City Hall Gouncil Chambers - Post an Event
City Hall Gouncil Chambers - Post an Event
City of Quinte West Council Agenda May 16, 2016 City Hall Gouncil Chambers Call to Order 6:00 p.m. 1. Closed Session of Council a) The review of the Minutes of the Closed Session Council Meeting held on May 16,2016. (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (d) of the Municipal Act) b) The review of the MÍnutes of the Closed Session Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on April 28, 2016. (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (c) of the Municipal Act) c) Report regarding security of the property of the municipality or local board (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (a) of the Municipal Act). 6:30 p.m. Public Session of Council 2. Opening 2.1 NationalAnthem - "O Canada" 2.2 Opening 2.3 Opening Remarks 3 Return to Open Session 4 Approval of Agenda a) Agenda - May 16,2016 Resolution: That the Agenda for the May 16,2016 Regular Council Meeting be approved. 5. Approval of Minutes a) Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on May 2,2016 Resolution: That the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on May 2, 2016 be approved; And further that the Minutes of the Closed Session Council Meeting held on May 2,2016 be approved. 6. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature thereof 7. Delegations and Petitions 7.1 Delegations a) John Williams will address Mayor Harrison and Council to present a proposal for a memorial honouring the late Hugh O'Neil. b) Jim Pine, Chief Administrative Officer for the County of Hastings will address Mayor Harrison and Councif regarding the Eastern Ontario Regional Network Project. c) Denise Cumming, Executive Director and Colleen Lawrie, Board Chair of University Hospitals Kingston Foundation will provide an update, following which Mayor Harrison will present them with a cheque for the City's 2016 funding support. d) Paul Kerwin of Quinte Search and Rescue will address Mayor Harrison and Council to provide an outline of their accomplishments and future projects. e) Wade Watts, President of Wheelchair Friendly Solutions will address Mayor Harrison and Council regarding accessibility. I Public lnput I Committee Reports, Staff Reports and Approval of Accounts 9.1 C.A.O a) Staff Report 16-014CAO from Charlie Murphy, Chief Administrative Officer regarding Quinte West Growing Community Gardens - Request for Land Lease. Resolution: That City of Quinte West Council approves in principle the lease of an approximately 3 acre parcel of City owned land located on the northwest end of Guelph Street to Quinte West Community Gardens as illustrated on Appendix 1 to Staff Report 16-014CAO. b) Staff Report 16-010EDT from Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development & Tourism Services regarding proposed amalgamation of Bay of Quinte Tourist Council Board and the Bay of Quinte Living Councif Board. Resolution: That Quinte West Council supports in principle the proposal as presented jointly by the Bay of Quinte Tourist Council and the Bay of Quinte Living Council to merge into one Board in 2017 . c) Minutes of the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on April 28, 2016. Resolution: That the Minutes of the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on April 28, 2016 be approved; And further that the Minutes of the Closed Session Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee meeting held on April 28, 2016 be approved. 9.2 Corporate & Financial Services a) Staff Report 16-066CFS from Kevin Heath, City Clerk regarding Liability lnformation Request - Anti-Whistle By-law. Resolution: That Staff Report 16-066CFS regarding Liability lnformation Request - Anti-Whistle By-law be received as information b) Minutes of the Corporate & Financial Services Committee Meeting held on May 4,2016. Resolution: That the Minutes of the Corporate & Financial Services Committee Meeting held on May 4, 2016 be approved. 9.3 Planning & Development Services: a) Minutes of the Planning Advisory Committee Meeting held on April21, 2016. Resolution: That the Minutes of the Planning Advisory Committee Meeting held on April21,2016 be approved. 9.4 Public Works & Environmental Services a) Minutes of the Public Works & Environmental Services Committee Meeting held on May 10,2016. Resolution: That the Minutes of the Public Works & Environmental Services Committee Meeting held on May 10,2016 be approved. 10. Correspondence for Council Decision 10.1 Proclamations a) Correspondence from Bladder Cancer Canada requesting that May be proclaimed as "Bladder Cancer Awareness Month" in the City of Quinte West. Resolution: That May be proclaimed as "Bladder Cancer Awareness Month" in the City of Quinte West. 11. Bylaws Corporate & Financial Services 16-066 Being a By-law to establish the Municipal Tax Reduction Policy for properties in the Commercial, Industrial, Multi-Residential Property Classes for the year 2016. 16-067 Being a By-law to requisition the sums required for School Board purposes, and to establish the tax rates to be levied for same by the Corporation of the City of Quinte West for the year 2016. (2016 Education Levy) 16-068 Being a By-law to establish tax ratios for prescribed property classes (2016 Tax Ratio) 16-069 Being a By-law to adopt the estimates for all sums required during the year 2016 for the general and special purposes of the City of Quinte West and to establish rates to be levied for the same. (2016 Tax Rate) 16-070 Being a By-law to establish decrease limits for certain property classes 16-071 Being a By-law to impose rates for the year 2016 on properties designated in the Downtown Business lmprovement Area (D.B.l.A.) and to authorize the levying and collections thereof. (2016 D.B.l.A. Rate) 16-072 Being a By-law to adopt the Water/Sewer Policy for the City of Quinte West Planning & Development Services: 16-062 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 14-86, as amended, of the City of Quinte West, to make various housekeeping amendments. (General Amendment 2) 16-063 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 14-86, as amended, to rezone a property located at 635 Airport Road in Part of Lot 20, Concession 7, geographic Township of Sidney, now in the City of Quínte West from the Rural (RU) Zone to Rural Residential (RR) Zone. (House Rezoning - 635 Airport Road) 16-064 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 14-86, as amended, to rezone a property located at 136 Highway 33 in Part of Lot 3, Concession 2, geographic Township of Murray, now in the City of Quinte West from the Light lndustrial (LM) to Corridor Commercial (CC) Zone. (993737 Ontario Limited Rezoning - 136 Highway 33) Being a By-law to authorize the signing of a Subdivision Agreement for a residential subdivision comprised of fifty-eight (58) residential lots, one (1) block for storm water management, one (1) block for the construction of a pumping station and one (1) block containing an existing dwelling, two (2) blocks designated as 0.3 metre reserves including roadways identified as Autumn Grove, Spartan Court and Ambrosia Terrace; being Phase 1 of the Orchard Lane Subdivision located in Part of Lot 8, Concession 2, geographic Township of Murray, now in the City of Quinte West. (AgreementAuthorization - Orchard Lane, Phase 1) 16-065 Resolution: That these by-laws be read a first, second and third time. And that said by-laws having now been read and passed, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the same. 12. Correspondence for Council lnformation 12.1 Printed a) Correspondence from David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services outlining Accounts Payable City General April/May 2016 in the amount of $1,778,585.55; and Accounts Payable Exceeding $10,000 in the amount of $1,696,909.92. b) Staff Report 16-067CFS from David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Fi nancial Services regard in g Water/l/r/astewater Pol icy U pd ate. c) Minutes of the Committee of Adjustment Meeting held on April 14,2016 d) Correspondence from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) regarding Multi-Residential Assessment Methodology Change e) Resolution passed by the Region of Niagara fon¡rarded to the Minister of Health and the Minister of Health and Long Term Care regarding Lyme Disease. 0 Resolution passed by the Township of Perry regarding "No Wake" restrictions. s) Resolution passed by the Town of Essex regarding Widening Highway 3 to lmprove Public Safety. h) Resolution passed by the Town of Amherstburg supporting Bill 180 Workers Day of Mourning Act, 2016. 12.2 i) Resolution passed by the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg regarding Bill 180, Workers Day of Mourning Act. i) Resolution passed by the Town of Amherstburg supporting the City of Windsor's resolution regarding the Marathon Petroleum Facility. Non-Printed a) None Resolution: That the correspondence printed for Council information and the non-printed items for Council information be received and filed 13. Councillor Requests for lnformation 14. Confirmation By-law a) Confirmation By-law Resolution: That Confirmation By-law 16-073 for the May 16,2016 Council meeting now be read a first, second and third time and be signed and sealed 15. Adjournment a) Adjournment Resolution: That Council now adjourn at p.m City of Quinte West Regular Council Minutes Monday, May 2,2016 1. City Hall Gouncil Chambers Call to Order Mayor Harrison called to order the Regular meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Quinte West at 6:00 p.m. 2. Members Present Mayor Jim Harrison Deputy Mayor Jim Alyea Councillor Duncan Armstrong Councillor Allan DeWitt Councillor Sally Freeman Councillor Michael Kotsovos Councillor Don Kuntze Councillor Fred Kuypers Councillor Rob Maclntosh Councillor David McCue Councillor Keith Reid Councillor Karen Sharpe Councillor Bob Wannamaker 3. Staff Present: Mr. Charlie Murphy, Chief Administrative Officer Mr. David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services Mr. Chris Angelo, Director of Public Works & Environmental Services Mr. Brian Jardine, Director of Planning & Development Services (regrets) Mr. Kevin Heath, City Clerk Ms. Lori Coxwell-Duncan, Manager of Human Resources Mr. John Whelan, Fire Chief (regrets) lnspector Mike Reynolds, Quinte West O.P.P. 4. Closed Session of Council Motion No. l6-116 Moved by Freeman Seconded by Reid - Closed Session Monday, May 2,2016 Council Minutes That Council move into closed session at 6:00 p.m. pursuant to Section 239 of the MunicipalAct for: 5. a) The review of the Minutes of the Closed Session Council Meeting held on April 18, 2016. (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (c) and (d) of the Municipal Act) b) Confidential Staff Report from Lori Coxwell-Duncan, Manager of Human Resources regarding labour relations (Pursuant to Section 239 (2) (d) of the MunicipalAct). Return to Open Session Motion No. 16-117 Moved by Sharpe Seconded by Alyea - Return to Open Session That Council now returns to open session at 6:30 p.m. Carried 6- Opening 2.1 NationalAnthem - "O Canada" 2.2 Opening 2.3 Opening Remarks 7. Approval of Agenda Motion No. 16-1 18 - Approval of Agenda Moved by Armstrong Seconded by DeWitt That the Agenda for the May 2,2016 Regular Council Meeting be approved Garried 8. Approval of Minutes Motion No. 16-119 - Approval of Minutes Moved by Kuntze Seconded by Sharpe That the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on April 18, 2016 be approved; Monday, May 2,2016 Council Minutes And further that the Minutes of the Closed Session Council Meeting held on April 18, 2016 be approved. Garried 9. Disclosure of Pecuniary lnterest and the General Nature thereof 10. Delegations and Petitions 10.1. Delegations a) Rob MacDonald addressed Mayor Harrison and Council on behalf of the Trenton Golden Hawks 2017 Dudley-Hewitt Committee and presented a funding request in the amount of $100,000 to be split over two years. It was the consensus of Council that a decision be made at the next Council Meeting. 11. b) Constable David Ludington, Quinte West OPP addressed Mayor Harrison and Council to provide an update on mobility scooters and e-bikes. c) Catherine Barr of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation addressed Mayor Harrison and Councilto provide an update on the 2016 Reassessment. Public lnput Colette Richardson and Claire Marchand expressed their interest in taking over the Quinte West Community Greenhouse. 12. Committee Reports, Staff Reports and Approval of Accounts 12.1. Corporate & Financial Services Motion No. 16-120 - Staff Report 16-059CFS Moved by Maclntosh Seconded by McCue - Quinte Access Request That Council acknowledge receipt of a letter from Quinte Access dated April 13, 2016 requesting use of the Front Street (nofth side) parking lot to host their Sunday Night Cruise shows commencing May 151h,2016 thru Septemberfrom approximately 3:30 pm to 8:00 pm; And further requesting continued use of the Amphitheatre for their larger car shows for the 2016 season; Monday, May 2,2016 Council Minutes And further requesting downtown closure being Dundas Street West from Front St. to Division St, from 1:00 pm - 8:30 pm on Sunday, June 1gth, 2016 to host a special Downtown Sunday Cruise Night car show in honour of Fathers' D"y; And further that Council approve the said request. Garried Staff Report l6-060CFS - Community Gardens Request The following was the consensus of Council: That Council acknowledge receipt of a letter dated April22,2016 from Colette Richardson, and other members, advising of their intent to take over the management of the existing Quinte West Community Greenhouse and Gardens organization and requesting that the City support this project by donating viable lands with access to water, in which the existing beds, garden shed and greenhouse can be relocated; And fufther that staff be directed to investigate the matter and prepare a report for Council consideration. 12.2. Public Works & Environmental Services Motion No. 16-121 Minutes Moved by Alyea Seconded by Reid - Public Works & Environmental Services Committee That the Minutes of the Public Works & Environmental Services Committee Meeting held on April 12,2A16 be approved. Carried 13. Correspondence for Council Decision 13.1. Proclamations Motion No. l6-122 -Proclamations Moved by McCue Seconded by Alyea That May 14,2016 be proclaimed as "Accessibility Awareness Day" in the City of Quinte West; And further that the City of Quinte West recognize May 13,2016 as the 24th Anniversary of Falun Dafa's (also known as Falun Gong) introduction to the public by forwarding a greeting message to the Falun Dafa Association of Canada in recognition of the anniversary. Carried Monday, May 2,2016 Council Minutes 14. Bylaws Motion No. l6-123 - By-laws Moved by Wannamaker Seconded by McCue That the following by-laws be read a first, second and third time Corporate & Financial Services 16-054 Being a By-law to authorize the signing of a Release of an Open Drainage Swale Easement, 136 North Trent Street, Frankford Ward, Quinte West. 16-055 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Tax Arrears Extension Agreement pursuant to Section 378 of The Municipal Act, 2001. 16-056 Being a By-law to authorize the signing of an agreement between the Corporation of the City of Quinte West, the Quinte West Police Services Board and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, as Represented by the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services. (Community Policing Partnerships Program #4) 16-057 Being a By-law to authorize the signing of an agreement between the Corporation of the City of Quinte West, the Quinte West Police Services Board and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, as Represented by the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services. (Safer Communities - 1000 Officers Partnership Program Amendment #3) 16-058 Being a By-law to adopt a Purchasing Policy for the City of Quinte West. 16-059 Being a By-law to authorize the Corporation of the City of Quinte West to enter into an agreement with Canada Company: Many Ways to Serve (Canada Company) for the acquisition of a Light Armoured Vehicle (LAVI ll) Monument. 16-061 Being a By-law to authorize the Corporation of the City of Quinte West to enter into an agreement with TCS Realty Co, Ltd. (SUPPLEMENTARY) Council Minutes Monday, May 2,2016 Resolution: That these by-laws be read a first, second and third time. And that said by-laws having now been read and passed, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and sealthe same. Carried 15. Correspondence for Council lnformation 15.1. Printed a) Correspondence from David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services outlining Accounts Payable City GeneralApril20l6 in the amount of $4,984,076.16; and Accounts Payable Exceeding $10,000 in the amount o1 $4,612,855.27 . b) Staff Report 16-051CFS from David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services regarding Purchasing Policy Update. c) Minutes of the Quinte Conservation Executive Committee held on February 19,2016. d) Minutes of the Lower Trent Conservation Board of Directors Meeting held on March 10,2016. e) Minutes of the Hastings/Quinte Long-Term Care Committee Meeting held on March 9, 2016. 0 Minutes of the Hastings/Quinte Social Services Committee Meeting held on March 9,2016. g) Correspondence from South East Local Health lntegration Network (LHIN) regarding a summary of the process and data supporting recommendations to increase long-term care home capacity in the South East LHIN. h) Correspondence from Joe Kim, Front St. Variety regarding ban on use of plastic shopping bags. i) Resolution from the Township of South Frontenac endorsing the resolution passed by the Township of Georgian Bay requesting the implementation of tegislation that would provide authorities with the ability to enforce the "No Wake" restriction on Ontario's navigable waters. j) Resolutíon from the Municipality of Bluewater requesting the Minister of Health and Long Term Care to reinstate incentives for physicians to practice in rural areas of Ontario. Council Minutes k) r) Monday, May 2,2016 Resolution from the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich requesting that the "Municipal Support Resolution" becomes a mandatory requirement in the IESO process, Resolution from the Corporation of the Township of North Stormont that the Ontario Energy Board examine the proposalto expand naturalgas services and make it available to all of Eastern Ontario rural areas. m) Resolution from the City of Welland regarding the development of Provincial Legislation for Private Supportive Living Accommodations n) Resolution from the Corporation of the Town of Prescott supporting Bill 158, Sav¡ng the Girl Next Door Act, 2016. o) Resolution from Clearview Township supporting Bill 158, Savrng the Gírl Next Door Act, 2016. 15.2. Non-Printed a) Applications for Consent: . 811/16M - 3 Glenburnie Drive (Lot Fronts on Telephone Road), Lot 4 Plan 39M-747, Murray o B12l16M - 3 Glenburnie Drive (Lot Fronts on Telephone Road), Lot 4 Plan 39M-747, Murray Motion No. 15-124 - Printed/Non-Printed lnformation Moved by Freeman Seconded by McCue That the correspondence printed for Council information and the non-printed items for Council information be received and filed. Carried 16. Councillor Requests for lnformation 17. Confirmation By-law Motion No. 16-125 - Confirmation By-law Moved by Armstrong Seconded by DeWitt That Confirmation By-law 16-060 for the May 2,2016 Council meeting now be read a first, second and third time and be signed and sealed. Garried Council Minutes Monday, May 2,2016 18. Adjournment Motion No. l6-126 - Adjournment Moved by Reid Seconded by Wannamaker That Council now adjourn at 7:50 p.m. Carried Jim Harrison, Mayor n Heath, City Clerk STAFF REPORT 16-014 CAO A Natural Attraction DATE: May 10, 2016 TO Mayor Jim Harrison and Members of City of Quinte West Council FROM Charlie Murphy, M.Sc., MCIP, RPP Chief Admin istrative Officer RE: Quinte West Growing Community Gardens - Request for Land Lease Recommendations: 1. THAT City of Quinte West Council approves in principle the lease of an approximately 3 acre parcel of City owned land located on the northwest end of Güelph Street to Quinte West Community Gardens as illustrated on Appendix I to Staff Reporl 16-014 CAO. 2. AND THAT the final approval of the lease agreement be conditional on Quinte West Community Gardens submitting a business plan for operating a community garden. Background: C1y of Quinte West Council requested a staff report on a proposal_from Quinte West Community Gardens (OWCG) for the City to lease land to the group for the operation of a community garden. QWCG is a not-for-profit organization. Their mission statement and vision statement are attached hereto. Staff met with representatives of the organization to discuss options for the location of the proposed communit¡r gardens. The current location of the community gardens, previously operated by Quinte West 1 Community Living, is no longer suitable. This location has been selected as the site for the proposed new O.P.P. Operations Centre. locations were discussed with the organization. The preferred site is located on the northwest end of Guelph Street adjacent to the Ward 1 (Trenton) Public Works Operations Centre. The location is illustrated on Appendix I attached hereto. A number of The lands are currently vacant and there are no immediate plans for the development or use of the property by the City. QWCG has a number of logistical issues to resolve. However, they need to secure a location prior to moving to the next step in the business planning. They do not plan on establishing the community garden until spring 2017. Until that time, QWCG will develop their business plan. Some of the issues QWCG needs to resolve include: 1. Financial considerations, including both expenditures and revenues; 2. Marketing, and 3. Short term and long term plans. Some of the costs OWCG needs to identify include site preparation, garden bed construction, infrastructure (i.e. water supply) and ancillary facilities. QWCG plans to fundraise and apply for grant funds including the City's Community Grant Program to offset costs. QWCG recognizes that marketing their mission and value statements to the community is important for the long term sustainability of the operations. Consequently, a marketing plan is an essential component of their business plan. QWCG also recognizes that long term sustainability will be achieved through incremental growth. OWCG has a longer term vision for the community gardens as not just garden plots, but a community gathering place and educational opportunity for youth. Existin g Policy/By-law: a community garden though Community Living untilthis year. The City supported a partnership with Quinte West Financial lmpact: Based on QWCG current plans, there is no financial impact on the City. QWCG will make application for the 2017 Community Grant Program. 2 Public lnput: N/A lnternal/External Gonsu ltation : N/A Comments and Analysis: QWCG offers people and the community many benefits. They provide opportunities for both recreational gardening and food production. Community gardens bring people together and engage citizens in positive initiatives. Community gardens benefit a community by: . . . . . o . providing fresh, safe, affordable herbs, fruits and vegetables; helping to relieve stress and increase sense of wellness; getting people active, which improves overall physical health; providing social opportunities that build a sense of community and belonging; giving people an opportunity to learn and share knowledge on gardening, nature, and cooking; providing a common meeting area where people of all demographic, cultural and economic backgrounds can come together to share experiences and knowledge, and educating people on where food comes from and provide opportunity for people, especially in urban spaces, to engage with their food system. QWCG recognizes that in order for the community garden to succeed, they need a comprehensive business plan. Prior to entering into a lease agreement, the business plan needs to be completed. 