functional specifications


functional specifications
 FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS Revising of the web platform EUROJURIS Charlotte Kuntz EUROJURIS CONTENT 1 |GENERAL FEATURES ................................................................... 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Framework of the project ........................................................................................................................ 6 Resolution ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Browsers .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Operating systems ................................................................................................................................... 6 Responsive webdesign ............................................................................................................................. 6 Integration of content / Adding material ................................................................................................. 6 Languages management ......................................................................................................................... 7 User rights management ......................................................................................................................... 7 SEO and site indexing ............................................................................................................................... 8 404 error page ......................................................................................................................................... 9 Domain names ......................................................................................................................................... 9 2 | VOCABULARY USED ................................................................. 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. What is an entity? .................................................................................................................................. 10 What is a member? ................................................................................................................................ 11 Intranet : what is the difference between the « admin panel » and the « member admin panel »? ..... 22 Intranet Forum: What is a category/subcategory? ............................................................................... 23 Intranet Forum: What is a topic? ........................................................................................................... 23 Public website: What is an auction sale? ............................................................................................... 23 Public website: What is a category? ...................................................................................................... 24 Public website: What is a theme? ......................................................................................................... 24 Public website: What is a sub-­‐theme? ................................................................................................... 24 Public website: What is a sub-­‐sub-­‐theme? ............................................................................................ 24 Public website: What is a level 5 page? ................................................................................................. 24 3 | TREES OF THE SITES ................................................................. 24 4 | INTRANET ................................................................................ 25 I. HOME PAGE PROFILE (1) ............................................................................ 26 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Header : main menu .............................................................................................................................. 27 Banner picture ....................................................................................................................................... 34 Eurojuris Logo ........................................................................................................................................ 34 L’Edito .................................................................................................................................................... 34 Welcome text ......................................................................................................................................... 34 Agenda du droit (Law agenda) & Formation Eurojuris (Eurojuris training) Block .................................. 34 “Dernières modifications des Fiches Membres” (Last changes in members profiles) Block ................... 35 “Dernières discussions sur le Forum” (Last topics on the forum) Block ................................................. 35 “Dernières modifications dans la Base documentaire” (Last changes in the document database) Block36 “Dernières Offres d’emploi” (Last job offers) Block ............................................................................... 36 Footer .................................................................................................................................................... 37 II. HOME PAGE FOR PROFILES (2), (3) AND BY EXTENSION PROFILE (4) ......... 38 1. Header : Main menu .............................................................................................................................. 38 a) Mon profil > Ma Fiche Membre ....................................................................................................................................... 38 b) Mon entité > Gestion de l’entité ...................................................................................................................................... 39 c) Mon entité > Points du cabinet ........................................................................................................................................ 39 d) Mon entité > Gestion des membres ................................................................................................................................ 39 e) Mon site perso > Editer mon site ..................................................................................................................................... 39 f) Mon site perso > Mots clé génériques .............................................................................................................................. 39 g) Espace pro Enchères ........................................................................................................................................................ 40 2 EUROJURIS h) Offres d’emplois .............................................................................................................................................................. 40 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Banner picture ....................................................................................................................................... 40 Eurojuris logo ......................................................................................................................................... 40 L’Edito and Quotation of the lawyer website (entity) ............................................................................ 40 Welcome text ......................................................................................................................................... 40 “Agenda du droit” (Law Agenda) & “Formation Eurojuris” (Eurojuris Trainings) Block ......................... 40 “Dernières modifications des Fiches Membres” (Last changes in members profiles) Block ................... 40 “Dernières discussions sur le Forum” (Last topics on the forum) Block ................................................. 41 “Dernières modifications dans la Base documentaire” (Last changes in the document database) Block41 “Dernières Offres d’emploi” (Last job offers) Block ............................................................................... 41 Footer .................................................................................................................................................... 41 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Header : Main menu .............................................................................................................................. 42 Picture banner ........................................................................................................................................ 42 Eurojuris Logo ........................................................................................................................................ 42 L’Edito and Quotation of the lawyer website (entity) ............................................................................ 42 Welcome text ......................................................................................................................................... 42 “Agenda du droit” (Law Agenda) & “Formation Eurojuris” (Eurojuris Trainings) Block ......................... 42 “Dernières modifications des Fiches Membres” (Last changes in members profiles) Block ................... 42 “Dernières discussions sur le Forum” (Last topics on the forum) Block ................................................. 42 “Dernières modifications dans la Base documentaire” (Last changes in the document database) Block42 “Dernières Offres d’emploi” (Last job offers) Block ............................................................................... 43 Footer .................................................................................................................................................... 43 1. 2. 3. 4. Eurojuris trainings – internal page ......................................................................................................... 44 Forum – Inner page ................................................................................................................................ 45 Document database – inner pages ........................................................................................................ 46 Job offers – inner page ........................................................................................................................... 47 III. HOME PAGE FOR PROFILE (5) – OFFLINE MODE ........................................ 42 IV. OTHER FEATURES ...................................................................................... 44 5 | PUBLIC WEBSITE ...................................................................... 48 I. HOME PAGE ............................................................................................... 48 1. Main menu, top of the page .................................................................................................................. 49 a) Ventes aux enchères (Auction sales) ............................................................................................................................... 49 b) Eurojuris France ............................................................................................................................................................... 50 c) Agenda du droit (Law Agenda) ......................................................................................................................................... 51 d) Dictionnaire (Dictionary) .................................................................................................................................................. 52 e) Contact ............................................................................................................................................................................. 52 f) Accès au site pro ............................................................................................................................................................... 52 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Slider ...................................................................................................................................................... 52 Eurojuris Logo ........................................................................................................................................ 52 Languages flags ..................................................................................................................................... 53 Search engine ......................................................................................................................................... 53 AFAQ Logo ............................................................................................................................................. 55 Welcome text ......................................................................................................................................... 55 Vous êtes… Particulier, Entreprise, Collectivité ...................................................................................... 55 Dynamic « Back to top » button ............................................................................................................ 55 55 « Articles » and « Actualités » content type (News) ............................................................................. 55 Formation Eurojuris (Agenda) ............................................................................................................... 55 YouTube video Module .......................................................................................................................... 56 Twitter feed ........................................................................................................................................... 56 RSS feed ................................................................................................................................................. 56 Newsletter ............................................................................................................................................. 56 Les hommes du droit eurojuris .............................................................................................................. 56 Footer menu .......................................................................................................................................... 56 II. LEVEL 1: LANDING PAGE OF A CATEGORY: EXAMPLE OF INDIVIDUALS ...... 57 1. Theme menu .......................................................................................................................................... 58 2. Image & link to level 3 and 4 of the category ........................................................................................ 58 3 EUROJURIS 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Welcome text ......................................................................................................................................... 58 Votre actualité / News of the category .................................................................................................. 58 Theme block ........................................................................................................................................... 59 Dernier article (Last article) ................................................................................................................... 59 Les hommes du droit Eurojuris ............................................................................................................... 59 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Themes menu ......................................................................................................................................... 61 Sub-­‐themes menu .................................................................................................................................. 61 Increase font size, Print, Send to a friend and Share on social networks features ................................. 61 Body ....................................................................................................................................................... 61 Actualites (News) ................................................................................................................................... 61 Dernier article (Last article) ................................................................................................................... 62 Sub-­‐themes block ................................................................................................................................... 62 1. 2. 3. 4. Sub-­‐themes menu .................................................................................................................................. 65 Guides pratiques (Handbooks) ............................................................................................................... 65 Body ....................................................................................................................................................... 65 « A lire aussi » (to read also) Block ........................................................................................................ 65 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Menu des sous-­‐thématiques (niveau 3) & du niveau 4 .......................................................................... 67 Vote ........................................................................................................................................................ 67 Increase font size, Print, Send to a friend and Share on social networks features ................................. 67 Body ....................................................................................................................................................... 67 Actualités (News) ................................................................................................................................... 67 Comment module .................................................................................................................................. 68 Author of content (member profile) ....................................................................................................... 68 III. LEVEL 2 : PAGE OF CONTENT OF A THEME ................................................. 60 IV. LEVEL 3: PAGE OF A SUB-­‐THEME ............................................................... 63 V. LEVEL 4 : CHILD OF A SUB-­‐THEME ............................................................. 64 VI. LEVEL 5: CMS PAGE .................................................................................... 66 6 | LAWYER WEBSITE: TEMPLATE 1 -­‐ HOME .................................. 70 1. Logo ....................................................................................................................................................... 71 2. Main menu ............................................................................................................................................. 71 3. Slideshow ............................................................................................................................................... 71 4. Welcome text ......................................................................................................................................... 71 5. Languages / Accessibility ....................................................................................................................... 71 6. Actualités du cabinet & Fil d’info Eurojuris (Content pages from the lawyer’s site & News from Eurojuris public website) ......................................................................................................................................................... 72 7. Curriculum Vitae .................................................................................................................................... 72 8. Contact ................................................................................................................................................... 73 9. Twitter feed ............................................................................................................................................ 73 10. Footer .................................................................................................................................................... 73 7 | LAWYER WEBSITE: TEMPLATE 1 – INNER PAGE ........................ 75 8 | LAWYER WEBSITE: TEMPLATE 2 -­‐ ONE-­‐PAGE DESIGN ............... 77 I. SCREEN N°1 .................................................................................................. 77 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Logo ....................................................................................................................................................... 77 Main menu ............................................................................................................................................. 78 Background picture ................................................................................................................................ 78 Slideshow ............................................................................................................................................... 78 Widget on the right of the screen .......................................................................................................... 78 II. SCREEN N°2 .................................................................................................. 79 6. Actualités du cabinet & Fil d’info Eurojuris (Content pages from the lawyer’s site & News from Eurojuris public website) ......................................................................................................................................................... 79 7. Twitter feed ............................................................................................................................................ 79 III. SCREEN N°3 .................................................................................................. 80 4 EUROJURIS 8. Curriculum Vitae .................................................................................................................................... 80 9. Right part of 3rd screen ......................................................................................................................... 80 IV. SCREEN N°4 – INNER PAGE .............................................................................. 82 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Breadcrumbs .......................................................................................................................................... 82 « + » and « -­‐ » buttons ........................................................................................................................... 82 Right Widget .......................................................................................................................................... 82 Photo ..................................................................................................................................................... 82 Share, Save and Print ............................................................................................................................. 83 Body ....................................................................................................................................................... 83 5 EUROJURIS 1 |GENERAL FEATURES 1. Framework of the project The project is a graphical, technical and ergonomic redesign of the platform Eurojuris. It includes the redesign in Drupal of: • The public site formerly available here: • The intranet formerly available here : • Websites for lawyer’s office (there are about 82), eg http://www.ifl-­‐ The CMS Drupal was chosen to meet the needs of a multi-­‐lingual multi-­‐sites French / English (English language is only required for the public website and for the lawyers websites). 2. Resolution The three websites (public website, intranet and lawyers websites) should be developed in 1024 x 768 pixels. 3. Browsers The platform should be supported by the following web browsers: -­‐
Internet Explorer 7 and + -­‐
Google Chrome 2 and + -­‐
Safari 4 and + -­‐
Mozilla Firefox 2 and + 4. Operating systems The platform will be developed to run on Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. 5. Responsive webdesign The public website, the intranet and lawyers websites will be developed using the techniques of responsive web design to offer visitors a Smartphone version and a tablet version. 6. Integration of content / Adding material Charlotte will be responsible for integrating content on the site. Eurojuris will provide all content for articles, news, upcoming events, links to videos ... It will be possible to integrate multimedia content using the WYSIWYG editor in backoffice and also to insert images, PDF download, flash animation via iframes. CSS styles shall be defined and integrated into the WYSIWYG editor (typography, spacing, color, bold…) according to the graphical templates with Adobe Illustrator. 6 EUROJURIS 7. Languages management The intranet will be in French only. The public site is intended to be multi-­‐lingual: French / English. French will be the main language. However, when deploying the platform on production server, both flags (FR and EN) will be hidden, since there is no English version yet. Note that we will ask you to enable the English version after deployment on the production server and also to display again both flags some time after final deployment. Lawyers websites are expected to be multi-­‐lingual: French / English. French will be the main language. However, when deploying the platform on production server, both flags (FR and EN) will be hidden on most of the lawyers sites, since there is no English version yet. Only a few sites will need a multilingual website online. Note that we will ask you to enable the English version after deployment on the production server on request of client. 8. User rights management There will be five types of user profiles in the whole project Eurojuris: Profile 1 . The EUROJURIS administrator (super admin). He has all the rights to create, edit, delete content on the entire platform (public website, intranet, lawyers websites). His rights are described in this document step by step. Here are some examples of his rights: • Create themes, sub-­‐themes and normal pages in the public website or intranet. (You will learn what are themes, subthemes and normal pages just after in this document). • Create and send targeted newsletters to 3 different mailing lists: Particuliers, Entreprises and Collectivités (it means Individual, Business and Public Communities). • Manage the « Agenda du Droit » Law Agenda -­‐ Create, edit or delete events. • Manage the trainings and the allocation of available places in a training (same for public website and intranet) – Create, edit or delete trainings. • Manage the forum (intranet) : create a new discussion, edit, delete messages, create new topics , edit, delete them ... • Manage the document database (intranet) : create new directory or subdirectories, edit and delete them, upload new documents, edit them, delete them. Edit and delete uploaded by other user profiles ... • Manage the access codes for every users on the platform. Here is how they should look like: o User: there should be a username per member in the form « firstname.lastname » to create a member profile. There are no homonyms. Be careful of the special FR characters: § A usernam can be written: aliénor.crèpin or alienor.crepin and redirect to the same user account. o Password: there should be a password (automatically generated) one for each member (but the password can be the same for each member of the same lawyer website) • Check statistics of the public website with Google Analytics (directly on Google, no need of integration in Drupal) • Checks stats of the intranet in the same principle as above. Pages after logging will not be taken into account by Google Analytics • Manage lawyers websites • Assign a manual quotation for each lawyer website in the entity datasheet (see below what is an entity). • Create , edit, delete job offers. • ... 7 EUROJURIS The administrator cannot create a new lawyer multisite and Intuitiv Technology will ask you if we need a new one. Profile 2 – Admin-­‐members. Their rights are described in the following document. Here are some examples of their rights: • Manage their lawyer website, the entity datasheet and have access to stats of their website with Google Analytics (directly on Google website, no integration in Drupal is required). • Manage members profiles of their entity(ies) only (those members can be profile 2, 3 or 4). • Create, edit, delete pages and blocks on their lawyer site only. • Create an HTML newsletter for their lawyer website and send it to a mailing list, have the same template newsletters than the public website • Create, edit, delete job offers from the intranet • Manage the forum (intranet): same rights than profile 1 apart the fact that they cannot create, edit or delete categories and subcategories. • Manage the document database (intranet): same rights than profile 1 apart the fact that they cannot create, edit or delete directories and subdirectories. • Enroll in training from their intranet or public website. Profile 3 – Normal members. They have fewer rights than admin-­‐members. Here are their rights: • Manage the forum (intranet): same rights than profile 1 apart the fact that they cannot create, edit or delete categories and subcategories. • Manage the document database (intranet): same rights than profile 1 apart the fact that they cannot create, edit or delete directories and subdirectories. • Enroll in training from the intranet or public website • Edit their personal member profile on the intranet Profile 4 – The President of Commission: He is an admin-­‐member (profile 2) or a normal member (profile 3) who has additional rights on the document database. We can imagine a checkbox when creating a new member by the administrator or an admin-­‐member to say if the member is also a President of Commission or not. It should be possible to uncheck the box and assign the role to other members (profiles 2 and 3) as Presidents of Commission are not always the same people and turning. By definition, the profile 4 is a variation of the profile 2 or 3 profile. A member of type 4 is always either first a profile 2 or a profile 3. In the following document, we will extend rights set for profiles 2 and 3 to profile 4. Profile 5 – Public profile (logged out). It is a user, who visit the public website, the home page of the intranet in the offline mode (logged out). He has no right to create, edit or delete anything. He only has rights to consult information, enroll in training from the public site, fill in a contact form ... 9. SEO and site indexing It should be possible to complete the meta tags title, description, keywords of any pages by the administrator and create sitempap.xml The admin-­‐members should be able to edit the META of their own lawyers website(s). 8 EUROJURIS 10. 404 error page A 404 error page will be personalized with a sentence in French and display the sitemap just below: La page que vous demandez n'existe pas. Vous pouvez choisir une autre page dans le plan du site ci-­‐dessous : 11. Domain names There will be different domain names for the public website, the intranet and each one of the 82 lawyer websites. 9 EUROJURIS 2 | VOCABULARY USED The vocabulary used in the functional specifications in this document is described below: 1. What is an entity? An entity is a lawyer’s office, a notary’s office or a bailiff’s office. By extension, they are designated as "entity" in this document. Entities must be stored in a database and contain the following fields for each entity: Name of the field
Type of field
Nom de la structure*
=> Text field
Type de structure*
=> Drop-down list: Avocat / Huissier / Notaire
Le nom de la structure est-il déposé à titre de marque ?
