its award-winning exhibitions and community-based model of exhibition and program development. WLAM an affiliate of the Smithsonian Instititue, is dedicated to engaging the APA communities and the public in exploring issues related to the culture, art and history of Asian Pacific Americans. Offers guided tours for schools and adult groups, and provides excellent programs for families and all ages. business Chinatown/International District Business Improvement Area 409 Maynard Ave. S., Suite P1 Seattle, WA 98104 ph: 206-382-1197 www.cidbia.org Merchants association enhancing business, parking and public space in the International District. Sponsors Lunar New Year and Summer Festival events. Japanese American Chamber of Commerce 14116 S. Jackson Seattle, WA 98144 ph: 206-320-1010 www.jachamber.com Encourages entrepreneurial & educational activity among Japanese, Americans and Japanese Americans and promotes increased understanding of Japanese culture & heritage. Seattle Chinese Chamber of Commerce 675 S. King St Seattle, WA 98104 ph: 206-332-1933 fx: 206-650-8337 info@chinesechamber.net Acts as an advocate for local Chinese businesses and in a public relations role. Organizes the Seattle Miss Chinatown Pageant. political & civil rights Commission of Asian Pacific American Affairs 1210 Eastside St. SE 1st Flr. Olympia, WA 98504 Olympia ph: 360-753-7053 www.capaa.wa.gov Statewide liason between governmnet and APA communities. Monitors and informs public about legislative issues. Japanese American Citizens League - Seattle Chapter 316 Maynard S. Seattle, WA 98104 www.jaclseattle.org Dedicated to protecting the rights of Japanese Americans and upholding the civil and human rights of all people. Organization of Chinese Americans Seattle Chapter 606 Maynard Ave S., Suite 104 Seattle, WA 98104 ph: 206-682-0665 www.ocaseattle.org Civil rights and Education, promotes the active participation of chinese and Asian Americans in civic and community affairs. schools Asia Pacific Language School 14040 NE 8th, #302, Bellevue, WA 98007 ph: 425-785-8299 or 425-641-1703 www.apls.org Multilingual preschool, language classes, adult ESL, “One World Learning School Program”Academic enrichment, prep for WASL and SAT’s. Chinese WuShu & Tai Chi Academy 709 1/2 S. King Street, Seattle, WA 98104 ph: 206-749-9513 www.yijiaowushu.com Offers Wushu and Tai Chi training in a small class setting where individualized instruction is key for quality learning. Instruction in bare hands and weapons style Wushu as well as Tai chi Sword, Chen style and Yang Style Tai Chi. Denise Louie Education Center 801 So. Lane St. Seattle, WA 98104 ph: 206-621-7880 info@deniselouie.org www.deniselouie.org Half day and full day Head Start program located in the International District, Beacon Hill, Mt Baker, and Rainier Beach. Comprehensive multi-cultural pre-school for children ages 3-5. Enriching the lives of our elders. 1601 E. Yesler Way, Seattle, WA 98122 Ph: 206-323-7100 www.nikkeiconcerns.org Seattle Keiro, Skilled Nursing Facility 24-hour skilled nursing facility offering high quality medical and rehabilitation programs, activities and social services. 1601 E. Yesler, Seattle, WA 98122 Ph: 206-323-7100 Nikkei Manor, Assisted Living Facility 50 private apartments. Service plans tailored to individual needs. Nurse on staff 8 hrs./day. 700 – 6th Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98104 Ph: 206-726-6460 Kokoro Kai, Adult Day Program Provides social opportunities, light exercises, lunch and activities 3 days a week. 700 – 6th Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98104 Ph: 206-726-6474 Nikkei Horizons, Continuing Education Program Offers tours and excursions, courses in arts, computers, language and more. 700 6th Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98104 Ph: 206-726-6469 social & health services Asian Counseling & Referral Service 720 8th Ave S Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98104 ph: 206-695-7600 fx: 206-695-7606 www.acrs.org Aging & Adult Services; Behavioral Health Services; Children, Youth & Family; Consultation & Education; Domestic Violence Education and Intervention-Batterers Treatment; International District Legal Clinic; Naturalization Services; Problem Gambling Program; Substance Abuse Treatment & Recovery; Vocational & Employment Services Center For Career Alternatives 901 Rainier Ave So. Seattle, WA 98144 ph: 206-322-9080 fx: 206-322-9084 www.ccawa.org Need a Job! Free Training, GED, and job placement service. Chinese Information and Service Cener 409 Maynard Ave. S. Suite 203 Seattle, WA 98104 ph: 206-624-5633 www.ciscseattle.org Helps Asian immigrants achieve success in their new community by providing information, referral, advocacy, social, and support services. Our bilingual & bicultural staff offer after school programs, English as a Second Language, citizenship classes, employment training, computer