- St Aloysius` College


- St Aloysius` College
Friday, 4 May
For those who love, nothing is too difficult, especially when it is done for the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. ‐ St Ignatius Loyola SJ, Letter to his brother Martin, 1532 Issue 12/11
On Monday night, we began our Ignatius draws us to Jesus Formation
Programme which will run during second term. A group of nineteen
parents gathered in the Juana Mateo Room for the first session, which
introduced Ignatian spirituality. Future sessions include Ignatian
prayer, images of God, appreciating God’s love, discerning desires,
making good choices, experiencing life-giving relationships and more.
This series has been appreciated by many over the years.
This week, we had the first of the Rector and Principal’s Dinners.
These take place throughout second term and are a wonderful way to
meet families new to the school, and provide an occasion for the
Development Office to outline some future plans for the College.
In the week following his ordination, Fr David Braithwaite and I
interviewed a number of Year 12 students interested in a Service Year
in 2013. It is encouraging to see how our young men are seeking
opportunities to offer part of their lives in the service of others. Four
are looking to go to Vietnam to teach English, in a rural setting in
Vinh diocese. Two others hope to work in an elementary school,
teaching Years 7 and 8, while living at the nearby Jesuit school, Xavier
High School, in Chuuk, Micronesia. The College has assisted with the
placement of two alumni in Micronesia for over ten years now and,
during the holidays, I visited Chuuk and caught up with Sean
McCreton and Joe Soerjoko.
Last Friday afternoon, there was an opportunity for those Aloysian
students who travelled to WYD 2011 Madrid to reflect and reconnect,
some nine months after returning from our WYD pilgrimage – In the
footsteps of St Ignatius of Loyola. It was inspiring to share memories of those
weeks in Spain and listen to the impact of the experience on our lives.
Also on Friday, we commemorated ANZAC day with a service in the
Boys’ Chapel. The theme ‘Lest we Forget’ reminds us to grieve the
lost, and we should never fail to realise how important that is to do.
We remember also the heroism of our service personnel, and we
commit to ending the horror of war in the future. ANZAC Day
signifies the landing at Gallipoli in Turkey in 1915 of the men of the
Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. They fought for some
eight months over three battlefields on a small peninsula. Combat was
quickly reduced to a fight for survival in dreadful circumstances. The
campaign brought about the deaths of some 85,000 Turkish people,
defending their homeland, and about 45,000 troops trying to achieve a
strategic goal. These soldiers were ordered to fight a battle that was
impossible to win. It was a massive loss of lives, far removed from the
glorious quest that many of the Anzacs anticipated.
Significantly, perhaps, the most renowned person at Gallipoli is
Simpson. He did not fire a shot, but went about the business of
rescuing the injured. Those who are confronted with great suffering
and mortality so often learn to understand what matters most in life.
Gallipoli produced some extraordinary people among the survivors.
Those on the beaches and in the trenches learnt much about the
ability to go on, to survive the cruellest adversity, to find a way
through despite the odds, to discover courage under assault, to
understand success and failure. These lessons remained with many for
the rest of their lives. People cope with war in different ways. War
does crush and maim people and personalities, but the experience of
struggle can also shape character deeply and give cohesion for the rest
of a person’s life.
A man I heard about recently was involved in the Pacific during
WWII. I learnt about him from Patrick Lindsay, the writer,
commentator and former student of our College (SAC 1965). At the
height of the Pacific War, the Coast Watchers worked behind the
Japanese lines in the Pacific islands to observe enemy movements and
rescue Allied personnel. They used a teleradio that consisted of
separate metal boxes and weighed about 150 kilograms.
Patrick Lindsay explains: One of my heroes used one of these absurdly
cumbersome gizmos to warn of the first Japanese planes to fly over what was then
Australian territory, off New Ireland, north-east of PNG on 9 December 1941.
His name was Cornelius Page, known to all as Con. Prior to the war, Con Page
was a plantation manager on a tiny island in the Tabar group, off New Ireland,
called Simberi Island. Con Page was 30 years old. He was very well liked and
respected by the locals and had a widespread reputation for trading fairly with them.
He had been recruited as a Coast Watcher early on and given a teleradio. He
continued to faithfully report enemy movements, even after the Japanese captured
Rabaul and Kavieng, right on his doorstep, and he had to take to the jungle.
The Japanese hunted Con Page relentlessly, even sending a destroyer with marines
to scour his island. He evaded them. Then he infuriated them by radioing in a
detailed report on the destroyer’s movements straight after it left. Con’s commander
back in Australia advised him to stop reporting and save himself. But Con Page
refused to leave his islanders. For months he kept one step ahead of the persistent
Jap patrols until eventually he was betrayed by a disaffected local chief and
captured. Con and several others were taken to Kavieng where they were executed.
Patrick Lindsay learned
about Con and his
courageous actions when
he was writing a book
about the Coast Watchers.
Imagine Patrick’s surprise
when he found that Con
Page was an Old Aloysian.
He was at St Aloysius’
College in 1925 and 1926,
and Con Page’s name is on the Roll of Honour in the Foyer of the
Great Hall. His is one of the 28 names for WWII with a cross next to
it, indicating old scholars who lost their lives to war. Con is just
another unsung hero we should honour for selfless sacrifice. Con
Page is buried in the beautiful Bita Paka war cemetery in Rabaul and
Patrick Lindsay has been privileged to pay our respects to him there.
A person’s character is shaped by the attachment of family, the
affection of friends, the encouragement of teachers, the love of
another, and the experience of coping with life’s adversities. We do
not always choose what happens to us in life but we can choose how
we live our lives in what comes our way. In so many ways our work in
education lays the foundation of character.
Peter Hosking SJ
Discussions have been underway in the College with a view to
expanding the roll-out of iPads in 2013. At present, iPads are bought
through Government funding for Years 10-11 and, in Year 9,
netbooks have been rotated for three years. The Year 9 netbooks are
due for replacement next year.
It has been proposed that we look to providing iPads for all of
Years 7-12. The details are yet to be decided on, but it could look like
the following: in Year 7 iPads will be issued to each boy but they will
stay at the school and be recharged here. The iPads in Year 7 would
have locked down profiles that restrict purchasing of applications –
in Term 4 the boys might be able to begin to take the iPads home.
They would have the same iPads for three years (and then keep
them). Year 8 would also receive an iPad. There would possibly be a
transition arrangement for Year 9 – each boy might receive an iPad,
which at the end of Year 9 would be collected and then reset to be
Class sets for Year 6 in Junior School in 2014. In Years 10-12 we
would continue the present scheme of boys receiving a new iPad in
Year 10, and keeping them at end of Year 12.
The way of payment for the iPads (those not covered by any
Government scheme) has yet to be specifically determined. We would
not look to include them in the fee structure, but rather they would be
regarded as a book purchase/rental, made through the school. The
wider maintenance costs would be covered through the school fees and
thus the iPads would remain in the school’s care, as it were, to either
Year 9 or Year 12, when the boys would simply keep them. The cost to
parents would be offset somewhat by reductions in the book list (atlas,
dictionary, Bible, calculators, for example). As electronic texts come
online, there should be further savings. We are also looking as having
an App for the Diary next year in the Senior School.
