ambient vibration analysis for the characterization of soil and
ambient vibration analysis for the characterization of soil and
SAHC2014 – 9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions F. Peña & M. Chávez (eds.) Mexico City, Mexico, 14–17 October 2014 AMBIENT VIBRATION ANALYSIS FOR THE CHARACTERIZATION OF SOIL AND COVERINGS OF VILLA DEI MISTERI IN POMPEII I. Bergamasco1, G. Bongiovanni2, B. Carpani3, P. Clemente2, A. Paciello2, S. Serafini2 1 Soprintendenza Speciale Beni Archeologici Pompei Ercolano Stabia, Via Villa dei Misteri 2, 80045 Pompei, Italy 2 ENEA, Casaccia Research Centre Via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Rome, Italy,,, 3 ENEA, Brasimone Research Centre Loc. Brasimone, 40032 Camugnano, Italy Keywords: experimental dynamic analysis, operational modal analysis, cultural heritage. Abstract. Villa dei Misteri, one of the most famous domus in the ancient city of Pompeii, was protected by building reinforced concrete frames roofs; in recent years timber and steel structures have been preferred. The evaluation of their health status requires a detailed study by means of a multidisciplinary approach, which should include geometrical surveys, damage assessment based on both in situ and laboratory diagnostic tests, UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) remote sensing to inspect area and coverings not easy to reach in safe, etc. In this paper the preliminary results of ambient vibration measurement, as basis for seismic safety assessment are presented. The evaluation of the structural capacity, to be compared to the seismic hazard at the site, is not easy due to the presence of quite different elements, such as the original masonry walls, the concrete frame roofs as well as wooden and steel structures. 15 seismometers connected to a recorder were used in two different layouts. The first one was used to analyse the dynamic characteristic of the soil with the underground structures and the effects of the trench, which surrounds the Villa at three sides In the second layout sensors were deployed on the structural elements of the coverings to analyse their behaviour and the interaction with the original masonry walls. . I. Bergamasco, G. Bongiovanni, B. Carpani, P. Clemente, A. Paciello, S. Serafini 1 INTRODUCTION Villa dei Misteri is one of the most famous domus in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world. It is located just outside the archeological area of Pompeii and is so called for its frescoes depicting mystery rites (Figure 1). The excavations of 1909-10, led early on by Giulio De Petra, the archaeologist director then in office, and the systematic research of the years 1929-1930, carried out under the direction of Amedeo Maiuri, revealed a great quadrangular plant rich in about 90 rooms, oriented from East to West and built on land slope with daring jumps level won through earthworks terraces and porches along the South and East sides. The Villa is in a particular topographical situation, being partially surrounded by a moat of about 3.5 m height, on the West, North and South sides. The outer part of the moat, on North, East and West sides, is an escarpment with a height up to 8 m. The moat reveals the presence of a cryptoporticus below the floor of the Villa, which suggests that the body of the building is extended downward, and the whole monument is partially within the grounds surrounding it. Figures 2 shows a porch and the escarpments on the East side and the moat and cryptoporticus on the West side. In the decades after the Second World War the structures of the Villa