Parent Information Package


Parent Information Package
Kingston Recreation
Summer Day Camp
Camp Guide
Parents / Guardians
Camp Location: The Kingston Summer Day Camp will take place at the Kingston
Recreation HUT which is located adjacent to the Kingston Rink on the corner of Elm St. and
Westwood Avenue by the playground.
Rec Hut Phone Number:
Village Office number:
902- 804-2267 (CAMP)
DAY CAMP LEADERS: ALXYS C., Meghan B., Cameron C., Leah V.
Camp Hours: Each camp day will begin at 8:00am and end at 3:30pm Monday through
Friday. Before care available from 7:30—8am and after care available from 3:30—4:00pm.
Attendance: A parent or guardian must sign in their child before and after each day of
camp, unless they are walking or biking and the supervisor has been notified. Children will
only be permitted to leave camp with a preauthorized person, unless otherwise discussed with
the camp supervisor. If your child needs to leave early on a particular day, please send a note
with him/her.
Head Lice Policy: The Kingston Recreation Day Camp strives to provide a
healthy, safe and fun environment for your child. Therefore, as the parent or
guardian of your child we ask you to thoroughly check your child’s hair for the presence of
Head lice prior to attending the Day Camp. Should your child have head lice or acquire head
lice, we ask you to inform the Kingston Recreation Department ASAP and we request you
abide by the following Kingston Summer Day Camp “Nit Free” guidelines:
1) A Child who has head lice WILL NOT be allowed to remain at camp. Parents will be
called to take the child home for proper treatment.
2) A Child who has head lice or nits MAY NOT return to day camp “the same day” even
after being treated.
3) For the protection of all families and children NO CHILD will be permitted at camp
4) Please be advised Day Camp Staff will recheck any child for head lice prior to
being re-admitted to camp.
Campers will need:
A Great Friendly Attitude
Healthy Lunch & Snack
Change of Clothes in case we
play outside.
Bathing suit & Towel
Xtra Socks and Sneakers
Water bottle
NUT FREE Snacks & Lunch
*Please note, campers will ONLY have access
to Fridge & Microwave under the supervision
of Day Camp Staff.
Lost and Found
Although we will try our best to keep track of lost items with a lost and found collection, we ask that no
electronics or toys such as game boys, ipods, etc. be brought to camp. Gaming cards such as Pokemon,
Yu-gi-oh, etc. are also not permitted at camp, as they take attention away from our planned activities.
Also, please label belongings with the child’s name to help locate missing items faster. At the end of every week,
items will be placed out for parents/guardians. Any item that is not claimed within three weeks will be donated
to the Red Cross.
Medication and Allergies
Please advise us of any allergies, conditions or medications that your child may have so that we can prepare for
the week with this in mind and so that they can be safe and have fun at camp. Please note that camp staff will
NOT administer medications. Also, please remember that our camp is NUT FREE. We thank you in advance for
planning your child’s snacks and lunches for the safety of others.
The goal of the Kingston Summer Day Camp is to provide a safe and
fun environment where campers can discover new possibilities and make
new friends under the guidance and supervision of our staff.
In order to maintain this safe and fun environment, campers
will be expected to follow the camp rules below under the supervision of all Day Camp Staff:
ampers must respect everyone and everything,
lways stay with the group & listen to leaders,
ust not leave camp unless authorized by a parent/
roducts containing nuts are NOT allowed,
lectronic devices, toys and gaming cards are to stay at
home. Staff are not responsible for any lost property
that is brought to camp,
emember to HAVE FUN!
Please note: The Village of Kingston Day Camp Staff reserves
the right to have any participant of the Kingston Day Camp,
whose behaviour does not follow community standards or
causes continued disruption of our fun, safe day camp environment will have their parents/guardians contacted and they will
be asked to remove their child from camp at any time during
the course of the week.
Kingston Recreation
Summer Day Camp
Guidelines for Management of Influenza
In childcare programs and Family Home Day Care Agencies.
Reinforce message among staff and children about the importance of frequent hand washing,
coughing or sneezing into their sleeve or arm and not sharing drinks, or utensils. These are
crucial steps in helping to stop the spread of the virus. The Day Camp will also provide alcohol based hand sanitizer for both staff and participants.