classes, elderly care services and additional family support services. Please contact us. Legacy House 803 South Lane, Seattle, WA 98104 ph: 206-292-5184 fx: 206-292-5271 info@legacyhouse.org Assisted living, Adult Day services, Independent Senior apartments, Ethnic-specific meal programs for low-income seniors. International Drop-In Center 7301 Beacon Ave S. Seattle, WA 98108 ph: 206-587-3735 fx: 206-742-0282 email: idic_seattle@yahoo.com We are open form 9 till 5 Mon-Fri and do referrals, counseling, fitness and recreation, social, arts & cultural activities for elderly member and walk-ins. National Asian Pacific Center on Aging Helping Link (Senior Community Service Employment Program) 1025 S. King St. Seattle, WA 98104 ph: 206-322-5272 fx: 206-322-5387 www.napca.org Part-time training program for low income Asian Pacific Islander age 55+ in Seattle/King County. ph: 206-781-4246 fx:206-568-5160 www.cityofseattle.net/helpinglink Vietnamese community-based organization providing social service, education, social activities and more for the greater Seattle area. professional International Community Health Services International District Medical & Dental Clinic 720 8th Ave. S. Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98104 ph: 206-788-3700 Asian American Journalists Association - Seattle Chapter P.O. Box 9698 Seattle, WA 98109 www.aajaseattle.org Professional deveopment for journalist, scholarships for students and community service since 1985. National Association of Asian American Professionals - Seattle Chapter PO Box 14344 Seattle, WA 98104 pr@naaapseattle.org; www.naaapseattle.org Fostering future leaders through education, networking and community services for Asian American professionals and entrepreneurs. housing & neighborhood planning HomeSight 5117 Rainier Ave S. Seattle, WA 98118 ph: 206-723-4355 fax: 206-760-4210 www.homesightwa.org First-time home buyer purchase assistance services including low-interest loans, deferred payment loans, financial coaching, for-sale homes and more! Inter*Im Community Development Association 308 6th Ave So Seattle, WA 98104 ph: 206-624-1802 fx: 206-624-5859 info@interimicda.org; www.interimicda.org Low-income housing, economic development, neighborhood planning and advocacy for the APA community. Holly Park Medical & Dental Clinic 3815 S. Othello St. 2nd Floor, Seattle WA 98118 ph: 206-788-3500 www.ichs.com We are a nonprofit health care center offering affordable medical, dental, pharmacy, acupuncture and health education services primarily to Seattle and King County’s Asian and Pacific Islander communities. Kin On Community Health Care 815 S. Weller St. Suite 212 Seattle, WA 98104 ph: 206-652-2330 fx:206-652-2344 rtong@kinon.org; www.kinon.org Provides home care, home health, Alzheimer’s and caregiver support, community education and chronic care management. Coordinate medical supply delivery. Install Personal Emergency Response system. Serves the Chinese/Asian community in King County. Merchants Parking/Transia ph: 206-624-3426 fx: 206-682-4233 Merchants Parking provides convenient & affordable community parking. Transia provides community transportation: paratransit van services, shuttle services and field trips in & out of Chinatown/International District & South King County. International District Housing Alliance 606 Maynard Ave. S #104/105 Seattle, WA 98104 ph: 206-623-5132 fx: 206-623-3479 Multi-lingual low-income housing outreach, rental information, homeownership community education. Low Income Housing Institute 2407 First Ave Suite #200 Seattle, WA 98121 ph: 206-443-9935 fx: 206-443-9851 housinginfo@lihi.org; www.lihi.org Housing and services for families, individuals, seniors and the disabled in Seattle and the Puget Sound Region. Seattle Chinatown/International District Preservation and Development Authority ph: 206-624-8929 fax: 206-467-6376 info@scidpda.org Housing, property management, and community development. Refugee Women’s Alliance 4008 Martin Luther King Jr. Seattle, WA 98108 ph: 206-721-0243 • fax: 206-721-0282 www.rewa.org A multi-ethnic, multilingual, community-based organization that provides the following programs to refugee and immigrant women and families in the Puget Sound area: Development Disabilities, Domesitc Violence, Early Childhood Education, Youth Family Support, Mentel Health, Parent Education and Education and Vocational Training. Washington Asian Pacific Islander Families Against Substance Abuse 606 Maynard Ave. S, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98104 ph: 206-223-9578 Alcohol, tobacco & drug prevention; early intervention & outpatient treatment for APIA youth and their families. Join our Community Resource Directory. Email: advertising@iexaminer.org 14 INTERNATIONAL EXAMINER: August 2 - 15, 2006 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT Administrative Specialist II $17.99 - $20.12/hour Plus Excellent Benefits Perform