PDF - Congregation Beth David


PDF - Congregation Beth David
August 2016
Habitat for Humanity Painting Day
Communities Coming Together for Good
By Carol Cassell and Iris Bendahan
On June 5th, volunteers from CBD joined together with volunteers from Saratoga
Federated Church and the West Valley Muslim Assoc. (WVMA) to paint a house for
Habitat for Humanity. This was an
all-day event organized by Rod
Cardoza’s Abrahamic Alliance.
In our area, few affordable houses
are built, but there is a home repair
program. Low income homeowners
apply, and, once selected, pay $150
and pick out their paint colors. The
house gets primed and taped on
Saturday and gets two coats of paint
on Sunday. We were told our
painting job would last for 20
In This Issue:
From the
Page 3
Page 5
Pages 16 - 17
Thank you to CBD members who participated: Carol and
Chris Cassell, Dorothy Dorsay, Larry Shen with daughters Rachel
and Ilana, David Osofsky, Iris Bendahan,
Sharon Gloster, Lori Cinnamon and daughter Julia
Before starting, we were divided
into work groups which included a
member from each community. We were given some time to chat with each other;
though we received a template of
questions, a good starting point, but most
conversations had a life of their own. During
work time there were plenty of snacks, and
drinks for all, and picnic style pizza lunch
under the shade made for some good
schmoozing time. During my ride home
with Taj and Noori Qamar, I learned that
this Muslim community doesn’t affiliate
with one place, but travels to different
centers to hear from different teachers and
David Osofsky getting ready to climb one of the many leaders. WVMA is the community which
needed ladders with help from a WVMA volunteer.
often holds prayer services at the Saratoga
community center building down the street from CBD.
All in all, about 45 people worked on painting the house, helped by three professionals.
Participating in an Abrahamic Alliance project is a very gratifying experience. Not only
is one helping complete an important social action project, but the chance to work,
speak, and share a meal with members of the Muslim and Christian communities offers
personal insight into the members of these communities, and is an excellent bridge
building opportunity. This was our 4th Abrahamic Alliance encounter, and we hope more
of you will consider joining the next project that comes along.
Pages 23
Pages 24
100% club
Pages 25 & 26
Pages 27 - 30
Main Office
Philip R. Ohriner
Senior Rabbi
Leslie Alexander
Rabbi of Community
Engagement and Outreach
Daniel J. Pressman
Rabbi Emeritus
Sarah Hanuka
Director of Lifelong Learning
Tanya Lorien
Director of Operations
Barbara Biran
Director of Ritual
Monica Hernandez
Member Account Associate
Jillian Cosgrave
Front Office Associate
Lynn Crocker
Mkt & Comm Associate
Andrea Ammerman
Admin. Rabbi Alexander &
Sarah Hanuka
Jewish Experience for Teens (JET)
From the Rabbi
By Leslie Alexander
I LOVE Summer!
I like the long days and the warm weather. I like the feeling that vacation time is here even if it isn’t! (I must have that
sealed on my soul from the days of my youth when I really did have a summer vacation.) I love a baseball game and
fireworks on the 4th of July. I love the chance to read a book purely for entertainment while sitting on a deck chair
underneath a sun umbrella. Is anyone with me??? Or, as my Christian colleagues would say, “can I get an Amen?”
I will tell you what I don’t like.
I don’t like that the day after the 4th of July, ads start appearing for “back to school” or “end of summer sale”. The
reminder that summer’s close is right around the corner, even when it isn’t, drains all the joy
out of the summer experience.
In Judaism, there is a real affirmation of the preciousness of the here and now, not just in
relationship to afterlife, but truly in relationship to embracing each moment of life fully and
living it. In my youth, popular culture called it “be here now”.
But Judaism isn’t popular culture, it is lasting culture, that reminds us through prayer, through
text, and through blessing that each minute and each day matters and that we should hold them
fast. When we say any kind of blessing, that is what we are doing; we are stopping time and
living in the moment. I am eating this cherry - pause. I am wearing this new pair of shoes pause. I am seeing a friend I haven’t seen in a while - pause. I am harvesting a tomato plant - pause. It goes on and on,
for as you know, there is a blessing for almost everything! (OK, there isn’t one yet for watching a reality show, but
there is one for the blessing of sight!)
Psalm 118, "
This is the day that God has made. Celebrate and rejoice in it."
Judaism has this right, but our society doesn’t always get it. This issue of D’var comes out at the beginning of August.
Many of the children and teens in our congregation are already going back to school. I just want to say, I am sorry. If I
could convince schools to go back to starting after Labor Day in order to give all kids a real summer vacation, I would!
The blessing of living in the moment could apply
then, even when a child made the age old comment
“I’m bored”. Even that is wonderful, even that is a
blessing in the moment.
It is still summer, friends! What do you want to do
to appreciate whatever moment you have in the
Get an ice cream cone and savor, put on some
summer music and savor, sit outside for even a few
moments at the end of the day with a glass of
something iced and fruity in hand and savor. Push
Summer is still here! Forget the back to school signs
and Halloween things in the stores. Don’t start
preparing for Rosh Hashana yet, it’s in October!
Relax, pause, savor, enjoy…. Summertime is STILL
Building Dedication &
Cornerstone Setting
Sunday, October 16th
@9:30 a.m.
** This event has been rescheduled
from August 28th
Rabbi Leslie Alexander
Stay tuned for a new evening
celebration date and time
President’s Perspective
At the May 29th congregational meeting, we announced
that unfortunately Bryson Burns Construction, our
contractor had declared bankruptcy, and went out of
business. We have filed a complaint with the Contractor’s
State License Board, alleging that Bryson Burns diverted
approximately $1,100,000 of our funds that we paid them,
by failing to pay our subcontractors for three months from
February to April 2016. This came as a complete surprise
to all of us. We believed Bryson Burns when they told us
they were paying our subcontractors, as there had been no
indication in the previous 12 months of work, that they
weren’t. We had twelve months of trouble free business
with Bryson Burns; they went from a thriving construction
firm with a stellar reputation to bust in about two years.
Since the congregational meeting , we have made a lot of
progress, but I assume many of you still have lingering
questions about the status of the Next 50 Project.
In May, we worked very quickly to mitigate our damages.
We hired job supervisors familiar with our project, and
established a direct working relationship with all the
subcontractors. The City of Saratoga has permitted us to
complete the job as an owner-builder. These actions will
allow us to complete the job with minimal delay. If we
had to hire a new general contractor to complete Phase I
we would have lost at least three months of time, and it
could have cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars more
to complete the job.
What is the new schedule to complete construction?
Will it be finished by the High Holy Days? We should
have the Mercaz, Beit Midrash and Beit Tefilah, office
and school wing completed by the end of July. We are
just wrapping up the finishes, the air conditioning, and fire
systems. The gating item right now is our front doors.
Although the absence of a front door does create a very
open and welcoming environment, it is hard to secure the
building without them. The main sanctuary remodel is
well underway. The framing is complete, the new
windows and stucco are finished, and we have started to
work on the electrical, gas plumbing, and heating/air
conditioning registers. This second phase will be finished
in plenty of time to set up for Rosh Hashanah.
Our glass company installs the two new windows for our main
sanctuary. The new windows are almost 12 feet high and 3 feet
wide and are located on the Bima.
The subcontractors warrant their work for longer than
Bryson Burn’s original one-year guarantee. We must
call a specific subcontractor if we have a problem with
work in their area, rather than calling a general
contractor. If the problem falls between two subs, we
will have to work to resolve the issue with the parties
involved. The quality of the work throughout this entire
job has been very good. Because we were under a cost
plus contract, the general contractor did not cut corners
on the construction to try to improve profit on the job.
We are confident that we will move into a reliable and
well-built facility.
How are we paying for the additional expense of the
diversion of our funds, as well as the cost to complete
the building? We are so fortunate to have the support of
our entire Kehilla behind this project. We have received
committed donations of over $7,700,000 toward the
construction, and have about $150,000 of the building
endowment completed. Even after Bryson Burns went
How do we know we are getting quality work and what out of business, congregants stepped up to pledge even
more to the project. In addition congregants have loaned
kind of construction guarantee will we have when we
us $1,600,000 dollars to cover the short-term cash flow
no longer general contractor?
we need as pledges are paid over time. We will need to
The job supervisors and general contractor that we have
see how our legal recourse against Bryson Burns turns
hired check the work very carefully. In addition we have
regular inspections from the city of Saratoga to protect us. out and raise enough additional donations to cover the
Our architect is also on site every week to check the work. misdirected funds. (Continued on page 5)
President’s Perspective
Continued on page 4)
Was Bryson Burns vetted before we hired them? Did
we have a performance bond? Can our insurance
cover this? Bryson Burns had an excellent reputation
when we hired them. They only had the minimum bond
required by the state licensing board. In hindsight, if we
had purchased a performance bond on this job, it would
have potentially saved us some money, but not
necessarily aggravation. The bond would have been
very expensive, and once we needed to collect, we would
likely have lost control over finishing the construction to
the contractor(s) hired by the bonding company. Our
contract held back 10% of all construction costs as
retention to assure the contract was completed. We no
longer owe Bryson Burns their 5% profit on the job
which helps lower the total cost of the job.
