Blue Ridge Eventing Association - Green Hill Park Equestrian Center


Blue Ridge Eventing Association - Green Hill Park Equestrian Center
Blue Ridge Eventing Association
Horse Trials, Combined Tests, & Dressage Show
***Team Challenge***
Sunday October 18, 2015
Closing Date Monday October 12, 2015
Green Hill Park Equestrian Center Salem, VA
***New awards to be offered***
(Best: OTTB, Young Rider, Adult Rider, Mare, Pony, Horse)
Levels Offered:
Horse Trials: Green – Novice Plus
Combined Tests : Cross Rails – Intermediate
Dressage: 2015 USDF Intro Level, 2015 USEF Training - Second Level (higher levels HC), Western Dressage
Eventing Specifications:
Cross Rails:
2015 USDF Intro Test B; Jumps 18” max
2015 USDF Intro Test C; Jumps 2’ max
Advanced Green: 2014 USEF Beginner Novice Test B; Jumps 2’3” max
Beg. Novice:
2014 USEF Beginner Novice Test B; Jumps 2’7” max
2014 USEF Novice Test B; Jumps 2’11” max
Novice Plus:
2014 USEF Training Test B; Stadium 3’3 max; XC 2’11 max (HT only)
2014 USEF Training Test B; Jumps 3’3” max
2014 USEF Preliminary Test B; Jumps 3’7” max
2014 USEF Intermediate Test B; Jumps 3’11” max
Entry Fees
Horse Trials
Combined Tests:
Dressage Tests:
Stadium Schooling Rounds:
Office Fee:
BREA Members
Entry Submission: Entries should be mailed to show secretary listed below & must be RECEIVED no later than the closing date. Entries must
include Entry Form, USEA Release, check payable to BREA, & a Current Negative Coggins test (within 12 months of show date). Incomplete
entries will be placed on a waiting list until all paperwork is received – no ride time will be assigned until all paperwork rec’d. Late entries MAY be
accepted and a $10 late fee charged, at the Show Secretary’s discretion. Scratches prior to closing date will receive a full refund less a $10 office fee.
After closing date, NO refunds will be given. Entries may have to sign additional liability waivers the day of the show.
***Entries can now be paid via PayPal on the BREA website.***
Show Secretary/Show Manager/Volunteer Coordinator:
Leah Allen
3850 Horse Farm Rd
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Directions to GHPEC: 2961 Harborwood Road, Salem, VA, 24153
Exit 137 off I-81. Turn towards Salem on Wildwood Road. At intersection with Route 11/460, turn right. Go through two lights. At third light, turn
left onto Duiduids Lane. Cross RR tracks and pass first entrance to Green Hill Park. Go another mile to the Equestrian Center trailer entrance on your
right. There is separate entrance for vehicles not pulling a trailer further down the road.
Other information: Contact show manager to volunteer. Starting times will be emailed to competitors and available by phone on the Thursday before the show.
Times will also be posted on All riders, competing or non-competing, at all times on the competition grounds must wear a riding helmet which
meets or exceeds ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) standards for equestrian use and carries the SEI tag,with the
exception of riders age 18 & over competing at the FEI levels & tests at the Prix St. Georges and above. The headgear and harness must be secured and properly fitted.
Any rider violating this rule at any time will immediately be prohibited from further riding until such headgear is properly in place. At all horse trials, riders will ride
their stadium round & then report immediately to cross country, thus riders should ride their stadium round in cross country attire. All dogs MUST be leashed. Owners
of impounded dogs will be fined $35. Concessions will be available. Dress is casual, but neat and tidy. Half chaps are allowed. Medical armbands must be worn when
jumping. Ribbons will be awarded to 6th place. Combined Test divisions will be divided into Junior/Young Rider & Senior, unless there are 2 or fewer in a division. If
no age is stated on the entry form, it will be assumed that the rider is a Senior competitor (over 18). Show management reserves the right to combine, divide, or cancel
classes as entries warrant. USEF rules will be followed unless otherwise noted by show management. No more than 2 consecutive levels of Combined Tests may be
entered. Paid schooling rounds are only permitted after the entry has completed their judged jumping round(s).
BREA Show Entry Form
October 18, 2015
Closing Date October 18, 2015
(Please make as many copies as needed – one horse/rider combination per entry form.)