There are some significant offsets in cost for the school. One to two
computer rooms, with the regular replacement of their desktops that
are due, could be de-commissioned (also giving us additional teaching
space). 150 Netbooks that are due to be replaced would not need to be.
At least 60 netbooks used in Science rooms could be phased out. The
maintenance costs of netbooks are substantially higher than iPads.
The details of this expansion of the iPad programme are not finalised,
but the advance notice may be of interest to parents planning birthday
gifts or other family purchases, to know that the boys will, in all
likelihood, have school-issued iPads in Years 7-12. Educationally, we
think it will be advantageous for the boys to grow up with the iPad, and
teachers will have a common tool to draw on across the whole of the
high school. There will be also the opportunity for some in-service
programmes for parents later in the year.
This week ClickView Online becomes available to students at home.
The boys will have received through their College email their
password for using the College’s online video catalogue. This will
enable students to access the catalogue from home and for teachers
to set video viewing for homework. There is also a wealth of
reference material. There are some limits on what video content
students can access – access to the catalogue will be limited within
ClickView Online by a video ratings system based upon their current
year group. Years 7, 8 and 9 will be restricted to PG; Years 10-11 to
M and below, and Year 12 to MA and below. I would suggest to
parents that you have a browse through what is available on
ClickView, especially in the areas of English, History and Religion.
A feature of life at Aloysius’ is the international dimension to our
education. It takes many forms. The contacts we have with other
Jesuit schools and works draw us ever more into a world that is
increasingly connected through communications, economics, the
environment and politics. These exchanges and other points of
contact take us outside ourselves and have genuine value in
broadening our understanding of the world we live in.
Jesuit High Gdynia, in Poland, was the
second Jesuit school to open in Eastern
Europe after the fall of ‘the iron curtain’ in
1989. In the last few years, Polish students
have spent a month at St Aloysius’, and a
growing number of families and young Old
Boys have dropped in to visit the school in
Gdynia. This year again, four students from
this school (two girls and two boys) will
attend St Aloysius’ for the last four weeks
of Term 2 (from the weekend of 26&27 May). They will attend
normal classes at the school, with the aim of improving their English,
as well as getting to know something of Australian culture through
school and home. If there are any families who would be
interested in hosting one of these Polish students for all, or
some, of this time, could they please contact me. Generally
speaking, a fortnight seems to work best, which means the
students change billets once during their stay, but all the time
or less is possible. Please contact me by phone or email
scholastic, Mr Kamil Mrówka SJ, will co-ordinate the students during
their stay with us.
The presence of our Polish students reminds us that the College is
indeed part of a wider reality, the Jesuit mission worldwide. Here in
Australia, we have ongoing contacts with Riverview, Xavier College
in Melbourne, and Saint Ignatius’ Adelaide, and with our Ignatian
partner schools – Loyola Senior High School, Mount Druitt,
St Ignatius’ College, Geelong, Xavier Catholic College, Hervey Bay,
John XXIII College, Perth and Loyola College, Watsonia. Student
contact, through sporting carnivals, debating and student leadership
formation, along with shared professional development opportunities
and staff retreats and pilgrimages, together with regular meetings of
the Heads and Rectors of Jesuit schools, give expression to these
links. In the July holidays, there will be an Australian Jesuit Education
Conference involving staff from all nine schools, at five sites in four
cities, including St Aloysius’. The Australian Jesuit network here in
Sydney also includes St Canice’s parish at Kings Cross, Jesuit Refugee
Services, Jesuit Social Services, the Jesuit Mission office (Indian
Bazaar), Peter Canisius House in Pymble and North Sydney parish.
Internationally, there are some 3,730 Jesuit schools, college and
universities that educate some 2.5 million students in over seventy
countries. These range from small village schools in South America
and inner city Nativity schools in the US, to long-established high
schools such as Stonyhurst (UK), Gonzaga (US) and Leone XIII
(Milano), through to universities such as Georgetown and Boston
College in the US, the Gregorian in Rome and Sophia in Tokyo. We
have exchanges or sporting links with Jesuit schools in France, Italy,
Poland, Britain, Japan and Ireland.
Our contacts go beyond regular exchanges. The Junior School helps
support St Joseph’s in East Timor, where a former member of staff,
Fr Quyen Vu SJ, will soon take up a leadership role, and two Year
Elevens will be participating in an immersion to East Timor. Two
young Aloys’ graduates are working this year in Chuuk, in Micronesia.
Through the Philippines immersion experience, we have contacts in
2 the Philippines such as Xavier School in Manila. Nine graduates from
2011 are spending six months, or a year, in Vietnamese villages in
Vinh Province. Our Kairos retreats were first started here in Adelaide
by students from Jesuit High in Phoenix Arizona. Our boys and
families have connections with orphanages in Cambodia, Philippines,
Kenya, Vietnam and Tanzania.
Hopefully, such contacts will encourage and inspire the boys to look
more expansively at the world, including having a concern for
addressing injustice in the world. The early Jesuits considered
themselves citizens, not of a monastery, but of the world. Jerónimo
Nadal wrote that “the world is our home” and this reflected much of Jesuit
spirituality and how it viewed the world around them. The contacts we
have with other Jesuit schools and works draw us ever more into a
world that is increasingly connected, through communications,
economics, the environment and politics. These exchanges and other
points of contact take us outside ourselves and have genuine value in
broadening our understanding of the world we live in.
Coincidentally, this week we are hosting a teacher and three students
from St Paul’s school in Kempsey. Each year about six of our Year 9
students spend a fortnight on an immersion at Kempsey, billeted
with students at the local Catholic high schools, doing a number of
service works and spending time with the local Aboriginal
community. This is the first time that we have been able to return the
hospitality. A group of parents and boys have also been developing
links with a school in Gulargambone. Having some contact with rural
communities, and especially having experience of rural Aboriginal
communities, is something to value.
The wider links of the school also found expression when three
members of staff (Mr John Caillard, Ms Melinda Pedavoli and
Mr Kamil Mrówka SJ) and three of the boys (Tom Morgan, Tim
Robinson and Anthony Slaven) represented Jesuit Social Services in
a charity Triathlon on Sunday. My thanks to Mr Caillard for
organising our involvement in the triathlon.
a role in serving those caught up in the justice system, especially
young offenders, though Brosnan Youth Services. It works also with
recently arrived immigrants and various disadvantaged communities.
JSS operates programmes such as Connexions, in the area of mental
health and wellbeing, especially those with drug addictions. JSS thus
provides intensive outreach and support, counselling, suicide
prevention, drug and alcohol support for young people, and clinical
consultancy to other workers in the field.