Unfortunately, insurance does not cover fraud.
How did we not see this coming? Bryson Burn’s staff
didn’t warn us because of potential legal risk with their
company and expectations were set by management that
they only had a very short-term problem. None of the
subs would tell us about the payment problems because
every time they threatened to walk off the job from lack
of payment Bryson Burns threw them some cash to keep
them on the job. We had 13 months of good
performance on our contract. We relied on lien releases
we were receiving from Bryson Burns without
demanding the releases directly from the subs. In
hindsight, it would have been prudent to demand proof
of lien releases from the subs, rather than just relying on
the lien releases from Bryson Burns.
What legal action are we taking? Ian Kass and David
Hoffman are chairing the ad hoc legal committee. Beth
David has retained the firm of Greenfield, Draa &
Harrington, a well-known construction and bankruptcy
law firm, in San Jose. GDH is representing Beth David
in bankruptcy court, and also advising on our other legal
What are we doing to make sure we have better
financial oversight? We have hired a contract full-time
construction bookkeeper working in the synagogue
office to manage all the bills and collect all the lien
releases from both the subcontractors and their suppliers.
We have copies of all the original contracts and change
orders, and copies of all past payments and lien releases.
We also have legal paperwork with all the subs that
certifies that they are giving us accurate information, and
if they are paid by the bankruptcy court, they will pay us
back any money we are due.
We will have all the construction finished by the High
Holy Days, and will move out of the trailers in early
August and have the school ready in the new building
before September. We thank you for your patience. We
regret that this happened and the Next 50 Project
Committee is working night and day to raise donations
and get this project finished. We hope you find the
results both functional and beautiful.
Dan Skilken
President, CBD Board of Directors
The Next 50 Building and
Campaign Update
Bonnie Slavitt Moore, Campaign Chair
So far, we have raised an amazing $7,747,959.63!
This includes the Building, Endowment, Chair, and
Million Coin Campaigns, plus directed giving done
in honor and in memory of an individual.
Very soon we will be putting together the tribute
to the major donors of the Next 50 campaign.
Following the synagogues previous recognition
policy, any gifts of $1,800 or more will be
recognized with names posted in the Mercaz.
If you have not contributed at this level yet and
would like to be recognized when this tribute is
first posted in the Mercaz, please contact us as
quickly as possible.
There are still many opportunities for our
members to make a gift to the Next 50 and many
naming opportunities for the gift are still available!
Naming opportunities begin at $1800 in the Great
Chair Round Up campaign and go up from there.
For more information about the Chair Campaign,
please contact me at bjewished@gmail.com.
If you are interested in a naming opportunity,
please contact Sandy Mayer fammayer@aol.com.
Please share our joy as our daughter, Merav, is called to
the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on:
Saturday, August 20, 2016
We invite you to join us for Kiddush lunch
following the service.
Nimrod and Dorit Tzori
Please share our joy as our son, Ben, is called to
the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on:
Saturday, August 27, 2016
We invite you to join us for Kiddush lunch
following the service.
Daniel and Lori Kahn
Please share our joy as our son and daughter,
Jacob and Gabrielle, are called to the Torah
as B’nei Mitzvah on:
Saturday, September 3, 2016
We invite you to join us for Kiddush lunch
following the service.
Steven Labovitz and Lauren Flato
Please share our joy as we celebrate our
50th wedding anniversary on
Saturday, September 10, 2016
We invite you to join us for Kiddush lunch
following the service.
Barbara and Chuck Taubman
Please share our joy as our son, Evan, is called to
the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on:
Saturday, September 17, 2016
We invite you to join us for Kiddush lunch
following the service.
Peter and Stephanie Spielvogel
My heartfelt thanks to all of you who participated, baked,
and/or donated for the Teen Shabbat & Siyum service,
luncheon and congregational gift.
The event was lovely and it was a wonderful feeling that I
do not take for granted to finish my tenure as school
principal bathed in so much love.
With much appreciation,
Iris Bendahan
The Best Thing You Can Do for CBD
and What it Truly Means
By Carol Cassell
I'm new on the CBD board and actually pretty new at
Beth David! I attended a committee meeting recently
on how to outreach to new members. What I heard
clearly was that one thing you can do for CBD this
year is to actually invite your Jewish friends to check
out, and hopefully join, the shul. That means that all
your Jewish friends around the Seder table or even
the Mah Jong table should be invited to events and
made to feel welcome and included. Then they
should be told about the new sustaining contribution
model, and ultimately be asked to join CBD. People
want to be asked, they feel welcomed when they are
asked. We can invite and include people and Jeff
Warwick, our membership chair, or the Rabbis, or
any of us, can do the ultimate asking.
We are all asked to be ambassadors for our
congregation, our kehillah. At a sisterhood planning
meeting, I heard that when you are at kiddush lunch,
if someone asks, “Is this seat saved?”, you should
say “It is saved for you”. The much less welcoming
thing you can do, is to tilt the chairs, legs out
indicating that seats are saved and making it clear
that someone else is not welcome at the table.
(Kindness to seniors walking by is primary here).
Introduce yourself to new faces at the table.
Rabbi Alexander sent me across the shul during
services to talk to a new person. I didn’t get it right,
and talked to an existing member. I was
embarrassed, but did meet someone that I didn’t yet
know. I asked again “Who am I to talk to?” I got the
right person on my next try. I invited that person to
sit with me and my friends at lunch. Please think of
new faces as potential new friends.
At Shabbat services, I see all kinds of people, and
often I think to myself that I would like to speak with
them and find out more about them. That’s the
wonderful thing about our weekly Shabbat lunch,
even if we go off to a Netivot Haneshama session,
we often get the chance to see people after services
and talk. These people who are new to me would be
welcome at my Seder table.
This past Passover, my actual, physical Seder table
got brought downstairs to the now clean living room,
rather late, indeed, after some of my guests arrived.
That was because almost up to the Seder time, my
dining room table was covered in papers. I also
looked high and low, but I couldn’t find my Seder
plate, so I had to improvise. I admit, I'm messier, and
more disorganized than most. I wanted to try out a
new Haggadah found online, and I asked my guests to
put the pdf on their phones, tablets and computers, so
we would all have it. (Yes, it was Shabbat, and
Rabbis, I promise never to do it again. Some of us are
not observant in all areas (yet).) The point is- there are
all kinds of Jews at CBD and all kinds should come to
CBD, and that we all bring gifts, our talents and
passions, to the community. We just need to make
people feel welcome, wanted and accepted.
Let's take a closer look at the Jews around the Seder
tables I sat at this year. I'm feeling a bit like Dr. Suess.
There were rich Jews, poor Jews, married Jews, single
Jews, widowed Jews, intermarried Jews, Jews who
have lived in Israel, Jews who have visited Israel and
Jews who have never been to Israel. There was a Jew
who heads his own company, and a Jew on food
stamps. If I went into other details on the specific
uniqueness of the individuals, I would need to get
consent. All Jews, all welcome, period.
I am going to be inviting my unaffiliated, and other
affiliated Jewish friends to accompany me to events at
CBD. Please be welcoming to my friends, and I’ll be
welcoming to your friends. Let’s be surprised and
delighted by the gifts these potential members bring to
our community.
Join CBD Men’s Club for Jewish
Heritage Night at the SF Giants
Tuesday, August 30th
Tickets are available online at
Beth-David.org/RSVP or call the office
at 408-257-3333.
The Men’s Club gets together all year long
for camaraderie, learning and service. All men in
the synagogue community are invited to
participate in any men’s club activity. All ages
welcome. Contact Art Singer for specific
information at cbd.mensclub@beth-david.org or
Are You Part of a Beth David
We are looking for you!
Yiddish Conversation Group
Do you know Yiddish?
Would you like to chat with others
in Yiddish?
This informal group meets two times a
month for casual conversation, jokes and
socializing. Yiddish speakers of all levels
The group is not meeting in August but will
resume in September.
We know that there are a lot of longstanding
havurot at Beth David, but unfortunately, we
have no information or records of any of
If you are a member of a havurah, please
email Rabbi Alexander at Alexander@bethdavid.org with the havurah name, names of
the members and the year is was
established. We want to know who you are so
that we can recreate our records but also do
a havurah Shabbat this next year.
Upcoming Dates:
September 6th & 20th
For more information, email group
coordinator, Ruth Bareket,
at CBD.Yiddish@beth-david.org,
or call Vivian Herman at 408-257-7760.
New havurot??? Give yourself a name and let
us know what it is.
Presentations & Discussions
on Judaica
Everyone is welcome, whether member of
CBD or visitor, including non-artists.
A CBD Spanish speakers group
is forming now.