Continue usual environmental cleaning practices. No special cleaning regimen is required.
Day Camp should ensure there are sufficient supplies of liquid soap (no bar soap) and paper
towels in the bathrooms.
Flu symptoms for seasonal flu. They Are:
Cough - Fever/Chills - Fatigue - Body aches/headaches - Sore throat
Vomiting & diarrhea in kids under 5
4) Children or staff who have influenza type symptoms, will be asked to leave the day
camp and treat the symptoms and not return to day camp until the symptoms have
subsided. Parents/Gaurdians will be notified of children’s symptoms immediately,
and ask to keep their child home for the health and safety of the remaining day
camp participants. Like any illness, should symptoms worsen they should visit a doctor or
walk-in clinic and be sure to mention any travel history.
Parents/ Guardians are asked to advise the Day Camp Staff should you or your children have
recently been in contact with someone who has the flu.
There is no evidence to suggest that closing programs or cancelling events would help stop the
spread of the virus.
If the Flu is identified in the Day Camp, Kingston Recreation Department will discuss with
participants parents/guardians for further courses of action.
Remember: Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds under warm water often as a form of
prevention and spread of Flu.
The Kingston Summer Day Camp will offer an overnight trip this year, where we will be staying at Yogi Bear
Campground, in Kingston. Our four staff members will all be present during the trip and all campers will be
well supervised. We will be swimming, playing games, making crafts, and having a bonfire! Our staff is very
excited about this trip and hopes that you can join us! Below is a list of what you need to know.
Who can attend?
Campers ages 8-12 will be able to register for this trip. We will only be taking 10 campers – so be sure to register as soon as possible!
How will you be getting there?
Glen, our recreation coordinator, will be transporting all campers from our recreation hut to the campsites at
4:30pm on Thursday, August 18th. We ask that you please drop off your child’s booster seat if they require
one. Please make sure you have signed the mandatory permission form before dropping off your child. Pickup
will on Friday, August 19th at 12:00pm (noon) AT YOGI BEAR CAMPGROUND. We will not be offering after-care at this time.
What are the sleeping arrangements?
Children will be sleeping in tents with other campers of their own gender. There will be up to 5 campers per
tent. Counsellors will be sleeping in other tents, still on the same sites. We will provide tents, although we ask
that you please bring your own sleeping bag and pillow.
What is the food situation?
We will be providing your child with supper which will be chicken cesar salad wraps. Our bedtime snack will
be around the campfire where we will eat s'mores and roast marshmallows. Breakfast will be provided and we
will be serving pancakes, bacon, fresh fruit, and cold cereal. Another snack will be provided around 10am,
which will be granola bars and fruit. Drinks including juice, milk, and water will be provided. If your child
requires alternatives, please let us know.
What if my child gets sick or homesick?
The same policies that we have during our regular day camp hours regarding sickness and behaviour will still
be in place during the overnight trip. Please refer to these policies. If your child is homesick, we will do the
best we can to make your child feel comfortable and if this continues on we will phone home and a parent or
guardian will need to arrange for pick-up.
Our campsite information will be given out to all parents upon drop off.
Money Policy
Just like every other day of camp, please do not send your child with money.
Packing List for the Overnight Trip:
Here is a list of things you should bring…
Sleeping bag & pillow (blankets optional)
Clothes for Friday (shirt, pants/shorts, undergarments)
An extra set or two of clothes
Bring extra pairs of socks
Sweater and comfy pants
Swimsuit & towel
Toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush and any other necessary toiletries
Rain gear
Flashlight with batteries
Sunscreen!!!!!!!!! We also recommend SPF lip balm
Bug Spray
Any required medications
Disposable camera is optional
Points to keep in mind:
Do not bring ANY valuable items.
Kids love to get dirty at camp. Please keep this in mind.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding what to bring
Please speak to Alxys, our Day Camp Supervisor regarding any required medications.
As always, please let us know if someone who is not already listed on the approved pick-up sheet will be
picking up your child.