the full range of administrative duties for Seattle City Light. Prepare reports and budget materials, obtain information to resolve customer issues, and train and evaluate subordinate employees. Maintain calendars, schedules, contracts, and expense reports. Requires at least two years of clerical support experience, with the ability to assist with web postings, and strong Word and PowerPoint skills. For more information and an Online Application Form, visit www.seattle.gov/jobs by 8/6/06. The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values diversity in the workforce. management or supervisory level, with a thorough knowledge of Six Sigma, Balance Scorecard, or similar models. Send your resume and cover letter by 8/13/06 to Carmen Claus, Seattle City Light, P O Box 34023, Seattle, WA 98124-4023 or Carmen.claus@seattle. gov The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values diversity in the workforce. City Light. Manage programs for IT contracting and licensing, non-stock procurement, inventory optimization, material control, and inventory control. Develop specifications, solicit formal bids, and manage the award process. Monitor minority vendor participation. Requires five years of experience in procurement and contracting for a large, complex organization, including two years at the management or supervisory level, and the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, with a thorough understanding of public sector contracting and bidding procedures. CPPB, CPPO, CPM, CPCM highly desirable. Send your resume and cover letter by 8/13/06 to Carmen Claus, Seattle City Light, P O Box 34023, Seattle, WA 98124-4023 or Carmen.claus@seattle.gov The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values diversity in the workforce. Asphalt Raker $20.85 to $22.47/hour Plus Excellent Benefits Prepare and pave roadway surfaces with hot asphalt, patch potholes, and install berms, swales, and shims for the Seattle Department of Transportation. Enforce safety and traffic control requirements, coordinate crew members, and drive flatbed truck. Requires at least one year of experience working in hot asphalt construction and repair. Experience with self-propelled spreaders, Chip Seal, and Seal Coat applications highly desirable. For more information and an Online Application Form, visit www.seattle.gov/jobs by 8/13/06. The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values diversity in the workforce. Electrician $24.01 to $25.98/hour Plus Excellent Benefits The Seattle Transportation Department needs a Bridge Electrician to repair and troubleshoot systems on moveable bridges and related facilities, including AC/DC control circuits, programmable controls, lighting and heating circuits. Interpret PLC ladder logic, and test fire suppression systems. Work at heights, on catwalks, and over open water. Requires completion of an apprenticeship program or equivalent experience and journey level electrician status. Experience with 440v or higher equipment, around moving machinery, emergency generators, and energized control circuits highly desirable. For more information and an Online Application Form, visit www.seattle.gov/jobs by 8/13/06. The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values diversity in the workforce. Maximo $24.92 to $37.37/hour Plus Excellent Benefits Seattle City Light needs a Technical Business Analyst to configure and implement Maximo release 5.x and newer versions. Analyze customer business requirements and develop functional and technical specifications. Participate in change control, troubleshoot problems, and conduct user training. Requires at least three years of experience in business process engineering and application system administration, and either a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related field, or additional experience. Experience with Maximo is a must. Experience in an ERP integration environment with PeopleSoft and Costpoint is highly desirable. For more information and an Online Application Form visit www.seattle.gov/jobs by 8/13/06. The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values diversity in the workforce. Civil Rights Analyst $4,153 - $4,826/month Plus Excellent Benefits Investigate complaints of discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations for the Seattle Office for Civil Rights. Interview witnesses, collect and analyze evidence, write findings of fact, and negotiate settlements and conciliation agreements. Provide training on discrimination laws. Requires the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in the humanities, social sciences, law, or a related field, and at least one year of experience dealing with employment or housing discrimination issues. For more information and an Online Application Form, visit www.seattle.gov/jobs by 8/13/06. The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values diversity