If you are interested in participating, email
Susan Englander at:
or call 408-257-7538
Meeting dates and times to be determined
by group consensus.
August Meeting:
Saturday, August 20th
After lunch @ approx 1:00 p.m.
Our Remodeled Synagogue: New Symbols
and Architecture. Presented by Jeff Warwick
September Meeting:
Saturday, September 24th
After lunch @ approx 1:00 p.m.
Rosh Hashanah Haggadah & Music. Presented
by Avraham and Dahlia Perahia
For more information contact:
Welcome Our First Director of Lifelong Learning
We are pleased to welcome Sarah Hanuka as the first Director of Lifelong Learning at Beth David.
Sarah approaches Jewish education with a passion and tenacity that flows from both her roots in
Israel and her immigrant experience in America. Her intense commitment – as there is no other
way to describe it – has a tremendous impact on all who meet her.
Sarah began her career as an Educator by working as a camp counselor and
Sunday school teacher shortly after arriving in America. She taught Hebrew
and Judaic Studies at several Jewish Day Schools, became School Principal at
Temple Anshe Sholom in Illinois, and directed the Religious schools at
Temple Sholom of Chicago and Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles.
“At regular school you learn how to become a doctor, a lawyer, at
shul, we learn how to become human beings.”
Sarah’s approach to teaching Judaism is through knowledge and love of the
language, the land and the people. These essential ingredients are, in her
thinking, crucial to the survival and strength of the Jewish people.
Hebrew studies are one of Sarah’s main goals when it comes to Jewish
Education. Several generations of Rabbis, Cantors and lay professionals have been her students,
and now pass Sarah’s ideas on in their own work. What is so special about Sarah is that for her,
knowledge starts with love. “Do Judaism,” Sarah is fond of saying. “Carry it physically with you,
and write your own chapter in the history of our people”.
Saturday, August 13th @ 1:30pm
The Secret Chord
By Geraldine Brooks, led by Harry Cornbleet
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Geraldine Brooks provides a fresh look
at the life of King David as seen through the eyes of those who loved
or feared him: the prophet Nathan, his wives Michal, Abigail, and
Bathsheba, and his son Solomon. Brooks has an uncanny ability to
bring alive historical characters, and this saga of faith, desire,
family, ambition, betrayal, and power will enthrall her readers.
Saturday, September 10th @ 1:30pm
Savage Continent: Europe in the Aftermath of World War II
By Keith Lowe, led by Steve Levin
We remember images of victory and celebration after the end of
World War II, but have forgotten the period of anarchy that followed.
Savage Continent reveals a land still racked by violence. Germans
and collaborators were rounded up and summarily executed.
Concentration camps were reopened. Violent anti-Semitism was
reborn. Massacres and civil wars occurred. Tens of millions were
expelled from their homelands. Savage Continent is the story of post
-World War II Europe in all its ugly detail, from the end of the war to
the late 1940s. It is a frightening chronicle of a world gone mad.
Reflections on Losing a Student
By Iris Bendahan
Having a student die is something we teachers try not to think about. Thankfully, during my 11 years as
religious school principal, this unthinkable didn’t happen; until the 11th hour, my last official week,
when I learned of the heartbreaking death of Noah Goldstein.
Noah and his brother, Sam, joined CBD’s Hebrew High and TMT (Teen Madrichim Team) when they,
and their mom, Lisa, moved to the area in 2008. According to Irene Swedroe, the TMT coordinator,
Noah and Sam wanted to use the TMT program toward their service hours that their high school,
Bellarmine, required. It was Noah, (who recently took on the gender neutral pronoun of they/them) who
challenged the Dean’s initial refusal, and was able to get TMT work to be an accepted venue for service
hours at Bellarmine. Noah volunteered all 4 of their high school years and served as an aide with
individual students and in art class. Students, peers and teachers all loved having Noah around.
Irene (and Bob), my daughter, Arielle (who was Sam’s
classmate), and I, attended the memorial service Sam and
Lisa held for Noah at Bellarmine on June 25. There we
learned about their love for theatre and the great opportunities
Bellarmine afforded them to grow in the field, especially in
the areas of set design, sound and lighting. Noah’s brother
Sam, their parents and teachers painted the full picture of the
talented, energetic, young person full of promise that Noah
had become since leaving CBD’s program. Irene related to
me that “learning what Noah had accomplished these past 4
years and hearing from their father, Richard, that they had
talked about volunteering as a TMTer when they spent
summers together in Austin, made my heart melt.”
Sam sharing some stories of his brother,
Noah z”l, along side a life-sized poster, at
the memorial service at Bellarmine.
Just this year, Noah had graduated from the theatre program at
Fordham College near Lincoln Center in New York, and it
was near here that their life was tragically taken after being hit
by a garbage truck (the driver never even realized he had hit a person). Noah had worked as a set
designer on numerous university productions as well as at Ars Nova, a Manhattan theater company, and
the XL Nightclub in Manhattan. Their skills included scenic carpentry, painting, metalwork, hanging
and focusing lights, sketching, dramaturgical research and literary analysis.
Daniel Alexander Jones, an associate professor of theater at Fordham, told The NY Post that “Noah
was a gifted young artist. He was unfailingly curious, disciplined, and inventive. He was also among
the most joyful and compassionate people I’ve worked with, and his mind was electric… We have lost
a bright star,”. Fordham College wrote: “They were our best and our brightest. They are gone too soon.
Show the other side what great art looks like. Love, The Fordham Theatre Program.”
Each year at our graduation/Siyum service, we address our graduating teens, and our 7th graders moving
up, and wonder what they will do, where they will go after they leave us, but never have I contemplated
their going to the “other side” so early in life. Noah will always have a special place in my heart. I shall
try to recall them as someone who found their passion, and even though so young, already had been
blessed with opportunities to live their love. May that be a small measure of comfort to Lisa, Richard
and Sam.
The family asks that those who want to make a memorial gift in Noah’s name can make a donation to
Bellarmine Prep Theatre Tech Department, 960 West Hedding Street, San Jose, CA 95126-1215.
26 Tamuz 2
10:00am Intermed. Hebrew 7:00pm Minyan
11:45am Beginning Hebrew
2:15pm Beg. Hebrew FSU
Émigrés (offsite)
7:00pm Minyan
9:30am Minyan
3 Av 8
4 Av
10:00am Intermed. Hebrew
11:45am Beginning Hebrew
2:15pm Beg. Hebrew FSU
Émigrés (offsite)
7:00pm Minyan
10 Av
Tish'a B'Av
9:30am Tisha B'Av Services
1:00pm Tisha B’Av
Community Learning and
Minha (offsite)
9:30am Minyan
27 Tamuz 3
28 Tamuz
7:00pm Minyan
5 Av 10
7:00pm Minyan
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm Finance Committee
7:30pm Para-Mashgiaḥ
11 Av 16
12 Av
10:00am Intermed. Hebrew 7:00pm Minyan
11:45am Beginning Hebrew 7:30pm Program Committee
2:15pm Beg. Hebrew FSU
Émigrés (offsite)
7:00pm Minyan
17 Av 22
18 Av
10:00am Intermed. Hebrew
11:45am Beginning Hebrew
2:15pm Beg. Hebrew FSU
Émigrés (offsite)
7:00pm Minyan
7:00pm Minyan
19 Av
24 Av 29
25 Av 30
26 Av
9:30am Minyan
10:00am Intermed. Hebrew 7:00pm Minyan
4:00pm Religious School
11:45am Beginning Hebrew 7:15pm Jewish Heritage
Open House
2:15pm Beg. Hebrew FSU
Night with the SF Giants
7:00pm Minyan
7:00pm Minyan
6 Av
13 Av
20 Av
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm Board Meeting
7:00pm Minyan
27 Av
7:00pm Minyan
1 Av
29 Tamuz 5
Rosh Chodesh Av
10:00am Talmud Study
11:15am Jewish Ethics
6:30pm Services
7:53pm Candle lighting
7 Av
11:00am Ladies Who Lunch
7:00pm Minyan
14 Av
7:00pm Minyan
7:30pm That’s the Power of
Love (see sidebar)
21 Av
7:00pm Minyan
7:00pm Dames Who Dine
8 Av
10:00am Talmud Study
11:15am Jewish Ethics
6:30pm Services
7:45pm Candle lighting
15 Av
10:00am Talmud Study
11:15am Jewish Ethics
6:00pm PJ Shabbat
6:30pm Services
7:36pm Candle lighting
9:30am Services/Birthday –
Marshall Burak
12:00pm Ruah Rally
12:30pm Kiddush
2 Av
9 Av
Erev Tish'a B'Av (see sidebar)
Shabbat Chazon
9:30am Services
11:15am Tot Shabbat
12:00pm Ruah Rally
12:30pm Kiddush
1:30pm Book Discussion Group
9:00pm Erev Tisha B'Av
Community Services (offsite)
16 Av
Shabbat Nachamu
9:30am Services/Merav Tzori
Bat Mitzvah
10:30am Netivot HaNeshamah: A
Learning Minyan with Rabbi
12:00pm Ruah Rally
12:30pm Kiddush
1:30pm CBD Jewish Artists Group
22 Av 27
23 Av
10:00am Talmud Study
9:30am Services/Ben Kahn Bar
11:15am Jewish Ethics
10:30am Netivot HaNeshamah:
7:27pm Candle lighting
Approachable Torah with Rabbi
11:15am Tot Shabbat
12:00pm Ruah Rally
12:30pm Kiddush
*Para-Mashgiaḥ Training
Tuesday, August 9th, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Be trained to be the representative responsible for maintaining CBDs Kashrut guidelines
as well our Kitchen Use Guidelines. Pre-requesitie to become a Para-Mashgiah is to
pass a California approved ANSI accredited Food Handler course. We must have
a copy of your certificate on file before you may be trained as a Para-Mashgiaḥ.