3 Appendix 1 May 9,2016 O 401 Mile Marker Labels [íX 1:3,796 a 0 0.03 0 0.05 Traffic Light 0.06 0.'l 0.12 mi 0.2 km TrentonMemorialHospital City of Oui¡te V\hsl, 201 4 x* DRAFT{.* Ouinte W est Growins Communitv Garden - SowinE t Seeds of Chanee MISSION STATEMENT To grow community by encouraging relationships through gardening, and environmenta I awareness. (Rather than targeting a surface need of at-rísk communities such as food provision we seek to expand social capital by fostering relationships across cultural and economic lines.) VISION STATEMENT The Quinte West Growing Community Garden is a not for profit organization of professionals, volunteers and supporters of community greening. The members recognize that community gardening improves people's quality of life by: r r r r o r o r Providing a catalyst for neighborhood and community development Facilitating social interaction between people of different abilities, social/economic classes a nd generations Encouraging self-reliance Beautifying neighborhoods Producing nutritious food in a sustainable manner Reducing family food budgets and increasing food security Conserving resources Creating opportunities for recreation, exercise, therapy, art and education that promote health and well-being. Members work to promote and support the growth of community in the Cíty of Quinte West by creating a gardening community that educates, informs and inspires. STAFF REPORT 16-010EDT A Natural Attraction ATE: May 1 1, 2016 TO: Mayor Harrison & Members of Council FROM Linda Lisle Manager of Economic Development & Tourism Services SUBJECT: Update regarding the proposed amalgamation of the Bay of Quinte Tourist Council Board and the Bay of Quinte Living Council Board Recommendation: That Quinte West Council supports in principle the proposal as presented jointly by the Bay of Quinte Tourist Council and the Bay of Quinte Living Council to merge into one Board in 2017 . Background: Comments received following a deputation by Bay of Quinte Tourist Council (BQTC) and the Bay of Quinte Living Council (BOLC) at a Quinte West City Council Meeting on Dec, 7, 2015, regarding confusion surrounding the management and funding of each organization has resulted in some reflection about the structure of the current Boards. Recently, discussion has occurred between BQTC staff and City Staff as well as its voting members regarding a potential amalgamation of the two Boards. A Resolution was 6rought forth anO paéseO at a BQTC meeting on Wednesday, May 4th, 2016 that read as follows; That the Bay of Quinte Tourist Council receives the prescribed seats from the Bay of Quinte Livíng Council to consolidate and form the Bay of Quinte Regional Council as presented to the Board of Directors, operating on a transitional basis with the end goal of establishing a regional framework in collaboration with all funding partners for ratification by December 31't, 2016. The following was proposed; To consolidate the operational mandates of the Bay of Quinte Tourist Council & Bay of Quinte Living Council under the banner of the Bay of Quinte Regional Council. The Bay of Quinte Regional Council sets out to develop and deliver a coherent regional strategy to facilitate and enable economic growth through regional collaboration focused on a"sfum tourism & living. Recommended Transitional Board Structure: Belleville - 2 Reps/2 Votes Quinte West - 2 Reps/2 Votes Prince Edward County - 1 Rep/1 Vote Quinte Restaurant Association (ORA)- 1 Rep/1 Vote Quinte Accommodations & Attractions Associations (QAAA) - 1 Rep/1 Vote Quinte Home Builder's Association (OHBA) - 1 Rep/1 Vote Quinte & District Associations of Realtors (ADAR) - 1 Rep/1 Vote Chambers of Quinte West/Belleville - 2 Reps/2 Votes Tyendínaga - 1 Rep/1 Vote Hastings County - 1 Rep/1 Vote Resource Mgmbers: QuinteVation City staff/EDOs Existing Pol icy/By-law: Currently the City of Quinte West is supportive of the Bay of Quinte Tourist Council and contributes $56,000 annually which represents $1.00 per capita for tourism and $,30 per capita for sporls tourism, During the last request for funds, Quinte West Council declined to support the Bay of Quinte Living Council and withdrew their $.50 per capita funding for this organization. Financial lmpact: The funding formula for this new Regional Organization has not been established. Regional Organization will approach Council on an annual basis for funding or alternatively, they will approach with a multi-year request based on the term of council. The decisions made regarding the funding period and rate per capita will be established as part of the business of the transitional board. Public lnput: N/A nternal/External Gonsu Itation : Staff has consulted with Charlie Murphy, Chief Administrative Officer; Dana Valentyne, Supervísor of Tourism & Special Events; Councillor Michael Kotsovos and Councillor Alan DeWitt (voting members of the Current Bay of Quinte Tourist Council) and Jeremiah MacKenzie, Executive Director, BQTC which has formed the basis of this I report. Comments/Analysis: ln an effort to make the BQTC and the BQLC more efficient and etfective in their management and marketing efforts as well as to try to mitigate confusion regarding the two boards within the community at large, it is being recommended that the 2 organizations amalgamate the two boards into one creating the Bay of Quinte Regional Council A task team made up of staff representation from current municipal partners as well as the QRA, QAAA, QDAR and the QHBA was struck during the meeting to develop recommendations with regards to board governance and structure in preparation for the new Board. Considering that the City of Quinte West currently does not support the Bay of Quinte Living Council, it is important at this point that the proposal come before Council to garner support for and approve of this concept and its resulting transitional development. Please note, at this time staff are requesting approval in principle from Council of this proposed amalgamation. The request for official Council approval will follow in late 2016 once the parameters of the new Bay of Quinte Regional Council have been fully defined. 3 West City of Quinte ED-16-02 Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Gommittee Meeting Minutes Thursday, April 28, 2016 1) City Hall-Council Chambers Gallto Order Chair Kotsovos called the meeting to order at 5:50p.m. 2) Members Present: Councillor Mike Kotsovos- Chair Councillor Rob Maclntosh - Vice Chair Councillor Duncan Armstrong Councillor Al DeWitt David Shoniker lan Smylie John Harris Stacey Dunning Wendy Ouellette Rick Davies, Chamber Rep Dianne Campbell, Chamber Rep 3) Staff Present: Brian Jardine, Director of Planning & Development Services (closed session only) Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development &Tourism Services Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of Tourism and Special Events Jennifer Rushlow, Tourism Coordinator 4) Others: Chris King - CEO, Quinte Economic Development Commission Janie Harrison - Executive Director, Trenton DBIA Major Gilles Bourgoin - 8 Wing/CFB Trenton Dug Stevenson - Director of Tourism, Bay of Quinte Tourist Council 5) Media: There were no members of the media present 6) Public: There were no members of the public in attendance 1 7) Closed Session Moved by Councillor Al DeWitt Seconded by John Harris That the Committee move into closed session to discuss the confidential staff report 16031PD by Brian Jardine, Director of Planning & Development Services and Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development & Tourism Services. Garried 8) Return to Open Session Moved by Councillor Duncan Armstrong Seconded by John Harris That the committee returns to Open Session. Carried 9) Disclosure of Pecuniary lnterest and the General Nature thereof There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest. l0) Approval ofAgenda Moved by Councillor Al DeWitt Seconded by Councillor Duncan Armstrong That the Agenda for the Thursday, April 28, 2016 Regular Economic Development &Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting be Garried approved. 11) Approval of Minutes Moved by Rick Davies Seconded by Stacey Dunning Resolution: That the Minutes of the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee held onFebruary2ã, 2016 ED-16-01 be approved And further that the meeting notes of the BR&E Task Group held on March 29,2016 be approved And further that the meeting notes of the Roundabout Beautification Task Group held on April 01 ,2016 and April 12,2016 be approved And further that the minutes of the Trenton Scottish lrish Festival Committee Meeting held March 08, 2016 be approved And further that the minutes of the Canada Day Committee Meeting held March 49,2016 be approved. And further that the minutes of the Wall of Fame Committee Meeting held March 08, 2016 be approved And further that the meeting notes of the Big Band Festival Committee 2 Meeting held March 09, 2016 be approved. And further that the meeting notes of the Barks by The Bay Committee Meeting held on February 8,2016 be approved. Carried l2) Delegations Aaron Bell Creative Communications Agency made a presentation in regards to The Bay of Quinte lmmigration Portal. Aaron highlighted the Immigration PoñalWebsite. There are several profiles of successfu/ immigrants from each community included on www"immisratío¡t,bavofqu[ which a/so has a link to the City of Quinte [4/esf's website. The website has been translated and is available to view in multiple languages. This was a project developed in paftnership with the City of Quinte West, Cìty of Belleville, Prince Edward County and the Bay of Quinte Living Council. Funding was received through the Ministry of Citizenship, lmmigration & lnternationalTrade. l3) Public Input There was no public input at this meeting 14) Gommittee Staff Reports The following staff reports were presented: 14.1 Staff Report 16-009ECD from Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of Tourism & Special Events regarding Trent Port Marina - Joint Marketing Partnerships Moved by Wendy Ouellette Seconded by Councillor Al DeWitt That statf reportl6-009ECD provided by Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of Tourism & Special Events be received as Carried information. 15) Reports from Task Group Ghairs 15.1 Business Retention & Expansion Project Task Group Through committee consultation the BR&E suruey has been prepared and distributed to approximately 140 busrnesses in the commercialretailsecfor throughout all of Quinte West. The interviews willsfarf soon. A Mayor's Breahfast will be scheduled for mid-September to release the results and identify go-forward activities. 15.2 Roundabout Beautification Task Group The committee has sent out tenders which will close May 17. lt was decided that it should have a combined military/natural attraction theme but the exact 3 elements have yet to be determined. Recommendations for the design will be brought back to the full committee for approval. Award of the contract will take place early June. 15.3 Front Street Famers' Market Task Group The commiffee is looking forward to opening day (Sat. May 7). An orientation session for all vendors was held on April 5. The City's Health & Safety Officer and the Hastings Prince Edward Counties Health Unit went over policies and procedures. There are new dafes and hours for the Market being Wednesdays and Saturdays from I am - 1 pm, New signage has been produced and installed to reflect this change as well there will be a radio and print campaign to help reinforce and promote the changes. 15.4 Tourism Strategic Planning Task Group Staff provided an update in the agenda package of the highlights of the Tourism Planning Session that was facilitated by Richard lnnes of Brain Trust Marketing & Communications. The task team has yet to meet but a meeting is being scheduled and will include a recap of the session with the consultant to determine the next caurse of action. 15.5 Heritage & Culture Task Group Council has commissioned Peter Lockyer of the History Lives Here lnc. to produce tvvo video vignettes as part of his 2016 "History Moments" Senes. Ihe Task Team met wíth Peter fo drscuss themes and content. Several options were identified. Further discussion during the meeting solidified the preferred topics to be; 1. The history of/and the impact that I Wing/CFB Trenton has had on the City; 2. The creation and development of the Trent Severn Waterway and as an alternate option 3. The Gilmour Lumber Co. Other fopics identified for future series included the history of the Frankford Ward, the community of Batawa, the Shipbuilding industry, the Cooperage Mills (apple industry), Senator Fraser, Murray Canal, the Commonwealth Air Training Centre and Explosion, Trenton Drsasfer (Munitions Factory). Moved by David Shoniker Seconded by Rick Davies That the task group reports be received as information 16) Carried Printed lnformation 16.1 16.2 16,3 Staff Reportl6-008ECD from Linda Lisle, Manager of Economic Development and Tourism Services and Dana Valentyne, Supervisor of Tourism & Specialevents regarding March/April Updates Quinte & District Real Estate Board lnc. March 2016 Statistics Task Group Contact List (provided at the meeting) 4 17l- Non-Pri nted lnformation There was no non-printed information Printed and Non- Printed lnformation be received and filed. Moved by Councillor Al DeWitt Seconded by Councillor Rob Mclntosh That the Printed and Non-Printed information items for the Committee be received Garried and filed. 18) Gommittee Gomments/Requests for lnformation Duncan Armstrong reported that the Fireworks tender for Canada Day and Riverfest has been awarded to Northstar Fireworks in accordance with the City's purchasing policy. Duncan also inquired about the accommodations of docks at Centennial Park for the Kiwanis Walleye World Fishing Derby and noted that if the fisherman weren't able to easily tie up to get to the weigh station, many of them would be making the County their home base. John Harris commented that the design of the marina brochure was lacking and not on par with our other promotional materials. lt was noted that a photographer would be engaged to take photos of the marina this year when it is full and busy so that we will have images to use on next year's brochure. Fred Kuypers highlighted the changes to the Bay of Quinte Velo Weekend. This year it will be a two day event with a sanctioned Criterium race throughout Centennial Park on the Saturday as well as vendors and other activities while Sunday would see the addition of a Gran Fondo ride which is more of a pleasure ride around the City. Stacey Dunning commented that some of the information on the task team contact list was inaccurate. Linda asked that any changes be emailed to her directly, Rick Davies asked that all City brochures are available in a downloadable format on the City's website. Linda advised that they are available in a digital format on the City's site. Resource updates: Chris King gave an update on the activities and ongoing projects of the Quinte Economic Development Commission including a study done by KPMG on the Competitive Alternatives business location cost analysis. The numbers in the report look great for the City and provide excellent international exposure. The QEDC will be participating in a Food Processing Show in Montreal in May. They continue to partner with Loyalist College on the Elevate Program providing people with barriers to employment opportunities to work in the food sector. They have cost shared on a video with Kilmarnock with a shoot once-edit twice philosophy which will provide two videos, one for the company and one to be used to promote regional economic development. Major Gilles Bourgoin, I Wing/CFB Trenton gave a few highlights of the upcoming 5 Airshow and explained the magnitude of the show will be quite large scope with both the air and static demonstrations and displays. Janie Harrison of the Downtown Business lmprovement Area reported that they will be shutting down Dundas St. in the Downtown for the Quinte Access Father's Day Car Show from2 - I pm on Sunday, June 19. The Festival on the Bay event will see more local vendors as opposed to bringing in flea market style vendors from outside of the area. The DBIA will be providing shuttle services for events like Wheels on the Bay to encourage travel from Centennial Park to the Downtown. Dug Stevenson, Bay of Quinte Tourist Council reported that the BQTC has launched a new website with trip ideas and packages. They continue to build out content in conjunction with City Staff. They are currently working on the Regional Guide and Map products and are meeting with sports and event representatives with the intention of creating a regional long term planning calendar. The BQTC will also be working closely with Municipal staff to assist in the campaign style marketing of a few of our signature events. 19) Adjournment Moved by Councillor Duncan Armstrong That the Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee meeting now adjourn at 7:30 pm and that the next regular Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday, May 26,2016 at 6:00 p.m. Carried fer shlow Recording Secretary Mike Kotsovos Chair 6 STAFF REPORT 16-066CFS A Natural Attraction DATE: May 9, 2016 TO: Mayor Harrison And Members of Council FROM: Kevin Heath, City Clerk SUBJECT: Liability lnformation Request-Anti-Whistle By-law Recommendation: That Staff Report 16-066CFS regarding Liability lnformation Request whistle By-law be received as information. - Anti- Background: At a meeting of Council held on April 4th, 2016, Council received and filed a petition requesting that the City establish an anti-whistle by-law at the CN Crossing located al2no Dug Hill Road. At the same meeting, Council also directed staff to provide a report on potential liability should Council choose to enact an anti-whistle by-law at any railway crossing within the City. ln an effort to acquire information, staff contacted the City's insurer as well as the City's solicitor for comment / opinion. The correspondence received from the City's insurer conveys that they do not see any "pros" in passing an anti-whistling by-law. From an insurance perspective it would be their concern that if the City were to experience a severe loss and it was shown that the cause of the loss directly resulted from a train not being allowed to use their whistle, more than likely this would have a negative impact on the City's insurance program. The insurance provider has conveyed that at this time there is no additional premium being charged if a municipality was to pass an anti-whistling by-law, however, if a municipality were to suffer a severe loss as a result of anti-whistling it would likely result in municipal insurers ßäi#e,#k taking a closer look at exposure. For example, potentially applying a premium surcharge for any municipality who has passed an "anti-whistling" by-law. The municipal insurer has also conveyed that it is their understanding the railway authority would require the City to sign an "lnsurance Liability Waiver" which in effect requires the City to accept full liability for any potential claims resulting from the implementation of the by-law. The correspondence received from the City's solicitor advises that the provisions of the Railway Safety Act and the Regulations under this Act requires engineers to sound the train whistle within a quarter mile of any public road crossing. Although this is a mandatory requirement, regulations and policies provide a procedure whereby municipalities may reach an agreement with the railway whereby the railway agrees it will not sound its whistles at certain locations and the Municipality may then pass a By-law prohibiting the sounding of such whistles. ln making the request, the onus is on the municipality to review the crossing and satisfy itself that the crossing meets the requirements set out in the guidelines. lf it is desired to move forward in this manner, it is recommended by the solicitor that the City acquire a consultant with expertise in this area to prepare a report upon review of the existing warning systems at the intersection, traffic density, sightlines, adjacent public use buildings and evidence of any problems with respect to trespassing. The report would also assess any potential impact there may be to public safety should trains stop using their whistle at each particular location. Assuming there are no adverse impacts noted, the report can then be submitted to the railway company which will review the report and decide whether to accept the report or make further suggestions. In the City solicitor's view, the ultimate responsibility for construction, maintenance and operation of a railway is primarily the responsibility of the railway company. lf it agrees the sounding of the train's whistle is not required at a particular intersection, it is a decision of the railway company for which it should be responsible. lf an accident was to occur at the particular intersection and it was alleged that the cause was failure to use the train whistle, a claim may be made against the City. The solicitor reminds, that it is general tendency for the Courts tô froU institutional authorities, including municipalities, strictly liable for their actions. The argument against the City would be that it should be held liable because it passed a by-law prohibiting use of train whistles and the Plaintiff would have to estabtish that the lack of warning whistle contributed to the accident. The City's defense would be as follows: 1) The primary responsibility for operation of the railway belongs to the railway company. lf a By-law should not have been passed, then the railway company should not have agreed to the By-law' 2) The Municipality should be able to rely on Section 450 of the Municipal Act which prohibits any claims based on negligence with respect to the exercise or non-exercise of a discretionary power or performance or 2 non-performance of a discretionary function. The City would argue that the By-law was passed in good faith such as establishing that it had researched the matter, retained competent advisors (consultant) and made its decision based on appropriate facts and evidence. solicitor advises that the municipality should be able to defend such a claim, The .assuming it took proper steps in advance, however, it is difficult to predict what a court may do in any given circumstance. ln the solicitor's view, it is likely the railway company will insist on an indemnity clause forming part of an agreement to indemnify the railway company from any claims or damages that may result from failure to sound the train whistle pursuant to the By-law. The issue with this is that the Municipality's insurer may not agree to cover such indemnity and may not be willing to provide insurance claimé arising out of railway operations. The solicitor strongly recommends that if the insurer is not prepared to back such an indemnity, that the City NOT proceed based on potential exposed liability without any insurance coverage. Further, if the present insurer is prepared to cover the indemnity, there are concerns of future coverage should the City opt to change insurers. A new insurer may not agree to accept the coverage, or, during this time of transfer of insurance carriers no one may remember the indemnity exists and should a claim be made, the new insurer may take the position that it is not required to provide coverage for such claim. The solicitor is summary conveys, that assuming the railway company is in agreement with the Municipality's consultant's report that a train whistle is not required for a particular location, the City should have a fairly good defense to a claim particularly if it took appropriate steps, including hiring a consultant to prepare a report on the matter, prior to the passing of the By-law. The real issue is with respect to the indemnity clause, which the solicitor is sure the railway company will insist on. Such a clause will certainly expose the City to potential liability for any claim that may be made that is based on the non-blowing of a whistle at the intersection. lt is anticipated that such a claim would be made in any incident at that intersection as the Plaintiff will claim that if the warning whlstle was sounded they would not have attempted to cross the tracks. Based on this, the question then becomes at the time whether the City's insurer is prepared to cover the indemnity, and if not, the City may be exposed to an uninsured risk. The above outlines comments and perspectives received from the City's insurance provider and solicitor regarding potential liability associated with enacting an anti-whistle by-law at any railway crossing within the City. lnternal/External Consultation : . City's lnsurance Provider o City's Solicitor 3 GommentslAnalysis: The above outlines potential liability that the City may incur should it be determined to enact Anti-whistle By-laws at any railway crossing within the City of Quinte West. lf it is the desire of Councilto entertain the anti-whistle by-law request for 2nd Dug Hill Road, Council could pass a resolution to reconsider the petition to establish an anti-whistle by-law at ihe CN Crossing located at2nd Dug Hill Road and further direct staff to obtain a consultant to conduct a review and provide a report on the stated crossing. 