More recently, JSS has moved into the area of providing education,
training and employment for people with barriers to sustainable
employment – through, for example, Just Start, a programme to link
young people who have struggled with finding employment with
potential employers, and the establishment of Jesuit Community
College in Melbourne. JSS has also more recently established a
presence in western Sydney. It has responsibility for the Food and
Clothing Store at our parish at Mount Druitt, which also acts as a
managing a retail training centre, funded by the government. JSS also
runs their Certificate 2 courses, holiday and youth projects, as well as
an Ignite café, a hospitality training space, in an area with a high
unemployment and youth disengagement.
This week, many of our Year Twelves have had very short haircuts.
The hair cutting event is in support of the Leukaemia Foundation.
Cancer, and all that comes with it (for example hair loss during
treatment), is a very topical issue within the Year group at the
moment, as one of their peers was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s
lymphoma at the beginning of this year and has been receiving
chemotherapy since.
Congratulations to our Senior Theatresports team of Ben
McCann (C), Federico Anca, Elliott Miller, David Quaglia and
Claudio Trovato on winning the competition at International
Grammar, thus qualifying for the State semi-finals. With two perfect
scores in two of the four rounds, it was a great start to their season of
Saturday’s trials against St Pius’ saw the First XV come from behind
to seal a 24-24 draw, while the First XI went down 0-2 to a more
seasoned Pius’ unit. Overall, we had the better of the Rugby contest,
while Pius’ was stronger in Football.
At our Assembly on Wednesday, the Firsts’ teams in Tennis,
Volleyball, Football and Rugby for the CAS competition were
announced. The leaders for our winter sports were also announced.
Congratulations to the Captain of Cross-Country, Anthony Slaven,
the Captain of Football, Dominic Thompson, and his Vice-Captain,
John O’Toole; the Captain of Rugby, Harrison Williams and his
Vice-Captain, Luke Vevers; the Captain of Tennis, Tom Goh; and
the Captain of Volleyball, Tim Wheatley, and his Vice-Captain,
Roman Eymont. As with Basketball and Cricket in Summer, our
two big Winter sports, Football and Rugby, have Captains of the
sport across the school. Congratulations to Matthew Thomson,
Captain of Aloysius’ Football, and Alex Perkins, Captain of
Aloysius’ Rugby.
Included in this edition is a flyer for the inaugural Football lunch at
Doltone House on 20 June. An impressive panel, consisting of
Football Federation CEO, Ben Buckley, Les Murray, Mark Bosnich
and Kyle Patterson, promises to provide a forum for stimulating
discussion about ‘the beautiful game’ in Australia. Old Boy Adam
Spencer (SAC 1986) will be MC for the occasion.
Chris Middleton SJ
The staff and students in the triathlon represented Jesuit Social
Services, to assist in raising its profile for its fund raising efforts. With
a staff of 170 and 250 volunteers, Jesuit Social Services is the largest
operating arm of the Jesuits in the social ministries in Australia. This
year marks its 35th year of operation. From its beginnings, it has had
5 May
Year 10 Parents’ Function
7 May
New Parents’ Ignatian Evening
8 May
Year 10 Music Recital
Rector & Principal’s Dinner for new parents
SACOBU Meeting
9 May
Rector & Principal’s Dinner for new parents
10 May
Year 7 Parent/Teacher Interviews
Council Meeting
13 May
Mothers’ Day
3 Oremus
Let us pray
For the sick:
Joseph Elhindi, father of Alec (Year 5) & James (Year 8)
Jenny Monckton (SAC past parent)
For those who have died:
Henry Taudien (SAC 1985)
Felipe Marchione, grandfather of Luca (Year 5) & Max (Year 6)
Georgia O’Keefe, cousin of Patrick (Year 10), Nick (SAC 2006)
and Bill Sunderland (SAC 2008)
Ask and you shall receive … knock and the door
will be opened unto you.” (Matt 7:7)
If you would like someone to be prayed for by the College community
(even anonymously), please pass the details to the Rector
By way of information, I am pleased to be able to bring to your
attention a couple of small initiatives that we have recently
introduced to improve teaching and learning outcomes at the Junior
School. The first of these commenced mid-way through Term 1, for
our Year 6 students, with the trialling of a critical literacies unit team
taught by our Teacher Librarian Mrs Byrne and Mrs Joanne Cleary, a
literary specialist and teacher of English from the Senior Campus.
These two teachers work together with a group of students no more
than 15 at a time, for 70 minutes every fortnight, while Mrs Mushan
our Visual Art teacher works with the other “half” of a given class
for an extended period, with greater attention to individual strengths
and areas for development. While the Literacy levels of our boys are
of a relatively high standard, in general there still appears to be a
small gap that needs to be bridged when compared with the standard
of literacy amongst girls at a similar stage. Our programme for Year 6
is an attempt to give our boys that slight edge.
Not to be outdone, Year 5 teachers have graded each of their classes
with five ability groups, and three times a week (Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday) these groups come together for 45 minutes at a time
to work on mathematical concepts associated with number, patterns,
working and solving problems mathematically, and chance and data,
with students from other classes with similar ability. Year 5 teachers,
along with Mr El Khoury (and hopefully with some ‘guest’
appearances from me), will work with these boys endeavouring to
help them achieve their full potential. At the end of each term, we
will assess them and reallocate them to the group that is in keeping
with their progress in relation to their ability. I wish to thank Jennifer
Walker, the Year 5 academic co-ordinator, in particular for her
leadership with this initiative.
At this Thursday’s opening assembly, amongst other things, we will
have launched the 2012 Arrupe Outreach Programme for 2012. For
those of you who are new to the College, the Arrupe Outreach
programme encompasses a series of initiatives and activities,
undertaken by each of the twelve classes, which are designed to
inform and create awareness amongst the boys for the plight of the
marginalised people in our community – and society as a whole. The
programme is named after the most well-known of Jesuit Generals of
the modern era, Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ, who coined the phrase “Men
for Others” in the early 80s.
Boys are encouraged to get to know a community or a group of
people that doesn’t have it as good as we do and explore ways they
might be able to lend a hand. ‘Lending a hand’ sometimes means
raising funds, but we would like to stress that it is just one way. There
is an emphasis on ‘doing’ something for others and an invitation to
become ‘companions’ that are willing to ‘walk’ with them. For
instance, some classes choose to establish a link with the local
nursing homes such as James Milson at Milsons Point and Georgian
House at North Sydney. Our Year 6.3 boys have established a special
relationship with Georgian House, where the boys not only exchange
letters with their ‘adopted’ grandparents but meet with them and
spend time together during the year.
The main focus of our outreach activities is firstly Jesuit-sponsored
projects such as JRS (Jesuit Refugee Services), the Indian Bazaar and,
secondly, causes associated with the Aloysian Community such as
orphanages in Kenya and Cambodia, established by recent young ‘Old
Boys’. We also single out Catholic Church-sponsored works of charity
such as Caritas (through Project Compassion) and Catholic Mission.
This year’s theme for our Arrupe Programme is “Deeds speak louder
than Words”, a response to a call from St Aloysius for each of us to
reach out to the needy in service through action, as he did caring for
the plague-stricken people of Rome Please encourage the boys to
participate in this programme as actively and practically as is possible.