Questions – please contact Barbara Biran 408-366-9106
Tisha B’Av
8/13 @ 9:00pm
Erev Tisha B’Av
Services at
Congregation Sinai
1532 Willowbrae
Avenue, San Jose
8/14 @ 9:30am
Tisha B’Av Services
at CBD
8/14 @ 1:30pm
Tisha B’Av
Community Learning & Minḥa at
Congregation Sinai
1532 Willowbrae
Avenue, San Jose
Tu B’Av
8/18 @ 7:30pm
That’s the Power
of Love! An
Enjoyable Night
Out for Adults
8/19 @ 6:00pm
Special PJ Shabbat
in honor of Tu
8/19 @ 6:30pm
A special Tu B’Av
See flyer on page
15 for details
Do You Have
Backyard Apple
Netivot HaNeshama
Summer Sessions
August 20 @ 10:30 a.m.
A Learning Minyan with Rabbi Alexander
This session is for those who want to understand the prayers,
psalms and choreography of the Shabbat service so that it can
be a meaningful personal and communal experience.
August 27 @ 10:30 a.m.
Approachable Torah with Rabbi Berkowitz
Rabbi Berkowitz makes the Torah accessible to all and helps
learners connect Torah lessons to their lives.
Contact Rabbi Alexander for
more information: alexander@beth-david.org
Ladies Who Lunch and
Dames Who Dine
Ladies Who Lunch - August 11th
Calling all Musicians
Once a month CBD and community members will
have an opportunity jam together or play individually.
If you are a musician
and/or vocalist and
would like to hear more
about the how to join
Music in the Mercaz,
contact Rabbi Alexander
at alexander@bethdavid.org
rd 25
bi 8/
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Ea En
Donate your surplus
apples to CBD!
This month’s theme is brunch. Please bring a
fun brunch dish to share.
Dames Who Dine - August 25th
This month’s hostess is Seema Ciccerone who
will provide food for the evening. Cost is $18
Interested in Ladies who Lunch
and/or Dames who Dine?
RSVP at Beth-David.org/RSVP
or call the office at 408-257-3333 for assistance.
Thursday, September 8th
5:30—7:30 p.m.
In conjunction with PJ Library
Enjoy breakfast for dinner at CBD in our new Mercaz
under the star! with rainbows reflecting on the walls.
We will do a craft project and read stories while
relaxing on the floor and just enjoying the summer.
Kids can come in pajamas. Bring a big pillow to sit on.
Bring books to read. The program is designed for kids
ages 2-8 and parents. Older or younger siblings
RSVP online at Beth-David.org/RSVP or call the
office at 408-257-3333 for assistance.
Before August 25th
Adults and Teens $6
Children (3-12 years) $4
After August 25th
Adults and Teens $8
Children (3-12 years) $6
Tots $2
New Frontier USY Convention
One hundred teens traveled from different
parts of Northern CA to attend the 2016
New Frontier USY May Convention at the
Flamingo Hotel in Santa Rosa. Saratoga USY
(SAUSY) sent five teens to attend this end of
the year convention.
The theme was back to the future which tied
in our discussion topics and the movie that
we watched Saturday night. Throughout the
weekend the teens were able to go to the
Charles Schulz Museum and animation
studio, swim in the pool, have fun and
interactive services/ruach, see the bubble
man show, and hold elections. Saturday
night the teens got to go between a dance
party, movie, and game truck.
Representing Sausy are: Mayer Adelberg, Zahava Preil ,
Raffi Bendahan, Sivan Yahdav (advisor) and Josh Mendel
As this convention is the last one of the year, it was very emotional hearing the senior goodbye speeches
and saying see you later rather than goodbye.
Awards were also given out during this event in which SAUSY was awarded with Best Website! All in all it
was a great convention filled with friends, food, and ruach!
Mazal Tov Abigail, Rachel, Ben K., Gabe, Tal, Merav, Sam, Ben S. and Robert on completing the religious school portion of
your Jewish education and Moving Up to JET! We hope to continue to see you participating in CBD life!
Join us for Cantor Andres Levy “Bar Mitzvah” Celebration
in our Exquisite Synagogue
By Vivian Golub
This year, Cantor Levy will again be joining Rabbis Philip Ohriner and Leslie Alexander in our High Holy
Day services. This is Cantor levy’s 13th year at CBD, and we are excited to announce a celebratory “Bar
Mitzvah” concert where he will perform beautiful Ashkenaz and Sephardic melodies! Cantor Levy has also
recorded a new CD which will be available for sale.
Be sure to save the date, Sunday October 9th from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. for this celebration with Cantor Levy.
Because Religious school will be held that Sunday, tickets will include a light lunch and refreshments prior to
the concert so that children and their parents can join us after school.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we have an opportunity to fulfill many mitzvot - first by providing
an opportunity for Cantor Levy to perform as we support his endeavors, and second by providing an
opportunity to welcome friends and family members to visit our synagogue and see our beautiful new home
while listening to joyous melodies (including sing-alongs for children).
I have offered to chair this event and am looking to enlist support to make this event a success. I would like to
encourage members who can help contribute financially toward the luncheon or who can who can bake or
provide desserts to contact me at Concert@beth-david.org Your help would be most appreciated.
Please join us - The beams of our house are cedars our rafters are firs. (Song of Songs)
Save the Date
Come enjoy an afternoon of
beautiful Jewish music.
Cantor Levy received his
degree from Rabbinic
Seminary in Buenos Aries
and is a member of the
Cantor Assembly of the
United States.
Adults $20.00
Teens (ages 13-18) $10.00
Under 13 Free
RSVP online at Beth-David.org/RSVP or call the office at 408-257-3333.
Payment ONLY accepted at the door.
Payment by cash or check, no credit cards!
Our Community Joins Together to Commemorate Yom HaZikaron and
Celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut
By Iris Bendahan
On May 11, CBD held a very heart–warming series of events for
Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut. Yom HaZikaron began
with a lovely ceremony which included prayers, readings, and
songs, and culminated with the lighting of 12 candles
representing each of the tribes. The ceremony was led by
religious school students, teachers, teen madrikhim, and
Following the
HaZamir Silicon
Valley performed
6 pieces in 4 part
harmony from
Sam and Rachel open the ceremony
the full
HaZamir repertoire which was performed in April at Carnegie
Hall. HaZamir Silicon Valley is the newest chapter to join the
HaZamir Choral Foundation’s International Jewish High
School Choir which boasts over 30 chapters in the United
Morah Ora, Evan and Mia recite “Magash HaKesef”,
States and Israel. The highlight of their year is an annual soldthe Silver Platter by Natan Alterman
out festival
held in New York City where all chapters perform together.
The 14 member Silicon Valley chapter, which was formed
this year by the dedicated hard work of David and Melinda
Joffe of Kol Emeth, was led by Hannah Druckman and
included 3 CBD teens – Rafi Bendahan, Daniela Gloster and
Derron Mendel, who joined 400 teens for an incredible
festival at Carnegie Hall. Check out the beautiful sound by
looking for HaZamir 2016 on Youtube. Any incoming 8th12th grader who loves to sing, is welcome to try out contact dxjoffe@gmail.com.
An Israeli style falafel dinner followed the ceremony and
HaZamir SV, led by Hannah Druckman
However, the culmination of the evening was the enlightening
speech given by Rebecca Avera. Rebecca has spent the last year
as the Israel shliha (emissary) for Stanford’s Hillel. She has
spent countless hours meeting with various groups on campus
and off, helping to build bridges of understanding about Israel.
As an Ethiopian Israeli, she has a unique vantage point into the
common problems Israel and the United States face in terms of
fighting intolerance and standing up for justice. Rebecca is
highly articulate and passionate, speaking right from her soul.
Those who stayed found her, her family story, and her work
today “amazing”. We wish Rebecca ‘b’hatzlaha’ as she returns
to Israel on her dream to become an ambassador!
Rebecca Avera with Iris Bendahan
We wish the following members a happy anniversary.