4 Gity of Quinte West Corporate and Financial Services Committee Minutes Wednesday, May 4,2016 1. 16-04 City Hall Council Chambers Call to Order Chair Sharpe called to order the Regular meeting of the Corporate & Financial Services Committee at 5:30 p.m. Members Present Councillor Karen Sharpe (Chair) Deputy Mayor Jim Alyea Cou ncillor Duncan Armstrong Councillor Sally Freeman (regrets) Cou ncillor Michael Kotsovos Councillor Don Kuntze Councillor Keith Reid (regrets) Councillor Bob Wannamaker Mayor Jim Harrison (regrets) Staff Present Mr. David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services Mr. Caleb DenOuden, Manager of Financial Services Ms. Alison Trumbley, Manager of Revenue & Collection Others Councillor Fred Kuypers Mr. Jeff Lay, Wilkinson & Company, LLP Mr. Jacques Pilon, Goliath, Twin 27 Productions lnc Ms. Robin Pilon, Goliath, Twin 27 Productions lnc. Ms. Catherine Holmes, Trenton, Curling Club Media Mr. John Spitters, Quinte Broadcasting Corporate and Financial Services Committee Minutes 2. Wednesday, May 4,2016 Disclosure of Pecuniary lnterest and the General Nature thereof There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest. 3. Approval of Agenda Motion No. 15-35 - Approval of Agenda Moved by Councillor Armstrong Seconded by Councillor Kotsovos Resolution: That the agenda for the Corporate & Financial Services Committee be approved. Carried 4. Approval of Minutes Motion No. {5-36 - Approval of Minutes Moved by Deputy Mayor Alyea Seconded by Councillor Wannamaker Resotution: That the Minutes of the Corporate & Financial Services Committee Meeting held on April 6, 2016 be approved. Carried 5. Presentations a) 6. Mr. Jeff Lay from Wilkinson & Company made a presentation to the Committee regarding the 2015 Draft Consolidated Financial Statements. Public Meetings None 7. Public Input a) B, Councillor Kuypers had questions regarding the financial statements. Committee Staff Reports 8.1. Financial Services a) Staff Report 16-052 from David Clazie, Director of Corporate & Financial Services and Caleb DenOuden, Director of Finance regarding 2015 Draft Consolidated Financial Statements. Corporate and Financial Services Committee Minutes Wednesday, May 4,2016 Motion No. l5-37 - 2015 Draft Consolidated Financial Statements Moved by Deputy Mayor Alyea Seconded by Councillor Kotsovos Resolution: That the Committee approves the 2015 City of Quinte West Draft Consolidated Financial Statements as presented; And further,' that the Committee approves the 2015 City of Quínte West Draft Trust Fund Financial Statements; And further, that the Committee approves the Water and Wastewater 2015 Draft Financial Statements. Carried b) Staff Report 16-056 from David Clazie regarding a Funding Request from the Trenton Curling Club. Motion No. 15-38 - Trenton Gurling Club Request for Funding Moved by Councillor Kuntze Seconded by Deputy Mayor Alyea Resolution: That the Committee recommend the approval of a $5,000 grant to the Trenton Curling Club towards the installation of LED lighting. Carried c) Staff Report 16-055 from David Clazie regarding a Funding Request from Twin 27 Productions - towards the making of Goliath. Motion No. 15-39 - Twin 27 Productions Request for Funding Moved by Councillor Armstrong Seconded by Councillor Wannamaker Resolution: That the Committee recommends the approval of a $5,000 grant to fwin 27 Productions from the Economic Development Reserve. Carried d) Staff Report 16-053 from David Clazie regarding the approval of the Draft Travel Policy. Motion No. 15-40 - Draft Travel Policy Moved by Councillor Armstrong Seconded by Councillor Wannamaker Resolution: That the Committee recommend that the Draft Travel Policy be approved. Carried Wednesday, May 4,2016 Corporate and Financial Services Committee Minutes e) Staff Report 16-054 from David Clazie regarding the approval of the Draft Conference Policy. Motion No. 15-41 - Draft Conference Policy Moved by Councillor Kuntze Seconded by Councillor Kotsovos Resolution: That the Committee recommends that the Draft Conference Policy be deferred and brought back to the next Committee meeting. Lost Motion No. 15-42 - Draft Conference Policy Moved by Councillor Armstrong Seconded by Councillor Wannamaker Resolution: That the Committee recommends that staff be directed to revise the Draft Conference Policy based on discussions at the Committee; And further that a separate Promotional Policy be drafted and brought back to the next Committee meeting along with the Draft Conference Policy. Carried 0 Staff Report 16-058 from David Clazie and Alison Trumbley, Manager of Revenue & Collection regarding Proposed Changes to the City's Tax Capping Program for 2016. Motion No. 15-43 - Tax Capping Program Moved by Councillor Kuntze Seconded by Councillor Wannamaker Resolution: That the Committee recommends the adoption of the new Tax Capping rules outlined by the Province allowing for a maximum 10% increase of Current Value Assessment (CVA) Taxes; And further that the Committee recommends the adoption of the maximum threshold to +/-$500; And further that the Committee recommends that these new options become part of the City's Tax,Capping by-laws. Carried g) Staff Report 16-050CFS from David Clazie and Alison Trumbley regarding Low lncome Senior Tax Rebate. Motion No. 15-44 - Low lncome Senior Tax Rebate Moved by Councillor Kuntze Seconded by Councillor Kotsovos Corporate and Financial Services Committee Minutes Wednesday, May 4,2016 Resolution: That the Committee recommend that establishing a Low lncome Senior Rebate Program not be supported; And further ihat the Committee recommends the elimination of the current tax deferral program as it has never been used and is outdated. Carried 8.2. Corporate Services a) Staff Repoft 16-061CFS from Kevin Heath, City Clerk regarding Wheels on the Bay Request. Motion No. l5-45 - Wheels on The Bay - Rental Fees Moved by Councillor Kuntze Seconded by Deputy Mayor Alyea Resolution: That the request from Don Postma, Wheels on the Bay, to waive or reduce the rental fees for the use of Centennial Park for their 2016 event be denied. Carried 8.3. lT/GlS Services None 8.4. Facilities None 9. Printed lnformation a) Staff Repoft 16-062CFS from Kevin Heath regarding Road Toll Update 2016. b) Staff Update 16-058CFS from Alison Trumbley, Caleb DenOuden, Janet Powers regarding Taxation, Accounting and Purchasing Update. c) Staff Update 16-063CFS from Ed Woods, Manager of lnformation Technology regarding monthly update. d) Staff Update 16-064CFS from Bob Forder, Manager of Buildings & Facilities regarding 2016 Facilities Update. e) March 2016 Licencing Stats Corporate and Financial Services Committee Minutes Motion No. 15-46 - Wednesday, May 4,2016 Printed and Non-Printed lnformation Moved by Councillor Kuntze Seconded by Deputy Mayor Alyea Resolution: That the printed and non-printed information be received and filed Carried 10. 11. Requests for lnformation a) Councillor Kuypers felt that all requests for funding be referred to the Corporate & Financial Services Committee for discussion, b) Chair Sharpe wanted to note that the presentation from MPAC regarding the 2016 reassessment was very informative and asked that staff provide a link from the City's website to the MPAC website. Adjournment Motion No. 15-47 - Adjournment Moved by Councillor Kuntze That the Corporate & Financial Services Committee now adjourn at 6:30 p.m. to meet on Wednesday, June 1,2016 at 5:30 p.m. Carried 0* *"'tKaren Sharpe Chair C¿-lttt Roxanne Alexander Recording Secretary c,*Jnn- PD-PAC-04-16 City of Quinte West Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, April 21,2016 city Flall council chambers Members: ?epqty Mayor Jim Atyea, Chair Councillor Don Kuntze, Vice Chair Mayor Jim Harrison Councillor Allan DeWitt Councillor Keith Reíd Councilloi Rob Maclntosh Councillor Fred Kuypers Mr. Douglas Crews, Public Member Ms. Betty Read, Public Member Mr. Rick Searle, Public Member Staff Present: Brian Jardine, Dírector of Planning and Development services Jennifer Current, Manager of Planning Services, Planníng & Development Services Linda Bui, Area Planner, Planning & Devefopment Services Louise smith, Executíve Assistant, planning & Development services Rhonda Gorman, AdminÍstrative Assistant, planning Services Media Present: John Spitters, CJBQ Radío Applicants / Agents / Public in Gallery: John House - D09/S03t16 Allison Atkinson, exp Services lnc. -D121îV\14Tn7 0 Member(s) of the Public Call to Order: Chair Alyea called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm Closed Session: None Open Session: Report of Closed Session: None Disclosures of Pecuniary lnterest: None Page 1 PD-PAC-04-16 Approval of Agenda Moved by Read Seconded by Searle The Committee recommended that the agenda as provided be approved . Approvâl of Minutes Garried . Closed Session: None Open Session: Minutes of'Regular Meeting March 17,2016 Moved by Dewitt Seconded by Maclntosh The Committee recommended that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 17,2016, be Carried approved. Meeting Procedure: The Chair stated the publíc meeting(s) are conducted as prescribed by Section 34 (13) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, for: a a a One ( 1) Zoning By-law Amendment affecting land in the Murray Ward One ( 1) Zoníng By-law Amendment affecting land in the Sidney Ward and One ( 1) Zoning By-law Amendment affecting land ín allWards Chair Alyea stated the public meeting(s) shall be conducted in the following manner for each application: The Chair will identify the applications being considered. First, the Chair will ask Planning Stafl to outline each application being considered; then the Chair will ask if there are any members of the public in attendance who have questions or comments regarding the application. lf there is no response, the Committee will be asked if they have a¡y questions Then the Committee will consider and vote on the application. The Chaír proceeded with the meeting procedure advising the Public if they wÍshed to speak to an application to identifu themselves prior to addressing the Committee by stating their name and address for the record. The Chair advised those in attendance that this Committee has been delegated the responsibility to conduct the public meeting(s) as prescribed under the Planning Act. This Committee will make recommendation to Council along with a full report of the meeting's proceedings to City Council on Monday May 16,2016. Council will make a decision on each of the applications. Page 2 PD-PAC-04-16 The Chair noted that anyone who wishes to receive further notice of Council's decision on application(s), must submit a written request for Notice of Council's decision to the t"t" Director of Planning and Development Services. The Chair asked the Director of Planning and Development Services to advise the Commíttee how notice of the public meeting(s) was given. Brian Jardine, Director of Planning & Developmênt Services'advised thât notíce of the. consídered was given in keeping wíth the provisions of the planning Act, R.S'O' 1990, as amended by First Class Mail on Aþril 1 ,2016 and the posting of signð on it'," 111oj9c]-nloperty on the same day. ln addition, Mr. Jardine noted that notice õr appi-ication for File D_09/Q02116 (Staff Report #10-027pD) was posted on the City of euinte Wesi website and advertised in the March 31,2016 editions of the Trentonian and EMC Newspapersapplicatio_ns_ being The Chair proceeded with the public meeting(s). fuOlig Meeting(s) as Prescribed under the Planning Act, RSO, lgg0, as amended: Staff Report #16-027PÐ Planning Report / Analysis - Zoning By,law Amendment File: Owner: D09/Q02/IG City of Quinte West For complete details, refer to staff Report 16-o27PD (File: D09/Q02i16) attached to official Minutes. Scott Pordham, Policy Planner advised the Committee that the purpose of this amendment is to address various housekeeping matters. Mr. Pordham stated a summary of the changes includes: o ' t o r . " o . correcting a clerical error made to the definition of "flood plain"; Renamíng the "Flooding Hazard Overlay Zone" to "Flood Plain" to ensure consistent terminology between the text and schedules of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law; Defining a "medical marijuana production facility" and "marijuana dispensary" so as to require a Zoning By-law Amendment should the uses be proposed ín the futuie; Referencing accessory service commercial uses in the definition of a "Trailer park or Camp"; Establishing parking requirements for a Cliníc, Commercial Self Storage, and Warehousing; Makíng minor changes to various zone provisions; Correcting other various clerical errors Recreating areas for neighbourhood commercial uses in three existing mobile home parks that were omitted during approval of the 2014 Comprehensive Zùing By-law as illustrated on Schedules "A" and "8"; Rezoning various lands ín urban areas as illustrated on Schedules "C,', ,,D,,, ,,E,,, ,,F,,, so as to permit higher densíty residential development like other lots in the respeciive neíghbourhoods; Page 3 PD-PAC-04-16 a a o Recreating "holding" provisions that were omitted during the approval of the 2AM Comprehensive Zoning By-law for lands illustrated on Schedules "G", "H", "1", and ,,J',; Recreating various exception zones and an Environmental Protection (EP) zone that were omitted during the approval of lhe 2014 Comprehensive Zoníng By-law as illustrated on Schedules "K", "L", "M", and "O"; Rezoning a parcel to a Rural Residential (RR) Zone as illustrated on Schedule "N" to reflect the. historical use. The Chair asked Committee members if they had questions/comments regarding the application. Councillor Kuntze questioned how do property owners get notified about the changes that are impacting there property as a result of the housekeeping amendment. Mr. Pordham stated there was a notice posted in the newspapers and some of the zones are recreating zones that were in the previous zoning by-laws before the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 14-86 was passed. Mr. Pordham also stated that if an owner has requested information they would be notified and a few property owners have requested this change to their property. Councillor Kuypers questioned the changes to the property at 165 Dufferin Avenue. Mr. Pordham stated that the hold provisions are beíng put back on the property which restricts development of the site until the condition of the soil on the site conforms to provincial standards, and until a Site Plan Agreement is entered into with the municipality. Mr. Jardine stated that the hold provisíon is being put back onto the property as it was omitted when the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 14-86 was implemented. Mayor Harrison questioned what ls a nutrient unit? Mr. Pordham stated it is a measurement of livestock, based on manure levels. Mr. Pordham stated the Nutrient Unit (NU) is defined in the MDS guidelines. Jennifer Current stated that this is for hobby farms only as it will prevent a large number of animals on a small area of land. Councillor Kuntze questioned the impact on future businesses. Mr. Pordham stated each zone has a permitted use and if a business comes fonrard with a use that is not within the permitted uses, the planning staff will review to make sure there intention of the zone is maintained or if an amendment to the by-law is requíred. Mr. Jardine stated certain situations while a use is not specifically permitted, that a similar use is permitted, for example dance studio and aerobic studio are similar uses, Regarding the marijuana dispensary definition we want to ensure we are prepared for future permitted uses. Page 4 PD-PAC-04-16 Mr. Searle questioned for the Residential Type (R3) Zone why the reduction of the exterior side yards. Mr. Jardine stated the reduced exterior side yard has been requested on numerous occasions and several applications from developers to reduce the exterior side yard have been received and approved. The ,proposed reduction will.reduce the number of amendments required. Moved by Dewitt Seconded by Read The Committee recommends that Application D09/Q02/16 to amend the City of euinte West Zoning By-law 14-86 by addressing various housekeeping matters as summarízed in Staff Report 16-027PD, be approved, Carried fublic Meeting(s) as Prescribed under the Planning Act, RSO, lgg0, as amended: Staff Report #16-028PD Planning Report/ Analysis - Zoning By-law Amendment File: Owner: Address: D09/S03/16 John & Launa House 635 Airport Road For complete details, refer to staff Report 16-o28PD (File: D09/s03/16) attached to offícial Minutes. Linda Bui, Area Planner advised the Committee that the subject property is located on the south side of Airport Road; the property has a total lot area of g.4 hectaies with 1g1.3 metres of frontage on Airport Road. Ms. Bui stated the purpose of the amendment is to rezone .7 hectares of the subject property from the Rural (RU) Zone to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone to facilitate a residentiaicohseñt granted by the Committee of Adjustment on December 10,2015 (D10/832/1SS). Ïhe Chair asked if anyone wished to speak in favour of this proposal. No response. The Chair asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to the proposal. No response. The Chair asked if the Applicant wished to speak and/or answer any questions. No response. The Chair asked Committee members if they had questions/comments regarding the application. No response. Moved by Maclntosh Seconded by Dewitt Page 5 PD-PAC-04-í6 The Committee recommends that Application D09/S03/16 to amend zoning on a property owned by John & Laura House located at 635 Airport Road in Part of Lot 20, Concession 7, geographic Township of Sidney, from Rural (RU) Zone to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone, in the city of Quinte West Zoning By-law 14-86, as amended, be approved. carried Public Meeting(s) as Prescribed under the Planning Act, RSO, 1990, as amended: Staff Report #16-029PD Planning Report / Analysis - Zoning By-law Amendment. File: Owner: Address: . D09/M04/16 993737 Ontario Limited {36 Highway 33 For complete details, refer to Staff Report 16-029PD (File: D09/M04/16) attached to Official Minutes, Jennifer Current, Manager of Planning Services advised the Committee that the subject property is situated on the north western side of Highway 33 east of Coad Road. The property is rectangular in configuration, with an irregular front lot line that co-incides with the curve'in the Highway 33 road allowance. Mrs. Current stated the purpose of the amendment is to rezone the subject land from Light lndustrial (LM) zone to Corridor Commercial (CC) Zone. The effect of the amendment ið to place the subject land in the Corridor Commercial (CC) Zone which would permit a range of commercial uses. The Chair asked if anyone wished to speak in favour of this proposal. No response. The Chair asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to the proposal. No response. The Chair asked if the Applicant wished to speak and/or answer any questions. No response. The Chair asked Committee members if they had questions/comments regardíng the application. Mayor Harrison stated that he complements the Owner and the Owner is doing a great job for the municipalíty. Moved by Kuntze Seconded by Reid Page 6 PD_PA,C_04-16 The Committee rec^ommgnds that Applícation D09/MO4116 to amend zoning on a parcel of land owned by 993737 Ontario Limited, knowLnunicipally as 136 Híghway 33, legally described as Part of Lot 3, Concession 2, geographic-Township ót Murray, trom f-ígfrt ind-ustrial (LM) Zonå1o Corridor Commercial (CC) Zone, in the City of Quinte West2oning S-y-taw 14-86, as amended, be approved. Carried Presentation(s): None Delegations: None Publíc lnput: Allison Atklnson from exp Services lnc. stated that she is the Engineer of Record for the Orchard Lane Development Corporation and introduced herself to tf'e Committee. Decision ltems: Staff Report #16-030PD File: Dl2lM147t0T Owner: Orchard Lane Development Gorporation Address: Orchard Lane Jennifer Current, Manager of Planning Services advísed the Committee that the Orchard Lane Subdivision received Draft Plan Approval (Redline Amendment) from the City of euinte West in November 2012. The amended draft plan entails a total of two hundred añd tuenty five (225) single detached residential lots including the existing dwelling, three blocks of servicing (pump station and storm water management facility), one-block for a storm water easement, and one block for parkland. Mrs' Current stated the_Owner has provided detailed engineering drawings and documentation illustrating the details of the development and in particulãr pertaiñing to tñe proposed phase 1 of the development. Councillor Kuntze questioned if the pumping statíon is being built to the capacity of the subdivísion. Mrs. Current stated the pumping station is designed to accommodate 4 tanks, however they are installing 3 tanks at thís time.. Councillor Kuntze questioned who wlll own the pumping station when complete. Mrs. current stated the city of Quinte west wiil own the station Moved by Kuntze Seconded by Dewitt Page 7 PD.PAG.O4.I6 The Committee recommends that Council pass a By-law to authorize the execution of a Subdivision Agreement by the City of Quinte West with Orchard Lane Development Corporation for Phase 1 of the Orchard Lane Subdivision, entailing a proposed residential subdivision of 56 lots, one block for storm water management, one block for the construction of a pumping station and one block containíng an existing dwelling subject to the following conditions being satisfíed prior to council's execution of the agreement: 1) confirmatíon of final apprövalto execute the agreêment from Hydro onei 2) the owner providing to the CÍty the necessary performance security, outstanding tax arrears, inspection fees, insurance policies, development charges and any other required fees; 3) lhe receipt of all written approvals required under the Draft Conditions, including the Ministry of the Environment, CP Rail, Public Works Department, Protective Services Department, Canada Post, Lower Trent Conservation, Union Gas, and Bell Canada; 4) the owner returning to the City six (6) copies of the agreement executed by the owner; 5) the subdivision agreement shall contaín wording regarding the execution of a cost sharing agreement to the satisfactíon of the City; 6) the owner providing to the City the necessary origínal and copies of the Subdivision Plan, approved Engineering Plans and documents, Land Transfer or Easement documents including digital copies, as required by the Planning and Development Department., be