=> Radio Button: Oui / Non
Cabinet secondaire de:
=> Drop-down list with names of all entities saved in the
Certification ISO
=> Drop-down list: Certifié / Non certifié /
Certifications en cours
Signature de la Charte honoraires et transparence
Code postal*
Numéro de boîte postale
URL Twitter
URL Facebook
URL Linkedin
URL Viadeo
URL du site web
Année de création de l’entité
Structure d’exercice
Chiffre d’affaire net hors taxes
Associé(s) productif(s)
Collaborateur(s) productif(s)
Honoraires / Tarifs
Bassin économique
Nombre de points du cabinet
If « Certifié » is chosen, the « ISO » logo should be
displayed in search results of the public website.
=> Radio button: Oui / Non
If « Oui » is chosen, the « Charte » logo displays in
search results of the public website ?
=> Text field
=> Text field (limited to 5 numbers)
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Email
=> URL
=> URL
=> URL
=> URL
=> URL lawyer website
=> Text field (limited to 4 numbers)
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Upload of a logo or possibility to choose a logo with
the browse server fonctionnality
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Drop-down list numbered 1 to 26: Bassin 1, Bassin 2,
Bassin 3… Bassin 24, Bassin 25, Bassin 26
=> Text field, this is the quotation of the entity that
enables to sort the entity in the search results of the public
website. /!\ Only profile 1 has rights to edit this field.
The fields of each entity are editable by profile 1 and profiles 2, if Profile 2 belongs to the entity. Beware the last field "Nombre de points du cabinet" is only editable by the Profile 1. 10 EUROJURIS Fields with a * are required fields. Entity datasheets can be display either on the intranet, or on the public website. Design of the page changes and not all information are displayed depending on which site we are. You should consult either the mockups, or ask Charlotte for what info to display on which site. It should be possible to generate the V-­‐Card of the entity by clicking on the « V-­‐Card » button on the entity datasheet (intranet only). If there is no Fb, Twitter, Linkedin or Video URL given, the block dimensions containg them should adapt to have a nice presentation (intranet). Below the information of the entity should be displayed the list of all members belonging to the entity. Below them should be displayed all the content types written by members of the entity with the publication date, clickable and redirect to the content on the public website. A link to Google map should be automatically generated with the postal address of the entity. 2. What is a member? A member is a person who works within an entity. It should be stored in the database and contain the following categories (you can present the data with tabs) and fields for each member: Name of the field
Type of field
Informations personnelles
=> Title of a tab which contains fields
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> This is the user name, it is not editable by no one once
Mot de passe*
=> This is the password. It is editable by profile 1,
profiles 2 if they belong the the same entity than the
member, and profile 3 if it is his member datasheet.
=> Drop-down list:
Profil membre*
Structure d’appartenance*
Date d’entrée dans la structure
Avocat aux conseils
Conseil en propriété intellectuelle
Personnel administratif
=> Drop-down list: Membre administrateur (profile 2) /
Membre-normal (profile 3)
=> Drop-down list with names of all entities saved in the
=> Drop-down lists: JJ-MM-AAAA (it means DD-MMYYY, the days are numbers from 1 to 31, the months
should be in FR, the years should be from 1900 to 2014).
=> Drop-down list:
Assistant indépendant
Assistant salarié
Avocat honoraire
Collaborateur indépendant
11 EUROJURIS Année de prestation de serment
Téléphone professionnel direct
Email professionnel*
Honoraires / Tarifs
Collaborateur salarié
=> Text field limited to 4 numbers
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Email. This email should be used to renew password
in case the member has forgotten it. When asking for the
email, it should also be asked the username because
several members may have the same email.
=> Text field
=> Possibility to upload a picture from the hard disk of
the member. It should also be possible to delete the
picture and have no picture on the profile.
Données Privées
Adresse privée
Code postal
Téléphone privé
Téléphone portable
Date de naissance
URL Twitter
URL Facebook
URL Linkedin
URL Viadeo
=> Title of a tab which contains fields
=> Text field
=> Radio Button: Homme / Femme
=> Text field
=> Text field (limited to 5 numbers)
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> URL
=> URL
=> URL
=> URL
Informations Professionnelles
Barreau(x) de rattachement en France
=> Title of a tab which contains fields
=> Drop-down list:
Abbeville (80)
Agen (47)
Aix en Provence (13)
Ajaccio (20)
Albertville (73)
Albi (81)
Alençon (61)
Alès (30)
Amiens (80)
Angers (49)
Charente (16)
Annecy (74)
Argentan (61)
Arras (62)
Gers (32)
Aurillac (15)
Auxerre (89)
Avesnes sur Helpe (59)
Avignon (84)
Avranches (50)
Bastia (20)
Bayonne (64)
Beauvais (60)
Belfort (90)
Bergerac (24)
Bernay (27)
Besançon (25)
12 EUROJURIS Bethune (62)
Beziers (34)
Blois (41)
Bobigny (93)
Bonneville (74)
Bordeaux (33)
Boulogne sur Mer (62)
Ain (01)
Bourges (18)
Bourgoin-Jallieu (38)
Bressuire (79)
Brest (29)
Briey (54)
Brive (19)
Caen (14)
Lot (46)
Cambrai (59)
Carcassonne (11)
Carpentras (84)
Castres (81)
Guyanne (97)
Chalon sur Saône (71)
Chalons en Champagne (51)
Chambéry (73)
Charleville Mezières (08)
Chartres (28)
Chateauroux (36)
Haute Marne (52)
Cherbourg (50)
Clermont-Ferrand (63)
Colmar (68)
Compiègne (60)
Coutances (50)
Val de Marne (94)
Cusset-Vichy (03)
Dax (40)
Dieppe (76)
Alpes de Haute Provence (04)
Dijon (21)
Dinan (22)
Dole (39)
Douai (59)
Draguignan (83)
Dunkerque (59)
Epinal (88)
Evreux (27)
Evry (91)
Ariège (09)
Fontainebleau (77)
Fort de France (97)
Gap (05)
Grasse (06)
Grenoble (38)
Creuse (23)
Guingamp-Lannion (22)
Havre (76)
Hazebourck (59)
La Meuse (55)
la Roche sur Yon (85)
La Rochelle (16)
Laon (02)
Laval (53)
Le Havre(76)
13 EUROJURIS Le Mans (72)
Les Sables d'Olonne (85)
Libourne (33)
Lille (59)
Limoges (87)
Lisieux (14)
Lons le Saunier (39)
Lorient (56)
Lure (70)
Lyon (69)
Macon (71)
Marmande (47)
Marseille (13)
Meaux (77)
Melun (77)
Mende (48)
Metz (57)
Milliau (12)
Mont de Marsan (40)
Montargis (45)
Tarn & Garonne (82)
Montbeliard (25)
Montbrison (42)
Montluçon (03)
Montpellier (34)
Morlaix (29)
Moulin (03)
Mulhouse (68)
Nancy (54)
Hauts de Seine (92)
Nantes (44)
Narbonne (11)
Nevers (58)
Nice (06)
Nîmes (30)
Niort (79)
Nouméa (98)
Orléans (45)
Paris (75)
Pau (64)
Périgueux (24)
Peronne (80)
Pyrénnées orientales (66)
Guadeloupe (97)
Poitiers (86)
Val d'Oise (95)
Ardèche (07)
Haute Loire (43)
Quimper (29)
Reims (51)
Rennes (35)
Riom (63)
Roanne (42)
Rochefort sur Mer (17)
Rodez (12)
Rouen (76)
Saint Dié (88)
Saint Omer (62)
Saint-Brieuc (22)
Saint-Denis (97)
Saintes (17)
Saint-Etienne (42)
Saint-Gaudens (31)
14 EUROJURIS Bassin économique
Diplômes / Ville
Certificat(s) de spécialité
Saint-Malo (35)
Saint-Nazaire (44)
Saint-Pierre la Réunion (97)
Saint-Quentin (02)
Sarreguemines (57)
Saumur (49)
Saverne (67)
Senlis (60)
Sens (89)
Soisson (02)
Strasbourg (67)
Tarascon (13)
Tarbes (65)
Thionville (57)
Thonon les Bains (74)
Toulon (83)
Toulouse (31)
Tours (37)
Troyes (10)
Tulle - Ussel (19)
Valence (26)
Valenciennes (59)
Vannes (56)
Versailles (78)
Vesoul (70)
Vienne (38)
Villefranche sur Saône (69)
Papeete (98)
Nanterre (92)
Creteil (94)
Pontoise (95)
=> Drop-down list:
Bassin 1
Bassin 2
Bassin 3
Bassin 4
Bassin 5
Bassin 6
Bassin 7
Bassin 8
Bassin 9
Bassin 10
Bassin 11
Bassin 12
Bassin 13
Bassin 14
Bassin 15
Bassin 16
Bassin 17
Bassin 18
Bassin 19
Bassin 20
Bassin 21
Bassin 22
Bassin 23
Bassin 24
Bassin 25
Bassin 26
=> Text field
=> Drag and drop function or check boxes or similar to be
able to choose several choices:
15 EUROJURIS Droit commercial, des affaires et de la concurrence
Droit international et de l'Union européenne
Droit de l'environnement
Droit de la propriété intellectuelle
Droit des garanties, des sûretés et des mesures d'exécution
Droit de la famille, des personnes et de leur patrimoine
Droit des sociétés
Droit du crédit et de la consommation
Droit fiscal et droit douanier
Droit immobilier
Droit pénal
Droit public
Droit rural
Droit du travail
Droit de l'arbitrage
Droit des associations et des fondations
Droit des assurances
Droit bancaire et boursier
Droit du dommage corporel
Droit des étrangers et de la nationalité
Droit de la fiducie
Droit des nouvelles technologies, de l'informatique et de
la communication
Droit de la santé
Droit de la sécurité sociale et de la protection sociale
Droit du sport
Droit des transports
Procédure d'appel
Barreau(x) ou juridiction de rattachement à l’étranger
Droit étranger pratiqué
Langue(s) parlée(s)
=> Text field
=> Text field with an add function, to enable as many of
this type field as wished
=> Text field
=> Drop-down list:
Fonctions ordinales
=> Title of a tab which contains fields
=> Drop-down list:
Membre de commission
Secrétaire de conférence
Membre du Conseil de l’Ordre
Ancien Membre du Conseil de l’Ordre
Bâtonnier désigné
Ancien Bâtonnier
Situation au sein d’Eurojuris
=> Drop-down list:
Fonction Eurojuris
=> Drop-down list:
16 EUROJURIS Autres fonctions para professionnelles (associatives,
politiques, etc.)
