Gianluigi Gelmetti - Teatro Verdi Trieste


Gianluigi Gelmetti - Teatro Verdi Trieste
The Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Opera House
“Trieste has a rude charm. If you like it, it’s
like a tough and greedy kid, with blue eyes
and hands too big for offering a flower”.
This is how the world renowned poet Umberto
Saba describes Trieste, always a crossroads
of Italian and Central European culture.
Developed under Maria Theresa of Austria’s
reign, the city has been able to attract
people from different cultures, religions and
traditions creating a cosmopolitanism that
still lies in the dialect, in places of worship
and in the Triestine surnames.
Trieste is also the city of Italo Svevo, James
Joyce, Umberto Saba and, in the 1900s, was
the birthplace of several famous literary figures.
Now Trieste has an eye to the future,
with important challenges ahead and
opportunities to start a new path of growth,
developing strategic partnerships.
Culture is a very important driver of growth
that reflects the international vocation of
our city. The Verdi Theatre of Trieste is an
ambassador of this culture as a common
good and an element of universal growth.
What a privilege to be here.
The opening of a new theatre is always to
be welcomed with deep enthusiasm, as a
tangible expression of optimism.
A community with an open theatre is richer,
livelier and more meaningful.
Our theatre has a long history of excellence
and each professional in our team is
honoured to participate in this unique event.
We hope that the beauty of music will help
you discover more about Trieste and our
enchanting region: we trust that culture can
be a solid bridge towards mutual exchange
and understanding.
This is, indeed, a special event - the start
of a new story. We are ready to be filled
with wonder and show our desire to go one
step further in our art. We wish to offer our
deepest commitment to opera - which is
music, aesthetics and style and look forward
to combining masterful performance with
genuine inspiration.
Roberto Dipiazza
Stefano Pace
Mayor of the Town of Trieste
Superintendent of Fondazione
and President of Fondazione
Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi
Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
di Trieste
he “Giuseppe Verdi” Theatre has
The theatre has been the symbol of Trieste’s Italian
always been the heart of culture
cultural identity, spreading the knowledge of Italian
not only in the City of Trieste
musical culture in neighbouring German and
but in the whole Central Europe.
Slavic-speaking regions, whilst at the same time
Its opening in 1801 came after
interpreting the city’s cosmopolitism by spotlighting
years of controversy, contrasts and conflicts of
the works of Central Europe composers. The
civic interests.
activity of “Teatro Nuovo” has been very intense
It was built between 1798 and 1801 - under a
proposal of Giovanni Matteo Tommasini, by the
architects Giannantonio Selva (the same that built
the “Fenice” in Venice) and Matteo Pertsch - and
since the beginning; all the operas, ballets, dramas,
comedies that achieved success on the Italian and
European scene, were soon welcomed by the local
theatre, crowded with an audience of enthusiasts
took the name of “Teatro Nuovo” (New Theatre).
It raised on an open area by the seaside, between
“Borgo Teresiano” (Theresia suburb), the new Town
– commercial and economic centre - and “Piazza
Grande” (Great Square), heart of the political power.
The structure of the building resembles that of
the Theatre “La Scala” in Milan - including the
porch leaning forward to draw the audience to
the theatre - which was designed by architect
Giuseppe Piermarini, who was also consulted for
the definition of the internal layout.
and connoisseurs. Rossini was premiered in Trieste
with L’Italiana in Algeri (1816), Donizetti with L’Ajo
The façade is articulated: a strip composed of pilasters
nell’imbarazzo (1826), Bellini with Il Pirata (1831),
and giant Ionic half-columns, alternating with windows,
Auber with La Muta di Portici (1832) and Thomas
surmounts the central porch, which has round arches.
with Mignon (1870). Verdi debuted with Nabucco
The sculpture on the top of the building represents the
god Apollo with Lyric Art and Tragic Art by his sides.
of which staged soon after the premiere; two works
were, in fact, composed by Verdi for the “Nuovo”: Il
In 1882-84 Eugenio Geiringer built the current
Corsaro (October 25th 1848) and Stiffelio, starring
back façade which, ending the moving of the
the singer Giuseppina Strepponi, that the Master
building of six metres towards the sea, resembles
personally conducted (November 16th 1850).
the main façade, thus making the entire structure
more complete and decorous.