approved. Carried Printed lnformation: Monthly Planning Reports Building Department Report: . Monthly statistics for March, 2016 Zoníng By-law and Official Plan Amendments Application Tracking o Year to Date -2A15 & 2016 By-law Enforcement Statistics : o February,2016 ¡ March, 2016 Councillor Kuntze stated that the building department ís doing a great job. Mayor Harrison stated a lot of times when planning applications and building permits get delayed it is because incomplete applications or permits are submitted, which delay the review process. Moved by Searle Seconded by Kuntze Page I PD-PAC-04-16 The Committee recommends that the Printed lnformation lísted as Monthly Planning Reports be received and filed. Gãrried Committee Minutes Site Plan Control Minutes: . Regular Meeting - April 7,2016 Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes: . Speoiäl Meetiñg - March 16.,2016 Councillor Dewitt had a question with regards to the Accessibility Minutes and if the flashing light ís going to the Public Works Committee. Mr. Jardine stated that it has already been fonryarded to Council and Public Works for lnformation. Moved by Searle Seconded by Kuntze The Committee recommends that the Printed lnformation listed as Committee Minutes be received and filed. Carried Other lnformation: None Non-Printed lnformation None : Requests for lnformation: None Notice of Motion: None Other: Mayor Harríson asked Brian Jardine to do a quick review of some of the current application going on in the Planning Department. Mr. Jardine did a quick overall review of some of the current planning projects. Chair Alyea stated that he has talked to other Developers in other communities and the Cíty of Quinte West gets a very high remark and Planning and Development staff, do a great job. Adjournment: Page 9 PD-PAC-04-16 Moved by Maclntosh Seconded by Searle That the Committee now adjourn at 6:45pm and meet next on Thursday May lg, 2016 at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers, Main Floor of the Quinte West Municipal Office, at 7 Creswell Drive, TrentonGarried an Administrative Assistant, Planning Planning and Development Services Jim Alyea Chair Planning Advisory Committee Page 10 PwEs-05-16 City of Quinte West Public Works & Environmental Services Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 10,2016 City Hall Gouncil Chambers Call to Order Councillor Fred Kuypers, Chair called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m Members Present: Councillor Fred Kuypers, Chair Councillor Allan DeWitt, Vice-Chair Councillor Jim Alyea Councillor David McCue (Regrets) Councillor Keith Reid Councillor Bob Wannamaker Chuck Naphan, Public Member Wayne Scaletta, Public Member (Regrets) Bob Lockwood, Public Member Mayor Harrison, Ex-Officio Staff Present: Chris Angelo, Director of Public Works & Environmental Services Matt Tracey, Manager of WaterM/astewater Tim Colasante, Manager of Engineering Jim Turner, Manager of Outdoor Operations Kym Lord, Recording Secretary Others Present: John Spitters, CJBQ Janet Powers Mr. & Mrs, Striker Mr. & Mrs. Keller Mrs. Carr Councillor Don Knutze 1. Approval ofAgenda Moved by: Chuck Naphan Seconded by Bob Lockwood That the Agenda and Supplementary Agenda including 2 supplementary items for the May 10,2016 Public Works & Environmental Services Committee Meeting be approved, Carried 2. Approval of Minutes Moved by: Jim Alyea Seconded by: Al DeWitt That the Minutes for the April 12, 2016 Public Works & Environmental Services Committee Meeting be approved. Carried 3. Disclosures of Pecuniary lnterest None 4. Presentation Chris Angelo, Director of Public Works & Environmental Services provided Committee Members and Public with a Presentation regarding Frankford Road Speed Limít. 5. Delegations There were no delegations. 6. Public Meetings There were no public meetings. 7. Public lnput Mr. Striker 2139 Frankford Rd asks Mr. Angelo to explain the "no passing zone" as there is excessive farm equipment that uses that road. Janice Carr wanted Mr. Angelo to know it was an excellent presentation and she supported the recommendation. Ron Keller 2157 Frankford Rd wanted to know if we could ask the OPP to set amount of time per month monitoring the area. Robin Keller thanked Mr. Angelo for all the work he and his department put into this and ask if a summary could be put on the website so resident not attending tonight could see the facts. Councillor Don Kuntze 210 Colonial Road was against it from the start and still is not agreeing with the double yellow line no passing zone or the Community Safety Zone. He feels flashing speed signs need to be erected on Montrose Rd and changes made to the By-Law, Councillor Don Kuntze also inquired if anything has gone fonruard about a request he brought to committee months ago about a possible crosswalk at Graham Rd/ Hamilton Rd. He also ask when there would be ditching done on the east side of Montrose Road as the west side was done a few years ago. Tim Colasante Manager of Engineering has this project identified to be looked at in 2016. Councillor Kuntze also wanted to know if there was going to be a guardrail erected between the drainage ditch and the road at the new subdivision on Old Hwy 2. Mr. Angelo stated this has been addressed and the contractor is having this done. Also asking if costing has been done to put LED lights in the parks. 8. Committee Staff Reports Moved by: Al Dewitt Seconded by: Chuck Naphan That Committee recommends to Council that the Director of Public Works and Environmental Services Report #16-24PWES be received and: a) That Committee recommends to Council that the speed limit on Frankford Road from Collins Road to 15 meters east of Flyboy Road (approx.. 760m) be 60 km/hr b) That Committee recommends to Council that the speed limit on Frankford Road from 15 meters east of Ftyboy Road easterly be 8Okm/hr (to Hwy 62) c) That Committee recommends to Councilthat staff be directed to install 2 flashing speed signs in this area at a cost of $4700 each and have these in place for at least 12 months recommends to Councilthat staff be directed to paint a double yellow line (indicating no passing) from Collins Road to Rose Road to advise motorists that this section is a "no passing zone" That Committee recommends to Councilthat Frankford Road from Belleville Street to Rose Road be declared by bylaw a Community Safety Zone and that signs be placed accordingly; and That Committee recommends to Council that staff request the OPP to continue to monitor this area for violations of the HTA. Carried d) That Committee e) f) Moved by: Bob Lockwood Seconded by: Mayor Harrison That Committee recommends to Council that the Petition from the Parishioners of St. Peter's Catholic Church to reinstate the crosswalk at Dundas Street West and Queen Street be reinstated and that a flashing advance signal be installed for westbound traffic at the curve to improve the stopping sight distance at a cost of approximately $5,000. Carried Moved by: Bob Lockwood Seconded by: Mayor Harrison That Committee recommend to Council that staff report 16-28PWES from the Director of Public Works & Environmental Services regarding an update on the construction of the Consolidated Public Works Operational Facility be received as information. Carried Moved by: Bob Wannamaker Seconded by: Jim Alyea That Committee recommends to Council that the Manager of Water and Wastewater Services Staff Report 16-026PWES regarding an update on PW15-01 Trenton \ A /TP Headwork's Upgrades Project be received as information. Garried Moved by: Jim Alyea Seconded by: Bob Lockwood That Committee recommends to Council that the Manager of Water and Wastewater Services Statf Report 16-025PWES be received as information. Carried Moved by: Bob Lockwood Seconded by: Chuck Naphan That Committee recommends to Council that the Manager of Engineering's Capital Works Progress Staff Report 16-30PWES be received as information. Garried Moved by: Bob Lockwood Seconded by: Al DeWitt That Committee recommend to Council that the Manager of Outdoor Operations staff report 16-29PWES be received as information and That Committee recommend to Council that staff be authorized to exceed the $40k threshold in the heavy equipment tender to complete the necessary works (equipment rentals) for this year's surface treatment project. Carried Moved by: Al DeWitt Seconded by: Chuck Naphan That Committee recommends to Councilthat Staff Report 16-31PWES from the Parks and Open Space Supervisor be received and that $125K be reallocated to complete the Centennial Park Hardballand Soccer pitch proiects as follows: a) 2015 reallocation and carry fonruard of Bain Park Lighting - $105,000 b) 2016 reallocation of surplus funds from Council Memorial - $20,000 For a total project budget for both projects of $740,000. Garried Moved by: Al DeWitt Seconded by: Jim Alyea Committee recommends to council that Public Works Staff be granted an exemption to the Purchasing Policy by obtaining three written quotes in order to expedite the supply and delivery of the new bridges for Teal Road. Garried 9. Printed and Non-Printed lnformation None I 0. Requests for lnformation ll,Adiournment Moved by: Bob Lockwood Seconded by: Chuck Naphan That the Public Works & Environmental Services Committee now adjourns at4:57 p.m. Garried Kym Lord Recording Secretary Fred Kuypers Chair c,4t{cFË [ÈLt\t]l-]ËR, ''i t'i {:l\N ¡ ,-. iil. {: Ë R ¡1 ..i ur, r,ig[$$ [s r..,. i:.,, i.t. :4936 'rue Name/Add ress of Mayo r/C lerk Mayor Jim Harrison City Hall Quinte West ffi ç¡,flr*',1'-" ..r, r:', * 'Z'liiÍi È'fnY 5 #f$iuæ CIf tït+¡ ivÍrqr;r Your Honour, I am writing on behalf of Bladder Cancer Canada (BCC) to request a proclamation from the City of Quinte West, declaring May as Bladder Cancer Awareness Month. This would make a tremendous impact on our awareness efforts on behalf of all persons throughout your community and Canada who suffer with this lesser-known and under-funded cancer. Although most people have never heard of bladder cancer, surprisingly it is the Sth most common canceiin Canada - 4th among men and 12th among women. There are an estimated 80,000 bladder cancer patients in Canada and at least 8,300 more are diagnosed every year. The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine (hematuria), occurring in more than 80% of cases. Other symptoms may include bladder spasms, increased frequency and urgency of urination, and burning sensation duríng urination' Unfortunately, due to the current lack of awareness of bladder cancer, the somewhat "generic" symptoms outlined above often get mistaken for other less serious illnesses and conditions and patients therefore experience significant delays in receiving lifesavíng treatments. I am a thirteen year survívor of Bladder Cancer and having had radieal surgery last year åm now getting involved in volunteer work for Bladder Caneer Canada. For more information about BCC and this request, please feelfree to contact me directly. Kind regards, ,t/ ß"*,ÉA-,¿r4 Al Borthwick 613-392-2620 lfreezel www. bladderca ncercan ada. org ' The Gorporation Of The City Of Quinte West By-Law Number 16-066 A By-Law To Establish The Municipal Tax Reduction Policy For Properties In The Commercial, Industrial, Multi-Residential Property Glasses For The Year 2016. Whereas Section 329 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, as amended, determines the maximum amount of taxes for municipal and school purposes payable in respect of property in the commercial classes, industrial classes and multi-residential property classes for 2015; And Whereas Section 329 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S,O 2001, as amended, authorizes a municipality to pass a by-law to implement one or more of lhe tax parameters in the calculation of the amount of taxes for municipal and school board purposes for 2015; Now Therefore Be lt Enacted By The Council of the Corporation of the City of Quinte West As Follows: This by-law applies to all properties in the City of Quinte West in the following property classes; (i) (ii) (iii) 2 3 Commercial; lndustrial Multi-Residential For the 20'16 and subsequent tax years, all properties within the multiresidential property class will exit out of the capping as all properties have previously reached their Current Value Assessment level taxes. For 2016 and subsequent tax years, all properties within the industrial property class will exit out of capping as all properties have previously reached their Current Value Assessment level taxes. 4. For the 2016 tax year, the taxes on a commercial, property shall be calculated by adding 10o/olo the annualized 2015 property taxes, plus the municipal levy increase for the 2016 tax year. 5. For the 2016 tax year, the taxes on a commercial property shall set an upper limit on annual increases at the greater of the amount calculated under clause 4, or 10o/o of the previous year's annualized CVA tax. 6. For the 2016 tax year, the amount of the CVA Tax Threshold for the protected properties shall be $500.00. 7 For the 2O16 lax year, the amount of the CVA Tax Threshold for the clawback properties shall be $500.00. I For the 2016 tax year, properties within the commercial property class that have reached their full current value assessment in 2015 will be excluded from the 2016 capping program. 9. For the 2016 tax year, properties within commercial property classes will be excluded from the 2016 capping program if the property taxes in 201 5 were lower than the 2015 uncapped taxes but in 2016 the property's taxes would be equal to its uncapped taxes or a tax decrease for property would be limited. 10. For the 2016lax year, properties within the commercial property class will be excluded from the 2016 capping program if their tax decrease for the property in 2015 was limited but in 2016 the property's taxes would be equal to its uncapping taxes, or a tax increase for the property would be limited. 11 For the 2016 tax year the cost for properties that are being protected will be funded from the 2016 Budget. 12. For the 2016 tax year, the minimum level of taxation to be applied to New Construction/New to class properties in the Commercial and lndustrial property class will be 100%. 13. That this By-Law shall take effect upon the final date of passing. Read A First, Second And Third Time And Finally Passed May 2016. this l6th day of Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk 2 The Corporation Of The City Of Quinte West By-Law Number l6-067 A By-Law To Requisition The Sums Required For School Board Purposes, And To Establish The Tax Rates To Be Levied For Same By The Corporation Of The C¡ty Of Quinte West For The Year 2016. Being Whereas pursuant to Section 257 .12.1(5) of the Education Act, RSO 1990, Chapter 8.2 and amendments thereto and Regulations passed under the Education Act, it is necessary for the Corporation of the City of Quinte West to requisition the sums against the Commercial, lndustrial and Pipeline property classes for school board purposes as prescribed by the Province of Ontario, And Whereas pursuant to Section 257 .7 of the Education Act, RSO 1990 and amendments thereto and Regulations passed under the Education Act, it is necessary for the Corporation of the City of Quinte West to levy prescribed rates for Residential Property, Multi-Residential property classes and their subclasses for school board purposes as prescribed by the Province of Ontario; And Whereas all property assessment rolls on which the 2016 taxes are to be levied have been returned and revised pursuant to the provisions of the Assessment Act RSO 1990, Chapter 4.31 and amendments thereto, subject to appeals at present before the Assessment Review Board, the Ontario Municipal Board and the District Court; And Whereas the "Commercial Assessment", "lndustrial Assessment", "Large lndustrial Assessment" and "Pipeline Assessment" and applicable subclasses pursuant to Section 7 of the Assessment Act have been determined on the basis of the aforementioned property assessment rolls; And Whereas the tax ratios and tax reductions for prescribed property subclasses on the aforementioned property for the 2016 taxation year have been set out in By-law 16-068 of the Corporation of the City of Quinte West dated the 16th day of May, 2016. And Whereas these tax rates on the aforementioned "Commercial Assessment", "lndustrial assessment" and "Pipeline Assessment" and the applicable subclasses have been calculated pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001 SO , Chapter M.25 and amendments thereto and the provisions of the Education Act in the manner set out hereín; Now Therefore Be lt Enacted By The Council For The Corporation Of The C¡ty Of Quinte West As Follows: 1. That this by-law shall 2. be entitled the "2016 Education Levy By-law" That the Corporation of the City of Quinte West shall levy upon Commercial Assessment and applicable subclasses the tax rates as prescribed by the Province of Ontario lor 2016, and as set out in Schedule "4" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. 3, That the Corporation of the City of Quinte West shall levy upon lndustrial Assessment and applicable subclasses the tax rates as prescribed by the Province of Ontario for 2016, and as set out in Schedule "4" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. 4. That the Corporation of the City of Quinte West shall levy upon Pipeline Assessment the tax rates as prescribed by the Provìnce of Ontario for 2016, and as set out in Schedule "4" attached hereto and forming part of this bylaw. 5. 6. That the Corporation of the City of Quinte West shall levy upon Residential and Multi Residential Assessment the tax rates as prescribed by the Province of Ontario for 2016, and set out in Schedule "4" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. That the Corporatlon of the City of Quinte West shall levy upon Farmland Assessment and Managed Forest Assessment the tax rates as prescribed by the Province of Ontario for 2016, and as set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. 7. That the Corporation of the City of Quinte West hereby directs that the property tax levy for school board purposes raised from all applicable property tax classes be paid in accordance with the provision of the Education Act and Regulations passed thereunder. 8. That this By-Law shall take effect upon the final date of passing. Read A First, Second And Third Time And Finally Passed This l6th Day of May,2016. Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk 2 Schedule "A" to BY-Law l6-067 CITY OF WEST 20,I6 EDUCATION BUDGET REQUIREMENTS Property Class ïaxable Tax Rate CVA P 2,709,653,778 0.001 88000 Res/Farm Taxable S 297,234,289 0.001 88000 Res/Farm $ Share of $ Budqet 5,094,149 558,800 0.001 88000 Res/Farm Taxable N Res/Farm Taxable A 39,258,256 0.00188000 Res/Farm Taxable C 19,394,043 0.001 88000 36,461 Multi-Res Taxable P 102,058,754 0.001 88000 191 ,870 Multi-Res Taxable S 6,202,781 0.001 88000 11,661 Multi-Res Taxable A 594,832 0.001 88000 1,1 18 Multi-Rês Taxable C 194.543 0.001 88000 Total 3.174.591.276 73,806 366 $ 5.968.232 2016 Commercial Tax Rates Com Occupied Com New Construction Com New Construction - Vac & Excesr Com Vac Unit Com Vac Land Parking Lot Full Shop Tax Shop Tax Vac Sub-total 259,985,188 0.01 364092 3,546,437 84,057,633 0.01 '180000 991,880 499,352 0.00826000 4,125 4,655,341 0.00954864 44,452 11,230,900 0.00954864 107,240 207,000 0.01 364092 2,824 24,517,430 0.01 364092 334,440 265,280 385.418.124 0.00954864 $ 2.533 5,033,931 2015 lndustrial Tax Rates lnd Tax 38,095,256 0.01 500000 571,429 lnd New Construction 5,071,800 0.01 1 80000 59,847 lnd Vac 1,662,759 0.00975000 16,212 lnd Vac Land 3,521,300 0.00975000 34,333 Lrg lndus Tax 10,867,738 0.01 500000 163,016 Lrq lndus Vac Unit Sub-total Pipeline Taxable 0.00975000 59,218,853 $ 844,837 33,444,000 0.01 I 80000 $ 394,639 Farmfands Taxable P 102,022,601 0.00047000 $ 47,951 Farmlands Taxable S 3,923,878 0.00047000 $ 1,844 0.00047000 $ Farmlands Taxable N Farmlands Taxable A 2,521 0.00047000 $ Farmlands Taxable C 209,550 0.00047000 $ 98 Man Forest Taxable P 1,920,938 0.00047000 $ 903 Man Forest Taxable S 185,812 0.00047000 $ 87 Man Forest Taxable A 3,067 0.00047000 $ 1 Man Forest Taxable C 1.883 0.00047000 $ Sub-total TOTAL 1 1 141.714.250 $ 445,526 3.760.942,503 $ 12,292,526 The Gorporation Of The Gity Of Quinte West By-Law Number l6-068 Being A By-Law to Establish Tax Ratios for Prescribed Property Classes. Whereas the Corporation of the City of Quinte West is required to establish tax ratios pursuant to Section 308 of the Municipal Act (.S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended) hereinafter referred to as the "Act"; And Whereas the tax ratios determine the relative amount of taxation to be borne by each property class; And Whereas the property classes have been prescribed pursuant to Section 7 of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.4.31, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Assessment Act"); Now Therefore the Council of the City of Quinte West hereby enacts as follows 1. That this ByJaw shall 2. be entitled "The 2016 Tax Ratio By-law". That for the taxation year 2016, the tax ratio for property in: a) the residential property class is 1-0000; b) the multi-residential c) property class is 2.1300; the commercial property class is 1.5385; d) the industrialpropefty class is 2.4460; e) the pipelines property class is 0.9240; f) the farmlands property class is 0.2500; g) the managed forests property class is 0.2500; and h) the large industrial class is 2.6147 3. That the tax reduction for: a) the vacant land, vacant units and excess land subclasses in the commercial property class is 300/0, b) the vacant land, vacant units and excess land subclasses in the industrial property class and the large industrial property class is 35%; c) the first subclass for farmland awaiting development in the residential/farm property classes is 65%; and d) the second class of farmland awaiting development in the residential/farm, multi-residential, commercial or industrial property classes is 0%. 4. That for the purpose of this By-law: a) the commercial property class includes all commercial shopping centre property and parking lot property; and b) the first subclass of farmland awaiting development and the second subclass of farmland awaiting development consists of land as defined in accordance with Regulations passed under the Municipal Act. 5. That this By-Law shall take effect on the 1"t day of January, 2016. Read A First, Second And Third Time And Finally Passed this l6th Day Of May,2016. Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk 2 The Corporation Of The City Of Quinte West By-Law Number 16-069 A By-Law to Adopt The Estimates For All Sums Required During The Year 2016 For The General And Special Purposes Of The City OF Quinte West And To Establish Rates To Be Levied For the Same. Whereas the Corporation of the City of Quinte West (hereinafter referred to as the "City") shall, in each year, prepare and adopt estimates of the sums it requires during the year for the purposes pursuant to Section 312 of the Municipal Act, 2001, SO, Chapter 25, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Municipal Act"); And Whereas it is deemed necessary for the City, pursuant to Section 290 of the Municipal Act, to raise for the year 2016 certain sums; And Whereas pursuant to the Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c, E.2, and the Regulations passed and to be passed pursuant to that Act, The Corporation of the City of Quinte West levies specified tax rates on the assessment for school purposes. And Whereas tax ratios, establishing the relationship between various property tax classes and the base residential/farm tax class, have been adopted by the City Council by virtue of By-law No, 16-068 and in accordance with Section 308 of the said Municipal Act; And Whereas all property assessment rolls on which the 2016 taxes are to be levied have been returned and revised pursuant to the provisions of the Assessment Act, RSO, 1990, Chapter 4.31 , as amended (hereinafier referred to as the "Assessment Act"). Now Therefore Be lt Enacted By The Council For The Gorporation Of The City Of Quinte West As Follows: 1. 