were protected by reinforced concrete roofs (Figure 3). In recent years timber and steel structures have been preferred for the same purpose. At the present the analysis of the health status of the structures is necessary [1]. With this aim a multidisciplinary approach has been used, which includes historical analysis, geometrical and structural surveys, damage assessment based on both in situ and laboratory diagnostic tests, UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) remote sensing to inspect area and coverings not easy to reach in safe, and vibration analysis to characterize the dynamic behaviour of the soil and some coverings structures [2]. According to the Italian seismic classification, the seismic hazard at the site of Pompeii, expressed in terms of expected PGA on rigid soil (Vs > 800 m/s), ranges from 0.133 g, with 10 % exceedance probability in 50 years, up to 0.219 g, with 2 % exceedance probability in 50 years. Aside from the question of the hazard level to be used for this type of structures, it is apparent that the evaluation of the structural capacity, to be compared to the seismic hazard at the site, is not easy due to the presence of quite different elements, such as the original masonry walls, the concrete roofs as well as timber and steel structures. In this paper the preliminary results of ambient vibration measurements, as basis for seismic safety assessment are shown. Two layouts were considered. In the first one sensors were deployed in the three orthogonal directions at five locations on the ground. The second layout, was devoted to obtain information on specific structural elements, such as reinforced concrete beams and roofs, wooden beams, and their relation with the original masonry walls. Figure 1: Frescoes depicting mystery rites 2 Ambient Vibration Analysis for the Characterization of Soil and Coverings of Villa dei Misteri in Pompeii Figure 2: Porch and escarpment on the East side (left) and the moat on the North and West side (right) Figure 3: General view of the coverings (left) and typical timber roof (right) 2 INSTRUMENTATION LAYOUTS AND TESTS The measurement campaign was carried out on October 28th and 29th, 2013. The following equipment was used: 15 velocimetric sensors Kinemetrics SS-1, short-period (1 Hz nominal), connected by wires to a centralized system of acquisition; 1 Kinemetrics Granite recorder, 24-channel, 24 bit A/D converter, 200 Hz sampling rate, GPS timing. Considering the topographical features previously discussed, it was decided to make measurements in two configurations: the first (Layout1) was dedicated to the soil and particularly to the effects of the moat, the second (Layout2) was relative to the structure, or, more correctly, to some portions of the structure. The two configurations are described in Figure 4. 3 DATA ANALYSIS 3.1 Layout 1 The RMSs for each channel were calculated with a 0.08 sec moving window. The maximum values of RMS are in figure 5. It is worth noting that the maximum value in the transversal direction are always higher than the corresponding ones in the longitudinal direction, e.g., RMS of ch13 is higher than that of ch15. Spectral ratios as the square root of the PSDs between the horizontal and the vertical components (HVSR) for each measurement point were calculated, in order to point put any stratigraphic amplifications according to the Nakamura’s method [3], even though the stratigraphic 3 I. Bergamasco, G. Bongiovanni, B. Carpani, P. Clemente, A. Paciello, S. Serafini conditions are largely far from the conditions required by method. Figure 6 shows