(January 11th 1843), followed by all the others, most
Refurbishment and restoration work was carried out
several times over the years, in 1819, 1834, 1848,
The inauguration took place on April 21st 1801,
1881/84, when the original seating capacity of 1,400
with Ginevra di Scozia by Simone Mayr and
was increased to 2,000; gas lighting was replaced
Annibale in Capua by Antonio Salieri, while the
by electricity in 1889. More recently, substantial
adjoining “San Pietro” Theatre, which had been
changes have taken place in 1950, while a radical
until then the center of the intense theatrical life of
restoration, including structural consolidation and
Trieste in 1700s, was definitely closed.
the renovation of technical facilities in order to
Orchestra & Chorus
The “Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste” Opera House can
Marriner, Nello Santi, Gianluigi Gelmetti, Donato
boast the presence of two permanent ensembles:
Renzetti and many more.
orchestra and chorus.
The Orchestra has been a permanent ensemble since
series of symphonic concerts in France, Germany,
1944 - when it took on the name of “Filarmonica
Austria, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia. The Orches-
Triestina” - and in 1964 it was named after the theatre
tra was a notable feature at the Festival of the Two
it perfoms in.
Worlds in Spoleto from 1958 to 1969. The Verdi Or-
It is worldwide known for its ability to perform
a wide opera and symphonic repertory. It has been
conducted over the years by internationally renowned
maestros, including Herbert von Karajan, Claudio
chestra commitment to spreading the culture of music
in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Pordenone, Udine
and Gorizia) - as well as in neighbouring Istria - goes
back several years.
comply with current safety standards, took place
the life of the city. During its two-century history,
Abbado, Riccardo Muti, Paul van Kempen, Thomas
In 2014, the Orchestra took part to a tour in Oman,
between 1992 and 1997, with the moving of the
the opera house has, in fact, been the focal point
Schippers, Mario Rossi, Carlo Maria Giulini, Laslo
where it opened the new season at the Royal Opera
activity to the newly built “Tripcovich” Theatre.
of the civil and cultural life of Trieste, who has
Somogryi, Leonard Bernstein, Sergiu Celibidache,
House Muscat (ROHM) with a stunning and suc-
With a capacity of about 900 seats, even after the
lived, with the Napoleonic occupation until 1814,
Gianandrea Gavazzeni, Daniel Oren, Gary Bertini,
cessful production of Verdi’s Macbeth “resulting in an
reopening of the historical site it continues to be
the period of membership to the French Empire
Gustav Kuhn, Jean Claude Casadesus, Sir Neville
unforgettable opera that left one shivering long after
used for several events (opera, symphonic and
as part of the Illyrian Provinces; the restoration of
chamber music concerts, plays, meetings, etc.).
Habsburg and the great commercial and economic
The opera house – which has a Ridotto, or foyer,
with a former capacity of 700, now 224 seats – has
changed its name several times: in 1821 it was
named “Teatro Grande” (Great Theatre); in 1861,
after the City Council had bought it, it became
“Teatro Comunale” (City Theatre) and, on January
27th 1901, it was dedicated to Giuseppe Verdi by
an extraordinary meeting of the City Council, just a
few hours after the death of the great composer.
It has often been invited to perform abroad, holding
flourishing emporium in Central Europe until the
First World War, with the next entry under Italian
State; the German, Yugoslavian and Anglo American
occupation as a result of the events of the second
World war, and then in 1954 the reunion with Italy.
