FORT McCOY - Golden Eagle Battalion


FORT McCOY - Golden Eagle Battalion
As the senior commander of Fort McCoy and
commanding general of the 88th Regional Support Command (RSC), let
me be the first to welcome
you to this beautiful United
States Army installation.
Fort McCoy has been
home to the 88th RSC
since its organization Sept.
16, 2008, and we have the
privilege of working with
Fort McCoy’s garrison commander, Col. Steven W. Nott, to ensure this base
continues to be an Army Community of Excellence for the Army Reserve.
Fort McCoy is an exciting place to visit!
Whether it’s for military or civilian training or simply to take advantage of the numerous amenities
open to installation employees, Family members
and the public, alike, Fort McCoy’s commitment
to excellence is unwavering.
Fort McCoy is fully invested in the principles
of the Army Family Covenant and the Army Community Covenant, and offers the 88th RSC a solid
foundation for its mission as well as a great community environment in which to live and work.
While you are here, I encourage you to take
full advantage of the superb quality of life this
area offers for military Families. Wisconsin is a
great state to explore, and the surrounding communities are supportive and welcoming to our
service members.
Again, I’m pleased to welcome you to Fort
Major General, USAR
Senior Commander
Thank you for your interest in Fort McCoy,
and welcome to our community.
Whether you are a Soldier here for training,
a retiree passing through
the area, or an Army Family member looking for
recreational opportunities,
I hope this guide provides
you the information you
need to better enjoy your
We take our responsibilities very seriously. Our
award-winning military and civilian workforce is
experienced, and serves with pride, professionalism and integrity.
Fort McCoy is dedicated to providing superb
support and customer service to all who train or
seek assistance here as we work to enhance the
training and readiness of military personnel and
units of all branches and components of America’s armed forces.
As your time permits, please seek out and
enjoy the many events and recreational and cultural opportunities available both at Fort McCoy
and in the local communities.
Again, welcome to Fort McCoy.
Colonel, IN
elcome to Fort McCoy — a
community of quality and
excellence! This publication
was developed to provide
you with some of the mostrequested information about the installation.
For more information, please visit the Fort McCoy public website at
Fort McCoy’s mission is to support the
readiness of the force by serving as a training
center and a support site for force-generation
As a Total Force Training Center, Fort McCoy’s primary responsibility is to support the
training and readiness of military personnel
and units of all branches and components of
America’s armed forces. Fort McCoy is a Secondary Mobilization Force Generation Installation equipped to support contingency operations as ordered.
As a world-class installation, Fort McCoy’s
continuing goal is to provide excellent customer
service and facilities and to enhance the quality
of life for all who train, work or live here. The
Fort McCoy community truly is unique, with
active, reserve and civilian components working together for the betterment of all facets of
life at the installation.
Training Opportunities
Located in the heart of the upper Midwest,
Fort McCoy is the only U.S. Army installation in Wisconsin. Fort McCoy lives its motto,
“Total Force Training Center.” The installation
has provided support and facilities for the field
and classroom training of more than 100,000
military personnel from all services each year
since 1984.
The Fort McCoy complex is situated on
60,000 acres, 46,000 of which are available for
maneuver and training. Fort McCoy’s superb
location, quality terrain and four-season climate provide units with significant year-round
training opportunities.
Fort McCoy provides reserve- and activecomponent forces with the networked, integrated, interoperable training resources required to support the Army’s training strategies
with a full spectrum of facilities, ranges, and
training areas.
Fort McCoy offers an environment for units
to train on unified land operations across the
range of military operations, allowing simultaneous conduct of individual- through brigadelevel training, static live fire, maneuver live fire
and force-on-force in both urban and unimproved terrain.
Fort McCoy has 30 live-fire ranges, 17 of
which are automated or instrumented; 21 artillery firing points, 12 mortar firing points and
an 8,000-acre impact area. Ranges supporting
collective live-fire training include two multipurpose training ranges, a convoy live-fire
range, an infantry squad battle course, a multi-
purpose machine-gun range, two live-fire shoot
houses and a live-fire breach facility. Individual
qualification ranges include facilities for modified record-fire, automated record-fire, and 10meter/25-meter basic rifle, as well as a qualification training facility with modified record-fire
and combat pistol/military police qualificationcourse capability.
Fort McCoy has extensive urban and rural
training facilities, including two fully instrumented urban training sites; a 25-building
Combined Arms Collective Training Facility
(CACTF); a 20-building Collective Training
Facility; and three wireless instrumented Combat in the Cities facilities with a total of 309
These co-located facilities provide an urban
training area with a continuous 2.4-kilometer
capability for mounted and dismounted urban
training scenarios. Three after-action review facilities support training at these sites.
To provide rural training capability, seven
training areas were constructed, which include
walled farm villages with planted crops, and
one is instrumented with wireless technology.
An urban assault course and two live-fire
shoot houses round out the urban training capability.
Specialized training sites include an Unmanned Aerial Systems strip, a semi-improved
airstrip with a Seizure/Forced-Entry training
site, a Search/Site Exploitation Facility, two
tunnel systems, an engineer water-bridging
Community Life . ...............4
History ...............................7
Attractions . .......................8
Services & Facilities ....... 11
Phone Directory ............. 16
Events.............................. 20
vehicle recovery
site, and two wireless, instrumented Home Station Training Lanes (HSTL). Each 8-kilometer
HSTL includes overpasses, bridges, canals, six
urban villages, traffic circles, guard rails, culverts, and divided roadways.
Looking to the future, Fort McCoy is prepared to meet the training needs of the Army in
the 21st century.
More than $38 million recently was invested
improving and upgrading the Range Complex,
including a Known Distance range, an Automated Record Fire range and the CACTF.
Fort McCoy also is “home” to a number of
Army, Department of Defense and state activities that further broaden the scope of training
and support available here. These include the
86th Training Division, 88th Regional Support Command, 181st Infantry Brigade, Army
& Air Force Exchange Service, Army Reserve
Equal Employment Opportunity Office, Aviation Company (Fixed Wing), Defense Commissary Agency, Defense Logistics Agency
Disposition Services, Defense Logistics Agency
Document Services, Defense Military Pay Office, Equipment Concentration Site-67, Fort
McCoy Civilian Personnel Advisory Center,
Logistics Readiness Center, Maneuver Area
Training Equipment Site, Mission & Installation Contracting Command McCoy, Network Enterprise Center, Noncommissioned
Officer Academy, Occupational Health Clinic,
Recruiting Company, Regional Training Site–
Maintenance, Regional Training Site–Medical,
U.S. Army Reserve Pay Center, Wisconsin
Military Academy, Wisconsin National Guard
Challenge Academy, and the Wisconsin State
Patrol Academy.
Economic Impact
Fort McCoy has the largest workforce in
Monroe County and one of the largest within
the greater La Crosse region.
Currently, 2,443 personnel are employed at
Fort McCoy — 1,383 civilians; 424 military
and 636 contract employees.
In fiscal year 2013, Fort McCoy returned
$282 million to the local economy, which
translated into an estimated total economic impact of $902.4 million.
Community Life
Many quality-of-life projects at Fort McCoy
benefit personnel associated with the installation.
These include:
• Construction of a $4.8 million Child Development Center.
• A multi-year, multi-million dollar, multiphase project to improve the infrastructure
and construct single-Family dwellings on Fort
McCoy’s South Post. A newly renovated South
Post Community Center opened in 2014 and
provides community space and serves as the office for the post’s Housing Division.
• A state-of-the-art food and entertainment
facility, named McCoy’s, which features an
eight-lane bowling center, banquet rooms and
an outdoor courtyard area.
• Construction of a $3.8 million Exchange
• A $4.2 million Commissary.
• Construction of a $3.5 million Training
and Mobilization Dining Facility.
• Construction of a $6.8 million Annual
Training/Mobilization barracks.
Neighboring Communities
Goods and services not readily available on
the installation can be obtained in the civilian
communities, many of which are within easy
driving distance of the post.
Fort McCoy is located approximately seven
miles west of Tomah, six miles east of Sparta,
25 miles south of Black River Falls, and 35
miles east of La Crosse.
Each of these communities is home to a variety of industries and offers many recreational
and social opportunities and events.
The installation enjoys positive working
relationships with, and public support from,
the chambers of commerce, county and school
boards, civic organizations, veterans groups and
the general citizenry within these communities.
May your stay at Fort McCoy and visits to
the surrounding areas be pleasurable and memorable experiences.
On-post rules for motorist, pedestrian safety
All state and federal regulations about cellphones, texting, seat-belt use, motorcycle safety,
etc., apply at Fort McCoy. In some cases, federal regulations are more restrictive than state
or local laws.
A summary of regulations follows. Specific
questions should be directed to the Directorate
of Emergency Services at 608-388-2200.
speed limits
• All motorists and adult passengers in a vehicle must present valid photo identification to
enter Fort McCoy.
• People and vehicles are subject to search
upon entering and while on military property.
Unauthorized entry is punishable by Paragraph
18 U.S. Code 1382.
• All motorists entering or operating a motor vehicle at Fort McCoy must be prepared
to show proof of vehicle insurance and vehicle
registration when requesting visitor passes or
when asked to show such documentation by
law-enforcement personnel.
• All accidents occurring on Fort McCoy
must be reported to the Fort McCoy Directorate of Emergency Services Police Division, as
soon as possible.
Speed limits
• Paved roads within cantonment area: 30
mph unless posted otherwise.
• Range roads, training area roads and tank
trails: 30 mph unless posted otherwise.
• Passing personnel in formation: 10 mph
(NOTE: Any group of troops has the right-of-way
over all vehicular traffic on all roads on the installation.)
• Pine View Campground: 10 mph or as
• Family housing areas: 15 mph.
• Parking lots: 5 mph.
• Vehicle operators shall not use cellphones
when the vehicle is moving, unless using a
hands-free device (voice only, not texting).
• Drivers needing to use their cellphones are
encouraged to pull into a legal parking spot or
to the side of the road.
• Use/wear of any portable headphones,
earphones or listening devices, other than for
hands-free cellular devices while operating a
motor vehicle, is prohibited.
• Children weighing 40 pounds or less must
be restrained by an approved child safety seat.
• All operators must be properly licensed.
• Prior to operating any motorcycle, Soldiers will successfully complete an appropriate Motorcycle Safety Foundation-based Basic
Riders Course (BRC). Based on the type of
motorcycle(s) owned and operated, Soldiers
must complete either the Experienced Riders Course or the Military Sport Bike Riders
Course within 12 months of completing the
• Motorcycles must have headlights turned
on at all times.
• Motorcycles must have rear-view mirrors mounted on both the left and right of the
• Operators and passengers must wear required clothing and safety equipment. This
includes an approved helmet which meets
Department of Transportation Federal Motor
Vehicle Safety Standards; eye protection that is
American National Standards Institute Z87.1
impact-resistant; sturdy, over-the-ankle footwear that affords protection for the feet and
ankles (durable leather or ballistic-type cloth
athletic shoes that cover the ankles may be
worn); long-sleeved shirt or jacket; long trousers; and full-fingered gloves or mittens made
from leather or other abrasion-resistant material.
