Naples Quiltmaker - Naples Quilters Guild


Naples Quiltmaker - Naples Quilters Guild
Naples Quiltmaker
June 2011
NQA Chapter # FL 621
President’s Message
Summer days are upon us but it seems that quilters never have lazy days. I have two wedding
quilts to complete – one for June and one for October. I need to prepare to go to Sisters,
Oregon to Quilter’s Affair in early July. I’ll be taking two days of thread painting from Barbara
Shapel and two days of intuitive design class from Jean Wells. The last day I’m making a fun
quilt called Garden Party led by Australian teacher, Kathy Doughty. She owns a quilt shop
―down under ―called Material Obsession. Quilters from Gee’s Bend, Alabama will also be in
residence this year, teaching their quilting style and performing music from their culture. If any
of you are ever interested in participating in these classes and the outdoor quilt show, I will be
glad to talk to you about it.
Our guild will be busy this summer as there is no rest for the keepers of the fabric. Marlene
Meloney and Grace O’Connor, our 2013 raffle quilt co-chairs, have decided that we are going
to make a colorful pineapple quilt with an appliquéd border. Come to our June meeting to
learn how to make the quilt that is featured in the book, Positively Pineapple by Lynda Milligan
and Nancy Smith. If you have one of the Pineapple Rulers, bring it and we will show you
how to use it to make this quilt.
June will also begin the three part Summer Serial Muscovy Mystery quilt class, taught by your
favorite mystery quilt teacher – ME. The class will be held on the same days as Gathering
Stitches from 9:30 to 11:30 in June, July and September. You can stay and work on your
―clues‖ for the remainder of the day. Sign up soon with Linda Biondino and she will give you a
supply list.
You may be missing our ―sleeping princess‖. I was informed that she ran off with the Pillsbury
Dough Boy who extended his ―charms‖ and promised her Jelly Rolls and Layer Cakes. However, we want to continue to focus our efforts to make comfort quilts for the children of
Naples. We are broadening our delivery channel and will now be donating our quilts to the
Children’s Advocacy Center of Collier County. Thanks for your great response as the Board
announced this change at the May meeting. The mission of the CAC is to minimize trauma to
abused children and enhance families’ capabilities to provide a safe environment. They have
asked that we make quilts that are approximately 60‖ by 60‖. If you have specific questions
about this organization or the quilts that we will donate, please contact Alice Gaertner, our
Community Services Chair or go to their web site – Alice and her committee have made a site visit to CAC and have done due diligence on the work of this charitable group.
Don’t forget to look for great quilting tools in unexpected places. In Betty New’s advanced
machine quilting class she gave each of us a small, thin piece of wood to use to steady our machine foot when sewing free-motion straight lines. It worked very well. I was showing Bev
Young and her Naples Quilters Club the ―ironing‖ tool that I got from Deb Karasik’s paper
piecing class. Bev said that we could all get the same type of tool at a hardware or paint store.
Just ask for a small wallpaper roller! Who knew! If you have a great tool from an unexpected
source, let me know and we’ll get the word out to everyone.
Program News
Supply list for
Muscovy Mystery
June 2011
Page 2
News From Your Program Chair
News from Your Program Chair
Do you feel intimidated with some of the classes that are given? Or do the supply lists scare you off? Well please, please,
please don’t be! The class is to learn the technique. Most of the time you never get beyond the first block in class. My
rule is to generally always hit up my stash. If I like the technique, then I’ll hit the fabric store after class for my next quilt!
If not my one block is proudly hanging in my sewing room. Right now I’m looking at one block of ‘Eye of the Piper’ with
Susan Cleveland, a ‘Hollow Cube’ from Marci Baker and One quarter of one ‘Batik Wheel’ from Deb Karasik up on my
design wall! The memories and the technique will not fade if I stare at them every day!
May: Thank You Brenda for Zentangles! For those of you who missed our meeting, here’s a sample! Do this on a
little swatch of fabric with Micron pens and turn it into a great pin cushion!
& Thank You Betty! For your great Advanced Quilting Class! Next
year’s show should be fabulous with all the great ideas.
June 16– It’s already June, so that means March of 2013 is right around
the corner! Come for a fun filled PINEAPPLE night and help start the
2013 raffle quilt! Come prepared to work! Bring rotary cutters, cutting
mats, rulers to cut strips, PINEAPPLE rulers if you have one, and please,
please, please a few sewing machines! Think in BRIGHT colors, after all
we are in the Tropics! Join Marlene Meloney and Grace O’Connor in our
2013 Raffle Quilt Kick off! And for those of you who just want to socialize, bring your knitting!
AND Squeezing into the summer….