Alongside the opera and ballet season, the Verdi
Theatre program also includes a vast range of
symphonic and chamber music concerts as well as
Operetta. The Orchestra and the Choir have been
Transformed into a private law foundation in 1999,
on several tours: Spoleto (Festival of the Two Worlds),
it is currently administered by the Fondazione
Wiesbaden, Paris, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Budapest, Japan
Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste as the most
(Tokyo and Osaka), South Korea (Seoul and Yeosu),
important venue, increasingly being identified with
Cyprus (Paphos Festival) and Oman (Muscat).
the curtain came down” (Times of Oman review).
The Verdi Theatre Orchestra is featured in record
catalogues with the complete symphonies by Mendelssohn, Schumann and, in addition, with the Stabat
Mater by Dvorjak, conducted respectively by Lü Jia and
Theatre’s production. It is divided into the eight registers: first and second sopranos, mezzo-sopranos, altos,
first and second tenors, baritones and basses. It has
always stood out for uniformity and vigour.
Julian Kovatchev. Apart from the historic recordings
The Chorus has been conducted since the end of the
of its concerts at the Festival of the Two Worlds during
World War II by choirmaster of the calibre of Roberto
the Fifties and Sixties, the Verdi orchestra repertoire
Benaglio, Adolfo Fanfani, Giorgio Kirschner, Gaetano
includes live recordings of several operas: Il Campiello
Riccitelli, Andrea Giorgi, Ine Meisters, Marcel Semi-
by Wolf-Ferrari; La Straniera by Bellini (for the
nara, Luigi Petrozziello, Emanuela di Pietro, Lorenzo
Fonit-Cetra/Ricordi label); Attila and Stiffelio by Verdi
Fratini, Alessandro Zuppardo and Paolo Vero, whilst
(for the Dynamic label); Ginevra di Scozia by Simon
intensifying its involvement in the area of symphonic
Mayr (for Opera Rara); a dvd of Tancredi by Rossini.
music over the past years.
A dvd and cd of the opera I Cavalieri di Ekebù by Ric-
Universally acknowledged by critics as one of the best
cardo Zandonai, a cd of Lohengrin by Richard Wagner,
choirs in Italian opera houses, even for the capacity
both produced in 2005. The last release is a dvd of
expressed in singing the lyric-symphonic repertoire in
Battaglia di Legnano by Giuseppe Verdi recorded for
the original language of non-national authors, it has
the collection Tutto Verdi – The complete Operas (for
been invited to perform not only in Italy (in particular
the Unitel Classica label), which includes all the pro-
as a long-time featured guest at the Festival of the Two
ductions of the great composer performed by the most
Worlds in Spoleto), but also abroad, in Austria, France,
prestigious European Opera houses.
Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Korea, Japan and Oman
Prestige and ability of the Verdi’s Chorus are recognized worldwide and represent a source of pride for
both Trieste and Italy itself.
The Chorus is indissolubly linked to the whole Verdi
both on its own or on tour together with the Verdi
Theatre Orchestra.
The current choirmaster is Fulvio Fogliazza.