Motorcycle jackets and pants constructed
of abrasion-resistant materials such as leather,
Kevlar®, or Cordura® and containing impactabsorbing padding are strongly encouraged.
Riders are encouraged to select personal protective equipment that incorporates fluorescent
colors and retro-reflective material.
• Riders must wear approved bicycle helmets
that meet safety performance standards estabSeat belts
• Seat belts are required for drivers and all lished by the American National Standards Inpassengers in vehicles at Fort McCoy. This is stitute or the Snell Memorial Foundation for
a primary-enforcement law in both Wisconsin Bicycle Helmets.
• A reflective upper outer garment is highly
and Minnesota.
recommended, especially during periods of
limited visibility. The reflective physical training belt may be worn in lieu of a reflective upper garment.
• Wearing/using headphones, earphones
or other listening devices, other than those for
hands-free cellular devices, while riding bicycles
is prohibited.
• In marked parking lots, vehicles may not
be parked straddling any white line(s).
• Vehicles may not block vehicle traffic
movement into or through parking lots.
• Parking on grass or lawns is prohibited unless otherwise posted.
• Parking on road shoulders is prohibited
unless otherwise posted. Exceptions are cellphone usage, loading or unloading passengers
or equipment (15-minute limit), or mechanical
failure, in which case, the hood of the vehicle
should be raised to indicate mechanical problems.
Pedestrian traffic
• Pedestrians generally have the right of way
at controlled or marked crosswalks or intersections. Fort McCoy follows Wisconsin law.
• Pedestrians are encouraged to walk on sidewalks where available. Pedestrians are required
to walk facing traffic if walking on roadways.
• Use/wear of any portable headphones, earphones or other listening devices while walking
or running is authorized only on the half-mile
track, which is located along O Street and East
Eaton Road.
Recreational vehicles
• Privately owned all-terrain vehicles (ATVs),
three- or four-wheeled vehicles, are not authorized for use on the installation.
• Snowmobiles are authorized for use only
on designated, open, state snowmobile trails.
(Source: Regulation 190-5 Installation Access
Control and Traffic Code)
ID Cards, DEERS enrollment at building 35
Fort McCoy’s Personnel Services Branch ID Card/Defense
Enrollment Eligibility Reporting
System (DEERS) Section operates
out of building 35, located near
Fort McCoy’s Main Gate.
To access the office, off-post
visitors will take State Highway
21 to the Main Gate entrance and
should make a right turn into the
parking lot located just before the
gate checkpoints.
Prior to any visit, it is important for customers to call 608388-4563 to verify the ID Section
is operational, as well as to verify
which documents will be required
to secure an ID card or accomplish any changes to DEERS.
The office is open from 7:30
a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through
Friday, excluding federal holidays.
The office also may be closed at
other times due to computer network issues or other work-related
The office can issue ID cards for
members of all branches of service
— active- or reserve component,
retirees and dependents — as well
as Department of Defense civilian
employees and contractors.
Two valid forms of identification, one of which must contain
Newcomer Orientation
Are you or your Family members starting a new assignment or
a new job here?
If you are new to the Fort McCoy community, consider attending a Newcomer Orientation session and taking a tour of the post.
These monthly sessions serve to
welcome new members of the Fort
McCoy workforce and community and their Family members, and
provide information about all the
installation has to offer.
The sessions are held the second
Wednesday of most months, from
8:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. at the
Army Community Service (ACS)
Center, 2111 S. 8th Ave.
Fort McCoy’s ACS Relocation
Readiness Program manager coordinates and leads the sessions.
Representatives from many installation organizations attend to
present information about activities and services each organization
provides and to review important
policies and regulations. An opportunity for questions and answers also is provided.
The briefings have the full
support and involvement of the
Fort McCoy Garrison Command
Group, with staff members participating in each session to welcome
attendees, provide an overview of
the installation and its history, diverse mission, vision, training role
and economic impact, and talk
about topics important to the installation.
Each orientation session includes a guided tour of the post.
The Fort McCoy Directorate of
Family and Morale, Welfare and
Recreation Marketing Office leads
the tour, which helps attendees
get a visual index of where key facilities and services are located and
provides another opportunity for
questions to be answered.
Newcomer Orientation attendees will be asked to complete
a training evaluation form. Feedback provided helps ACS finetune the content and presentation
of future sessions.
For more information, visit the
ACS Center, 2111 S. 8th Ave., or
call 608-388-3505.
about all programs offered by
ACS is available at http://www.
a photo, are required for issuance
of an ID card. Examples of valid
identification are: a driver’s license;
a state-issued identification card; a
Social Security card, a birth certificate or a passport.
Dependents obtaining ID cards
must be accompanied by their
sponsor or must have in their possession a completed Department of
Defense Form 1172-2 (Application
for Identification Card/DEERS
Enrollment) that has been signed
and notarized by the sponsor.
Sponsors who have a Common
Access Card may digitally sign
the DD Form 1172-2 online at
the RAPIDS Self Service website
service) after creating an account.
Active-duty service members
and service members reaching retirement age also must have orders/
contracts with them when obtaining ID cards.
Adding a spouse or child to
DEERS requires presentation of
original documents (marriage certificate, birth certificates, driver’s
license and Social Security cards).
If a sponsor previously was divorced, divorce papers (and a Department of Defense Form 214 if
in RETIRED status) are required.
ACS Lending Closet
If you’ve arrived at Fort McCoy and have official orders or a military ID or civilian CAC or ID card, there’s no need to worry if you
find yourself without your household goods.
Fort McCoy’s Army Community Service (ACS) Lending Closet
has a multitude of household items eligible patrons can borrow for
up to 30 days. Items available include tables, chairs, air mattresses,
vacuum cleaners, irons, ironing boards, dish packs, toasters, blenders,
microwaves, crock pots and other cooking items, as well as high chairs
and pack n’ plays.
For more information about the Lending Closet, call 608-3883505 or stop by the ACS Center at 2111 South 8th Avenue. ACS is
open weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For more information about ACS programs, visit
Render proper respect to the flag
The following flag-etiquette guidance is from Fort
McCoy Regulation 350-2, (Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security) Training Support and
Services, (Feb. 1, 2012), pages 4-5. (NOTE: There is no
cannon firing simulation at Fort McCoy.)
Questions can be directed to the Fort McCoy garrison
command sergeant major at 608-388-3605.
Reveille 6 a.m. (0600)
Military personnel in uniform, in formation or a
group: Senior person brings group to attention and present arms during “Reveille.” Hold salute until the last note
of “Reveille.” When music stops, formation brought to
order arms.
Military personnel in uniform, not in formation or
a group: Stop, face the flag (or in direction of the music),
come to attention, and present arms during “Reveille.”
When music stops, come to order arms and carry on.
Military or civilian personnel in civilian clothes:
Stop, remove headgear (if necessary), face the flag (or in
direction of the music), come to attention and place right
hand over heart. When music stops, continue on your
All personnel in vehicles: Stop in a safe area, exit
vehicles, face the flag (or in direction of the music) and
render honors as described above.
Retreat 5 p.m. (1700)
Military personnel in uniform, in formation or a
group: Senior person brings unit to attention and parade
rest on the first note of “Retreat.” On the last note of
“Retreat,” bring unit to attention and present arms. Hold
salute until the last note of “To the Colors.” When music
stops, formation brought to order arms and carry on.
Military personnel in uniform, not in formation or
a group: Stop, face the flag (in direction of the music)
and come to attention during “Retreat.” At the first note
of “To the Colors,” present arms. Hold salute. When music stops, come to order arms, and carry on.
Military or civilian personnel in civilian clothes:
Stop, remove headgear (if necessary), face the flag (in direction of the music) and come to attention during “Retreat.” At the first note of “To the Colors,” place right
hand over heart. When music stops, continue on your
All personnel in vehicles: Stop in a safe area, exit vehicles, face the flag (in the direction of the music) and
render honors as described above.
In accordance with the National Defense Authorization Act 2008, Section 594, military personnel, including
veterans, who are not in uniform may render a hand salute during the raising or lowering of the National (U.S.)
Flag at Reveille and Retreat.
Serving America’s armed forces since 1909
Fort McCoy is named for Robert Bruce McCoy.
The son of a Civil War captain, McCoy was
a prominent local resident who, throughout his
lifetime, served as a lawyer, district attorney,
county judge and mayor of Sparta, Wis.
He reached the rank of major general during his 31 years of distinguished military service, which included service in the SpanishAmerican War, the police action in Mexico,
and World War I.
McCoy returned from the Spanish-American War with a dream. He knew that as warfare
became increasingly more modern, larger and
more-powerful guns would be developed, and
training would be emphasized. He envisioned
these changes would require larger training
areas, and, by 1905, he had acquired approximately 4,000 acres of land in the Sparta area.
Maj. Samuel Allen of the 7th Field Artillery at Fort Snelling, Minn., also admired the
terrain of the Sparta area for its training value.
September 1905 marked the first use of the
land for military purposes. McCoy invited Allen’s unit to put his family’s ranch to the test
during 16 days of training.
As a result of the 16-day test, Allen recommended to an Army review board that a large
piece of land be purchased for an artillery camp.
Approximately 14,200 acres of land, including
McCoy’s 4,000 acres, were purchased in 1909.
The resulting parcel was called the “Sparta Maneuver Tract.”
The Sparta Maneuver Tract was divided approximately in half by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad. The maneuver camp situated on the northern half of the
parcel was referred to as Camp Emory Upton,
while that to the south was known as Camp
In 1910, the War Department authorized
$40,000 for construction and improvements
to the area. The camp officially was designated
Camp McCoy Nov. 19, 1926, in honor of Maj.
Gen. Robert B. McCoy, who had died that
same year.
Nearly 9,500 acres of land were acquired
from the Department of Agriculture in 193839. From 1940-42, an additional 37,437 acres
were acquired by a directive from the Secretary
of War. These additions included construction
of the large, triangular-shaped cantonment
area, much of which still exists today.
The “New Camp” officially was inaugurated
Aug. 30, 1942. Total cost for the construction
was estimated at $30 million, and the camp capacity was set at 35,000.
Camp McCoy was used as a training facility for many World War II units, including the
2nd Infantry Division, the 76th Infantry Division and the 100th Infantry Battalion, which
was comprised of Hawaii National Guardsmen
of Japanese ancestry. The post also served as a
14th Field artillery, 1920s
prisoner-of-war and enemy-alien prison camp
during this time.
Aside from temporary lulls, the installation
has been in almost constant use since its founding in 1909 and has provided artillery and maneuver training opportunities for millions of
military personnel from all services.
Camp McCoy was aligned under U.S.
Army Forces Command July 1, 1973, and officially was re-designated as Fort McCoy Sept.
30, 1974.
In 1990-91, during Operations Desert
Shield/Storm, Soldiers from 74 separate units
and their equipment were deployed and redeployed at Fort McCoy.
From June 1991 through June 1992, the
post also completed Operation Desert Fix,
which was one of the largest reserve-component
equipment demobilization/repair missions in
the Army. During Desert Fix, Fort McCoy was
responsible for inventorying, inspecting, repairing and returning more than a division-and-ahalf ’s worth of equipment to 121 owning units
located throughout a nine-state area.