The last Saturday of JUNE, JULY and SEPTEMBER from
9:30 – 11:30 at GGCC with Judy Bauckham, $25 fee
(see supply list included in this newsletter and also on the web….)
July 21 – MOVIE NIGHT! Is this becoming a trend? Come and enjoy ―Thread Therapy with Dr. Bob‖ Sit and
relax with popcorn and treats and have all your thread questions answered while laughing and learning!
August 18 - *** LOG CABINS ** Special program with Bev Young
August 20 – Log Cabin Workshop with Bev Young all day event
Class and lunch will be at Ridgeway’s Bar and Grill, 1300 3 rd St. So
From 9:30 to 4:30 Fee: $35 Supply list to follow.
September 15 – Gift Giving Around the Corner
A fun night of gift making demonstrations, Get busy! Holiday’s are Coming!
October 20 - Melinda Bula
October 21 & 22 2-Day Workshop with Melinda Bula
check out
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June 2011
October – Three, Four and Other Odd Triangle units. Join this class to learn three piece and four piece triangle units. Learn to
create these units using several different method, Sew and Slice, Trimming points and using other tools to create these
triangles. You will make three different units for your journal and have several patterns to create quilts.
November – Designing with Triangles
Students will learn to be creative with triangle units. This meeting will focus on creating original triangle designs which
can then be made into quilts. Small design elements will create multiple original designs units. Students will draw on paper
to create these quilts and we will not be using machines in this class. Join us to open up your creative side.
So, CALL me, EMAIL me, FIND me on FACEBOOK, but please, please sign up for class……
See you soon, your Program Chair…. Linda B.
June 16, 2011
Monthly Meeting 7:00 Emmanuel Lutheran Church Pineapple
June 25, 2011
Gathering Stitches—Golden Gate Community Center 10 to 4
June 25, 2011
Muscovy Mystery Quilt Golden Gate Community Center
9:30— 11:30 Judy Bauckham
July 21, 2011
Monthly Meeting 7:00 Emmanuel Lutheran Church Movie
July 30, 2011
Gathering Stitches—Golden Gate Community Center 10 to 4
July 30, 2011
Muscovy Mystery Quilt Golden Gate Community Center
9:30— 11:30 Judy Bauckham
August 18, 2011
Monthly Meeting 7:00 Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Log Cabins
August 20, 2011
Log Cabin Workshop - Bev Young - Ridgeway Bar & Grill
August 27, 2011
Gathering Stitches—Golden Gate Community Center 10 to 4
September 15, 2011
Monthly Meeting 7:00 Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Gift Making Demos
September 24, 2011
Gathering Stitches—Golden Gate Community Center 10 to 4
September 24, 2011
Muscovy Mystery Quilt Golden Gate Community Center
9:30— 11:30 Judy Bauckham
October 20,2011
Monthly Meeting 7:00 Emmanuel Lutheran Church—
Melinda Bula
October 21, 2011
Workshop with Melinda Bula
October 22, 2011
Workshop with Melinda Bula
October 29, 2011
Gathering Stitches—Golden Gate Community Center 10 to 4
November 26, 2011
Gathering Stitches—Golden Gate Community Center 10 to 4
Page 5
June 2011
Please join us for Gathering Stitches at the Golden Gate Community Center on Saturday,
June 25. We'll be in the auditorium. A lot of our snowbird members have left and the slower summer
months are ahead of us. So now is the time to practice what we've learned in all those great classes we took
with the national teachers. It's a great place to work on any project without interruptions. You may want
to bring a cushion to be more comfy as we sew, chat and have a great time!! We will have risers for the tables for sandwiching a quilt, cords if you want to bring your sewing machine, irons and ironing surfaces, and
of course lots of socializing. There's usually someone to help with whatever quilting problem you have or
it's a great place to finish those projects you started in a class. If you need help with a certain technique or
problem, let me or Grace know and we'll try to come up with an experienced helper just for you. Come
for the day or a couple hours. Bring your lunch or there's plenty of places close by. We are very lucky the
guild provides us with this opportunity to just have fun and socialize so please take advantage of it and join
us on June 25. Marlene & Grace
Renewals / New Members / Corrections
Marlene ―Mo‖ Bonner
Bonnie Buchholz
Barbara Esch
182 Cocohatchee Blvd
239-566-3823 (H)
Naples, FL 34110
239-598-3752 (W)
3841 27th Ave SW
239-353-0158 (H)
Naples, FL 34117
239-784-3533 (C)