Commissions Eurojuris
Membre du bureau et conseil d’administration
Membre du conseil d’administration
Membre du conseil scientifique
Membre du bureau notaires
Membre du bureau huissiers
=> Text field
=> Drag and drop function or check boxes or similar to be
able to choose several choices:
Commission Droit des Sociétés
Commission Droit des Personnes
Commission Commerce et Finances
Commission Propriété Intellectuelle et Industrielle
Commission Droit Fiscal
Commission Droit Immobilier
Commission Droit Pénal
Commission Droit Public
Commission Droit Social
Commission Droit de l'Environnement
Commission Voie d'Exécution
Normes de qualité
Comité de Pilotage Internet
Commission Structure
Commission Droit de l'Agriculture et de l'Agroalimentaire
Groupe de travail sur l'Exception d'inconstitutionnalité
Commission Procédure civile
Commission Procédures Collectives
Commission Droit du Sport
Groupe de travail Outils communautaires et européens
Vie des régions
Commission droit de la réparation du préjudice corporel
Président de commission(s) Eurojuris
=> Check box (means that the member has the rights of
Profile 4) and drag and drop function or check boxes or
similar to be able to choose several choices:
Commission Droit des Sociétés
Commission Droit des Personnes
Commission Commerce et Finances
Commission Propriété Intellectuelle et Industrielle
Commission Droit Fiscal
Commission Droit Immobilier
Commission Droit Pénal
Commission Droit Public
Commission Droit Social
Commission Droit de l'Environnement
Commission Voie d'Exécution
Normes de qualité
Comité de Pilotage Internet
Commission Structure
Commission Droit de l'Agriculture et de l'Agroalimentaire
Groupe de travail sur l'Exception d'inconstitutionnalité
Commission Procédure civile
Commission Procédures Collectives
Commission Droit du Sport
Groupe de travail Outils communautaires et européens
Vie des régions
Commission droit de la réparation du préjudice corporel
Fonctions d’enseignement (Titre)
=> Drag and drop list (or similar to enable several
17 EUROJURIS choices) and possibility to enter a city name in a text
Chargé de cours
Maître assistant
Maître de conférence
Je suis d’accord pour faire afficher ces informations
chiffrées sur le web :
Domaines de compétences (à sélectionner dans l’ordre
décroissant de votre activité)
=> Title of a tab which contains fields
=> Radio button : Oui / Non. If « No » is ticked, the
information of this tab will never display anywhere on
frontend in offline mode (public website, lawyers
=> Drag and drop list (or similar to enable several
Agriculture, entreprises agricoles
Baux commerciaux et professionnels
Brevets et marques
Collectivités locales
Contrats et marchés publics
Contrats internationaux
Contrats, concurrence, consommation et distribution
Création d'entreprises
Droit bancaire et financier
Droit commercial
Droit de la famille
Droit pénal
Droit pénal des affaires
Entreprise : cession, fusion, acquisition
Entreprises en difficulté et procédures collectives
Patrimoine : transmission, successions, gestion
Propriété littéraire et artistique
Santé, responsabilité et préjudice corporel
Travail et licenciement
Ventes aux enchères
Compétences fines
=> Drag and drop list (or similar to enable several
Accident du travail
Autorisations d'urbanisme
Baux ruraux
Contentieux international des droits de l'homme
Dépôts, Extension, Licence et cession de droits de PI
(marques,modèles, brevets)
Douanes - Contrôle des exportations 'double usage'
(civil/militaire) et cryptologie
Droit de la circulation routière
18 EUROJURIS Droit des coopératives
Droit des étrangers
Droit des mineurs
Droit des transports
Droit du sport
Droit équin
Droit européen
Droit financier (Bourse, Haut de bilan)
Droit foncier et affaires de terres
Droit international de la famille
Droit international public
Droit maritime
Droit pharmaceutique
Fiscalité activité professionnelle
Fiscalité internationale
Fonction publique
Gestion et évaluation des droits de PI
Informatique et Internet
Marques viti-vinicoles
Mesures d'exécution
Ouvrages et travaux publics
Procédure d'appel
Procédures de licenciement collectif
Procédures fiscales (contrôles fiscaux)
Protection sociale
Recouvrement des créances en Europe
Responsabilité civile des notaires
Responsabilité civile et pénale de l'elu
Responsabilité civile professionnelle
Victimes d'agressions sexuelles
Voisinage et servitudes
Prestations dominantes
=> Drag and drop list (or similar to enable several
Rédactions d’actes
Contentieux judiciaire
Formations dans l’entreprise
Audits juridiques
=> Text field to enter percentages. First, display the
French sentence below, then re-create the table
Cette page d’information est facultative, elle n’apparaitra pas sur le site. 19 EUROJURIS Répartition des secteurs d’activités
=> Text field to enter percentages. First, display the
French sentence below, then re-create the table
Cette page d’information est facultative, elle n’apparaitra pas sur le site. 20 EUROJURIS 21 EUROJURIS Apparition dans les résultats de recherche du site public
Eurojuris et sur le site cabinet (pour les cabinets ayant un
site dans la plate forme Eurojuris)?*
=> Radio button: Oui / Non
If « No » is ticked, all the information above in the table
about the member will never appear in search results of
the public website nor on the lawyer website (CV
Fields are editable by profile 1, profiles 2 who belong to the same entity than the member datasheet and by the member himself (profiles 2 or 3). Fields with a * are required fields. Only the username of the member can never be edited. Note: Commissions are a drop-­‐down list whose items can be created, edited or deleted by only one profile (administrator). If he deletes an item, the member shall not be erased! (It was a member of Profile 4). It will be simply assigned to no Commission and remain Profile 2 or 3. It should be possible to filter members by Commissions in backend and make a CSV export of members. Wished fields in the CSV export are: Nom, Prénom, Téléphone professionnel direct, Fax, Email professionnel, Nom de la structure, Sexe, Date de naissance, Domaines de compétences, Compétences fines, Certificats de spécialité, Langue(s) parlée(s)) A member can belong to several Commissions. Note: All drop-­‐down lists above should be editable (create, edit, delete items) from backend of Drupal by the administrator. It should be possible to generate the V-­‐Card of the member by clicking on the « V-­‐Card » button on the member datasheet. If there is no Fb, Twitter, Linkedin or Video URL given, the block dimensions should adapt to have a nice presentation. Member datasheet are displayed on the intranet and on the public website. The design of the page is different as well as the information displayed depending on which site we are. Check mock ups or ask Charlotte if needed for what info to display. Below a member datasheet should be displayed a link to his entity(ies) datasheet(s) and the title of all content types from the public website (that is to say « Articles », « Actualités », « FAQ », « Ouvrages », « Guide pratique » content types) with the publication date and a link on them to the page of the content on the public site. Most recent is on top. 3. Intranet : what is the difference between the « admin panel » and the « member admin panel »? The admin panel is reached from the « Espace personnel » link on the home page of the intranet that will allow the administrator (profile 1) to manage the entire platform. The member admin panel can be reached from the same title « Espace personnel » (URL can be different than above) on the intranet home page. But it will lead to a different page since the profile who is logged in is not the same. We are here talking about Profiles 2 and 3. -­‐ If the member is a profile 2 – (admin-­‐member): he should be able to manage his member profile , the entity to which he belongs, the members of his entity and to edit his lawyer website, view statistics of visits on it (redirects to Google Analytics), to define META keywords for his lawyer website(s), access to the « Espace Pro Enchères » (external link) and create, edit or delete job offers for his entity. -­‐ If the member is a profile 3 – (normal member): he should be able to manage his own member profile, access to the « Espace Pro Enchères » (external link). 22 EUROJURIS The "Espace personnel" link (see on PSD) refers to a different page depending on the type of profile that is connected to the intranet : Profiles 1, 2 or 3. The URL can be different. 4. Intranet Forum: What is a category/subcategory? A category or a subcategory is a directory that contains forum posts. There may be an unlimited number of categories. The administrator (profile 1) should be able to assign a weight in the administration interface to sort the categories in the order he wants. Categories can be created, edited or deleted by profile 1 only from his admin panel. 5. Intranet Forum: What is a topic? A topic is a set of forum posts posted by users (profiles 1, 2, 3 or 4). Initially, a user selects a category and click on "New topic" which allows him to compose a message and post it on the forum in the category he has chosen. Following this, other users can answer to the first message posted and so on to create a topic. Forum posts are freely editable and deletable by their respective authors. There may be an unlimited number of posts and topics within a given category. 6. Public website: What is an auction sale? The auctions sales are an iframe to display. Be sure to display all screens from this URL: http://www.special-­‐ Only for your information, here is how the part works: An auction is the sale of a tangible property such as a house or an apartment. A list of upcoming sales is made on the public website. The public website should allow to identify auctions in progress and the characteristics of goods for sale. They will be ordered and ranked in search results through an advanced search engine. Each auction should contain the following fields: -­‐
Avocat* => Text field with a link to his member profile -­‐
Barreau => Text field -­‐
Cabinet => Text field -­‐
Adresse => Text field -­‐
Département* => Text field -­‐
Téléphone / Fax. => Text field -­‐
Informations sur la vente => Text field -­‐
Date de la vente => Text field -­‐
Type de bien* => Text field -­‐
Ville du bien* => Text field -­‐
Adresse du bien => Text field -­‐
Visites => Text field -­‐
Mise à prix* => Text field -­‐
Annonce légale parue dans => Text field with an external link Fields with a * are required fields. 23 EUROJURIS A card with the French departments must be displayed (iframe) and allow search by county by clicking on the area of the department. 7. Public website: What is a category? A category in the public website is one of the three targets of Eurojuris: Particuliers, Entreprises and Collectivités (it means Individuals, Enterprises and Local Communities). This is level 1 of the tree of the public website. 8. Public website: What is a theme? A theme in the public website is the child of a category in the public site. For the "Particuliers" thematic, for example: Family, Heritage, Employment, Consumer, Health, Criminal (see tree) are themes. This is level 2 of the tree. Example on their former public website: 9. Public website: What is a sub-­‐theme? A sub-­‐theme in the public website is a child of a theme. For the "Family" theme for example, the sub-­‐themes are: Children, Divorce, Estates and Marriage / PACS / Cohabitation / civil life (see tree). This is the level 3 of the tree. This level won’t have any landing page in the new public website on the contrary of the former website. 10. Public website: What is a sub-­‐sub-­‐theme? Sub-­‐sub-­‐theme: they are the children of sub-­‐themes in the public site. This is the level 4. In the new site, we should go straight to the first page of level 4 by clicking on the title of a sub-­‐theme (level 3). Example on their former website: 11. Public website: What is a level 5 page? Page niveau 5 : it is for example an Article, accessible from level 4. Example on their former website:­‐d-­‐
enfant-­‐illicite.html 3 | TREES OF THE SITES The trees of: • The public website • The intranet • The lawyers’ websites can be found in the following file: « Arborescence EUROJURIS.xlsx » 24 EUROJURIS 4 | INTRANET There will be 5 different profiles on the intranet. These are five profiles as presented previsously in this document. • Profile (1) logged in as an administrator • Profile (2) logged in as an admin-­‐member. • Profile (3) logged in as a normal member (non-­‐administrator) • Profile (4) connected as a President of Commission • Profile (5) not connected (public) The profile types are defined according to the users rights we want to give to a user on the platform. That is to say, the management rights that we want to allocate to a member on the public website, intranet and lawyers’ websites. 25 EUROJURIS I. HOME PAGE PROFILE (1)
26 EUROJURIS Expected features 1. Header : main menu Here are the main categories that will be present in the main menu of the profile (1) • Espace personnel • Rechercher • Déconnexion • Portail public Below is their description: Espace personnel • This link does not redirect to the same categories depending which profile is logged on the intranet. We are talking here and below only if this is the profile (1) administrator who is logged: •
The link for the profile (1) must provide access to the administration panel of the entire platform: edit, create, delete content on the public website, intranet and all lawyers’ website, manage all other user profiles, including edition of their passwords ... •
This space is the management of the whole platform. Only the administrator profile (1) has all the rights to it. Other profiles have restricted rights. •
The redirection can be made to the backoffice Drupal or redirect to administration area directly on the intranet following the technical solution chosen by the project developers. Rechercher • The link should redirect to an internal page with advanced search engine. • The search should allow searches of content: o Either by « Structure », it means entity (see in the beginning of the document for the definition of an entity) o Or by « Confrère », it means member (see in the beginning of the document for the definition of an entity) • The search engine is not designed to search for content on the pages of the intranet. It searches only in the database of entities and members. These data can be created, edited or deleted by the administrator -­‐ profile (1) from the administration panel and the database automatically updated. Search by « Structure » • For advanced research by entity, the visitor must be able to search by: Name of the field
Type of field
Nom de l’entité
=> Text field
=> Texte fiel
• Blank search is possible and enables to display the list of all entities. Search by « Confère » • For advanced research by member, he should be able to search with following fields: 27 EUROJURIS Name of the field
Type of field
=> Drop-down list which had the same item than in the
member datasheet:
Avocat aux conseils
Conseil en propriété intellectuelle
Personnel administratif
Nom du membre
Nom de la structure
Bassin économique
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Text field
=> Drop-down list:
Bassin 1
Bassin 2
Bassin 24
Bassin 25
Bassin 26
Certificats de spécialités
=> Drop-down list:
Droit commercial, des affaires et de la concurrence
Droit international et de l'Union européenne
Droit de l'environnement
Droit de la propriété intellectuelle
Droit des garanties, des sûretés et des mesures d'exécution
Droit de la famille, des personnes et de leur patrimoine
Droit des sociétés
Droit du crédit et de la consommation
Droit fiscal et droit douanier
Droit immobilier
Droit pénal
Droit public
Droit rural
Droit du travail
Droit de l'arbitrage
Droit des associations et des fondations
Droit des assurances
Droit bancaire et boursier