The 1990s ushered in the first great construction growth experienced at the post since
the construction of the cantonment area in
From 1990 to the present day, new construction projects have served to modernize
the post’s infrastructure, facilities and training
areas. The hundreds of millions of dollars invested in the post have benefitted Fort McCoy
as well the local economy, with the majority
of the new construction contracts having been
awarded to regional firms.
Training levels at Fort McCoy reached record proportions in fiscal year 2000, with
149,432 personnel participating. The installation has provided support and facilities for the
training of more than 100,000 personnel annually since 1984.
Fort McCoy was aligned under the U.S.
Army Reserve Command in 1993.
Fort McCoy was realigned under what is
now known as the Installation Management
Command in 2002.
Today, Fort McCoy’s primary mission is to
support the readiness of the force by serving as
a training center and a support site for powerprojection missions.
The installation has served in a continuing
capacity as an Army power-projection site by
processing and preparing military personnel for
duty in overseas contingency operations.
From Sept. 11, 2001 through Dec. 30,
2011, 140,197 military personnel from 2,416
units mobilized or demobilized at Fort McCoy
during the installation’s efforts to support the
Global War on Terror.
Today the post provides full-scale support
to its customers at each juncture of its training
triad — Transient, Institutional and Exercise.
(For more photographs and information on Fort
McCoy’s history, please see “Fort McCoy History &
Heritage,” which is available on the installation or
online at
Fort McCoy Commemorative Area
The 900-block of the installation and the area immediately surrounding
it are at the hub of the fort’s history preservation efforts.
Commemorative Area
The Commemorative Area consists of World War II-era buildings set aside
to help tell Fort McCoy’s unique story. These facilities are representative of
the types found in the cantonment area when it was constructed in 1942.
Three of the buildings — an administrative facility, a dining facility and a
barracks — are set up to depict Soldier life during the 1940s. Display items
include bunk beds, footlockers, mannequins, and potbelly stoves. Another
building highlights four different current military training venues, and a
separate facility shows various training aides.
The Commemorative Area is open April through October to groups by
History Center
The History Center features displays of photographs and memorabilia
that reflect the roles the installation has held since 1909.
The History Center is open year-round to groups by appointment. The
facility will undergo renovation in 2014, however, so availability will be limited. Call for details.
Veterans Memorial Plaza
Equipment Park
The Equipment Park is an outdoor display of historic and present-day
equipment representative of the types used on the installation.
The design of the park allows for display of 70 pieces of equipment, ranging from helicopters and howitzers to trucks and trailers.
A brochure featuring the park layout provides information about each
piece of equipment on display is available on site.
Visitors have access to the Equipment Park year-round from 8 a.m. to 4
p.m. daily, weather permitting.
Veterans Memorial Plaza
Veterans Memorial Plaza is a tribute to all of the men and women who
have served the nation during each era of Fort McCoy’s history.
For the convenience of visitors, the Commemorative Area includes a picnic pavilion and restroom facilities.
Guided, narrated tours of the installation can be arranged for groups
Monday through Friday, except federal holidays, throughout the year. A tour
without stops lasts approximately one hour. There is no cost for the tour, and
dining is available on the installation.
For individuals or smaller-sized groups, a Self-Guided Driving Tour brochure is available. This tour follows a prescribed route, outlined on an included map, and incorporates text and photographs to explain the many
facets of life at the installation. Visitors may take the driving tour between
the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily throughout the year.
To schedule a guided tour or to obtain a copy of the Driving Tour, contact
the Fort McCoy Public Affairs Office.
Armed Forces Day Open House
Fort McCoy typically hosts an Open House each year on the third Saturday in May — Armed Forces Day. This is an excellent time to visit — no
appointment required! All Commemorative Area buildings are open, and
many special activities are scheduled.
For more information about the Commemorative Area or the Armed
Forces Day Open House, contact the Fort McCoy Public Affairs Office by:
phone, 608-388-2407; fax, 608-388-3749; mail, Public Affairs Office, 100
E. Headquarters Rd., Fort McCoy, WI 54656-5263; or by email to usarmy.
Pine View Campground
Pine View Campground, nestled in a wooded area about one-quarter
mile west of Fort McCoy’s cantonment area, is bounded by Squaw Lake
on the east and the La Crosse River on the west and south.
Among the features of the facility are picnic and playground areas
(one handicapped accessible), a campground with a camp store, lodging
units, a recreational equipment checkout center, miniature golf, hiking
trails and a beach.
Members of the Fort McCoy community and the public may use this
recreation area. Pine View is fully operational year-round.
Approximately 65,000 people make use of the area annually.
Pine View offers all the conveniences of a clean, modern campground. Showers, flush toilets, laundry facilities, and an LP fill station
all are available on site.
Wisconsin State Fishing and Hunting Licenses and Fort McCoy Fishing Permits are sold at the Campground Office.
The campground features 176 campsites, of which 38 are non-electric
tent sites.
The remaining sites are recreational vehicle/trailer pads with electrical
hookups. Of these, 121 have full hookups for water, sewer, electricity
and cable TV.
The campsites are arranged in camping circles. Each site is equipped
with a fire pit and a picnic table; each camping circle features a shower/
restroom complex.
Camping cabins, lake-side cabins, yurts and travel trailers situated on
site are available for rent by the day or week.
Lake & Beach
Squaw Lake provides opportunities for fishing, boating and swim-
ming or sunbathing on its sandy beach.
The lake is stocked annually with rainbow trout and also has populations of largemouth bass and panfish.
Recreational Equipment Checkout Center
The Campground Office/Recreational Equipment Checkout Center
is the place to register campers as well as rent boats, canoes, fishing and
camping equipment and many other types of recreational gear.
An 18-hole miniature-golf course, a nine-hole disc-golf course, two
floor-shuffleboard games, a camp store with restrooms, and activity areas
for basketball and volleyball are available.
Picnic Area
Pine View’s five-acre picnic area features a large, shaded picnic area
with grills and picnic tables. The area is available on a first-come, firstserved basis. Five pavilions also are available for rent for group activities.
Restrooms are available on site.
Volleyball and horseshoe activity areas, as well as playground equipment, are located throughout the grounds.
Two miles of nature/hiking trails are maintained. The trail to Trout
Falls starts at the picnic area.
Pine View is operated as a non-appropriated fund activity, and all
improvements to this recreation area are paid for using non-appropriated
fund dollars.
Pine View Campground is located near Fort McCoy off Highway 21.
Follow signs to the campground.
For complete details, including hours, costs and restrictions, visit
the Fort McCoy Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation website at or call 608-388-3517/2619 or 1-800-5314703.
Whitetail Ridge Ski Area
Fort McCoy’s Whitetail Ridge Ski Area provides the Fort McCoy community and the public
with multiple opportunities for outdoor winter
The 200-acre facility also is used for military
Whitetail Ridge is open from approximately
mid-December through mid-March, weather
permitting. Snow-making and snow-grooming
equipment located on site keeps slopes in optimum condition. More than 20,000 people enjoy
the facility each year.
Slopes & Chalet
Downhill skiers and snowboarders of all skill
levels will find four groomed and lighted ski runs
— the longest exceeding 1,300 feet — equipped
with a self-loading T-bar lift. The vertical drop of
the slope is more than 185 feet.
A terrain park also is available to snowboarders.
The facility is recognized by the National Ski
Patrol, and patrol members monitor activity on
the slopes to promote safety and to attend to any
Snow tubers can enjoy the excitement of sliding down an 800-foot slope. The five tubing runs
are equipped with a separate rope tow, making
the journey to the top of the hill as enjoyable as
the trip down.
When natural snow conditions are sufficient,
cross-country skiers have access to more than five
miles of groomed trails.
Snowshoers also will find opportunities for
The Whitetail Ridge Chalet provides an indoor respite.
In addition to providing a break from the
cold, the Family area of the facility serves a variety of food and beverages and has large windows
allowing views to the activities outdoors.
Lift tickets and on-site equipment rental are
available at daily or seasonal rates. Whitetail
Ridge facilities also are available at special rates
for group functions.
Paintball & Laser Tag
Tactics Paintball and Laser Tag also is located
at Whitetail Ridge. Groups of five or more can
be accommodated year-round. Reservations are
Whitetail Ridge Ski Area is located near Fort
McCoy off Highway 21. Follow signs to the ski
The area also is accessible by snowmobile
when the statewide groomed snowmobile trail
network is open.
For complete details, including hours, costs
and restrictions, visit the Fort McCoy Family and
Morale, Welfare and Recreation website at http:// or call 608-388-3517/4498
or 1-800-531-4703.
Automotive Skills Center: Building 1763. Offers one welding bay, four lift bays, one tirechanging bay, automatic transmission fluid
cleaning service, tire balancing, and individual
instruction on privately owned vehicle repair.
Authorized patrons only. Call 608-388-3013.
bar and entertainment. Lunch buffet Monday
through Friday year-round. Available for banquets and catering. European-style outdoor
courtyard features a full-service bar and band
shelter. An ATM is located within McCoy’s.
Authorized patrons and guests only. Call 608388-2065.
Computer Lab: Building 2000. Twenty-four
computers are available for Internet access,
email, military references and books for troops
in the field. Authorized patrons only. Call 608388-2410.
Pine View Campground: Building 8053.
Camping available year-round. RV and tent
camping, rentals (duplex, two yurts, six cabins
and on-site trailers), picnicking, hiking, volleyball, horseshoes, paddleboats, mini-golf, swimming, fishing, shuffleboard, disc golf, Tactics
Paintball Course and camp store. Reservations
accepted for campsites, lodging units, picnic
shelters and equipment rental. Beach is open
Memorial Day through Labor Day. Open to
the public. Call 608-388-3517/2619 or toll
free 800-531-4703.
• Recreational Equipment Checkout Center (Outdoor Recreation): Building 8053.
Open year-round. Items available, in season,
for a fee include party canopies, grills, tables,
chairs, fishing equipment, camping gear, popup campers, boats, motors, trailers, canoes,
sports equipment and bicycles. Open to the
public. Call 608-388-2619/3517 or toll free
McCoy’s: Building 1571. Offers an eight-lane
fully automated bowling center, arcade, sports
Recreation Center: Building 2000. Offers
quality leisure-time activities for Soldiers, civil-
Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers
(BOSS): For information about the BOSS program, call 608-388-3944.
Car Wash: Building 1568. Offers one selfservice bay and one automatic bay for powerwashing, rinsing and waxing privately owned
vehicles. Automatic door openers and vehicle
dryers, token machine, and four vacuums available. Canopy area for detailing vehicles. Open
24/7, weather permitting. Also offers a Privately Owned Vehicle Resale Lot to sell privately
owned vehicles. Authorized patrons only. Call
ians, and their Family members. Large-screen
TV lounge, video gaming area and music room.
Assortment of table games, arcade games, pool
tables, ping pong tables, shuffleboard, darts
and foosball available. Rent DVD movies, large
grills, and laptops. Deck and patio area with
volleyball court, ladder golf, bean bag games,
footballs and soccer balls. Ticket outlet for Disney, and various theme parks/vacation areas.
Also offers the Armed Forces Vacation Club for
affordable condominium vacations at resorts
around the world. Authorized patrons only.