Can I draw your attention to some dates for your diary? This year’s
Junior School Athletics Carnival is being held on 29 May at the Sydney
Olympic Park Athletic Centre (Warm up Arena). Details of this
carnival and transport arrangement advice have been sent home by the
Sportsmaster. (Please disregard the diary entry, of 22 May at Rotary
Field, for this event.) For football fans, the 2012 Football Lunch is
being held on 20 June at Doltone House Jones Bay Wharf, Pyrmont,
with a number of special guests, including Ben Buckley, Kyle Patterson,
Mark Bosnich, Les Murray and Adam Spencer (SAC 1986 as MC),
featuring on a Q & A format panel. Tickets are strictly limited and
details can be found in the flyer later in this issue.
Our congratulations this week go to the following boys, who are
celebrating their birthdays:
Felix O’Brien, Finn O’Loan
2 May
Thomas Hill
3 May
Joseph Knox, Jonathon Shiel Dick
4 May
Angus Barry, Zach Fernley, Curtis Lau,
Rory Martin
6 May
Alessandro Fotea
Congratulations are also in order for Tallon Zahra
(pictured right) on his selection in the CIS football
team for 2012.
And, finally, at our assembly on Thursday, we
congratulated the following boys on their selection
as Junior School Captains of Music, Debating and
Curtis Lau
Max Marchione & Dylan Ferguson
Kieran Dean & Brendan Kell
Martin Lobo
Have you changed your contact details?
Have you:
ƒ Got a new email address?
ƒ Moved?
ƒ Changed telephone numbers (mobile, work or home)?
Then please let the College know asap. It’s important that we
are able to contact you in an emergency. In particular, please
keep your email address up-to-date as a lot of the College’s
communication is now via email.
You can send all changes to Sarah-Jane McCreton, Acting
Enrolments Registrar, either by:
ƒ Email: registrar@staloysius.nsw.edu.au
ƒ Fax: (02) 9929 6414
ƒ Mail – to 47 Upper Pitt Street, Milsons Point NSW 2061
or drop a note in either at the Junior School reception or to
the box marked ‘Registrar’ at the Senior School reception.
Reading and Writing Volunteers: The College has scope for the
involvement of our Parents and Community to support students who
qualify for Special Provisions in exams. This may be in the form of a
writer, sometimes a reader/writer, and usually with an extension of
time. Students are assigned spaces separate from the main exam
room. This requires a supportive approach, legible writing able to be
sustained for the duration of papers and, where necessary, the
reading of instructions and questions to candidates.
We have need of such support for our upcoming exam periods,
through Years 8-12, and later in year for Year 7. Ideally, the availability
to support the same student for two exam sessions and even, perhaps,
to be in the position to support the student for future years, would be
desirable. The role contributes greatly to the progress and growth in
confidence of students. There will likely be a need for volunteers for
Semester 1. If you feel you could contribute in this role, please contact
me (9936 5544 or Brian.Baker@staloysius.nsw.edu.au).
Brian Baker
Last week’s solution:
80 75 20
The sum in column E is 20, so it must have four 5 cent coins. The
sum in row B is 35, so the rest must be 10 cent coins. Looking at the
sums for row C and column H, the coin in their crossing must be 5
cents. This gives the coins in row C, and hence G, D, A.
This week’s puzzle:
There is a digital clock that shows the month, day and time in numbers. At some time it will display one of each digits from 1 to 9. ClickView Online is very easy to use, a short six-minute video tutorial
has been posted on the student news blog within Manresa for those
students who need additional support in accessing and using the new
Paul Harkin
The Riverview careers Expo will be held 14 May from 5.00-7.00pm.
With the Senior boys, at this time of the year, often being full of
questions in relation to life after the HSC, the expo will be an
opportune time for them to get them answered. I have included a
flier, later in this issue, that outlines the exhibitors and the times, etc.
Students are expected to wear their school uniform. Students in both
Years 11 and 12 are most welcome.
Neville Williams
Director of Curriculum
Lent seems a long time ago, but it seems only fitting that we take
time to thank the School community for the tremendous support
shown this year for Project Compassion. The early days of Lent this
year had a slight “Green Theme”, with our St Patrick’s Day Mass and
Project Green Mufti Day led by our Senior Prefect for the Social
Justice and the Environment, Ben Chapple. The boys of the SRC, led
by Declan McCarthy and Ned Latham – in association with the
Senior Prefects for the Tutor and House Systems, Patrick Furlong
and Blake Cohen – then rallied round and followed up in Tutor
Groups each week collecting for Project Compassion. Donations
were collected in Houses. In addition, a few very competitive InterHouse Coin Lines, held at lunchtimes, attracted generous donations
as well. “Cakes for Caritas” was a great success, too. Thanks for some
excellent baking must go to our Year 7 students.
In terms of monies raised, Ogilvie was the overall winning House by
the narrowest of margins. Donations were also made on behalf of
St Aloysius’ College directly to the Project Compassion link on the
Caritas website. In the Senior School we raised over $4,000 this year
– a fantastic effort. When we combine this with funds raised in the
Junior School, we have a very grand total to present to Caritas for
their Project Compassion 2012. Liam Thomson and Harrison
Boudakin of Year 11 need a particular mention, as they gave
outstanding support to the whole campaign.
What is the first time in the year where one of each of these 9 digits is displayed? Example: Day
1 9
However this is not the first time of the year. Enjoy!
Stella Robinson
Head of Mathematics
ClickView, the College’s video library catalogue has evolved into an
online video catalogue, enabling off campus access for staff and
students to over four thousand video titles. Students will receive their
Clickview Online password via email this week enabling them to access
video resources at home for research and homework. Although
On another note altogether, those who have walked to the Chapel
from the Foyer lately will have noticed an outstanding ceramic
artwork on the wall near the statue of St Ignatius. This was done by
George Butler of Year 11 and shows significant themes from the life
of St Francis Xavier. The photo above shows George and his
artwork, with some members of his Tutor Group.
Margaret Loomes
5 wish to open a Credit Account, please obtain a form of payment for
your son to make a purchase.
You may have read a recent report in the Sydney Morning Herald
around the Gonski Review of School Funding, and how St Aloysius’
was at risk of having its federal government funding cut. Other
schools named in the article included Loreto Kirribilli, Monte Sant’
Angelo and Oakhill College. Your P&F has been monitoring the
situation for some time.
Why do you need to worry about this? Any decrease in government
funding for independent schools, like St Aloysius’, is likely to result in
either increased fees for parents or a reduction in the quality of
education provided to our children. Stories in the media often lead to
confusion about school funding, by focusing solely on the Federal
government funding. In fact all schools – State, Catholic and
Independent – receive funding support from both Federal and State
governments. The difference is that Catholic schools receive the bulk
of their funding from the Federal government, while State schools’
main source of funding is the State government.