Droit du dommage corporel
Droit des étrangers et de la nationalité
Droit de la fiducie
Droit des nouvelles technologies, de l'informatique et de
la communication
Droit de la santé
Droit de la sécurité sociale et de la protection sociale
Droit du sport
Droit des transports
Procédure d'appel
Barreau de rattachement en France
=> Drop-down list:
Abbeville (80)
Agen (47)
Aix en Provence (13)
28 EUROJURIS Ajaccio (20)
Albertville (73)
Albi (81)
Alençon (61)
Alès (30)
Amiens (80)
Angers (49)
Charente (16)
Annecy (74)
Argentan (61)
Arras (62)
Gers (32)
Aurillac (15)
Auxerre (89)
Avesnes sur Helpe (59)
Avignon (84)
Avranches (50)
Bastia (20)
Bayonne (64)
Beauvais (60)
Belfort (90)
Bergerac (24)
Bernay (27)
Besançon (25)
Bethune (62)
Beziers (34)
Blois (41)
Bobigny (93)
Bonneville (74)
Bordeaux (33)
Boulogne sur Mer (62)
Ain (01)
Bourges (18)
Bourgoin-Jallieu (38)
Bressuire (79)
Brest (29)
Briey (54)
Brive (19)
Caen (14)
Lot (46)
Cambrai (59)
Carcassonne (11)
Carpentras (84)
Castres (81)
Guyanne (97)
Chalon sur Saône (71)
Chalons en Champagne (51)
Chambéry (73)
Charleville Mezières (08)
Chartres (28)
Chateauroux (36)
Haute Marne (52)
Cherbourg (50)
Clermont-Ferrand (63)
Colmar (68)
Compiègne (60)
Coutances (50)
Val de Marne (94)
Cusset-Vichy (03)
Dax (40)
Dieppe (76)
Alpes de Haute Provence (04)
Dijon (21)
29 EUROJURIS Dinan (22)
Dole (39)
Douai (59)
Draguignan (83)
Dunkerque (59)
Epinal (88)
Evreux (27)
Evry (91)
Ariège (09)
Fontainebleau (77)
Fort de France (97)
Gap (05)
Grasse (06)
Grenoble (38)
Creuse (23)
Guingamp-Lannion (22)
Havre (76)
Hazebourck (59)
La Meuse (55)
la Roche sur Yon (85)
La Rochelle (16)
Laon (02)
Laval (53)
Le Havre(76)
Le Mans (72)
Les Sables d'Olonne (85)
Libourne (33)
Lille (59)
Limoges (87)
Lisieux (14)
Lons le Saunier (39)
Lorient (56)
Lure (70)
Lyon (69)
Macon (71)
Marmande (47)
Marseille (13)
Meaux (77)
Melun (77)
Mende (48)
Metz (57)
Milliau (12)
Mont de Marsan (40)
Montargis (45)
Tarn & Garonne (82)
Montbeliard (25)
Montbrison (42)
Montluçon (03)
Montpellier (34)
Morlaix (29)
Moulin (03)
Mulhouse (68)
Nancy (54)
Hauts de Seine (92)
Nantes (44)
Narbonne (11)
Nevers (58)
Nice (06)
Nîmes (30)
Niort (79)
Nouméa (98)
Orléans (45)
Paris (75)
30 EUROJURIS Langue(s) parlées(s)
Pau (64)
Périgueux (24)
Peronne (80)
Pyrénnées orientales (66)
Guadeloupe (97)
Poitiers (86)
Val d'Oise (95)
Ardèche (07)
Haute Loire (43)
Quimper (29)
Reims (51)
Rennes (35)
Riom (63)
Roanne (42)
Rochefort sur Mer (17)
Rodez (12)
Rouen (76)
Saint Dié (88)
Saint Omer (62)
Saint-Brieuc (22)
Saint-Denis (97)
Saintes (17)
Saint-Etienne (42)
Saint-Gaudens (31)
Saint-Malo (35)
Saint-Nazaire (44)
Saint-Pierre la Réunion (97)
Saint-Quentin (02)
Sarreguemines (57)
Saumur (49)
Saverne (67)
Senlis (60)
Sens (89)
Soisson (02)
Strasbourg (67)
Tarascon (13)
Tarbes (65)
Thionville (57)
Thonon les Bains (74)
Toulon (83)
Toulouse (31)
Tours (37)
Troyes (10)
Tulle - Ussel (19)
Valence (26)
Valenciennes (59)
Vannes (56)
Versailles (78)
Vesoul (70)
Vienne (38)
Villefranche sur Saône (69)
Papeete (98)
Nanterre (92)
Creteil (94)
Pontoise (95)
=> Drop-down list:
31 EUROJURIS Domaine de compétence
=> Drop-down list:
Agriculture, entreprises agricoles
Baux commerciaux et professionnels
Brevets et marques
Collectivités locales
Contrats et marchés publics
Contrats internationaux
Contrats, concurrence, consommation et distribution
Création d'entreprises
Droit bancaire et financier
Droit commercial
Droit de la famille
Droit pénal
Droit pénal des affaires
Entreprise : cession, fusion, acquisition
Entreprises en difficulté et procédures collectives
Patrimoine : transmission, successions, gestion
Propriété littéraire et artistique
Santé, responsabilité et préjudice corporel
Travail et licenciement
Ventes aux enchères
Commissions Eurojuris
=> Drop-down list:
Prestation dominante
Commission Droit des Sociétés
Commission Droit des Personnes
Commission Commerce et Finances
Commission Propriété Intellectuelle et Industrielle
Commission Droit Fiscal
Commission Droit Immobilier
Commission Droit Pénal
Commission Droit Public
Commission Droit Social
Commission Droit de l'Environnement
Commission Voie d'Exécution
Normes de qualité
Comité de Pilotage Internet
Commission Structure
Commission Droit de l'Agriculture et de l'Agroalimentaire
Groupe de travail sur l'Exception d'inconstitutionnalité
Commission Procédure civile
Commission Procédures Collectives
Commission Droit du Sport
Groupe de travail Outils communautaires et européens
Vie des régions
Commission droit de la réparation du préjudice corporel
=> Drop-down list:
Rédactions d’actes
32 EUROJURIS Médiations
Contentieux judiciaire
Formations dans l’entreprise
Audits juridiques
=> Drop-down list:
Secteur public
Secteur privé
Services non marchands privés
Domaines d’activité des clients
=> Drop-down list:
Production industrielle
Production et distribution d’énergie
Bâtiments et travaux publics
Transports et postes
Commerce et distribution
Finances, banques & assurances
Autres services
=> Text field
• Before you click the "Search" button, it should be possible to select options: o View search results on frontend on the intranet o Download the list to Excel. o "Send an email to the whole list", which open the email client of the user with the email addresses of all members meeting the search criteria (if possible, we will remove duplicates). • A search leaving all fields blanck is possible. • The search results on frontend on the intranet are presented in the form of a table with in column: o The name of the member (in the case of search member only) o The entity or entities to whom / which they belong and sorted alphabetically o His city o His email • The number of results should be displayed on top. • There should be a pagination if the number of results is too big. • It is possible to click on a member or an entity for more details. The information is more detailed in the search results on the intranet than on the public site. • The fields displayed in a member result details should be those which are filled in the member datasheet. • The fields displayed in an entity result details should be those which are filled in the entity datasheet. • Those fields should be displayed only if they are filled in, otherwise they should be hidden. • The administrator (profile 1) has the rights to create, edit and delete entities from the administration panel. An admin-­‐member (profile 2) can edit information about his own entity, but can not create or delete an entity. • The administrator (profile 1) has the rights to create, edit and delete members. An admin-­‐member (profile 2) has the rights to create, edit and delete members only within the entity or entities to which he belongs. He cannot create, edit and delete members who do not belong to his entity. • A member (profiles 2, 3 and 4) may belong to several different entities. • How the ranking of search results works on the intranet only: 33 EUROJURIS o
Results should be alphabetically ordered. Within a same entity, members should be sorted also in the alphabetical order. Déconnexion • The link enables to log out from the intranet. • The user is redirected to the home page in offline mode and invited to enter his credentials again if he wants to log on the intranet again. Portail public • This is an external link that opens in a new window and redirectq to the home page of the public site. 2. Banner picture •
At the top of the intranet home page is a banner picture. The image is freely editable by the administrator (profile 1) from the administration panel. It is not editable by the other profiles. 3. Eurojuris Logo •
The EUROJURIS logo will be inserted in the picture to upload directly by the administrator. It is clickable and redirects to the home page from any other internal page of the intranet. The logo is not editable from the administration interface. 4. L’Edito •
This block can only be edited by the profile 1 (admin) It should be possible to hide it and its colored background in case there is no Edito to present. The block must contain: o A white title "Edito" editable from the administration panel o Image: editable from the administration interface o A link on the image to a PDF: editable from the administration interface. It must be possible to load the PDF on the server from the administration interface o A blue background: that is not editable from the administration interface, but the whole block should be unactivated on wish of the administrator if he wants to. 5. Welcome text •
This block can only be edited by the profile 1 (admin) On the left: an AFAQ logo editable from the administration panel. It should be possible to load another logo or leave the empty slot. On the right: a green title and a paragraph of text that are editable from the administration interface 6. Agenda du droit (Law agenda) & Formation Eurojuris (Eurojuris training) Block •
The « Agenda du droit » tab should not be displayed on the contrary to the design. Only the right « Formation Eurojuris » tab will be displayed and moved to the left. 34 EUROJURIS •
The « Formation Eurojuris » tab highlights the next 3 opened trainings On the left side, the two "up" and "down" arrows enable to display the previous trainings or to come back to the most recent trainings. The "+" button allows to access a list of all trainings. For each training on the intranet home page , you should see : o The date with the day, the month and year (the start date of the event will be displayed if the event is on several days) o The name of the training o The city o "+" button to access the page of the training with more information and the opportunity to enroll online through a form. In the form, the price for members (and for distance training if ticked by the admin) is displayed by default, on the contrary to the public site where there is also a price for non-­‐
members. Indeed, if the member is logged in, it means that he is member and he gets the price for members. No possibility to choose the price for non-­‐members. •
The administrator has rights to create, edit or remove trainings from the administration panel. Trainings must be displayed on the intranet and should also be posted on the public website. They are the same tranings that are synchronized several times on different sites. See here for more info on Trainings. 7. “Dernières modifications des Fiches Membres” (Last changes in members profiles) Block •
This block displays the last 3 actions made on member profiles. Date and time of the action are displayed in bold above action. An action is for example: o Creation of a new member profile: the sentence « Création de la fiche membre ‘First name_Last name_of New member’ par l’utilisateur ‘First name_Last name_Member who created the new profile’.» should be displayed. o Edition of a member profile: the sentence « Modification de ‘Field edited’ sur la fiche ‘First name_Last name_Edited Member’ par l’utilisateur ‘First name_Last name_Member who edited’.» should be displayed. It means that the edited field should be saved by the system and displayed here. o Deletion of a member: the sentence « Suppression de la fiche ‘First name_Last name_Deleted Member’ par l’utilisateur ‘First name_Last name_Member who deleted’.» should be displayed. •
Profiles 1, 2, 3 and 4 have the opportunity to make actions on members datasheet according to their rights. If the profile 1 performs an action, his name is "Eurojuris". The orange icon and the orange block title are clickable and redirect to the page with the last 100 actions, the most recent at the top of the page. You can click on the variables (user names) to be redirected to their member profile. •
8. “Dernières discussions sur le Forum” (Last topics on the forum) Block •
This block displays the last 3 actions made on the forum Date and time of the action are displayed in bold above action. An action is for example: o Creation of a topic: the sentence « Création de la discussion ‘Name of Topic’ par l’utilisateur ‘First Name_Last Name of Member ’ » should display. o Edition of a topic : the sentence « Edition de la discussion ‘Expropriation’ par l’utilisateur ‘Marcel Pignol’ » should display. o Deletion of a topic : the sentence « Suppression de la discussion ‘Expropriation’ par l’utilisateur ‘First Name_Last Name of Member’.» should display. o New post in a topic: the sentence « Nouveau message dans la discussion ‘Expropriation’ par l’utilisateur ‘First Name_Last Name of Member’.» should display. 35 EUROJURIS o
Edition of a post in a topic: the sentence « Edition d’un message de la discussion ‘Expropriation’ par l’utilisateur ‘First Name_Last Name of Member’.» s’affiche. should display. Deletion of a post in a topic : the sentence « Suppression d’un message de la discussion ‘Name of Topic’ par l’utilisateur ‘M First Name_Last Name of Member’.» should display. •
Profiles 1, 2, 3 and 4 have the opportunity to make actions according to their rights. If profile 1 makes an action, his name is "Eurojuris". The blue icon is clickable and redirect to the Forum. Alt tag should display « Accéder au Forum » when mouse over. At the bottom right of the block must be added a blue link: « Accéder au Forum » to access to the Forum page also. The blue title of the block is clickable and redirects to the page with the last 100 actions, the most recent at the top of the page. You can click on the variables (user names and titles of the threads) to be redirected to the member profiles or to the topics in the forum. 9. “Dernières modifications dans la Base documentaire” (Last changes in the document database) Block •
This block displays the last 3 actions made in the document database Date and time of actions are displayed in bold above action. An action is for example: o Creation of a directory / sub-­‐directory: the sentence « Création du répertoire ‘Name of Directory’ par l’utilisateur ‘First Name_Last Name of Member’.» should be displayed. o Edition of a directory / sub-­‐directory:the sentence « Edition du répertoire ‘Name of Directory’ par l’utilisateur ‘First Name_Last Name of Member’.» should be displayed. o Deletion of a directory / sub-­‐directory: the sentence « Suppression du répertoire ‘Name of Directory’ par l’utilisateur ‘First Name_Last Name of Member’.» should be displayed. o Creation (Upload) of a new Document : the sentence « Création du document ‘Name of Document’ par l’utilisateur ‘Marcel Pignol’ » should be displayed. o Edition of a document: the sentence « Edition du document ‘Name of Document’ par l’utilisateur ‘First Name_Last Name of Member’.» should be displayed. o Deletion of a document: the sentence « Suppression du document ‘Name of Document’ par l’utilisateur ‘First Name_Last Name of Member’.» should be displayed. •
Profiles 1, 2, 3 and 4 can make actions according to their rights. If profile 1 makes an action, his name is "Eurojuris". The green icon is clickable and redirects to the Document Database. An alt tag should display « Accéder à la Base documentaire » when mouseover. At the bottom right of the block must be added a green link: « Accèder à la Base documentaire » to access to the document database. The green title of the block are clickable and redirect to the page with the last 100 actions, the most recent at the top of the page. You can click on the variables (user names and titles of the directory or document) to be redirected to the member profile or to directories or documents. •
10. “Dernières Offres d’emploi” (Last job offers) Block •
This block displays the latest 3 job postings The date and time of publication appear in bold in the above action. Here is the sentence to be displayed when creating a job o « Le cabinet ‘Name of entity’ recherche un ‘Name of position’ sur ‘Name of city’ » •
Profiles 1, 2 and 4 have the ability to create job offers depending on their rights 36 EUROJURIS •
11. Footer •
