www.cmraracing.com June 2005 Issue 6 CENTRAL MOTORCYCLE ROADRACING ASSOCIATION K&N Wins Mini Endurance BOD NOMINATIONS It is once again time to make nominations for the 2006/2007 Board of Directors election. The nomination deadline is July 31 and a form can be found on page 3 of this newsletter. The BOD seats currently held by Brooks Gremmels, Jess Johnson, Lindsey Leard, and Steve MacNamara will need to be filled in the upcoming election. AMA CHAMPIONSHIP From Steve Breen: The CMRA is actively looking for riders who wish to compete in the 2005 AMA Road Race Grand Championship. To help defray costs, financial support will be offered to riders selected to represent the club. This event is to be held at Mid-Ohio on July 1820. There are several different types of honors up for grabs. The Horizon Award: Our own Logan Young won this prestigious award last year which recognizes the most promising new talent in American amateur roadracing looking forward to a career in the sport. The Club Challenge: This award recognizes the strongest combined result of a team sent by a regional club. Last year, the CMRA won this honor represented by Ty Howard, Ben Thompson and Logan Young. Top Novice: Novice racers are not excluded! If you would like to compete against the best novices in the nation, here's a good opportunity. If you are interested in taking part, please send me an email at breeno AT gmail DOT com or call the club office to be added to the list for consideration. Pre-entry deadline is July 1st. More info on this event can be found at: www.ama-cycle.org/amrace/2005/rr/index GMD COMPUTRACK CONTINGENCY/CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Preston Gohlke, new operator of GMD Computrack DFW, has come on board with the CMRA with a contingency / certificate ON THE COVER: Chris Headley of Village Idiots leads the endurance event. Unless otherwise noted, all photos by Shan Moore. 2 program that will pay all fourth place finishers in big bike sprints and big bike endurance a certificate for 50% off of a GMD Computrack frame measurement. CONTINGENCY AWARD: GMD COMPUTRACK NETWORK DFW • Payment by certificate • All events • All CMRA big bike sprint and endurance classes • All 4th place finishers • 50% discount off frame measurement CONTINGENCY REQUIREMENTS: GMD COMPUTRACK NETWORK DFW Payment by certificate for 50% discount off frame measurement for all 4th place finishers. Certificates must be picked up from the CMRA awards official at the racetrack. The GMD Computrack certificates will be available to all 4th place finishers through our awards official Roxana Nichols. She will have the certificates at the awards table, and all fourth place finishers can go to her after their last race of the day and she will check the results, write their name on the certificate(s) and hand them over. Preston and his GMD Computrack machine will be at many of the upcoming CMRA events. For more information, contact Preston at (682) 518-1660 or preston@gpcycles.com. TALKBACK IN TECH BY DEREK HEATON – CHIEF TECH INSPECTOR: With the phenomenal growth we have seen in our club in the past few years, I feel the need to touch on this subject. This past weekend at M SR, I ran into more people than usual complaining about safety issues on their bikes. One guy came up to tech his bike just before the start of his race and there was nothing wired on the front of the bike. He said that it passed like that before. Not likely. Even if it HAD been missed that is no excuse not to have it done. Another refused to believe that there was two drain plugs on his bike. Even after I told him that I race a bike with the same motor and I know it to be a drain. I had to show him the bike and get secondary verification from another source. A generic problem that we still run into is that some items are not done because the tires still have to be changed. The rulebook states that the bike must be ready to race before coming to tech. What we do is race and racing is inherently very dangerous. Please take this seriously enough to have your bike wired in a safe manner before you come to tech. The rulebook is very specific. If you still have questions, post them in the tech section or PM me. Believe me, I am the last person to want to make your life hard on a race weekend. But, in the off chance that something needs to be done, bring your drill, drill bits, safety wire, wire pliers and silicone sealant. PS. you can get a good cheap set of safety wire pliers from Harbor Freight. OVER-FILLED ENDURANCE GRIDS Our endurance grids have been over-filled at each race so far this year. There is no rule anywhere stating that teams with points are guaranteed a spot on the grid. The only way to be assured of a spot on the grid is to enter before it's full. We have no way of knowing whether or not the grid will be full until the time it fills. We can't ask teams who have made their entry early to remove themselves from the grid because a team with points has shown up at the last minute and decided to race. It is clear that we will have to eliminate "teams" who are signed up for practice only. Designating who those "teams" are ahead of time is not always easy, but we will make an attempt to do so. Pre-entry forms have been available online and in the mail to everyone since January. You are allowed to pre-enter for any race weekend, any time up until one News items, tid-bits and anything important to CMRA or Roadracing in general can be e-mailed to shan@trialscomp.com for inclusion in The Inside Line. - Shan Moore/editor First Turn week before the race. As a matter of fact, one pre-entry form can be faxed in right now for the rest of the season...just write something to that effect on top of the form. Our cancellation/refund policy was changed in March to eliminate penalizing folks who pre-enter. I charge all credit cards on the Monday before the race weekend, not before, not after. If you cancel prior to your credit card being charged, you will not be charged the $10 administration fee. Pre-entries for endurance teams must have at least two names and signatures in order to be accepted. If you can't get your other riders' signatures prior to faxing or mailing in the pre-entry, don't list them on the form. The team owner and the other riders must come together to registration at the track to be added on. In each pre-entry folder at every race, I put in a blank pre-entry form. The reason is so that while they are all at the track, the team owner can have all members of the team sign their names and fill out their emergency contact information. Then the team owner can use that as a master form to make copies for all future events. The only thing needed is to fill in the appropriate track, date of race and fees for that race. This eliminates having to fax it around to get signatures before sending it in. Bottom line: our grids are getting fuller and fuller at every race including some of the sprint classes. We hate turning folks away because grids are filled, so please get your entries in early. Maximum Grid At Each Track: Hallett – 55, Motorsport Ranch – 55, Oak Hill – 50, Texas World – 65. RACE GRIDS & RESULTS Grids are posted each day prior to the Riders Meeting. An announcement is made over the PA system at the time of posting. The posting time is printed on the grid sheet. Riders have 30 minutes from the posted time to resolve any inaccurate grid positions, including riders entered in the wrong classes, wrong grid position or missing from the grid. Grids are locked after 30 minutes. It is the rider’s responsibility to verify grid sheets for accuracy. If there is a problem with the grid, you must bring your pink entry receipt with you to Registration within the 30 minutes to get it resolved. Results are posted shortly after the conclusion of the race. The posting time is printed on the results. Riders have 30 minutes from the posted time to protest the results. If there is a problem, go immediately to Registration and fill out a protest form. There is a $25 cash fee to file a scoring protest. (The $25 will be returned to you if your protest is upheld.) Once your protest if filed, Registration will notify the Race Director and Scoring, “Under Protest” will be written on the posted results and the protest will be reviewed as soon as possible. It is the rider’s responsibility to verify results within the 30-minute time frame. Results are final after 30 minutes. VINCENT HASKOVEC DECALS BY MICHAEL PATTERSON We are making some Vincent Haskovec decals in hopes of raising a little money to help him out. 100% of the money raised will go straight to Vincent. Just let us know how many decals you need and I will drop them in the mail to you.\ Decal colors are white with black letters or yellow with black letters. The size is about 1.5 in. tall X 2in wide. Make sure and send your name, address and let us know that it’s for Vincent so I can keep my books straight. Donations can be made in the form of Check, Cash, Credit Card, and Paypal to: Totally Graphic Designs, 104 Allen Street Weatherford, TX. 76086. 817-594-1699 shop or 817-613-6070 cell. paypal address: tgdracing@ev1.net NO PROBLEM R ACEWAY ADDED FOR ‘06 Steve Breen, Walter Walker and Norm McDonald went to N PR in May to meet with Winston, the track manager. After spending 4 hours looking at every aspect of the track: new extended pits, new hot pits and the wall in Turn 1 moved back 250 feet, they took one of the two race dates available for 2006. February 10th through the 12th, 2006. It will be a 3-day event so all CMRA members can get a full day of practice on Friday. It will be our first race of 2006 and will probably include a mini endurance and a big bike endurance on Saturday and sprint races on Sunday. The new hot pit is away from the regular pit area. It is about as long as TWS hot pit. You can take all of your equipment down including pickups, vans and trailers and keep it in the area. No one will have to cross the hot pit, as we will all be on one side. The track is 40 feet wide and the front straightaway is 60 feet wide. There are hot showers, inside restrooms, hookups for RVs including electric, water and sewer. The track has spent a lot of money making the track improvements. Entering the drag strip is much like entering the front straightaway at T WS except it is smooth not the big dip. There are track days there about once a month on Mondays. We'll get the info and post it as soon as possible. MISSING TROPHIES FROM MSR At MSR apparently someone picked up the wrong trophies from the trophy table. Please check to make sure that you picked up the correct trophy for your class and if it’s wrong, please bring it with you to the next race at Oak Hill. Because some riders are unable to stay until the end of the day for trophy presentation, we began making trophies available during the day as a courtesy. Trophies may be picked up any time during the day rather than waiting for the trophy presentation, but you must find Roxana Nichols and let her know which trophy you are picking up so she can check it off her list. Roxana is not always at the trophy table because she also takes care of the corner workers during the day. If you don't see her in the trophy area, check the corner working tent. Do not take a trophy without checking with Roxana. Please check carefully that you’ve picked up the correct trophy. If this continues to be a problem, we may have to go back to waiting until trophy presentation to make them available. ■ Remaining 2005 CMRA Schedule June 25-26 Oak Hill Raceway July 30-31 Texas World Speedway Aug 19-21 Hallett Sept 10-11 Oak Hill Raceway Oct 1-2 Texas World Speedway 3 Central Motorcycle Roadracing Association PO Box 123888 Fort Worth, TX 76121 (817) 377-1599 BOARD OF D IRECTORS President - Norm McDonald - info@knmotorcycles.com Vice President - Steve Breen - breeno@gmail.com Brooks Gremmels - brooks@shogun.com Jesse Johnson - jester@frenzy.com Lindsey Leard - lindsey.leard@escg.jacobs.com Steve McNamara - steve@lonestartrackdays.com Chris Rankin - chris.s.rankin@gmail.com Contingency Coordinator - Bill Syfan contingency@cmraracing.com Race Management - Nancy Selleck nancy@cmraracing.com Race Director - Walter Walker walter@cmraracing.com Cornerworking - Barry & Roxana Nichols cornerworking@cmraracing.com Track Chaplain - Fred Chapman cmratrackchaplain@gmail.com Newsletter - Shan Moore shan@trialscomp.com Nomination for 2006-2007 Board of Directors Nominations for the 2006-2007 Board of Directors are now open and nominations close July 31, 2005. Person being nominated must be a CMRA member in good standing. I nominate _____________________________________ as a BOD for a 2 year term. Date of nomination______________________________ Has agreed to this nomination YES____ NO____ CMRA member making this nomination______________________________________ Send nomination form to: CMRA P.O. Box 123888 Ft. Worth, TX 76121 Nomination submission must be postmarked on or before July 31, 2005. After receiving nominations, Nancy Selleck will send a letter to the person being nominated for their acceptance to serve on the BOD for the 2 year term or their right of refusal. Nominee’s pictures and statements will be included in the newsletter mailed after the Hallett Race in August. Ballots will also be included in that newsletter. Ballots must be postmarked on or before October 15th and only current CMRA members are eligible to vote. The BOD will notify the winners, and then post the results. 