Call 608-388-3213.
Rumpel Fitness Center: Building 1122. Includes gymnasium, weight rooms, Cardio
Theater fitness room, indoor pool, whirlpool,
steamroom, sauna, and outdoor lounge. Cycling, Zumba, Pilates, swimming lessons and
several other classes offered year-round. Fitness/
running trails adjacent to the facility. Personal
trainers on staff, by appointment. Authorized
patrons only. Call 608-388-2290/3200.
RV Storage Lot: Next to building 1763. Shortor long-term storage. Fees charged. Authorized
patrons only. Call 608-388-2619/3517.
Sportsman’s Range: Includes a Rifle Range
(50-, 100- & 200 meters), Pistol Range (50
meters), Combination Trap & Skeet Shotgun
(Continued on next page)
through mid-March. Available year-round for
unit events and private parties. Catering from
McCoy’s available upon request. Open to the
public. Call 608-388-3517/2260.
AAFES Administrative Office: Building 1663.
Open Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4
p.m. Call 608-269-5585 or 608-388-4134.
Alterations: Building 1538. Open Monday
through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays 10
a.m. to 3 p.m. Authorized patrons only. Hours
subject to change due to training population.
Call 608-269-1075.
Barber Shop: Building 1538. Open Monday
through Saturday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday 9:30
a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Authorized patrons only. Call
Car Rental (Enterprise): Phone located inside the Exchange, Building 1538, or call 608782-6183 or 800-654-3131. Use code CDP
#1787245 (for leisure use).
Range, 3-D and Elevated Archery Range. Facilities are fully operational April through September and operate on reduced hours October
through March. Daily and annual season passes
are available for purchase. The range is open to
military, retired military, U.S. Department of
Defense (DOD) appropriated fund and nonappropriated fund employees, retired civilian
employees, DOD contractor employees working full-time at Fort McCoy identified through
Department of the Army civilian identification
card and their immediate Family members and
guests. Group reservations are accepted during
closed hours of operation. Call 608-388-3517
or 800-531-4703 toll free.
Whitetail Ridge Ski Area: Building 8061. Offers lighted downhill skiing/snowboarding and
snowtubing slopes, cross-country skiing, and
snowmobile trails. Ski/snowboard/cross-country/snowtubing equipment rental. Chalet, food
and beverages available. Season approximately
mid-December through mid-March. Open to
the public. Call 608-388-4498/3517 or 800531-4703 toll free.
Woodshop: Building 1133. Offers lathe, radial
arm saw, 15-inch band saw, mortising machine,
shaper, table saw, planer, scroll saw, drum sander, drill press, router with table, oscillating sander, combination sander, project work area and
finishing area. Classes that are offered are pen
turning, sign making, woodshop safety class,
specialized equipment operating classes etc.
Family classes geared to parents and children
Food Service
Exchange: Building 1538. Shoppette/Class
Six open Monday through Saturday 6 a.m. to
9 p.m., Sundays 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Main Store
open Monday through Saturday 6 a.m. to 9
p.m., Sundays 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Gas pumps
open 24 hours for all major credit cards and
Voyager. Cash transactions available during
Shoppette/Class Six hours. ATM and DVD
rental machine located at Shoppette/Class Six.
Hours subject to change, due to troop strength.
Authorized patrons only. Call 608-269-5604,
Ext. 101 or 608-388-4343.
McCoy’s: Building 1571. Primo’s Express
serves pizza, subs, burgers and more. Limited
delivery service available. Lunch buffet Monday
through Friday year-round; Sports bar and entertainment evenings and weekends. Available
for banquets and catering. Authorized patrons
and guests only. Call 608-388-2065/7065.
Laundry/Dry Cleaning: Building 1538.
Laundry/Dry cleaning drop-off and pick-up
point. Open Monday through Friday 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m., Saturdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., two-to
three-day turnaround time. Hours subject to
change due to training population. Authorized
patrons only. Call 608-269-1075.
Pine View Camp Store: Building 8054. Open
Memorial Day through Labor Day. Food, beverages, camping/picnic supplies sold. Open to
the public. Call 608-388-2785/3517.
Military Clothing Sales Store: Building 1538.
Open Monday through Saturday 9 a.m. to 9
p.m., Sundays Sunday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Hours
subject to change due to training population.
Authorized patrons only. Call 608-269-5604,
Ext. 203.
working on projects and developing woodcraft
skills available. Beginner classes for adults and
specific-equipment classes also offered. Nominal usage fee. Open Tuesday through Thursday
6 to 9 p.m. Authorized patrons only. Call 608388-3944.
Specialty Express Food Court: Building
1538. Fresh subs, pizza, party trays and breakfast. Open Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 7
p.m., Saturdays 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. Hours subject to change due to
training population. Open to the public. Call
608-269-5615, Ext. 303.
Whitetail Ridge Chalet/Snack Bar: Building
8061. Snack bar serves pizza, hot dogs, soft
pretzels and beverages (alcoholic and nonalcoholic). Season approximately mid-December
Located in building 1537. Open Tuesday
through Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., with early
shopping/self check out Tuesday through Saturday 9 to 10 a.m., closed Mondays. American
Express, Discover Card, MasterCard, VISA and
debit cards accepted. Authorized patrons only.
Call 608-388-3542.
Health Care
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings: Building
60, Room 102. Meetings held Thursdays at 6
p.m. Please park in front parking lot. Call 608388-0587.
Fort McCoy Army Health Clinic: Building
2669. Call 608-388-3025/2414.
• Occupational Health Clinic: Open
weekdays 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Employee injuries, pre-employment work screens, jobsite analysis, annual medical surveillance,
blood-pressure screenings, audiology screening, pulmonary function testing, and case
management. Wellness education on a variety of topics available. Call 608-388-2414.
• TRICARE Liaison: Call 608-388-2246
or email megan.a.robokoff-kumpf.civ@mail.
mil for more information. Other points of
contact: TRICARE North Region, 877-8742273; TRICARE West Region, 877-988-9378;
TRICARE South Region, 800-444-5445;
TRICARE for Life, 866-773-0404 or visit the
TRICARE website at
• Troop Medical Clinic: Open April to September Monday through Friday, sick call 7 to 8
a.m., appointments 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Authorized use only for Extended Combat Training
Soldiers on orders of fewer than 30 days. Personnel on orders for more than 30 days will be
eligible for TRICARE Prime Remote and will
see off-post medical providers. Call 608-3883025. Call 911 for after-hours emergencies.
On-post services:
Catholic: Chapel 10, building 1759. Mass
Sundays 9:30 a.m.
For information about additional Chapel programs, activities or worship service schedules,
call the Religious Support Office, building
2675 at 608-388-3528.
American Red Cross
Protestant: Chapel 1, building 2672. Sunday Contact the Scenic Bluffs Chapter of the AmerProtestant Worship 9:30 a.m.
ican Red Cross at 877-618-6628 ext. 5799.
PWOC: (Protestant Women of the Chapel)
Bible study, building 2675 Wednesday 9 a.m.
Family Support
Christian Military Fellowship: Bible study and
lunch, building 2675 Wednesday 11:30 a.m.
Army Community Service (ACS) Center:
Building 2111. ACS provides services that asOff-post services:
sist in maintaining the readiness of individuJewish: Congregation Sons of Abraham, 1820 als, Families and communities within America’s
Main St., La Crosse, Wis. Regular Shabbat ser- Army. ACS is open Monday through Friday
vices Saturdays 10:20 a.m. to noon. Call 608- 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Authorized patrons only.
784-2708 or 608-784-7648 or visit the website Call 608-388-3505. Available programs:
• Army Emergency Relief (AER) is available
to provide emergency financial assistance to
Latter-day Saints: 702 E. Montgomery Street, Soldiers and their Families.
Sparta, WI 54656. Call 608-269-3377 or visit • Army Family Action Plan (AFAP), an
the website for scheduled Army suggestion program to improve quality
of life for military members and their Families
through direct contact with senior leadership.
Muslim: Islamic Center of La Crosse, Othman • Army Family Team Building (AFTB) ofBin Affan Mosque: Friday prayer 1 to 2 p.m. fers fun, interactive training sessions that target
For more information, call 608-784-7167.
professional-development skills.
• Army Volunteer Corps (AVC) provides
the opportunity for community contribution,
self-satisfaction and increased personal skills all
while meeting new friends and gaining work
experience. Fort McCoy community volunteer
opportunities include, but are not limited to
administrative work, wildlife tracking, youth
tutoring, and winter ski patrol.
• Deployment Readiness provides support
throughout the deployment cycle offering
training sessions for Rear Detachment Commanders, Family Readiness Groups and Operation Ready. Military Family Life Consultants
available to reduce family distress by providing free education, information and support to
military members and their Families.
• Exceptional Family Member Program
(EFMP) offers program enrollment, re-enrollment, respite care, and advocacy services for
Families with exceptional Family members.
• Family Advocacy Program (FAP) designed
to enhance relationship skills and improve Family quality of life; dedicated to prevention, education, intervention and treatment of Family
violence. FAP provides Family education, new
parents support and Victim Advocacy.
• Financial Readiness Program (FRP) provides training sessions with a practical approach
to financial management with the objective of
personal control over finances.
(Continued on next page)
• Community Information Services (Information and Referral) maintains a comprehensive resource library on site and provides a wide
variety of information on services and programs
available to Soldiers and Families.
• Relocation Readiness Program (RRP) is
available for pre- and post-move services, such
as Welcome Packets, outreach to waiting Families & foreign-born spouses, a Lending Closet
(short-term use of household items), Newcomer Orientation and Sponsorship Training.
• Resilience Training is offered to Family members and civilian employees to provide
real-life solutions for growing and thriving in
the face of challenges and bouncing back from
• Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and
Prevention (SHARP) reinforces the Army’s
commitment to eliminate incidents of sexual
assault and harassment through a comprehensive program that centers on awareness and
prevention, training and education, victim advocacy, reporting options, and individual and
systemic recovery.
• Spouse Employment Readiness provides
services to spouses relocating with their service
member. Services include local job listings,
resource library, computerized job search and
resume assistance.
• Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) offers
access to support, information and services to
the Families of fallen Soldiers.
Child, Youth & School Services (CYSS):
Programs available to all active-duty military,
Department of Defense (DOD) civilian personnel, Reserve and National Guard personnel
on active duty or during inactive duty training,
and DOD contractors.
• Child Development Center (CDC):
Building 1796. Accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Serves children ages 6 weeks through 5 years.
Full-time, hourly and part-day care. Preschool,
Strong Beginnings Pre-Kindergarten programs
provided. Call 608-388-2238.
• School Liaison Officer (SLO): Building
1668. The Army and DOD are committed
to addressing school and transition issues of
the mobile military child. The School Liaison
Officer manages, coordinates, and facilitates
education support services that maximize the
opportunity for academic success for military
children. Call 608-388-6814.
• Parent Central Services: Building 1668.
Offers enrollment for all programs through a
central registry. Appointments for registrations
are preferred, but walk-ins are served as quickly
as possible after patrons with appointments.
Call 608-388-8956.