the ratios for the sensors at the top of the moat (ch10, ch11 and ch12, and ch13, ch14 and ch15). There is significant amplification of the ratios around 9.5 Hz for both the sites, higher for the second one where 8.5 Hz is also present. Figure 4: Sensor layout in the two configurations. Numbers with * refer to Layout 2. In order to point out any amplification effects between the moat and/or cryptoporticus level and the upper level, the calculation of spectral ratios between the homologous components was carried out. Figure 7 shows the relevant graphs. No amplification was detected for the vertical channels. For horizontal channels there are no individual peaks, but amplifications are apparent with factors up to 4 in the range of frequencies between 9.5 and 15 Hz for the channels ch10 and ch12 compared to the homologous ch01 and ch03, respectively. The peak at 9.5 Hz in y direction is present only for ch10. Channels ch13 and ch15 compared to the homologous ch07 and ch09, and ch04 and ch06, show a range of amplification at frequencies up to 18 Hz. The amplification of the channels ch10 and ch12, compared to ch04 and ch06, respectively, takes place in the range between 9 and 15 Hz with factors up to 8. 4 Ambient Vibration Analysis for the Characterization of Soil and Coverings of Villa dei Misteri in Pompeii RMS max (mm/sec) 0.12 0.08 0.04 ch15 ch14 ch13 ch12 ch11 ch10 ch09 ch08 ch07 ch06 ch05 ch04 ch03 ch02 ch01 0.00 Sensor Figure 5: Maximum values of RMS for each sensor 4 4 Pompei - Villa dei Misteri - Layout1 Pompei - Villa dei Misteri - Layout1 ch10/ch11 ch15/ch14 3 Ratio Ratio ch13/ch14 ch12/ch11 3 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 5 10 f (Hz) 15 20 0 5 10 f (Hz) 15 20 Figure 6: HVSR at the top of the moat 12 10 Pompei - Villa dei Misteri - Layout1 ch13/ch04 ch10/ch04 12 ch11/ch05 8 ch14/ch05 ch15/ch06 ch12/ch06 Ratio Ratio 16 Pompei - Villa dei Misteri - Layout1 6 8 4 4 2 0 0 0 6 5 10 f (Hz) 15 20 0 8 Pompei - Villa dei Misteri - Layout1 10 f (Hz) 15 20 Pompei - Villa dei Misteri - Layout1 ch10/ch01 ch13/ch07 ch11/ch02 4 5 6 ch14/ch08 ch12/ch03 Ratio Ratio ch15/ch09 4 2 2 0 0 0 5 10 f (Hz) 15 20 0 5 10 f (Hz) 15 Figure 7: Spectral ratio between homologous components at the top and the bottom of the moat 5 20 I. Bergamasco, G. Bongiovanni, B. Carpani, P. Clemente, A. Paciello, S. Serafini PSD (mm/s)^2/Hz) Analyses carried out so far, while showing amplification of the complex soil-structure surrounded by the moat at some frequencies, do not allow to extract any significant conclusion. So the cross-spectral analysis between selected pairs of signals was performed. The common element is the value generally very low of coherence and a non-significant phase angle (≠ 0°, ≠ ± 180°). Only for the couple ch10-ch13 (Figure 8), the coherence values were acceptable in the range between 9 and 15 Hz but no the phase angles. The analysis highlights the following aspects: • the front portion of the Villa, surrounded by the moat, is characterised by the presence of the cryptoporticus; • an amplifying behaviour, in the range between 9 and 20 Hz, is present along the two main direction of the whole soil/structure; • amplifying behaviour can be attributed to the soil-structures system, as non-linear summation of the motion of the present masonry walls, visible and not, and the motion of the portions of soil that include the masonry walls. 