For August
Opher & Naomi Harel
Andy & Roni Wolfe
Herb & Ilene Finger
Lance & Wendy Glasser
Sam & Laura Schaevitz
Ben & Judie Ram
David & Judy Paktor
Chet Lanctot & Rachel Schwab
Edward & Loretta Levin
Lee & Bonnie Hirsch
Jeffrey & Clara Imas
Alan & Mary Jo Bernard
Scott & Barbara Knaster
Saul & Regina Koghan
Sherman & Vivian Golub
Daniel & Lu Gildenberg
Mordechai & Daniela Blaunstein
Fay Levinson & Joe Vela
Noah & Ruth Bareket
Allan & Marilyn Ader
Frank & Harriet Weiss
George & Tamar Mednick
Esmail & Ima Eshaghoff
Dennis & Elise Wolf
Joel & Marianne Zussman
Stanley & Hillary Farkas
Isaac & Beth Berezovsky
Peter & Stephanie Spielvogel
Shmuel & Haya Shottan
Alexander & Zoya Lazer
Izak & Rosa Bencuya
Martin & Nancy Newman
Larry & Rhoda Yelowitz
Albert & Lee Ghan
Ron & Alison Ruebusch
Mitchell & Debbie Cohen
Terry & Carol Winograd
Oleg & Irina Varshavsky
Charles & Davida Adelberg
Jeffrey Warwick & Marjorie Alpert
Rick & Ann Tavan
Michael & Joy Cohen
Scott Klein & Karen Garcia
Happy Birthday
For August
Eyal Blaunstein
Andrew Pickholtz
Elena Mandrusov
Eric Lewis
Hannah Nathanson
Jan Ferguson
Dana Korol
Bettina Rosenberg
Neta Korol
Talia Gless
Mayer Adelberg
Jack Goodman
Matthew Applesmith
Gene Tenberg
Yaakov Ohriner
Emil Veksler
Jeffrey Katz
Jennifer Ganeles
Marshall Burak
Alexander Ring
Cara Vainish
Rachel Pfalzer
Thomas Klein
Frances Glicksman
Nathan Varshavsky
Jacob Silver
Jeffrey Kanel
Yakov Agroskin
Isaac Feria
Seema Cicerone
Aaron Nankin
Sheryl Lewis
Michael Harris
Charles Adelberg
Bonnie Hirsch
Kenneth Aitchison
Raisa Kukuyev
Diane Aronson
Kenneth Luskey
Nathan Silberman
Daniela Blaunstein
Barbara Davis
Mina Itzkowitz
Josephine Menkin
Robert Glicksman
Ellen Karel
Ilana Lavian
Micah Gless
Alexander Rodstein
Kenneth Bretz
Rona Graubart
Elena Darevsky
Nicole Sabes
Rachel Sabes
Felicia Schaffer
Eric Janofsky
Sharon Segev
Pamela Levin
Susan Gutterman
Meital Factor
Ronald Remba
Hagar Holan
Dmitriy Drabovskiy
Leeor Mamou
Orit Riskin
Galina Belogolovsky
Boris Cherny
Alvin Lampell
David Belogolovsky
Eitan Berkowitz
Svitlana Veksler
Alexandra Rose
Samuel Lichy
Michael Pennypacker
Avi Gross
Ruth Gipstein
Jake Alexander
Caryn Kovar
Shoshana Levitt
Benjamin Kahn
Roni Fishman
James Attar
Victor Brill
Richard Tavan
Stephen Kinsey
Shai Horovitz
Herbert Dreifuss
Sivan Yahdav
Joy Cohen
Jacob Labovitz
Gil Katzir
Eduard Yevelev
Alisa Preil
Douglas Brook
Ricki Gafter
Gary Yevelev
Cameron Park
Donald Schwartz
Erin Handelsman
Genya Glukhovsky
Isadora (Izzy) Rothstein
Noah Katz
Danielle Factor
Lev Aronson
Frank Fleck
Robin Rauchwerk
Carol Winograd
Joshua Taylor
Welcome to New
CBD Members!
Oleg & Irina Varshavsky, Ilan, Nathan & Eliana
Susan Marcus
Bob & Marcia Bankirer
Eric Steiger & Mickey Chiang, Jeremy, Jessica
THANK YOU! To the following who have
donated to the Next 50 building campaign
Your participation is important, not the amount. See your name here!
(List updated as of July 15, 2016)
Laura and David Abada
Cookie Addison & Family
Davida & Charles Adelberg
Marilyn & Allan Ader
Yael & Elie Alcheck
Monique & Philip Alexander
Dr. Kenneth Aitchison & Rabbi
Leslie Alexander
Rochelle & Barry Alhadeff
Appleman Family
Judy & Michael Applesmith
Diane & Doron Aronson
Wendy Askenas
James Attar
Helen & Max Baer
Ginny & Bob Baird
David & Rabbi Ilana Baird
Mishy & Jason Balaban
Amy & Gary Ball
Ruth & Noah Bareket
Muriel & David Barnett
Elizabeth & Jim Batson
Betty Becker
Iris & Joseph Bendahan
Renee & Jacob Ben-David
Mindy & Rabbi Allan Berkowitz
Mary Jo & Alan Bernard
Marlene & Phil Bernstein
Cathy & William Beyda
Barbara Biran
Marjorie Bischoff
Roberta & Jeremy Bloom
Ellyn & Kenneth Bloomfield
The Blumenthal Family
Judy & Brett Borah
Rhoda & Martin Bress
Sandi & Kenneth Bretz
Ruth & Victor Brill
Bayla & Abe Bromberg
Linda & Barry Brummer
Marlene & Marshall Burak
Nestor Cabrales
Felissa & Myron Cagan
Carol & Chris Cassell
The Checkman Family
Seema Cicerone
Lori Kramer Cinnamon
Diane & Bert Clement
Judith & Lawrence Cohn
Joanne & Harry Cornbleet
Jillian Cosgrave
Lynn Crocker
Jerry Daniel
Barbara (Babs) J. W. Davis
Karen & Jacob Deloumi
Eleanor & Lloyd Dickman
Sandra & Morris Dolmatch
Lou Dombro
Dorothy & Richard Dorsay
Galina & Mike Drabkin
Herb Dreifuss
Danielle & Hank Drew
Lory & Alexander Drukarev
Susan Greenberg-Englander &
Jeffrey Englander
Miriam Engel
Deborah Estreicher
Rhonda Farber
Hillary & Stanley Farkas
Dina Fayngold
Jan & Bryan Ferguson
Cary & Adrian Feria
Harriet & Don Fernandez
Donald Field
Karen & Melvin Fihn
Debbie & Bob Fils
Sofia Filshtinsky
Reneé & Howard Fine
Ziva & David Fishman
Aurelia & Frank Fleck
Kama Fletcher
Kate & Jeffrey Fox
Liya Freydin
Rosemary & Stephen Frieden
Julia & Adam Fuks
Sandi & David Gaertner
Ricki Lee & Neal Gafter
Emily & Howard Gannes
Susan & Lee Gavens
Daisy Gelb
Ann Graubart Gershanov
Lee & Al Ghan
Rachel & Eli Gild
Judy & David Gilford
Ruth & Edward Gipstein
Rakhil Karasik & Viktor Gitis
Wendy J. & Lance Glasser
Glenda & Harry Glatstein
Gaelle Glickfield
Jane & Robert Glicksman
Myrna Gluck
Genya & Yakov Glukhovsky
Ellen & Harvey Gold
Jane & Michael Gold
Sondra & Alex Goldberger
Hava Goldman
Sheila & Howard Goldstein
Isaac Goldstein
Barbara & Stephen Goldstein & Family
Vivian & Sherman Golub
Alana & Grant Goodman
Norma & David Goorvitch
Janie & Greg Gotlib
Rhonda Raider & Donald Gould
Joseph Grapa
Cheryl Graubart
Dave Graubart
Barbara & Arye Green
Helaine & Stephen Green
Ann Greenspan
Karen & Allen Guggenheim
Susan & Clifford Gutterman
Maxine and Robert Halem
Joyce & Bill Halper
Nathan Handelsman
Harel Family
Wendy & David Harris
CBD Hazak
Vivian Herman
Monica Hernandez
Laurie Himelstein
Bonnie & Lee Hirsch
Debby & David Hoffman
Dr. Melinda Reynard & Steve Hoffman
Sharon & Amir Horovitz
Marcia Hunter
Janet & David Hurwitz
Madelyn & Dov Isaacs
Beverly & Fred Jacobson
Jane & Len Jacobson
Lori & Daniel Kahn
Renee & Jeffrey Kanel
Marcia Kaplan
Ellen & Steven Karel
Evan Kass
Stephanie & Ian Kass & Family
Marlene Kass
Rudi & Jeff Katz
Shoshana Wolf & Jonathan Katz
Doris & Stanley Katz
Bonnie Kehl
Carol & Roland King
Lynne & Stephen Kinsey
Morrie Kirschen
Eleanor & Ed Kiss
Jacqueline & Charles Klein
Susan & Thomas Klein
Barbara & Scott Knaster
Ruth A. Kohan
Caryn & Ben Kovar
Anna Kraus
Judith & Israel Krongold
Jan Krum
Raisa and Vladimir Kukuyev
Marina and Maels Kuperman
Lauren Flato & Steven Labovitz
Al Lampell
Rachel Schwab & Chet Lanctot
Suzanne & Dave Larky
Judith & Allan Lavetter
Lorna Borenstein & David Lawee
Benjamin Leitner
Susan & Michael Leitner
Jeanette & Stuart Lerner
Loretta & Edward Levin
Judy & Gordon Levin
Bernard Levine
Susan & Mark Levine
Fay Levinson
Paula Barbarito-Levitt & Marc E.