If profile 1 creates a job offer, his name is "Eurojuris". The red icon and red title of the block are clickable and redirect to the page of the last 100 jobs advertised, the most recent at the top of the page. If an offer is provided and deleted, it no longer appears here. At the bottom right of the block must be added the link: « Accéder à toutes les offres d’emploi » to access the page with all job offers. Most recent is on top. You can click on the variables (names of entities) to be redirected to their entity datasheet. It is possible to click on the sentence displayed to be redirected to the job offer. The red icon with a question mark redirects to a page that will enable to download: o La documentation du site Pro : PDF (Documentation of the intranet) o To access the Kit communication : CMS editable pages editable by Profile 1 only o A la Retouche images : PDF The red download arrow icon is to be removed. The contact details will be displayed also in footer. No contact form is required. Links will also be displayed to: o Le plan du site => sitemap automatically generated o Les mentions légales => CMS page for legal mentions o Accessibilité => CMS Page 37 EUROJURIS II. HOME PAGE FOR PROFILES (2), (3) AND BY EXTENSION PROFILE (4)
Expected features 1. Header : Main menu Same as above. The only difference is: Espace personnel • This link doesn’t lead to the same page as for profile (1). • This link should redirect to the member admin panel. The displayed categories are not the same as for the admin panel only (profile 1). See here for more info. • Here is the tree to display when we are talking about profile 2 or profile 3: o Mon profil § Ma fiche membre => Profiles 2 and 3 o Mon entité § Gestion de l’entité => Profile 2 § Points du cabinet => Profile 2 and 3 (only a view, no edition) § Gestion des membres => Profile 2 o Mon site perso § Editer mon site => Profile 2 § Statistiques du site => Profile 2 § Mots clé génériques (META) => Profile 2 o Accès espace pro enchères => Profiles 2 and 3 o Offres d’emploi § Offres créées => Profiles 2 and 3 § Poster une offre d’emploi => Profile 2 • The redirection can be made to the backoffice of Drupal or redirect to a member administration area directly from the intranet depending the technical solution chosen by the project developers. • Here are the details of each page in the tree above: a) Mon profil > Ma Fiche Membre This page summarizes all the information about a member. It is the member datasheet. They are the fields that are presented in the beginning of this document. The creator of a member datasheet must choose if he wishes to appear in search results on the public site and in the lawyer’s website to which he belongs. If he doesn’t want to, it should be possible. An "edit" button should allow the member to edit the information on his member profile. Here are the profiles that have the right to edit the information of a member profile: profile 1, admin-­‐member (profile 2) if he belongs to the same lawyer’s office, and the member whose datasheet it is. A "Send again my password" button should allow the member to change his password. When asking for the email, it should also be asked the username because several members may have the same email. 38 EUROJURIS b) Mon entité > Gestion de l’entité This page should enable to manage all data and blocks in the lawyers website. All fields described in the beginning of this document for entities are to be displayed here. An admin-­‐member can belong to several different entities, so he should be able to click on the entity he wants to edit the entity datasheet. Only the admin can create a new entity or deleted an entity. c) Mon entité > Points du cabinet This page should display a table that follow the quotations of the lawyer’s website. Each row should display each quotation increase. Each column should display the date of the increase, the reason in the increase (free text field), the number of current points (free text field) of the lawyer website (entity). This information shall be entered manually by the administrator (profile 1) in the entity datashaeet in backend. The current number of points of the lawyer’s website determines its ranking in search results on the public website. d) Mon entité > Gestion des membres This page should allow to edit, delete or create a new member for the profiles who have administrator rights (profile 1 and profile 2 – only for the entities he belongs to). All fields in the beginning of this document for members are to be displayed and editable here. Note: the sort of members in search results of the public website depends whether they are « Associé » or « Collaborateur ». Those stauts are determined in their member datasheet. e) Mon site perso > Editer mon site This page allows an admin-­‐member (profile 2) to: • Select the template of his lawyer website: there will be two different templates (see specifications for lawyers website below in this document). If a template is chosen for a lawyer site, it should be possible to change and choose the second template. • Choose the color of the template: there will be a variation of 10 colors given in the Adobe Illustrator file. It should be possible to change color once an initial color selected. • Choose logo (upload a logo from user’s computer or choose the default logo saved in the platform database). • Edition of blocks on his lawyer’s website: display or not display them and edit their content (text, images). • Edit the tree and pages of his lawyer website f)
Mon site perso > Mots clé génériques This page should enable to access fields to fill in for each lawyer site for all pages: • META descriptions • META keywords • META titles 39 EUROJURIS g) Espace pro Enchères It is an external link to: http://www.special-­‐ h) Offres d’emplois See here. 2. Banner picture •
Same as above. It is not editable by profile 2 and 3. 3. Eurojuris logo •
Same as above. It is not editable by profile 2 and 3. 4. L’Edito and Quotation of the lawyer website (entity) •
Same as above. It is not editable by profile 2 and 3. Profiles 2 and 3 will be able to see the number of current points / quotation of their entity. The points will be credited manually by the admin (profile 1) in the datasheet of each entity and automatically displayed on the intranet of the members (profile 2 and 3). No CSV import is planned. •
A "+" link should redirect to a PDF about how quotation works and clicking on the number of points, eg « 53 points » will redirect to the page "Administration> Publications> Points cabinet" with details of points of the entity (entities) to which the member belongs. 5. Welcome text •
Same as above. It is not editable by profile 2 and 3. 6. “Agenda du droit” (Law Agenda) & “Formation Eurojuris” (Eurojuris Trainings) Block •
Same as above. It is not editable by profile 2 and 3. 7. “Dernières modifications des Fiches Membres” (Last changes in members profiles) Block •
The "Dernières modifications fiches membres" block will be different from the one of the profile 1. It will include the latest changes of datasheets of the members in their entity only and NOT the changes of all members in the platform. 40 EUROJURIS 8. “Dernières discussions sur le Forum” (Last topics on the forum) Block •
Same as above. 9. “Dernières modifications dans la Base documentaire” (Last changes in the document database) Block •
Same as above. 10. “Dernières Offres d’emploi” (Last job offers) Block •
Same as above. 11. Footer •
Expected Feature 1. Header : Main menu •
Only the « Portail public » link should display and be centered on the page. The 3 other categories are not displayed in offline mode. 2. Picture banner •
Same as above. It is not editable by profile 5. 3. Eurojuris Logo •
Same as above. It is not editable by profile 5. 4. L’Edito and Quotation of the lawyer website (entity) •
Do not display for Profile 5. 5. Welcome text •
Do not display for Profile 5. 6. “Agenda du droit” (Law Agenda) & “Formation Eurojuris” (Eurojuris Trainings) Block •
Do not display for Profile 5. Instead of this block an authentication page should display in order to log on the intranet with: o A "Username" field o A "Password" field o A « Log on » button o The possibility to tick a « Stay logged in » box o A "I forgot my password" link 7. “Dernières modifications des Fiches Membres” (Last changes in members profiles) Block •
Do not display for Profile 5. 8. “Dernières discussions sur le Forum” (Last topics on the forum) Block •
Do not display for Profile 5. 9. “Dernières modifications dans la Base documentaire” (Last changes in the document database) Block •
Do not display for Profile 5. 42 EUROJURIS 10. “Dernières Offres d’emploi” (Last job offers) Block •
Do not display for Profile 5. 11. Footer •
Same as above. Not editable for profile 5. 43 EUROJURIS IV. OTHER FEATURES
1. Eurojuris trainings – internal page This page should contain 2 tables one above the other in a « All trainings » page. Table 1 should display: « Les formations ouvertes » (Opened trainings): • They are trainings which members can enroll. • They can be created, edited or deleted by profile 1 (admin) from his admin panel. • The table must have in column: o Date of the training o Title of the training o City of the training • The next training should be displayed at the top and the farther down the page. • When the date of training is over, it should no longer be displayed in Table 1, but it is displayed in Table 2 (see below) : "Closed trainings ." • The title of the training is clickable and redirects to the inner page of the training with more info: o Training title o Date o Start and end time o City / Location o Description o Number of hours o Link to the program (PDF) o Can the training be followed from home (distance learning)? Yes / No o Amount for members (video) (only if checked yes to the question above) o Amount for members o Amount for non-­‐members o Number of remaining places available for members o Number of remaining places available to non-­‐members o Deadline to enroll o Registration form with fields : § Membre Eurojuris* : Yes / No (only on the public website, not on the intranet) § Structure* § Nom* § Prénom* § Adresse* § Code postal* § Ville* § Cedex § Pays § Email* § Téléphone* § Fax § Remaque § Formation à distance (this field displays only if the " Membre Eurojuris" button is checked to yes and if the distance learning is offered by profile 1 when creating the training in backend) § Type of payment* • Profile 1 must choose the type of payment offered when creating the training from the admin panel: o Either by check (chèque) o Or by credit card (CB) : redirected to the payment site secure online bank o Either both possibilities • A place to a training is booked when the visitor clicks on "Submit" (even if the payment is not confirmed yet) . • The number of places must be counted down automatically. 44 EUROJURIS •
The administrator (profile 1) must be able to edit manually the number of places in addition to the automatic countdown to add places if needed or to remove some (provided they are not booked yet). A confirmation email shall be sent to the registrant and also to the administrator (Profile 1) for each new subscription. Table 2 should display: « Les formations closes » (Closed tranings): • The day after the date of the training, the registration form must be hidden and the training is no longer displayed in Table 1, but in Table 2 below it. • It contains the same columns as Table 1 and works the same way with possibility to click on the title of training to access to its detailed page. Other general requirements: • The administration panel (Profile 1 only) must provide a list of all the tranings in a table with the possibility to sort trainings whether they are open or closed. The table must contain the columns: o Date o Training title o Number of remaining places for members o Number of remaining places for non-­‐members o Distance training possible ? o Link to view subscribers • Profile 1 shall be able to view the subscribers to trainings, able to click on their entry and edit the information entered. • Profile 1 shall be able to add manually a subscriber to a training from the admin panel. 2. Forum – Inner page •
The forum should enable Profile 1, 2, 3 and 4 to post messages on topics in categories, which are set up by the admin (Profile 1). Screen 1 • The form should be presented as a table with: In row: o The categories of topics, clickable, which redirect to the list of topics within this category. In column: o The name of the category o The number of days since the last message was posted in the category o The number of total topics within a given category o The total number of all topics of all categories Screen 2 • When clicking on a category, the list of topics is displayed in tables with in columns: o Title of the topic o Number of messages in the given topic o Number of days since the last message was posted o Author of the last post in the topic (first name and last name of member) 45 EUROJURIS A back button should enable to come back to the list of all categories. Screen 3 • When you click on the title of a topic, you can access the posts in the topic, the first message posted at the top of the page, the last and most recent at the bottom. Provide a paging system if the number of messages becomes too large. • In addition to the message itself, the author's name and the date and time should be displayed as well as his photo if he has saved one in his member datasheet. • A button "Answer" must be set on each message to answer to the post and an « Edit » button (reopen the message in edition mode + possibility to delete the post for users for have the rights). • If the first message of a topic is deleted by its author, the whole topic is deleted. Other general requirements: • A search by keyword in one or more categories must be provided on all screens in the forum. The button « New topic » and « Back to the list of categories » should be displayed. The researched word should be colored or in bold in the search results. • A "New topic" button at the top of all screens of a forum should display to create a new topic. It is a simple form with fields: o drop-­‐down list with the categories in the forum (compulsory field). o Subject o Plain text without formatting to type the first message of the topic o Button « Validate my message » User rights on the Forum -­‐
Has the right to create, edit and delete categories and subcategories: Profile 1 -­‐
A right to create a topic: profiles 1, 2, 3 and 4 -­‐
Edit or Delete any topic or message: Profile 1 and Profile 2 or 3 or 4 who created the discussion or message -­‐
Reply to a topic: profiles 1, 2, 3 and 4 3. Document database – inner pages •
The document database should enable to store documents. It consists in different areas: On the left, a list of directories/sub-­‐directories and the details of each directory (number of subdirectories, number of files, sizes) and a search function by keyword in the title of the directory, subdirectory and files only On the right, subdirectories and files of the parent directory selected in the list are displayed On the top, there should be buttons to enable to: o go up to the parent sub-­‐directory o refresh the page o display thumbnail or list of subdirectories and files in them o put a file in your favorites o add a new document (pop-­‐up with the obligation to select a document type from a drop-­‐down list button and select a file to upload from your computer) o download the selected file The documents can be presented as thumbnails or as a list. When we are in the case of lists, columns are: 46 EUROJURIS -­‐
Name of the file (or directory) Number of children in the file (if the document is a file, no information is displayed) File size Type (choose from the drop down list when loading the document) Last modified date User rights in the document database: -­‐
Has the right to create, edit and delete directories and subdirectories: Profile 1 -­‐
Has the right to upload a document: profiles 1, 2, 3 and 4 -­‐