• School-Age Center (SAC): Building1751
(building 1792, Fall 2014). Accredited by the
National AfterSchool Association. Offers afterschool, non-school, and inclement-weather care
for eligible youth grades K-5. During summer
Child, youth & school services
months, full-day camp is offered. The SAC also
is a Boys & Girls Club of America program and
incorporates 4-H activities into programming.
Call 608-388-4373.
• SKIESUnlimited Instructional Program:
Building 1668. Provides instructional classes
for children and youth from infancy through
senior-high graduation. Provides opportunities
to explore new skills, pursue and nurture personal interests and interact socially with others.
Register for SKIES classes at Parent Central
Services. Call 608-388-8956. The current class
schedule is available online at www.mccoymwr.
• Youth Center (YC): Building1751 (building 1792, Fall 2014). Activities available for
middle school and high school youth after
school, on non-school days and during summer
camp. Special events held evenings and weekends. The CYSS Youth Sponsorship program
matches youth, ages 6-18, coming to Fort McCoy with volunteer sponsors of the same age to
help them become familiar with the post and
surrounding areas. Call 608-388-4373.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Building 1344. For information on EAP screening
and referral services for substance abuse or
other concerns and prevention education, call
608-388-2441. EAP services are provided for
Department of Army civilian employees, Family members and retirees.
Family Housing: Building 6158. SingleFamily government homes, Unaccompanied
Personnel Housing, and Housing Service Office relocation/rental information. Open Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call
608-388-3704/3906 or e-mail usarmy.mccoy.
IHG Army Hotels: Building 51. Available for
all official and unofficial travelers visiting Fort
McCoy and the surrounding area. All rooms
include free wireless high-speed Internet. Continental breakfast. For reservations call 608388-2107, 877-711-TEAM (8326) or visit the
U.S. Post Office: Located at the front entrance
of building 1654. Regular mail services, including sale of stamps, stamped envelopes,
shipping/packing materials, package mailing,
money orders, express mail and insured, registered, certified mail. Open Monday through
Friday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Closed Saturday, Sunday and federal holidays. Open to the public.
Call 608-388-3825.
Clubs & Organizations
For information on how to establish a private
organization on Fort McCoy call 608-3882201.
American Federation of Government Employees Local 1882: 1411 South 11th Avenue.
Open Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
General membership meetings held at 5 p.m.
on the second Tuesday of each month at the
union office. Call 608-388-1882.
American Society of Military Comptrollers:
For information, call 608-269-1912.
Association of the United States Army AUSA (Robert B. McCoy Chapter 5902): For
information on meetings, call 608-272-3016
or visit the website
Friends & Spouses Club of Fort McCoy:
Meets every third Thursday at McCoy’s for a
luncheon and program. To learn more, visit
the club on Facebook at https://www.facebook.
com/friendsandspousesoffortmccoy or send
email to
Reserve Officers Association, Fort McCoyReadiness 43: Call David W. Alderfer (LTCRetired) at 920-535-0515 or send email to
Warrant Officers Association (WOA), Chapter 0317: For more information call 608-3880576, or 608-388-4856, email usawoamccoy@ or visit the USAWOA website or the local chapter website at
Adjutant General Corps Regimental Association, Spartan Chapter: General membership
meetings held monthly. To learn more visit the
club’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.
Commemorative Area: Buildings 839-843 and
902. The Commemorative Area features buildings representative of Soldier life during the
1940s, an Equipment Park with static displays
of equipment used throughout the installation’s
history, the Fort McCoy History Center with
displays reflecting the installation’s history since
1909, and Veterans Memorial Plaza. Open to
the public. For more information or to arrange
group tours, call 608-388-2407.
Community Activity center
ily members within the proximity of Fort McCoy. Call 608-388-7311.
AIB AbilityOne BSC (SSSC): Building 2569.
Open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
year round. On post source for office supplies,
toners, copy paper, military specialty items,
cleaning supplies, special order items, etc. Call
608-388-2484 or email Government purchase cards accepted. Authorized patrons only.
Inspector General: Building 1245. The Office
of the Inspector General provides support on
Army matters to the Soldiers, Families, Retirees, and Civilians at Fort McCoy and the 88th
Regional Support Command area of responsibility. Inspectors General are honest brokers
and fact-finders who use administrative reviews, inquiries, and investigations to resolve
complaints. Open Monday through Friday
7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 608-388-3733 for
more information.
Laundromat Services: Located throughout
Fort McCoy. These facilities are for use exclusively by Soldiers training at Fort McCoy pursuant to military orders. Civilians and retired
military are not authorized to use these facilities. The Laundry Facilities are open on a 24/7
basis. Call Training Facility Support Branch
(building 490) at 608-388-3800 for more information.
88th Regional Support Command Education
& Learning Center: Building 50, Room 123.
The center offers educational counseling by education service specialists, to include tuition assistance, GI Bill, student loan repayment points
of contact information, school information and
brochures. Other programs include DANTES
DSST testing services and the Army Personnel
Testing program. The facility hosts evening college courses from regionally accredited schools
upon school participation. The center serves all
military members, civilian employees and Fam-
Military ID Cards: Building 35. Call 608-3884563. The ID Card Section can provide eligible
personnel with on-the-spot issuance or replacement of military ID cards and CACs. The ID
Card Section is open from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30
p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding federal
holidays. The office may also be closed at other
times due to systems availability or work-related
incidents. Prior to a visit, customers should call
608-388-4563 to verify the ID Card Section is
operational and to help ensure personnel bring
all documentation required for the service.
Military Retirement Services: Building 35.
Provides information on benefits and entitlements to active-duty Soldiers and Families
preparing for retirement as well as to retired
Soldiers and Families. Walk-in visitors are welcome, however, appointments are suggested.
The office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays. Call 608-388-3716 locally or 800-4520923 toll free.
Permit Sales Office: Building 2168. Provides a
variety of Fort McCoy hunting and fishing information, current hunting and fishing regulations and maps, season date information, quota-hunt applications, and permit availability.
The Permit Sales Office does not sell hunting
or fishing permits.
All Fort McCoy hunting and fishing permits
are sold through the Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources Automated Licensing and
Issuance System.
The Permit Sales Office offers firewood-cutting permits (cash only), regulations and maps
for designated firewood-cutting areas.
Hunting and fishing information and quotahunt applications can be found at http://www.
Open Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 3
p.m. Open to public. Call 608-388-3337 or
RIA Federal Credit Union: Building 1501.
Open Monday through Wednesday 9 a.m. to 1
p.m.; Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and
2 to 5 p.m. ATMs are located in building 1501
(24/7); McCoy’s, building 1571; Exchange,
building 1538; and the IHG Army Hotel,
building 51 (24/7). Call 608-388-2171/2690472 or visit
Voting Assistance Office: Building 2187. For
information on voting assistance or where to
find voting forms call 608-388-4889/4851 for
Dialing instructions pertain only to Fort McCoy
telephone extensions with a 388 prefix.
Operator-assisted or collect — Dial 99 then 0.
International calls — 0 (Operator assisted)
Do not use these dialing instructions when
calling from CenturyLink commercial numbers
(prefix of 269 or 366), pay phones or cellphones.
Not all telephone lines on Fort McCoy have access to DSN or long-distance service.
On-post — To call another Fort McCoy location
from a Fort McCoy telephone with a 388 prefix,
dial 2 followed by the last four digits of the
DSN — Dial 94 followed by the DSN phone
Commercial long distance or local — Dial
97, followed by area code (required for long
distance) and the number.
Toll free — Dial 99 followed by the phone
number. Works for all toll-free prefixes 800, 866,
877, 888, etc.
EMERGENCY (Ambulance, fire, police)........................... 9-1-1
Chaplain....................................................... 608-388-3528
Civilian Personnel Advisory Center
(Civilian government job information). ........... 608-388-2722
Dialing in to Fort McCoy:
Commercial (Long distance or cell phones):
. ........................................................... 608-388-XXXX
DSN (From DoD phones with DSN capability):
. .................................................................... 280-XXXX
Cellphone usage by personnel driving government or privately owned vehicles at Fort McCoy
is restricted to hands-free usage for cellphones
Drivers without a hands-free cellphone or who
need to send a text message at Fort McCoy are
required to stop and park the vehicle in a safe,
authorized place (road shoulders are OK for
short calls/texts).
For updated information about cellphone usage/texting, call 608-388-2200.
Garrison Commander’s Hotline (Dial B-O-S-S)
..................................................................... 608-388-2677
Family & MWR Events Line (Toll Free). . 877-864-4969
Information/post locator/operator
(From on post).........................................................................0
(From off post)............................................... 608-388-2222
ID Cards......................................................... 608-388-4563
IHG Army Hotels (Lodging)....................... 608-388-2107
Permit Sales Office (Hunting, fishing, etc.)
.............................. 608-388-3337 or 866-277-1597 or
. .......................................
Retirement Services Office.................. 608-388-3716
Staff Duty/after-hours assistance
(Police non-emergency).............. 608-388-2000, option 4
USAR Pay Center....................................... 608-388-5405
DO NOT process, store or transmit classified information on non-secure telecommunications systems. Official DOD telecommunications systems — including
telephones, facsimile machines, computer networks and modems — are subject to monitoring for telecommunications security purposes at all times. Use of official
DOD telecommunications systems constitutes consent to telecommunications security monitoring.