Gloria & Ken Levy
Mimi & Reuben Levy
Sheryl & Eric Lewis
Andrea & Steven Linder
Tanya Lorien
Shelley & Ken Luskey
Enid Malkin
Sue & Ron Maltiel
Tamar & Leeor Mamou
Vered Marash
Doysa Markova
Miriam & Charles Marr
Natalie & William Mauskopf
Howard May, DDS
Dan Maydan
Sandy & David Mayer
Tamar & George Mednick
Lydia Mednick
Sylvia & Michael Meltzer
Holly & David Mendel
Aileen Menkin
Elizabeth & William Menkin
Sylvia & Leonard Metz
Dalia & Alvin Milgram
Ruth Miller
Bonnie Slavitt Moore & Jack Moore
Janine & Austin Moore
Cohava & Jacob (Kobi) Mor
Vanina J. Sandel Mutchnik & Sharon
Susan & Gary Nankin
Ronee & Ike Nassi
Josephine & Scott Nelson
Nancy & Marty Newman
Phyllis & Neil Newman
Jenifer & Evan Ohriner
Rabbis Shoshana & Philip Ohriner
Crystal & Mendy Ouzillou
Alice Wald & Paul Overmyer
Judy & David Paktor
Minda & Richard Parrish
Andrew Passett
Lori Passett & Family
Robin D. Penn
Evette & David Pennypacker
Susannah & Karl Pfalzer
Joelle Pluemer
Margie & Howard Pomerantz
Marilyn Popper
Rabbi Daniel Pressman
Emma & Gregory Prokter
Julie Tardos & William Province
Susan Murai Raider & Andrew Raider
Lena & Jussi Rajna
Judie & Benjamin Ram
Thelma Ramm
Sheryl & Martin Rattner
Susan & Ron Remba
Svetlana and Alexander Ring
Orit & Paul Riskin
Robinson Family
Bettina & Daniel Rosenberg
Jill & Josh Rosenberg
Gloria & Theodore Rosenblume
Susan & Allen Rosenzweig
Rothstein Family
Riva Rubnitz
Alison & Ron Ruebusch
Robin Sabes
Marina & Michael Salzman
Christel Sanders
Felicia & Michael Schaffer
Cyndi Sherman & Steve Schleimer
Rita & Steve Schlosser
Maureen and Andrew Schneider
Natalie M. Schriger
Myrtle & Joel Schwartz
Myra & Pete Schwartz
Roberta & Martin Schwartz
Marilyn Sefchovich
Jerome Shapiro
Tzvia & Reuven Shelef
Susan Cohen & Leonard Shen
Inna Sigal & Alexander Shlifshteyn
Sima Shore
Haya & Shmuel Shottan
Yulia Shvarts
Lil Silberstein
Ken Silver
Sandra Silver
Barbara & David Silverstein
Michal Strutin & Michael Sinensky
Blanka & Art Singer
Nancy & Dan Skilken
Morris and Fannie Skilken Family
Liza & Ilya Slain
Anna & Mikhail Slutsky
Kenneth Solnit
Ann & Joseph Sorger
Irene & Walter Spector
Stephanie & Peter Spielvogel
Kitty Steinborn
Cheryl Zatkin-Steres & George Steres
Penina & Herman Stern
Joan & Henry Stone
Bonnie & Lee Stone
Rama & Arieh Strod
Meryle & Howard Sussman
Irene & Bob Swedroe & Family
Susan Gould & Rami Tabibian
Rochelle & Sander Taboh
Barbara & Chuck Taubman
Ann & Rick Tavan
Evelyn Tavan
Irina & Gene Tenberg
Support provided by Tides Foundation
Helen Tieger
Nazgol & Shelley Timmins
Janice & Robert Torczyner
Aline Usim
Cara & Ronen Vainish
Sima Vishnevsky
Tal Volinsky
Reenie Wagner
Marjorie Alpert & Jeff Warwick
Barbie & Martin Weinstein
Sheila & Marty Weisberg
Carol & Jeffrey Weiss
Harriet & Frank Weiss
Linda & Joseph Weiss & Family
Gayle & Arthur Weissbrodt
Pat & Alan Werba
Nancy & Kenneth Wiener
Drs. Carol & Terry Winograd
Marsha & John Witkin
Elise & Dennis Wolf
Roni & Andy Wolfe
Wendy Wu
Patty Yalowich
Yanovsky Family
Lourdes & Frank Yashar
Rhoda & Larry Yelowitz
Liliya & Igor Yunerman
Rimma Zaraysky
Zimberoff Family Trust
Beryl Zimberoff
Phyllis & Jerry Zis
Contributions are vital to the life of our community. We acknowledge the gifts received
between April 1 – June 30, 2016 from the following individuals and families.
Annual Campaign
In memory of my nephew, Michel Katz, from Sheila Weisberg
In memory of my father, Herman Perrick, from Sheila Weisberg
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Pressman, from Laurie Himelstein
Balk Family Camp Scholarship Fund
Alisa Balk, in memory of Richard Balk on his 18th yahrtzeit,
from Arthur & Sheila Braufman
Beth David Memorial Garden Beautification
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Pressman, from Thelma Ramm
Congregation Beth David Bible and Siddur and
Mahzor Fund
In memory of our parents, Dan & Gloria Mueller, from Stephen
& Helaine Green & Family
Congregation Beth David Capital Campaign
In memory of my brother-in-law, Sidney Helfand, from Sheila
In memory of my mother, Ida Perrick, from Sheila Weisberg
In memory of my mother, Berta Gorlovetsky, from Vladimir
In memory of my wife, Esther Daniel, from Gerald Daniel
In memory of my father, Sergey Segal, from Kamilla Lif
In memory of Bonnie's father, Laurence Joseph Melnick, from
Lee & Bonnie Stone
In memory of my cousin, Irina Moshiashvili, from Vladimir
In memory of my mother, Yelena Merenzon, from Zoya Lazer
In memory of my mother, Etta Taubman, from Charles Taubman
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Pressman, from Steven & Rita Schlosser
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Pressman, from Arye & Barbara Green
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Pressman, from Jeffrey & Renee Kanel
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Pressman, from Jack Moore & Bonnie Slavitt Moore
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Pressman, from Victor & Ruth Brill
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Pressman, from Stephen & Helaine Green
Martin & Sheila Weisberg, in honor of the birth of your
grandson, from Jack Moore & Bonnie Slavitt Moore
Lee & Susan Gavens, in honor of the engagement of your son,
Daniel, from Jack Moore & Bonnie Slavitt Moore
Bonnie Slavitt Moore, in honor of your birthday and Mother's
Day, from Hank & Danielle Drew
Andrew Schneider, in memory of your mother, Natalie
Schneider, from Eric & Sheryl Lewis
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Pressman, from Marc & Paula Levitt
Wendy J Glasser, in memory of your cousin, Judy Trigger, from
Seema Cicerone
In memory of Leon Schlosser, from Steven & Rita Schlosser
In honor of Michael Schaffer, from Charles & Miriam Marr
Congregation Beth David Endowment Fund
In memory of my aunt, Inge Oppenheimer, from Wendy Harris
In memory of my great-great aunt, Edna Haimovitz, from
Jonathan Harris
In memory of my father, Henry Harris, from David Harris
In memory of my father, Jack Kersky, from Marilyn Ader
Michael Leitner, in memory of your father, Murray Leitner, from
David & Deborah Hoffman
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Pressman, from David & Deborah Hoffman
Congregation Beth David Fund
In memory of my grandfather, Shmil Waisman, from Alex
In memory of my husband, Alexander Evsey Kreimer, from
Alexandra Kreimer
In memory of my mother, Kathleen Serrell, from William &
Elizabeth Menkin MD
In memory of my father, Harry Goldstein, from Frederica Postman
In memory of my mother, Ivy Goldstein, from Frederica Postman
In memory of my father-in-law, Sigmund Selig, from Herbert
In memory of my mother, Faina Belogolovsky, from Alex
In memory of my mother, Regina Hoffman, from Helen Baer
In memory of my mother, Martha Shapiro, from Jerome Shapiro
In memory of my father, Max Shapiro, from Jerome Shapiro
In memory of my mother, Catherine Schwartz, from Martin
In memory of my father, Lou Lerner, from Stuart Lerner
In memory of my grandmother, Esther Schneider, from Natalie
In memory of my mother, Edith Mauskopf, from William
In memory of my aunt, Ann Wiener, from William & Natalie
In memory of my father, Joseph Woron, from Harold Woron
In memory of my grandmother, Bella Belogolovsky, from Alex
In memory of my father, Nicholas Lasarev, from Alex
In memory of my father, Abraham Gipstein, from Edward
In memory of my father, Steven Foerder, from Diane Aronson
In memory of my father, Isaac Marash, from Vered Marash
The Zietman Family, in memory of Jeannette Zeitman, from Leon
& Beverly Avrech
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Pressman, from Harry & Joanne Cornbleet
In honor of the Beth David community for your contributions to
our parents, Anita & Ernest Salsberg, throughout the years that