Edit or delete a document: Profile 1, Profile 2 if the document was uploaded by him, Profile 3 if he has uploaded the document, profile 4 regardless the document was created by him or not. 4. Job offers – inner page •
This page lists all online job offers in a table, the most recent on top. Here are the columns: o Position o Name of the entity offering the job o City o Emplyment contract Clicking on a row in the table provides access to the detailed description of the job. The page should also allow to create, edit or delete jobs. The fields to be filled in the creation of the card are: o
Fonction* Statut Date souhaitée d’entrée en fonction Lieu d’activité* Taux d’activité Salaire Description (free text) Présence : (compulsory to choose an option from the 2 below) § Sur le site d’eurojuris § Sur le site cabinet (Name of the lawyer’s website where the job offer should be displayed – drop down list) •
These job offers are displayed both on the intranet and on the public website, as well as on the lawyer’s website but they are managed from the intranet/or backend of Drupal. User rights are: o Profile 1: has the right to create, edit and delete all jobs o Profile 2: the right to create a job for entities to which it belongs, edit and delete jobs created by himself or by another user in the entities to which it belongs o Profile 3: No right to create, edit or delete. Only a right of consultation. o Profile 4: extension of roghts of profiles 2 and 3 o Profile 5: no rights because no access to intranet 47 EUROJURIS 5 | PUBLIC WEBSITE I. HOME PAGE
48 EUROJURIS Expected features 1. Main menu, top of the page a) Ventes aux enchères (Auction sales) The auctions sales are an iframe to display. Be sure to display all screens from this URL: http://www.special-­‐ The features should enable to search for auction sales thanks to filters: • Sort by departement, they are French administrative regions (drop down list built automatically from the department fields filled in when creating a new auction sale) • Kind of good (drop down list): they can be apartement, house… • Possibility to type the name of a member (keyword) The dropdown lists must be generated automatically when the profile 1 creates a content type "Ventes aux enchères". This type of content should have the following text fields: o Avocat o Barreau o Cabinet o Adresse o Département o Téléphone / Fax. o Informations sur la vente o Date de la vente o Type de bien o Ville du bien o Adresse du bien o Descriptif du bien o Visites o Mise à prix o Annonce légale parue dans Blank search is not possible, at least one criterion must be filled. The results are displayed as a table with a column from left to right: • Type de bien (appartement, maison…) • Département et la ville • Date de la vente • Mise à prix Clicking on a row in the table provides more details on the sale in a form that contains the following elements: • Avocat (+ link towards the member datasheet on the public website) • Barreau • Cabinet • Adresse • Téléphone / Fax • Informations sur la vente • Date de la vente • Type de bien 49 EUROJURIS •
Ville du bien Adresse du bien Descriptif du bien Visites Mise à prix Annonce légale parue dans (+ link towards a PDF or external website) A "Back" button should be present on all screens to return to the previous page. An interactive map with the French departments shall be created. A click on a department will return to the table identical to the filter search results by selecting a department. Research results from the map must be updated automatically when data is added in the auction sale datasheet. b) Eurojuris France The « Eurojuris France » part (level 1 in the tree of the website) has its how tree: Présentation (level 2) Organisation (level 3) Qualité ISO Honoraires et transparence Jurismus Presse Partenariats Actualités Activités Formations juridiques Congrès Eurojuris International Devenir membre Les professions du droit Offres d'emploi Liens Utiles • Pages of levels 2 and 3 look like normal CMS page with the possibility to type text (WYSIWYG editor), to insert images, iframe for YouTube videos, comments, rating content (star system described below), increase of decrease font size, print and send the page to a friend, share with the AddThis functionality ... • Right Column of pages from levels 2 and 3: displays the search engine, the vote module, the interaction (share, save to PDF, print), the menu of the « Eurojuris France » section and the possibily to display or not to display on each page of the tree above: • A free editable text block with contact details • Another second free editable text block • A « who are we » block with free editable text and possibility to add external links or links to PDF inside • A 3rd free editable • The « Actualités » section is a news section specific to « Eurojuris France ». Profile 1 only can choose this content type similar to a CMS Page. It should be possible to add or not to add a member or entity contact sheet at the bottom. The 1st page of « Actualités » is an automatic table with the most recent « actualités » on top and oldest at the bottom. If the visitor clicks on one of them he is redirected to the content page with the author (member or entity) block below. • The job offers page looks different than the CMS pages described above: It should be a table of job offers. In column, we will be able to find: Type of position, lawyer’soffice, location, nature of the. The job posted most 50 EUROJURIS recently will be displayed in the top ,the offer posted on an earlier date will be displayed at the bottom of the page. The jobs will be created by members and published on the intranet without validation from the administrator. They can also be created directly by the administrator. •
It will be possible to click on a job offer to have more details : name of the entity , function , status, duties, place of business, employment rates, wage description. Back button will return to the list of jobs. It will be possible to respond to a job offer via a form that asks: the candidate's name , surname, email address, phone, possibility to upload a CV with a cover letter (formats accepted PDF, doc, docx). A confirmation email will be sent to the applicant and to an email address for the admin (given later). •
The « Devenir membre » (become a member) page has a specific form. The page is a CMS page with a form whose fields are the same as here:­‐france/devenir-­‐membre/devenir-­‐membre.html • The « Partenariat » (partnership) page is also a CMS page and has a form at the bottom:­‐france/presentation/partenariats/partenaires.html DEVENIR PARTENAIRE EUROJURIS Plus d’information sur le partenariat : Nom : Prénom : Email : Sujet / Commentaire : • Dans la page « Partenariat » : l’animation flash doit être reprise c) Agenda du droit (Law Agenda) The law agenda will be composed of 2 parts: Les formations Eurojuris Agenda du droit • This is the list of conferences, seminars and exhibitions to come. These are events . • They must be displayed in a table on a page " All the events " with for each column : o Date : DD / MM / YYYY o The name of the event o The city where it will occur • The next event to be displayed should be in the top and farther down the page. • When an event is past, it is no longer displayed. • The " event name " is clickable and redirect to the page of the event with more details: o Date o The start time and end time o The name of the event o The city o The description of the event • Events can be created, edited or deleted by profile 1 only from his admin panel. The same information than on the intranet (see above) should be displayed. Only the template will change since we are on the public website. 51 EUROJURIS Only profile 1 has rights to edit, create or delete content. Right column for all pages of the Law Agenda: the search engine and a free text contatc block should be displayed. d) Dictionnaire (Dictionary) The dictionary lists words in alphabetical order. Each word is defined by a section of a few lines. Only profile 1 has the rights to create, edit or delete words in this section. A search by clicking on a letter of the alphabet is used to classify the words by letter. We won’t use the glossary feature. Right column: display search engine e) Contact A contact form should enable to send question to Eurojuris: Here are the fields to display: • Votre nom* • Prénom* • Vous êtes* (drop down list: un particulier, une entreprise, une banque, une collectivité). Depending on the choice just before, other fields will display. Nothing if the choice was « un particulier ». « dénomination de l’entreprise » and « votre fonction » should be displayed if the choice was « une entreprise ». « dénomination de la banque » and « votre fonction » should be displayed if the choice was « une banque ». « votre collectivité » and « votre fonction » should be displayed if the choice was « une collectivité ». • Email* • Téléphone* • Adresse : numéro, rue, CP, ville • Description de votre projet ou besoin* • Captcha avec question mathématique : 3+7 = ? Right column: display search engine f)
Accès au site pro A link to the intranet should be displayed on top of the page. 2. Slider •
A slider with 3 slides should be display at the top of the home page. It is not more a single picture but a slider. The slide images are editable by the administrator only (profile 1) from the admin panel. The slider is not synchronized with the banner image of the intranet. They are different features. It is not editable by the other profiles. 3. Eurojuris Logo 52 EUROJURIS •
The Eurojuris logo is fixed and must be placed above the image automatically and this even if the administrator chooses to load a new image below. It is clickable and redirects to the home page from any other internal page of the public website. The logo is not editable from the administration interface. 4. Languages flags An English French multilingual functionality will enable switch from one language to another on every page of the public site. When clicking on the English flag, the page will be switched to English and vice versa (no intermediate back to the homepage, forcing the user to restart the navigation). The English version will take the same tree as the French one, the same ergonomy and the same graphics as the French version of the site . In the event that an English translation of a page is not filled, the French language is displayed by default. When launching the site both flags will be hidden as mentionned in the beginning of this document. Functionality: grow / decrease the text size. As far as possible so as not to break the CSS layout, it shall possible to enlarge or reduce the size of text on the pages of the public site. (Accessibility for the visually impaired people) . 5. Search engine A button to an advanced search engine will enable to search all content (excluding images and PDF, docx.) in the public site pages and also about the members datasheet and entities (saved in database) by: • Key words • Member: o Search by job (drop down list), skills (drop down lists), department (drop down lists) o Geographic search on an interactive map of France and its overseas departements: The user can click on the French department (including overseas) of their choice and access to the results as to search by department using the drop-­‐down list. Research results from the map must be updated automatically when data is added (member profile, entity datasheet ...) o Advanced research (research by métier, département, CP, ville, spécialité, compétences, nom, entité). Here is for example thei former page: • Document : this part is to delete on the new website. Profile 1 will be able to edit all items dropdowns. In the search results page should figure this text (editable from backend by the admin): ORDRE D'APPARITION DES MEMBRES EUROJURIS FRANCE Les Membres du Réseau EUROJURIS FRANCE font l'objet d'une cotation interne basée sur les critères de respect de la Charte, incluant : la Certification ISO, la formation continue, la qualité du site internet, la production d'articles juridiques, ainsi que l'implication aux séminaires de management des Cabinets 53 EUROJURIS The search should return the results presented in this way (new feature compared to existing) only for the key words research: -­‐ Left: links to member datasheet, whose authors have characteristics of research. Duplicates shall be removed. -­‐ Right: the public site pages written by an author who has the characteristics sought. In the search results, if there is no result within a department, the results of the closest other department should be displayed (given to you). In its datasheet, if the entity has ticked that it is certified, the matching logo should display in the search results (given to you). Same for the « Charte honoraires et transparence » logo. Only an entity can tick if she is certified. But the logos will appear on both the entity search results and on the member search results. Here are the fields to be display for a member datasheet: -­‐
Nom -­‐
Prénom -­‐
Profession -­‐
Téléphone -­‐
Email -­‐
Certificat(s) de spécialité -­‐
Domaine(s) de compétence -­‐
Langue(s) parlée(s) -­‐
Tarifs -­‐
Diplômes / Ville -­‐
Fonctions Paraprofessionnelles -­‐
Structure d’appartenance -­‐
Date d’entrée dans la structure -­‐
Statut -­‐
Barreau ou juridiction de rattachement -­‐
Titres des articles publiés The result page will contain a thematic search with: • L’annuaire des avocats (lawyer’s directory): list of lawyers with possibility to click to see a lawyer's profile or to click on a lawyer’s office to see its datasheet. • L’annuaire des huissiers: list of bailiffs with possibility to click to see a bailiff's profile or to click on a bailiff’s office to see its datasheet. • L’annuaire des notaires: list of notary with possibility to click to see a notary's profile or to click on a notary’s office to see its datasheet. • La recherche géographique : it is the search with the map. • L’annuaire Eurojuris France : leads to a (PDF) Other links on the current site are to delete: Liste de prestations, Liste des compétences, Listes des liens utiles, Offres d’emploi. • How the ranking of search results works: o Results should be ranked by number of points of an entity: the entity with more points will be ranked on the top o Then, the « associé » members of an entity are shown first: the oldest « associé » first (see date of entry in the entity) o Then, the « collaborateurs » members are displayed: the oldest « collaborateur » first o If two entities have the same number of points, they are displayed in alphabetical order 54 EUROJURIS o
All members are not necessarily shown in the search results on the public site: each entity must be able to check the members to display in the search results. 6. AFAQ Logo •
7. Welcome text •
This block is editable by profile 1 only. On the right of the logo: a green title and a paragraph of text that should be editable from the administration interface. The block will take up more space on the length of the model presented due to the removal of AFAQ logo 8. Vous êtes… Particulier, Entreprise, Collectivité •
This block is on Adobe Illustrator design but it should be deleted on development. •
The block is composed of 3 main categories : Particulier, Entreprise, Collectivité. Each part has a logo, a title, 4-­‐5 line of text. These parts are freely editable from the interface aministration. A click gives access to the home page of the categories (check the tree of the public website and also below for the presentation of each cateogry landing page). For each category, a different landing page will be displayed. 9. Dynamic « Back to top » button •
A button, which follows the scroll of the page shall be positioned on the right side of the page and will allow visitors to go back to top by clicking on it. 10. 11. « Articles » and « Actualités » content type (News) •