4 Interview derekDelpero Electronic Big Brother With the CMRA drawing close to 700 entries per event and running over 20sprint races on Sunday, in addition to the endurance events on Saturday,more pressure than ever is being put on our workers in charge of scoring.This is a job that has to be done fast and accurately. Derek Delpero is the CMRA's man in charge of electronic scoring and the 31-year-old has done an impressive job of getting the results and points tabulated quickly,accurately and online. We spoke with Derek at Hallett about his responsibilities. What do you do for a living? I write computer software. How long have you been involved in motorcycle racing? Since 1998. How long have you been working with the CMRA? Since 2003. What are your responsibilities with the CMRA? I am in charge of the results and I make up the grids. I am basically in charge of the electronic side of scoring - final results, points, etc. What are some of the biggest problems that you run in to with scoring? The biggest issues we run into are people forgetting to put their transponders on their bikes. We occasionally have people with the wrong transponder on their bikes; that happens more often in endurance racing when a team signs up and says they are going to use a certain transponder but end up with another one. Basically our policy is that if you mess up and use the wrong transponder, you are not going to get scored until you come and correct the situation. People signing up for the wrong classes is also an issue, as well as bikes with unreadable num- bers. Even though we have the transponder system, the manual scorers still need to be able to read those numbers. With the number of entries we are getting, we would have a lot of scoring errors if we didn't have the electronic system. There are just too many places were humans can make a mistake, whether it is me entering the results off of the manual score sheets or the manual scorers who are trying to keep up with 60 bikes coming by at 150 mph at Texas World. Nobody's eyes are that good.Sometimes we'll have an enquiry about someone who thought they passed someone, but when we check the lap sheet it gets resolved. We also have the manual score sheets to double check against. You also tabulate all the points for the championship standings, is that correct? Yes, I developed a software program to manage all of that for the club. You also race with an endurance team. Yes, right now I am racing with Team Mystery Dance and we are racing the"Moose" which is an XR-250 in a 125 chassis. This year it is pretty much just me and Daniel Browning. I haven't ridden since Cresson and I am looking forward to going back. What satisfies you most about you CMRA job? I like it that the riders are happy that they have results quickly and that they are happy with the job that I am doing. It is obviously something that has to be done and probably the only thing I don't like about it is that it is hard for me to race and do this at the same time. The mental transition from working and getting on the track is difficult. ■ 5 The Paddocks Motorcycles Unlimited www.cmraracing.com 6 7 MSR Endurance John Orchard of the Village Idiots exits Rattlesnake during Saturday’s 5-hour endurance race. Shogun Motorsports CMRA Endurance Series Round four MotorSport Ranch Cresson, TX June 4, 2005 Despite being without the services of injured teammates Steve Breen and Craig Montgomery, Village Idiots used consistent lap times and minimized their time in the pits to claim the win at round four of the Shogun Motorsports Endurance Series by a two lap margin over series points leader Northwest Honda Racing. The 5-hour race, which paid an $1125 purse, featured several different leaders during the first three hours of action; however, the Yamaha YZFR6-mounted Village Idiots went the full distance on the same set of tires, while Northwest Honda Racing required three rears to go the distance on 8 their Honda CBR1000RR, which ultimately was the difference in the contest. With the win, the “Idiots” extended their lead in the C Superbike class point standings after nearly losing it to Team O’Donnell after a disastrous outing at Texas World last month. They also clawed their way back into contention for the overall title, moving from seventh after Texas World, up into to fourth after MSR. The CMRA endurance series continues to grow with each event and officials had to turn away a few late entries at MotorSport Ranch in order to keep the grid at a reasonable 55 teams on the 1.7 mile course, which was run in the clockwise direction. At the start of the race, holeshot artist Logan Young grabbed the lead for Northwest Honda Racing, while John Orchard, of Village Idiots, and Tyler McDonald, riding the KNMotorcycles.com YZF-R6, followed. Going into Wagon Wheel, McDonald moved around Orchard, taking the second-place position, while Shannon Ball of Team Penetration found his way around DesertRat.com’s Troy Green for fourth. By the 10-minute mark, Ball had worked his way into the lead, a position he would hold until the engine on the YZF-R6 expired just before the end of the first hour. After an hour of racing, Northwest Honda Racing had established a commanding 22-second lead over Desert-Rats.net, while KNMotorcycles.com, Village Idiots and Team Racing circulated a lap down. However, the MotorSport Ranch circuit, which is notorious for using up tires, was beginning to take its toll on the leading team and Village Idiots, with Chris Headley now on board, moved into the lead. After dicing with Village Idiots for a few laps, MSR Endurance John O’Donnell of Team O’Donnell (6) leads a member of Two Finger Racing (50) and others, while Project Mayhem (below) gets down to business. Northwest Honda Racing pitted to make the first of two tire changes. Another tire change during the fourth hour cancelled any chance Northwest Honda Racing had for the victory and Village Idiots cruised home with their second overall win of the year. With the second place finish, Northwest Honda Racing (Ronnie Lunsford, Greg Abbott, Rusty Allen, Matt Maschmann, Logan Young) claimed the Formula 1 class win, while Desert-Rats.net (Brad Thomas, Stephen Guynes, Greg Wanless, Troy Green) finished third overall and top A Superstock entry. KNMotorcycles.com (Tyler McDonald, Will Gruy, Jason Peterson) finished fourth overall and were the top placing C Superstock finishers, while Faltless Racing (Eric Falt, Robert Bradlaw, Charles Ergle, Scott Levine) ran a flawless race to win the Formula 2 division with a 13th overall. Overall winners Village Idiots were also first in the C Superbike class. KNMotorcycles.com dedicated their class win to Sam McDonald’s father-in-law, Bob Agent, who passed away the week before. ■ 9 MSR Endurance Above left: House of Cycles Racing (17) leads an unidentified team and 37 Times Racing (37). (above right) Desert-Rats.net. Below: Team Racing finished sixth overall and second in the CSuperstock class. 10 MSR Endurance Above: Jason Peterson of KNMotorcycles.com chases an unidentified rider. Below: Ramon Gonzales of Doc Racing Team. “I was going the fastest I ever went in my whole life and...” 11 We dissect Mofo Racing’s 2002 SV650 The Suzuki SV650 seems to be a popular race bike among CMRA members and it is a good way to get into racing. We looked at Scott Levine’s bike a few months ago, but there are so many in the club that we thought it would be cool to look at another. This is MoFo Racing's endurance bike/ Motorcycles Unlimited D Superstock sprint bike. In addition to the features listed below, it also has a Mychron Plus Instrument pod including: tach, temp gauge, programmable shift lights, oil pressure, speedo, gear indicator and lap timer. Mods: • Hotbodies bodywork • Zero Gravity double bubble windscreen • Grave fairing stay • Intuit frame sliders • Quick release seat pins • Scotts steering damper • Vortex clip ons • Vortex fuel cap 12 • Motorcycles Unlimited revalved Race Tech Forks • Ohlins shock retrofitted with a hydraulic preload adjuster • EBC fully floating race rotors and brakes • Goodridge Kevlar lines • Renthal sprocket RK chain • Attack adjustable rearsets • Yoshimura RS3 exhaust • BMC air filter • Modified Factory carb kit MSR Mini Endurance K&N Remains Perfect Shogun Motorsports Mini Endurance Championship Series: Round 4 MotorSport Ranch Cresson, TX June 4, 2005 WIll Gruy (above) of Team K&N. Below: R S Express(60) leads Team Sidewinder (17). Team K&N kept their record perfect for 2005 by claiming their fourth overall win in four starts at the latest round of the Shogun Motorsports Mini Endurance event held at MotorSport Ranch. Team K&N teammates Tyler McDonald and Will Gruy covered 59 laps during the two hour event and finished one lap ahead of the second place team, Team Jesus. Team K&N’s overall win assured them a lion’s share of the $250 purse and also gave them the Formula 4 class win, e xtending their points lead in that division; while Team Jesus, with Zac Chapman and Derek Wagnon on board, finished second in the Formula 4 division. The only blemish during the event was a red flag at the one-hour mark, brought out when Ryan O’Donnell and Dustin Dominguez went down in Big Bend. O’Donnell was transported out with a broken collar bone, but returned to watch sprint race action on Sunday. Third overall and third place in the Formula 4 class went to Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (Stephanie Graham, Robert Nickell, Dennis Dudley), while AF1 Racing (Micah Shoemaker, Jon Francis, Greg LeClair, Clayton Schutz) won the Formula 5 division with a sixth overall finish. In the Formula 6 division, STD Racing (Pat Brown, Yuliya Dvorak, Chris Reed, Jesse Johnson) took the win with a 16th overall and Excel (Robert Blevins, Dustin Dominguez, John Wardlow, Conner Blevins) won the Formula 7 class with a 25th overall finish. RS Express (Thomas Hoover, Chris Reed, Charles Ergle, Eric Kancir) maintained second place in both the overall standings and the Formula 4 standings with a fourth overall finish at MotorSport Ranch; while Team E xtreme Powersports (Robert White, Nicholas Montonaro, Troy Green, Jesse Davis) remains atop the Formula 5 series standings despite a 10th overall (fourth in class) finish at MSR. ■ 13 MSR Mini Endurance Above: Under-Dog Racing (34) leads Red Spade (30) and Hunkered Down (72) out of Rattlesnake. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (below). 12 MSR Sprints Ty Howard leads Bryan West en route to one of his five wins on Sunday. 2005 CMRA Championship Series Round 5 MotorSport Ranch Cresson, TX June 5, 2005 Ty Howard was virtually unstoppable at round five of the C MRA Championship Roadracing Series held at MotorSport Ranch near Cresson, Texas. The Weatherford, Texas-resident won 5 of the 6 events he entered over the weekend and claimed over $11,000 in CMRA cash and manufacturer’s contingency money for his efforts. Howard rode a combination of Suzuki and Kawasaki machinery in order to make the most of the available contingency money offered over the weekend and posted wins in the Racing Performance Services B Superstock Expert race (which features a $150 purse), the C Superstock Expert (which features a $500 purse), the Pace American Trailers Formula 1 Expert race (which fea- tures a $1000 purse), the Sum of all Parts A Superstock Expert race (which features a $150 purse) and the RaceworX C Superbike Expert race (which features a $150 purse). Howard also added $150 to his take by win ning the Mr. Coder Racing Fast Lap Award for turning the fastest lap during the sprint races. His only defeat came in the A Superbike Expert race, where he finished third behind Heath Small and Randall Kienast. Also cashing in on CMRA purse money were Will Gruy, who won the 125 GP ($250 purse) and Super Motard ($250 purse) races, Bryan West, who won the Racing B Superbike Expert class ($250 purse), Heath Small who won the Motorcycles Unlimited A Superbike Expert race ( $150 purse), Dane Westby, who won the lion’s share of the $500 purse paid in the Lightweight Twins Expert class and Jon Francis, who won the AF1 Racing Heavyweight Twins Expert class, which features an end-of-the-year cash award. Notable performances in the Novice divisions were turned in by Cory Burleson, who claimed seven Novice-class wins, and by Derrick Smith, who won two. Over 540 sprint entries, including 46 mini sprints, participated in Sunday’s sprint races, which were run in the clockwise direction. The Junior Motard riders kicked on Sunday’s racing action with the first race of the day. At the start, Jacob Chapman jumped out to a big lead en route to a flag-to-flag win over Thomas Branyon. Randall Falt and Shelby Brewer battled back and forth over the third place position with Falt making a last lap pass to secure the final step on the podium. Shelby Brewer ended up fourth, while Rachel Brewer and Dallas King rounded out the top six. Eric Falt took a strong early lead in race 2, the Super Motard/F2 Ex & Nov/ Vintage LW race, but yielded to Will Gruy on the second lap. However, on lap three, Robert 15 MSR Sprints Kent Moffit (above) and Randall Falt (below) during sprint action. 