enriched their lives, from Cary Salsberg & Dean Salsberg
Sofia Filshtinsky, in memory of your sister, Mira Filshtinsky, from
Harry & Joanne Cornbleet
Lee & Susan Gavens, in honor of the engagement of Daniel
Gavens to Sarah Michaud, from Harry & Joanne Cornbleet
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Pressman, from Franklyn & Harriet Weiss
Henry Stone, in memory of your wife, Joan Stone, from Joel &
Myrtle Schwartz
Contributions (Continued)
In memory of my uncle, Judah F. Issac, from Myrtle Schwartz
Sandra Dolmatch, in memory of Morris (Murray) Dolmatch, from In memory of my mother, Sylvia Ehrlich, from Donald Ehrlich
In memory of my grandmother, Marsha Carr, from Sheryl
James Posner & Linda Baldwin
Sarah Gild c/o Eli & Rachel Gild, Happy Birthday, from Joshua
In memory of my aunt, Raya Simms, from Joel Schwartz
Bress & Nicole Jaramillo Bress
In memory of my mother, Sylvia Berger, from Carol Cassell
Family of Bernard Levine, in memory of Bernard Levine, from
In memory of my husband, Alex Berger, from Vera Berger
Harry & Joanne Cornbleet
In memory of our mother, Dora Guberman, from Dina
In loving memory of Yaakov Abukasis, from David & Ziva
Fayngold & Anatoly Guberman
In loving memory of our parents, Mikhail & Faina Belogolovsky Congregation Beth David, in honor of Passover, from Dov
& Madelyn Isaacs
and Isak & Luybov Plotkin, from Arkady & Maya
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Pressman, from Herman & Phyllis Burdman
Phyllis Zis, for refuah sheleimah, from Edward & Eleanor Kiss
Michael Leitner, in memory of your father, Murray Leitner,
Jeffrey Katz, in memory of your mother, Anne Katz, from Alan
from Herman & Phyllis Burdman
& Mary Jo Bernard
Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
from Minda Schwartz
Pressman, from Herman & Penina Stern
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Congregation Beth David, thank you, from The Zeitman
Pressman, from Charles & Miriam Marr
Sofia Filshtinsky, in memory of your sister, Mira Filshtinsky,
Congregation Beth David, from Elias & Lorraine Isaac
from Charles & Miriam Marr
Congregation Beth David, from Michael & Elaine Hamilton
Ruth Miller, in honor of your birthday, from Jeffrey Englander
Jewish Education Program/JET Scholarship Fund
& Susan Greenberg-Englander
In memory of my father, Irving Strutin, from Michal Strutin
Rhonda Farber, in honor of your birthday, from Jeffrey Englander
Lee & Susan Gavens, mazal tov on the engagement of your
& Susan Greenberg-Englander
son, Daniel, from Edward & Eleanor Kiss
Ronald & Susan Remba, in honor of Mitchell's wedding to Lisa,
from Stephen & Barbara Goldstein
Kiddush Lunch
Lee & Susan Gavens, in honor of Daniel's engagement, from
Sponsor kiddush on March 12, 2016 in honor of Tal's bat
Stephen & Barbara Goldstein
mitzvah, from Alex & Miri Volinsky
Congregation Beth David, in honor of Passover, from Allan &
Sponsor kiddush on March 26, 2016 in honor of Ora's baby
Marilyn Ader
naming, from Martin & Rhoda Bress
Congregation Beth David, in honor of Passover, from Dennis &
Sponsor kiddush on May 14, 2016 in honor of Rachel Wigon’s
Elise Wolf
Bat Mitzvah, from Michael & Robin Wigon
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Sponsor kiddush June 11, 2016 in honor of Ben Segev’s Bar
Pressman, from Daniel & Bettina Rosenberg
Mitzvah, from Amir & Sharon Segev
Congregation Beth David,, in honor of Passover, from Robin D.
In memory of my brother, Jerald Roman, from Susan Ehrlich
In memory of my grandfather, Hyman Steinberg, from Jerome
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
& Phyllis Zis
Pressman, from Joel & Myrtle Schwartz
In memory of my father, Irving Steinberg, from Jerome &
In memory of Vickie Barocas, from Ike & Ronee
Phyllis Zis
In memory of my father, Glenn Richard Merrittstein, from
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Richard Timmins
Pressman, from Marilyn Popper
In memory of my father, Leo Levine, from Carol Weiss
Martin & Sheila Weisberg, in honor of the birth of your
In memory of my mother, Estella Ashkenaz, from Minda
grandson, Levi David Weisberg, from Marilyn Popper
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
In memory of my mother, Berta Fisch Wald, from Alice Wald
Pressman, from Marilyn Sefchovich
In memory of my grandmother & grandfather, Yetta Maurer &
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
Henry Kohan, from Ruth Kohan
Pressman, from Jeremy & Roberta Bloom
In memory of my sister, Ethel, from Herman Burdman
In memory of Bob N. Wolf, from Steven & Rita Schlosser
In memory of my husband & father, Sam Fayngold, from Dina
In loving memory of our father, grandfather and
Fayngold & Ella Kofman
great-grandfather, Ben Zion Meilach, from David & Ilana
In memory of my grandmother, Gertrude Simms, from Joel
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Marjorie
In memory of Roberta Howard, from Ike & Ronee Nassi
Pressman, from Steven & Andrea Linder
In memory of my mother, Freida Mack, from Ina Checkman
Hindy Ganeles, in memory of your mother, Audrey Krawitz,
In memory of my father, Allan Mack, from Ina Checkman
from Steven & Andrea Linder
In memory of my grandmother, Clara Kessler, from Charles
Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, from
Steven & Andrea Linder
In memory of my grandmother, Irene Grabenstetter, from
Michael Leitner, in memory of your father, Murray Leitner, from
Jacqueline Klein
Steven & Andrea Linder
Congregation Beth David Fund (continued)
Contributions (Continued)
Kiddush Lunch (continued)
Rabbi Daniel Pressman & Family, in memory of your mother and
grandmother, Marjorie Pressman, from Ronald & Susan
Michael Leitner, in memory of your father and grandfather,
Murray Leitner, from Ronald & Susan Remba
In appreciation of Sharone Hadassah services on
March 19, 2016, from Sharone Chapter of Hadassah
Sylvia Rattner, in memory of Sylvia Rattner, from Martin
Leon Kusnetzky, in memory of Leon Kusnetzky, from Sheryl
Seema Cicerone, in honor of your daughter's engagement,
from Marilyn Sefchovich
Jeffrey Katz, in memory of your mother, Anne Katz, from
Marilyn Sefchovich
Karen Fihn, in memory of your sister, Lenora Walkover,
from Marilyn Sefchovich
Ike & Ronee Nassi, in honor of the birth of your grandchild,
from Stephen & Barbara Goldstein
Rhonda Farber, in honor of your new grandson, from
Stephen & Barbara Goldstein
Seema Cicerone, in honor of Gina's engagement, from
Stephen & Barbara Goldstein
Martin & Corinne Sherman, in honor of your new
grandchild, from Jack & Marilyn Goodman
Arye Green, Happy Birthday & thanks for your many good
deeds, from Jack & Marilyn Goodman
Co-sponsor Kiddush Lunch in Honor of Iris
Thank you, from Charles & Miriam Marr
In appreciation, from Martin & Rhoda Bress
In appreciation, from Martin & Robin Rauchwerk
Thank you, from Neal & Stephanie Rothstein
Thank you, from Daniel & Nancy Skilken
Toda Raba, from Harry & Joanne Cornbleet
Thank you, from Frank & Lourdes Yashar
In appreciation, from Andrew Pickholtz & Jan Larky
Thank you, from Gregory & Emma Prokter
William & Cathy Beyda
Jack Moore & Bonnie Slavitt Moore
Arye & Barbara Green
Jeffrey Warwick & Marjorie Alpert
David & Ziva Fishman
Arieh & Rama Strod
Vivian Herman
Robin Sabes
Richard & Ann Tavan
Howard & Emily Gannes
Gerald Daniel & Natalie Schriger
Lee & Susan Gavens
Micah & Rebecca Rosenheim
Lee & Bonnie Hirsch
Israel & Judith Krongold
Daniel & Bettina Rosenberg
Philip & Shoshana Ohriner
Susan Toth
Arthur & Blanka Singer
Alan & Mary Jo Bernard
David & Andrea Ammerman
K'vod Hamet
In memory of our mother, Marjorie Bischoff, from Miriam
Bischoff & Family
March of the Living Fund
In memory of my mother, Chana Yungelson, from Miriam
In memory of my father, Gyula Klein, from Thomas Klein
In memory of my mother, Margaret Rickman, from Susan