This block will contain 3 tabs, each for one category: Particuliers, Entreprises and Collectivités. Tabs are clickable and a click on a tab makes display the most recent « articles » or « actualités » content type of the category on the left, and the 3 most recent « articles » or « actualités » titles of the category on the right. A « Toutes les actus » button on the right enable to access to the page with all « articles » or « actualités » content type of this category. The most recent should be on top and the oldest at the bottom. Forecast pagination. Each « article » or « actualités » on the left of the tab will have an image, a title, the beginning of the news, its author and his entity. By default, this is the last article or actualité in one of three categories « Particuliers », « Entreprises », « Collectivités » The administrator must also have the opportunity to check a box to highlight manually content of their choice at this place. •
To return to the default display of the last published article, the box should be unchecked. 12. Formation Eurojuris (Agenda) •
This block will display the next 3 Eurojuris trainings (same as in the intranet). At the top of the closest training, and the farthest at the bottom. 55 EUROJURIS •
13. YouTube video Module •
A block shall display a video from YouTube. One video can be displayed at once. When the video is replaced by a more recent video, the old video is deleted. A page listing all the videos already presented on the home page is not required. 14. Twitter feed •
The display of the latest Eurojuris tweets should be here. 15. RSS feed •
For each training we will be displayed the date and under the title of the training, clickable and redirects to the inner page of the training with much information. A "All the events" button will go directly to the page with the list of all the open and closed trainings. It should be possible to subscribe to RSS feeds of the 3 categories: Individuals, Businesses and Local Communities. A link to a page explaining the use of RSS will be presented. 16. Newsletter •
A newsletter module will allow the registration to one or more mailing lists: Individuals, Businesses and Local Communities. •
The administrator (profile 1) will receive an email alert for each new subscription to a newsletter. •
Email addresses are stored in Drupal backoffice and exportable to CSV format. 17. Les hommes du droit eurojuris •
It will be possible to place 6 links, editable by profile 1 if necessary. Here are the desired link: o Le réseau Eurojuris o L’annuaire des membres o Eurojuris international o Les professions du droit o Les liens utiles o Les offres d’emploi du réseau It should be possible to choose if you want to link them to a page of the public site or an external link. 18. Footer menu Some links will redirect to: • Plan du site: sitemap, automatically generated • Informations légales: CMS page • Contacter le webmaster: Contact form • Accès au site pro: external link to the intranet 56 EUROJURIS II. LEVEL 1: LANDING PAGE OF A CATEGORY: EXAMPLE OF INDIVIDUALS
In this document, this page has the design of the old site. During the developments, it should be adapted with the new design. Only the functional aspects described below are to be taken into account: 57 EUROJURIS Expected features 1. Theme menu Each landing page of a category should display a menu with its themes. For example, we find for Individuals: • Famille • Patrimoine • Emploi • Consommation • Santé • Pénal These thems belong to level 2 of the website after « Particuliers » (Individual), which is level 1. A click on a theme will redirect to the theme page, with display of sub-­‐themes (level 3). For example for theme « Famille », the sub-­‐themes would be: • Enfants • Divorces • Successions • Mariage / PACS / Concubinage / Vie civile Each sub-­‐theme will contain a 4th level in the tree of the website. For example, for « Enfants » (children), they would be: • Articles • FAQ • Actualités 2. Image & link to level 3 and 4 of the category A space shall beforecast to allow image. Clickable keywords are not necessarily kept. 3. Welcome text A welcome text block should be displayed. Only editable by the admin (profile 1). 4. Votre actualité / News of the category A news block will include the latest 3 « actualités » content type written in the category regardless of the theme to which it belongs. The latest news is placed on top, the oldest at the bottom. The administrator must also have the opportunity to tick a box to highlight a news of his choice at this place. Each part will include a title, the beginning of the content type and the date of publication with a link to read the rest of the content. 58 EUROJURIS 5. Theme block In addition to the horizontal menu themes, the landing page should include a theme presentation block with: • The sub-­‐themes • Highlighting of a content type • The link to the author profile • The link to the lawyer website • The picture of the author 6. Dernier article (Last article) A block will enable to see the title + beginning of the article + link to the last article posted, regardless of the themse to which it is attached. A link will enable to access the page that lists all events, the most recent being at the top of the page. Pagination will be implemented and only 10 items are displayed per page to avoid too large a scroll of the visitor. 7. Les hommes du droit Eurojuris Same as home page of the public website. 59 EUROJURIS III. LEVEL 2 : PAGE OF CONTENT OF A THEME
In this document, this page has the design of the old site. During the developments, it should be adapted with the new design. Only the functional aspects described below are to be taken into account: 60 EUROJURIS Expected features 1. Themes menu Each page will contain a menu with the themes of the cateogry. For example, in the "Family" theme page, we will find the other themes of the same category. The name of the theme in which we are will be highlighted. A breadcrumb will be added in the pages of the site. For example: Accueil > Particuliers > Famille http://www.mairie-­‐­‐vie-­‐scolaire-­‐0 2. Sub-­‐themes menu Each theme will have children named sub-­‐themse (level 3). For example, for the theme of "Family", a sub-­‐theme will be "Children." The sub-­‐themes will be closed by default (their children are not visible). A click on a sub-­‐theme will enable double action: display the content page of the sub-­‐themes and to display the titles of his children. 3. Increase font size, Print, Send to a friend and Share on social networks features •
Increase/Decrease font size: the body of the article may be increased or reduced depending on the needs of visitors. Menus and blocks on the sides will not be affected so as not to break the CSS styles in place. "print " feature: it will be possible to print the article in the current page. Only the body of the article will be printed without the bottom of the site or the pictures, or the blocks surrounding the article or other blocks on the landing page. The block for with author profile should appear in the print. "send to a friend" feature: it will be possible to complete a form to send this page to a friend. The required fields are the following: o Recipient's email address * o Name of the sender * o Sender email address * o Message Share on social networks: The Addthis solution should be implemented. 4. Body The body of the page will be editable using a WYSIWYG editor. It will enable to apply all the formatting features such as bold, underlined, flush left, right, centered, justified, bulleted lists, numbered, insertion of internal links, external links or links to PDF, anchors, setting colors, creating tables, etc.. 5. Actualites (News) Same as above apart from the fact it is only the « actualité » content type in the theme, not in the whole category. 61 EUROJURIS 6. Dernier article (Last article) Same as above apart from the fact it is only the « article » content type in the theme, not in the whole category. A link to all articles will enable to access the list of all articles published in the theme, for example the theme of "Family." 7. Sub-­‐themes block Blocks with sub-­‐themes of the theme will display an « A la une » article (last article or can be chosen by the admin) with: • Title of article • Beginning of the article • Link to the page of the author (member profile) • Link to the lawyer’s datasheet • Photo of the author (an author can be an entity or a member) The sub-­‐themes will be for example: • Enfants • Divorces • Successions • Mariage / PACS / Concubinage / Vie civile 62 EUROJURIS IV. LEVEL 3: PAGE OF A SUB-THEME
In this document, this page has the design of the old site. During the developments, it should be adapted with the new design. Only the functional aspects described below are to be taken into account: Expected features It was agreed to delete this page level. Clicking on a parent as Level 3 will return directly to her first child at level 4. 63 EUROJURIS V. LEVEL 4 : CHILD OF A SUB-THEME
In this document, this page has the design of the old site. During the developments, it should be adapted with the new design. Only the functional aspects described below are to be taken into account: 64 EUROJURIS Expected features 1. Sub-­‐themes menu A menu will show all sub-­‐themes closed except the one in which we are for example "Children." Visitors can see open this sub-­‐theme with its children: • Articles • FAQ • Actualités A click on another sub-­‐theme will lead to page of the sub-­‐theme and make the same action as above (open children). The title of level 4 in which we are is will be highlighted, for example Particuliers > Famille > Enfants > Articles. 2. Guides pratiques (Handbooks) •
A block will display the last three handbooks published in the category in which we are. A link will provide access to the page with all handbooks. 3. Body The body of the page will contain a list of FAQs or articles or news, etc (they should be different content type in Drupal).. following the titles of level 4 (see tree of the website). This list will include the title, the beginning of the text, the date of publication, the name and surname of the author and his lawyer’s office. These texts will be sorted by date of publication, the most recent at the top of the page. A paging system will be set up (maximum 15 items per page). 4. « A lire aussi » (to read also) Block This block will include the other titles of level 4 and the last contents added to each one of them: title + link on the title Links redirect to the list of all these articles, FAQ and news ... 65 EUROJURIS VI. LEVEL 5: CMS PAGE
In this document, this page has the design of the old site. During the developments, it should be adapted with the new design. Only the functional aspects described below are to be taken into account: 66 EUROJURIS Expected feature 1. Menu des sous-­‐thématiques (niveau 3) & du niveau 4 A menu will show all sub-­‐themes closed except the one in which we are for example "Children." Visitors can see open this sub-­‐theme with its children: • Articles • FAQ • Actualités A click on another sub-­‐theme will lead to page of the sub-­‐theme and make the same action as above (open children). The title of level 4 in which we are is will be highlighted, for example Particuliers > Famille > Enfants > Articles. 2. Vote A voting system will enable to rate the importance of a content page of level 4 if it is an « article » content type only. It will not appear on the other content pages such as a practical guide, news, FAQ, books ... The visitor will be able to answer the question: "Interesting article? "And click on a star (from 1 to 5 stars), the more stars are clicked, the higher the content of the article is appreciated. The system of red / green color should not be used. The number of votes will be recorded for each article page. It is not necessary to login to vote. Only one vote per person must be possible unless the user clears the cache, cookies or change his browser. It shall be possible from the backoffice of Drupal to export an Excel file with votes. Columns of the Excel file should be: page title, date, number of yes, number of no. 3. Increase font size, Print, Send to a friend and Share on social networks features Same as above. AND: • Number of readers: we also find the number of readers (for the pages: articles, FAQ, news ...). No storage of cookies planned. Readership increases with each visit. Only displayed from 50 readers. 4. Body Same as above. The publication date will be displayed and must be freely editable by the administrator from the admin panel. 5. Actualités (News) Same as above. 67 EUROJURIS 6. Comment module Visitors may be able to comment on a content page of level 4 (article, FAQ, news ...). For this, they must fill in fields with their name (displayed in front office once comment is posted) and email address (not displayed frontoffice). A captcha (spam filter) must be present before sending the form. No administrator validation is required, comments are posted directly. The administrator must EUROJURIS edit and delete all comments from the backoffice. The comment date should be displayed as well as the email of the author (onyl visible by the administrator). An email should be sent to the author of the comment to tell him that his comment was well-­‐saved and displayed. An email should also be sent when an answer is posted. A link will enable to post a comment to the page of level 4 through a form: -­‐
Nom -­‐
Email -­‐
Commentaire -­‐
Captcha It will be indicated the number of comments below each article. The comments will be displayed in another page than the content page to avoid overload of content. Example on the former site:­‐
indemnite-­‐occupation.html 7. Author of content (member profile) In each content page you can find the name of the author, the name of his entity, its website and the photo of the author if an author is selected when saving the content type. Beware, it should be possible to select several authors for a same content page. An author can either be a member or an entity. Sometimes there is also no author for a content. It will also be possible to access a list of other content types published by this author and the lawyer rates (field « Honoraires » in his member datasheet). If this field is an empty, the link should redirect to a CMS page in the public site. Here is the link where the former page was:­‐
france/actualites-­‐membres/honoraires-­‐de-­‐l-­‐avocat.html A link « Etre contacté » par l’auteur should enable to send a contact form to the author directly. Contacter l’auteur de l’article Suite à la lecture de l’article ‘NAME OF CONTENT TYPE’ vous souhaitez être contacté par son auteur ‘NAME AUTHOR’ Votre nom* => Champ texte Prénom* => Champ texte Vous êtes* => Boutons radio : un particulier, une entreprise, une banque, une collectivité (in the last 3 cases, another text field shows up: « Désignation de l’entité »). Votre email* => Champ email Votre téléphone* => Champ texte Votre adresse N°* => Champ texte Rue* => Champ texte CP* => Champ texte Ville* => Champ texte 68 EUROJURIS Description de votre projet => Champ texte Fields with * are compulsory. The author of the content page receives directly an email and the Profil 1 (administrator) is in copy. Here is an example of the email received. Sender email will be modified. 69 EUROJURIS 6 | LAWYER WEBSITE: TEMPLATE 1 -­‐ HOME 70 EUROJURIS Expected features 1. Logo •
2. Main menu •
3 slides will scroll automatically every 5 seconds They are each composed of freely editable background images from the administration panel (profiles 1 and 2 if it is member of the entity) and several lines of non-­‐mandatory text. If the text field is not filled for a given slide, nothing will be displayed above the picture of the bottom of the slide. It is possible to manually switch from one slide to another by clicking on the small white buttons icons below. The slideshow is necessarily displayed (at least one slide) and can not be disabled. 4. Welcome text •