8.E-06 Pompei - Villa dei Misteri - Layout1 6.E-06 ch10 ch13 4.E-06 2.E-06 0.E+00 9 11 13 15 f (Hz) 6.E-06 1.0 COHER 4.E-06 0.5 2.E-06 0.E+00 Coherence CSD (mm/s)^2/Hz) CROSS 0.0 9 11 13 15 f (Hz) 180 CROSS PHASE 4.E-06 90 0 2.E-06 Phase (°) CSD (mm/s)^2/Hz) 6.E-06 -90 0.E+00 -180 9 11 13 15 f (Hz) Figure 8: PSDs and CSD of ch10 and ch13 3.2 Layout 2 The power spectral densities of all the records (Figure 9) show the following features: • there is a wide variety of amplitude and frequency content; • even for close sensors, such as the horizontal ones ch02 and ch08 and the vertical ones ch03 and ch07, amplitude and frequency content are significantly different; 6 ch01 1.E-06 5.E-08 0.E+00 15 2.E-03 1.E-03 5.E-04 10 f (Hz) 15 20 ch10 1.E-04 0.E+00 20 ch03 5 2.E-04 0 PSD (mm/S)^2/Hz) 10 f (Hz) PSD (mm/S)^2/Hz) 2.E-06 5 0 20 5 10 f (Hz) 15 6.E-05 20 ch11 4.E-05 2.E-05 0.E+00 0.E+00 15 3.E-05 ch04 2.E-05 1.E-05 0.E+00 5 10 f (Hz) 15 2.E-06 0 20 PSD (mm/S)^2/Hz) 10 f (Hz) 2.E-06 1.E-06 5.E-07 0.E+00 10 f (Hz) 15 20 ch12 1.E-05 5.E-06 0.E+00 20 ch05 5 2.E-05 0 PSD (mm/S)^2/Hz) 5 5 10 f (Hz) 15 2.E-05 20 ch16 1.E-05 5.E-06 0.E+00 0 5 10 f (Hz) 15 4.E-07 20 ch06 3.E-07 2.E-07 1.E-07 0.E+00 0 PSD (mm/S)^2/Hz) PSD (mm/S)^2/Hz) PSD (mm/S)^2/Hz) PSD (mm/S)^2/Hz) 15 4.E-06 0 PSD (mm/S)^2/Hz) 10 f (Hz) ch02 0 PSD (mm/S)^2/Hz) 5 6.E-06 0 5 10 f (Hz) 15 4.E-05 20 ch17 2.E-05 0.E+00 0 PSD (mm/S)^2/Hz) ch09 0.E+00 0.E+00 0 5 10 f (Hz) 15 3.E-04 20 ch07 2.E-04 1.E-04 0 5 10 f (Hz) 15 4.E-04 20 ch18 2.E-04 0.E+00 0.E+00 0 PSD (mm/S)^2/Hz) 1.E-07 PSD (mm/S)^2/Hz) 2.E-06 PSD (mm/S)^2/Hz) PSD (mm/S)^2/Hz) Ambient Vibration Analysis for the Characterization of Soil and Coverings of Villa dei Misteri in Pompeii 5 10 f (Hz) 15 2.E-05 0 20 5 ch08 1.E-05 0.E+00 0 5 10 f (Hz) 15 20 Figure 9: PSDs of records in Layout 2 7 10 f (Hz) 15 20 I. Bergamasco, G. Bongiovanni, B. Carpani, P. Clemente, A. Paciello, S. Serafini ch18 shows a single resonance frequency, but there is no close sensor to compare with; • sensors at the lowest level (ch04 ch05 and ch06) show one peak at 1.4 Hz with very low amplitude, which is more relevant for ch04. The same sensors were present in Layout 1, but this frequency was not present. Cross spectral analysis of ch02 and ch08 (Figure 10), shows that there are several common frequencies, in phase and with high values of the coherence function, that cannot be attributed to any particular behaviour, but can be considered as part of propagation through different structures. Cross spectral analysis of ch03 and ch07 (Figure 10) shows that their frequency content is very different, probably due to the different stiffness of their locations. In fact, ch07 was on a beam while ch03 was at about mid span between two beams. • 1.2E-03 Pompei - Villa dei Misteri - Layout2 ch02 8.0E-06 ch08 ch03 8.0E-04 ch07 4.0E-04 2.0E-04 0.0E+00 15 6.0E-06 0 20 1.0 CROSS 2.0E-06 0.0E+00 Coherence 0.5 0.0 0 5 10 f (Hz) 15 -90 0.0E+00 CSD (mm/s)^2/Hz) Phase (°) 2.0E-06 -180 0 5 10 f (Hz) 15 8.0E-05 0.5 4.0E-05 0.0 1.6E-04 90 0 1.0 COHER 0 180 PHASE 20 0.0E+00 CROSS 4.0E-06 15 CROSS 1.2E-04 20 6.0E-06 10 f (Hz) 1.6E-04 COHER 4.0E-06 5 5 10 f (Hz) 15 20 180 CROSS PHASE 1.2E-04 90 8.0E-05 0 4.0E-05 -90 0.0E+00 20 Coherence 10 f (Hz) Phase (°) 5 CSD (mm/s)^2/Hz) 0 CSD (mm/s)^2/Hz) 1.0E-03 6.0E-04 4.0E-06 0.0E+00 CSD (mm/s)^2/Hz) Pompei - Villa dei Misteri -Layout2 PSD (mm/s)^2/Hz) PSD (mm/s)^2/Hz) 1.2E-05 -180 0 5 10 f (Hz) 15 20 Figure 10: PSDs and CSDs of couples ch02-ch08 and ch03-ch07 An interesting aspect of the analysis is the presence of low frequencies at the lowest monitored point (ch04, ch05 and ch06) inside the cryptoporticus. This frequency could play an important role in case of an earthquake. In figure 11 the time-histories in terms of RMS with moving window of 0.5 sec are