1° Concert
4° Concert
September 16th
September 17th
Concert Season
8.30 pm
6.00 pm
8.30 pm
6.00 pm
Conductor Gianluigi Gelmetti
Violin Leticia Moreno
Conductor Günter Neuhold
Piano Michele Campanella
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Sergej Prokof’ev
Ein Sommernachtstraum op. 61, Lied mit chor
Concerto in E Minor for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 64
Orchestra and female choir by Teatro Verdi
Choirmaster Fulvio Fogliazza
2° Concert
September 23rd
September 24th
Conductor Valentina
Piano Chloe Mun
Orchestra Suite from Romeo and Juliet
Ferruccio Busoni
Gustav Mahler
Symphony No. 5 in C# minor
8.30 pm
6.00 pm
Piano Concerto for orchestra and male choir
in C major, op. 39
Orchestra and male choir by Teatro Verdi
Choirmaster Fulvio Fogliazza
5° Concert
October 14th October 15th 8.30 pm
6.00 pm
Conductor Christopher Franklin
Violin Francesca Dego
Ludwig van Beethoven
Coriolan overture in C minor, op. 62
Fryderyk Chopin
Concerto No. 2 in F minor for Piano
and Orchestra, op. 21
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Symphony No. 4 in A major, op. 90 “Italian”
Edouard Lalo
Symphonie espagnole in D minor for violin
and orchestra, op. 21
Maurice Ravel
Tzigane, rhapsody for violin and orchestra
Orchestra by Teatro Verdi
Leonard Bernstein
3° Concert
Orchestra by Teatro Verdi
September 30 October 1st th
8.30 pm
6.00 pm
Conductor Mischa Damev
Violin Kyoko Yonemoto
Pëtr Il’ič Čajkovskij
Symphonic Dances from “West Side Story”
Overture from Candide
6° Concert
October 21st October 22nd Conductor Gianluigi
8.30 pm
6.00 pm
Hamlet Overture-fantasia op. 67a
Sergej Prokof’ev
Ludwig van Beethoven
Concerto No. 1 in D major for violin
and orchestra, op. 19
Missa Solemnis in D major, op. 123
Modest Musorgskij - Maurice Ravel
with The Slovenian Philharmonic Choir
of Ljubljana
Orchestra by Teatro Verdi
Orchestra and choir by Teatro Verdi
Choirmaster Fulvio Fogliazza
Pictures at an Exhibition
October 7th
October 8th 9
Icon of fashion jewelry since 1969
Memorable collections for the theater worn by
Maria Callas
The most published jewelry brand in fashion
Handmade in Milan
Photo: Archivio PromoturismoFVG - Marco Milani
Trieste the heart of Europe
Opera and Ballet Season
Giuseppe Verdi
Pëtr Il’ič Čajkovskij
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Gioachino Rossini
The Nutcracker
Die Zauberflöte
Il barbiere
di Siviglia
The magic flute
The barber of Seville
November 25th 2016
November 26th
November 27th
November 29th
December 1st
December 3rd
8.30 pm
8.30 pm
4.00 pm
8.30 pm
8.30 pm
4.00 pm
December 14th 2016
December 15th
December 16th
December 17th
December 17th
December 18th
8.30 pm
8.30 pm
8.30 pm
3.00 pm
8.30 pm
4.00 pm
January 13th 2017
January 14th
January 17th
January 19th
January 21st January 22nd
8.30 pm
8.30 pm
8.30 pm
8.30 pm
4.00 pm
4.00 pm
February 10th 2017
February 11th
February 12th February 14th February 16th February 18th 8.30 pm
8.30 pm
4.00 pm
8.30 pm
8.30 pm
4.00 pm
Choreographer and director
Conductor Conductor
Director Jean-Louis Grinda
Set and costume designer Rudy Sabounghi
Conductor Alessandro Ferrari
Set and costume designer
Emanuele Luzzati
Director Valentina Carrasco
Director Ruggero Cappuccio
Set designer Carlo Savi
Costume designer Carlo Poggioli
Fabrizio Maria Carminati
Main performers
Sebastian Catana
Antonino Siragusa
Aleksandra Kubas-Kruk
Antonella Colaianni
In collaboration with
Sawakami Opera Foundation
A production by Opéra Monte-Carlo
Orchestra & chorus by Fondazione Teatro
Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Amedeo Amodio
Gianluigi Gelmetti
Main dancers
Ashley Bouder
Amar Ramasar
Main performers
Elena Galitskaya
Roberto Scandiuzzi