2. That this bylaw shall be entitled the "2016 Tax Rate By-law". The revenue and expenditure estimates, as described in Schedule "4" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law, are hereby adopted for the 2016 taxation year. 3. Assessment compiled in the year 201 5 for taxation in the year 2016, based on current values from January 2015 under the provisions of the said Assessment Act, shall be the assessment on which the tax rates shall be fixed and the tax shall be levied on such assessment as summarized on Schedule "B " attached hereto and forming part of this Bylaw. 4. The tax rates for the year 2016, as set out in Schedule "C" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law are hereby adopted for the 2016 taxation year. 5. Those property owners in the rural streetlighting areas shall be levied as set out in Schedule "D" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 6. Those property owners or occupants with local improvement area charges as set out in Schedule "E" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 7. That the rates herein imposed for all property tax classes shall become due and payable in two (2) equal ìnstallments as nearly as may be: lst instaf lment 2nd installmentdue: due: July 27,2016 September 28,2016 8. Penalty at the current rate of 1.25% per month established by By-law Number 98-164 shall be added on the first day of each month following the due dates until the taxes are paid. L That this By-Law shall take effect upon the final date of passing Read A First, Second and Third Time And Finally Passed This l6rH Day Of May,2016. Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk 2 City of Quinte West 2016 Operating Budget Net Expenditures Schedule rrA" to By-Law 16-069 201 5 General Levy Taxation Supplementary Revenue Payments ln Lleu of Taxes Total 6enerål Levy Revånuãs s s g S 201S Budget Aciuals $ $ J8.l?q,0$) I {39,279,989) f619,502) {48,23,t,5301 S $ i (8,frr,7001 $ g 139,280,000) {25q,00Ð. (4?,641,7001 Var¡ance 2016 Budget lo 2015 Budget % VaÌ¡ancê ã)f6 Budget To 2015 Budget $ 2016 Budget $. $ {8,er7,300) g (50,562,300) $ (4r_,3e5,0001 _l-2_5-91090} {2,115,000) 9.93% t805,600} {2.920,600} 6.130/6 Municioal Departments 6.1 Total lllayor Ê Council Total CAO, HR, Economlc Development, Recreation Total Corporate and F¡nance of Pubtlc Works $ $ 159,193 93,723 8,f55,606 342,527 s s 1,500,37S s 1.25e,650 $ s c Fac¡lities $ $ $ i i I q2,0qp 167,700 5,700 245;tOO 7,837,608 339,700 1,623,200 2s3,875 8,1?5 333% 8,640,33r 352,507 8A2J23 12,807 10,24n/o 3.77olo 1,635,1¿l$ I 1,940 0.740/o I,307t700 1,349,200 41,500 3.17% 3.s2% Control Total Public Works Total Planning Services Total Fire Services Totãl Fleet Fiscal Serv¡ces Tax Write-Offs Char¡ty Rebates vacancy Rebates Transfer to Reservgs re Supps ¡ 914.070 17.506 5 475.000 25.000 t 625.00û $ 25.000 s 50.000 i 31.58% .,t66 ,330 27.83A.821 Total Munic¡pal DepåÉments External Aqêncies Total Health Servieês Total Social Services 1 L¡b.aries Trans¡t Other Extemal Agences Police Total External Total Generål Levy Expend¡turês General Tax Levy $ 0$ c I Lishtfqg Flrelightêrs 0s $ (252,2781 $ (337,s00) I 5 (o) s s 7 Total Area Rat¡ng Revenues g 356,196 t 337,900 $ I 136,372 7 Total Area Rat¡ng Expenditureg NÊt Area Râtlng Tax Levy I Educdtion Levy $ t0) 3 0$ 5 s 6 ÎAXABLE ASSESSMENT BREAKDOWN WÂRD Commerciål Tex¿blei Flll Shaaed PIL ETN Taxable: Full (new conslructìon) KTN Taxablei Êxcess Land crrN cxN Excess Land (New Const) 4,054,339 6,430,1 00 2,214,709 772,492 3,976,800 2,881,000 4.292,1û0 XUN 292,691 145,661 61,000 ¿4,500 57,709,1 51 a4,238.250 754 178 FTFS Têxable: Fuìl 1,550 Taxable: Full dñ 75,000 246.800 41,100 .ìN 186,000 49,500 Tareble: Full TN 31,09S,626 3,883,400 1,599,800 Taxablê: Full (New Construction) JTN 2,938,000 743,8Q0 1,390,000 Taxable: Excess Land UN 1,3'14,889 275,000 XN 933,200 2,030,700 TN 5,497,735 5.370.003 94,634.016 4.295.344 6,046,569 lnduslrÈl ïaxable: Full Vacant Land Shêred PIL ndusirial Taxable: Full lnduslrial Taxable: Excess Lâfid Taxable: Full fâxable: Full M t'ÊP ms 437,172 Taxâble: Full Tâxåble: Full 3,454,000 0^70 4,282,815 3,r02,693 4,622,377 'Í,230,900 30,700 102,022,601 0.70 3 1 5,214 '1.00 11 125 0.2500 '1.00 0,2500 1,00 2,521 0.2500 1.00 630 209,550 0-2500 1,00 388 3,923,878 1 188,545 2ú3,042 11 't.00 603,673 100.531 235,500 2 4460 0.65 38,095,256 2.4460 1"00 76,069,685 s,498,796 3,S1 3.1 I,819,335 3,399.940 5,071,800 2,4460 1.00 7,186,344 21,970 I,662,759 2.4460 0.65 2,090,542 17,400 3,521,300 2 446Õ 0.65 1.483.695 't0,867,738 2 614'l 1.00 1ô,388 814.273 3,699,404 93,1t0,996 14,37 4,928 3? 1 1 80 926 34,930 3,228,610 858 546 27,664 143,841 156,375 1,2A5 594,832 2.1300 '1.00 s31,176 333,079 2,737 790 194,513 2_1300 1.00 412.694 678,000 33,444,000 0.9240 100 3,191,496 166,455,828 2,709,653,774 'l.0000 1.00 67,793,709 15,040,542 297,234,289 1.0000 '1.00 1.0000 1.00 7,293,810 5,1 64,31 6 13,530,595 5,006,506 778,368,000 166,455.828 2,709 ,653,77I 67.793,709 '15.040.542 297,234.249 1.00 1s,225.403 7,293,810 r3,530,595 1.00 7,624,946 5,154,316 5,006,506 24,517,430 1.5385 1.00 1.5385 0.70 '188,003 250! 1,00 2,585 Forestlaxeblê: Êul¡ T'IEP I 0,339 ForeslTaþble: Full nFs 2,7"11 183,041 '185,81 2 0.250û 1.00 693 Foresì Tãxable: Full TTFP '180 2,A87 3,0ß7 0.250c 1.00 45 110 I I zJm 100 28 773 til ûo3 l.ûo6-!59_to0 33.2./, z.6.t./, 1gg-77t.700 5.3% t ?ßl n[Î 461 ¿ô1 I OO.Oû/^ 0 30,902,256 99,175,784 1.0000 0 414,377 626.472 s82,855,880 l-000ú 1,920,93E 1,266,992 1,683 115,224.254 19,394,043 462,800 13,21't,924 7a1,974070 39,258,256 265,280 217,3A5,146 9,779 616 1,598,275 90,710 5.s70,789 17,304,672 s¡ 1,447,799 1.0s4,820 3,208,448 174,570 5,598,515 28,415,815 188,891 778,368,000 2,643,621 14,440.947 9,149,083 4,421 12,405,623 437,223 12,879,192 15,204.640 .Aþl 93,682 201,570,454 9,31 2,790 3 5,388 78,700 Centre 1êxablê: /Excess Land dARD % OF TOTALASSËSSMËNÍ 52,388 318,470 1.00 10,584,000 '¿7 630 52,000 1.5385 18,728,000 1 980,970 1.00 514,000 25,505,650 7,67 5 792,425 2.4460 qn ASSESS. PER WARD s37,777 ô5.694 11,059,563 332,t00 CeñtæTax€ble: Full rôTAt TÀXÂBLE 5,013,569 1.00 Þ1N Fu¡l 12,0S5,r 18 2.13ûC Tâxabler Full lNt 14,427,248 87,233 207,000 6.700 1.512,430 156.870 5385 0.2500 499,352 129.322,668 6,202,78'l 99,175,784 ,624,946 1.5385 81,000 1,968,642 67,531 982,85s,880 7 83'1,935 9,892,70S 88,681 115,224,234 15,225,4ß3 2,385,1 31 0_65 781,97 4,A7A RTFS 6,237,601 1,796.503 2.13û0 RfFS RTFP 111,223,717 070 2.6147 RIEP Êul¡ 1.00 1.5385 11.009,232 102,058,754 Taxablei Full axâÞle: tsuI 540,00t) 1.5365 399.S87,212 79,4û8,290 2.615,394 Taxeb¡e: Full I 50,900 193.753 MTFS PTN lax¿ble: Full 38,300 73,409,837 4,655,341 208,000 132.000 Tâsble: FullShsred PIL 236,159,853 84,057,ô33 ,279,585 3,169,700 HN Lot:Full 1.00 1.5385 FTtrP Taxable: Full laxable: 1 62,309 62.309 1.00 259,985,188 7.1s5,822 m Full I 51,614,038 47 .715,201 72.293,609 'I.668.140 FlËP Taxable: Full ,10,500 40,500 153,500,067 WEIGHTED ASSESSMFNT WARD 2 WARÐ 3 TOTÀL WAED 2 CHN laxãble: Full Tãablei Vacåñt Lañd I 14,327,727 l-60!-aá0.867 39 A1ah 36'1 950 3,208,448 39.258,256 1,598,275 19,394,043 23,392,339 37,720,066 97,690 285,693 5,700 480,235 1 1 46,453 45,760 767 û71 413 1:51.165.208 30.63"1 a ñ1ÃJ16 a7' ?4-A30/" 2ôC ¿qq ?41 Á oa¡ 5ü a?q 5.13.1" Schedule "B" to By-Law 16-069 100.o% WEIGHTED ASSESSMENT CODË Commerc¡al P-l-L: Full CFN Commerc¡al P-l-Lì Fu¡i, Tenant of Province cpN Coññêrciâl P-l-L: GeneGl CGN Conmerc¡al P-l-L: Full Excess Land commerc¡ål P-l-L: G€ne€l Êræss Lând CVN Commerciel P-fL: Full Vacânt Land CYN cômmercial P-l"L: General Va€nl ¡and ìIUARD I WÂRD 3 WAR¡] 2 1,016,000 2 13,487,860 7.155,300 WARD 4 1.331.200 Târ Rrtiô TOTAL 222,990,360 Discount 1"5385 1.00 1.5385 1.00 1.5385 1,00 1.5385 0.70 1.5385 0.70 1.5385 0.70 CRN 1.5385 0.70 czN 1.5385 0.70 413,000 3'15,000 98,000 ,a,aoo 13.900 CWN 81,000 23,500 11.338,000 11,442,500 WARD I 11,008,429 WARD WARD 3 WARD 2 1,563,1 16 328,451,073 4 2.046,051 484.628 150,773 'to,rro a7,233 ]FN 2.4464 1.00 lndustrial P-l-L: Full Exæss Land IVN 2,446C 0"65 861,000 861,000 lndustñêl P-l-L: Vacânl Lênd, Shâred PIL IJN 2.A464 0-65 MultiRes P-l-L: Full MFÊP 2.1304 'i.00 Mull¡-Res P-l-L: Full MFÊS 2.130c 1"00 Multi.Res P-l-L: Full MFFP 2.130( 1.00 Multi-Res P-l-L: Full MFFS 2.130C 1.00 RÞs/Fam P"l-Lì Full RFÊP 1.00 ReslFam P-l-Lì Full RFES 1.000c '1.000c ReJFârm P-l-L: Fúll RFN Res/Farm Pl-Lr Generâl RGN RHN Exempt ËX New Ctrsl Com New Corsl Com PIL Fxcess Land PIL Taxablefull 45,738,091 12,t54,509 1.00 790,436 790,436 1,000c 1.00 32,927,464 32,927,064 1.000( 1.00 : 1,564,300 1.000( 1.00 56,000 9,500 L000c 1.00 ,595,277 l-000( 1"00 9,073,000 1.538r 324,740 259,000 443,000 924.600 9,500 *,754,377 27,485,500 XPN 9,073,000 XON 173,000 7,692,000 ,161 ÍOTAL EXEMPT'P-I.L ASSESSMENTS ÞFÞ WÀPD TOTAL IAXABLE ASSESSMENTS FER WARD TOTAL ASSËSSMENTS uTrLlïY TRANSlr¡llssloN Âl ôtt ßtô 373-5ß5 497 t^a aÊ1 il3 l -308.¡$!.000 1 I ^3So.¡122.600 r.620.966.s00 I 1.00 I 000( t00 87.087.968 790,436 32,927,AU 259,000 &9 3.761.551.403 r.609.640.667 t.2s1.165.208 210.574-000 4.266.620.500 l-696.737.635 I .740.640,21 I 58.6rAC 383-60ÀC 924,6A0 1,564,300 27,485,500 7.692,000 161,595,277 1 r3,958.81J 186,3't2 186,312 a-l¿3-93S ¿1F 111 10.802.300 t9s.77t,700 23s.2lAC 324,70t) 9,500 53,750,377 38.637-700 I 0&.657.400 5.323,160 32,92? ,A64 13,958,8't ô60 0c7 45,738,091 790,436 1_00 1.000( 73,000 4¿3.000 9,500 72,667,400 12.323,000 12,154,509 527,000 3,323,260 O06-E5g-700 29S.2tAC 225.O84C ss 1,029.900 0.70 173,000 Ëxempt 98,500 45,433,591 12,154,509 '1,000c 56,000 72,667,440 133,000 100 635.401 2,106,006 2,r06,006 5,323,160 527 tóO 3,323,260 1,029.900 RFFS Res/Farm P-l-L: Êull Sh€red PIL 73,000 12,154,509 Res/Farm P-l.L: Full Res/Fam P-l-Lr Full 98,500 45,433,591 133,000 343,070,669 14,970 25,308 12,210,455 Farm P,L: Ful!, taxable tenant of province lndustriêl P-l-L: Full TOTAL I nt¿2tn a72 I ôtÂag¿ll1 a 1.t.690.587 632.397.505 209-4SS.743 4.084.564.829 221 190-370 471ô.962.334 f¡x iirtt Code ,rl it""--",.,,t"..".","t..-"""-t Vrc¡¡r 'a¡ãblê voctñt lcôNt v¡.iñr¡r'lewllrrrbl.: lco.'r,"¡.n l-.'ù€¡ær¡L¡nd lLrid luø nroro"rnl n n,ooo"rnì n n,on,runl o ;reel¡ghts fotâlLâwWard 1 oooroourl o nnornouui n 2 o,onrroul lP."e o.oroorrunl ooo,o.rul,o.rul,o.rul n n"n"r""rl n nro"n-"! o nrrorrr"l n nr,"orr"l n nro"rarrl o n,aaooorl ñ o1 rôbl Lew Ward n 0 01 180û00 l*'*''** I o.oooroouu o-oarrnra, o.0298762 o,,rooool 0.0r559670 nta"oonrl o.ornornrol oonrruol o.orr.rurol o.o.*rrssl 'urnurol n o 0 00021 14s 0 00032537 0 00302561 0 00302567 0 0150000t o.ooaroarol 0.0¿314761 n n nrrnoaoo ,-0.9991!391 nrnr"r"nl n nnnr""nrl n nnnrno"^l n n nn,r""ool o 0013321ì n nr""oorn] n n01q031 "l oo,uroool o o,aaoonrl 0 01500000 0 00975Ô00 0 001âß00r 0.01 180û00 o 0 0¿50¡49¿ oo2s3078l o o2Ê391X o o2u3303 o.or"r"r"rl o-o"rroaarl o orrr"uo.i o oon.urrol .tuol o 01722941 0 00975000 nnroonnnl nn,,onnnnl nnn,oonnnl nn,"^rnorl nr^oron, nnr.orrnnl nn rr"rrol onrrnrraol oornrar"rl o.oonurruol 0.00826000 o.oeo¿oes¡l o.o.rr..uri o.o.uu.urrl o.orururrrl o a25a6777 t' n nrr"n"r*l n o o'o o o,uu.urol o nnn,o"r, ooruoruo o-orraorra 0 0û030925 Ò 00M700c 0-0033469C 0 01091769 o 000¿7n0f 0.02046633 0.00300&( oo,u'ttrrl oo u- n nroonot"l añ1122941 n nnr"oonorl nnnnornnn nnronnnnnl no,,rooool ooorruoool 0.00975000 o orroooool 0 00s750û0 nnn,oonnnl nn,,onnnnl n n,""onorl n nno.oo-i o ô0ô¿700t o.or"r"r"rl o.orrr.rrrl o.oru..r' n nrr"n"r"l n nr"oron, n orror"onl no"at"ra"] oorroat"o o ornr.r"rl o oroo".aal o.ooroo* oñ17rr9¿1 n 02f5qi0! 0 nôq3ñ71¿ 0.01013760 n n,rooarnl nrnnrranl 0 002534¿0 n 1Ôo1Ã2A1 o 00015¿f9 nnnn,."nri 0 000û3a55 oooruaooo] oororrusrl oozorsosrl 0-o03oo44ol 0.039798s71 0,0365e6rr1 nn,no,rool nnrnorr^ol nn,norr"ol nnrrrn.rnl nnoruaoooi o.oratruurl oororruu, 0.00e54s641 nr"nraorl . l*,"::;i:"¡:i, n o n?65067A nnnn,^^n.l nnnn,^on.l nnnnr""nri 0 01 18ô000 onnrt,arl 0 00032537 onn"noral o a1722941 o.o,uoooool oor.rruro] o u nnnn"arol n 0 02650678 oooooroool oo,uoooool oo,ruooool ooonruoool ooorruooo ooorrou*i ooo.ruooo oorrroonrl nrnr*^""l n nr-"^..| n ntorrr"ol oor"r"r^rl 3eneral Levv o 01364092 D01611771 nn,no,rool nnrno,r^ol ooruunurol o.oor.aoool o.orornuurl o.orornuurl o.oru,,rrrl o.oru,,rrt o.orarrrurl nntar,rzI n o ooooroool ,,*'-'*-1,,,,**r,*' l,*,,*,'* o o2¿79657 onnn t rrl ooonorruul oooourrrul ooooaar,, o.ooezeoool 0013640s2i oooooroool oo'roonool o.orreoooc '.o.es4so¿l 0.02063ãel 0.020632.ri o.ot.,] o.or"norolr 0.003od2ss] '.o*,t73ztl o.o¡esz¡zr nnnonrrrrl n nr^an^r*l nnnrrarol n nnnrnar^l o oonruoool o.orarrrg I 0 00s75000 o oruoooool 000975000 0.02611291 o.ootaoraol o,o2724146 nr,.n.ool 0 00f880ûc o noor.rrol Û 01013760 nnnn n rrrrl n,"^rnorl n n nno"ro"rl nn oot"*l nnrn""*ol nnn"-ro" Schedule o'C" to By-Law l6-069 City of Quinte West 2016 Special Area Charge Tax Rate Calculation $ cvA Property Class Com Tax $ Com Tax Vac Unil Com Tax Vac Land Com New Construction Farmland Tax EP 1.5385 7,533,573 1.5385 't32,311 $ 0.0002287 $ 0.0421 24 0.0000372 $ $ 1.00 161,375 1.00 0.0000 $ 0.2500 1.00 0.0000 $ 0.2500 1.00 0.0000 2.4460 124,746 lndus Tax Vac Unit $ 2.4464 lndus Tax Vac Land $ 2.4460 0.65 $ 2.6147 1.00 Mult¡/Res Tax ES Multi/Res Tax FP 2l3AO 1,254,570 1,254,570 a3272 186 0,0003166 $ 0.0000 $ 2"1 300 $ 2.1 300 1.00 0.0000 $ 0.0000 $ 2.1 300 Pipel¡ne_ Tax s o.9240 1.00 1.0000 1.00 Res/Farm Tax ES $ Res/Farm Tax FP $ $ $ 319,7{3,775 3'19,7't3,775 0.0000 319,713,775 $ 47.526 0.0001487 $ 47,526 11.1436 $ 6,352 0.0001 487 $ 6,352 $ 1,057 0.0001487 $ 1,057 $ 387 0.0001487 $ 42,729,973 42,729,573 7,110,042 I.0000 7,110,O42 7.11A.O42 1 2,600.210 '1.0000 2,600,210 0"6781 2,600,210 1.0000 0"0000 ù $ 0-0000 $ Shgpp_ing Centre Tax $ 1.5385 lsnopping Cenlre Vac Un $ 1.5385 0,70 0.0000 $ 0.0000 $ 0_0000 $ l- Managed Forest P $ 0.2500 L00 Forest S lManaged lManaoed Forest A $ 0.2500 1,00 t" s 0.2500 1.00 I 186 $ 83.3784 1.0000 42,?29,973 19 ü $ $ ResiFarm Tax N $ $ 0,0000 1.00 Multi/Res Tax FS Res/Farm Tax FS 0.0003636 1.00 $ 24 $ 0.65 1.00 Res/Farm Tax EP 14 JID $ 2.6147 589,000 1JzA $ 1g 124.746 1 $ $ $ 0.0001601 1.00 Multi/Res Tax EP o"aoo2287 14 161 ,375 $ JzA 316 2,128,267 Large lndgs Tax-Vac Un 1 $ share of Budget 0.5550 lndus Tax Tax $ Tax Rate o.0242 1.5385 51,000 1 $ Share of Budget 92,618 0.2500 $ Budget 0.70 645,500 $ % Share of $ I,383,339 $ lndy-s- 7,533,573 1 $ Farmland Tax FP large Weighted CVA (with Discount) 0. 1.5385 86,000 D¡scount 2,128.267 Farmland Tax ES Farmland Tax FS 4,896,700 $ $ Weighted CVA Tax Ratio 57,000 s $ 383.449,149 r00.0000 s 57.000 s Schedule "D" to By-Law 16-069 57.000 I ¿016c.r.Þlbq ¡ Conmerci:i låxâble: Full Shåred PIL LorFun Texsbleì va€f, I UniuExc fdâbla: Exæss þnd þnd (New Co¡g) rülP N Fâmlndsfâxâblo:Êu¡l A s 0.0i559670 g 4,054.910 r00 0 01s59670 $ 1,311 021 318,470 1.00 0 0155S70 3 5385 7,162,242 0.70 1.5365 17.274,744 o7a s 1.00 3 399,987,212 1.00 s 84,057,633 1 53A5 s s 129,322,868 207.000 1 5385 s CTN 259,985,18E XTN GlN CUN 4,S55,341 CXN i r,230,900 1 XUN {99,352 1 5385 s 768,253 0.70 Ftp 1e,02,601 0.25C0 s 25,505,650 100 3,93,A7A o 25æ s 0.2500 s Famlând6 TêxËÞle: Full S Famlaûdslrxabl€:Full 001559670 1.5385 CHN Tãxãbls: Fun (¡ôlr ænsltudion) FTN 2,521 0.2500 209,550 0 2500 Tâxåbte: Full Shåred PIL IHN 2 4460 lå$b¡ei IJN 2 4464 s s s FlC Full VaøntL¿nd Shårôd PIL s&.s70 52,388 s s B 0 00253440 $ 531 1.00 0.0247Ðô57 $ 085 0 01611?7 5 0.0247557 s 944,ð32 0.0247%57 s 125,763 ao1â11777 s 26,800 0.02650678 s 288,069 o.01722U1 o 02159S9 s s 2.203.764 s 1.00 Tøùå:VMUú IUN 1.8õ2,75S 2.4460 3 4,67.1æ q65 3 Tårâble: V€cânt Unil/Exc La¡d rxN 3,521,300 2 1460 8,613,100 065 LTN 10,867,738 2.6147 s s 28,415,875 1.00 2 6147 s 6.202,7ø1 IVTS TaËble:Full C MTC 2.1Sû 594,832 2"13m e 194,543 ?.13û 26,539,638 105.5æ.619 6,242,135 0.64995 2.S581 5 269,018.21 1,070,39485 83,555.47 0.20185 Û 24,415,ú5 0.ô9590 288.m875 232.278,434 ,,rurou 2,zs4t4;.77 0"65 1.00 1.00 o 021 59309 1,26ô.992 100 0.0215930S 411,377 1-æ 0.021 5930€ 33,44{,000 o 9244 s 30.902.2S 1.@ Tårableì Full P RTP 2,7t9,6ß.n8 I 0m0 s 2,70s,õ53,778 1.m råsblei Fuìl S Rrs 297,2U,249 t.æ00 $ Taxåþlq Flll N RlN 39,25e,256 I m00 ¡ lâxåbb: Full C Rfc 19,394.043 l^m00 s STN 24.517,434 $ $ 30,902,256 0.75679 3,065,90,366 75.07402 9 s,756 01611777 13 211,924 PTN 1 33,937 12,ø44 313.274 69 0.009s714 s s 31 ,077 ,220.34 4,201 313,275 0 0r013760 s 27,469,385 1.m 0.01013760 s 3,013,242 100 0.01013760 s 33,25ô,2S 100 001013760 $ 19,394,043 1m 0.01013760 s 1m,6æ 37,720,ffi6 1.æ 0 559670 s 342,391 40a.r 33 480.235 æ7,2y.285 1.æ00 s 397,9¡4 66 0.92376 382,390 92 0-70 285.693 0.00700 2,496.2 001091769 s 2,896 100 il7,925 0.0r?93 5,351.89 t002s440 s 4,868 SUN 265,280 Full P fTP 1,920.9S 0 2500 s s s Foresl Tâxablei Full S lTs 185,812 0 2500 5 46,453 1.00 0.ö02940 s 471 3.067 0.2500 s 767 1.00 0.00253440 s I Cênlre Tâxeblei Fu[ Cêôre Îåxablêr Vaænl UnivExc ForôslTâxablê: FoÞsi Tâxabler FuIl A þñ .TTA I 5395 37,720 tîo.ooooûo ñ;.-* Full Shåred Plt 01 0.00253440 TTC {0,500 332,S0 235,S0 CHN IHN IJN $ I 5,452 0.0025340 100 Tâxable: Full S s 1.00 12,445,623 2r7,385.146 122,615 i.00 s3,180,9€6 2.13æ 5 50.825 s 9,945 s 02.05S,7y $ 0 010917ô9 a 00253440 s 1 0 0r091769 0 00253440 2.4460 LUN 178,A9?.79 100 2.4460 laxâble: Vâcânt Unirexc Laod s 1.00 5.07r.800 lnduGl.ìal 0.43216 5,369,16007 256,5ôô 38.095,256 lndushal TaxabÞ: Fuil 17.3{e.€4 12.S7055 0.00253440 JTN Conshclon) 529,628,350 0 01091769 s ITN Taxable: Full (Nêw Shoppìng C€nü al,l95,@ CÕDF 3.õ1.661.403 t ¡l !06.000 3 ¿t_345.000 2016 Trcntôn Strèetl¡ghtiñ9 Levy CODË commercial Taxable: Fult shâred PIL _*_çv*_ CHN 1-5385 Sh.rè of $ shãr€ to0 $ s of Buddêt Auddet T¡x tub s s ¡47.58fì.653 2t 8060 s 46.237 31.415 1 5385 s 23ô,15S,853 1.00 XTN 12.293.609 I s 111,223,717 1.00 0 0002Õ466 s )¿rk¡ng Lol:Full GTN 132,000 203,062 100 0 00020460 g 27 lommêrcìâl οxåble: Vãceñl Uûll/Ëxc Lând CUN 1,668,140 | 5385 s 2,566,433 0.70 0 00014326 s 239 :omnerc¡ãl Tåxablei Vâcâ¡l Lâncl cxN 3.976,800 r.5365 6 6,118,307 0,70 0 00014326 Sommeraiål låxable: Ëxcess Lâod (Nsw Coñsl) XUN 292.691 1.5385 $ 450,305 070 0 00014326 :âmfãnds Taxâble: Full P FTP Flll S (ñ& conslruclion) :ommerclel Trxeble: Foll 'åmlånds lâxab¡e: 1 q4.50û ÊtN .ãrmlands Îâxaue Full A :aamlãßdsfaxãble: Full 5385 r.5385 c $ 0.3s7s s 651 57ô 0 00003326 s 100 0 00003326 s 0 2500 $ 100 0 00003326 s 1.00 0 Õ0003326 1,125 1.00 11,125 FTC 0 2500 $ 1.00 ñdusbiâl Târâble: Full Shared P¡L IHN 2 4460 $ 1.00 83,258,033 lñdùstriål T¿xâble: Full Vâcã.Ì Lend Shered PIL IJN 2 4460 $ 0.65 3,574,237 5.1752 $ s 11075 0 00003326 s 0 00032537 I $ 0 00021 149 s 0 00032537 1 iTN 3r,099,626 JTN 2,938,000 2- 4460 s 7.J86,348 1 lndusfiâl Iåxãble- Vaca¡l Land IUN I,314,889 2.4460 s 3.216,218 065 3 0 00021149 s lnduslrial Taxable: Vacãnt Unil/Exc Lånd IXN 933,200 2 4460 2,2A2,ß01 065 $ 0 00021 149 c 197 Large lnduslrial Ta¡abler Full I,TN 5.{S?,735 2 6147 6 0.00034781 s 1.912 nduslri?l Taxâble: Full (New consrudion) 2 4460 0.0007 14.795 $ $ t s 6,394,532 0 00020466 0 2500 0 2500 0 2500 lnd!stiel Tãxâble: Full 76,069,685 14 374,928 1.00 100 10,119 956 0 00032537 .00 s 14,374,92A 0.8935 3 2r5,793.51ô 13 4137 065 1.912 s LUÑ 2.6147 s Mrll;Residentìål Tårâble: Full P MTP 94,634,016 2 1300 s Fùll S t\¡'is 6,046,569 2.1300 s 12,419,192 100 0 00028334 437,172 2 1300 s 93 1,1 76 100 n 00028334 1S3,753 2 13û0 s 41 2,ô94 1.00 0.0002833¿ $ 0 9240 s 0 00012291 s o 000r3302 $ $ tuìrltlResidenlial låxable: Full A MTC Pipeliñe lêxâble: Ful, PTN 3,454.000 P RIP 181,974,Q70 1 0000 Fol S RTS 115.224,254 1.0800 $ 1 0000 s 'l 0000 s n ô¡Ëm f$blð:fûll Res/Farm Taxable: RTN Res/F¿rm lâxãble: Full A Full 15,225,403 RTA RTÔ 1 SlìoÊping cenlre l¿xable: Full STN 9,312,7S0 Shopping Cenlrc T¿xabloj Vacaol uñil/Exc Lãnd SUN Res/Farm Tâx3ble: C ,624,94a, TTS Vâneqed Forest Taxâble: Fu¡l A lTC -êxable: Èull Shared ÞlL llndustrie lexeþle: Full Sþâr€d PIL l¡nduslr¿ Taxeble: Full V¿c¿nr Lênd Shared CHN IHN PIL S 124 3,191,49ô 100 s 3.1 91 1.00 s 920,048,673 115,224,254 1.00 0.000 t3302 100 0-0û0r3302 15,225,40ã 100 0.0001 3302 7.624,946 't.00 0-00013302 1,014 0 00020466 1,906 s 496 0 1984 57 1S03 425 122.387 1.5385 s 268,576 0.339 o 2500 5 2,7? a o 2500 s 693 100 0.!0003326 180 0.2500 5 45 1.00 0 t1, o 250ñ 1ôô 0.00003326 1.308-,139.000 1,713 $ 781,974,070 174,574 s 26.813 0 00028334 1.00 246,800 1 86,000 lJl{ r 28,705 14,327.727 1,308.006,200 lconmeßiãl 5 s 1 Mânagod Forêst Tåxåblêl Full S I f00 5385 .ITP Mâñaged Forest Taxable: Ê!ll P 1,0û00 2-01.570,454 278 0 00022608 Laage lnduÊliâ1 Tãxebl6ì V¿cent UnìUExc Lend Multi-ResidenÍial Tãxable: ¡ % Discount 53,500,067 CTN I w¡th We¡ohted CVA Târ Rat¡o 214,000 l-Cf 3,495.â¡¡l 14,327 727 0.8906 070 188,003 0,01 17 r.00 3,350 0 0002 s t-608-750-273 100-0000 1,9c6 $ 425 104,020 't 5,327 2,025 000014326 $ o 2'14.rîa 0 00003326 00003326 $ 0 0 3 0 $ 214_000 o 2016 we¡ghlsd cvA w¡th D¡scount cvÀ dôoE Commerciâl Tex3bleì Full Shared PIL CHN comme6ìa¡ Taxêbleì Êull CTN 1,153,822 Comñerc¡61 lãxable: Full (new conslructio.) XTN 1.279,585 Paù¡ng Lot:Full GTN Commerciãl Taxable: Våcânt UliUExc Lånd CUN Comnerciål Taxâbie: Vacanl Land cxN Commerciâl Ìaxåble: Exce$ Lârd (NéwconsL) XUN Farmlânds Ta¡able: Full N s 1 $ t,00s.232 1,00 I 1,966 ô42 1.00 124,619 7,675 30,700 1ðHù&i rric&l 0.0416 0.000t6605 $ 0.70 0.00016605 s $ 7.õ75 0.0037 5 0.00003855 s 0,00003s55 $ 1.00 0"0000 2 Larue lndoslñâl Tåxable: Foll LIN 5- L0t $ 3.699,404 s 0.65 s 02,594 5 1,512,430 17,400 0 00003855 I.?660 s 0 0299 t¡.0000 s 0 00037715 0.0000 $ 0.00037715 53.738 065 0.0û00 s 42,560 065 0.0000 1,00 s 0.00040316 0.0000 s 0 00026205 2.7301 s 0 00032842 s $ MTS 67,53r 2. '143,841 r.00 0,0000 2,747 1.00 0.0000 $ 0 00032842 '1,683 1.00 0,0000 $ 0 00032842 2 878.000 626.472 1.00 166,455 828 166,455,ð28 1,00 Rqrfm f¡sùhi F¡ll â RTS '15,040.512 't5.0{0.542 1.00 0.0000 r "00 0-0000 3,208,448 100 0.0000 1,598,275 1.00 0.0000 100 0.0000 $ 0 0000 s RelFâm la¡âble: Full À RTC 3.208,446 RelFa.m Taxâble: Full C RTN 1,598,215 Shopping centæ Tåxãble: Full STN $ s 5 626,472 186,303,093 $ ô0.93{5 SUN 0.70 Mâñâged Foresl TaxabÌe: Full P fTP 1.00 s ITS $ 1.00 0.0000 ForestTâxãble: Full A TTA $ r .00 0.0000 1m o 0000 aqg 76Ì CHN IHN IJN ôtn 6,100 s r$.u t.?00 I mq 55ÁÁ¡6 s 209 ¿A!.3¡6 too.ooda 059 $ 0 0 97 0.û0014247 97 2ø,726 0.00015419 25,666 s s 2,319 0 0001 5119 s 495 0.0001 541 9 $ 216 c.00423722 5 0-0001541 5 0.00015119 $ 0.0000 $ ¡ 0.00032842 RTP PIL 4 s s PlN lhdlCrbl 5 $ 0,0000 P dC Ta¡âble. Full slrsEo PIL lkúúbl T¡xsble: Full shddt g( lüable: Full V¿d Lû¡d Shsrd s 0-00024514 100 790 lCffiE 0.00024514 0,65 1,285 MânáOed 570 ã.570,789 5,719,050 $ s 2. MTA TåxabLer Fùlì 0.00û24514 2,615.394 MTC Mmaged Foresl 0.000377rs 10 1.00 LUN Mulli.Residenlial TaxâÞle: ÊulJ C knd 570 1,00 3,699,404 s $ s 0"00003855 t\¡fP MulliResident¡ãl lax¿blê: Fùll À Shopping Cente Taxable: Vacant UrlvErc t 0.00003855 s 21.s70 Fùll 1 s IXN F{ll r3 0-00018605 0"0000 RTA I 87,233 0.0000 IUN Rês/Fâam fáxéble: 304 0 0002s722 1.00 lndusk¡al Taxable; Vacãnl U.¡UExclând PÌpeline lâxâbl6: 1.6s6 $ 1.00 JTN Large lndùsldál Tåxable: Vec¿trl U¡¡yExc Land $ 0.o042s722 $ IHN l¡[d 0 40025722 FÏN 'JN ITN lúr&l 2,001 3 0,0û00 $ (Nw Coñsttuclío¡) 6"r952 3 100 Flll Vacant Lõnd Shared PIL lûduslri€l Tâ¡âble: Full lgMôf Êtu Rate 0.70 1.00 32,300 ô a0D23722 5 Frrmlods.lmt¡Þ: Frll c lndustriãl lax¿ble: 12,971,874 5 FTA Fsrmlends Taxable: Full A lnduild€l Îâxable: Foll sh¿rêd PìL rar 0.0000 ô,0000 0.70 $ 01.000 shâÞ of 100 s FTP Fâmlâñds Tåxãblei Fùll S L0û $ % F6Íkford SlÞetl¡ghtirg Levy 0"000t6605 0 0,00003ð55 $ 0.000030s5 0.00003855 s $ o môn1Âss s 32 300 ¡2.t10 Schedule 'E" to By-law l6-069 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT AREA CHARGES Description Charge Baragar Waste Bin Batawa Street Lights $77.00 Based on usage costs/ assessment The Corporation Of The Gity Of Quinte West By-Law Number 16-070 Being A By-Law to Establish Decrease Limits For Gertain Propefi Glasses. Whereas, the Corporation of the City of Quinte West may limit tax decreases for a taxation year pursuant to s.330. of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c,25, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") in order to provide for the recovery of foregone revenue resulting from the application of s.329 of the Act as modified by s.329.1 of the Act; And Whereas a by-law shall only apply to properties in a property class to which Part IX of the Act applies; And Whereas for the purposes of this by-law the commercial classes shall be considered a single property class and the industrial classes shall be deemed to be a single property class; And Whereas limits to tax decreases for any class may only be established in order to recover all or part of the foregone revenue in respect of the same property class; Now Therefore Be lt Enacted By The Council For The Corporation Of The City Of Quinte West As Follows: 1. This By-law shall be entitled the "Establishment of Decrease Limits for Gertain Property Classes ByJaw". 