singapore - Intellect Worldwide Sdn. Bhd.
singapore - Intellect Worldwide Sdn. Bhd.
F GHIJ KH GLM NO PGQH R SO T UVUW XU YZ TRADE MARKS JOURNAL SINGAPORE TRADE TRADE MARKS MARKS [\] ^_]` PATENTS a^` bc _` DESIGNS [d\ _] e\ fb^] b^` < 7. =!(&##&>("# ?+&(@ A%%$>& % )$!*+&: B## $*( &&;&: &+">($! C$%$>($! % !@ +($! % ($ D"!# 9$("( (& +&C$$! % =?A) $ +$E$(&: /� 123 244-,22 !"#$%& '&!(& )$!*+& ,-. 560 123 244-77 ((+088999:$+:*;:* TRADE MARKS JOURNAL !" #$!%& ( !)&) *&!)& + ,--"&)& ./"&01 $! 2--&& .!- 34!1 5!6 ,)7 - ++(7 (889 :1; = ' '' < #!&" >&!& $&"1 .1! 0 51!&1 !)" ./"&01 $! 2--&& .!- 34!1 5!6 ,)7 - ++(7 (889 :1; 9 ?@ 0 & ./"&01 ,--"&)& ,--"&)& ./"&01 A. B !)1& C1! 4!1 5!6 ,) 3- ++(7 (889 :1; DEF Information Contained in This Journal !" #!$ " % &!!% !''&!' (&)*'!%+ "!! '" !",' % !''( !% (%)* -% '%.&%'/ 0-% ("&' 1!' 2&%!* -& ) )!%" - ! !" #!$/ Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. i GENERAL INFORMATION Trade Marks Journal This Journal is published by the Registry of Trade Marks pursuant to rule 86A of the Trade Marks Rules. Request for past issues of the journal published more than three months ago may be made in writing and is chargeable at $12 per issue. It will be reproduced in CD-ROM format and to be collected at the following address: Registry of Trade Marks Intellectual Property Office of Singapore 51 Bras Basah Road #01-01 Manulife Centre Singapore 189 554 This Journal is published weekly on Friday and on other days when necessary, upon giving notice by way of practice circulars found on our website. Official working hours of the Registry The official working hours of the Registry are as follows: Monday to Friday : 0830 hours to 1730 hours Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed Payment at the counter should be made during the following time period: Monday to Friday : 0830 hours to 1700 hours Enquiries For enquiries relating to trade marks, please contact the Registry at the following telephone number: 6339-8616 Information on trade marks is available at the Registry’s web site at: Making Payment IPOS accepts: 1. Payment by cheque (crossed), money order and bank draft (in Singapore Dollars and drawn on banks operating in Singapore). These should be addressed to the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore. 2. Payment by cash, NETS, GIRO, CashCard, eNets Debit (Internet Banking), eNets Credit (Credit Card). More information on the above payment modes is available at the Registry’s web site, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. ii IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2014 EXCLUDED DAY This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the day which is to be treated as excluded day: (a) 30 January 2014 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 8th day of January 2014. TAN YIH SAN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADEMARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. iii IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 2 OF 2014 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: 9th October 2014, 10th October 2014, 13th to 17th October 2014, 20th October 2014 and 21st October 2014 are excluded days for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 19th day of September 2014. TAN YIH SAN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. iv IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADEMARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2013 ALTERNATIVES TO ONLINE FILING DURING SERVICE DISRUPTION This practice direction is issued by the Registrar to provide alternatives to online filing of form and/or document when a service disruption occurs. This practice direction will come into effect on 1st May 2013. (1) In the event that the electronic online service (EOS) is unavailable for extended periods (for example, due to system downtime), a notice will be placed on the IPOS' website with the title “Alternatives Available for Filing of Form and/or Document”. (2) On the broadcast of such a notice on IPOS' website, online payment fees will apply to forms submitted over the counter prior to 5 pm on that day if notification has been made to IPOS by contacting IPOS System Administrator at 6339 8616. Dated this day 16th day of April 2013. TAN YIH SAN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADEMARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. v IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 2 OF 2013 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: (a) 24 December 2013 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date; and (b) 31 December 2013 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 5th day of December 2013. CHIAM LU LIN ACTING REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. vi IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2012 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: (a) 24 December 2012 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date; and (b) 31 December 2012 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 21th day of December 2012. TAN YIH SAN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. vii IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2009 HOURS OF BUSINESS AND EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the hours of business of the Registry and the days which are to be treated as excluded days: This Practice Direction will come into effect on 1st day of June, 2009. A. Hours Of Business Subject to rules 79(4) and 79(6A) of the Trade Marks Rules, the hours of business of the Registry shall be 8.30 am to 5.30 pm from Monday to Friday, except on a day which is an excluded day. B. Excluded Days (1) All Sundays, public holidays and such other days as the Registrar may specify, shall be excluded days for all purposes under the Act and the Rules. (2) All Saturdays shall be excluded days for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 14th day of May, 2009 LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. viii IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2008 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: (a) 26th December 2008 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date; and (b) 2nd January 2009 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 25th day of April 2008. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. ix IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2007 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: (a) 24th December 2007 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date; and (b) 31st December 2007 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 14th day of December 2007. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. x IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2006 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: 28th January 2006 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 17th day of January 2006. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. xi IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 2 OF 2006 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: 23rd October 2006 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 16th day of October 2006. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. xii IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 3 OF 2006 HOURS OF BUSINESS AND EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the hours of business of the Registry and the days which are to be treated as excluded days. This Practice Direction will come into effect on 15 December 2006. A. Hours Of Business Subject to rules 79(4) and 79(6A) of the Trade Marks Rules, the hours of business of the Registry shall be as follows: (a) 8.30 am to 12.30 pm and 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm from Monday to Friday, except on a day which is an excluded day; and (b) 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on any Saturday which is not an excluded day. B. Excluded Days (1) All Sundays, public holidays and such other days as the Registrar may specify, shall be excluded days for all purposes under the Act and the Rules. (2) Subject to B(1), all Saturdays shall be excluded days for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 15th day of November 2006. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. xiii IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2005 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: (a) 24th December 2005 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date; and (b) 31st December 2005 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 19th day of December 2005. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. xiv IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 2 OF 2005 REGISTRATION AS ACCOUNT HOLDER TO E-FILE AND PAY BY GIRO This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Rule 78B(1) of the Trade Marks Rules, to specify the procedure for applying to the Registrar to be registered as an account holder. This Practice Direction will come into effect on 1 January 2006. Any person who wishes to use eTrademarks to effect a transaction and make payment by GIRO must register with the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) as an Account Holder. Approval is at the sole discretion of IPOS. Upon approval, an eTrademarks account will be created in the name of the person and the person will receive a User ID and Password. To register, access IPOS address at and download the eTrademarks Account Holder Registration Form. The person may appoint an Administrator to administer and manage his eTrademarks Account through the eTrademarks "Maintenance of Authorised Representatives" service. The responsibilities of the Administrator are as follows: • • • appointment of one or more Representatives to access eTrademarks and make payment by GIRO on behalf of the Account Holder; updating of the particulars of the Representatives; and removal of any Representative's rights to access eTrademarks and make payment by GIRO on behalf of the Account Holder. These responsibilities are to be conducted through the eTrademarks "Maintenance of Authorised Representatives" service. Please note that all Authorized Representatives must be CPF account holders with SingPass. The Authorized Representatives are required to sign in using their SingPass to ensure security for GIRO deductions for the online transactions. If the person does not have a GIRO account with IPOS, please complete the GIRO Application Form and submit it to IPOS. The completed eTrademarks Account Holder Registration Form and GIRO Application Form should be mailed or couriered to the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore with the address 51 Bras Basah Road #04-01 Plaza By The Park Singapore 189554 and attentioned to Mrs Ang-Ong Bee Lian. Fax submissions are not acceptable. Dated this 30th day of December 2005. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. xv IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 2 OF 2004 HOURS OF BUSINESS AND EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the hours of business of the Registry and the days which are to be treated as excluded days. This Practice Direction will come into effect on 1 July 2004. Hours Of Business (1) The hours of business of the Registry shall be as follows: (b) 8.30 am to 12.30 pm and 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm from Monday to Friday, except on a day which is an excluded day; and (b) 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on any Saturday which is not an excluded day. (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), for the purposes of carrying out of any transaction referred to in rule 78A(2) by means of the electronic online system, the Registry shall be taken to be open every day at all hours, except on any day which is an excluded day for the purposes of carrying out of transactions by means of the electronic online system. (1) All Sundays, public holidays and such other days as the Registrar may specify, shall be excluded days for all purposes under the Act and the Rules. Dated this 1st day of July 2004. CHIAM LU LIN ACTING REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 1 Applications Published for Opposition Purposes under the Trade Marks Act (Cap.332, 2005 Ed.) Registration has been applied for in the respect of the following Trade Marks under the provisions of the Trade Marks Act (Cap. 332, 2005 Ed.) OPPOSITION Notice is hereby given that any person who wishes to oppose the registration of any of the marks published in the class groups which follow may within two months from the date of this journal file a Notice of Opposition on Form TM 11 (fee $374). Formal opposition should not be filed until after reasonable notice has been given to the Applicant for registration so as to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his application before the expenses of preparing the Notice of Opposition are incurred. Failure to give such notice will be taken into account in considering any application by an Opponent for an Order for Costs if the opposition is uncontested by the Applicant. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 2 T1006150C 14/05/2010 (20 24 40) The Malay words "Gaya Citarasa Anda" and "Harga Kegemaran Anda" appearing in the mark mean "And Your Choice of Style" and "Your Favourite Price" respectively. Class 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics; upholstered furniture; soft furnishings (cushions); furniture upholstered in leather or imitation leather; leather furniture; textile covers (fitted) for furniture; divans, armchairs, chairs, benches, beds, mattresses, pillows, small tables; sofas; sofa beds, convertible sofas; futons (sofa beds); seat sofas; wall sofas; recliners (chairs). Class 24 Sofa covers; upholstery fabrics; furniture coverings of plastic; furniture covering of textile; furniture (loose covers for -); covers for cushions; coasters (table linen); bed covers; curtain holders of textile materials; soft furnishings; textile articles for soft furnishings; furniture coverings of textile; furnishing fabrics; fabric of imitation animal skins; woven fabrics imitating leather; woven fabrics imitating animal skin. Class 40 Custom fabricating, making or manufacturing of goods or materials (for others); tailoring (custom manufacture); custom assembling of materials (for others); cabinet making (custom manufacture of cabinets); embroidery; dyeing (textile -). COURTS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD 50 TAMPINES NORTH DRIVE 2, SINGAPORE 528766 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: WONGPARTNERSHIP LLP, 12 MARINA BOULEVARD, #28-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 3, SINGAPORE 018982 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 3 T1202950Z 02/03/2012 (03 05) Class 03 After-shave lotions; air fragrancing preparations; antiperspirants (toiletries); aromatics (essential oils); beauty masks; flavorings for beverages (essential oils); body care preparations (non-medicated); body care products (non-medicated); cleansing preparations (non-medicated); cosmetic kits; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; cosmetic skin care products; cosmetics; deodorants for human beings or for animals; essential oils; essences for skin care; exfoliants for the care of the skin; extracts of flowers (perfumes); eyebrow cosmetics; hair colorants; hair dyes; hair lotions; hair care preparations; hair care products; hair spray; lavender oil; lipsticks; lotions for cosmetic purposes; make-up; make-up powder; make-up preparations; make-up removing preparations; mascara; masks (beauty); mouth washes, not for medical purposes; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for perfumes and scents; perfumery; perfumes; powders for skin care (not for medical use); rose oil; shampoos; shampoos for pet; shaving preparations; skin care creams (cosmetic); skin care lotions (cosmetic); skin care oils (cosmetic); skin care preparations (cosmetic); skin care products (cosmetic); skin whitening creams; slimming products (cosmetic); toiletries; washing preparations. Class 05 Antioxidant pills; capsules for medicines; capsules for pharmaceutical purposes; dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; enzyme dietary supplements; flaxseed dietary supplements; hair growth stimulants for medical purposes; laxatives; lecithin dietary supplements; lotions for pharmaceutical purposes; lozenges for pharmaceutical purposes; medicinal drinks; medicinal hair growth preparations; medicinal herbs; medicinal tea; mineral food supplements; mouthwashes for medical purposes; nutritional supplements; pharmaceutical preparations; pollen dietary supplements, propolis dietary supplements; protein dietary supplements; royal jelly dietary supplements; slimming pills; tonics (medicines); vitamin preparations; wheat germ dietary supplements. REALM HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED 1 GOLDHILL PLAZA, #03-35, SINGAPORE 308899 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 4 T1203727H-02 19/03/2012 (41 42) Class 41 Educational and entertainment services; sporting and cultural activities; computer-based educational, teaching, and training services; providing online computer games; electronic publishing services; providing electronic books, magazines, newspapers, journals, periodicals, and other publications; providing online text, video, audio, and multimedia programs; providing educational and entertainment information; organizing and conducting live performances, sporting events, and cultural events; organizing and conducting exhibitions, displays, exhibits, workshops, lectures, seminars, training, and conferences for educational, entertainment and training purposes; ticket reservation and booking services for entertainment, sporting and cultural events; providing information, advice, news, reviews, and commentary in the fields of entertainment, sporting and cultural events; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; computer programming; design and development of computer hardware and software; design, development and maintenance of proprietary computer software in the field of natural language, speech, speaker, language, voice recognition, and voice-print recognition; rental of computer hardware and software apparatus and equipment; consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware; computer software consulting services; support and consultation services for developing computer systems, databases and applications; providing information online about design and development of computer hardware; providing computer software information online; website creation, design and maintenance services; website hosting services; application service provider (ASP) services featuring hosting computer software applications of others; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for creating, authoring, distributing, downloading, transmitting, receiving, playing, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing text, graphics, images, audio, video, and multimedia content, and electronic publications; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for use in connection with voice recognition software and voice-enabled software applications; providing online non-downloadable software; providing search engines for obtaining data via the internet and other electronic communications networks; creating and maintaining websites for others, namely, creating indexes of online information, sites and other resources available on global computer networks for others; electronic data storage services; transfer of images from their Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 5 original format to digital format; hosting a social networking website; creating and maintaining web sites for others to engage in social networking; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. Priority Claims: Class 41 21/09/2011 JAMAICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 21/09/2011 JAMAICA All goods/services claimed in this application. APPLE INC. 1 INFINITE LOOP, CUPERTINO, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CALIFORNIA 95014, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 6 T1204682Z 04/04/2012 (16 21 25 28 41) Application for a series of three marks. Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; paper display cards; printed paper signs; paper banners; tickets of paper; letterhead [stationery]; cards; calendars; printed matter; promotional flyers; periodical publications; books; booklets; newspapers; magazines; posters, entertainment guides, timetables, booklets and scorecards for games; printed publications relating to children’s activities, namely club magazines, books and illustrated publications; golf course planners (printed matter); books for golfers; postcards; note books; diaries; desk diaries; desk organizers [stationery]; leather covered diaries; wall charts for use as diaries; desk calendars; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; loose-leaf binders containing appointment calendars; ribbons of paper; magnetic letters (stationery); magnetic backings for photographs; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; adhesive printed stickers; plastic or paper stickers [decalcomanias]; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); letter openers [knives]; pencil or pen holders; card holders; figurines [statuettes] of papier mache; miniature models [ornaments] of paper or cardboard; printed tags for luggage; printed door knob hang tags; cardboard floor display units for merchandising products; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers’ type; printing blocks; writing instruments, namely pencils, pens, rulers, erasers; paper pennants; paper napkins coasters; greeting cards; souvenir bags, booklets and posters, (plastic or paper); gift stationery, namely bags, boxes, wrapping materials and tags (paper or plastic); gift certificates and vouchers (paper or plastic); discount cards (other than encoded or magnetic); cards (other than encoded or magnetic) for access control, or information supports bearing personal identification data, or cash dispensers; adhesive security tapes (not encoded or magnetic); cards being computer stationery (other than encoded or magnetic); identification strips and labels (not magnetic or encoded) for use in marking products. Class 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steel wool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; tumblers (beverage containers); bottle openers; mugs; figurines [statuettes] of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass; crockery; crystal glassware; Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 7 decorative glassware; glassware for household purposes; dinnerware [other than knives, forks, spoons] of bone china, ceramic, porcelain or earthenware; disposable tableware made of plastics [other than cutlery]; menu card holders; name card holders [glassware]; toiletry cases [fitted]; tissue dispensers or holders [containers]; tissue holders [boxes]; water bottles [containers]; miniature figurines of ceramic or porcelain or glass; coasters (other than paper, cardboard or table linen). Class 25 Clothing; footwear; headgear; articles of outer clothing; articles of sports clothing; leisurewear; articles of underclothing; lingerie; hosiery; shirts; boots; underwear; coats; overalls; collar protectors and collars; ear muffs; football boots and shoes; fittings of metal for boots and shoes; shorts; t-shirts; socks; sweaters; caps; hats; scarves; jackets; dressing gowns; pyjamas; sandals; slippers; footwear; boxer shorts; beach clothes and shoes; baby boots; romper suits; baby pants and sleep suits; dungarees; braces for clothing (suspenders); belts [clothing]; berets; wrist warmers; track suits; ties; cravats; aprons; bathrobes; bathing caps and suits; bathing trunks; galoshes; garters; gloves and mittens; headbands (clothing); jerseys; jumpers and knitwear; leggings; ready made linings for clothes; parkas; shawls; singlets; skirts; vests; visors [clothing]; waistcoats; waterproof clothing. Class 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees; playing cards; gambling chips; roulette chips; games involving gambling; coin or token operated electronic games; gaming machines for gambling; coin or token operated entertainment machines; slot machines (gaming machines); coin or counter operated pinball games machines; slot machines (counter-operated amusement apparatus); electronic and electromechanical games (coin or token operated); games for adults and children; games in the form of quizzes; musical games; games of chance; games of dominoes; backgammon games; ball games; chess games; games of cards or darts or dice or rings or role play; golf games; racing car games; rackets for use in games; gloves for games; rotating darts for games; scratch cards for playing lottery games; miniatures for use in games; portable games; markers (counters) for playing games; dolls of mascots design; toy masks; balloons; playing balls; puppets; children’s playthings; children’s punch balls; toys; plush toys; figures and models (toys or playthings); battery operated toys; bouncing toys; bath toys; craft toys sold complete; craft kits for games and playthings; cuddly toys; drawing toys; educational toys; electronic toys; inflatable toys; metal toys; model toys; musical toys; paper toys; plastic toys; punching toys; rocking toys; soft toys; spinning toys; toys for babies; toys for use in prams; toys Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 8 in the form of puzzles; beach toys; play costumes; stuffed toys; inflatable mats for recreational use; beach balls; covers (Shaped-) for golf bags; gloves (Golf-); golf bags, with or without wheels; golf ball markers; tees (Golf-); golf balls; golf putters; tools (Divot repair-)[golf accessories]; pinball games machines (toys). Class 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; providing services relating to amusement parks or recreational facilities; arranging and organizing events, shows, competitions, contests, live demonstrations or exhibitions, all for entertainment, cultural and educational purposes; provision of casino facilities (gambling); provision of gaming services, including coin-operated games and games provided by means of stand alone progressive slot machines and linked jackpot machines, traditional table based games, electronic table based games, lottery and lotto-based games; games and game services provided from computer based systems and computer networks, including the global communications network; amusement arcade gaming machine rental services; production of live entertainment, shows, concerts, stage plays, stage or theatrical performances, musical, dramatic or theatrical entertainment, cinematographic displays, radio programmes, television programmes, exhibition of pictures, photographs or books, audio and video entertainment; providing services for reservation and booking of tickets for entertainment, sporting and cultural activities; arranging or organizing of meetings, competitions, conferences, conventions, exhibitions, seminars or workshops for cultural, social, educational, recreational or entertainment purposes; conducting of business conferences; arranging and conducting of conferences relating to trade; organizing exhibitions for historical, cultural or educational purposes; arranging and conducting symposiums; organising wine-tasting events; provision of entertainment club facilities and services for discotheques, cabarets and nightclubs; administration and management of entertainment services; presentation of live performances and stage performances by celebrities, entertainers, performers, musical bands and/or singers; providing of movie theatre facilities and services; laser shows; organisation of entertainment for wedding celebrations; party planning (entertainment); social club services (entertainment, sporting and cultural services); artistic management of theatre shows; direction of theatre shows; management of theatres; organization of shows [impresario services]; fitness and exercise clinics, clubs and salons; gymnasium club services; health club (fitness) services; display of works of art (exhibitions, shows, museums, galleries); art gallery and exhibition services; publication and dissemination of information relating to entertainment, sporting and cultural activities via all means of communication, including online from a computer database or the global communications network; Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 9 provision of information, advisory and consultancy services in respect of all of the aforesaid services. GENTING INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT LIMITED INTERNATIONAL HOUSE, CASTLE HILL, VICTORIA ROAD, DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN, IM2 4RB, BRITISH ISLES ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: WONGPARTNERSHIP LLP, 12 MARINA BOULEVARD, #28-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 3, SINGAPORE 018982 T1205762G 20/04/2012 (45) Class 45 Administration services (legal) for businesses and legal estates; advisory and consultation services relating to the establishment, enforcement, exploitation and licensing of intellectual property rights; conveyancing; legal advice; legal research; legal services relating to wills; litigation advice and services; protection of intellectual property; professional legal consultations relating to franchising; registration services (legal). YUEN WEI LOON SAMUEL 1 JALAN ANAK BUKIT, #14-12, SINGAPORE 588996 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 10 T1207102F 17/05/2012 (09 38) Class 09 Telephones; mobile phones; handheld and mobile digital electronic devices for the sending and receiving of telephone calls, faxes, electronic mail, and other digital data; handheld computers, personal digital assistants, electronic organizers, electronic notepads; magnetic data carriers; computer software; digital wireless telecommunications software; computer software for use in creating, editing and delivering textual and graphic information via computer communication networks, wireless, telephone or other communication tools, Internet Protocol (IP) telephones; downloadable computer programs for use in telecommunications, namely telecommunications software for providing single user and multiple user access to a global computer network; mobile telecommunications apparatus; telecommunications network apparatus; downloadable software in the field of social networking; downloadable software via the Internet and wireless devices; software to enable transmission, access, organization and management of text managing, instant messaging, online blog journals, text, web links and images via the Internet and other communications networks. Class 38 Telecommunications; transmission of messages, data and information via a global computer network and other communication networks; telecommunication services for the electronic transmission and retrieval of data, audio, videos, photos, messages and images; communications by computer terminals and by electronic mail systems; providing telecommunications connection to a global computer network; providing user access to a global computer network; communication services for video conferencing purposes; providing user access and links to an online computer database containing proprietary information and to the Internet; electronic messaging services; providing online and telecommunications access for interaction between and among users of computers, mobile and hand held devices and other communication devices; providing wireless telecommunications via electronic communications networks; wireless data communications services; wireless digital messaging services; providing access to digital music web sites on the Internet; provision of connections and access to electronic communications networks, for transmission or reception of audio, video or multimedia content; providing online chat-rooms, bulletin boards, electronic forums for the transmission of messages; advice and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services. TENCENT HOLDINGS LIMITED Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 11 P.O.BOX 2681 GT, CENTURY YARD, CRICKET SQUARE, HUTCHINS DRIVE, GRAND CAYMAN, CAYMAN ISLANDS ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: K L TAN & ASSOCIATES, 144A NEIL ROAD, SINGAPORE 088873 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 12 T1207930B 04/06/2012 (09 35 38 41 42 45) Class 09 Computer software and computer application software for mobile phones and personal digital devices for monitoring, uploading, and downloading data regarding sport activity, fitness training, and fitness level to the internet and other computer and electronic communication networks; computer software and computer application software for mobile phones and personal digital devices for communicating with gaming consoles, personal computers, personal digital devices, and mobile phones, regarding time, pace, speed, steps taken, athletic skill, calories burned, agility, motion, balance, coordination, and flexibility; computer software and computer application software for mobile phones and personal digital devices that monitor, track, and compare sport activity and fitness level; computer software and computer application software for mobile phones and personal digital devices that evaluates a user’s fitness level and athleticism, and provides fitness scores; computer software and computer application software for mobile phones and personal digital devices that provides tips, coaching, and personalized workouts, to improve the user’s fitness score; computer software and computer application software for mobile phones and personal digital devices that provides a fitness assessment and fitness score by comparing previous athletic performances and fitness levels with future athletic performances and fitness levels, and provides advice and customized workouts for improving in specific areas of a particular sport or fitness activity; computer software and computer application software that detects user’s movements during physical activity, fitness sessions, workouts, to provide personalized fitness scores and assessments; computer software for fitness, fitness assessments, and sport activities; computer game software and programs; computer games for game consoles; computer game software for use on mobile and cellular phones; video game programs and software; interactive electronic game software; interactive game programs and software; DVDs, compact discs, computer game discs, electronic game discs, interactive game discs; all included in Class 09. Class 35 Retail and online retail services featuring computer software and computer application software for mobile phones and personal digital devices, DVDs, compact discs, computer game discs, electronic game discs, and interactive game discs; retail and online retail services that feature gaming consoles, personal computers, interactive stations, video and computer games, personal digital assistants, and smart phones that allow access to internet websites and other computer and electronic communication networks enabling consumers to store, report, monitor, upload, download, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 13 compare, and receive recommendations regarding fitness, sports, personal activity, statistics, and performance; retail and online retail services that allow consumers to engage in virtual athletic competitions and individual and group fitness classes; all included in Class 35. Class 38 Provide a forum, chat rooms, and electronic bulletin boards for registered users for transmission of messages and sharing information regarding health and fitness, sport activities, and social networking via an online website and other computer and electronic communication networks; streaming of audio and video material related to athletic activities on the internet and other computer and electronic communication networks; all included in Class 38. Class 41 Provide information regarding sports, athletic skill development, and fitness training via an online website, other computer and electronic communication networks, and via computer software for gaming consoles, personal computers, personal digital devices, and smart phones; provide pre-recorded athletic challenges, training, fitness sessions and challenges, and workouts via an online website, other computer and electronic communication networks, and via computer software for gaming consoles, personal computers, personal digital devices, and smart phones; provide a fitness assessment and a fitness score, and a personalized workout program based on that assessment and score; organisation of contests (entertainment) for participants who exercise, participate in sports activities, engage in health-promoting activities, make achievements in exercise and sports activities, and reach personal goals regarding exercise, sport activities and fitness; all included in Class 41. Class 42 Creating, hosting and maintaining an interactive web site and design and development of computer and electronic communication networks that enables users to enter, access, track progress, monitor and generate health, fitness, personal exercise, sports, and athletic activity information and achievements; creating, hosting and maintaining an interactive web site and design and development of other computer and electronic communication networks that enables users to compete and compare athletic information and achievements with other users; creating and hosting and maintaining a web site and design and development of other computer and electronic communication networks featuring information, online links, and electronic resources in the field of sports and fitness; all included in Class 42. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 14 Class 45 Social networking services related to sports activities provided through a community website online and other computer and electronic communication networks; all included in Class 45. NIKE INTERNATIONAL, LTD., A BERMUDA COMPANY ONE BOWERMAN DRIVE, BEAVERTON, 97005-6453, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OREGON ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: HARRY ELIAS PARTNERSHIP LLP, 4 SHENTON WAY, #17-01 SGX CENTRE 2, SINGAPORE 068807 T1210999F 27/07/2012 (09) Class 09 Handheld and mobile digital electronic devices for the sending and receiving of telephone calls, faxes, electronic mail, video, instant messaging, music, audiovisual and other multimedia works, and other digital data; MP3 and other digital format audio and video players; handheld computers, personal digital assistants, electronic organizers, electronic notepads; magnetic data carriers; telephones, mobile phones, videophones, cameras; computer hardware and software; prerecorded computer programs for personal information management; database management software; electronic mail and messaging software; paging software; database synchronization software; computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; computer hardware and software for providing integrated telephone communication with computerized global information networks; mobile telephone covers; mobile telephone cases; mobile telephone cases made of leather or imitations of leather; mobile telephone covers made of cloth or textile materials; batteries; rechargeable batteries; chargers; chargers for electric batteries; headphones; stereo headphones; in-ear headphones; car audio apparatus; apparatus for connecting and charging portable and handheld digital electronic devices; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; smart phones; voice over Internet protocol phones; tablet computers; slim computers; ultra mobile personal computers; portable computers with a mobile phone feature. SYNERGS GROUP PTE LTD 3 RAFFLES PLACE, #06-01 BHARAT BUILDING, SINGAPORE 048617 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: 111 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, #11-04 PENINSULA PLAZA, SINGAPORE 179098 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 15 T1211005F 30/07/2012 (05 25) The French word "Bon" appearing in the mark means "Good". Class 05 Babies napkins of textile; babies napkins; babies diapers of textile; babies’ napkin-pants [diaper-pants]. Class 25 Skirts; trousers; bathing trunks; bathing suit; swimming suit; beach clothes; babies pants; suits; sweat-absorbent underwear; pajamas; collars protectors; collars (clothing); detachable collars; neckties; dressing gowns; frocks; waistcoats; robes; camisoles; ready-made clothing namely shirts, layettes (clothing), pullovers (sweater), jackets, combinations (clothing); hats; shoes; suspenders; babies mittens; gloves (clothing) and stockings (sweat absorbent). THAI WACOAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 930/1 SOI PRADOO1, SATHUPRADITH BANGKHOLAEM, BANGKOK 10120, THAILAND ROAD, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, #06-00 SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 T1211083H 31/07/2012 (06 09) Class 06 Locks (other than electric), keys, locks and keys for locking systems (other than electric); metallic mountings for doors, windows and furniture. Class 09 Electronic locks, keys (encoded-), electronic monitoring apparatus and instruments, other than for medical use, electronic surveillance apparatus in Class 9. KABA GEGE GMBH WIENER AUSTRIA STRASSE 41-43, A-3130 HERZOGENBURG, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 T1214630A 04/10/2012 (41) Class 41 Educational services; training. SENSE COLLEGE PTE LTD 1 LORONG 6 TOA PAYOH, SINGAPORE 319376 T1215769I 18/10/2012 (18 25) The Italian word "Moda" appearing in the mark means "Fashion". Class 18 Leather and imitation leather, goods made of these materials and not included in other classes, leather wallets and wallets made of imitation leather, briefcases, card cases (notecases) and purses, handbags, suitcases, backpacks, rucksacks, boxes made of leather, vanity cases (not fitted), travel bags, travel luggage, baby carriers (slings or harnesses). Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. WU FANGHE VIA PRATESE, 64, 50100 FIRENZE (FI), ITALY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: TAN LAY KENG & CO, 111 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, #14-03 PENINSULA PLAZA, SINGAPORE 179098 Page No. 16 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 17 T1217485B 20/11/2012 (09 39) Class 09 Computers; computer peripheral devices; computer hardware; computer monitors; hand held computers; tablet computers; personal digital assistants; electronic notepads; electronic book readers; handheld digital electronic devices and software related thereto; handheld mobile digital electronic devices capable of providing access to the Internet and for the sending, receiving, and storing of telephone calls, faxes, electronic mail, and other digital data; electronic handheld units for the wireless receipt, storage and/or transmission of data and messages, and electronic devices that enable the user to keep track of or manage personal information; sound recording and reproducing apparatus; MP3 and other digital format audio players; digital audio recorders; digital video recorders and players; audio cassette recorders and players; video cassette recorders and players; compact discs; compact disc recorders and players; digital versatile disc recorders and players; digital audio tape recorders and players; radios, radio transmitters, and receivers; audio, video, and digital mixers; car audio apparatus; earphones; headphones; audio speakers; microphones; electronic communication equipment and instruments; audiovisual teaching apparatus; optical apparatus and instruments; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; network communication apparatus; modems; global positioning system (GPS) and navigation devices; telephones; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; apparatus for data storage; chips, discs and tapes bearing or for recording computer programs and software; integrated circuits; facsimile machines; cameras; batteries; battery chargers; electrical cables; computer cables; electric coils; electrical connectors; electrical power adaptors; remote control apparatus; electronic docking stations; microprocessors; memory boards; computer keyboards; printers, disk drives, adapters, adapter cards, electrical connectors, and software drivers for computers; blank data storage media (other than paper) for computers; magnetic data carriers; televisions; television receivers; television monitors; set top boxes; computer software; computer and electronic game programs; electronic and encoded gift cards; global positioning system (GPS) computer software; computer software for travel and tourism, travel planning, navigation, travel route planning, geographic, destination, transportation and traffic information, driving and walking directions, customized mapping of locations, street atlas information, electronic map display, and destination information; computer software for creating, authoring, distributing, downloading, transmitting, receiving, playing, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing text, data, graphics, images, audio, video, and other multimedia content, electronic publications, and electronic games; computer software Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 18 for use in recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, audio files, video files and electronic games in connection with computers, televisions, television set-top boxes, audio players, video players, media players, telephones, and handheld digital electronic devices; computer software to enable users to program and distribute text, data, graphics, images, audio, video, and other multimedia content via global communication networks and other computer, electronic and communications networks; computer software for identifying, locating, grouping, distributing, and managing data and links between computer servers and users connected to global communication networks and other computer, electronic and communications networks; computer software for use on handheld mobile digital electronic devices and other consumer electronics; electronic publishing software; electronic publication reader software; computer software for personal information management; downloadable pre-recorded audio and audiovisual content, information, and commentary; downloadable electronic books, magazines, periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, journals, and other publications; database management software; computer software for optical character recognition; voice recognition software; electronic mail and messaging software; computer software for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; electronic bulletin board apparatus; data synchronization software; application development software; apparatus to check stamping mail; cash registers; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; dictating machines; hemline markers; voting machines; electronic tags for goods; weighing apparatus and instruments; fluorescent screens; optical fiber (light conducting filaments); electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; navigational instruments; measuring apparatus; lightning arresters; electrolyzers; fire extinguishers; radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; life saving apparatus and equipment; whistle alarms; sunglasses; egg-candlers; dog whistles; decorative magnets; electrified fences; electrically heated socks; user manuals in electronically readable, machine readable or computer readable form for use with, and sold as a unit with, all the aforementioned goods; computer equipment for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with multimedia functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; electronic apparatus with interactive functions for use with all of the aforesaid goods; accessories, parts, fittings, and testing apparatus for all of the aforesaid goods; covers, bags, cases and carriers adapted or shaped to contain all of the aforesaid goods. Class 39 GPS navigation services; travel and tourism information and guide services; travel route planning; transportation and traffic information; transportation services; providing travel and tourism Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 19 information, travel route planning, transportation, and traffic information, and driving and walking directions via a website and an online searchable computer database; information and consultation in connection therewith. Priority Claims: Class 09 07/06/2012 CANADA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 39 07/06/2012 CANADA All goods/services claimed in this application. APPLE INC. 1 INFINITE LOOP, CUPERTINO, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CALIFORNIA 95014, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 T1217853Z 23/11/2012 (33) Class 33 Vodka. TIGRE BLANC (LUXEMBOURG) SARL 75 PARC D ACTIVITIESLUXEMBOURG L-8308 MAMER/CAPELLEN- ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 20 T1217854H 23/11/2012 (33) Class 33 Vodka. TIGRE BLANC (LUXEMBOURG) SARL 75 PARC D ACTIVITIESLUXEMBOURG L-8308 MAMER/CAPELLEN- ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 21 T1218529C 06/12/2012 (35 38 42) Class 35 Retail store services featuring computer software provided via the Internet and other computer and electronic communication networks; retail store services featuring computer software. Class 38 Electronic transmission of data via the Internet, global computer networks, wireless networks and electronic communication networks; providing user access to global computer networks, wireless networks and electronic communications networks for transmission or receipt of data. Class 42 Maintenance, repair and updating of computer software used in the fields of oil and gas exploration and production; Creating, maintaining and hosting a website featuring technical information relating to computer software used in the fields of oil and gas exploration and production; technical support services, namely, troubleshooting in the nature of diagnosing and repairing computer software problems for computer software used in the fields of oil and gas exploration and production; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software to enable users to program, organize and access third-party computer software programs used in the fields of oil and gas exploration and production; Internet services, namely, developing of computer based networks which include indexes of information, websites, and resources available on global computer networks for others; providing technical information updates about computer software used in the fields of oil and gas exploration and production; computer software consultation; Consultancy services relating to the design, development, testing and use of computer hardware and software for others; providing online technical information about computer software in the fields of oil and gas exploration and production; monitoring of computer systems by remote access by tracking application software performance, performing periodic maintenance and providing reports and alerts concerning such performances, the aforementioned for software in the fields of oil and gas exploration and production; technical support services, namely, troubleshooting in the nature of diagnosing computer hardware and software problems in the fields of oil and gas exploration and production. NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO, L.P. 7909 PARKWOOD CIRCLE DRIVE, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77036, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 22 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #14-01 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 T1301551J 25/01/2013 (30) By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T0012205D. Class 30 Ice cream; prepared meals and entrees consisting of pasta; quiche. SARA LEE INTERNATIONAL TM HOLDINGS LLC 400 SOUTH JEFFERSON STREET, CHICAGO, IL, 60607, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 23 T1302000Z 05/02/2013 (43) Class 43 Hotel services, namely providing food and beverage services; restaurant and bar services. STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE, INC. ONE STARPOINT, STAMFORD, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONNECTICUT 06902, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #14-01 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 T1302177D 07/02/2013 (16) Class 16 Posters; postcards; desk top organizers; desk sets; desk pads; blotters; personal organizers; diaries; pens; pencils; pencil cases; pen cases; drawing rulers; bookmarks; book plates; book covers; notebooks; binders; coloring books; note pads; non-electric erasers; non-electric pencil sharpeners; stencils; stationery folders; file folders; rubber stamps; marker boards (stationery), memo boards (printed matter), mount boards being articles of cardboard or paper for mounting pictures and/or printed matter, notice boards (signboards) of cardboard, paper boards (stationery), signboards of paper or cardboard and writing boards; paper bags; wrapping paper; trading cards (printed matter); children‘s activity books; educational activity kits comprising books, flashcards, printed publications containing puzzles, word games and other instructional materials; composition books; stickers; sticker albums; decals; paper napkins, paper place mats; calendars, desk calendars, wall calendars, daily calendars; paper, including writing paper, art paper, construction paper; arts and crafts paint kits; art prints; color prints; lithographic prints; photographic prints; photo albums; comic strips; books; magazines; party game books, party invitation pads, party stationery; paper party decorations; paper party bags; maps. DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS, LLC ONE DISCOVERY PLACE, SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND 20910, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RAVINDRAN ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 2988 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911799 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 24 T1302345I 08/02/2013 (10 44) Class 10 Orthopaedic joint implants and component parts therefor. Class 44 Providing information in the field of orthopaedics, orthopaedic implants and orthopaedic surgery; Providing information via the Internet relating to orthopaedics, orthopaedic implants and orthopaedic surgery. DEPUY SYNTHES, INC. 700 ORTHOPAEDIC DRIVE, WARSAW, INDIANA 46581, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1302675Z 15/02/2013 (12 25) Class 12 Motorcycles and structural parts therefor. Class 25 Clothing; shirts, jackets, pants, gloves, hats, bibs, and footwear. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE INTERNATIONAL, LLC 2100 HIGHWAY 55, MEDINA, MINNESOTA 55340, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 25 T1302976G 21/02/2013 (06) The transliteration of the Japanese characters of which the mark consists is "Alhighce" which has no meaning. Class 06 Aluminium and aluminium alloys; sheets and strips of metal all included in Class 6. KABUSHIKI KAISHA KOBE SEIKO SHO TRADING ALSO AS KOBE STEEL, LTD. 10-26, WAKINOHAMA-CHO KOBE-SHI, HYOGO, JAPAN 2-CHOME, CHUO-KU, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 26 T1304033G 12/03/2013 (36 37 39) Class 36 Real estate agency services; agency services for the leasing of residential, industrial and commercial real estate and properties; real estate appraisal and valuation; real estate agency services relating to rent and lease negotiations of property; letting and leasing of residential, industrial and commercial real estate and properties; tenant management services; real estate selection and acquisition; property investment services; agency services for the selling on commission of real property; leasing and acquisition services; land leasing and estate management; management services relating to residential, industrial and commercial real estate and properties; financial advice; management and leasing of property; all included in Class 36. Class 37 Advisory services relating to property development, advisory services relating to the restoration, renovation and refurbishment of buildings and property; property development services, development of property; property maintenance; property development; cleaning, maintenance and construction of buildings; renovation, refurbishment, repair, painting and interior decoration (installation, renovation or repair services) of buildings; restoration of office and retail premises; building project management for residential, industrial and commercial real estate and properties; maintenance and repair of buildings; building construction supervision; caretaking and janitorial services; all included in Class 37. Class 39 Transportation, moving and storage services; providing storage services, namely, electronically monitored, climate controlled and non-climate controlled spaces, locker storage services, warehouse storage services, and delivery and pick up by truck, and storage of containers for the storage of personal, household and commercial property; locating and arranging for reservations for storage space for others; advisory and consultancy services relating to transportation of goods and storage of goods; provision of services relating to land freight forwarding services; logistics services for transport, packaging and storage of goods; rental of warehouse storage solutions; provision of services of transportation and delivery of goods by motor vehicles; provision of car parking facilities, rental of parking places, advisory services relating to provision of car parking facilities and rental of parking places; providing information on the internet relating to all the aforesaid services; all included in Class 39. LHN GROUP PTE LTD Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 27 10 RAEBURN PARK, #02-18, SINGAPORE 088702 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: OPTIMUS CHAMBERS LLC, 10 RAEBURN PARK, #01-05A, SINGAPORE 088702 T1304389A 18/03/2013 (25) Class 25 Clothing; belts (clothing); footwear; headgear. BURLING LIMITED P.O. BOX 71 CRAIGMUIR CHAMBERS, ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW LLP, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 28 T1304856G 26/03/2013 (09) Application for a series of two marks. Class 09 Eyewear; spectacles; sunglasses; lenses, frames, cases, straps and chains for eyewear, spectacles and sunglasses, all being goods in Class 09. YOUNG SANGYO CO., LTD. 4-9-5, HIRANO-NISHI, HIRANO-KU, OSAKA, 547-0033, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 29 T1305360I 04/04/2013 (39 41 43) Application for a series of two marks. Class 39 Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement; providing cruise ship for travel; arranging of tours, transport of passengers by boat, escorting of travellers, booking of seats for travel, arranging and conducting of sightseeing tours, all the aforesaid being travel services provided by cruise ships; ship chartering and rental services; ship piloting services; travel agency services, namely, making reservations and bookings for transportation; organization of excursions; travel, excursion and cruise arrangement. Class 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; entertainment services, namely, casino services; entertainment services, namely, organizing and conducting stage shows, nightclub shows, contests, dances and parties; provision of entertainment services for children; night clubs; provision of club entertainment services; provision of swimming pool facilities; miniature golf courses; provision of waterslide for entertainment. Class 43 Services for providing food and drink; hotel services; providing temporary accommodations; tourist homes; travel agency services, namely, making reservations and bookings for temporary accommodations; bar and cocktail lounge services; restaurant services; catering services; child care services. CARNIVAL CORPORATION 3655 N.W. 87TH AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33178, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 30 T1305523G 05/04/2013 (11) Class 11 Air conditioning apparatus and installations; air purifying apparatus and installations; ventilating apparatus and installations; air cooling apparatus and installations; air heating apparatus and installations; humidifying apparatus and installations; dehumidifying apparatus and installations; water heaters; parts and fittings for all the aforementioned goods. DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD. UMEDA CENTER BUILDING, 4-12 2-CHOME, KITA-KU, OSAKA, JAPAN NAKAZAKI-NISHI ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 T1305583J 09/04/2013 (34) Class 34 Tobacco, raw or manufactured; containers for tobacco products; cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, apparatus for rolling cigarettes, cigarette tips, tobacco pipes, chewing tobacco, snuff, kretek (clove) cigarettes (other than for medical use); tobacco substitutes (other than for medical purposes; smokers’ articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays for smokers, smokers’ pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters for smokers; matches. TEAM SUCCESS (PACIFIC) LIMITED FLAT/RM 3502, 35/F., TOWER ONE, LIPPO CENTRE, 89 QUEENSWAY, HONG KONG ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ADASTRA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SDN. BHD., 36B HONGKONG STREET, #03-00 HOLY BUILDING, SINGAPORE 059675 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 31 T1305643H 10/04/2013 (09 16) Class 09 Computer programs for use in connection with mobile phones and personal computers; computer games programs [software]; pre-recorded CD-ROMs and DVDs; electronic publications [downloadable]; DVDs; laboratory apparatus and instruments; spectacles, eyeglasses, goggles; audio and video data in the nature of downloadable audio and video recordings featuring educational, teaching and instruction; telecommunication machines and apparatus; communications networks, communication equipment for communications networks; abacuses; scales; rulers [measuring instruments]; projection apparatus; measuring instruments; microscopes; electric batteries; education software; educational apparatus; educational materials all in the form of computer programs and pre-recorded discs and tapes for teaching purposes. Class 16 Printed matter, periodicals, books, magazines (periodicals), magazines (printed publications), study guides (printed matter), exercise books; stationery; instructional and teaching materials (except apparatus); teaching materials for education; educational materials (other than apparatus) for use in teaching; paintings and calligraphic works; photographs [printed]; paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; plastic film for wrapping; office requisites, except furniture; drawing materials; modelling materials; chaplets. GAKKEN HOLDINGS CO., LTD. 2-11-8, NISHI-GOTANDA SHINAGAWA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 32 T1308341I 27/05/2013 (21) By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T0003341H, T6946337C and T8303943E. Class 21 Cosmetic and toilet utensils, perfume containers; perfume sprayers; cosmetic brushes; eyebrow brushes; hair brushes; nail brushes; shaving brushes; combs; powder compacts; soap dispensers; soap holders; sponge holders; powder puffs; cosmetic sponges. KAO KABUSHIKI KAISHA (ALSO TRADING AS KAO CORPORATION) 14-10, NIHONBASHI KAYABACHO 1-CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: WONGPARTNERSHIP LLP, 12 MARINA BOULEVARD, #28-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 3, SINGAPORE 018982 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 33 T1308386I 07/06/2013 (44) The first mark in the series is limited to the colour(s) as shown in the representation in the form of application. Application for a series of two marks. Class 44 Healthcare and medical services; medical treatment services; advisory and consultancy services relating to healthcare; information services relating to health and healthcare; provision of information relating to health of persons; health and health risk assessment surveys; health screening; healthcare rehabilitation services; palliative care (healthcare) services; provision of medical information including online about health and healthcare; providing information relating to medicines, vaccination, pharmaceuticals, diseases, doctors, medical clinics and hospitals; medical consultancy and advisory services relating to medical problems, diseases, medical services, alternate medical services, medical treatment, medical lifestyle; health and medical clinic services; medical counselling; advisory services relating to medical products; advisory services relating to pharmaceutical products; medical evaluation services; private hospital services; radiology services; preparation and compilation of medical reports. PAINCARE CENTER PTE. LTD. TRADING AS SINGAPORE PAINCARE CENTER 290 ORCHARD ROAD, #18-03 PARAGON, THE, SINGAPORE 238859 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW LLP, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. T1308847Z 04/06/2013 (03) The mark consists of a Spanish word meaning "Feeling". Class 03 Shower Cream; Body Lotion; Shampoo; Perfume; Cream. Priority Claims: Class 03 01/06/2013 HONG KONG, CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. SANNY ALI 698C HOUGANG STREET 52, #15-25, SINGAPORE 533698 34 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 35 T1309252C 10/06/2013 (08 11 20 21 24) The French word "Maison" appearing in the mark means "Home". Class 08 Hand tools and implements; cutlery; scissors; knives; apparatus in this class for preparing food; all being hand operated. Class 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. Class 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not in other classes) of wood, cane, cork, reed, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. Class 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. Class 24 Textile and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed covers, table covers, towels. METRO (PRIVATE) LIMITED 391A ORCHARD ROAD, #17-01 NGEE ANN CITY TOWER A, SINGAPORE 238873 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 36 T1310136J 25/06/2013 (09) Class 09 Computers; laptop computers; notebook computers; handheld computers; personal digital assistants; computer displays; computer monitors; computer hardware; computer soundcards; computer peripherals; computer mice; computer keyboards; computer keypads; computer graphics tablets; computer pens; computer joysticks; computer trackballs; motion sensors for computer and video games; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of data, sound or images; audio equipment and apparatus; earphones; headphones; microphones; headsets; loudspeakers; electrical cable apparatus for the aforementioned goods; batteries and power supplies for the aforementioned goods; parts and spare parts of the aforementioned goods as far as included in this class; computer software and computer software drivers for the aforementioned goods; computer and video game software; computer mice mats; bags, pouches, cases and covers adapted for holding and storing the aforementioned goods. RAZER (ASIA-PACIFIC) PTE LTD 514 CHAI CHEE LANE, #07-05, SINGAPORE 469029 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RAVINDRAN ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 2988 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911799 T1310708C 05/07/2013 (41) Application for a series of two marks. By consent of the applicant of TM No T1300346F. The second mark in the series is limited to the colour(s) as shown in the representation on the form of application. Class 41 Education services; provision of training; entertainment; sporting activities; cultural activities. TV18 BROADCAST LIMITED 503, 504 & 507, 5TH FLOOR, MERCANTILE HOUSE, 15, KASTURBA GANDHI MARG, NEW DELHI-10001, INDIA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RAVINDRAN ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 2988 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911799 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 37 T1311499C 18/07/2013 (04) Class 04 Oils; greases; lubricants; fuels. SHELL BRANDS INTERNATIONAL AG BAARERMATTE, 6340 BAAR, SWITZERLAND. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, ONE MARINA BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 T1313968F 29/08/2013 (05) Class 05 Microbiocides. THOR SPECIALTIES SDN BHD JALAN BURSA 23/4, 40300 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW LLP, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 38 T1318436C 14/11/2013 (01 05 43) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Yan Yuan" which has no meaning. Class 01 Food protein as a raw material. Class 05 Food proteins for human consumption; food stuffs especially made for medical purposes; food substances adapted for medical use; food supplements for medical purposes; food supplements for the dietary management of illness in humans; food supplements with added proteins for use by athletes; health food supplements for persons with special dietary requirements; health food supplements made principally of minerals; health food supplements made principally of vitamins; medicated food supplements; medicated preparations for use as supplements for food; medicated supplements for food; medicinal food supplements for nutritional purposes; mineral food supplements; preparations for use as additives to food for human consumption (medicated); preparations for use as additives to food for human consumption (minerals); preparations for use as additives to food for human consumption (vitamins); protein foods for dietetic purposes (adapted for medical purposes); protein foods for human consumption (adapted for medical purposes). Class 43 Preparation of food and drink. LIM CIE YOU 52 UBI AVENUE 3, #01-34 FRONTIER, SINGAPORE 408867 T1403873E 14/03/2014 (25) Class 25 Men’s footwear, leather footwear, clothing of leather and leather belts (clothing). BRG (S) PTE LTD 136 JOO SENG ROAD, #03-02, SINGAPORE 368360 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 39 T1403969C 18/03/2014 (16 41) Class 16 Educational materials (other than apparatus) for use in teaching; Educational materials (printed) for the teaching of languages; Educational materials in printed form; Educational materials in written form; Modelling materials for educational purposes; Printed matter for educational purposes; Printed matter relating to health education; Printed publications for institutions of higher education; Stationery for children’s educational activities; Stationery for use in the educational field; Teaching materials for education. Class 41 Academies (education); Academy education services; Adult education; Adult education services; Advisory services relating to education; Arranging of exhibitions for educational purposes; Business educational services; Career advisory services (education or training advice); Career counselling (education or training advice); Career counselling (training and education advice); Career information and advisory services (educational and training advice); Charitable services, namely education and training; Childbirth education and training; Club education services; Club services (entertainment or education); Coaching (education and training); Conducting of educational conferences; Conducting of educational courses; Conducting of exhibitions for educational purposes; Consultancy services relating to education; Design of educational courses; Dietary education services; Dissemination of educational material; Education academy services; Education advisory services; Education information; Education services; Educational advisory services; Educational assessment services; Educational consultancy services; Educational examination; Educational institute services; Educational instruction; Educational research; Educational seminars; Educational services; Event management services (organization of educational, entertainment, sporting or cultural events); Foreign language education services; Health education; Higher education services; Hire of educational apparatus; Hire of educational materials; Information relating to education; Information services relating to education; Kindergarten services (education or entertainment); Legal education services; Lingual education; Management of education services; Management of educational events; Medical education services; Mentoring (education and training); Musical education services; Occupational health and safety services (education and training services); Organisation of competitions (education or entertainment); Organisation of contests (education or entertainment); Organisation of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Physical education; Physical education instruction; Physical health education; Preschools Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 40 (education); Primary education services; Providing facilities for educational purposes; Providing information, including online, about education, training, entertainment, sporting and cultural activities; Provision of children’s’ educational services through play groups; Provision of education courses; Provision of educational courses; Provision of educational examinations; Provision of educational information; Provision of facilities for education; Provision of information relating to education; Publication of educational materials; Publication of educational texts; Religious education; Religious educational services; Rental of educational apparatus; Rental of educational material; Rental of educational materials or apparatus; Services of schools [education]; Sports education services; Technological education services; University education services; Vocational education; Vocational guidance (education or training advice). Priority Claims: Class 16 11/12/2013 MALAYSIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 11/12/2013 MALAYSIA All goods/services claimed in this application. TCH PTE. LTD. 85 JALAN LEBAN, SINGAPORE 577622 SEMBAWANG HILLS ESTATE, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: C/O ACME FOCUS PTE. LTD, 46 SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD, #04-02 KINGLY BUILDING, SINGAPORE 058679 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 41 T1404004G 19/03/2014 (36) Class 36 Financial services; insurance services; investment services; international and domestic fund investment; discretionary investment management services; investment advisory services; mutual funds services; pensions services; securities brokerage services; banking services; trusteeship services; portfolio, mutual fund, pension and trust administration services; financial management and planning; financial advice; credit services; investment banking, corporate finance and venture capital services; private equity services; real estate services; real estate investment services; securities underwriting; derivative and currency exchange services; provision of information, advice and consultancy relating to securities, finance and investments; information services relating to securities, finance and investments provided through an interactive database; credit and debit card services; money payment services; provision of secured and unsecured loans; exchanging money; antique appraisal; brokerage; surety services; charitable fund raising; lending against security; instalment loans; mortgage banking; business liquidation services; stock exchange quotations; rent collection; financial analysis services for businesses; provision of information, advice and consultancy relating to all the foregoing. Priority Claims: Class 36 13/03/2014 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. FIL LIMITED PEMBROKE HALL, 42 CROW LANE, PEMBROKE HM 19, P.O. BOX HM 670, HAMILTON HMCX, BERMUDA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, #06-00 SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 42 T1404877C 23/05/2014 (37) Class 37 Vehicle servicing and repair of land vehicles. INSMART AUTO CARE PTE LTD 280 WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5, #01-12 HARVEST @ WOODLANDS, SINGAPORE 757322 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: 280 WOODLANDS INDUSTRIAL PARK E5, #01-11 HARVEST @ WOODLANDS, SINGAPORE 757322 T1405043C 03/04/2014 (11) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Hu Bo Shi" which has no meaning. Class 11 Air conditioning apparatus; air conditioning installations; air purifying apparatus and machines; germicidal lamps for purifying air; smoke purifiers; water purifying apparatus and machines; water purifying installations; cooking apparatus and installations; cooking appliances; cooking machines; cooling apparatus; cooling elements; cooling installations and machines; drying apparatus and installations; heating apparatus; heating elements; heating installations; heating machines; heating units; lighting apparatus and installations; ultraviolet lamps, other than for medical use; refrigerating apparatus and machines; refrigerating appliances and installations; sanitary apparatus and installations; sanitary units; sterilizing apparatus; sterilizing devices; sterilizing installations; sterilizing machines; steam generating apparatus; steam generating installations; ventilating apparatus; ventilating installations; ventilating instruments; ventilating units; water supply apparatus; water supply installations; all included in Class 11. HEALTHY WORLD LIFESTYLE SDN. BHD. NO. 22, JALAN ANGGERIK MOKARA 31/47, KOTA KEMUNING, 40460 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: KHATTARWONG LLP, 80 RAFFLES PLACE, #25-01 UOB PLAZA 1, SINGAPORE 048624 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 43 T1405044A 03/04/2014 (35) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Hu Bo Shi" which has no meaning. Class 35 The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a distributor outlet; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by means of telecommunications; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a wholesale outlet; retailing of goods (by any means); wholesaling of goods (by any means); advertising; online advertising on a computer network; marketing; promotional services; sales promotion (for others); publicity; organization of exhibitions and trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; business administration; business advisory services; business consultancy; business information; business inquiries; business management; management of a retail enterprise for others; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; demonstration of goods; import-export agency services; franchising services [group purchasing, group advertising]; franchising services in respect of retail stores; business assistance relating to franchising; negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties; all included in Class 35. HEALTHY WORLD LIFESTYLE SDN. BHD. NO. 22, JALAN ANGGERIK MOKARA 31/47, KOTA KEMUNING, 40460 SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: KHATTARWONG LLP, 80 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 44 RAFFLES PLACE, #25-01 UOB PLAZA 1, SINGAPORE 048624 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 45 T1406536H 29/04/2014 (21 30 43) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Lu Yu Gu Cha Fang" which has no meaning and "Cha" meaning "Tea". Class 21 Art objects of earthenware; art objects of glass; articles of earthenware for household use; articles of earthenware for kitchen use; articles of glass for household use; articles of glass for kitchen use; articles of glassware; artistic objects made of porcelain; ceramic figurines; ceramic hollowware; ceramic mugs; ceramic ornaments; ceramic plates (tableware); ceramic tableware; ceramics for household purposes; ceramics for kitchen use; crystal (glassware); decorated earthenware; decorated porcelain ware; decorative earthenware; decorative glassware; decorative household containers of earthenware; decorative household containers of glass; decorative household containers of porcelain; decorative objects (ornaments) made of earthenware; decorative objects (ornaments) made of glass; decorative objects (ornaments) made of porcelain; decorative porcelain ware; decorative pots of earthenware; decorative pots of glass; decorative pots of porcelain; decorative trays of earthenware; decorative trays of glass; decorative trays of porcelain; dinner services made from porcelain; dinnerware of porcelain; doll figurines of ceramic; doll figurines of porcelain; domestic earthenware; domestic glassware; drink coasters (other than of paper or table linen); drinking containers; drinking cups; drinking flasks; drinking glass holders; drinking glasses; drinking mugs made of earthenware; drinking mugs made of porcelain; drinking receptacles; drinking vessels; earthenware; earthenware containers; earthenware utensils; figures made of ceramic; figures made of decorative glass; figures made of earthenware; figures made of glass; figures made of porcelain; figurines [statuettes] of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; figurines made of ceramic; figurines made of decorative glass; figurines made of earthenware; figurines made of glass; figurines made of porcelain; fitted cases adapted for dispensing drinks; glass bottles; glass bowls; glass containers; glass cups; glass dishes; glass flasks (containers); glass holders; glass ornaments; glass plates; glass tableware; glasses (drinking vessels); glasses (receptacles); glassware; glassware for domestic use; glassware for household purposes; glassware for kitchen purposes; heat-insulated containers for drinks; heat-insulated domestic vessels of earthenware; heat-insulated domestic vessels of glass; heat-insulated domestic vessels of porcelain; holders for drinking vessels; hollow glass containers for domestic use; hollow glass containers for household use; hollow glass containers for kitchen use; hollow glassware for domestic use; hollow glassware for household use; hollow glassware for kitchen use; miniature Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 46 figurines (earthenware); miniature figurines (porcelain); model figures (ornaments) made of earthenware; model figures (ornaments) made of porcelain; models (ornaments) made of earthenware; models (ornaments) made of porcelain; non-electric tea urns; non-electric tea warmers; ornamental figurines made of ceramics; ornamental figurines made of earthenware; ornamental figurines made of glass; ornamental figurines made of porcelain; ornamental glass; ornamental models made of ceramics; ornamental models made of earthenware; ornamental models made of glass; ornamental models made of porcelain; ornamental sculptures made of ceramics; ornamental sculptures made of earthenware; ornamental sculptures made of glass; ornamental sculptures made of porcelain; ornaments made of ceramics; ornaments made of earthenware; ornaments made of porcelain; painted glassware; painted glassware; porcelain; porcelain articles for decorative purposes; porcelain coasters; porcelain containers; porcelain decorations; porcelain figures; porcelain for household use; porcelain for kitchen use; porcelain ware; sculptures made from glass; sculptures made from porcelain; sculptures of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; statuettes of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass; table centrepieces (ornaments) made of glass; table centrepieces (utensils) made of glass; tableware in the form of glassware; tableware of porcelain; tea balls; tea caddies; tea canisters; tea cosies; tea filters; tea infusers; tea services [tableware]; tea sets; tea strainers; teapot stands; teapots; vacuum flasks for holding drinks; works of art made of earthenware; works of art of porcelain, ceramic, earthenware or glass. Class 30 Apple flavoured tea; aromatic teas (other than for medicinal use); artificial tea (other than for medicinal use); beverages made of tea; beverages with tea base; chai tea; flowers or leaves for use as tea substitutes; fruit flavoured tea (other than medicinal); fruit tea (other than for medical purposes); herb tea not for medical purposes; herb tea-based beverages not for medical purposes; herbal tea (other than for medicinal use); iced tea; instant tea (other than for medicinal purposes); jasmine tea (other than for medicinal purposes); mate (tea); non-medicated tea bags; non-medicated tea based beverages; non-medicated tea beverages; non-medicated tea extracts; non-medicated tea products; orange flavoured tea (other than for medicinal use); packaged tea (other than for medicinal use); preparations for making beverages (tea based); preparations for use in whitening tea (vegetable based); preparations with a coffee and tea base; rooibos (tea); tea; tea cakes; tea essence; tea-based beverages; tisanes made of tea. Class 43 Food preparation; preparation of food and drink; providing food Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 47 and drink; providing information, including online, about services for providing food and drink, and temporary accommodation; provision of information relating to the preparation of food and drink; rental of chairs, tables, table linen, glassware; takeaway food and drink services; tea room services. CAO QIQI 28 SURREY ROAD, #16-01 THE LINCOLN RESIDENCES, SINGAPORE 307762 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: OLIVER QUEK & ASSOCIATES, 105 CECIL STREET, #24-03 THE OCTAGON, SINGAPORE 069534 T1406900B 05/05/2014 (14) Application for a series of two marks. Class 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. MALABAR GOLD PRIVATE LIMITED NO. 41/2299, 3RD FLOOR, MALABAR GATE, RAM MOHAN ROAD, CALICUT - 673 004, KERALA, INDIA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, ONE MARINA BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 48 T1407422G 15/05/2014 (09) Class 09 Computer device used for information security including data encryption and authentication/login control on computer systems, networks or global computer network. FAST AND SAFE TECHNOLOGY PRIVATE LIMITED 9 TEMASEK BOULEVARD, #09-01 SUNTEC TOWER TWO, SINGAPORE 038989 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: VIERING, JENTSCHURA & PARTNER LLP, P.O. BOX 1088 ROCHOR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911833 T1407664E 19/05/2014 (09 11) The transliteration of the Korean characters appearing in the mark is "Seo Ul" and "Gwang Jeon Ja" meaning "Seoul" "Photoelectron" respectively. Class 09 Dimming apparatus for electric lighting; electric control apparatus for lights; electrical transformers for use with lighting; light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Class 11 Ceiling lights; light-emitting diodes [LED] lighting apparatus; lights. Q & E ENERGY EFFICIENT PTE. LTD. 9 CHANGI SOUTH LANE, #04-02, SINGAPORE 486120 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 49 T1407684Z 19/05/2014 (43) Class 43 Cafes, Cafeterias, Canteens, Catering (Food and Drink), Restaurants, Self-Service Restaurants, Snack-bars, all included in Class 43. ALTITUDE GROUP PTE. LTD. 51 CUPPAGE ROAD, #07-13, SINGAPORE 229469 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: CHARACTERIST LLC, 190 MIDDLE ROAD, #15-03 FORTUNE CENTRE, SINGAPORE 188979 T1407689J 16/05/2014 (43) The French words "Le Comptoir" appearing in the mark mean "The Bar Counter". Class 43 Restaurant, bar services, restaurant services, food and drink catering, cafes, cafeterias, take away food services and night club services. ANTOINE ROULAND, MARIE-CHARLOTTE LEY TRADING AS LE COMPTOIR 79 CIRCULAR ROAD, SINGAPORE 049433 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: C/O LE COMPTOIR, 77 HIGH STREET, #05-02 HIGH STREET PLAZA, SINGAPORE 179433 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 50 T1407745E 21/05/2014 (25) Class 25 Clothing; Women’s clothing, including blouses, dresses, coats, shirts, jackets, pants, skirts, t-tops, suits and slacks; Children’s clothing; Footwear; Headgear. KWAN FUNG WAH, GEMFORTUNE LIN QINSHUANG TRADING 137 RIVERVALE STREET, #08-748, SINGAPORE 540137 T1407748Z 21/05/2014 (20) Class 20 Armchairs; beds; index cabinets [furniture]; chairs [seats]; covers for clothing [wardrobe]; cupboards; cushions; desk chairs; display boards; divans; dressing tables; easy chairs; furniture; furniture fittings, not of metal; office furniture; furniture partitions of wood; furniture shelves; showcases [furniture]; sofas; stools; tables; writing desks; mattresses; spring mattresses; straw mattress; all included in Class 20. SNOOZZZ (M) SDN BHD LOT 2672 FACTORY C, JALAN KAMPUNG BARU, 47000 SUNGAI BULOH, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: PINTAS PTE LTD, BLK 116 JALAN BUKIT MERAH, #01-1655, SINGAPORE 160116 AS Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 51 T1407808G 22/05/2014 (09) Class 09 Battery chargers; electric battery chargers; portable field chargers; power supply devices for battery chargers; batteries; battery adaptors; battery packs; power packs (batteries); rechargeable batteries; electric plug adapters; electric plugs; phone plugs; plug adaptors for headphones; plug sockets (electric); plugs (electric); plugs, sockets and other contacts (electric connections); sockets for electric plugs; travel adaptors for electric plugs; two-way wireless communication systems; wireless telephones; stylus; electronic pens; casings for electronic devices; casings made from light metal for carrying electrical devices; metal casings for semiconductor devices; cases adapted for batteries; cases adapted for cameras; cases adapted for electronic components; cases adapted for electronic equipment; cases adapted for mobile phones; cases adapted for tablet computer; cases adapted for photographic apparatus, equipment and instruments; battery chargers for mobile phone; battery chargers for tablet computer; battery chargers for laptop computer; chargers for mobile phone; chargers for tablet computer; chargers for laptop computer; mobile phone cases; cases adapted for tablet computers; mobile phone covers; shaped cover for tablet computers; holders adapted for mobile phone; holders adapted for tablet computer; rechargeable cellular telephone batteries; earphones (other than hearing aids for the deaf); battery boxes; hands free kits for phone; hands free kits for mobile phone; hands free kits for tablet computer; electrical charge apparatus; hands free kits for mobile phone for use in vehicles; hands free kits for phone for use in vehicles; hands free kits for tablet computer for use in vehicles; headphones; tablet computer; charger adapters; clips adapted to mobile phones; covers adapted for mobile phones; covers adapted for tablet computers; covers adapted for computers; covers adapted for laptop computers; holders adapted for mobile phones; keyboards for use with computers; electronic pens (visual display units); loudspeakers; radio transmitters; audio adapters; mobile phones; cameras; digital music players and radios; digitally stored images; plastic film specially adapted for electronic devices; plastic film specially adapted for mobile phone; plastic film specially adapted for tablet computer; plastic film specially adapted for laptop computer; plastic film specially adapted for computer; computers, handheld computers, keyboards, monitors, cables, USB (Universal Serial Bus) data and charging cables; wireless transmitters and receivers; data processing apparatus, detectors, high-frequency apparatus, integrated circuits, intercommunication apparatus, measuring devices (electric), microphones, microprocessors, monitoring apparatus (electric), peripheral devices (computer), receivers (audio and video), receivers (telephone), semi-conductors, signals (transmitters of electronic), Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 52 sound alarms, sound locating instruments, sound reproduction apparatus, sound transmitting apparatus, telephone apparatus, telephone receivers, telephone transmitters, transmitters (telecommunication), transmitters of electronic signals, transmitting sets (telecommunication), wire connectors (electricity), wireless aerials (masts for), wires (telephone), wires (electric), photographic, cinematographic, optical, signalling apparatus and instruments; all included in Class 9. TAN CHEE WAI TRADING AS SGP INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISE 10 JALAN BESAR, #B1-14 SIM LIM TOWER, SINGAPORE 208787 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 53 T1407810I 22/05/2014 (07 11) Class 07 Filter presses; Filters for cleaning cooling air, for engines; Cartridges for filtering machines; Filtering machines; Filters [parts of machines or engines]; Air filters being parts of engines; Air filters being parts of machines; Air filters for engines; Air filters for motors; Apparatus (machines) for filtering; Apparatus (machines) for filtering dust; Apparatus (machines) for filtering fumes; Apparatus (machines) for filtering gases; Apparatus (machines) for filtering water; Candle filters; Cartridges for filtering machines; Drum filters; Filter housings being parts of engines; Filter housings being parts of machines; Filter presses; Filtering apparatus adapted for liquids with a high viscosity; Filtering machines; Filtering machines used in sewage handling; Filters (parts of machines or engines); Filters being parts of engines for cleaning air; Filters being parts of engines for cooling air; Filters being parts of machines; Filters being parts of motors; Filters for cleaning cooling air (for engines); Filters for cleaning the lubricating oils in engines; Filters for dust for use with internal combustion engines; Filters for gases (machines); Filters for hot gases for use with internal combustion engines; Filters for industrial purposes; Filters for liquid hydrocarbons in engines or motors; Filters for lubricants; Filters for machines; Fuel filter coalescent apparatus; Fuel filters; Grease filters (parts of machines); Liquid filtering apparatus (parts of engines or machines); Machines for manufacturing air filter elements; Machines for manufacturing filters; Machines for the filtering of airborne asbestos particulates; Machines for water filtering; Mechanical filters for the treatment of water; Oil filtering apparatus for engines; Oil filtering apparatus for motors; Oil filters for engine lubrication systems; Oil filters for engines; Oil vapour filters (parts of machines or engines); Paper filters (parts of engines); Paper filters (parts of machines); Hydraulic Power Filters (machines); Power filters for water purification (machines); Backwashable Filters Reversible flow filters (parts of machines); Settling filters (machines); Vacuum filters being parts of machines; Water filtering machines. Class 11 Filters for air conditioning; Air filtering installations; Water filtering apparatus; Filters for drinking water; filters [parts of household or industrial installations]; Air cleaning filters (parts of air cleaning machines or installations); Air filter installations; Air filtering apparatus; Air filtering installations; Air filters for use as dust extractors; Apparatus for cleaning filters by blowing; Apparatus for filtering breathing air; Apparatus for filtering dust; Apparatus for filtering fumes; Apparatus for filtering gases; Apparatus for filtering water; Apparatus for the filtering of Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 54 organic matter; Apparatus for water filtering; Bag filters; Domestic water filtering apparatus; Domestic water filtering units; Drinking water (Filters for -); Drinking water filters; Dust cyclone filters; Dust filters; Filter apparatus for the separation of solids and liquids; Filter apparatus for water supply installations; Filter bags; Filter boxes for water purification; Filter elements for the air vents of water supply tanks; Filter elements for the overflows of water supply tanks; Filter housings (parts of household or industrial installations); Filter installations (household or industrial) for the separation of solids and liquids; Filter membranes (parts of household or industrial installations); Filter screens (parts of household or industrial installations); Filtering apparatus (industrial) for fluids; Filtering apparatus (industrial) incorporating filter cartridges; Filtering installations (household or industrial); Filtering installations for air; Filtering installations for flue gases; Filtering installations for water; Filtering screens (parts of household or industrial installations); Filters being pneumatically powered; Filters for air conditioning; Filters for air extractor hoods; Filters for cleaning air; Filters for cleaning gases (parts of household or industrial installations); Filters for drinking water; Filters for dust; Filters for exhaust extractors (parts of household or industrial installations); Filters for fume extractors; Filters for gas extractors; Filters for gases (household or industrial installations); Filters for ice making apparatus; Filters for ice making machines; Filters for industrial installations; Filters for sanitary water distribution apparatus; Filters for swimming pools; Filters for use in aquariums; Filters for use in mineral processing installations; Filters for use with apparatus combustion; Filters for use with apparatus cooking; Filters for use with apparatus for air conditioning; Filters for use with apparatus for sanitary purposes; Filters for use with apparatus for steam generating; Filters for use with apparatus for ventilating; Filters for use with apparatus for water supply; Filters for use with apparatus heating; Filters for use with swimming pools; Filters for waste gas purification; Filters for water purifiers; Filters for water release devices; Filters of non-woven materials (meltblown and/or spun); Fluid filters; Grease filters (parts of extractor fans); Industrial installations for filtering liquids; Installations for filtering the atmosphere; Installations for water filtering; Liquid filtering apparatus (parts of water supply installations); Lock filters; Machines for water filtering (purifying); Oil vapour filters (other than parts of machines or engines); Overpressure filters for water supply installations; Pollen filtering apparatus; Portable filtration apparatus for filtering air (other than machines); Portable filtration apparatus for filtering water (other than machines); Water filtering apparatus; Water filtering apparatus for domestic use; Water filtering apparatus for industrial use; Water filtering installations; Water filters (installations) for agricultural purposes; Water filters (machines) for agricultural purposes; Water filters Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 55 for industrial purposes; Water purification filters; Water treatment filters. GENERAL FILTER PTE LTD 30 KALLANG PLACE, #04-16/17, SINGAPORE 339159 T1407985G 23/05/2014 (03) Class 03 Cosmetics; Massage oils; Perfumery and fragrances; Soaps; Shower gels; Soaps in gel form and beauty gels; Essential oils; Hair preparations and treatments; Bath preparations; Make-up; Deodorants. PATYKA COSMETICS 320 RUE SAINT HONORE, 75001 PARIS, FRANCE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #14-01 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 56 T1408216E 27/05/2014 (05) Application for a series of two marks. The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Guan Li Gu" which has no meaning. Class 05 Adjuvants for medical purposes; anti-inflammatory agents; anti-inflammatory preparations; anti-rheumatic medicaments; anti-rheumatic plasters; anti-rheumatism bracelets; anti-rheumatism rings; biological control agents; biological food preparations; biological preparations for medical purposes; biological preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; biological preparations for use in biotechnology (medical); biological products for medical use; biological reagents for use in embryology; biological reagents for use in molecular biology; biological substances for medical use; chemical preparations containing enzymes for medical purposes; chemical preparations containing enzymes for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical products for medical use; chemical products for pharmaceutical use; compounds having an anti-inflammatory activity; compounds having analgesic activity; compounds having anti-rheumatic activity; dietary food preparations for medical use; dietary food supplements for medical use; dietary foods for medical use; dietary nutritional supplements for medical use; dietary substances for medical use; dietary supplements for medical use; dietetic drinks adapted for medical purposes; dietetic food for medical purposes; dietetic food supplements adapted for medical purposes; dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; dietetic foods for medicinal purposes; dietetic foods for use in clinical nutrition; dietetic preparations adapted for medical use; dietetic substances for medical use; dietetic substances for medicinal purposes; enzyme dietary supplements; enzyme preparations for medical purposes; enzyme supplements for medical purposes; enzymes for medical purposes; extracts of medicinal herbs; extracts of medicinal plants; extracts of plants in capsule form (for pharmaceutical use); flavonoid substances; flaxseed dietary supplements; flaxseed for pharmaceutical purposes; flaxseed meal for pharmaceutical purposes; flaxseed oil dietary supplements; food stuffs especially made for medical purposes; food substances adapted for medical use; food supplements for medical purposes; food supplements for the dietary management of illness in humans; food supplements with added proteins for use by athletes; foods adapted for medical use; foods for persons having complex metabolic disorders; foods for persons with illness (specially made); fruit gums for medical use; grease for medical use; greases for medical purposes; gum for Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 57 medical purposes; gums for medical use; health food supplements for persons with special dietary requirements; health food supplements made principally of minerals; health food supplements made principally of vitamins; healthcare products (medicinal); herb preparations for medicinal purposes; herbal beverages for medicinal use; herbal compounds for medicinal use; herbal dietary supplements for persons with special dietary requirements; herbal extracts for medicinal purposes; herbal medicine; herbal preparations (preserved) for medicinal use; herbal preparations containing peppermint oil (for medicinal use); herbal preparations for medicinal purposes; herbal preparations for use in medicine; herbal remedies; herbal tea for medicinal use; herbal teas for medicinal purposes; herbs for medicinal purposes; linseed dietary supplements; linseed for pharmaceutical purposes; linseed meal for pharmaceutical purposes; linseed oil dietary supplements; meal for pharmaceutical purposes; medical preparations; medicated food additives; medicated food supplements; medicated foods for sportspersons (vitamins or minerals); medicated foodstuffs; medicated preparations; medicated preparations for use as supplements for food; medicated supplements for food; medicated supplements for foodstuffs for human consumption; medicinal herbal infusions; medicinal herbal preparations for medical purposes; medicinal herbs; medicinal preparations; medicinal preparations for the treatment of diseases; medicinal sediment (mud); medicinal substances; mineral supplements to foodstuffs; minerals for use in the preparation of foodstuffs for humans; non-specific muscle relaxants; nutriments; nutritional preparations for medical use; nutritional supplements; nutritional supplements for medical use; oil of turpentine for pharmaceutical purposes; oils adapted for medical use; oils adapted for pharmaceutical purposes; oils for pharmaceutical purposes; oils for use in medicine; oils for use in pharmacy; oilseed flour for pharmaceutical use; pain killers (pharmaceuticals); pain relieving creams; pain relieving preparations; pain relieving substances; pharmaceutical compositions; pharmaceutical medicaments in unit dosage form; pharmaceutical preparations; pharmaceutical preparations containing enzymes; pharmaceutical preparations containing essential oils; pharmaceutical preparations containing vitamins; pharmaceutical preparations for assisting the prevention of bone diseases; pharmaceutical preparations for enteral administration; pharmaceutical preparations for health care; pharmaceutical preparations for human use; pharmaceutical preparations for oral use; pharmaceutical preparations for personal use; pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of bone conditions; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of joint related diseases; pharmaceutical preparations for use in the treatment of arthritis; pharmaceutical preparations for use in the treatment of arthrosis; pharmaceutical preparations for use in the treatment of muscle Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 58 tension; pharmaceutical preparations for use in the treatment of rheumatism; pharmaceutical products; pharmaceutical products derived from natural sources; pharmaceutical products for the treatment of osteoporosis; pharmaceutical products for use by humans; pharmaceutical substances; pharmaceutical tablets; plant compounds for use as dietary supplements (medicinal); plant compounds for use as dietary supplements (veterinary); plant extracts for medical use; plant extracts for pharmaceutical use; preparations for food for human consumption (for persons with a dietary requirement due to a medical condition); preparations for medical purposes; preparations for medicinal purposes derived from herbs; preparations for the care of the body (medicated); preparations for the care of the legs (medicated); preparations for use as additives to food for human consumption (medicated); preparations for use as additives to food for human consumption (minerals); preparations for use as additives to food for human consumption (vitamins); preparations for use as dietetic additives for food (medicinal); preparations for use as dietetic additives for food (minerals); preparations for use as dietetic additives for food (pharmaceutical); preparations for use as dietetic additives for food (vitamins); preparations for use on the body (medicated); preparations for use on the person (medicated); preparations of herbs for medicinal use; preparations of hydrocarbons; preparations of plants for pharmaceutical use; products for the sterilization of fruits; prophylactic preparations; starches for dietetic purposes (pharmaceutical); tea for medicinal purposes; therapeutic agents (medical); therapeutic biological products (medical); vitamin preparations for human consumption; vitamin preparations in the nature of food supplements; vitamin supplements; vitamin supplements for foodstuffs for human consumption. UNIVERSAL INTEGRATED CORP. 5F., NO. 129, SEC. 1, FUXING S. ROAD, DA-AN DISTRICT, TAIPEI CITY 10666, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 59 T1408257B 28/05/2014 (16 35 36 41 42 44) Class 16 Paper, cardboard of goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; albums; bags, envelopes, pouches, all of paper or plastics; booklets; books; bookmarkers; boxes of cardboard or paper; calendars; cards; catalogues; charts; diagrams; document files; folders; fountain pens; writing instruments; handbooks; manuals; index cards; paper-knives; letter trays; labels; periodicals; magazines; note books; paper; paperweights; pencils; penholders; pens; photographs; photograph stands; pictures; postcards; posters; printed matter; printed timetables; bookbinding material; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers’ type; printing blocks; all included in Class 16. Class 35 Advertising; direct mail advertising; dissemination of advertising and/or promotional matter; distribution of samples; compilation and/or systemization of information into computer databases; marketing; administration of the business affairs of on-line retail and/or retail stores; provision of business information relating to the retailing of goods; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in the Internet and/or retail stores; all included in Class 35. Class 36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; all included in Class 36. Class 41 Horse riding instruction services; horse training services; radio and television entertainment services; show production services; provision of horse-riding facilities; organising of horse-jumping events; betting services; production of radio and television programme; production of television programmes relating to horse racing; betting services relating to horse; organising and conducting exhibition of horse, animals and horse racing for entertainment, education and cultural purposes; organising and conducting exhibition for entertainment, education and cultural purposes; distribution of television programmes; organising of horse shows for entertainment purposes; provision of information relating to betting services, horse-racing and horse training; arranging and conducting conference; organisation of education, entertainment and sports competitions; organisation of horse Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 60 racing events for entertainment purposes; organisation of sports events; provision of sports and horse racing facilities; provision of recreational facilities; rental of stadium facilities; training of animals; all included in Class 41. Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; all included in Class 42. Class 44 Veterinary services; animal breeding; animal grooming; hygienic and beauty care services for human beings or animals; all included in Class 44. CHINA HORSE CLUB (HK) INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LIMITED 26TH FLOOR, BEAUTIFUL GROUP TOWER 77 CONNAUGHT ROAD CENTRAL HONG KONG HONG KONG ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: CANTAB LLP, 52D GILSTEAD ROAD, GILSTEAD COURT, SINGAPORE 309097 T1408340D 29/05/2014 (05 25) Class 05 Nutritional and dietary supplements. Class 25 Apparel. TIDAL WAVE PACKAGING PLUS INC 13446 POWAY ROAD, #239 POWAY, CA 92064,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: C/O LIFE FORCE AUSTRALASIA (S) PTE LTD, 1 SOPHIA ROAD, #05-03 PEACE CENTRE, SINGAPORE 228149 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 61 T1408588A 03/06/2014 (09) Class 09 Software for use in connection with radio and/or wireless communication apparatus and equipment, namely, drivers, protocol stacks and control software for managing the protocol used in connection with radio and/or wireless communication transmitters, receivers and synthesizers; computer firmware; computer software for wireless content delivery; software for accessing information on a global computer network; cellular phones, smartphones, PDAs, and mobile web devices; communications hardware and peripherals; communications software; telecommunications hardware and peripherals; telecommunications software; semiconductor components, integrated circuits, semiconductor chips, semiconductor chip sets, circuit board assemblies, computer components, electronic components; control software, interface software and communications software; semiconductor component layouts in electronic form; telecommunications apparatus, instruments, equipment and installations; computers, computer peripherals, computer networking and computer configuration systems; telecommunications multiplexes, networks, and switchboards; modems; telephones, telephone receivers and recorders; navigation and location apparatus and instruments; electronic and computer apparatus and instruments for determining precise geographical locations of aircraft, marine vessels, land vehicles, human beings and animals; electronic apparatus and instruments for surveying, mapping, tracking and navigation, including marine, aviation, land vehicle and human being and animal tracking and navigation; location sensors, software, receivers and transmitters; location systems software and hardware; data carriers pre-recorded with software as aforesaid; hardware and software for use in global positioning, radio controlled and wireless navigation and satellite communications; software for improving voice signal quality and the intelligibility of speech content used in voice interface systems; software for recording, manipulating and editing sound and images; software for recording, editing and printing all types of products, images, text, graphics, photographs, including two dimensional and three dimensional designs; software for wireless connectivity; software, apparatus and peripherals for weighing and measuring; command and control systems including voice and motion-generated commands and controls, radio intercom systems, microphone systems, wireless communications systems and telecommunications systems; microphone systems comprising a microphone unit and digital signal processors; electric and electronic apparatus for use with multi-media entertaining systems. Priority Claims: Class 09 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 62 05/12/2013 EUROPEAN UNION Partial goods/services claimed in this application. CAMBRIDGE SILICON RADIO LIMITED CHURCHILL HOUSE, CAMBRIDGE BUSINESS PARK, COWLEY ROAD, CAMBRIDGE, CB4 0WZ, UNITED KINGDOM ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1408589Z 03/06/2014 (09) Class 09 Computer firmware; semiconductor components, integrated circuits, semiconductor chips, semiconductor chip sets, circuit board assemblies, computer components, electronic components; control software, interface software and communications software; semiconductor component layouts in electronic form; mobile computing and operating platforms consisting of computer software, data transceivers, and wireless networks; communications software; telecommunications hardware and peripherals; software for wireless connectivity; data carriers pre-recorded with software as aforesaid. Priority Claims: Class 09 24/01/2014 EUROPEAN UNION Partial goods/services claimed in this application. CAMBRIDGE SILICON RADIO LIMITED CHURCHILL HOUSE, CAMBRIDGE BUSINESS PARK, COWLEY ROAD, CAMBRIDGE, CB4 0WZ, UNITED KINGDOM ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 63 T1408610A 03/06/2014 (09) Registration of the trade mark shall give right to the exclusive use of the word "SAFEVue". Class 09 Car camera for security recording. CEF ELECTRONIC PTE LTD 10 JALAN BESAR, #09-05 SIM LIM TOWER, SINGAPORE 208787 T1408612H 04/06/2014 (35 43) The mark consists of the Spanish words meaning "The Taverns". Class 35 Advertising; marketing and promotional services; business management; business administration; office functions; import-export agencies; retail and wholesale services; publicity services; consultancy, advisory and information services for the aforesaid services. Class 43 Bar services; wine bar services; restaurant services; food stall (in food court); catering services (provision of food and drink); providing food and drink; preparation of take-away and fast food; take away food services; consultancy, advisory and information services in relation to the provision of food and drink. GROMAKS PTE. LTD. 623 ALJUNIED ROAD, #07-07 ALJUNIED INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, SINGAPORE 389835 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: TAN PENG CHIN LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #11-00 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 64 T1408613F 04/06/2014 (35 43) The mark consists of the Spanish words meaning "The Taverns". Application for a series of three marks. Class 35 Advertising; marketing and promotional services; business management; business administration; office functions; import-export agencies; retail and wholesale services; publicity services; consultancy, advisory and information services for the aforesaid services. Class 43 Bar services; wine bar services; restaurant services; food stall (in food court); catering services (provision of food and drink); providing food and drink; preparation of take-away and fast food; take away food services; consultancy, advisory and information services in relation to the provision of food and drink. GROMAKS PTE. LTD. 623 ALJUNIED ROAD, #07-07 ALJUNIED INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, SINGAPORE 389835 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: TAN PENG CHIN LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #11-00 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 T1408625Z 04/06/2014 (05) Class 05 Filled ampoules of pharmaceutical preparations. POLYLAB PTE. LTD. 51 SCIENCE PARK ROAD, #04-19 THE ARIES, SCIENCE PARK II, SINGAPORE 117586 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 65 T1408633J 04/06/2014 (20) Class 20 Bed mattresses; bolsters; inflatable mattresses, other than for medical purposes; inner sprung mattresses; latex mattresses; mattress bases; mattresses; mattresses for use on beaches; pillows; sleeping mats for camping (mattresses); sleeping pads of foam plastic for use when camping (mattresses); pillow, latex mattress, bolster. BC GLOBE PTE LTD 12 LORONG BAKAR BATU, #04-07, SINGAPORE 348745 T1408635G 04/06/2014 (02) Class 02 Spray paint, shellac, varnishes, copal varnish, anti-rust oils, anti-rust spray. R.J. LONDON CHEMICALS INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. 42/4 MU 14, SUWINTAWONG ROAD, TAMBOL SALADANG, AMPHUR BANGNAMPRIEW, CHACHOENGSAO PROVINCE, THAILAND. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: JOSEPHINE TAY & CO, 151 CHIN SWEE ROAD, #07-06 MANHATTAN HOUSE, SINGAPORE 169876 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 66 T1408636E 04/06/2014 (09 38) Class 09 Computer software for use in uploading, downloading, storing, backing up, transmitting, receiving, accessing, retrieving, managing, organizing, and synchronizing data, e-mail, documents, images, audio, video, multimedia content, electronic publications, computer files, and other computer software; computer software for tracking the location of mobile digital electronic devices; computer programs for use in database management, use in electronic storage of data and content, and for use in personal information management; electronic mail and messaging software; database synchronization software. Class 38 Delivery of messages by electronic transmission; electronic mail services; telecommunications, namely, electronic transmission and retrieval of data, images, audio, video and documents, namely, text, messages, and electronic mail, over local or global communications networks, namely, the internet, intranets, extranets, television, mobile communication, cellular and satellite networks; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to telecommunication. LYVE MINDS, INC. 10001 N. DE ANZA BLVD., SUITE 300,CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, ONE MARINA BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 67 T1408637C 04/06/2014 (09 38) Class 09 Computer software for use in uploading, downloading, storing, backing up, transmitting, receiving, accessing, retrieving, managing, organizing, and synchronizing data, e-mail, documents, images, audio, video, multimedia content, electronic publications, computer files, and other computer software; computer software for tracking the location of mobile digital electronic devices; computer programs for use in database management, use in electronic storage of data and content, and for use in personal information management; electronic mail and messaging software; database synchronization software. Class 38 Delivery of messages by electronic transmission; electronic mail services; telecommunications, namely, electronic transmission and retrieval of data, images, audio, video and documents, namely, text, messages, and electronic mail, over local or global communications networks, namely, the internet, intranets, extranets, television, mobile communication, cellular and satellite networks; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to telecommunication. LYVE MINDS, INC. 10001 N. DE ANZA BLVD., SUITE 300,CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, ONE MARINA BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 68 T1408638A 04/06/2014 (44) The second mark in the series is limited to the colour(s) as shown in the representation on the form of application. Application for a series of two marks. Class 44 Health care; medical clinic services; medical assistance; medical advisory services; medical analysis services; artificial insemination services; in vitro fertilization services; medical diagnostic services (testing and analysis); health centres; health counseling; medical equipment rental; nursing, medical; pharmacists’ services to make up prescriptions; pharmacy advice; physiotherapy/physical therapy; conducting of medical examinations; genetic testing for medical purposes; services for the preparation of medical reports; analysis of tissues for medical treatment; plastic surgery; services of a psychologist; telemedicine services; therapy services; alternative medicine services; hospitals; consultancy and advisory services in relation to medical services; dietetic counselling services (medical). FONG YANG 19A BO SENG AVENUE, SINGAPORE 309819 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: YUSARN AUDREY, 24 RAFFLES PLACE, #27-01 CLIFFORD CENTRE, SINGAPORE 048621 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 69 T1408647J 04/06/2014 (07 12 40) Class 07 Metalworking machines and tools; motors, other than for land vehicles; motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; non-electric prime movers [not for land vehicles] and parts thereof; mechanical couplings and transmissions, other than for land vehicles; machine elements [not for land vehicles]; motors, whether running on alternating current or direct current, other than for land vehicles; parts of motors, whether running on alternating current or direct current, other than for land vehicles; AC generators [alternators]; DC generators; shafts, axles or spindles [not for land vehicles]; shaft couplings or connectors [machine elements not for land vehicles]; power transmissions and gearing for machines [not for land vehicles]; valves [machine elements not for land vehicles]; engines, other than for land vehicles; parts of engines; bearings [machine elements not for land vehicles]; ball-bearings [machine elements not for land vehicles]. Class 12 Railway rolling stock and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings; two-wheeled motor vehicles, bicycles and their parts and fittings; mechanical elements for use with land vehicles, namely, automobile turntables and their rotating; non-electric prime movers for land vehicles [not including their parts]; shafts, axles or spindles [for land vehicles]; shaft couplings or connectors [for land vehicles]; shock absorbers [for land vehicles]; springs [for land vehicles]; unloading tipplers [for tilting railway freight cars]; pusher cars for mining; puller cars for mining; traction engine; diesel engines [for land vehicles]; engines for land vehicles; bearings [for land vehicles]; power transmissions and gearings [for land vehicles]; land vehicles brakes; ball-bearings [for land vehicles]. Class 40 Metal treating; water treating; stripping finishes of metal surface; stripping finishes of ceramic surface; magnetization; material treatment information; rental of generators; rental of metal treating machines and tools; custom manufacturing of mechanical elements for land vehicles for others; custom manufacturing of non-electric prime movers for land vehicles and their parts for others; custom manufacturing of non-electric prime movers [not for land vehicles] and parts thereof for others; custom manufacturing of production of automobiles and their parts and fittings for others. Priority Claims: Class 07 27/02/2014 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 70 JAPAN Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 12 27/02/2014 JAPAN Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 40 27/02/2014 JAPAN Partial goods/services claimed in this application. ISUZU JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA (ALSO TRADING AS ISUZU MOTORS LIMITED) 26-1, MINAMI-OI JAPAN 6-CHOME, SHINAGAWA-KU,TOKYO, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 71 T1408904F 03/06/2014 (09 41) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Fei Wei" which has no meaning and "Jing Ying" meaning "Elite". Class 09 Computer apparatus for educational use; education apparatus connectable to television receivers; education software; educational apparatus; educational materials in the form of computer programmes for teaching languages; films bearing recorded educational material. Class 41 Advisory services relating to education; conducting of educational courses; consultancy services relating to education; design of educational courses; education advisory services; educational assessment services; educational consultancy services; educational examination; educational instruction; educational services; kindergarten services (education or entertainment); management of education services; musical education services; occupational health and safety services (education and training services); preschools (education); primary education services; providing facilities for educational purposes; provision of children’s’ educational services through play groups; provision of education courses; provision of educational courses; provision of educational examinations; provision of educational information; provision of facilities for education; provision of facilities for education; provision of information relating to education; publication of educational materials; publication of educational texts; services of schools [education]; vocational education; vocational guidance (education or training advice). VEEV INTERACTIVE PTE LTD 71 AYER RAJAH CRESCENT, #04-23, SINGAPORE 139951 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: C/O VEEV INTERACTIVE PTE LTD, 71 AYER RAJAH CRESCENT, #04-23, SINGAPORE 139951 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. T1409246B 03/06/2014 (44) Class 44 Hair dressing salon services. FLAIR FLAGSHIP PTE.LTD. 62 CIRCULAR ROAD, #01-01, SINGAPORE 049416 T1409247J 03/06/2014 (07) Class 07 Oil refining machines; boilers for turbines; steam engine boilers; hydraulic power tools; pumps [machines]; lubricating pumps; compressors [machines]; hydraulic mechanisms; oil filters for engines; centrifuges (machines); hydraulic pumps; hydraulic couplings for engines (other than for land vehicles); hydraulic cylinders (machines or parts of machines); hydraulic machines and apparatus; lubrication machines; centrifugal pumps; hydraulic controls for machines, motors and engines; sealing machines for industrial purposes; filters [parts of machines or engines]. SICHUAN CRUN CO.,LTD NO.1, RONGCHUAN ROAD,HIGH-TECH PARK,ZIGONG,643000,SICHUAN,CHINA INDUSTRIAL ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ADVOCAT IP CONSULTANCY, 43A LORONG L TELOK KURAU, SINGAPORE 425461 72 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 73 T1412778I 13/08/2014 (09) Application for a series of three marks. Class 09 Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound; apparatus for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; optical apparatus; speakers being incorporated in illumination apparatus; speakers; digital recording media. TGI TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD. 62 MARINE PARADE SINGAPORE 449298 ROAD, #09-05 COTE D’AZUR, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 74 International Registrations filed under the Madrid Protocol Published for Opposition Purposes under the Trade Marks Act (Cap.332, 2005 Ed.) OPPOSITION Notice is hereby given that any person who wishes to oppose the registration of any of the marks published in the class groups which follow may within two months from the date of this journal file a Notice of Opposition on Form TM 11 (fee $374). Formal opposition should not be filed until after reasonable notice has been given to the Applicant for registration so as to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his application before the expenses of preparing the Notice of Opposition are incurred. Failure to give such notice will be taken into account in considering any application by an Opponent for an Order for Costs if the opposition is uncontested by the Applicant. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 75 T0915175H (29 30) (International Registration No. 1021966) Date of International Registration: 13/07/2009 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/07/2009 The Spanish words "Desde" and "Gallo" appearing in the mark mean "Since" and "Rooster" respectively. By consent of the registered proprietors of TM No T9305442I and T0001369G. Class 29 Olive oil, edible oils and fats, but not including milk products. Class 30 Vinegar. VICTOR GUEDES - INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO, S.A. LARGO MONTERROIO MASCARENHAS, N1, P-1070-184 LISBOA, PORTUGAL ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 76 T1303525B (09 38 41) (International Registration No. 1029534) Date of International Registration: 25/09/2009 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/12/2012 Class 09 Apparatus and instruments, other than for medical purposes, for recording, transmission, reproduction and duplication of sound and/or images, photographic, cinematographic, optical and teaching apparatus and instruments, apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, audio and video receivers, data processing apparatus, computers, computer peripheral devices and accessories, particularly printers, devices for inputting and outputting data in digital and analogue formats, screens, terminals, storage devices, keyboards, graphics tablets, mice and other devices for manual input, mouse pads, magnetic, electric, electronic and optical storage media, such as disk, band and memory units, facsimile machines, scanners, sorters, photocopiers, modems, digital cameras, recorders and hard disks; video game computer programs for use with game apparatus not requiring a separate means of display; apparatus and instruments for operating multimedia products (computer editing of texts and/or still or animated images and/or musical or non-musical sounds for interactive or other use), readers for compact discs, CD-Is [compact disc interactive], read-only digital audio compact discs, video cassette players, video recorders, cameras, tape recorders, videophones, visual telephones, portable video cameras with integrated video recorders, video game catridges designed to be used with an external display screen or monitor, compact audiovisual apparatus, portable electronic apparatus and peripheral devices thereof, namely audiovisual headsets, virtual sound and image receivers, electronic agendas, electronic dictionaries, and electronic and digital publications, electronic translators; televisions, telephones, mobile telephones and accessories thereof, namely hands-free kits for telephones, batteries, cases, covers, chargers, wrist straps or neck straps for mobile telephones; apparatus, portable or not, for recording and disseminating images, sound and music, especially those known as MP3 players; media, recorded or not, for transmitting, reproducing and duplicating sound, data or images; video cassettes and video discs, pre-recorded or blank, laser cassettes and laser discs, pre-recorded or blank, magnetic tape cassettes and phonograph records, sound and audiovisual recordings; digital audio compact discs, video discs, optical discs; magnetic cards, encoded; integrated circuit cards (smart cards); video game cartridges; magnetic and electronic pens; computer programmes, computer software on all types of media, computer game Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 77 programmes, databases and particularly voice banks, text and sound data banks, image banks; all data downloadable on to computers or mobile telephones and particularly ringtones, sounds, music, photographs, videos, images, logos, text and all other content; downloadable electronic publications particularly via an international telecommunications network; spectacles (optics), spectacle frames, spectacle cases, spectacle chains, optical goods; calculating machines. Class 38 News agencies; telecommunications; electronic, radio, telegraph, telephone and computer communication services and communication via all means of telecomputing, via interactive videography, and in particular on computer terminals and computer peripheral devices and electronic and/or digital equipment, and particularly videophone, visual telephone and video conferencing; cellular telephone communication services; sending and transmission of telegrams and messages; transmission and diffusion of images, sound and data, of information via computer terminals, cable, computer communication media and via any other means of telecommunication; providing user access to a global computer network (service providers); interactive communication services (telecommunications); broadcasting of television programmes and multimedia programmes (computer editing of texts and/or still or animated images and/or musical or non-musical sounds, for interactive or other use); broadcasting of radio and television programmes; broadcasting of cable and satellite television programmes showcasing audiovisual and multimedia programmes in the field of computer editing of texts and/or still or animated images and/or musical or non-musical sounds, for interactive or other use; on-line audiovisual communication to the general public (transmission of information on-line); transmission of telegrams; rental of access time to a database server; transmitting of information via computer and computer communication networks, particularly via the Internet; transmitting of information via computer communication with a view to obtaining information contained in data banks; transmitting of information intended to inform the general public; communication services on computer networks in general; providing electronic communication to the general public (transmitting of information electronically); providing on-line discussion fora; communication services (transmitting of information) in the audiovisual, video and multimedia fields; transmitting of information contained in databases; transmission of texts, sound, images and videos by downloading them from a computer or telephone database on to mobile telephones and all reader-recorders of music, images, text, video and multimedia data; downloading services for texts, press articles, photographs, telegrams, images, logos, messages, data, sounds, ringtones, music, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 78 games, videos and information via computer terminals, computer and computer communication networks, including via the Internet, cable, computer communication media, mobile telephones, teletypewriter and via any other means of telecommunication; exchanges of correspondence and particularly exchanges of correspondence via computers or telephone and telecommunication apparatus and instruments and over the Internet. Class 41 Teaching, training, education and entertainment on all media and particularly all electronic media (digital or analogue), regardless of the mode of consultation and transmission; cultural and sporting activities; services intended for public entertainment; correspondence courses; publishing of texts (other than advertising texts), illustrations, books, reviews, newspapers, periodicals, magazines and publications of all kinds (other than for advertising purposes) and in all forms, including electronic and digital publications; providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; introductory and further teaching and education in all fields of general interest; arranging and conducting of seminars, placements and courses; arranging conferences, forums, congresses and colloquiums; production and editing of cinematographic, radio and television programmes, and audiovisual and multimedia programmes (computer editing of texts and/or images, still or animated, and/or musical or non-musical sounds, for interactive or other use); publication of books; organisation of competitions, games and lotteries of all kinds (education or entertainment); organisation of information campaigns and events, professional or otherwise (education or training); organisation of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; production and editing of information programmes, radio and television entertainment, and audiovisual and multimedia programmes (computer editing of texts and/or images, still or animated, and/or musical or non-musical sounds, for interactive or other use); production, organisation and presentation of shows; organisation of sporting competitions; production, editing and rental of films and cassettes, including video cassettes, and more generally of all sound and/or visual media and multimedia carriers (interactive discs, read-only digital audio compact discs); editing and publication services of all all sound and/or visual media, sound and/or image recordings and multimedia carriers (interactive discs, read-only digital audio compact discs); publishing services for multimedia programmes (computer editing of texts and/or images, still or animated, and/or musical or non-musical sounds, for interactive or other use); lending of books and other publications; videotape library services, namely lending of films and cassettes, including video cassettes, and more generally of all sound and/or visual media and multimedia carriers; games libraries; staff training, namely, primary staff training; news reporters services, photographic Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 79 reporting. MEZZO 28 RUE FRANOIS 1ER, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1105340G (25) (International Registration No. 1072368) Date of International Registration: 14/03/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/03/2011 Proceeding because of acquired distinctiveness through use. Class 25 Clothing, namely, shirts, t-shirts, tops, socks, jackets, base layers, shorts, padded shorts, pants, sweat pants, tights, vests, arm warmers, knee warmers, headwear, gloves, namely cycling gloves and outdoor gloves. Priority Claims: Class 25 08/03/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. SPECIALIZED BICYCLE COMPONENTS, INC. 15130 CONCORD CIRCLE, MORGAN HILL, CA 95037, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 80 T1116233H (35) (International Registration No. 1095342) Date of International Registration: 30/09/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/09/2011 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: An orange hand. Orange. Class 35 Online media advertising and promotional services. Priority Claims: Class 35 20/09/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. EXPONENTIAL INTERACTIVE, INC. 2200 POWELL STREET, SUITE 600, EMERYVILLE CA 94608, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: C/O TRIBAL FUSION SINGAPORE, 30 CECIL STREET, #14-01 PRUDENTIAL TOWER, SINGAPORE 049712 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 81 T1305723Z (03 05 16) (International Registration No. 1104111) Date of International Registration: 18/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 22/02/2013 Class 03 Antibacterial shampoos, antibacterial dentifrices, antibacterial shaving cream, antibacterial shaving foam, antibacterial shaving gel, antibacterial after shave cream, antibacterial tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions for babies, antibacterial tissues soaked with cosmetic substances, antibacterial deodorants, antibacterial hand and skin care products (hand and body creams), antibacterial foot cream, antibacterial facial care products (anti-acne face cream, anti-acne face cleaner gels), antibacterial shower gel, antibacterial wax namely depilatory wax, hair styling wax, hand care wax, lip care wax; antibacterial rash cream (dermatological cream, other than medicated); antibacterial laundry bleach, antibacterial soap, antibacterial gels namely cleaning gels, hand gels, shower/bath gels, body gels, hair gels, shaving gels; antibacterial creams namely beauty creams, cosmetic creams, toilet creams, hand cream, body cream, face cream. Class 05 Antibacterial sprays, antibacterial aerosol, antibacterial hand sprays; antibacterial surface cleaning preparations, antibacterial kitchen cleaners, antibacterial bath cleaners, antibacterial glass cleaning substances, antibacterial satin finish cleaners, antibacterial toilet cleaners and disinfectants, antibacterial drain cleaners, antibacterial carpet cleaning substances. Class 16 Antibacterial baby paper handkerchief, antibacterial make-up remover wipes, antibacterial paper handkerchiefs, antibacterial paper towels, antibacterial napkins. EVYAP SABUN YAG GLISERIN SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI AYAZAGA CENDERE YOLU NO: 10, LEVENT, ISTANBUL, TURKEY. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 82 T1205169F (09 16 35 36) (International Registration No. 1105565) Date of International Registration: 21/10/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/03/2012 Class 09 Encoded, magnetic credit cards, debit cards, charge cards, cheque guarantee cards, cards used in relation to the electronic transfer of funds and other financial transactions. Class 16 Periodical publications, books, record cards, travellers cheques, cheque books, money orders; writing instruments. Class 35 Business advisory and information services; provision of trade, business, economic and business statistical information; business research services; compilation and provision of business information; dissemination of business information in relation to financial markets. Class 36 Transfer of funds; foreign exchange services, provision of foreign currency and travellers’ cheques; money brokerage; other banking services over the internet; issue and redemption of tokens, prepaid debit cards, credit cards and vouchers. Priority Claims: Class 09 21/09/2011 UNITED KINGDOM All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 21/09/2011 UNITED KINGDOM All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 21/09/2011 UNITED KINGDOM All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 36 21/09/2011 UNITED KINGDOM All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 83 ACCESS PREPAID WORLDWIDE LIMITED WORLDWIDE HOUSE, THORPE WOOD, PETERBOROUGH PE3 8SB, UNITED KINGDOM ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: YUEN LAW LLC, 34A SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE 058668 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 84 T1203686G (16 35 38 41) (International Registration No. 1108587) Date of International Registration: 20/10/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/10/2011 Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials; printed matter, in particular prospectuses, catalogs, pamphlets, books, manuals, note books, newspapers and periodicals, comic books, photographs, graphics, illustrations, pictures; stationery articles, in particular writing and note paper, pencils, colored pencils, pens, felt pens and stylographs; paint boxes; paperweights; postage stamps; transfers; calendars, in particular tear-off calendars; cards, in particular postcards, greeting cards; stickers, in particular for the skin (tattooing); mats for beer glasses; tablecloths of paper, place mats of paper, table napkins of paper; handkerchiefs of paper; figurines [statuettes] of papier mache; tickets; instructional and teaching material; tear-off calendars; albums; almanacs; announcement cards; pictures; pencil sharpeners, electric or non-electric; tickets; flags of paper; bottle envelopes of cardboard or paper; bottle wrappers of cardboard or paper; stands for pens and pencils; posters; signboards of paper or cardboard; writing pads. Class 35 Advertising, in particular by advertising mail and via the Internet; providing advertising services, in particular advertising space for others; book-keeping; office functions; retail services, in particular online retail services, organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes, business expertise services relating to franchising; procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses); services for processing orders and order forms and invoicing, also in the context of E-commerce; computerized file management; business investigations; drawing up of statements of accounts; television advertising; compilation of statistical information; publication of publicity texts; opinion polling; sales promotion (merchandising); data search in computer files for others; planning and designing advertising measures; price comparison services; radio advertising; sponsorship search; dissemination of advertising matter; writing of publicity texts; compilation of addresses for use in direct marketing; advertising by mail order; dissemination of advertising material; direct mail advertising; document reproduction; demonstration of goods. Class 38 Telecommunications. Class 41 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 85 Teaching; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; provision of information about automobile sports events, in particular via the Internet; electronic desktop publishing; services of a publishing company (excluding printing); photographic reporting; film production, other than advertising films; photography; publication of texts, other than publicity texts; publication of products of a publishing firm as well as printed matter in electronic format, also on the Internet; publication of periodicals and books in electronic form, also on the Internet; electronic publication of books and periodicals online; organization and holding of cultural and/or sporting events; booking of seats for shows; ticket agency services (entertainment); organization of sports competitions; operating lotteries; videotape film production; timing of sports events; production of radio and television programs. Priority Claims: Class 16 20/04/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 20/04/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 20/04/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 20/04/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. CLASSIC MEDIA AG C/O WALSER & PARTNER AG ZUG, BAHNHOFSTRASSE 11, CH-6300 ZUG, SWITZERLAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: FRANCINE TAN LAW CORPORATION, 6 EU TONG SEN STREET, #09-09, SINGAPORE 059817 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 86 T1308945Z (17 19) (International Registration No. 1112716) Date of International Registration: 28/02/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/03/2013 Class 17 Fibres, namely synthetic fibres, for manufacturing composite materials, in particular as aggregates for concrete, cement or mortar; fibres, namely synthetic fibres for strengthening concrete composites or fibre-reinforced concrete. Class 19 Concrete, cement, mortar, concrete structural components, cement with aggregates, mortar with aggregates, concrete with aggregates, concrete composites, textile-reinforced concrete, fibre-reinforced concrete, fibre-reinforced cement, fibre-reinforced mortar. SGL CARBON SE SOHNLEINSTR. 8, 65201 WIESBADEN, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 87 T1312603G (32) (International Registration No. 1117127) Date of International Registration: 28/03/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 25/06/2013 Class 32 Non-alcoholic beverages, fruit drinks, fruit juices, lemonades, refreshing drinks in the nature of carbonated beverages (non-alcoholic); concentrates and powders for making beverages (non-alcoholic), flavored waters, mineral and aerated waters, soft drinks, energy drinks, isotonic drinks, sports drinks, fruit drinks and juices; energy drinks, isotonic, hypertonic and hypotonic drinks (for use and/or as required by athletes); whey beverages; mineral and aerated waters; syrups, essences and other preparations for making beverages as well as effervescent tablets and effervescent powders for drinks and non-alcoholic cocktails; beer, nutrient beer, malt beer, wheat beer, porter, ale, stout and lager; non-alcoholic malt beverages; kvass (rye-based fermented drink). CARPE DIEM GMBH & CO KG TRADEMARK DEPARTMENT, AM BRUNNEN 1, A-5330 FUSCHL AM SEE, AUSTRIA. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW LLP, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 88 T1211195H (02 03 09 16 25 41) (International Registration No. 1122037) Date of International Registration: 04/04/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/04/2012 Class 02 Paints and dyestuffs of all colors; blues (colorants or paints). Class 03 Soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions. Class 09 DVDs; CDs; magnetic recording media, magnetic and optical data media; electronic publications (downloadable); downloadable image files; sunglasses. Class 16 Prints, books; paintings; photographs; canvas for painting; artists’ materials; brushes (paintbrushes); pencils. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Class 41 Artistic performances, namely presentation of live performances; cultural activities; seminars; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; museum services (presentations, exhibitions). Priority Claims: Class 02 18/10/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 03 18/10/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 09 18/10/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 18/10/2011 FRANCE Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 89 All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 18/10/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 18/10/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. KLEIN YVES AMU 12415 NORTH 61ST. PLACE, SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85254, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: FRANCINE TAN LAW CORPORATION, 6 EU TONG SEN STREET, #09-09, SINGAPORE 059817 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 90 T1310739C (29 31) (International Registration No. 1127203) Date of International Registration: 31/01/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/05/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Green and white. Question mark coloured green; letters and shades in white color within the frame of the above question mark. Class 29 Meat, fish; poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, canned, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; gelatins (jellies), jams, eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats, food products consisting principally of meat, poultry, fish, seafood, edible fats, edible oils, dried and cooked fruits, dried and cooked vegetables, eggs or milk, salads in vinegar (pickles). Class 31 Agricultural products; agricultural, horticultural, forestry products and grains not included in other classes, live animals, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, live plants and natural flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. NIKOLAOU ILIAS 43-45 TEPELENIOU STREET,, VOULA, GR-166 73 ATTICA, GREECE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 91 T1308622A (35 39) (International Registration No. 1136604) Date of International Registration: 24/09/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/04/2013 Class 35 Retail store services featuring apparel items, motorcycles, motor bikes, scooters and parts and accessories for such goods; franchises services, namely, offering business management assistance in the establishment and operation of vehicle rental, leasing and sale businesses, franchise services, namely offering business assistance in the establishment and operation of rental and sale of apparel, motorcycles, motor vehicles, and motorcycling rental stores and shops and offering intermediary business services relating to the commercialisation of goods and services; on-line retail store services featuring apparel items, motorcycles and parts and accessories for such goods; providing commercial information for consumers in the fields of motorcycles, motorcycling and motor vehicles, through a website. Class 39 Rental of motorcycles. J.C. BROMAC CORPORATION 11860 S. LA CIENEGA BLVD., HAWTHORNE CA 90250, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: FRANCINE TAN LAW CORPORATION, 6 EU TONG SEN STREET, #09-09, SINGAPORE 059817 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 92 T1218433E (09) (International Registration No. 1137318) Date of International Registration: 21/09/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/09/2012 Class 09 Electrical signalling, measuring, metering, monitoring, controlling, regulating and switching apparatus; electric apparatus for the input, processing, transmission, storage and output of data, in particular flow meters; parts of the mentioned above appliances, devices and instruments; data-processing programs. Priority Claims: Class 09 23/03/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, 80333 MUNCHEN, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 93 T1306689A (41) (International Registration No. 1141643) Date of International Registration: 11/09/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/02/2013 Class 41 Entertainment and cultural events, namely organization, production and performance of musical events, shows and concerts; hiring of artists for events; entertainment services in the nature of live musical performances; organizing live musical events featuring disc jockey musical performances; musical performances for parties, discotheques, nightclubs, concerts and special events; entertainment services in the nature of recording, production and post-production services in the field of music and video; production of musical sound recording; music video production; music and record publishing services; rehearsal (recording) studio services; audio and video recording services; distribution (other than transportation) of audio recordings; provision of digital music through Internet; consultancy services in the field of music and artistic performances; selecting and remixing of musical audio recordings for broadcasting by third parties; sound recording studios. Priority Claims: Class 41 10/09/2012 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. MUSIC ON S.R.L. VIALE ANTONIO GRAMSCI, 22, I-80122 NAPOLI, ITALY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ALPHA & OMEGA LAW CORPORATION, 100 BEACH ROAD, #24-08 SHAW TOWERS, SINGAPORE 189702 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 94 T1300167F (41) (International Registration No. 1141883) Date of International Registration: 12/11/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/11/2012 Class 41 Educational services, namely, conducting seminars, workshops and educational retreats in the fields of stress management and self-help counseling, and distribution of educational materials in connection therewith. Priority Claims: Class 41 25/05/2012 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. BYRON KATIE INTERNATIONAL, INC. 309 E ALISO STREET, OJAI CA 93023, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 95 T1300199D (16 18 21) (International Registration No. 1142228) Date of International Registration: 06/11/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/11/2012 Class 16 Stationery; address labels; notepads; note cards; personal organizers; padfolios; pencil pouches. Class 18 Tote bags; wallets; coin purses; clutches; cosmetic bags sold empty; jewelry rolls for travel; jewelry pouches; luggage tags; back packs; sack packs, namely, drawstring bags used as backpacks; umbrellas; purses; shoulder bags; wheeled tote bags; wristlet bags; shoulder straps; all-purpose carrying bags; handbags; interchangeable decorative covers for accessorization purposes that are specially adapted to handbags; toiletry bags sold empty; messenger bags; decorative ornaments for attaching to handbags, purses, or backpacks. Class 21 Coasters not of paper and not being table linen; collapsible storage containers for domestic use; thermal insulated bags for food or beverages; thermal insulated containers for food or beverages; baskets for domestic use, not of metal; general purpose storage bins for household use. THIRTY-ONE GIFTS LLC 3425 MORSE CROSSING, COLUMBUS OH 43219, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 96 T1300495J (03) (International Registration No. 1143585) Date of International Registration: 12/11/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/11/2012 Class 03 Make-up preparations. Priority Claims: Class 03 01/11/2012 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. L’OREAL 14, RUE ROYALE, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 97 T1300903J (09 35 41 42) (International Registration No. 1143985) Date of International Registration: 28/09/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/09/2012 Class 09 Scientific, nautical, geodetic, photographic and optical apparatus and instruments and apparatus and instruments for measuring, signaling, checking (supervision) and teaching; apparatus and instruments for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers; data processing equipment and computers; complete control stations and systems for vessels, consisting of instruments, apparatus and computer software for dynamic positioning, joysticks, control units for thrusters, machine automatization and load control, radar maps and command screens, touch screens and panels and alarms; conning bridge equipment for controlling deck lights, windscreen wipers, navigation lights and searchlights. Class 35 Display services and retail sale services of goods in Class 09 of this application. Class 41 Education; providing of training. Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; design and development of computer hardware and software; all the aforementioned within the oil and gas sector and offshore and maritime sector. Priority Claims: Class 09 30/03/2012 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 30/03/2012 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 30/03/2012 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 98 Class 42 30/03/2012 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. KONGSBERG MARITIME AS POSTBOKS 483, N-3601 KONGSBERG, NORWAY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 99 T1316188F (06 09 16 19 20 24 25 28) (International Registration No. 1145366) Date of International Registration: 22/06/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/08/2013 Class 06 Metal sculptures and works of art; metal house numbers; metal door stops. Class 09 Computer software for fonts and typeface. Class 16 Printed matter, namely, paper signs, books, manuals, curriculum, newsletters, informational cards and brochures in the field of design, graphic design, industrial design, typography, type fonts, culture, pop-culture and lifestyle. Class 19 Sculptures and works of art of marble, stone and/or concrete; ceramic tiles; bricks; wood blocks. Class 20 Furniture; house numbers made of ceramic tiles, non-luminous. Class 24 Tablecloths of textiles; tapestries of textile; textile fabric of animal skins imitations; textile fabrics for home and commercial interiors; textile handkerchiefs; textile napkins; textile place mats; textile tablecloths; textile used as lining for clothing; textile wall hangings. Class 25 Clothing, namely T-shirts, hats, jackets, vests and workshirts. Class 28 Toy building blocks; dolls; puzzles; memory games. BRAND DESIGN COMPANY, INC. DBA HOUSE INDUSTRIES P.O. BOX 166, 1145 YORKLYN ROAD, YORKLYN DE 19736, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #14-01 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 100 T1303864B (11) (International Registration No. 1149913) Date of International Registration: 06/12/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/12/2012 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "Airfryer". Class 11 Electric cooking appliances and devices for food preparation, for domestic purposes, including electric grills, toasters, sandwich makers, toasted sandwich makers, fryers, steamers (for cooking), rice cookers, ovens and microwave ovens. Priority Claims: Class 11 11/06/2012 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS N.V. HIGH TECH CAMPUS NETHERLANDS 5, NL-5656 AE EINDHOVEN, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: PHILIPS ELECTRONICS SINGAPORE PTE LTD, 620A LORONG 1 TOA PAYOH, TP4 BLDG, LEVEL 2, SINGAPORE 319762 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 101 T1303911H (19) (International Registration No. 1150557) Date of International Registration: 29/01/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/01/2013 The Latin word "Arte" appearing in the mark means "Art". Class 19 Semi-worked wood; timber; plywood; manufactured timber; paving wood; wood veneers; wood panelling; compressed cork; wood flooring; non-metal doors. ARTE MUNDI (SHANGHAI) NEW MATERIAL CO., LTD. ROOM 106, A TIER 1 AREA A,, 8558 NORTH GREEN ROAD,, QINGPU DISTRICT, SHANGHAI, CHINA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: VIERING, JENTSCHURA & PARTNER LLP, P.O. BOX 1088 ROCHOR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911833 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 102 T1304172D (16 32 34 35) (International Registration No. 1150702) Date of International Registration: 18/01/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/01/2013 Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; photographs; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); paper and cardboard packages, especially cigarette packages; boxes of cardboard, wrappings and packages (stationery); packing paper, cigar bands; stationery; forms (printed); pamphlets; writing pads; placards of paper or cardboard; posters; decalcomanias; labels, not of textile; calendars; catalogues: folders (stationery); files (office requisites); bags (envelopes, pouches) of paper or plastics, for packaging. Class 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Class 34 Tobacco; smokers’ articles; matches; cigarettes, cigars; cigarillos; lighters for smokers; tobacco raw, manipulated or processed; tobacco products: cigarette filters; cigarette paper; ashtrays for smokers. Class 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; publication of publicity texts: radio advertising; advertising through posters; distribution of samples, models, patterns; dissemination of advertising matters; sales advertising; advertising agencies; TV advertisements; business administration relating to administrative activities and services for management of domestic and international commercial transactions; consultations connected with the business management; marketing surveys and researches; consulting services for business management; management of business or industrial enterprises assistance, support in business management; organization of exhibitions and fairs with commercial and advertising purposes; outdoor advertising with bill boards; advertising services using outdoor posters, advertising panel and wall surfaces, demonstration of goods; production of advertising material for the purpose of publication or dissemination through print media, audio, video, radio, television and electronic media; advertising through the global computer network; import-export agencies. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 103 Priority Claims: Class 16 20/07/2012 BULGARIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 32 20/07/2012 BULGARIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 34 20/07/2012 BULGARIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 20/07/2012 BULGARIA All goods/services claimed in this application. AKTSIONERNO "BULGARTABAC-HOLDING" DROUJESTVO "GRAF IGNATIEV" STR. 62, BG-1000 SOFIA, BULGARIA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 104 T1304327A (03 14 18 25) (International Registration No. 1151054) Date of International Registration: 16/07/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/07/2012 The French word "Monsieur" appearing in the mark means "Mister". Class 03 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations, soaps, perfumes, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices, depilatory products, make-up removing products, lipsticks, beauty masks, shaving products, products for preserving leather (wax), creams for leather. Class 14 Jewelry, precious stones, timepieces and chronometric instruments, precious metals and their alloys, works of art of precious metal, jewelry cases (caskets), boxes of precious metal, watch cases, bands, chains, springs or glasses, key rings (trinkets or fobs), statues or figurines (statuettes) of precious metal, cases or presentation cases for timepieces, medals. Class 18 Leather and imitation leather, animal skins, trunks and suitcases, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery; Wallets, purses, handbags, backpacks, wheeled bags, bags for climbers, bags for campers, travel bags, beach bags, school bags, unfitted vanity cases, collars and clothing for animals, shopping nets or bags. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; shirts, clothing of leather or imitation leather, belts (clothing), furs (clothing), gloves (clothing), scarves, neckties, hosiery, socks, slippers, beach, ski or sports footwear, underwear. Priority Claims: Class 03 17/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 14 17/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 105 Class 18 17/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 17/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. 111 JEROME DREYFUSS 36, BOULEVARD DE LA BASTILLE, F-75012 PARIS, FRANCE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RAVINDRAN ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 2988 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911799 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 106 T1305106A (03 05 29 30 32) (International Registration No. 1152889) Date of International Registration: 20/06/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/06/2012 Class 03 Soaps, perfumery, perfumes, eau de toilette, eau de parfum, scented waters, deodorants for personal use (perfumery), essential oils, oils for toilet purposes, cosmetics, cosmetic kits, cosmetic preparations for skincare, cosmetic creams, cosmetic milks, lotions for cosmetic purposes, cosmetic powders, cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes, tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions, skin-tanning preparations (cosmetics), make-up preparations and make-up removing preparations, beauty creams, cleansing milk, beauty masks, creams and lotions for the face and body, cosmetic preparations for the bath, bath salts, not for medical purposes, oils for cosmetic purposes, shampoos, hair lotions, lotions for cosmetic purposes, aftershave preparations, shaving preparations, shaving soap, blusher, make-up powder, lipsticks, cosmetic preparations for the lips, mascara, cosmetic pencils. Class 05 Sanitary preparations, dietetic substances adapted for medical use, dietetic foods for medical purposes, biological preparations for medical purposes, dietetic beverages for medical purposes, medicated confectionery, chemico-pharmaceutical preparations, chemical preparations for medical purposes, chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes, food supplements and substitutes for medical purposes, decoctions for pharmaceutical purposes, elixirs (pharmaceutical preparations), dietary fibres namely edible plant fibres (non nutritive), smoking herbs for medical purposes, chewing gum for medical purposes, gum for medical purposes, medicinal herbs, medicinal oils, medicinal infusions, lotions for pharmaceutical purposes, medicines for human purposes, mineral water for medical purposes, narcotics, preparations of trace elements for human use, ointments for pharmaceutical purposes, medicinal drinks, medicinal roots, tonics (medicines), medicinal preparations for the treatment of human diseases, tranquillizers, serums, syrups for pharmaceutical purposes, soporifics, sugar for medical purposes, mineral food supplements, medicinal tea, herbal teas, vitamin and mineral preparations, glycerine for medical purposes; dietetic foods, nutritional supplements and meal replacements for medical purposes. Class 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game, preserved, dried, cooked, dehydrated or freeze-dried meat, fish, poultry and game, preserved, dried, cooked, dehydrated or freeze-dried meat, fish, poultry and game Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 107 extracts, preserved, dried, cooked, dehydrated or freeze-dried fruits and vegetables, jellies, jams, compotes, eggs, milk, milk products, edible oils and fats, weed extracts for food, ground almonds, processed peanuts, butter, milk beverages (milk predominating), bouillon, preparations for making bouillon, preserved mushrooms, desiccated coconut, bouillon concentrates, crystallised fruits, soups, cream (dairy products), crystallised fruits, fruit peel, preserved beans, cheese, gelatine for food, fruit jellies, fruit pulp, jellies for food, preserved soya beans for food, vegetable juices for cooking, whey, margarine, marmalade, prepared nuts, nut oils (food), preserved olives, fish (not live), pickles, pollen prepared as foodstuff, formed textured vegetable protein for use as meat substitute for human consumption, vegetable fibre for human consumption, raisins, salted meats, sausages, tofu, yoghurt; prepared meals and dishes of meat, fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk and milk products; canned fruits, vegetable preserves, fish preserves, meat preserves and soups; meat, fish, poultry and game extracts, preserved, dried, cooked, dehydrated or freeze-dried fruits and vegetables, fruit extracts, vegetable extracts for human consumption, vegetable extracts for human consumption for use in prepared meals or food and as ingredients of vitamins and mineral supplements, jellies, eggs, milk, milk products, edible oils and fats, preserved peanuts, butter, preserved mushrooms, bouillon concentrates, crystallised fruits, crystallised fruits, fruit peel, preserved beans, gelatine for food, fruit pulp, preserved soya beans for food, vegetable juices for cooking, whey, margarine, fish (not live), pollen prepared as foodstuff, salted meats, tofu; cooked dishes and dietetic foodstuffs, not adapted for medical purposes, made from meat, fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk and milk products. Class 30 Flour and preparations made from cereals, salt, vinegar, spices, aromatic herbs (condiments), ices, pasta, almond confectionery, almond paste, starch for food, peanut confectionery, flavourings, other than essential oils, flavourings for cakes, other than essential oils, aromatic preparations for food, seasonings, oat-based food, oat flakes, stick liquorice (confectionery), flavourings, other than essential oils, for beverages, cocoa products, coffee, coffee flavourings, vegetal preparations for use as coffee substitutes, unroasted coffee, chips (cereal products), chicory (coffee substitute), cocoa, chocolate, condiments, confectionery, couscous (semolina), ice cream, natural sweeteners, thickening agents for cooking, essences for foodstuffs (except etheric essences and essential oils), malt extract for food, starch for food, ferments for pastes, bean meal, wheat flour, farinaceous foods, corn flakes, royal jelly for human consumption (not for medical purposes), glucose for food, sweetmeats (candy), chewing gum, not for medical purposes, lozenges (confectionery), fruit jellies (confectionary), Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 108 gruel, with a milk base, for food, puddings, gluten prepared as foodstuffs, groats for human food, leaven, yeast, corn flour, roasted corn, popcorn, malt extract for food, malt for food, mayonnaise, molasses for food, treacle, infusions, not medicinal, honey, bread, unleavened bread, gingerbread, crackers, flour-milling products, mustard, noodles, barley meal, corn flakes, pepper, potato flour for food, cake powder, pralines, bee glue (propolis) for human consumption, liquorice (confectionery), rice, sauces (condiments), semolina, soya flour, sherbets (ices), sugar, candy for food, tapioca, tapioca flour for food, tea, frozen yoghurt (confectionery ices), rusks, biscuits, cocoa, coffee and chocolate-based beverages, garden herbs, preserved; cooked dishes and meals with a base of flour, cooked dishes and meals with a base of cereals; preparations made from cereals, pasta, rice, cocoa, chocolate, coffee or tea; flour and preparations made from cereals, cereal products, salt, vinegar, spices, pasta, starch products for foods, flavourings, other than essential oils, aromatic preparations for food, seasonings, cocoa products, coffee, coffee flavourings, vegetal preparations for use as coffee substitutes, unroasted coffee, chicory (coffee substitute), cocoa, chocolate, condiments, confectionery, couscous (semolina), natural sweeteners, thickening agents for cooking, essences for foodstuffs (except etheric essences and essential oils), malt extract for food, starch for food, ferments for pastes, royal jelly for human consumption (not for medical purposes), groats for human food, leaven, yeast, corn (flour), malt extract for food, malt for food, molasses for food, honey, bread, flour-milling products, mustard, pepper, cake powder, bee glue (propolis) for human consumption, rice, sauces (condiments), semolina, sugar, candy for food, tapioca, tea; cooked dishes and dietetic foodstuffs, not adapted for medical purposes, made from flour, cereals, preparations made from cereals, pasta, rice, cocoa, chocolate, cafe or tea; preserved garden herbs. Class 32 Beers, mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks, fruit drinks and fruit juices, syrups and other preparations for making beverages, non-alcoholic aperitifs, essences for making beverages, pastilles for effervescing beverages, powders for beverages, isotonic drinks, syrup for beverages, non-alcoholic cocktails, table waters, preparations for making aerated water, non-alcoholic fruit extracts, vegetable juices (beverages), soda water, sorbets (beverages); dietetic beverages, not for medical purposes, made from cocoa, coffee and chocolate, dietetic beverages not adapted for medical purposes; non alcoholic fruit extracts, non alcoholic vegetable extracts for human consumption. Priority Claims: Class 03 30/12/2011 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 109 CYPRUS All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 05 30/12/2011 CYPRUS All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 29 30/12/2011 CYPRUS All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 30 30/12/2011 CYPRUS All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 32 30/12/2011 CYPRUS All goods/services claimed in this application. NLSTAR LIMITED ARCH. MAKARIOU III, 227 DOMA BUILDING, 3RD FLOOR CY-3105 LIMASSOL, CYPRUS ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 110 T1305732I (25) (International Registration No. 1153905) Date of International Registration: 20/06/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/06/2012 Class 25 Thongs (footwear); flip-flops; bath sandals; esparto shoes or sandals; sandals; slippers; bath slippers; bathing slippers; shower slippers; apparel (clothing, footwear, headgear); athletics shoes; ballet shoes; basketball shoes; bath shoes; bathing shoes; beach shoes; canvas shoes; dance shoes; deck shoes; dress shoes; fittings of metal for shoes and boots; flat shoes; football shoes; golf shoes; gymnastic shoes; heel protectors for boots and shoes; heelpieces for boots and shoes; heels for shoes; hiking shoes; hockey shoes; iron fittings for shoes; leather shoes; men’s shoes; midsoles for boots and shoes; non-slipping devices for boots and shoes; non-slipping devices for shoes; pads for shoes (other than orthopaedic); reinforcements of metal for shoes; reinforcements of non-metallic materials for shoes; rubber shoes (other than for protection against accident or injury); rugby shoes; running shoes; safety shoes (non-slip, non-reinforced); shoes; shoes for casual wear; shoes for infants; shoes for leisurewear; footwear for sports; shower shoes; slip-on shoes; snowboard shoes; soccer shoes; sporting shoes; sports shoes; squash shoes; studs for football boots (shoes); tennis shoes; toe shoes; training shoes; walking shoes; welts for boots and shoes; welts for shoes; wooden shoes; working shoes (other than for the prevention of accident or injury); athletics footwear; casual footwear; dance footwear; footwear; footwear for babies; footwear for children; footwear for dancing; footwear for men; footwear for sport; footwear for women; footwear parts; footwear uppers; infants’ footwear; inserts for footwear (other than orthopaedic); parts of footwear; pumps (footwear); safety footwear (non-slip, non-reinforced); sports footwear; studs for sports footwear; tips for footwear; toe inserts for footwear (other than orthopaedic); trainers (footwear); aprons (clothing); arm warmers (clothing); articles of clothing for theatrical use; articles of clothing made from wool; articles of clothing made of fur; articles of clothing made of hides; articles of clothing made of imitation leather; articles of clothing made of leather; articles of clothing made of plush; articles of waterproof clothing; articles of water-resistant clothing; articles of weatherproof clothing; articles of windproof clothing; athletic clothing; ballet clothing; beach clothing; belts (clothing); boys’ clothing; braces for clothing (suspenders); cashmere clothing; casual clothing; chefs’ clothing; children’s clothing; clothing; clothing for babies; clothing for gymnastics; clothing for sports; clothing for surfing; clothing for swimming; clothing of fur; clothing of imitations of leather; clothing of leather; clothing of paper, not being protective clothing, incorporating Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 111 reflective or fluorescent elements or material; clothing, not being protective clothing, treated with fire and heat retardants; collars (clothing); combinations (clothing); cowls (clothing); cyclists’ clothing; dance clothing; denims (clothing); drawers (clothing); ear muffs (clothing); furs (clothing); gabardines (clothing); girls’ clothing; gloves (clothing); golf clothing (other than gloves); halters (clothing); headbands (clothing); hoods (clothing); infants’ clothing; interlinings for clothing; jackets (clothing); jerseys (clothing); jump suits (clothing); kerchiefs (clothing); knitted clothing; knitwear (clothing); ladies’ clothing; layettes (clothing); leather belts (clothing); linen articles of clothing; mantles (clothing); maternity clothing; men’s clothing; mitts (clothing); money belts (clothing); motorcyclists’ clothing (other than for protection against accident or injury); motorists’ clothing; muffs (clothing); occupational clothing; oilskins (clothing); paper clothing; paper hats (clothing); playsuits (clothing); plush clothing; pockets for clothing; rainproof clothing; ready-made linings for clothing; ready-made clothing; ready-made linings (parts of clothing); ready-made pockets (parts of clothing); ready-to-wear clothing; silk clothing; ski clothing (other than for protection against injury); ski gloves (clothing); slips (clothing); sports clothing (other than golf gloves); stockings (clothing); stuff jackets (clothing); tennis clothing; thermal clothing; thermally insulated clothing; three piece suits (clothing); veils (clothing); waterproof clothing; water-resistant clothing; weather resistant outer clothing; weatherproof clothing; women’s clothing; woollen clothing; woven articles of clothing; wraps (clothing); wristbands (clothing); wristlets (clothing); eye shields (headgear); headgear for wear; interlinings for headgear; sports headgear (other than helmets); waterproof headgear; baseball shirts; casual shirts; denim shirts; dress shirts; football shirts; formal shirts; open-necked shirts; polo shirts; printed T-shirts; rugby shirts; shirts; short-sleeved shirts; sports shirts; tee-shirts; T-shirts; woven shirts; athletics shorts; shorts; boxer shorts; denim shorts; gym shorts; hockey shorts; rugby shorts; shorts; surf shorts; surfing shorts; swimming shorts; trousers shorts; beach hats; bobble hats; fur hats; hats; mitres (hats); mitres (hats); paper hats clothing); sun hats; top hats; toques (hats); visors (hats); bed socks; footless socks; slipper socks; socks; sports socks; zori; slides (foot wear); slip-resistant footwear; none of the aforementioned goods being thongs (clothing), thongs (swimwear) and underwear. Priority Claims: Class 25 20/12/2011 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. DANE MURRAY Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 112 115 BOWER STREET, MANLY NSW 2095, AUSTRALIA T1305838D (29) (International Registration No. 1153925) Date of International Registration: 16/10/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/10/2012 Class 29 Soups; vegetables, dried; vegetable soup preparations; vegetable juices for cooking; dehydrated vegetables; frozen prepared meals consisting primarily of meat, fish, poultry or vegetables; preparations for making soup. WEIFANG DEVELOPMENT ZONE HUAYU INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 13099 MINZHU STREET, WEIFANG ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ZONE, WEIFANG, SHANDONG, CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 113 T1305855D (01 02 05 08 09 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 28) (International Registration No. 1154078) Date of International Registration: 04/10/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/10/2012 Class 01 Chemicals; unprocessed plastics in primary form; adhesives and pastes not for stationery and household purposes; fertilizers; higher fatty acids; blue print paper; photographic sensitizers; photographic dry plates; photographic developers; flash powder; photographic fixers; unexposed photographic films; chemicals for photographic use; chemical test paper. Class 02 Canada balsam; copal; sandarac; wood oil; shellac; dammar; mordants; anti-corrosive preparations; anti-rust preparations; mastic; gum resins; wood preservatives; dyestuffs; pigments; paints; printing ink, colors for drawing pictures; nonferrous metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists; precious metals in foil or powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists. Class 05 Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; oiled paper for medical purposes; wrapping wafers for dose of medicine; gauze for dressings; empty capsules for pharmaceuticals; eye patches for medical purposes; ear bandages; menstruation bandages; menstruation tampons; sanitary napkins; sanitary panties; absorbent cotton; adhesive plasters; bandages for dressings; liquid dressings; breast-nursing pads; diapers; dietary supplements for humans; dietary supplements for animals; semen for artificial insemination. Class 08 Tweezers; bladed and pointed hand tools; hand tools; shaving cases; pedicure sets; eyelash curlers; manicure sets; none of the aforesaid goods contain alloys, metals or mixture of alloys and metals. Class 09 Batteries and cells; electric wires and cables; telecommunication machines and apparatus; computer hardware; computer software for database management, for computer aided mechanical design, for data processing, for operating system programs, or for pattern making of clothes, grading and making of clothes; electronic semi-conductors; flexible printed circuit boards, radio frequency identification tags; computers and their peripherals; mobile computers and tablet computers; magnetic cores; resistance wires; Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 114 fuel cell electrodes; spectacles, eyeglasses and goggles; none of the aforesaid goods contain alloys, metals or mixture of alloys and metals. Class 10 Contraceptives, non-chemical; artificial tympanic membranes; putty for use in the replacement of bones (artificial materials for use in the replacement of bones); esthetic massage apparatus for industrial purposes; medical apparatus and instruments; electric massage apparatus for household purposes; gloves for medical purposes; sanitary masks for medical use; breathing masks for medical use; none of the aforesaid goods contain alloys, metals or mixture of alloys and metals. Class 11 Air-conditioning apparatus for industrial purposes; waste water treatment tanks for industrial purposes; septic tanks for industrial purposes; water purifying apparatus; electric lamps and other lighting apparatus; household electrothermic appliances other than for beauty and sanitary purposes; household tap-water filters; waste water treatment tanks for household purposes; septic tanks for household purposes; seawater desalination units and installations; reverse osmosis membranes for use in seawater desalination and water treatment; sewage treatment plants; sewage treatment units and installations; air filters for air-conditioning apparatus; air filters for automobile air-conditioners; none of the aforesaid goods contain alloys, metals or mixture of alloys and metals. Class 12 Vessels and their parts and fittings, other than air cushion vehicles and their parts and fittings; aircraft and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings; two-wheeled motor vehicles and their parts and fittings; bicycles and their parts and fittings; railway rolling stock and their parts and fittings; shafts, bearings, axles, spindles, shaft couplings and shaft connectors for land vehicles; propeller shafts for automobiles; non-electric prime movers for land vehicles, not including their parts; none of the aforesaid goods contain alloys, metals or mixture of alloys and metals. Class 16 Pastes and adhesives for stationery and household purposes; bags and pouches of plastics, for packaging; food wrapping plastic film for household purposes; garbage bags of paper for household purposes; garbage bags of plastics for household purposes; paper and cardboard; stationery; printed matter. Class 17 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 115 Chemical fiber not for textile use; chemical fiber yarn and thread not for textile use; carbon fiber not for textile use; carbon fiber in the form of sheets, not for textile use; plastic composite materials reinforced with carbon fibers; prepreg materials made of carbon fibers; plastic sheeting for agricultural purposes; plastic films other than for wrapping; plastic substances and plastics, semi processed; raw and semi-worked rubber; electrical insulating materials; rock wool; none of the aforesaid goods contain alloys, metals or mixture of alloys and metals. Class 18 Clothing for domestic pets; bags; pouches; folding briefcases; shoulder bags; gladstone bags; kori (Japanese wicker trunks); briefcases; suitcases; carry-on bags; trunks; handbags; boston bags; schoolchildren’s backpacks; backpacks; rucksacks; business card cases; notecases; document cases; reusable shopping bags; wheeled shopping bags; key cases; wallets; wallets for use as commutation ticket holders; business card cases; vanity cases not fitted; umbrellas and their parts; leather and fur, unworked and semi-worked; artificial leather. Class 19 Non-metallic materials for building and construction; ceramic building materials, bricks and refractory products; linoleum wallboards, tiles and floorboards; plastic building materials; synthetic boards, floor materials and wall-cladding; asphalt, and asphalt building and construction materials; rubber building and construction materials; plaster for building purposes; lime building and construction materials; building and construction materials of plaster; carbon-fiber reinforced plastic materials for roofs; carbon-fiber reinforced cloth for building and construction purposes; erosion control fabric; cement and its products; boards and powder of inorganic fiber for building and construction; plaster boards; slag. Class 22 Raw textile fibers; carbon fibers for textile use; cotton waddings for clothes; hammocks; cotton batting for futon; netting not of metal; tents for mountaineering and camping; tarpaulins for ships; sails; cords and cordage made of textile fibres; tarpaulins not for ships; nets for protective use in gardening; nets for windbreak purposes. Class 23 Threads and yarns for textile use. Class 24 Woven fabrics other than edging ribbons for tatami mats; knitted fabrics; felt and non-woven textile fabrics; towels; handkerchiefs; Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 116 bed sheets; quilts; futon and quilts cases; futon ticks; pillowcases and pillow slips; blankets; linen cloth; seat covers of textile; wall hangings of textile; curtains; table cloths not of paper. Class 25 Clothing; garters; sock suspenders; suspenders and braces; waistbands; belts for clothing; footwear other than special footwear for sports; clothes for sports; special footwear for sports. Class 28 Billiard equipment; sports equipment; fishing tackle; game machines and apparatus; toys for domestic pets; none of the aforesaid goods contain alloys, metals or mixture of alloys and metals. Priority Claims: Class 01 31/08/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 02 10/09/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 05 10/09/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 08 10/09/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 09 10/09/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 10 10/09/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 11 10/09/2012 JAPAN Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 12 31/08/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 10/09/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 17 31/08/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 10/09/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 19 10/09/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 22 10/09/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 23 10/09/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 24 10/09/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 10/09/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 28 31/08/2012 Page No. 117 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 118 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. TORAY KABUSHIKI KAISHA (TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC.) 1-1, 2-CHOME, NIHONBASHI-MUROMACHI, TOKYO 103-8666, JAPAN CHUO-KU, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: KHATTARWONG LLP, 80 RAFFLES PLACE, #25-01 UOB PLAZA 1, SINGAPORE 048624 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 119 T1305879A (35 36 37 39 40 41 42) (International Registration No. 1154340) Date of International Registration: 30/11/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/11/2012 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Light blue, red. Class 35 Business consultancy, including professional business consultancy, in the field of environmental technology, energy marketing, in particular marketing of electricity from renewable energy sources; development, implementation and marketing of environmental marketing strategies for others; marketing of energy saving concepts and products, for others; marketing of projects in the field of renewable energy, for others; professional business planning and consultancy in the field of energy generating installations, in particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power stations; wholesale and retail services in relation to components, equipment and systems for energy generating installations, in particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power stations; providing business information and advice to consumers (consumer consultancy), professional business and/or organizational consultancy in the field of state subsidies, professional business and/or organizational assistance with regard to the obtaining of state subsidies; cost-price analysis; arranging contracts for energy supplying. Class 36 Financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; financial consultancy; insurance; management of buildings; leasing of land; financing of renewable energy projects, in particular photovoltaic solar power generation projects; real estate agency services, namely renting roof areas and open spaces for the planning of installations for generating energy from renewable energy carriers; financing of installations for generating energy from renewable energy carriers; financial planning and brokerage; credit bureaux and mortgage brokerage; investment planning; consultancy with regard to investment in installations for generating energy from renewable energy carriers, and brokerage of such investments; insurance brokerage for photovoltaic installations; brokerage of electricity; trading in emissions certificates. Class 37 Assembly and installation of energy generating installations, in Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 120 particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power station; maintenance and repair of energy generating installations, in particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power station; building construction, in particular services in the field of the construction of energy generating installations, in particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power station. Class 39 Electricity distribution; distribution of energy. Class 40 Production of energy; generation of electricity from solar energy; operating energy generating installations, in particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power station; technical consultancy, namely implementation of energy saving concepts and products, for others; recycling services, in particular recycling of solar panels. Class 41 Arranging, conducting of seminars, workshops (training) and colloquiums on the subject of renewable energy and energy saving; arranging and conducting of congresses, conferences and lectures on the subject of renewable energy and energy saving; publication of texts in the field of renewable energy and solar energy, included in this class; publication of printed matter in the field of renewable energy and solar energy, all included in this class, including in electronic form; providing of training and further training in the form of seminars, conferences and congresses, including via the Internet (e-learning), in particular with regard to environmental protection, energy technology, heating technology, building systems, lighting systems, building construction and safety technology for use in industry. Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; consultancy relating to the conservation of energy; consultancy in the field of energy saving; research in the field of environmental protection; technical design of energy generating installations, in particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power station; technical consultancy with regard to the Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 121 use of photovoltaic and solar installations and of power stations; development of solar cells and solar modules, and of energy generating installations, in particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power station; development of assembly and rack systems for photovoltaic and solar installations; technological consultancy; geological calculations for the extraction of natural resources for the production of energy and energy products; technical reports and projects and product development within the power and energy sectors; research and environmental consultancy in relation to measures for the improvement within the power and energy sectors; development of technical material and industrial installations, in particular in the energy sector; development of energy saving concepts and products, for others; development of projects in the field of renewable energy, for others; conducting of energy tests and analyses into the energy consumption of buildings; technical consultancy, namely implementation of projects in the field of renewable energy, for others. Priority Claims: Class 35 30/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 36 30/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 37 30/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 39 30/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 40 30/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 30/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 122 All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 30/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. TRINA SOLAR (SCHWEIZ) AG RICHTISTRASSE SWITZERLAND 11, CH-8304 WALLISELLEN, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 123 T1305880E (35 36 37 39 40 41 42) (International Registration No. 1154341) Date of International Registration: 30/11/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/11/2012 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Light blue, red. Class 35 Business consultancy, including professional business consultancy, in the field of environmental technology, energy marketing, in particular marketing of electricity from renewable energy sources; development, implementation and marketing of environmental marketing strategies for others; marketing of energy saving concepts and products, for others; marketing of projects in the field of renewable energy, for others; professional business planning and consultancy in the field of energy generating installations, in particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power stations; wholesale and retail services in relation to components, equipment and systems for energy generating installations, in particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power stations; providing business information and advice to consumers (consumer consultancy), professional business and/or organizational consultancy in the field of state subsidies, professional business and/or organizational assistance with regard to the obtaining of state subsidies; cost-price analysis; arranging contracts for energy supplying. Class 36 Financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; financial consultancy; insurance; management of buildings; leasing of land; financing of renewable energy projects, in particular photovoltaic solar power generation projects; real estate agency services, namely renting roof areas and open spaces for the planning of installations for generating energy from renewable energy carriers; financing of installations for generating energy from renewable energy carriers; financial planning and brokerage; credit bureaux and mortgage brokerage; investment planning; consultancy with regard to investment in installations for generating energy from renewable energy carriers, and brokerage of such investments; insurance brokerage for photovoltaic installations; brokerage of electricity; trading in emissions certificates. Class 37 Assembly and installation of energy generating installations, in Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 124 particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power station; maintenance and repair of energy generating installations, in particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power station; building construction, in particular services in the field of the construction of energy generating installations, in particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power station. Class 39 Electricity distribution; distribution of energy. Class 40 Production of energy; generation of electricity from solar energy; operating energy generating installations, in particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power station; technical consultancy, namely implementation of energy saving concepts and products, for others; recycling services, in particular recycling of solar panels. Class 41 Arranging, conducting of seminars, workshops (training) and colloquiums on the subject of renewable energy and energy saving; arranging and conducting of congresses, conferences and lectures on the subject of renewable energy and energy saving; publication of texts, included in class 41; publication of printed matter, all included in class 41, including in electronic form; providing of training and further training in the form of seminars, conferences and congresses, including via the Internet (e-learning), in particular with regard to environmental protection, energy technology, heating technology, building systems, lighting systems, building construction and safety technology for use in industry. Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; consultancy relating to the conservation of energy; consultancy in the field of energy saving; research in the field of environmental protection; technical design of energy generating installations, in particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power station; technical consultancy with regard to the use of photovoltaic and solar installations and of power stations; development of solar cells and solar modules, and of energy Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 125 generating installations, in particular photovoltaic and solar installations, hydroelectric power stations, wind energy installations, wind farms, biomass power plants and geothermal power station; development of assembly and rack systems for photovoltaic and solar installations; technological consultancy; geological calculations for the extraction of natural resources for the production of energy and energy products; technical reports and projects and product development within the power and energy sectors; research and environmental consultancy in relation to measures for the improvement within the power and energy sectors; development of technical material and industrial installations, in particular in the energy sector; development of energy saving concepts and products, for others; development of projects in the field of renewable energy, for others; conducting of energy tests and analyses into the energy consumption of buildings; technical consultancy, namely implementation of projects in the field of renewable energy, for others. Priority Claims: Class 35 30/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 36 30/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 37 30/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 39 30/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 40 30/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 30/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 126 Class 42 30/05/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. TRINA SOLAR (SCHWEIZ) AG RICHTISTRASSE SWITZERLAND 11, T1306567D (25) (International Registration No. 1155862) Date of International Registration: 10/10/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/10/2012 Class 25 Liveries; jackets [clothing]; stuff jackets [clothing]; suits; skirts; trousers; smocks; overcoats; topcoats; sweaters; vests; cuffs; collars [clothing]; shirts; pyjamas; bath robes; corsets [underclothing]; combinations [clothing]; drawers [clothing]; underpants; slips [undergarments]; brassieres; petticoats; bathing suits; bathing caps; camisoles; tee-shirts; sleep masks; aprons [clothing]; collar protectors; socks; gaiters; fur stoles; shawls; scarfs; gloves [clothing]; mittens; neckties; bandanas [neckerchiefs]; ear muffs [clothing]; caps [headwear]; hats; visors [hatmaking]; sun visors; berets; belts [clothing]; sandal shoes; half-boots; lace boots; inner soles; heels; welts for footwear; footwear uppers; tips for footwear; parkas; leggings [trousers]; leggings [leg warmers]; jerseys [clothing]. HIGH-FAMILY CO., LTD. 2-4-15, HEISEIDORI, SEKI-SHI, GIFU 501-3919, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 CH-8304 WALLISELLEN, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 127 T1306646H (09 18 25) (International Registration No. 1155918) Date of International Registration: 14/12/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/12/2012 Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (surveillance), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, connecting, transforming, accumulating, regulating and controlling electricity; telecommunication equipment, including mobile telephony; apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, receiving and reproducing sound, images and data; magnetic data media, sound recording discs; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers, particularly for navigation systems (GPS), route planners, locating devices, fleet management and location-based distribution of services, all such equipment and devices being wirelessly operated and operated via global computer networks (the Internet); software and computer programs (recorded), particularly for game software, navigation systems (GPS and navigation devices), journey planners, locating devices, fleet management and location-based distribution of services, all such software and computer programs (recorded) intended for wireless use and use via global computer networks (the Internet); fire-extinguishing apparatus; spectacles (optics) and sunglasses; goggles for sports; spectacle frames; cords and chains for spectacles and sunglasses; spectacle cases; cell phone straps. Class 18 Leather and imitation leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; briefcases; wallets; attache cases; suitcases; handbags; trunks [luggage]; traveling sets (leatherware); travel bags; bags for sports; key cases; school bags; shopping bags; doctor’s bags; backpacks; card cases (wallets). Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; caps (headwear); visors (headwear); baseball caps; golf caps; sun hats; bandanas (neckerchiefs); headbands (clothing); motorists’ clothing; belts (clothing); clothing of leather; shirts; trousers; leggings (trousers); jackets; neckties; ascots; coats; combinations (clothing); pullovers; cyclists’ clothing; raincoats; sashes for wear; sweaters; singlets; tee-shirts; football boots; half-boots; boots; socks; special sports clothing; performance suits; special sports footwear; hosiery, gloves, scarves, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 128 mantillas, veils. Priority Claims: Class 09 15/06/2012 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 15/06/2012 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 15/06/2012 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. TEMPTING BRANDS AG POSTSTRASSE 5, CH-8808 PFAFFIKON, SWITZERLAND. T1306914I (33) (International Registration No. 1155977) Date of International Registration: 19/02/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/04/2013 Class 33 Alcoholic beverages (excluding beers and sparkling white wine). LOUIS ROYER 27 ET 29, RUE DU CHAIL, F-16200 JARNAC, FRANCE. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 129 T1307201H (09) (International Registration No. 1156470) Date of International Registration: 18/12/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/12/2012 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Black, white and orange. By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T9100831D. Class 09 Electrical ducting and cabling; fiber-optic cables; cables and conduits for the data transmission; network cables and lines; ducts and cables for electrical and optical transmission, namely, optical cables; finished or semi-finished cables and ducts (included in this class); connector elements (electricity) for cables and ducts and parts thereof, particularly plugs and plug connectors and parts thereof; accessories for connector elements for cables and ducts (included in this class), namely, electric pins, electric casings; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, connectors for electric and optical lines; bus bars (electric); cable sheaths for electric and optical ducts; screw threads for cables and ducts (included in this class), namely, electrical cable and electrical duct parts; accessories for screw threads for cables and ducts (included in this class), namely, cable gland; recording apparatus for optical signals; optoelectronic apparatus; measuring apparatus; data processing apparatus; data transmission apparatus; data storage devices; computer printers, computer peripherals for the production of labels; apparatus for using communication networks, particularly measures, analyzers, terminals for networks, network counters, terminal servers, computers for network management, distributors, y-branches, multiplexers, modems, transceivers, repeaters, gateways; routers (for computer networks); switches (for computer networks); platforms (for computer networks), computer software for firewalls; computer cabinets, computer racks (with the exception of computer furniture) for the installation of computer hardware, including assembly frames, assembly racks for network elements; accessories for the aforesaid items and network elements, included in this class, namely, mounting racks for computer hardware; computer programs; management software for industrial networks (OPC, Object linking and embedding for process control); personalized package software; software for marking labels; data media with programs; drive chains and power chains of plastic for the protection of moving cables, in the nature of plastic conduits for electrical use. Priority Claims: Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 130 Class 09 19/06/2012 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. LAPP ENGINEERING & CO. HINTERBERGSTRASSE 15, CH-6330 CHAM, SWITZERLAND. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ONE LEGAL LLC, 6 SHENTON WAY, #21-08 OUE DOWNTOWN 2, SINGAPORE 068809 T1407158I (19) (International Registration No. 1157548) Date of International Registration: 06/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/04/2014 Class 19 Construction and civil engineering material in the nature of hybrid fiber/epoxy composites used for retrofitting or repairing structures. FYFE CO. LLC 8380 MIRALANI DRIVE, SAN DIEGO CA 92126, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 131 T1407159G (19) (International Registration No. 1157549) Date of International Registration: 06/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/04/2014 Class 19 Construction and civil engineering material in the nature of hybrid fiber/epoxy composites used for retrofitting or repairing structures. FYFE CO. LLC 8380 MIRALANI DRIVE, SAN DIEGO CA 92126, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 132 T1307481I (25 28) (International Registration No. 1158057) Date of International Registration: 28/02/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/02/2013 Class 25 Technical apparel for the practice of non-combat sports, such as cycling, football (soccer), motorcycling, tennis, volleyball, golf, skiing, basketball, rugby, namely, shirts, team and competition jerseys and team and competition uniforms, polo shirts, tracksuits, warm-up suits, shorts, pants, socks, tights; underwear, namely, underpants, long underpants, tank tops, long and short sleeve undershirts. Class 28 Skis; protective padding for the practice of non-combat sports, such as cycling, football (soccer), motorcycling, tennis, volleyball, golf, skiing, basketball, rugby, namely, shin guards, knee pads, elbow pads; gloves for sports, namely, for football, soccer, hockey, rugby and golf. Priority Claims: Class 25 13/12/2012 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 28 13/12/2012 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. BASIC TRADEMARK S.A. 42-44 AVENUE DE LA GARE, L-1610 LUXEMBOURG LUXEMBOURG, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ONE LEGAL LLC, 6 SHENTON WAY, #21-08 OUE DOWNTOWN 2, SINGAPORE 068809 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 133 T1307893H (05) (International Registration No. 1158100) Date of International Registration: 05/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 05/03/2013 The transliteration of the Cyrillic characters of which the mark consists is "Befungin" which has no meaning. Class 05 Dietary supplements. JSC TATCHEMPHARMPREPARATY UL. BELOMORSKAYA 260,, KAZAN, RU-420091 TATARSTAN, RUSSIAN FEDERATION ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: FRANCINE TAN LAW CORPORATION, 6 EU TONG SEN STREET, #09-09, SINGAPORE 059817 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 134 T1307992F (09 42) (International Registration No. 1158518) Date of International Registration: 01/11/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/11/2012 Class 09 Computer software in the field of text, image and sound transmission and display; downloadable audio works, visual works, audiovisual works, namely, audio and video recordings and textbooks in the field of the sciences, business, marketing, economics, communications, education, mathematics, medicine, music, the fine arts and the liberal arts; non-fiction electronic publications featuring books, textbooks, periodicals, newsletters, journals and manuals on a variety of topics; computer software for transmitting, sharing, receiving, downloading, displaying and transferring content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works via portable electronic devices and computers; computer software for formatting and converting content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works into a format compatible with portable electronic devices and computers; computer software enabling content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works to be downloaded to and accessed on a computer or other portable consumer electronic device. Class 42 Data conversion of computer program data or information (not physical conversion); hosting of digital content on global computer networks, wireless networks, and electronic communications networks; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for users to access and share content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works via an online network; hosting a web site that gives computer users the ability to transmit, cache, receive, download, stream, broadcast, display, format, transfer and share content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works; providing search platforms to allow users to request and receive, content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works; providing temporary use of computer software and online facilities to enable users to access and download computer software; providing online non-downloadable computer software that generates customized recommendations of software applications based on user preferences. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 135 INKLING SYSTEMS, INC. 153 KEARNY STREET, 4TH FLOOR, SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1308254D (09 12) (International Registration No. 1158943) Date of International Registration: 28/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/03/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Red, blue and white. Class 09 Anti-collision apparatus for piloting helicopters; anti-collision apparatus for auto-piloting helicopters. Class 12 Helicopters; components and accessories of helicopters consisting of detectors of obstacles for anti-collision purposes; components and accessories of the rotor of helicopters consisting of detectors of obstacles for anti-collision purposes; components of the piloting system of helicopters consisting of detectors for anti-collision purposes; components of the auto-piloting system of helicopters consisting of detectors for anti-collision purposes. Priority Claims: Class 09 09/10/2012 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 12 09/10/2012 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. AGUSTAWESTLAND S.P.A. VIA GIOVANNI AGUSTA 520, FRAZIONE CASCINA COSTA, SAMARATE (VARESE), ITALY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, ONE MARINA BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 136 T1308265Z (29) (International Registration No. 1159029) Date of International Registration: 21/01/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/01/2013 The transliteration of the Japanese characters of which the mark consists is "Ninja" meaning "Ninja", "Wagyu" meaning "Japanese cattle", "Kunoichi" meaning "Female ninja" and "Ekuserento baajin biifu" meaning "Excellent virgin beef". Class 29 Japanese beef; processed meat products of Japanese beef. YUGEN KAISHA NAKABAYASHI FARM 332-3 YABATA,, IGA-SHI, MIE 519-1421, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 137 T1308654Z (09 41) (International Registration No. 1159955) Date of International Registration: 04/01/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/01/2013 Class 09 Apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound or images, including headsets; computers; computer hardware, software (downloadable); accessories for computers (not included in other classes) including keyboards, mouse pads, mouse (data processing equipment), cord holders, controllers (computer accessories), audio mixers (computer accessories), glide accessories, namely replacement feet for computer mice and glasses (computer accessories). Class 41 Providing of training, including training in computer games; entertainment; organization and arrangement of competitions including competitions in computer games. Priority Claims: Class 09 04/07/2012 DENMARK All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 04/07/2012 DENMARK All goods/services claimed in this application. STEELSERIES APS SKOVBOGARDS ALLE 13, DK-2500 VALBY, DENMARK ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #14-01 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 138 T1309069E (09 11) (International Registration No. 1160588) Date of International Registration: 14/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/03/2013 Class 09 Apparatus and instruments for measuring, weighing, signaling, automation, checking (supervision); electrical and electronic apparatus and instruments, including computer controlled apparatus for checking and monitoring as well as programming apparatus and systems (timers) and software, system software, printed circuits and recorded software, all the aforementioned goods for heating, cooling, ventilation, climate control, water supply, temperature adjustment, lighting, power supply, air conditioning and security in buildings; transformers, rheostats, fire fighting apparatus; fire-extinguishing apparatus; apparatus for controlling temperature and supplying electricity in buildings; parts and components of all the aforesaid goods. Class 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, cooling, drying, steam generating, cooking, ventilation, water supply, air conditioning, temperature control (thermostats, other than valves) for central heating and sanitary purposes installed in buildings; level control valves, control devices (thermostatic valves) for heating installations, liquid level control apparatus valves; parts and components of all the aforesaid goods. Priority Claims: Class 09 07/12/2012 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 11 07/12/2012 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. TA HYDRONICS SA (TA HYDRONICS AG) (TA HYDRONICS LTD) LAKE GENEVA BUSINESS PARK, ROUTE DE CRASSIER 19, CH-1262 EYSINS, SWITZERLAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 139 T1309536J (29 30) (International Registration No. 1161959) Date of International Registration: 07/02/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/02/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Green, light green, black and white. Class 29 Agar jelly cut into noodle-like strips (tokoroten); processed vegetables and fruits; pre-cooked curry stew, stew and soup mixes. Class 30 Confectionery; noodles; cereal preparations; seasoning soy sauce (mentsuyu); instant confectionery mixes. TAKAMORI KOSAN CO., LTD 2800-2 KIMIGASATO MASUNAGA,, ARAO-SHI, KUMAMOTO 864-8501, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: FRANCINE TAN LAW CORPORATION, 6 EU TONG SEN STREET, #09-09, SINGAPORE 059817 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 140 T1309420H (09 10) (International Registration No. 1162009) Date of International Registration: 20/02/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/02/2013 Class 09 Operating and control equipment and devices for medical X-ray systems, namely, electronic controllers for medical X-ray systems, electric control panels for medical X-ray systems. Class 10 Medical X-ray systems, particularly C-arm mobile X-ray systems; parts of the equipment and devices mentioned above. Priority Claims: Class 09 12/10/2012 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 10 12/10/2012 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, 80333 MUNCHEN, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 141 T1309941B (03) (International Registration No. 1162541) Date of International Registration: 19/04/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/04/2013 Class 03 Soaps and detergents; cosmetics and toiletries. ASTER BIYOU CO., LTD. AND JM WORLD CO., LTD. 7-9-2 YUMEGAOKA,, IGA-SHI, MIE 518-0131, JAPAN AND 363-18 GWACHEON-DONG,, GWACHEON-SI, KYUNGGI-DO 427060, REPUBLIC OF KOREA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 142 T1309822Z (07 11 21 32 35 37 40) (International Registration No. 1162725) Date of International Registration: 20/02/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/02/2013 Class 07 Electromechanical apparatus for the preparation and distribution of hot and chilled water and/or hot and chilled beverages whether carbonated and non-carbonated, as well as installations composed thereof, including filling machines. Class 11 Installations and apparatus for water supply; apparatus for water treatment, especially for water filtration, deacidification, softening, decarbonization, sterilization, fitted with mixing valve and consumption indicator, enrichment unit, heating unit, cooling unit, flavoring unit, carbon dioxide unit; apparatus for water supply; fittings for drinking water supply installations with flow control; pressure-driven filters for drinking water, gravity driven filters for drinking water; dispensers (for hot and cold water); filter devices for water and water filtering devices for domestic and industrial use, excluding filters for machines, motors and engines; valves and fittings for water conduits, especially water taps with integrated filter systems; valves and fittings for water conduits as parts adapted to a water conduit installation, as part of a water meter and as part of installations with mixing valves; the aforesaid goods and accessories (refill elements, cartridges as well as replacement parts) included in this class. Class 21 Household utensils for the preparation of carbonated water and beverages; non-electric tea and coffee makers; utensils and containers for household or kitchen use (not of precious metal or coated therewith) of plastic or glass; glassware, porcelain and earthenware, included in this class; thermal flasks and containers for beverages, bottles and other cooling elements for beverages for household use, not included in other classes. Class 32 Filtered water included in this class; non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit nectars; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Class 35 Advertising; merchandising (sales promotion for others); receiving orders, ordering services and processing of invoices, also within the framework of e-commerce; business advice for consumers via telecommunication networks; presentation of goods and services on Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 143 global computer networks; business management. Class 37 Installation of water filters and water filtering devices, maintenance and exchange of water filters and water filtration devices. Class 40 Rental of water filters, rental of water filtration devices, processing and recycling of water filters, of water filtration devices and their components. Priority Claims: Class 07 06/11/2012 SPAIN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 11 06/11/2012 SPAIN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 21 06/11/2012 SPAIN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 32 06/11/2012 SPAIN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 06/11/2012 SPAIN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 37 06/11/2012 SPAIN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 40 06/11/2012 SPAIN All goods/services claimed in this application. BRITA GMBH Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 HEINRICH-HERTZ-STRASSE GERMANY. Page No. 144 4, 65232 TAUNUSSTEIN, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 145 T1309976E (29 35) (International Registration No. 1163046) Date of International Registration: 08/04/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 08/04/2013 Class 29 Meat, fish, dishes made with meat and fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; ham, charcuterie; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruit and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; fruit salads; eggs; milk and dairy products; soya milk; yogurt; edible oils and fats, margarine, butter. Class 35 Distribution of advertising material (posters, tracts, prospectuses), dissemination of business and/or advertising information via radio, television and electronic means, particularly via global communication networks (the Internet) or private access networks (intranets); Electronic on-line dissemination of advertising matter over a computer network, particularly via global communication networks (the Internet) or private access networks (intranets); rental of advertising time on all communication media; advertising by mail order; reproduction of advertising documents; updating of advertising material; sales promotion for others; sponsorship, searching for sponsors; business management, commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others, business organization and management assistance, assistance in the commercial or industrial management of companies, business appraisals, efficiency experts, business information; office functions, administrative processing of purchase orders, computerized file management, outsourcing services (business assistance), systematization of information in a central file, compilation of commercial or advertising information in a central file; import-export agencies; organization of trade fairs, exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; demonstration of goods; retail sale services for meat, fish, dishes made with meat and fish, poultry and game, meat extracts, ham, charcuterie, preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, jellies, jams, compotes, fruit salads, eggs, milk and milk products, soya milk, yogurts, edible oils and fats, margarine, butter, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee, flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, edible ices, honey, treacle, yeast, baking-powder, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces (condiments), spices, ice, agricultural, horticultural and forestry products, neither prepared, nor processed, grains (seeds), fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, natural plants and flowers, foodstuffs for animals, malt, beers, mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks, fruit drinks and fruit juices, syrups and other preparations for making beverages, alcoholic beverages (except Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 146 beers), rice alcohol, alcoholic fruit extracts, sake; presentation, on all communication media, for retail purposes, of meat, fish, dishes made with meat and fish, poultry and game, meat extracts, ham, charcuterie, preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, jellies, jams, compotes, fruit salads, eggs, milk and milk products, soya milk, yogurts, edible oils and fats, margarine, butter, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee, flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, edible ices, honey, treacle, yeast, baking-powder, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces (condiments), spices, ice, agricultural, horticultural and forestry products, neither prepared, nor processed, grains (seeds), fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, natural plants and flowers, foodstuffs for animals, malt, beers, mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks, fruit drinks and fruit juices, syrups and other preparations for making beverages, alcoholic beverages (except beers), rice alcohol, alcoholic fruit extracts, sake, services provided by a franchiser, namely assistance with operating or managing restaurants, food and beverage retail outlets, provision of commercial know-how; services provided by a franchiser, namely assistance with the operation or management of a commercial venture in a network of shops, restaurants, in a network of food and beverage retail outlets; help and advice for business organization and management in the context of networks; help and advice for business organization and management in the context of concessions; sales promotion services via a customer loyalty service using loyalty cards, discount cards; administrative organization of the transport, delivery, distribution, sorting, carriage and storage of goods and parcels. Priority Claims: Class 29 03/04/2013 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 03/04/2013 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. FIMADEX 29 RUE MARCEL DASSAULT, BILLANCOURT, FRANCE F-92100 BOULOGNE Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 147 T1405943J (03) (International Registration No. 1163463) Date of International Registration: 09/05/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/03/2014 Class 03 Non-medicated skincare preparations sold as an integral component of other non-medicated skincare preparations. RESTORSEA LLC 641 LEXINGTON AVENUE, 27TH FLOOR, NEW YORK NY 10022, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1310358D (35) (International Registration No. 1163548) Date of International Registration: 17/05/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 17/05/2013 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "Media". Class 35 Information services related to business, namely, the monitoring of use and tracking of business trends in the computer hardware, software and communications industry. COMSCORE, INC. 11950 DEMOCRACY BLVD, 6TH FLOOR, RESTON VA 20190, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 148 T1310251J (16) (International Registration No. 1163573) Date of International Registration: 28/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/03/2013 Class 16 Industrial packaging containers of paper; paper packaging containers for food and beverages; plastic bags for packaging; plastic film for wrapping; food wrapping plastic film for industrial purposes; food wrapping plastic film for household purposes; absorbent sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; food wrapping plastic film stored in case with cutter; plastic food storage bags for household use; plastic bags for microwave cooking; garbage bags of paper; garbage bags of plastics; plastic bags for kitchen sinks, perforated to allow drainage of liquids; paper bags for kitchen sinks, perforated to allow drainage of liquids; liquid-absorbent sheets of paper or plastic for absorbing drips oozing from foodstuffs; paper filters for coffee makers; parchment paper; paper towels for use in kitchen; paper sheets for cooking; hygienic hand towels of paper; towels of paper; table napkins of paper; hand towels of paper; handkerchiefs of paper; bags for storing rice, of plastic or non woven fabric; table cloths of paper. Priority Claims: Class 16 25/12/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. RIKEN TECHNOS KABUSHIKI KAISHA (ALSO TRADING AS RIKEN TECHNOS CORPORATION) 3-11-5, NIHONBASHI-HONCHO,, CHUO-KU, TOKYO 103-8438, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 149 T1310442D (09 36 44) (International Registration No. 1164309) Date of International Registration: 29/05/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/05/2013 The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Fang Zheng" meaning "Upright" and "Ji Tuan" meaning "Group". Class 09 Computers; computer operating programs, recorded; computer peripheral devices; computer software, recorded; electronic publications, downloadable; computer programs (downloadable software); telephone apparatus; DVD players; cameras (photography); compact discs. Class 36 Insurance underwriting; art appraisal; real estate agencies; brokerage; surety services; charitable fund raising; trusteeship; pawn brokerage; financial sponsorship. Class 44 Nursing, medical; convalescent homes; beauty salons; veterinary assistance; gardening; opticians’ services; rental of sanitation facilities; medical clinic services; hospitals. PEKING UNIVERSITY FOUNDER GROUP CO., LTD. 9TH FLOOR,, ZHONGGUANCUN FOUNDER BUILDING,, NO.298 CHENGFU ROAD,, HAIDIAN DISTRICT, 100871 BEIJING, CHINA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 150 T1310595A (07) (International Registration No. 1164458) Date of International Registration: 18/02/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/02/2013 Class 07 Machinery and agricultural implements, especially drainage machines and machines for treating and processing of agricultural land, sports fields and meadows; machines for the improvement of (artificial) grass, seeders, cultivators; mechanized prickers as parts of machines. Priority Claims: Class 07 12/11/2012 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. REDEXIM B.V. UTRECHTSEWEG 127, NL-3702 AC ZEIST, NETHERLANDS. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ALPHA & OMEGA LAW CORPORATION, 100 BEACH ROAD, #24-08 SHAW TOWERS, SINGAPORE 189702 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 151 T1310803I (36 42) (International Registration No. 1165030) Date of International Registration: 23/05/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 23/05/2013 Class 36 Providing financial information with respect to financial statements, via automated enterprise reconciliations, balance sheet certification and variance analysis, support for corporate and regulatory compliance requirements, and through articles, white papers and webinars. Class 42 Software as a service featuring software for managing end-to-end financial governance with respect to financial statements; application service provider, namely, hosting, managing, developing, analyzing, and maintaining applications and software in the field of financial governance, not used in connection with banking, credit, debit, or charge card transactions. Priority Claims: Class 36 27/11/2012 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 27/11/2012 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. TRINTECH TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED SUITE 13B, CLASSON HOUSE, DUBLIN 14, IRELAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 152 T1310636B (09 41) (International Registration No. 1165140) Date of International Registration: 12/12/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/12/2012 The mark consists of an Italian word meaning "Logical". Class 09 Games programs for computers for promoting the intellectual development of children; teaching apparatus for children; downloadable computer programs and computer programs stored on optical or magnetic data carriers for children for learning and practising purposes; stored computer software which displays, on a display, questions marked by various colours relating to a teaching material for children, and an area with fields to be marked by colour, which fields are respectively assigned answers to the questions; all of the aforesaid goods, not related in terms of content to computers and electronic communications devices. Class 41 Distance learning for children; publishing of digital texts and images for children for learning and practising purposes; providing online games services and learning services for children via computer networks; all of the services in this class not related in terms of content to computers or electronic communications devices. Priority Claims: Class 09 12/06/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 12/06/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. FINKEN-VERLAG GMBH ZIMMERSMUHLENWEG 40, 61440 OBERURSEL, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 153 T1310876D (10) (International Registration No. 1165167) Date of International Registration: 19/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/03/2013 Class 10 Surgical, medical and dental apparatus and instruments, dental apparatus and instruments, artificial eyes, artificial teeth, artificial teeth which have been surface-treated, surface-roughened and/or decontaminated, dental posts and posts for implants, prostheses, prosthetic limbs, artificial limbs, hip prostheses, knee prostheses, orthopedic implants, artificial surgical implants, dental prostheses and implants, orthopedic articles, suture materials, surgical instruments particularly instruments for placing dental implants, drills for placing dental and orthopedic implants, tools for placing dental implants and orthopedic articles, prosthetic devices, dental implants, dental implants particularly implanted mechanical devices for periosteal and bone traction, acetabular cups, artificial acetabular cups, heads for hip implant, ceramic foot inserts and ceramic orthopaedic inserts for footwear, bone screws, orthodontic anchoring devices, implantable bone screws for attaching orthodontic aids. Priority Claims: Class 10 04/10/2012 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. GLOBAL D. 118 AVENUE MARCEL MERIEUX, F-69530 BRIGNAIS, FRANCE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: FRANCINE TAN LAW CORPORATION, 6 EU TONG SEN STREET, #09-09, SINGAPORE 059817 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 154 T1310877B (10) (International Registration No. 1165168) Date of International Registration: 19/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/03/2013 Class 10 Surgical, medical and dental apparatus and instruments, dental apparatus and instruments, artificial eyes, artificial teeth, artificial teeth which have been surface-treated, surface-roughened and/or decontaminated, dental posts and posts for implants, prostheses, prosthetic limbs, artificial limbs, hip prostheses, knee prostheses, orthopedic implants, artificial surgical implants, dental prostheses and implants, orthopedic articles, suture materials, surgical instruments particularly instruments for placing dental implants, drills for placing dental and orthopedic implants, tools for placing dental implants and orthopedic articles, prosthetic devices, dental implants, dental implants particularly implanted mechanical devices for periosteal and bone traction, acetabular cups, artificial acetabular cups, heads for hip implant, ceramic foot inserts and ceramic orthopaedic inserts for footwear, bone screws, orthodontic anchoring devices, implantable bone screws for attaching orthodontic aids. Priority Claims: Class 10 04/10/2012 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. GLOBAL D. 118 AVENUE MARCEL MERIEUX, F-69530 BRIGNAIS, FRANCE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: FRANCINE TAN LAW CORPORATION, 6 EU TONG SEN STREET, #09-09, SINGAPORE 059817 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 155 T1310967A (35 41 42) (International Registration No. 1165477) Date of International Registration: 03/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/06/2013 The Finnish word appearing in the mark means "Wave". By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T0900550F, T1005642I, T1005999A, T1006000J and T1104783J. Class 35 Business management; business administration; office functions; business management and organization consultancy, business management assistance, business management consultancy, business research, commercial or industrial management assistance, commercial information agencies, business information, business inquiries, business investigations, advisory services for business management, commercial or industrial management assistance, computerized file management, personnel management consultancy, personnel recruitment. Class 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; education information: educational examination; educational services; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; publication of books; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; publication of texts, other than publicity texts; arranging and conducting of seminars; teaching; practical training [demonstration]; vocational guidance [education or training advice]; vocational retraining; arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; writing of texts, other than publicity texts. Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services. Priority Claims: Class 35 04/04/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 04/04/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 156 Class 42 04/04/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. AALTO UNIVERSITY EXECUTIVE EDUCATION OY MECHELININKATU 3 C, FI-00100 HELSINKI, FINLAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: FRANCINE TAN LAW CORPORATION, 6 EU TONG SEN STREET, #09-09, SINGAPORE 059817 T1311126I (36 42) (International Registration No. 1165703) Date of International Registration: 23/05/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 23/05/2013 Class 36 Providing financial information with respect to financial statements, via automated enterprise reconciliations, balance sheet certification and variance analysis, support for corporate and regulatory compliance requirements, and through articles, white papers and webinars. Class 42 Software as a service featuring software for managing end-to-end financial governance with respect to financial statements; application service provider, namely, hosting, managing, developing, analyzing, and maintaining applications and software in the field of financial governance, not used in connection with banking, credit, debit, or charge card transactions. TRINTECH TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED SUITE 13B, CLASSON HOUSE, DUBLIN 14, IRELAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 157 T1310992B (03 18 25 35) (International Registration No. 1165862) Date of International Registration: 16/05/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/05/2013 The mark consists of an Italian word meaning "Artilleryman" or "Top scorer". Class 03 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Class 18 Leather and imitation leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins; trunks and suitcases; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Class 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; administrative services; retail services in the field of clothing, footwear and headgear; wholesale services in relation to clothing, footwear and headgear; online retail services in relation to clothing, footwear and headgear. Priority Claims: Class 03 16/11/2012 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 16/11/2012 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 16/11/2012 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 16/11/2012 BENELUX Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 158 All goods/services claimed in this application. VANHECKE PETER BOGDANA KHMELNITSKOGO, STREET 80 APP. 14, KIEV 01030, UKRAINE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 T1311144G (03) (International Registration No. 1165878) Date of International Registration: 24/05/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 24/05/2013 The mark consists of the French words "Tresor" and "L’Eau de Parfum Lumineuse" meaning "Treasure" and "Water of Light Perfume" respectively. Class 03 Perfumery products, perfumes, eaux de toilette, eau de Cologne, body deodorants. Priority Claims: Class 03 21/03/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & CIE 29 RUE FRANCE FAUBOURG SAINT-HONORE, F-75008 PARIS, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 159 T1311159E (09 35 38 42 45) (International Registration No. 1165967) Date of International Registration: 19/02/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/02/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours Claimed: Red and white. Stylized, white, uppercase letter Q superimposed over a red square. Class 09 Computer software for users to ask and answer questions on a variety of topics of general interest; computer software for users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities, and engage in social networking. Class 35 Advertisement for others on the Internet; advertising services. Class 38 Providing on-line chat rooms and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among users in the field of general interest. Class 42 Computer services, namely, providing customized online web pages featuring user-defined information; computer services, namely, providing a webpage for users to ask and answer questions on a variety of topics of general interest, providing search engines for obtaining information requested by users on a global computer network, providing customized searching of a webpage to locate specific information requested by users, creating an on-line community in the form of a website for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities, and engage in social networking; application service provider featuring application programming interface API) software for use in building software applications. Class 45 On-line social networking services. Priority Claims: Class 09 12/01/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 20/08/2012 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 160 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 20/08/2012 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 20/08/2012 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 45 20/08/2012 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. QUORA, INC. 650 CASTRO STREET, SUITE 450, MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94041, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, #06-00 SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 161 T1311009B (13 35) (International Registration No. 1166003) Date of International Registration: 02/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 02/03/2013 Class 13 Projectiles, namely grenades or firecrackers with blast-flash loads and also flashbang (stun) loads for irritation and/or disorientation purposes. Class 35 Advertising services relating to the military field; distribution of advertising material relating to the military field. Priority Claims: Class 13 14/09/2012 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 14/09/2012 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. RHEINMETALL WAFFE MUNITION GMBH HEINRICH-EHRHARDT-STRABE GERMANY 2, 29345 UNTERLUB, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 162 T1311014I (03) (International Registration No. 1166128) Date of International Registration: 14/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/06/2013 Class 03 Make-up preparations. L’OREAL 14, RUE ROYALE, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 163 T1311177C (09 42) (International Registration No. 1166133) Date of International Registration: 14/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/06/2013 Class 09 Software for protecting and securing the integrity of computing devices, mobile phones and network systems. Class 42 Provision of computer security services in relation to testing and risk assessment of computer networks; computerised computer network security; computer services, namely computer security services for protection against illegal access to computing devices, mobile phones and computer networks; computer services, namely providing a cloud computing system for protecting computing devices, mobile phones and computer networks against viruses, malware and other threats. Priority Claims: Class 09 22/04/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 22/04/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. WEBROOT INC. 385 INTERLOCKEN CRESCENT, SUITE 800, BROOMFIELD, CO 80021, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW LLP, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 164 T1311198F (43) (International Registration No. 1166416) Date of International Registration: 12/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/06/2013 Class 43 Hotel and resort lodging services; provision of food and beverage services. WESTIN HOTEL MANAGEMENT, L.P. ONE STARPOINT, STAMFORD CT 06902, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #14-01 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 T1311199D (35) (International Registration No. 1166417) Date of International Registration: 11/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 11/06/2013 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately of the words "Fund Services" and "Company". Class 35 Administration and management services rendered to financial service providers, namely, record keeping services, fund accounting services, preparing business reports of information relating to hedge funds for the purpose of regulatory compliance, electronic processing of orders for others and providing assistance in management of business activities relating to alternative investments. STATE STREET CORPORATION ONE LINCOLN STREET, BOSTON, MA 02111, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: W.P. LAI & CO, P.O. BOX 0399 PSA BUILDING POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911144 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 165 T1311413F (03 16) (International Registration No. 1166550) Date of International Registration: 30/01/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/01/2013 The French word "Beaute" appearing in the mark means "Beauty". Class 03 Cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; soaps; body, industrial and ambient perfumes, cosmetics, toilet water, Cologne water; scented water; essential oils, cosmetics, oils for toilet purposes, almond oil; cosmetic creams, cosmetic products for skin care; almond milk for cosmetic use; bath salts (not for medical use); creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders (for non-medical use) for the face, body and hands; talcum powder for toiletry use; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; mouth washes (not for medical purposes); moisturizing emulsions; beauty masks; sun care products for cosmetic use; shampoos, hair lotions, mousses and balms for hair care; hair dyes, hair waving and hair smoothing preparations; dentifrices; make-up removing products; lipstick; beauty masks; shaving products namely preparations for shaving; shaving gels, shaving creams, after-shave lotions; body deodorants; deodorants for personal use; depilatory preparations; hair and nail lacquers; make-up products; lip liner; mascara correcting pencils, concealers creams; anti-wrinkle creams; make-up; blushes, eye shadow, make-up for eyelashes and eyebrows; make-up powder. Class 16 Paper; cardboard; boxes of cardboard or paper; posters; albums; cards; books; newspapers; prospectuses; pamphlets; calendars; handkerchiefs of paper; face towels of paper; tissues of paper for removing make-up; toilet paper; bags and small bags (envelopes, pouches) of paper or plastics for packaging. Priority Claims: Class 03 02/08/2012 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 02/08/2012 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. COMPAGNIE FINANCIERE SARBEC Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 166 10 RUE DU VERTUQUET, F-59960 NEUVILLE EN FERRAIN, FRANCE. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW LLP, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 167 T1311559J (09 14 18 25 35 41) (International Registration No. 1166573) Date of International Registration: 10/04/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/04/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colors claimed: Black, white and red. Class 09 Software, software applications, downloadable electronic publications; non-printed publications, printed publications in electronically readable form; books (electronic); sound recordings, video recordings, downloadable sound and video recordings; podcasts; sunglasses. Class 14 Jewellery; costume jewellery; articles of jewellery; earrings; bracelets; necklaces; bangles; brooches; jewellery plated with precious metals; cufflinks; precious stones; articles made of precious metals and stones; watches; parts and fittings for the aforementioned goods. Class 18 Bags included in this class; handbags, clutch bags; articles of luggage; travelling bags or cases; overnight bags; duffle bags; rucksacks; backpacks; day packs; knapsacks; bags for toiletries; make-up bags; purses and wallets; articles and bags made of leather and/or imitation leather; parts and fittings for the abovementioned. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Class 35 Business management; business administration; office functions; advertising, marketing and promotional services; sales promotion; sales promotion for others; marketing, direct marketing services; business marketing services; administration and analysis relating to marketing; marketing advisory and agency services; marketing assistance; marketing information, marketing research; planning of marketing strategies; preparation of marketing plans; promotional marketing; outsourcing services [business assistance]; advisory, consultancy and information relating to the above. Class 41 Education; providing of training; provision of education, teaching and training in the fields of marketing and sales promotion; arranging and conducting courses, classes seminars and workshops Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 168 relating to business, commerce, marketing and sales promotion; publishing; publication of texts (other than publicity texts); advice and information relating to the above. Priority Claims: Class 09 13/02/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 14 13/02/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 13/02/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 13/02/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 13/02/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 13/02/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. COBRA GROUP HOLDINGS BV HUDDESTRAAT NETHERLANDS 3-5,, NL-1018 HB AMSTERDAM, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: GLOBAL INTELLECTS, P.O. BOX 171 TOWNER POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 913226 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 169 T1311577I (09 35 38 42) (International Registration No. 1166736) Date of International Registration: 06/12/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/12/2012 Class 09 Sound recording carriers; computer programs (downloadable software); computer programmes for document management; operating system programs; computer application software for mobile phones; computer game programs; computer software; downloadable music files; pre-recorded non-musical electronic media; downloadable electronic publications. Class 35 Advertising agencies; publicity columns preparation; planning services for advertising; production of advertising films; corporate advertisement and promotion; radio advertising; marketing consulting; marketing services; marketing studies; public relations; advertising in newspapers; direct mail advertising; dissemination of advertising for others via the internet; on-line advertising on a computer network; telemarketing services; television advertising; rental of advertising time on communication media; sales promotion for others; price comparison services; business information; collection of commercial information; commercial information agencies; information retrieval services on the internet for others; compilation of information into computer databases; systemization of information into computer databases; data search in computer files for others; computerized file management; import-export agencies; administrative processing of purchase orders; auctioneering; arranging and conducting auctions; on-line auctioneering services; organisation of internet auctions; commercial intermediary services for goods; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), namely, clothing, footwear, bags, wristwatches, spectacles, cosmetics, bath soap, diapers [babies’ napkins], toys, processed cereals, furniture, bed clothes, kitchen utensils, sporting articles, automobiles, computers, computer software, cameras, electric audio and visual apparatus and instruments, refrigerators, air conditioners, printed publications, tickets, office requisites (except furniture), and animal foodstuffs, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network; computerized file management. Class 38 Transmission of information on optical telecommunication networks; transmission of information via national and international networks; providing access to databases; Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 170 transmission of digital files; paging services (radio/telephone or other means of electronic communication); message sending; wireless telephone services; transmission of greeting cards online; voice mail services; providing instant message sending services; providing internet chatrooms; providing user access to a global computer network [service providers]; information about telecommunication; electronic bulletin board services [telecommunications services]; electronic message sending; electronic mail; providing telephone directory information; telephone services; leasing access time to a computer data base; providing telecommunication channels for teleshopping services; telex services; transmission of stock market information with the help of telecommunication media; transmission and reception (transmission) of database information via the telecommunication network; teleconferencing services; radio broadcasting; wireless broadcasting; cable television broadcasting; internet broadcasting; video-on-demand broadcasting; television broadcasting; electronic transmission of news; providing e-mail services; telecommunications services provided via the internet. Class 42 Design of advertising materials; graphic design; visual design; rental of a database server (to third parties); development of data processing programs; developing of driver and operating system software; programming of multimedia applications; digitization of documents (scanning); recovery of damaged computer programs; monitoring of computer systems by remote access; web site development; web site management; web site maintenance; creating and maintaining web sites for others; hosting computer sites [web sites]; rental of web servers; rental of application software; providing search engines for the internet; providing internet security programs; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; computer programming for electronic commerce; consultancy in the field of computer systems analysis; research, testing and analysis services relating to computer systems; advisory services relating to computer software; recovery of computer data; computer virus protection services; computer security consultancy; computer software development; rental of computer software; computer software design; computer software consultancy; installation of computer software; updating of computer software; computer software research; maintenance of computer software; computer system design; computer system analysis; design and development of computer systems; computer rental; computer programming; data conversion of computer programs and data (not physical conversion); development of computer programmes; duplication of computer programs; hosting, maintaining, updating of web sites for electronic commerce; advisory and development services of computer software; conversion of computer programs. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 171 Priority Claims: Class 09 04/12/2012 REPUBLIC OF KOREA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 04/12/2012 REPUBLIC OF KOREA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 04/12/2012 REPUBLIC OF KOREA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 04/12/2012 REPUBLIC OF KOREA All goods/services claimed in this application. GIOSIS PTE. LTD. 5 TAMPINES CENTRAL 1, #04-04 TAMPINES PLAZA, SINGAPORE 529541 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #14-01 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 172 T1311431D (37) (International Registration No. 1166794) Date of International Registration: 06/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/06/2013 Class 37 Shipbuilding services, namely building of vessels and ships, maritime and submarine vehicles, for the transport of goods and passengers and for the laying, burying and networking of cables; services for protection namely cable burying; installation of underwater cables, cable laying, cable networking; maintenance of cables and underwater cables networks; maritime and river shipping related work namely cable laying, burying and networking; shipbuilding and harbour construction supervision; machinery installation, maintenance and repair (for shipbuilding); underwater construction and repair; harbour and offshore platforms construction and repair. Priority Claims: Class 37 29/04/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. LOUIS DREYFUS TRADEMARKS B.V. WORLD TRADE CENTER, AMSTERDAM TOWER H - LEVEL 25 - ZULDPLEIN 208, NL-1077 XV AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW LLP, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 173 T1405944I (25 28) (International Registration No. 1167162) Date of International Registration: 07/11/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/02/2014 Class 25 Apparel (clothing, footwear, headgear); apparel (clothing, footwear, headgear); athletic clothing; babies’ pants (clothing); beach clothing; belts (clothing); boys’ clothing; casual clothing; children’s clothing; clothing; clothing for babies; clothing for sports; clothing for surfing; clothing for swimming; clothing, not being protective clothing, incorporating reflective or fluorescent elements or material; collars (clothing); ear muffs (clothing); clothing for girls; gloves (clothing); golf clothing (other than gloves); headbands (clothing); hoods (clothing); infants’ clothing; jackets (clothing); jerseys (clothing); jump suits (clothing); knitted clothing; knitwear (clothing); ladies clothing; leather belts (clothing); men’s clothing; mitts (clothing); money belts (clothing); motorcyclists’ clothing (other than for protection against accident or injury); motorists’ clothing; muffs (clothing); occupational clothing; pockets for clothing; rainproof clothing; ready-to-wear clothing; silk clothing; ski clothing (other than for protection against injury); sports clothing (other than golf gloves); stuff jackets (clothing); tennis clothing; thermal clothing; thermally insulated clothing; thongs (clothing); three piece suits (clothing); waterproof clothing; water-resistant clothing; weather resistant outer clothing; weatherproof clothing; clothing for women; wristbands (clothing). Class 28 Apparatus for playing sports; apparatus for sports for use with water; apparatus for sports utilising water; apparatus for use in outdoor sporting activities; apparatus for use in sports; apparatus for use in training for the game of rugby (sporting equipment); articles of sporting apparatus; articles of sports apparatus; bags adapted for carrying sporting articles; balls being sporting articles; balls for playing sports; bats (sporting articles); bob sleds (sporting apparatus); corner flags for sports; flags for use in sports training; grips for sporting articles; men’s athletic supporters (sports articles); nets for sports; pads for protecting the body against accident or injury (adapted for sports); protectors for elbows for use when skateboarding (sports articles); protectors for the knees for use when participating in sport; putters (sporting apparatus); putting circles (apparatus) for sporting use; sleighs (sports articles); sling shots (sports articles); sport bags adapted (shaped) to contain sporting equipment; sport balls; sporting apparatus; sporting articles; sporting articles (padding) for protective purposes (adapted for use in a specific sport); sporting articles for Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 174 playing the game of golf; sporting articles for use in fishing; sporting articles for use in playing football (other than clothing or articles for protective purposes); sporting equipment for the disabled; sports balls; sports games; sports guards; sports training apparatus; training appliances for sportsmen; training appliances for sportswomen; wax combs for use on water sports apparatus; webbed paddling gloves for water sports (web gloves); wrist bands for use in playing sports. THE MAD HUI’S PTY LTD 4/8 ALEX FISHER DR, BURLEIGH GARDENS QLD 4220, AUSTRALIA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 175 T1311461F (29 30) (International Registration No. 1167201) Date of International Registration: 03/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/06/2013 Class 29 Cocoa butter; fruit fillings and jams, particularly fillings and jams made from fruit supporting cooking; prepared nuts; preparations for food containing principally of prepared nuts; nut paste; nut-based fillings, particularly nut-based fillings supporting cooking. Class 30 Cocoa, cocoa powder, food with a cocoa base; beverages and food additives based on cocoa or mainly consisting of cocoa; chocolate. Priority Claims: Class 29 05/12/2012 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 30 05/12/2012 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. BARRY CALLEBAUT AG WESTPARK, PFINGSTWEIDSTRASSE 60, CH-8005 ZURICH, SWITZERLAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 176 T1311631G (35 42) (International Registration No. 1167415) Date of International Registration: 19/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/06/2013 Class 35 Advertising and marketing services for others; consulting services for measuring and analyzing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns across digital and non-digital media channels. Class 42 Software as a service (SAAS) services for others featuring software for capturing data from advertising campaigns and measuring, analyzing and attributing advertising effectiveness; software as a service (SAAS) services for others featuring software for measuring and analyzing the performance of advertising campaigns across digital and non-digital media channels; software as a service (SAAS) services for others featuring software for preparing and presenting advertising campaign reports and recommendations accessible online. Priority Claims: Class 35 03/05/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 03/05/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. ABAKUS, INC. 2200 POWELL STREET, SUITE 600, EMERYVILLE CA 94608, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: C/O EXPONENTIAL/TRIBAL FUSION SINGAPORE, 30 CECIL STREET, #14-01 PRUDENTIAL TOWER, SINGAPORE 049712 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 177 T1312001B (05 28 30 32 41) (International Registration No. 1167475) Date of International Registration: 18/04/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/04/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colous claimed: Gray, green, white and red. Class 05 Dietetic food and substances adapted for medical use; dietary supplements for humans; medicinal beverages; dietary supplemental drinks. Class 28 Games and playthings. Class 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; ices; sugar, honey, treacle; cereal bars; snack bars containing dried fruits. Class 32 Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; energy drinks; isotonic drinks; vegetable juices and drinks; smoothies; preparations for making beverages. Class 41 Education; entertainment. Priority Claims: Class 05 23/01/2013 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 28 23/01/2013 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 30 23/01/2013 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 32 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 178 23/01/2013 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 23/01/2013 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. BAYER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY GMBH ALFRED-NOBEL-STRABE 10, 40789 MONHEIM AM RHEIN, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 179 T1312023C (42) (International Registration No. 1167714) Date of International Registration: 14/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/06/2013 Class 42 Computer security services, namely, restricting access to and from undesired computers, networks and websites by and to computers, networks and mobile electronic devices; computer services, namely, scanning, detecting, quarantining and eliminating of viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, malware and unauthorized data and programs on computers, networks and mobile electronic devices; computer virus, malware and spyware protection services; computer security services, namely scanning and testing of computers, networks and mobile electronic devices to assess information security vulnerability; computer services, namely providing information regarding risks and vulnerabilities for computers, networks and mobile electronic devices; computer services, namely providing online non-downloadable software for computers, networks and mobile electronic devices; remote online backup of computer data; technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of computer software and network problems. Priority Claims: Class 42 22/04/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. WEBROOT INC. 385 INTERLOCKEN CRESCENT, SUITE 800, BROOMFIELD, CO 80021, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW LLP, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 180 T1312077B (09 14 16 18 25) (International Registration No. 1168236) Date of International Registration: 10/12/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/12/2012 Class 09 Backpacks adapted for holding computers; cameras; camcorders; cell phones; computer games, namely, computer game cartridges, cassettes, tapes, discs, programs and software; computer storage devices, namely, blank flash drives; decorative charms for cell phones; decorative magnets; decorative switch plate covers; digital media, namely, downloadable audio files featuring films, music and entertainment; digital trading cards in the nature of multimedia software recorded on magnetic media featuring films, music and entertainment; downloadable computer wallpaper and screen saver software; downloadable files containing images relating to motion pictures, television programs, music and documentaries; downloadable software that provides access to movie and entertainment-related content and allows users to socialize and interact with other users; downloadable television programs and documentaries featuring drama, comedy, horror, romance, and variety provided via a global computer network or video-on-demand service; downloadable widget program for use in authoring, downloading, transmitting, receiving, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, playing, storing and organizing text, data, images, audio files, video files and electronic games; electric door bells; electronic diaries; eyeglasses and eyeglass cases; handheld digital music players; headphones and earphones; laptop computers; motion picture films in the fields of drama and romance; mouse pads; musical sound recordings; neon signs; personal digital assistants; pre-recorded DVDs, videotapes, and other audiovisual recordings featuring motion pictures, music, television programs, and documentaries; fitted plastic films known as skins for covering and protecting electronic apparatus, namely, cameras, cell phones, handheld digital music players, handheld gaming devices, PDAs, laptops, computer accessories and peripherals, camcorders, and e-book readers; sunglasses and sunglass cases; tape measures. Class 14 Brass wrist cuff bracelets, clocks, jewelry, jewelry boxes, lapel pins, medals, rings, rubber bracelets, silver wrist cuff bracelets, watch bands, watch bracelets, and watches. Class 16 Adhesive tape for stationery or household purposes, address books, appointment books, art papers, art pictures, baby bibs of paper, banners of paper, binders, blank journals, book covers, bookends, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 181 bookmarks, calendars, chalk, chalk boards for school and home use, coloring books, decals, decorative paper centerpieces, printed paper signs in the nature of door hangers, dry erase writing boards and writing surfaces, erasers, file folders, framed art prints, gift cards, gift wrapping paper, greeting cards, journals concerning entertainment, lithographs, magazines in the field of entertainment, money clips, note cards, notebooks, paper bags, paper banners, decorative paper bows for wrapping, paper coasters, paper emblems, paper flags, paper napkins, paper party decorations, paper place mats, paperweights, writing instruments, cases for writing instruments, photograph albums, photographs mounted as life-size cardboard cutouts, postcards, poster books, posters, rubber stamps, scrapbook albums, scrapbooks, sheet music, songbooks, stationery, stickers, trading cards; kits containing activity supplies, namely, sticker books; kits containing party supplies, namely, paper napkins, and paper party decorations. Class 18 All purpose carrying bags, back packs, beach bags, makeup bags sold empty, messenger bags, pet clothing, purses, wallets. Class 25 Clothing, namely, aprons, hooded shirts, jackets, jerseys, loungewear, shirts, sweatshirts, tank tops, and T-shirts; footwear; and headwear. SUMMIT ENTERTAINMENT, LLC 2700 COLORADO AVENUE, SUITE 200, SANTA MONICA CA 90404, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 182 T1312083G (29) (International Registration No. 1168289) Date of International Registration: 18/04/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/04/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Black and white. Class 29 Milk and non-alcoholic milk beverages (milk predominating); milk products; fresh produce with a base of milk and milk products; condensed milk and coffee cream, including with added flavourings; curd; buttermilk, sour milk, curd and other mixed milk products with milk predominating; kephir (milk beverage); desserts with a base of milk and/or cream, including sour cream; yoghurt; cream and cream products, including those made from UHT milk; cheese, hard cheese, sliced cheese, soft cheese, blue cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese (grainy cream cheese), processed curd cheese and preparations made therefrom; butter, clarified butter, edible fats; butter preparations; yoghurt drinks (yoghurt predominating); mixed milk beverages, milk predominating, including with added fruit; extracts or powders, mainly made of milk, for making mixed milk beverages; dried milk products for foodstuffs, in particular whole milk, skimmed milk and buttermilk powder; whey powder for foodstuffs; cheese and milk preparations in snack form; creme fraiche, heavy sour cream, sour cream, including all of the aforesaid goods having further ingredients; buttermilk, sour milk and curd, including with added probiotic cultures; yoghurt, including with added flavourings and/or fruit and including the aforesaid products with probiotic cultures; curd and curd preparations with added flavourings, spices, fruits, herbs and/or vegetables, and other foods and dietary supplements, and including those having probiotic cultures; mixtures with a milk base, made with added vegetable, animal or milk fats, for use in foodstuffs; dietetic milk products, in particular yoghurt and curd products, not for medical purposes. DMK DEUTSCHES MILCHKONTOR GMBH INDUSTRIESTR. 