16 Bradlaw, who was running third at the time, clipped the back of another rider and went down hard, knocking himself out and bringing out the red flag. On the restart, Falt again jumped out into the lead, but was quickly overtaken by Gruy and Tyler McDonald. Tan, who had started up closer to the front this time, flew by McDonald and Gruy in Ricochet to take the lead, a position he would not relinquish. At the finish, Tan took a five second win with Eric Kancir, who had worked his way up from the Formula 2 wave, in second. Gruy finished third and top Super Motard, followed by McDonald (2nd Super Motard), Chase Vivion (3rd F2 Ex) and Falt (3rd Super Motard). Brandon Spradling was the top F2 Novice in seventh. Ty Howard took a runaway win in the Racing Performance Service B Superstock Expert race. Shannon Ball challenged Bryan West early in the race over the sec ond place position, but at the finish, it was West with the runner up spot by five lengths over Ball. Logan Young and Kevin Pate rounded out the top five. Cory Burleson topped the biggest grid of the day - 46 riders - to win race 4, the B Superstock Novice race. The race was red flagged after just one lap, and on the restart, Burleson took control with John Bernett and Ronnie Hay challenging early. Bernett eventually claimed the runner up spot, with Hay in third and Carlos Lescale in fourth. Dane Westby continued to move up the CMRA racing order and added yet another victory to his resume by claiming the win in race 5, the LW Twins Ex & Nov/ Classic Unlimited/Vintage Superbike race. Westby had to fend off the advances of Tyler McDonald, who passed for the lead in Rattlesnake, but the SV650-mounted Westby regained the lead on the back side of the track and stretched it into a seven second advantage at the finish. Eric Falt finished third, while Brandon Spradling was the top finishing LW Twins Novice in fourth. Chris Vinson won the Classic Unliminted division in eighth overall, while George Schroeder was first in the Vintage Superbike class in 29th. Ty Howard took his second win of the day in race six, the C Superstock Expert race. Howard led from start to finish, while Shane Kuehler inherited second place after Heath Small went down on lap four. Logan Young finished third, while Chris Headley and Bill drake rounded out the top five. Eric Falt got another one of his holeshots and led the Unlimited Motard/Formula CMRA Lightweight field of race seven through the first few turns. Both Will Gruy and Tyler McDonald had passed Falt by the mid-way point of the second lap and were beginning to pull a gap. Tyler shadowed the smooth riding Gruy until the final lap when Gruy pulled up with mechanical problems. At the finish, the order was McDonald, Falt, Dave Alsobrook, Colin Fowler and Jimmy Smithwick in the top five positions. Thomas Gaspard was the top finishing Formula CMRA Lightweight entry in 10th. Cory Burleson experienced relatively fresh air out front as he cruised to a seven-second win over Ronnie Hay in the C Superstock Novice race. Carlos Lescales, John Bernett and William Guthrie claimed positions third through fifth. Heath Small ran and hid from the A Superbike Expert entries in the Motorcycles Unlimied-sponsored ninth race. Small held nearly a 14-second gap over second place finisher Randall Kienast at the finish, while Ty Howard rode a borrowed K awasaki to third place. Craig Thomson claimed fourth and William Shupak was fifth. Dane Westby grabbed the early lead in the South Central Race Center D Superbike race with Tyler McDonald and Dustin Dominguez running second and third. However, Brandon Spradling and Cory Burleson were engaged in a battle that would carry the duo into second and third by the final lap. Westby claimed the win, with Burleson nipping Spradling at the finish for second. McDonald and Chris Romeo rounded out the top five. Burleson was the top finishing Novice, while Spradling was second in the Novice division. Jon Francis, Ronnie Lunsford and Alan Tan ran one, two and three after the start of the AF1 Racing Heavyweight Twins race, however Bill Erzal turned the fastest lap of the race on lap two and moved ahead of Tan to challenge Lunsford and Francis for the win. Francis and Lunsford managed to hold Erzal at bay, and at the finish less than three seconds separated the trio. Eric Falt finished fourth, just ahead of Tan, while Pierson Callahan (above) and Billy Click (below). 17 MSR Sprints Bryan West (above) leads several riders during the B Superbike Race. Below: Joe Feco (362) leads Guillermo Gonzalez (332) and others. 18 John Bernett took the novice win in seventh. Ty Howard claimed a third win of the day in the 10 lap Pace American Trailers Formula 1 race, however, it was Bryan West with the early lead after the start. Howard moved around West for the lead in Wagon Wheel and eventually pulled out a sevensecond gap by the finish. On the fourth lap, Logan Young went under West in Tombstone to take over second, then on lap six, Heath Small made a similar move on West in Ricochet. At the finish, the order was Howard, Young, Small, West and Randall Kienast. In the Formula 1 Novice race, Derrick Smith parlayed a fast start into a 12 second win. Myles Turner went the distance in second, while Justin Riley worked his way up to finish third. Will Gruy topped Tyler McDonald for the 125GP win in race 14. Cory Burleson moved up from the second wave to place third overall and first in the D Superstock Novice class, while Eric Falt was fourth overall and first D Superstock Expert. Ty Howard passed Logan Young on the third lap of the race and held on to win the Sum of all Parts A Superstock Expert race. Bryan West had been the early leader, grabbing the holeshot and showing the 24-rider field the way around on the opening lap, but he was passed on lap four by Young and Howard, who waged their battle for the remainder of the race. At the finish, Howard held a half-second gap over Young, with West, Heath Small and Randall Kienast claiming spots three through five. Ronnie Lunsford went under Gordon Bradeen in Wagon Wheel to take the lead in the Formula 40 Heavyweight/Formula 40 Lightweight race. At the halfway mark, Bill Erzal turned up the heat and moved into the runner up position, pushing Lunsford t o the checkers. Lunsford edged Erzal by 0.353-seconds at the finish with Bradeen taking third over Bill Underwood and Harry Tomlinson. The C Superbike Novice/Classic Superbike race was another Cory Burleson benefit, with the Harison, Arkansas-rider taking an easy win as Ronnie Hay claimed another runner up finish. The race was red flagged on the fourth lap when Ryan Rutkowski went down, but the restart played out pretty much the same as the first one, with Burleson and Hay out front, followed by Nathan Gardner, William Guthrie and Joe Feco. Heath Small pushed Ty Howard for the duration of the RaceworX C Superbike Expert race, finishing less than two seconds behind at the checkers. Shane Kuehler claimed the show position, with John Orchard in fourth and Tyler McDonald just edging Chris Headley at the finish for fifth. Dane Westby claimed his third race win of the day, this time in the Formula CMRA Heavyweight/Formula CMRA Mediumweight race. Chris Vinson ran solo in second for the entire race, while Will Gruy passed Dustin Dominguez in the late stages to take third. Christopher Corder finished fifth with Steven Sinclair grabbing seventh and first Mediumweight bike. The final race of the day was the Komodo Racing B Superbike race, which was won by Bryan West. West led from start to finish, while Shannon Ball moved past Heath Small on lap five to claim second. Fourth went to Larry Myers, while Craig Thomson finished one position back. Top Novice went to Cory Burleson in eighth. ■ Results Hallett May 14-15, 2005 3 Faltless Racing Formula 1 Endurance 4 Drive By Racing 1 Northwest Honda Racing 2 2Wheelz.com (Houston, TX / 1 / CBR1000RR) (Denison, TX / 5 / Suz GSXR750) 3 37Times Racing (Arlington, TX / 37 / Suz GSXR600) 4 Project Mayhem (Anacoco, LA / 32 / Suz GSXR1000) 5 Black Sunshine (Cedar Park, TX / 62 / Hon CBR929RR) A Superstock Endurance 1 Junk Yard Dog (Houston, TX / 30 / Suz GSXR600) 2 Team Ridesmart (League City, TX / 72 / Suz GSXR750) 3 Fifth Element Racing 4 Desert-Rats.net (Houston, TX / 13 / Suz GSXR750) (Dallas, TX / 4 / Yam YZF-R1) (Garland, TX / 9 / Suz SV650) (Needville, TX / 90 / Suz SV650) 5 Team Ogre (Dallas, TX / 34 / Suz SV650) 7 Total Rider / TLB Intl 8 Landshark Racing 9 Team Takeoffs (Kansas City, MO / 76 / GSXR750) (Pflugerville, TX / 40 / Yam YZF-R1) (Little Rock, AR / 36 / Kaw ZX636) (Harrison, AR / 96 / Suz GSXR750) 10 Team Rockwall Honda (Dallas, TX / 44 / Suz GSXR750) C Superstock Endurance 1 KNMotorcycles.com 2 Lawdawg Racing (Sapulpa, OK / 29 / Yam YZF-R6) (Newalla, OK / 68 / Kaw ZX636) 6 Chris Headley (The Colony, TX / 69 / Kaw ZX636) 6 Tulsa Cycle Supply (Tulsa, OK / 64 / Suz SV650) 7 Bill Drake (Houston, TX / 270 / Suz GSXR600) 7 North Texas Superbikes (College Station, TX / 71 / SV650) 8 Harry Tomlinson (Aledo, TX / 2 / Yam YZF-R6) 8 Screaming Trollop (Austin, TX / 24 / Suz SV650) 9 Daniel Sinclair (Rockwall, TX / 221 / Suz GSXR600) 9 Log Racing (Houston, TX / 56 / Suz SV650) 10 Jan Stadler (Dallas, TX / 76 / Suz GSXR600) 10 CED Racing (Dallas, TX / 75 / Suz SV650) 11 Kitchen Pass (Clovis, NM / 78 / Suz SV650) 12 Team Silverback (Harrison, AR / 66 / Suz SV650) 11 Josh Lowery (Batesville, AR / 146 / Hon CBR600RR) 12 Bill Underwood (N. Richland Hills, TX / 654 / Yam YZF-R6) 13 Miki Espiritu (Oklahoma City, OK / 63 / Suz GSXR600) 13 Gitchasum Racing (Houston, TX / 65 / Suz SV650) 14 Craig Montgomery (Addison, TX / 49 / Kaw ZX636) 14 Two Finger Racing (Austin, TX / 50 / Suz SV650) 15 Darrell Dotson (N. Little Rock, AR / 232 / Yam YZF-R6) 15 Legacy Racing 2 (Spring, TX / 19 / Suz SV650) 5 Team Anvil (San Antonio, TX / 11 / Suz GSXR1000) 6 Longneck Motorsports 4 John Orchard (Flower Mound, TX / 51 / Yam YZF-R6) 5 Shane Kuehler (Arlington, TX / 234 / Yam YZF-R6) Superstock D Exper t Sum of All Parts - Superstock A Expert 1 Dustin Dominguez (Newalla, OK / 68 / Suz SV650) 1 Heath Small (Waller, TX / 7 / Yam YZF-R1) 2 Eric Falt (Garland, TX / 1 / Suz SV650) 2 Ty Howard (Weatherford, TX / 35 / Suz GSXR750) 3 Chris Romeo (Bellaire, TX / 36 / Suz SV650) 3 Logan Young (Houston, TX / 345 / Hon CBR1000RR) 4 Robert Bradlaw (Houston, TX / 40 / Hon CRF450) 4 Andy Galindo (Dallas, TX / 46 / Suz GSXR750) 5 Scott White (Tulsa, OK / 349 / Suz SV650) 5 Bryan West (Austin, TX / 955 / Suz GSXR750) 6 Michael Hamric (Spring, TX / 9 / Suz SV650) 6 Kevin Pate (Crowley, TX / 171 / Suz GSXR750) 7 Andrew Ale xander (Hesston, KS / 413 / Duc 900SS) 7 Dustin Meador (Tulsa, OK / 122 / Suz GSXR750) 8 Colin Fowler (Magnolia, TX / 96 / Hon CRF450) 8 Brian Cox (Broken Arrow, OK / 31 / Suz GSXR1000) 3 Lone Star Track Days (Houston, TX / 7 / Hon CBR600RR) 9 Nathan Weber (Ft Worth, TX / 15 / Suz GSXR750) 4 Big Air Racing (Duncan, OK / 21 / Hon CBR600RR) 10 Craig Thomson (Arlington, TX / 144 / Suz GSXR750) 5 Team Penetration (Houston, TX / 95 / Yam YZF-R6) 11 Jan Stadler (Dallas, TX / 76 / Suz GSXR600) 2 Randall Kienast (Dallas, TX / 288 / Hon CBR1000RR) 6 Adrenalin Fiends Racing 12 Darnell Dorsey (Hollister, MO / 74 / Suz GSXR1000) 3 Brian Cox (Broken Arrow, OK / 31 / Suz GSXR1000) 7 House of Cycles Racing (W. Monroe, LA / 17 / Kaw ZX636) 13 Barron Cheek (Round Rock, TX / 811 / Suz GSXR750) 4 Daniel Dominguez (Newalla, OK / 44 / Suz GSXR1000) 8 Team Streetbike Depot (Tuttle, OK / 85 / Kaw ZX636) 14 Randall Kienast (Dallas, TX / 288 / Hon CBR1000RR) 5 William Shupak (Anacoco, LA / 23 / Suz GSXR1000) 9 Team Racing (Houston, TX / 88 / Yam YZF-R6) 15 Craig Montgomery (Addison, TX / 49 / Kaw ZX636) 6 Nathan Weber (Ft Worth, TX / 15 / Suz GSXR750) 10 Continental Racing (Bacliff, TX / 67 / Hon CBR600RR) (Benton, KS / 38 / Yam YZF-R6) 11 G.A.F. Racing (The Colony, TX / 91 / Suz GSXR600) 12 Komodo Racing (Grapevine, TX / 58 / Yam YZF-R6) 13 Rockwall Honda.com 14 HB Racing (Dallas, TX / 54 / Hon CBR600RR) (Berryville, AR / 89 / Kaw ZX-6R) Motorcycles Unlimited - Superbike A Expert 1 Heath Small (Waller, TX / 7 / Yam YZF-R1) 7 Carlo Garavaglia (Wichita Falls, TX / 237 / Suz GSXR750) Racing Performance Service - Superstock B Expert 8 Michael Nellis (Georgetown, TX / 32 / Hon RC51) 1 Ty Howard (Weatherford, TX / 35 / Suz GSXR750) 9 Gordon Bradeen (Houston, TX / 37 / Yam YZF-R1) 2 Shannon Ball (Collinsville, OK / 395 / Suz GSXR600) 