elements - Prestigious Textiles
elements - Prestigious Textiles
ELEMENTS ELEMENTS Ethereal references to weather-worn walls and sophisticated damasks combine with optical effects, pinstripes and marbled swirls in the Elements book of vinyl wallcoverings. Colourways continue the dramatic tension by embracing moody blues, oxidised reds, rich purples and lustrous metallics. 1 2 STRATOS In colourway Midas. Also Available in Inca, Moonstone, Opal and Granite. 3 CERAMICA In colourway Midas. Also available in Opal (see page 13), Inca, Moonstone, Topaz and Granite. 4 MARMO In colourway Topaz. Also available in Inca, Moonstone, Opal, Granite and Gilt. 5 LINEA In colourway Inca. Also available in Midas, Moonstone, Topaz, Opal and Granite. 6 7 LINEA In colourway Midas. 8 QUARTZ in colourway Moonstone. Also available in Inca, Topaz, Opal and Granite. 9 HELIO In colourway Opal. Also available in Midas, Moonstone and Granite. 10 AURORA In colourway Granite. Also available in Inca, Opal and Gilt. 11 OXIDE In colourway Granite. Also available in Midas, Moonstone, Topaz and Opal. 12 CONTACTS CERAMICA UNITED KINGDOM GERMANY 4 Cross Lane, Westgate Hill Street, Josef-Deuber-Staße 12, Bradford BD4 0SG England 72393 Melchingen, Deutschland Tel: (44) 01274 688448 Tel: 0049 7126 9287 0 Fax: (44) 01274 689560 Fax: 0049 7126 9287 20 Email: mail@prestigious.co.uk Email: info@prestigious-textiles.de www.prestigious.co.uk www.prestigious-textiles.de CHINA IRELAND 1501 Huixin International Edifice No. 333 Block 0, Ballymount Drive Ballymount Road, Yishan Road. Shanghai, P.C. 200030, China Walkinstown, Dublin 12, Ireland Tel: +86 (0)21 6468 5336 Tel: 353 (0) 1456 8280 Fax: +86 (0)21 6468 5339 Fax: 353 (0) 1456 8278 Email: info@prestigious.cn Email: info@prestigious.ie In colourway Opal. www.prestigious.co.uk FRANCE Bat Eole B Paris Nord 2 33 Rue Des Vanesses BP 58329 Villepinte 95941 Roissy Ch De Gaulle, Cedex, France Tel: (33) 148 14 37 37 Fax: (33) 148 14 37 38 Email: contact@prestigioustextilesfrance.com SOUTH AFRICA 1 Sidon Street, North End, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Tel: (041) 487 3434 Fax: (041) 487 3432 Branch Offices: JNB (011) 315 5017 CPT (021) 461 2929 DUR (031) 207 1306 BFN (051) 405 9800 PRY (012) 460 4280 Email: info@prestigious.co.za www.prestigious.co.za VENUS In colourway Granite. Also available in Inca, Moonstone, Topaz, Opal and Gilt. 13 14 15