So, to get the full story, you need to take into account both sources
of funding. When Federal and State funding are combined, the
average student in a government school receives considerably more
government funding than a student in a Catholic school.
You are cordially invited to join the First Friday Mass in the Juana
Mateo Room (Level 4) on 4 May, 8.45am start, followed by coffee
and colloquium (a conversation, some sharing), hosted by Fr Peter
Hosking SJ.
Something to ponder:
Always be a little kinder than necessary – James M Barrie
Bryan Jenkins
The following functions are scheduled in Term 2:
3 May
Mothers’ Day Dinner: 7.00pm [Foyer]
4 May
First Friday Mass: 8.45am [Juana Mateo Room]
5 May
Year 10 Parents’ Function: 7.00pm [Juana Mateo Room]
20 May
Mother & Son Mass and morning tea: 10.00am [Boys’
Chapel & Canisius Room]
26 May
Year 8 Parents’ Function: 7.00pm [College Oval]
* If you would like to send your son to the shop for a uniform
purchase, we are happy to fit him for your convenience. We accept
cash, cheques (payable to “Bob Stewart Pty Ltd”), credit cards,
EFTPOS or Bob Stewart Credit Account.*
Irene Lau
Supervisor (staloysius@bobstewart.com.au /9955 4193)
The following parents have kindly offered their services in the Senior
School Canteen for the week commencing 7 May:
Jane Brennan, Rosie Morgan, Sella Stuntz, Ioana
Catherine Franklin, Lynda Lee, Rina Moore
Kathy Liew, Carolyn Tonkin, Lisa Rush
Deb Jansson, Cathy Kellick, Anne Rowbotham, Mami
Anita Lyons, Paula Nicholson, Joanne Pastega, Sarah
Nadia Lorenzutta
The traditional rugby and football matches against St Pius X College
Chatswood were played last Saturday. In rugby, these matches have
been played since the mid-1950s!! The games proved to be solid
workouts for most teams, in preparation for CAS matches beginning
this Saturday. Overall sporting honours were shared, with St Aloysius’
dominating rugby games whilst St Pius’ had the better of football
results. Tennis and volleyball teams had internals last Saturday.
Vice-President/Pastoral Care
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Treasurers
Logistics Co-ordinator (JS)
Logistics Co-ordinator (SS)
Oval Canteen Co-ordinator
Prayer Group Co-ordinator
Phillip Cornwell
Bryan Jenkins
Merin Boyd
Michael Morgan
Ann & Alex Paton
Jacqui Stene
Cate & Greg Russell
Marie and Chris D’Cruz
Jo Marchione
Catherine Verschuer
Bruno Moscaritolo
Edwin Lapitan
0414 223 765
0414 355 255
0419 969 111
0419 679 591
0412 250 551
0408 969 766
0405 100 463
0413 255 400
0488 230 198
0404 050 673
0414 365 511
0410 463 517
The Uniform Shop operates Tuesday and Friday from 8:00am to
3:00pm during school term.
Bob Stewart Credit Accounts: I urge that, if you have not yet
opened a Credit Account with Bob Stewart, kindly please do so; as it
helps to process transactions much faster and gets the boys back to
their classes. For more information, please go on to the College
website, under Uniform Shop, to download the form. If you do not
Rugby Captain, Harrison Williams (left), holding the Graeme Shields/Ross Fagan Trophy, with St Pius X Principal, Mr John Couani (centre), & Old Boy & Waratahs player, Tom Kingston The 1sts rugby had a hard-fought 24-24 draw at Oxford Falls against
a very committed St Pius’ outfit. The team did well to come back late
in the game to score two tries to draw the match, when it appeared
that St Pius’ would take the game. Rookie goal kicker Eliot Stuntz did
well to kick a late conversion to draw the game. Captain Harrison
Williams stood out in the first half with a very strong performance.
He was well supported by centre Dylan Goodearl and backrower
Alex Perkins, who stamped his influence in the second half. At the
after game function, Old Boy and current Waratahs player Tom
Kingston (SAC 2009) presented the Graeme Shields/Ross Fagan
trophy to Harrison Williams. In a very noble gesture, Harrison passed
the trophy on to St Pius’, being their 75th anniversary year.
6 In other rugby games played, the College won eight of the ten
matches played. The 16s, 15s and 14s’ teams produced some
impressive wins, especially at A level.
A strong St Pius’ 1sts football team beat our 1sts 2-0 at Oxford Falls.
St Pius’ dominated the first half, scoring two early goals. Our 1sts
responded better after half-time, in a scoreless second half. The team
did not play their best football on the day, but are more than capable
of bouncing back into the winner’s list this Saturday. The 2nds were
unlucky to only draw their game, as they created many scoring
opportunities but failed to convert them into points. As mentioned,
St Pius won the majority of football games, but there were many
close losses. Congratulations to the following winning teams: 3rds (20), 8As (5-0), 8Bs (4-3) and 7Bs (4-0).
Whilst on football, a luncheon will be held this year on 20 June at
Doltone House, Pyrmont. The College is excited to announce that
the following special guests will be attending: Ben Buckley (CEO of
Football Federation Australia), Les Murray (SBS Presenter and
author), Mark Bosnich (former Socceroo), Kyle Patterson (Head of
Corporate Affairs & Communications Football Federation Australia)
and Adam Spencer (SAC 1986) (ABC Radio and television
presenter). It should be a fantastic occasion to celebrate football,
both in and outside the school. Tickets are strictly limited, however,
so you will need to book early if interested. Please refer to the
advertisement later in this issue for all other details.
Year 11 student and basketballer, Fabijan Krslovic, captained the
winning NSW U17 team which won the Australian Championships in
the recent holidays. Well done, Fabijan. St Aloysius’ fielded two
teams in the Corporate Triathlon held at Mrs Macquarie’s Point in
the Botanical Gardens on the weekend. The students team of
Anthony Slaven, Tim Robinson and Tom Morgan finished 171st out
of 973 teams, whilst the staff team – comprising Kamil Mrówka SJ,
Melinda Pedavoli and John Caillard – finished 189th out of 973
teams. My thanks extend to John Caillard for organising teams for
the event.
The CIS Swimming Championships were held on Monday evening at
Homebush. A number of boys performed well, including Matt
Jepson (2nd in the 400 freestyle), Josh Hertz (3rd in the 400 freestyle)
and the Junior relay team of Geoffrey Gou, Lucas Anderson, Daniel
Vlachos and Oliver Sims, who finished second to Knox and
therefore qualify to represent at All Schools’ next Monday.
On Monday evening, our Senior Theatresports team was in action in
the opening heats of competition. Against excellent opposition, the
team performed superbly over the four rounds, having achieved
perfect score in two of the rounds. They are now through to the
semi-finals. Good luck to our Intermediate team, who perform at
Shore on Thursday.
Last Wednesday, all 1sts players were introduced to the school body
at assembly. Our Guest of Honour was Acting CEO Sydney Football
Club, Stefan Kamasz, who addressed the students, presented the
school a signed/framed Sydney FC jersey and also presented Year 9
student, Lachlan Hughes, his Golden Boots Award for his
performances at the Sydney FC tournament held during the holidays.