Directorate of Family & Morale, Welfare & Recreation
Government Travel Card........................................... 608-388-4644
Managerial Accounting............................................ 608-388-2760 Website:
Garrison Commander (B-100)........................................ 608-388-3001
Manpower & Agreements........................................ 608-388-2662
Garrison Command Sergeant Major (B-100).................. 608-388-3605
Vendor Pay Liaison............................................608-388-388-5226
Director (B-1668)............................................................ 608-388-2201
Administrative Office (B-100)......................................... 608-388-3545
Religious Support Office (B-2675).................................. 608-388-3528
Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (B-2000).......... 608-388-3944
Garrison Command Group
Headquarters & Headquarters Company U.S. Army Garrison (B-104)
Business Activities
Commander............................................................. 608-388-2109
First Sergeant........................................................... 608-388-8698
Garrison Offices
Equal Opportunity Adviser (B-1644, first floor).............. 608-388-3246
Installation Safety Office (B-1678)................................. 608-388-3403
Internal Review & Audit Compliance Office (B-1913)..... 608-388-5318
Public Affairs Office (B-100)........................................... 608-388-2407
Plans, Analysis & Integration Office (B-100)................... 608-388-8443
Resource Management (B-1913)
Resource Management Officer................................. 608-388-3808
Budget..................................................................... 608-388-8230
Cell Phones, Copiers, Cable TV.................................. 608-388-2806
Civilian Pay Customer Service Representative.......... 608-388-3609
Contract Management Support Officer.................... 608-388-7659
Defense Travel System (DTS)..................................... 608-388-4644
Garrison Directorates
Child, Youth, & School Services
Child Development Center (B-1796)................... 608-388-2238
CYSS Admin. (B-1668)........................................ 608-388-4124
Directorate of Emergency Services
Parent Central Services (B-1668)......................... 608-388-8956
Ambulance/Fire/Police Emergencies............................................ 9-1-1
School-Age/Youth Center (B-1751/1792)........... 608-388-4373
SKIESUnlimited Instructional Program (B-1668).608-388-8956
School Liaison Officer (B-1668)........................... 608-388-6814
Director (B-1681).............................................................608-388-3355
Administrative Support (B-1681)............................. 608-388-4242
Supply Technician (B-1681)...................................... 608-388-7054
Fire & Emergency Services Div. (B-1680)
Fire Department Station #1 (B-1680)....................... 608-388-2508
Fire Department Station #2 (B-6055)....................... 608-388-3553
Fire Prevention/Inspection (B-1680)........................ 608-388-4077
Law Enforcement Div. (B-1681)
Ambulance/Fire/Police Emergencies....................................... 9-1-1
Non-Emergency........................................................ 608-388-2000
Intrusion Detection System Monitoring Station (B-1757)
Food/Beverage & Entertainment
Bowling Center (B-1571).................................... 608-388-7060
Catering (B-1571)......................................608-388-2065/7055
McCoy’s (B-1571)................................................ 608-388-2065
Primo’s Express (B-1571)..................................... 608-388-7673
Snack Bar Whitetail Ridge (B-8061).................... 608-388-2260
Woodshop (B-1133)................................................. 608-388-6588
Management Support
Armed Forces Emergency Services........................... 877-272-7337
Army Community Service (B-2111).......................... 608-388-3505
Military and Family Life Consultant Program (B-2111)
............................................................................ 608-469-1432
Flight Operations (B-6058)....................................... 608-388-4107
“Military One Source”............................................... 800-342-9647
Aircraft Services (B-6050)........................................ 608-388-3480
Plans, Operations & Security Div. (B-102).........................608-388-4747
Unit Funds & Clearing (B-1668).......................608-388-2507/2813
Marketing (B-1668)................................................. 608-388-2362
MWR Hotline............608-388-7400 (On Post) or 877-864-4969
Community Recreation
Automotive Skills Center (B-1763)........................... 608-388-3013
Car Wash (B-1568)................................................... 608-388-3213
Community Activity Center (B-2000)
Computer Lab (B-2000)...................................... 608-388-2410
Leisure Travel Services (B-2000).......................... 608-388-3011
Recreation Center (B-2000)................................. 608-388-3213
Outdoor Recreation
Pine View Campground (B-8053)
.................................. 608-388-3517/2619 or 800-531-4703
Chief (B-102)............................................................ 608-388-3120
Plans & Operations Br. (B-102)..... 608-388-2302/2900/2997/2613
Emergency Management Specialist (B-102)....... 608-388-2763
Installation Emergency Operations Center (IEOC)
24-Hour Contact (B-102)................................ 608-388-4747
IEOC Plans Section (when activated) (B-102)
Security Br. (B-103).........................................608-388-2823/7609
Personnel Security (B-103)........................608-388-3139/3702
Antiterrorism (B-103)......................................... 608-388-4719
Operations Security (B-103)................................ 608-388-5107
Multimedia/Visual Information Br. (B-2113)............ 608-388-2717
Visual Information Manager................................ 608-388-4520
Medical Simulation Training Center (MSTC) (B-1024)
....................................................................... 608-388-1136
Reconfigurable Vehicle Tactical Trainer (RVTT) (B-221)
Sportsman’s Range..................608-388-3517 or 800-531-4703
Graphic Art Support............................................ 608-388-5575
Whitetail Ridge Ski Area (B-8061)
.................................. 608-388-3517/4498 or 800-531-4703
Photo Support...........................................608-388-2423/5575
Dismounted Soldier Training System (DSTS) (B-2868)
Video/Multimedia/Presentation Support............ 608-388-2390
Virtual Clearance Training Suite (VCTS) (B-90).... 608-388-2733
Training Div. (B-110)........................................................608-388-5038
Sports & Fitness
Rumpel Fitness Center & Pool (B-1122).............. 608-388-2290
Directorate of Human Resources
Director (B-2187).............................................................608-388-4669
Army Substance Abuse Program (B-1344)..................... 608-388-2441
Freedom of Information Act Officer (B-2187)................. 608-388-4222
Military Personnel
Adjutant/Chief, Military Personnel Br. (B-2187)....... 608-388-4851
Military ID Cards (B-35)............................................ 608-388-4563
Retirement Services (B-35).............. 608-388-3716/800-452-0923
Range Management Br. (B-2954)............................ 608-388-4629
Range Operations (B-2954)................................ 608-388-5110
Director (B-2171).............................................................608-388-3815
Range Safety (B-2954)........................................ 608-388-4320
Business Operations & Integration Div..............................608-388-8459
Range Scheduling (B-2954).... 608-388-3721/4142/5313/3024
Range Fire Desk (B-2954).................................... 608-388-4848
Engineering Div. (B-2171)................................................608-388-4760
Range Maintenance (B-2786)...........608-388-3777/2514/3004
Construction Inspection........................................... 608-388-8940
Urban Instrumentation Team, Advanced Systems Technology
(Contractor).................................................... 608-388-1258
(Combined Arms Collective Training Facility, Shoot Houses,
Home Station Training Complex, Collective Training Facility
Hughes, Combat in the Cities Facilities (Rice, Butler and Har
rison), Ranges 2, 4, 26 and 29 Instrumentation Only)
Engineer Design (B-2171)........................................ 608-388-4262
Employee Assistance Program (B-1344)......................... 608-388-2441
Official Mail Room (B-1654)........................................... 608-388-3205
...................................................................... (B-2954, 2955)
Publications & Forms (B-2161)....................................... 608-388-4222
ITAM Coordinator........................................... 608-388-6257
Voting Assistance Office (B-2187).........................608-388-4889/4851
GIS Analyst/Technician..........................608-388-3228/4783
Work Force Development Specialist (B-2187)................ 608-388-5872
Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization & Security
Director (B-110)...............................................................608-388-2203
Operations Support Div. (B-110).......................................608-388-2204
Admin. Br. (B-110)................................................... 608-388-2951
Admin. Support Asst. (B-110)...........608-388-2205/5092/7234
Management Asst. ................................... 608-388-7234/3029
Logistics Br. (B-110)................................................. 608-388-2204
Contractor Performance Br. (B-110)................608-388-4653/3309
Supply Tech. (PLL/TAMMS) (B-110)..................... 608-388-4792
Supply Tech. (PBO) (B-110)................................. 608-388-2604
Directorate of Public Works
Integrated Training Area Management (ITAM) (Contractors)
LRAM Coordinator/Crew.......................608-388-2482/7845
RTLA Coordinator/Crew.........................608-388-6421/3375
HELP Work Reception (B-2171).....................608-388-(HELP) 4357
Troop Projects (B-2889)...................................608-388-3551/4085
Environmental Div. (B-2171)............................................608-388-2160
Natural & Cultural Resources (B-2168)..................... 608-388-2252
Permit Sales (B-2168).............................................. 608-388-3337
Hazardous Waste Disposal (B-207).........608-388-5705/5915/6236
Recycling (B-2218)..........................................608-388-6546/2968
Refuse (B-2171)..............................................608-388-6546/2968
Water/Wastewater................................................... 608-388-2323
Family Housing/Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (B-6158)
Forward Operating Bases, Freedom and Liberty, Computer
Sciences Corporation (Contractor).................. 608-388-8585
Training Coordination Br. (B-110)............................. 608-388-8589
Master Planning Div. (B-2171).........................................608-388-7992
Training Plans Specialist...................................... 608-388-7230
Ammunition Specialist........................................ 608-388-2600
Training Facility Support Branch (B-490).................. 608-388-3800
Training Support Br. (B-495).................................... 608-388-2733
Operations and Maintenance Div. (B-2171)......................608-388-7990
Public Works Contract Management (B-2171)......... 608-388-6505
Energy Conservation................................................ 608-388-8682
Supply Management Specialist Supervisor......... 608-388-8450
Training Instructors (B-1401)
Housing Referral (B-6158)....................................... 608-388-4388
Real Property (B-2171)............................................ 608-388-8857
Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, MILES & AV Equip. (B-495)
....................................................................... 608-388-2752
Airfield Div. (B-6058).......................................................608-388-4207
Engagement Skills Trainers (EST2000) (B-1762/220)
....................................................................... 608-388-7420
Air Traffic Control Facility (B-6058)........................... 608-388-4586
Aviation Safety (B 6058).......................................... 608-388-4232
Virtual Battle Space 2 (VBS2) (B-1115)......608-388-8782/8783
Call for Fire Trainer (CFFT) (B-220)....................... 608-388-2080
Installation Support Offices
Inspector General (B-1245)............................................ 608-388-3733
Legal Office (B-1644)..................................................... 608-388-2165
(Continued on next page)
Tenant Organizations
Challenge Academy (B-749)........................................... 608-269-9000
11th Bn. (MI)/100th Training Div. (B-829).............608-388-4100/4102
C Co., 3rd, 399th, 800th Logistics Support Brigade, 80th Training Cmd.