2. That pursuant to section 330 of the Municipal Act, for the taxation year 20'16, tax decreases for property in the following classes shall be subject to the following limitations: Property Class Percent Decrease Retained Percent Decrease Clawback The Multi-residential property class 100.00 0.00 The Commercial property class 100.00 0.00 The lndustrial property class 100.00 0.00 Where a) Percent Decreased Retained means the proportion of an anticipated assessment related tax decrease that is passed through in accordance with Part lX of the Act, and b) Where Percent Decrease Clawback means the proportion of anticipated assessment related tax decrease that is withheld an in accordance with Part lX of the Act. 3. Clawback percentages from decreasing properties in the multi-residential, commercial and industrial property classes for the prior years of 1998 through to 2016 shall be subject to the limitations as shown on Schedule "4" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. 4. That this By-Law shall take effect upon the final date of passing. Read A First, Second And Third Time And Finally Passed This l6th Day Of May,2016, Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk Schedule "4" to Year 2016 2016 2016 Muiti-Res¡dentiel Commercial 2015 2015 2015 Multi-Residential Commercial lndustrial 2014 2014 2014 Multi-Res¡dent¡al 2013 2013 2013 Multi-Residential Commercial lndustrial 2012 Mult¡-Residential 2012 2012 Commercial 2011 2011 2011 Multi-Residential Commercial 2010 2010 2010 Multi-Residential Commercial m m n ro m m n Propertv Class Commercial lndustrial 2009 Mu Commercial 2008 2008 2008 Mu 2007 2007 2007 Multi-Resideniial Commerciâl Commerc¡al lnd 2006 Multi-Resident¡al 2006 Commercial 100.00% 100.00o/o 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% ¡rc r00.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 00.007o 1 00.007o 100.00% 1 m 100.00% 74.34o/o rent 100.00% 34.4o/o rc 29.60/o 27.3o/o 41.1% 28.3% 93.6% 74.0% 63.8% 0.Oo/o 2002 2002 2002 Multi-Residential Commercial lndustrial 0.0o/o 2001 2001 2001 Commercial lndustrial 999 I 999 1 999 1998 1998 1998 Commerc¡âl lndustr¡al Multi-Residential Commercial lndustrìal rc 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% m re 0.00% 0.007o 0.00% 25.660/o 3.910/o 0.00% 14.92o/o Industr¡al 1 re 0.O0o/o 24.49o/o 46.3o/o 39.504 57.1o/o 44.4o/o 27.3o/n 27.5o/o 17.7o/o 0.0% 15.1% m re re m 0.007o 85.08% Commercial rc 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 70.04o/o 2003 2003 2003 Multi-Residential Commercial m rc 18.65% re m m rc 0.00% 0.00% 81.34o/o Multi-Residential Commercial lndustrial 2000 2000 2000 0.00o/o m 2004 2004 2004 Mult¡-Residential Clawback 2O.93o/o Multi-Residêntiâl Commercial m nr Percent Decrease 79.O60/o 2005 2005 2005 m - re 75.28% 2006 E 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 96.09% 2009 2009 m - 16-070 Percent Decrease Reta¡ned 24.7o/o 60.67o O.Oo/" 48.9o/o 77 .1o/o 86.7o/o rc 21.50% 65.6olo 53.7o/o m 70.3% 72.7o/o rc re rc re re rc re 58.9% 71.70/o 6.4o/o 26.0o/o 36.20/o 60.6% 42.9o/o 55 7olo 72.7o/o 72-5o/o B2.3Yo 1OO.Oo/" 84.9o/o 100.0% 100.0olo 75.3% 39.4o/o 100.0% 51.1o/o 22.9% 13.3o/o 63.4o/o 36.6% 49.8e/o 50.2o/o 78.4o/o 21.60/o 47.6% 52.4o/" 46/% 62.54/o 31.9o/o 37 22.8o/o 77.2o/o 68.1o/o The Corporation Of The City Of Quinte West By-Law Number 16-071 Being A By-Law to lmpose Rates for The Year 2016 On Properties Designated ln The Downtown Business lmprovement Area (D.B.l.A.) And To Authorize The Levying And Collections Thereof. Whereas Bylaw 76-3265 passed November 8, 1976 by the former City of Trenton created an lmprovement Area in the City of Trenton; And Whereas, pursuant to Section 208 of the MunicipalAct, 2001, S.O. Chapter 25 provides that subject to such maximum and minimum charges as the Council may specify by by-laws, the Council shall in each year levy a special charge upon rateable property in the area that is in a prescribed business property class sufficient to provide a sum equal to the sum of money provided for the purposes of the Board of Management for that area, together with interest on the sum at such rate as is required to repay any interest payable by the municipality on the whole or any part of such sum; And Whereas, pursuant to Section 208 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. Chapter 25, the Council may by byJaw provide that the sum required for the purposes mentioned therein shall be levied as a special charge upon the rateable property in the area that is in a prescribed business property class and that, in the opinion of the Council, derives special benefit from the establishment of the area, and the sum chargeable to such propeÍy shall be equitably apportioned among the separate parcels of property in accordance with the benefits that, in the opinion of the council, accrue to them from the establishment of the area; And Whereas the estimates of all the sums which are required for the purpose of the Board of Management for the D.B.l.A. laid before the Municipal Council of the City of Quinte West and have been adopted by the said Council; And Whereas it is necessary to pass a By-law to authorize the levy of rates upon the whole of the assessment for real property according to the last revised assessment roll, a sum equal to the aggregate of the sums adopted. Now Therefore Be lt Enacted By The Council For The Corporation Of The City Of Quinte West As Follows: 1. That this by-law shall be entitled the "2016 D.B.I.A. Rate By-law"- 2. The special charge tax rates for the year 2016 as per Schedule A, attached hereto, are hereby assessed, levied and imposed upon the property (s) in the area designated under the former City of Trenton By-law 76-3265, and the levying and collecting of the said rates are hereby authorized and directed as follows: Commercial Occupied o.0032142 3. The current value Assessment made in the year 2016, based on current values from January 2015 under the Provisions of the Assessment Act Chapter A.31, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, shall be the Assessment on which the regular tax installments shall be fixed and levied. 4. A special charge for the 20'16 taxation year shall be levied and imposed in amount stated upon the following property: Roll# 020.040.12600 Tax Amount $1,000.00 5. The special charge tax rates shall be due and payable on those dates on which the general local municipal levy is due and payable. 6. Penalty at the current rate established by by-law shall be added on the first day of each calendar month after the due date in accordance with the MunicipalAct. 7. That this By-law shall take effect upon the final passing. Read A First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passed this May,2016. 16th day of Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk 2 Schedule "4" to By-law '16-071 Gitv of Quinte West 2016 DBIA Rates Property Class CVA Com Tax g 37,022,788 Total s 37-022.744 Weiqhted CVA Tax Ratio 1.5385 $ 56,959,559 $ 56.959.559 D¡scount 1.00 Weighted CVA w¡th Discount Applied % Share of Budoet $ Share of Budoet $ 56,9s9,559 100.00 $ 1191000 $ 56.959.559 100.00 $ 119.000 Tax Rate 0.0032142 $ Share of Budqet $ 119,000 $ 1 19,OOO The Gorporation Of The Gity Of Quinte West By-Law Number 16-072 Being A By-Law To Adopt the Water/Sewer Policy for the Gity of Quinte West. Whereas it is deemed necessary and appropriate to establish a Water/Sewer Policy for the City of Quinte West; Now Therefore The Gouncil Of The Corporation Of The C¡ty Of Quinte West Hereby Enacts As Follows: 1. That this By-law shall be entitled the "Water/Sewer Policy By-law" 2 That the Water/Sewer Policy, as set out in Schedule 'A' attached hereto, is hereby adopted for the City of Quinte West. 3. This byJaw shall repeal By-Law Number 15-170 enacted by the City 4. This Bylaw shall take effect upon the final date of passing Read A First, Second And A Third Time And Finally Passed This Of May, 2016, Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk l6th Day A Natural Attrâccion Gity of Quinte West Water/Sewer Policy POLICY The Corporation of the City of Quinte West follows a prescribed administrative policy to ensure the prompt, effective and efficient collection of all water and wastewater charges that are due to the Corporation. PURPOSE The Quinte West WateriSewer Policy provides the procedures that are followed by the water and wastewater billing clerks and finance staff to ensure prompt, efficient and courteous service to the ratepayers of the municipality, provide proper billing of the water and wastewater rates as per by-law fees and apply the collection procedures on a consistent manner to all ratepayers. PART 1 . DEFINITIONS 1. Building of Corporation shall mean a structure supplied with water and/or wastewater services. shall mean the owner or occupant of any propefi which is serviced by, connected to, and who takes water from a Municipal water system and/or discharges waste to a wastewater system. 3. Gouncil shall mean the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the City of Quinte West. 4. Customer means the owner, tenant or occupant of premises who has signed an application for service to receive water or wastewater services from Quinte West water. 5. Meter means the water meter supplied and owned by the Municipality to measure the quantity of water utilized by customer. 6. Billable Unit shall mean a unit, as determined by the municipality, that is being supplied or is to be supplied with water and/or wastewater services. 2. Consumer 7. Multiple Unit Building shall mean a single building served by a single water service pipe, and containing two or more dwelling units or two or more commercial or industrial units or any combination thereof. 8. Municipality shall mean the Corporation of the City of Quinte West. 9. Occupant shall ínclude any lessee, tenant, owner, the agent of a lessee, tenant or owner, or any person in possession of premises. 10. Owner shall include every person, partnership, corporation or other legal entity that is the registered owner of the premises being supplied with municipal water or waste water service by the City. 11. Tenant shall mean one that pays rent to use or occupy land, a building or other property owned by another. 12. Premises shall mean the property being supplied or to be supplied with water or wastewater services and includes the portion of a multiple occupancy premises separately supplied. 13.Water means potable water that is fit for human consumption. l4.Wastewater means the composite of water and water-carried wastes from residential, commercial, industrial or institutional premises or any other source. lS.Appointment meaning date and time scheduled with municipal staff. 16. Contractor means a person or company that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labour to perform a service or do a job. PART 2 _ ESTABLISH/FINALIZING WATER/WASTEWATER ACCOUNTS To establish a new account, all arrears must be paid on anylall previous active and/or inactive accounts. When no account currently exists (including new builds): - Services are billed to contractor beginning the date water/wastewater services are turned on by municipal staff. - lf wateriwastewater services are turned on by anyone other than municipal staff, the contractor is charged a flat rate from the date of service installation - and/or inspection. Customer is required to sign application for service and to make an appointment for municipal staff to install meter Customer Owned Property: a) Requests to finalize account when new owner has signed for services: o Read meter and change customer information. A fee, as per the Fees & Charges By-Law 09-168 will be charged to the new customer for new account setup. b) Requests to finalize account when we have no information on new owner: Read and leave door hanger. Customer is given five (5) calendar days to contact the office and make necessary arrangements before service may be disconnected. . Rentals: a) Request to finalize account when a new tenant has signed for services: . Read the meter and change customer account information. o When a tenant signs the service contract, a deposit is required and payable as per By-law Number 09-168 at the time of signing service contract. b) Request to finalize account when no new tenant has signed: Read and leave door hanger. Customer is given five (5) calendar days to contact the office and make necessary arrangements before service may be disconnected. ln the event that no new tenant signs for the account, the account will automatically revert to the owner's name after 5 calendar days. . o PART 3 - COLLECTIONS a Bills are due 21 days after the date of issue a When an account is set up on the Pre-authorized Payment Plan, payment will be withdrawn on the due date indicated on the bill. a lf the account remains unpaid after the due date, penalty will be added as per Bylaw Number 09-168 and collection procedures will commence. These procedures may include one or more of the following: reminder notice final notice door hanger addition to tax roll for amounts over $20.00 disconnection Collection Agency a lf disconnection occurs, notice will be given to Water/Wastewater Superintendent/ Manager of Revenue/Mayor's Office. a Reconnection will occur once the account has been paid in full including reconnection fee as per By-law Number 09-168. o lf unable to disconnect a tenant for any reason and the account is a minimum of 2 bills past due, the account will be finalized and a new account established in owner's name. a A fee according to By-Law Number 13-160 will be applied for all returned items which have been returned by the bank. a Failure to receive a water/wastewater bill doesn't exempt customer from penalty charges. Any billing sent by ordinary mail or via e-billing is considered delivered to and received by the addressee within 3 business days. PART 4 _FROZEN WATER METER a A customer is responsible to heat the space where the water meter is housed. lf the meter freezes or breaks due to neglect, the Owner of the property will be responsible for the cost of replacing the meter. Municipal staff will install the new meter once the premises has been properly heated andlor insulated and all pipes thawed. Municipal staff will remove and dispose of the old meter. a The municipality is responsible for the maintenance and repair of water meters excluding when meter has been vandalized or frozen. Any other leak must be repaired by the owner at owner's expense PART 5 _ OTHER a a To Winterize - A reading is taken when the water service is turned off at the street by municipal staff and the account is finalized. A fee as per By-law Number 09168 is charged to customer's account when service is turned on or off for the season. - The customer is not charged for services while the water remains off at the street. For Demolition - An appointment with municipal staff is required to read and remove the meter and turn water off at the street. - A final bill is rendered after the meter has been read and removed from premises. a To Turn off/on & Seal/Unseal Meter - Applicable charges as per By-law Number 09-168 will apply when any of these services are provided by the municipality. - These charges will be billed directly to the property owner. a High Consumption - - Unaccountably large variances in consumption are reviewed by municipal staff and may result in the meter being re-read and or a letter being sent to customer advising of possible leak/broken meter The municipality may allow for one adjustment to one bill per calendar year on a residential account for an eligible leak. For adjustment request to be considered, customer must submit the following prior to due date indicated on the bill. Receipts for repair if applicable Written request for adjustment Any other documents requested by municipal staff. o o o The Corporation of the City of Quinte West By-law Number; 16-062 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 14-86, as amended, of the City of Quinte West, to make various housekeeping amendments. Whereas By-law Number l4-86, is the governing Zoning By-law for the City of Quinte West; And Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Quinte West, having received and reviewed an application to amend By-law Number 14-86, is in agreement with the proposed changes; And Whereas the authority to further amend By-law Number 14-86, is granted under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S,O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended; And Whereas the amendment is covered by the Official Plan of the City of Quinte West; Now therefore be it enacted by the Council for the Corporation of the City of Quinte West as follows: 1 2 That this by{aw shall be entitled the "General Amendment 2 Gity of Quinte West Comprehensive Zoning ByJaw"; That the City of Quinte West Comprehensive Zoning By-law 14-86, as amended is hereby amended as follows: S+ri*etA+esgh+ed - indicates a deletion from the Zoning By-law Bold text - indicates an addition to the Zoning By-law The first column indicates the Section being amended and is for reference only. The amended text in the second column represents the new and revised sections to the Quinte West Official Plan resulting from this Zoning By-law amendment. Section 3 Amended Text Flood plain For river stream and small inland lake systems, means the area, usually low lands adjoining a watercourse, which has been or may be subject to flooding hazards. Fl€€d¡ng-Ha*ard Pel¡eyStatencent Medical Marijuana Production Facility Means a premises used for growing, producing, testing, destroying, storing, or distribution of medical marijuana or cannabis authorized by a license issued by Health Canada." Marijuana Dispensary Means a business selling or dispensing marijuana or cannabis products as the primary activity of the business." Trailer Park or Camp Means a tourist establishment consisting of at least five (5) camping sites and comprising land used or maintained as grounds for the camping or temporary parking of tourist trailers, motor homes, park model trailers, truck campers, campers or camping tents, and includes accessory service commercial uses, but does not include parks or camping grounds maintained by any department of the Government of Ontario or of Canada; or any crown corporation, commission or board, 4.2 Accessory Dwelling Units ln a ResidentialZone Where permitted in a single detached, semi-detached, duplex, or townhouse dwelling, a maximum of one accessory dwelling is permitted provided that: A maxímum of one accessory dwelling unit use is permitted in any single detached, semi-detached, duplex, or townhouse dwelling; 4.2.1 4.9.2 Unassumed Road Notwithstanding the provisions of 4ß14.9.1 hereof to the contrary, the provisions of this By-law shall not apply to prevent the erection of a permitted building or structure on a lot in a Registered Plan of Subdivision where a properly executed subdivision agreement has been entered into with the Municipality whereunder the street or streets will not be assumed by the Municipality until such time as specified in the said agreement. 4.13 Hobby Farm The number of livestock permitted on a Hobby Farm shall be in accordance with the following or the Minimum Distance Separation MDS land ll formulae, whichever is more restrictive: An¡mal Nutrient Units Permitted As defined in the MDS Minimum Lot Area 0 - 1.2 Tillable Area Requirement 1.2ha Not Permitted N/A - 1 1.2ha 2 1.6 ha 1.6 ha 1.6 - 2.0 ha Notwithstanding the foregoing, Section 4.3 of this By-law contains provisions for the keeping of backyard hens. Hobby farms shall not be permitted in Settlement Areas as identified in the City of Quinte West Official Plan. 4.26 Prohibited Uses The following uses, activities and/or objects shall be prohibited in any Zone: 4.26.7 The outdoor storage of more than 2 vehicles or pieces of machinery that are unplated, derelict or that do not require plates. The 2 vehicles or pieces of machinery that may be stored outdoors must be kept under an opaguê cover secured and completely covering the vehicle vehiele+ er traile¡s er meþr vehiele er t¡ailer ^arts unless ethenvise perrnitted by this*; @r 5.10 Parking of Recreational Trailers, Vehicles or Boats The outdoor parking or storage of any recreational trailer, vehicle or boat is permitted on any lot that is zoned to permit residential uses by this ByJaw, but shall be subject to the following provisions: (h) 5.13 ln the agriculturah+u+al and rural residentìal designations oi the Official Plan, larger recreational trailers, vehicles and boats may be parked and stored on areas other than a driveway subject to the setbacks of the zone. Non-Residential Parking Requirements The number of parking spaces required for non-residential uses shall be calculated in accordance with the standards set out below. Use Minimum Parking Space Requirement (Net floor area unless othenrvise specified) Glinic I space per 16 m' Commercial Self Storage I space per 100 m' Warehouse 1 space per 100 m' of gross floor area up to 2750 m2, plus 0.5 spacés for each 100 m2 of gross floor area in excess o12750m2 5-14.3 Number of Accessible Parking Spaces Required Accessible parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following Table: Number Total Park¡ng Requirement of Accessible Parking Spaces Required Total parking requirement - 12 spaces or One Type A parking space less Total parking requirement 13-100 spaces Four percent of the total number of parking spaces. The distribution of Type A and Type B parking spaces shall be in accordance with Section 5.14.4. Total parking requirement 101-200 spaces Three percent of the total number of parking spaces plus one additional space. The distribution of Type A and Type B parking spaces shall be in accordance with Section 5.14.4. Total Parking Requirement - 201-1,000 spaces Two percent of the total number of parking spaces plus an additional two spaces. The distribution of ïype A and Type B parking spaces shall be in accordance with Section 5.',|4.4. Total Parking Requirement 1,000 - greater than One percent of the total number of parking spaces plus an addition 11 speces. The distribution of Type A and Type B parking spaces shall be in 5.14.4. accordance with Section 6.4.27 Ruraf Exception 27 (RU-27) Zone Fish & Game Glub Road and River Drive Notwithstanding Sections 6.1 and 4.33.6 of this ByJaw, within the Rural Exception 27 IRU-271 Zone, the following special provisions shall apply: (a) A permitted single detached dwelling must be hooked up to and serviced by municipal water and sewage disposalsystems; and (bl A permitted single detached dwelling must meet a minimum setback of 100 metres from a wasté management facility. All other provisions of the Rural (RU) Zone shall apply. 7.4.11 Agricultural Exception l1 (A-11) Zone 640 Hamilton Road Notwithstanding Section 7.1 of this ByJaw, within the Agricultural Exception f f (A-1f ) Zone, a petting zoo shall be permitted in addition to the uses normally permitted in the Agricultural (A) Zone. For the purposes of the A-11 Zone, a petting zoo shall be limited to farm animals on the most southerly 200 metres of the lands. No exotic animals are permitted. All other provisions of the Agricultural (A) Zone shallapply. 8.4.27 Rural Residential Exception 27 (RR-27) Zone (By-law 14-117) 111 John Meyers Road Notwithstanding Sections 8.2.1 and 8.2.2 of this By-law, within the Rural Residential Exception 27 (RR-27) Zone, the minimum lot area shall be 0.19 ha and the minimum lot frontage shall be 22 metres. 