3705 Cartwright Ct.
239-498-1761 (H)
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Sue Hobson
2100 Cascades Dr # 11
239-417-0056 (H)
Naples, FL 34112
Elmet House
9 Fairleigh Rise
Kingston Langley
Wiltshire SN15 5QF
01144 1249 750213
Patricia Huisjen
9471 Cedar Creek Dr
239-405-7790 (H)
Bonita Springs, FL 34135
261 Blanchard Rd
Gloversville, NY
Connie Junghans
15772 Caloosa Creek Cr
239-466-8515 (H)
Ft Myers, FL 33908
Eileen Keenan
5416 Freeport
239-431-7253 (H)
Naples, FL 34119
Mitchell Lane
Block Island, RI 02807
Christine Kruman
Claire Legris
3683 Exuma Way
239-591-4041 (H)
Naples, FL 34119
239-403-4206 W)
1798 Harbor Ln
239-793-2346 (H)
Naples, FL 34104
Margaret Logan
7885 Cocobay Dr
Naples, FL 34108
239-597-4486 (H)
10/15/11 to
PO Box 662
Buffalo, NY 14205
Page 6
June 2011
Renewals / New Members / Corrections (Continued)
Jean McNamara
8437 Abbington Cr
239-566-2958 (H)
Naples, FL 34108
Dorothy Pondy
3531 El Verdado Ct
239-566-3457 (H)
Naples, FL 34109
Nov 1 to Mar
463 Ivy Thicket Cr
Burnsville, NC 38714
Helen Schoennagel
4268 25th Ave SW
239-455-1861 (H)
Naples, FL 34116
Jude Wimbiscus
7415 Plumbago Bridge Rd
239-598-0938 (H)
Naples, FL 34109
1017 31st St
Peru, IL 61354
Lisa Zeller
2365 Mayfield Ct
239-434-6877 (H)
3201 70th St SW
239-263-0929 (H)
Naples, FL 34105
239-293-5032 (C)
754 Nautilus Ct
239-642-0806 (H)
Marco Island, FL 34145
239-248-9288 (C)
2855 66th St SW
239-537-0005 (H)
Naples, FL 34105
239-552-7878 (W)
Naples, FL 34105
Kris Doyle
Elaine Gustafson
Connie Rumberger
Sue Macarone’s correct email address is
Davie Harrington’s correct email address is
Susan Buckler’s correct address is 27646 Garrett Street
Judy Bauckham’s correct cell phone number is 239-395-5966
Minutes for the May 19, 2011 meeting will be published in the July issue of the newsletter
Do not discard those aluminum tabs from soda cans! The Ronald McDonald House in Fort Myers needs them. Bring
them to the meetings and give them to me. Thank You!
Aloyse Yorko
June 2011
Page 7
Almost Finished!
These two quilt tops were donated by Cheryl Devlin. They will be auctioned off to raise money for the NQG. Please email
Alice at or call her with your bid. All bids must contain your name and telephone number in
addition to your bid amount. If your bid is topped, I will contact you to offer you the option of putting in a new bid. The quilt
tops will be on display at the May and June meetings and bidding will be over and the winner(s) of the quilt tops announced at
the June meeting. When you bid, please indicate which quilt top you are bidding on, i.e. ―Top 1‖ or Top 2.‖
Top 1
This lovely Nine Patch is 64‖ X 84.‖ It needs a few seams re-sewn and then is ready for sandwiching and quilting. It also needs
to be washed.
Top 2
This quilt top is 57‖ X 73.‖ The plain blocks have a penciled floral silhouette—ready for quilting. Or, you can appliqué a
flower over the pencil marks and sandwich and quilt as you desire. Again, the top is badly in need of washing but I didn’t want
to even iron it over the pencil marks. (Based on prior experience with older quilts, the pencil marks will not wash out.)
Top 1
Get your bid in now. Time is almost up.
Top 2
Naples Quilters Guild
Peggy Simmons
1618 E. Mt Vernon Ln
Naples, FL 34110
The following shops give a discount or punch card on selected items. for — Mary Meek
Madsen Sewing Machine Repair
Jo-Ann Fabrics
Quilt Lover’s Hangout
S.E.W. Studio
Gabriella’s Yarn Shop
Our meetings are the third Thursday of the month, 7:00 p.m. at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, located at 777 Mooringline Drive in Naples.