Lachlan was the leading point scorer at the tournament. Year 9
players who were also involved in the tournament were brought up
on stage. The team performed very well, winning three matches and
narrowly missed playing in the finals.
Also at the assembly, leadership positions were announced in all
sports. Congratulations to the following boys on their appointments:
Rugby: 1st XV Captain: Harrison Williams; Vice-Captain: Luke
Vevers; Captain of Rugby: Alex Perkins
Football: 1st XI Captain: Dominic Thomson; Vice-Captain: John
O’Toole; Captain of Football: Matthew Thomson
Tennis: 1st IV Captain: Tom Goh
Volleyball: 1st VI Captain: Tim Wheatley; Vice-Captain: Roman
Cross Country: Captain: Anthony Slaven
This weekend sees the commencement of the CAS competition in all
sports, with most teams – rugby, football and tennis – playing the
Cranbrook School. The College is hosting Opens rugby and football
at the College Oval. The 1sts football is at 10.15am and 1sts rugby at
3.15pm. Volleyball teams will be playing Sydney Grammar, instead of
Cranbrook, who do not field volleyball teams. Good luck to all
coaches and players in all sports this Saturday. Tae kwon do is in the
gym on Saturday at 8.30am.
Paul Rowland
Rugby and Football teams played St Pius X last weekend, in the final
trial games before the CAS competition which begins this week.
Thank you to all those parents who have supported both codes with
your help at our home and support at away fixtures. In this issue of
The Gonzagan there appear copies of the remaining rounds of
competition, as well as the Term 2 training schedules for each sport.
Draws: The draws provided are DRAFT ONLY and may change at
any time, in response to several factors – many which I have little or no
control over. For this reason, draws and training schedules appear on
Manresa in pdf version on your son’s Winter Sport home page. Updates
will be made and, therefore, it is each boy’s responsibility to check each
week. The final draw will appear in The Gonzagan each Friday, which
boys and parents are also encouraged to regularly check.
Wet Weather: In the case of wet weather, boys and parents can also
get wet weather updates at 7.00am and 11.00am (for afternoon
fixtures) on Saturday. These updates can be accessed on Manresa as
“tweets” and on the school wet weather phone line (9936 5589). If
you set up a Twitter account, you will receive these “tweets”
automatically if you are following the wet weather updates. Changes
to trainings will also be updated on the Twitter page each afternoon.
Training Absences: There is a simple process to follow for each
sport if your son is going to be away from training. As with emailing
Year Co-ordinators and assistants when your son is going to be
absent from school, can you please also email his age group Coordinator
(greg.austin@staloysius.nsw.edu.au) (Rugby). These staff will then
pass on the information to your son’s coach. Please use the managers
as your first point of contact for any correspondence about your son
in general, or when requesting information. If your son’s manager has
not received an email, and your son does not attend training, they will
follow up with an email requesting to be provided with a reason. As
your son is deemed to be in the care of the College at this time, it is
imperative that we know of his whereabouts. Once again, thank you
for your support, and best of luck to all teams this weekend in
fixtures against Cranbrook and Grammar.
Sinclair Watson
Football ‘Make Up’ Clinic: Unfortunately, due to
wet weather, days 2&3 of the Junior School Clinic
that was held in the April school holidays were
cancelled. We have decided to make up these two
days in the July school holidays, at the College Oval.
With five rounds left in our season when we
recommence in Term 3, this is an ideal time to do this. Please see the
options below regarding attendance or non-attendance at the new
clinic, which is open to all Junior School boys who registered for the
April school holidays clinic.
The clinic, which will be held for Years 3-6 at the College Oval on 12
& 13 July from 8.30am-12.30pm, is an intensive clinic, run by our
newly appointed Director of Junior School Football, Mr Eric Daly,
along with Junior School coaches who will focus on skill
development and overall game play. It is an ideal environment for all
players who want to improve skill and overall football development.
Passing, dribbling, shooting, goal keeping, positional awareness game
principles, along with speed and general fitness will be the focus over
the two days.
7 We will assume that your son will attend if he was registered for the
April clinic. If your son is not attending, please let me know ASAP so
his place can be offered to another boy.
There is no need for payment, as you have paid previously for the
April school holiday clinic, but the form below must be returned as
soon as possible.
… My son will attend the new clinic scheduled for the July school
holidays (see above for details)
… My son will not be attending the new clinic and would like a
refund for the two days that were cancelled.
… My son will not be attending the new clinic, but no refund is
Reminder: Training for Junior School goalies
for all teams, from U9s through to U12s, to
receive specialist goal keeping coaching has
commenced this week. Each goalie and
reserve goalie from all teams are encouraged
to attend each session starting at 7.15am
finishing at 8.15am every Monday and Wednesday morning in Term
2. These sessions are run by Davide Giovine from AC Milan soccer
school and are held at the bowling green next to Milsons Point Train
Station. If these sessions are not well attended they will be
discontinued. Boys are required to bring gloves and can meet Davide
directly at the bowling green.
Rugby Coach: In some exciting news, I have organised for a Rugby
kicking coach to be employed for Junior School students from U10
teams through to U12 teams, to train goal kickers or potential goal
kickers. This will take place each Wednesday and Friday mornings at
the Bowling Green (next to Milsons Point Train Station), from 7.158.15am. Boys are then asked to walk back to school. Coaching
commenced on 2 May. Boys are to meet coach (Robbie) at the
Bowling Green for a 7.15am sharp start.
This training may also incorporate other aspects of kicking associated
with the game of Rugby. Please remember that these sessions are
aimed at boys who have performed the kicking duties of the team
prior to this season and boys who have experience as goal kickers.
Boys are asked to bring their boots to these sessions, as this will aid
skill development, and may wear their PE gear or other gear before
changing into their Winter School Uniform when they return to
There is no cost to parents for this initiative, but inexperienced boys
may be asked to practice on their own and then be invited back to
these sessions once they develop.
CIS Football Selection: At the NSWCIS Football Championships,
held at Kings School on Friday night, the IPSHA team (of which one
of our students, Tallon Zahra, was a team member) went through
undefeated. IPSHA also had six boys selected in the CIS team –
Mitchell Mattison (The Shore School), Tallon Zahra (St Aloysius’
College), Lachie Lloyd (Barker College), Liam Nikos (Newington
College), Lewis Kennedy-Hunt (The Scots College) and Alexander
Vucetic (The Shore School). This is a great representation at CIS for
IPSHA schools (of which we are one), but also for Tallon on his
selection. We wish him and the CIS team best of luck at the NSW
selection carnival later this year.