in the workforce. Power Marketer $29.93 - $51.94/hr DOQ Corporate Performance Manager Plus Excellent Benefits $71,618 - $107,406 DOQ Buy and sell energy and transmission Plus Excellent Benefits for Seattle City Light. Perform load Provide leadership direction for Seattle forecasting, resource coordination, City Light’s newly created corporate and the scheduling of transmission performance functions. Develop per- and energy. Requires at least three formance metrics for each business years of experience in real-time power line, recommend strategies to optimize marketing or risk management in a efficiency and quality, and report on utility or power marketing organizaindustry best practices. Promote con- tion, and either a bachelor’s degree tracting and purchasing goals to maxi- in Engineering, Economics, Busimize use of Historically Underutilized ness, or a related field, or additional Businesses. Manage communications experience. For more information to remove barriers between employee and an Online Application Form, visit work groups, customers, and other www.seattle.gov/jobs by 8/6/06. The stakeholders. Support initiatives for City is an Equal Opportunity Employer improved performance and knowl- that values diversity in the workforce. edge development for employees. Requires a bachelor’s degree in Finance, Procurement & Contracting Manager Business, Industrial Engineering, or a $63,934 to $95,901 DOQ related field, and four years of experi- Plus Excellent Benefits ence leading corporate performance Supervise a staff of 14 and oversee an efforts in a large, complex organiza- inventory management budget for purtion, including at least two years at the chasing materials of $25M for Seattle Senior Maintenance Laborer – Traffic $19.89 to $20.70/hour Plus Excellent Benefits Install and repair traffic and street signs, guardrails, and lane markers for the Seattle Department of Transportation. Set up temporary traffic signs for parades, emergencies, and bridge closures. Shovel and carry heavy materials, dig postholes, and operate jackhammers. Work evenings, weekends, and holidays, in all weather in heavy traffic. Requires at least one year of experience in the construction and repair of non-electrical traffic control devices, and the ability to obtain a CDL with a HazMat endorsement. For more information and an Online Application Form, visit www.seattle.gov/ jobs by 8/13/06. The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values diversity in the workforce. FOR SALE RESTAURANT AND RETAIL BUSINESS SITE FOR SALE Centrally located between Mt. Vernon and Bellingham, WA on scenic Chuckanut Drive (SR 11). 75 - 150 seating capacity with 8 window views of garden, large parking area, banquet hall and small residence on 2.2 acres $943,500.00 Call Deymian at (360) 336-1525 University District Apt Bldg – 37 Units Well MaintainedBrickBuilding. 5 blocks to University - 100% Occupied $3.7M - Agent (425) 444-6501. FOR RENT BRAND NEW studio’s and 1 bdrms starting at $995/mon. Open Sept. 1st – Sept. free with 12mon lease. Huge bay windows, spectacular views in the heart of the International District. Internet ready, w/d, d/w, pkg available. 206-264-7978 www.705weller.com Asian Counseling and Referral Service is expanding services to better serve the APA community and seeks: AGING & ADULT CASE MGR Provides skilled case mgt. to MIEN or LAO (FT) & FILIPINO (PT) elderly & disabled with social, cultural, economic and personal care needs. BSW & 3 yrs. exper; MSW preferred. Strong PC skills helpful. AGING & ADULT PROGRAM SPEC 2 Assists AAS Dir w/ day-to-day mgt and admin operations program incl: contract mgt, grant writing, coor fair hearings, etc. MSW & 2 yrs exper pref. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CASE MGR Performs skilled clinical case mgt for VIETNAMESE (FT) or MIEN (PT) speaking clients w/ long-term mental illness. BSW plus 3 yrs. MH/soc svc exper; MSW preferred. Must be biling/ bicult. INTAKE SPECIALIST 1 (FT & PT) Performs screening & crisis intervention for Asian/Pac Amer mental health clients. BSW/BA + 2 yrs counseling experience. VOCATIONAL CASE MGR Provides training & job placement help for CANTONESE/MANDARIN & English speaking clients seeking jobs. BA plus 3 yrs employment exper pref. Must be bilingual. YOUTH COUNSELOR Provides bilingual, bicultural case mgt services to Sikh community w/ focus on outreach & services. BSW & soc svc exper preferred; bilingual PANJABI & HINDI highly desirable. YOUTH COUNSELOR – CD Provides drug & alcohol counseling to youth & families including assessment, counseling, prevention & outreach. BSW & 3 yrs exper; MSW preferred; CDP/CDPT preferred. Competitive salary, benefits & fulfilling work environment. To apply sends resumes to Asian Counseling & Referral Service, Attn: HR, 720 8th Ave S, Ste 200, Seattle, WA 98104. EOE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINER: August 2- 15, 2006 15