27, 27404 ZEVEN, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX 462 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 183 T1312374G (10) (International Registration No. 1168589) Date of International Registration: 25/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 25/03/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: The cartridge is blue; the angel is blue with a white outline, bandages and eyes, the two lines framing the foot of the angel are light blue, "Thuasne" is in white letters. Class 10 Socks, stockings and tights for prophylactic or therapeutic use; maternity belts for prophylactic or therapeutic use; lumbar dorso-lumbar and thoracic corsets, for therapeutic and prophylactic use or rehabilitation; hernia, pelvic, lumbar, abdominal and thoracic belts for therapeutic and prophylactic use or for rehabilitation; neck braces, cervical collars; hoods, finger-stalls, shorts, leggings, gloves for feet, interdigital separator gloves, armbands, jackets, bodysuits, ear bands, vests with or without sleeves, sleeves, girdles, underwear, panties, pants and trousers for compression; ankle guards, knee guards, thigh guards, wristbands, elbow and finger splints for therapeutic and prophylactic use and for rehabilitation; immobilizing pads for shoulders, collar bones, arms, forearms, elbows or fingers; therapeutic or prophylactic bracelets; bands, muffs, mittens, socks, stockings, should covers and clothing for treating edema; post-operative clothing; made-to-measure clothing for persons with third-degree burns; discharge shoes for medical purposes; orthopedic footwear, soles and heel pads; products for incontinence, namely sheets, drawsheets, reusable waterproof drawsheets; pads, slippers, cushions, mattress covers and mattresses for preventing bed sores; cervical pillows for medical use, beds, specially made for medical use, lifting appliances for invalids, leg lifters, serum holders with wheels, walking frames, rollers, crutches, walking sticks; brassieres for care and treatment of the breasts; external breast prostheses; thermometers for medical use, sphygmomanometers. Priority Claims: Class 10 22/10/2012 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. THUASNE 118-120, RUE MARIUS-AUFAN, F-92300 LEVALLOIS-PERRET, FRANCE Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 184 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 185 T1312418B (25 35 43) (International Registration No. 1168929) Date of International Registration: 08/05/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 08/05/2013 Class 25 Men’s suits; underwear; neckties; caps (headwear); mufflers (clothing); winter face masks; winter gloves; shirts; ladies’ suits; skirts; sports clothing; footwear; children’s clothing; socks; one piece suits; uniforms; clothing; belts (clothing); work clothes; jumpers; tank tops; pants. Class 35 Wholesale store services featuring furniture; retail store services featuring bags and wallets; wholesale store services featuring outerwear and overcoat (except items exclusively for sports and Korean traditional costumes); auctioneering; retail store services featuring confectionery; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a hypermarket; retail department store services; providing commercial information; commercial administration of licensing of goods and services for others; exhibition of goods; services relating to advertisement and promotion; arranging the sale of underwear, sweaters and shirts; retail store services featuring sporting articles (other than items for golf and mountaineering); clock and watch procurement services for others (purchasing clock and watch for other businesses); commercial intermediary services in the field of footwear; advertising and providing commercial information via the internet; wholesale store services featuring alcoholic beverages; arranging the sale of bed clothes; holding fashion show events for promotional purposes; arranging the sale of cosmetics. Class 43 Bar and cocktail lounge services; restaurants; resort lodging services; motels; buffet restaurants; western style restaurants; accommodation bureaux [hotels, boarding houses]; snack-bars; providing food and drink in restaurant chains; rental of chairs, tables, table linen, glassware; Japanese restaurants; bakery services for the provision of food; pubs; cafes; cafeterias; temporary accommodation in condominiums; Korean restaurants; hotels; hotel reservations; booking services for accommodation based on membership. HAN HEE YOON (TOWER PALACE, DOGOK-DONG), G-6604, 26, EONJU-RO, 30 GIL, GANGNAM-KU, SEOUL, REPUBLIC OF KOREA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 186 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, #06-00 SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 187 T1312608H (09) (International Registration No. 1168995) Date of International Registration: 21/04/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/04/2013 Class 09 Computer hardware and electronic hardware and computer software for use in connection with diamonds, gemstones and jewelry, namely for measuring, grading, evaluating, sorting, scanning, mapping, locating faults and imperfections, imaging, planning, processing, shaping, laser making, laser inscription, cutting and re-cutting, sawing, bruting and polishing of diamonds, gemstones and jewelry; systems comprising computer software, computer hardware and electronic hardware and computer generated machines for measuring, grading, evaluating, sorting, scanning, mapping, locating faults and imperfections, imaging, planning, processing, shaping, laser making, laser inscription, cutting and re-cutting, sawing, bruting, polishing of diamonds, gemstones and jewelry; computer software for planning and quality control of the processing of diamonds, gemstones and jewelry, and for increasing the yield and profitability thereof; computer hardware and electronic hardware and computer software for tracking the origin and documenting the history of diamonds, gemstones and jewelry; optical apparatus for image inspection, image retrieval and production; computer hardware and electronic hardware and software for predicting the color, color performance, fluorescence, clarity, light performance, cut, symmetry, true best value and color zoning of the diamonds, and gemstones; optical apparatus for image inspection, image retrieval and production; computer hardware and electronic hardware and computer software for imaging and for generating photos and videos of diamonds, gemstones and jewelry; computer software and computer hardware and electronic hardware for generating, magnifying, storing, sending and viewing photos and videos of diamonds, gemstones and jewelry; computer software for tracking, recording, documenting and storing information and data regarding diamonds, gemstones and jewelry; computer software for generating certificates for diamonds, gemstones and jewelry; downloadable computer software allowing users to view, share and exchange photos and videos, rough planning, 3D models, inclusions, correspond, comment, discuss and present diamonds, gemstones and jewelry. Priority Claims: Class 09 04/11/2012 ISRAEL All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 188 SARINE TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 7 ATIR YEDA STREET, 44643 KFAR SABA, ISRAEL ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, #06-00 SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 189 T1312271F (16 18 35) (International Registration No. 1169115) Date of International Registration: 13/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/06/2013 Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; publications, magazines, newsletters and periodicals; brochures and pamphlets; printed forms; promotional material; cards for use in connection with sales and promotional incentive schemes and promotional services; printed luggage labels; printed tickets and vouchers; stationery; writing instruments; desk sets; pen holders; desk blotters; notepad holders; binders; calendars; diaries; greetings cards; instructional and teaching materials (except apparatus); notebooks, notepads; blank paper forms; paper bags; wrapping paper; toilet paper; tissues; paper towels; paper napkins; drip mats of card or of paper; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes). Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; luggage; luggage label holders; cases of leather or leatherboard; key cases; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks. Class 35 Business management of hotels; arranging and conducting exhibitions, events and fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; advertising services; office machines and equipment rental; provision of secretarial services; office functions; operation and supervision of loyalty and incentive schemes; retail services connected with the sale of beauty products, toiletries, hand tools, optical goods, cameras, audio and video recordings, domestic electrical and electronic equipment, jewellery, clocks, watches, stationery, publications, umbrellas, parasols, leather goods, luggage, bags, furniture, bathroom accessories, furnishings, textiles, clothing, footwear, headgear, toys and games, sports equipment, foodstuffs, drinks, wines and flowers. Priority Claims: Class 16 21/12/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 190 21/12/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 21/12/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. GLH HOTELS GROUP LIMITED CLARENDON HOUSE, 2 CHURCH STREET, HAMILTON HM1, BERMUDA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 191 T1312273B (16 18 35) (International Registration No. 1169120) Date of International Registration: 13/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/06/2013 Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; publications, magazines, newsletters and periodicals; brochures and pamphlets; printed forms; promotional material; cards for use in connection with sales and promotional incentive schemes and promotional services; printed luggage labels; printed tickets and vouchers; stationery; writing instruments; desk sets; pen holders; desk blotters; notepad holders; binders; calendars; diaries; greetings cards; instructional and teaching materials (except apparatus); notebooks, notepads; blank paper forms; paper bags; wrapping paper; toilet paper; tissues; paper towels; paper napkins; drip mats of card or of paper; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes). Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; luggage; luggage label holders; cases of leather or leatherboard; key cases; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks. Class 35 Business management of hotels; arranging and conducting exhibitions, events and fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; advertising services; office machines and equipment rental; provision of secretarial services; office functions; operation and supervision of loyalty and incentive schemes; retail services connected with the sale of beauty products, toiletries, hand tools, optical goods, cameras, audio and video recordings, domestic electrical and electronic equipment, jewellery, clocks, watches, stationery, publications, umbrellas, parasols, leather goods, luggage, bags, furniture, bathroom accessories, furnishings, textiles, clothing, footwear, headgear, toys and games, sports equipment, foodstuffs, drinks, wines and flowers. Priority Claims: Class 16 21/12/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 192 21/12/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 21/12/2012 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. GLH HOTELS GROUP LIMITED CLARENDON HOUSE, 2 CHURCH STREET, HAMILTON HM1, BERMUDA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 T1312446H (17) (International Registration No. 1169196) Date of International Registration: 29/05/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/05/2013 Class 17 Refractory insulating material, especially press pads made of cellulose fibres, flame-resistant meta-aramid fibres and ceramics for compressing (laminating) of adhesives, prepregs (preimpregnated fibres) and foils in the field of the printed circuit board and insulating material industry. MSC POLYMER AG AM BODEN 27, 35460 STAUFENBERG, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 193 T1314194Z (35) (International Registration No. 1169539) Date of International Registration: 21/05/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/05/2013 Class 35 Affiliate advertising agencies; reward advertising agencies; distribution of advertisements for others via applications for smart phones and portable computers; advertising planning; advertising consultancy; other advertising related services; sales promotion for others; organization or management of exhibitions, trade shows, and expositions for promotion of sales of goods and services; planning and creation of advertising materials; provision of advertising space on the Internet; research and studies related to advertising effectiveness; market research or studies; compilation and management of product transaction records based on pay-per-performance advertising; business diagnosis or business consultancy; consultancy related to product sales; issuance and settlement of trading stamps, coupons, point reward cards, and cards with discount benefits; marketing; marketing consultancy; clerical services related to product sales, or provision of information related to such services; computerized management of electronic information files; filing of documents or magnetic tapes; computerized clerical services; compilation of information into computer databases; clerical services related to data processing. Priority Claims: Class 35 01/05/2013 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. METAPS INC. 2-5-12, SHINJUKU,, SHINJUKU-KU, TOKYO 160-0022, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: VIERING, JENTSCHURA & PARTNER LLP, P.O. BOX 1088 ROCHOR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911833 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 194 T1312739D (14 16 18 25 35 41 43 44) (International Registration No. 1169649) Date of International Registration: 22/02/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 22/02/2013 Class 14 Jewellery including ornaments, straps for wrist watches; watchbands; watch cases; watches, wristwatches; trinkets being jewellery; rings being jewellery; necklaces being jewellery; brooches; bracelets. Class 16 Books; printed material; advertising material being printed matter; booklets; booklets for information; brochures; cardboard articles for display purposes, not being furniture; catalogues; educational materials in printed form; printed guides; instructional charts for use in relation to exercise; magazines (periodicals); periodicals; newsletters; printed matter relating to clothes making; printed matter relating to diets; printed matter relating to health education; printed publications relating to leisure; printed publications relating to outdoor sporting activities; promotional pamphlets; promotional publications; printed recipes; stationery. Class 18 Leather goods including wallets, purses, key cases, bags, back packs, beach bags and palates straps; athletics bags; bags for campers; bags for climbers; bags for clothes; bags for toiletry kits; bags for use in sports for carrying sports clothing; bags made of imitation leather; beach bags; camping bags; carrying bags (other than disposable carrier bags); casual bags; cosmetics bags (not fitted); duffel bags; garment bags; garment bags for travel; money bags; overnight bags; school bags; shoe bags; shopping bags; sling bags; sport bags, other than adapted (shaped) to contain specific sports apparatus; toiletry bags; tote bags; waist bags; weekend bags. Class 25 Clothing; footwear; headgear for wear; women’s fashion clothing; arm warmers; articles of clothing made of imitation leather; articles of clothing made of plush; waterproof clothing; water-resistant clothing; weatherproof clothing; windproof clothing including windcheaters; athletic clothing; ballet clothing; beach clothing; casual clothing; children’s clothing; clothing for babies; clothing for gymnastics; clothing for sports; clothing for surfing; clothing for swimming; cyclists’ clothing; dance clothing; denims; ear muffs; clothing for girls; gloves; golf clothing (other than gloves); headbands; hoods being clothing; infants’ clothing; Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 195 jackets; jerseys; jump suits; knitwear; ladies clothing; linen articles of clothing; maternity clothing; mittens; money belts; playsuits being clothing; pockets for clothing; rainproof clothing; ready made linings for clothing; silk clothing; ski clothing (other than for protection against injury); stuff jackets (clothing); tennis clothing; thermal clothing; thermally insulated clothing; thongs (flip-flops); three piece suits; weather resistant outer clothing; clothing for woman; woollen clothing; wraps being clothing; wristbands being clothing; boots for sports; sports footwear; sports headgear (other than helmets); sports hosiery; sports jackets; sports jerseys; sports jumpers; sports shirts; sports shoes; sports socks; sports sweaters; sports uniforms (other than golf gloves or helmets); sportswear; sun visors (headwear); visors being hats; baseball caps; bathing caps; beach caps; caps being headwear; sports caps; hats; swimming caps; socks; gym shorts; gym suits; gymwear; anti-sweat underwear; sweat-absorbent underclothing (underwear); underwear; headbands; swimwear; active leisure wear; sleepwear; lingerie. Class 35 Retail clothing shop services; retail services; retailing of goods (by any means); wholesaling of goods (by any means); bringing together, for the benefit of others, a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase the goods; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; compilation and provision of online directories. Class 41 Electronic publication of information on a wide range of topics, including online and over a global computer network; online (electronic) publication of news; providing information, including online, about education, training, entertainment, sporting and cultural activities; providing online electronic publications (not downloadable); provision of education services via an online forum; provision of entertainment services via an online forum; publication of multimedia material online; weblog (blog) services (online publication of journals or diaries); health education; physical health education; advisory services relating to training; training and education services for members, provided through an association; coaching (training); life coaching services (training or education services); lifestyle counselling and consultancy (training); mentoring (education and training); personal development training; provision of information relating to training; instruction in physical fitness; physical fitness tuition. Class 43 Advice concerning cooking recipes; provision of information relating to the preparation of food and drink. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 196 Class 44 Provision of information relating to nutrition; advisory services relating to health. LORNA JANE PTY LTD 99 BRIDGE STREET, FORTITUDE VALLEY QLD 4006, AUSTRALIA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RAVINDRAN ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 2988 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911799 T1312754H (44) (International Registration No. 1169867) Date of International Registration: 24/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 24/06/2013 Class 44 Beauty salons; hairdressing salons. KABUSHIKI KAISHA A PLUS 10-43, 2-CHOME MITA MEGURO-KU, TOKYO 153-0062, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW LLP, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 197 T1312758J (30) (International Registration No. 1169960) Date of International Registration: 17/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 17/06/2013 The French words "Le Chocolat" appearing in the mark mean "The Chocolate". Class 30 Chocolate and chocolate products; pastry and confectionery; chocolate-based or cocoa-based beverages. Priority Claims: Class 30 18/12/2012 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. SONAFI 42, RUE RIEUSSEC, F-78220 VIROFLAY, FRANCE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW LLP, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 198 T1312958C (03) (International Registration No. 1170198) Date of International Registration: 26/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/06/2013 The French word "Epice" appearing in the mark means "Spice". Class 03 Perfumes, perfumery products, toilet water, eau de parfum, essential oils for personal use, cosmetics, cosmetic lotions for the body, hair lotions, soaps, dentifrices, deodorants for personal use, bath and shower gels, shampoos, beauty creams for the body. Priority Claims: Class 03 10/01/2013 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. COMPTOIR NOUVEAU DE LA PARFUMERIE 23 RUE BOISSY D’ANGLAS, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 199 T1312965F (09 16 41 42) (International Registration No. 1170217) Date of International Registration: 01/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/03/2013 Class 09 Downloadable computer software for use in career development; mobile application for use in career development. Class 16 Printed publications, namely books and newsletters relating to career development. Class 41 Educational services relating to career development; career information relating to career development (educational and training advice) provided via a website; online publications relating to career development; consulting services relating to career development. Class 42 Providing temporary use of non-downloadable software for use in career development. Priority Claims: Class 09 10/10/2012 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 10/10/2012 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 10/10/2012 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 10/10/2012 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. KORN/FERRY INTERNATIONAL 1900 AVENUE OF THE STARS, SUITE 2600, LOS ANGELES Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 200 CA 90067, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1312966D (09) (International Registration No. 1170247) Date of International Registration: 21/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/06/2013 Class 09 Measuring or testing machines and instruments; voltage drop protectors; emergency power supply apparatus (other than generators); uninterruptible power supply apparatus; condensers; chargers for power distribution or control machines and apparatus; power distribution or control machines and apparatus; rotary converters; phase modifying equipments for adjusting reactive power of electric power system bus; solar batteries; batteries and cells; electric or magnetic meters and test equipment; telecommunication devices and apparatus; electronic equipment, apparatus and their parts. Priority Claims: Class 09 21/12/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. SHIZUKI ELECTRIC CO., INC. 10-45, TAISHA-CHO, NHISHINOMIYA-SHI, HYOGO 662-0867, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW LLP, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 201 T1312976A (29) (International Registration No. 1170333) Date of International Registration: 07/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/06/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Black and white. Class 29 Milk and non-alcoholic milk beverages (milk predominating); milk products; fresh produce with a base of milk and milk products; condensed milk and coffee cream, including with added flavourings; curd; buttermilk, sour milk, curd and other mixed milk products with milk predominating; kephir (milk beverage); desserts with a base of milk and/or cream, including sour cream; yoghurt; cream and cream products, including those made from UHT milk; cheese, hard cheese, sliced cheese, soft cheese, blue cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese (grainy cream cheese), processed curd cheese and preparations made therefrom; butter, clarified butter, edible fats; butter preparations; yoghurt drinks (yoghurt predominating); mixed milk beverages, milk predominating, including with added fruit; extracts or powders, mainly made of milk, for making mixed milk beverages; dried milk products for foodstuffs, in particular whole milk, skimmed milk and buttermilk powder; whey powder for foodstuffs; cheese and milk preparations in snack form; creme fraiche, heavy sour cream, sour cream, including all of the aforesaid goods having further ingredients; buttermilk, sour milk and curd, including with added probiotic cultures; yoghurt, including with added flavourings and/or fruit and including the aforesaid products with probiotic cultures; curd and curd preparations with added flavourings, spices, fruits, herbs and/or vegetables, and other foods and dietary supplements, and including those having probiotic cultures; mixtures with a milk base, made with added vegetable, animal or milk fats, for use in foodstuffs; dietetic milk products, in particular yoghurt and curd products, not for medical purposes. DMK DEUTSCHES MILCHKONTOR GMBH INDUSTRIESTR. 27, 27404 ZEVEN, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX 462 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 202 T1313194D (09 41) (International Registration No. 1170480) Date of International Registration: 09/07/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 09/07/2013 Class 09 Computer software for processing, organizing, storing and reporting data related to individual’s biomechanics; kits comprised of computer software, hardware and instruments for optical measuring and reading individual’s three-dimensional body movements and the rider’s points of contact on the bicycle frame and components, namely, LED markers, infrared sensors, digitizer, wireless harness, instructional DVD and battery pack. Class 41 Educational services, namely, conducting classes, seminars, conferences, workshops and learning, in the field of bicycle fitting and distribution of training material in connection therewith education in the field of bicycle fitting; training consultancy in the field of bicycle fitting, namely, assessment and evaluation of individual’s biomechanics, injury history, flexibility, goals and riding needs to optimize ergonomics, fit and performance of bicycles; online courses and instruction in the field of bicycle fitting and distribution of training materials in connection therewith education in the field of bicycle fitting. Priority Claims: Class 09 28/02/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 28/02/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. CRUCIAL INNOVATION, LLC 5445 CONESTOGA COURT, #100, BOULDER CO 80301, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 203 T1313203G (09 16 35 41 42) (International Registration No. 1170567) Date of International Registration: 10/05/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/05/2013 Class 09 Computers; data processing equipment; computer software; planning and ordering software in particular for kitchen planning and carcass planning and ordering fittings in the furniture industry; software for visualising kitchens, furniture, fittings and components thereof; software for exporting data; optical, electronic and/or magnetic data carriers; digital storage media; compact discs; DVD’s; electronic product catalogue (software); all the aforementioned goods in particular relating to the planning and fitting of kitchens, furniture and their components. Class 16 Instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); architects’ models; printed matter, professional journals, stickers, posters, prospectuses; all the aforementioned goods in particular relating to the planning and fitting of kitchens, furniture and their components. Class 35 Organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes, dissemination of advertising matter, publication of publicity texts, public relations, online advertising on a computer network, demonstration of goods and services for advertising purposes; collection of goods, namely furniture fittings, for others, for presentation and sales purposes via the Internet; all the aforementioned services in particular relating to the planning and fitting of kitchens, furniture and their components. Class 41 Providing of training, in particular arranging and conducting of workshops and seminars; publication of texts (other than publicity texts); all the aforementioned services in particular relating to the planning and fitting of kitchens, furniture and their components. Class 42 Technical project studies, construction drafting, construction design and planning consultation, interior design services and industrial design services; development of computer software; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software, all the aforementioned services in particular relating to the planning and fitting of kitchens, furniture and their components. Priority Claims: Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 204 Class 09 12/11/2012 AUSTRIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 12/11/2012 AUSTRIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 12/11/2012 AUSTRIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 12/11/2012 AUSTRIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 12/11/2012 AUSTRIA All goods/services claimed in this application. JULIUS BLUM GMBH INDUSTRIESTRABE 1, A-6973 HOCHST, AUSTRIA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 205 T1313212F (14) (International Registration No. 1170654) Date of International Registration: 16/07/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/07/2013 The mark consists of a three dimensional shape of a ring with the word "Boucheron" appearing thereon, as shown in the representation on the notification of international registration. Class 14 Jewelry, jewelry articles and precious stones; articles made of precious metals or coated therewith, namely rings, bracelets, necklaces (jewelry), earrings, brooches (jewelry), pendants (jewelry), medals; cuff links, tie pins; key rings [trinkets or fobs]. Priority Claims: Class 14 09/07/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. BOUCHERON HOLDING 26, PLACE VENDOME, F-75001 PARIS, FRANCE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 206 T1313226F (25) (International Registration No. 1170796) Date of International Registration: 03/07/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/07/2013 Class 25 Clothing; knitwear clothing; sports jerseys; tee-shirts; underclothes; pajamas; bed gowns; underpants; layettes; sleeping sacks for babies in the nature of baby body suits; shoes; hats; socks; bibs, non-paper; babies’ pants. NINGBO MAXWIN GARMENTS CO., LTD. NO.18 XINQI YONGJIANG ROAD,, BEILUN DISTRICT,, NINGBO, 315800 ZHEJIANG PROVINCE, CHINA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: SAMUEL SEOW LAW CORPORATION, 15 HOE CHIANG ROAD, #26-01 TOWER FIFTEEN, SINGAPORE 089316 T1313228B (25) (International Registration No. 1170804) Date of International Registration: 12/07/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/07/2013 Class 25 Finished clothing items, namely, dresses and skirts; ties; wraps; bathing suits; blouses; dress suits; dresses; men’s suits, women’s suits; shirts; coats; pants; boots; shoes; slippers; headwear; pullovers; scarves; sweaters; tunics; capes; chemises; culottes; lounge wear; pajamas; bermuda shorts; ladies’ underwear; shorts; underwear; beachwear; evening gowns; wedding dresses; negligees. MARA HOFFMAN, INC. 866 AVE. OF THE AMERICAS - 9TH FLOOR, NEW YORK NY 10001, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 207 T1313068I (09 35) (International Registration No. 1170814) Date of International Registration: 12/12/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/12/2012 Class 09 Vehicle tracking apparatus; Global Positioning Systems (GPS) tracking devices; engine diagnostic apparatus; apparatus for displaying the position of vehicles; signaling and checking apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for monitoring, recording, analyzing and transmitting data, sound and/or images; telecommunications equipment; telephones and mobile phones; anti-theft warning devices; data processing equipment; computers; computer software; GPS software; computer hardware for setting up and configuring a web based vehicle driver management system; computer software and firmware for setting up and configuring a web based vehicle driver management system, namely, computer software for analyzing data from multimedia event recorders; driving performance management software for evaluating driver safety and mechanical behaviors; software for analyzing data of the vehicle mechanical performance, maintenance and preventing maintenance; electronic security, location, status monitoring and signaling systems comprised of a transmitter, antenna, receiver, battery and portable panic button transmitters for monitoring vehicles, persons, animals, and objects; transponder devices; electronic transmitters and receivers, all for use in tracking vehicles; signalling and checking apparatus and instruments all for use in the prevention of unauthorized use of vehicles, plant and machinery and the recovery of the same; electronic locator transponders including those incorporating satellite, telematic and global positioning systems; emergency locator transponders; data processing equipment all relating to the aforementioned goods; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Class 35 Business management of vehicle fleets and fleet management solutions; business services namely business research on driver profiles; business services namely business research on driver profiles through the capture of vehicle operational information; business services namely business research relating to real time and periodic reports capturing driver data, journey data and vehicle diagnostics; data processing; business management and/or the provision of business information; retail services connected with the sale of vehicle monitoring, locating devices; all the aforesaid services provided by means of telecommunication, mobile communication, electronic, wireless and Internet communication. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 208 Priority Claims: Class 09 04/12/2012 ISRAEL All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 04/12/2012 ISRAEL All goods/services claimed in this application. TRAFFILOG LTD 10 HAMAL STREET, 48092 ROSH-HA’AYIN, ISRAEL ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX 462 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 209 T1313070J (06 08 09) (International Registration No. 1170865) Date of International Registration: 12/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/06/2013 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "Audio Video Broadcast". Class 06 Non-electric cables and wires of metal; rope thimbles; non-electric cable joints of metal; binding screws of metal for cables. Class 08 Hand-operated hand tools and implements; clamping tools for connecting cables; tools for assembling connectors. Class 09 Electric apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; distribution consoles [electricity]; amplifiers; couplers; beam splitters; signal splitters and switched splitters for electric power; connection boxes; branch boxes; junction boxes; electric apparatus for commutation; commutators (switches); electric conductors; electric couplings; sheaths for electric cables and wires; junction sleeves for electric cables; identification threads for electric wires; identification sheaths for electric wires. TKH FRANCE 3 RUE JEANNE GARNERIN, PARC AIR PARK DE PARIS, F-91320 WISSOUS, FRANCE Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 210 T1313083B (35 36 37 38 42) (International Registration No. 1171039) Date of International Registration: 18/02/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/02/2013 Class 35 Business consulting; advertising; compilation of information into computer databases; systemization of information into computer databases; business administration, namely, reception services for visitors in buildings. Class 36 Leasing or renting of buildings; providing information relating to the rental of buildings; management of buildings. Class 37 Installation, maintenance and repair of computer hardware; electric appliance installation; interference suppression in electrical apparatus; telephone installation and repair; telecommunication wiring; repair or maintenance of telecommunication machines and apparatus. Class 38 Providing access to on-line computer databases; providing access to the Internet; providing access to databases. Class 42 Computer programming; computer software design; computer system design; computer system analysis; consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware; maintenance of computer software; updating of computer software; providing online non-downloadable software; providing information in the field of computer software design; designing and engineering services in the field of information and communications networks; consultancy relating to designing and engineering in the field of information and communications networks; monitoring the computer systems of others for technical purposes and providing back-up computer programs and facilities; technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of computer hardware and software problems; testing or research on telecommunication machines and apparatus; rental of computer software; rental of computers; consultancy in the field of computer system integration; providing computer programs. NS SOLUTIONS CORPORATION 20-15, SHINKAWA 2-CHOME,, CHUO-KU, TOKYO 104-8280, JAPAN Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 211 ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 T1313261D (09 42) (International Registration No. 1171136) Date of International Registration: 12/07/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/07/2013 Class 09 Computer application software for mobile phones, tablets, desktop computers, portable computers, and web browsers, namely, software for automated drawing, project management, electronic storage of data, and delivery of communications. Class 42 Cloud computing featuring software for use in automated drawing, project management, electronic storage of data, publishing of documents, and delivery of communications; Providing on-line non-downloadable software for use in automated drawing, project management, electronic storage of data, publishing of documents, and delivery of communications; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable software for use in automated drawing, project management, electronic storage of data, publishing of documents, and delivery of communications; Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable computer software. Priority Claims: Class 09 09/07/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 09/07/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. SMARTDRAW, LLC 9909 MIRA MESA BLVD,, SUITE 300, SAN DIEGO CA 92131, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: K L TAN & ASSOCIATES, 144A NEIL ROAD, SINGAPORE 088873 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 212 T1313668G (03 29 30) (International Registration No. 1171776) Date of International Registration: 26/03/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/03/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours Claimed: Green (PMS 362), orange (PMS 151), and black. Class 03 Washing preparations and laundry bleach; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery; essential oils; cosmetics; hair lotions; dentifrices; non-medicinal bath preparations; cosmetic preparations for the care of the scalp and hair; cosmetic substances and hygienic products in the form of toilet care products, namely eau de toilettes, after shave, eau de Cologne, mild abrasive substances for the face in the nature of facial scrubs, shower gels, body soaps, non-medicated massage preparations, namely, creams, gels, lotions, oils and waxes, shampoos, hair dyes, hair colouring agents, bleaches for the skin and hair, styling preparations for the hair, hair curling preparations, hairspray, hair powders, hair lacquers, non-medicated foam hair strengtheners, hair mousse, hair gel, moisturising preparations for the hair, hair creams, hair conditioners, hair removal preparations, artificial eye lashes, artificial nails, antiperspirants and deodorants for personal use, moisture regulating creams for the face and the body, incense, bath oils, cosmetic preparations against sunburn and to tan the skin, shaving creams, shaving lotions, after shave gels and balsams, mascara, eye shadow, eyebrow pencils, face make-up, foundation, cosmetic creams, make-up preparations and make-up removal preparations; nail varnish, nail varnish remover, make-up remover, petroleum gel for cosmetic use, scouring preparations for cosmetic use, cosmetic lip care preparations, talcum powder, cotton pads and cotton buds for cosmetic use, cosmetic cotton pads, cloths impregnated with cosmetic lotions, impregnated cleaning cloths and pre-moistened cosmetic wipes, beauty masks, including facial masks, greases for cosmetic use, adhesives for cosmetic use; non-medicinal dental care products, namely, toothpaste, polishes for teeth, dental powder, non-medicinal mouth wash and rinse, breath fresheners, bleaches for teeth, dental cleaning preparations; potpourri; perfumed sachets and air fragrancing preparations for use in rooms; cleaners, cleaning agents, scouring agents, abrasive substances, detergents, bleaches and preparations and substances for washing purposes, namely detergents for household use, dish detergents, laundry detergents, detergent soap, fabric softeners, laundry bleaches, stain removal preparations, carpet cleaners with deodorizer, laundry soaps for textiles, hand cleaning preparations, hand-washing preparations for textiles and clothing, stiffeners in Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 213 the nature of laundry starch, polishing wax, polishing preparations, polishing preparations for footwear, shoe polish and wax, polishes for leather and shoes, liquid soap, paint removing compositions, polishes for furniture and floors. Class 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes, eggs, milk and milk products excluding ice cream, ice milk and frozen yoghurt; edible oils and fats; margarine; butter; cooking and frying fat; cheese, cheese fondue, cheese powder, cheese spreads, cheese substitutes; cheese rennet; drinks based on milk or yoghurt; soya milk; yoghurt; cream; artificial cream and cheese; fruit toppings; yoghurt drinks; milk beverages containing fruit; milkshakes; powdered eggs; unflavoured and unsweetened gelatins; jellies for food; rennet; whey; pectin for culinary purposes; fatty substances for the preparation of edible oils and fats and foods; palm oil for food; palm oil for human consumption; soups, soup preparations and ready-made soup mixes and soup concentrates; bouillons; snacks, based on meat, fish, poultry, game, meat extracts, cheese, nuts, fruits and/or vegetables; spreads of meat, fish, poultry, game, meat extracts, cheese, nuts, fruits and/or vegetables; ready-made meals consisting primarily of meat, fish, poultry, game, meat extracts, cheese, nuts, fruits and/or vegetables. Class 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee, flour, bread, pastry and confectionery made of sugar, edible ices; flavored ices; fruit ices; Italian ices; shaved ice confections; honey; treacle; yeast; baking powder; salt; mustard; vinegar; spices; salad dressings; mayonnaise; sauces; pesto; candy made with caramel; ice cream; water ice; frozen pastry and confectionery; candy; sweets; liquorice; stick liquorice; chocolate sweets; bonbons; herb extracts for use as a food flavoring or food additive; preserved garden herbs and mixed spices; glucose for food and food additives for non-nutritional purposes for use as a flavoring; yeasts; flavor enhancers used in foods; food flavorings; natural sweeteners; thickening agents for the preparation of food; biscuits; cookies; cakes; waffles; tarts; quiches; pasties; pudding; desserts consisting principally of chocolate, coffee, rice, cocoa, tapioca, sago, muesli; frozen desserts (confectionery); frozen fruit desserts (sorbet); breakfast cereals; cereal based snack foods; processed cereals; cereal preparations for breakfast, namely, cornflakes, muesli, high-fiber breakfast cereal; cereal bars; pasta; noodles; pizza and pasta; frozen, prepared or packaged meals based on pasta; snacks, on the basis of pasta, grains, bread, rice, sweets and/or cacao; tea and drinks based on tea; coffee and drinks based on coffee; cacao and drinks based on cacao; ready-made rice-based meals; prawn crackers. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 214 Priority Claims: Class 03 27/02/2013 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 29 27/02/2013 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 30 27/02/2013 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. ROUNDTABLE ON SUSTAINABLE PALM OIL UTOQUAI 29/31, CH-8008 ZURICH, SWITZERLAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 215 T1313706C (01 02 04 06 09 17 19) (International Registration No. 1172153) Date of International Registration: 21/11/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/11/2012 Class 01 Acrylic resins, unprocessed; adhesives for industrial purposes; alkalies; alkaline iodides for industrial purposes; alkaline metals; alkaline-earth metals; alumina; aluminium chloride; aluminium hydrate; aluminium silicate; ammonia; anhydrides; argon; artificial resins, unprocessed; auxiliary fluids for use with abrasives; barium compounds; barytes; bases (chemical preparations); bentonite; benzene derivatives; benzoic acid; foundry binding substances; brazing fluxes; carbon; carbon black for industrial purposes; carbon for filters; catalysts; ceramic materials in particulate form, for use as filtering media; compositions for the manufacture of technical ceramics; chemical preparations for facilitating the alloying of metals; dry ice (carbon dioxide); epoxy resins, unprocessed; fertilizers; filtering materials (unprocessed plastics); helium; hydrogen; industrial chemicals; krypton; lime carbonate; magnesium carbonate; naphthalene; neon; nitrogen; oxygen; phenol for industrial purposes; plastics, unprocessed; rare earths; chemical reagents other than for medical or veterinary purposes; salt, raw; salts (chemical preparations); salts (fertilisers); salts for industrial purposes; salts from rare earth metals; salts of alkaline metals; salts of precious metals for industrial purposes; silicates; silicon; soda ash; soldering fluxes; sulphur; sulphuric acid; synthetic resins, unprocessed; titanium dioxide for industrial purposes; toluene; welding chemicals; xenon; zirconia; welding fluxes; ammonium sulphate; calcium silicate; silica gel; methanol; anthracene; styrene monomer; cyclohexene; biphenyls; acenaphthenes; terphenyl; decahydronaphthalene; tetrahydronaphthalene; methylnaphthalenes; pyrene; fluorene; coumarone resin; phenanthrene; cyclohexane; bisphenol A; cresol; xylenol; phthalic anhydride; para-benzyl biphenyl; indoles; skatole; coumarin; dihydrocoumarin; indenes; isoquinolines; quinaldine; tetrachlorophthalic anhydride; divinylbenzene; diphenylbenzene; carbazole; thiophene; pyridine; cement blending agents (chemical preparations); phenolic resins; polyamide resins; polystyrene resins; polypropylene resins; organometallic compounds; ammonium sulphate fertilizer; chemicals for use in the manufacture of liquid crystals; chemicals for the manufacture of resists for liquid crystal display (LCD) color filters; photographic chemicals; plastic molding compounds for use in the manufacture of plastic sheets and films (raw materials). Class 02 Anti-rust greases; anti-corrosive preparations; ink (toner) for Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 216 photocopiers; pigments; printing ink; inks for screen printing; blacks (colorants or paints); carbon black [pigments]; creosote for wood preservation; paints; primers; metals in powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists. Class 04 Coke; industrial oil; lubricants; lubricating grease; lubricating oil; ester based oil; cutting oils; solid lubricants; benzene; xylene; foundry coke; coal tar oil; lubricating graphite; vaporized fuel mixtures. Class 06 Alloys of common metal; aluminium; aluminium foil; aluminium wire; balls of steel; boxes of common metal; brackets of metal for building; brass, unwrought or semi-wrought; brazing alloys; rods of metal for brazing; building boards of metal; metal accessories for furniture and doors and windows; pre-fabricated buildings of metal; cast iron, unwrought or semi-wrought; cast steel; common metals, unwrought or semi-wrought; containers of metal for storage; copper, unwrought or semi-wrought; copper ores; crash barriers of metal for roads; metal nails, screws, metal beams for buildings, metal ceiling panels, metal cove bases, metal fence posts, metal floors, metal gates and fencing panels, metal lintel, metal pantile, metal roofing, metal roofing panels, metal tiles, metal window frames; flanges of metal (collars); foundry moulds of metal; framework of metal for building; gold solder; indium; ingots of common metal; iron ores; iron, unwrought or semi-wrought; iron wire; joists of metal; lead, unwrought or semi-wrought; linings of metal (building); manhole covers of metal; manifolds of metal for pipelines; materials of metal for funicular railway permanent ways; metals in powder form; nickel and its alloys; niobium; nuts of metal; pillars of metal for buildings; pipe muffs of metal; poles of metal; posts of metal; props of metal for construction purpose; railroad ties of metal; rails of metal; railway material of metal; reinforcing materials of metal for building for cement use; sheet piles of metal; sheets and plates of metal; silver plated tin alloy; silver solder; metal sleeves; soldering wire of metal; steel alloys; steel buildings; steel pipes; steel sheets; steel strip; steel, unwrought or semi-wrought; steel wire; steps (ladders) of metal; stops of metal; strap-hinges of metal; tantalum (metal); tin and its alloys; tinfoil; tinplate; tinplate packings; titanium; titanium iron; tombac; trellis of metal; tubes of metal; tungsten; turntables (railways); vanadium; rods of metal for welding; wire of common metal; wire of common metal alloys, except fuse wire; wire rope; zirconium; steel bars; steel strands; steel cables; steel angles; wire of metal for welding; heavy plate steel; hot-rolled steel sheets and coils; cold-rolled steel sheets and coils; tin free steel sheets and coils; electrical steel sheets; galvanized steel sheets and coils; cobalt, raw; cobalt ores. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 217 Class 09 Electronic agendas; anodes; bar code readers; batteries, electric; capacitors; cathodes; central processing units (processors); chips (integrated circuits); computer operating programs, recorded; computer programs (downloadable software); computer software(recorded); computers; connections, electric; contacts, electric; contacts, electric, of precious metal; data processing apparatus; distribution consoles (electricity); integrated circuit cards (smart cards); integrated circuits; intercommunication apparatus; accumulator jars; juke boxes for computers; lasers, not for medical purposes; magnetic data media; magnetic encoders; material testing instruments and machines; monitors (computer programs); optical character readers; optical data media; photocopiers (electrostatic, thermic); plates for batteries; portable telephones; printed circuits; readers (data processing equipment); resistances, electric; semi-conductors; solar batteries; telephone apparatus; transmitters (telecommunication); transmitting sets(telecommunication); video telephones; wafers (silicon slices); color filters for liquid crystal display; flexible print circuits; inkjet printers; printed circuit boards; hygrometers; light-emitting diodes. Class 17 Electrical insulating plastic films; electrical insulating plastic sheets; insulating oils; plastic film other than for wrapping; plastic substances, semi-processed; semi-finished synthetic resins for molding; electrical insulating materials; adhesive-coated plastic sheets for use in manufacture; laminated plastic films for use on windows; extruded plastic in the form of bars, blocks, pellets, rods, sheets and tubes for use in manufacturing; plastic in the form of bars, blocks, pellets, rods, sheets and tubes for use in manufacturing; insulating varnish; synthetic rubber; synthetic resins (semi-finished products); dielectrics; electrical insulators; plastic fibers, not for use in textiles; plastic sheeting used in the construction industry as a vapor barrier. Class 19 Artificial stone; bricks; building panels of ceramic, concrete, carbon fiber plastics and plastics; building stone; cement posts; cement slabs; door casings of carbon fiber plastics and plastics; door frames of carbon fiber plastics and plastics; door panels of carbon fiber plastics and plastics; fences of carbon fiber plastics and plastics; cement for furnaces; grout; palings of concrete, carbon fiber plastics and plastics; palisading of carbon fiber plastics and plastics; cement slabs; slag (building material); tar; pitch; coal tar. Priority Claims: Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 218 Class 01 15/10/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 02 15/10/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 04 15/10/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 06 15/10/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 09 15/10/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 17 15/10/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 19 15/10/2012 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL CORPORATION NO. 6-1, MARUNOUCHI 2-CHOME, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100-8071, JAPAN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 219 T1314005F (14) (International Registration No. 1172336) Date of International Registration: 16/07/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/07/2013 The mark consists of a three dimensional shape of a ring with the word "Boucheron" appearing thereon, as shown in the representation on the notification of international registration. Class 14 Jewelry and precious stones; goods made of precious metals or coated therewith, namely rings, bracelets, necklaces (jewelry), earrings, brooches (jewelry), pendants (jewelry), medals; cuff links, tie pins; key rings [trinkets or fobs]. Priority Claims: Class 14 09/07/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. BOUCHERON HOLDING 26, PLACE VENDOME, F-75001 PARIS, FRANCE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 220 T1314038B (09 42) (International Registration No. 1172735) Date of International Registration: 03/01/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/01/2013 Class 09 Computer software for enabling real-time communication over the Internet; computer software for instant messaging, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), video conferencing, audio conferencing, application sharing, computer desktop sharing, file transfer, sensing and providing user presence information, and telephony; computer software for mobile devices to secure remote access via the Internet to private computer networks; computer software for facilitating the interoperability of multiple software applications; computer software for enabling users to identify availability of other users and integrate electronic address books and calendars; computer software for use in transmitting information, video, voice, audio, and content over a global computer information network; computer software for enabling users to communicate, collaborate, and share computer screens, desktops, data, electronic documents, video and applications via the Internet; computer software for viewing, managing, editing and storing documents via computer networks; computer software for scheduling and managing calendars, contacts, online meetings, telephone conferencing, and video conferencing. Class 42 Computer software consultation related to enabling real-time communication over the Internet; technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of computer software problems; computer services, namely, hosting on-line community websites for registered users to participate in discussions, form virtual communities, engage in social networking, and exchange documents; technological advice regarding computer software, computer database, design and development of computer hardware and computer security, provided to Internet users by means of a support hotline; technical consultation regarding the design and development of computer hardware, computer software, computer systems, computer networks, intranets, and the Internet. Priority Claims: Class 09 04/07/2012 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 04/07/2012 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 221 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. CISCO TECHNOLOGY, INC. 170 W. TASMAN DR., SAN JOSE, CA 95134, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #14-01 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 222 T1314639I (02 17 19) (International Registration No. 1173695) Date of International Registration: 24/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 24/06/2013 Class 02 Paints, primers; paints, coatings (paints); glazes; colour concentrates, tinting paints; artists colours, decorative paints, paints in powdered form; paint sealers; primers; fixing, algicidal, impregnating and water-repellent paints; anti-corrosive preparations; pretreatment, after-treatment and final-treatment preparations for paints, namely primers, binders for paints, anti-corrosive waxes, coating compositions in the form of oils and moisture repellent coatings (paints); thinning and binding preparations for paints, auxiliary preparations for paints, namely paint thinner, turpentine (thinner for paints), binding agents for paints, wood mordants, oils for the preservation of wood , fixatives (varnishes), ceramic paints. Class 17 Insulating boards, eps boards (boards of expanded polystyrene) for insulation; mineral wool boards (insulating boards), mineral foam boards (insulating boards); heat insulating plaster; joint sealing compounds; weatherstripping compositions, caulking materials; joint sealing tapes and profiles; all the aforesaid goods included in this class. Class 19 Building materials (non-metallic); plaster, in particular ground and ceiling plaster, set, thin-layer and thick-layer plaster, plaster in powder and paste form, restoration plaster, renovation plaster, special-purpose plaster; mortar, in particular stone replacement mortar, concrete restoration mortar, special mortar; fillers for building; aggregate for use in preparation of plaster, mortar and fillers; slurry plaster for building; reinforcing woven material; mineral boards for building purposes; calcium silicate boards for building purposes; wall and ceiling panels; reinforcing compounds. Priority Claims: Class 02 15/03/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 17 15/03/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 223 Class 19 15/03/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. KEIMFARBEN GMBH KEIMSTRASSE 16, 86420 DIEDORF, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 224 T1314792A (35 36) (International Registration No. 1173720) Date of International Registration: 06/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/06/2013 Class 35 Advertising and business management services in this class relating to the ownership, management, operation and promotion of a shopping centre complex; business management assistance; professional business consultancy; marketing, consumer and business research studies; modelling for advertising or sales promotions; arranging for office machines and equipment rental; dissemination of advertising matters; rental of advertising space; bill-posting; demonstration of goods and services including the demonstration of goods and services of tenants of shops in a shopping centre complex; direct mail advertising; distribution of samples; organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes in offices, shops and shopping centre complexes; outdoor advertising; sales promotion for others; and shop window dressing; all the aforementioned services being in connection with offices, shops and shopping centre complexes. Class 36 Real estate and insurance affairs in this class relating to the ownership, operation and management of a shopping centre complex; rent collection; management and operation of real estate being offices, shops and shopping centre complexes; leasing of real estate being the leasing of shops at shopping centre complexes; leasing of real estate including leasing of shops at shopping centre complexes; insurance services in this class including arranging of fire and other insurance for tenants of shops at a shopping centre complex; real estate appraisal; financial affairs; monetary affairs; financial and investment services including funds management and investment services, finances, investments, investment portfolios and assets including real estate assets; administration and management of investments; advisory services relating to investments; obtaining, financing, managing, administering, advising in relation to, planning, monitoring and investing funds for investment purposes; investment trust management and administration services. Priority Claims: Class 35 07/12/2012 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 36 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 225 07/12/2012 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. CRL IP HOLDINGS PTY LTD LEVEL 3,, 235 SPRINGVALE ROAD, GLEN WAVERLEY VIC 3150, AUSTRALIA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #14-01 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 226 T1314793Z (35 36) (International Registration No. 1173721) Date of International Registration: 06/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/06/2013 Class 35 Advertising and business management services in this class relating to the ownership, management, operation and promotion of a shopping centre complex; business management assistance; professional business consultancy; marketing and research studies; modelling for advertising or sales promotions; arranging for office machines and equipment rental; dissemination of advertising matters; rental of advertising space; bill-posting; demonstration of goods and services including the demonstration of goods and services of tenants of shops in a shopping centre complex; direct mail advertising; distribution of samples; organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes in offices, shops and shopping centre complexes; outdoor advertising; sales promotion for others; and shop window dressing; all the aforementioned services being in connection with offices, shops and shopping centre complexes. Class 36 Real estate and insurance affairs in this class relating to the ownership, operation and management of a shopping centre complex; rent collection; management and operation of real estate being offices, shops and shopping centre complexes; leasing of real estate being the leasing of shops at shopping centre complexes; leasing of real estate including leasing of shops at shopping centre complexes; insurance services in this class including arranging of fire and other insurance for tenants of shops at a shopping centre complex; real estate appraisal; financial affairs; monetary affairs; financial and investment services including funds management and investment services, finances, investments, investment portfolios and assets including real estate assets; administration and management of investments; advisory services relating to investments; obtaining, financing, managing, administering, advising in relation to, planning, monitoring and investing funds for investment purposes; investment trust management and administration services. Priority Claims: Class 35 07/12/2012 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 36 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 227 07/12/2012 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. CRL IP HOLDINGS PTY LTD LEVEL 3,, 235 SPRINGVALE ROAD, GLEN WAVERLEY VIC 3150, AUSTRALIA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #14-01 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 T1315084A (19) (International Registration No. 1174557) Date of International Registration: 30/07/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/07/2013 The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Tong Xi" meaning "Thank You for Your Congratulation" or "The Same to You". Class 19 Floor tiles, not of metal; cement. HUNAN TIANXIN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. XINGQING AGRICULTURE AND, YUEYANG COUNTY, HUNAN, CHINA INDUSTRY PARK, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 228 T1408058H (29 32) (International Registration No. 1175310) Date of International Registration: 22/08/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 31/03/2014 Class 29 Fruit and vegetable purees containing chia seeds. Class 32 Fruit-flavored beverages. MAMMA CHIA LLC 5205 AVENIDA ENCINAS,SUITE E, 92008,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CARLSBAD CA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 229 T1407161I (04 07 12) (International Registration No. 1175514) Date of International Registration: 27/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 25/02/2014 Class 04 Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; fuels (including motor spirit); additives, non-chemical, to motor fuel; petrol. Class 07 Filters (parts of machines or engines); exhausts for motors and engines; pumps (parts of machines, engines or motors); fans for motors and engines; fan belts for motors and engines; timing belts for vehicle engines. Class 12 Clutches for land vehicles; clutch cables, clutch cylinders, clutch discs, clutch levers, clutch mechanisms, all for land vehicles; couplings for use with clutches for land vehicles; double clutch transmissions for land vehicles; brakes for vehicles; brake systems for vehicles and components therefor; brake disks for vehicles; brake cylinders for vehicles; brake pads for vehicles; brake facings for vehicles; brake linings for vehicles; brake hardware for vehicles; brake levers for vehicles; brake drums for vehicles; brake sets for vehicles; brake segments for vehicles; constant velocity joints (vehicle parts); suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; steering columns for vehicles; steering linkages for vehicles; steering racks for vehicles; steering wheel covers; steering wheel locks; steering apparatus for vehicles; shock absorbing springs being parts of vehicle suspension; axles for suspension systems in vehicles; suspensions for vehicles; suspension arms for vehicles; suspension struts for vehicles; transmission for land vehicles; transmission mechanisms for land vehicles; consoles being parts of vehicle interiors; containers adapted for use in vehicle interiors; interior panels for vehicles; interior pouches for vehicles; parts of interior trim of vehicles; seat covers for vehicle seats; children’s seats for vehicles; child restraints for vehicle seats; child booster cushions for vehicle seats; safety harnesses for vehicle seats; head-rests for vehicles; vehicle seats; windscreens; windscreen wipers; windscreen wiper blades; wheels; tyres; vehicle wheel rims, bodies for vehicles; body panels for vehicles; parts of vehicle interiors. COMLINE AUTO PARTS LIMITED UNIT B1, LUTON ENTERPRISE PARK, SUNDON PARK ROAD, LUTON, BEDFORDSHIRE LU3 3GU, UNITED KINGDOM Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 230 T1315532J (29 30 32) (International Registration No. 1175633) Date of International Registration: 10/07/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/07/2013 Class 29 Milk, cream, butter, cheese and dairy products; milk substitutes; milk beverages, milk predominating; milk-based desserts and cream-based desserts; yogurts; soya milk (milk substitute), preserved soya beans for human consumption; edible oils and fats; coffee and/or tea whiteners (cream substitutes); beverages based on milk ferments. Class 30 Coffee, coffee extracts, coffee-based beverages and preparations; iced coffee; artificial coffee, artificial coffee extracts, artificial coffee-based beverages and preparations; chicory (coffee substitute); tea, tea extracts, tea-based beverages and preparations; iced tea; malt-based preparations for human consumption; cocoa and cocoa-based beverages and preparations; chocolate, chocolate products, chocolate-based beverages and preparations; confectionery, sugar confectionery, candy; sugar; chewing gum not for medical use; natural sweeteners; bakery products, bread, yeast, pastries; biscuits, cakes, cookies, wafers, caramels, puddings; edible ices, water ices, sherbets, frozen confectionery, frozen cakes, ice cream, frozen desserts, frozen yogurts, powders and binding agents (included in this class) for making edible ices and/or water ices and/or sherbets and/or frozen confectionery and/or frozen cakes and/or ice cream and/or frozen desserts and/or frozen yogurts; breakfast cereals, muesli, corn flakes, cereal bars, ready-to-eat cereals; cereal preparations. Class 32 Still water, aerated or carbonated water, treated water, spring water, mineral water, flavored water; fruit-flavored beverages and fruit-based beverages, fruit juices and vegetable juices, nectars, lemonades, soda water and other non-alcoholic beverages; syrups, extracts and essences and other preparations for making non-alcoholic beverages (excluding essential oils); soya-based beverages; malt-based beverages; isotonic beverages. Priority Claims: Class 29 08/02/2013 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 30 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 231 08/02/2013 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 32 08/02/2013 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. CH-1800 VEVEY, SWITZERLAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: NESTLE SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD, 15A CHANGI BUSINESS PARK CENTRAL 1, #05-02/03 EIGHTRIUM @ CHANGI BUSINESS PARK, SINGAPORE 486035 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 232 T1317019B (03 35) (International Registration No. 1178614) Date of International Registration: 25/07/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 25/07/2013 The French word "Eclat" appearing in the mark means "Radiance". Class 03 Cosmetics; essential oils; aromatics (essential oils); cleansing water; cosmetic lotions; cosmetic creams; cleansing milks; shampoos; hair lotions; shower products in gel form for cosmetic use; shower products in the form of creams for cosmetic use; make-up removing products; beauty masks, make-up products; preparations in aerosol form for hairdressing and hair care, hair sprays, dyes and hair bleaching products. Class 35 Retail sale and wholesale services in stores, retail sale via global computer networks for perfumery products and cosmetics of all kinds, import-export agency services, business representative services, namely, sales and commercial representations, retail sale of perfumes, perfumery products and cosmetics, retail sale of perfumes, perfumery products and cosmetics via global computer network, assistance for the operation of commercial companies as franchises, business management and administration services, office functions, organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; office functions. MORRIS E. CURIEL IBERICA, S.A. UNIPERSONAL CALLE MONTE ESQUINZA, 11, E-28010 MADRID, SPAIN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: QUAHE WOO & PALMER LLC, 180 CLEMENCEAU AVENUE, #02-02 HAW PAR CENTRE, SINGAPORE 239922 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 233 T1317117B (09 24 35) (International Registration No. 1178768) Date of International Registration: 17/06/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 17/06/2013 Class 09 Glasses, sun glasses, glasses frames and glasses cases. Class 24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers; throws; sheets; blankets; picnic blankets; pet blankets; towels; tea towels; napkins; table cloths; cloth table coasters; textile place mats; blankets for babies, infants and children; towels for babies, infants and children; bed and cot linen for babies, infants and children. Class 35 Retail services, including online retail store services connected with the sale of clothing, footwear, headgear and accessories, baby care products, infant care products, childcare products, cosmetics and toiletries, home wares, furniture, kitchen accessories and utensils, jewellery, toys, games and playthings, textiles and textile goods; department store retail services connected with clothing, footwear, headgear and accessories, baby care products, infant care products, childcare products, cosmetics and toiletries, home wares, furniture, kitchen accessories and utensils, jewellery, toys, games and playthings, textiles and textile goods; sales promotion for others; procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses). Priority Claims: Class 09 05/06/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 24 05/06/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 05/06/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. JOULES LIMITED Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 234 16 THE POINT, ROCKINGHAM ROAD, MARKET HARBOROUGH, LEICESTERSHIRE LE16 7QU, UNITED KINGDOM ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #14-01 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 235 T1317237C (09 37 38) (International Registration No. 1178857) Date of International Registration: 03/04/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/04/2013 Class 09 Scientific, nautical, geodetic, photographic, cinematographic, optical apparatus and instruments and apparatus and instruments for weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers; data processing equipment and computers; antennas; video telephones; software; intercommunication apparatus; telephone sets; radiotelephone sets, such as mobile radios connected to a communication system for alarm distribution or alarm notification, the aforementioned goods normally used by roaming personnel; Internet Protocol (IP) telephone sets and equipment; loudspeakers; amplifiers; panels, namely communication or alarm points located on premises, namely alarm panels with 1 or more buttons to trigger alarms in different zones or call panels with two-way communications in case of emergency; wireless telephones, telephone cables. Class 37 Installation and repair of electrical apparatus. Class 38 Telecommunications services, namely, Internet Protocol (IP) telephone services, computer aided transmission of messages and images, communications by computer terminals, communications by fiber optic networks and broadband networks, radio communication, satellite transmission, rental of telecommunication equipment. Priority Claims: Class 09 22/03/2013 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 37 22/03/2013 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 236 22/03/2013 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. ZENITEL NORWAY AS SANDAKERVEIEN 24C, N-0473 OSLO, NORWAY. ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #14-01 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 T1317135J (09) (International Registration No. 1179146) Date of International Registration: 15/08/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/08/2013 Class 09 Software; dredge-proof measuring apparatus; computer hardware and software for the real-time simulation of the operations of dredge vessels, dredge apparatus and instruments [all used for operating dredging vessels, dredging apparatus and instruments and training of dredge operators]; electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; computers for the control regulation and operation of industrial operations; remote control apparatus; electro-dynamic apparatus for the remote control of signals; distribution consoles [electricity], all used for operating dredging vessels and dredging apparatus and instruments. Priority Claims: Class 09 19/02/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. IHC SYSTEMS B.V. INDUSTRIEWEG NETHERLANDS 30, NL-3361 HJ SLIEDRECHT, ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: FRANCINE TAN LAW CORPORATION, 6 EU TONG SEN STREET, #09-09, SINGAPORE 059817 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 237 T1318964J (14 16 18 21 25) (International Registration No. 1182437) Date of International Registration: 14/10/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/10/2013 Class 14 Jewelry; costume jewelry. Class 16 Plastic and paper gift bags; ink pens; stationery-type portfolios. Class 18 All-purpose carrying bags. Class 21 Drinking mugs. Class 25 Clothing, namely, shirts and hats. Priority Claims: Class 14 07/05/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 07/05/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 07/05/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 21 07/05/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 07/05/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. MAPLE MOUNTAIN GROUP, INC. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 238 588 SOUTH 2000 WEST, SPRINGVILLE UT 84663, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 239 T1319418J (30) (International Registration No. 1182983) Date of International Registration: 07/08/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/08/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Deep cherry and white. The word "chillbox" is in white color and the background consisting of a square is in deep cherry color. Class 30 Almond confectionery, aromatic preparations for food, artificial coffee, binding agents for ice cream [edible ices], binding agents for ice cream, binding agents for edible ices, biscuits, cookies, cake powder, cake paste, pastry, cakes, flavorings [flavourings], other than essential oils, for cakes, flavorings, candy, caramels [candy], cereal preparations, cereal bars, chocolate beverages with milk, chocolate, chocolate-based beverages, cinnamon [spice], cocoa beverages with milk, cocoa, cocoa-based beverages, coffee beverages with milk, unroasted coffee, coffee, coffee flavorings [flavourings], coffee-based beverages, confectionery, sugar confectionery, confectionery for decorating Christmas trees, corn flakes, maize flakes, fruit coulis [sauces], fondants [confectionery], cake frosting [icing], frozen yoghurt [confectionery ices], frozen yogurt [confectionery ices], fruit jellies [confectionery], golden syrup, halvah, honey, ice, natural or artificial, ice for refreshment, ice cream, iced tea, macaroons [pastry], dessert mousses [confectionery], chocolate mousses, pancakes, pasties, pate [pastries], pastries, petit-beurre biscuits, petits fours [cakes], pralines, royal jelly, sherbets [ices], sorbets [ices], tea, tea-based beverages, waffles. Priority Claims: Class 30 09/05/2013 EUROPEAN UNION Partial goods/services claimed in this application. CHILLBOX HOLDINGS COOPERATIEF UA JAN VAN GOYENKADE 8, NL-1075 HP AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: FRANCINE TAN LAW CORPORATION, 6 EU TONG SEN STREET, #09-09, SINGAPORE 059817 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 240 T1405946E (42) (International Registration No. 1187067) Date of International Registration: 15/11/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/03/2014 Class 42 Consulting in the field of designing fans, controls, lighting, and ventilation systems; custom design and development of fans, controls, lighting, and ventilation systems; custom design and engineering of fans, controls, lighting, and ventilation systems. DELTA T CORPORATION 2348 INNOVATION DRIVE, LEXINGTON KY 40511, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1406401I (42) (International Registration No. 1191433) Date of International Registration: 11/10/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 02/04/2014 Class 42 Hosting of software as a service (SaaS); providing use of on-line non-downloadable software for searching, monitoring, tracking, filtering and analysing on-line social media posts. INTERGEN LIMITED PO BOX 5428, LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON 6145, NEW ZEALAND Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 241 T1408296C (33) (International Registration No. 1192495) Date of International Registration: 25/11/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 08/05/2014 Class 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beer); whisky; whisky liqueurs; beverages from or containing whisky; whisky based alcoholic beverages; blended whisky; bourbon whisky; malt whisky; spirits; wines; liqueurs; distilled beverages; aperitifs; cocktails; alcoholic beverages (except beer) containing more than 1.15% of alcohol by volume; alcoholic beverages containing fruit; alcoholic preparations for making beverages; beverages containing wine (alcohol content 1.15% or more by volume); beverages containing wine (wine predominating); carbonated beverages (alcoholic, except beers); cider coolers (beverages); distilled alcoholic beverages; distilled beverages; fruit based alcoholic beverages; liquors for alcoholic beverages; pre-mixed alcoholic beverages; preparations for making alcoholic beverages. VEDANTA DEVELOPMENTS PTY LTD 25 LAKEWOOD 3201,AUSTRALIA BVD, T1405811F (17) (International Registration No. 1198759) Date of International Registration: 07/02/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/02/2014 Class 17 Insulating materials, including acoustic and sound insulation including flexible composite sheets of plastics, foam and aluminium foil; acoustic insulating panels; acoustic sheets and tiles for insulating; acoustic insulating sheets. Priority Claims: Class 17 13/08/2013 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. ARMACELL ENTERPRISE GMBH & CO. KG ROBERT-BOSCH-STR. 10, 48153 MUNSTER, GERMANY CARRUM DOWNS VIC Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 242 T1405814J (35) (International Registration No. 1198788) Date of International Registration: 30/01/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/01/2014 Class 35 Employment agency and recruitment services; executive search and selection services; workforce management services; human resource consulting, research and analysis; staffing and outsourcing services; contract staffing services; career consulting and career management; human resource advice, information and consulting; business consultation services in the fields of personnel management, placement, recruitment and relocation; employee attraction, retention and analysis programmes; business information, advice and consultancy services; compilation of advertisements for use as Web pages on the Internet; provision of space on Websites for advertising services; provision of advertising space on the Internet for employment advertising; database collection and management all relating to employment agency and recruitment services. Priority Claims: Class 35 05/08/2013 UNITED KINGDOM All goods/services claimed in this application. FIVETEN GROUP LIMITED 322 HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON WC1V 7PB, UNITED KINGDOM Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 243 T1406717D (05 30) (International Registration No. 1201037) Date of International Registration: 21/01/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/01/2014 Class 05 Candy, medicated; pastilles for pharmaceutical purposes; dietetic foods for health care based on vitamins, minerals, trace elements, either single or in combination; dietetic foods and dietetic products adapted for medical purposes; nutritional additives based on vitamins, minerals, trace elements for medical and/or not medical purposes; pectin for pharmaceutical purposes; pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations to maintain and support of health; vitamin preparations; plasters for medical purposes. Class 30 Sweetmeats (candy) fortified with vitamins; fruit jellies fortified with vitamins; caramels fortified with vitamins; sugar confectionery fortified with vitamins; chewing gum fortified with vitamins, not for medical purposes; lozenges, confectionery fortified with vitamins; sugar confectionery fortified with vitamins also as sugarcoated candy; fruit gummies fortified with vitamins; chocolate and chocolate goods fortified with vitamins. AMAPHARM GMBH AM OCHSENWALD 3, NEUNKIRCHEN-WELLESWEILER, GERMANY 66539 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 244 T1407044B (03) (International Registration No. 1201332) Date of International Registration: 21/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/03/2014 The French word "Teint" appearing in the mark means "Tint". Class 03 Make-up products. Priority Claims: Class 03 30/01/2014 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & CIE 29, RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT-HONORE, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE T1407163E (05) (International Registration No. 1201337) Date of International Registration: 19/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/03/2014 Class 05 Medical diagnostic kits with reagent for drug screening, pregnancy testing, ovulation prediction and infectious disease testing. SUN BIOMEDICAL LIMITED LEVEL 2, 1 WALKER AVENUE, WEST PERTH, PERTH 6005, AUSTRALIA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 245 T1407167H (03 09) (International Registration No. 1201378) Date of International Registration: 08/11/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 08/11/2013 Class 03 Soaps; perfumery, fragrances, perfumes in solid form; cosmetics; essential oils, body oils, hair lotions, body lotions, foot lotions; nail care preparations, nail varnish, nail polish, nail varnish and polish removing preparations; talcum powder; sunscreen preparations; sun-tanning preparations; pumice stone; emery, emery paper; dentifrices; shoe cream, shoe polish, shoe wax; bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; cleaning and polishing preparations for leather, footwear, handbags, sunglasses; room fragrance, room fragrancing preparations. Class 09 Eyewear, sunglasses, spectacles, sunglasses and spectacles cases and frames, optical frames; pouches and bags adapted to carry sunglasses and spectacles; laptop cases, laptop bags; mobile phone cases; encoded bank cards; bags made of leather or imitations of leather adapted for electrical apparatus and instruments, mobile phones, laptops, PDA’s; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, magnetic data carriers, recording discs; pre-recorded CDs, CD-ROMs, tapes and discs; protective footwear; electronic publications (downloadable); software applications (App’s); measuring, signalling, weighing and optical apparatus and instruments; calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; electronic tags for goods. J. CHOO LIMITED 10 HOWICK KINGDOM PLACE, LONDON SW1P 1GW, UNITED Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 246 T1407171F (30) (International Registration No. 1201420) Date of International Registration: 15/01/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/01/2014 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "Coffee". Class 30 Coffee, coffee in roasted, powered, granulated, or in drink forms, coffee based beverages, coffee beans, coffee beverages with milk, coffee extracts, coffee flavored syrup used in making food beverages, beverages made with a coffee base, coffee essences, roasted coffee beans, coffee and tea. GORILLA COFFEE, INC. 360 FURMAN STREET, BROOKLYN NY 11201, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1407049C (09) (International Registration No. 1201472) Date of International Registration: 21/02/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/02/2014 Class 09 Eyewear, including sunglasses, spectacles and prescription eyewear; parts and accessories for eyewear, including frames, optical lenses and cases. Priority Claims: Class 09 21/01/2014 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. SUNSHADES EYEWEAR PTY LIMITED 110 MCEVOY AUSTRALIA STREET, ALEXANDRIA NSW 2015, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 247 T1407052C (41) (International Registration No. 1201480) Date of International Registration: 10/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/03/2014 Class 41 Education; activities. training; entertainment; sporting and cultural Priority Claims: Class 41 17/02/2014 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. FORMULA ONE LICENSING B.V. BEURSPLEIN 37, NL-3011 AA ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS. T1407186D (03) (International Registration No. 1201561) Date of International Registration: 15/11/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/11/2013 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately of the word "Cosmetics" and "". Class 03 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Priority Claims: Class 03 16/05/2013 TURKEY All goods/services claimed in this application. ESRA BILIR KUUKBAKKALKOY MAH. CENGIZ, TOPEL CAD. SEVIM SOK., ERGUVAN 9 APT. B BLOK NO:6 D:10, ATASEHIR, ISTANBUL, TURKEY Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 248 T1407191J (34) (International Registration No. 1201604) Date of International Registration: 04/02/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/02/2014 Class 34 Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll-your-own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, cigarettes with or without filters, made of a mix of tobacco and cut clove (other than for medical use); snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers’ articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches. Priority Claims: Class 34 25/11/2013 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S.A. QUAI JEANRENAUD SWITZERLAND 3, T1407229A (41) (International Registration No. 1202003) Date of International Registration: 06/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/03/2014 Class 41 Athletic and sports event services, namely, arranging, organizing, operating and conducting races; entertainment services, namely, participation in athletic events, running; organizing community sporting events; organizing sporting events, namely, running; organizing, arranging, and conducting athletic, running, events; providing information relating to sports and sporting events. BASECAMP EVENTS, L.L.C. 7109 HIGHLAND DR. SALT LAKE CITY UT 84121, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CH-2000 NEUCHATEL, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 249 T1407447B (03) (International Registration No. 1202207) Date of International Registration: 07/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/03/2014 Class 03 Make-up products; make-up removing products; lipstick; mascaras for eyelashes; nail polish; nail-polish removing products; rouge; make-up powders; eye shadows; eye pencils; eyebrow pencils; blusher pencils. Priority Claims: Class 03 11/09/2013 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. SEPHORA 65, AVENUE EDOUARD VAILLANT, F-92100 BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT, FRANCE Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 250 T1407861C (29 30 32 33) (International Registration No. 1202285) Date of International Registration: 13/01/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/01/2014 The French words "Mere" and "Mont" appearing in the mark mean "Mother" and "Mountain" respectively. Class 29 Meat, fish, poultry (excluding slaughtered domestic fowl) and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes, eggs, milk and dairy products; charcuterie; edible oils and fats; canned meat, fish, fruit and vegetables; ready meals made with vegetables, meat or fish; potato fritters; potato chips; croquettes (food). Class 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals; bakery products; floury foods, crackers, bread, sweet or savory biscuits, cakes, pastry and confectionery, lollipops, chocolate, candy sticks; edible ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ready meals made with dough, pasta or rice; sandwiches; filled bread rolls and sandwiches; hamburgers included in this class; quiches. Class 32 Beers, mineral and aerated waters; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups for beverages; apple juices, especially sparkling ones; vegetable juices [beverages]; fruit nectars; lemonades. Class 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers); ciders; apple liqueurs and brandies. LMP INTERNATIONAL S.A. 3, AVENUE LUXEMBOURG PASTEUR, L-2311 LUXEMBOURG, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 251 T1407881H (09) (International Registration No. 1202475) Date of International Registration: 27/02/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/02/2014 Class 09 Decorative electrical cord and cable accessories for decorating and organizing the electrical cords and cables of computers, electronics, mobile devices and appliances, namely, cord catchers in the nature of specially adapted or fitted organizers, cord identifiers in the nature of specially adapted or fitted clips, and specially adapted or fitted cord covers in the shape of miniature figures all designed specifically for identifying, securing, bundling, grouping, wrapping, concealing, catching, organizing, and holding cords and cables in a decorative manner. Priority Claims: Class 09 03/09/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT ASSOCIATION, INC. COLLECTIBLES 603 SWEETLAND AVENUE, HILLSIDE NJ 07205-1799,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 252 T1407465J (06 17 19 37) (International Registration No. 1202503) Date of International Registration: 30/09/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/09/2013 Class 06 Plastic coated pipes made out of metal. Class 17 Sealing members, namely plastic sleeves for tubes. Class 19 Rigid pipes with cover panels and rigid pipes with coatings made out of plastic; plastic coated pipes not made out of metal. Class 37 Building construction; repair services, in particular repair services for pipes, pipelines, welding lines and coatings; installation services; construction of pipelines, carrying out of horizontal drillings, pipe laying by means of impact moling. GERD PAULISCH EINSTEINSTRABE GERMANY 20, T1407468E (05) (International Registration No. 1202565) Date of International Registration: 24/01/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 24/01/2014 Class 05 Diagnostic preparations sold in kits; immunological testing preparations sold in kits; chemical reagents for medical use; diagnostic and biological reagents for medical use. THE BINDING SITE GROUP LIMITED 8 CALTHORPE ROAD, EDGBASTON, BIRMINGHAM, WEST MIDLANDS B15 1QT, UNITED KINGDOM 17036 NEUBRANDENBURG, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 253 T1407469C (07 09) (International Registration No. 1202583) Date of International Registration: 18/02/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/02/2014 Class 07 Hydraulic pumps, jacks and jacking equipment, hydraulic rams, hydraulic accumulators; and parts and fittings none being filters, for all the aforesaid goods. Class 09 Pressure testing equipment, hydraulic testing equipment, test equipment for desalination equipment. PORTWAY DESIGN LLP 43 ALBANY ROAD, SALISBURY WILTSHIRE SP1 3YQ, UNITED KINGDOM T1407470G (25) (International Registration No. 1202584) Date of International Registration: 25/02/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 25/02/2014 The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Jin Yuan" which has no meaning. Class 25 Clothing; layettes [clothing]; waterproof clothing; footwear; hats; hosiery; scarfs; leather belts [clothing]; wedding dresses; gloves [clothing]. FUJIAN JINYUAN FASHION CO.,LTD. JINYUAN INDUSTRIAL PARK, BAOGAI SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PARK, SHISHI, FUJIAN, CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 254 T1407473A (03) (International Registration No. 1202600) Date of International Registration: 18/02/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/02/2014 Class 03 Body cleaning and beauty care preparations, hair preparations and treatments. RENEE BLANCHE S.R.L. VIA NAZIONALE PER ORRIA, FRAZ. OMIGNANO SCALO, I-84060 SALENTO, ITALY T1407480D (09) (International Registration No. 1202637) Date of International Registration: 04/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/03/2014 Class 09 Eyeglasses; eyeglass cases; eyeglass frames; sunglasses. KANEKO OPTICAL CO., LTD. 712-2, YOSHIE-CHO, JAPAN SABAE-SHI, FUKUI-KEN 916-0001, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 255 T1407481B (09) (International Registration No. 1202642) Date of International Registration: 19/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/03/2014 Class 09 Data processing apparatus; identity cards, magnetic; computers; computer software, recorded; computer programs (downloadable software); readers (data processing equipment); smart cards (integrated circuit cards); computer peripheral devices; couplers (data processing equipment); automated teller machines (ATM). TENDYRON CORPORATION RM 1810, FL16, TOWER B, NO.38 XUE QING ROAD, HAIDIAN DISTRICT, BEIJING, CHINA T1407482J (25) (International Registration No. 1202643) Date of International Registration: 21/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/03/2014 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "Apparel". Class 25 Shirts, hats, socks, jackets, shorts. HERRON, DANNY M. AND SCHULZ, JARROD M 21782 TEGLEY, MISSION VIEJO CA 92692, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 256 T1407483I (32) (International Registration No. 1202647) Date of International Registration: 20/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/03/2014 Class 32 Beer; ginger ale; ginger beer; malt beer; beer wort; extracts of hops for making beer; malt wort. CHINA RESOURCES SNOW BREWERIES COMPANY LTD. ROOM 306 CHINA RESOURCES BUILDING, NO.8 JIANGUOMEN NORTH AVENUE, DONGCHENG DISTRICT, 100005 BEIJING, CHINA T1407485E (26) (International Registration No. 1202669) Date of International Registration: 02/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 02/04/2014 Class 26 Zippers; buttons; nylon separable fastening fabric; lace for edgings; belt clasps; hair ornaments; hair grips [slides]; shoe laces. DONG XIAOJUN NO. 5-13, YANJIA ROAD, HANGZHOU CITY, ZHEJIANG PROVINCE, CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 257 T1407486C (14) (International Registration No. 1202671) Date of International Registration: 03/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/04/2014 Class 14 Jewellery, precious stones; agates; jet, unwrought or semi-wrought; amulets [jewellery], anchors [clock and watch making]; rings [jewellery]; spun silver [silver wire]; silver, unwrought or beaten; barrels [clock and watch making]; pendulums [clock and watch making]; cuff links; bracelets [jewellery]; watch bands; busts of precious metal; watch cases; clock cases; watch chains; chains [jewellery]; charms [jewellery]; necklaces [jewellery]; chronographs [watches]; chronometers; stopwatches; chronoscopes; diamonds; tie clips; statuettes of precious metal; gold thread [jewellery]; wire of precious metal [jewellery]; silver thread; copper tokens; cloisonne jewellery; badges of precious metal; iridium; clock hands [clock and watch making]; alloys of precious metal; ingots of precious metals; movements for clocks and watches; medals; lockets [jewellery]; precious metals, unwrought or semi-wrought; watch springs; coins; works of art of precious metal; olivine [gems]; earrings; jewelry of yellow amber; ivory [jewellery]; ornaments [jewellery]; ornaments of jet; shoe ornaments of precious metal; hat ornaments of precious metal; gold, unwrought or beaten; clocks; atomic clocks; wristwatches; watches; master clocks; clocks and watches, electric; osmium; palladium; pearls made of ambroid [pressed amber]; pearls [jewellery]; beads for making jewelry; semi-precious stones; platinum [metal]; key rings [trinkets or fobs]; dials [clock and watch making]; sundials; rhodium; clockworks; ruthenium; boxes of precious metal; cases for clock- and watchmaking; jewelry cases [caskets]; cases for watches [presentation]; tie pins; pins [jewellery]; ornamental pins; brooches [jewellery]; spinel [precious stones]; statues of precious metal; paste jewellery; chronometrical instruments; alarm clocks; watch glasses. GUCCIO GUCCI S.P.A. VIA TORNABUONI, 73/R, I-50123, FIRENZE, ITALY Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 258 T1407487A (03 05) (International Registration No. 1202679) Date of International Registration: 13/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/03/2014 Class 03 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices, in particular humidified tissues for cosmetic use. Class 05 Sanitary napkins and diapers. SILC S.P.A. STRADA PROVINCIALE 35, KM 4, I-26017 TRESCORE CREMASCO (CR), ITALY T1407488Z (16) (International Registration No. 1202683) Date of International Registration: 26/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/03/2014 Class 16 Fountain pens; ball point pens; mechanical pencils and leads therefor, marking pens and other writing instruments; stationery. KABUSHIKI KAISHA PILOT CORPORATION TRADING AS PILOT CORPORATION) (ALSO 6-21, KYOBASHI 2-CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO 104-8304, JAPAN Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 259 T1407490A (36 37) (International Registration No. 1202698) Date of International Registration: 13/12/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/12/2013 Class 36 Management services in this class being property management and realty administration; financial services; fund management services; real estate services; real estate valuations; mortgage broking; procurement of finance; real estate management; land acquisition services; leasing services relating to buildings, building development and land lease purchase; administration services rendered in connection with apartments and property including body corporate services being letting services for investors, collection of rents, payment of disbursements on behalf of landlords and arranging the maintenance of the property; property consultancy; providing permanent housing accommodation. Class 37 Building and construction services being the construction of apartments, buildings and related service facilities including car parking facilities, shops and restaurants; demolition of buildings; construction building services relating to property and real estate developments; building maintenance and repair services; building project management; renovation, restoration and refurbishment of buildings; construction supervision; interior refurbishment of buildings. CENTRAL EQUITY LIMITED 5/32 POWER STREET, SOUTHBANK VIC 3006, AUSTRALIA T1407499E (12) (International Registration No. 1202814) Date of International Registration: 28/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/03/2014 Class 12 Automobile inner tube; vehicle tires; tires for vehicles; bicycle tires; casings for pneumatic tires; pneumatic tires; vehicle solid tires; automobile tires; airplane tires. DONGYING ZHONGYI RUBBER CO., LTD. DAWANG ECONOMIC DEVELOPING ZONE, GUANGRAO, DONGYING, SHANDONG PROVINCE, CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 260 T1407500B (05) (International Registration No. 1202832) Date of International Registration: 25/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 25/03/2014 Class 05 Pharmaceutical preparations and other preparations for destroying vermin, fungicides, herbicides; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of oncological diseases and disorders. EISAI R&D MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. 