Lina Johnson
Peter Kellner
A Daniele Cipriani Entertainment
In collaboration with
Sawakami Opera Foundation
Orchestra by Fondazione Teatro Lirico
Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
A new production by Fondazione
Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Orchestra & chorus by Fondazione Teatro
Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Francesco Quattrocchi
Main performers
Marcello Rosiello
Aya Wakizono
Domenico Balzani
Peter Kellner
In collaboration with
Sawakami Opera Foundation
A co-production by Fondazione Teatro
Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste and
Fondazione Teatro dell’Opera di Roma
Orchestra & chorus by Fondazione Teatro
Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Georges Bizet
Richard Wagner
Vincenzo Bellini
Giacomo Puccini
Les pêcheurs de
und Isolde
La sonnambula
The pearl ffishers
March 10th 2017
March 11th March 12th March 14th March 16th March 18th
8.30 pm
8.30 pm
4.00 pm
8.30 pm
8.30 pm
4.00 pm
7.00 pm
3.00 pm
7.00 pm
7.00 pm
7.00 pm
3.00 pm
May 5th 2017
May 6th May 7th May 9th
May 11th May 13th
8.30 pm
8.30 pm
4.00 pm
8.30 pm
8.30 pm
4.00 pm
June 9th 2017
June 10th
June 11th
June 13th June 15th June 17th 8.30 pm
8.30 pm
4.00 pm
8.30 pm
8.30 pm
4.00 pm
Conductor Conductor Conductor
Conductor Director Fabio Sparvoli
Set designer Giorgio Ricchelli
Costume designer Alessandra Torella
Director Guglielmo Ferro
Set designer Pierpaolo Bisleri
Director Giorgio Barberio Corsetti
Set and costume designer
Cristian Taraborrelli
Director Daniele Guerra
Set designer
Lorenzo Fonda and Pierpaolo Bisleri
Main performers
Aleksandra Kubas-Kruk
Bogdan Mihai
Main performers
Svetla Vassileva
Luciano Ganci
Angelo Veccia
Oleg Caetani
Main performers
Mihaela Marcu
Jésus Léon
Marcello Rosiello
A production by Fondazione Teatro Lirico
Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Orchestra & chorus by Fondazione Teatro
Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
April 7th 2017
April 9th
April 11th April 12th April 14th April 15th The sleepwalker
Christopher Franklin
Main performers
Bryan Register
Allison Oakes
Roberto Scandiuzzi
Guillermo Garcia Calvo
In collaboration with
Sawakami Opera Foundation
In collaboration with
Sawakami Opera Foundation
A new production by Fondazione Teatro
Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
A production by Fondazione Lirico
Sinfonica Petruzzelli e Teatri di Bari
Orchestra & chorus by Fondazione Teatro
Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Orchestra & chorus by Fondazione Teatro
Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Gianluigi Gelmetti
In collaboration with
Sawakami Opera Foundation
A new production by Fondazione
Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Orchestra & chorus by Fondazione Teatro
Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Info & tickets
Fondazione Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Riva Tre Novembre n. 1 - 34121 Trieste (Italy)
+39 040 6722 111
Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi-Trieste
You can buy tickets online at a
certain number of seats are reserved for each area
and performance. Credit card only. Advance sale
charge is always applied.
free number from Italy 800 090373
from abroad +39 040 0648883.
Payment within 3 days from the booking.
always indicating title and date of the chosen
performance, seating area, full name and address.
Payment within 3 days from the date of receiving
of the confirmation.
Tickets are sold subject to the Theatre’s
right to make any alterations to the
programme, schedule or cast as a result
of technical reasons or circumstances
beyond its reasonable control.