Football (Match of the round) – SAC 9As vs Newington
Christian Hammerton
Notable Performers: Hugo Wicks, Franco Pelle, Joaquin Cipriano
Report: The first fixture of the 2012 winter season marked a
significant milestone for the 9A football squad, as 14 boys from Year
3 represented St Aloysius’ in a football uniform, for the first of many
times in their schooling lives. Playing against Newington, the boys
were introduced to a new format, which saw two seven-a-side games
being played simultaneously. Both games started slowly, with a long
period before either team could score. However, it soon became
apparent that the Aloys’ boys were simply hungrier for the ball than
their Newington opponents. Such pressure was reflected on the
scoreboard, as both games saw an avalanche of goals for the 9As.
However, it was not only our sustained forward pressure that put us
head and shoulders above Newington, but it was also the magnificent
defensive work in the back half that saw Newington battle to put any
goals on the scorecard. So, in the first half, it must be said that our
defence was nearly flawless in exhibiting their communication skills,
in keeping formation and clearing our line whenever a goal
threatened. Mention must go to Joaquin Cipriano for his blistering
runs down the left wing from our back half, to both set up and score
goals, showing everyone that defenders could contribute up front as
well as down back.
Our domination at half time saw a change in positions for everyone
in both teams. Basically, our defenders and midfielders switched
around to give everyone an opportunity to save and score goals
throughout the game. Thanks must go to Franco Pelle, who
volunteered to goal keep to give Samson a chance in the field.
Although the goals kept flowing in our favour, our new positions saw
us lose defensive formations to an extent across both games. This
resulted in Newington scoring a few goals of their own. Noticing this,
Hugo Wicks took it upon himself to move from midfield and go
back to defence; a position which suits him perfectly. In saying this,
defensive position is certainly something for the boys to work on this
week at training.
All in all, Saturday morning saw the Aloys 9As take an emphatic
round 1 win over Newington, where nearly everyone scored at least
one goal. Great start to the season, we look forward to next week.
Athletics Pre-season Training: Due to various
factors, including low attendance numbers for preseason training here in the Junior School in the last
two years, and to also fall in line with the Senior
School Athletics program and calendar, there will
only be pre-season training on the following dates.
Please ignore any other dates printed in the diary.
Before Carnival: Week 3 Term 2 the following commences with
seasoned Junior School athletes invited to attend Senior School
Athletics training. Track events – Monday and Thursday from 3.205.15pm (bus from Bradfield to UTS Rotary Field).
Boys are to change into their sports uniform for training, and
transport arrangements are to be made similar to that of Winter Sport
training. For those sessions after school, boys will be transported to
and from the venue and may be picked up at either location at the
completion of the training.
After Carnival: Once the carnival is complete, actual seasonal
training will commence on the following dates. Boys are who are
selected in one or more of the school Athletics’ teams are expected to
attend training. Please note that this training will end after the last
Junior School Invitational carnival.
Term 2 Junior School Training times:
29 May Junior School Carnival
5 June 7.00am [Junior School] (in sports gear)
7 June 7.00am [Junior School] (in sports gear)
12 June 7.00am [Junior School] (in sports gear)
14 June 7.00am [Junior School] (in sports gear)
19 June 7.00am [Junior School] (in sports gear)
21 June 7.00am [Junior School] (in sports gear)
Round 1
10A small sided games
10B small sided games
9A small sided games
9B small sided games
Win 2-0
Win 2-1
St Pius’
Loss 0-2
Win 3-1
Win 3-2
Win 1-0
Loss 4-2
Win 5-0
Wins 14-2 (comb)
Win 17-0 (comb)
Win 2-2, 13-2
8 Round 1
Win 28-12
Loss 10-35
Loss 5-52
Loss 5-22
Draw 14-14
Loss 5-52
Win 40-5
Win 70-10
Win 50-10
Trevor Dunne
My name is Andy Connors and I am the new school Director of Junior
School Rugby for 2012. I am from England (don’t hold that against
me), but have been coming over here for the last two years to coach at
the Senior School. Back in England, I am a full-time rugby coach, who
works in various schools, at club level, running a representative team,
which leads to England honours and working for Harlequins RFC in
developing their younger players coming through.
This year at Aloys, I have been invited back to the Junior School to
fill this new and exciting role as Director, and I’m looking forward to
getting stuck into the new position. My aims for the season, as with
any school or club I work at, is to get the boys to be coached in a
fun, exciting, creative environment, which will be player centred,
based more around ‘game sense’ and less around drills – as this, I
believe, is the best way for the boys to develop their core skills and
game understanding.
For the boys, all I ask is that they give 100% effort in every training
session. If you train hard, there will be every opportunity for you to
get into a higher team. Please get to sessions on time, with mouth
guards, head gear and your own water bottle. On Saturdays, can you
get to your game 30 mins before kick-off, please, and make sure your
coaches have your water bottle to bring on at half time, as this will
save valuable time.
One important thing for players and parents to note, is that C and B
team players will need to back up as reserves for the following game.
To make life easier, the boys who need to back up will be told on
Friday afternoons.
It was superb to see so many parents at Willoughby last Saturday
supporting the 11 and Prep teams. So, thank you for that, and I look
forward to seeing that kind of support for the rest of the year. Please
feel free to come and introduce yourself to me, especially if you want to
ask any questions, or want to discuss any matters that may arise during
the season. There were some great performances on Saturday at
Willoughby – notably a come-from-behind performance from the Prep
1sts, who showed great character. But, well done to all the boys who
took part in the first game of the season. I look forward to the season
ahead and getting to know as many players and parents as possible.
Andy Connors
St Pius’ had the better of the results, last Saturday. It was, however,
an important trial for the boys, who played in good
spirits. Sadly, the wet weather has hampered
preparations for the CAS, including cancellation of
the St Andrew’s Cup and the last two days of the
Football Clinic. On 23 April, however, we were able
to participate in the inaugural Sydney FC Cup. The
tournament is an U15 (Year 9) invitational
competition involving a range of GPS, CAS and ISA schools.
Despite limited preparation, the Squad achieved a creditable third,
just missing out on the finals. The stand out performer of the
tournament was Lachlan Hughes. Not only was he awarded the
Tournament’s ‘Golden Boot’ for leading goal scorer, Lachlan scored
six goals in a single game against SCEGGS Redlands. On
Wednesday, Acting Sydney FC CEO, Mr Stefan Kamasz addressed
the College the Winter Co-Curricula assembly. Mr Kamasz kindly
presented the College with a signed/framed Sydney FC jersey in
appreciation of our involvement, as well as a ‘Fair Play’ Award.
Congratulations also to the 1st XI squad, called onto the stage at the
assembly. In particular, I would like to commend boys chosen for the
three leadership positions announced on the day. Matthew Thomson,
Captain of Football; John O’Toole, Vice-Captain of the First XI; and
Dominic Thomson, Captain of the XI. No doubt all three boys will
be fine ambassadors for the College, both on and off the field.
Game day: The clear expectation is that boys will wear the
designated playing strip on game day. The official College Tracksuit is
the only additional item to be worn. NO OTHER apparel is
permitted. Senior School coaches and managers will ask your son to
remove any items worn (including SAC apparel belonging to other
sports, or Football tours). Please ensure that your son is appropriately
attired with the playing strip and College track suit ONLY. Boys
wishing to watch Opens games at the College Oval are similarly
reminded that playing strip/tracksuit or full winter College uniform
are the only items to be worn. Boys who participated in the 2010
European Football tour are once again reminded, that Tour apparel is
not to be worn.