10 Billy Click (Willis, TX / 73 / Hon CBR1000RR) 3 Kevin Pate (Crowley, TX / 171 / Suz GSXR750) 11 Barron Cheek (Round Rock, TX / 811 / Suz GSXR750) 4 Bryan West (Austin, TX / 955 / Suz GSXR750) 12 John O'Donnell (Flower Mound, TX / 75 / Hon CBR600RR) 16 Just Plain Slow (Katy, TX / 48 / Yam YZF-R6) 5 Andy Galindo (Dallas, TX / 46 / Suz GSXR750) 13 Craig Montgomery (Addison, TX / 49 / Yam YZF-R1) 17 Team AF1 (Austin, TX / 87 / Hon CBR600RR) 6 Randall Kienast (Dallas, TX / 288 / Suz GSXR750) 14 Darnell Dorsey (Hollister, MO / 74 / Suz GSXR1000) 18 Mach1 Racing (Willard, MO / 35 / Yam YZF-R6) 7 Dustin Meador (Tulsa, OK / 122 / Suz GSXR750) 15 Bryan West (Austin, TX / 955 / Suz GSXR750) 19 Hobby Raceing 8 Shane Kuehler (Arlington, TX / 234 / Yam YZF-R6) 15 Lo-Budget Pro (Spicewood, TX / 49 / Suz GSXR600) (S. Houston, TX / 94 / Hon CBR600F3) 9 Bill Drake (Houston, TX / 270 / Suz GSXR600) C Superbike Endurance Komodo Racing - Superbike B Exper t 10 Jon Francis (Austin, TX / 64 / Apr RSV1000) 1 Heath Small (Waller, TX / 7 / Yam YZF-R1) 11 Craig Thomson (Arlington, TX / 144 / Suz GSXR750) 2 Bryan West (Austin, TX / 955 / Suz GSXR750) 2 Lone Gunmen (Austin, TX / 10 / Kaw ZX636) 12 Nathan Weber (Ft Worth, TX / 15 / Suz GSXR750) 3 John Orchard (Flower Mound, TX / 51 / Yam YZF-R6) 3 Howlie Boyz (Liberty, MO / 98 / Yam YZF-R6) 13 Daniel Sinclair (Rockwall, TX / 221 / Suz GSXR600) 4 Dustin Meador (Tulsa, OK / 122 / Suz GSXR750) 4 Village Idiots (Allen, TX / 3 / Yam YZF-R6) 14 Michael Nellis (Georgetown, TX / 32 / Hon RC51) 5 Randall Kienast (Dallas, TX / 288 / Suz GSXR750) 15 Carlo Garavaglia (Wichita Falls, TX / 237 / Suz GSXR750) 6 Daniel Sinclair (Rockwall, TX / 221 / Suz GSXR600) 1 Team O'Donnell (Flower Mound, TX / 6 / Hon CBR600RR) 5 Rook Racing 2 (Denison, TX / 31 / Suz GSXR600) 6 Back Marker Racing 7 Relic Racing 8 Baaad Duc Racing 9 Cafe Racer (Little Rock, AR / 23 / Yam YZF-R6) (Austin, TX / 92 / Suz GSXR600) (Garland, TX / 60 / Duc 748R) (Kansas City, MO / 55 / Suz GSXR600) 16 Bill Underwood (N. Richland Hills, TX / 654 / Yam YZF-R6) 7 Craig Thomson (Arlington, TX / 144 / Suz GSXR750) 17 Jan Stadler (Dallas, TX / 76 / Suz GSXR600) 8 Barron Cheek (Round Rock, TX / 811 / Suz GSXR750) 18 Josh Lowery (Batesville, AR / 146 / Hon C BR600RR) 9 Josh Lowery (Batesville, AR / 146 / Hon CBR600RR) 19 Barron Cheek (Round Rock, TX / 811 / Suz GSXR750) 10 Hotbodies Racing (Waller, TX / 57 / Yam YZF-R6) RaceworX - Superbike C Exper t Superstock C Exper t Formula 2 Endurance 1 Heath Small (Waller, TX / 7 / Yam YZF-R1) 1 Ty Howard (Weatherford, TX / 35 / Yam YZF-R6) 2 Ty Howard (Weatherford, TX / 35 / Yam YZF-R6) 1 Mofo's Racing (Garland, TX / 27 / Suz SV650) 2 Shannon Ball (Collinsville, OK / 395 / Suz GSXR600) 3 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Yam YZF-R6) 2 Fireball Racing (Caldwell, TX / 97 / Suz SV650) 3 Heath Small (Waller, TX / 7 / Yam YZF-R6) 4 John Orchard (Flower Mound, TX / 51 / Yam YZF-R6) 19 Results 5 Chris Headley (The Colony, TX / 69 / Kaw ZX636) 8 Dylan Brown (Kansas City, MO / 657 / Hon RS125) 6 Shane Kuehler (Arlington, TX / 234 / Yam YZF-R6) 7 Daniel Sinclair (Rockwall, TX / 221 / Suz GSXR600) 5 Ryan Rutkowski (Carrollton, TX / 329 / Kaw EX500) 6 Scott White (Tulsa, OK / 349 / Suz SV650) Pace American Trailers - Formula 1 Exper t 8 Chris Romeo (Bellaire, TX / 36 / Suz GSXR600) 1 Ty Howard (Weatherford, TX / 35 / Suz GSXR750) 9 Miki Espiritu (Oklahoma City, OK / 63 / Suz GSXR600) 2 Heath Small (Waller, TX / 7 / Yam YZF-R1) 1 Ronnie Lunsford (Houston, TX / 39 / Ducati 999) 10 Craig Montgomery (Addison, TX / 49 / Kaw ZX636) 3 Logan Young (Houston, TX / 345 / Hon CBR1000RR) 2 Harry Tomlinson (Aledo, TX / 2 / Yam YZF-R6) 11 Josh Lowery (Batesville, AR / 146 / Hon CBR600RR) 4 Andy Galindo (Dallas, TX / 46 / Suz GSXR750) 3 Michael Nellis (Georgetown, TX / 32 / Hon RC51) 12 Darrell Dotson (N. Little Rock, AR / 232 / Yam YZF-R6) 5 Bryan West (Austin, TX / 955 / Suz GSXR750) 4 Gordon Bradeen (Houston, TX / 37 / Yam YZF-R1) 6 Kevin Pate (Crowley, TX / 171 / Suz GSXR750) 5 Bill Underwood (N. Richland Hills, TX / 654 / Yam YZF-R6) 7 Randall Kienast (Dallas, TX / 288 / Hon CBR1000RR) 6 John O'Donnell (Flower Mound, TX / 75 / Hon CBR600RR) South Central Race Center - Superbike D Expert Formula 40 Heavyweight Expert 1 Dane Westby (Tulsa, OK / 213 / Suz SV650) 8 John Orchard (Flower Mound, TX / 51 / Yam YZF-R6) 7 Billy Click (Willis, TX / 73 / Hon CBR1000RR) 2 Dustin Dominguez (Newalla, OK / 68 / Suz SV650) 9 Shane Kuehler (Arlington, TX / 234 / Yam YZF-R6) 8 Steve Haesemeyer (Merriam, KS / 80 / Hon CBR600F2) 3 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Yam WR450) 10 Daniel Dominguez (Newalla, OK / 44 / Suz GSXR1000) 9 Bill Erzal (Austin, TX / 25 / Apr RSV1000) 4 Will Gruy (Dallas, TX / 441 / Yam WR450) 11 Dustin Meador (Tulsa, OK / 122 / Suz GSXR750) 10 Sha Edwards (Dallas, TX / 89 / Suz GSXR600) 5 Chase Vivion (Rockwall, TX / 600 / Yam YZ426) 12 Brian Cox (Broken Arrow, OK / 31 / Suz GSXR1000) 11 Darrell Dotson (N. Little Rock, AR / 232 / Yam YZF-R6) 6 Chris Romeo (Bellaire, TX / 36 / Suz SV650) 13 William Shupak (Anacoco, LA / 23 / Suz GSXR1000) 7 Andrew Ale xander (Hesston, KS / 413 / Duc 900SS) 14 Shannon Ball (Collinsville, OK / 395 / Suz GSXR600) 8 Michael Hamric (Spring, TX / 9 / Suz SV650) 15 Chris Headley (The Colony, TX / 69 / Kaw ZX636) 1 Scott Levine (Oklahoma City, OK / 3 / Suz SV650) 9 Scott Levine (Oklahoma City, OK / 3 / Suz SV650) 16 Harry Tomlinson (Aledo, TX / 2 / Yam YZF-R6) 2 Michael Hamric (Spring, TX / 9 / Suz SV650) 10 Steve Davis (Harrison, AR / 66 / Suz SV650) AF1 Racing - Heav yweight Twins Expert Formula 40 Lightweight 17 Nathan Weber (Ft Worth, TX / 15 / Suz GSXR750) 3 Cathy White (Euless, TX / 185 / Suz SV650) 18 Craig Thomson (Arlington, TX / 144 / Suz GSXR750) 4 Keith Coker (Hitchcock, TX / 549 / Suz SV650) 19 Michele Danese (The Colony, TX / 514 / Hon T SR125) 5 Tim Johnson (Conroe, TX / 155 / Kaw KX500) 1 Jon Francis (Austin, TX / 64 / Apr RSV1000) 20 Sha Edwards (Dallas, TX / 89 / Suz GSXR600) 6 Charles Lohr (Austin, TX / 175 / Hon RS125) 2 Ronnie Lunsford (Houston, TX / 39 / Ducati 999) 21 Bill Drake (Houston, TX / 270 / Suz GSXR600) 7 Mark Klepper (Austin, TX / 226 / Apr RS250) 3 Eric Falt (Garland, TX / 1 / Suz SV1000) 4 Michael Nellis (Georgetown, TX / 32 / Hon RC51) 8 Steve Davis (Harrison, AR / 66 / Suz SV650) Formula 2 Expert 5 Will Gruy (Dallas, TX / 441 / Hon RS125) 1 Alan Tan (Austin, TX / 12 / Yam TZ250) 6 Alan Tan (Austin, TX / 12 / Yam TZ250) 2 Chase Vivion (Rockwall, TX / 600 / Yam YZ426) 7 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Hon RS125) 3 Chris Romeo (Bellaire, TX / 36 / Suz SV650) 2 Chase Vivion (Rockwall, TX / 600 / Yam YZ426) 8 Scott White (Tulsa, OK / 349 / Suz SV650) 4 Scott Levine (Oklahoma City, OK / 3 / Suz SV650) 3 Robert Bradlaw (Houston, TX / 40 / Hon CRF450) 9 Tad Murley (McKinney, TX / 816 / Hon RS125) 5 Andrew Ale xander (Hesston, KS / 413 / Duc 900SS) 4 Eric Falt (Garland, TX / 1 / ATK 605) 10 Bill Erzal (Austin, TX / 25 / Apr RSV1000) 6 Tad Murley (McKinney, TX / 816 / Hon RS125) 5 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Yam WR450) Lightweight Twins Expert 1 Will Gruy (Dallas, TX / 441 / Yam WR450) 7 Steve Davis (Harrison, AR / 66 / Suz SV650) 6 Dave Alsobrook (Rockwall, TX / 139 / Ktm SMR450) 8 Michele Danese (The Colony, TX / 514 / Hon T SR125) 7 Jimmy Smithwick (Belton, TX / 898 / Ktm 525) 1 Will Gruy (Dallas, TX / 441 / Yam WR450) 2 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Yam WR450) Unlimited Motard 8 Tim Johnson (Conroe, TX / 155 / Kaw KX500) Formula CMRA Heavyweight 9 Colin Fowler (Magnolia, TX / 96 / Hon CRF450) 3 Dane Westby (Tulsa, OK / 213 / Suz SV650) 1 Dane Westby (Tulsa, OK / 213 / Suz SV650) 4 Dustin Dominguez (Newalla, OK / 68 / Suz SV650) 2 Will Gruy (Dallas, TX / 441 / Yam WR450) 5 Eric Falt (Garland, TX / 1 / Suz SV650) 3 Dustin Dominguez (Newalla, OK / 68 / Suz SV650) 1 Will Gruy (Dallas, TX / 441 / Yam WR450) 6 Scott Levine (Oklahoma City, OK / 3 / Suz SV650) 4 Chase Vivion (Rockwall, TX / 600 / Yam YZ426) 2 Robert Bradlaw (Houston, TX / 40 / Hon CRF450) 7 Chase Vivion (Rockwall, TX / 600 / Yam YZ426) 5 David Taylor (Mt. Vernon, MO / 411 / Suz SV650) 3 Eric Falt (Garland, TX / 1 / ATK 605) 8 Chris Romeo (Bellaire, TX / 36 / Suz SV650) 6 Steve Haesemeyer (Merriam, KS / 80 / Hon CBR600F2) 4 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Yam WR450) Super Motard 9 Scott White (Tulsa, OK / 349 / Suz SV650) 7 Christopher Corder (Dallas, TX / 325 / Suz SV650) 5 Jimmy Smithwick (Belton, TX / 898 / Ktm 525) 10 Andrew Alexander (Hesston, KS / 413 / Duc 900SS) 8 Daniel Rusert (Hurst, TX / 306 / Suz SV650) 6 Dylan Brown (Kansas City, MO / 657 / Yam YZ426) 11 Ty Howard (Weatherford, TX / 35 / Yam WR450) 9 Scott Levine (Oklahoma City, OK / 3 / Suz SV650) 12 Robert Bradlaw (Houston, TX / 40 / Hon CRF450) 13 Steve Davis (Harrison, AR / 66 / Suz SV650) 7 Dave Alsobrook (Rockwall, TX / 139 / Ktm SMR450) 8 Ty Howard (Weatherford, TX / 35 / Yam WR450) Formula CMRA Mediumweight 9 Colin Fowler (Magnolia, TX / 96 / Hon CRF450) 1 Greg LeClair (Austin, TX / 103 / Apr RS250) 125 Grand Prix 1 Will Gruy (Dallas, TX / 441 / Hon RS125) 2 Steven Sinclair (Rockwall, TX / 550 / Ducati 750) 3 David Petitpas (Lewisville, TX / 313 / Yam FZR400) 2 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Hon RS125) 3 Derek Wagnon (Ft Worth, TX / 111 / Hon RS125) Classic Unlimited 1 Steve Haesemeyer (Merriam, KS / 80 / Hon CBR600F2) 2 John Barsic (Bryan, TX / 296 / Hon CBR600F3) Formula CMRA Lightweight 3 Karl Hansen (Waxahachie, TX / 118 / Hon C BR600) 4 Heather Asbury (Carrollton, TX / 629 / Hon RS125) 1 Nick Gruy (Dallas, TX / 204 / Yam TZ85) 4 Mark Kline (Ennis, TX / 215 / Hon C BR600F2) 5 Tad Murley (McKinney, TX / 816 / Hon RS125) 2 Zac Chapman (Weatherford, TX / 461 / Hon RS80) 5 Scott Vivion (Rockwall, TX / 384 / Yam FZR400) 6 Charles Lohr (Austin, TX / 175 / Hon RS125) 3 Thomas Gaspard (Lake Charles, LA / 418 / Kaw EX500) 7 Michele Danese (The Colony, TX / 514 / Hon TSR125) 4 Heather Asbury (Carrollton, TX / 629 / Hon RS80) 20 Classic Superbike 1 Andrew Ale xander (Hesston, KS / 413 / Duc 900SS) 24 Shane Zelm (Irving, TX / 361 / Suz GSXR600) 37 Leonard Coker (New Braunfels, TX / 552 / Hon CBR600RR) 2 Steven Sinclair (Rockwall, TX / 550 / Ducati 750) 25 Chavvon Smith (Grapevine, TX / 133 / Hon CBR600RR) 38 Larry Myers (Spicewood, TX / 199 / Suz GSXR600) 3 Scott Vivion (Rockwall, TX / 384 / Yam FZR400) 26 Tony Wang (Batesville, AR / 206 / Hon CBR600RR) 39 Jeff Jordan (Arlington, TX / 321 / Yam YZF-R6) 4 Thomas Gaspard (Lake Charles, LA / 418 / Kaw EX500) 27 Jarrod Rottman (Watauga, TX / 360 / Suz GSXR750) 40 Jason Ellsworth (Houston, TX / 707 / Suz GSXR600) 5 Heather Asbury (Carrollton, TX / 629 / Hon RS125) 28 Paul Haas (Sapulpa, OK / 347 / Kaw ZX-7R) 6 Ryan Rutkowski (Carrollton, TX / 329 / Kaw EX500) 29 Sunil Thandassery (Irving, TX / 676 / Yam YZF-R6) 7 David Petitpas (Lewisville, TX / 313 / Yam FZR400) 30 Erik Pearson (Houston, TX / 523 / Hon CBR600RR) Superstock D Novice 1 Cory Burleson (Harrison, AR / 909 / Suz SV650) 31 William Guthrie (Austin, TX / 948 / Kaw ZX-6R) 2 Brandon Spradling (Humble, TX / 214 / Suz SV650) 32 Michael Wiley (Shawnee, OK / 279 / Hon CBR600RR) 3 Zac Chapman (Weatherford, TX / 461 / Suz SV650) 1 Cory Burleson (Harrison, AR / 909 / Suz GSXR750) 33 John Barsic (Bryan, TX / 296 / Hon CBR600F3) 4 Leo McKeown (Clovis, NM / 178 / Duc 900SS) 2 Derrick Smith (Denison, TX / 312 / Suz GSXR600) 34 Luigi Casali (Wichita Falls, TX / 261 / Suz GSXR600) 5 David Taylor (Mt. Vernon, MO / 411 / Suz SV650) 3 Troy Fuller (Pflugerville, TX / 408 / Yam YZF-R1) 35 Joe Feco (Buffalo, MO / 362 / Kaw ZX-6R) 6 Cathy White (Euless, TX / 185 / Suz SV650) 4 Guillermo Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 332 / Hon CBR600RR) 36 Leonard Coker (New Braunfels, TX / 552 / Hon CBR600RR) 7 Keith Coker (Hitchcock, TX / 549 / Suz SV650) 5 Matthew Crabtree (Wichita, KS / 273 / Yam YZF-R6) 37 John Brock (Wichita, KS / 714 / Yam YZF-R6) 8 John Coleman (Tulsa, OK / 484 / Suz SV650) Superstock A Novice 6 Myles Turner (Dallas, TX / 342 / Hon CBR600RR) 38 Derrick Smith (Denison, TX / 312 / Suz GSXR600) 9 Greg LeClair (Austin, TX / 103 / Apr RS250) 7 Carlos Lescale (Missouri City, TX / 224 / Yam YZF-R6) 39 Christopher Roberts (Little Rock, AR / 136 / Kaw ZX-6R) 10 Igal Askeroglu (Houston, TX / 670 / Suz SV650) 8 Cliff Snyder (Benbrook, TX / 786 / Suz GSXR750) 40 Jeff Jordan (Arlington, TX / 321 / Yam YZF-R6) 11 Christopher Corder (Dallas, TX / 325 / Suz SV650) 9 Brent Wood (Hutchinson, KS / 771 / Hon C BR600RR) 41 Chris Pozza (N. Little Rock, AR / 444 / Yam YZF-R6) 12 Daniel Rusert (Hurst, TX / 306 / Suz SV650) 10 Jonathan Wright (Little Rock, AR / 723 / Yam YZF-R6) 11 Sunil Thandassery (Irving, TX / 676 / Yam YZF-R6) 12 Justin Sonnen (San Antonio, TX / 744 / Suz GSXR600) 13 Rick Wagner (Tulsa, OK / 203 / Suz SV650) Superstock C Novice 1 Cory Burleson (Harrison, AR / 909 / Suz GSXR600) 14 Robin Hodson (Austin, TX / 500 / Suz SV650) 15 Susette Dupuis (Plano, TX / 546 / Suz SV650) 13 Tony Wang (Batesville, AR / 206 / Hon CBR600RR) 2 John Bernett (Tulsa, OK / 409 / Yam YZF-R6) 14 Justin Riley (Arlington, TX / 425 / Hon CBR600RR) 3 Ronnie Hay (Garland, TX / 650 / Kaw ZX636) 15 Paul Haas (Sapulpa, OK / 347 / Kaw ZX-7R) 4 Myles Turner (Dallas, TX / 342 / Hon CBR600RR) 16 Cody Kitchen (Siloam Springs, AR / 613 / Yam YZF-R1) 5 Guillermo Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 332 / Hon CBR600RR) 2 Seth Cooke (Tyler, TX / 369 / Suz GSXR1000) 17 Aaron Stone (Sherwood, AR / 988 / Yam YZF-R1) 6 Seth Cooke (Tyler, TX / 369 / Suz GSXR600) 3 Anthony Fogolini (Ft Worth, TX / 669 / Hon C BR600RR) 4 Myles Turner (Dallas, TX / 342 / Hon CBR600RR) Superbike A Novice 1 Derrick Smith (Denison, TX / 312 / Suz GSXR600) 18 Cal Freeman (Alexander, AR / 454 / Kaw ZX-10R) 7 Joe Feco (Buffalo, MO / 362 / Kaw ZX-6R) 19 Brian Driver (Ft Worth, TX / 350 / Yam YZF-R1) 8 Brandon Ballard (Green Forest, AR / 889 / Yam YZF-R6) 5 Brian Driver (Ft Worth, TX / 350 / Yam YZF-R1) 20 Chris Kutalek (Spring, TX / 417 / Suz GSXR600) 9 Michael Juarez (Arlington, TX / 158 / Yam YZF-R6) 6 Cliff Snyder (Benbrook, TX / 786 / Suz GSXR750) 21 Jason Ellsworth (Houston, TX / 707 / Suz GSXR600) 10 Matthew Crabtree (Wichita, KS / 273 / Yam YZF-R6) 7 Justin Riley (Arlington, TX / 425 / Hon CBR600RR) 22 Jeff Robinson (Crossett, AR / 842 / Yam YZF-R6) 11 Brent Wood (Hutchinson, KS / 771 / Hon CBR600RR) 8 Brian Fox (Arlington, TX / 727 / Yam YZF-R6) 12 Buck Beasley (Bacliff, TX / 671 / Hon C BR600RR) 9 Justin Sonnen (San Antonio, TX / 744 / Suz GSXR600) Superstock B Novice 1 Cory Burleson (Harrison, AR / 909 / Suz GSXR750) 13 Sunil Thandassery (Irving, TX / 676 / Yam YZF-R6) 10 Joel Rich (Ft Worth, TX / 217 / Yam YZF-R6) 14 Nathan Gardner (Carrollton, TX / 705 / Yam YZF-R6) 11 Troy Fuller (Pflugerville, TX / 4 08 / Yam YZF-R1) 2 John Bernett (Tulsa, OK / 409 / Yam YZF-R6) 15 John Brock (Wichita, KS / 714 / Yam YZF-R6) 12 Jimmy Crow (Sherman, TX / 201 / Yam Y ZF-R6) 3 Ronnie Hay (Garland, TX / 650 / Kaw ZX636) 16 Jeremy Hunt (Dallas, TX / 703 / Yam YZF-R6) 13 Cody Kitchen (Siloam Springs, AR / 613 / Yam YZF-R1) 4 Anthony Fogolini (Ft Worth, TX / 669 / Hon C BR600RR) 17 Leon Chad (Houston, TX / 324 / Yam YZF-R6) 14 Marv Esterly (Midland, TX / 496 / Suz GSXR1000) 5 Guillermo Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 332 / Hon CBR600RR) 18 Carlos Lescale (Missouri City, TX / 224 / Yam YZF-R6) 15 Michael Juarez (Arlington, TX / 158 / Yam YZF-R6) 6 Brandon Ballard (Green Forest, AR / 889 / Yam YZF-R6) 19 Tomas Godula (Garland, TX / 137 / Yam YZF-R6) 7 Jonathan Wright (Little Rock, AR / 723 / Yam YZF-R6) 20 Jonathan Wright (Little Rock, AR / 723 / Yam YZF-R6) 8 Michael Juarez (Arlington, TX / 158 / Yam YZF-R6) 21 John Morrow (Jenks, OK / 694 / Hon CBR600F4) 9 Matthew Crabtree (Wichita, KS / 273 / Yam YZF-R6) 22 Paul Wilkinson (Seabrook, TX / 253 / Yam YZF-R6) 2 Larry Myers (Spicewood, TX / 199 / Suz GSXR600) 10 Carlos Lescale (Missouri City, TX / 224 / Yam YZF-R6) 23 Chris Kotowski (Irving, TX / 126 / Suz GSXR600) 3 Anthony Fogolini (Ft Worth, TX / 669 / Hon CBR600RR) 11 Jeff Robinson (Crossett, AR / 842 / Yam YZF-R6) 24 Christopher Roberts (Little Rock, AR / 136 / Kaw ZX-6R) 4 Justin Sonnen (San Antonio, TX / 744 / Suz GSXR600) 12 Nathan Gardner (Carrollton, TX / 705 / Yam YZF-R6) 25 Chris Pozza (N. Little Rock, AR / 444 / Yam YZF-R6) 5 Matthew Crabtree (Wichita, KS / 273 / Yam YZF-R6) 13 Brent Wood (Hutchinson, KS / 771 / Hon CBR600RR) 26 Justin Sonnen (San Antonio, TX / 744 / Suz GSXR600) 6 Joe Feco (Buffalo, MO / 362 / Kaw ZX-6R) 14 Leon Chad (Houston, TX / 324 / Yam YZF-R6) 27 Jeff Robinson (Crossett, AR / 842 / Yam YZF-R6) 7 Justin Riley (Arlington, TX / 425 / Hon CBR600RR) 15 Justin Sonnen (San Antonio, TX / 744 / Suz GSXR600) 28 Tony Wang (Batesville, AR / 206 / Hon CBR600RR) 8 Joel Rich (Ft Worth, TX / 217 / Yam YZF-R6) Superbike B Novice 1 Cory Burleson (Harrison, AR / 909 / Suz GSXR750) 16 Cliff Snyder (Benbrook, TX / 786 / Suz GSXR750) 29 Chris Kutalek (Spring, TX / 417 / Suz GSXR600) 9 Cliff Snyder (Benbrook, TX / 786 / Suz GSXR750) 17 Buck Beasley (Bacliff, TX / 671 / Hon CBR600RR) 30 John Barsic (Bryan, TX / 296 / Hon CBR600F3) 10 Paul Haas (Sapulpa, OK / 347 / Kaw ZX-7R) 18 Tomas Godula (Garland, TX / 137 / Yam YZF-R6) 31 Karl Hansen (Waxahachie, TX / 118 / Hon C BR600) 11 Brandon Ballard (Green Forest, AR / 889 / Yam YZF-R6) 19 Jeremy Hunt (Dallas, TX / 703 / Yam YZF-R6) 32 William Guthrie (Austin, TX / 948 / Kaw ZX-6R) 20 Guillermo A. Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 542 / Hon RC51) 33 Miguel Rosas (Coppell, TX / 712 / Hon CBR600RR) 21 Paul Wilkinson (Seabrook, TX / 253 / Yam YZF-R6) 34 Mark Kline (Ennis, TX / 215 / Hon C BR600F2) 22 Chris Kotowski (Irving, TX / 126 / Suz GSXR600) 35 Luigi Casali (Wichita Falls, TX / 261 / Suz GSXR600) 2 Larry Myers (Spicewood, TX / 199 / Suz GSXR600) 23 Chris Kutalek (Spring, TX / 417 / Suz GSXR600) 36 Michael Wiley (Shawnee, OK / 279 / Hon CBR600RR) 3 Ronnie Hay (Garland, TX / 650 / Kaw ZX636) Superbike C Novice 1 Cory Burleson (Harrison, AR / 909 / Suz GSXR600) 21 Results 4 Seth Cooke (Tyler, TX / 369 / Suz GSXR600) 11 Pierson Callahan (Little Rock, AR / 223 / Yam TZ250) 29 Pierson Callahan (Little Rock, AR / 223 / Yam TZ250) 5 Anthony Fogolini (Ft Worth, TX / 669 / Hon C BR600RR) 12 Rodney Barkalow (Austin, TX / 730 / BUE XB12R) 30 Jeff Jordan (Arlington, TX / 321 / Yam YZF-R6) 6 Joe Feco (Buffalo, MO / 362 / Kaw ZX-6R) 7 Justin Sonnen (San Antonio, TX / 744 / Suz GSXR600) 8 Michael Juarez (Arlington, TX / 158 / Yam YZF-R6) 31 Chris Kutalek (Spring, TX / 417 / Suz GSXR600) Lightweight Twins Novice 1 Brandon Spradling (Humble, TX / 214 / Suz SV650) 32 Chris Pozza (N. Little Rock, AR / 444 / Yam YZF-R6) 33 Brian Driver (Ft Worth, TX / 350 / Yam YZF-R1) 9 John Brock (Wichita, KS / 714 / Yam YZF-R6) 2 Cathy White (Euless, TX / 185 / Suz SV650) 10 Sunil Thandassery (Irving, TX / 676 / Yam YZF-R6) 3 Zac Chapman (Weatherford, TX / 461 / Suz SV650) 11 Nathan Gardner (Carrollton, TX / 705 / Yam YZF-R6) 4 Les Banta (Oklahoma City, OK / 256 / Suz SV650) 1 Brandon Spradling (Humble, TX / 214 / Suz SV650) 12 Carlos Lescale (Missouri City, TX / 224 / Yam YZF-R6) 5 Greg LeClair (Austin, TX / 103 / Apr RS250) 2 Chuck Cofer (Austin, TX / 908 / Hon RS250) 13 Jeff Robinson (Crossett, AR / 842 / Yam YZF-R6) 6 Brent Smith (Green Forest , AR / 809 / Suz SV650) 3 Les Banta (Oklahoma City, OK / 256 / Suz SV650) 14 John Morrow (Jenks, OK / 694 / Hon C BR600F4) 7 Keith Coker (Hitchcock, TX / 549 / Suz SV650) 4 David Petitpas (Lewisville, TX / 313 / Yam FZR400) Formula 2 Novice 15 Butch Feco (Buffalo, MO / 242 / Kaw ZX-6R) 8 Christopher Corder (Dallas, TX / 325 / Suz SV650) 5 Cathy White (Euless, TX / 185 / Suz SV650) 16 John Barsic (Bryan, TX / 296 / Hon CBR600F3) 9 Dave Alsobrook (Rockwall, TX / 139 / Ktm SMR450) 6 Greg LeClair (Austin, TX / 103 / Apr RS250) 17 Brian Fox (Arlington, TX / 727 / Yam YZF-R6) 10 Jeffrey Duke (Coppell, TX / 917 / Suz SV650) 7 Igal Askeroglu (Houston, TX / 670 / Suz SV650) 18 Matthew Crabtree (Wichita, KS / 273 / Yam YZF-R6) 11 Igal Askeroglu (Houston, TX / 670 / Suz SV650) 8 Zac Chapman (Weatherford, TX / 461 / Suz SV650) 19 Jeff Jordan (Arlington, TX / 321 / Yam Y ZF-R6) 12 Steven Sinclair (Rockwall, TX / 550 / Ducati 750) 9 David Taylor (Mt. Vernon, MO / 411 / Suz SV650) 20 Guillermo Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 332 / Hon CBR600RR) 13 Scott Bass (Bastrop, TX / 742 / Suz SV650) 10 John Coleman (Tulsa, OK / 484 / Suz SV650) 21 Chris Kutalek (Spring, TX / 417 / Suz GSXR600) 14 Chris Accardo (Grapevine, TX / 541 / Suz SV650) 11 Leo McKeown (Clovis, NM / 178 / Duc 900SS) 22 Miguel Rosas (Coppell, TX / 712 / Hon CBR600RR) 15 Daniel Rusert (Hurst, TX / 306 / Suz SV650) 12 Jeffrey Duke (Coppell, TX / 917 / Suz SV650) 23 William Guthrie (Austin, TX / 948 / Kaw ZX-6R) 16 Tracy Edwards (Benton, KS / 238 / Suz SV650) 13 Susette Dupuis (Plano, TX / 546 / Suz SV650) Superbike D Novice 17 David Taylor (Mt. Vernon, MO / 411 / Suz SV650) 14 Wayne Wilder (Grapevine, TX / 358 / Yam TZ250) 18 Rick Wagner (Tulsa, OK / 203 / Suz SV650) 15 Scott Bass (Bastrop, TX / 742 / Suz SV650) 1 Cory Burleson (Harrison, AR / 909 / Suz SV650) 19 Scott Thompson (Little Rock, AR / 759 / Suz SV650) 16 Christopher Corder (Dallas, TX / 325 / Suz SV650) 2 Brandon Spradling (Humble, TX / 214 / Suz SV650) 20 Susette Dupuis (Plano, TX / 546 / Suz SV650) 17 Chris Accardo (Grapevine, TX / 541 / Suz SV650) 3 Zac Chapman (Weatherford, TX / 461 / Suz SV650) 21 Robin Hodson (Austin, TX / 500 / Suz SV650) 18 Tracy Edwards (Benton, KS / 238 / Suz SV650) 4 David Petitpas (Lewisville, TX / 313 / Yam FZR400) 22 Lawrence Lucia (Beaumont, TX / 821 / Suz SV650) 19 Rick Wagner (Tulsa, OK / 203 / Suz SV650) 5 Leo McKeown (Clovis, NM / 178 / Duc 900SS) 6 Cathy White (Euless, TX / 185 / Suz SV650) 7 John Coleman (Tulsa, OK / 484 / Suz SV650) 20 Scott Thompson (Little Rock, AR / 759 / Suz SV650) Formula 1 Novice 1 Larry Myers (Spicewood, TX / 199 / Suz GSXR600) 21 Heather Asbury (Carrollton, TX / 629 / Hon RS125) 22 Rodney Barkalow (Austin, TX / 730 / BUE XB12R) 8 Keith Coker (Hitchcock, TX / 549 / Suz SV650) 2 Derrick Smith (Denison, TX / 312 / Suz GSXR600) 23 Nick Gruy (Dallas, TX / 204 / Yam TZ85) 9 Steven Sinclair (Rockwall, TX / 550 / Ducati 750) 3 John Bernett (Tulsa, OK / 409 / Hon RC51) 24 Robin Hodson (Austin, TX / 500 / Suz SV650) 10 Igal Askeroglu (Houston, TX / 670 / Suz SV650) 4 Seth Cooke (Tyler, TX / 369 / Suz GSXR1000) 25 Lawrence Lucia (Beaumont, TX / 821 / Suz SV650) 11 Jeffrey Duke (Coppell, TX / 917 / Suz SV650) 5 Myles Turner (Dallas, TX / 342 / Hon CBR600RR) 12 Scott Bass (Bastrop, TX / 742 / Suz SV650) 6 Troy Fuller (Pflugerville, TX / 4 08 / Yam YZF-R1) 13 Chris Accardo (Grapevine, TX / 541 / Suz SV650) 7 Guillermo Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 332 / Hon CBR600RR) 14 Tracy Edwards (Benton, KS / 238 / Suz SV650) 8 Brandon Ballard (Green Forest, AR / 889 / Yam YZF-R6) 2 Guillermo A. Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 542 / Hon RC51) 15 Rick Wagner (Tulsa, OK / 203 / Suz SV650) 9 Matthew Crabtree (Wichita, KS / 273 / Yam YZF-R6) 3 Paul Wilkinson (Seabrook, TX / 253 / Yam YZF-R6) 4 Dave Alsobrook (Rockwall, TX / 139 / Apr RSV1000) Formula 40 Heavyweight Novice 1 Jimmy Crow (Sherman, TX / 201 / Yam YZF-R6) 16 Daniel Rusert (Hurst, TX / 306 / Suz SV650) 10 Joel Rich (Ft Worth, TX / 217 / Yam YZF-R6) 17 Scott Thompson (Little Rock, AR / 759 / Suz SV650) 11 John Brock (Wichita, KS / 714 / Yam YZF-R6) 5 David Wilson (Allen, TX / 120 / Kaw ZX636) 18 Scott Vivion (Rockwall, TX / 384 / Yam FZR400) 12 Guillermo A. Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 542 / Hon RC51) 6 Chris Kotowski (Irving, TX / 126 / Suz GSXR600) 19 Susette Dupuis (Plano, TX / 546 / Suz SV650) 13 Buck Beasley (Bacliff, TX / 671 / Hon C BR600RR) 7 Leonard Coker (New Braunfels, TX / 552 / Hon CBR600RR) 20 Les Banta (Oklahoma City, OK / 256 / Suz SV650) 14 Jonathan Wright (Little Rock, AR / 723 / Yam YZF-R6) 8 Marv Esterly (Midland, TX / 496 / Suz GSXR1000) 21 Robin Hodson (Austin, TX / 500 / Suz SV650) 15 Jeff Robinson (Crossett, AR / 842 / Yam YZF-R6) 22 Lawrence Lucia (Beaumont, TX / 821 / Suz SV650) 16 Leon Chad (Houston, TX / 324 / Yam YZF-R6) Heavyweight Twins Novice Junior Motard Novice 17 Jeremy Hunt (Dallas, TX / 703 / Yam YZF-R6) 1 Ethan Yost (Duncan, OK / 64 / Yam TTR90) 18 Justin Riley (Arlington, TX / 425 / Hon CBR600RR) 2 Bayley White (Tulsa, OK / 46 / Yam TTR90) 1 John Bernett (Tulsa, OK / 409 / Hon RC51) 19 David Wilson (Allen, TX / 120 / Kaw ZX636) 3 Shelby Brewer (Rogers, AR / 717 / Yam T TR90) 2 Chuck Cofer (Austin, TX / 908 / Hon RS250) 20 Christopher Roberts (Little Rock, AR / 136 / Kaw ZX-6R) 4 Randall Falt (Garland, TX / 3 / Yam TTR90) 3 Guillermo A. Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 542 / Hon RC51) 21 Paul Haas (Sapulpa, OK / 347 / Kaw ZX-7R) 5 Dallas King (Independence, KS / 7 / Yam PW80) 4 Dave Alsobrook (Rockwall, TX / 139 / Apr RSV1000) 22 Jeffrey Duke (Coppell, TX / 917 / Suz SV650) 6 Savanah Davis (Inola, OK / 31 / Yam TTR90) 5 David Taylor (Mt. Vernon, MO / 411 / Suz SV650) 23 Butch Feco (Buffalo, MO / 242 / Kaw ZX-6R) 6 Wayne Wilder (Grapevine, TX / 358 / Yam TZ250) 24 Miguel Rosas (Coppell, TX / 712 / Hon CBR600RR) 7 Mark Klepper (Austin, TX / 226 / Apr RSV1000) 25 Leonard Coker (New Braunfels, TX / 552 / Hon CBR600RR) 1 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Yam YZ85) 8 Henrik Larsen (Sugar Land, TX / 277 / Apr RSV1000) 26 Carlos Lescale (Missouri City, TX / 224 / Yam YZF-R6) 2 Zac Chapman (Weatherford, TX / 461 / Hon RS80) 9 John Coleman (Tulsa, OK / 484 / Suz SV650) 27 Jimmy Crow (Sherman, TX / 201 / Yam YZF-R6) 3 Will Hendrick (College Station, TX / 212 / Mori 80) 10 Charles Lohr (Austin, TX / 175 / Hon RS125) 28 Marv Esterly (Midland, TX / 496 / Suz GSXR1000) 4 Heather Asbury (Carrollton, TX / 629 / Hon RS80) 18 22 Formula 4 5 Derrick Patman (Denton, TX / 17 / Hon RS80) 5 Longneck Motorsports 6 Tom Thompson (Lindale, TX / 100 / Yam TZ85) 6 Team Takeoffs (Harrison, AR / 96 / Suz GSXR750) 5 Team Sidewinder (Denton, TX / 17 / Hon RS80) 7 Nick Gruy (Dallas, TX / 204 / Yam YZ85) 7 Junk Yard Dog 6 J&R Racing 8 Thomas Hoover (Aledo, TX / 620 / Hon RS80) 8 Total Rider / TLB Intl (Pflugerville, TX / 40 / Yam YZF-R1) 7 Poetry on Wheels 9 Doc Racing Team (Monterrey, MX / 53 / Hon CBR1000RR) 8 Team Scheme 10 CBM Racing (Temple, TX / 18 / Suz GSXR750) 9 OTE Formula 5 (Kansas City, MO / 76 / GSXR750) (Houston, TX / 30 / Suz GSXR600) 1 Derek Wagnon (Ft Worth, TX / 111 / Hon RS60) 2 Dennis Dudley (Killeen, TX / 631 / Apr RS50) C Superstock Endurance 4 RS Express (Aledo, TX / 60 / Hon RS80) (Cedar Park, TX / 26 / Mori 80) (Carrollton, TX / 29 / Hon RS80) 10 Hunkered Down (Humble, TX / 72 / Hon CR80) 11 Warren Racing 2 (Leander, TX / 84 / Hon RS80) 3 Johnny Lee Clark (Moore, OK / 244 / Muz SM125) 1 KNMotorcycles.com 4 Garet Tomlinson (Aledo, TX / 202 / Hon NS50R) 2 Team Racing 5 Rick Shelton (Dallas, TX / 462 / Apr RS50) 3 Lawdawg Racing 6 Joey Harper (Ft Worth, TX / 208 / Kaw KLX125L) 4 Lone Star Track Days (Houston, TX / 7 / Hon CBR600RR) 7 Chandler King (Independence, KS / 373 / Muz SM125) 5 Big Air Racing (Duncan, OK / 21 / Hon CBR600RR) 8 Richard Desmond (Midwest City, OK / 94 / Suz DRZ125) 6 Team AF1 (Austin, TX / 87 / Hon CBR600RR) 1 AF1 Racing 9 Dennis Foster (Murphy, TX / 230 / Hon NSR50) 7 Adrenalin Fiends Racing 2 Mosley Racing 10 Richard Eads (W. Monroe, LA / 93 / Hon RS60) 8 Team Streetbike Depot (Tuttle, OK / 85 / Kaw ZX636) Formula 6 (Sapulpa, OK / 29 / Yam YZF-R6) (Houston, TX / 88 / Hon CBR600RR) (Newalla, OK / 68 / Kaw ZX636) (Bacliff, TX / 67 / Hon CBR600RR) (Dallas, TX / 58 / Kaw EX250) (Ft Worth, TX / 88 / Hon RS80) 12 Rubber Chicken Racing 13 Under-Dog Racing 14 Mystery Dance (Euless, TX / 90 / Hon CRF230F) (Arlington, TX / 34 / Kaw KX80) (Azle, TX / 2 / Hon RS250F) AF1 Racing - Formula 5 Endurance (Austin, TX / 87 / Apr RS50) 3 Awtooling (Greenville, MS / 99 / Hon CRF150) (Cypress, TX / 70 / Yam TZ60) 9 Retrograde Racing (Austin, TX / 41 / Kaw ZX636) 4 Team Extreme Powersports 10 Just Plain Slow 5 Wreckage Racing (Katy, TX / 48 / Suz SV650) 1 Dennis Dudley (Killeen, TX / 631 / Apr RS50) 11 Continental Racing (Benton, KS / 38 / Yam YZF-R6) 6 Shrews 2 Richard Desmond (Midwest City, OK / 94 / Suz DRZ125) 12 RaceKomodo.com (Grapevine, TX / 58 / Yam YZF-R6) 7 Red Spade 3 Conner Blevins (Noble, OK / 327 / Hon NSR50) 13 House of Cycles Racing (W. Monroe, LA / 17 / Kaw ZX636) 8 WRW Racing 4 Johnny Lee Clark (Moore, OK / 244 / Muz SM125) 14 Blue Groove Racing 9 GMAN Racing 2 5 Jason Keene (Austin, TX / 142 / Hon XR100) 15 Team Penetration (Houston, TX / 95 / Yam Y ZF-R6) 6 Walker Keene (Garland, TX / 797 / Hon XR100) 16 Rockwall Honda.com 7 Garet Tomlinson (Aledo, TX / 202 / Hon NS50R) 17 Team Sublime (Grapevine, TX / 15 / Tri TT600) (Garland, TX / 33 / Hon CBR600F3) (Dallas, TX / 54 / Hon CBR600RR) (San Antonio, TX / 21 /CRF150) (Austin, TX / 18 / Apr RS50) (Dallas, TX / 51 / Apr RS50) (Austin, TX / 30 / Derbi GPR) 10 Trinity Racing (Houston, TX / 49 / Hon NSR50) (Aledo, TX / 20 / Hon NS50R) (Pflugerville, TX / 22 / Hon NSR50) 11 Tacos Bobs Racing (Flower Mound, TX / 97 / Hon NSR50) 12 A Electrical Service (Rockdale, TX / 93 / Hon RS60) 8 Rick Shelton (Dallas, TX / 462 / Apr RS50) 9 Joey Harper (Ft Worth, TX / 208 / Kaw KLX125L) C Superbike Endurance Formula 6 Endurance 10 Kyler King (Independence, KS / 718 / Hon XR70) 1 Village Idiots (Allen, TX / 3 / Yam YZF-R6) 1 STD Racing 11 Chandler King (Independence, KS / 373 / Muz SM125) 2 Team O'Donnell (Flower Mound, TX / 6 / Hon CBR600RR) 2 No Fear Racing 2 12 Lawrence Lucia (Beaumont, TX / 821 / Muz SM125) 3 Lone Gunmen (Austin, TX / 10 / Kaw ZX636) 3 STD Racing 2 (Rosharon, TX / 61 / Hon NSR50) 4 Rook Racing 2 (Denison, TX / 31 / Yam YZF-R6) 4 Mr. Corder Racing 2 (Dallas, TX / 25 / Muz SM125) 13 Christopher Corder (Dallas, TX / 325 / Muz SM125) 5 Chicken Strip Racing 2 Formula 7 6 Back Marker Racing 1 Dirk Anderson (Spring, TX / 442 / Hon XR100) 7 Baaad Duc Racing 2 Rob Rundell (Rockdale, TX / 969 / Hon XR100) 8 Relic Racing 3 Conner Blevins (Noble, OK / 327 / Hon NSR50) 9 Whiplash (Maumelle, AR / 69 / Yam YZF-R6) (Little Rock, AR / 23 / Yam YZF-R6) (Garland, TX / 60 / Duc 748R) (Austin, TX / 92 / Suz GSXR600) (Waller, TX / 63 / Suz GSXR600) 5 RPG Racing 6 Team JP (Houston, TX / 7 / Hon NS50R) (Bartlesville, OK / 16 / Kaw KLX110) (Dallas, TX / 62 / Apr RS50) (W. Monroe, LA / 92 / Derbi 50) 7 Two Bro's & A Motard Racing (Independence, KS / Muz) 8 Team Bad Company (League City, TX / 43 / Met GP50) 9 JCL Racing (Lago Vista, TX / 89 / Met GP50) 4 Walker Keene (Garland, TX / 797 / Hon XR100) 5 Jason Keene (Austin, TX / 142 / Hon XR100) Formula 2 Endurance Formula 7 Endurance 6 Summer Moorehead (Bartlesville, OK / 161 / Yam TTR90) 1 Faltless Racing (Garland, TX / 9 / Suz SV650) 1 Excel 7 Nick Gruy (Dallas, TX / 204 / Yam YSR50) 2 Mofo's Racing (Garland, TX / 27 / Suz SV650) 2 Hypercycle (Ennis, TX / 12 / Yam YSR50) 3 Fireball Racing (Caldwell, TX / 97 / Suz SV650) 3 Speed Demonz (Spring, TX / 44 / Hon XR100) 8 Kyler King (Independence, KS / 718 / Hon XR70) Motorsport Ranch June 4-5, 2005 Formula 1 Endurance 4 Screaming Trollop (Austin, TX / 24 / Suz SV650) 4 Maxxius (Garland, TX / 59 / Hon XR100) 5 Nick Danger Racing 5 J&M Racing (Frisco, TX / 65 / Hon XR100) 6 Drive By Racing 1 Northwest Honda Racing (Houston, TX / 1 / CBR1000RR) (Anacoco, LA / 32 / Suz GSXR1000) 8 Kitchen Pass 3 37Times Racing (Arlington, TX / 37 / Suz GSXR600) 9 Gitchasum Racing (Denison, TX / 5 / Suz GSXR750) 5 Black Sunshine 6 Duff Racing (Cedar Park, TX / 62 / Hon CBR929RR) (Arlington, TX / 16 / Suz GSXR750) (Ft Worth, TX / 43 / Suz SV650) (Needville, TX / 90 / Suz SV650) (Clovis, NM / 78 / Suz SV650) (Houston, TX / 65 / Suz SV650) Formula 4 1 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Yam YZ85) (Dallas, TX / 75 / Suz SV650) 2 Zac Chapman (Weatherford, TX / 461 / Hon RS80) 11 Surgical Arts (Austin, TX / 42 / Suz SV650) 3 Heather Asbury (Carrollton, TX / 629 / Hon RS80) 12 Two Finger Racing (Austin, TX / 50 / Suz SV650) A Superstock Endurance 1 Desert-Rats.net (Andover, KS / 42 / Yam YSR50) 10 CED Racing 13 Team Ogre (Dallas, TX / 34 / Suz SV650) 2 Team Ridesmart 6 Freedom 7 North Texas Superbikes (College Station, TX / 71 / SV650) 2 Project Mayhem 4 2Wheelz.com (Noble, OK / 27 / Hon NSR50) 4 Derrick Patman (Denton, TX / 17 / Hon RS80) 5 Thomas Hoover (Aledo, TX / 620 / Hon RS80) 6 Tiffianni Hicks (Arlington, TX / 294 / Kaw KX80) (Dallas, TX / 4 / Yam YZF-R1) (League City, TX / 72 / Suz GSXR750) Formula 4 Endurance 7 Tom Thompson (Lindale, TX / 100 / Yam TZ85) 1 Team K&N (Sapulpa, OK / 1 / Yam YZ85) 8 Brandon Warren (Leander, TX / 184 / Hon RS80) 3 Team Anvil (San Antonio, TX / 11 / Suz GSXR1000) 2 Team Jesus 9 Kelly Tompkins (Cypress, TX / 7 04 / Yam TZ60) 4 Fifth Element Racing 3 Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (Houston, TX / 13 / Suz GSXR750) (Weatherford, TX / 46 / Hon RS80) (Garland, TX / 28 / RS80) 10 Kent Moffit (Flower Mound, TX / 297 / Hon NSR50) 23 Results 11 Scott Millspaugh (Euless, TX / 190 / Hon C RF230F) 12 Ryan O'Donnell (Flower Mound, TX / 997 / Hon N SR50) Formula 5 5 William Shupak (Anacoco, LA / 23 / Suz GSXR1000) Racing Performance Service - Superstock B Expert 6 Gordon Bradeen (Houston, TX / 37 / Yam YZF-R1) 1 Ty Howard (Weatherford, TX / 35 / Suz GSXR750) 7 Nathan Weber (Ft Worth, TX / 15 / Suz GSXR750) 2 Bryan West (Austin, TX / 955 / Suz GSXR750) 8 Daniel Dominguez (Newalla, OK / 44 / Suz GSXR1000) 9 Carlo Garavaglia (Wichita Falls, TX / 237 / Suz GSXR750) 1 Anthony Smith (Rockdale, TX / 996 / Hon RS60) 3 Shannon Ball (Collinsville, OK / 395 / Suz GSXR600) 2 Derek Wagnon (Ft Worth, TX / 111 / Hon RS60) 4 Logan Young (Houston, TX / 345 / Suz GSXR750) 10 Barron Cheek (Round Rock, TX / 811 / Suz GSXR750) 3 Richard Eads (W. Monroe, LA / 93 / Hon RS60) 5 Kevin Pate (Crowley, TX / 171 / Suz GSXR750) 11 Billy Click (Willis, TX / 73 / Hon CBR1000RR) 4 JD Mosley (Greenville, MS / 715 / Hon C RF150) 6 Randall Kienast (Dallas, TX / 288 / Suz GSXR750) 12 Michael Nellis (Georgetown, TX / 32 / Hon RC51) 5 Jesse Davis (Austin, TX / 725 / Hon CRF150) 7 Shane Kuehler (Arlington, TX / 234 / Yam YZF-R6) 13 John O'Donnell (Flower Mound, TX / 75 / Hon CBR600RR) 6 Brandon Warren (Leander, TX / 184 / Met GP72) 8 Craig Thomson (Arlington, TX / 144 / Suz GSXR750) 14 Daniel Sinclair (Rockwall, TX / 221 / Suz GSXR600) 7 Dennis Dudley (Killeen, TX / 631 / Apr RS50) 9 Bill Drake (Houston, TX / 270 / Suz GSXR600) 15 Chris Bean (Temple, TX / 815 / Suz GSXR750) 8 Johnny Lee Clark (Moore, OK / 244 / Muz SM125) 10 Jon Francis (Austin, TX / 64 / Apr RSV1000) 9 Rick Shelton (Dallas, TX / 462 / Apr RS50) 11 Nathan Weber (Ft Worth, TX / 15 / Suz GSXR750) 10 Garet Tomlinson (Aledo, TX / 202 / Hon NS50R) 12 Larry Myers (Spicewood, TX / 199 / Suz GSXR600) 11 Blake Fuller (Pflugerville, TX / 422 / Hon NSR50) 13 Bill Underwood (N. Richland Hills, TX / 654 / Yam YZF-R6) 2 Shannon Ball (Collinsville, OK / 395 / Suz GSXR600) 12 Chandler King (Independence, KS / 373 / Muz SM125) 14 Josh Lowery (Batesville, AR / 146 / Hon C BR600RR) 3 Heath Small (Waller, TX / 7 / Yam YZF-R6) 13 John Easley (Lago Vista, TX / 189 / Met GP50) 15 Kristipher Lillegard (Katy, TX / 473 / Yam YZF-R6) 4 Larry Myers (Spicewood, TX / 199 / Suz GSXR600) 14 Dennis Foster (Murphy, TX / 230 / Hon NSR50) 16 Barron Cheek (Round Rock, TX / 811 / Suz GSXR750) 5 Craig Thomson (Arlington, TX / 144 / Suz GSXR750) Formula 6 Komodo Racing - Superbike B Expert 1 Bryan West (Austin, TX / 955 / Suz GSXR750) 17 Jan Stadler (Dallas, TX / 76 / Suz GSXR600) 6 John Orchard (Flower Mound, TX / 51 / Yam YZF-R6) 18 Carlo Garavaglia (Wichita Falls, TX / 237 / Suz GSXR750) 7 Chris Bean (Temple, TX / 8 15 / Suz GSXR750) 1 Dennis Dudley (Killeen, TX / 631 / Apr RS50) 19 Andy Galindo (Dallas, TX / 46 / Suz GSXR750) 8 Josh Lowery (Batesville, AR / 146 / Hon CBR600RR) 2 Johnny Lee Clark (Moore, OK / 244 / Muz SM125) 20 Michael Nellis (Georgetown, TX / 32 / Hon RC51) 9 Dustin Meador (Tulsa, OK / 122 / Suz GSXR750) 3 Rick Shelton (Dallas, TX / 462 / Apr RS50) 21 Dustin Meador (Tulsa, OK / 122 / Suz GSXR750) 10 Carlo Garavaglia (Wichita Falls, TX / 237 / Suz GSXR750) 4 Walker Keene (Garland, TX / 797 / Hon XR100) 22 Daniel Sinclair (Rockwall, TX / 221 / Suz GSXR600) 11 Barron Cheek (Round Rock, TX / 811 / Suz GSXR750) 5 Dennis Foster (Murphy, TX / 230 / Hon NSR50) 23 Chris Bean (Temple, TX / 815 / Suz GSXR750) 6 Jason Keene (Austin, TX / 142 / Hon XR100) 7 Garet Tomlinson (Aledo, TX / 202 / Hon NS50R) RaceworX - Superbike C Exper t Superstock C Exper t 1 Ty Howard (Weatherford, TX / 35 / Kaw ZX636) 8 Conner Blevins (Noble, OK / 327 / Hon NSR50) 1 Ty Howard (Weatherford, TX / 35 / Suz GSXR600) 2 Heath Small (Waller, TX / 7 / Yam YZF-R6) 9 Chandler King (Independence, KS / 373 / Muz SM125) 2 Shane Kuehler (Arlington, TX / 234 / Yam YZF-R6) 3 Shane Kuehler (Arlington, TX / 234 / Yam YZF-R6) 10 Kyler King (Independence, KS / 718 / Hon XR70) 3 Logan Young (Houston, TX / 345 / Suz GSXR600) 4 John Orchard (Flower Mound, TX / 51 / Yam YZF-R6) 11 John Easley (Lago Vista, TX / 189 / Met GP50) 4 Chris Headley (The Colony, TX / 69 / Kaw ZX636) 5 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Yam YZF-R6) 5 Bill Drake (Houston, TX / 270 / Suz GSXR600) 6 Chris Headley (The Colony, TX / 69 / Kaw ZX636) Formula 7 6 Larry Myers (Spicewood, TX / 199 / Suz GSXR600) 7 Larry Myers (Spicewood, TX / 199 / Suz GSXR600) 1 Dirk Anderson (Spring, TX / 442 / Hon XR100) 7 Harry Tomlinson (Aledo, TX / 2 / Yam YZF-R6) 8 Josh Lowery (Batesville, AR / 146 / Hon CBR600RR) 2 Walker Keene (Garland, TX / 797 / Hon XR100) 8 Bill Underwood (N. Richland Hills, TX / 654 / Yam YZF-R6) 3 Scott Duncan (Palmer, TX / 402 / Yam YSR50) 9 Jan Stadler (Dallas, TX / 76 / Suz GSXR600) 4 Jason Keene (Austin, TX / 142 / Hon XR100) 10 Kristipher Lillegard (Katy, TX / 473 / Yam YZF-R6) 1 Dane Westby (Tulsa, OK / 213 / Suz SV650) 5 Conner Blevins (Noble, OK / 327 / Hon NSR50) 11 Heath Small (Waller, TX / 7 / Yam YZF-R6) 2 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Yam WR450) 3 Chris Romeo (Bellaire, TX / 36 / Suz SV650) South Central Race Center - Superbike D Expert 6 Summer Moorehead (Bartlesville, OK / 161 / Kaw KLX110) 12 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Yam Y ZF-R6) 7 Jeffrey Martin (Frisco, TX / 516 / Hon XR100) 13 John Orchard (Flower Mound, TX / 51 / Yam YZF-R6) 4 Dustin Dominguez (Newalla, OK / 68 / Suz SV650) 8 Kyler King (Independence, KS / 718 / Hon XR70) 14 Josh Lowery (Batesville, AR / 146 / Hon C BR600RR) 5 Michael Hamric (Spring, TX / 9 / Suz SV650) 9 Pat Brown (Houston, TX / 616 / Yam YSR50) 15 Shannon Ball (Collinsville, OK / 395 / Suz GSXR600) 6 Kevin Eggert (Clovis, NM / 78 / Suz SV650) 7 Chris Newhouse (Houston, TX / 79 / Suz SV650) Sum of All Parts - Superstock A Expert Superstock D Exper t 8 Will Gruy (Dallas, TX / 441 / Yam WR450) 1 Ty Howard (Weatherford, TX / 35 / Suz GSXR750) 1 Eric Falt (Garland, TX / 1 / Suz SV650) 9 Chase Vivion (Rockwall, TX / 600 / Yam YZ426) 2 Logan Young (Houston, TX / 345 / Suz GSXR750) 2 Dustin Dominguez (Newalla, OK / 68 / Suz SV650) 10 Scott Levine (Oklahoma City, OK / 3 / Suz SV650) 3 Bryan West (Austin, TX / 955 / Suz GSXR750) 3 Chris Romeo (Bellaire, TX / 36 / Suz SV650) 4 Heath Small (Waller, TX / 7 / Yam YZF-R1) 4 Michael Hamric (Spring, TX / 9 / Suz SV650) 1 Jon Francis (Austin, TX / 64 / Apr RSV1000) 5 Randall Kienast (Dallas, TX / 288 / Suz GSXR750) 5 Colin Fowler (Magnolia, TX / 96 / Hon CRF450) 2 Ronnie Lunsford (Houston, TX / 39 / Ducati 999) 6 Andy Galindo (Dallas, TX / 46 / Suz GSXR750) 6 Robert Bradlaw (Houston, TX / 40 / Hon CRF450) 7 Chris Bean (Temple, TX / 815 / Suz GSXR750) 8 Nathan Weber (Ft Worth, TX / 15 / Suz GSXR750) 9 Jan Stadler (Dallas, TX / 76 / Suz GSXR600) AF1 Racing - Heav yweight Twins Expert 3 Bill Erzal (Austin, TX / 25 / Apr RSV1000) 4 Eric Falt (Garland, TX / 1 / Suz SV1000) Motorcycles Unlimited - Superbike A Expert 5 Alan Tan (Austin, TX / 12 / Yam TZ250) 1 Heath Small (Waller, TX / 7 / Yam YZF-R1) 6 Eric Kancir (Keller, TX / 377 / Hon RS250) 7 Will Gruy (Dallas, TX / 441 / Hon RS125) 10 Dustin Meador (Tulsa, OK / 122 / Suz GSXR750) 2 Randall Kienast (Dallas, TX / 288 / Suz GSXR750) 11 Kevin Pate (Crowley, TX / 171 / Suz GSXR750) 3 Ty Howard (Weatherford, TX / 35 / Kaw ZX636) 8 Tad Murley (McKinney, TX / 816 / Hon RS125) 12 Barron Cheek (Round Rock, TX / 811 / Suz GSXR750) 4 Craig Thomson (Arlington, TX / 144 / Suz GSXR750) 9 Michael Nellis (Georgetown, TX / 32 / Hon RC51) 24 10 Chris Romeo (Bellaire, TX / 36 / Suz SV650) 4 Chris Romeo (Bellaire, TX / 36 / Suz SV650) 5 Jimmy Smithwick (Belton, TX / 898 / Ktm 525) 11 Frank Pate (Frisco, TX / 195 / Hon RS125) 5 Tad Murley (McKinney, TX / 816 / Hon RS125) 6 Richard McFarland (Kilgore, TX / 258 / Hon CRF450) 6 Chris Newhouse (Houston, TX / 79 / Hon RS250) 7 Robert Bradlaw (Houston, TX / 40 / Hon CRF450) Lightweight Twins Expert 1 Dane Westby (Tulsa, OK / 213 / Suz SV650) 8 Michael Martin (Frisco, TX / 191 / Suz DRZ 400) Formula CMRA Heavyweight 9 Will Gruy (Dallas, TX / 441 / Yam WR450) 2 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Yam WR450) 1 Dane Westby (Tulsa, OK / 213 / Suz SV650) 10 Tim Johnson (Conroe, TX / 155 / Kaw KX500) 3 Eric Falt (Garland, TX / 1 / Suz SV650) 2 Chris Vinson (Tyler, TX / 143 / Hon C BR600F2) 11 Chase Vivion (Rockwall, TX / 600 / Yam YZ426) 4 Chris Romeo (Bellaire, TX / 36 / Suz SV650) 3 Will Gruy (Dallas, TX / 441 / Yam WR450) 5 Dustin Dominguez (Newalla, OK / 68 / Suz SV650) 4 Dustin Dominguez (Newalla, OK / 68 / Suz SV650) 6 Chase Vivion (Rockwall, TX / 600 / Yam YZ426) 5 Christopher Corder (Dallas, TX / 325 / Suz SV650) 1 Will Gruy (Dallas, TX / 441 / Yam WR450) 7 Chris Newhouse (Houston, TX / 79 / Suz SV650) 6 Mark Kline (Ennis, TX / 215 / Hon CBR600F2) 2 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Yam WR450) 8 Jimmy Smithwick (Belton, TX / 898 / Ktm 525) 7 Karl Hansen (Waxahachie, TX / 118 / Hon CBR600) 3 Eric Falt (Garland, TX / 1 / ATK 605) 9 Will Gruy (Dallas, TX / 441 / Yam WR450) 8 Daniel Rusert (Hurst, TX / 306 / Suz SV650) 4 Dave Alsobrook (Rockwall, TX / 139 / Ktm SMR450) 10 Scott Levine (Oklahoma City, OK / 3 / Suz SV650) 9 Chase Vivion (Rockwall, TX / 600 / Yam YZ426) 11 Frank Pate (Frisco, TX / 195 / Hon RS125) 5 Colin Fowler (Magnolia, TX / 96 / Hon CRF450) 6 Jimmy Smithwick (Belton, TX / 898 / Ktm 525) Formula CMRA Mediumweight 125 Grand Prix Super Motard 7 Richard McFarland (Kilgore, TX / 258 / Hon CRF450) 1 Steven Sinclair (Rockwall, TX / 550 / Ducati 750) 8 Michael Martin (Frisco, TX / 191 / Suz DRZ 400) 2 Greg LeClair (Austin, TX / 103 / Apr RS250) 9 Robert Bradlaw (Houston, TX / 40 / Hon CRF450) 2 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Hon RS125) 3 Mark Klepper (Austin, TX / 226 / Apr RS250) 10 Mark Klepper (Austin, TX / 226 / Hon CRF450) 3 Derek Wagnon (Ft Worth, TX / 111 / Hon RS125) 4 Jimmy Staggs (Saginaw, TX / 910 / Yam Seca II) 11 Harold Johnson (Keller, TX / 333 / Hus TC450) 1 Will Gruy (Dallas, TX / 441 / Hon RS125) 4 David Petitpas (Lewisville, TX / 313 / Hon RS125) 5 Tad Murley (McKinney, TX / 816 / Hon RS125) Formula CMRA Lightweight Vintage Superbike 6 Darryl Warren (Leander, TX / 227 / Hon RS125) 1 Thomas Gaspard (Lake Charles, LA / 418 / Kaw EX500) 1 George Schroeder (San Antonio, TX / 330 / Suz GS1000) 7 Frank Pate (Frisco, TX / 195 / Hon RS125) 2 Heather Asbury (Carrollton, TX / 629 / Hon RS80) 2 Harold Hixon (San Antonio, TX / 50 / Hon CB400F) 8 Chris Newhouse (Houston, TX / 79 / Hon RS125) 3 Brandon Warren (Leander, TX / 184 / Hon RS80) 9 Heather Asbury (Carrollton, TX / 629 / Hon RS125) 4 Ryan Rutkowski (Carrollton, TX / 329 / Kaw EX500) 10 Paul Roderick (Midlothian, TX / 353 / Hon RS125) 5 Zac Chapman (Weatherford, TX / 461 / Hon RS80) 11 Charles Lohr (Austin, TX / 175 / Hon RS125) 6 Chris Newhouse (Houston, TX / 79 / Hon RS125) Vintage Lightweight 1 Harold Hixon (San Antonio, TX / 50 / Hon CB400F) Classic Unlimited Pace American Trailers - Formula 1 Exper t Formula 40 Heavyweight Expert 1 Chris Vinson (Tyler, TX / 143 / Hon C BR600F2) 1 Ty Howard (Weatherford, TX / 35 / Suz GSXR750) 1 Ronnie Lunsford (Houston, TX / 39 / Ducati 999) 2 Logan Young (Houston, TX / 345 / Suz GSXR750) 2 Bill Erzal (Austin, TX / 25 / Apr RSV1000) 3 John Barsic (Bryan, TX / 296 / Hon CBR600F3) 3 Heath Small (Waller, TX / 7 / Yam YZF-R1) 3 Gordon Bradeen (Houston, TX / 37 / Yam YZF-R1) 4 Mark Kline (Ennis, TX / 215 / Hon C BR600F2) 2 Karl Hansen (Waxahachie, TX / 118 / Hon C BR600) 4 Bryan West (Austin, TX / 955 / Suz GSXR750) 4 Bill Underwood (N. Richland Hills, TX / 654 / Yam YZF-R6) 5 Steven Sinclair (Rockwall, TX / 550 / Ducati 750) 5 Randall Kienast (Dallas, TX / 288 / Suz GSXR750) 5 Harry Tomlinson (Aledo, TX / 2 / Yam YZF-R6) 6 Dean Clayton (San Antonio, TX / 474 / Suz GSXR750) 6 Shannon Ball (Collinsville, OK / 395 / Suz GSXR600) 6 John O'Donnell (Flower Mound, TX / 75 / Hon CBR600RR) 7 David Wilson (Ennis, TX / 152 / Suz GSXR750) 7 Shane Kuehler (Arlington, TX / 234 / Yam YZF-R6) 7 Billy Click (Willis, TX / 73 / Hon CBR1000RR) 8 Chris Headley (The Colony, TX / 69 / Kaw ZX636) 8 Michael Nellis (Georgetown, TX / 32 / Hon RC51) 9 John Orchard (Flower Mound, TX / 51 / Yam YZF-R6) 10 Larry Myers (Spicewood, TX / 199 / Suz GSXR600) 11 Daniel Dominguez (Newalla, OK / 44 / Suz GSXR1000) Classic Superbike 1 David Petitpas (Lewisville, TX / 313 / Hon RS125) Formula 40 Lightweight 1 Michael Hamric (Spring, TX / 9 / Suz SV650) 2 Steven Sinclair (Rockwall, TX / 550 / Ducati 750) 3 Heather Asbury (Carrollton, TX / 629 / Hon RS125) 12 William Shupak (Anacoco, LA / 23 / Suz GSXR1000) 2 Kevin Eggert (Clovis, NM / 78 / Suz SV650) 4 Thomas Gaspard (Lake Charles, LA / 418 / Kaw EX500) 13 Bill Drake (Houston, TX / 270 / Suz GSXR600) 3 Keith Coker (Hitchcock, TX / 549 / Suz SV650) 5 Ryan Rutkowski (Carrollton, TX / 329 / Kaw EX500) 14 Craig Thomson (Arlington, TX / 144 / Suz GSXR750) 4 Cathy White (Euless, TX / 185 / Suz SV650) 15 Harry Tomlinson (Aledo, TX / 2 / Yam YZF-R6) 5 Frank Newman (Ft Worth, TX / 243 / Suz SV650) 16 Nathan Weber (Ft Worth, TX / 15 / Suz GSXR750) 6 Scott Levine (Oklahoma City, OK / 3 / Suz SV650) 1 Cory Burleson (Harrison, AR / 909 / Suz GSXR600) 17 Carlo Garavaglia (Wichita Falls, TX / 237 / Suz GSXR750) 7 Mark Klepper (Austin, TX / 226 / Apr RS250) 2 Myles Turner (Dallas, TX / 342 / Hon CBR600RR) 18 Andy Galindo (Dallas, TX / 46 / Suz GSXR750) 8 Tim Johnson (Conroe, TX / 155 / Kaw KX500) 3 Derrick Smith (Denison, TX / 312 / Suz GSXR600) 19 Dustin Meador (Tulsa, OK / 122 / Suz GSXR750) 9 Jimmy Staggs (Saginaw, TX / 910 / Yam Seca II) 4 Cliff Snyder (Benbrook, TX / 786 / Suz GSXR750) 20 Kevin Pate (Crowley, TX / 171 / Suz GSXR750) 10 Charles Lohr (Austin, TX / 175 / Hon RS125) 21 Chris Bean (Temple, TX / 815 / Suz GSXR750) 5 Justin Riley (Arlington, TX / 425 / Hon CBR600RR) 6 Troy Fuller (Pflugerville, TX / 4 08 / Yam YZF-R1) Unlimited Motard Formula 2 Exper t Superstock A Novice 7 Brent Wood (Hutchinson, KS / 771 / Hon CBR600RR) 1 Tyler McDonald (Sapulpa, OK / 20 / Yam WR450) 8 David Lang (Killeen, TX / 571 / Hon C BR1000RR) 1 Alan Tan (Austin, TX / 12 / Yam TZ250) 2 Eric Falt (Garland, TX / 1 / ATK 605) 9 Mark Peskin (Austin, TX / 515 / Yam YZF-R1) 2 Eric Kancir (Keller, TX / 377 / Hon RS250) 3 Dave Alsobrook (Rockwall, TX / 139 / Ktm SMR450) 10 Chavvon Smith (Grapevine, TX / 133 / Hon CBR600RR) 3 Chase Vivion (Rockwall, TX / 600 / Yam YZ426) 4 Colin Fowler (Magnolia, TX / 96 / Hon CRF450) 11 Tomas Godula (Garland, TX / 137 / Yam YZF-R6) 25 Results 12 Slade Gardner (Ft Worth, TX / 999 / Yam YZF-R6) 44 Sunil Thandassery (Irving, TX / 676 / Yam YZF-R6) 13 Bryan Middleton (Round Rock, TX / 963 / Suz GSXR750) 45 Mike Parmley (Richardson, TX / 936 / Hon CBR600RR) 14 Charles Stallworth (Humble, TX / 285 / Kaw ZX-7R) 46 Justin Sonnen (San Antonio, TX / 744 / Suz GSXR600) 15 Carlos Lescale (Missouri City, TX / 224 / Yam YZF-R6) 16 John Brock (Wichita, KS / 714 / Yam YZF-R6) 12 Igal Askeroglu (Houston, TX / 670 / Suz SV650) Superbike A Novice 1 Derrick Smith (Denison, TX / 312 / Suz GSXR600) Superstock C Novice 2 Myles Turner (Dallas, TX / 342 / Hon CBR600RR) 17 Matthew Crabtree (Wichita, KS / 273 / Yam YZF-R6) 1 Cory Burleson (Harrison, AR / 909 / Suz GSXR600) 18 Guillermo Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 332 / Hon CBR600RR) 2 Ronnie Hay (Garland, TX / 650 / Kaw ZX636) 4 Anthony Fogolini (Ft Worth, TX / 669 / Hon CBR600RR) 19 Sunil Thandassery (Irving, TX / 676 / Yam YZF-R6) 3 Carlos Lescale (Missouri City, TX / 224 / Yam YZF-R6) 5 Justin Riley (Arlington, TX / 425 / Hon CBR600RR) 3 Cliff Snyder (Benbrook, TX / 786 / Suz GSXR750) 20 Jason Ellsworth (Houston, TX / 707 / Suz GSXR600) 4 John Bernett (Tulsa, OK / 4 09 / Yam YZF-R6) 6 Mark Peskin (Austin, TX / 515 / Yam YZF-R1) 21 Mike Parmley (Richardson, TX / 936 / Hon CBR600RR) 5 William Guthrie (Austin, TX / 948 / Kaw ZX-6R) 7 Buck Beasley (Bacliff, TX / 671 / Hon CBR600RR) 22 Justin Sonnen (San Antonio, TX / 744 / Suz GSXR600) 6 Nathan Gardner (Carrollton, TX / 705 / Yam YZF-R6) 8 Troy Fuller (Pflugerville, TX / 4 08 / Yam YZF-R1) Superstock B Novice 7 Joe Feco (Buffalo, MO / 362 / Kaw ZX-6R) 9 David Lang (Killeen, TX / 571 / Hon C BR1000RR) 8 Jonathan Wright (Little Rock, AR / 723 / Yam YZF-R6) 10 Marv Esterly (Midland, TX / 496 / Suz GSXR1000) 1 Cory Burleson (Harrison, AR / 909 / Suz GSXR600) 9 Matthew Crabtree (Wichita, KS / 273 / Yam YZF-R6) 11 Justin Sonnen (San Antonio, TX / 744 / Suz GSXR600) 2 John Bernett (Tulsa, OK / 409 / Yam YZF-R6) 10 Brent Wood (Hutchinson, KS / 771 / Hon CBR600RR) 12 Jimmy Crow (Sherman, TX / 201 / Yam Y ZF-R6) 3 Ronnie Hay (Garland, TX / 650 / Kaw ZX636) 11 Jeremy Hunt (Dallas, TX / 703 / Yam YZF-R6) 13 Joel Rich (Ft Worth, TX / 217 / Yam YZF-R6) 4 Carlos Lescale (Missouri City, TX / 224 / Yam YZF-R6) 12 Tomas Godula (Garland, TX / 137 / Yam YZF-R6) 14 Larry Tidwell (Irving, TX / 262 / Suz GSXR600) 15 Slade Gardner (Ft Worth, TX / 999 / Yam YZF-R6) 5 William Guthrie (Austin, TX / 948 / Kaw ZX-6R) 13 Willie Carter (Fort Hood, TX / 612 / Suz GSXR600) 6 Jonathan Wright (Little Rock, AR / 723 / Yam YZF-R6) 14 Peter Schroth (Wichita Falls, TX / 282 / Yam YZF-R6) 16 Bryan Middleton (Round Rock, TX / 963 / Suz GSXR750) 7 Cliff Snyder (Benbrook, TX / 786 / Suz GSXR750) 15 Chris Kotowski (Irving, TX / 126 / Suz GSXR600) 17 Brian Fox (Arlington, TX / 727 / Yam YZF-R6) 8 Anthony Fogolini (Ft Worth, TX / 669 / Hon C BR600RR) 16 Leon Chad (Houston, TX / 324 / Yam YZF-R6) 18 Henrik Larsen (Sugar Land, TX / 277 / Apr RSV1000) 9 Nathan Gardner (Carrollton, TX / 705 / Yam YZF-R6) 17 John Brock (Wichita, KS / 714 / Yam YZF-R6) 19 Seth Cooke (Tyler, TX / 369 / Suz GSXR1000) 10 Derrick Smith (Denison, TX / 312 / Suz GSXR600) 18 Stacy Bourland (Grand Prairie, TX / 140 / Suz GSXR600) 20 Jonathan Wright (Little Rock, AR / 723 / Yam YZF-R6) 11 Joe Feco (Buffalo, MO / 362 / Kaw ZX-6R) 19 Karl Hansen (Waxahachie, TX / 118 / Hon CBR600) 21 Mike Parmley (Richardson, TX / 936 / Hon CBR600RR) 12 Guillermo A. Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 542 / Hon RC51) 20 Wayne Cunnings (Arlington, TX / 105 / Yam YZF-R6) 13 Willie Carter (Fort Hood, TX / 612 / Suz GSXR600) 21 John Barsic (Bryan, TX / 296 / Hon CBR600F3) 14 Leon Chad (Houston, TX / 324 / Yam YZF-R6) 22 Mark Kline (Ennis, TX / 215 / Hon C BR600F2) 1 Cory Burleson (Harrison, AR / 909 / Suz GSXR600) 15 Buck Beasley (Bacliff, TX / 671 / Hon CBR600RR) 23 Tom Clarke (McKinney, TX / 276 / Suz GSXR600) 2 Cliff Snyder (Benbrook, TX / 786 / Suz GSXR750) 16 Matthew Crabtree (Wichita, KS / 273 / Yam YZF-R6) 24 Sydney Jim (Sugar Land, TX / 328 / Yam YZF-R6) 3 Anthony Fogolini (Ft Worth, TX / 669 / Hon CBR600RR) 17 Peter Schroth (Wichita Falls, TX / 282 / Yam YZF-R6) 25 Stephen Smith (Houston, TX / 827 / Suz GSXR600) 4 Justin Riley (Arlington, TX / 425 / Hon CBR600RR) 18 Brent Wood (Hutchinson, KS / 771 / Hon C BR600RR) 26 Paige LaBella (Dallas, TX / 112 / Yam YZF-R6) 5 Joe Feco (Buffalo, MO / 362 / Kaw ZX-6R) 19 Wayne Cunnings (Arlington, TX / 105 / Yam Y ZF-R6) 27 Jeff Jordan (Arlington, TX / 321 / Yam Y ZF-R6) 6 Blaine Johnson (Grapevine, TX / 557 / Suz TL1000S) 20 Jeremy Hunt (Dallas, TX / 703 / Yam YZF-R6) 28 Leonard Coker (New Braunfels, TX / 552 / Hon CBR600RR) 7 Buck Beasley (Bacliff, TX / 671 / Hon CBR600RR) 21 Tomas Godula (Garland, TX / 137 / Yam YZF-R6) 29 Luigi Casali (Wichita Falls, TX / 261 / Suz GSXR600) 8 John Brock (Wichita, KS / 714 / Yam YZF-R6) 22 Chris Kotowski (Irving, TX / 126 / Suz GSXR600) 30 Myles Turner (Dallas, TX / 342 / Hon CBR600RR) 9 Jarrod Rottman (Watauga, TX / 360 / Suz GSXR750) 23 Jarrod Rottman (Watauga, TX / 360 / Suz GSXR750) 31 Michael Wiley (Shawnee, OK / 279 / Hon CBR600RR) 10 Joel Rich (Ft Worth, TX / 217 / Yam YZF-R6) 24 Miguel Rosas (Coppell, TX / 712 / Hon CBR600RR) 32 John Perone (Spring, TX / 164 / Hon C BR600RR) 11 Barry Hobbs (Austin, TX / 975 / Duc 748R) 25 Blaine Johnson (Grapevine, TX / 557 / Suz TL1000S) 33 Seth Cooke (Tyler, TX / 369 / Suz GSXR600) 12 Bryan Middleton (Round Rock, TX / 963 / Suz GSXR750) 26 Chavvon Smith (Grapevine, TX / 133 / Hon CBR600RR) 34 Michael Juarez (Arlington, TX / 158 / Yam YZF-R6) 13 Kurt Zimmerman (Plano, TX / 109 / Hon C BR600RR) 27 Tom Clarke (McKinney, TX / 276 / Suz GSXR600) 35 Guillermo Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 332 / Hon CBR600RR) 14 Matthew Crabtree (Wichita, KS / 273 / Yam YZF-R6) 28 Stephen Smith (Houston, TX / 827 / Suz GSXR600) 36 Sunil Thandassery (Irving, TX / 676 / Yam YZF-R6) 15 Shane Zelm (Irving, TX / 361 / Suz GSXR600) 29 Jeff Jordan (Arlington, TX / 321 / Yam YZF-R6) 37 Jason Ellsworth (Houston, TX / 707 / Suz GSXR600) 16 Justin Sonnen (San Antonio, TX / 744 / Suz GSXR600) 30 Paul Haas (Sapulpa, OK / 347 / Kaw ZX-7R) 38 Justin Sonnen (San Antonio, TX / 744 / Suz GSXR600) 31 Luigi Casali (Wichita Falls, TX / 261 / Suz GSXR600) 32 Mark Klepper (Austin, TX / 226 / Apr RSV1000) 39 Miguel Rosas (Coppell, TX / 712 / Hon C BR600RR) Superstock D Novice Superbike B Novice Superbike C Novice 1 Cory Burleson (Harrison, AR / 909 / Suz GSXR600) 33 Charles Stallworth (Humble, TX / 285 / Kaw ZX-7R) 1 Cory Burleson (Harrison, AR / 909 / Suz SV650) 2 Ronnie Hay (Garland, TX / 650 / Kaw ZX636) 34 Sydney Jim (Sugar Land, TX / 328 / Yam YZF-R6) 2 Brandon Spradling (Humble, TX / 214 / Suz SV650) 3 Nathan Gardner (Carrollton, TX / 705 / Yam YZF-R6) 35 John Barsic (Bryan, TX / 296 / Hon CBR600F3) 3 Leo McKeown (Clovis, NM / 178 / Duc 900SS) 4 William Guthrie (Austin, TX / 948 / Kaw ZX-6R) 36 Leonard Coker (New Braunfels, TX / 552 / Hon CBR600RR) 4 Keith Coker (Hitchcock, TX / 549 / Suz SV650) 5 Joe Feco (Buffalo, MO / 362 / Kaw ZX-6R) 37 Michael Wiley (Shawnee, OK / 279 / Hon CBR600RR) 5 Greg LeClair (Austin, TX / 103 / Apr RS250) 6 Anthony Fogolini (Ft Worth, TX / 669 / Hon CBR600RR) 38 Bryan Middleton (Round Rock, TX / 963 / Suz GSXR750) 6 Cathy White (Euless, TX / 185 / Suz SV650) 7 Willie Carter (Fort Hood, TX / 612 / Suz GSXR600) 39 John Perone (Spring, TX / 164 / Hon C BR600RR) 7 Christopher Corder (Dallas, TX / 325 / Suz SV650) 8 Peter Schroth (Wichita Falls, TX / 282 / Yam YZF-R6) 40 Michael Juarez (Arlington, TX / 158 / Yam YZF-R6) 8 Susette Dupuis (Plano, TX / 546 / Suz SV650) 9 Buck Beasley (Bacliff, TX / 671 / Hon CBR600RR) 41 Guillermo Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 332 / Hon CBR600RR) 9 Daniel Rusert (Hurst, TX / 306 / Suz SV650) 10 Wayne Cunnings (Arlington, TX / 105 / Yam YZF-R6) 42 Shane Zelm (Irving, TX / 361 / Suz GSXR600) 10 Zac Chapman (Weatherford, TX / 461 / Suz SV650) 11 Miguel Rosas (Coppell, TX / 712 / Hon CBR600RR) 43 Tom Dunlap (Austin, TX / 421 / Apr RSV1000) 11 Robin Hodson (Austin, TX / 500 / Suz SV650) 12 Brian Fox (Arlington, TX / 727 / Yam YZF-R6) 26 13 John Barsic (Bryan, TX / 296 / Hon CBR600F3) 3 John Roberts (Mico, TX / 869 / Suz SV650) 1 Brandon Spradling (Humble, TX / 214 / Suz SV650) 14 Slade Gardner (Ft Worth, TX / 999 / Yam YZF-R6) 4 Christopher Corder (Dallas, TX / 325 / Suz SV650) 2 Chuck Cofer (Austin, TX / 908 / Hon RS250) 15 Barry Hobbs (Austin, TX / 975 / Duc 748R) 5 Cathy White (Euless, TX / 185 / Suz SV650) 3 Leo McKeown (Clovis, NM / 178 / Duc 900SS) 16 Paige LaBella (Dallas, TX / 112 / Yam YZF-R6) 6 Dave Alsobrook (Rockwall, TX / 139 / Ktm SMR450) 4 Greg LeClair (Austin, TX / 103 / Apr RS250) 17 Michael Juarez (Arlington, TX / 158 / Yam YZF-R6) 7 Frank Newman (Ft Worth, TX / 243 / Suz SV650) 5 Cathy White (Euless, TX / 185 / Suz SV650) 18 Carlos Lescale (Missouri City, TX / 224 / Yam YZF-R6) 8 Igal Askeroglu (Houston, TX / 670 / Suz SV650) 6 John Roberts (Mico, TX / 869 / Suz SV650) 19 Butch Feco (Buffalo, MO / 242 / Kaw ZX-6R) 9 Scott Duncan (Palmer, TX / 402 / Suz SV650) 7 Christopher Corder (Dallas, TX / 325 / Suz SV650) 20 Larry Tidwell (Irving, TX / 262 / Suz GSXR600) 10 Susette Dupuis (Plano, TX / 546 / Suz SV650) 8 David Petitpas (Lewisville, TX / 313 / Hon RS125) 21 Matthew Crabtree (Wichita, KS / 273 / Yam YZF-R6) 11 Chris Accardo (Grapevine, TX / 541 / Suz SV650) 9 Susette Dupuis (Plano, TX / 546 / Suz SV650) 22 Jeff Jordan (Arlington, TX / 321 / Yam YZF-R6) 12 Keith Coker (Hitchcock, TX / 549 / Suz SV650) 10 Chris Accardo (Grapevine, TX / 541 / Suz SV650) 23 Guillermo Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 332 / Hon CBR600RR) 13 Richard McFarland (Kilgore, TX / 258 / Hon CRF450) 11 Igal Askeroglu (Houston, TX / 670 / Suz SV650) 24 Shane Zelm (Irving, TX / 361 / Suz GSXR600) 14 Scott Bass (Bastrop, TX / 742 / Suz SV650) 12 Scott Bass (Bastrop, TX / 742 / Suz SV650) 25 Seth Cooke (Tyler, TX / 369 / Suz GSXR600) 15 Jeffrey Duke (Coppell, TX / 917 / Suz SV650) 13 Robin Hodson (Austin, TX / 500 / Suz SV650) 26 Sunil Thandassery (Irving, TX / 676 / Yam YZF-R6) 16 Travis Lindsey (Houston, TX / 883 / Suz SV650) 14 Travis Lindsey (Houston, TX / 883 / Suz SV650) 27 John Brock (Wichita, KS / 714 / Yam YZF-R6) 17 Tracy Edwards (Benton, KS / 238 / Suz SV650) 15 Pierson Callahan (Little Rock, AR / 223 / Yam TZ250) 18 Harold Johnson (Keller, TX / 333 / Suz SV650) 16 Paul Roderick (Midlothian, TX / 353 / Hon RS125) 28 Justin Sonnen (San Antonio, TX / 744 / Suz GSXR600) Superbike D Novice 19 Bryan Altmeyer (Cedar Park, TX / 123 / Suz SV650) 17 Tracy Edwards (Benton, KS / 238 / Suz SV650) 20 Daniel Rusert (Hurst, TX / 306 / Suz SV650) 18 Zac Chapman (Weatherford, TX / 461 / Suz SV650) 1 Cory Burleson (Harrison, AR / 909 / Suz SV650) 21 Zac Chapman (Weatherford, TX / 461 / Suz SV650) 19 Wayne Wilder (Grapevine, TX / 358 / Yam TZ250) 2 Brandon Spradling (Humble, TX / 214 / Suz SV650) 22 Robin Hodson (Austin, TX / 500 / Suz SV650) 20 Bryan Altmeyer (Cedar Park, TX / 123 / Suz SV650) 3 Leo McKeown (Clovis, NM / 178 / Duc 900SS) 4 Cathy White (Euless, TX / 185 / Suz SV650) 21 Jeffrey Duke (Coppell, TX / 917 / Suz SV650) Formula 1 Novice 5 John Roberts (Mico, TX / 869 / Suz SV650) 1 Derrick Smith (Denison, TX / 312 / Suz GSXR600) 6 Keith Coker (Hitchcock, TX / 549 / Suz SV650) 2 Myles Turner (Dallas, TX / 342 / Hon CBR600RR) 1 Marv Esterly (Midland, TX / 496 / Suz GSXR1000) 7 Igal Askeroglu (Houston, TX / 670 / Suz SV650) 3 Justin Riley (Arlington, TX / 425 / Hon CBR600RR) 2 Jimmy Crow (Sherman, TX / 201 / Yam YZF-R6) Formula 40 Heavyweight Novice 8 Chris Accardo (Grapevine, TX / 541 / Suz SV650) 4 Marv Esterly (Midland, TX / 496 / Suz GSXR1000) 3 Chris Kotowski (Irving, TX / 126 / Suz GSXR600) 9 Susette Dupuis (Plano, TX / 546 / Suz SV650) 5 Jonathan Wright (Little Rock, AR / 723 / Yam YZF-R6) 4 Blaine Johnson (Grapevine, TX / 557 / Suz TL1000S) 10 Steven Sinclair (Rockwall, TX / 550 / Ducati 750) 6 Troy Fuller (Pflugerville, TX / 4 08 / Yam YZF-R1) 5 Dave Alsobrook (Rockwall, TX / 139 / Apr RSV1000) 11 Frank Newman (Ft Worth, TX / 243 / Suz SV650) 7 John Brock (Wichita, KS / 714 / Yam YZF-R6) 6 David Wilson (Allen, TX / 120 / Kaw ZX636) 12 Tracy Edwards (Benton, KS / 238 / Suz SV650) 8 Buck Beasley (Bacliff, TX / 671 / Hon CBR600RR) 7 Butch Feco (Buffalo, MO / 242 / Kaw ZX-6R) 13 Jimmy Staggs (Saginaw, TX / 910 / Yam Seca II) 9 Leon Chad (Houston, TX / 324 / Yam YZF-R6) 8 Guillermo A. Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 542 / Hon RC51) 14 Robin Hodson (Austin, TX / 500 / Suz SV650) 10 Miguel Rosas (Coppell, TX / 712 / Hon CBR600RR) 9 Tom Clarke (McKinney, TX / 276 / Suz GSXR600) 15 Bryan Altmeyer (Cedar Park, TX / 123 / Suz SV650) 11 David Lang (Killeen, TX / 571 / Hon CBR1000RR) 10 Stephen Smith (Houston, TX / 827 / Suz GSXR600) 11 Leonard Coker (New Braunfels, TX / 552 / Hon CBR600RR) 16 Daniel Rusert (Hurst, TX / 306 / Suz SV650) 12 Blaine Johnson (Grapevine, TX / 557 / Suz TL1000S) 17 Zac Chapman (Weatherford, TX / 461 / Suz SV650) 13 Jimmy Crow (Sherman, TX / 201 / Yam Y ZF-R6) 12 Kurt Zimmerman (Plano, TX / 109 / Hon C BR600RR) 18 Scott Bass (Bastrop, TX / 742 / Suz SV650) 14 David Wilson (Allen, TX / 120 / Kaw ZX636) 13 Steve Stormont (Dallas, TX / 510 / Apr RSV1000) 15 Joel Rich (Ft Worth, TX / 217 / Yam YZF-R6) 14 Tom Dunlap (Austin, TX / 421 / Apr RSV1000) 19 Jeffrey Duke (Coppell, TX / 917 / Suz SV650) 16 Wayne Cunnings (Arlington, TX / 105 / Yam YZF-R6) Heavyweight Twins Novice 17 Mark Peskin (Austin, TX / 515 / Yam YZF-R1) Junior Motard Novice 1 John Bernett (Tulsa, OK / 409 / Hon RC51) 18 Guillermo A. Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 542 / Hon RC51) 2 Dave Alsobrook (Rockwall, TX / 139 / Apr RSV1000) 19 Paul Haas (Sapulpa, OK / 347 / Kaw ZX-7R) 2 Thomas Branyon (San Antonio, TX / 87 / Hon XR70) 3 Guillermo A. Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 542 / Hon RC51) 20 Butch Feco (Buffalo, MO / 242 / Kaw ZX-6R) 3 Randall Falt (Garland, TX / 3 / Yam TTR90) 1 Jake Chapman (Weatherford, TX / 50 / Yam TTR90) 4 Chuck Cofer (Austin, TX / 908 / Hon RS250) 21 Slade Gardner (Ft Worth, TX / 999 / Yam YZF-R6) 4 Shelby Brewer (Rogers, AR / 717 / Yam T TR90) 5 Blaine Johnson (Grapevine, TX / 557 / Suz TL1000S) 22 Jeff Jordan (Arlington, TX / 321 / Yam YZF-R6) 5 Rachel Brewer (Rogers, AR / 6 / Yam TTR90) 6 Christopher Corder (Dallas, TX / 325 / Suz SV650) 23 Leonard Coker (New Braunfels, TX / 552 / Hon CBR600RR) 6 Dallas King (Independence, KS / 7 / Yam PW80) 7 Mark Klepper (Austin, TX / 226 / Apr RSV1000) 24 Kurt Zimmerman (Plano, TX / 109 / Hon CBR600RR) 7 Brandon Altmeyer (Cedar Park, TX / 91 / Yam TTR90) 8 Barry Hobbs (Austin, TX / 975 / Duc 748R) 25 John Bernett (Tulsa, OK / 409 / Hon RC51) 9 Pierson Callahan (Little Rock, AR / 223 / Yam TZ250) 26 John Perone (Spring, TX / 164 / Hon C BR600RR) 10 Henrik Larsen (Sugar Land, TX / 277 / Apr RSV1000) 27 Matthew Crabtree (Wichita, KS / 273 / Yam YZF-R6) 11 Wayne Wilder (Grapevine, TX / 358 / Yam TZ250) 28 Guillermo Gonzalez (Houston, TX / 332 / Hon CBR600RR) 12 Tom Dunlap (Austin, TX / 421 / Apr RSV1000) 29 Seth Cooke (Tyler, TX / 369 / Suz GSXR1000) 30 Tom Dunlap (Austin, TX / 421 / Apr RSV1000) Lightweight Twins Novice 31 Jeremy Hunt (Dallas, TX / 703 / Yam YZF-R6) 1 Brandon Spradling (Humble, TX / 214 / Suz SV650) 2 Greg LeClair (Austin, TX / 103 / Apr RS250) Formula 2 Novice 27 JOIN THE CMRA TODAY!!! Two levels of membership are available: ASSOCIATE MEMBER - $50.00 (January 1st to December 31st) $35.00 (July 1st to December 31st) Allows volunteer participation as a race official along with a host of benefits, including our regular newsletter, discounts and voting rights. FULL MEMBER - $100.00 (January 1st to December 31st) $65.00 (July 1st to December 31st) $35.00 (August 31 to December 31st) Applications are available at race events or request one via email at nancy@cmraracing.com. 1st class 2nd class 3rd class Each add’l * Expert Formula 1 is always $65.00 and doesn’t count as 1st $65.00 entry Mini Sprints Junior Motard Endurance (Big Bike) Endurance (Mini) Practice Only Note: Practice is included with race fees. 1st class 2nd class Entry Per Hour Per Hour Half Day Contact Shan Moore or Nancy Selleck.: shan@trialscomp.com nancy@cmraracing.com Required membership level to race CMRA events. Includes all of the above, plus riding privileges - race number, trophies, prize money etc... RACE FEES Rider’s School Sprint Fees* Advertise your business in the Inside Line $75.00 $65.00 $45.00 $30.00 $30.00 $35.00 $25.00 $10.00 $40.00 $25.00 $35.00 The Inside Line advertising Business card ad............................. $40.00/issue Quarter page ad............................. $ 85.00/issue Half page ad.................................... $150.00/issue Full page ad..................................... $500.0/issue Insert (full page)............................. $300.00/issue Website advertising Banner ad with link....................... Plus 1/4 pg. newsletter ad (package) $250/mo $300/mo Central Motorcycle Roadracing Association PO Box 123888 Fort Worth, TX 76121 CMRA P.O. Box 123888 Fort Worth, TX 76121 www.cmraracing.com 28 PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID TULSA, OK PERMIT NO. 1957
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