6-10, KOISHIKAWA 112-8088, JAPAN 4-CHOME, T1407501J (12) (International Registration No. 1202834) Date of International Registration: 05/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 05/03/2014 Class 12 Automobile tires; inner tubes for pneumatic tires; casings for pneumatic tires; vehicle wheel tires; airplane tires; spikes for tires. SHENGTAI GROUP CO., LTD. XISHUI INDUSTRIAL ZONE, GUANGRAO TOWN, DONGYING CITYINCE, 257336 SHANDONG PROVINCE, CHINA BUNKYO-KU, TOKYO Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 261 T1407503G (06 07 17 37) (International Registration No. 1202879) Date of International Registration: 12/12/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/12/2013 Class 06 Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; small items of metal hardware, ironmongery; pipes and tubes of metal; goods of common metal; rings of metal. Class 07 Machines and machine tools; motors and engines, except for land vehicles; machine coupling and transmission components, except for land vehicles; valve actuators; valves being parts of machines; pressure reducers being parts of machines; blowing machines; drilling rigs, floating or non-floating; drilling derricks; drill bits for rock drilling; machines and engines for boats; electrical generators; hydraulic engines and motors; industrial robots; propulsion mechanisms other than for land vehicles; pumps (machines); regulators being parts of machines; guides for machines; winches. Class 17 Packing, stopping and insulating materials; gaskets; clutch linings; seals; waterproof packings; packings for sleeves. Class 37 Building construction; repair; installation services; shipbuilding; underwater construction; underwater repair. KARMSUND MARITIME OFFSHORE SUPPLY AS POSTBOKS 484, N-4291 KOPERVIK, NORWAY Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 262 T1407504E (07) (International Registration No. 1202895) Date of International Registration: 26/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/03/2014 Class 07 Blenders, electric, for household purposes; whisks, electric, for household purposes; fruit presses, electric, for household purposes; vegetable sheers, for household purposes; household bean juice makers; vacuum cleaners; garbage disposals; washing-up machines; kitchen machines, electric; food processors, electric. JTC ELECTRONICS CORP. YONG-SHENG INDUSTRIAL AREA, DONG-CHENG RD., DONG-SHENG TOWN, ZHONGSHAN, 528414 GUANGDONG, CHINA T1408052I (30) (International Registration No. 1202902) Date of International Registration: 26/09/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/09/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Green, red, yellow, black, blue, white and light blue. Class 30 Confectionery, caramels [candy], sweetmeats [candy]. DOCHIRNIE PIDPRYIEMSTVO KORPORATSIIA "ROSHEN" "KONDYTERSKA ELEKTRYKIV VUL., 26/9, KYIV 04176, UKRAINE Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 263 T1407929F (05 09 42) (International Registration No. 1202953) Date of International Registration: 02/12/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 02/12/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Green, red and yellow. Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "Super". Class 05 Medicines, chemical preparations for medical purposes; dietetic supplements for medical purposes; nutritional supplements, foodstuffs for microorganisms; diagnostic preparations. Class 09 Diagnostic instruments, observation instruments, measuring instruments, precision measuring apparatus, electronic measuring devices, electronic monitoring apparatus, signalling instruments, regulating instruments; laboratory instruments. Class 42 Pharmaceutical research-development; scientific laboratory services; research and development of new products for others. Priority Claims: Class 05 19/09/2013 HUNGARY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 09 19/09/2013 HUNGARY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 19/09/2013 HUNGARY All goods/services claimed in this application. NANGENEX NANOTECHNOLOGY INC. MADARÆSZ VIKTOR U. 47-49, H-1138 BUDAPEST,HUNGARY Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 264 T1407930Z (03 05 16) (International Registration No. 1202954) Date of International Registration: 15/01/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/01/2014 Class 03 Perfumery; cosmetics; air fragrancing preparations; aromatics (essential oils); oils for cleaning purposes; scented wood; scented water; sachets for perfuming linen; toilet water; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; ethereal essences; scouring solutions; windscreen cleaning liquids; preparations for deodorant purposes (toiletries). Class 05 Deodorants, other than for human beings or for animals; air deodorising preparations; deodorants for clothing and textiles; air deodorising preparations for use in cars. Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes, including towels of paper, table napkins of paper, posters of cardboard or paper, brochure, decalcomanias transfers (decalcomanias), graphic representations, catalogues, boxes of cardboard or paper; package from cardboard or paper for air fresheners; printed matter; advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; stickers (stationery); signboards of paper or cardboard; bags (envelopes, pouches) of paper or plastics, for packaging. Priority Claims: Class 03 06/08/2013 BULGARIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 05 06/08/2013 BULGARIA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 06/08/2013 BULGARIA All goods/services claimed in this application. VICTORY - 2000 EOOD 32, G.S. RAKOVSKI STR., BG-5250 SVISHTOV, BULGARIA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 265 T1407619Z (03) (International Registration No. 1202956) Date of International Registration: 27/01/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/01/2014 Class 03 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Priority Claims: Class 03 08/08/2013 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. ABERCROMBIE & FITCH EUROPE SA VIA MOREE, CH-6850 MENDRISIO, SWITZERLAND T1407620C (03) (International Registration No. 1202957) Date of International Registration: 27/01/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/01/2014 Class 03 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Priority Claims: Class 03 08/08/2013 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. ABERCROMBIE & FITCH EUROPE SA VIA MOREE, CH-6850 MENDRISIO, SWITZERLAND Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 266 T1407934B (05 10 42) (International Registration No. 1202999) Date of International Registration: 03/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/03/2014 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "Pharma". Class 05 Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment or prevention of gastrointestinal disorders, diseases involving varying levels of calcium in cells and outside cells, neurological or other central nervous system disorders, endocrine disorders, and bone metabolism disorders. Class 10 Drug delivery apparatus, namely, medical fluid injectors for the delivery of pharmaceuticals. Class 42 Research and development services for others in the field of pharmaceuticals. Priority Claims: Class 05 04/09/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 10 04/09/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 04/09/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. NPS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 550 HILLS DRIVE,, 3RD FLOOR, BEDMINSTER NJ 07921, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 267 T1407935J (37) (International Registration No. 1203004) Date of International Registration: 03/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/03/2014 Class 37 Maintenance, repair and installation services relating to electronic, opto-electronic, photonic, and nano-scale test, signaling, analysis, imaging, measurement, scientific, and optical apparatus, instruments, parts, systems, equipment, and accessories; repair and refurbishing of electronic, opto-electronic, photonic, and nano-scale test, signaling, analysis, imaging, measurement, scientific, and optical, apparatus, instruments, parts, systems, equipment, and accessories. Priority Claims: Class 37 10/01/2014 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. KEYSIGHT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 1400 FOUNTAINGROVE PARKWAY, SANTA ROSA CA 95403, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1407510Z (06) (International Registration No. 1203009) Date of International Registration: 21/01/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/01/2014 Class 06 Door handles of metal; door fittings of metal; ironwork for doors; locks (other than electric) of metal; springs (metal hardware); hardware of metal for doors; small items of metal hardware for buildings; architectural hardware of metal; locks of metal; metal parts for locks. DANIEL PATRICK MAY MILL HILL FARM, SCHOOL LANE, FORTHAMPTON, GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL19 4QB, UNITED KINGDOM Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 268 T1407513D (05 29 30) (International Registration No. 1203050) Date of International Registration: 12/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/03/2014 Class 05 Food for babies. Class 29 Eggs, milk and predominating. dairy products; milk beverages, milk Class 30 Flours and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery products, edible ices; beverages based on cocoa, coffee, chocolate or tea. NOERGIE 1 ALLEE FRANCE DES DEMOISELLES, F-33170 GRADIGNAN, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 269 T1407937G (01 30) (International Registration No. 1203053) Date of International Registration: 13/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/03/2014 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Blue, white and gray. Class 01 Chemical products for use in the food industry, artificial sweeteners. Class 30 Sugars; natural sweeteners. Priority Claims: Class 01 14/11/2013 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 30 14/11/2013 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. RAFFINERIE TIRLEMONTOISE,SOCIETE ANONYME AVENUE DE TERVUEREN BRUXELLES,BELGIUM T1407525H (10) (International Registration No. 1203123) Date of International Registration: 07/02/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/02/2014 Class 10 Breast pumps; tubing for medical use; laryngoscopes; armboards (surgical splints); oxygen masks for medical use; thermometers for medical use; electronic blood pressure monitors for medical use; oxygen tubing for medical use; suction tubing for medical use; oxygen flowmeters for medical use; air flowmeters for medical use; air breathing circuits for medical use; nasal cannulas. PARKER HEALTHCARE PTY LTD 16 REDLAND DRIVE, MITCHAM VIC 3132, AUSTRALIA 182, B-1150 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 270 T1407941E (14 16) (International Registration No. 1203133) Date of International Registration: 10/11/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/11/2013 Class 14 Amulets; brooches [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; cuff links; badges of precious metal; works of art of precious metal; jewelry; necklaces [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; rings [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; boxes of precious metal; medals; coins; threads of precious metal [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; figurines [statuettes] of precious metal; jewelry cases [caskets]. Class 16 Posters; brochures; booklets; calendars; pictures; paintings [pictures], framed or unframed; catalogs; cards, in particular musical, congratulatory, postcards; office stationery; printed matter; flyers, leaflets; photographs [printed]; labels, not of textile. Priority Claims: Class 14 14/05/2013 RUSSIAN FEDERATION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 14/05/2013 RUSSIAN FEDERATION All goods/services claimed in this application. SILVERSTAR CONSULTING LTD BLAKE BUILDING, GROUND FLOOR, SUITE CORNEREYRE & HUTSON, BELIZE CITY,BELIZE 102, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 271 T1407944Z (01) (International Registration No. 1203182) Date of International Registration: 02/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 02/04/2014 Class 01 Catalyst for use in the field of coal, petroleum, natural gas and oil sands. Priority Claims: Class 01 08/10/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. AUTERRA INC. 2135 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SCHENECTADY 12308,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1407945H (25 33) (International Registration No. 1203206) Date of International Registration: 17/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 17/04/2014 Class 25 Button down shirts; hats; jackets; long-sleeved shirts; scarves; short-sleeved shirts; sweat shirts; tank tops; tops; visors. Class 33 Distilled spirits. Priority Claims: Class 25 30/10/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 33 30/10/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. OLE SMOKY DISTILLERY, LLC 236 E MAIN ST # 136, SEVIERVILLE TN 37862-3531,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NY Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 272 T1407946F (25) (International Registration No. 1203224) Date of International Registration: 01/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/04/2014 Class 25 Footwear. Priority Claims: Class 25 16/10/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. SKECHERS U.S.A., INC. II 228 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD,MANHATTAN BEACH,CA,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1407948B (09) (International Registration No. 1203259) Date of International Registration: 06/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/03/2014 Class 09 Optical apparatus and instruments, namely camera flashes; cameras; computer software for creating, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing graphics, images, video and other multimedia content; computer software to operate still and video digital camera flashes. Priority Claims: Class 09 06/09/2013 JAMAICA All goods/services claimed in this application. APPLE INC. 1 INFINITE LOOP, CUPERTINO, CA 95014, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 273 T1407949J (23 24) (International Registration No. 1203267) Date of International Registration: 04/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/03/2014 Class 23 Yarns. Class 24 Fabrics for the manufacture of awnings, sun and wind screens, temporary structures such as tents and canopies, boat covers and tops, indoor and outdoor furniture, bags and outdoor patio and beach umbrellas, window coverings and treatments, flags and banners; fabrics for automotive, marine, military and media purposes; fabrics for use in the manufacture of protective gear and industrial tarps and covers; fabrics used for water filtration purposes; fabrics for use with geosynthetics. Priority Claims: Class 23 18/02/2014 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 24 18/02/2014 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. GLEN RAVEN, INC. 1831 NORTH PARK AVENUE, GLEN 27217,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RAVEN NC Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 274 T1407951B (09 18 25 28 38 41 42) (International Registration No. 1203281) Date of International Registration: 29/11/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/11/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Dark blue, white, grey and gold. The background is in dark blue; the characters are in white; the colors of the device part are combined with grey and gold. Class 09 Mouse [data processing equipment]; optical discs; DVD players; computer programs [downloadable software]; sunglasses; electronic publications, downloadable; computer game programs; computer software, recorded; spectacles [optics]; animated cartoons. Class 18 Pocket wallets; imitation leather; backpacks; fur; travelling bags; leather leads, leads for animals; leather laces; walking sticks; umbrellas; valises. Class 25 Layettes [clothing]; cyclists’ clothing; tee-shirts; girdles; gloves [clothing]; caps [headwear]; masquerade costumes; sports shoes; hosiery; scarfs. Class 28 Toys; games; balls for games; bar-bells; darts; archery implements; novelties for parties, dances [party favors, favours]; board games; knee guards [sports articles]; ornaments for christmas trees, except illumination articles and confectionery. Class 38 Television broadcasting; message sending; communications by computer terminals; computer aided transmission of messages and images; electronic mail; rental of message sending apparatus; electronic bulletin board services [telecommunications services]; teleconferencing services; providing internet chatrooms; transmission of digital files. Class 41 Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; modelling for artists; film production, other than advertising films; production of radio and television programmes; production of music; scriptwriting services; game services provided on-line from a Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 275 computer network; animal training. Class 42 Computer programming; computer software design; technical project studies; computer system design; weather forecasting; providing search engines for the internet; packaging design; data conversion of computer programs and data [not physical conversion]; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; graphic design services. Priority Claims: Class 09 23/08/2013 CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 06/09/2013 CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 23/08/2013 CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 28 23/08/2013 CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 23/08/2013 CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 23/08/2013 CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 23/08/2013 CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. BEIJING PERFECT WORLD NETWORK TECHNOLOGY CO,LTD Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 276 E70, #1 BUILDING,, #1 SHANGDI EAST ROAD,, HAIDIAN DISTRICT, BEIJING,CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 277 T1407952J (07 08 21 25 29) (International Registration No. 1203284) Date of International Registration: 22/11/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 22/11/2013 Class 07 Electric food processors. Class 08 Barbecue utensils, barbecue tongs, cutlery, hand-operated food processors. Class 21 Cooking pot sets, kitchen utensils, grills, pots, pans, spatulas. Class 25 Clothing for cooking, aprons for cooking, chefs’ hats. Class 29 Edible oils. Priority Claims: Class 07 23/05/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 08 23/05/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 21 23/05/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 23/05/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 29 23/05/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. AMT ALUMETALL-GIETECHNIK GMBH Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 278 GLRSTR. 20-22, 58579 SCHALKSMHLE,GERMANY T1407955E (14 18 25) (International Registration No. 1203300) Date of International Registration: 06/12/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/12/2013 Class 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Priority Claims: Class 14 14/11/2013 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 14/11/2013 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 14/11/2013 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. GIOVAMBATTISTA SPADAFORA VIA ENRICO BERLINGUER, 3, I-87055 SAN GIOVANNI IN FIORE (CS),ITALY Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 279 T1407961Z (37) (International Registration No. 1203352) Date of International Registration: 08/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 08/04/2014 Class 37 Application of protective coatings to the interior surfaces of steel tubing. Priority Claims: Class 37 24/10/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. COMPOSITE LINING SYSTEMS, LP 7812 WEST BUSINESS I-20, MIDLAND TX 79711, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 280 T1407963F (09 38) (International Registration No. 1203393) Date of International Registration: 28/11/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/11/2013 Class 09 Telecommunications, telephonic and communications apparatus and instruments; mobile and fixed telephones; digital telecommunications apparatus; computer software; computer software downloadable from global computer information networks; communication software; telecommunication software; telephony software; apparatus for recording, transmission, processing and reproduction of sound, images or data, and software for use in relation thereto; software for communication apparatus and instruments; software that provides customers with access to and use of global wireless communication and computer networks via computers, portable computers, personal computers and other wireless devices, cellular phones or handheld and personal digital assistants; software and apparatus featuring voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) technology; software that enables the location of wireless communication networks and computer networks; software incorporating address book management systems and contact management systems; electrical and electronic accessories and peripheral equipment designed for use with telecommunications and communications apparatus, computers, portable computers, personal computers and other wireless devices, cellular phones or handheld and personal digital assistants, and with computer networks; dongles; software for secure data storage and retrieval and transmission of confidential customer information used by individuals, companies and financial institutions; hardware and software used to identify subscribers on telecommunications apparatus and SIM cards; caller display software; caller identification software; payment cards including cards containing an integrated circuit chip ("smartcards"); SIM cards; radio frequency identification devices (transponders); media for storage and/or reproduction of sound and/or visual images; interactive and multi-media software; electronic media apparatus; mousepads and other computer accessories; software featuring voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) technology. Class 38 Telecommunications; telecommunications services; communications; communications services; providing access to telecommunications networks via wireless communications and computer networks; operation of telecommunications systems; operation of telecommunications systems featuring voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) technology; operation of telecommunications systems featuring Global System for Mobile Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 281 Communications (GSM); operation of telecommunications systems featuring Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA); communications services, namely, telephone, mobile telephone, message collection and transmission, call diversion, and electronic mail services; transmission, delivery and reception of sound, data, images, music and information; personal numbering services (telephony); call recording services; operation of telecommunication systems featuring multiple mobile subscriber identity module technology; providing telecommunications connections to computer databases, the Internet or other electronic networks; providing user access to the Internet; providing access to databases including through wireless networks; delivery of audio, video and data by telecommunications; leasing of access time to a computer database via a dedicated line; provision of advice and information in relation to communications and communication technologies. Priority Claims: Class 09 28/06/2013 UNITED KINGDOM All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 28/06/2013 UNITED KINGDOM All goods/services claimed in this application. TRUPHONE LIMITED 4 ROYAL MINT COURT, LONDON EC3N 4HJ, UNITED KINGDOM Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 282 T1407967I (25) (International Registration No. 1203415) Date of International Registration: 04/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/04/2014 Class 25 Dresses; Footwear; Hats; Hosiery; Jackets; Pants; Shirts; Shorts; Skirts; Socks; Sweaters. Priority Claims: Class 25 30/10/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. SRL, LLC 191 SPRING STREET, LEXINGTON MA 02421,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1407968G (21) (International Registration No. 1203420) Date of International Registration: 08/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 08/04/2014 Class 21 Bottles, sold empty. Priority Claims: Class 21 08/10/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT IT, INC 3901 S. FLAGLER DRIVE, SUITE 802, WEST PALM BEACH FL 33405,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 283 T1408061H (09) (International Registration No. 1203471) Date of International Registration: 16/01/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/01/2014 Class 09 Computer game software and related instruction manuals in electronic format sold together as a unit, computer game programs, computer game discs, interactive video game programs, video game software, video game discs. VALVE CORPORATION 10900 NE 4TH STREET, SUITE. 500, BELLEVUE WA 98004-4359, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 284 T1407628I (03 09 24) (International Registration No. 1203621) Date of International Registration: 03/02/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/02/2014 Class 03 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, degreasing and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; compact disks, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; software; extinguishers. Class 24 Fabrics and textile goods not included in other classes; bed throws; table covers. Priority Claims: Class 03 03/08/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 09 03/08/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 24 03/08/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. PPLC S.A.R.L. 108 PLAINE DES BESSONS, 9016 CHEMIN DES BESSONS, F-13013 MARSEILLE, FRANCE Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 285 T1407563J (03) (International Registration No. 1203644) Date of International Registration: 24/02/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 24/02/2014 Class 03 Hair lotions; abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery; essential oils; cosmetics; preparations for cleaning and care of the skin, scalp and hair; deodorants for personal use. Priority Claims: Class 03 18/09/2013 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. JOHN MILLS LIMITED JML HOUSE, REGIS ROAD, LONDON NW5 3EG, UNITED KINGDOM T1408386B (09) (International Registration No. 1203731) Date of International Registration: 29/11/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/11/2013 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Violet "Pantone 525C 70%, en R/V/B: R148 V140 B173"; Grey. Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking(supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instrument; Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; Magnetic data carriers, recording discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; Mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; Cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computer software; Fire-extinguishing apparatus. TEKLYNX NEWCO CHEMIN DE NAREOUX, F-32000 AUCH, FRANCE Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 286 T1408388I (33) (International Registration No. 1203742) Date of International Registration: 06/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/03/2014 Class 33 Wines, gin, scotch whisky and scotch whisky-based liqueurs produced in Islay. BRUICHLADDICH DISTILLERY CO. LTD ISLAY, ARGYLL,SCOTLAND PA49 7UN,UNITED KINGDOM T1408301C (35 36) (International Registration No. 1203758) Date of International Registration: 26/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/03/2014 The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "San Bao" meaning "Three Cell". Class 35 Advertising; professional business consultancy; business information; business management of hotels; import-export agencies; sales promotion for others; employment agencies; relocation services for businesses; office machines and equipment rental. Class 36 Leasing of real estate; real estate agencies; real estate brokers; capital investments; factoring; real estate management; financial management; fund investments; financial information. SANPOWER GROUP FLAT A2, 11/F, NO. 18 ZHONGSHAN EAST ROAD, BAIXIA DISTRICT, NANJING, JIANGSU PROVINCE, CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 287 T1408398F (09 10 16 38 41 42 44) (International Registration No. 1203840) Date of International Registration: 06/08/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/08/2013 Class 09 Communication hubs; computer hardware and software comprising of sensors that monitor the health of the elderly or disabled in their own homes; software that collects, manages, integrates, analyzes, monitors, and tracks the elderly or disabled in their own homes. Class 10 Health monitors comprising sensors that monitor the health of the elderly or disabled in their own homes. Class 16 Newsletters in the fields of family, relationships, communication, personal messages, and related activities. Class 38 Telecommunications services, namely, personal communication services. Class 41 Providing on-line newsletters in the fields of family, relationships, communication, personal messages, and related activities. Class 42 Providing an online non-downloadable software that enables users to enter, access, track, monitor and generate health and medical information and reports via an interactive web site. Class 44 Medical monitoring and diagnosis services utilizing remote monitoring of data indicative of the health or condition of an individual or group of individuals for medical diagnosis and treatment purposes. HAMLET, INC. 682 SCHOFIELD ROAD, SAN FRANCISCO CA 94129, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 288 T1408310B (09) (International Registration No. 1203867) Date of International Registration: 07/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/03/2014 Class 09 Stereos for personal and commercial use, namely, personal stereos and stereo systems primarily comprised of stereo receivers, stereo amplifiers, stereo cables, equalizers, crossovers, audio speakers, digital audio players, and remote controls for stereo systems; mp3 players and digital audio players; wireless hand-held devices in the nature of remote controls for use in controlling a music system; remote controls for digital music systems; remote controls for controlling stereo systems and entertainment systems; remote controls for stereo systems and entertainment systems for use in playing, organising, downloading, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing audio files, and media files; computer software for use in controlling digital music systems; computer hardware; computer peripherals; digital music players, digital storage devices, digital music controllers in the nature of remote controls for digital players, and wireless handheld controllers; digital music players, digital music controllers, and wireless handheld controllers in the nature of remote controls for digital music players. MERIDIAN AUDIO LIMITED LATHAM ROAD, HUNTINGDON, CAMBRIDGESHIRE PE29 6YE, UNITED KINGDOM. T1408402H (41) (International Registration No. 1203925) Date of International Registration: 19/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/03/2014 Class 41 Entertainment services in the nature of live performances by a company mascot in the field of protective cases and covers for hand held electronic devices. OTTER PRODUCTS, LLC 209 SOUTH MELDRUM STREET, FORT COLLINS CO 80521, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 289 T1408412E (05) (International Registration No. 1203944) Date of International Registration: 01/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/04/2014 Class 05 Dietary food supplements, namely, supplements containing herbs, vitamins and minerals; powdered nutritional supplement drink mixes; dietary and nutritional supplements for weight loss; nutritional supplements for eliminating toxins from the body. NATURE’S SUNSHINE PRODUCTS, INC. 2500 WEST EXECUTIVE PARKWAY, SUITE #100, LEHI UTAH 84043, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1408315C (05) (International Registration No. 1203956) Date of International Registration: 01/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/04/2014 Class 05 Pharmaceutical, veterinary, remedial, homoeopathic and allopathic preparations and substances; medicated preparations and substances for use in the care of the nails, teeth, eyes, skin and hair; dietetic preparations and substances; vitamins and food supplements; none of the aforementioned being disinfectants. A NELSON & CO. LIMITED NELSONS HOUSE, 83 PARKSIDE, WIMBLEDON, LONDON SW19,UNITED KINGDOM Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 290 T1408415Z (09 12 25 35) (International Registration No. 1203972) Date of International Registration: 28/10/2013 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/10/2013 Class 09 Speed checking apparatus for vehicles; kilometer recorders for vehicles; materials for electricity mains (wires, cables); eyeglasses; protective helmets; batteries, electric; accumulators, electric; accumulator boxes; chargers for electric batteries; portable controlled car arrester. Class 12 Electric bicycle; electric tricycle; bicycles; scooters (vehicles); electric vehicle; cycle cars; motorcycles; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; vehicle wheel tires; baby carriages. Class 25 Clothing; cyclists’ clothing; footwear; caps (headwear); hosiery; gloves (clothing); layettes (clothing); scarves girdles; waterproof clothing. Class 35 Advertising; outdoor advertising; dissemination of advertising matter; advertising planning; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; import-export agencies; sales promotion for others; procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses). TIANJIN AIMA TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. NO.5 AIMA ROAD, SOUTH ZONE OF JINGHAI, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ZONE, TIANJIN, CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 291 T1408419B (09) (International Registration No. 1204016) Date of International Registration: 14/01/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/01/2014 Class 09 Integrated circuits, namely, integrated circuits for use in the over-current protectors, overvoltage protectors; transistors [electronic], namely, transistors [electrical apparatus]; glass covered with an electrical conductor; resistances, electric; voltage protectors, namely, voltage surge protectors; rheostats; discharge tubes, electric, other than for lighting; lightning arresters. SHENZHEN BENCENT ELECTRONICS CO,LTD. A501,BUILDING 1,#3 LANPUYUAN INDUSTRIAL PARK, BAOLONG 4TH ROAD, BAOLONG COMMUNITY,LONGGANG STREET, LONGGANG DISTRICT, 518116 SHENZHEN CITY, GUAN,CHIN T1408429Z (43) (International Registration No. 1204061) Date of International Registration: 10/04/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/04/2014 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "Hotel". Class 43 Restaurant and hotel services; bar services. GRAND LUXURY LIMITED PALM GROVE HOUSE, PO.BOX TORTOLA,BRITISH VIRGIN ISLAND 438,ROAD TOWN, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 292 T1408441I (09) (International Registration No. 1204190) Date of International Registration: 24/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 24/03/2014 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "Connect". Class 09 Downloadable software, namely, plug-in software used in conjunction with commercially available graphics and design software to control machines, namely, fiber cutting machines. SILHOUETTE AMERICA, INC. 1276 S. 1380 W, OREM UT 84058, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1408460E (09) (International Registration No. 1204372) Date of International Registration: 28/03/2014 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/03/2014 The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Hai Pu Sen" which has no meaning. Class 09 Flashlights [photography]; tripods for cameras; stands for photographic apparatus; cameras [photography]; signal lanterns; optical lenses; chargers for electric batteries; accumulator boxes; exposure meters [light meters]. YUEQING ORIGINALITY PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT CO.LTD. BUILDING A,SHENFANG INDUSTRIAL TOWN, YUEQING,325608 ZHEJIANG,CHINA ZONE,SHIFAN Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 293 T1314198B (29) (International Registration No. 254655) Date of International Registration: 14/04/1962 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/04/2013 Class 29 Dairy products; milk and other food preparations having a base of milk; milk-based beverages; drinks flavoured with chocolate and having a milk base; drinks flavoured with fruit and having a milk base; drinks flavoured with herbs and having a base of milk; drinks flavoured with spices and having a base of milk; fruit based dairy products; fruit flavoured beverages having a milk base; malted milk beverages (milk predominating); preparations for making beverages (milk based); preparations with a milk base for use as desserts; products based on milk; skimmed milk preparations; sour milk products; soya bean milk; soya milk. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. CH-1800 VEVEY, SWITZERLAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: NESTLE SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD, 15A CHANGI BUSINESS PARK CENTRAL 1, #05-02/03 EIGHTRIUM @ CHANGI BUSINESS PARK, SINGAPORE 486035 T1407516I (01) (International Registration No. 495432) Date of International Registration: 01/08/1985 Date of Protection in Singapore: 23/04/2014 Class 01 Chemical products for the leather and fur industry; enzymatic bates for use in the manufacture of leather. TFL LEDERTECHNIK GMBH IM SCHWARZENBACH GERMANY. 2, 79576 WEIL AM RHEIN, Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 294 T1116548E (01 11 19) (International Registration No. 564963) Date of International Registration: 03/10/1990 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/10/2010 Class 01 Goods of fused silica for industrial applications (chemical products for industrial use), in particular in the fields of iron and steel working, foundries and the glass industry. Class 11 Furnace rolls of fused silica being components of heat treatment apparatus for use in silicon fusion furnaces. Class 19 Components of fused silica for use in building, namely tips, spouts, nozzles, dippers and gutters. VESUVIUS FRANCE SA 68 RUE PAUL DEUDON, F-59750 FEIGNIES, FRANCE ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW LLP, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 295 T1300504C (09 16 41 42) (International Registration No. 606428) Date of International Registration: 02/08/1993 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/09/2012 Class 09 Electronic apparatus and instruments, apparatus for recording, transmission, reproduction of sound or images, magnetic recording media, calculating machines, equipment for data processing and computers, computer peripherals (not included in other classes); computer software, data media, with computer programs; parts of all the aforesaid goods. Class 16 Printed matter relating to software, manuals and flowcharts providing explanations regarding computer programs, course books and manuals for computers; parts of all the aforesaid goods. Class 41 Training services concerning computer programs. Class 42 Computer programming; technical consultancy services concerning computer programs; rental of data processing installations. OPEN MIND TECHNOLOGIES AG ARGELSRIEDER FELD 5, 82234 WESSLING, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, #06-00 SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 296 T1311844A (03 05 10 21 37 41) (International Registration No. 625989) Date of International Registration: 09/09/1994 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/05/2013 Class 03 Care products not for medical purposes for maintaining and improving daily oral hygiene, washing, cleaning and polishing products and abrasive preparations for dental technology and dentistry, dentifrice, mouthwashes; cosmetics, particularly for body and beauty care. Class 05 Preparations for dental technology and dentistry, particularly teeth filling material, dental cements, dental varnishes, compound for impressions and alloys, particularly metal alloy for dental technology and dentistry purposes; disinfectants, compound for impressions for medical purposes; pharmaceutical preparations, medicines as well as sanitary preparations for medical purposes. Class 10 Apparatus, devices and instruments for dental care. Class 21 Instruments for daily dental care, particularly toothbrushes, interdental brushes and gum stimulators, water apparatus for cleaning teeth and gums; cosmetic utensils. Class 37 Installations for dental surgeries and medical laboratories as well as dental technology. Class 41 Arranging and conducting training courses for dental technicians. CURADEN AG 22, AMLEHNSTRASSE,, POSTFACH 74,, CH-6010 KRIENS, SWITZERLAND ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 297 T1312307J (14) (International Registration No. 744424) Date of International Registration: 07/09/2000 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/06/2013 Class 14 Clocks, watches, jewellery, precious stones; all of the aforesaid goods designed in Denmark. S. WEISZ UURWERKEN B.V. VLIELANDSTRAAT 161-167, NL-1181 HN AMSTELVEEN, NETHERLANDS ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: JOYCE A. TAN & PARTNERS, 8 TEMASEK BOULEVARD, #15-04 SUNTEC TOWER THREE, SINGAPORE 038988 T1307384G (30) (International Registration No. 875158) Date of International Registration: 23/08/2005 Date of Protection in Singapore: 11/04/2013 The mark consists of the French words "Merci" and "Petits" meaning "Thank you" and "Small" respectively. Class 30 Confectionery, chocolate and chocolate products, pastries. AUGUST STORCK KG WALDSTRASSE 27, 13403 BERLIN, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 298 T1312615J (06 11 20 21 24 27 35) (International Registration No. 929651) Date of International Registration: 01/12/2006 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/05/2013 The Swedish words "Svenskt Tenn" appearing in the mark mean "Swedish Pewter". Class 06 Common metals and their alloys as well as thereof manufactured fancy goods and figurines; bells, coat pegs of metal, knobs of metal, doorknockers, foot-scrapers, weathervanes of metal, memorial plates of metal, rings of common metal for keys, buckles of common metal. Class 11 Lighting apparatus and installations, including chandeliers, ceiling lights, wall lamps, standard lamps, electric candlesticks, oil lamps, lampshades, hot plates, plate warmers; ornamental fountains; toilet seats. Class 20 Furniture and parts of furniture; cushions, pillows, mirrors, hatracks, coat stands, clothes hangers, picture frames, display boards, keyboards for hanging keys; curtain hooks, curtain rods, curtain rings, curtain tie-backs; slatted indoor blinds; cases of wood or plastic; fireguards; works of art, of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; straw plaits; wickerwork; mobiles (decorations); goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. Class 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); tableware (other than knives, forks and spoons), not of precious metal; paper plates; trays for domestic purposes (not of precious metal); brushes (except paint brushes); articles and instruments (hand-operated) for cleaning purposes; polishing gloves, gardening gloves; candlesticks, candle rings and candle extinguishers, not of precious metal; figurines and works of art, of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass; earthenware; pots, urns and vases, not of precious metal; watering cans; toilet paper holders, soap boxes, soap holders and soap dispensers; glassware, porcelain and earthenware, not included in other classes. Class 24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes, table cloths, oilcloths, table linen (textile), table mats (not of paper), Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 299 place mats of textile, towels of textile, household linen, handkerchiefs of textile, pillow shams, sheets, bed linen, blankets, bed covers, mattress covers, upholstery fabrics, furniture coverings of textile or plastic, wall hangings of textile, door curtains, blinds of textile, curtains of textile or plastic. Class 27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non-textile). Class 35 Retail services in relation to eg furniture, carpets, rugs, mats, curtains, household and kitchen utensils, fabrics, textiles, gifts, fancy goods, works of art, lighting articles, jewellery, clothing and clothing accessories; organization of exhibitions for commercial and advertising purposes. SVENSKT TENN AKTIEBOLAG BOX 42161, SE-126 16 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: ELLA CHEONG LLC, P.O. BOX 590 CRAWFORD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911903 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 300 T1312480H (35 41 43) (International Registration No. 957537) Date of International Registration: 09/01/2008 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/07/2013 Class 35 Computerized online ordering featuring periodicals, downloadable periodicals, wines, and downloadable software and software; online retail store services featuring printed publications and clothing. Class 41 On-line publications of electronic magazines and journals regarding wines, wine reviews, wine availability, dining and travel experiences. Class 43 Providing on-line information about wine characteristics, wine-making and varietal information, food pairings and wine reviews. THE WINE ADVOCATE, INC. P.O. BOX 311, MONKTON, MD 21111, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 T1407095G (14) (International Registration No. 986364) Date of International Registration: 02/10/2008 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/04/2014 Class 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. MOUFARRIGE MOUNIR PLACE OF RESIDENCE LOCATED, IMMEUBLE SOPRANO, RUE DES SAINTS COEURS, TABARIS, BEIRUT Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 301 T1405661Z (05 29) (International Registration No. 988286) Date of International Registration: 30/09/2008 Date of Protection in Singapore: 07/03/2014 Class 05 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances for medical purposes, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; vitamin and mineral preparations used as food supplements. Class 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; milk and milk products enriched with vitamins and minerals. COWBELL INTERNATIONAL INC. C/O AROSEMENA NORIEGA & CONTRERAS, EDIFICIO INTERSECO, CALLE ELVIRA MENDEZ NO. 10, APARTADO 0816-01560, PANAMA 5, PANAMA Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 302 T1301410G (03 09 14 18 25 28) (International Registration No. 994062) Date of International Registration: 16/10/2008 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/10/2011 Class 03 Laundry and bleaching preparations; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery and scented water of all kinds, in particular perfumes, eau de parfum, eau de toilette, deodorants for personal use; essential oils; preparations for beauty and body care; hair tonics, shampoos and hair care preparations; cosmetics; skin creams; lotions for cosmetic purposes; shaving preparations and shaving care preparations; dentifrices; cosmetic bath additives; lipsticks; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; nail polish; shoe polish, make-up. Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), live-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, electronic data carriers, gramophone records, sound carriers of all kinds; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; spectacles and parts therefor, in particular sunglasses, sports goggles, ski goggles, protective goggles; spectacles frames; spectacle lenses, spectacle cases; protective helmets, helmet visors, protective face screens and shields for protective helmets; protective equipment for sports, in particular elbow and knee pads, protective wrist and ankle sleeves, body-protection articles, protective gloves. Class 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods of these materials or coated therewith (not included in other classes); jewellery, finery, precious stones; costume jewellery, horological and chronometric instruments; watch straps. Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials (included in this class); animal skins and hides; trunks, attache cases; and travelling bags; bags, sport bags, handbags, school satchels, rucksacks; travelling sets (made of leather); small leather goods: purses, pocket wallets, key wallets; belt bags and hip bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 303 Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; men’s and women’s outer clothing; children’s fashion; layette (clothing); underwear; lingerie; corsetry; hosiery; belts, braces, scarves, headscarves, gloves, ties, headbands; men’s, women’s and children’s swimwear, men’s and women’s city and leisure shoes, children’s shoes; hiking, trekking, outdoor and climbing clothing; hiking, trekking, outdoor and climbing footwear; headgear for hiking, trekking and outdoor activities; clothing, footwear and headgear for soccer, basketball, handball and volleyball; clothing, footwear and headgear for jogging, fitness training and gymnastics; clothing, footwear and headgear for tennis, squash and badminton; clothing, footwear and headgear for inline skating, skateboarding, roller skating and for hockey, football, baseball and boxing; clothing, footwear and headgear for cycling; clothing, footwear and headgear for equestrian sports; clothing, footwear and headgear for golf; clothing, footwear and headgear for water sports, in particular for surfing, sailing, rowing, canoeing and diving; clothing, footwear and headgear for alpine skiing, cross-country skiing and snowboarding; clothing, footwear and headgear for ice skating and ice hockey; outerwear, in particular pullovers, slipovers, waistcoats, twin-sets, blouses, shirt-blouses, dresses, skirts, including pantskirts, trousers, suits, jump suits, coats, overalls, dungarees, parkas, anoraks, windcheater, shorts, jeans, housecoats, sports jackets, jackets, underwear, in particular T-shirts, undershirts, slips; hats, caps and bonnets; bandanas, headscarves and sashes; bath robes and bathing caps; rainwear; boots, men’s, women’s, children’s and infant’s shoes and slippers; all aforementioned goods included in this class. Class 28 Games, playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles (included in this class), and parts therefor, in particular sporting articles for trekking, climbing, football, basketball, handball, volleyball, tennis, squash, badminton, hockey, soccer, baseball, cycling, riding, golf, surfing, sailing, rowing, canoeing, diving, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing and snowboarding, ice skating and ice hockey, for fitness training, in-line skating, roller skating and skateboarding; ski bags; special purpose bags for storing and transporting sports equipment, in particular bags for skis, snowboards, skateboards, ski boots, roller skates, ice skates and in-line skates. NEW YORKER S.H.K. JEANS GMBH & CO. KG RUSSEER WEG 101-103, 24109 KIEL, GERMANY ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 304 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 070/2014 Page No. 305 Changes in Published Applications Application Published But Not Proceeding Under Trade Marks Act (Cap. 332, 2005 Ed.) Trade Mark No Journal No T1213812J 010/2014 Page No Class Name and Address 23 10 25 REBECCA CHAN 278 TOH GUAN ROAD, #13-181, SINGAPORE 600278 T1317568B 018/2014 128 09 SHENZHEN ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. SCIENCE & A201, ADMINISTRATION OFFICE BUILDING OF QIANHAISHENGANG COOPERATIVE ZONE, NO.1 LIYUMEN STREET, QIANWAN 1ST ROAD, QIANHAISHENGANG COOPERATIVE ZONE, SH
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