Staff Contacts (reprinted): It is vital that parents communicate with
the College in the event of their son’s absence from training. To
facilitate this, Staff Managers are allocated to each Year group as the
first point of contact. It would be expected that any absence from
training would be communicated to the appropriate Staff Manager.
Failure to do so may result in detention, or your son being demoted
to a lower grade. Sadly, there have been far too many ‘unexplained’
absences this year, which has had a negative impact on season
Year 7
Mr Saltos (Chris.Saltos@staloysius.nsw.edu.au)
Year 8
Mr Portelli (Michael.Portelli@staloysius.nsw.edu.au)
Year 9
Ms Aronson (Lisa.Aronson@staloysius.nsw.edu.au)
Year 10
Mr Schneider (GSchneider@staloysius.nsw.edu.au)
3rds-5ths Mr Shanley (Brian.Shanley@staloysius.nsw.edu.au)
1sts-2nds M Bentley (Matthew.Bentley@staloysius.nsw.edu.au)
Finally, I am proud to announce the inaugural 2012 Football Lunch
to be held at 12.30pm on 20 June (last week of Term 2) at Doltone
House, Jones Bay Wharf (Pyrmont). The lunch will be a fantastic
occasion to celebrate all things ‘Football’. A stellar cast of Football
personnel and personalities will be present on the day, participating in
a Q&A style forum. CEO of Football Federation Australia, Mr Ben
Buckley, ‘Mr Football’ and SBS Host, Les Murray, and Former
Socceroo and Fox Sports Presenter, Mark Bosnich, make up the
Panel, to be moderated by Kyle Patterson (formerly of SBS and
current Head of Corporate Affairs and Communications). The
Luncheon will be hosted by ABC radio and television presenter,
Adam Spencer (SAC 1986). Many thanks to the Football Parent
Committee for initiating and promoting this wonderful function.
Tickets are strictly limited, so purchase early to avoid disappointment.
See the flyer later in this issue. Online booking only –
www.trybooking.com/BKPX. Please direct any enquiries to
James.Halliday@staloysius.nsw.edu.au (SAC Development Office).
Antony Sindone
vir eloquens
Coaching: Commencing Week 2, coaching will resume, on Mondays
and Wednesdays from 3.30-5.00pm in The Bellarmino.
Rostrum Voice of Youth: Congratulations to Jonathon Parker who
has been selected to speak at the Regional Final on 10 May, from
6.45pm, at Knox Grammar School, Warrawee. Our best wishes to
Jonathan (see nswvoy@rostrum.com.au for details).
SMH Plain English Speaking Competition: Benjamin Jackson and
Jonathon Parker will represent the College on 11 May, from 9.15am, at
Wenona School, 176 Walker Street, North Sydney. We wish Benjamin
and Jonathon success (see www.artsunit.nsw.edu.au for details).
9 Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award: Tristan Kennedy & John
Lewis will represent the College (details to be advised; see
The Lawrence Campbell Oratory Competition: This prestigious
competition, open to all GPS and Associated Schools of NSW, will
take place at Newington College on 11 May, commencing at 7.30pm, in
Centenary Hall. Past winners have included prominent lawyers,
politicians and entertainers. We wish Benjamin Jackson (Year XII)
every success on the evening. Supporters will be most welcome.
Magar Etmekdjian
Term 2 is upon us and we are now in the lead-up
time to the CAS Athletics season. This time is a
crucial time for all athletes, whether it be running,
jumping or throwing or hurdling. One of my athletic
coaches once told me: “There is no set formula or
calculated method for achieving success as an athlete; however,
one’s ability to harness the powerful potential of the mind – particularly when
training, practicing, or preparing – and subject the body to those demands, can
ultimately prove to be the difference.”
Judging by recent experience in the last few years, pre-season training
has proved invaluable for many of our athletes, especially in the leadup carnivals to the CAS Championship Carnival at Homebush. Pre-
season training begins in Week 3, on Monday and Thursday
afternoons. We encourage all students, from Years 7-12, to involve
themselves in the pre-season as much as possible as there is no
doubt, judging by previous experience, that you will enhance your
technique and improve fitness levels, with the assistance of expert
coaches who will be available to help you become a better athlete
throughout the season. Pre-season training in the last few years has
been held in conjunction with Monte Sant’ Angelo athletes, in order
to share resources and coaches in an efficient manner, and the
feedback has been very positive. The venue for training is Rotary
Field, Chatswood.
Whether you want to do track training or field training, we will
endeavour to cater for everyone. Please see me as soon as possible in
relation to what you would like to do and make sure you hand all preseason training forms to me. If you have any queries regarding preseason training, or any other issue related to the athletics season, Paul
Batten (Director of Athletics) or I will be available to assist you.
Two final requests: Firstly, if any families have any old towels that
they could donate, these would be most appreciated (we will use
them to protect discuses in storage). Towels may be handed in to the
Sports office. Secondly, if any families have athletics shoes (spikes)
that are no longer required, they also would be appreciated as
donations to the team – similarly, these may be handed in to the
Sports office.
Chris Saltos
St Anthony's, Terrey Hills
Come along and join us at St Anthony in the Fields, Terrey Hills on 12 May at the 6.00pm Youth Mass for some
wonderful music and singing provided by the SAYBACS (the St Anthony's Youth Band and Choir).
The SAYBACS are a group of young parishioners, from high school to university age, who are passionate about
music in worship. Everyone is welcome – the young and young at heart – and any teenagers or young adults with at
least 2nd grade music experience are welcome to join the band.
Mass is followed by a light supper, and pizzas are provided for the young people and adults.
St Anthony in the Fields Catholic Church, 46 Myoora Road, Terrey Hills
12 May at 6.00pm (and on the 2nd Saturday of every month)
Mass at 6.00pm. Rehearsal for musicians and singers at 5.00pm.
For more information please contact Annette Spooner on 0418 497 658 or annette@netsavvy.com.au
SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION ST JOAN OF ARC PARISH, HABERFIELD The Sacrament of Confirmation is to be celebrated by Bishop Terry Brady in St Joan of Arc Church on 16 June at 5.00pm. If any child wishes to be confirmed on this occasion, they need to attend the preparation courses which will be run in the Parish in the weeks before this date. A Confirmation Enrolment & Information Night for parents/carers & children will be held in the church, at 97 Dalhousie Street, Haberfield, on 16 May at 7.30pm. Information about the preparation classes, to be conducted on Sunday mornings at the St Joan of Arc School, will be provided on the night. For further information, contact Mr Harry Stephens, St Joan of Arc Sacramental Program Co‐ordinator, on 0418 230 322. 10 SENIOR SCHOOL SPORTS DRAWS & TRAINING SCHEDULES
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