10. Residential Type2 (R2) Zone No person shall within any Residential Type 2 (R2) Zone use any land, erect or use any building except in accordance with the following provisions: 10.2.4 10.4 Minimum Exterior Side Yard 65m Residential Type 2 (R2) Exception Zones 10.4.1 Residential Type 2 Exception 1 (R2-1) Zone Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law to the contrary, within the Residential Type 2 Exception 1 (R2-1) Zone, the following provisions shall apply: Minimum Lot 57m Minimum Lot 4.3 m Setback from Watercourse Floodline and lands zoned 6m . . . . . Frontage Area EOP Minimum distance between buildings on Lot 5m Minimum setback from lnternal Road 5.8 m (Unit #23) All other units 7.5 m Maximum 10.7 units/ha Development will be connected to municipal water and sanitary sewer services All other provisions of the Residential Type 2 (R2) Zone shall apply. . . 10.4.5 density Residential Type 2 Exception 5 H€ldi+rg (R2-5-H) Zone Notwithstanding any provision of this By-law to the contrary, within the Residential Type 2 Exception 5 (R2-5) Zone, the following provisions shall apply: . Lots services by open road side ditches require a minimum lot area of 850 m' and a minimum . lot frontage of 23 metres. Ne Cevelepment shall be permitted until sueh time as the " H" symbel has been remeved in ine net prev¡ee¿ tnat a environmentar assesernent ie sceeessfslly eempleted fer a eemmunal sewage treatment . fa€il¡bË Minimum Exterior Side Yard 4.5m All other provisions of the Residential Type 2 (R2) Zone shall apply. ResidentialType 2 Exception l2 Holding (R2-f 2-H) 10.4.12 Helyer Road Notwithstanding any provision of this ByJaw to the contrary, within the Residential Type 2 Exception 12 Holding (R2-f 2-H) Holding Zone no development can occur until the Holding zone has been removed. Removal of the Holding Zone will only be undertaken upon confirmation that the propefi can be serviced by municipal water and sanitary sewer services. All other provisions of the Residential Type 2Zone shallapply. 11 ResidentialType 3 (R3) Zone No person shall within any Residential Type 3 (R3) Zone use any land, erect or use any building except in accordance with the following provisions: 11.2.1 Single Detached or Duplex er Cenverted Dwelling Minimum Exterior Side 65 m 11.2.2 Semi-Detached Dwelling Minimum Exterior Side Yard (S) 65m Multi-Unit Dwelling Minimum Exterior Side Yard 65m Townhouse Dwelling Unit Minimum Exterior Side ê5 m '11.2.3 Yard (d) 11.2.4 11.4.4 (e) (e) Yard Residential Type 3 Exception 4 H€ldrng (R3-4-H) Zone +letyernea¿ Stonecrest Su bd ivision Notwithstanding any provision of this By-law to the contrary, within the Residential Type 3 Exception 4 H€lding (R34-14) Zone the minimum lot frontage shall be 6 metres per dwelling unit, the minimum exterior side yard shall be 4.5 metres enfue ' eenfirmatien that the preperty ean be serviced by muniêipal water All other provisions of the ResidentialType 3 (R3) Zone shall apply. @iæ€, 12 ResidentialType 4 (R4) Zone 12.4.2 Residential Type 4 Exception 2 (R4-2) Zone Batawa ln addition to the uses permitted within the Residential Type 4 (R4) Zone, within the Residential Type 4 Exception 2 (R4-2) Zone the following uses shall also be permitted: Permitted Accessory Uses: . . Artists' studios, craft shops/studios, sign makers, etc. which may include a retail component Personal Service Shop General services such as tutorial services, small cafes, small bakeries, mail delivery services, printing and photocopying services, desktop publishing services, graphic design, travel and insurance agencies, day care centres, etc. Business, professional or administrative office Small industrial workshops such as machine shops, component manufacturing, engíneering services Additional Zone provisions: Maximum Lot . . Coverage 50o/o 50% of the floor area may be permitted for workrelated accessory uses. Notwithstanding any provision of this ByJaw to the contrary, within the Residential Type 24 Exception 2 Holding (R24-2-H) Zone, no development can occur until the Holding zone has been removed. Removal of the Holding Zone will only be undertaken upon submission of a Design Plan which takes into consideration the findings of the required technical studies including: Environmental lmpact Study Heritage lmpact Assessment ArchaeologicalAssessment Servicing Study Storm Water Management Report . . . . . The Design Plan will show: Proposed pedestrian trails and routes Distribution and composition of residential density Scale and placement of non-residential uses Guidelines for public spaces and open spaces Architectural guidelines for built form Areas requiring special lot and building placement or arch itectu ral features . . . . . . All other provisions of the Residential Type 4 (R4) Zone shall apply 16 Corridor Commercial (CC) Zone No person shall within any Corridor Commercial (CC) Zone use any land, erect or use any building except in accordance with the following provisions: 16.1 Permitted Uses 16.'1.1 AccessoryResidentialUses 16.1.2 Assembly Hall 16.1.3 AuctionSalesEstablishment 16.1.4 Banquet Hall 16.1.5 Building Supply Outlet 16.1.6 Business,ProfessionalorAdministrativeOffice '16.1.7 CallCentre 16.1.8 Car Wash 16.1.9 Clínic 16.1,10 Commercial Fitness Centre 16.1.11 CommercialGreenhouse 16.1.12 CommercialSchool 16.1.13 CommercialSelf-StorageFacility 16.1.14 Day Nursery 16.1.15 Drive-through ServiceFacility 16.1.1ô Dry Cleaning Establishment 18.1.17 Dwelling,Accessory 16.1.18 Equipment Sales, Rental and Repair Establishment 16.1.19 Financiallnstitution 16.1.20 Garden Nursery and Sales Establishment 16.1.21 FuneralHome 16.1.22 1êJ23 16.1.243 16.1.264 16.1.265 16.1.276 16.1.287 16.1.298 16.1.3029 16.1.340 16.1.æ1 16.1.332 16.1.343 16.1.354 r6.1.365 16.1.376 16.1.387 16.1.398 16.1.4039 16.4 Hotel lnsti+utienal-.lJse Laundromat Marina Micro-Brewery Motel Motor Vehicle Repair Garage Motor Vehicle Dealership Motor Vehicle Service Station Nightclub Personal Service Shop Place of Amusement Place of Entertainment Place of Worship Printing Establishment Private Club Public Use Repair Shop Restaurant 16.1.410 RetailStore 16.1.421 16.1.43 16.1.44 16.1.45 16.1.46 16.1.47 16.1.48 16.1.49 16.1.50 Retail Store, Convenience Retirement Home Service Commercial Use Shopping Centre Studio Supermarket Taxi Service DepoUDispatch Establishment Theatre Trade & Convention Centre Veterinary Clinic Corridor Commercial (CC) Exception Zones 16.4.8 Corridor Commercial Exception 8 Holding (CC-8H) Zone 165 Dufferin Ave Notwithstand¡ng any provision of this By-law to the contrary, within the Corridor Commercial Exception I Holding (CC-8-H) Zone, no development can occur until the Holding zone has been removed. Removal of the Holding Zone shall be undertaken upon confirmation that soil on the site conforms to provincial standards and a site plan agreement has been entered into with the municipality. 17.4 Neighbourhood Commercial (NC) Exception Zones 17.4.2 Neighbourhood Commercial Exception 2 (NC-2) Zone Kenron Estates, Sunny Creek Estates, Bayview Estates Notwithstanding any other provision of this Bylaw to the contrary, within the NC-2 Zone, the following uses shall be permitted and the following provisions shall apply: (a) (b) Permitted Uses: Community Centre; Day Nursery; Laundromat; Personal Service Shop; Public Use; Retail Store, Convenience; r r ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ r ¡ Mobile Home Sales Office and Display Area; Mobile Home Park Management Office Minimum Front Yard 7.5 m (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) {h} (a) Minimum Rear Yard 7.5 m Minimum Interior Side Yard 3.0 m Minimum Exterior Side Yard 7.5 m Maximum Building Height 12.0 m Minimum one uray road width 6.0 m Minimum two way road width 7.3 m Minimum yards shall be calculated from the internal mobile home park roads and municipal road allowances 18, Commercial Rural (CR) Exception Zones 18.4.9 Commercial Rural Exception 9 (CR-9)Zone 870 Frankford Stirling Road Notwithstanding Section l8.l of this By-law to the contrary, within the CR-9 Zone, the only permitted use is the motor vehicle sales lot existing on the date of the passing of this By-law. All other provisions of the Commercial Rural (CR) Zone shall apply. 23 Service lndustrial (SM) Zone No person shall within a Service lndustrial (SM) Zone use any land or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions: 23.1 Permitted Uses 23.1.1 AuctionSalesEstablishment 23.1.9 CommercialSchool 23Í.2 Assembly Hall 23J.3 Banquet Hall 23.1.4 Building Supply Outlet 23j.5 Business, Professional or Administrative Office 23j.6 CallGentre 23j.7 CarWash 23j.8 Commercial F¡tness Centre 23.1.10 Commercial Self-Storage Facility 23.1.11 Contractors Yard (except on land abutting Highway 401, arterial roads, and collector roads) 23.1112 Custom Workshop 23.1123 lndustrial Use, Light 23.1.194 23.1.145 23.1.156 23.1.167 lnstitutional Use Motor Vehicle Body Shop Motor Vehicle Parts Supply Motor Vehicle Repair Garage 23.1118 Motor Vehicle Storage 23.1.189 Printing Establishment 23.'1.1€20Recreational Equipment, Sales, Rental and Service Establishment 23.1.291 Rental Agency for Commercial and lndustriai Equipment 23.1.212 Repair Shop 23.1 .223 Research and Development Use 23.1.2U Retail Store, Accessory 23.1.245 Taxi Service DepoUDispatch Establishment 23.1.256 Technology lndustry 23j.267 Trade and Convention Centre 23.1.218 Trades Person's Shop 23.1.289 Veterinary Clinic 23.1.2930Warehouse 23Í.301 Wholesale shop 31.2 gleeO¡ng-¡+a¡ar+Zsne Flood Plai n Within the @ Flood Plain, no tand shall be used and no buildings or structures shall be erected or used except for those in accordance with any regulations of, and subject to the approval of, the City and the appropriate Conservation Authority. 31.2.1 Any use, building or structure that legally existed on the effective date of this By-law: (a) Shall be subject to the provisions of Section 4.20 and4.22 of the By-law; (b) The minimum elevation for any door, window or other opening for any building or structure within the Fleeding Hazard (FH) Zene Flood Plain or within 30 metres of a regulated watercourse shall be based on the flood elevation at that area and will be determined in consultation with the appropriate Conservation Authority. 31.2.2 The minimum elevation for any door, window or other opening for any other building or structure within the Municipality shall be equal to the dry floodproofing appropriate elevation determined Conservation Authority. as by the 3. That Schedules "A to F" to By-law Number 14-86, are hereby further amended by zoning lands in accordance with Schedules'A to O" to this By-law; 4. That Schedules "A to O" attached hereto, form part of this Bylaw; and 5. That this By-law shall come inlo force and take effect pursuant to the provisions of, and regulations made under, the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P, 13, as amended. Read a First, Second and Third Time and fTnally passed this 16th day of May, 2016. Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk Schedule A By-law Number: l6-062 (General Amendment City of Quinte West Comprehensive Zoning ByJaw) The Gorporation of the Gity of Quinte West SCHEDULE "A' oLDHVw 2 ROAD ßoAo Zoning By-Låw Amendñent F¡le! DO9/Q02/16 old tlighway Rezone to Neighbourhood Cornmerc¡a! Except¡on 2 (NC-2) Zone 2 KenrÕn Estates Concêss¡on BF & 1 Pt Lols 15 G€ogrâph¡c Town3h¡p of S¡dney C¡ty of Qu¡nte west 0 25 50 -==:::¡-¡Meters 100 Schedule B ByJaw Number: 16-062 (General Amendment Gity of Quinte West Comprehensive Zoning By-law) The Corporation of the C¡ty of Quinte West SCHEDULE "B" Rezone to Ne¡ghbourhood Comme¡c¡al Exoeption 2 (NC-2) Zone Zoning By-Lâw Am€ndment Fi¡e: DO9/Q02/16 529 Old H¡ghwây 2 63 Wh¡tæ RGd RCP 2190 Lot 33 RCp 21A7 Pr ror 21 @ographic Townsh¡p of Sidney City of Qu¡nte West 0 50 100 rMeteË 200 Schedule C ByJaw Number: l6-062 (General Amendment City of Quinte West Comprehensive Zoning ByJaw) The Gorporation of the Gity of Quinte West SCHEDULE'C'' Zon¡ng By-Law Arrl€ndmènt F¡le: DOg/Q02/16 201 Môrmora Streêt ! n".on" þ Res¡dentia¡ Type 3 (R3) zone 27 Hðnnah Streêt Plån 480 Pt Lots 2E6 & 287 Geogråph¡c C¡ty of Trentoñ City of Qu¡nte WeÊt 0 25 fMete6 50 100 Schedule D By-law Number: l6-062 (General Amendment City of Quinte West Gomprehensive Zoning By-law) The Corporation of the Gity of Quinte West SCHEDULE "D" lu t! É, ( z ÞRINCESS SÎREET o É, rû GEORGE STREEÎ GEORGE STREET t- tu g c Þ ltt F o u CROWN SIREET a HEBER STREET II E F tt J J U EI DUNDAS STREET EAST ó À E (J 'OHN STREET BAY STREET I n .on. to Res¡dential Type 3 (R3) zone Zon¡ng Ey-Lâw Amendñent File: DO9/Q02/16 9l & 93 Sætt Street 10 & 12 Heber Street 5A l/2 & 60 Crown Street Plân 64 Pt Lots 147, 164 & 214 Geograph¡c C¡ty of Trenton C¡ty ot Qu¡nte l,Uesî a 25 50 rMeters 100 Schedule E By-law Number: l6-062 (General Amendment City of Quinte West Comprehensive Zoning By-law) The Gorporation of the Gity of Quinte West SCHEDULE "E- $IÈLL ROÀD ! n W- errironlnental Prôtect¡on (Ep) Zone to rema¡n Resident¡al Type3 (R3) zon€ Zoning By-law Amendment F¡le: D09/QO2/16 45 Wall Street 103 Water Stre€t 71 & 73 Canal Strcet 668 & 680 Front Street Plan 23O Pt Lots 57. 61,62 & 65 Geograph¡c City of Tr€nton C¡ty of Qu¡nte west 0 25 50 IIE-¡Meteß 100 Schedule F By-law Number: 16-062 (General Amendment City of Quinte West Comprehensive Zoning By-law) The Gorporation of the City of Quinte West SCHEDULE ''F" -t ! n .or. to Res¡dent¡al Type 3 (R3) zone t 50 lo0 t-MeteË 200 Zon¡ng By-Law Amendnent F¡le! DOg/Q02/ rG Z20 Queen Street 61 ¡'tcc¡ll Street 63 V¡cotr¡a Avenue 48 & 50 Joseph Street 9a & lOO lrlaclellan Avenue Plan 76 Pt Lot3 8, 21, & 25 Plan 2¡18 Pt Lot 2l Geogrâph¡c C¡ty of Trenton C¡ty of Quinte srest Schedule G By-law Number: l6-062 (General Amendment City of Quinte West Comprehensive Zoning ByJaw) The Gorporation of the City of Quinte West SCHEDULE "G" u I m Zon¡ng Ey-Lâw Amendment F¡le! Þ09/Qo2/16 Rezone to Rural Residênt¡al Exæption 24 Hold¡ng (RR-24-H) Zone ÞtontrGe Road Concesion BF Pt Lot 24 Env¡ronmental Protect¡on (EP) Zone to remâin Clty of Qu¡nte West Conoess¡on t Pt Lot 24 Geograph¡c Township of S¡dney 0 50 100 tlMeters 200 Schedule H By-law Number: l6-062 (General Amendment Gity of Quinte West Comprehensive Zoning By-law) The Corporation of the City of Quinte West SCHEDULE ''H" Zoning Ey-låw Ârnendment F¡le: D09/Q02/16 Rezone to Rurâl Res¡dent¡al Excêption 24 Hold¡ng (RR-2¡ÈH) Zone Chåtterton Valley Cr€s Reg Comp Plâñ 1933 Lot3 66, 74,76 & Geôgraph¡c Township of S¡dney C¡ty of Qu¡nte Ylrest 0 50 100 rMeteß 200 llS Schedule I By-law Number: l6-062 (General Amendment City of Quinte West Gomprehensive Zoning By-law) The Corporation of the City of Quinte West SCHEDULE'I" L7ø çoÈ0 t to Rezone to Res¡dênt¡âl Typ€ 2 (R2) Zone Rezone to Resident¡âl Type 2 Exception Hold¡ng (R2-12-H) zone t2 Zon¡ng By- l,åw Amendment File: D09/QO2/ 16 17556, 17560 & 17570 Telephone Roâd 6 Helyer Road Þlån 39M846 Lots I to 6 Geogråphic Torirnsh¡p of Murrây C¡ty of Quinte West 0 fMeteF 25 50 100 Schedule J ByJaw Number: l6-062 (General Amendment Gity of Quinte West Comprehensive Zoning By-law) The Corporation of the City of Quinte West SCHEDULE ''J" Zon¡ng By-Law ArÌendment F¡le: DOg/QOz/16 165 Duffer¡n Ave Plån 164 Pt Lots t to 5 Geogrâphic City of Trenton C¡ty of Qu¡nte West Rezone to Corridor Commerc¡af Exception I tlold¡ng (CC-a-H) Zone o 25 50 rlveters 100 Schedule K By-law Number: l6-062 (General Amendment City of Quinte West Gomprehensive Zoning By-law) The Gorporation of the City of Quinte West SCHEDULE "K" Rezone to Ruräl Exception 27 (RU-27, Zone Zon¡ng By-Law Añendmênt F¡le: DOg/QO2/16 R¡v€r Drive Concesaion 6 Part Lots 5 to 7 Geogrãphac Townsh¡p of Sidney City of Qu¡nt€ West 0 50 100 -MeteË 200 Schedule L ByJaw Number: l6-062 (General Amendment City of Quinte West Comprehensive Zoning By-law) The Corporation of the City of Quinte West SCHEDULÊ ''L" zon¡ng By-Lôw Amêndment F¡16: Rêzone to Env¡ronm€ntal protect¡on (EP) zone DOg/QO2/r6 1283 Old H¡ghway 2 con@ss¡on BF Pt Lot 20 Concess¡on I Pt Lots 19 to 22 Geographic losrnsh¡p of Sidney City of Qu¡nte West 0 75 150 rMeters 300 Schedule M ByJaw Number: 16-062 (General Amendment Gity of Quinte West Gomprehensive Zoning By-law) The Corporation of the Gity of Quinte West SCHEDULE ''M' ¡o1 Éé ¡gt Zon¡ng By-Law Amendmênt Rezone to Agr¡culture Exception fl (A-11) Zone F¡lê: DOg/Q02/16 640 l{äm¡lton Road Concession 2 Pt Lot 23 Geograph¡c Township of S¡dney C¡ty of Qu¡nte West 0 75 150 rlveters 300 Schedule N ByJaw Number: l6-062 (General Amendment Gity of Quinte West Comprehensive Zoning ByJaw) The Gorporation of the City of Quinte West SCHEDULE "N" OLD HWY 2 Zon¡ng By-Law Amendment F¡le: DO9/Q02/16 Rezone to Rurãl Residentiål (RR) Zone 691 Old H¡ghway 2 Concess¡on BF Part Lot l5 Geograph¡c Township of Sidnêy City of Quinte west o 12.5 25 rMeters 50 Schedule O By-law Number: l6-062 (General Amendment City of Quinte West Gomprehensive Zoning By-law) The Corporation of the C¡ty of Quinte West SCHEDULE'O" "@' Zon¡ng By-Law Amendment I noon. to coñmerc¡al Rurâl Except¡oñ 9 (cR-g) zone F¡le: DOg/Q02/16 87O Franktord-St¡rl¡ng Road Concegsion 7 Pâlt Lot 1l Geogrâph¡c Townsh¡p of Sidrrey C¡ty of Quint€ West 0 25 50 rMeteß 100 The Corporation of the City of Quinte West By-law Number: 16-063 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number l4-86, as amended, to rezone a property located at 635 Airport Road in Part of Lot 20, Concession 7, geographic Township of Sidney, now in the City of Quinte West from the Rural (RU) Zone to Rural Residential (RR) Zone. Whereas By-law Number 14-86, is the governing Zoning By-law for the City of Quinte West; And Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Quinte West, having received and reviewed an application to amend ByJaw Number 14-86, is in agreement with the proposed changes; And Whereas the authority to further amend By-law Number 14-86, is granted under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended; And Whereas the amendment is covered by the Official Plan of the City of Quinte West; Now therefore be it enacted by the Council for the Corporation of the City of Quinte West as follows: 1 That this by-law shall be entitled the "House (635 Airport Road) Rezoning By- law"; 2. That Schedule "F" to By-law Number 14-86, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation thereon in accordance with Schedule "A" to this By-law; 3. 4. That Schedule "4" attached hereto, forms part of this ByJaw; and That this By-law shall come into force and take effect pursuant to the provisions of, and regulations made under, the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.p. 13, as amended. Read a First, Second and Third Time and finally passed this 16th day of May 16, 2016. Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk Schedule A By-law Number: l6-063 (House (635 Airport Road) Rezoning) The Corporation of the City of Quinte West SCHEDULE "A" Zoning By-Law Amendment Rezone to Rural Res¡dential (RR) Zone F¡le¡ D09/s03/16 635 Airport Road ConcÊss¡on 7 Part Lot 20 G€ographic Towñship of Sidnêy C¡ty of Qu¡nte West 0 50 100 rlreteß 2@ The Corporation of the City of Quinte West By-law Number: 16-054 Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 14-86, as amended, to rezone a property located at 136 Highway 33 in Part of Lot 3, Concession 2, geographic Township of Murray, now in the City of Quinte West from the Light lndustrial (LM) to Gorridor Commercial(CC) Zone. Whereas By-law Number 14-86, is the governing Zoning By-law for the City of Quinte West; And Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Quinte West, having received and reviewed an application to amend By-law Number 14-86, is in agreement with the proposed changes; And Whereas the authority to further amend By-law Number 14-86, is granted under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c,P. 13, as amended; And Whereas the amendment is covered by the Official Plan of the City of Quinte West; Now therefore be it enacted by the Council for the Corporation of the Gity of Quinte West as follows: That this by-law shall be entitled the "993737 Ontario Limited (136 Highway 33) Rezoning By-law"; 2 That Schedule "A" to By-law Number 14-86, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation thereon in accordance with Schedule "A" to this By-law; 3 That Schedule "A" attached hereto, forms part of this By-law; and 4 That this By-law shall come into force and take effect pursuant to the provisions of, and regulations made under, the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P. 13, as amended. Read a First, Second and Third Time and finally passed this 16th day of May 16, 2016 Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk Schedule A By-law Number: l6-064 (993737 Ontario Limited (136 Highway 33) Rezoning) The Corporation of the City of Quinte West SCHEDULE I "A" n .orr. to corridôr cômmerc¡at (cc) zone Zon¡ng By-Law Amendm€nt Fil€: DOg/M04/r6 t36 Highway 33 Conccss¡on 2 Part Lot 3 Geographic lown3h¡p of ùlurray C¡ty of Quinte West 50 100 IE-IIIMeters 200 The Corporation of the Gity of Quinte West By-Law Number l6-065 Being a By-law to authorize the signing of a Subdivision Agreement for a residential subdivision comprised of fifty-eight (58) residential lots, one (l ) block for storm water management, one (l ) block for the construction of a pumping station and one (l) block containing an existing dwelling, two (2) blocks designated as 0.3 metre reserves including roadways identified as Autumn Grove, Spartan Court and Ambrosia Terrace; being Phase I of the Orchard Lane Subdivision located in Part of Lot 8, Concession 2, geographic Township of Murray, now in the City of Quinte West. Whereas the Draft Plan Approval was originally granted on October 1,2007 lor a proposed development comprised of one hundred and eighty-eight (188) singled family dwellings (Lots 1 - 187 plus existing residential dwelling), public roadways (Streets A-F) and 4 Blocks for public parkland and storm water management purposes, as depicted on the draft plan prepared by E.A. Margetson Engineering, dated June 21,2007; And Whereas the Draft Plan Approval was granted revision on November 8,2012 for a proposed development comprised two hundred and twenty-five (225) singled detached dwellings (Lots 1 *224 plus existing residential dwelling), public roadways (Streets A-E) and 4 Blocks for public parkland and storm water management purposes, as depicted on the draft plan prepared by EXP Services lnc., dated May 28,2012; And Whereas the subdivider is desirous of proceeding with Phase 1 of the subject development to be comprised of fifty-eight (58) residential lots, five (5) blocks and roadways named Autumn Grove, Spartan Court and Ambrosia Terrace; And Whereas the subdivider has fulfilled the conditions to Draft Approval to the satisfaction of the City and has submitted a written request to the City requesting that a Subdivision Agreement be entered into for the subject development; Now therefore be it enacted by the Council for the Gorporation of the City of Quinte West as follows: That this by-law shall be entitled the "Agreement Authorization (Orchard Lane Subdivision, Phase 1) By-law"; 2 The Mayor and Clerk are authorized and instructed to sign a Subdivision Agreement with the Owner for a residential subdivision comprised of fifty-eight (58) residential lots to be developed with single detached dwellings, one (1) block for storm water management purposes, one (l) block for construction of a pumping station, one (1) block containing an existing dwelling and two (2) blocks designated as 0.3 metre reserves including roadways identified as Autumn Grove, Spartan Court and Ambrosia Terrace located in Part of Lot 8, Concession. 