(TASS) (B-823).......................................................... 608-388-6672
13th/100th Bn. (OD) (B-824)
Command Group/Staff Administrator....................... 608-388-5479
Human Resources Specialist..................................... 608-388-3486
Training NCO............................................................. 608-388-5675
86th Training Div. (B-50)
Career Counselor...................................................... 608-388-7292
Command Group (Sec. to the Gen. Staff) (B-50)....... 608-388-6242
Command Executive Officer..................................... 608-388-6251
HHC.......................................................................... 608-388-5344
Information Systems Section....... 608-388-7102/1945/0939/0940
Logistics Section.....................................608-388-6359/1946/6360
Operations EOC Section..........................608-388-7256/6398/7272
Operations Section..........................................608-388-8095/7144
Personnel Section...........................................608-388-7170/7190
Resource Management Section................................ 608-388-7139
88th Regional Support Command HQ (B-60)
Command Group...................................................... 608-388-7518
Army Reserve Ambassador Coordinator................... 608-388-0331
Command Historian................................................. 608-388-0320
Directorate of Human Resources.............................. 608-388-0325
Directorate of Public Works.............................608-388-0367/0375
Directorate of Logistics....................................608-388-0314/0408
Directorate of Emergency Services........................... 608-388-0578
Directorate of Plans & Training................................. 608-388-0589
Emergency Operations Center.................................. 608-556-1206
Headquarters & Headquarters Company.................. 608-388-0598
Information Management Office.............................. 608-388-0368
Office of the Inspector General (B-1245).................. 608-388-3733
Office of the Staff Judge Advocate............................ 608-388-0327
Central Fuel Operations (B495-Fuel Keys, B-3080 Fuel Point)
Classification (B-495)............................................... 608-388-2021
Corps of Engineers (B-1254)........................................... 608-388-2063
Installation Property Book Office (B-495)................. 608-388-3305
CWT/SatoTravel (B-2180)
Supply Support Activity (SSA) (B-495)..................... 608-388-6794
Leisure Travel Service............................................... 877-698-2554
Food Service Manager/COR (B-495)......................... 608-388-4739
Official Travel Department................ 608-388-2370/800-927-6343
Troop Issue Subsistence Activity (B-490).................. 608-388-3508
Criminal Investigation Command (B-1681).................... 608-388-5296
Transportation Div. ........................................................ 608-388-6549
Defense Commissary Agency (B-1537).......................... 608-388-3542
Freight Office (B-2123)............................................. 608-388-8607
Freight Warehouse (B-2123).................................... 608-388-2910
Motor Pool (B-1887)................................................ 608-388-5279
Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services (B-2184)
Motor Pool Dispatch (B-1887).................................. 608-388-3616
Site Manager (B-2184)............................................. 608-388-3685
Personal Property (Bloomington, Minn.)................. 952-837-3180
DSR/Reutilization (B-2184).............................608-388-3718/3719
Personnel Movements (B-2138)............................... 608-388-4464
Warehouse (B-2184)................................................ 608-388-2753
Unit Movement Coordinator (B-2138)...................... 608-388-2726
Sales (B-2184)......................................................... 608-388-3710
Defense Logistics Agency Document Services (B-1654). 608-388-2711
Defense Military Pay Office (B-2187)............................. 608-388-2211
Det. 1, 1152nd Trans. Co. (B-2195)................................. 608-388-2805
Equipment Concentration Site (ECS) 67 (B-3050)
Manager.................................................................. 608-388-4266
ECS-67 Production Control....................................... 608-388-2424
Maintenance Branch General Foreman.................... 608-388-5542
Material Handler/ Storage Branch Supervisor (B-2218)
............................................................................ 608-388-3155
Maneuver Area Training Equipment Site (MATES) (B-242)
....................................................................... 608-388-3775
Medical Maintenance (B-2669)...................................... 608-388-2221
Mission & Installation Contracting Command McCoy
Director/Customer Service Div. (B-1108).................. 608-388-3818
Construction & Commodities Div. (B-1108).............. 608-388-4525
Services Div. (B-1108).............................................. 608-388-4424
Naval Mobile Construction Battalion-25 (B-2880).......... 608-388-2106
NCO Academy (B-1361).........................................608-388-2046/5378
Property Book (B-2118)........................................... 608-388-8769
Network Enterprise Center (NETCOM) (B-1454)
Fort McCoy Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC)
Director.......................................................................... 608-388-4109
Civilian Government Job Information (B-2187)........ 608-388-2722
Admin...................................................................... 608-388-4884
Job information online:
IT Systems Support Div. ........................................... 608-388-8420
Labor & Management Employee Relations Div. (B-2187)
....................................................................... 608-388-4421
Service Management Div. . ...................................... 608-388-8127
Information Assurance Div. ..................................... 608-388-5305
Office of the Surgeon............................................... 608-388-1958
Classification & Staffing Div. (B-2187)...................... 608-388-2722
Enterprise Service Desk............................................ 866-335-2769
Office of the Command Chaplain.............................. 608-388-0341
Nonappropriated Fund Div. (B-2187)....................... 608-388-3773
Plans, Analysis & Integration.................................... 608-388-0398
Public Affairs Office.................................................. 608-388-0336
Fort McCoy Army Health Clinic (B-2669)...............608-388-3025/2414
Resource Management Office.................................. 608-388-0354
Safety Office............................................................. 608-388-0335
Fort McCoy Army Reserve Careers Div. (B-1753)
181st Infantry Brigade, First Army (B-1920).....................608-388-3629
Command Group (B-1922)....................................... 608-388-2235
Post Office (U.S.) (B-1654)............................................. 608-388-3825
Health Benefits Office (TRICARE) (B-2669)..................... 608-388-2246
IHG Army Hotels..................................... 608-388-2107/877-711-8326
Public Health Cmd., Food Inspection Section (B-495).... 608-388-3208
Recruiting Company (B-1446)..........................................608-388-2037
Onalaska Recruiting Station..................................... 608-784-8340
Regional Training Site-Maintenance (B-1370)............... 608-388-3938
Regional Training Site-Medical (B-10,000)..................... 608-388-2544
426th Regiment (Regional Training Institute) & Wisconsin Military
Academy (B-90)........................................................ 608-388-9900
Logistics Readiness Center
871st Engineer Det. (B-812)........................................... 608-388-3122
Director (B-209)............................................................. 608-388-7958
Maintenance Div. (B-200).............................................. 608-388-6110
RIA Federal Credit Union (B-1501).................608-388-2171/269-0472
TMDE Support Center (B-1243)...................................... 608-388-2114
AIB Express (SSSC) (B-2569)........................................... 608-388-2848
Army & Air Force Exchange Service Admin. Office (B-1663)
................................................................................. 608-269-5585
Plans & Operations Div. (B-209)..................................... 608-388-7475
USARC, USAR Pay Center (B-1913)....................................608-388-5405
Army Reserve Equal Employment Opportunity Office (B-2187)
................................................................................. 608-388-3106
Supply & Services Div. ................................................... 608-388-3811
Civilian Pay Br. (B-1932)........................................... 608-388-3994
Ammunition & Explosives (B-9036)................608-388-4277/2820
Reserve Military Pay Br. (B-1951/1932/2001).......... 608-388-2978
Central Issue Facility (CIF) (B-2142).......................... 608-388-3876
Customer Service Br. (B-495).................................... 608-388-8408
B Co., 6th/52nd Aviation Regiment (B-6058)........608-388-5641/3364
Installation Materiel Maint. Activity (B-200)............ 608-388-7640
Wisconsin State Patrol Academy (B-95)......................... 608-269-2500
AAFES Administrative Office (B-1663).. 608-269-5585
Abuse Counseling (B-2111)..................608-388-3505
Adjutant General (Human Resources) (B-2187)
AIB Express (SSSC) (B-2569).................608-388-2848
Airline Ticket Office (B-2180)................608-388-2370
Alcohol & Drug Referral/Info. (B-1344)
Alteration Shop (B-1538).....................608-269-1075
Ammunition Supply Point (B-9036)
Animal Control (B-1668)......................608-388-2000
Army Career and Alumni Program (B-35)
Army Community Service (B-2111)......608-388-3505
Army Emergency Relief (B-2111).........608-388-3505
Army Substance Abuse Program (B-1344)
ATMs (B-51 & 1501; Exchange; McCoy’s)
Automotive Skills Center (B-1763).......608-388-3013
AWOL Apprehension (B-1681).............608-388-2000
Bank (See Credit Union)
Barber Shop (B-1538)..........................608-269-1710
Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS)
Billeting (B-2954)................................608-388-5313
Bowling (B-1571)................................608-388-7060
Camping (B-8053).......608-388-3517/800-531-4703
Car Rental (B-1538)
..... 608-782-6183/800-654-3131 CDP #1787245
Car Wash (B-1568)...............................608-388-3213
Catering (B-1571).......................608-388-2065/7055
Central Issue Facility (B-2142)..............608-388-3876
Chalet (B-8051)...........................608-388-4498/3517
Challenge Academy (B-749).................608-269-9000
Chaplain (B-2675)................................608-388-3528
Child Development Center (B-1796).....608-388-2238
Civilian Pay (B-1932)............................608-388-3994
Civilian Personnel (B-2187)..................608-388-2722
Club (McCoy’s) (B-1571).......................608-388-2065
Commander’s Hotline 608-388-2677...........(B-O-S-S)
Commissary (B-1537)..........................608-388-3542
Community Activity Center (B-2000)...608-388-3213
Computer Lab (B-2000)........................608-388-2410
Computer Support (Official business)
Constitution Park (Pavilion reservations)
(DPW) - (B-2171)............................608-388-3815
(USAG) - (B-1108)...........................608-388-3818
Credit Union (RIA Federal) (B-1501)
...................................... 608-388-2171/269-0472
ATMs (B-51 &1501; Exchange; McCoy’s)
Job Information (B-2187)....................608-388-2722
Criminal Investigation Division (B-1681)
.......................................................608-388-5296 Laundromat Services (B-490)...............608-388-3800
Laundry & Dry Cleaning (B-1538)........608-269-1075
Legal Assistance (B-1644)....................608-388-2165
Dining Facility (B-50)...........................608-388-3663
Lending Closet (B-2111)......................608-388-3505
Dry Cleaning (1538).............................608-269-1075
Lodging (IHG Army Hotels) (B-51)
Education Center (B-50).......................608-388-7311
Lost & Found (B-1681).........................608-388-2266
Energy Office (B-2171).........................608-388-8682
EOD Calls (B-2954)...............................608-388-4848
Equal Opportunity (Military) (B-1644, first floor)
Mail Room (Official) (B-1654)..............608-388-3205
.......................................................608-388-3246 Marketing (B-1668).............................608-388-2362
Equal Employment Opportunity (Civilian) (B-2187)
Military Clothing Sales (B-1538)
.......................................................608-388-3106 ........................................ 608-269-5604, Ext. 203
Equipment Checkout (Recreational) (B-8053)
Military Pay (B-2187)...........................608-388-2211
..............................................608-388-2619/3517 Military Personnel (B-2187).................608-388-4851
Event Hotline (MWR)...608-388-7400/877-864-4969 Motor Pool (B-1887)............................608-388-5279
Exchange (B-1538).............. 608-388-4343/269-5604 Museum (B-839-843 & 902)................608-388-2407
MWR Hotline................608-388-7400/877-864-4969
Family Housing (B-6158)............608-388-3704/3906
Finance (Military) (B-2187)..................608-388-2211
Newspaper (The Real McCoy)...............608-388-4128
Fire Department (Non-emergency)
#1 (B-1680)....................................608-388-2508
Operation Helping Hand (B-2675)........608-388-3528
#2 (B-6055)....................................608-388-3553
Fitness Center (B-1122)........................608-388-2290
Paintball/Laser Tag......................608-388-3517/2619
Food Inspection....................................608-388-3208
Parade Field No. 1 (Scheduling)...........608-388-3171
Fraud, Waste & Abuse Hotline (DOD)....800-424-9098
Passports (Government) (B-2138)
Freedom of Information Act (B-2187)..608-388-4222
Freight Warehouse (B-2123)................608-388-2910
Permit Sales (B-2168)..........................608-388-3337
Photo Support (Official) (B-2113)
GAME Line (Hunting & fishing area closures)
(B-2168)....................................866-277-1597 or Pine View Campground (B-8053)
....................... ..............................................608-388-3517/2619
Government Sales (Surplus) (B-2184).. 608-388-3710 Police (Non-emergency) (B-1681).......608-388-2000
Gym (B-1122)......................................608-388-2290 Pool (Indoor) (B-1122).........................608-388-2290
Post Locator.........................................608-388-2222
Post Office (U.S.) (B-1654)...................608-388-3825
Hazardous Waste Disposal (B-207)
Primo’s Express (B1571).......................608-388-7673
.................................... 608-388-5705/5915/6236 Printing (B-1654).................................608-388-2711
Reuse-It Store (B-207)......608-388-5915/5705 Public Affairs (B-100)...........................608-388-2407
Health Clinic (B-2669).................608-388-3025/2414
Health Benefits Office (B-2669)...........608-388-2246
Heat Index/Wind Chill (Automated).....608-388-2468 Range Operations (B-2954)..................608-388-5110
Hotel (IHG) (B-51)........608-388-2107/877-711-8326 Range (Sportsman’s)............................608-388-3517
Real McCoy (The) Newspaper (B-100)
Household Goods (Bloomington, Minn.)