The font size of the main menu items sites cabinet should be reduced compared to PSD in order to offer the display in horizontal of 5 categories instead of 4. Below those five categories, a second line of 5 additional categories should display for additional topics. Categories redirect to CMS pages except the Publications page which will automatically include the articles written by the members of the lawyer’s website. The links in the menu are editable and can be disabled or removed . It will be possible to have sub -­‐headings within a category that are displayed on mouse over the title of a category: then sub-­‐headings are displayed with a scroll from left to right like on this site when mouseover on "Votre Cadre de vie " http://www.maisons-­‐ Profiles who have rights to publish, create, delete are: Profile 1 and Profile 2 if it a member of the entity. If an entity wants no main menu , members will have to desactivate menu titles to do so and the space will remain blanck. 3. Slideshow •
The logo is freely editable from the intranet of admin-­‐members (profiles 2) They should be able to choose either to load their own logo or to load Eurojuris logo. It is clickable and redirects to the home page from any other internal page of the lawyer’s website. This block is necessarily activated On the left: a logo should be editable from the administration panel (profile 1 and 2 if he belongs to the site) On the right: a colored title (depending on the color of the template chosen) and a paragraph of text that should be editable from the administration panel also Profiles with publishing rights are Profile 1 and Profile 2 if a member of the entity. The block should be higher is the text is long. The block can be deactivated and the space where it was then remains blank. 5. Languages / Accessibility •
The block contains the languages in which it is possible to view the site: French and / or English. By default, no language will be displayed (the majority of sites do not have English version). Buttons language will be displayed again on lawyer’s request. It also contains the symbols "+" and "-­‐" that can enlarge or reduce the font size of each block of the page for the visually impaired people. A « reset » font size button will be added to reset the font size. Finally, EUROJURIS logo is displayed at the bottom of the block. 71 EUROJURIS •
This block is not editable or disabled. 6. Actualités du cabinet & Fil d’info Eurojuris (Content pages from the lawyer’s site & News from Eurojuris public website) •
The whole block can be completely disabled or only left tab or only right right tab by profile 1 or profiles 2 if they are members of the entity. In the case of deactivation, the block below should come up in order not to leave blanck space. The left tab highlights 3 most recent content (news page or other CMS page ). This tab is displayed by default when loading the page. The « Actualités du cabinet » title should be editable (profile 1 or profile 2) . It will be possible to tick a box "Do you want to forward this content to the home page block ? " Yes / No to place manually a content on the home page. The most recently published content is placed to the left, and content published on earliest moves to the right. The contents (news or other CMS) can be created, edited, deleted from the administration panel by admin-­‐
members. Profile 1 must also be able to edit the content if necessary. The arrow buttons "up" and "down" enable to navigate and to view the 3 previous content and so on, and return to the three closest content. The "+" button provides access to a list of all the content published in this block. For each content on the home page of the lawyer’s site , you should see : o date with the day and the month and year o The title of the content o "+" button to access the reading of the content The author name will be hidden on the home page in this tab. But it will be displayed if one exists in the internal page content. •
The right tab highlights the last three EUROJURIS « articles » content type posted on the public site. From left to right: the latest article for Individuals, the last article for Enterprises and the last article for Local Community. We keep on the left side of the two "up" and "down" arrows follow the same principle as above and the "+" button which allows to access the list of all recent articles. For each content on the home page of the lawyer’s site , you should see : o The date with the day and the month and year o The title of the content o The author name (member first and last name) o "+" button to access the reading of the content The visitor can click on either the left tab or the right tab to view the information of their choice. If the visitor clicks on the right tab, the background color of the tab moves from left to right to indicate which tab you are. 7. Curriculum Vitae •
This block shows three members that you want to highlight and who work in the entity. It is possible to display more members and scroll member by clicking the left and right arrows in the block. If an entity has only 1 member, his picture should be centered. If he has only 2 members, they should be placed on sides automatically. Images and content are automatically taken from member profiles created on the intranet. The full name of the member appears if the member's photo is colorful and it is possible to click on the "Curriculum Viate" button on the right to access member profile with more details. The other two profiles on the left and the right are black and white, it is a filter that automatically applies on the colored picture. 72 EUROJURIS •
Below the name of the member should be displayed: Contact : ‘Téléphone ‘Email professionnel’ Domaines d’intervention : ‘Certificat(s) de spécialisation’ ‘Domaine(s) de compétence’ ‘Diplômes’ Autres fonctions •
The block can be deactivated. Blocks placed below should move up. 8. Contact •
The colored name of the entity The address The postal code and city The telephone number The fax number A link to Google Map with the postal address should be placed. The "Nous contacter" button will open the email client of the visitor to send an email to the lawyer office. It should be possible to create several contact block with the same design. They will be placed this way: For 1 contact block: same as on source design file, in row: Contact block n°1 – Twitter feed For 2 blocks, in row: Contact block n°1 -­‐ Contact block n°2 – Twitter feed For 3 blocks, in row: Contact block n°1 -­‐ Contact block n°2 -­‐ Contact block n°3 (row 1) Centered below : Twitter feed (row 2) For 4 blocks, in row: Contact block n°1 -­‐ Contact block n°2 -­‐ Contact block n°3 (row 1) Contact block n°4 – Twitter feed (ligne 2) For 5 blocks, in row: Contact block n°1 -­‐ Contact block n°2 -­‐ Contact block n°3 (row 1) Contact block n°4 -­‐ Contact block n°5 – Twitter feed (row 2) If there is not Twitter feed, the blocks will be centered in the home page. The blocks will all be freely editable and independant from the intranet. There is no synchronisation with the intranet datasheet. The block can be deactivated. The space where it was then remains blank. 9. Twitter feed •
This block should enable to edit free text: The Twitter feed of the lawyer’s office will be displayed. The feed is different for each cabinet. The block can be deactivated. The space where it was then remains blank and contact blocks move automatically to be centered. 10. Footer It will contain the following elements: • Twitter icon to access the Twitter profile of the entity • "+" icon to share the page on social network with Addthis feature • RSS icon to subscribe to the newsfeed • Link to the « Mentions légales » (Legal mentions) CMS page 73 EUROJURIS •
Link Sitemap cabinet that automatically generates Link to the page on Accessibility (CMS page) The last three links are editable by profiles 2 that belong to the entity and the administrator (profile 1). 74 EUROJURIS 7 | LAWYER WEBSITE: TEMPLATE 1 – INNER PAGE Here the appearance of a inner CMS page for lawyer’s websites that have chosen the template 1. Graphicals errors should not be taken into account such as menu items in the right colum, which belong to the public site. 75 EUROJURIS Apart from CMS Pages, several other pages should automatically be generated from data created in the intranet entities and members datasheets. Those pages can be activated or desactivated on the public sites: Les domaines d’intervention This page is a table that should automatically display: -­‐
A free CMS area -­‐
Below: the names of lawyers with their intervention domains (compétences and compétences fines) from their member datasheet. -­‐
Example on a former website: http://www.drouineau-­‐cosset-­‐­‐avocat-­‐
poitiers.html Les membres du cabinet In this page, it should be possible to have a free CMS area and to generate automatically a table with a list of members of the lawyer office. If there are several entities who have the same website, the presentation will adapt with names of entites and below their members. Example on a former website: http://www.drouineau-­‐cosset-­‐­‐poitiers-­‐drouineau.html Les publications This page should have 2 sub-­‐pages: -­‐
The publication of the entity if it has publications (means content types from the public website « articles », « actualités », « FAQ », « Guide pratique », « Ouvrages »). Apart from these ones, the admin-­‐
members who belong to this entity should be able to add new publications in this section but in the lawyer site only. A pagination system should display if there are too many publications. -­‐
The Eurojuris publications : this sub-­‐page displays automatically the last 5 articles content types published in each category of the public website with the title, the teaser text, the author and a read more link. If possible the page will open in an iframe to keep the visitor on the lawyer’s site. 76 EUROJURIS 8 | LAWYER WEBSITE: TEMPLATE 2 -­‐ ONE-­‐PAGE DESIGN This site follows the principle of one-­‐page design. It is composed of three main screens displayed when the visitor scrolls or by clicking on the small white rectangles on the right of the screens. I. SCREEN N°1
1. Logo •
The logo is freely editable from the intranet by profile 2 (admin-­‐member) and will be placed in the geometric shape of the PSD Members may choose to load their own logo or load EUROJURIS logo. It is clickable and redirects to the home page from any other internal page of the website. This block is necessarily activated. The logo will follow the mouse scroll and be always present at the top of each screen. 77 EUROJURIS 2. Main menu •
The font size of the main menu items sites cabinet should be reduced compared to PSD in order to offer the display in horizontal of 5 categories instead of 4. Below those five categories, a second line of 5 additional categories should display for additional topics. Categories redirect to CMS pages except the Publications page which will automatically include the articles written by the members of the lawyer’s website. The links in the menu are editable and can be disabled or removed . It will be possible to have sub -­‐headings within a category that are displayed on mouse over the title of a category: then sub-­‐headings are displayed with a scroll from left to right like on this site when mouseover on "Votre Cadre de vie " http://www.maisons-­‐ Profiles who have rights to publish, create, delete are: Profile 1 and Profile 2 if it a member of the entity. If an entity wants no main menu , members will have to desactivate menu titles to do so and the space will remain blanck. 3. Background picture • It will be freely editable for each screen by admin-­‐member (profile 2) or profile 1. 4. Slideshow •
5. Widget on the right of the screen •
It will be possible to create slides which scroll automatically every 5 seconds. The first slide will default to "EUROJURIS A network that simplifies life," with the logo on the left and the ability to write an introductory text to the right. Other possible slides are each composed of text and images editable from the administration interface (profiles 1 and 2 if the member entity) and several lines of non-­‐mandatory text. It is possible to manually switch from one slide to another by clicking the left and right arrows at the top right of the block. The slideshow is necessarily displayed (at least one slide) and can not be disabled. •
The white rectangles are used to indicate where in the home page screens we are: top, middle, bottom. The Contact icon should lead to an inner CMS page. The flags of the languages are displayed just below: English or French. Highlighted: the language currently displayed. See languages features from template 1, they are the same. This block is not editable or disabled apart from the flags. 78 EUROJURIS II. SCREEN N°2
6. Actualités du cabinet & Fil d’info Eurojuris (Content pages from the lawyer’s site & News from Eurojuris public website) •
Same features as in template 1 but displayed in another design. 7. Twitter feed •
The Twitter feed of the lawyer’s office will be displayed. The feed is different for each cabinet. The block can be deactivated. The space where it was then remains blank. 79 EUROJURIS III. SCREEN N°3
8. Curriculum Vitae •
This block shows three members that you want to highlight and who work in the entity. It is possible to display more members and scroll members by clicking the left and right arrows on the block. Images and content are automatically included members created files from the intranet. The other two profiles above and below are in black and white, it is a filter that automatically applies the colored picture. The block can be deactivated: if so, the third screen of the one-­‐page will not be displayed. Generally speaking: same features as in Template 1 but in another design. 9. Right part of 3rd screen •
Same display than for Template 1. Contact : ‘Téléphone ‘Email professionnel’ Domaines d’intervention : ‘Certificat(s) de spécialisation’ 80 EUROJURIS ‘Domaine(s) de compétence’ ‘Diplômes’ Autres fonctions 81 EUROJURIS IV. SCREEN N°4 – INNER PAGE
10. Breadcrumbs •
The breadcrumb allows to keep track on the page where you are. Parent of a child elements are clickable and redirect to the page. 11. « + » and « -­‐ » buttons •
"-­‐" and "+" buttons are used to enlarge or reduce the font size of text on the page for the visually impaired people. A reset button should be added. 12. Right Widget •
The widget on internal pages will include the elements: o Home icon to return to the home page. When mouseover, display an alt tag « Revenir à l’accueil ». o Contact icon opens a CMS page. When mouseover, display an alt tag « Nous contacter ». o Flags of languages available on request of the entity. 13. Photo •
A picture may be inserted in the left column for illustration. 82 EUROJURIS 14. Share, Save and Print •
Same features as for the public website. 15. Body The body of the page will be editable using a WYSIWYG editor. It will enable to apply all the formatting features such as bold, underlined, flush left, right, centered, justified, bulleted lists, numbered, insertion of internal links, external links or links to PDF, anchors, setting colors, creating tables, etc.. CSS style will be given later on. At the bottom of each of the 3 screens of the home page will be added a footer like in Template 1 with the same following links: Plan du site, Mentions légales and Accessibilité Generaly speaking, here are the data that are automatically imported from the intranet: -­‐
CV of the lawyers -­‐
Content types created by the members and by the administrator on the public site -­‐
Table with « Domaines d’intervention »… -­‐
Members of the entity The publication date will be freely editable on inner pages and it should be possible not to display the publication date in a CMS page if needed. 83 

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