2, geographic Township of Murray, now in the City of Quinte West, subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions prior to the execution of the agreement; 1) 2) 3) confirmation of final approval to execute the agreement from Hydro One; the owner providing to the City the necessary performance security, outstanding tax arrears, inspection fees, insurance policies, development charges and any other required fees; the receipt of all written approvals required under the Draft Conditions, including the Ministry of the Environment, CP Rail, Public Works Department, Protective Services Department, Canada Post, Lower Trent Conservation, Union Gas and Bell Canada; 4) the owner returning to the City six (6) copies of the agreement executed by the owner; 5) the subdivision agreement shall contain wording regarding the execution of a cost sharing agreement to the satisfaction of the City; and 6) the owner providing to the City the necessary original and copies of the Subdivision Plan, approved Engineering Plans and documents, Land Transfer or Easement documents including digital copies, as required by the Planning and Development Services Department. 3. A copy of the Draft Plan is attached hereto, marked as Schedule "4" and forms a part of this By-law. 4. That this ByJaw shall come into force and take effect upon the final passing thereof. Read a First, Second and Third Time and finally passed this Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk 16th day of May, 2016. The Corporation of the City of Quinte West By-Law Number 16-065 Schedule "A" (Authorize Subdivision Agreement - Orchard Lane, Phase I ) PLAN 39M- / NSON ù NmûW*ndo e a ! t2 i! ¿o l¡ 2r *: 35 a z h ila a7 t+l 1:5 ó s F 4t 4â .1 q z 1!: I ^u**n oro* !g 5 Box 490 7 Creswell Drive Trenton, Ontario KBV 5R6 Tel:613-392-2841 Toll Free: l -866-485-284 I TTY: 613-965-6849 Fax:613-392-0714 P.O. A Natural Attraetion David C lazie Director Corporate & Financial Services DATE: May 9, 2016 TO: Council FROM: David Clazie SUBJECT: Accounts Payable -April/May 2016- Invoices The following six (6) April/May 2016listings totaling $1,778,585.55 are being provided for your information. If you have any questions please feel fi'ee to contact the Finance Department. DATE April25,2016 PAYABLE LISTINU TOTAL $84,1 10.39 April26,2016 Ãpril27,2016 }/'ay 2,2016 422,512.03 3,2016 l|/'ay 4,2016 207,1t2.27 }l4ay TOTAL 49,216.84 986,013.26 29,620.76 $1,778,585.55 David Clazie Director Corporate and Finance ø^E#ø* City of Quinte West General Bank Account Payables Exceeding 510,000 00 All itemized payables are included in total voucher Note: lf any member of counc¡l has any questions concernlng any of the ¡tems below please contact the Dlrector of Corporate and F¡nance for invo¡ce deta¡ls pr¡or to the council Meet¡ng Vcndor Name t576254 0NTARIO lNC. BELL CANADA CIMCO DIAMOND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS LIMITED HARRIS COMPUTER SYSTEMS I"IIS'|ORY LIVES HERE INC, JOHN'S EQUIPMENT SAI,ES & SERVICE I.'fI) K+S WINDSOR SALT LTD,/K+S SEL WINDSOR LTEE MANULN;E FINANCIAL ROUNTHWAITE DICK AND HADLEY AIìCHITECTS INC, 8 WING/CFB TRENTON WING FUND COUN'IY OF I.IASTINGS-SOCIAL SERVICES COI.JN'TY OF HASTìNGS-EMERCENCY MEDICAL COUNTY OF HASTINGS-L.1"C, MANORS c,u,P,E. Loc^L7e9 EÁ,STERBROOK BILLIE.JO HYDRO ONE K+S WINDSOR SALT LTD./K+S SEL WINDSOR LTEE NOCO FUELS CANADA I-PQUINTE ACCESS-EXPANSION QUINTE ACCESS.PUBLIC'¡'RA.NSIT ,IEAM-I ACADEMY INC. JOEJOHNSON EQUIPMENT INC M & L SUPPLY DIAMOND MUNICIPAL J,I-. RICHARDS & ASSOCIATES LIMT|ED KEMIRA WATER SOLUTIONS LAFLECI'IE ENVIRONMENTAL INC. UNIONGAS . ALI- GAS BILLS c å¡rouDt Chcquc numbcr Transaction I 00847 26,262.01 I 00853 Relocate wires t3,543.05 r 00860 Rink seal 5,255,00 r 00866 Renrove breakwater ice eater 00876 Software nlainterrance 2016 History Moments Ssries 944,256.4s t ts,6'15.77 l r t,017.50 100877 r 1,559,90 l 00883 Various vehicle rcpaìrs 3t,334.93 I 00886 Bulk Salt 107,909.72 I 0089ó May/2016 billing Public Works Operations Centre 15,321.67 r009r0 22,600.00 l 00934 20 I 6 394,245.00 r 00956 March/2016 1.00 I 00957 March/2O16 2 13,97 I 09,41?.00 t7,324.44 s5,228,00 i00958 I 0096 I I 100977 74,365.14 ì 16,685.94 13,035.0ó 30,552.74 t0,677.64 Marcl/2O16 Union dues April/2016 Site Plan reduction 00966 57,291 .19 April/2016 billing Bulk Salt 0098 I 100990 100995 100997 l0l004 18,036.4 t EFT00000000051 Airshow Sponsorship lruel Marcl/2O16 Ma¡ch/2016 Training I Repair snow blower/drive sprocket/gear box 121,261.43 EFT0000000005 | 4 Scott SCBA/Air cylinders 64,501.0r EFT000000000540 72,n9,12 8FT000000000548 l r,905.34 8FT000000000549 137,725.63 8FT00000000055 I Enhancenrent renewal/support TWWTP Phase I upgrades/Dundas pumping station Alurninum sulphate Collection serviccs t3,831 ,83 EFT000000000521 April/May/201 6 billing s1,696,909.92 STAFF REPORT 16-067CFS A Natural Attraction DATE: May 1 1,2016 TO Mayor Harrison and Members of Council FROM: David Clazie Director of Corporate & Financial Services SUBJECT: WaterA/r/astewater Policy Update Recommendation: That Staff report 16-067 regarding the WaterAl/astewater Policy Update be received as information. Background: At the December 7th Council meeting, Council approved the WaterAlVastewater Policy for the City which had been recommended by the Corporate and Financial Services Committee. There was some additional wording in Part 5 -High Consumption added regarding the allowance for one adjustment to one bill per calendar year "on a residential account for an eligible leak" to align with our current practice. City of Quinte West Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes April 14, 2016 - 5:00 pm City Hall Council Chambers Members Present: Harm Zylstra, Pubfic Member, Chair Jim Alyea, Deputy-Mayor Paul Lafferty, Public Member Doug Phillips, Public Member Garry Quinn, Public Member Staff Present: Anne-Marie Cunningham, Committee of Adjustment & Accessibility Coordinator Jennifer Current, Manager of Planning Services Public: See Attached 1, Callto Order The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. 2. Disclosures of Pecuniary lnterest None declared 3. Approval ofAgenda Moved by Jim Afyea Seconded by Doug Phillips That the agenda for the meeting of April 14,2016 is hereby approved. Carried L 4. Approval of Minutes Moved by Paul Lafferty Seconded by Garry Quinn That the Minutes of the meeting of March 10, 2016 are hereby approved as circulated. Carried 5. Public Hearings/Staff Reports Randy Walker expressed his concerns to the Committee concerning the number of rental units in the area and the anticípated multiple units to be constructed on the proposed lots of B8/16T & B9/16T. Eva Hits expressed her concerns to the Committee concerning vehicle parking for the proposed development and the impact on property values. She also expressed concerns regarding a tractor-trailer being parked on the neighbouring property by a tenant living on the retained lot. Several other property owners in the area expressed similar concerns. Jennifer Current indicated that issues such as parkíng and the configuration of devefopment on the lots would be addressed through the site plan process and that she would look into the concern regarding the parking of the tractor-trailer. B8/167 Moved by Garry Quinn Seconded by Jim Alyea That Application B8/16T by Benjamin W, Pederson & Carson J. Pederson (Terry B. Pederson - Agent) to sever a parcel of land for residential purposes at 522 Front Street (Part Lot 4, Con 1) in the former City of Trenton is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. That a reg¡stered survey for the severed parcel be submitted to the City. That a draft transfer for the severed parcel be submitted to the Cíty. That the tax account for the subject property be paid up to date. 2 4 That parcel(s) of land measuring 10 meters wide fronting Front Street as measured from the centerline of the road along the severed and retained lands be conveyed to the City at no cost to the Municipality for road widening purposes to the satisfaction of Public Works. 5 That a site plan control agreement be entered into with the City. and registered on title. 6 That the existing garage on the property be demolished and the debris removed from the property to the satisfaction of the Building lnspector with all necessary permíts obtained. Garried B9/167 Moved by Doug Phillips Seconded by Paul Lafferty That Application 89/16T by Benjamin W. Pederson & Carson J. Pederson (Terry B. Pederson - Agent) to sever a parcel of land for residentíal purposes at 522 Front Street (Part Lot 4, Con 1) in the former City of Trenton is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. That a registered survey for the severed parcel be submitted to the City. 2. That a draft transfer for the severed parcel be submitted to the City, 3. That the tax account for the subject property be paid up to date. 4. That parcel(s) of land measuring 10 meters wide fronting Front Street as measured from the centerline of the road along the severed and retained lands be conveyed to the City at no cost to the Municipality for road widening purposes to the satisfaction of Public Works. 5. That a site plan control agreement be entered into with the City and registered on title. 6. That the existing garage on the property be demolished and the debris removed from the property to the satisfaction of the Building lnspector with all necessary permits obtained. Carríed 3 Bt0/16S Moved by Jim Alyea Seconded by Paul Lafferty That Application 810/165 by Randall & Beverly Ferguson to sever a parcel of land for residential purposes a1942 Baptist Church Road (Part Lot 35, Con 8) in the former Township of Sidney is hereby deferred pending further input from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. Carried 6. Adjournment Moved by Jim Alyea Seconded by Paul Lafferty That the meeting hereby adjourn at 5:36 pm Carried Anne-Marie Cun ningham, Secretary-Treasurer Harm Zylstra Chair 4 pa{ lr4 U N I Ë r l"A L F ËA ff rå Ëi Í{TY ASSäSSMË NT u n ñ p ñ ñ,A,Tt tt N May 4,201,6 To; From All Chief Administratíve Officers, Municipal Finance Officers, Treasurers, Tax Collectors and Clerks Carla Y. Nell Vice-President, Municipal and Stakeholder Relations Subject: Multi-ResidentialAssessmentMethodologyChange To support the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation's (MPAC) comm¡tment to deliver consistent, fair and transparent property assessments, MPAC will be valuing multi-residential properties on the directcapitalization of net income (Cap Rate) approach for the 201,6 Assessment Update. ln the past, multi-residential properties were valued using the gross income multipliers (GlM). The GIM approach assesses current value assessment (CVA) as the product of predicted income (Fair Market Rent) and the GlM. The GIM represents the relationshíp between sales prices and gross incomes of properties within each market region of the Province. Most of the other income-producing properties are valued using the direct capitalization method, Unlike the GlM, which is based on gross income, the direct capitalization approach is based on net operating income. This technique more directly and transparently accounts for variations in expenses and their impact on assessed value. ln late 2015, MPAC undertook consultation with provincial, municipal and industry representatives to discuss the direct capitalizatíon method as it relates to assessing multiresidential properties. The consultations were undertaken as part of the new Assessment Methodology Change Protocol establíshed by MPAC and the Ministry of Finance to ensure formal consultation regarding changes to valuation approach. Municipal Property Assessment Corporation 1340 Pickering Parkway, Suite 101, Pickering Ontario L1V 0C4 r : 289.315.1287 Fi 905.837 .6116 May 4, 2016 Multi-Residential Assessment Methodology Change Page 2 of 2 ln addition, MPAC met with the Federation of Rental-Housing Providers of Ontario, the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada - Ontar¡o Region Office, and the Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association to walk through the proposed change in methodology. These discussions were positive and the organizations expressed broad support for the proposed change. The methodology change aligns with MPAC's commitment to transparency and delivery of accurate assessments. The change also aligns wíth appraisal industry standards and more closely reflects the way in which these properties transact in the marketplace. MPAC will post detailed Methodology Guide for multi-residential properties to and Market Valuatíon Reports will be made available to provide specifics about the various valuation parameters to be utilized for the 2016 value calculations. The Regional and Account Managers will share more ínformation with you over the coming months as the preliminary multi-residential valuations are determined. Yours truly, Carla Y. Nell Vice-President, M unicipal and Sta keholder Relations Copy: Regional and Account Managers, Municipal and Stakeholder Relations, Vice-President and Directors, Valuation and Customer Relations, MPAC Municipal Property Assessment Corporation 1340 Pickering Parkway, Suite 101, Píckering Ontario LlV 0C4 T: 289.315.1287 F: 905.837.6116 MPAC a Administration Nf agara ',.','/,l Reg¡o" Office of the Regional Clerk I I I 5 Sir lsaac Brock Way, PO Box 1042, Thorold, Telephone: 905-685-4225 Toll-free: I -800-263-72 ON I 5 L2V 4T7 Fax: 905-687-4977 May 9, 2016 The Honourable Dr. Jane Philpotts Health Canada 70 Colombine Driveway Tunney's Pasture Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9 The Honourable Dr. Eric Hoskins Ministry of Health and Long Term Care 1Oth Floor, Hepburn Block 80 Grosvenor Street Toronto, ON M7A 2C4 Sent via ema¡l: hon.jane. philpott@canada. ca ehoski ns. RE Sent via emaiL Lyme Disease Minute ltem 9.3, CL 6-2016, April 28,2016 Dear Ministers: Regional Council at its meeting held on April 28,2016, passed the following resolution Whereas the number of cases of ticks positive for Lyme disease is increasing throughout Ontario and specifically in Niagara Region; Whereas the laboratory testing for and diagnosis of Lyme disease is sub-optimal; and Whereas there are chronic sufferers of long term consequences of this disease. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That Niagara Region REQUEST the Province of Ontario to increase funding for research aimed to enhance the testing for Lyme disease; 2. That Niagara Region REQUEST the Government of Canada to increase funding for research aimed to enhance the testing for Lyme disease and determine better treatment for long term outcomes of Lyme disease; 3. That this resolution BE FORWARDED to all Municipalities ín Ontario for their endorsement; and 4. Thatthis resolution BE FORWARDED to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Health and local Members of Provincial Parliament. t2 The Hon. Dr. J. Philpotts and The Hon. Dr. E. Hoskins Lyme Disease May 9, 2016 Page 2 Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. Yours truly, Ralph Walton Regional Clerk cc: The Honourable K. Wynne, Premier of Ontario Sent via emal: W. Gates, MPP (Niagara Falls) Sent via email The Honourable R. Nicholson, MP (Niagara Falls) Senf via email: T. Hudak, MPP (Niagara West) Sent via email: D. Allison, MP (Niagara West) Senf via email: The Honourable J. Bradley, MPP (St. Catharines) Sent via emaft C. Bittle, MP (St. Catharines) Sent via emaiI C. Forster, MPP (Welland) Sent via email: V. Badawey, MP (Niagara Centre) Sent via email: All Ontario Municipalities Sent via email The Corporation of the Township of Perry Box 70 1695 Ernsclale Date: Road Ernsdale, Ontalio POA 1f0 Mav 4,2016 2016- \bq Resolution No.: Seconded Byl Moved By: the Vessel WHEREAS the Office of BoatÍng Safety, which admini Operation Restriction Regulations (VORRS) pursuant to the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, has advised that the issue of "No Wake" is currently addressed by limiting the speed or power of a vessel; AND WHEREAS the Office of Boating Safety has advísed that "No Wake" is not a restriction found in the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, or its regulations and therefore is not enforceable restriction; AND WIíEREA,S a boat's wake can do a great deal of damage, including: . The erosion of shorelines . The swamping of nests of loons and other waterfowls . The damaging of docks and vessels moored at docks and at marina gas pumps . The danger to swimmers r The interference with safe navigation . The disruption of wetland habitat . The upsetting of canoes and smaf I boats, especially in narrow channels BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Township of Perry requests the Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, to address this dangerous and harmful situation, by implernenting legislation that would provide authorities with the ability to enforce a "No Wake" restriction in Ontario's navigable waters; Defeated: Carried: Norm H Ma RECORDED VOTE Council Councillors Jim Cushman Margaret Ann MacPhall Jeff Marshall Les Rowley Mayor Norm Hofstetter For Against Corporation of the Town of Essex Munlclpal Resolutlon on Wldenlng Hlghway 3 to tmprove publlc Safety MOVED 8Y: SECONDED Councllor Snlvety BY: Deputy Mayor RESOTUTTON NO. Meloche DATE: Rt6-05-tg0 May2,20t6 WHEREAS the late Bruce Crozier, as Member of Provinclal Parllament for Essex from 1g93 to 2011, successfully advocated for the wldenlng of Hlghway 3 (Bruce Crozíer Way) from Windsor to leamington to address publlc safety concerns with thls stretch of Hþhway 3, AND WHEREAS two phases of the three-phase Highway 3 Road WídenÍng proJect were completed by the Minlstry of Transportatlon but the thlrd phase of the Project (covering the stretch of Highway 3 from the Town of Essex to the Town of Leamington) ls, based on our understanding, not currently short term plannlng; AND WHEREAS a number ¡n theír of traffic accldents have since occurred on the current two-lane stretch of Hlghway 3 between Essex and [eamlngton, with the most recent fatal accldent having occurred on April 27, 2016 Just east of County Road 23; AND WHEREAS public safety concerns pers¡st today as it relates to th¡s heavily travelled sectlon of Hlghway 3 whlch is a major transportatlon corridor for industrlal, agrlcultural and commerclal trade ln Southwestern Ontario; that the Government of Ontarlo be called upon to make it a top prlortty to complete the flnal phase of the Highway 3 Wldening Project (between Essex and Leamlngton); and THEREFORE BE 11ßESOwED That a copy of this resolut¡on be fon¡rarded to the Minlstry of Transportation, the AMO and to all municípallties within the Provlnce wlth a request for support. "CARRIED" Mayor McDermott i'il3ü,ì þ.,t{ ìF -/. t¡ Qhe (loryuralion o"f €[e Qhun ofÂmftrr¡1[urg Aprrl29,2Q16 VIA EMAIL Percy Hatfield, MPP for Windsor-Tecumseh Community Office 5452 Tecumseh Rd, E., Unit 1 Windsor, ON N8T 1C7 Dear Mr. Hatfield, Please be advised that at its meeting held on April 25th, 2A16, Amherstburg Town Council passed the following motion: Resolution # 20160425-1 83 - That the Town SUPPORI Bill I 80, Workers Day of Mourning Act, 2016, and send a letter of support to AMO and all municipalities. Regards, Tammy Fowkes Deputy Clerk cc: Taras Natyshak, MPP for Essex Tracey Ramsey, MP for Essex Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Ontario Municipalities Attached: Bill 180 - Correspondence Website: www,amherstbut' 27t SANDWICH ST. SOUTH, AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO N9V 245 Phone: (519) 736-0012 Fax: (519) 736-5403 TTY: (519)736-9860 *..ffi1 a þâce I to útolld-u uorø,htaB The Corp oration of the Town of Tillsonburg Date: May 10,2016 From: Donna Wilson, Town Clerk RE: Bilt {80, Workers Day of Mourning Act Please be advised that Tillsonburg Town Council at its meeting held on May 9, 2016, passed the following resolution: THAT the Town of Tillsonburg supports Bill 180, Workers Day of Mourning Act, 2016; AND THAT a copy of this support resolution be sent to MP, Dave MacKenzie, MPP, Ernie Hardeman, AMO, allOntario Municipalities and the Oxford Regional Labour Council. Carried Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Síncerely, .ã7 Donna Wilson Town Clerk Cc: The Honourable MP Dave MacKenzie Sent via The Honourable MPP Ërnie Hardeman Senf via Association of Municipalities Ontario Sent vla email: amo@amo' Ontario Regional Labour Council Sent via email Q"fru 6or¡orilirn o"f- Q'lle qrun olÂnrftrrrt$nrg April 29, 2016 VIA EMAIL Taras Natyshak, MPP Essex Community Office 316 Talbot St. N Essex, ON N8M 2E1 Dear Mr. Natyshak Please be advised that at its meeting held on April 25th, 2016, Amherstburg Town Council passed the following motion: Resolution # 20160425-182 - That the Town ADOPT the City of Windsor's resolution regarding proposed upgrades to the Marathon Petroleum Facility and send a letter of support to all municipalities, MP's, and MPP's. Regards, 1 . :"i,. . .... Tammy Fowkes Deputy Clerk cc: Tracey Ramsey, MP for Essex Assocíation of Municipalíties of Ontario (AMO) Ontario Municipalities Attached: City of Windsor resolution re: Proposed Upgrades to the Marathon Petroleum Facility Website: 271 SANDWICFI S1'. SOUTI{, AMHERSTBURG, ONTAzuO N9V 2A5 Phone: (519) 736-0ot2 Fax (519) 736-5403 TTY: (519)736-9860 " l coun"it Services/City Cterk NOTICE OF COUNCIL DECISION Windsor City Council adopted the following resolution at its meeting held March 29,2016 Moved by: Councillor Bortolin Seconded by: Councillor Elliott Decision Number: CR204/2A1 6 That Report No. 352 of the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee of its meeting held February 17, 2016 regarding "Windsor-Essex County Environment Committee Repoft No. 93 (Marathon Petroleum)' BE RECEIVED; and further, WHEREAS, the letter from Andrew J. Drury, Senior Environmental Engineer, Air Quality Division, Department of Environmental Quality, Lansing, Michigan dated November 28, 2015 BE RECEIVED; and WHEREAS, Marathon Petroleum Company LP has applied for Permits to lnstall (PTl) applications respectively, Application No.118-15 for the proposed Tier 3 Fuels Project and Application No. 122-15 for the proposed LPG Storage and Transfer Project at 1300 South Fort Street, Detroit, Michigan; and WHEREAS, this facility is identified as a major source of air pollution and due to its proximity to the Canadian border is a source of transboundary air pollution; and WHEREAS, the upgrades to this facility may result in a further increase in air emissions, THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED, that City/County Councils BE REQUESTED to send a letter to Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change regarding the proposed upgrades to the Marathon Petroleum facility. Carried. Report Number: SCM 9/2016 Clerk's File: MB20l6 Steve Çføcñolimos Deputy City ClerUSenior Manager of Council Services April4, 2016 llr Jav vanKlinken, Countv of Lambton membersh van City of Windsor | oso City Hall Square West I Room 203 | WinOsor, oN I NgA 651 Phone: (519)255-6211 Fax: (519) 255-6868 clerks@citvwindsor,ca The Corporation of The City of Quinte West By-Law Number 16-073 Being A By-Law To Confirm The Minutes And Proceedings Of The May 16th, 20f 6 Regular Meeting Of The Gouncil Of The Corporation Of The City Of Quinte West. I of Section 5 of the Municipal Act (S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended) provides that the powers of a municipal corporation shall be exercised by its Council; Whereas subsection And Whereas subsection 3 of Section 5 of the MunicÍpal Act (S.O. 2001, c.25) provides that except where othen¡vise provided, the jurisdiction of every council is confined to the municipality that it represents and its powers shall be exercised by by-law; And Whereas it is deemed expedient that the Minutes and proceedings of the Council of the City of Quinte West be confirmed and adopted by by-law; Now Therefore Be lt Enacted By The Council For The Corporation Of The City Of Quinte West As Follows: 1. That this byJaw shall be entitled the "The May l6th, 2016 Regular Gouncil Meeting Confirmation By-law". 2. The actions of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Quinte West, at its May 16th, 2016 meeting and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken, and the Minutes of said meeting, are hereby confirmed and adopted as if such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. Read A First, Second And Third Time And Finally Passed This 16th Day Of May, 2016. Jim Harrison, Mayor Kevin Heath, City Clerk