.......................................................952-837-3180 ..............................................608-388-4128/2769
Housing (B-6158)........................608-388-3704/3906 Recruiting Company (B-1446)..............608-388-2037
Hunting (B-2168).................................608-388-3337 Onalaska Recruiting Station............608-784-8340
Recycling Center (B-2218)...........608-388-2968/6546
Red Cross, American.....608-788-1000/877-618-6628
i-Sportsman (Hunting & fishing information )
Religious Services (B-2675)..................608-388-3528
................................. Relocation Information (B-2111).........608-388-3505
ICE (Interactive Customer Evaluation) (B-100)
Retention (Army Careers Division) (B-1753)
.......................................................608-388-8443 .................................... 608-388-6132/6123/6138
ID Cards (B-35)(also see page 7)...........608-388-4563 Retirement Services
Information..........................................608-388-2222 (Military) (B-35).....608-388-3716/800-452-0923
(Civilian) (B-2187)..........................608-388-2722
Safety Office (B-1678)..........................608-388-3403
School Age/Youth Center (B-1751/1792)
School Liaison (B-1668).......................608-388-6814
Sexual Harassment Assault Response Prevention
(B-1644)…....... 608-388-3246/388-5000 (Hotline)
Skiing (B-8061)............608-388-3517/800-531-4703
Solicitation Permits (B-2187)...............608-388-4851
Specialty Express Food Court (B-1538)
........................................ 608-269-5615, Ext. 303
Staff Duty Officer (B-1681)....608-388-2000, option 4
Tax Assistance Office (Military) (B-1644)
Taxi (On-post official business) (B-1887)
Tickets & Travel (Leisure) (B-2000).......608-388-3011
Tours (B-100).......................................608-388-2407
Freight Warehouse (B-2123)...........608-388-2910
Motor Pool (B-1887).............608-388-3616/5279
Personal Property ((HHG) Bloomington, Minn.)
Travel (CWT/Sato) (B-2180)
Leisure Travel Service......................877-698-2554
Official Travel Department
TRICARE Liaison (B-2669).....................608-388-2246
Troop Medical Clinic (B-2669)..............608-388-3025
Tuition Assistance (Military) (B-50)......608-388-7311
TV6 (Fort McCoy Command Access TV) (B-100)
Union (AFGE Local 1882) (B-1411).......608-388-1882
Unit Funds (B-1668)....................608-388-2507/2813
Unit Movements (B-2138)...................608-388-2726
Veterinary Food Inspection (B-495)
Army Troop Feeding Inspection......608-388-3208
Commissary Food Inspection (B-495)
Emergency Contact ..............270-272-2185
Veterinary Services (Great Lakes Naval Station)
Voting Assistance (B-2187)..................608-388-4889
Weapons Registration (B-1681)...........608-388-2000
Webmaster (B-100).............................608-388-2407
Western Union (B-1538)......................608-269-5604
Whitetail Ridge Ski Area (B-8061)
............................. 608-388-3517//800-531-4703
Woodcutting Permits (B-2168)............608-388-3337
Youth Services (B-1792 (Fall 2014)).....608-388-4373
Additional information
resources to keep informed
A variety of sources serve to keep the Fort McCoy Community and visitors informed about news and events. Visit and use the resources listed below to keep in
the know:
Fort McCoy Public Website
Fort McCoy’s public website,, is a communication tool to
maintain a connection with the public and the global audience 24/7/365.
The website serves to enhance understanding of Fort McCoy’s strategic vision,
missions, and roles supporting America’s armed forces.
It also serves as an online portal that provides basic levels of information and
points of contact for the public, current and potential customers, and members of
the installation community.
Call the Public Affairs Office at 608-388-2407 for more information.
The Real McCoy
As Fort McCoy’s only newspaper, The Real McCoy covers news in the community
like nobody else!
A civilian-enterprise printing contract ensures the newspaper is printed at no cost
to the government and that sufficient numbers of copies are available for all who live,
work, train or visit here.
The workforce can expect to receive a copy through official mail/distribution
channels. Copies are available around post in high-traffic areas, including the Exchange, Commissary, McCoy’s, the Community Activity Center, Rumpel Fitness
Center, etc.
Call the Public Affairs Office at 608-388-2407 for more information.
The Real McCoy Online
This electronic equivalent to The Real McCoy makes Fort McCoy news available
wherever you are via Fort McCoy’s public website, Take a
Call the Public Affairs Office at 608-388-2407 for more information.
May 3 — Inland fishing season opens. Licenses/permits required. State of Wisconsin and Fort
McCoy regulations in effect. Open to the public.
May 14 — Wellness Fair and 5K Run/Walk.
May 17 — Armed Forces Day Open House.
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Fort McCoy’s Commemorative
Area. Open to the public. Call 608-388-2407.
May 17 — U.S. Army Soldier Show. 4 p.m.
Rumpel Fitness Center. Open to the public.
June 7-8 — Wisconsin free fishing weekend.
No permits or licenses required. Anglers must
follow State of Wisconsin and Fort McCoy regulations. Open to the public.
June 13 — Army Birthday Celebration and 5K
Run/Walk. Various on-post locations.
June 14 — Mud Run. Whitetail Ridge Ski Area.
Open to the public.
June 20 — Morale Welfare & Recreation
Spring Golf Tournament.
July 12 — Family Fun Day. Pine View Campground. Open to the public.
Aug. 9 — BOSTON Concert. Outdoors at Fort
McCoy’s Constitution Park. Tickets required.
Open to the public.
Sept. 5 — Retiree Appreciation Day.
Fort McCoy TV 6
While you’re at Fort McCoy, tune into channel 6 to see programming on this
closed-circuit, command-access channel.
A community bulletin board and pre-recorded presentations/content are featured
around the clock.
Call the Public Affairs Office at 608-388-2407 for more information.
Family & Morale, Welfare, Recreation (Family & MWR)
online resources
The Fort McCoy Family & MWR website,, is a portal
to find out more about the array of services and programs including Soldier and
Family programs, child and youth programs, recreation, sports and fitness, food and
catering, entertainment, leisure travel and special events.
To connect with Fort McCoy Family & MWR on Facebook visit http://www.
To connect via Twitter, visit
Call the Family & MWR Events Line at 608-388-7400 or 877-864-4969 for
the latest information on events happening in the Fort McCoy community.
Join in the fun!
For more information about Fort McCoy MWR programs, call 608-388-7400
or send email to
Sept. 12 — Morale Welfare & Recreation
Fall Golf Tournament.
Sept. 13 — Fort McCoy Day for Kids.
Dec. 4 — Tree Lighting Ceremony. McCoy’s
Community Club. Open to the public.
May 15 — Armed Forces Day Open House.
Open to the public. Call 608-388-2407.
Events and dates may change!
To verify events, please call the number listed for
the event, or call the Family & MWR Events Line
toll free at 877-864-4969.
3 WLAX (Fox-25) - La Crosse
6 FMC-TV6 Fort McCoy Channel
7 Pentagon Channel
8 WKBT – (CBS 8) – La Crosse
9 WXOW – (ABC 19)– La Crosse
10 HSN
11 WHLA – (PBS 31) – La Crosse
12 WKBT (MyNet 8) – La Crosse
13 WEAU – (NBC 13) – Eau Claire
14 TBN
16 C-Span
17 ION
18 C-Span2
20 WXOW (CW) La Crosse
21 WGN America
22 MC22
23 The Weather Channel
25 ESPN2
26 Fox Sports North
27 Lifetime
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42­ 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 70 75 76 78 ABC Family
Comedy Central
History Channel
Discovery Channel
Animal Planet
Cartoon Network
Disney Channel
HLN (Headline News)
Fox News
Channels may be added or dropped
from the lineup at any time.
Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minn. ....180 miles
SYFY Channel
TV Land
Hallmark Channel
Travel Channel
FX Movie Channel
FOX Sports 1
Food Network
Inspiration Network
NBC Sports Network
Big Ten Network
Lifetime Movie Network
Information below is for the Sparta, Wis., area (6 miles west of Fort McCoy).
AVG. (Fahrenheit) (Fahrenheit) (Fahrenheit)
0.69 (snow 11.4)
0.75 (snow 6.9)
Milwaukee, Wis. . ......................179 miles
1.78 (snow 6.4)
3.17 (snow 1.9)
Madison, Wis.............................111 miles
La Crosse, Wis. ............................ 35 miles
September 72.0
Black River Falls, Wis. ................. 25 miles
2.23 (snow 0.2)
November 42.5
2.27 (snow 4.1)
Tomah, Wis. .................................. 7 miles
1.02 (snow 9.2)
33.13 (snow 40.0)
Chicago, Ill. ...............................250 miles
Sparta, Wis. ................................... 6 miles
National Weather Service data (
php?wfo=arx, choose Sparta, WI, location and click on go.)
This unofficial Fort McCoy Guide and telephone
directory is printed as a special edition of The Real
McCoy, which is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. Army.
Contents of this guide are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by the U.S. Government,
Department of Defense, Department of the Army or
Fort McCoy.
The guide is published annually by the Public Affairs Office, (ATTN: IMMC-PA), 100 E. Headquarters Road, Fort McCoy, WI 54656-5263; telephone
608-388-4128/2769. Minimum printed circulation
is 17,500 copies.
Everything advertised in this publication shall be
made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political
affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.
Additional copies of the 2014 Fort McCoy Guide are available at various post
Personnel wanting one or several copies can pick them up at various rack
points, including McCoy’s, building 1571; the Exchange, building, 1538; the
Commissary, building 1537; and the Community Activity Center, building
Organizations seeking additional copies in larger quantities should call the Fort
McCoy Public Affairs Office, building 100, at 608-388-2407.
We value your feedback. If you have comments about the 2014 Fort McCoy
Guide or have ideas for content that you feel should be considered for future
editions, please let us know.
Comments and suggestions can be shared with the Public Affairs Office in any
of the following ways:
If a violation of this equal opportunity policy by
an advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse to
print advertising from that source until the violation
is corrected.
All editorial content for this guide was prepared,
edited, approved and provided by the Fort McCoy
Public Affairs Office.
FAX: 608-388-3749
Mail: Fort McCoy Public Affairs Office, 100 E. Headquarters Road,
Fort McCoy, WI 54656-5263
Phone: 608-388-4128/2769
The Real McCoy and the 2014 Fort McCoy Guide
are printed by the River Valley Newspaper Group, a
private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army, under exclusive written contract
with Fort McCoy.
The civilian printer is responsible for commercial
The appearance of advertising in this publication,
including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of the Army
or River Valley Newspaper Group of the products or
services advertised.
Commander............................ Col. Steven W. Nott
Public Affairs Officer.................Linda M. Fournier
Senior PA Specialist........ Lou Ann M. Mittelstaedt
Public Affairs Specialist................. Scott T. Sturkol
Public Affairs Specialist..............Theresa Fitzgerald
Editorial Assistant..................... Geneve N. Mankel
Commemorative Area Caretaker..Robin Michalski
Editorial Content............................. 608-388-2769
Commercial Advertising Inquiries:
............................ 608-374-7786/ 877-785-7355
Garrison Headquarters