compared. The presence of temporally localized loads that last up to several tens of seconds can be attributed to vehicular traffic and those of longer duration to trains from the nearby railway. To assess whether the frequency content at 1.4 Hz depends on the these loads, timefrequency analysis has been carried out on ch04, both for Layout1 for Layout 2, in order to detect if these frequencies are present on all the recording (Figures 12 and 13). It is apparent 8 Ambient Vibration Analysis for the Characterization of Soil and Coverings of Villa dei Misteri in Pompeii that there is not a direct correlation between the traffic and the low frequency content, as well as it is apparent the effect of train transit on the frequency range previously analyzed. RMS (mm/s) RMS (mm/s) ch04 ch03 ch02 ch01 0 400 800 t (s) 1200 1600 ch05 0.04 0.03 ch04 0.02 0.01 0 RMS (mm/s) 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 ch05 RMS (mm/s) 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 Pompei Villa dei Misteri Layout2 RMS 0.5 s 0.01 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0 RMS (mm/s) RMS (mm/s) RMS (mm/s) 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 RMS (mm/s) 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 RMS (mm/s) RMS (mm/s) Pompei Villa dei Misteri Layout1 RMS 0.5 s 0.02 0.016 0.012 0.008 0.004 0 0.4 0.3 ch03 0.2 0.1 0 0.03 0.02 ch02 0.01 0 0.12 0.08 ch01 0.04 0 0 400 800 t (s) 1200 1600 Figure 11: RMSs, moving window, 0.5 sec Figure 12: Time-frequency analysis of ch04, Layout 1 4 CONCLUSIONS The dynamic behavior of the Villa of the Mysteries is characterized by: • the presence of soils that include the underground structure and by the moat that surrounds partially it; these circumstances determine amplification with factors ranging from 2 to 8 in the frequency range 9-15 Hz, between the lowest monitored point and the top of the moat both for the horizontal and the vertical component; 9 I. Bergamasco, G. Bongiovanni, B. Carpani, P. Clemente, A. Paciello, S. Serafini the variety of roof structures, concrete frames wood and steel, added to protect the original masonry and the frescoes; these structural elements, both for vertical and horizontal motion, have significantly different behavior in terms of frequency content and amplitude; frequency content extends from 5 up to 15 Hz, then includes the frequencies observed for the soils. Dynamic excitation arise mainly from the close railway. Frequency content shows the presence of significant peak at about 1.4 Hz, higher in direction of the railway, that could play a crucial role in case of earthquake. • Figure 13: Time-frequency analysis of ch04, Layout 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The activities here described were carried out in the framework of an agreement between the Soprintendenza Speciale Beni Archeologici Pompei Ercolano Stabia and ENEA. REFERENCES [1] Bergamasco I., Carpani B., Clemente P., Papaccio V. (2012). "Seismic preservation of archeological sites: the case of Pompeii". 8th Int. Conf. on Struct. Analysis of Historical Constr., SAHC (Wroclaw, 15-17 Oct), Paper No. 195. [2] Carpani B., Marghella G., Marzo A., Candigliota E., Immordino F., Bergamasco I. (2014). A Methodology for the Safety Assessment of Protective Roofs Covering Archaeological Sites: the Case of the “Villa dei Misteri” at Pompei. 9th Int. Conf. on Struct. Analysis of Historical Constr., SAHC (Mexico City, 14-17 Oct). [3] Nakamura Y. (1989). A method for dynamic characteristics estimation of subsurface using microtremor on the ground surface. QR of RTRI, Vol. 30, No. 1. 10