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Dubai Opera Tour Staff
August 31st – September 5th 2016
Ambrosi Chiara
Angileri Patrizia
Antonante Francesco Saverio
Arditi Carolina
Astolfi Daniela
Babudri Fabiana
Badia Armando
Baldizzi Eliseo
Bartoli Andrea
Bellini Marco
Beltrami Carlo
Bergamasco Michela
Bernstein Benjamin
Berteni Simone
Bonesso Silvia
Boscarol Elena
Brelich Simone
Cabas Alice
Canciani Alessandro
Canciani Fabio
Caracristi Nilo
Carbone Giuseppe
Carbonelli Di Letino Cecilia
Cattaruzzi Alessandro
Chiappo Elisabetta
Cijan Erica
Ciulli Bruno
Codarin Michele
Colagrossi Angelo
Concion Romina
Cortese Francesco
Cristin Irena
D’Aronzo Adele
Da Dalt Pietro
Degrassi Luca
Dentesani Valentino
Devetak Igor
Di Corato Andrea
Di Giorgi Giorgio
Di Giorgio Emanuele
Dimaso Giuseppe
Dionisi David
Dionisi Dorian
Erra Luca
Ferrari Mauro
Ferri Leone
Ficiur Fabrizio
Fischer David
Fogliazza Fulvio
Fomularo Antonella
Foresi Claudia
Furini Stefano
Furlan Mario
Fusari Andrea
Ghersa Stefano
Giovannini Sabrina
Guerra Francesca
Guggia Filippo
Guglielmi Antonella
Guina Federica
Hetzenegger Christa
Katarzyna Ir Anna
Laffranchini Ercole
Lana Francesco
Laporta Alessandro
Lazzaroni Domenico Giacomo
Leka Hector
Leonardi Aldo
Locatelli Damiano
Lopresti Valentina
Lubini Francesco
Macrì Alberto
Mangini Renzo
Marotta Antonio
Marsi Massimo
Marsi Nicolò
Martano Giorgio
Masini Marco
Mauro Armani Fabrizio
Menegozzo Laura
Mergiani Katia
Miani Roberto
Monetti Paolo
Morosini Massimiliano
Moschioni Cristina
Mustea Diana
Nallino Franco
Nanni Andrea
Nitta Roberta
Oldrati Massimiliano
Ota Paolo
Paccorini Francesco Maria
Palcich Mirella
Palumbo Giovanni
Parma Alessandro
Pecchiar Marina
Pelizon Giuliano
Pellizzari Loredana
Perez Tedesco Fabian
Perin Cristiano
Pestel Adriana
Pizzamei Claudio
Porcile Daniele
Pribetti Claudio
Prodan Lucio
Puleo Jennifer
Pumo Franzil Francesca Romana
Raseni Giorgio
Ricciardi Manuela
Riggio Graziella
Rivi Matteo
Rizzuto Sara
Rojac Teodora
Rossi Renato
Salizzoni Matteo
Sambo Fabio
Sandri Barbara
Sandri Daniele
Sarajlic Edin
Schibuola Andrea
Sciarretta Franca
Scocchi Giovanni
Silvestre Luigi
Sisto Danilo
Sivi Sandro
Soldan Vania
Sommati Stefano
Spano Miriam
Spiazzi Giovanni Alberico
Starc Davorin
Stoppari Giorgio
Sualdin Walter
Topic Vesna
Torcellan Stefano
Torzullo Roberta
Toso Stefano
Urli Chiara
Valentinsig Livia
Vangelista Elena
Vascotto Sandra
Velenich Dax
Velicogna Elide
Veronese Michele
Verzier Cinzia
Verzier Silvia
Vigolo Elia
Vissani Paolo
Zampiron Valter
Zanin Andrea
Zgur Gabriel
Zorzet Tullio
Zuccheri Giulia
Superintendent (CEO)
Stefano Pace
Roberto Dipiazza
General Manager
Antonio Tasca
Vice President
Paolo Marchesi
Artistic Manager
Paolo Rodda
Stefano Crise
Accounting and Budget Manager
Denise Sfreddo
Rosita Marchese
Renato Quaglia
Stage setting and property Manager
Angelo Canu
Board of auditors
Pino Zingale
Paola Ferroni
Production area
Paolo Albertelli
Paola Vuch
Editing by
Press and Communication Office
Teatro Verdi Trieste
Graphic by
Incipit - Trieste
Photos by
Fabio Parenzan
Visual Art Trieste
Printed in August 2016 for Dubai Opera Tour (31st August -5th September 2016)
the charme of sea
and history
The Castle of Miramare
photo: Anja Čop – Archivio PromoturismoFVG
Fondazione Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste
Riva Tre Novembre n. 1 - 34121 Trieste (Italy)
+39 040 6722 111
Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi-Trieste