Horse: ______________________________________
Rider: ____________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Owner: ___________________________________
Rider’s Full Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Rider’s Phone Number: ___________________________
Adult: ☐
BREA Member?: Yes
Under 18: ☐ DOB________ (if under 18)
Horse Gender: ☐Mare ☐Gelding ☐Stallion
Horse age as of 1/1/15:_______
OTTB:☐Yes ☐No
Pony: ☐Yes ☐No
Horse Trial Level: (only one level may be entered, add'l dressage tests allowed)
Combined Test Level(s): (no more than 2 consecutive levels)
Dressage Test(s)
Schooling Jumper Rounds (pick up voucher at check in)
Office Fee:
Stabling: ______ stalls @ $20/stall
Total Amount Due:
(Checks payable to BREA.)
BREA Team Sign Up
Teams can be mixed (young and adult riders)
Individual scores will be adjusted by the level coefficient.
Training/Novice Plus (.08) Novice (.09) Beginner Novice (1) Advanced Green (1.1) Green (1.2)
Best three scores will apply to team score. Results available at conclusion of the entire show day.
Your Name:_______________________________________________
Name of Team:____________________________________________
Name:______________________________________ Level:________________________________________
Name:______________________________________ Level:________________________________________
Name:______________________________________ Level:________________________________________
Name:______________________________________ Level:________________________________________
Just put me with a scramble team…
Level being ridden: ______________________________________________
USEA Release Form
For USEA Educational Activities & Schooling Shows
Name of Activity/Schooling Show: 2015 Blue Ridge Eventing Association Competition
Date(s) to be held: Oct 18, 2015
Location: Green Hill Park Equestrian Center
State: Salem, VA
I have applied to participate in this USEA sponsored educational activity. I agree that my participation is subject to the Conditions in this release and to
those set by the organizer of this activity, the regulations and requirements of the USEA, and, where applicable, the U.S. Equestrian Federation Rules for
I agree to wear protective headgear when riding. When jumping, I agree to wear protective headgear passing or surpassing the ASTM/SEI standards with
harness attached that meets standards currently imposed by the U.S. Equestrian Rules for Eventing. I understand that the USEA mandates that all riders
participating in cross-country activity wear body-protecting vests that meet or exceed current USEF rules and the wearing of an approved medical armband.
I understand that the sport of eventing is a high risk sport, and that my participation in this educational activity may also involve participation in an "equine
activity" as defined by applicable laws and is solely at my own risk. I understand that my participation involves all inherent risks associated with the dangers
and conditions which are an integral part of equine activities, including, but not limited to, the propensity of equines to behave in ways which may result in
injury, harm or even death to humans or other animals around or near them; the unpredictability of equine reaction to sounds, sudden movements, smells,
and unfamiliar objects; persons or other animals; hazards related to surface and subsurface conditions; collisions with other equines or objects; and, the
potential of a participant to act in a negligent or unskilled manner which may contribute to injury to the participant or others, including failing or inability to
maintain control over the animal. By participating in this activity I agree to assume responsibility for those risks, and I release and agree to hold harmless
the activity organizer, organizing committee, officials, the USEA, USEF, their officers, agents, employees and the volunteers assisting in the conduct of this
USEA educational activity and the owners of any property on which it is to be held, from all liability for negligence resulting in accidents, damage, injury or
illness to myself and to my property, including the horse(s) which I may ride.
I understand and agree that the organizer of this USEA educational activity has the right to cancel this activity; to refuse any entry or application; to require
and enforce the wearing of safety or other attire and the conduct of riders, horses, and visitors; and to prohibit, stop or control any action during the
activity deemed by the organizer to be improper or unsafe.
Participant’s Name (Please Print):_________________________________________________________________________________________
City:_________________________________________________State:__________________________________ ZIP:______________________
Phone: ____________________Cell Phone: __________________Emergency Contact phone: ________________________________________
Fax: ____________________________________Email:________________________________________________________________________
Trainers Name (At this Event): ________________________________________________Phone:______________________________________
Number of horses I will be riding during activity (if applicable):________________
Level now riding (Check one if applicable):
□ Beginner Novice □ Novice □ Training □ Preliminary □ Intermediate □ Advanced
Check appropriate box:
□ I am a USEA member and my number is #:____________________________
□ I am not a USEA member
□ I am not a USEA member. I wish to join and enclose my membership form and dues.
□ Check here if participant is under 18 years old.
SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________Date:______________________________
(If Participant is under 18, Release must be signed by Parent or legal guardian, not by trainer or instructor.)
Event Entry Checklist:
) Entry Form
) USEA Release
) BREA Release
) Coggins
) Check made payable to BREA/ PayPal payment sent
Incomplete entries will be placed on a waiting list until all paperwork/payment is received. Late entries
will be subject to a $10 late fee.