In memory of my Linda's father, Joseph Steinberger, from
Barry & Linda Brummer
In memory of my father, Yehuda Yungelson, from Miriam Engel
In memory of my father-in-law, Isaac Engel, from Miriam Engel
In memory of my brother-in-law, Hlavna Engel, from Miriam
In memory of my mother-in-law, Haya Engel, from Miriam
In memory of my brother-in-law, Albert Dockswell, from
Edward Kiss
Iris Bendahan, in your honor with respect, love & gratitude,
from Deborah Estreicher
NEXT 50 Capital Campaign
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, Margie
Pressman, from Rabbi Allan & Mindy Berkowitz
Rabbi Alexander Discretionary Fund
In memory of our beloved daughter, Marlena Jan, from Leonard
& Sylvia Metz
In memory of my brother, Donald Weiss, from Mr. Franklyn
In memory of my father, Fritz Dreifuss, from Herbert Dreifuss
In memory of my brother, Erich Dreifuss, from Herbert Dreifuss
In memory of my mother, Jennye Checkman, from Mr. Harvey
Linda Weiss, in memory of your mother, Joan Stone, from
Natalie Schriger
Stephen Green, in memory of your mother, Dorothy Green, from
Natalie Schriger
Michael Leitner, in memory of your father, Murray Leitner,
from Natalie Schriger
Rabbi Leslie Alexander, in honor for visiting Bryan in hospital,
from Joel & Myrtle Schwartz
Rabbi Leslie Alexander, from Brent & Susan Hailpern
Rabbi Ohriner Discretionary Fund
In memory of my beloved mother, Esther Taboh, from Sandy
In memory of my beloved father, Jack Taboh, from Sandey
In memory of my beloved mother, Elizabeth Taboh, from
Shelley Taboh
In memory of my beloved father, Harry Lazarus, from
Shelley Taboh
In memory of my uncle, Schmuel Gurevitch, from Dina Yevelev
In memory of my father, Hillel Levine, from Mark Levine
In memory of my father, Chester Jur, from Susan Levine
In memory of my uncle, Schmuel Gurevitch, from Dina
In memory of my mother-in-law, Rebecca Polidi, from
Lydia Polidi
Contributions (Continued)
Rabbi Ohriner Discretionary Fund (continued)
In memory of my father, Abraham Solomon Harari, from
Eli Harari
In memory of my father, Fritz Dreifuss, from Herbert
In memory of my brother, Erich Dreifuss, from Herbert
Sofia Filshtinsky, in memory of your sister, Mira
Filshtinsky, from Michael & Lena Filshtinsky
Sofia Filshtinsky, in memory of your sister, Mira
Filshtinsky, from Ari & Deborah Katz
Rabbi Philip Ohriner, thank you for the Mi Shebeirach for
Shelley, from Sander & Rochelle Taboh
Rabbi Philip Ohriner, thank you, from Rhonda Farber
Rabbi Philip Ohriner, many thanks, from Barbara
Rabbi Philip Ohriner, from Arieh & Rama Strod
Rabbi Pressman Discretionary Fund
In memory of my grandfather, Paul Resnick, from Harvey
& Ina Checkman
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother,
Marjorie Pressman, from Edward & Eleanor Kiss
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother,
Marjorie Pressman, from Elie & Yael Alcheck
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother,
Marjorie Pressman, from Vivian Herman
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in memory of your mother, from
Jack & Marilyn Goodman
In honor of Passover, from Mary Egan
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, in appreciation of the touching
funeral service you led for our mother, Marjorie Bischoff
and in memory of your father, from Miriam Bischoff
& Family
Rabbi Daniel Pressman, thank you, from Cary Salsberg
& Dean Salsberg
Rama Strod Education Fund
In memory of my sister, Suzi Evron, from Herzel Ashkenazi
In memory of my father, Martin Greenberg, from Harriet
In memory of my mother, Sara Strod, from Arieh Strod
In memory of my father, Shmuel Zucker, from Rama Strod
In memory of my mother, Yocheved Zucker, from Rama
Religious School Myuchad Fund
In memory of my Abe's father, David Bromberg, from Abe
& Bayla Bromberg
In memory of my husband, Robert E. Levinson, from Fay
In memory of my father, Chester Jur, from Susan Levine
In memory of my cousin, Jacob Zeltzer, from Rita Sauvage
Laura Hill, in memory of Linda Hill, former Secretary at
CBD, from Edward & Eleanor Kiss
In memory of my beloved Dick and my dearest father-inlaw Barney, from Natalie Schriger
Jeffrey Katz & Family, in memory of your mother, Anne
Katz, from Israel & Judith Krongold
Social Action
Faith In Action: Rotating Shelter, from Daniel & Bettina
Faith In Action: Rotating Shelter, from Stephen & Lynne
Faith In Action: Rotating Shelter, from Jeffrey Warwick
& Marjorie Alpert
Faith In Action: Rotating Shelter, from Lee & Bonnie Stone
Faith In Action: Rotating Shelter, from Stanley & Hillary
Faith In Action: Rotating Shelter, from Yulia Shvarts
Faith In Action: Rotating Shelter, from Lee & Susan
Stone Scholarship Fund
In memory of my mother, Franziska Steinberg, from Henry
In memory of my grandmother, Sophie Rosenfelder, from
Henry Stone
Henry Stone, in loving memory of Joan Stone, from
Rambod & Jessica Jacoby
Linda Weiss, in memory of your mother, Joan Stone, from
Jerome & Hindy Ganeles
Henry Stone, in memory of Joan Stone, with love from,
from Edmond & Eleanor Intrator
Bettey Naymark, in memory of Sherman Naymark, from
Henry Stone
Varadi Youth Education Fund
In honor of our 50th anniversary, from Andrew & Judith
Yizkor Donation
Congregation Beth David, from Sima Vishnevsky
In memory of my grandmother, Sara Schweitzer, from
Eleanor Kiss
In memory of my mother, Frances Rice, from Louis
In memory of my mother, Lorraine Jur, from Susan Levine
In memory of my father, William Overmyer, from Paul
Robert E. Levinson Memorial Library Fund
In memory of my Abe's mother, Rose Bromberg, from
Abraham & Barbara Bromberg
In memory of my mother, Celia Kiss, from Eleanor Kiss
In memory of my mother-in-law, Esther G. Postman, from
Frederica Postman
Donor(s): (If donor is a Beth David member, you may leave address blank)
In honor/memory of_________________________________________________________________________________
Acknowledge this donation to: (If acknowledgement goes to Beth David members, you may leave address blank)
Donation Amount $_________ or check one of the following:________$18 ________$36 ________ $72 _______$108
_____ The Next 50
_____ Annual
Capital Campaign
_____ Area of
Greatest Need
Billing: (Choose One)
______ Check/Payment attached, please process directly
______ Bill my account for the above amount and process immediately. Account # _____________
Note: For a complete list of designated funds, please call the office at 408-257-3333
Executive VP
VP, Administration
VP, Education
VP, Finance
VP, Membership
VP, Ritual
Recording Secretary
Financial Secretary
Dan Skilken
Bill Beyda
Sandra Mayer
Lori Kahn
Andrew Passett
Jeff Warwick
David Fishman
Madelyn Isaacs
Ian Kass
Ron Ruebusch
Immed. Past President
Director at Large
Director at Large
Director at Large
Director at Large
Director at Large
Director at Large
David Hoffman
Elizabeth Batson
Opher Harel
Bonnie Slavitt Moore
Cathy Beyda
Jill Rosenberg
Allison Ruebusch
Social Action Chair
Youth Chair
Facilities Chair
Finance Rep
Adult Education Rep
Program Chair
Sisterhood Rep
Men’s Club Rep
Carol Cassell
Sharon Horovitz
Lee Hirsch
Bill Halper
Susan Rojo
Barbara Green
Barbara Knaster
Art Singer
Nonprofit Org
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Tequila, Tacos and Talmud Thursdays
Thursday, September 15th @ 7:30 p.m.
For the Jewish community young adults 21 - 35 years
Join us the second Thursday of the month for an evening of
socializing, food and Jewish learning. This event is a perfect way to
unwind after a day’s work. See flyer on page 13
Pro-Con Forum on Ballot Propositions
Thursday, September 22nd @ 7:30 - 10:30 p.m.
Confused by what the ballot propositions really mean? Come to this
impartial and informative forum, presented by the League of Women